Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Special Hllk
Hle IVntlnucN
Hit; Snip of
Mlk foil
tinnot Tuesday
Plan to Help Study of Prevention of
Tuberculous Continues.
OMrrllm la Wadr In tkr Stamp that
Were Formerly t sad and Tkr
Are haaard to a Differ
ent Form.
The execiuiY necrrterv for Nebraska of
tti National Association for the Study and ;
,T'i evention of Tuberculosis. Mrs. Albert j
F.dholm. will, open an office Immediately,!
to bf-xin tlie winter campaign for the pale
f red cross letter Heals. I
The wills which were formerly known as j
ted crocs r- LU.v- netted Sl.i'O for the can;? i
last, year and that amount will, probably
be doubled this winter. One hundred I
towns bavn sold litem for several years
and fifty more towns will be added as
liolnts of distribution.
A dispute with the postal authorities of
sevoral for lftn countries has led to a
change In the name of the labels. They
were called stamps formerly and were
placed on the obverse aide of the letter
near tho rcii'ilatlon postage stamp. Many
people thought.. ifmf they were food for
carrying letters iiiBivad of regulation pot
tage and tri-! to save a cent on each letter
by using tlx-hi. TUe British and German
postmasters foinl it too much trouble to
distinguish lieiwein real stamps and char
ity laUVr) so they refused to take letters
that were too much stamped.
('0!!!.!;' they will be called seals
from now on and they are supposed to be
pasted on the hack of the envelope, where
they can be seen and their purpose of
spreading the knowledge f the associa
tions win be accomplished without causing
The towns thai ai to sell ti.r seals will
be given them in juantltlen of 10) or 200
and they will be allowed W per cent of the
not proceeds for use In their own antl
tuberculoela work. The other half goes to
the stats society. The Idea of antl-ruber-culoaiit
work ,1s very Inclusive and even
such sanitary Improvement are considered
iis a part of the work. There are branches
of the society In North Platte and Hol
diegs and In matix other cities. Fre
mont, Bcott's Bluff, Lincoln and others
have agents who superintend the eeal sale.
Offices la Omshm.
The executlv secretary will be In her
office during tie morning hours In room
VTi Hrandels b.iilding and from there the
600.000 sea!. win be distributed. All of the
work of reonpiVing .th financial transac
U ns and arranging tbe revenues and opera
tions of the association Is done by unpaid
volunteer official who work, for the na
tional association.
The following statement la Issued by the
national usiiut-iatlon:
Judging from reports at hand today, the
National Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis estimates that
by December I uot . less than 75.OUO.OijO lied
t'ross seals will ' have .-been distributed to
selling events In forty different states of
the country. -
Forty millions seals have already been
printed and another large edition Is being
prepared. Agnts'-orders to date aggregate
all of, that amount and a considerable rum
Iter have not yet stated how many seala
they can use. Taking Into consideration
this latter class and the agents who will
be apimlntnd before December 1 the pros
pects for selling 1i0,Uj0 stamps,' which
Is the goal that 'has been set by the na
tional workers, 'Br-extremely bright.
Over thirty stale societies have organized'
the sale on an extensive basis, and in
about ten mors states Ked Cross seala will
be sold In sulnn place. All told, including
state, city, county and aubagents. an army
of fully BO.00.1 men. women and children
will be ensaxed in selling the bright I'lnlst
mii seals for the prevention of tubercu
losis. Permission te sell Heals In the cor
ridors of all postoffloes has been granted
by Secretary Hitchcock. They will also be
on sale In department stores, hotels, rail
way statlotiH, drug stores and in thousands
of other places. ...
Every conceivable device for advertising
tbe seala Is being prepared. In some places
valuable prizes will b jrKtiu. Millions of
slips, dodgers, posters and other kinds of
literature will lw distributed calling upon
the public, to buy Ited Cross seals.
Amcng the agencies that are co-operating
with the lied ross and the tuberculosis
societies are women's clubs, lodires, labor
unions, business men's associations, stores,
banks, newspapers and thousands of school
boys and girls. -
Harriman Shops
Close Tuesday So
Men May Vote
Men of the ' Headquarters to Be Let
Off to Vote and Trainmen
Arrange Schedules.
Instead of allowing, the men to get off
as Is usually (lie oaatvat time of electlona
the Union Pacific .. railroad announces
new system on these days that la shut
ting dawn the shops entirely on election
day. No work of any kind In either the
I'nlon Pacific, shops or ths MoKeen motor
shops will be done., but the whole day Is
gtven to ths men In which to vote. How
ever, no pay la allowed them on ths election
day. , ,
The reason for tUa "no work" plan la
stead of allowing ths men to absent them
selves for the necessary time, as the law
provides, is that many of tbe men merely
take the time they would spend In voting
1u loafing around and not exercise their
right of franchise. -
The order does not Affect ths offlc men
of the I'nlon Pacific, At the other rail
road headquarters In Omaha the usual sys
tem of allowing ths office force to quit
work long enough to. vote will stand. All
the roa)a Into Omaha are allowing the
' .--TV.
. rf a 1 - 1 t -!
Special Shopping Service
You Can Order By Mail
From Orandeis Stores
Just as satisfactorily as you could make
your selections in Person.
We prepay express or freight charges on
all purchases of $5.00 or more made by mail.
Try shopping by mail. You run no risk.
Read this over:
Our Guarantee
If for any reason whatever you are not
entirely satisfied with any purchase from
. Brandeia Stores, you may return the same at
our expense and we will promptly refund
your money.
Samples sent free and prepaid. Write
today for our little booklet, "How to Shop
by Mail at Brandeis Stores."
The Largest Store in the West
Braiuiois Stores -Omaha
f j IS Tl, Winter Ntjle I looks are- Nere. Krci
I pattern" with every style book .... 20J
100 Beautiful Sample
Polo Caats, regular
$35 and $40 Coats
Tuesday one price
We just received these eoats this nioniiiijr from two of
the most famous ladies' suits and overcoats manufacturers
in the country. Note the makes
Tlie Wool-Weave
Tine Wooltex Co.
Two Cleveland manufacturers that make and guaran
tee every garment to he absolutely all wool and tailored in
the very newest New York and I'aris creations.
These Polo Coats are all samples found in all wool
friezes ami hack plaid materials, in gray, tan, red and
navy; every coat is absolutely a $.'?." or $40 garment, excep
tionally adapted for street or auto wear. We urge you to
take advantage of this wonderful offer Tuesday. It's a
guarantee bargain. You'll be glad that you read this an
nouncement if you purchase one of these coats, Tuesday $2.".
Tuesday Offers Some Great Bargains in Our
Linen Department
15c Pillowcases, 42x36, each 10 H
60c Sheets, bleached, 72x90, each IJ9
30c quality Unbleached Table Damask, 62 luches wide good,
strong material; Tuesday, yard 1 G
8c Unbleached Cotton Crash, yard JJt
Best Calico, all colors, yard 5
Stylish gun metal calf, but
ton, with graceful lines, dull
kid or fashionable cravenetted
cloth top now the rage. A
model that symbolizes "Dorothy
Dodd" progress
$4.00 34.50 and $5.00
The Bennett Co.
fat bi b h a 3 h d n m m a
B !
' u::mm swkb k m:.
Bishop Bcecher
to Be Ordained
Date it Set for Trinity Cathedral for
NoTember Thirty, with Impres
sive Ceremony.
Blshep-slsct Oeora-e A. Beechrr will be
ccmsrcratcd Bt. Andrew's flay, November
'. This date has been set by Right Rev.
Panlel 8. Tuttls, bishop of St. l.ouls and
presiding bishop of the Protestant Epis
copal church. Ths data Is announced as
"provisionally set." but In all probability
the consecration will occur on the last
Wednesday of the current month.
Bishop Tuttle will be consecrating bishop
and the co-consecratora will be Right Rev.
Arthur L. Williams, B. T. 1).. and Right
Rev. Anson R. Graves, 1. I), bishop of the
missionary district of Kearney. Also In the
chancel will be a number of other bishops.
Dean Beecher la now sending out lnvlta
tlona to the bishops of tho neighboring
dioceses and most of them will be ablej to
Bishop William returned Monday morn
ing from New York, but announced that he
would take no action until the end of
the week with respect to the nomination
of five clergymen for the deanery of Trin
ity cathedral or for the chancellorship of
the diocese.
The delay is caused by the death of the
Episcopal rector of Ashland, who has Just
passed away at North Platte. Bishop Wil
liams goet to attend the funeral.
The consecration of lean Beecher will be
an Imposing service. It will take
place In the morning In Trinity cathedral
and the chancel, choir and part of
the nave will be mica w itn bishops and
trainmen running the trains to so Ma their ! priests of the church, clad In full veat
time of ruunlug .that they will be abla to I mrnts. Mr. George 11. Thuniuiel, one of
be la their home towns and vote during the the vestrymen of the parish, has been ap
lay It It la possible. ! pointed chairman of the committee on ar
Mmm A. rostra for Series ( lloldaps
Arrwl(B Befar Jadge
The four boy banUit. Tony Pasha,' Fred
Sleds". FYank iMonkl 'I rummer and Joe
Trimble wet avraigned in police court
Monday momliiK on a charge of breaking
and entering ami highway robbery. They ;
waived preliminary tuaiUnatlons and were '
bound over to the district court on iW '
bonds each o the separate charges.
l'asha. Stedne .and Trumnur were
rharged vlth bolUmg up and robbing B, M.
t'erney, a. tlloi- who resides at 11. 1 Atlas;
struot of a watch, a valuable lo.Ve charm
and V in mouey on October IS. 1 maimer
and Tiimbls are acvured of the street car
conductor. J. W. tfuter robbei y, Cotolr !
CL t'erney and Suter Identified the hlxh-
waymen in Chief of Detectives Savage's
office Friday morntng.
The quartet l alao charged with the
burglary of the. pallor a! Fur aud Tanning
company's building. W:i Boutb Thirteenth '
ie.t from which they took T worth of
postags stamps and a revolver. !
Trummer a nd aniounted to fl.jOU ar.U
the others fl.Ufi) each. I
For suffering womanhood there
Is no greater agony than aching
feet. And for these women we
have a mesage of comfort in
Drexefs Foot Comfort
Shoes for Nurses
It's nothing unusual for us to
show a nice shoe for women, but
Just now we are offering a new
dark brown kid, high top, lace
shoe, made of specially prepared
leather, vegetable tanned, that
neither draws or burns the foot; a
soft, flexible outer sole, with a
light, soft cushion under sole.
The Ideal shoe for the nurse or
saleslady. Noiseless and comfort
personified. These shoes come In
all sizes and widths, at one price
It will be a pleasure to us to
show them to you.
Drcxel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
A rrWas Breakdown
results from chronic constipation. Dr.
Kinir's New Life Pills curs headache
stomach. Tver and bowel trouble. Sc. for
sals by Boaton Drug Co.
i i
i A surely health food Cream of Barley.
... . .
jr J 'Ml r i f i(
iN. i-
' I Mot omlr tH. Imss AMCStlCAN 1 U
ICMAMTAUNE rnoasy csus bur M
Y Jusirf Sr (As WVacriMMSMaT
Good Automobile Tires
at Reasonable Prices
FId, dnrsbl tires, irnds by an Indepen
dent rubber rompsuj. Olve eirellot servlcs
sna ssvs you stuui 00 per reDt of tire rout, t
Notice tb fuUimlug low plres: 2hl3 il2.H0, I
ni.l ll.ll, JMj'j SIBttt, SOISL, III.HI,
S'-'i'j (IH.0. ii-li3 4 111) an, n4 $1 To,
SH4 TO. K!j4 U Bo. r.iit t-t.TS, Hil
l-'rt o, Ui4 l-'HM. 84 131.70, .'1I4
20, SilrS '40. Iluulop 15 per reut
sroT thes prlt't. Floe inner tubes 15 per
rent le thin rrfiilsr standard list. Oouds
split anywhere C . !., alluwtcg examlita
tloo. Five per rent diM-ount if rsHh aceotu
panles order. 1l-sranli erdrs Dromptlr
Rllr-j. State deflnltt-ly alyle bead dralrrd.
Money refunded If nnaatlnfarturj. (?!t Uieoa
a trial and jroa'U order njore.
The Geyer Sales Company
ai Blmm Building. , Dayton, Ohio.
Don't Keep Books for a Bank
Let a Bank Keep Books for You
Now-a-days fanning is the shortest cut to wealth.
It enables you to make more money on smaller
investment, to bank more profits in less time, to live better
on a smaller annual expense, to have a better show for yourself
and for your family, and to keep healthy as well as wealthy.
The Southwest is the last region in the United States
where acreage ia atill low priced and the first region in the
United States in point of productivity and certainty of returns.
Crops can be raised practically all the year round. No ex
tremes of heat or cold. The soil requires no fertilizer. Grain
and fruit and garden truck of every description flourish.
Splendid schools and cheap traffic, throughout the Rock
Island Lines. Uncounted opportunities can still be seized in
Oklahoma, Southern Missouri, Louisiana, Eastern Colorado,
the Texas Panhandle, New Mexico and Arkansas.
IMPORTANT! The Rock UlanoTs Agricultural Bureau will ahow you
how to set the moat value out of the least acreage, tell you the markets
wkere your cropa bring the beat prices, and aaaiat you constantly to meka
a atMceee of your venture. Tho moment you settle along the Rock Uland,
tkie railroad acta a your partner, and bends every el tort to make your
aBTestment profitable. State how muck you can inveat. where you want
to to sad what you ..want to grow.
Address. L. M. AN FN,
PaaggsT Traffic Manager
203 La Salle Station
Cbjca so
Third Vice-PreaidaBt.
6 Rousing Tuosday Bargain
In ur Busy Ciosk Department
HIGH CLASS TAILOR SUITS Xnulv all import.-.'
models, TiiomIjiv at ONE-THIRD 0FI
French Coney Fur Coats
$.!.") values, ."HI indies
Skinner satin lined, very
special bargain. .S19.00
iong beai jfiusn and Uaracul Cloth Coats All lull length
aiul lined throughout-greatly undervalued in Tues
day's side, at. choice " $1.).50
Long Silk Kimonas New j House Dresses and Wrap
patterns are well vnrth j pers - (Qualities that sell
$".(K)-at $2.95 regular at 1.:n. at Sc
XXXX Near Seal Ccats -Men
ut i fill garments, icgu
lar $.) values--on sale
Tuesday at . . . S39.00
Extra Specials Tuesday In Our Famcus Lcmest c Room
100 dozen imported Huck Tow.'ls, full bU'sehftl, 1 x :? S and 20x40,
hemstitched and a first class I'c towel. We will sill thfrn all 1sv
Rt, tiach IT'
100 pairs of strictly all wool Man kefs. 11-4 H. !., No. U'lii. worth
$G.f0 pair, all day Tuesday, at, pair S3. IS
100 extra heavy Comforters, 2S H. No. lfu'iS, reRiilar $ kooiIs.
well made, fine cotton, all day $1.10
2VgO Outinn Flannel ,. Hs
10c Outinn Flannel 7 ' k
18e Velvetta Kimona Cloth, ve-ry heavy 115l
18c Arnold's Flannelettes V2l'iC
11.00 Sheets, 81x90 .: 7,"
85c Sheets. 72x90 J7
t) specials ror all day not advertlxed.
f r.lon o Fino Flannel Ovor-
92.00, 92.SO, $S.0O aMid fll.rVO values, In all colors, big special pur
chase on sale this weak, at, choice OS"S 1.-15
Host llaruaiii Offerings in Winter I'nilerwear of All klmls Kver
Known in Omavlia.
Wool Dress Goods
Broadcloths, the imported kind, $1.00 to S5.00
Tailor-made Serges, 60 to 68 lncnyard, $1.00 to S2.50
New grays of all kinds, 76c to $12.00
Novelties, $1.00 to . ., 5.00
Popular Dress Goods. 3c to . . ."i . . . . $1.00
This Sale is for
It is surprising- whst 70a osui
by trsAlnf at Hsydsn's for gra
osriss. 20 lls. boat, Uranulated Sunar 1.00
48-lb. sack bn HlKli Patent Klour
9 lbs. bent Rolled Breakfs-t Oat
meal ISO
The best White or Yellow Cornmual,
sack 16o
D bars Beat 'Km All or Diamond
"C Soaps 26o
16c pks- Uolrlen Hod Macaroni lOo
1 Id. cans Aasurieii isnuiia .,
Gallon cans Table Pyrup . .
4 Ksllon cans Table Hyiup
2 lb. cans Table Hyrup ...
I At Lu Hoourlns; Hoap, can
S lb. cans Lavallnn
Bronianuolon, Jellcon or Jell-O, at.
pks; 7o
Tho best .Oondnnsed Mincn Meat, at,
pkg 8V10
The best Belf-Ralstns; Pancske
Flour, 1 lb. pkg K'c
TuesdayRoad It
Buttsr, onssss and Buttsrlns
No. I Creamery Hutter 30c
Uood Table Butter, ll. 2iic
l' siu y I- ul I Cream New Vork Cbeuxs
at, per pound : 2c
Full Cream Hrlok C'hsose, lb. .. lnc
t lbs. good Hutterlne
2 lb. rolls Table ilutterln .... tu
l-lli. prints fancv Table Butlerim;
"at 26o
Tor rrssh Vsrblss, It's Hay.
dsn's, tbs Market (or tbe Psopls
Fresh Hpinsch, per peck Ac
4 bunches frssh hothouse Ttsdishes
for . ; Re
4 heads fresh hothouse Leaf Let
tuce for Re
Fresh Beets Carrots, Parsnips, Tur
nips or Winter Kadlshes, lb. 2 He
Larue heads fresh Cabbage .. 6c
I bunches Salsify for fin
Lars Kks i'lants, each ........ 5c
Fancy 8 went Potatoes, per lb. Ifcc
a bunches fresh Parsley 6c
Hubbard Pquanh, each ...... 1a
Fancy Tokay Drapes, 6 to 7 lbs. In
basket Dfic
Family Liquor Department Specials
Fine old California Port and Sherry, per quart aao-SSo-BOo
Per gallon
Spanish Port, filierry. Muscatel. Madeira and White Malaga, bottlsxl In 8aln.
per rjuart il.oo
Home Made Grape Wine, red or white, per gallon M.00
Groat Laco Salo Thursday
An immense stock of loom ends of LAces ard Trimmings, socured at
a tremendous bargain, go on sale Thursday In five lots, at, yard
29. 59S 98.-S 91.50 "d 92J)8 .
Beautiful bands and edges, galloons and allovers. ln PTauen, St.
Gall, French and Irish Laces, regular 75c, l.aa, a.00, $S.OO to
$0.00 yard values. Don't miss exceptional bargain opportunity.
Nee big display In 16th street windows.
We are selling- coal at cut prices. Why not
buy from us and lay up money for Christ
man? We can save you from 60o to J1.60 on
every ton, have all kinds of coal on hand ami
can (five you quick delivery. One trial will
convince you as to quality and quantity. We
guarantee welxiits. .Would be pleased to have
you come down and see our new yard, which
Is the larKoHt structure under one roof In the city. Is within walking dlatarce
and you can see for yourself (list all our coal Is under cover.
Ws Kaal-Borsen aU our Coal.
Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co.
rXOsTEi Dong. 411: Ind. B-141S.
1333 X1C1IOL1I BT.
My Tail's Denial Rooms
Oaf DoJtavr Per If ear.
Ought to begin now. We have many beautiful
things to show you this season. Let your gift be
i a pluce of silver for the table or the dresser, or a
I Deck chain or locket, or cult buttons, signet or
fancy ring, gold or silver thimble. Don't purchase
V .r till you have spent a few minutes in our storo.
U Mi l 1
S; W. LINDSAY, Jeveler
1510 Douglas Street
An Ideal Office
is nc im whick convenience mi Uct
tin iscombici with first class scrv-
An opportunity t secure such
fficc is nw offered by
Tine Bee Building
A few rooms are vacant and you are invited to in
epect them.
Large ground floor room facing Farnam street Just
west of eutrance to the building. One of the finest office
rooms in the city. Has an exceptionally large vault and is
well lighted. Also has an entrance from tbe court of the
Itoom 62.1 On ths sixth floor, with 310 square feet
of floor space with a fault and staUonary wash stand.
Price 25.00 per month.
Room 820 On the third floor, with ovr 400 square
feet of floor space. Vault and stationary wash stand. Fine
north light, Specially adapted for draughting work. Price
$40.00 per month.
Itoom ..aa On the norta aide, fifth floor, with a par.
tltlon dividing the room into two. Stationary wash stand. v
Sice over 200 square feet. Price $18.00 per month.
Room 410 On the west side of the building, on tbe
fourth floor, facing the city hall. Has a stationary wash
stand. Bim of of room over 276 square feet. Price $20.0"
per month.
Bee Buflines3 Office 17th and Farnam Sts.
nait tiiSriAWiWiMI'r