The" Omaha , Daily Bee Now 'Phono Number WEATHER FORECAST. l'nr Nebraska --Uom-rally flr. For Ion --Generally fair. For wiRtluT report hoc fago 2. A 11 Dejssvtm M OMAHA mum TYLtlR lOOO SINGLL COPY TWO IT, NTS. OMAHA, TtJKSDAY MORNING. NOYEMHLR S. 1!) 10 -TWELVE lWr.KS. VOL. XL-NO. V22 Great Stunt by the Peerless ELECTION GUESS HOLDS ATTENTION ENGINEERS WILL VOTE ON STRIKE Negotiations Between Brotherhood Grand Officers and Railroad Offi cials Broken Off. STONE EXPEtTS WALKOUT SOON Texas National Guard is Badly Demoralized MANAGERS MAKE LASTESTIMATE ,'Nation in Turmoil Amid Final Claims Leaders of Both Sides Assert Victory by Political Candidates and Their Managers. LAST AT-PEAL IN NEW YORK Theirs When Polls Close and Votes Officers Resign and Companies Ask to Be Mastered Out Because of Con viction of Sergeant Manley. Are Counted This Evening. JUDGE BAKER FEELS GOOD s t 1 ' - Ballot Axe to Be Counted t v. cember Tenth. WANT SEVEN PER CENT INCR Alteration of Working Conditic Also Demanded. WESTERN ROADS ARE AFFEC - ltyOae UrMrni West, Soath orth of Chicago. Including II naU Ontrai Arc Included In Mntifil. aad .I1CAGO. III.. Nov, 7. A strike vote uil be taken among engineer of sixty one railroads west, south and north of Chicago, Including the Illinois Central, fol lowing the termination today of the nego tlationii between the road and grand of ficers of the Brotherhood of lAcomotive fcnglnerrs, which began September 2. Difference In wane Increase of approxi mately 7 per cent. and alteration of work ing condition stood between the negotia tor. , Grand Chief Wnre C. Stone of the brotherhood, who has oecn leading the railroad men In their demand, said today In believed the strike vote would be un animotisly In favor of susponslon of work and that tho result would be known by December 10. Immediately thereafter he satd a last opportunity would be given the rullroads to meet the workers and If they Ignored thaat opportunity, within five hours every engine, went of Chicago, In all branches of--service, would be Milled, the flies drawn and out of the thousands of riilia would step every driver on duty. Brotherhood Representatives. The representatives of the englnemen In t lie twenty-five conferences which ended today without results, were: Warren B, Btone, grand chief; Ash Ken nedy, K. Currlgan ,M. 'W. Cadle and H. F. Wills, assistant grand chiefs of tha Broth erhood of I-iocomotlve Engineers. They received the novice of fifty division man ager of the brotherhood, who dlreotly i inrueented the smaller council of the order. Itnllroad offlciala, ax follows, heard the tnglne drivers' demands: A. IJ. Scott of the f'nion F&clfia, F. ii Ward of tho Burlington linos, V. C. Datchulder of the Chicago terminal, Baltl murv . Ohio; W. A. Durham of tha Missouri, .Kansas & Teatas, O. H. Emerson )r. .tHo lJrt'fth"iifi', T. J. Foley of the Illinois Central, F. l'. Fox of the Atchison, Toiwka Santa Fe, Grant Hall of the Canadian Pacific, II. J. Simmons of the i:i Paso A Southwestern, and A. W. Tren holm of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis .V Omaha. The whole question arose from the de cision of tha englnemen themselves In con vention at Detroit, Mich., last spring. It vas decided then that the existing wage ma), in effect since February, 19117, was unsatisfactory and that working conditions hud been linKsed by railroad which should . bo eliminated. The grand officer were named to meet the railroads and present the demands. I Condition In Dispute. The general working conditions of which the rnginemen complain Include among other things the following: "Drivers of the mallet compound en gines, which do. practically the work of two engines, and entail a correspondingly greater responsibility and capability, re ceive the same wages a other drivers of high-power engines of much lesser ca pacity. "Engineer wish to hr relieved of the toll of preparing their engines for travel and of raring for them after runs. "Switching time should be paid for on a different basis." . The magnitude of the wage question Is evidenced by a statement by the employes that the T per cent wage difference now standing between the drivers and the rail roads means approximately J2.S0o.OU0 a year. The cost of alterations of the working con ditions, minor consideration In the confer ence, would be less than $.710,000, It was as serted. "We Just reached the point where It was evident we couldn't agree on the wage and other questions." said Grand Chief Warren S. Stone of the Brotherhood today. "When we started our negotiation, we little ex pected them to last as long as tht. ."Our powers to arrive at agreements ar rettrlcted. however, by the fact that In this rass we are acting, not In a dic tatorial sense, but simply as following out the expressed commands of the individual engineers, hence, we have only the pre scribed limits of movement allotted us by the Detroit convention. "The railroad committee of ten averted directly that they could not approach our terms, and there was simply nothing left to do but ask our men for an expression of tl elr desire to strike. Since they unani mously directed this action of ours, it seem only reasonable that they will vote unanimously for a strlk. Um Mora Op tort a a 1 1 . "My December 10 we will have the bal lolf counted and will present the remit to the railroad men. They will have one thame to meet the terms our men have expressed ti'ti.nph us. and. If they refuse. 1 think the ttrlke order will go out within I a'.f an hour." "If a etrtke D ordered we can reach every enim-ir. I tvlleve. within five hours, and on ewry one of the sixty-one roads every ial "111 lie deserted 'Immediately, and If you hai en to be a ;assrnger at that time, 1 guess y.u' have to get out rnd walk." "e rentailves of the Association of K.ily Majiagers. from which ihec ommlt- ti or tin to treat with th englnemen was aiaxin, said that statement by Mr. Stone .as substantially correct, and added only tns rigurea over which the contention was wini:d. "When the conferences began." said halrman W. B hcott of the confer- ii. comtidttee. "the engineers' demands! .i;. ibximatrd a Tt per cent Increase This i ilnally brought down to 17 per cent. f,nally agreed lo , w per cent Increas- tallng p.XW.ou) fr the road we repre sent, and here w both stuck. The LiUliiu Continued n Third !(.) DALLAS. Tex., Nov. ".With three lire officers and four company officer having tendered their resignations, and three com I ft n ex urgently re'iuestlng the governor to muster them out, the Tea National Guard I practically demoralised, as the result of the recent conviction of Sergeant Manley of Company K. who bayonetted and killed a spectator during President Taft' visit to Dallas a year ago. Manley was given a life sentence in the lenitentlary. His own company promptly tsked to be relieved from future mllltnry uty, and this action was Immediately forwarded bv the Klrby Rifle company of Austin and Captain Ocr' company at Beaumont. Other companle are expected to take similar action this week. Much speculation haa been aroused by re ports that an agent of the Judge advocate general of the United State array ha been In Pallas to Investigate tho Manley case. It I said the federal government may Interfere In behalf of the oonvlcted soldier. Democrats Arc Colonizing the Whole State Word Comes that Hundreds Are Com ing in the Guise of Corn huskers. Fraudulent voting for the democratic ticket la being attempted outside of Doug las county as well as In It. In counties to i the north of Omaha, men are being lm- parted by the liquor Interest from Iowa i ley are coming osisnsiDiy 10 nusa com. but In reality to vote for the liquor Inter est. Chairman Willis n Husenetter of the re publican state central committee wa In formed of thl Monday morning and he at once wired all county central committee chairmen to get Into action Immediately to stop these frauds which are being at tempted upon a wholesale scale. The Importation of voters I character ised a a last desperate effort to bolster up and save a losing fight. . Campaign Lie Nipped in Bud South Omaha Democrats Tell Foreign Born Voters Only Native Ameri cans Can Scratch a Ticket Fearful of the defeat of moat of Its ticket, democratic worker In South Omaha have been trying to convince foreign-born voters that they cannot scratch a ballot. The 11 Is being circulated, that only native Amerl can ins are allowed by law to scratch, and that naturalised citizen must vote straight. Republican managers learned of the tricks eiliployed and step to head It off hav been taken. At thee poll today repuhllca workers will see to it that every voter who wishes to vote for one democrat and for republicans for other offices I informed that he can do so. And such voters wl be taught how to scratch when they use voting machine, if they do wlh to vote pltt ticket. But the republican campaign leaders o Mouth Omaha are urging, and will urge, voting the straight republican ticket. TAFT GOING TO PANAMA President Leaves Washington for the Canal Eon Wedneadar Afternoon. WASHINGTON. I. C, Nov. 7 The presi dent .leave Wednesday afternoon for the Isthmus of Panama, boarding the armored cruiser Tennessee at Charleston, H. C, Thursday at noon. The plana for the Panama trip were com pleted today, Mrs. Taft will not go, the president's Immediate party being limited to himself. Charles P. Taft of Cincinnati, hi brother, and Secretary Norton. A stenographer will also be taken along and th president expects ( to . complete the major portion of his messag to congress while at sea. Potash negotiations Fall. WASHINGTON.. Nov. 7 The State de partment was officially advised today of the failure of potash negotiations in a cablegram from Ambassador Hill and Com mercial Adviser Davl. The latter, the dis patch added, would leave at once for Vienna to consider certain trade relation with Austria. Where Polls Open From OM AH 4. Sixth 1 2W7 North -l'.K); North rirst Ward. I I2M South th. tH pacific. S 1TOS South 10th. Sir. Hanclt'ft. l'jot South &th. (Hes. Jence ) Second Ward I ;t2 South 2th. t -iC6 Vinton. V-iaJ.I Vinton. 4 Vinton. iiM South bith. Tali a Ward. Webster. Sou Ui loth, a 3 13 North lull. t-tlC -Sauih l-Slh. Fsarth Ward. Capitol Ave. i I.M4 Harney. ,'.-7l!l SoutH lnth. Xi St.uih JUili. 5 ili North Hm. Flflh Ward. 1 smh blierman Ave. 2 Sherman Ave. J-2W Nurth rear.) 4 North SSd. (Barn, rear.) 5 2.iia Military Ave. SeTeath Ward. S-271i Leavenworth. l-lf.25 Oeogia Ave. (Barn, rear.) S IMS Park Ave. 4 210 bouth S3d. (Barn, rear.) eighth Ward. 1 14 North 24:h. 1-lWtt Cuming t-tri North 17th. t2415 Cuming. , Math Ward. l-f."9 Cuming. 1 i-'-'J Cuming. S 3JU4 DavenporL rear.) 4211 South 36th. rear.) r.il4 Farnam. Tenth Ward. 1 ims South 10th. 2-lfl Leavenworth. ! Snerman Ave (Bare JUI Leavenworth. i 1S4 (-hei man Ave. 4 -it. eioutli hHJ North Uth. s Its boum Slush Fund and Brewery Money Will Not Avail, He Says. SEARXE SAYS SUTTON SURE He Is Out Next Congressman," De clares Chairman of Committee. HEELERS FLUSH WITH MONEY Democratic Cohort Have More Cash Thea They're Seen In Manr Da l.lejaor Interests Still Contributing Lavishly, On the eve of election day. each side is claiming victory in Douglas county and the state of Nebraska. "The democrat nave the slush fund and the automobile, but we have tha men and the argument," said Chairman Baker of the county republican central committee Monday noon, "consequently, we are bound to win. Right must and will prevail." "Dahlman will sweep not only Douglas county, but the entire state," said Tom Flynn, chltif lieutenant of the Dahlman forces. 1 "We do not expect to win this time, so far a electing any of our men to office,'1 the socialist leaders say, "but we are building for the future." , Thi. in brief, is an index to the utter nces of cunfldence coming from the dif ferent political parties. One thing stands out as a certainty. The wetther In Douglas county and through out Nebraska Is going to be Ideal at least the United states weather bureau haa given out such Information as a certainty, and th.- weather forecast from the Omaha sta Uor. seldom goes wrong. "Fair and but little change In tempera ture." is the way the official bulletin reads. Local democracy's pletnoric purse re plenished by the brewers Is still holding out with a faithfulness that would do ctedlt to the fabled cornucopia, and here, there and everywhere money is being dis pensed with prodigal hand. Every chauf feur in town, as well a hack (livers. waiters and others of that type have money by the handful an era of pros perity which was not so noticeable a month or so ago. Lavish F.xpeudltares. Ferhap never before In tlie political history of Nebraskn ha there been a campaign In which any party ha made uch lavish expenditure. It Is generally understood that the money comes from the brewery Intereats, aided by supple- mental contribution from the National ' Association of Liquor Dealers, which body, it is said, is anxlou. that Hitch- cock be ent to the enate. "Th. rm.hllrns hv mon.v .,nnh to I . r - o-- , pay for legitimate campaign expenses. but none to throw away," said Secretary O.trom "We .re f,trthrmnr r,lv ..d willing " to make public the source of every dollar entering into our fund," con tinued Mr. Ostroni. Reports from ' various sections of the state favor Aldrlcli and the republican state ticket in nearly every county, and indicate that they will come to Douglas county with enough reserve to overcome any advantage that Dahlman may have In the city of Omaha a contingency which the republican leaders do not con cede, because, according to republican estimate, Aldrich will carry Douglas county. Judge H. A. Searle, chairman of Judge Sutton's congressional committee, de clared that "Judge Sutton will be elected by a good plurality, after aligning for all possibilities whatever. "We confidently believe that the position taken by the democratic candidate against Judge Sut ton, wherein he ridicules Judge Sutton and his advocacy of a national bureau devoted to the wellfare of children. Is making votes for Judge Sutton every day. Hefaae Open Letter. "The editorial in Monduy morning's World-Herald In which reference Is made to the children's bureau as u 'national baby farm.' and 'a national poor farm.' la a de. liberate and malicious misrepresentation of the position of former President Huosevelt as set forth by Mm In his last message to congress advocating such a national chil dren's bureau. "Judge Sutton's position on this question was set forth by him in an open letter to the voters. This was offered Saturday to the World-Herald for publication, by our committee. It was offered as political ad vertising for which we expected to pay. It was accepted by that paper. Later Is the evening, the World-Herald telephoned Judge Sutton that It would not publish this letter because "It would hurt Lobeok.' "They dared not make Judge Sutton's (Continued on Second Page.) to Vote 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Ward. 24ih. Eleventh Ward. 1 liog Hamilton. Hth. (Rear.) z iin Farnam. 2tth. tiiarn, South .Mth. (Uarn.) -o. csouin 2 tn. Twelfth Ward. 1 2412 Ames Ave. 2 ixi Amea Ave. -Sol Corby. Uiarn, rear 4-t'l3 North 24th. fc 441S North S4tn. SOUTH OMAHA. First Ward. 1- 54.1 North 20th. 2 iZa North 24th. second Ward. 1lKi tiouih 20th. lo Nortli 24U. Third Ward. 1 Kailroad Ave. and ilsL 1 4m South 32d. Cite jr.) Fearth Ward. (Barn. N(il-in aim. 2 laj Soutn Soth. (Bara. Klfth Ward. 1 S10 North Tib. I S. K Cur. 3M and K. Sixth Ward. 1 1214 North 2ttu. 2 u North 2lQ. Seventh Ward. 1- 3Mh aad V) Sis. 2 akin and 'I' Sis. lbth. Ul'i, .1 - ,n '-'Hi ) : m .- LATHAM FLIES OYER CITY Aviator Makes New Record for Diffi cult Feat at Baltimore. FORTY MINUTES FOLLOWS ROUTE ! l sea Fifty-Horse Power Machine and In Fa-e of Strong! Wind Accom- pllshes Feat Sifter Before Attempted. HAT.TIMORE. Nov. 7. With thousand of persons gathered In the streets, upon roof tops and at every point of vantage witnessing the spectacle, Hubert Liitham, the French aviator, flew OA-er Baltimore today for the $5,000 prise offered by the Sun and Kvcnlng Sun. Latham used his 50-horsepower Antoinette and consumed forty-two minutes, ten sec onds In making the round trip from the aviation field, covering an approxinrnte distance of twenty-two mile, n landln the tirXi 0,1 ''' return, Latham aald hi engine worked perfectly " he ,"41 118 "UV' 1n managing -his craft- He estimated that his altitude over the cly ' al,0,,t 26,K feet- Latham' flight is regardud nt Halethorpe field as one of the most remarkable in aviation annals. It Is held to establish a new recora. I nis cu.ill l lib . t iu. in continuous over-city flight, following a prescribed route. It is regarded as one of the most danger ous feats in the realms of aviation. Difficult Route. Latham was to follow the course of the Patapsco river to Fort Mcllenry, thence up the Inner harbor to and around the Sun building. eaHt to the city limits, a mile nnrih wont to Druid Hill park, down Charles street to Baltimore and then south west to the aviation field. There was to be a short detour for the benefit of Ross Winans, a wealthy Invalid, who, unable to leave his home, offered J-'iOO If Latham would come within his range of vision. All this Latham accomplished. He varied his altitude from 400 to 2.000 feet and had to contend with wind blowing from aeeven to fifteen miles an hour. He used his fifty-horsepower Antoinette and was In the air forty-two minutes, making no stop after leaving the field. All the tall buildings in the downtown section were availed of by thousands who sought viewpoints to witness the flight of the airman, and by noon every roof top was gluck with people. City Hton lo Watch. At 12 o'clock the whole city seemed to stop work and begin watching. Some min utes later word came that, Latham had ! started. 1 Home by the breeze, which aided him greatly. Latham , flew straight for Fort McHenry and when almost directly over it he curved and heading In a northwest ern direction, steered for the crowded "grandstands" In the skyscraper dtstrict. Arriving over Baltimore street, near Cal vert street, he made another turn and ws off for Patterson park. Ill trip to Patterson park was a brief one ,and soon he was headed northwest for Druid HIU park. Here lie met with head winds and circling the edge of the park, turned toward Charles street. Curv- llng around the Uelvidere hotel he new to ! about the line of Calvert street and there i some 2.000 feet in the air performed a series of evolution ror ine oeneut oi air. Winans. Then he headed for the skyscraper dis trict again. Over the Sun building lie wheeled westward and neur the edge of the city bore away south for the aviation field. IDECISION BY JUSTICE HUGHES First Oulnlon by evr Member of the .Supreme Court Concerns a Missouri Bank. WASHINGTON. Nov. ". Justice Charles E. Hughes today delivered his first opinion ; In the supreme court of the I'nlted States I when he announced the decision of the court in a case wherein an attack was ' made on a conveyance of valuable land In Trenton, Mo., by Dr. Jam. i H. Kerfoot. j deceased, to the First National bank of ! Trenton. Koliert Karl Kerfoot, a son of ' Irr. Kerfoot, sought to have the deed set 1 aside on the ground that the bank had ' no authority under its charter lo receive the land. Justice Hughes held that it had j long been decided that only the fcnvern i ment could object to thu exercise ny a federal bank of power beyond K charter i and upheld the conveyance. Ohio Bank Is Robbed. TOl-KDO. O. Nov. 7. Cracksmen blew i the afe of the Home SaviiiK- bank at Metanioia. O., twer.D-two m i I - a went of 1 Toledo early tills morning arid secured The robbers esaed In a rig they i bad stolen from a lai incr. Republican Ticket Polls Open Nov. 8, 8 . in. to p. m. For I nlted State Senator ELMER J. BURKETT. For Governor CHESTER H. ALDRICH. For- Lieutenant tJorernor I M. R. HOPEWELL. For Treasurer WALTER A. GEORGE. For Andltor SILAS R. BARTON. For Secretary ot State ADDISON WAIT. For Commissioner Public Lands and ( BoHdingi E. B. COWLES. For Attorney (Irsersl GRANT MARTIN. For Superintendent Public Instruction- JAMKS V. CRABTREE. For Hallway 'oiiinilloiier HENRY T. CLARKE, JR. For Con-rcsninn-f- A. L. SUTTON. For County Attorney JAMES E. RAIT. For State Srnalora ARTHUR C. PANCOAST. FRANKLIN A. SHOTWELL, FRED D. WEAD. For State Representatives K C BE ST HERMAN O. BOESCHE, WILLIAM B. CHRISTIE, M. O. CUNNINGHAM. JOHN A. DEMPSTER, BYRON R. HASTINGS, EDWARD LEEDER. JAMES P. REDMAN, F. S. TUCKER. For County Commissioners JOHN GRANT. JOHN C. LYNCH. JOHN C. TROUTON, WALTER J. SLATE. For Board of Krioestlos M. F. SEARS, GEORGE COTT, J. L. JACOBSON, W. T. BOURKE. Crippen Hanging is Postponed Law Provides Two Weeks Interim Be tween Dismissal of Appeal, and Execution of Sentence. LONDON, Nov. ".It was officially an nounced today that Dr. llnwley H. Crippen, corniced and sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, Belle Klmore, would not be executed tomorrow as originally ar ranged for the reason the law provides that two weeks must elapse between the dismissal of an appeal and- the carrying out of the sentence. The execution has been fixed for November 23. Meantime Solici tor Newton, Crlppen's counsel, Is drafting a petition for a reprieve. Three Children Burned to Death. WINNIPKO. Man.. Nov. 7 Three child ren of A. Todd, a fanner In the Buchanan. ;-ifck.. district, were smothered to death by smoke today when their home caught fire. The parents were absent. Will Hitchcock Put it Back? Birds of a Feuthrr. Madixon Chronicle. Dahlman' "Friend Mabray" and Hitch cock's "Friend Hartley" make those two gentlemen look like "birds of a feather." Going to vote for 'em, are you? Driven to Denpernle Efforts. Alliance Times. The Omaha World-Herald In its despcratc efforts to bolster the wuninv chances of Its editor. Hitchcock, for the senatorship, has flooded the slate In every parcel and corner with an issue attempting to explain its dude editor'.! receipt of the state's stolen moneys from Hartley, the convict Mate treasuier. Nearly seven pa'i s are used of thU secial edition i f tin World Herald In attempting to defend Hitchcock and us.-uil Mr. llnrkett, and the plan ii that every voter in Nebravka shall receive one. It will accomplish nothir-i:. however, and Mr. Hitchcock had Just as well make up his mind he i doomed. Question of Common Honesty. 'Islington Pioneer. Hitchcock's .t. tlie World-Herald, "bawled out" Go ild, the republican can didate, for tiie reason that the latter, through bis lank, got sonic of the Mate', money from Hartley, and at tlie la :e t ltn the editor of the World-Herald, who now wants t ) be elevttd to the office of l ulled TAX CAB DRIVERS ON STRIKE jTwo Thousand Go Out in Sympathy with New York Expressmen. FURTHER SPREAD IS LIKELY All Drivers Except Thoe of Food Snpplr Waa-on May Called Out Peace Neaotlalton Are Off. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Two thousand tax- )(,ab drlvpri, Hlnl,.K today In sympathy with the strike of the drivers and helpers of the express companies, which has prac tically tied up express business In and through the city for nearly two weeks. Further spread of the strike to drivers of all vehicles In the city except those on food supply wagons seemed Imminent. It was announced that at a meeting of labor Interests to be held today a date for a general strike that would tie up practically everything on wheels" would be decided upon. Samuel Gompcrs, president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, is In th city and is participating In the conference of the labor leaders. It was declared the support of the federation would be given the strik ers. All peace negotiations between the ex press companies and their men have been suspended. Numerous Attack on Chauffeurs. Attacks on chauffeurs who stuck to their Jobs were numerous. Twenty-eight ma chines of one company got Into the home garage badly crippled Some of the smaller companies affected by the strike, made settlements with their chauffeurs during the forenoon and It was estimated that about KM of the 2,0i)0 men who struck this morning had returned to work The continued Illness of Valentine Hoff man, vice president of the International Brotherhood of Teamster, made it eem doubtful If the Joint executive council of the brotherhood would meet at the ex pected time to decide on the general strike proposition. Daniel J. To bin of Indianapolis, general prtsident of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, left New York today, said to be bound for Chicago or St. Ixiuls. It Is declared in labor droits in this city that the situation In both Chicago and St. Louis Is now as acute as it was In New York a day or so before the strike. Clotblnw Shops Will Close. CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Inability to detail policemen to preserve the peace at the many tailoring shop affected by the gar ment workers' strike and at the same time to . prevent disorder at the 1,3'.'2 polling places In Chicago election day, compelled Chief of Police Steward today to appeal to the clothing manufacturers to shut down place of business tomorrow. He said that nearly all of the strike-bound place promised to comply. Accordingly, most of the bluecoat who have been as signed to strike duty for the last week will be temporarily withdrawn tomorrow and detailed at polling places. 1 Supretnr Court Take Vacation. WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. The supreme court of the I'nlted States announced todsv that Monday It would take a vacation unt.l November 28. States senator, u also a recipient from Hartley of state funds that have neve: been repaid. It Is not. a question of poll tics that confronts the voters of the state so far as Hitchcock i concerned; it Is a question of common honesty. Hitchcock has always been considered a "silk-stocking'' aristoiiut by Ms own party, but l now branded by a still harsher name. i irrn helming. Klmliiill Observer. The proof that Hitchcock borrowed stall money of Uurtley and did not put It had. U overwhelming. If MHcticoeU Were a llepubllcan. O'Neill Frontlet. Leading Holt count democrats think it was no crime for G. M. Hitchcock lo assint Joe. Hartley in loot. rig the state treasury and then repudiate the debt on the ground that it had become outlawed. If llltchcoc' as a republican they would be hollerln ; for another vlg.lanre committee to take charge of the matter. Stop Thief." Cry Iteacta. Falrbury News. Mr. Hitchcock'!1 chickens have come I. nine to roost. The people of Nebraska have at last learned the significance of his persist ent "stop thief" cry In connection with the Hartley affair. ! Roosevelt and Stimson Continue Labors Up to Last Moment. BOTH STILL AT WORK IN OHIO Several Complications Enter Into the Situation Thre. OPTIMISM IN RAMPANT INDIANA Leaders on side Predict Large Majorities Mill lie Holled In for Their Candidates llettlnat l'en. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. -The New York gubernatorial campaign passed Into history J tonight with Henry L. Stimson, the re publican candidate, and Theodore Roose velt, his leading backer, making last ap peals for votes. Tho final word on the democratic Hide was spoken Sunday night, when John A. Dlx, head, of the ticket, sent Mr. Stimson his answer to the twelve Questions telegraphed by Stimson to Dlx a home In Thomson. Mr. Dlx spent the last day of the cam paign at home. Mr. Stimson occupied th morning preparing an answer to his rival's reply of Sunday night, utid the rest of th day and evening on the stump or In an automobile, hurrying between political ral lies In New York City. Mr. Stlmson's second, telegram to Mr. Dlx accused 111 m of evading the Issues ad vanced by the republican candidate's first message; It answered Several accusations by Dlx and repeated questions which Stim son considered Dlx had left unanswered. Mr. Dlx said last night his statement Issued then was positively his last word before election and he repeated thl assertion when Chairman Rodle of the democratic executive committee tnlkrd with him at Thomson this afternoon. The Dlx leaders declare that th quiet that prevailed today on their side of the campaign was itself evidence of confidence. Democratic Machine Working; Well. "Our party machinery upstate I In better shape than at any time In fifteen years," said Chairman Rodin. "We have not had a single message today, which Indicate to us that everything la satisfactory." Chairman Preptice of the republican state central committee, said tonight: "I'm absolutely confident we'll carry th whole ticket, and I don't think the vote will be close." Lloyd C. Urlecom, chairman of the repub lican county committee, ald: The situation looks better today than it did two day ar-" Chorlea P. ;urph)y,mfltrJf,TnmmnDy Hall, kept hi opinion to nlmrelf. . The demoorat havo hopes of ousting three republican congressmen. In the Thir teenth district Herbert Tarsons, former re publican county chairman, Is opposed by Jefferson M. Ivy, who once represented the district, and who has attacked Mr. Parsons for alleged sugar trust affiliations. In the Seventh district William S. Hen net, who was mentioned for the repub lican gubernatorial nomination. Is opposed by Henry George, Jr., son of the single tax advocate. Tammany Hall hopes to defeat William M. Bennett, who won the republican nomi nation from Congressman Van Vechten Ol cott. On account of the Bennctt-Olcott fight Thomas (J. Patten, the democratic candidate, expects to overcome the normal republican plurality, The large hotels have made preparations to entertain the crowds and display the re turns. Mr. Stimson will receive the returns at his campaign headquarters In the Hotel Manhattan. Colonel Koosevelt will get them over a special wire at his home In Oyster Bay. Mr. Dlx and Chairman Hup. puch of the democratic slain committee will be at lHx's home in Thomson. Preparation for Ohio. CLEVELAND, Nov. 7. F,ach with a rec ord of partial defeat In the two last state elections, the republican and democratlo parties tonight are making their last ef fort toward a complete victory at thu polls tomorrow. Twice tho democrats have elected a gov ernor and twire, the republicans hava elected a legislative majority and tha greater part of their .tide ticket. This year the campaign between Governor Jud si n Harmon and his republican opponent. Warren G. Harding, has been exceptionally bitter. Charges of graft have been made against state officials and employes of euch party. The republican campaign has been diversified by debate hotweeii Its own pro gressive and standpat uratnri. A feature of the contest has been th fact that Senator Charles Dick, nominated by popular vote for election to the senate by the legislature to be chosen tomorrow, has not been Invited to cpealt at any cam paign meeting and republican candidates for the Reneral ai-stnibly have publicly pledged themselves to vote agulnst him. While the democrats go before the people with absolutely no mention of national af fairs except their platform endorsement of Governor li.iinun for president, Mr. Harding, aided by four members of th president's cabinet, has siiongly urged tha laliii that a republican success would m construed as an endurui un til of President Taft and bis administration and a repub- icau defeat would be a blow. Mr. Harding's ir-riiil campaign ended tonight at Marion and Governor Harmon .nsented I ) deliver an address at Toledo r h a postscript to his regular schedule. Both Ontiinlsllc la Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 7. -With tradf i in nl optimism, the bad" is of both the republican and democratic parties tonight predicted that large naordlcs would ha rul ed up for their candidates. Chairman Kdwln K Lee of th" rentibllciin" committee was suro that on ioint rallot the next legislature would return Albert J. Heverldge to the 1'nited States senate. Chairman Stokes Jackson of tho democratic state committee was einallv certain Jchn Worth Kern would be elected to succeed Mr. I'.evcridge. Non-partisan forecasters, however, pre d'ctii) that torn. ii row's election Would he 'if of tln chi-ost in Indianu's history snd h luliir l.a'ds In inillatiapoim tonlnht l in e only ev i n he's The same legislature that elects either Mr. Jleveridge or Mr. Kern also v'bbablf