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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1910)
Daily Bee The Omaha WEATHER FORECAST. Kur N lraski Pnir. For lo;i 1'alr. For watliiT report foe New 'Phono Number AM "7rtrTTit OMAHA J5 B x v l i-: w 1000 OMAHA. MONDAY MOltXIXC.. XOVKMI'.Kli 1'MO-TKX TACKS. SlX(iLi: COPY TWO CKXTS. VOL. NL-NO. 1J1. now.viii) ASKS FOR OHKHNALS Wants Hitchcock to Correspond? nee Bartlcy. Produce Hit with EDITOR HAS AIL THE PAPERS Forced Hartley to Turn Them Over Under Pressure. VV '-Herald S VS er Against A ws Kccallcd Paper Printed Insult Against Race, Apologized, Then Repeated the Slurs. MORE 'MY BEAR" LETTERS State Being Flooded with Appeals for Sympathy. WILL HITCHCOCK PAY IT BACK? Howard Tells How In Farmer. NrKmik Who Borrowed e Moner Time of 'Seed Hare Made liaoA. of fOl.rMBl.'S, Neb.. Nov. .- Special. -ln this week' Issue of his newspaper, the Columbus Teleprsm Krtgsr Howard, over his own signature, editorially propounds very embarrassing questions to Mr. Miti-twvH'k. He writes aw follows: .k Mr. Hitchcock raised the cry The friendship of Gilbert M Hitchcock for people of every faith and nationality is largely mythical. Mr. Hitchcock tins made upon svernl occasions pretension i of friendship toward the Jewish people, hut! I., .,!. . ...... i ni'nr .n iimi iiiriui'f'in l me wioHnil Hel rew club have found it necessary to protest to the editor of the World-Herald because of ad vertisements which have ap peared in that paper. Advertisements coming from a source outside, of Omaha which were distinctly and unmlstnkeahly meant to be offensive to the Jewish people appeared !n the TVorld-IIerald In November. KK, and Mr. Hitchcock received from a committee of the Omaha Hebrew club a lettor asking him that the of fens he not rcpeuted. The communication was slum-d by 'William Castleman. M r.. Woolfson. M. niank. L'r. R. II. Chedeck and A. Kaplan. Mr. Hitchcock sent ilies men a reply statin that the offense would not he re pented, hut It was repeated, and before two months had passed 11 similar slurtinc advertisement was allo'ved to appear In h! columns. It was c'ident to the mem- hers of the Hebrew club that their protest j I nan encnen only a promise ana tnnt no VOTEUS WILL SAY WHAT ONTUESMY Thirty-Eight States See Lines Drawn! for Great Battle of Ballots. IMPORTANCE CV THE ELECTION Most Significant Off -Year Fight Seen j for Years. STATE ISSUES ARE INVOLVED Many Minor Questions to Affect the Main Outcome. CONTROL OF UZXT CONGRESS I'.allinates Made by New York and I ( hlcaao Newspapers t.lve Dem ocrats Lead In Lower House. at I had mutilated some of the notes he effective orders had ever been given out of the checks he received th bh e and som when he got the money from the state treasurer. Why does he not publish an engraving of the original notes and checks? He ha the originals In his possesion. It Is now fourteen days since I asked him to publish engravings of the originals. Surely if I have been guilty of anything of that kind Mr. Hitchcock could immediately catch me at It. The fait is thai Mr. Hitchcock Is power less to prove his assertions. The engrav ings which I published in The Omaha Bee and Lincoln Journal were taken from the io-tcinal Dhotographs. The same engravings appear In the Teles-ram this week. Mr. Hitchcock did not know that I had any photographs of his letters, notes and chocks with reference to the borrowing of the slate money. He bulldozed Hartley Into sivlii him back all the originals. Had he known photographs had been taken he would not have been so bold In calling me a liar. Now he la In a desperate situation. He lias confessed that he did have deal ings with Hartley, after swearing that he never had such dealings. He has con fessed that he received moner from Bart ley, after swearing that he never secured a cent of money from him. Having 'con fessed so much, what shall we now say when in the last hours of the campaign he still pleads that the records of his shame have been mutilated, while steadfastly re fusing to grant my i-equeat of him to pub-) lis!) the originals? Dnasi He Dare Not. 'If the man Is innocent, why does he. not ' s.tHblixtl nls Innocenoe' by lotting thH peoplS see all tho original evidences of his dealings with Hartley? "It Is because he dare not. Every move he makes plunges him deeper and deeper Into the intra of his own shame. That Is why 1 asked him to print engravings of all tho written transactions he had with Bart lev. Jt gave hlin a chance to clear his . . .4 ! Bth him In nrint SKITIB. I uixi y-.ita tt.v.. ...... - , In his own newspaper engravings of all letters and all writings connected with the borrowing of the state money. He has published only one letter. That was the letter he blackmailed Hartley Into giving hlin when he settled his Srt.Ort) account with Hartley, as late as 1!X, paying Hartley only S1.O0O In full settlement of the Sti.OOO which ho Justly owed to the state treasury. "Why has Hitchcock refused to publish Vie original evidences of his own srullt? "That question can be best answered by asking another question: "Who ever knew a criminal to produoe In court any evtdenoe against himself?" i More "l)r" Letters. The Telegram prints a cartoon made by a local artist showing Hitchcock In the act of burglarising his way into the I'nlted Stales senate with Hartley s 83,000 loan sticking out of his pocket with this addi tional explanation: "We can Imagine the men who are stand ing Just Inside the senate door, waiting for Hitchcock to break In. The one most anxious to welcome Hitchcock to the senate Is Lorlmer of Illinois. He wears upon his brew the brand of shame, placed there by the fact that his seat was purchased with the money of the big trusts and the crimi nal corporations. I x rimer would rejoice If the people of Nebraska would elect a bird of hta own feather to alt beside him In the senate. "It is up to the people of Nebraska to ay whether or not our state and the demo oratlo party of Nebraska ahall be dis graced by sending Joe Hartley's partner to Join Lorlmer In the national senate. No democrat who lores his party can afford to cast his vote In favor of a man whose election would be a lasting dlsgraoe and ahamo to the democratic party. "Mr. Hitchcock Is now sending thousands of personal letters to the voters In IMatte county, appealing for their votes. In each letter he addresses the man to whom the letter Is sent very affectionately as 'My IVur Mr. Brown," 'My Iar aw. Jones,' nd my dear' everybody. It will be re membered that he always addressed Joe l.artley In the same affectionate terms. But thoe 'dear' letters will not catch any fish In Platte county. The people of Platte tounty do not belong to the sucker family." They Paid It Hsrk.n There are ether articles In the paper bearing on the same subject, one, beaded, "They Paid It Back," as follows: In lssf.. following the hot-wind scourge In Nebraska, the legislature loaned from the state treasury a few thousand dollars o farmers who could not buy seed wheat nd oats for that year's sowing. "The record reads that every farmer In Nebraska has paid back to the state treas ury the money he borrowed front the state. ."Mr. Hitchcock still owes to the state money, principal and Interest, more than 16.0UO a this time, money that he borrowed from Stale Treasurer Hartley. "Is the law of the state made to make farmers pay back the money they bor rowed from the atate treasury, while per mitting men of the Hitchcock kind to re pudlate their drbta due the atate trasury? "V hat do you think of It. boys you who struggled through that awful Mlluation In 14 and 18SS? Think It over, boys. Did the farmers do right whoa they paid bark the money they had borrowed from the stale treasury, or la Hitchcock doing right In the World-Herald office to prevent further offenses. Mr. Hitchcock's effectiveness as a keeper of promises has been as evident In his efforts to help forelRn born cltlrens In In thirty-eight states the political armies are drawn up for the buttle w hich will be decided Tuesday, and which, in many re spect", Is the most Important off-year fiplit the country has seen In ninny years. Not only are state officers to be elected, and a new congress to be chosen, but It Is the general belief that tho lines on which the nstlonal campaign of 1'.tl2 will be fought will be determined and to a large extent the men who are to head the next national tickets will be Indicated by the results of i the battle of ballots Tuesday. Governors and full state tickets are to affairs at the Immigration office. Bequests I be chosen In twenty-eight states. for aid from him as congressman from th s Judges of the supreme court, railroad district have never resulted In anything but disappointment. Senator Bnrkett has been an active and useful friend to people of every birth and religion and he has been Instrumental In helping his constituents when they were Interested In cases of de portation and discrimination among newly arrived Immigrants. Senator Burkett In all cases In which demands to help representatives of any nation or creed has always responded to the best of his ability. , Mr. Hitchcock's responses have been pretenses and he has accomplished nothing. Minnesota Girls Become Robbers In Stillwater, Clara Jeremy and Clara Boyd Confess to Looting Nine Dwellings. 8TILLWATER, Minn., Nov. (I. (Special Telegram.) Clara Jeremy, aged 1 years, daughter of John Jeremy, widely known as "Fisherman John." and Clara Beyl. aged U, daughter. of the lata Qua .Beyl, whow ai drowned at St. Paul a few years ago, are alleged by Chief of Police Barnes to have confessed to him the robbery of nine dwellings In this city In a period of three days from October 18 to 21 last Although the robbery of only three of the houses was reported to the chief, the girls are said to have told of entering six other residences. The taking of large quan tities of Jewelry and household linen has followed. Clara Jeremy was found by Chief Harnen at her home In Stillwater and the Hoy I girl was Interviewed by Mr. Barnes at the home of George Wallace In St. Paul. The police have not decided what further action will be taken. commissioners and other state officials are to be elected In thirty-eight states. Maine. Vermont, Arkansas and Georgia have held their elections, but the two latter states on Tuesday will elect their representa tives. In Indiana state officials, except gov ernor, will be elected. The terms of thirty United States sena tors wllld expire March 3, next. The democrats In South Carolina and Louisiana have the easiest ' time In this election, for they have the field to them selves, as the republicans did not bother to put up tickets. Some Side Issues, The prohibition party has tickets In j twenty-rive states, the socialists in thirty-four states and the socialist-labor In eight states. Several Independent parties are making hard fights in different sec tions, among them being the American party, which Is antl-Mormon.Mn X'tah. New York and Pennsylvania are In the lead with six full tickets each. Nine states have five tickets and a majority in four. The prohibitionists are fighting with full tickets In twenty-five states. Woman suffrage Is attracting attention in only a few states and those mainly In the west. Oklahoma, South Dakota and t Don Qui-hitchcock 77 " , ,foS. VP7 '--WFt;- XCWKifc A . s ' ' . S . ' V . "V JT , a-yt V 1111 W0 m wmfprm. i r L i7 f j i v A7r a u an(OA, i; v . a '' twwu . xmxJnirimi ij f e k i a twi av r j s . s. i if m v a mr.ii. i:itii'rfy j j m m. i tii7iMt, WW;'' Jz,m m&r WMWWM r.t7V- h ' ttwk xm .t i ' wA f -rsrrirfflt- war , u : , l&A'A Lim!,mm& :w$y. V V" ' KB ,U4-ini&-'fTrftffffrrTO4 W W - . .tA.vii. 1 1 htn izr, --.mssmmmT'- v-ixmszMQo &, ijz 07 slHTMWfrff 1 1 PACKED AS SHEEP L S11EAK1XG PEN Lodging House at 718 South Four teenth Street Swells Registra tion Lists. ITALIAN RECRUITS COLONIZED Stronghold of "Jeffersonian Democ racy" is Discovered. NEW COMERS TMTO POLITICS I Republicans Take Sunday for a Day of P.est. PARTY WORKED HEAR SERMONS Henewed A rtlill) loln In MnVlns Invest ianllon of Kraudnlent Hea Istratlon Prosecution tVlll Folio v . BAD TASTE FOLLOWS BRYAN Washington will vote directly on the ques dun of giving oiniT the"bariot. In Oregon a proposed amendment to the constitution grants to all tax payers, regardless of sex, the right to vote. Aftermath of Speech is Factional Anger Among Democrats. DAHLMAN1TES SORE FROM RAPS Bryan's Friends Highly Chaerrlned Over Way World-Herald "Hurled" Ileport One Dfmormt Says Incident Will peart. .The most significant aftermath of the anti-Dahlman meeting arranged for Bryan by the Hitchcock local managers is a Numerous proposed constitutional amend- i bitter tasto In the mouths of the mayor's menu of various kinds are to be sub- friends. And Bryan's warm admirers, too, mltted In many states. Prohibition Is an r exceeding sore. Mr. Hitchcock's ifapor Issue In Florida. Missouri and Oregon, and In those states proposed amendments to the constitution prohibiting the manufacture and sain of Intoxicating liquors will be voted on. In Texas the Incoming legis lature will submit to the voters for ap proval or rejection a constitutional amend ment providing for prohibition. Oklahoma will vote Incidentally on a proposed con- (Contlnued on Second Page.) Overlooked Testimonials V threw the studied and written cut denunci atlon of Pahlinan into the waste basket and burled the whole account of the meet ing on an obscure Inside page. This maneuver, while angering the local democrats still standing by Bryan, has not placated the Pahlman managers. One of the mayor's friends at the meeting served notice of their feeling toward Bryan by shouting, "We'll show you where you get off at next Tuesday!" Now the resentment of many of the hot test Dahlman men has spread to Include Hitchcock. By putting two and two to gether, the Dahlmanltes have reached the logical conclusion that Bryan was brought here to boost Hitchcock and knock Pahlman, and they axe determined to retaliate. "It was disgusting to hear the whine of regret for the breaking of a twenty years' friendship that Bryan let out of him when he swung his meul axe on Dahlman," said a close friend of the mayor. "The crocodile tears In his voice did not make a bit with anybody who knows Bryan for Just what he Is, an egotistical lngrate, In vulnerable alike to gratitude or any admonition of political sanity. "These are strong terms, but mark you that Mr. Bryan gave his most forceful In dorsement, a few moments before, to the three great qualifications Hooaevelt has set forth as necessary In a public servant. 'In telligence, honesty and courage were tne Roosevelt words that Bryan rolled over his tongue and almost In the next breath he was tearing a passion to tatters In a ful some eulogy of Congressman Hitchcock, Bartley's partner In the treasury looting. What a travesty on the words of the chair man Introducing Bryan as the greatest moral teacher In 600 yearsl "What Is honesty? Is It a disposition to welch" at every opportunity on the pay ment of Just debts? If we were to give Hitchcock the benefit of the doubt and ad mit he got Bartley's own money, then In the name of honesty, wasn't there all the v. . . . 1 1 1 ) . . - a nuM nn nrVMn ... , ,.. . i , . . , . more reaoou no "L,L"-,V' " - j cast my iirst presidential vote it was in Omaha and tor .James! he was rich for the tight up Baruey held CI. Blaine. On that occasion a young man stepped up to me while1 on hl ieJln lth ""t;hcock when ..... . " 11 t I ...i o th nenltentlarv and bringing disgrace on his family name? "Intelligence Is surely a quality Bryan must have thought his hearers lacked. What courage does It take to take silvan A Few Good Reasons Why OMAHA, Nov. (. Gilbert M. Hitchcock Dear Sir: I am in receipt of yours of November 4, asking for a personal vindication at the hands of the people of Omaha and soliciting my support. I shall not comply with your request for many reasons. First I believe you guilty, as charged. You have not answered the accusation except in a puerile way and j-our excuses would only be accepted by the extreme partisan or an idiot. Second If you were innocent of using state money, you are guilty, by your own confession, of accepting money from Joseph b. Jiartley when you were m hnaneial distress and this debt you repudiated, and you admit that you repudiated it. My dear sir, there is no statute of limitation for an honest man and there is no hiding behind a foreclosed first, second or third mortgage with the man who receives and appreciates a kinduess, when he, at a later date, becomes able to make good. Third I have never believed you sincere. I, like you, have lived in Omaha a good many years and I have not forgotten how you came to become a democrat. "When Attorney VVayman is Charged with Fixing Jury Chicago Has a Sensation in Which a Public Prosecutor is Forced Into Court to Answer Charges. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) State.. Attorney Wayman waa put on trial before the nrlevance committee of the Chi cago Bar association today on the charges of Jury fixing made ngalnat htm by Attor ney Charles K. Krbsteln and Arthur Mc Brlde. It was a strange and anomolous situation, absolutely unprecedented In the legal an nals of the county, for only a few hours before Krbstein and Mc-Urlde had surrend ered and given bond1 for J1U.000 on charges of conspiracy, based on the very accusa tions they were pressing before the bar committee. McBrlde took the stand as the first witness and pointed out Way man, as a jury briber. He told of meeting Wayman during the trial of George Katz, two years ago, before Wayman became prosecutor. Ho said Wayman took him to a barrel house, drank whiskey and urged him to j bribe a Juror In the KaU case. He then testified that he did "fix" this Juror, and the result was a verdict of acquittal for Wayman's client. The name of the Juror Wayman Is alleged to have "fixed" through Mclirlde was fin ally brought out after an hour's argument. McBrlde sutd it was Frank Ware, the com mittee ordering him to reply to the ques tions as to the name after repeated objec tions by Attorney Krbsteln. It was stated that a lawyer and two detectives were sent by Krbsteln to the Pacific coast yesterday to bring Ware back to Chicago, when the trial will be resumed and sensational ex posures are expected. BURKETT FOR GOOD SCHOOLS Senator Active in Efforts to Secure Educational Improvements. INTRODUCES IMPORTANT BILL Theory of Measare to Prepare Teach ers lniiHfletI to lve Instruc tions In Agriculture and Home lkloa". 71S South T1S South 71S Pout 'i 71 Pouti 718 South 71S 718 South I was standing in line at the polls, handed me a republican ticket and urged me to start my political life right by voting that ticket. That young man was you, Mr. Hitchcock. Iter you started a little newspaper which you called the , "World, and which claimed to be independent in politics it j wans? was not it was republican until vou were defeated in the Fourth t whi Thio ""f- ward for the position of councilman, when you suddenly became ! "! TJlbrmT'aTif TSoenTc" a democrat OVer niffht and VOU have been abusino- and Hitchcock It will be because the .. !,. J U.J il i.i; i I itahlman men have a pusillanimous streak committee took action on the mutter and lu,m"S HMWiawru MUl iae rrpuUHCilll tOTVl mHVOr may try to .um tne the candidate was withdrawn. This year Ironi that (lay tO tlllS. tlde against Hitchcock, but there are enough rwi, :..! e l. Vi: o . . , Dahlman men who will want a crack at .1 uc imui-iijira w me rtriuuwvi.u pai ly ttie Uie bHIlie lOliay;,,, Iiryan and Hitchcock for their cow- uch work MRS. ROBERT CHANDLER IS ILL Operation for Appendicitis Prevents the Mnger from Appearing; In Opera In Paris. PARIS, Nov. 6 (Special Cablegram.) Because of ill-health, Mile. I.lna Cav allerl (Mrs. Robert Chanler) was forced to cancel her engagement to sing to night the leading rote In Thasls. at the Grand opera house. Her condition Is not thought to be serious, but It Is probable that It will be some time before the singer Is able to appear. Her Illness Is the result of her recent operation for appendicitis, which left her In a weakened condition and this was further augmented by a severe cold. iF'rnm a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. fi. (Special.) Among Senator Burkett s activities In con gress l.ave been his efforts to secure 1m provements In our educational system. Three years ago he introduced a bill to place agricultural and Industrial work In the normal schools of the country. This hill provided that each of the 150 state normal schools of the I'nlted States should have from fci.oou to J15.0U0 annually, ac cording to the sljse of the school, to sup port a department of agriculture and a department of Industrial education, also education In home milking. The theory of his hill was to prepnro teachers quail- fled to give Instruction in agriculture and homo making In schools for the country youth and to prepare teachers to give economics to the city youth. The state normal school people nat urally took this hill seriously and have urged senators and congressmen In their respective states to pass It. When the bill came to be discussed It was found that agricultural education and education In the Industries were becoming so popular that the bill has been gradually broadened so as to Include secondary schools. At last Senator Burkett and others took hold of the matter in the committee on agri culture In the senate nnd made a very broad and comprehensive vocational edu cation bill and placed It on the senate calendar with the committee's recommenda tion that It pass. This bill, now before the senate, not only provld-s that agri culture, home economics and the trades and Industries shall be taught In the -state normal schools, but that money be ap propriated with which the high schools of the country shall offer studies along these lines to all the youth of the land. Senator Burkett and his associates realize that the acts of congress In 1M2 and 1RS7 establishing the state colleges of agricul ture and mechanic arts and the state ex periment stations did a great deal of good. They see also that these colleges are now mainly devoted to higher education In agriculture and In relation to the Industrial vocations. They also assert that one of these colleges in each state can accommo date only a very small fraction of the farm and city youth who need education In .leffersonlan voMer from 715 South Four teenth street; Joseph l'.Mttlglln. democi at. Fourteenth street. Munzio Cortehe, democrat. Fourteenth street Alflo Cortese, democrat. 7!i South Four teenth street. I.ulgl Caveieil. democrat, 71S South Four teenth slrect. Tony Iugostu. democrat, 71S South Four teenth street. Alflo IMmanio, democrat, 71S South Foui - teentll street. Antonio Falcone, democrat, 718 South Fourteenth street. (lulseppe I'iuooclilaio, democrat, Ws South Fourteenth street. Salvator Guiannt, democrat. Fourteenth street. Rosarlo Grasso. democrat. Fourteenth street. Uulseppe MHlpeldi, democrat. Fourteenth street. Sebastiano Mangandro, democrat. South Fourteenth street. Gulseppe Noclta, democrat. Fourteenth street. Gulseppe iNturo, Fourteenth street. Francesco Nlgro, Fourteenth street, Glldunnl Scalzo. Fourteenth street. Bletro Santo, democrat. teentll street. Vinoenxo Stratsula, democrat, 718 South Fourteenth street. Santaro Salerno, democrat. 718 Fourteenth street. IMelro Alhl, democrat, 718 South teentll street. Salvatore Clrco, democrat, 718 Fourteenth street. Angelo Calalero, democrat, 711 Fourteenth street Jaetna 'Coco, democrat, 71JPoi4Lh Four teenth street. Sebantlano Castantlno, demoorat, 718 South Fourteenth street Tony stantliio, democrat, 7IS South Fourteenth street. Tony Curclo, democrat. 71S South Four teenth street. Antono Falco, democrat, 718 South Four teenth street. I.ucias Franco, democrat, 718 South Four teenth street. Joe Franglmore, democrat, 718 South Fourteenth street. Sam Helano, democrat, 71S South Four teenth street. Mateo Battsglia, democrat. 718 South Fourteenth street. Sum Morando, democrat, 718 South Four teenth street. Carmolo Manglamelo, democrat, 718 South Fourteenth street. Tony l'anello, democrat, 718 South Four teenth street. Sebastiano Pugnarelll, ! South Fourteenth street. Francesco I'aneblanco, South Fourteenth street. Salvatore Kuma, democrat, Fourteenth street. Cullagls Homano, democrat. 718 Fourteenth street. Vlncenzo Ham on la, democrat, 718 Fourteenth street. Gulet-eppe Sacco, democrat, 718 Fourteenth street. 1'letro Sargonl, democrat, 718 South Four, teenth street. Antonio Vollxlo, democrat, 718 South Fourteenth street. democrat, 718 South democrat, 718 South democrat, 718 South 718 South Foui- Soulh Four- South South democrat, 718 democrat, 718 718 South South South South (Continued on Second Pitge.) Will Hitchcock Put it Back? In a Nutshell. St. Paul Republican. Nine years ago G. M. Hitchcock brought charges that a candidate on the repub lican ticket had borrowed money from d faultlng State Treasurer Hartley. It pre sented glaring headlines calling the re publican party and this candidate "part ners of Hartley." The republican state rage.) as when you solicited my vote for James (. Blaine. They haveia'y double dealing to make su not changed and I submit that if there was nothing else against .."dlocrat! fu" .w. your record mat a man wno is so seliish as to throw to the winds all hs and his family owe to a gTeat political party, repudiating its principles for which you and yours had previously contended, just because you were unsuccessful in your political aspirations such a man is, to say the least, too narrow and too small to be entrusted with national legislation. v Xo, sir, Mr. Hitchcock if the rest of the people of Omaha and the state of Nebraska feel about you es I do, instead of your receiving a vindication at their hands they will bury you under an avalanche of negative votes. Yours truly, E. Ii. WOODS, 540 llamge Building. O. M. Hitchcock Is a candidate for the refused to ask his retirement. This In a nutshell Is the Hitchcock matter. What do the people think of It? as but a sample of many. At the gathering or the democratic county committee Sunday after noon In the Paxton mutterlngs, not loud but deep, were easily to be heard among the mayor's frlendr. The Hitchcock men are singing: "We got him where we want him now," concern ing Bryan. His Indorsement of Hitchcock was unequivocal, without any sort of qual ification. Bryan actually seemed to have fuig'Xton the severe Btrictures he had made on the editor-congressman so re cently, and he Issued full pardon for the serious Indictment of the Hartley disclos ures. This brought wondering comment tContlnued on 6econd Faga) Koraethlng Hotten There. Albion News. Mr. Hitchcock admits he borrowed money of State Treasurer Hartley. The money Mr. Hartley loaned while he was state treasurer proved to be state money, and ha was un able to get It back to repay the Btate. It's u lame argument for Mr. Hitchcock to kv I tilted States senate. He was charged by u waa uuey, private money which he EdKar Howard, a leading democratic editor j borrowed. Anyhow, what could have been of the state, with having borrowed money tno exlHtlng conditions which would lead from ex-State Treasurer Hartley and never ,h pUnI1her. of tne 1(.adlll democratic having paid It buck. His answer was ln,,,aler ln the ate to uo , a repubUclu effect that he had never had any dealings , 8tut(J offlcla, for favor of mm k(n(, witu caniey anu puim uiau ui.i was a liar. Howard printed some of the photographs, showing letters, note and checks which passed between Hitchcock and Hartley, and Hitchcock the acknowl edged that he had borrowed money from Hartley, but that he thought It was private money. The note outlawed while Hartley was In the penitentiary and Hitchcock refused to pay It, settling for a few cents on the dollar, making a stipu lation of the settlement that be was to re ceive back all his papers. Hut Hartley had them photographed without Hitchcock's knowledge. The democratic state commit tee refuted to act. refused to investigate, Obviously, the grim and weather-beaten brick building at 718 South Fourteenth street Is a stronghold of Jeffersonian democracy, leastwise the foregoing list of forty-two dyed-ln-the-wool democrats would not have registered from there as voters ln the forthcoming election. The chances are that Mr. Oulseppe Pln occhlaro, Mr Francesco I'aneblanco, Mr. Sebastiano Pugnarelll, and others from 718 South Fourteenth street could not today, If asked, tell the difference between the Monroe doctrine and Dr. Cook's North pole expedition, and for all they know of Ameri can history, Thomas Jefferson may have been stabbed to death by Aaron Burr In a poker game yet they registered for the purpose of helping the people of Nebraska elect publlo officers. Are neal Tendrrfeet. It Is even doubtful If these Fourteenth street democrats know whether Bert Hitch cock, William Jennings Bryan, Tom Flynn, flick Metcalfe or Admiral Dewey won the battle of Manila bay, and for all they know, tho Alamo may bo located at Sheridan, Wyo., Instead of San Antonio, Tex. More over, It Is perhaps a matter of doubt with them whether Hitchcock ever Intended to put the money back, and It Is quite likely that they think Joe Hartley was sheriff of Dawes county instead of state treasurer. An American tenderfoot In Italy would be Just as unsophisticated, and considering the brief sojourn of these Fourteenth street Jef fersonlans In the I'nlted States, It is no reflection on their Intelligence to say that they are wholly uninformed as to the is sues of the campaign In which they have registered as voters. As already told ln The Bee, It Is freely admitted In and around 718 South Four teenth s'reet that a large crowd of home sick Italian laborers are assembled there awaiting preliminaries Incident to making the return trip to Italy. They are recent arrivals In the I'nlted States, and falling to this couniiy they are going back to their nutlve land within the next ten days or two weeks at leaat that Is the In formation given to a Bee reporter by the shoe on Othr Foot. Blue Springs Sentinel. Of course It waa all wrong to catch would-be Senator Hitchcock in assisting Hartley to steal the ermanent school fund of the stale, when Hitchcock tells It, but when Goold, who was man enough to pay his buck, became a candidate on the re publicua: ticket, he had committed a hlen ous offense, according to this same Hitch cock, who repudiated his debt and who now wants the voters of the Siate to throw ! man In charge of the macaroni store which about hlin a mantle of charity and send I occupies one of the ground floor rooms of him to the United Slate senate. jtne bulhllng at 718 South. Fourteenth street. 1