Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 6, Image 14

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Nee Brundois Ntgies
lVg Ad on Pago 8, News
New Arrivals Fine Silks Specially Priced
Beautiful chiffon dress taffeta, a very fine new Jot
in ail the plain colors, including rhite, cream,
dainty evening shades, street and dress shades.
Actually worth up to 85c yard, at, yard
36-in. Mescaline at $1 a Yard
Our $1.39 dress mcssaline in all
shades for both street and
evening wear full one yard
wide Monday, at,
per yard . . . . '.
Fine 54-in. All Wool Novelty Suitings,79c Yard
Consisting of fine homespuns, worsteds, chiffon cloths, etc., in an excel- l"TQ
lent range of styles and colors a good $1.50 value, at, yard KQ
High Grade Imported Wool Suitings at 51.00 a Yard
We have taken all our fine suitings, comprising this season's latest f7bK
importations, all newest shades and designs, and have grouped jj
them in one gteat lot values up to $2.50 a yard; at, yard vji' Ji
Great Sale of
10 pieces all pure linen table dam
ask, line silver bleached, Jits.
89? quality, at, yard lUC
1,000 yards extra heavy fine satin
finish table damask warranted
all pure linen, 1.00 !)
value, at, per yard 0 JC
Odd sample line of linen napkins,
fall bleached, large sUe, worth
up to $3.00 a dozen,
half dozen
COc quality fine 15
inch guest toweling
all good patterns, at,
Per yard 3J)
Extra large Turkish
Bath Sheets, worth
$1.00, will go at,
each 40
We invite you to visit our
attractive and completely
equipped department in the
Pompeian Itoorn. An en
tirely new arrangement makes it a de
lightful place to spend a half hour.
, - '. Hear the
1L Pompeian Room
Fatal llistako of Prophet of the Bed
Men't Meuiah.
K.t Lead lav I p to the Laa
Ilu4 f the lluatlle Sloam
lualaai Tweatr VrH
Vbe arrent and (leUi of MtUnf Hull la
tho HKint draiuaUo eveut In Die history of
the Noux. As the laM ffurt of a dying
race to throw off tha yoha of civilization,
' the a4tKla uiuat ctanil tinli(ii In the hla-tiu-y
of tha conflli'ta between lha rJ and
ifwtilto, fur It oticurrwil w neur tha tloae
, of tha nlneteanlh ct ntury, hi the gov
ernment had TiiM1 aui:li rapid Mride to
ward (lio devalopinant of tlie west, that aJi
lojlao- W Ytaa deetuod Iraprobabla. The
tnua u nild-wlnter: tha yrr, ISM. There
liad l a gwxl daal of asltatlon auiions
theioux. dua tu tl. reiorted coming of
an Indian neanlah who was to xtermlna.ta
Uie whltsa and rti'ti to tba Indiana tha
country ovir whlfh lUy had onca roamed.
Kttlns Mull u hia piophut. .
That aubtle srheitier and ounnlua; niedl-t-lrin
titan who had giadu.Uiy loct praatlffe
aod luiluenca amru- hU pwpl. waa clavar
- enougU to aea iu tiic n emlah craxa an up
purtmilty to resuin hi f tiuer authority.
ha aniiouiu-ed 1.1 tiIi-f In V't rd me
aiah and aat to work to arouac iu his fl-
lowera an aothuaiadtu that might syur them
' ' Into action ti'a wttltes. It u ha
wba davtaed tlia about duloo au utioanny
" mlxtura of mytJtlwUm and fanaticism lu
'hl'Ji hl adharenta were exclU-il to a coa
4hdon f mad freniy. From tha time of tha
Mr rhost danoa to tha final traredy at
M'buiVlod Knaa, cvvnta followed ona an.
x tbr l rapidly as a t.rlii of pictaiea tjrp
klntftoacupud upon a ucreen.
Oa a wtud-awept (ilaln above tha Missouri
rlvor and far aoroes tha Dakota prairies,
j , Uncla tui pluved a yovarnmeiit post nearly
two docadaa ago for the protection of white
ant tl.T ajid traveUers. It waa named Kort
Yte, preauinably in tuomury of Captain
Tatea, kll'ad In the baillo of Uie Uttle Bis
- t Iorn (n 1176. The pt la ftfty-alght uul
. auulh uf Wanda. n and can be reaohed In
nine hours ty army atnbulauce with four
, too4 In u lea, Teu years aj(u at:arcely house
waa aeea after leavlna 'urt Uucolu, seven
nules south wf Uui Jan, until wlUiln three
- tnllea of Kvrt Tatea, whorw tha road wound
t 'AhrvusrU a autall Indian vHUtca.
( M.i Itad Ureal reaeeaifele.
, : At the post galea la the RlaJidln Itork
esriw-y, ahklt rucelvaa Its luuua froiu an
bpitht rw-k that the ludiaua t-elleva U
a petiifleU aquaw. This aavuey la tha
upvr atalloa X th auvaruiu tuc Uta
s Special Events at
'L " f i. in "!'! II..IWHM . i. n I ...MA,. i i T JT"" ?1" .I'Ttr
Two Special Groups of Silks
Persians, plaids, plain and fancy
mesialinei and taffetas, plain
and fancy crepe dc chine, spot
prof foulards, 85c Q0 7ft,,
to $1.25 values, yd. WJCmiC
Table Linens
200 round thread German Linen
Pattern Cloths, 3-2 yds., r
worth $2.25, at, each .. )I.U?
Odd lot of fine bleached Austrian
Linen Table Cloths, in 8-yard
lengths only worth $5, f
at, each )v.Of
Flemish Linen Dinner and Ban
quet Cloths, highest grade linen
damask mads worth up AO
to $20, at, each )DefO
All our finest grade
Huck Towels, worth
up to $1.60. will go
at, each 80
A Newer, Greater Department
Devoted to the Sale of
Talking Machines
Hear it at its best in a room espec
ially designed to bring out its marvel
ous rango of tonal beauty.
1 Played for yon at toy tin .
Ibe newts it Bed iy sth
EuISO tad VICTOR Makers
Sioux occupying tha northern atrip of the
great reaarvaUon. Tha winter of DOo-tl
tha post was garrlBoned by two troops
of tha Eighth cavalry and three oompanies
of tha Twelfth infantry, commanded by
LJeu tenant-Colonel Drum In all about 276
men, women and children. At the agency
the whites ntumbered only eighteen or
twenty, wlill the dloux aggregated' six
thousand. The Indians had been peaceable
for several yeara
In tha early fall of 189u a strange rumor
spread through the Bloux nation, telling
of the coming of the red messlah. L4ttle
more than a whisper at first. It gradually
gained credence and assumed startling pro
portions, resulting in the demoralisation
of the Indians.
The origin of the red messlah la inter
esting. Some time previous to the year
1KW the Idea had become prevalent among
the Indians In the northwest, even those of
the far northwest, the Nei Perces of
Idaho, that the advent of an Indian mea
rlah waa at hand. At Fort Yates waa a
woman of perhaps thirty years at that
time, who waa known aa the mother of
the messlah. It waa expected by tha
Indiana that sha would give birth to tha
red messlah. The red messlah was ex-
pMetttd to drive from American soil the
hated whites, bring back the buffalo to
their accustomed haunts, and restore to
their pristine power tha mighty Sioux.
In the lata fall of ISM this woman gave
birth to a boy child, and tha Indiana im
mediately took up the belief that he was
tha messlah who waa to lead them Into
their own.
Who should be one of the first to pretend
to accept tula belief but Bitting BulL In
the messlah erase he saw his opportunity.
He had nursed his hatred of tha whits
man and here waa the vlianca for revenge.
All the neighboring tribes were aflame
with th idea of a messlah come to restore
theui to their native poaKeHxiona, and he
frit that they would quickly respond to
tha war cry. Hut to make aura he aat
about to exi-lts tha ftensy of the Sioux to
a aUU greater p.tch. lie believed that
when their blood waa once hot enough,
the freniy would spread to other tribes
of distant states and bring aiJt a gath
ering of tha nations widen would aweep
tha white man from the pralrtea Could
ha but pose aa a successful prophet ha
knew tha tribes would one mora look
upon htm aa their chief medicine man.
tartlagr tha Ukwt DasM,
He first told tha Indiana that It would
be an open winter, and, fortunately for
hltn, tha snows were lata In coming 'and
the winds were mild far Into tha winter
season. Then bo quickened the blood In
tha veins of tho people as bo related, agala
and again, wtta ounnlnx rheeorta. the
pleasures of tha hunt for lha beloved kst-
faio. ile used tUa inAuaaoa with tha
mother of the meeaiaa to bring tha boy
Into a ghoat danoo wUota he watlUafd.
8 ha yielded to his arranMnta and took
Uie child to tha daaoe. whlcfc waa one af
tho wllii t. wetrdes ilsnivaa la wtdufc mor
tals 00 Indulge. I, la m Jsued (or thlws
Just arrived, famous iblffon
broadcloth, ioft and lustroua
as velvet. A beautiful range
of colors. A 12.60 if ri
value, at, yard lDv
just arrived
r... , :,i...
Fine French C In
A chance of a lifetime to buy beautiful French and Austrian China Plates at less
than half their value. Exquisitely" decorated plates, at, each
Swedish China Dinner Sets Our reg- ecft lc.ut Glli9 R?.!f nd pp1 with china
. . . fcr, . w , , Shl t0P8 something new and sanitary.
Ular pnee IS $100, this Sale at VVV ea8y to clean, at, each
Persian Pattern Cotton
Challis From the bolt
per yard w 2
32o Fruit of the Loom
Bleached Sheeting
yards wide extra OOa
special, yard fid
22o Bleached Atlantic Pil
low Tubing -45 inches
wide, special, at, 4 C
per yard . . , iut
The largest assortment of
' very best outing flannels,
new fancy patterns, as
well as stripes Ql
and checks, yd.. .U 2v
lBnaiinidleHS Stones
' - - i
wveka during which time the frensy of
tha Indians Increawd, and when the child
died the madness eptead to other tribea
The Hlous uatloa waa demoralised. The
army women and children were no 'onaiir
allowed to walk outside tha garrison. The
government, fearing trouble, instrucTcU
Colonel Irum to arreet Pitting Bull at any
hasard. Tula was net an easy task. The
nirdleine maa lived near the banks of the
Q rand river, forty-five ml lea south of the
Standing Hoca agency, Ono tha troopera
war on tho march Colonel Drum knew
that Putting Bull would be off in a mo
ment tu soma other tribe, aa he bad aples
who eloeely watched every movement of
the aoldiera At thla crIUoat time Coionel
Cody (Buffalo bill) arrived at tha pout
wtta aa order from General Mllea, then
division commander, to go to Bitting Bull's
camp, urge hi in to ceaaa dancing, abandon
the eieaaia h moveuieut, and temporarily
leave bia people. The gallant Uody was
In what one of tho owrreapondenta at tha
eaix kae Joa acxtwea aa Of aad
W4 "
. .. .-
i; .: '
,.nMil.,illl:,Hlil,:k,:,..h j,j.., .,...t..uhi:, ;,.,;ili,k,-
Special Offer Your Choice
In Our Entire Stock
That Has Been Selling for More Than $5
At Exactly Halfi Price
We expect throngs of -women Monday to take
advantage of this offer. All our exquisite imported
French models all our stunning evening and dress
hats, plume hats original New York models, etc.,
every fall and winter style.
In a Hand Decorated Plates,
Bargains L
Hhepheitl Clieck and Pretty Plaid
That looks like the wool f&brics
from the bolt, Monday,
per yard
Very High Cost
For dresses, waists, etc. all the
colors and white. 25o would be
a very low price on such de-
desirable lengths, at, per
Fancy 12 He
Flannel Iiordered
Made to
10c yd.,
price . .
sell at
The new
Chinese Funeral in Omaha
,,,'; . :.v -'. . : i :.
1, X
insisted en sallying forth at oouo en bis
difficult and dangerous mission. Colonel
Drum knew that the doughty colonel ought
but to leave the fort alone on such au
errand, and be dlopatchcd a telegram to
Washington. In due lima a message was
received from the War department per
emptorily forbidding Buffalo WU from
carrying eut his dangerous orders, and the
colonel returned to Chicago. It waa for
tunate that Colonel Cody did not carry
out the Instruction from General allies,
fur in all probability be would have been
killed by the (reualed gbeet dancer
Hew to detach Bitting Bull from Ids
people without pi eolpttallng a revolt waa
tho all -Important problem. On December
lJ, Uau, the military order waa Issued for
tha arrest of Hitting Bull. Colonel Drum
waa Inatruoted to oall upon alajur Uo
Laughlln, the Indian agent, for aaaurtanoa
and co-operation la tho matter. On ooa
aultatlon between tho oummandant and Uie
poet described as aa "exalted state of
agent aha wurw la Cull aoooxd tt ataa
Worupu's 2-tlasp Krvnch KU1
Gloves Paris point or heavy
embroidered barks all the
newest shades uray, green
blue, tan, mode, catawba.
black and white, pair 81.75
Specially Priced
Silk embroidered bands, appliques, 18-inch Bilk embroidered all overs, oriental and
crochet allovers, etc. black, white and colors, many worth $2.00 fa g
;i vard big bargain
One of the most remarkable groups of beautiful
ever shown at Brandeis Stores.
Fancy Silk Embroidered Bands, Crochet and Venue Appliques, Medallions, Fes
toons and Insertions, special at 25o White, black and colors, also t?
Persian effects. A most extraordinary bargain lot bargain Zif5u
Kquaro at, yard
Brandeis Sells the Famous Munsing .Underwear
Women's, misses' and children's vests, pants and union suits, in fine ribbed
cotton, fleecy lined, part wool and all wool. We show tho complete range of Mnn
Miig wear styles. The perfect fitting and most serviceable underwear made, at,
49c, 98c, SI. SO, 51.98 and 82.98 o Garment
Brandeis Stores show the most complete assortment of fine hosiery to be
found in Omaha. We specialize in silk hosiery for women and men and our prices
are much lower than
Apron Gingham Same weight
as Araoskeag, also fancy dress
ginghams; on bar-
gain square, from
the bolt, at, yard
Bookfold Dress Percales
Light and dark styles
tho 12o kind,
Monday, yard
Various grades yard-wide
Bleached Muslin Many
equal to Fruit of the
Loom and Lonsdale
perfect mill
lengths, yard . . .
From the bolt we will sell
fancv Robe Prints for
making comfort
'ort- 372c
ers, at, yard
i t
, i
' 1
'4 f
decided to make the arrest oa December
M, when most of the Indiana would be
at the agency fur rations, and there would
be less danger of a conflict at the camp.
On Uie Hlh, howeven lute Bund ay after
noon, a eourler came from Urand river
with a meaaaga from a Mr. Carignan, a
teacher In an Indian school, stating, on
Information given by the Indian pollee,
that an Invitation bad just come from
Pine Hid to Fitting Bull, aeklng blin
to coma there, as Ood was about to ap
pear. Bitting Bull was determined to go,
and sntit a requeet to the agent for per
mission: but, in tha meantime, be bad com
pleted preparations to go anyhow, In oass
permission waa refused, lie had his hers
ready fur a long, bard ride, and tha Indian
puUco trusted with the detail of keep
ing an eaplouagw over tha eld niedlulne
man reqtieeted to be allowed to arrest him
at unoa, as it would be a difficult matter
to overtake hint aftwr he had ouce started
fur Hue Hldge.
la waa itmaiarf tu aoA liiuBorUatnlx. and
10. 13
Q 1 A lAX-'wl pQ I Women's one and two-clasp
J-J tVlliri S Frt,ncn Lambakin and Mocha
n listZJ j Gloves black, gray, tan, blue,
" y, I green and white. Fitted If
...JwVHrirV! P- -' desired, at, per pair . 81.25
Trimming Laces
squart at, yard
anywhere else in Omaha.
Special Offers in Drapery Department
Single Lace Curtain Worth up
to $3.00 pair, at, each ...49
Scrim Curtains trimmed with
imported antique lace. TheBe
curtains are worth up to $12 a
pair, at, pair $7.50 and 87.08
Duchess Curtains 50 Inches wide,
with edge patterns very new
special for Monday, pair $4.50
Very fine Scotch Nottingham Cur
tains Most stores get $7 pair
special for Monday, pair $4.08
Swiss Curtains very fine grade,
full size, Monday, pair . . . 75
We are exclusive Omaha agents
Important Sale of Hair Goods
On Second Floor in Pompeian Room.
On Second Floor and In Pompeian Room.
We will continue tomorrow and this week
v the greatest sole of standard bair goods that
I has ever been held In Omaha, It will be the
L greatest because It involves a spot cash pur
chase of magnitude from a large New York
y importer and manufacturer at a fraction of
J the cost to make.
Mf 3 1G and 18'inch Switches G9o
7 20 and 22-inch Switches S1.50
a I 24 and 36-inch Switohes $3.98
28-inch Natural Wavy Switches $12
'jJ-S values while they last $6.98
Ileal Hair Nets, 25c values two for , 25c
Extra Large Nets two for 5c
Cluster of Curls nine in set 98c
Visit our Sanitary Beauty Shop in Pompeian Room.
Appointments made by phone.
arrangements were made between Colonel
Drum and Agent McLaughlin to attempt
the arrest at daylight the next morning
December IB. The arrest waa to be made
by the Indian police, assisted. If necessary,
by a detachment of troops, who were to
follow within supporting distance. There
were already twenty-eight police, under
command of Lieutenant Bull Head, In the
immediate vicinity Of Hitting Bull's camp,
ami couriers were at once dispatched to
these and to others In that direction to
concentrate at Bitting Bull a cabin, ready
to make the arrest In the mornlpg. It
was then sundown, but, with loyal prompt
ness, the police mounted their ponies,
and by riding all night from one station
to another, assembled before daylight a
force o( forty-three trained and determined
Indian policemen at the rendezvous on
Giacd liver. In the meantime, members
of Troops F and O of the Eighth cavalry,
numbering 100 men, under command of
Captain K. O. Fechet, and having with
thtm a llotchklss breech-loading steel rifle
and a gatllng gun, left Fort Tatea at mid
night, guided by a celebrated scout, Douls
Frlmeau, and, by a rapid night march,
arrived within supporting distance before
daybreak near Bitting Bull's camp.
Jut as the sun was breaking through
the purple barrier of the eastern horison,
on the morning of December 15, U30, the
police, forty-three in number, under com
mand of Dleutenant Bull Head cool, in
trepid, and reliable surrounded Bitting
Bull's shack. Bull Head and Bad Toma
hawk entered the cabin and found the
famous medicine man asleep on the floor.
He was aroused and Informed that he waa
a prisoner and must go to the agency.
He made no objection. He then aent one
of his wivea tor some clothes and asked
to have his favorite horse saddled, which
was done by one of tha police. But while
dressing be apparently changed his mind,
and began abusing tha police for disturb
ing him.
Hand to Hand straggle.
While this waa going on inside, Sitting
Bull's followera, to the numberof IbO, were
congregating about the house outaMe, and
by the time he waa dressed au excited
crowd of Indiana had the police entirely
surrounded. On being brought out. Blitlig
Bull became greatly excited and refused
to go to the agency, and called on his
followers to rescue him. Lieutenant Bull
Head and Sergeant rJhave Head were
standing on either side of him, wltu eo
ond Bergeant I ted Tomahawk guarding be
hind, while tha reat of tho police were try
ing to clear tha way In front. One of Blt
ting Bulla followers, Catch-the-Bear,
(lashfBd to tha front, leveled his rifle, and
fired. Tha bulled alruck Bull Head In tha
aide. Bull Head, mortally wounded, turned
and sent a bullet lata the boi.y of Sitting
Bull, who waa also shot through tha head,
at tha same Buxnrat, by Itad Tomahawk.
Knave Head waa shot by one of the hos
tilea and fell to the ground with Uuii Head
and ratting Bull. Celcir the- Bear, who
fixed, the) first shot, waa UoiuedlaUajr. abut
UllV f fH
laces we have
Couch Covers 60 Inches wld
extra heavy $3 values, Monday
each, at $1.08
Portieres We show au endless
variety lu Imported French ve
lour, silk and linen velotir and
tappHtry and damask, plain and
figured armures, at, per pair .
$4.08. $5.08. $8. $13.
$10.50 and $37.50
Our first shipment for the holi
days of cretonne, denim, burlap,
aiteta and felt, also plain and
fancy scrim are now being shown,
for English waterproof shade, cloth.
and killed by Alone Man, one of tha
police, and then followed a desperate hand-to-band
fight of forty men against nearly
four timea their number. The disciplined
police aoon drove the ghost dancers Into
the timber near by, returned and carried
their dead and wounded Into the cabin,
and held It for two hours, until the arrival
of Captain Fechet. Tha troops had been
notified of tho perilous situation of tho
police by Hawk Man, a noted Indian scout
who had volunteered to carry the Informa
tion from Bitting Bull's camp. He sue
ceeded in getting away, although so closely
pursued that several bullets passed
through hie clothing.
Short but ItrloM,
When tha cavalry came In sight over a.
hill, about 1.600 yards distant from tho
camp, tha police In tha corral raised a
white flag to show where they were, but
the troops, mistaking them for hosUles,
fired two sheila at them from the Uotoh
klbs, when Bergeant Ked Tomahawk, who
had taken command after tna wounding
of his superior ofdoer, paraded his men In
line and then rode alone with a white
flag to meet the troops. On tho approach
of tha soldiers, Bluing Bull's warrior
scuttled over tha prairie toward Cherry
creek and Cheyeiuie river. Captain Fechet
Old not pursue them.
Tha fight at the cabin waa short, but
serious. Blx policemen were killed, includ
ing the offloaia Bull Head and Bhava Head.
The hosiiiea lost eight killed, including
Bitting Bull and hla son Crow Foot, seven
teen years old, and three mortally
wounded. In the fight tha Indian woman
of Bitting II aire family attacked the po
lice with knives and dubs, but, notwith
standing the excitement, Lho police simply
aisarmed them and put them In tha bouse
under guard.
Thua died Tata-nka-Iyota-nke, Bitting
Bull, tha greatest medlolna man of tho
General Miles, who knew him wall, has
"Hla traglo fata waa but the and of a.
tragic life. Sinoe tha days of Pontiae,
Teuumseh and Ked Jacket, no Indian has
had tha power of attracting to him so
targe a following of his race and of mold
ing and wielding It against the white race,
and civilisation."
The body of tha red prophet who had
made his last medicine waa burled dome
tt here on tha Btanding Rook reservation,
and a fortnight later tha campaign of the
ghost dancers culminated In tha sanguin
ary encounter at Wounded Knee. .-southern
Agrloaltare Taaght la Schools.
aire, jorin mrTan or Ht. Louis, presi
dent of the Woman's Missouri Develop
ment association, U working hard to have
the U,tMJ,u acres of unullad fertila land
In her state brought Into cultivation o,.
of the means by which she hopes to ac
complish this Is by having agriculture at
leaxl tha nJiUnienta, taurht In the public
schools. The association Is offering prisma
to school hlldren under 1 f.r the Dent a
say. oa. "Miaautut and Her IWsourcea.
I" y