1 TTi iY IM. HC S. VYAH T AO J MONDAY wrmi 9L AlJSTSSfflS -) y,'rt irv "tt Jul W I ite, 1.11 f I "r-' V J 1 1 1 I . 1 - Mfc fc W ' - - VsipariAY. UWEDrJSSr?AV ?.MainY SAY ?a a: 'I 1 Want - Ads Want ad received at anr time, bat to liair proper classification inaat he presented before IS 'clock as., for she even In a: edition ul before T 18O 'rloek of the proiaaa (Ttalx for aoralac u aUr odlHona. "Want da racelvad atar amok knn wlU kava tbalr flrat laaartiaa aadar tka fcrallig "To Ut CXaaaifr Ratoi apalr to altkar Tka DaUf or aadar Be. Alwaya oaaat als worda to a lino, CAn RATES FOB WiHT ADS. nEocLin CLAsmncATioN o f Bw-rtlon, 1 1-3 oenta per word and 1 eeat per ward for each (ibieqwal loaertloB. Kaek Inaertlon made on odd diri, 1 1-3 caota per word, f 1.00 per line per month. Want nda for The Bee mar be left at anr of tka following- draar atoree oae la roar "corner drlt" tfcer are all branck offleea for The Bee and your ad will be Inacrted Jaat aa promptly and oa tbe aame ratea aa at tke main office In Tbe Bee belldlac, Seventeenth and Parnaaa atreetai Alburn. W. C, fMh and Femam. lleranek, 8. A.. 1102 EL Uth Bt. I'eyton Pharmaoy, 720 B. Wth 8t. Benson Pharmacy, Henaon. Neb. 1iiiIi) Park Pharmacy, S3d and CurolnS. Hlake-Uradlah, 2816 Sherman Ave. t'miuhlin C. R-. lh and Pleroe Bta. i.'lifton Hill Pharmacy, 2U MlUtary Are. Hlnterlon Drug Co., hat Ave. and rer Dtm St. Crlaaev Pharniaoy, t4th and lake. Cooney Pharniaoy. t223 8. Mth St. Ormak, Emll, 12i4- 8. Mth St. Khler, P. II., loa Iavenwortb. Foater Arnoldl. HIS N. Kth St. Freytac. J. 1U N. Mth Bt. Kreger Dni Co.. 1808 N. 16th Bt. Florence Drue Co., Florence, Neb. Oreen'a Pharmacy, Park Are. and Pacific OrcenouKh, O. A., 106 S. 10th Bt. .Jre-nuu,;h. . A., 10th and Hlokory. liayden, William. 28 Famam Bt. llanacora Park Pharmacy. 1L01 B. th At HolKt, John, 624 N. Mth Bt. Huff. A. It., Leavenworth St. Johanaon t)ru Co., 24th and Bpaldlns. Patrick Lrug Co., 16M N. Mth 8t. lAthrop, Charlea Hi.. 1S24 N. Mth 6t- Oolden Pharmacy. Mth and Leaven worth Mta. . . Saratoga Pni Co., Mth and Ames Ave. Si haefer a Cut Price Dru Store, 16th and ChlraKO SU. Schaefer. Aug., W31 N. 16th. Schmidt. J. if., Mth and Cumlnf 8t. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. aOth and Cuming. DEATH AMD FCWKRAL WOTICK8 , MtsTOMsWMI'JI VifaMS PRKFOIJ Henry H., aged years. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from family residence. bOJO Underwood avenue; Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. HOTTQH Mrs. Harriet A., November 4. Funeral Sunday I p. rn. from residence cf her brother, K. H. Howland, 1618 South Thirty-second avenue. BIRTHS AND DEATH. Births Frank Senear. 4411 North Thirty first street, boy; Anton Gross. 8iX South Seventeenth street, girl; lule H lines, 117 OniiliiK street, girl; Louke George, liiX South Thirteenth street, girl. Leatha-John B. Hoen, 214 North Thir teenth, W years; Richard Polsall, Platts mouth, 15 years; Gaetna Upel. a South Thirteenth. 15 yeai-s; Richard Uowllng, Chadron, 27 years. MARHIAOB LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Itsued: Kume ami Residence Age l'sul Rosa. Omaha W Anna. M.ikHlllH Omaha tlarlin ti I 'tinnthft KanBSB CltV. Mo Clara Moore, Omaha 17 James V. Jackson. South Omaha 48 6usa E. Jlanold, soutn umana John McCleneghan, 81dney, Neb SI Rena U Ilaru-y, JOlkhorn, Neb 22 Harry t. Flynn, Omaha 24 Mabel Mooney, Omaha SO Walter 11 Johnson. Oakland 22 Hilda Johnson. Oakland 1 Tony Plrlana. Omaha ' JS Anna Paul. Omaha 1" Vina Novotony. Omaha 1 Ablna Kastnerrova, Omaha j. -4 Walter II. Carroll. Omaha 21 Hattie Dove, Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS T 4 M.'VTTT?HiVm UNDER. IIS, embalmers. 1X14 Chicago. D. 16f.9. B-K69. PIANO PLAYERS repaired. WaUer. D. 670 i SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OITICAL CO., '21)0-211 S. IGth St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA. Eyes Examine J. Glasses Fitted. COAL At cut pn.es. ALL KIM'S. We save you UK' to H i0 a ton. Quantity and quality Kuaranteed. I;. iSI : N HLATT'M ITT l'IU'i; COAL CO., V.-.'S NICHOLAS ST. BOTH PHONES. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH JETE'S 1302 Douglaa Street. '5c FRANK RANKER. A L BARKER. GIX). BARKER, JR. JOS. BARKER. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., lJt'.S FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONES. Shrrwln-Wllliania paints and varnihl;e White l-a1, Kryatona. glasa mirrors, biass polishes, brushi'a lubrltating oils, win, low iia.n. wall IJiicr, Klalng and Iramlng. EAT KOSHER HOME tKINil ' ARK1NS. 01 8. lilH, UPSTAIRS. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO. ARSENIC and IRON compleiKn waiera ntuke v;-ar, white aKlua. By mail fov and Jl. c-neiMian 6t McCunnrll Drug Co., Omaha. W. v. CATTIN. plumbing and heatlnz; new and repair work. VIO N. ith. D. ltjii ELEVATORS REPAIRED, fenger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 S. freight, pai 13th, D. y7. FOR RENT Office room. 6C.1, located on top floor, fuclng court sij.iare feel, ln vlu'ilhg vault; rnt for l-i per month. THE BEE BtJIljDlNG COMPANY MONEY TO IX)AN LOW RATE. In sums to ault. 310 He Bldg Phori llous 4 UNION IX)AN CO. JOHN E. HIMOE. shirts. 4J0 Paxton Blk PRACTICAL nursing, 18 N. Hat D. 17 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) 50 SAVED on jour ; bill by ii!n; the JnHNHl'N OAS LAMP; 1 cent per hour; oOO-candle power; no amoky ceilings. Johnson Lamp Co., 6il S. 16th. Dougla 1760; A-1446. B. F. Wurn. Optician, 443 Brandela Bids. CRUDE OIL BURNERS CHBAP FUEL FOR FURNACI0. heatln and oook atovea; we do not sell oounty rlchts, but sell burners; write for Informa tion; manufactured by Bpere A- Murrajr, Orand laland. Nab. C. T. Dlcktnaon haa moved his of floe to room 441, Paxtn block. 'Phone Doug. 1104. MAOOARD Van Storage. Paok, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 141M. B-M28. KORRFXIT PARLORS, expert cleaning. dyelnR of plumes, fine laces to match f;owna; fancy dressmaking, ladles tailor ing; work guaranteed. H23 Sprague. W. U&i. rn PHTTTPTV BohltU No. I. Full clKars. Cafe In connection. Ill B. 14th St. FIVE baskets good coal (1. Delivered any place In city. Doug. 1109. B-K32. TWENTY per cent leee than Omaha prices HUM K TORNITUKB LU. Twenty-fourth and L Bta., South Omaha. ANCHOR FHNCK CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. Lasts a Lifetime. SOT N. 17th St. 'Phone Red Oa. B. L. LOVEJJOT repairs sewing machines and warrants them. X30I N. list. web. 6ts. REFRESHMENTS and service by Alfred Jones, Formerly a waiter at Omaha Field club last season. Phone Harney 1861 KMifH S MACHliNlS fellUE. lUurAi rw ING Soles, sewed. 76c; nailed, 60c; heels, tbe while you wait 10 minutes; absolutely fine work. 618 & 16th Bt fnTTT T AND CHOP BUSY PARLOR "4 144. JUST OPENED. Everything first-olass. Upstairs, 108 Dodge. Tyler liZi. COAL AND LUMBER GEARS. Let ua show you the new cut under. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 1117 Farnkm ILER GRAND I10TEL Finest In the west. Uth and Howard Bta. Turkish Baths TONGE, first-class tailoring, cleaning, repairing for ladles and gentlemen. SOU Pacific. -4 B. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 8768. 1318 Farnam. YOUR magazine order will earn 86,000 for charity: every blessed order or renewal earns 60c. Write for particulars and cata logue, or use any. I duplicate any printed offer; 8200 already earned: keep It going. Address Gordon, The Magazine Man, Omaha. Douglas 7168. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. 220 B. IS. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORKS 1708 Jackson St. D. 14T7. Robertson's Restaurant 813-15 So. 16th Bt., (basement); cool. Ught, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and gen tlemen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. PAMTTiY Liquor House, full measure 1 uliii ftn( pUre (foods, our motto. Emll Hansen, prop., 1223 Chicago St. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 8913. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. 4 REPAIR, blacking and setting up stones. Webster 4813. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And brlnij It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM.0ND Corner 18th and Harney Sts. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 6607. BARGAINS in Used Carss"Vr Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 610 Pearl. Auto Painting "MURPHY DID IT." Get our Drlces now. ANDREW MURPHY A SON. 1412 Jackson. OMAHA HARNESS CO. Auto robes and supplies: manufacturing of harnrts; dealers In caddies and horse furnlshlnKs: repairing a specialty. Sin S. i:iih St. Tel. Red 660J. Omaha. Neb. Antn Renairinir Mo,t complete plant Allly HtjJ't" jn the went. Diamond Tires. M-hand cars, storage. The Faxton Mltchell Co., Wl0-2i16 Harney. D. 72s4; A-20U. Al'TO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming: dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works, Xath and Leavenworth. ' WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frtderlckson Auto Co., Omaha. SAVE THE PIECES. We weld all broken metal parts automoMlea and machinery. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Blufs,- la. for NEW fO-horre power four-passenger Moon car; will trade for H.0.0 city property. Wallace Auto Co., agents for Stearns cars. V Motorcycles. Write for Hat of used motorcycles. e carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET la or out of business oell on QANliSTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel D. . . , WANTED A live, energetio man with .sot ue capital to become a partner and manaKtr of a clean manufacturing busi ness with a prof. t of from UiO to 600 per cent oa everything handled. AddreBS H. loo; Main St, Fremont Neb. TWO box ball alleys for sale at a bar gain. Addreaa L. t Sides, Stanton, Neb.jTlVU ABILITY An established factory producing standard gooiis used by stores, banks fairnerj, and practically everybody. Is opening a dis tributing office for each unoccupied county and desires a resident manager with 3o0 to Jl.Juo cajh carrying stock to fill Immedi ate urd-ra. We allow ll'-M to 8160 monuily taieo. extra oomiiiisions. office and other expriires. Poaltlon permanent. References required. Liberty Manufacturing Associa tion. Ziu West Huron atieet. Chicago. O. D. C. CODDLNGTON, Trade Bldg , biisluosa chain Burance and real estate. Sid Board of s, loajia, In- T Al?i!V VTIfl' INSURANCES COM liAWlL riUlj PANT juat entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of atock for Bale. DIVIDENDS. Agents named Caudy Co., rlncal Agents, S. W Cur. lih and Douglas, Otuaha, Tel. D. 16JU BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) ONE of the best located and best paying saloons in Omaha; other business requires owner's attention; might take some good rroperty aa part pav. Nowata Laud and 4t Co., 668 New York Life, Omaha, Neb. Phone, A-17ZK Red lft. LET me Incorporate your buainesa; good' onea easily obtain money sailing their sharea; am helping others, why not youT Proofs what haa bean done. Promoter, (10 Pax too block. nAHADY Oe., real estate loans and WfiOfiMA Insuranoe. List your Prop erty for sale or rent tjutok returns, g, w. corner Mth and Douglas, TeL Doug. UH. A GOOD Butcher shop for sale, two and a half te three cattle a week. Sell cheap If taken at oooa. Price 1000. C. H Waldeck, Exeter, Neb. IF yoa have a business, house and lots or farm for sale, see A. B. Lathrop, 421 Bee. ONE-HALF Interest In well established real etate business for 1790. Good reason for selling. Address O 840, Bee. Reoanlnsr Honees for Sale. Seven-roomed rooming house, good loca tion two blocks of P. O. ; sell cheap for quick cash sale. George D. Coddlngton, 120 Board of Trade Bldg. 13 ROOMS, modern, full of roomers; all or part of furniture; will sell to suit buyer. Red 7W8. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new, $30. 1748 r7th St. Harney 8SS0. T WBNTT-TWO rooms, modern, dose In, full of roomers. 1622-24 Burt Bt ' FOR SALB Furniture of a T-room flat, steam heated, first-olass condition. 8228. 411 N. Wth, third floor. Call between I and 4:30 p. m. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1B05 Farnam 8t Douglas 47. DANCINQ MO RAND'S Dancing School. 16th and Harney. Lessons Mon. and Frl., 8 p. m. 'Phone Doug. 8944. Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. Omaha Secret Service Detective aga. Inc., bended. 43S-8 Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1319. DRESSMAKERS MILLINERY and dressmaking. 87S3. Ind. A DRESSMAKING and ' alteration, first class work- prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor, 2U13 N. 18th. Webster 1410. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 8423 Dodge St PARIS dresmaktng parlors, 326 Neville blk. TERRY'S dreamaklng parlors, 20th and Farnam. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER, 1414. 616 S. 22d. Mrs. Lowman, children's dresRmak'g. R. C022. Dressmaking in family by day. Web. 8718 MRS. CLURE, 607 S. 29th; Ind.. A-2498. MISS STURDY, 821 S. ?4th St. Tel. D. 7314. DENTISTS t BAILEY ft MACH, 3d floor. Paxton. D. 10S5. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. F. Store entrance. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A. 1001. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.. larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped any where In U. S. BRANDEIS' cut flower deDt.. new store. THE ANNEX flower shop, Theater Bldg. L. Henderson, 1518 Farnam. Douglaa 1218. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new: good baklns guaranteed. Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-142.1. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat era Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-ia08 Douglas St. Both 'phones. EDUCATIONAL i 1910 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course, Including Banking. , Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. (fcmplete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for it H. B. BUVLLa, Pres. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Mosher-Lampmaii $SllSBg Unexcelled courses In Business, Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses slons. Most Interesting catalogue published In Omaha Send for one today. MOS11ER LAMI-MAN. 17th and Farnam Stu., Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR .... $60 674 Brandels Bldg. STENOGRAPHER who haa had some experience, salary, $60. 516 City Natl Hunk Bldg. GIRL who can operate typewriter for circular work. 516 City Nat l Bank Bldg STENOGRAPHER MUST BE EXPER IENCED AND -HAVE SOME EXECC- GOOD SALARY. 674 Brandela Bldg. Factory aad Tradee. WANTED A good masseuse, rauat scientific. Xlt Bee Bldg. Apply p. m. be Learn halrdrea!ng at Oppenhelm Parlors. Hoaar ker aere and Domestics, HOUSEKEEPER, experienced for large institution. Apply with references. Ad dress K-&3, Bee WANTED Competent cook, also td maid; ann.ll family: no washing 626 3d St, Co. Bluffa. Both phones, 274. WANTED Colored lady for housework, permanent Ix'SUiuu. Aply J. H. Uuiuwnibe, Viaawail, Nee, HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd. WANTED A good girl for general housework or to assist; good wages. 8217 Poppleton Ave. WANTED Good oook and laundress; must be neat and dean; no other need apply. 4& N. wth St; phone Harney Ml. GOOD girl for general housework. Spencer street. Phone Webster 63L 104 WANTBD-A. good, competent girl for general housework; family of. three. Phone Harney m 1814 S. 824. WANTED A oeok. Phone Beneon He, kfra. A. U Reed. WANTKD- Competent and experienced girt for general housework; family of fourt no washing; good wages; permanent plane for right party. iaii ienoons. 110 South S3d St WANTED A competent housework, small family. Georgia Ave. girl for general a a. nth and WANTED An housework. 8708 South 87. experienced girl for D St., South Omaha. WANTED A strong woman to assist with kitchen work. 620 S. 19th St. ' WANT HID Washwoman for Mondays. BIO F St., South Omaha. wain i iliU uin wr oounvDri, milfft De oook; no laundry. Webster 8269. 8010 Bin ney St WANTED A washing. 620 S. girt 88th for houaework, Ave. no WANTED Two girls for housework) references. 124 N. lSth St. Douglas 62. WANTED Olrl for general housework, no laundry or cooking. 417 N. tsth St WANTED An elderly lady aa bouse- keeper. 2123 Seward St ' WANTED Girl or woman for general housework; no laundry, good borne, small family. References required. 2512 S. 10th St Douglaa 6583. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. 2210 F. St, South Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 116 S. 36th St WANTED An experienced laund References. 4012 Farnam St Harney UN WANTED A girl over 18 years to attend school and work for board and room, small family. 1340 S. S6th Ave. Harney 847. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral houaework. 8027 Chicago. WANTED An expertenoed girl for gen eral housework, small family. 1834 S. 80th Ave. Harney 6732. WANTED Girl to care for children and help with housework. 1509 Park Ave. Har ney 2ft. WANTED G1rl for wages. Ml 8. 22d St.- housework; good WANTED An experienced cook, no laun dry work. 1088 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for housework, no laun dry. 4167 Davenport St Harney 1469. WANTED A girl to help with housework. KSit Manderson St. WANTED Competent girl for housework; good oook, small family. 4933 Davenport St. Harney 31. WANTED A middle-aged woman for housework, good home. 330S Lincoln boule vard. Harney 914. WANTED A girl to assist with house work, can go home nights. 2806 Bristol St WANTED A competent cook, no laundry; 830 per month. 2118 S. S2d St WANTED An experienced, girl for gen eral housework, small family; good wages. 422 N. Slst St. WANTED A girl to care for child and do upstairs work. 125 N. S2d Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework. 3520 Burt St. Harney LS4. WANTED A girl for second work, small family. 62 S. 23Hh St WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 202 F. St., South Omaha. r- WANTHD Girl for general comfortable houaework; room. 20J5 good pay and a Dodge St COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mrs. Hall. 2215 Sherman Ave. GOOD girl for general houaework; small family. 1311 8. 36th St Harney 2114. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 8820 Harney. Tel. Harney 6ti2. WANTED A good cook. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, 1U3 Park Ave. Harney 2S91. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrx. F. D. Wead, fr So. 4oth St Phone Harney 171. MUcelaneoate. ' YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17tn St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places ur otherwise assisted. Look tor our traveler s aid at the Union station. V CHAMBERMAID. Apply manager Oma ha General hospital. LADY St demonstrators. 1715 Leavenworth HELP WANTED MALE Agrents, salesmen and Solicitors. CITY salesman wanted wno can carry a aide Una on commission; no samples nteded; must be well recommended; one who has acquaintance with the grocers and meat markets preferred. Address Y 738. care Otnaha Be. SALESMEN wanted to carry aide line one acquainted with retail meat markets and grocers preferred; no samples needed Address J. E. Klrwan Co., Baltimore, Aid WANTED A salesman to take charge of cloih.iiu department, and also must be able to sell ladies' ready-made wear; one wbo can talk German and give 'best reference need only apply; slate wages. Becker & Co , Albion. Neb. WANTED good canvasser and collector, willing to travel; straight salary. Call after 1 p. m. Saturday. Greene or Foyell, 17:'4 Davenport. WANTED Man, 21 to 30 yeara of age to make good on a specialty proposition In lowii territory. This la an exceptional money making opportunity for the right man. State age and past experience. Ad dress C-3 Lee. TWO first-class salesmen for Collier's Weekly; road positions open. These xei tions will pay 8-t'i per week. We have ex perienced men to teach you the business. No bond required. See Mr. Ring, 2; Pax ton Bldg. AC ENTS The smallest Bible In the world, wh rlwlnd seller; sample 10 cents: dozen 75 cents; gross 37 50 Swift Supply Co.. 2T7 E. IL'd St.. Chicago. 111. WANTE1 An experienced f!re Insurant aulK-liur; salary and cauiuuasioa. Aiidreu L 37, Bee, HELP WANTED MALE Boys. WANTED Several reliable boys West ern Union Telegraph Co., 212 S. 1.1th St. WANTED Transfer boys and cash boys. Apply Superintendent Brandela 6tores. Clerical aund Office. TRAVELING salesman, mercantile line, tiro. Traveling salesman, specialties, salary and commission. Experienced bank clerk, 3A&. Of floe clerk with wholesale expert en oe, 8S6. Collector and aolloJtor, V. WESTERN REF. & BOND A S.T N , INC, Omaha Eetab. I years Kansas City. 762-8-4-6 New York Life Bldg. WANTED A man who Is good at rou tine and statistical work, tit City Nat l Bank Bldg. YOUNG man for of floe; banking ex perience preferred. Inquire 616 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. r TO VTim DnnLV...... ....! n foung man preferred. Give reference anti ull particulars In application. Address B-862 Bee. WANTED Omaha manufacturing con cern wants live young man for asst mgr. and vice president; would require from 8.00 to fl.OOO Investment at dividends at 25 per oer.t; good salary. Address 8-369, Bee. ANYONE who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Nebraska Help Supply Co., Room 18, over 213 B. 16th St Fteetorr and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps), Jobs. Kruest Bee Bldg. GORDON press feedera wanted at Raber's Bee Bldg., boys or girls. FIRST class coat maker at once. Stevens It Co., tailors, 816 S. 16th St,; Elks' Bldg. WANTED Practical printer to take charge of college printing office In small town. Good pay and conditions of em ployment. Must be of excellent character. Address N-539. Bee. WIRKMAN WANTED at the Damon Eleotiio Co.. Council Bluffs, Ia. WHLl"tc!hB&ilg.,rea,ir.REuNAliSt.Eleo- it Mtsoellaneona. RAILWAY MAIl CLERKS wanted. Average salary, 31,100. Examinations in Omaha November 12. Common education sufficient Free preparation. Send name Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. . . I a T.T XT lbOX, jtocnesier, .--i. i. , . 4 small security required; give address and 4 600 men, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for steam railway firemen and brake men and electric railway tnotortnen and conductors; t0 to 3100 a month; no experi ence necessary; fine opportunity: no strlko; write Immediately for application blank, stating ape, position desired and enclosing stamp. Address Y737. care of Omaha Bee. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs, repair men earn J2S to IM week; for thorough, com plete, practical course call Nat'onal Auto Training Assn., 828 Brandels Theater. HELP WANTED MALE) AMI FEMA1.F. WANTED Twenty clgarmakera on clear Havana work; ateady work and union prices. Western Cipar Factory, 1106 Far nam St., second floor. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE He and Waaoiia. MUST SELL HARNESS 11,600 worth of double harness to close out at a discount of one-third from regular price; 31 0"0 worth of Mngle harness to close out at one-half regular price. Harness shipped subject to Inspection. If not satis fied, money will be refunded. JOHNSON-DA NFORTH CO., 8. W. corner 10th and Jones Sts. LOST AND FOUND IO ST A gold watch: InitlHls J. P. B. on back. Lost on southbound South Omaha car between William and Dorcas streets about 6:20 p. m. Thursday. Finder please communicate with roreman of Ames Avenue car bam. SUITABLE reward will be paid for re turn of small purple purse, lost at Bran dels theater Wednesday afternoon. 'Phone Harney 60S4. - STOLEN Bay horse, 1.000 or 1.100 pounds; a little piece out of the right eyelid; wire- cut on the left front knee. Frank Splnard cut on the left front knee. Fr R F. D. No. 8, South Omaha. Reward, I 08T Boston terrier; female; brlndle, white markings; answers to name of Kink; reward. Mrs. Tlckett, Harney 66; t3 So. 3,'th St. A LIBERAL reward to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card, money and papers. Call Douglaa 20f.9. LOST Pearl kunburst brooch, diamond center, gold chain; reward. Ideal Clean ing Co., 200 Douglas Block. BOSTON bull terrier pup, white face and breast; has collar Anvoue seeing this dog call Doug. 2tS. Reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid: samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by collere Drofes.ior. 'Phone Douelas U'ii. Calls answered day and night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 31 a box, postpaid. Sner man 3t McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AM) CHATTELS, Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage f Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow money you nant th lowest rate, and we give It. SVe will loan you from 3ii Oi to 81'i0oo on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal: small and easy payments. i M Is the ueeklv pnyinent on a 300 loan for M veck Oilier amounts In the saine proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phone iipplicatlons receive our prompt attention. Mrlctly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Blk , 1"11't Dodge St Phones: Douglaa 34"',G-A-:4t. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE WoMKN KEEPING 1HHSK AND OTHERS, without security; ea-y pav men U offices in principal cities Yunnan, roorn &o:i New Omaha Nauonal Hank Bldg . tt r T UiAN Coma In A I 1 l H V r1 '' explain III 1 I I I our low t wu - AVA,J-' " Reliable Crd,t Co.. -ul Faj&M JsUoAk. Tea, DewgUbM UU. Ay lag. MONEY TO LOAN alnry and Chattels Contlaeed. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST DO YOU KNOW that there Is a trust to maintain high ratea among the loan companies of this cltyf DO TOU KNOW that we are a NEW CONCERN, or ganised to FIGHT THE TRUST and to HELP THH WORKINGMAN when financially embarrassed. We loan to any worthy worklngmaa owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. ETC.. or HOLDING A SALARIED POSITION, any sum from 310 to 3600 at the rate of 10 per year JUST THINK YOU PAY 3 1 00 Interest for 8 10 for a year. 8 3 60 Interest for 8 28 for a year. 6 00 Interest for 8 60 for a year. $10 Interest for 8100 for a year. All OTHER SUMS In PROPORTION We can loan for these low rates because we have Interested MEN OF LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied with a REASONABLE RETURN oa their Investment. Reasonable ap praisement charge. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. EASY PAYMENTS NO RED TAP PS. LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. ROOM 804 WITHNELL BLDCI.. Phone Doug 646 16th and Harney. rs$iw$H:wswt'mjmwmwmimi M CHEAP LOANS. ft cn Furniture. Pianos or Salary. $J it AT 8 PER CENT A TKARt 11 18 Can You Beat These RatesT If 18 for 8 months Uo j 88 3 K for 3 months 76o 1$ 8 60 for 6 months 3160 ft t 8 75 for 3 months 32. 28 31 14 1100 for 6 months 33.00 If 13 Small charge for appraising. ti tf OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 83 Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 B. 16th St. $1 13 opposite Brandels. Djug. 303& A-8U38. 31 Wjm;illtj JvJ:44WWmiUftlMI4U3i 1 ; DO YOU NEED MONEYT We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se cu Itv at 1OWElt RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yu NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 18M. Ind. A-1358. 120 Bee Bldg DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. F.LATAU, 1514 Dodre. TeL RED 6618. MONEY to loan to salaried people and on household goods by private party. Ad dress Lock Box 2. Omaha. WILL loan money, 310 and up; plain note, no delay. Tel. Doug. 836D, Ind. A-SS77. 8 Board of Trade Bldg. CHATTEL loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 659 New York Life Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMHA VAN A STORAOH CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 809 S. 17th. Tel. D. 1668. EXP. Delivery Co.. offices 18th and Dav enport Sts. Warehouse 2207-08 Izard St ' C. M. COLE. Express and Storage Co., fine storage for automobiles. 118 Cap. Ave. Tel. A 8337. Doug. 670. MUSIC, ART AND LANGUAGES in .. . .. c-.t w aK , T.anrl(n kintft r mill-IB JL , lovur., v.. ... guitar. Studio Barker Bik. Tel. Doug. 8S63. TuiniEn of Dtano wishes be sinner stu dents. 216 No. 22d. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandels Theater Bldf. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Room. GOOD table board. 808 N. 80th. FIRST-C1.ASS home cooking meals, 36c Ul S. 17th St NICE single room with board; also lexgs front room for two; walking dlstanoe. 11(18 Cass St Tel. Douglas 1476. '"ELEGANTLY furnished room and best tuble board; private family. Call Harney 46. FOR RENT Bright, nloe room for two, home cooking. t'2 Howard St. SOUTH-FRONT room, newly papered; large closet; modem house; furnace heat; bath and phone Man and wife wanted to take room and board) terms reasonable; private family of four, no children; pleas- ant home for the winter; good nelghbor l hood. Kountue Place, on North 14th St i car line; 3-inlnute service downtown. 8806 North 24th St. Bell 'phone Webster m. MODERN room with board: near oar bam, for two gentlemen. 1724 Spring St FOR RENT Nice, coxy room, well heated, board. 607 8. t!th St. FOR RENT Nloely furnished board. )M4 Chicago St. FOR RENT Nice room for two gentle men, private family. 818 N. 23d St NICELY furnished rooma, suitable for two gentlemen; week or day board. 613 Pierce St. R 4R31. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room a good location, home cooking. 640 8. 4lh St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, good boa.rd 218 Harney. j Harney 2H7 I FOR RENT Large room, aultable for ! two; private family. 114 S. 1th Ht FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed modern rooms for four gentlemen, ateam heated, with or without board. 1716 Nicholas, !d floor FOR RENT Neatly furnished room and alcove. prlvat6 family; f'ne board. li S. tnh St. 1 FOR RENT Furnished room and board; private family. S3'( Taylor St. Sunday'- Want Ad business was another winner forthe Omaha Bcc Over the corresponding Sunday a year ago it gained 443i inches. The nearest competitor shows a loss of 182? s inches of this business. Comparing last Sunday's business with Sunday a week ago, the Bee gained nearly a column, while the ucuivat cuinpotitor loat nearly fivtj coluiuu. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Roome Coatlaeed, FOR RENT Nice room In modern home for two ladles; board. Webster 8873. BOARD and room; walking dlstanoe;" everything modern. 1003 S. swth. FOR RENT Nloe rooms with board, 8485 and us. (M a 17th St. Fauralahed Rooaaua, FOR JUuTTT Nicely furnlahed front re asm. BT ft. Kth St Oery oonvenlent te business. NETWLT furnished rooms, steam beeOed, reasonable prloee. 628 N. Uth. COMFORTABLE housekeeplng also sleeping rooms. 710 S. lwOi St STRICTLT MODERN rooms! ho heat Tel. Doug. 6001. NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. Ail modern. 3t04 Cass St FURNISHED from street oar. room near depot, 80 Fact fid. block STRJCTLT modern, walking dlstanoe; references required. ISXt Dewey Ave. LA ROD front room, suitable for two! walking dlstanoe; also other rooms, 408 9. 26th Ave. NICELT furnished rooms. 833 8. 8id rt -4 GOOD furnished room In modem feowsei reasonable. 72ft S. 13th St. 4 MODERN, steam heated rooma, 839 N. 23d St NICELY furnished room In new, modern home, private family; for gentleman. Ul N. 31st Ave. 1 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, steam heat; walking dlstanoe: con venient to three car lines. 101 S. 36th. NICELY furnished room, with furnavoe heat and telephone, to one er two gentle men, reasonable. 423 N. Uth. ROOMS, with or without housekeeping. from 31.60 to 86.00 per week : hot water heat; wees: not 8. 22i St strictly modern. 602 WARM rooms, single or double, dose fni business people preferred. 608 S, 83d. LARGE) ROOM, suitable tor two youug men, 624 North lith street FURNISHED room, all Case. modern, 8X8 TWO elegantly furnished rooms, auttsvble for two or three gentlemen (buslnesa men preferred): modern, steam-heated borne: oloae In. Phone Tyler 1369. LARGE furnished, steam-heated, modern rooms. Delone Hotel. 210 N. 17th. r NICELY furnished rooms, Btrtotlr modern, olose In, reasonable prices, Tyler 1828. U13 Capitol Ave. THREE elegant rooms, strictly modem, easy walking distance. 218 No. 33d Ht r- DE7WTQY European Hotel, 18th 4 Far nam. CLEAN, neat wall-heated, furnished room for rent, or will board man and wife. Tel. Web. 2265. Call 3810 No. 224. CHOICE front room, suitable for two; warm: strictly modern and well kept! pri vate family; phone-i walking dlstanoe) also convenient to good oar line; reasonable. 810 N. 34th St TWO warm roomai 230 08 and It 90; nloely furnished; modern house I private family) breakfast If dealred; walking dlstanoe. 8664 Douglaa. Phone Harney 1667. 4 MODERN rooms, nloely furnished; tonah served If desired. 1806 Lea ran worth. NICELY furnlahed front rooms era; oloaa In. 8668 St Mary's Ave, NICELT furnished rooma. 10 a MOi St; walking distance, LARGE room suitable for twe pit bath, steam heat 3001 HarnSaT aU. HX OBLI .IBNT tarnished, mod era wmnra In private family) olaae lav tel. Doag. felt. 318 lArge. well furnished, swnthoael parlor with bay window, with e wiLhont piano; no ohjeotlon to practloai farnaeo neat, gas, nloe bath, plenty hot water I both phones; walking dlstanoe) Le.oo worth oar one) piooa. mi it atary a. WARM roonas, single or double, otess) pa bt) lines a people preferred, tot aV ltd. STRICTLY modern, walking private family. 3320 Dewey Are, NICELY furnished freest room, wtth bath and heat, suitable for one or two yoeaj ladles: breakfast and supper If 4Mre 3316 Myrtle Ave. LARGE front room for gentl ami private. 808 N, lith St TWO neatly famished, for suitable for four. 814 ft. loth. THE BACHELORS. KTH AND FARNAM FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooma tor light housekeeping. 8108 Leavenworth IK. MODERN furnished room, new flat. 838 S. 34th. Douglas 47U. TWO gentlemen wish eonneotmg room a i well heated; close In. State prtoe. Addreos W 860. Bee. DEWETY 7uropean Hotel, lith A Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms for Ught house keeping or sleeping. 8018 Cass. NICELY furnished rooms In te r, home, near ' Harney and 34th ftta. phone; close In; young men preferred. 3214 Capitol Ave. ' Shirts. 6c; collars. 3c; cuffs. 4o. CARKY Hot! and Laundry. lth and Howard ONE large, two medium, first-class mod srn rooms, reasonable; breakfast If de sired; no sign on house; conveniently lo cated. 122 N. 36th Ul. Reddish. FRONT room and alcove for three or four men; modern home; private family. Phone Harney 6381. WARM and comfortable room, eloee In Tel. Harney CM. 818 Iarga, well furnlahed, southeast par lor with bay window, with or without piano; no objection to practice; furnace heat gas, nice Lath, plenty hot nater, both phones, walking dist.tnce; Leavenworth car one block. tUi St Mary's. LARGE front room, suitable for one e" two gentleman. 201 8. 2bth Ave. I