Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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Rooters Go to Lawrence to Cheer Scarlet and Cream; Three Good Games Here
.liss ..iun Timers
l'lay St. Louis
Hawkeyc Bunch
Lacking Ginger
Still Has Hope
Hard Luck Tale from Ames Causes
Rise in Iowa University Stock
on Eve of Big Game.
Council Blufls in
Basket Ball Game
Only Score Against Kearney Normal
Comes in This Fashion.
'City Gaily Decorated and Half Holi-
Gage Connty Boys Defeat Lads from
Adams 19 to 0.
rcam Saturday day is Declared.
I se of lorttnrfl I'rm Is Mnat ui-rrM-I
ill I 'lerrrl r tonl.-aieil Came
1 1 li I r'lr
hfnriif j.
KKAKN KV .'.". I.
Brum )- I aw c r catc.l
t' 'I. tills af . ' , :. v. i
a iin-p ki in i,' t fii
.e I
il T.!e 3
" ItVl'le
.-"lie1! .1
p here
II! lie','
'.'". k :
( o ;ir t
V. HI 'ever
nmdh hi- I
bef ure. 'in It a a ei .ic I "iHtif 1 3 'I K
boMed, hut lt;m iirsiir '.'I iIvht P
by hue pliiiiu. . Ifjri' r-re-t
up their r'-- i.ict i. in of a !.-i.f
tempt", l-'il on lorvaiil piis-t w.
II- broke
n at-Hiji-rps-
Kea.r'iey ii.a-l- i;n "1
peases linMii" r...idi- bt
Whil.' K .. l"i.Etf-ll
In three
I lf lie" forward
ilowin but onf
mat1 trn yards
Normal r''. ri.'d in i
(ff several ! i!.rl '
n'pi s ni l pulled
-it Hi.", ii'ired ihrni
ten ti fni l ) ,inl
Kcarn. ..."1 I r iti (1 I .rd
her work v n ; r n i-i .
rim; aro,.r i " T.t.-; ...
r Imiump ami
.1 . p. Slit pl;i '. f"l
i.. Ih lat lhii'i
al a.- hi 1 v the
fVanc. ll'iliinniin.
gHve hlin ixi'f-l-
quartern. !..-m ii ' f.'oi
sta r f H i hi '
Bell, Si ! i f. i, ,1 J i yii.
lrnt support.
Tin- tcsms showed thorough trhlntng. lint '
furnhV" i i re f'i''j"e!it e:i both ! 1 Prif.
Williams if In-haMi university refereed. i
Han ( 'hfi i; ii -;t. n. Ltncd'i university, was!
umpire. I'; .:. V. tin-tall if Kearney Mlil
larv acadi my whs field Jinlne.
Kreiiieii- ' i , 1 1 1 i i -i wen Imposed on each
team fur viiil-mors of tin' new mien. loane
was twice pi iili?-i fiftinn yard" fur piling
on a Normal man, I'enolties for off-side
play were mot fretpient.
Scores Shutout
on St. Joseph
Catholic Flayers of Dubuque Come to
Grief When They Meet the
Sioux City Methodists.
Piorx f'IT Y, la.. Nov. 4 Speclal Tela
gram. (With both teams playing substi
tute in tlm backfleld. Mornlngblde de
feated Hi. Joseph's of liubuque her this
aftt moon, 10 to 0. Outside of Prltchard at
quarter the locals did not have a single
man back of the lino Jhe played against
Ames last Fa turd ay. St. Joseph was minua
the services of Captain Kernlrk and Hol
land. IJttle new foot ball was featured
by either team, a high wind making for
ward pajtses dangerous.
Moriiingsldu scored Its first touchdown
In the first qunru-r, Culbertson going
around St. Joseph's left end for twenty
yards. lUtciiai J kicked goal. In this pe
riod tha Catholics gained forty yards on a
forward, but Twoiilgli failed at goal
from tha twenty-yard line.
I'rltuhard droie a place kiclc between tha
posts for a f.ald goal In tha third quarter
from tha flftten-ycrd line. Morningslda'a
second touchdotm came In the last quar
ter after a series of line plunges, llolbert
going over f ir the score. lYItchard kicking
goal. The lineup:
MOUNlNl.eniK. ! fT. JOSEPH
Cultwrtn I..K I H.E Tlernof
Mmrrlns"r I..'r.j H.T HjidlJ.
Ells' UOm.O Flynn, U&lTia
W Icken Florcncnurt
im)Mvon H.D., L.O Toomer
lri urilr H T.j L.T 0ln"n
tilt H.K I. K Kane
Prltchsnl g lligB UdII
Jorr UH it H Klralik
lnr H.H.. L H W. TwuUlia
Molbert K.B r.B u llrirn
Touchdowns: Culbertson. llolbert. Ooals:
Prltchaid. i. Goals from the field: PHtch
aid. lief. iw : Crow of Iowa. I'mplre:
tireen of Joa Field Judge: Miller of
Ioa. Head linesman: Whlttemoie of
Grinnell Backs
May Down Drake
Week's Practice Makes Scarlet and
Black Adherents Look for Close
Game, and Even Victory.
GKI.NNLLU la.. Nov. 4 -I Special.)
Intake Is dun for a bard atruggla with
Oiliiuell in the traditional game Saturday
afternoon. This has become evident at the
home of the Scarlet and Ulack, after a
week of successful practice and general
Increase lu quality of form. The back
field. It Is declared, will ipll aucctse for
the Grinnell team If anything does. The
quartet lias Improved wonderfully and are
counted upon for much In the game Satur
day. The Iriinnell lineup against
will be as follows: Heidi, 1. e. ; Noll, 1. t;
linen, I. g. ; McAlplne, c; Hunkle. r. .;
liagen, r. t i Beers, r. e. ; Sharman. q. ;
Hammond, I. h.; Fleck, r. h.; Shlnitrom,
f. b. This Is tha varsity lineup as It has
stood In practically every game this season.
Iliri MOINF.H, Nov
4. iSpecial) The
inainbtay of the DiaUc ti-ain in Its battle
With (Irlnneil Saturday will be "Doe"
Hurt hum and Ms toe power. Upon this
one man the IHue W'Llt will depend
more than upou anything eia for a scjre
If the ball can be brought Into striking
position. The team to a man is lu fa.rl
good condition and the Orlunell contest
promises, to t- lha closest between the
evuuols in years.
t'ooeai Harsfll Makes a Ceaeral shift,
laaj of Players for Matar.
sir's .ame.
Because Walter K.opti, the game little
general of the Omaha iiigit ecUool. will not
be In the game Saturday when tlie Omaha
boys meet tne South Oin.iha team, t'oach
Burnett of (luiha has made a general .th.ft
of tlie Omaha lineup for that day.
In Klupps piai at quarter w i 1 i jro
Howes, former left half; 'a,itaai Pjvne,
former left end, takes Howes' p'sce; if I,
former nlit end. will take Paynes j-'a.-e
to strvi.gthen that side of U.O line; and
John Gideon, the youngster who did so
well In the game with Lincoln taut Satur
day, will go in Call's place at right end.
The Ittsa of Klopp and the abiding of
the lineup will weaken the Omaha elevta
very much, but Burnett think that Soutn
Omaha will fiud Omaha has a fast squad.
Hf Cload. 44 I llasllag. O.
RUT) CLOfl. Neb.. Nov. 4 (Special
Tietram.i Ked Cloud litrh s. hool foot
bail tram defeated iiasiina Hik'Ii school
teaun ii. re today In a lutiee and rAst'ttd
fan i a S ore Bed Cloud. 44, Hasttnge, .
Ked Cloud cleariy outplayed Hadtiugs at
every stage of the game.
Foot Ball Teams from Two Universi
ties Keet for First Time in
Five Years.
COI.f.M MIA. Mo., .No. I -For Vt first
I ir In yard. .Miammrl piayg 11." I'nivri ity a mm of fnot Im 1 1 iwxt
S itnnlav. fmly two t nip have the TinTi
anil I'aihnlloa o r int on the gridiron
In !( and l'tj. Until Mines were the tit
lKinan" vMorlnu." f'V the sunt' ix-nre, I. I
In . ami the rouith lai tli r u.-ed by the
Ixi.n tt ani an I iw sai purl- rs we e
nui'h a. to iai.o tlie two institutions to
5ipr atl.ltl- rela'lon Wltn the ai'iiil.l
Hi.n of Hinder as ivi St. 1 lis rn.ver
slty took on a ili inri' athletic attitude,
blotted out professionalism, and piomisd
' to be good" If Misou:l would only mine
play with them ome inure. The (fame thi
y'nr is played under the Missouri Valley
('oiifer-nie ruien. whwh prnhltdts the use
of fiTt and four via nun, but thia faet
o: lv deprives Hendi r of one of his regi'iar
anil thus will not inaieiiaoy affect tne
oiiirom.- of the game
lie til. Louis K.-'ne li eo:isiilered one of
the I anlen on tht? Missour. schedule, al
thouirh Itn res ilt will have no bearing on
M.-sourl s standi ii8 in the Missouri Valley
(. onfeii nc win or 1k-. The C.itnolli s are
lat and heavy ar'd that they ai e past-I
masters In thn uso of tlie forward pass is
fIiu'iMI by their sui eeMt Willi it twelve out J
of fourteen times Haskell last
week. Missouri is pi at ticiii bttuiul i losed
Kates, realigns that to win Saturday si ... -
..mi ..,.. i,. th i,r,it kind of !Bob Burman. tBuick); C. . Urafrg, (Flat
Few changes are being made in the Tiger
li i . n ... . I. a rami the Ran.
nor ni, ton, inc n ni nn ......
' derltes will be practlrally the same one
I that trounied OklaJ;on a Uat week. leMlie,
ex Invalid, will probably start the game at
half-bai k. and Halting, a nrw man, may
be given a try at center. An excursion
train of 4) rooters and possibly the cadet
band will accompany the team to St. Louis
next Friday afternoon.
Michigan Cancels
Notre Dame Game
Indiana Team Insisted on Flaying
Fhilbrok and Dimmick, Whose
Eligibility it Questioned.
ANN ARBOR. Mich., Nov. 4 The board
of control of athletics at die University of
Michigan this afternoon canceled the foot
ball game that was scheduled to be played
here tomorrow between Notre Liame and
the University of Michigan. Notre iJarae
Insisted on using Phllbrook and Ihmmlck
and Michigan refused to go on with the ar
rangements for the game If theae two play
ers, whose eligibility had been challenged,
were in tha lineup.
'1 ho official statement given out by tha
board of control says:
"Phllbrook and Lrimmlck, after competing
five years lu intercollegiate athlellca in
Northwestern college and being barred
from further competition there, have coma
to Notre Dainr and have already com
peted two additional years at that insti
tution. Tha Intercollegiate conference
athletic association has officially declared
that these players were Ineligible to com
pete In the conference meet of 1910 and dis
allowed tha points won by them In that
SOUTH BKND, Ind.. Nov. 4.-A letter
from the University of Michigan foot ball
authorilas protesting the eligibility of LHm
mlck, Phllbrook and Mathewson, three
star Notre Dame foot hall players, waa re
ceived today by the Notre Dame board of
aihletio control. The protest Is considered
uncalled for by tha officials.
Moaat Vrruom Coaches Say Methodists
An la, for Fierce Battle.
MOUNT VKHNUN. Ia.. Nov. 4 (Spe
cial.) Cornell colleges team Is In fine
fettle for the game with Indianola. IDvery
member of the squad is In. tha beat of
condition and the Methodists are In for a
bard battle according to the prediction of
the Mount Vernon coaches. Simpson Is
In equally good condition according to a
report from that place and the game ought
to be one of the lajucsi of smaller college
games of the state this week.
Atalete Baa Don a br Aato.
PK3 MOINES, la., Nov. 4 R. J. Mason
of Sanwlch. 111., a well known athlete at
Still college of Osteopathy In Des Moines
was probably fatally hurt today when an
automobile driven by Fred Oraef of Calfax,
la., ran Into hlra as he was riding a bi
Ida Urovo lolls Off Game.
IDA OKOVK. la . Nov. 4. (Special Be
cause of Inability to agree on officials the
game between Ida Urove and Sioux City
at the latter place which was to have been
Played But um ay lias been declared off.
Ida Urovo had one disagreeable experience
with Kloux I'lty three years ago on this
official question, and wrote five weeks ago
to have the officials settled. Ida, Uruv
was willing to take any outside officials
of known ability. No answer waa received
from that letter and another letter was
sent. It being apparent that Sioux City
did not consider me matter seriously. Ida
I tirove did not care to play the game and
called it ort.
Utets-Uellevae Brroad.
As a preliminary to tne Uellevue-Hastings
game at Bellevue Saturday the Bnllevue
second team arid tne Diets eleven of
Omaha will iul. The lie .a have a fast
hunch this season and the Omaha amateurs
think lhy can bat the col.ege boys. Sun
day a double header will be held at Vinton
paik. The Diets eleven meets the Benson
club team and the Superiors play the
Kearney High Lose Gaaac.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. 4 (Special
Telrgrsm.) Kearney High school foot hill
train vent down to defet today befor
Grand Island by a score of a to
The game was stubbornly contested, but
Inlaid. Kearney was fortunate in scoring
a touchdown on a block punt play. I p
to this game Kearney claimed the Chaill
pioiithip of weatern Nrbiai-ka.
Negotiations I nder Way Which May
4 f feet mar Fight."
MII.'V AUKI F, Wis . Nov. 4 -Special
Tf leu ram )- Maruiietti university, which is
I, inert me iln Aggies ou J-tuidiy,
n.av n.ett Minneota in a post reason f,Kt
lv:l game to dodo. ti e western litio. Min
nesota ha an un.,f.'i 11 rettresentailve
( ere t.nlay to conf"i- vl; l tlie Marnoette
ineni;eniei:t. and It ts likely that formal
overtaie will follow. Minnesota Is le
prrtrd to be planning to bieait wltn (be
reatein conference bvcat-ae of Stagg oit
tiol. and is u -.onsiii.g with Marqitt t
pre -are l ie way I ir f itui aainas if th
conference It deserted. Maroneua i
ii asaent to the proposition, be-
r.tose the Hx'al school regents Uie boyc..
or tne e.ttiirrio-, tout n mitpi it ouii
cult f r Marquette to get games.
Kansas CUT Gets Balltvaa.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Nov. 4. Leiini Pul
Uvan. a ioeinlr ci the Toledo Americas
A set t Ion bas ball team, has bn pur
chased by Kansas tlty. Sullivan play cen
ter field. He nl report here in the spring.
Contest t for Allnnln Trophy aait
ash I'rlse of Ihoansnd lol
lara hltt Wlsa Ike Tr
Mile F.trnt.
ATLANTA. ia.. Nov. 4. A ilania'a down
town d str'rt Is ((a lv riecorateii and a half
holiday has been declared In honor of the
contest at the pedwn.-. a 30-mile race
for the city of Atlanta trophy, with 11 0"
In addition, to the winner. A feature of
the dav wa a big automobile parade
through the city.
Thirteen cars are entered In the ivm-m le
event but none of the racing machines
carr ed the No IT The specifications call
fi.r stock chassis cars with 4M to iffl cubic
lnrros piston displacement and a minimum
wrlght of I.JiO pounds
The Sl.OiH cash for the w.nner is backed
up by .00 for second place. J?')n for third,
j ! for fourth and SO as a consolation for
I fifth place. The entries Include two
I Lozlers two Marmons. three Fal cars, two
' Pope-Hartfords. a Simplex, a Colo and two
, MeKarluns. There are eight events In all
i for Atlanta today.
! Hummartes:
Ten-mile stock chassis, class M. I'll to
CTO Inches, won by F. A. Whltt (E. M. F.V
Montaeue Roberts (Alibott-Detroit). sec
ond; K. T. McKlnsley t Firestone-Colura-bus),
third. Time: 9:12:6$.
Ho), second: Hugh Harblng, (Stoddard-I 'ay-
ton), third. Time: 7:23:54.
Twelve-inlie stock chassis, class 15. 11
to 3i Inches, won by Joe Dawson. Mar
mon): Helnemann, (Marmoni, second: II.
Hughes, (Fal car), third. Tims: 10:15:48.
Ten mile amateur free for all: Won by
W. J. Stoddard, (Flat): Bob Heltmeyer,
i simplex.; second: Jack Rutherford,
(Stearns), third. Time, 7:4.W).
Fourteen miles stock chasls, class B.,
301-45f) Inches: Won by Iawsun, (Marmoni;
Kay Harroun, (Marmon.) second; Charles
Hasle. (Pope-Hartford.) third. Time. l:3n.sS.
Twenty miles free for all class:
Won bv Hurman. (Marquette-Bulck);
UraKK. (Flat DO.) second; H. Harding,
(Stoddard-Dayton.) third. Time, 15:18.25.
Pete Lo4-bs Capture Two Oat of Thres
Games front Frask'i
The Pete Lochs won two out of three
games from Frank a colts last nipnt on
the Metropolitan alleys. Chester vveeaes
lulled out with biO on totals while Coffey
iad high single game of 210.
Tonight Brodegaarda Crowns va. ' St.
James. Score:
1st. 2d.
Thomas 122 lt7
M. Martin 14
Pete Loch 1M)
807 K4
1st. 2d.
ITS 204
2 It) lu
17S lss
114 li7
121 112
StM 2.539
Sd. Total.
Coffey ..
Kerr ....
Totals 8S4 821 791 2.4o
Andv's Colts took three straight from
Taf t s Specials on the Metropolitan alleys.
McConnick took all honors for Ingii totals,
U, while Seaainan get high single, 215, for
Andy's Colts. 1 aft had high gam of lt4
and high total of 613. Score:
TAJ? A O BrbClAliB,
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Spohn 157 167 Ui 440
T aft 14 UU 1.7 613
Ponler 1." Ijo 17a M
Totals 611 459
1st. 2d.
McCormlck L-ni ls
Kiddel 1"7 1K
Scaaman l'J 15
481 1,451
Sd. Total.
12 667
14) 457
21$ U4
Totals 618 633 4D7 L64
In the Mercantile league Hartley's Cons
Won two out or three games irom the
Equitable Life team, the leader of the
league. Bland rolled high total with 4.-4
puis and 1'ickard rolled high single gam
with 2i-d pins.
'ionignt in the Booster league tha Rang
ers meet Hoye's Specials and the Peoples
Store will battle with the Hod and Oun
lonlgbt in the Mercantile league the
Metropolitans vs. the Karoos. Score:
Int. 2d. Sd. Total.
Bland -...IK) l li 4W
Vultee 1M 15 J 476
Ptcaard 131 154 SOS 4W
S02 47 484 1,462
let. 2d. 2d.
14 1U 1M
159 177 147
148 181 157
Oaunt .
Lamb ..
Totalis ....
47 437
Th score:
Sooth Omaha Bowllac.
1st. Id, Sd. Total.
hi lbu 142 4n0
1.1 leS 181 4MV
, 164 J"Si l'A 615
171 142 K2 4n
130 lis 14 420
? (00 t.3S6
1st. 2d. Sd Total.
l.t) 14 196 70
147 1J0 111 444
, 11 167 lt7 44
U7 liil 147 445
122 107 161 t
700 4 777 l.m
Mann ..
Biigga .
Marcell ,
Mariitta .
Greene ...
Murphy ..
Peal .....
Usher ....
j. a
All Red Voaet Uooo la La a re 1 Sell
Ins Stakes.
LATONIA, Nov. A-All Red upset all cal
culations In the Laurel selling stakes at
Latonla today by winning In tmpreoslve
fashion from M ell sand e. the heavily played
favorite, by a length. The race was
marred by a bad start. Prince Gal being
practically left at the post.
Meiieande led until th final sixteenth,
when he began to tire. Summary:
First race, five and a hnif furlongs:
Dubois istralght. St won, Ramaxan
(place, fc1) second. Plain Ann (show,
thud. Time: 1:(H-
Second race, five and a half furlongs:
V. Powers tetralght. S10 40) won. Apple
Prince (place. Lli .second. Freckle (show,
3 4oi third. Time: l.t,.
Third race, mile and a furlong: Third
Rail (stralaht, t. $) won. Uueui Mar
guerite (place. l6o) second. Nethermost
tshow, 12 Ko third. Time: 13.
Fourth race th laurel stakes, six fur
lonts: All Red (straight, S4o SO) won,
Mellsanrte (place. S3 5W second. Tom Hay
ward (show. 13.10) third. Time: 1:13V
Fifth race, one mile: .star Charter
(vtraigl.t. :.. won. Sidney K. (place, 12 301
second, ldleweiss (show, $2.80) third. Time:
Sikth tare, purse mie and eeventy
srds. .el:iiig: Henry Hutchinson ilOO,
tFOoel won. impruuent t jxirtus) sec
ontl Foxv Mary HUb. Koerner) third. Time
1 41 v... Tom Blgbee, Marcus. Claudia, John
Fin lorn?. Toitland and Roustem also ran.
Two-dollar muluels paid: Henrv Hutch-
inmn. 11 .tJ. w on: 7 so place; u 40. sho
Impi ud. iit. .:) place; S3 20, show. Foxy
Mai v t 40. show.
NORFOLK. Vav. Nov. 4. A a reult of
the rain of tl.ts morning the races today
were run over a tiwtvy track. 1 tie talent
did not seem to b able to pick tne wi
lieis. as favorites went down to defeat la
the majority of th evert run. There
were fairly good field. Th crowd was
am.,!!. .Nummary :
First race, seven furlonirs: Dress Parade
tl to i) won, Laughing Eye second.
Tempter third. Time: 1.S2V
Second race, five and a half furlongs:
Al.livia t4 to 1) on, Trifty aocond. Whin
third Time: 1:12
Third i ace. hurdle handicap, about two
ndiea ljfi tl to I) won, Fiipanstoniet
ecuod. Jutl (Youla third. Tim: 4 IX
Y. M. C. A. Team Across the River
Will Be Met Friday Night on
Its Own Floor.
Friday. November 11 the I nlversiiy of
Omaha meets Its first rival in basket ball.
The varsity five Journey to Cotim-il muffs,
where It will play the basket ball team
representing that city's Vminu Men's
Christian association. The Bluffs" five
fast and have had much experience in the
floor game. The team represt rt;nK the uni
versity Is composed mostly of men who
have had expert, nee on his-h s hool and
Voting Men s Cnrlstlan association teams.
Although the men have riot played to
gether before this year they have been
working dil. gently at basket bait, while
others have been playing foot ball, and
they are rounding out a good team, which
Is fast and has good team worn. The b ys
are practicing daily this week and pr.'iiiisu
to win victory in their first contest. With
this game approaching, much enthusiasm
is being made manifest and It Is expected
that nearly the entire student body and
faculty will attend the game.
The basket ball management has openej
negotiations with several colleges -4n Ne
braska and Iowa and will probably biing
five or six teams from other schools to
Omaha during the present session.
Conference Meet
Points Disallowed
Fhilbrook and Dimmick of Notre
Dame Ineligible to Compete
Changes in Standing.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4 The managing com
mittee of the intercollegiate 'conference
committee at a meeting today decided
George W. Phllbrook and Ralpn C. Dim
mick were Ineligible to compete In the" con
ference meet at Urbana, June 4; their rec
ords and points were disallowed and Notre
Dame declared to have lost its claim to
first place. . As a result, Leland Stanford
university of California gets first place,
temporarily at least.
Third place still is to be decided, and
officials will have to go back over the
records of th meet. Notre Dame may
prove to have tied Leland Stanford. Illi
nois, which gains two points by today's de
cision, and Chicago both are thougnt to
have a chance to tie.
By today's decision Illinois, Minnesota.
Iowa, Western Reserve and South Dakota
each gain two points.
The protest was filed by California uni
versity tha day of the meet and the Inves
tigation by the conference arbitrator and
managing committee was begun at once.
Thia action against Phllbrook and Dim
mick was taken because they had com
peted tha three years allowed them under
th conference ruling prior to the Urbana,
Tha two men won points In four events,
among them being two firsts, a second and
a third, all of which points revert to the
allileteB who stood next In order.
Westergaard Fails
in Roller Match
Iowa Han Held Beyond Time Limit
by Cleverness of Pacific Coat
CHICAGO, Nov. A Jes Weatrgaard of
Icwa failed tonight In hi attempt to throw
Dr Benjamin F. Roller of Seattle within
an hour In tha wludup of th Empir Ath
letlo club wrestling aeries. Westergaard
assumed tha offensive from the start and
for nearly at hour struggled in an effort
to turn tn Seattle physician-wrestler, out
was held by th superior cleverness of the
Paolflo coast veteran. Finally, In tha laat
few minute. Roller twic fitted full Nel
sons to his big foe, but without sufficient
weight to overturn him.
Eddie Collins la Married.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 4 F-ddl CoIBna.
second baseman of the Philadelphia Amur
i.n ie v ne. which recently defeated the
Chicago National league club for the cham
pionship OI tne worm, ws.i iiiarneu lonigui
to Mis Mabel Harriet Doane. The cere
mony waa performed by Rev. George H.
Ferris at the home of tha brid in Clifton
Heights, a suburb.
Harris Beat Iforarrorv.
CHICAGO. Nov. 4. Dr. Andrew J. Har
ris of Chicago won the opening game in
the three-cusldon tournament of the Na
tional Hllhara league iooibih, ueieaiing
Richard Norgrove of Kansas City, 60 to
17. Th gam waa laat tnrougnouu
Amity Porfelta Game.
TARKIfl Mo.. Nov. 4 (Special Tele
gram.) Amity college forfeited to Tarklo
here today. 1 to 0. by falling to appear.
Clone) of several Chanter or tn ca
reer of as International
Con Man.
Colorado Smyth e, who wm enUncd at
St. Helens, Lancashire, England, to two
years at hard labor on six charges of ob
taining money by false pretenses. Is an
Ei.gltDaman In whoa mtorio career soma
people on th other side of tha Atlantic
are Interested.
According to the evidence given In court
he started life In Lancashire as a pit
pony boy and worked afterward as a porter
and a switchman. Then he married, but
left hi home and went to Boston; Heat
as a hotel fireman, then as caretaker at
tha Massachusetts Metallurgical InaUtute.
Thar hs married Mary Christina Topham
of Dorchester, Mass., by whom he had
three children, who ar said to ba living
in Boston.
With some knowledg of mining matter
he had picked up at tha Metallurgical In
stitute be traveled about In the United
States svnd atarted a mining company, th
Queen Bee, which failed. Then he formed
the Ruth Manchester Consolidated
Development company and cam back
to England, where he found a
credulous person who gave him UM.OOO In
exchange for an elaborate sheje certifi
cate for 15. (MO share In th new company,
Then aning back to America he cabled
th unfortunate new that during hi ab
tene. the secretary. In whom he had had
Implicit trust, ha avsrond-d with all the
cash. He got another S5.OU0 to set th com
pany on Its feet.
Next be turned up at St Helens and ap
pointed a local hotel keeper a ecrelarv
of his mine at S5 OuO a year. The hotel
keeper Is now si lauded In America waiuug
for tb eupposed Colorado millionaire.
These are only a few of his exploits.
Sn-ylhe was arrested at New Brighton and
admitted that he "was the company and
the whole thing was bogus." New York
Team llaa Lincoln let In Its Way
Before It Is Able to Lav Claim to
Honors In Interscholastle
PEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Before a crowd estimated at 3.000,
the largest that ever attended a foot ball
same In Beatrice, the Hastings eleven went
don to defeat here this afternoon before
the Beatrice team by the soore of 19 to -
Most of the stores closed and business
was generally suspended in order to give
a!i a ch.ince to attend the trame. The teams,
hea.led by the Beatrice military band,
matched to the grounds. ,
Klein, Rutherford and Rlecker for Beat
rice each made a touchdown and Luse for
Beatrice made a place kicked goal from
the twenty-five-yard line.
The first touchdown was made after
seven minutes of p.ay. Many times during
the contest the fast Hastings aggregation
made an attempt to score, but they wer
outplayed from the start and failed to
make much of a showing against Beatrice.
At the close of the game Irinclpl Barr
of Hastings stated that Boatrice had the
strongest team In the state with th excep
tion of the ends.
By winning from Hastings. Beatrice
stands a good chance for carrying; off th
Mate championship. The team has not been
fecuicd Ukainst this season and if it defeats
Lii.coln It will win the state championship.
Coach Rathbun. who has worked hard to
place his team In the front ranks. Is feel
ing Jubilant tonight over the big victory.
Lit eup:
L B .
K ti
.VI. H
.11.11. L. H
..F.U., F.B
. r
Cornhuskers '
Will Get Glad
Hand if Winners
Hundred Fifty Eooters Go to Law
rence to Cheer Them On Plans
to Meet Them if Victorious.
LINCOLN. Nov. 4 (Special Telegram.)
One hundred and fifty students of the
L Diversity of Nebraska left tonight over
the Union laclfio for Lawrence. Kan., to
cheer the Cornhuskers In their annual
struggle wtih th Jajrhawkera. There was
another enthusiastic gathering of students
at the depot. Nebraska coeds are deeply
interested In the outcome of ths came and
a large number of (Iris took advantage
of the excursion. The train left at S o'clock
and will reach Lawrence early Saturday
morning:. The rooters will go directly to
the station to meet th team, which comes
to Lawrence from Kansas City. There will
be a parade through the principal streets
of the town. A special section of the
grandBtand has been reserved by tha
Kansas management and as tha rooting
leaders accompanied ths team there will
be organised rooting for the Cornhuskers.
Nebraskans are not overly enthusiastlo
regarding ths chances of the Cornhuskers.
Very little Cornhuaker money Is In s.ght
and the betting on th game will be light.
While the Stat university board Of
deans will not Agree to give all univer
sity students a holiday Menday In case
the Cornhuskers win a victory in tomor
row gridiron battle at Lawrence, the
Nebraska students will nevertheless glv
Coach Cole's men a royal welcome If thy
put tt over Kennedy's players.
Spurred by th news that th Kansas
university faculty had agreed to give, th
Jayhawkere a full holiday If they win
tomorrow's game, leading Nebraska stu
dents started out today to secure a simi
lar concession from th Nebraska pro
fessors. At first It appeared that their
efforts would b successful and that
Monday would be a gala day In th event
of the Cornhuskers' success. But oppo
sition of some of ths deans put th
scheme to the bad, and the best that cm
be assured Is a special convocation rally
from 1 to It a. m. Monday. Tha deans
base their dislike to the holiday plan on
th fact that mid-semester examinations
are to be held next week and that the
students need all the time that they can
possibly give to their studies. As soon
as It was evident that the holiday plan
would not go through th students went
after the next best thing. Chancellor
Avery soon consented to five them an
hour on Monday morning In which to
celebrate. If the Cornhuskers win, this
will be their official welcome home.
Entirely aalds from this hour. It Is likely,
however, that there will be "something
doing" la th Cornhuaker town If Tommy
Johnson's band falls to do all that It hopes
to accomplish. Whlls th "official" wel
come Is so confined, the "unofficial" wel
come Is not limited, and It will probably b
the bigger feature of the two. Tonight It
Is uncertain whether or not there will fc
a demonstration Saturday night. Th
students may decide to build bnf!r en
th athletic field or otherwise celebrate.
The general disposition, hew ever, la to
wait until the team la back In Lincoln, so
that ths winning eleven can be Included
tn the celebration. In that case Monday
night will be the hour of the "big time"
and the demonstration which marked the
departure of the Cornhuskers Tuesday
evening will be more than equalled.
and stylish
Alvr R
IlSc. U. 2 for JSc
Clasei. Faabody A. Co. Acron Coita.
IOWA C1TV, Is , Nov. 4.-(Speclal.)-Thl
Is a great dav In the history of the State
University of Iowa and tomorrow will be
an even greater one. It will be the date
of the Iowa-Ames game, to be played at
Ames, and some 5o0 rooter are going to the
state agriculturists' camping grounds to
surport the old gold.
The varsity eleven ami substitute squad
of nine men left Friday afternoon for Mar
shalltown, where the player will remain
Friday night. They arrive at Ames early
Saturday morning.
Th Iowa team put In a short period of
discouraging practice tolay. the first cause
for gloom that has come to the coaches In
several days. Conditions were Ideal for a
snappy afternoon's workout, but the play
ers failed to catch the spirit and some are
hinting that the team has gone stale
W hether stale or not, the squad was in no
condition this afternon to meet Ames Satur
day. Tsfe quarterback couldn't run the
signals, th back couldn't grab onto the
ball and seemed unable to take hold even
of the rudiments of the game. Ames like
wlss Is sending out a tale of woe, however,
and entire heart as yet has not been lost
In the Hawkeye camp. This will leave
Iowa to play but two more games this sea
son, one with Drake university at Iowa
field the week following and the other with
Washington university at Et. Louis, Mo.,
November 19.
Kidnaper Escapes
Into Mountains
Grace Bolph Reported to Be
Pitiable Condition by Those
Who Saw Her.
CITT OF MEXICO, Nov. 4 -Pegundo Rel
vero, th Mexican kidnaper of l-y ear
old Grace Rolph of Pender. Neb., has suc
ceeded In eluding his pursuers and mak
ing his way with his victim into the
mountains of Tamaullpa. according to
word received from Dr. Rolph by Consul
Miller at Tampico today. Dr. Rolph. at
the head of a poese, was close on ths
trail of ths kidnaper and his companions.
Many persons had been encountered
during the pursuit-who had seen the girl
In Selvero's possession, she was said to
be In a pitiable plight, having been bru
tally mistreated.
Ambassador Wilson Is In dally com
munication with the Mexican authorities,
who assure htm that no effort will be
spared to rsscus Miss Rolph snd bring
the outlaws to justice. New forces of
rurales from Tamaullpas and Vera Cms
have been ordered to surround the dis
trict in which Belvero is said to be hiding.
Nnnsht to Ksagkl Tie.
MASON CITT, Is., Nov. 4. (Special Tel
egram. In a game of foot ball yesterday
Mason High tied with Ooare High, 0 to e.
Scrofula is a disease manifested
usually by a swellinf and ulceration
of the glands, especially about the
neck. It is almost entirely hereditary
ia its origin, being the dregs or re
mains of some specific blood poison.
Where the blood is greatly weakened
with the scrofulous poison, the disease
attacks other portions of the system
besides the glands, and then we see its
effects in weak eyes, poorly developed
bodies, running sores and ulcers, skin
diseases, especially on the scalp, ca
tarrhal troubles, etc. Scrofula usually
makes its appearance in childhood,
though manhood or womanhood may
be reached before the poison pro
rrtsses to the age of outward mani
festation. S. S. S. is the one real cure
for Scrofula. It is a blood purifier
without as. equal, and it cures this
destructive blood poison by removing'
every trace of the infection from the
circulation. S.S.S.. in addition to
cleansing and
purifying the
blood, assists the
stomach and di
gestive members
in ths creation of
new blood cor
puscles and other
nourishing mat
ter for the cirra.
lation. S. S. S. increases the resistive
powers of the system and by strength
ening and building up the vitality,
allows nature to make a perfect und
lasting cure. Book describing the
disease and any medical advice sent
free to all who write.
XMX SWOT SPKOiriO 00., Atlanta, On,
Health and
Comfort in
Dr. Jaeger's
Dr. Jaeger'g sanitary woolen system la designed for people
who give heed to their health.
I Am Agent for Jaeger's Woalens
And have a splendid rlne of underwear in all sizes and various
weights. Also night shirts, bed socks, night caps, sweaters,
hosiery, eaps, hoods, chest protectors, etc. Outdoor sleeping
bags to order.
See Window Display This Wk
Orders taken for Women's and Children's Jaeger 'Jnderwear.
I flfi.gffl
Creighton Expects Warm Tussle wiij
Highland Park Eleven. j
Omaha and olh Omaha lllah h,,(
F.levrn nt tints turret I'ark ;
Hastings nt llellevae t his !
Afternoon. i
Tbre foot hall games r effered ..
admirers of the sport tml.-iv. On i'i.l-
field an eleven from Highland Psrk
play the university team, at Vinton
park urns ha and South (mshn II
schools will be matched and at n.-i:..
the Freshyterlun boys will try i .nn hisi,
wl:h fellow Knoxites from Hastings.
Hlghlanu l'urk Is reported to haie a i
rate team this yeiir a id is now in i s i
condition to date. Miller, a taikle I
been shifted to qimrteiback and I. as r.
himself very fat In hl new po-it
Highland I'ark atrlved In town funii .
Moines late last night
Before the H;u-tln game at M, ,.
this afternoon the Bellevue se o-; ! t-.
will play the Diets eleven. Tho firM s.
Is called at 1: Bellevue and ll :
are factors In the collegiate champ. n
and old riv ils.
Government Is Anxious, hnt Kin
Alfonso flora on llnntlng Trip.
FARIS, Nov. 4. -A despatch to t!.e T'
.Journal, from Orbere, near the s;tn
frontier, says that a M'h.e I
been declared In Catalonia and w ill I .
claimed throughout th whole of s:i
within a week. The Mrike of Saiiii i
Increasing rapidly, but no disorders In.
been reported. Madrid advices to ti( fa
paper state that the gvvemmert !
ceedlngly anxious over the situation s
that troops have tteen rushed to Hur. elm
Sarngos.-a, and Sahalell.
n .r , . r.i
e ti.M ,.n . i
"' ;. Jul hi
(.!'(, rv
ii.:,' . !l'iH.,.cV.
: ' !f i 'ir
Our Overcoat stock is ths
pride of our store. We've all
the season's correct models and
they're masterpieces of elegance
and luxury.
The superiority of the fabrics,
the style and the tailoring are
apparent at a glance. The beet
and only truly satisfactory way
to make an Overcoat selection,
sir, Is to try on the different
models to ascertain which style
ts the most becoming to you.
We're Always
At Your Service
Our prices are moderate
Just as they should be, but It
will not be wise to let any ad
vertised price of an overcoat In
fluence you one whit until yo i
see the coat it's quality that
makes value, not figures.
May we take up the Over
coat question with you, sir?
Priced right from $15 up
wards; suits as well.
Expert Clothes Fitters.
The varloua articles bearing the
Jaeger stamp are the result of years
of careful reuearcc on the part of
this emluent German physician. He
has demonstrated that proper cloth
ing acts as a preveutive for most
bodily Ills snd has great curatlvu
rirnnnrtlii. fM . (1 1 cj n 1 A . . f f 1 1 , .1