Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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TT1K TUVE: OMAHA. SATlKDA Y. N( AKMPd J? ,, .1010. m ,
Brandeis Stores
C4 M
1 . ..tt0r
Saturday, Your C no ice of
Any Woman's Hat
That Ilae Dccn Selling for More Than $3
At Exactly Half Price
Saturday make a
Kmt offer that will Inter
rex eery woman In
O id Aba.
Half prlc on every bat
In onr millinery rtepart
mmt tbat haa been priced
"J All our exquisite 1m-
J" ' rrri m A rnwh m H .1 1 all
a A a v nnn aat v i j it
onr taninx evening cod
dreaa aavta, plume hats,
crtclnal Nerw Yorlc ar4
!a, etc Every lata
tiU and winter style oa
aic Baivzrtay.
Your Choice at Va Price
Exceptional New Showinf
W omen's Fall Footwear
You will find tlm nrnat complete MMortmenl of
strictly up-to-date shoe) for Ntrnet and dmw wear hore
( HrnlN Htoren. New Velveit Vnlooaa Shoos, new
black aiUin alio, aJtto Saeiles. and buckskins In the new
short vminis.
Vie are offering the best values
in strictly good shoos that can
bo found in the entire west
Hand sewed shoes in all the
popular leathers, built on the
newest lasts. Our shoes are
oorreotly fitted to your
feet by competent shoe
salesmen. We mention
three special lines at
w" nowlng- the Iutniuit tUe In Omaha.
womv avsHiva Airs dkxbs luppzaa
The clerereBt new styles aver brought to Omaha A se
lection greater than you caa find anywhere else in town
at- ptr P' $2 to $0
Nfw Ss-.k ind (b'tfen Dresses
Made of t he preity striped and plain rn.'''R
llms. chiffon, taffetas, crepe rie chines,
etc., pretty strrr' and eveninK shades.
made to soil
1 1
New Voile Skins at $6.98.
i v m . i n aw a
i, Yii-v JLir i ,,.. ,,. - - ''
. .
fvi ssasOTEia sat
J; vA
3 New draped effects, stlk embroidered trim-
.1 mlnga Mark C Z. AO
71 i n7; qu.yo
S i Nw Grty
V i
and colors,
Nw Grey
Mixture Skirt
Miito o f
prutty new
irrey still
ing, at-
en's Tailored
Bought From a New York Manufacturer at Half Price.
.lust 12(M) new fll and winter wool tailored suits which this
iiianul'iu'turer was forced to soil at a sanVn-e on account of th 1111-f.-r.Bonnble
weather in the Kast. Brandeis paid cash for all his
hiah-class Ruits, including many made to sell at more than double
t ho price we ask.
Every clever new style of this season new plain and fancy
ta Wed effects, in hD the favorite materials and every opular
shade and color. Scores of charming style features only found iu
expensive suits.
Not one suit in the lot worth less than $L"). Many worth up to $35.
Materials and wmm. Colors are black,
Brandeis Stores
broadcloths, serges,
worsteds, novelty
suitings, etc., etc.,
scores of new fall
patterns, all sizes.
blue, brown, wis
teria, tan, Copen
hagen green, and the
grey mixtures so
scarce everywhere.
Women's $20 Tailored Suits at $10.
All the women's tailored suits from the big purchase that were
made to sell up to $lJ0, including pretty tailored worsteds
broadcloths, cheviots, etc., in all the leading
colors, on sale Saturday in the basement
Children's Winter Coats at C
300 children's coats, in all ages, kerseys,
novelty cloths, cheviots, etc., red flannel lined
cheviots, bearskins, caracul cloths, etc., a great
special value at $5
Fine Long Broadcloth Coats
Made in semi-fitted styles an extra good qual
ity of broadcloth with heavy guaranteed lining some with
velvet collars, trim, neat tailored coats, a very special offer for
lit if It X
Fancy Linens
In Art Department Main Floor
Thousands of the most beautiful linen lunch
cloths, scarfs and squares, in all sizes, hand
made with double rows of drawn work on the
best quality of round thread art linen, values
up to $'J.,r0 each. They have AO
been greatly admired in the f (tfi
window, special, at each
Special Sale of Wood to Burn
Pyrography Dept. Main Floor
Any of the following articles, readily worth, up
to f0c and 7rc, anil a few up to $1, for J.V.
ll;imips. clove and handkerchief boxes, lace
boxes, book racks, hat pin holders.
tabourettes, plate racks,
etc.. at, each
We purchased the entire $10,000 stock of
human hair goods from a large eastern im
porter who retired from business. We bought
at a price that enables us to sell the finest hair
goods at far less than actual cost to import.
Greatest hair goods bargains we have over offered.
Human Hair
Human hair switches
made of fine quality
human hair, 20-lnch
switch, at. . .$125
22-Inch a witch
at $1-50
24-inch awltoh
at $3 OO
2 (-inch switch
at 84.50
Human Hair Clusters
Iarge sice cluster puffs at 054
Extra large slae cluster puffs at S1.50
The Madame Boyd Cluster at $3-50
Two extra large size real hair neta for 25
Two extra large nets for. 50
Washable hair roll, a 75c valne for 50?
Halrdresslng, shampooing, manicuring. Appolnt
ments made by phone.
' SI
Sale Cut Flowers
More than 5000 Roses, long
stems, all colors, regularly $1
dozen at, dozon 49c
Beautiful large Chrysanthe
mums, all colors, 15c 2
for 25c
Card Printini Department
East Arcade
Fine Bristol
Sral 69o per 100; Saturday only,
35c per lOO
In China Djpartment, West Arcade ACTUALLY WORTH DP TO $2.50 HOvL
A chance of a lifetime to buy beautiful French and Austrian China plates at less than half their value
hand early Saturday to buy these exquisitely decorated plates, at, each
Bwedinh China Dinner Seta Our regular price la 1100 this sale, at Srili
Cut Glaas Balta and PepperB With China tops, something new and sanitary, easy to clean, at, each 500
Be on
YARN SPECIALS The Season Is Here
Great new and complete line of Fleisher's celebrated yarns
main floor Notion Section.
Fleisher's Germantown Zephyrs, all shades, skein 10c
Fleisher's Shetland Flosses, 10c skein, 3 for 25c
Fleisher's Fine Saxony, 10c skein, 3 for 25c
Special Slightly mussed Saxonys and Flosses, skein. . . . .5c
Womene' Long
Cloaka, heavy
broadcloths and
noTxIty cloths,
worth up to S8,
C h 1 1 d r n
C 1 o a k a, new
a t y 1 a , all
alzes; specimi
Women's Skirts In
black and vari
ous colors, spe
cial at
Women's trimmed
bats, worth 13 60,
Men'a Extra Good
Wearing Shoes,
at, per pair
Women's W el t ,
Sewed Vlcl Kid,
Iaoe and Button
Shoes, at
Boys' Guaranteed
shoes, at per
Women's Fur
trimmed Juliet
slippers, at pair
Small Men's Over
coats, sizes 34 to
36, worth up to
tlO, at
Boy's 76c
Children's email
a 1 z Reefers,
worth up to $3,
Hoy's $2.50 KnlcKer
sutts, iM to 16,
Boy's $3.50 Over
coats, long cut,
velvet collars
Men's Overcoat.
Military collar t2
Inches loiiu. fajicy
chevlotM, at
worth up to S, - 5j5X CfO ". ' "i
$3.98 $1.88 $2.50 ,lsr" $198 198 $150 8c $5.00 39c 98c $1.48 $1.98 $7.50
"Big Stockholders of Harrinian Lines
on a Trip.
Tblak, llowevar, Ihiat Mare Hoiilt
Are deeded aaa that the West
1 Mast ITwvide the Hair;
to Da It.
Nina millionaires and directors of the
Union Pacific railroad parsed a short visit
In Omaha Friday while their special car
waa being switched for the Journey east
ward. The capitalists were returning from
lengthy trip over the Union Paclflo lines
In the west and were on their way to
Following were those who composed the
party: Otto 11. Kahn, member of the
Kuhn-koeb company; I F. Laree. presi
dent of the Ielaware it Hudson railroad;
Alvln W. Peck, president of the Mercan
tile Trust company; Frank B. Keeoh, Ku
ina Kalin, Martin Krdinan. William
Whttehouse. Henry R. Wtnthrop and Dr.
Joxeph Frankel.
"If what Is called the Insurgent or prog
ressive spirit continues In the United states
it will undoubtedly retard the gioath of
this country and especially of the west."
stated Otto Kahn, a director of the Union
I'aciflo railroad and several Hsniman
I nes and a member of Kuhn, Ixufd & Co.,
the New York brokers.
"This will affect the railroads and their
growth mostly, but the growth of the rsll
roads Is eentlsl to the development of
the west. The danger comes In the elimi
nating of the smail Investor In money cir
cles. He Is the man who builds railroads
and finances all the great new project
that go to make a country rich and pros
perous and as long aa he Is uncertain as'
to what will become of hi money after
lie has Invested It, as railroad lnvi-itors are
at present, he will keep hi a money In
other thtngi. But his money in other
thing such as eastern projects will Dot
belp the wert.
"1 have not the slightest doubt person
ally thst ultimately the proposition of the
government and corporations will work
Itself out finally to the satisfaction of
everyone. In fact. I think every day that
there are more ama'.l Investors In Isrge cor
poration and If no other way this will
finally settle It.
"Eastern men all consider the west and
all propositions In the esl good Invest
ments and are sending more money out
here eery yfar."
Asked In regard to the recent scare In
ICurope and. Kngland In regard to the buy
ing of American ra lioad stocks, among
hlch were a number of Harrinian bonds,
t.e sail: "It Is true that there was a
scare In FUirepe tn United HUtes railroad
siucae, iMil it la over bow It weal aU
months ago that It started, when the legis
lation agaliiKt the railroads bey an seriously.
At present the foreitrn Investors are wait
ing (o tee the outcome of the railroad situa
tion here before they Invest heavily again."
Mr. Kahn refused to make any statement
on the insurgency question after the next
election, but denied that he waa making a
trip of the west to find how the people of
this part of the country stood on that
uueauon. The party has been on the road
one month, and In that time haa covered
10.UOO miles of territory over the Canadian
Paclflo, Great Northern and Harrlman I
lines. A. L Mohler. vice president and I
general manager of the Union Pacific, met I
them In Colorado and came to Omaha with
the party. All of (he party were greatly)
Impressed with the phenomenal growth of I
the west, but that they were keeping In
touch with the New York markets was
evinced when a telegram waa received tell
ing how the market of Friday bad gone
Instructors Are Kept Busy Teaching
the Trick.
Custodians Say They Will Be Heady
In Time for the Election IVext
Taesday Three Are Used
for Praetloe.
Voting machine students clustered around
Instruction machines in the county build. ng
basement and the main corridor of the city
nan fTlilay indicated that "split" or
"scratched" baiiota will be freely cast at
the election next Tuesday If the voters
auooeed In mastering tho intricacies of the
machines. Similar Indications were seen
in South Omaha, where a third Instruction
machine lias been set up,
It is estimated that 600 voters studied the I
machines Friday. Many more hundreds
are expected to secure Instruction Saturday
and Monday. While the voters around the
machines Friday were not extraordinarily
numerous at any one time, they came
steadily, end there was hardly a portion of
the day that eight or mora voters were
not "learning how to vote."
seekers of Instruction evinced Intention of
voting straight tickets. Voting a straight
ticket on the machine la a simple matter.
People living in the east are so woefully
Ignorant ot the west flat most of them
don't know whit alfalfa la, according to
C. T. Oliver of Klamath Falls, tire., who
arrived in the city Thursday. Mr. Oliver
had Just returned from a visit at the laJid torlal end congressional candidates.
products show at Pittsburg, Pa. I
I had a little exhibit of western alfalfa I
at the show." said Mr. Oliver, "and this is
what those Plttaburgers a.-ked me about
It: Io cows eat that stuff? Is It good
for horses? Can you make hay out ot it?'
"Say, If I hadn't been there on business
I would have had some fun. I could have
told those people we thatched our roofs
with alfalfa, and thev would have bftlleved
me. As It was. I to.d them the truth, and ( tnr uuJJ r',u'n tor ur,her lnstruo
Easterners Ask
Oiid Questions
About Alfalfa
C. T. Oliver Reports that Pittsburg;
People Are Woefully Igno
rant of West.
The first Saturday in each month we hold our Hod Cross Sale of Drugs and Toilet Articles
the bargains are wonderful. Kead these great specials:
So XJlao Talcum .... Co
B5e SSaaitol Tooth Pae 10
Boo gtanitol Taoe Cream lo
BBo Dr. Oraves Tooth JPow
dei o
too Consuelo (.'ream... ISO
SOc. Milkweed Cream,. 39o
26o Pond's Vanishing Cream
fcOc Pornpedan
$1.60 Oriental
ISc Colgate's
der '.
1 5o Colgate's
?6c Rublfoam
26c Sanltol Tooth Paste.
60o Hay's Hair Health..
SOo lierplclde for
11.00 Parker's Hair Balsam
Masssge 3o
Cream $1.09
Tooth Pow-
Tooth Paste
Tree S cakes of Palm
Olive Hoap with each BOc
Jar of Palm-Olive Cream.
10c William's Shaving hoai-
at c
h cakes Ivory Soap .... 19c
1 lb. 20 Mule Team Borax
.SOc Locust Ulossom Per-
M re
85o ruwoi
fume, per ox
SOc White Hose, per at,
Racer A. Qallet Violet,
ox 86o
Houbeeants ideal at, per
ox 1.7S
SOc Poxxonl'a Powder. . .B8o
Carmen Powder 450
U J Kr Kiss Powder. .Bl.'aO
SOc Violet Toilet Water. .89o
60o Flower C.lrl Toilet Water....
S Orange Woodsdclus
25o Pencil Flies
16c Chamola
. .15o
, '. 18o
. . .50
2oo Puckers' Tar
5o Woodbury's Facial Soap
Colgate's Cashmere Boquet.
15c Uluunxone, per cake....
S cakes Colgate's English Process.. B3o
7 takes Cocoanut Oil 850
Oem Junior Satoty ll7.or 89o
(ililette Hazors, up from BS.oo
SK.on and 5- 50 standurd brand ItaxorN.
special Saturday 7o
SOc Sirup for 39o
10c Khtnola for 70
50c Dusters for
Shlnula Outfit for
i ( 1.00 Air CiiFhion Brush...
6c Hand Mirrors
16o We sell Chamois. Vest
,o! Chamola for lining coau.
and large
Voting Machlno company spent most of
Few of the their time placing the labels on the ma
chine. Deputy County Clerk Dewey and
Custodian Kl.lgway ald there Is no doubt
,if their bavin their work completed in
1 he voter slmnlv enters the machine, oullbt nmnur time. Delivery of the muchlnes to
the party lever at the left and then throws 1 the several voting places will be begun
the overhead lever that records the vote. ! fcatunluy.
( Most of the Inquirers wanted to know how
Implement Men
Come to Omaha
in Big Numbers
be at the Auditorium, but Wednesday
evening, November 16, a smoker will be
held at Crelghton Institute, at which the
Are Favorable for
, tickets can be "split" on legislative, sena-j tip TRACK FOR GOULD L INE 'Indications
I toliul and conare-iMlonitJ candidates. . v m TT TV ; .
laxge lurnoui acic mn
Steel Bridges Have Been Installed Be
Inreen Omaha, and Kan
sas Ity.
hosts will be members of the Omaha Im
ploment and Vehicle club. K. A. Hatfield
is president of this club, the other offi
cers being B. U. KeeS, first vice presi
dent; R. F. Bmlth, second vice president;
I F. W. Squire, secretary, and C. C. Troxell,
treasurer. The executive comlltee In
dudes V. it. Lumrv. C. W. McDonald,
R. U Robinson, J. P. Kmlth and W. F.
; The officers of the Mid-West assocla
i lion are these: President, William Krot-
ter. Stuart; vbe president. J. II. Helwig,
put In the west,, la getting those easterners
In a frame of mind that, will make them
w eetemers."
The Oregon man declares there will be a
bigger emigration of people from the east
to the wet-t In the next year than that
which took place during the gold fever of
'ft. He added that the Pittsburg show
did not have nearly enough literature
about Kansas and Nebraska to supply th
demand tbat was made.
Study split Ticket.
More than a few voters spent as much
I as fifteen minutes studvlna snllt ticket i ana ( llr. 1
votinir aoio.-t titviv thufr It unrwarl ra.rmot l- . o.o, i nn i.,i.tii.iiI dealers
" " ' B -' ' - - - ' i i I 1 I'll! I..VU IW 1 V J 1 1 1 . ' . . . . -
be mastered easily. Attempting to vole j Before many years the Missouri Pacific of Nebraska, western Iowa and South ! Rising uiy; secretary, ra. u. ,
suppositional split tickets voters would be- j trark between Omaha and Kansas City Dukota will be In Omaha to attend the' Vesta.
come confused ard would appeal to the in-1 wm b. n ,0nlltlon second to none in the annual convention of the Mid-West Retail! On the executive committee .are . .
structors two. three and even four times i 0OUntrv Is the information given out by Implement Dealers' asaoclation. The con- Oteen. Crelghton. aui irPO' '
. i. . . , . . . ... .1,. i.imH.imi Stwitd: A. hpooner, Mondamin, ia., i.
- - ' i j. I leiKIll?, ritini . r .......... .. . ... , , tiiiiuu i.nro -
way of that road. Mr. Lelghty arrived In I November 15, 16 and 17.
lion before election oay. Omaha Friday morning on a tour of In- , Hesldea bringing so large a crowd the
convention will be the occasion of a great
work begun this season will be
tha.1 together with the IriiA Ktorv'of the
apples and potatoes and wheat that grows ! Tll """-nines u.ed for Instruction were I ,pton of all the Uould lines and stated
I labeled with printed labeia, Just as they
w ill be used next Tuesday. The machines
appeared to be mechanically perfect and It
appeared that if a voter Is thoroughly
versed in the working of the machine he
will have no difficulty in registering his
preference for candidates.
K E. K lUdgway, custodian of the voting
A Kleree tltsrk
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble la easily cured by Ktectrtc Bitters,
the guaranteed remedy. 60c. For sale by
boat a Drug Ca,
that the
kept up regularly.
"We have laid thirty miles of ballasted
track where there was practically no bal
last before," he ssld. "and have placed our
standard elghty-flve-pciund rails cn this
part. The blKKei-t improvements have
heen made In the bridge?, of which be-
display of agricultural Implementa, vehi
cles and automobiles at the big building
and will amount to a three days' exposi
tion of nuch articles of commerce.
A feature of the convention will be the
addresses by K. W. McCullougn, president
of the National Cost F.ducetlon associa
tion. Mr. McCullough, himself a big im-
M. Read, Loup City, and Anaon Hanson,
Two Masked Men Take Protecting
Firearm from F. K. Barke
Friday Morning.
While on his way home from work. F. K.
Burke. SM7 Wirt street, waa held up and
robbed by two masked men at Wirt street
machines, said that even more voters tween here and Ksncas City theie Is not alplemeiit manufacturer,
should secure Instruction. He said unlets j one u out of condition
there is much Instruction before election
day the business of voting will proceed
lieputy County Clerk Dwer and his as
sistants were buay In preparation of the
machine ballot labels Friday and Mr. Rldg
aajr said O. A. Ouevareoa of the Ehupxre
"At platlsmuutli we have finished the
new brlrtae. composed of thirty-one girder
sixty feet In length. Instead of the old
pile bridge w hic h was formerly lliere."
fereleleat Advertising is the Kuad to big
has been the 1 th rtfit line about 4.: Friday morti-
In Hits association, which , (ng. HurKe u robbed of an automatic
exists to tesch all blanches of the 1 1 ada ; , evuV ,r Ml,j about ti.'M In change.
necessary truths about "Costs of Ixoiif. ,
prime mover
BolldluB Permits.
i;d. JohiiHton. Poppleton svenie,
frame dwelling.'; Mis. Iiura Allen,
S,Ji Sable- sited alteiations. Il.tOO; J o-
i. .. . . - ir yrt k..nin 'cmairth itint
Tba naln easaiuo of Ue ceoweaUoa llJi frame dwejing. lUSv.
His principal addre-s here will l en
titled 'Problems of Hstall Iiealers and
How to Solve Them
Maia Fkof New Store
Late Copyright
Formerly $1.25 tnd
$1.50 each, at .
Forge In Forest,
Cy Whlttaker,
Sister of Evan
geline, Opened Shutters,
Right Princess,
Jewel's H t o r y
Oaine and the
Virginia of Air
I.ant j.
Half a Chance,
I.ast Woman,
Lantern of Luck,
Further Adven
tures of ljulncy
Adam Sawyer.
Shepherd of the
Romance Itland.
H'luuw Man,
The Barrier,
Man In Ix.wer
Lure of the Mask,
Lavender and Old
Her Prairie
Range Dwellers,
Chip of Flying U.
Making 11 o b by
Four Million.
Princess Dehra.
: j!.,;' : )
I "
Lust Voyage of
Don Jsahella,
May Jane's Pu,
(Jard'cn of A llaii.
Fly on the Wheel
Abbess of Vhiye,
fccarlet Feather,
Three Keys,
Man from Brod-
Rebecca Mary,
Old Cheater
Purple Parasol,
Held for Orders,
Pole Raker,
CowurOice Court,
The Outlaw.
Mtxtreh Lrae
Old Wives for
1.Hiiir. .
A w a k . ti hi
Helen Ritchie
Oat UeUat re Via.
A i
i i