to 111 1 . I 1MI I )!! j ; I vi. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Foreign Cables Higher, but Enough to Sustain Advance. Not CORN IS SHOWING BETTER TONE (h Wheat la I xbmrl and Higher 4fferlngs Are Takeej. r the Kir- vntor Hosiers Market Has Weak ladertone. OMAHA. Nov. 8. 1!10. Uveipool cables came slightly higher, bin worn not strong -hough to sustain tne late advance of yesterday. Large lines Of short wheat have been bought, which has somewhat relieved the oversold conditions. Today's market was dull and Inactive, trading oemg very ngnt. i orn is showing Better tone dtoiiw Improved rash demand and a few scattered curnplainta on husking returns. With re ctipts liiiht and snipping demand improv ing some further advance Is due. 'ash wheat was unchanged. Light offer 1 T k with taken by elevator houses. Huy Ing was not general, being dona principally lo rover early sales, 'low-art tlie close the market showed a very weak undertone. The cash corn market ruled dull and In active. Receipts ara very light and values range steady and unchanged. With the con tinuation of favorable weather better re ceipts ara expected. l'rlmary wheat receipts wera 773,000 bu. and shipments wera ,flO bu., against re ceipts last yenr of 1.4.17,000 bu. and ship ments of 670,iO bu. Primary corn receipts wera 344.000 bu. and shipments were 2.I2.OO0 bu., against receipts inst venr of S04,oni bit. and shipments of 2S41.O00 bt. Clearances were 144,000 bti. of corn, 6,000 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to m.oCH bu. Liverpool closed A higher on wheat and HO 'J higher on corn. Omaha Cash WHEAT No. 2 hard hard, (CiVrtMi'vc : No. 4 Jected haid, '('u-iSc; No. So. 3 spring, :;'. (i BT'i'-. COKiS-iNu. A white. white. 4;t,-fiH-: No. 4 white. 4.i'u4.ic; No. 2 yellow, 4v44(!: No. 3 yellow, 431vu44vl No. 4 yellow, 42Va43'a'-: No. 43ti.44c; No. 8, 43 '.'ii44c.: No. 4 42-iu'u3'.c: no arade. 3S7141C. (iA'1 N No. 2 white, Xuru3oSc; standard. 2yV':V4c; No. 3 white, 2yvy3c; No. 4 white, IWVftiSc: No. 8 yellow, 2?'2u,c; No. 4 yellow, LV-g2!ic . HARLEY No. 8, 64ti66c; No. 4, 60o4e; No. I feed, fWg63c; reje:ted. 50rgf.e. IIYK-No. 8, 71 Sj 72c; No. , iWdlC tarlot Heoelpta. Wheat. Com. Oats 4"; extra fancv and stralthts. 8."..u4.3u; hard winter rlears. 81 'ii3 '). l'.HAN ijuiet, sacked, ea.-t track, !3i HAY MiKher; tnni.thy, 113 .ojt IS 50; prai rie. Ill "n 14 1'ltoV ls.lo.NS Inrk, lower; Jobbing. JIT I.nrd unchanged; prime stesm, llt) 4ill 70. Itv salt meats, lower; boxed, exira shorts, HI K'-j, clear rloe. Ill v1': short clears, $11X7' Pa-on, lower, boTed. extra shorts, lUl.1'; clear ribs, $13.U'i; short clears. 37'. ! Hl1 It V Firm: chickens, loc: springs, ll'-jc; turkeys. 17c; ducks, 13c; geee, lrto. HUTTKK Steady; creamery, Z5'u31c. A.iJ'irs Firm; 24c. Receipts. Flour, bhls 7.5"0 Wheat, bu fiSt.o ( orn. bu lf.ono C-ats. bu 4H.O00 Shipments. R.1O0 40.0 0 11 l 43.0U0 WEW YORK GENERAL MARKET a Varloaa Prices. , K.WtfWc; No. 8 hard. 77y82; re i spring, UvVs8o; 43V44'ic; No. 8 NEWYviUivbTOCRS ANDBaNUi Balls Rally Their Forces During- Day and Lift Quotations. DEALINGS IN U. S. STEEL EXPAND Principal ?Vewa from Steel Trade Matement by Iroa Asre that But In of Steel Ralls Has Bis. Chicago Minneapolis On aha Duiulh SI ..Si 157 'ii 127 'ii CHICAGO ORAIX AND PROVISIONS l-'ratarra of the Trad Ins; and Closing; rrleea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 8. Severe disappoint ment to believers In higher prices came to day in the w neat market. Largely because of reports that the winter sown acreage in this country Is the largest on record tne close was heavy, at a net decline of lvtc to 2'u2'4iC. t orn finished iatc to no unuei last nignt and oats down o to tac. Latest llgmeo lor hog products were unchangud to 6c advance. The mgem gain in winter wheat acreage -was said to be in Oklanoma. Wlin tne Increase there estimated at 20 per cent, In tlUaiing a yield of So.Ooo.Ouu Dushels, tne ataix promises to be one of the largest producers In the union next year. Mne Minneapolis flour output uecreased ljki.uoo huiieis, as compared with tne correspond ing week a year ago. Moreover, stocks of wheat there piled up h6.uu0 bushels in four days. The milling situation all over the country was represented as equally ntagnant. There appeared no prospect of any Important export business in wheat. 1.1 (tie tendency to rally was snown at any time during the session. December ranged from Kivtc to W4,o and closed 2v--c off at the first named figure, the lowest level of the season. Corn was a little higher early, but gradu ally lost ground. December, 4t4ic and 47-c, with last sales at 4kc, a loss of Wirc niparud with twenty-tour hours previous. Cash corn, No. t yetlow, cloned at bO'.vifc. In oats there wau considerable reselling by a leading short. December sold from :l4c to 8l-kc and finished ftc down at aiViC : Provisions showed a little strength. In the end, however, owing to grain weak ness, the greatest gain did not exceed a nickel. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheut 1 eo. Myii July Corn Dec. May July Oats Di-c. May July I'oik Jan. May Jard Nev. Jan. May nihs- Jan. May Quotations of the Par Com mod Hies. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. FLOUR Market dull; winter straights, 84.Ura4.2S; winter patents, s4.ftrd4.Ts; spring clears, 4.1.Vfl4.40; winter extras. No. 1, S-ft'-iTo; w.nter ex tras. No. 2, $3.25$ 3.40; Kansas straights. UHifilTi, llv flour steadv: fair to Rood. M W.j4--.; choice to fancy, 84.24.40. Buck wheat flour quiet; li. per lw ins. CORNMKAL Steady; fine white and yel low. $l.liul.ay; coarse, $1.10til.l5; kiln dried, $3.00. WHEAT Ppot market weak; No. I red, 94 'c, elevator, and it-tVic f- o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 81.1L f. o. b., afloat; futures market was lirm at the opening on the cables, but developed weakness during the dav on favorable crop advices. Increas ing stocks and absence ol cssn or expon demand, closing l'Vu 1V4C net lower. Decem ber, HfcS'aW'Ac; closed at Vbc; .May, $1.01L (UIM; closed at 81.01Vs; July closed at mi-'tuc. Receipts, 187,700 bu.; shipments none. tt K.N t-pot market steady; No. 2, 5ti-c, elevator, domestic basis; to arnve, c. 1. f., and biWc, f. o. b.. afloat; futures market was without transactions, closing at VH' 'is net advance; December closed at wfc; Slay, W7,tc; receipts, 7A bu.; shipments. 2,i'j0 bu. ATh-Spot market steady; futures mar ket was without transactions, closing He lower to 'iic higher; November closed at 8r-,c; December, 37't.c; May, 39Sc; July, 8!tC. Receipts, 132,t'ti75 bu.; shlpmenU, 3,775 bu. HAY 1 Mill ; prime. 81.12'i: No. L $110; No . 81.H0.1 l.fls,; No. 3. di'n90o. HOPS Steady; common to choice, 1910 c rop, lfuixc; i.i crop, l.URc; Paclfio coast, lido crop, H'y,lxc; 1S4W crop, ltr614c. HlUfcS-l'irm; Central America, 21c; Bogota, 214''2iio. LKATHKR Firm; hemlock, flrsta, 23H G-i'-sc; seconds, 21 Wl.ic ; thirds, V.ija)c; rejei ts. Pktinc. 1'RO VISIONS Pork steady; mess, $20.00; 'unnV, jJi.oVo'jti.oD; short clears, $21.O0u5 22 00. Beef steady; mess, $lf,.OKu I5.W; I a 1 1 1 1 1 v Jla.turo zn tw; beef hams, 82.00-25.00. Cut meats steady, pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $lu.(KXa 18.00; pickled hams, $14.6014.75. lrd, easy; prime middle west. $12.0SS 12.1.1; refined, weak; continent, 812.KO; soutn Amtrlca, $13.25; compound. $9 S044 10 00. TALIA)W Steady; prime city hhds., TTc; country, 7tfttic. BUTTER firm; creamery specials, 33c; extras, ;ilc; third to first, 24''i29c; held creamery, second to special, 2o4j)2c; fac tory, current make, 2l,Mi23V4c. CHEESE Firm; skims, full to special, 12fil2:ic Etlt IS Steady; fresh gathered, eitra first, Sl'3:ic; first, 2,ft:i0c; seconds, 25ti2tic; fresh gathered dirties, No. 1, candled, 23'o24c; No. 2, 21'n22c; limed, fancy, offered at 244c. POULTRY Dressed. broilers. 171&20C; fowls. llfrnVic; spring turkevs. 1422c. POULTRY Alive weak; spring chickens, V.VaUic; fowls, V,n Kl'-jo; turkeys, 14'i17o; dressed easy; western broilers, 17(U20c; fowls, llifelTVic; spring turkeys, 14g22c. Ort; circulation. Increase, furT.OOft; bullion, Increase. '..17,1X; other securities, rie. creaee, 2.171. ; other deposits. decreee, JL2.Ul.0iW; puhllc deposits, decrease, i4, Ti; notes reserve. Increase. I d,'": gov ernment securities, decrease, iVo,ouo. The proportion of the bank's reserve to hn blllty this week Is 49.11 per cent. Last week It was .ll per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The speculative element advocating higher prices for stocks rallied their forces today and lifted quota tions. The professed grounds for the movement were the steel and copper trade an vices. The dealings In Vnlted States Steel ex panded to a large volume. In the neighbor hood of aft, at which price stop-loss orders from uncovered shorts seemed to be dis lodged. At ey a new high level for the movement, little business was done and the whole market closed very dull on the advance. The principal news from the steel trade consisted In the statement of the Iron Age that huying or steel rails by the railroads for 1911 had begun. On the side of the copper trade there were reports of some of the principal pro ducers holding for higher prices and of sales to foreign buyers of large amounta for delivery In December and January. London reported a decline In the price of copper metal today and this had the effect of restraining the movement In cop per securities. The call money market did not show the expected relaxation, the rate holding at 4 per cent or above for the first time In the fall season. The weekly statement of the nana 01 r.ngianfl disclosed a large reduc tion of "other securities," reflecting re payments by the money market to the bank by reason of the easing of the out side money market. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. 82,142,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leaning quotations on stocks were as follows: Hlsh. Low. Close. New York Money Market. NEW TORK. Nov 8. MONET On call, stroncer at 4'14 per cent; ruling rate. I per cent: closlnu bid. 4 per cent. Time loans, stronger; slxtv-dny and ninety-day, 5 per cent; six months. 4 per rent. 1'RIMK MERCANTILE PAFER-RMrWfi per cent. STERLING EXCHANOEWeaker. with actual bus ness In bankers' bills at $1.12 Jl 4 8210 for slxtv-day bills and 84.ST.90 for de mand; commerc'al bills. $4 SI Vi4.MV SILVER Bar, H6Hc; Mexican dollars. 45o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, IrreRUiar. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were as follows: U. . rf. is, rg....ino Tnt. M. M. 4Ht.. do eonpon l"n jHjiAn 4a C. i. . res lni. Do 4H do coupon K C. 80. 1st 3" f. t. 4s. rc H L. 8. deb. 4s 1M1 do coupon HKltU A N. unl. s. Allls-Chal. 1st 17 M . K. It T. Ut Am. Kg fts 103 Mo (ten 4H K Am. T. T. CT. 4s..ltiiMo. Pacific 4 71 Am. Tobscoo 4m N. H. R. of M. 4V4 li Cattle Values Are Steady on Average Thursday Receipts. HOGS ARE ACTIVE AND HIGHER Moeh of the Recent I'nevennese Van ishes In Process of the Recent Imprnrement Sheep Qnlet and Steady, . M4 . II . " . 72 . da to Armo,,- A ro. 4H. Atchlsrn ren. 4s.... do ct. 4s do CT. Dft At. C. U lilt B.I. Ohio 4s... do 114s do S. W. IS . Prook. Tt. cv, 4s C. of Oa. 5. HN. T. C, s. J'4. n ilo deb. M'4 N. Y., N. H. ..1"7'4 CT. 6s ..lnsN. t W. lilt 0. 4... .. W do ct. 4s .. Ml4 No. Pacific 4s .. 1 do 8 .. H (!. B, b. rfrts. 4.. .. 'tPenn. ct. 8H lUi ..in1 do con. 4s. On. Lesther 6s WSHcxllnii rn. ' O. of N. J. f.s...l2ivtBt. L. ft 8. F. Che. A Ohio 4Hs 102 do sen. 6s . do ref. 6s KiSt. L S. W. c. 4 Chlcsso ft A. ... 10 do 1st Sold 4 C, B. Q. j. 4.... K guboard A. U do gsn. U 9714 so. Po. col. 4. C M. ft S. P. g lm U do ct. Is C. R. I. A P. e. 4. 14t do 1st n-f. 4s.. do rfg. 4s lHSo. RsllwiT 6s. Colo. rnd. 6s r.'i4 do en. 4s Jolo. MM. 4 70 rnlon Pscltlo 4. O. ft 8. r. . 4m 7u 40 ct, fg. 4. 1.1 72 lUS 65 ; 87M 87V4 IW iM-!4 H5'iSl'i 47'4'(.i 4!)VU 00' I -I 87V,8U VsVt 47l - 4M-VI 11 BO I 10 I 1 I) 77Vil 4 4 41H4, 8114! 46V 48S-4M', 4V4 81 4 M1.! 84H.33T4l-l 17 IS I 17 k I 17 10 16 W W W 17W 11 62V4I 11 4B 10 3J'i 10 26 h-'t 77H M''-t;S4S'iT 15 I 8 971 10 9 12Val tor) 31 v; WEATHER IX THE GRAIN BELT Indications Are for Fair and Wanner for Frldar. OMAHA. Nov. 8, 1910. The area of high pressure over the cen tral portion continues slowly eastward and Us crest is now over the middle Mississippi valley. The cooler weather accompanying the high has spread over the east and south and temperatures are lower every where east of the Missouri river. An area of low pressure has developed over the extreme upper Missouri valley and north west. This depression Is accompanied by warmer weather, and temperatures are higher generally everywhere west of the Missouri river. The weather Is generally cloudy in the lake region and eastern states and rains are falling along tne mid dle and upper Atlantic coast. A light snow flurry la reported fet Chicago this morning, l'artly cloudy or generally fair weather prevails over the central valleys and west and the Indication arn for fair and warmer in this vicinity tonight and Friday. Minimum temperature and precipitation compared with the last three years: 1U10. 1U0H. 1908. 1907. Lowest last night 29 4 41 88 Precipitation " 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 44 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 13 )9 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 190. 1.33 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 3.48 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. 17 10 W 174 11 46 10 26 9 77 17 OS It! 15 11 96 10 i& 76 I) 10 I 9 70H 8 .1 8 70 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 3. WHEAT De cember, 98c; May, 810L'"i; No. 2 hard. $1.01'4: No. 1 northern, 9.cfr SI 00'4; No. 2 northern, 9fvif(i9SVic; no. 3, imbwc. FLAX Closed at $2.H0. CORN No. 3 vellow. 49fi50c. OATS No. 3 white. 31c. RYE No. 2, 74750. HRAN-ln 100 pound sacks, SlSftiVrf 19.00. FLOUR First patents $4.8C-i:6.i5; sec ond patents, 8-1. 704(6. 15; first clears, $3.40iji 3.75; second clears, $2.20(B2.76. Caxh quotations were as follows: FLOUR Kasy, winter patents, $4.10i?i4.90, winter straights, JX'u-4.6.'; spring straights $4.3otij4.bO; bakers, l-wti&.UO. Spring pat ents, best nurd, $6.15. RYE-No. 2, 77c. HA RLE Feed or mixing, 60S7c; fair to choice malting, ?27ic SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.49; No. 1 northwestern, $2.b2. Timothy, $.60. Clover, $14.30. sVROVISluNS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.1Sul7.50; lurd. per 100 pounds, $1187; slMirt ribs, shies, (loose) ISioO'y. 10.60; short clear siitea, tbuxed). lU75illl.Od. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to liKi.UoO bushelH. Primary rece pts were 7i.l.io0 bushels, compared with 1.4o7.- WO bushele the corresponding doy a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wlitat, 44 cars: corn, 123 cars; oats, 143 cars; hogs. 14.000 bead. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. SOViil'-Uc; No. 3 red, SSVuitlc: No. 2 hard. Sv'Wji!U::; fio. 3 hard. M Vn'.Hlso ; No- 1 northern spring. $10:101; No. 2 northern spring. S1.0HUI.02; No. 3 spring, SScifl.OO. Corn: No. 8 cash, 6o54c; No. 8 cash, 4Uff 4t4c; No. 8 white, iaffriOUje; No. 3 white. 4c; No. 2 yellow. SOWo M'c ; No. 2 yellow, fcui'.0We. Oats: No. 2 ' cash, Sic: No. 2 white,, 33i:i4Sic; No. 2 white. S2n:2c; No. 4 wliito. lila 'c; standard. i-Vniio. BUTTER Steady; creameries. 24530c; dairies. .iylVe. EUiS Steady; receipts, 8.194 cases; at mark, canes included. Ibf21c; firsts, 26e; priniB firsts. 2o. CHEESE Steady; daisies. l'.'vf(lDc; twins, 14"mc; young Americas, lStfluc; long horns, lnu'lb'c. 1'oTAToKS Steady ; choice to fancy, 45 t!4c; fair to good, 3.'.i4Jc. POULTRY Kasy; turkeys, 17c; fowls, 10c; springs, llc. VEAl Steady; IA to t-lb. wis.. &aloc; AO to -lb wis., 10diic; (so to UO-lb. wis.. H'rllii'-jC. Receipts Todsy: Wheat. SI cars; corn, 1..7 cars: oats, 127 cars. Estimated tomor row: Wheat, 44 cars; corn, 123 cars; oats, 143 cars. Philadelphia I'rodnce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3 BUTTER Firm; prints, lc higher; extra western creamery. MS'ic; nearby prints, 36c. F(KJS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearbv firsts f. c, 31c at mark; cur rent "receipts In returnable cases, 29c at mark; western firsts f. c, 31c at mark. CHEESE Steady ; New York full creams, fancy September, 15c; October, 14Val5c; fair to good, 14'ul4c Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 8. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futurca steady; December, 6s9'd; March, 6s lid; May, nominal. CORN Spot, eany; American mixed, 4s 7d; futures, firm; January, nominal; Febru ary, 4s 3VJ. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov. 8 CORN Higher; No. 3 and better, 4c; No. 4, 4Sc; sample, new, 4i1vi542o. OATS Strong and active; No. 2 white, IQ'-c: No. 3 wbtte, 3lVti32c; standard, 32c. RYE No. 2. 7S',iC. Milwaukee Grain Merket. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 3 FI3UR-Steady. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1.03'(il.iis; No. 2 northern. $1,003(1.01; December, 87Vc. ( ats a:vi3;ic llAllLEY-Siiinples. 705r7e. Ains-Outtmers pfd loo Amalgamated tpper I, S "0 American Affiiculturml .... 1.700 AmerlcAn Beet 811 r t.uoO Amwlran Cn 1.700 American C. ft F 4.900 American Cotton OU 700 American H. & U pfd Am. Ice Securities 40 1M WS Ajncrican klnssed Amfican LocomotlTs .... American 8. A R Am. S. & R. pfd ,. Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining American T. ft T American Tobacco pfd.... American Woolen Anaoonda Mining Co Atchison AtchlRon pfd Atlantlo Coast Una Baltimore ft Ohio Bethlehem Hteel Brooklyn rtapld Tr Canadian Paclfle Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey..,, Chesapeake ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton Chicago O. W., new C. O. W. pfd Chicago ft N. W C, M. ft St. p C. , ('., C. St. L Colorado F. ft I , Colorado A Southern Conaol Mated Gas Corn Products Delaware ft Hudson Denver ft Rio urands.... D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Erie Brie 1st pfd , Erie Sd pfd General Electrlo Great Northern pfd , Great Northern Ore otfs... Illinois Central Inter borough Met Int. Met. pfd . International Harvester , Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City So K. c. 80. pfd Laolede Gaa Louisville At NaahvlUa... Minn, ft St. Louis M., 8t. P. ft S. 8. M.... M., K. ft T M , K. ft T. pfd Mieaourl Paclfio 100 64 H 64Vi National Biscuit ....... ,..' .... ..... Nattunal Lead N. R. R. of M. Id pfd.. New York Central N. Y. O. ft W Norfolk ft Western North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People' a Gaa. ex-dtv P., ('., C. ft 8t. L 100 Pittsburg Coal t"0 presrd Steal Car 1,0 JO Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring 300 Heading T. Republic Bleel too Republic Steel pfd..... Hock Uland Co 4.100 Rock Inland Uu. pfd too St. L. ft 8. F. id pfd 800 Bt. Uiuli 8. W St. L. S. W. pfd Slnea-Sheffleld 8. ft 1 700 Southern Pacific t.fO Southern Railway 4o0 So. Hallway pfd 700 Tennessee Copper 1.300 Teias ft ructflc T., Rt. L. ft W S00 T., Bt. L. ft W. pfd o"0 L'nlon Pacltlo 7,tw0 1'nlon Pacific pfd tnlted Statea llealtjr tnited States Hubber 6"0 United States Start 1M.100 U. S. Steel pfd . ftah Copper . Va. -Carolina Chemical .... J.0 Wabash l' Waba pfd 1,100 : Weatern Mary land too Wastliiuhouae tleotrle 1 Weatern l'nlon l.ialO Wheeling ft L. E Total salas for the say, M,w snares. 400 M,J0 71 10 100 1.80 , I.eiO aoo l.O'lO ,100 100 100 400 . l.t"") , ,000 , S.M0 ! " ioo , t.bOO . " ioo 1.(0 600 , 4,900 aoo , 1,000 100 , 2,100 200 , too 400 '. ""00 toO 400 . ""too . 1.M0 700 600 400 . 3,U0 40 400 M0 31 . 4.(00 . 1,00 l'O too 400 '"too . I.loo 41 UH W 471 113 141 WH 84 14 V. l"b lOISt llHSa lot 92 7 V 2So" u mi t:, f4 187 17 170 33 St'i. to 4 43 J274 136 ti lllw 1S 43 14 33 MVi 10SS4 ne 13914 33 71 1 7 10H R4 B-H 106 47 4 llkH 14214 84 34 43 104 M1V, 113 103' 31 77 19 34 wo" 3 '24" 48 lo IS 66 34 6 lS II 170 'si' 43 if 5" 117 Ml 13e it 111 17 13 43 le M 66 10444 146 lit ' sc 71 4 8t"4 1014 " 66 M s 40 32 108 47 lit 142i to 83 4:1 lit,. 101 113 ion 82 77 D ft H. CT. 4s. D. ft R. Q. 4. do ref. 6s rUstiHe1 6a .... Krle p. 1. 4a do gen. 4s do cv. 4a, eer. do serlea B. .. 9RS do let ft ref. 4a Mir, B. Rubber s... t2i V. f . Steel 3d f 9 ... t4 H. ...ISt. ... w ...1' ... IW ... 71 1'T- H 8H' 7 ... tl ... 7 ... tl ... W ... ...Tl ... 76 ...101 ...1(' ... 7 ...V3 1"3 A. 7Ti Va -Caro. Chem. tm.Vn 3KVatiash 1st M 74 do 1st A ex. 4a.... Western Md. 4s To Wet. El'c. ct. te. Gen. Blec. ot. 6a 34 Wis. Central III. Cen. l.t ref. 4a.. M'i'Mo. Pao. or. 6s.. Int. Met. 4a 1 Bid. Oflered. .109 . us . ti . 9 . M 7.600 6,3-0 t'1 600 t.too I0 116 43 lot lit 83 lit 42 66 lit 33 3,200 132 lai Zi 36 HO 43 t iis 83 lo 277 4. 4" lit". 12A 6 8.' 69 1 37 17 169 33 76 82. 80 49 tt 1M 1274 69 1.14 tii M 110 17 12' 43 1 82 106 146 2t !: ,"4 tH W 110 " Bsatoa Storks avnd Bonds. BOSTON. Nov. S. Closing quotations on stocKs wera: .... 46 Miami Copper .. .... 4114 Mohawk .... 2k Nevada Con. ... .... 164 Nlplaalng Mines . ... 6 North Butte M.. 17 North Lake Old Dominion .. . ... 67 Oaceola ....& Parrott S. C. . ... 22 Qulnrv C. . 72 Shannon .... 10 Superior .... 11 Superior ft B. .... 7H Superior ft P. C ....26 Tamarack .... 7U. 8. 8. R. M... ' Allouea IAmal. Copper ... A. I. U ft . Arltona Com. ... 1 Atlantlo B. si C. O. A S. Butts Coalition . fal. ft Arizona. Cal. ft Hecla...., Centennial j Copper Range C. I East Butte a 11 Franklin Giroux cXin. .... 199 I Oranbr Con. .. 6t Greene Cananes, Isle Horale Copper.. 23 do pfd Kerr Lake Utah Con. Lake Copper 40j IMnona ... La Salle Copper 11 Wolverine , .. n .. 21 .. 11 .. 86 .. 4 .. t ..133 .. !'t .. 78 14 6 7 H ei 46 4S 10 133 New York Cnrb Market. The following; Quotations are furnished by IiOKan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Bay Bute Oaa M Inspiration t Boaton Consolidated. 7 Laroae 4 Butte Coalition 04 Nev Consolidated... II C4trtua 86 New-house 7 I Chlno tl NTada-Utah 1 i Chief Consolidated. 1 11-ltOhlo Copper 118-16 SOUTH OMAHA, Receipts were: Cattl- Oflicml Monday 13;2 (ilflclBl Tnesdav 0"9 Clllrial eilnesrlay 7.n2 r.s.lmate Thursday 5.5i;2 Nov. S, 1910. Hoirs Sheep l.r.s.l 2 2.457 K. 017 S4,S:.2 2S.1W 24,910 FV1ir rlavs this seek !K ft" ifnun irtn 47? Same rlavs last week 3".4;v1 15.1R3 H8.S25 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 32.842 17.05 V ii Same dnys 3 weeks n80..39,av)) 13.420 1S2.39 Sumo days 4 weeks ago.. 31. 93 16.145 132 711 Same days last vear 6A1 IS KiO 76 3o7 The following; table shows the receipts of cattle. Iioks snd sheep at Bouth Omaha for ths year to dste as compared with last year: iom ' 1000 inc. leo ltl l.Of.1.271 9W.47' 120.795 Ji"j 1 u.jii-,1 1 mil vm ;nwKi 8h,,eP 2,8l!9! l!s7!b25 694,170 Th followlna; table shows the avers prices of hoRS at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons. Dates. 1910. 1909.19(A..ri'17. 1906. linOT.. 1101. Oct 28... Oct. 27 .. Oct. W... Oct. 29... Oct. SO. . . Oct. 31... Nov. 1... Nov. 2. . . Nov. 3.... 8 2fi 7 Sfl S 541 E 451 6 11 4 94! 5 08 n 7 Mi 5 (501 I 13' 4 ; 6 "I S Snl 7 B2! S f7l B BS I 4 4 K S l i 7 6.M 5 oni 6 1 151 M M 7 701 5 S0l 6 601 061 4 041 8 01 I i ggi 6 SSI 6 02 4 921 4 9! 7 87 7 721 I 5 fill 6 00 1 4 84 4 M 7 i'tS 7 5 721 5 68! 8 101 4 901 4 P4 8 0Si 7 458 6 86 I 6 07 1 4 87 4 88 Clearances of all weltrhts ma made In very (fieri season. For the week thus far receipts have been lrt. but eastern psrkers mnds strons; efforts to cheapen cost durlns; the first two dsvs snd loi-al buyers followed stilt. Most of the earlv decline has been recovered, howeyer. current sales appear Inar little worse tban a dime lower than tl'ose of lnt S.-tunly. Uepresentatlvs sales: No. 11... I . S7.. 14.. I . 41.. f... 46 . M.. 6t. . 40. . 62.. M. . 14.. 31. . 16. . 4(1. . 64.. 6t. . (3.. 6i.. 1.. At ,447 . W ..ST 3 . 31 .373 . JS7 ..."1 ..S41 .an . SS7 . 34 . . tur. ..24 . . .V7 ..318 . . J15 . S4 ..! ..1 ..Kt .311 . 3S4 .130 Bh. 40 to 0 o 1M 40 M 44 10 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of Uvs stock at the l'nlon Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-lour hours ending at 3 p. m. yes teiday: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hons. Shean. IIVl M. r !St. f 1 Missouri Taclflo 4 l'nlon 1'aclfic 72 C. & N. W. (east)... 4 C. & N. W. (west)... 41 C, St. P., M. & O.. 7 C., 11. & Q. (east) C B. & Q. (west) S3 Illinois Central c, u. w Total receipts 211 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. 2 1 12 78 8 3 1 12 U 4 4.. 3 ST.. 1 3 4.. 48 82 1 Omaha Pkg. Co 418 Swift and Company 1,5(19 Cudahy PkK. Co 1.2." Fraction DaTla-DelT Kir Central Elr consolidated Kir Witch Franklin Giroux Ooldfletd Florence Ooldfleld Daisy I Bohemia Greene Cananea .... 7OJlbar to Rawhide Ooalttlen.. fl I Bar Central 10 U Swift Pkg. Co 171 i Sears-Roebuck Co 1 10 Superior ft Plttsbur 14 13 Tonopaa Mlnlni 744 Trinity Copper t North Lake .... 8 8 4 3 Treasury Statement. WABH1NQTON, Nov. 8. Ths condition of tha treasury at the beginning- of bus iness today was as follows: Trust Funds Gold coin, $S98,; sil ver dollars. 3487,955,(100; silver dollars of 1K90, J3.51.0ftft: silver certificates outstand ing. 3187.995000. General Fund Standard silver dollars In general fundr-tt 8.'. 9.822; current liabil ities, 31 lfi 067.819a jwork In g balance In treas ury offices. I31.1S9.308: In banks to credit 16 I of tresotirer of the United States. 335.5M, llnluth llrnln Market. DI'Ll'TH, Nov. 3. WHEAT December, ,1.00'i; May. 11. t'4: No. 1 northern, I1.00S; No. 2 northern, ST'atitfSc. OATS 3IV4C NEW opened points. Cof fee YORK, Nov. SlIMltV. but for while th Ulsrbet. 3. -COFFKK Futures at a decline of 4i-o7 visible supply statc- Kidui City tiraisi anal Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Njv. 3. WHKAT De cember, e..'iiVi!c bid; May. Hl'nC CsmIi, liiuliafiKed. No. 2 hard, e7'tc; No. 3, 85 1 tiWc; No. 3 red. HHliV; No. 3. Sbc. COUN I iwember. 44-Sc, sellers; Mav, 4(1' i4vo bid. Cash, uncliantied to ',c higher; No. 3 mixed, 4.S.c; No. 3. 4,; No. 2 white, 4i47'mo; No. 3, 4bilt'8 47o. tATS I'liclianijed to e lower; No. t white. SJc; No. 2 mixed, 30"jJlc. 1(1 B No. I. 7'."!75o. HAY i'lichanged; choice timothy, 313.50 tlUuO; choice prairie. 311 jov.i 12.00. lll'TTKH Creamery, K-; firsts, Stic; sec ond. 24c; packing stock, 21V- 1-.UUS Kill us. 2ec; firsts, 2oc; seconds, lbo Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . OatH, bushels .. Receipts. Shipments. .... 50.1100 lvtkn) .... 12.(H 1) .... 13.000 ,ouo St. I.ohIb General Market. ST. I.O I IS, Mo.. Nov. 8 WHEAT Fu tures, lower; December, tfSc; May, D5ty Kc. Cash, firm; Hack: No. 3 rel, 3'ysc; No. 1 hard. tO'isic CollN Futi rr. lower: Dex-ember, 4c; May, 4c. Cash, steady; track: No. 3, thc No. 3 white, 4o. tATS-Futures, weak; December, SUtc; May, S3V'. Ch. steady; track: No. 2, Sic; No 2 wnite. 33i .i39C. RYE -Firm; 77c. Sr:v:D Ttmothv. Id.OUvaS.OU. t 'iiKNMKAU U iO. I LAJLII-Flrm. red later atents, K(J ment proved as bullish as anticipated, It appeared to have been discounted and the European markets made a d sappolntlng showing. Business was not active and the market held preWy steady dur ng the moinlng, hut later eased off. owing to further recessions In the late French cables and clos d quiet ut a net decline of 7'nl5 points. Sales were 14.7"i0 bags In cluding November at 8 77c; December. 8Nf.c; Januarv, SlMe; February. 8.9x-; March 9(1-; April, 9 07c; May. 9.0ftc: June. .10c; Julv, t lie; Aumist, September and Oc tober, 9.12c. Owing to the holidays there were no offVlal cables from Brazil. Havre ' hl'iher to t4 lower. Hamburg was V'- pfg lower. The world's v slble suoplv slutement showed an Increase of only ;;,2ti hues for the month, making the snpptv 14.?.M l"o baes on November 1. compared with 17 405.7S5 baes last year. Spot steadv; No. 7 Rio Ho; No 4 Santos. HV- 12c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, HV'&13,c. 9S 1 36 'si" 1M 84 "saifc 6 U 6S 11044 ai sit 3S1 "t 6S 176 "Tt" 7 80 117 1 6,-, isa a 48 rj 74 t 31 36 "ii. 152 SJ 'ik'i 44 62 11 H 2 36 t7 68 174 '70" 37 78T, 117 60s, 6f. IK 73 7 td Zl H lb6 lu4 34 37 64 42 211 t 6i IMi 60 88 37 27 61 176, 82 71 37 60 117' 60 65 lu z 46 73 7S 030; subsidiary sliver coin, $16,873,479; minor coin, S.v.HtU.I; total balance In general fund, H5,041,61. New York Minlna; Storks. NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Closing Quota tions on mining siockb Alice 256 Com. Tunnel atook. ti ! Con. Csl. A Va 100 Horn Silver 30 Inn Silver 164 iMdvllle Con 10 Offered. were: t.Utle Chief . Mexican Ontnrlo ....... Ophlr standard Yellow Jacket .. 10 ..lKl ..200 ..110 .. 45 ..40 Armour Sr. Co.. Cudahy fr. St. Paul Swort Pkg. Co Henton. Vansant & L. Stephens Bros. Hill & Son Huston & Co..... J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Ij. F. Hues. D. Wolf McCreary &. Carey S. Wertlielmer H. F. Hamilton Mo. & Kans. Calf. Co... Klein & Co Other buyers 1,'JS1 81 65 93 3 202 9 75 472 191 272 28 !fi S3 1,473 329 842 115 1,060 95 623 979 2,974 4ti3 lis) SUTTON WORKERS LINING UP Large Number Volunteer to Work Next Tuesday Without Tuy. KENNEDY TALKS OF ILiCHINES ays that Ho Is Sorprlso tttat Jndge Roles that .Ho Castst Tass on tbe Conatttattoa ollty of the I . No raid workers will appear at ths polls Tuesday In behalf of Judge A. I Sutton, but Instead M0 members of tha congres slonsl campaign committee) havo volun teered, every man of them, to go to the polls and work all day for Judgs Button. Wednesday evening a meeting of ths con gressional committee saw the whole body present. The meeting followed close on the heels of Judge Troup's decision on the voting machines and referring to the suc cess of the Lobeck scheme. Judge Sutton In his own address to the meeting said: "I shall win, machines or no maohlnes. and my opponent will find that his scheme will work him little good. I wish to say to you, that I may nail recently circulated lies, that not one cent has boen contributed to my campaign from any source. No brew eries or corporations are putting up tnoney to try to send me to congress. That money Is on the other side of the ticket. "Nor has the republican national con gressional committee sent a penny to Omaha. It line been declared and declared, again that the national committee Is pour ing In thousands of dollars In my behalf. It la deliberate falsification." Judge Sutton then read letters from Con- Pr. No. At h. TV. 1 S M .J. IN 3 00 t 7.1 M 315 ll IM T to 60 40 I 00 1 5 17 fit 1(0 I 0114 IIS fx J.V7 ... lot t J 2 H 30 t OS 7 3H t t3 1J0 i 06 t 90 14 ? ... t 06 7 to TV 177 40 3 OS t to 61 !t 40 3 1 0 7 M 64 M to 10 7 36 72 2 6 120 I 10 T t ts 2J.1 ... i 7 16 44. WO 120 3 IS 7 t S7 130 1 16 t 00 TO Ml ... t ;o t 00 61 340 ... 6.1 3 00 t H0 SO t 6ft 00 (.1. l ... I k,-, I on 43 167 ... 3 M 3 00 at 176 ... 3 68 00 STAGS. I 10 ROARS, t 00 Fiaa. 3 ts ... 7 i KUKEF-The estimated supply of sheep and lambs today was large enough to push the total for the week thus far Weill over the ln0,i0 mark. In the ueignborhood ' of 2.1,000 head were expected, all of the, early arrivals coming from western ranges. 1 The percentage of riff-raff was relatively heavy, as usual, this phase of the trade being seasonable. Inquiry for leeders, whllo of broader ' volume than early In the week, lackrd ' urgency anil opening sales showed no ap- j preclable improvement over those of yes-1 terday. In a general way It was a quiet, I steady market on all classes of feeders. I-lKht lambs were especially hard to move, as recent runs have been burdened with ; strings of this description and the corn ' belt Is In no mood to furnish a free outlet this late in the season, regardless of price. Good, flenhy feeder lambs are selling about 1 a quarter lower than they were at last i week's close, while Inferior kinds are slow I at reduction of 6ori7.'.c. Feeder sheep have gresman McKlnley of Illinois, chairman of HhowtlT8."11" '"J"'': ""J frl'.tho national congressional committee, say- da vs. Ing that In the apportionment of funds, Fat lambs and 13,048 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov. 8. Bank clearings fop to dav were 82.903,818. and for the corre sponding date last year $2,552,269.00. London Money Market. LONDON. Nov. 3. American securities were quiet and steady the early trading today. I'rlces opened about un changed and then the active stocks ad vanced on covering. At noon the market was steady, with values ranging from un changed to o higher than yesterday s New York closing. London closing stock quotations Console, money ... do aceount .... Amal. trapper Anaconda Atcblaon do ptd Baltimore A Ohio. tt Loulavllle A Nash. .160 ,.rio., Kaa. A Tea... ..78 New York Central. .. I Norfolk A Western.. 13 ..10 do pfd ..106 Ontario A Weatern .111 Pennsylvania Canadian Pacific ..2Uo7tand Mines Cheeapeake A Ohio.. 6t Heading- Chi. Great Weatern ( hi.. Mil. A lit. P lie Beers !4 Southern Hallway IM do pfd 17 Southern PaiMflo Denver A Rio O ... 94 l'nlon Paclfio .. do pfd 13 do pfd , Erie ..: 30 V. 8. Steel do 1st pfd 61 do ptd do 3d ptd 30 Wabash Orand Trunk & do pfd - Illinois Central 13M Si.anlnh 4s PILVF.R Bar, firm at i-4d per MUNKV-'(U'i per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three months' bills. 4' per cent. 33 44 74, 3 7 J 132 ISO & 'I 1M It ...... 40 to ounce. Local Sernrltles. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. . M liTALS Stand ard copper, quiet; soot and futures. $l'i 40 ft 12.70. Iondon. weak; spot. .Y7 Ss d: fu tures. K M I-aUe. b.cnllv. $12 t'w 1 I.'1.: electrolytic. 12 7".li 13 00; casting. $12 'Air IS 7V Tin. weak: snot and future. $:aSOt(i:tti.74). London, weak; spot. 1 PW; futures. 10 l"s Iead. iiilt; t4.40ti4.10 New York: $1 27Hfi 4 SS. Fust St 1 en a I .on don f.S Ss M. Siielter. firm; $5.Soi5.:l. New York: to 72''fiJ4. Kast Sf Louis London, spot. :!4. In the London Iron market Cleveland warrants were 4s yd. Ixjcallv the 'run market was quiet; No. 1 northern foundrv. No. 1 southern fonndrv an.l No 1 southern soft foundrv ita'v lii ?V No f n-)r-.hern foundrv !6 5iw7l4 00. ST. LOF1S. Nov. $. METALS Lead, strong, $130. Speller, higher, $f.M. Quotations furnished by A Co.. 4-ii New Ouiaha. building: Bovd County warrants City of umaJia 4a. l-"0 City Natlunal Blil. tm. 19 Colorado Tel. Co. 7 per cent... Colunibua. Nab , K. L. 6a, 1324 I let rot Kulson lis, 1933 Lielrolt United Hr. 4s. 133J hairniont ceamery 1st s. per cent. G.rmsn Fle Ins. Co Hardy. Nab. (municipal) " Hydraulic PrsBecd Bnck pfd luwa Portland t ement 1st ae Kansas O. A K. 1 per et pfd, Wichita Kaltaas flty It. A L. te, lmj U.i.a Ball Luiubur M, iUl Lawrence Co.. S. 1).. 6a, IKlt Nebraska tNance Co.l war. ft per cent Morris A t o. 4s. l3t Oinalia Water 6s, 1346 Omaha Water 1st pfd Omalia Water Id pfd Omaha A ( B. St. ity. pfd t per cent Omaha A C. B. St. Ky. as, lSi ". uuuiba Oaa 6s- lfH Omaha Oaa . 1314 bt. loule. city, 4a Burns, Brlnker National bank Bid. Aake4. 6 M tt t 100 62 64 30 314 101 lul, SO sou Ot 1 tt 100 tt 100 34 64 K 1 l tt 10 4 M .J tt 100 Io0 " all 14 31 tt 36 10 U 34 7 34 34 . 1U3 144 1 16e; No. 2, 17'jc; No. 2, 1. 7'o; No. 1. 9c; No. 2. 6o; No. 2, Bank of France Btatruaeat. PARIS. Nov. $. The weekly statement of the Hank of Franca shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, increase 2.i, 7'iM.ouO francs; treasury deposits, decreased SI IMtOOO francs; general deposits, decreased 10i.oo0.ouu francs; gold In nand, decreased, 17 4i.uiiu francs; silver In hand, increased t '.MO uoo francs; bills discounted. Increased. 140k.iO.uiiO francs; advances, Increased, 12, 7i..uiJ francs. Rank of England Statement. HN'IKN. Nov. 3. The weekly statement of the bank ot Fngland shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, increase, aal.- OMAHA PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No, t, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 32c; No. 2, In 30-lb. tubs, 81c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 30c; packing stock, solid pack, 21Vac; dairy. In 60-lb. tubs, 23(4c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEKSlfi Twins, 17!gmo; Toung Amer icas, lhVtc; daisies. 17H118c; triplets, lsc; limburger. 18c; No. 1 brick. 1818Siic; Im ported Swiss, 82c; domesllo Swiss, 24c; biock Swiss, 22c. POULTRY Pressed broilers, under t lbs., to 00 dos. ; over 2 lbs., 14c; hens, Lie; cocks, loVfec; ducks, 18c; geese, loc; turkeys, 2Hc; plgecns, per doz., $1.20: homer squabs, per doz., $4.00; fancy squabs, per dos., $3.60; No. 1, per doz., $3.00. Alive: Broilers, Lc; over 2 lbs., bWc; hens, 11c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered. He; geese, lull feath ered, 10c; turkes, lite; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons, per dos., doc; homers, per doz., $3.00; squabs, No. 1, per doz., 11.50; No. 2, per doz.. 60c. FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 12c; white fish, 18c; pike, l&u; trout, 14c; large crap plea, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 15c; eel, lkc; haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish lsc; roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 65c; frog legs, per doz., 6uc; salmon, I3c; halibut. 10c. BEEF CUTS Ribs: ro. 1. 12ic; No. 3, 8W0. Loin: No. L 13!c; No. 3, c. Chuck: No, 2, 6fic; No. 8. c. Round: No. 74c; No. 8. 7c. Plate: No. 1, &Vc: No. 8. 6'c. FRUITS Oranges: California Valenclas. good sizes, per box. $6.&0; W size, per box. $a. Lemons: Llmoniera, extra fancy, 300 size, per box, $0; S'jO size, per box, 6; choice, 300 size, per box, 17.&0; M it, sr box. $i'.50; 240 size, &0c per box lens. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, $2.2rVti2. jO; Jumho, bunch, $2.700 3.75. Pears: New York Kelfer, per bbl., $4Ui; California Winter Xeliib. per box, $2.S5. Apples: Home-grown cooking, per bbl., $1604.; Missouri Jonathan and Grimes Golden, per bbl., f..,5; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., ii.'M; Missuutl Wineaijs, ner bbl.. $4.00; Missouri Uanu. per bbl.. U 75: other varieties, per bbl., 4; Colorado Jona than, per box, $1.7.1; California Graven stein, per box, $2.10; California Belief low er, per box. $l.b0; Washington Grimes Golden snd Jonathan, extra fancy. Be to 12i size per box. $2.25. tlrapes: California Tokay, per crate. $1 40; Concord, Michigan and New York, per 8-lb. bk., 3oc; Malaga. n0 tj GS ll.. gross, per aeg, ao.ti"". u. v. 1 anoerries : for box $250; per bbl.. $6.73; Jersey, per bbl., 16 Dates-. Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lh. ukKS. In box, per box, $:'. Figs: New Call-fo-nla. 12 12-oz. pkgs., 85c; 3i 12-oz. pkgs.. 2 2f-- "urklsh. T-crown, per lb., 16c; 5-crown, per ir 14c. Quinces: Per box. $1 85. VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio. In sacks, per bu., Wc; Iowa while stock, per bu. 5c. Sweet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl', $2.50. Onions: Iowa, small red and yeliow, per lb., 2o; Spanish, per crate, $1.J6 Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., i.C; red. per lb., 16c. Efg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz.. $1- Celeiv Mlchlgsn. per iloz. bunches. Sic. Rutabagas: Per lh., 114c. Cucumbers: Hot house. 1 and 1 dux., par bHOV1rGROVN VEGETABLES Cabbage: New, per lb.. lc. Tomatoes: Per bsk , $.5. i-trlng and Wax Beans: Per inkt bsk., 70c Ittuce-. Extra fancy lesf, per di z., 4"m Parsley: Fancy home-grown, per doz: oiincl ss, 30c. Turnips: Per mkt, ;:,e. Carn ts: Per mkt. bsk., 40c. Beets: Per nikt bfck., SCc. MISCFLI' NFOI'S Walnuts: Plaok. per (b , 2c; Canf rnia No 1, per lb.. lc; Cali fornia No. $ per lb. 14'. Hlrkurynuts: lise r-er lb.. 4c; small, per lb , ic. Cocoa nuts; Per sack. $5 fsi; per doz.. 60c. Honey: New, 24 fromes, $.160. Ciaer, New York, per bbl.. $3 Umm Mar Market. OMAHA. Nov. 3 HAY No. upland. $1100; No. 3 upland, $!0u; packing. iim; alfalfa. $12.00. Straw: Wheal. $4.oo; rye. $700; oats. $300. Totals 8,286 8.4S5 24,877 CAT1LE There was about an average run tor a Thursday and the general qual ity of ths offerings was much the same as It has been all week. Offerings Incluued several loads of very decent corn fed beeves and tuese sold at prices Lnat were not a great ueal different tlian yesterday. De mand for western range beeves was very good and in some cases prices looked a little stionger although taken as a whole the market for beef cattle cannot be called much more than steady and the general tone to the trade was much the same as It was towards the close of last week. Cows and heifers were In very liberal supply, but there was a broad demand from all sources and prices ruled a little st.onger for anything at all useful In the way of either butcher or beef stock. Clos ing prices for cows and hellers sre slightly stronger than they were at the close of last week, and the undertone to the trade Is undoubtedly firm. Just now ths demand Is chiefly for the cheaper grades of beef and for this reason cows are popular with all classes of buyers. Business In stockers and feeders was very dull. Supplies have been accumulat ing this week in yard traders' hands and although prices snow a decline of fully I'fie, the lower prices have little effect In the way of stimulating the country de mand. Owing to the recent decline In fat cattle prices, the demand for stockers and feeders lias fallen off sharply of late and the commoner kinds are hard to move at any prices. It looks now as If quite a few cattle would have to be carried over to next week owing to the lack of demand. (quotations on natlv cattle: Good to choice beef steers. tti.60U7.25; talr to good beef steers. 5. 506. 40; common to fair beef steers, $4. 2.1(0-5. 20; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.20ft5.00; fair to "vhI 'owl and heifers. $3.4Mi4 00; romil.c to fair cows and heifers, $2. 7rx&.1. 40; good to choice stock ers and feeders, 34 iKKfiO.TI; fair to good stockers arid feeders. $4.00fi4.50; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.00'fl3.80; stock heifers. $3.00i4.25; veal calves, $.'l.i0-ui 7.60; bulls, stags, etc., $3.004.75. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $6.00(16.76; good to choice beeves, $1.4(6.00; fair to good beeves. $4.50 4r1.21; common to fair beeves. H.7O-rT4.40; good to choice heifers. 34 OO1&6.00; good to choice cows. tt.OtWiH.W: fair to good cows, $3.W(i4.00; canners, f2.77&3.5a Representative tales: COWS. Pr. No. 3 20 3 20 t S 60 4 3 76 HEIFERS, t 40 4 3 30 70 I to CALVES. 4 00 1 4 75 1 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 740 3 li 4 866 4 tS Mi t 36 t 667 4 146 610 4 00 1 10:18 4 30 370 4 1 4 J 4 66 W HSTERNS. A H. Phillips S. D. 18 feeders.. KC'i 4 40 17 cows 91T 8 75 a cows ''HI 3 26 Frank Peterson S. D 26 feeders.. I72 4 31 8 heifers... 700 8 75 K72 3 so W. H. Allen S. D. HIS 4 50 7 heifers... 9.17 4 00 3 '- W. K. Hill Wyo. sheen held steadv this morning, the size of Individual offerings being determined by the severity of sorts. Straight strings were not available early and this condition doubtless served to put a better edge upon the demand. Fat west ern lambs sold as high as $6.60, the highest price quotable on grassers. Well finished natives are wanted at $6.506 S.I. Good fat wethers are selling around $4 00. with good ewes at $.1.60 and better. As compared with last Saturday's quotations, grass lamb prices are about 15M2f.c lower, with fat sheep of all kinds steady to possibly 10c lower. Quotations on grass stock: Good to choice lambs, $6.25Ji4j .60; fair to good lnmbs, $6.0O-(f6.26; feeding lambs, f3.60fo.75; handy weight yearlings, $4.H0iy6.25; heavy year lings, 84.ftxuiu.00; feeder yearlings, $4 25-tf 5.00; good to choice wethers, $3.6';f 4.10; fair to good wethers, $3603.8.1; feeding weth ers, breeding ewes, $4.00'(f5.J; fat ewes, $3.4Vfr3.65; feeding ewes, $2.25'q3.00; runners, n.wu.i. No. i'47 Wyoming yeantngs OKI Wyoming lambs, feeders... 145 Wyoming ewes 170 Wyoming lnmbs, feeders... 820 Wyoming ewes, feeders 207 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 1079 western yearlings, feeders 1318 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 104 Wyoming bucks 303 Wyoming ewes, feeders 135 western lambs 3W) Wyoming ewes, culls 147 Idaho lambs, feeders 16.1 Idaho lambs, feeders tl) Idaho lambs, feeders 220 fed yearllrgs 242 fed yearlings IN 8. D. ewes, feeders 106 H. D. ewes snd bucks 1S7 S. I), ewes and bucks 247 8. I), lambs, feeder culls... 146 S. 1). lambs, feeders Sii 8. D. lambs, feeders 379 8. D. lambs, feeders 715 8. D. lambs, feeder culls... 6.11 S. D. lambs, feeder culls... 201 8. D. lambs, feeder culls... 6f9 8. D. Iambs, feeder culls... 260 S. D. ewes, feeders 227 S. D. ewes, feeders 309 S. D. lambs, feeders A v. 86 55 109 42 n 63 r2 60 131 100 6S 70 54 60- 60 R6 87 83 SS 91 43 61 63 60 40 46 43 49 (Ml . 82 . 46 Pr. 4 31 5 DO 8 00 4 65 2 S.1 6 35 4 35 6 80 1 3.1 2 bo 6 ISo 2 00 6 25 6 70 6 -,0 4 76 4 75 2 80 3 40 4 10 4 25 6 40 5 40 6 50 4 00 6 0.1 4 50 5 40 2 65 2 50 6 50 Ing that In the apportionment Of. none was allotted In this district. Kennedy Denounces Machines. S. A. Searle, chairman .of Judge Sutton's c uttee, made a rousing speech and j L. Kennedy .""..former congressman from this district followed with a denuncia tion of the voting machine In politics and a criticism of judge Troup decision. "I was gravely Aurprlsed," srvld Mr. Kennedy, "that a -Judge of the district court should doolaie that' he cannot pass upon the constitutionality ot. A law and I regard the precedent as most dangerous. The voting machine Is A dangerous po litical Implement. It permits the weaker man to gain strength, from the stronger, and Instead of each candidate being Judged upon his merits, poor men may sometimes slip In, In tills way. The voting machine Is bad as It It ' now constituted, and I shall oppose it as long as It makes for bad government." -. 7 Following Mr,, Kennedy' address ;the members of the congressionAl -committee volunteered for worlt election Clay. That the attendance of the committeemen was complete to a man at the meeting Is re- guarded as a political fact of unusual quality, and a testimonial to the regard In which the committeemen . hclt Judge Sutton. " -vs' . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK BIAniCET Demand for Cattle 9 tronar Hoes More Active Sheep Steady'. CHICAGO, Nov. 8.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 6.000. Market strong. Beeves, $4,704 7 75; Texas steers. $3.S6r(i5.76; western steers, $4.10 6 86; stockers and feeders, S4.10ti-6.C0; cows and heifers, $2.2fiU6.60; calves, $7.5tVtM0.25 HOGS Receipts, 16.000. Market more active and strong. Ught, 88.26.n8.75; mixed. $i..uru8.75; heavy, $7.308.65; rough, $7.30ftj 7.1.1; good to choice heavy, $7. 55 'u 8. 65: pigs. l7.7tV7i8.5fi: bulk of sales. $7.60!j,.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 30 000. Market steady. Native, $2.60"r4..'56; western. $2.65(64.36; yearlings, $4.354i6 40. Lambs, na tive, $4.75'56.75; western, $4.754j.75. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. S.-CATTLEv-Re-celpts, 10,000 head. Including 1,000 head southerns; market Steady to weak; dressed ! oeei ana export steers, $6.257.50; fair to 1 pood. $5.00iti6.25; weHtern steers, $4.0nti6 75 'stockers and feeders. $3 Biy-o.fio; southern .steers. $4 OOriiii.25; southern cows. $2 75rt4 50- natlve cows, S2.tV7i4.75; native heifers 3 75-rf 6.25: bulls, $3.15C(t4.50; calves, $4.(rri8.00. HOGS Receipts. 4,4iO head; market low 15c higher; bulk of iiles. 8S.10W8.55; heavy $x.0fi-rf..15: packers and butchers, SRO'iiS 56 light, $.&rr,S60. " ' onr.r.r- ainu IA MBS Receipts, 12.000 nraio, iiminei steany; lambs, $5,251(6 75 yearlings, $4 25(34.75: wethers tiui'm e4 25 3'60'ii0; 8t0CKer and feeders, $2.75 No. t 11 10 4 3 I t... 14... 3... 4... 11... 6... e... 4 feeders. 29 feeders.. 10 cows Av. .. 825 .. t'13 .. (.0 ..1033 664 6V.1 102 S21 3 466 At. . tit . ', .1123 em . 76t 140 140 Pr. 3 tO 4 00 4 16 4 00 4 30 6 7t 7 00 20 feeders.. P17 9 feeders. . M 8 feeders. . 875 R. S. .'.3 steers.. ..10"7 56 steers. ...1075 6 Heeis....ll01 17 steers... 8 heifers. 19 cows... 9 steers 14 steers.. ..Hv-' 10 cows 1H17 15 heifers 17 cows. .. 58 steers. 27 steers. ...112 E 20 cows.... 4 90 4 90 4 90 Van 5 Oi) 5 00 4 f.0 15 cows.. 11 cows. . . 8S8 .1045 4 10 4 30 St. I.onls Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8.-CATTLE-Recelpts 7,400 Including 3.600 Texans. Market steady: '"u, snipping ami export steers, $5 50M 7.50; dressed beef and butcher steers S5 7-V.J -....a ,wv iiourios, to.Wiiri.70; eiocsera ana reeqers, i;i.!Xri6 25; cows and ii m T ' ' .Y1: -'.'iy3.1o; bulls, $. .2oip6.00; calves. S5.2wu9.ltt; Texas and ln- i1 -rV H-WotW. cows and heifers, ti. UTM.e50. M-Al; e,pi.?,.."'iuu- .Mr,t 60 to 10c t aJ V?d "eht8.' J0-": packers. Hiors.40; butchers and best heavy, $.60ai M.liTf' . ""I'AMHS-Recelpts, 2.500. Market stesdy. Native muttons, $3 75-T-4 -o-lambs, $.7.2fK(j6 7B; culls and bucks. $2 5oii 3.00; Blockers, $2EKVij3.75. rf 5 00 6 00 4 M) 5 60 900 3 75 4 35 4 25 942 8 85 ..1067 4 90 9? 8 15 Tassell Wyo. 61 steers.. ,.10r 61 steers. ...1104 M steers... .119 bf7 4 2.1 91 feeders.. 1192 T. Majors Wyo. , 66 4 01 11 cows. r-40 3 25 Walter Splcer Wyo. 1112 5 00 24 cows 1010 4 71 21 heifers... 93 3 75 T. J. Martin Wyo. 721 4 On 14 cows. . S117 3 25 C A. Gurnsev Wyo. 1075 4 90 69 steers. 6 40 Osborne Wyo. 715 3 00 3 cows. . .1. Nickelson Wvo. 16 cows 9S2 3 21 2t cows 972 4 20 71 cows 10"0 4 20 75 cows 92 4 20 II cows 1,7 3 4 20 79 cows 9fc6 3 76 10 cows y.i3 4 20 A. Doyle yo 16 feeders.. H6 E 10 33 feeders. .1016 5 35 1.. Shldelar Wyo. 13 cows.... 1004 4 21 1 bull 1390 8 40 O. Heck Wyo. 33 cows 1024 4 10 21 cows 1023 8 75 7 cows 9o4 3 2.1 HutiS Sellers had another Inning In the hog yards this morning and made the mo-t of the advantage limited re ceipts afforded. The market was an ac tive, dime higher affair, much of the re tent une enness vanishing In the processor improvement. Heavy parking grades i ruwied up to $7.SO'u7 85. and were given keener attention 11 1 these levels than on any previous day thtz week. l'jiiil h .gs made up the hulk of offerings an 1 as a.nppli.g demand tails for tight and iiieoluui weight as a rule, purchases on outsitle account wire of little conse quent. 1 ackers bought the b g end of supply, droves costing around $8.o0. Good heavits brought J7!V(iiO0, with heavy and ii,. 111 wtUI't mixed at the usual pre miums. Light grades sold at high prices, but the in w crop Is ev dently being well-finished as not enough animals of last spriti' larrow ore coming to in. ike anything like a quotable bulk in this branch of the trale. Cood bacon hugs sold at hlsh as $.165 to day 'JOc higher than yesteiuay's tup sale. St. .loaenh Live Stork Market. , 5T kJ02EPH'.Nov 3 -CATTI.E-Recept !'.W.)?A',n.d: mark"t steady to strong; st.-ers caive'sVW. "nJ he'fe"' ,2-5035W- hi 1 i 7 e m heaJ: market 10c v? V', H' oir 1 it ot sales, Ji.-,s.55 . . , t, t'AMMS Hccelpts, 2.000 Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at tha five prin cipal western markets yesterday: entile. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha St. Joseph Kansas City ., St. Louis Chicago Totals ..... .... l.ww lo.ono .... 7.4-m . ... 6.0 j 2. 11 1 4.0ml 4,i 111 6. 41-0 16.0(10 24,9) 2.0 K) 12.1 2. 5. HI 30,000 30.700 33,200 71,4, Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. COTTON-Rriot closed firm and unchanged: middling ,' none middling gulf, $14 ,80; sales 81'.' LOFIS, Nov. S.-COTTON-Ix.wer-mld.lllng. 14.c Sales. bales; receTts! 6 156 bales llP'nents, l 47u bules; stoi k! Cotton futures closed firm; November. " ' ''I Dei-ember. 14 46c: January 14 3 , February 14.40.-; March. 14 46c; April. 14 43 May. 14.k!c; June, 11.50; July, H.IHe; Au gust. 14 3'JC. Furnifhed bv lAgsn Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange S15 South tiix 'tetith street. Clmaha. Nab. Options.! Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close Tes'y Smll Fire in " the Postoffice Oiled Eajs Cause Spontaneous Com bustion, with Slight Damage to the Building. Fire w,s narrowly averted In -the federal building Thursday morning when a bunch of rags used by the janitor In 'Wiping floors became Ignited. The rags were sat urated with a highly inflammable oil used by Jan. tors for polish ng - woodwork, ' and after the morning clean-up these rags were laid away In a witness room on the third floor, used at the present time for storage purposes. . , - . It Is presumed that the rags Ignited from spontaneous combustion at lesst there ts no other logical theory In explanation, for no matches had been struck In the room. Attention to the b ug was attracted by a dense volume of smoke which poured out Into the corridors and attaches of the building, seeing the smoke, began In In vestigation which led to the storage room. The blaae had reached such strength that a large hole was burned In an oak base board, and other parts of the woodwork were visibly scorched. No fire alarm' was turned In, the Janitors extinguishing the flames with water and heavy brooms. YANKTON BUSINESS MEN SEND VOTE OF THANKS Are Pleased with Keeeptloa and with the Success of Their Visit to Omaha. The Commercial club of Yankton has shown its appreciation of the way soma of its members were treated in Omaha by the adoption of these resolutions: Whereas, The Commercial club of Omaha and the laukton commercial association are now engaged in projecting a direct rail road between the cities of Omaria and 1 ankton; and, U horeus, tiuch a railroad would be of great benefit to the said ciiu-s and to their mutual advantage; and, Whereas, on 4clouer W, 1U10. a commit tee of fifteen members of the Yankton t iilninel rial association visited the city of Umana lor the purpose of conferring witn the Commercial club of Omaha with refer ence to the said railroad, und said com mittee was most kindiy received and entt-i-taintd; tnerefore, be it RiBolvcil, 'ihat the board of directors of the Yankton Commercial association du hereby extend a volt, of thuliks to the ( oiiiiiiertiul club of Omaha for the cordial manner In which Its suld coiniiuitee was received and entertained by (he Commer cial club ot Oiiiana; and, be It lurther KiMilveu, That the Yankton t oinmerclul association offers to the Commercial duo ot Omaha Its hearty co-opei at 1011 and as sistance In securing this railroad. Dee 14 30 14 4! I 14 23 Jan 14 19 14 37 I 14 17 I Mar. ... 14 24 14 47 14 24 1 May .... 14 33 14 54 1 14 32 , July .... 14 28 I 14 50 14 27 14 46 14 35 14 46 14 53 14 40 14 r. 14 22 11 31 14 40 14 35 ' Yarns bought Dry 4.ooila Market. NKW YORK, Nov. 3 Dftf GOOI iSi-The cotton gootlif markets rule uulet without anv appreciable chamce In prices bold firm. Haw silk is being steadily. The carpet auct on continues to draw a large attendance of buyers and merchandise la being taken out steadily at fair prices. Wool Market. 8T. LOl'If, Nov. 8 Wool. Unchanged; territory and western mediums, HyWa, fine mediums, liUj-ix-; fine, l-'yloe. OCTOBER A PLEASANT MONTH neport rom Weal her Office "hows Average Temperature and Clear Dnyn. In October the wannest day was the second w th a tempt rature of K8 degrees,, and the coolest w:is the 2Mh with a tem perature of 27 degrees, according to the weather report, issued yesterday. This range of temperature was of the average maintained at this season of the year for tho laHt thirty-eight ytais. In general, weather conditions the month of October wus pleasant. Ki'hteen days were reported cltar, eight were partly cloudy and only five were cloudy. Nugur Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. -JI-O AR-Paw firm; muscovado, k test, 8 isnc; tentrifu- oiusses sugar, quief. , M test. cal, !; test. 3.XOI-; mo! 3o5c; refined sukar Turpentine Market. HAVANNAH. Nov. 8 -Tl'lU'KNTINK-Flrm, ib!4c. Kosin, firm; type F, $5.V-'(i 600; O, S5.lr7VU4.0ti. Hetberl E. Gooch Co., Brokers and Dialers OKAIB ratOTiaiOHB ITOOEL Omaha Office, lit Board of Trails Bid -t.i fllO,, txiug -i 10,1 a -1 , 1 OLSAiaX AHO LASOtll ISO Deal las 'AalS STATU