Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    THtt Hh: OMAHA, Til UlCSDA Y , M)VKMHKI 3. T.UO.
Elliott aws Hoi. Through Door and
V Work with Rope.
i V ;
. i
tsarlet Trlr la Aula to f limit Wall
OTltk rtftW f Ttt-rtillne. It fit fnpport
HiVmlm Ittiit l.enlta (.are' to
llldliiK I'laee.
fl'rom a Staff Crr!irn1ent.)
LIN'COI.IS. Ko-. 2-(fllerat Telpgram.)
l3lllott, conv et from Doug-las county,
ho Isrk four yesre nf having served out
a fifteen year trm for urlary, made an
attempt te eatape Sunday niKht. He kept
the prison authorities tuny until Monday
B'nt searching- for him before thry found
him. , ',
Elliott haT been .working- as a nurse In
the honMtaf", whloh Sunday n nht contained
only one patient, an epileptic. He sawed
the bars In tha dWof'ih hospital, mak
ing the opening In the door through which
food la paasnri large ertowsh to get through.
While he vii doing thle the eonvlct-patlent
threatened to" gve the alarm, and wen
promptly allenoed by Elliott, who used for
the purpose , a wooden revolver which
looked Ilka the real thing.
He' finally sawerT m' way out tnklng
with him hla bed clothing, which he had
made Into a rope, to, the end of which he
had attached a hook for the purpoae of
fastening It to the top of the wall around
the prison.
Pattest lonAi Alarm.
Aa aoon as Elliott left the hospital the
patient Whistled until he had attracted the
JT'ierd, whom ha told of the escape. A
general alarm was sounded, lights were
turned on and a search started for the
scaped 'prisoner! The guards discovered
where Elliott had hung his blanket rope
on the . wail. It appeared the rope had
broken and evidently he had fallen back
Into the yard. Further on they found
"where, he. had patched together another
rope and that also had failed to hold him.
But the prisoner oould not be found that
night "All day Monday the prisoners were
kept locked In their oells and the search
continued for Elliott' Without sucoess.
Monday night While one of the guards
makJng his raunds he was followed
by a pet bulldog at the prison. Suddenly
the dog made a dash for a pile of wood
and began to growl.
"Come out, Elliott," aald the guard,
"or I'll shoot tfou."
"Don't shoot, Ed," replied Elliott, "and
I'll come out"
Elllotfjtold Warden Smith that when
he failed to get over the wall Sunday
might he made hie1 way Into the shirt
factory and concealed himself until Mon
day night. When It became dark he
again sallied forth, to try to get over the
wall. - When' her heard the guard coming
be hid away In the wood until discovered
ty the dog. ' He refused to tell where he
hid then wooden 'gaV but a he Is In
solitary confinement, he probably will tell
before ha gets .put ..
Opinions of l.etral Department.
' In. anawer to many Inquiries Attorney
Genera Mullen has ruled that on the
flolal ballot in every county In the state
the republican candidate must appear
first One county clerk Insisted that
Where the democratic party received more
voles 1a the county, that party Should be
lrst o$ .tm( baloit: Jn, that county. , Mr.
Mullen, .rules. . however,- that -the repub
licans cast the highest -number of votes
In the state and therefore , the name of
that' party should be at the head of the
ticket throughout the state.
Onet cpunty clerk of Perkins county
snt In a Fallot like those used In the
primary wtth t!ieseveral tickets running
side by side. The attorney general sent
back wordv that the ballot must not be
more than six Inches . In length end one
tlekMt" shall appear above the other.
. fthallenberawr Igaores Pshlmas.
It seems now very probable that the next
national meeting of the National Ouarda
of the United Slates w:ll be held In Omaha
during "oest Ak-8ar-Ben. Adjutant-Qeneral
Hart I gun has received answers from a
dosen of the states and eaoli la willing that
the meeting shall be held In the Nebraska
metropolis. General Hartlgan feels sure
that Omaha will get the meeting.
- J' Mar Httpwlate Facts.
John' T, Webster, 'representing, the" Na
tional Biscuit company, has been In Un
poln several1 times lately to discuss with
Assistant. At torus r1 tSSiieral Ayres .and
County1 Attorney Tyrrell a stipulation upon
t,tcU th fclirs food lav may be ttst-sd !n
Jhat portion which refers to the branding
f peak age with the net weight of the oon
lents. -T 'heettorney for the company In
sists that the law ftiferf ores with Inter
state shipments, In that no fraud la prac
ticed upon the peep's, nor adulterated food
food la aald by the company. Mr.' Webster
fcad many suggestions to offer as an agree
tnent, but k far the attorneys have not
got together." tut may later. v
- WlsMaa Sere Kalis Daws.
. Walker ..Smith, corporation clerk In the
i(flee of --the'' secretary of state, had an
other, experience with a man who knew
it all,; arid then- some, the other day.
This party . is . the head of a corpora uon
doing buslnesv In Lincoln. He blew Into
the offloe of the secretary like a house
afire. , t
"Why Wasn't I notified that my corpora
tion had to pay a tax?" he demands.! to
knew. "'Her you have let this thiuir tun
ana now . i. will have, to pay a yenalty
through -your varelesauess."
Deputy Sscrstary of mate Addi.on Watt
bustled the Irate man sack Into tee o'flce
of Mr. Smith, where the demand was re
prated. Mr. &mih aa'plalned that every corpora
tion had bticn iiotlfled of the tax and In
esse the -letter came back the original
artlclea.were, looked Bp and some officer
f the company, as thsn notified. At this
time no letters were held In the office,
and besides,' the. law does not provide foi
a notification,
"Hut I tell yuu I was not notified. " said
th know-t. all- clOien who la never to
blame for mistakes.
Mr. Smith turned to the record. "Tour
aUf!. atJon , s seut to' you on such a
date." he said.
"But I never got It.." snorted the man.
"Tout tax"waa paid on such and such
a dale,", opnttnued Mr. eimitu, reading from
the records, .
"But I never paid It!" fairly roared the
man. "Somebody else paid It then."
"Toar nain la signed to the application
for .he mqiU."-continued Mr. Smith, as
he lovked .further Into the records.
"t never signed It." ehouttrd the min.
.Mr. Smith pulled the application from
the book and handrd 'it to the man.
l.n t that your writing?" he asked.
"Well, It look tike- it." admitted the
Thu' hun 'sneaked out uf the office as
though'he had been caught steeling suar.
.- - - ,
A tfli for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kldnsy trouble l
made when a o box of Dr. King's New
Life Pills bought For sale by Beaton
Drug; Cs.
Continual from 1'lrst I'aga)
weeks ago .t was dccidfd we would open
headquarters In Lincoln for at least a
week, and I am carrying out the instruc
tion of our committee." ,
Manael's Letter.
t". 11. Manuel, ctiRjimaji 01 the populist
state committee, apna.s to the
of the state to vote tor Senator Aldricii
tor governor. V, Neb., Nov. 1, 1D10. Hear sir:
elect ion oy will p . ajiu i.eiore
Hie Cione 01 huh cajiipaien 1 waul to vail
our auviition to wnr m Its imiures anu
mane a nut appei to you to stand uy
im pnncipieK n,r which e liave lougui
lor eajs.
Hince isiei we have been working with the
f.t-ii.ociais unuer the leaamiiip of
gieat loinmoner, V . J. liran. i hn-e ha.e
i-em a goou many times wnen tne popu
iims kib thai iiiiiny uruioviats were op
poeeu to tne pupiiiisi puny anu were
ail liny coulu to break uown our oianl
.ai.iui, hut tuey neeieii our votes and oy
Hivnig us small representation on tne
urkei kttiK uh hi line, two years ago they
nui us out entirely. Vs e uiun't nave a
luufi on tne ticket, hut still we were loai
10 Mi. rryaii. Ooverrior dhallennei eer
could not have been elected without ihe
support of tne populist voie and populism
Bre proud of the part which they took
in lus leciioii. nid ne inase goou .' cvery
voter in the state knows tnat he did. Hut
wiiat happened to hlin? The corporate in
terests wiinin the party, drunk witn suc
. hecauiH eniaeo at nun iniutr he
Btood by the homes of our people and they
oecieeu that hla poliucal career must cloS.
i his same power decreed that no populist
should he on the ticket, and if you will
ni.R.Mie the vote you will see that every
nt'inocratic candidate In the primary re
ceived a strong democratic vole, ihe de
applv "",I,ud . to De- "no Populist need
i he democrats and populists held their
convention in Uran.t Jhland. but our for
mer democratic allies forgot that we were
i?.el u,fly wpr' " busy killing
ii? B..a."J uoo,n' Dahlmen. 'Ihe popu
lists still stood by Governor Hhallenberger,
ana many of them, at our request, voted
democrats In order to help the gov
ernor. 'Ihe worst element of the demo
cratic party Is now in control, led by a
corporation candidate, whose only plea is
J',"r"i.""1, J"rt-y" and plenty of booze.
Mr. Hahlman , shows his utter contempt
for Populists by not even asking them lor
tlulr support ( He filed only as a demo-
J wo years ago I asked tlTe democratic
commlttes to take a weak democrat off
their ticket and substitute a strong pop
ulist, but they wouldn't do It. This year
every populist has had to get out of the
way for a hungry de.mocratio politician,
la this fair treatment? Is our only mis
sion that of voting for democratic candi
dates? This Is ths jsar we can and ought to
assert ourselves and show the democrats
that we cannot be relied upon to help
t nm a.h,h .1..... ' j
........ ,1Joy uun i even recognise our
existence. There are 40,000 populists in Ne
braska and. If we vote as a unit, we hold
the balance of power. t,et us make our
elves felt In this campaign.
The republican candidate for governor.
Chester H. Aldrlch, In a man abovo re
proach. As state senator he fought the
corporations to a standstill, and forced
e?V,fh th ''Klelature of 1907 a number
of bills purely In the Interest of the peo
ple. The republican platform is nearly
Identical with the populist platform. Le
sldes this, Mr. Aldrlch in on the right side
of the greatest moral question before the
American people today.
Mr. Bran, Mr. Metcalfe, and scores of
leading democrats are opposed to Dahl
man, and thousands of the rank and file
or true democrats will not support him;
then, why should populists hesitate when
Mr. Aldrlch stands for so many things for
whloh we have fought.
I appeal to you as you love your home
as you believe. In a clean, honorable gov
ernment, as you stand for righteousness
In men. whom you elevate to places of
honor to support Mr. Aldrlch, and thua
show unworthy democrats that we don't
stand for such men and methods.
Tours for good government,
Cl B' MANUEL, Chairman.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. !.-( Special. )
Governor Shallenbergef spoke at the dis
trict court room yesterday afternoon.
Dahlman'a name was mentioned, only f wo
or' three times and scarcely anytt'""-0d
about him. Tie warmly eommenf he
o'clock closing law arid wanted a. i other
llu-uor legislation to be left to the popular
will under the proposed Initiative and refer
endum. The principal feature of his ad
dress was his almost entirely Ignoring
if the wet repuhllrnns-a little more thsn
one-fifth of the democratic vote .wst two
years ao. tin the strength of this kind
of an endort ement he pru-ee is t nnnounee
that he will veto, is paved, the pmpnsl
Ln which ths last d'tinxiatlc stute cun
veiitlon and he wns a in. mtver of It re
fused by a vote of to J'S to condemn.
And, not content with tluit. he nnnounies
that he wl'l aln. If passed, a hill repeal
lug the day llnht saloon law. a law en
dorsed by the last democratic state con
vention by a vote of 7lo to Sirely.
no democrat should be asked to vote for
Lahlman on the ground of regularity.
He does not expect It. for lie presents
the issue which he embodies a non-psr-tl-sn
Issue, and justifies his determination
to veto a county option bill on the ground
that his election will mean that a majority
of the people want him to veto it. Since
the issue Is presented upon Its own
merits and not as a party Issue. each
voter Is at liberty to cast hi" vote re
gardless of the party affiliations of the
candidate. In the exercise of that right
I withhold my support from Mr. Pahl
tnan. National Issues are not involved
and the subordination of all other local
Issues to the liipior uuestion makes It Im
possible for a democrat to vote for him
! without endorsing the position which he
has taken In regard to Honor leRlslatlon."
Ministers Are Unable to Agree on
Strike Legislation.
Makes Address at Lexington to Largrv
LEXINGTON, Neb.. Nov. I. (Speclal.)
One of the largest political gatherings of
the year greeted C. H. Aldrlch,' Walter A.
George and Attorney W. A. Hoagland of
North Platte, today. Aubles' hall was
filled to overflowing when Nlles Oleson
Introduced Walter Hoagland, candidate for
state senator, who briefly stated his firm
belief In the success of the Issues of the
day, and that western Nebraska should
have an equal representation In the state
legislature with other sections. He stated
that , he would have sixteen counties to
Mr. Aldrlch entered Into a brief speech
and told of tho work done by the legis
lature of 1JI07, whloh bad stood by the
people, and that today the Issue was not
one of personal liberty, but an Issue
whether the people should rule or the
brewers and saloons. He showed that
the farmers paid 110 per cent of the taxes,
and therefore should be allowed to vote
on the question of vital Importance to
them. County option gave them the op
portunity of saying whether they wanted
saloons or not.
The one thousand dipsomaniacs that have
been sent to the Lincoln. Insane aaylum
have cost the people of the different coun
ties t.lOu.OOO, and 240.0UQ of this la paid by
the farmers. Therefore the farmer should
have a say In the question, saloons or no
saloons. . . - , - , ...
Senator Aldrlch was frequently applauded
At the conclusion of the speech Mr.
Olson Introduced Mr. George, candidate for
state treasurer, who had Just time to say
a word of greeting, as the train to North
Platte had arrived.
Will Make Addresses Noon In sixth
and First Itlatrlrts.
fProm a Staff Correspondent.)
LINXLN, Nov. 1 (Special Telegram.l
Near dates for Mr. Bryan's speaking tour
are announced tonight as follows
Trenton and Culbertson. Thursday; Mln
den, Friday afternoon; Lexington, Friday
night; I'awnee City, Monday afternoon.
In the First and Sixth districts Mr.
Bryan speaks under the auspices of the
congressional committees. At Pawnee City,
which la In the First district, he speaks
upoa the Invitation of local democrats.
lanuoanced, bat Has Whole
Tana with Him.
CRAWFORD, Neb., Nov. f. (Special Tel
egramsCongressman M. P. Klnkald
dropped unannounced Into Crawford this
morning, but before the day was over he
was surrounded by ths Crawford cornet
band, aocompanled by almost every cltl
xen, headed by Colonel P. G. Cooper, carry
ing the Crawford banner, and the school
children, who were dismissed for the pur
pose. Judge Klnkald was conducted to the Syn
dicate theater, which was soon crowded
by an enthusiastic audience, and for two
hours told some effective republican truths
with telling effect. The people of this lo-
callty. Irrespective of politics, have a high
appreciation of kludge Klnkald and reoog
nlse the value of his work In the past and ;
nis promises lor tne future. He will have
practically no opposition at the polls.
1'remler Will Construct Cabinet and
F.llmlnate I'lemrnt that Resisted
Ills Ideas -riaraon and
nraa Will Remain.
PARIS, Nov. 1 The cabinet of Premier
Krlend. which succeeded the Clemenceau
ministry on July 23, l!i, unexpectedly re
signed today In consequence of the bitter
attacks made In the Chamber of Deputies
on the government's action In suppressing
the recent railroad st'lke and Its proposed
legislation for the avoidance of similar
crises. "
A strong republican majority In the
chamber voted confidence In the govern
ment, but at a meeting of the ministers
dissensions developed and Brland an
nounced that new and serious problems had
grown out of the labor trouble that must
be met by a united ministry. Accordingly
he suggested the retirement of himself and
President Faillerea has asked M. Brland
to form a new cabinet and the latter has
accepted the task. It Is expected that he
will remodel the retiring ministry in har
mony with his views on a parliamentary
program to meet . crises resulting from
It Is likely that Foreign Mlnlsfsr Plchon.
Minister of Commerce Dupuy, Mlnistsr of
War Brun and Minister of the Navy La
peyrsre will remain In the new eaMr.
M. Mlllerand, minister of public works,
posts and telegraph, and M. Vlvlanl, min
ister of labor, dissented from Brland's pro
gram and their retirement la likely to be
permanent. Mlllerand, especially, was dis
satisfied. Insisting that ths principle of ar
bitration should be recognized more broadly
by the government.
Just what Brland's program of future
legislation provided had not been made
known to the public when the resignation
of the cabinet was announced.
At the meeting at which Brland sug
gested the resignations he thanked his
comrades for having stood together In the
national crisis and shouldered unitedly the
harsh attack on the chamber. He si Id he
had been violently accused and even
oharged with nourishing an ambition to
throttle publlo liberty.
Refers to Republican Record and Dis
cusses Option.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. a, (Bpeclai
Telegram.) Senator Norrla Brown ad
dressed a fair sized audience at the Pad
dock Opera house tonight The meeting
Was presided over by H. E. Sackett Mr.
Brown opened his remarks by referring
to national Issues, the railroad bill and
the tariff, and closed with an address on
stste politics, particularly In regard to
county option.
Nebraska News Notes.
BEATRICE Matthew Ranger and Mr.
Mary B. Layton were married here Tues
day by County Judge H. D. Walden. They
will make their home at Bakersfleld, Cat.,
where the bride has lived the last few
ysars. v
BEATRICE Arthur Elfeldt and Miss
Edith Wallace, two young people of this
city, were married this evening at the
bride's home on. East Court .street, the
Ke. C. Elfeldt, uncle of, the groom,
officiating. w
BEATRICE Peter Ketm of Morrill.
Kan., and Mrs. Mary Lohner of Payette.
Idaho, a former Beatrice resident, were
married Tuesday evening at the Church of
God, Rev. E. G. Masters officiating. They
will make their home at Payette.
BEATRICE Union Pacific train No.
1,4. southbound, was run Into last even
ing by a Missouri Pacific freight at the
Irving, Kan., luncUon, which resulted In
the engine and two cars of the Missouri
Pacific train leaving the track. The track
was cleared today.
LORTON-Mr. James Murray, grain and
stock dealer, returned home this evening
from New York city, where he was united
In marriage to Miss Jsne Graham, who
had Just arrived from Scotland. Mr. Mur
ray has an elegant home here, which
will be occupied by himself and bride.
BEATRICE The blacksmith shop of
Robert Olllett at Adams was destroyed by
fire yesterday morning at 4: o'clock. A
strong wind was blowing when the fire
broke out and for a time the town was
threatened, but the citizens succeeded In
keeping the flames In check. A small
warehouse adjoining the shop was also
destroyed. The loss will amount to 12 WOt
with tl.600 Insurance.
Makes Extended Addraas Against Him
' In Phelps. '
KOLDKEOR, Neb., Nov. . (Special Tel
egram.) Speaking . under the auspices of
the Flfih district congressonal committee.
W. J. Bryan this afternoon addressed a
crowd of about l.KOO people who had gath
ered from tills and aurroundlng towns to
hear the deposed democratic leader handle
state and national Issues. Mr. Bryan's
audience waa unusually attentive through
out his entire two hours' speech, the crowd
consisting In a large measure of repuo
ltcans who had come to hear the democratic
orator discuss state Issues.
Bryan's attitude on state lasues and on
the candidates who compose his party
ticket was much the same as that which
he manifested In his Lincoln speech.
After outlining his stand fon the Oregon
plan of electing senator as In his Llnooln
speech he said In part:
The governor, however, stands in a dif
ferent position and 1 owe It to the demo
crats of the state to define my own atti
tude set forth the reasons for withholding
my support from Mr. Lahlman. It might
be sufllolent to say that he Is not the
choice of a majority of the democrats who
voted at the primary. He received con
s del ably less than half of the d-inocrttlo
vote polled, and owes his nomination to
the support of wet republltvana who en
tered our primary and converted a dem
ocratic i minority Into a combination ma
jority. Majority Waa ftaaaU.
Kven then his majority waa only about
and while this majority, secured in
the open primary through the aid of re
publicans, gives him a legal right to the
nomination. It does not give him a moral
right to the demo. ! alio vote of the state
lie received -t.nvl Vutea, Including thus
Ralph Shotwcll
Ends His Life
Prominent Young Han, Troubled with
Insomnia, Shoots Himself No
Motive Known,
The body of Ralph Shotwell, who shot
himself yesterday morning at the home of
Mrs. H. Lovely, 2801 F street, South Omaha,
where he and his brothers, Ross and Fred,
roomed, will be taken today to Marengo, O.,
for Interment The young man was only
2T years of age and had been in 111 health
for some months past. He was suffering
from Insomnia, which was accompanied by
' nervousness. Tuesday he seemed more
1 nhMrv than llailal m tA hla itt.imalHnr
yesterday morning when his brothers left
for their respective offices, did not give i
the slightest indication of the tragedy that
happened an hour later. They left the
bouse at T:30, but it occasioned no remark .
that he did not accompany them, as he had j
been excused by the head of his offloe at
the Union Paclflo from leportlng early, as
it was only In the morning he waa able to
About 1:80, Mrs. Ooss, a married daughter
of Mrs. Lovely, who lives with her, heard
a noise, but paid no attention to It at the
time. A few minute later,- going Into the
room, she saw him lying on the floor be-1
side the bed with blood flowing from a
wound In the left temple. Dr. C. M. Bchln
del was called and City Physician Koenlg
arriving shortly afterwards, they had him
removed to the South Omaha hlspltal.
where he died at noon. The young man shot
himself with a 88 call her revolver and the
bullet was extracted before death.
Coroner Crosby has decided that an In
quest la unnecessary and the body will be
taken from the mortuary of Leputy Cor
oner Larktn today for burial.
Shotwell, who held the position of as
sistant adultor at the Union station ticket
office, was a brother of Frank. Abel, Ross
and Fred Shot well, all of whom are well
knownu In Omaha and. Fouth Omaha Abso
lutely no reason can be ascribed for his
suicide except 111 health. He Is described by
hla friends and Intimate to have been a
young man of high character, generous and
kindly In disposition. He was prominent In
social clrcees and waa a well known fugure
at the ouih Omaha Country club.
The Standard
For 63 Years
WHEN the time come
around for you to put a
new stove or range into
your home don't go at it blindly.
Be guided by the wisdom,
choice, experience and approval
of the largest portion of our
American homes for the last
sixty-three years. During this
entire period
Charter Oak
Stoves and Ranges
have given the best serrica by far that
vas ever g-otten out of any cooking- or
heating- apparatus and there are thousands
of housewives that will back this atate
ment up.' ' ,.' ,,j
When you purchase - a Charter Oak
you get the best that can possibly be
built, and that will stand up and do the
work that you require. You get a atove
or range that will oo your cookingyour
baking your toasting your roasting aa
you want it done; one that you will be
proud of. You get a atove or range that is
built scientifically by experts men who
have made atove and rang construction
life atudy.
If you burn coal you get a atove or range
that has a five year guarantee behind ita
Fire Back. If you burn wood you get a
twenty year guarantee behind the Fire
Back. No other stove or range on earth
would give you auch a working life and
guarantee It. The Charter Oak does.
Charter Oak Ranges have the moat
wonderfully and practically constructed
ovens ever made. Your bread ia always
browned and baked evenly and thorough
ly. Just place It in any part of the oven.
No nbovlag It all ever to ter ana Bod the beet. A
of 1 and under dens le crust never came out
of a Charter Oak Oven. It actually cannot bora,
ebar or scorch your oaks er biscuits.
Their fuel eonsumptloe Is lewer thea meet
other ranres. Made of the highest grade steel and
Iroo camriag the heaviest linings. A Charter
Oak will outwork and euuast ear ether.
If it ie Inconvenient for reu to go to the dseler
write us tor our irce book. You am aflora te
buy a stove or ranf until you have found out all
about the Charter Oak.
Charter Oak Stove & Range Co.
. . . v-VUI'J.,.
St Louis Vi?
La. I Al.oJe tcre T Ik
We were mighty busy Sutunlny. Lots
nf people hd to he petlent iind take,
turns. The situation whs eplalned
to customers ss they came In an. I
they were asked to wslt a few mo
ments, tine frllow paid us s high
compliment. He enhl "Sure. Ill
alt Such rlnthes nre Worth a few
"" "there msde similar re
marks Just goes to show how much
the knowing fellows value our clothes
The tor.' of Certain Economy
There's a
World of Value
in Our 1
If we bought overcoats hit and
miss like most clothiers do
we wouldn't have any greater
inducements to offer than they
have. But, selecting the fab
rics as we do and having the
garments tailored In our
Rochester shops according to
our dictation gives ours a
world of value ordinary coata
don't have and gives you a
world of value for your money.
If you want to be magnificent
ly overcoated come right in and
pay us a moderate price
Tin:; ok ta'Ai rrv (.'lotiikjs
You'll Wooden
how custom tailoring
can survive when you
see these suits of ours
in (t
I ' t ,v.j r
. 'y-'M'; ,
the fault less haiul tailoring, tlio snappy
linos, tlit riclnifss of fabric and perfec
tion of fit in our Fall Suits is to won
der why any man would waste time and
money in some tailor's shop.
If you've already heeu convinced of
the wisdom of buying high class ready-to-wear
suits, you'll wonder why any
man would be content to choose from the
limited assortments in ordinary stores
and to pay the higher prices such stores
must charge. You'll certainly like our
salesmen and the suits thev show vou at
X $10, $15, $18, $20, $25 and up
Are showing the Best Assortment in Omaha of
for Men and Young Men
Our tremendous showing of overcoats surpasses all
our former efforts more than 7,500 to choose from. The
Presto convertible and auto collars are new features
every new model, fabric and pattern. Overcoats that
are made by the best tailors in this country prices range:
$15 to $45
Men's Black Kersey Overcoats
Here axe regular $15 values for Thursday's selling at $10.
They are strictly all wool Venetian lined coats with
velvet collars 46 inches long "Chesterfield" J - fk
styles, all sizes, A very special lot at .V "
Craven etted and Slip-on Raincoats
' A great coat for fall Priestley
Cravenetted Ralneo&ta that serve
aa a medium weight orercoat aa
.well aa a storm coat. Popular
English allp-ona In double texture
rubber cloth, at
i Wfart
I kV H 1 J
I " 5r I 1 fiTl
t ,v. 3f V. v;: J I TV
lb s
iMeJJV AifVM tor.'. ru;'T V li vr
T Wf- n
i- u. fT Kye w "no the mt wholeaomr and th
itiimc wiiisKcv lor larrrnv anri moriir na .... T.
. - j ---..-.... a i tjunacns
r n.c appetite, imuiate digestion, and its tonicy" food
propcniei give nounshingvigor tothe wasted nervetisiuc.
At Tint Class Ckbu Ban and Caft'tAA Far It
'5zi CLARKE BROS. & CO., Distillers, Peoria, I1L
'-2aW Lll whleke,diUreatheweHd
Yk ymm
' TT - - t
Omaha Mia tm Marrr.
CHICAGO. Nov. t SieclaJ Teletrrarn
Samuel Silverman of Omaha and Mra. Ora
Iuod of t-txlar ftaplds, la., were Uoensed
te marry here today.
a'T7'i'"iWiirf'n!TVc1l BSKKilll
1517 SOUOIiAl BT.
Rot being able, owing to the rush the past few dya, to give the trade proper aUnUon, we be to apologiiej but having added more help
we can now give the public satisfactory treatment. The OtvaU, Suit, Waists, Furs, Htreet and Evening Oowna on aaJe are known thrUKlitut the
cltv a the moat eiclusJve and beat tailored that money can bu, and to Uilnk that at the beginning of the aeaaou you can buy this class of
merchandise at
.e Oini mhio OolHsm0
For the balance of the week we quote a few of the many exceptional reductions. -
$6.50 Net Waists
at 51.95
76 Women'a Net Walata, over
China allk underlining, white and
ecru, tucked net, lace yoke
exclusive atylea; while
they last
25 Coats and Suits, $9.95
We have bunched together 160 CoaU and Bulta tor women and misses.
AH this aaaaon'a atylea; suits lined throughout; man-tailored coata
heavy mlxtureu, with large or email collars not a gar
ment In the lot worth less than $26.00. To close
03.50 Children's
Dresses at 1.15
200 Wash Dreaaea, for children
to 14, plain colors and plalda
French gingham, chambray and
all linen, $3. GO values tl C
to close )leld
100 Women'a and MUsea' High Grade Coat Sweaters, hip and three-
(uarir iima; reu, wuue, rawn, green, cnampagne ana navy-
w.aftt SK A A A 1 O r It .... . . .
J from 5.00 to $18.60. Will be aold PflCC
Our entire stook of Street and Evening Oowna mostly imported
gowna expensive deslgna will the most particular.
n iu us aoia
i Price
60 Ladles' Suits, all this aeason'a
styles, been Belling all season
Formerly 17
After Nor. 15 the 'Women's Toggery" wlU occupy this room with Popular Priced Wearing Apparel
im Look for
a xn T o -, n
i ' - uuajj lieu
One lot of One-Piece Wool Dresses
worth up to $20.00 about 26
In all. To close . i n
ouick .4 lb