.... . 2 ... . : r. THE BEE: OMATIA. THEKSDAV, XOVFfBEtt 3. 1010. A now, 'arrived gathering direct from the center of Fashion (New York) chic, masterful creations, expressive of the lat est njiroved ideas of renowned exclusive junior suit milkers. Here Are Two Styles of many; but study these and you'll admit their charm. .m del oiie (on f left) la In plain tailored el tc. t with form-flt'l-g linen, nklrt In kilt ed effect with sh. f hand i and panel front; navy, brown, tan and nmhogany color. ftlzes 15 and 17, at r Mil Never nr I tl 1 Disap- ?' 111 points, i Jfyl $15.00 Model two (to the extreme right) clever form-fitting suit with decora tive fronL In k f l.andH straight, modified hobble eklrt width. Two-tone basket nm and plain sprites; mah gary or wine ahadea. 8lira 15 and .17. Norfolk Suit3 The newest novelties of the senon Cheviot suit with Htr.iu leamii front ame material panel front and aide r Junior L'oats sls tS, 18 and IT. 18 and IT . , . . T w w w UUHTJ UD IO . . . m xrs- mm 'l 1518-1620 FARNAM STREET ', he World-Herald -5iti Hitchcock's denials 'of the Hartley harlA. iicjf u.a wiuimwu me neip 01 an lenanig -' -.'democrats1 -whn' will , sacrifice ' principle to 1 make, a. personal CHh.vans to deny'the liart r ley ojhrg's.vC'orivifyanees are furnished to bring thif voters Into Pender,. Bancroft and pthhT pi&cev' where Hitchcock spoak. Min-,-letera and ft-Min of any. prominence what cver'' (ir(j-betn: sought for-tlie purfose to Vsmlrcli the chrffes against Hitchcock, j vMarev ' .thinking ,.Urnpcrats are being ''whlppefl tnto line 'and made to believe some of the moat dtiWabl statement that . h Ingnnulty erf Kuui can -conceive of. In fact, the iiltchcock follower are beoom Ing desperate, rt hV lie', and Mbel and false representations" at jMong the line.' latta Is1 klng -'Votes! every day 'he has : een cantWlgTilng. tth Hitchcock Many fArii'iers wW ifi busily engaged In , tho com tlefilf and who do Hot get time to . 1read mrttfp&hK ibught out'nd urged to vfead thet'a!uh gten themr by tlie des ; ierate WijUcvfs of (h World-Herald. There a'n thinktnir republicans in this Rn.rt of the swte wn will support HUch '" cock, s,ltho4gh? thsre' ts i .rnucW to prejudloe their niJrM. .4 " Mt 'V. : pAUJUBH. ... j 7 . kl ilrr, llrtutrd. LOyj'TTjf; fcofcKOc4vt-(r.the Editor Mf TJ,el 3'U.i' i,i,j.(. lacing". circulated that crW'tVliichj-rn ,p'ttetuerits de rogatory to UieUamdng -men of the stale "in his address n Livp City la false, as 'jtlll appear bywiepliowlng affidavit: l4 State of Nebrask,. tjlmrrnun County, ss: " Ksra S. Hayhurst, William Larsen, J. 8. 'fedlsr, A. 8. Main, M. A. PhllUps, R. J, SNigJtitlngle, ;C. tYncu O.. 8. . llnln-g-r." U. W. MbuUomery, H. C. Harper, Ira K. Williams and W; 8. Waite, anu each for liinitq;f, being flrat duly sworn, depose and satht they were personall present 'and. hurd the 'address of Chestei H. - Aidilyb, reD(iblluait:ndldate for governor,- at.I.oUuCuy, 'painbe lth day oi Ootot ar.'.jai. ,hm wcre vrenent during all the Wrie and ,he,r4 1I oB Said address ana that lh kaid Cistervjf. Aldrlch did not y bat, the JtraVtllng men of the state wero a Walkiat, 'Dtartisement for- -tne breweria nor aiDUjiiirt' that could be so construe,)., 'an(VW rtipoYta to the contrary re abiojulely vuntiu. ' ' ' J'l ? 'V; fi. lJATHURAT. .r,MAi.. . ill A? ilLUPS. , U 'lJ.'NTajl lINaALE, ' 0U fFltli.NCH, . O. -tV. UiilNIN(3ER, H. W MONTUOMERT, ' IRA- id, V I bl J Ail8, .W..S.. .VAITK. State of .N'ebrnck Sherman County, ss: Subscribed' aniV.iM'Urli to by the subscrib ers. X- fl. .JlaylmrrirWJUUw A- w, Maln. ."M.' A lMlHi. , W,; JF. IghUngale. C. 11. VYenah, O.". Llninger, V. W. Mont gomery, It. C. Harper. Ira K. Williams and W. aV Waite. before, me, the undersigned, a notary public tn and for said county, this list day of October, 1V10. J. a rpDlMH.. Notary Publio. . Vly commission expires November 19, 1910. . ubecilbd and, sworn,; to by the sub scriber. J. 8. Pedjer, Oils list day of Oo tobar, m. 1XJU16SJ TATlURi Notary Tublla . My oomndsaloa expires July 13, 1911 " Ls rolUlte far Ntrrli. MADISON,' Wis.,-Nov. 1 J. It. McCarl, Chairman Kepublltan. Committee, MoCook, ..eb: logresaive republicanism every where demands the re-election of Ne braska's great progrvsalve trader, Oeorge W. NoitIs. Proved by the record a fearleas, gnlUlant servant of the people, failure to wiurn hliu to congress would be a national loss. - I regret that my physical strength has aut sufficiently returned to enable me tu join you In your campaign for Judge N or ris. Make the iu t:itr and fu.ie ..u fighting on every point.' 1 have faith In the poople and look "with tonfidence to tne le ult. IIOUKKT U. LA KOLLliTTii. LAWkuriiiiiii a J K? (Continued- lrotu lint Page.) a week ago. One piece of testimony was to the affect thai, len of the Jurors shortly after the verdict was delivered were wined and dined sumptuously. They "chipped in ' to pay the iU4 which were heavy. .Two witnesses today are aa,d to have corroborated. . Htacv In part. The lattei stated that after rucelvlng the first in ttUlinent of the alleged bribe he boulu himself a suit of clotiiea at a west Midi stur. Two' clerks from tills store wore feeard today and are sa.d to have idenitruo tMacy and te garments he was wearing .The Indictment as not unexpected by Mr. Erbstetn. He declared that Wayoia.. had been trying to get him" for ji SJid that the Indictment waa merely an in cident of VwsveuUva by state's attorney., i rNfc" a 1 VA Vr It V; . W J iV nappl VV' v JrVA men I r -- ' . Hi, ft ,Ont of lUhitfi I writ. f-W - V P .1 . (MM;' &;H.Tv S16.50 for Juniors a chnrmlng cadet bin and hack and belt of trapping $22.50 Kspeclally the model shown above which la of fancy black and white check with wldo allnl rui'.r.. n . I ,.lln . .. . f f ,. . . M . I , . 1 avr. w Uiiu ttfrAV vrvr . .f 29.75 ftonn , D.XWltllllfcSUSutll YUUD New York Democratic Candidate Uei Inveotive in SpoecJi. E00SEVELT CAMPAIGN VEXEfO Mayor Oaynur la Letter to Herman HMder, Fresldlav Officer, Says He ta for Democratic Ticket. NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-John A. Dtx. dem ocratic nominee for governor made his first public address In the olty tonight at a meeting at Carnegie hall, which also served as the occasion for Mayor Qay nor's announcement of his support of the ticket. The mayor's voice . still being weak, this came In the form of a letter to Herman Ridder, who presided.'.. Mr. tlx devoted the greater part of his speech, to a denunciation of'.', Theodore Roosevelt. He charged the former presi dent wttn- irtifu - falsehood vrft"Tepfat:ng the' accusation for wloW Itr Dlr Jn'hls Buffalo speech demanded an apology. ( He declared that Colonel Roosevelt, "because of what he deems to be, h la. political itie cesFlty .of ' the hour, struck hand . .and made polltjcal alllanoa' with. Wllilmn'R. ,!,,J"t whom four years ago .Rooaevelt had publicly branded as ' responsible for the assassin's bullet that made him pres ident." ; . Dlx la Dtatnrbe. "This campaign." said Mr. Dlx. 'like so many In the past, Involved questions of policy and expenditure; of reform and re trenchment and the other questions which necessarily bave to do . with carrying on the well ordered business of government. ' Such questions would bave been settled in the usual way by appeals to reason and to experience and by that application to common sense Judgment which is so dis tinguished an attribute of , the average American. ' ' .' 'But this was not to be. , Into the cen ter' of the stage there Lias been hurled, by the Inordinate vanity, the dangerous ambition and the reckless conduct of a man who has become the apostle of the tumult and he protagonist of misrepre sentation, the momentous question of whether or not our very republican Insti tutions sheuld survive, or under the as saults of the agitator and the egotist should go down to destruction, as have other great countries under similar as saults." IMayar Gayaor's Letter. Mayor Oaynor'a letter follows In part: "Nine-tenths of the voters of each party are honent and true." ' They want honest and Intelligent government. When their party falla to give It, they know that' the time has arrived when their duty and also their Intellectual self-respect requires them to vote with the opposite party. "To keep government up to the mark on party should itot be kept in power continuously. It were fortunate for- us If our political parties In state and na tion were mora evenly divided, so that one party could be put out and the other brought In readily, e a e 'The assertion that Mr. Plx was se lected and his nomination forced by a political leader bereabovts I know pt my own knowledge to be false. It Is easy to stand up a man of straw and then thump it over, and that. Is what some distin guished republicans or new nationalist campaigners seem to be principally en gaged In. but they will learn on election night that the voters of the state know a man of atraw or a scarecrow when they see one, at least as quick as a crow does." DISBARMENT ORDER CHANGED Sawael A. Ramsey aag Charles Srfcall Reinstated Into Good Graces of tae Coart. 1'IERRK, 8. D., Nov. t (Special Tele grum.) In the supreme, court tuday the disbarment order egaliut Samuel A. Ram sey of Woonsorket was modified to sus pension to end of December I, next. The suspension order against Charles Bohull of Watertown was modified to end No vember a." In circuit coqrt In Btan'ey county today the attorneys for Rev. Father O'Hara, charged with criminal as- ault, objected to the Jury and the mem bers were all discharged and a new panel was orde ed. This as followed by an af fidavit of prejudice .egatuat Judge lioncher and Judge Bottum will be hers tomorrow to hear the case. MOTXhTXMTS Or OOEAV TSAMSaxra. r.iM. ArnJ. NK TURK.... sr Vi'hK... M W Yuh fc . ... Nt Yi lilt .. Hoi-rrti.AM. AST t MP .... U V fc-HruuU. . . -. Vt nlis K w 1r o MimIII ...... i - L- nu. i..lonl t Ulllu.4 .telut n i ri.v IROl'P SAYS USE MACHINES Granti Mandamus to Compel County Clerk to Prepare Them, DEMOCRATS' CONTENTION UPHELD ays that the Marhlaes Are Adeqaate to Carry All the Names Taxes Costs af Case to C. O. I,o beck. Voting machines w.ll be used In Douglas county at the November I elec tions. In an opinion hsnded down Wednes day morning In the metter of Chsrles O. Lobecks motion for a mandamus writ commanding CVunty Clerk Havetiy to use the machines, he having refused to do so unless ordered by the court. Judge A. C. Troup held that the writ should issue. The Judge made a ruling conforming to the opinion. County Clerk Haverly. who had prepared himself to act In accordance w.th the court's ruling, whatever It should be, by beginning the printing of paper ballots and voting machine ballot labels, dropped the work on the plan against which the court ruled and continued preparation for the election according to the court's ruling. Last Thursday Dobeck. democratic Candi da. e for consresiman. In district court filed his motion for a mandamus writ. The hearing was set for Saturday morning before Judge Troup. Saturday and Monday were consumed with testimony and argu ments and the case was submitted Monday night, the Judge taking it under advise ment and announcing that he would rule W ednesday morning. While sustaining the Dobeck motion for a mandamus writ Judge Troup did not ac tually issue the writ. He said that the motion should be sustained, but the writ would not be Issued unless the relator, Dobeck, Insisted upon Its Issuanoe or County ' Clerk Haverly indicated that he would not comply with the court's order. Mr. Haverly personally and through his attorneys, A. W. Jefferis and John P. Dreen. said he would comply without the formality of Issuance and service of the writ. Judge Troup, In his opinion, approved County Clerk Haverly's action In refuelng to use the machines at the time he took such action, saying that at that time It appeared that the machines were Inade quate and their use was Impracticable. Therefore, he ruled, that the costs of the mandamua action be taxed to the relator, Dobeck. Troop Gives His Reasons. Judge Troup's opinion was given orally and at some length. Its delivery ocoupylng nearly three-quarters of an hour, in sub stance he said: "At the beginning of this hearing con siderable time was spent In argument and testimony over points of minor Importance. If they were of any consequence at ail. Chief among these was the question of whether or not the county actually owned enough machines to hold an election by their use. I think the testimony made it clear that there was an understanding be tween the county and the city that either should be freo to use the machines owned by the other when occasion required. "The case was submitted to me on three main propos.tions: First, the constitution ality of ths state voting machine law; Second, whether or not the use of the machines ever was authorised by the Btate Board of Voting Maohlne Commissioners and the Board Of County Commissioners; Uitrd, whether, or not tne maonjnes In the particular Instance' of "tRe c'dfnlr.g election 'at adequate to "the - legal ' baiiot. The first two questions Involve some fine points, but they were not for my consid eration at this time. Mr. Haverly made neither of them the ground for his refusal to comply with the county board's order that he use the machines. His sole ground was that the machines lacked the capa city to carry the ballot In legal and sat isfactory form." - Judge Troup then In detail explained the reasoning which brought him to the con clusion that while the machine Is not pro vided with sufficient horisontal Unss to permit of placing of names of all petition candidates for an Identical office In a column. It carries .blank spaces sufficient to accommodate the names of all candi dates. He held that the arrangement, while departing from the customary form of ballot to some extent, really placee no eandldate nor voter at. an actual disad vantage.' Illustrating his- finding on a copy of a machine label pasted on the wall, he showed how the petition candidates for county attorney will be at no disadvan tage. The candidates for deputy assessor in the First ward, South Omaha,-, he said, might be at some disadvantage if the voters were not Instructed how to vote for them, but it Is customary and contem plated that whenever and wherever the machines are used there shall be provision for instruction of the voters. The machines as arranged by Mr. Ous tavson, agent for the empire Voting Machine oompany, are practically adequate and satisfactory, he said. At the time of County Clerk Haverly' refusal to use the machines they were not adequate and there appeared to be no way of making them so. Since heavy registration In some pre cincts of the olty Indicates that the vote will be too heavy to be met by one maohlne, the county clerk will bring sev eral machines In from the country precincts and plaoe two machines In a olty precinct when necessary, paper ballots being used In the country precincts from which the machines are taken. In this matter Judge Troup told Mr. Haverly to use his own discretion. . Mr. Haverly has not decided whether or not he will appeal ta the supreme uourt. He said no appeal -will be taken, at least, until after the election. Deabla Machines Used. On account of the heavy vote indicated by the registration, the county olerk will place two maoninea In tne Tnird precinct of Uie Seventh ward, the Fl.st preoinct of the Fourth ward and the First, tfeuond and Fourth precincts of the Twelfth ward, he said Wednesday afternoon. It If de velops that other precincts will need more than one machine the necessary machines will be provided. Faper bailuts will bs used in eleven of the fa teen precincts out s.de of Omaha and bouiii Omana. The machines that have been ustd there will be available for use In the cities. In Dundee, Florence and the two Benson precincts machines will be used. County . Clerk Haverly has Installed a voting machine In the basement of the court house, where a man will be in at tendance each day until 19 p. m. up to elect on day. Iodic Pale Tew a Hall. SIDNEY, Nab., Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) A fire of Incendiary origin last night destroyed the town hall at Dodge Pole, eighteen miles sast of here, the gar age of Hoy Dlbby and the meat market of W orris Tinsman. The loss amounts to about t&.fett partially covered by Insurance. This Is the second fire that has occurred there In the last slrty days under the same suspicious circumstances. Heavy Laws at BartasT. FORT MADISON. Ia.. Nov. l-The busi ness section of the Utile village of Baring, a coaling station on ths Eanta Fe railroad, aixty milt west of here, was destroyed by tire today. Dosd about l),v Repubi.c of Portugal Faces Army Revolt Regiment! Which Helped OTerthrow Monarchy Demands Pension! and Promotion!. LISBON," Nov. I The r.ew republlo of Portgual Is threatened with a military revolution. The Second and Fifth regl ments today addressed a round robin to Provisional President Brag a. declaring that they were prepared for an tnsurrec tion If they were not granted the promised promotions and pensions for helping over throw the monarchy. The government probably will yield. The royalists, who adhered to the repub lic, demand the same rewards as the revo lutionists proper seeks to exact. The revo lutionary crew of the cru.eer Sao Raphael, which bombarded the royal palace during the revolut onary outbreak, has been dis missed. The crew of the cruiser Adam- aster, which also fired upon the home of King Manuel, has refused to leave the vessel unless the members are guaranteed a pension of 115 a month each for life. In order to avoid disorder, it Is likely thst the government will grant all of these demands. A secret committee, representing an ele ment that Is dlsnat sfled with the course of the new government, has been planning a revolution for some" time. Last night It held a meeting to protest against the leni ency shown by Braga and his associates toward the rnembors of the old regime. There are also troubles In the provinces, where .the people refuse to recognise the government's appointees to positions of trust on the ground that the new officers are Incapable. Telxelra de Souaa Abreau. Malhelro and Reymao, former members of the Franco cabinet and Jointly charged with having issued Illegal decrees, were arrested today. BlRKtl l JUS I OPTIMISTIC (Continued from First Page.) been at this work at the end of the week, for fifty days. Friday he Is to speak at Eagle, Elmwood, Union and Plattamouth. His campaign winds up Monday night at Lincoln with a monster meeting at the Auditorium, where he will greet his home folic. "My opponent has been indulging In con tinuous misrepresentation of my record In congress," said the senator, "but it has done him no good whatsoever. He has Just now brought to his aid a little Washington whipper-snapper, who 1s emphatic in as serting some malicious misstatements and far more numerous basty conclusions and bad guesses. "The state Is easily safe for the whole republican ticket. In the state at large Mr. Aldrtoh has been making one of the most successful campaigns I have ever known and his .opponent has had com paratively small and ,unenthuslaUo audi ences. With respect to my own candidacy I have no qualms whatever, but on the con trary unbounded confidence. "Mr. Hayward will be an easy victor, and so will Congressman Noriis. Klnkaid Is absolutely sxoure and so far as I can learn I have been through the whole district former Congressman Boyd will defeat Latta by a good majority. The outlook for tne whole ticket is very good Indeed." ', Visits '.toimerclal Clab. An' erroneous Impression prevailed that Senator Burkett was to speak at the Com merdat'Mub atfro3H. As It was, the senator simply too' luncheon there In company-of A:' 1 W Jerferls, Dav'd Cole, B. A. Bensorr; Jdhn L. Kennedy, B. F. Thomas and' Charges Harding. President Wead of the Real Estate ex change, which was holding, its regular meeting. Invited Senator Burkett to ad dress the exchange, and after luncheon Senator Burkett stepped Into the room where the exchange members 'sat, to say he was glad to have the opportunity of meklng their acquaintance. Aside from this the distinguished visitor did not talk. What amounted to a veritable levee was conducted In the halls and library of the club. Hundreds of noon-hour visitors shaking hands with Mr. Burkett and pay ing their respects. Many others visited him during the morning and afternoon at the Rome, where he Is stopping. SUTTON HAS MANY DATES Will lie a Most Busy Man fro This Time Until Election Mht. Judge A. L. Sulton will be active until the finish of his campaign for election to congress. He spoke last evening with Senator Burkett at the meeting of the Grant club In Idlewild hall, appearing flrat at the big downtown Burkett meeting at the Rome. Thursday night Judge Sutton will Intro duce Senator Burkett to the voters of South Omaha at the meeting at National hall and will accompany the senator through the Magic City during the day. Friday night Judge Sutton will stir the voters of Sheeley and Saturday night he will have two meetings in South Omaha. Likewise Monday night he will make two more speeches In his borne city, which will poll a majority for him Tuesday that will astonish some of his best friends. During the last few weeks Judge Burton by dint of fast traveling when oourt baa adjourned has managed to speak in nearly all the towns of his district and has shaken bands with hundrede of voters. Bellalre, Kan., Bank Robbed. SMITH CENTER, Kan., Nov. 1.-Robbers last night blew open the safe of the Bank of Bellalre. - this county, and secured ti.uue In cash. Bloodhounds have been plaoed on trie trail of the bandits, who escaped after the ro b bery. BENNETT'S MAKE BIG PURCHASE Buys Alfred Judson & Go's. Well j Known, Iligh Grade Jew elry Stock. Judson & Co. Fails Stock Sold to Bennett's at 50o on the Dollar.- I Again the Bennett Company clearly : showed themselves to b hustlers, wide swsk business men. Just the other day Alfred Judson A Co., the well known high grade Jewelers of Chicago, failed. Our buyer knew this stock to be the clsaneat, best stock for miles around, full of. standard makes and a large ae sortment of watches, dlamonda, solid golj and gold filled Jewelry, so they rushed to Chicago, arriving Just in time to get In on the receiver's sal. In order to bring the sals to a quick 1 finish, Bennett Co. offered to start st iOc on the dollar, and closed the sale. Thl beautiful stock will be her Satur day, and will be placed on sal at once. Watch Friday's ad for announcement and , sal price. I 1 WfcAVER OPPOSES PORTER General Writes Letter in Which ne Adriiei Friend to Fig-ht Him. CANNOT STAND THE PLATFORM Had I'aderatood Hem or ra tie Candl. dale to Be Opposed to Ite Hand on Llqnor Qaestlen Teach era Association Opens. rrom Steff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. Ia.. Nov. t.-(8perlal Tel egram.) The political sensation of the day was the publication of a letter to his po litical friends by General James B. Weaver In which he states that he will vote against C.aude Porter, the democratic candidate for governor, notwithstanding they have been life-long friends. He bases this on a letter printed some weeks aro In a German paper In Davenport In which Porter states In effe?t he had prior to the democratic state convention pledged himself to abide by the platform adopted and is therefore fully committed to the democratic plank In favor of local option saloon law. Weaver had previously stated he would support porter, but not the platform. Now he ad vises all hie friends to vote against Porter. Teaehers' Association Opens. The annual State Teachers' association opened here today with a session of the subordinate association of county super intendents and a banquet. This was fol lowed by the meeting of the state educa tional council to prepare the committee reports on topics to he recommended to tbe general association which holds se slons tomorrow. More than &X more teachers registered for the assoclstlon today. KENYON IS IN FORT DODGE Assistant to Attorney General Makes Trip to Iowa to Help In the Campaign. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Nov. 1 (SneetaJ Tl. egram.) W. 8. Ke-nyon, assistant to ths united state attorney geieral, arrived today from Wash in ton to eamnalffn In the county before election. Interviewed about his attitude toward the senatorihlp, he refused to talk, but reiterated the senti ment of a recent editorial that a tem porary appointment or a political struggle is not attractive to him at present If the legislature elected him, he would accept, it ia thought here. Auto and Wrecked Buggy as Exhibits Unusual Evidence to Be Submitted to the New York Supreme Court in Rosenheimer Caie. NEW YORK, Nov. !.-The doors of the supreme court room were taken itnnm this afternoon and a bis? sixtv.hnrar.. automobile, the front badly battered .r4 bent, was pushed Inside. A wrecked buggy was next earned through the door and when these two unusual exhibit had been placed In front of the bench, the r.i t Edward Rosenheimer, for the murder of atise uraee Hough, was resumed, . it la charged that Rosenheimer. a wmithv needle manufacturer. Hough with the machine aa she wa drlv Ing along Pelham parkway on the even ing of AugusfU. - colds cAiran headachb. LXAJ?yB BROMO Quinine the won Cat. tCorMf X ToT ;S E. W. GROVE. 2&0. signature ''Bound Oak' Htattra $21.00 to $40.00 According to tht She 1 Round BtoY weather Is allrtf ht If you don't hav stars troubles. When you buy a "Round Oak" Heater or Baae Burner you can feel sure that for svery dollar you invest you are get tint a full dollar's worth of stove goodness. Could you possibly eipect more? Genuine Beckwlth "Round Oak" Heaters, Bass Burner and Ranges for sale here. (Baaimint) Orchard & Wilhelm n r3 S) ET(q Bright and evenly sized, and a size for every need. Every carload selected for the choice trade by one who knows. All carefully stored in dry, cemrnt iloorcd bins and always at your scrv.ee. This cal is in a class by itself. L. 0. McCoun Co., South End I6!h St. YUdaet Ceo;. 713, Ind. 1-378) "The (loms of Spanish Fanatic Destroyed Maine Says Col. Brady Electrioian Employed in Moro Cattle Alleg-ed to Hare Exploded the Submarine Mine. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Nov. l-That Jose Zavaldo, a Spanish electrician, working In Morro Castle, and probably a fanatic, was responsible for the destruction of the battleship Maine was the statement made here tonight by Colonel Joseph tw. Brady. Colonel Brac'y says he was on of a oommtttee of four men who Investigated the explosion and reported their findings 10 President McKinley. "Of course 1 did not see this man turn on the switch which set free the powerful mines that caused the d.aasisr," said the coionel, "but the evidence In the ease pointed directly to his guilt. Threw otl.er army officers, whose name I do not oe.r to give, and myself, reported to the presi dent that In our belief Zavaldo was re sponsible. He was later vxecuted upon the command of General Blanco. None, nowever, was ever to lam for what lea- son." Colonel Brady In aa address last night at St. George's Episcopal churoh here dis cussed the Maine disaster and attributed It to a submarine mine explosion. His state ment brought forth denials from Washing ton, among other things being that being that no military board had been appointed to Investigate the case. Colonel btady ex plains that the board never convened to make Its report, but reported Individually to the president Colonel Brady was quoted aa saying- In hi address last night that Cubans were responsible for the disaster. He denied to day that he made such a statement Colo nel Brady I a brother of Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, reotor of St Oeorge churoh and author. WILLIAM D. JOHNSON IS DEAD Prominent Boon Capitalist Passe Away After n Long; Illness. BOONE. Ia., Nov. I.-(9polal.)-'Wllllam D. Johnson died Tuesday night. For many weeks he ha hovered between life and death at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ira Johnson. No arrangement have been made for the funeral. Mr. Johnson was one of the wealthiest of Boone's cltlxen. At one time he owned a ranch In Texas containing 80,000 acres of land. He also owned enough cattle and sheep to cover this land. He at one time owned the ranch which la now the famou 101 ranoh of ctrou fame. He Invested some of his money In Boone county coal properties, and the W. D. Johnson Coal company of this olty was his. He was financially Interested In the Boone National bauk, the Boone Brick, Tile and Clay work and other business Interest. The Weather For Nebraska-Fair and warmer, For Iowa Fair. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg. ... 90 ... ... n ... t ... 80 ... 34 ... 37 ... 40 ... 43 ... 44 ... 4K ... 45 ... 4 ... 44 ... 41 t a. m.... 6 a. m.... 1 a. m.,.. I a. m.... a. m.,,. Wa. m.... U a. m..,. it mr... '.','. i P. m.... I p. m.... P. hi. I.. 4 p. m.... in. m.... 5 p. m.... 7 p. m.... P. m.... 40 "Bound Oak" Ban Burner S Sins $60.00 $65.00 $70.00 Oak" Sfoves the Long Ton1' t sr Twt w sua nr ilk r w r n v lj USA s"nxexennnnxexnni ill r. i 1 s -'i - n ' 1 . r 1 ' a m keep your teeth vrhiteand sound, your breath sweet until old age. Remove tArUr, will not cratch enamel. 250 and 500 I All Drugglste. 117AVF.; b-oTirut Spscial Announcement We have) again resumed the LADIES' SI' IT AM COAT BUSINESS having Just bought the sample lines of four eastern manufacturers are now ready to offer exceptional bargains In Ladles' Suit. Coat. - Skirls. Waists, etc., . at prices ' below manufacturing cost. Come here aud expect to buy. - Ladled' $36 Suite for $lh50 Ladies $26 Bulls for gl2.75 Ladles' $20 Suits for.. $0.05 Ladles' $30 Coats for $14.50 Ladies' $22.60 Coats for Ladle' $16 Coats for. $7.50 Ladies' $10 Skirts for. $4.05 Ladles $7.60 Bkirts for $3.75 Ladles' $1 Waists for . 1)3 Etc., Etc., Etc. . jos. f. buz sons 204 Ne, 16th SL Opposite tie L a HtUl. nothing Too Good for yoa. That's why' we want you to take CASCARET3 for Uver an3 bowels. It not advertising talk but merit the great, wonderful, lasting merit of CASCARJiTS that we want you to know by trial.. Then ywMll hart faith and ioin the mil lions who keep well by CASCA JtETS alone. , CASCAaSTa rat a be for week Imisnl all dmirglsts aia-gset seller ta in vena, muumhi i . eosns a nWBLB,' HCIBMBIIT4. Antnicnn SB 1STX AMXt SOVQX.AJI , MSH CUSS VAUDcVlllE ey, ana. Tomg&, sill. AM . OVBTXI SI CO, OXOBOIA Ajaim oo, KuaxoAx. taoa, abto mm OTiia biq act. raxoaai - Bally ntatlaeos, eaoept laagay, 10 aaa tool 1,000 reserved seals AT 10 OKJrTn. ' very Svenuig xoo, ase and SOe ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Every Day, 2:18 ' Every Night, 8: IS , Sagaaremeat Bstreoralnary of Ml A ABBHTTa XEX.I.AAatABT, Tao blvtug- Venus." Henri rtenoh: Flanagan and' Ed waids; Lou Anger; Marie and Billy Hart; Harvey-DeVore trio; Boranl and Nevaro; Klnodrome; Orpheuin Concert Orchestra. Price -Matinee, 10c and 2Se. Night, 10c, 23c and OOc. TOMTOXT, T BIO AT, tATUBDAT "SEVEN DAYS" CaaAay NUT Or TBS CZBCBB BToremeer aa OBTJTMABB-BBIJfB iiOYD'S TOUIGHT Dong-la tsia. as. Mattaeeet Tuesday, Thursday, atarday MifcSelVA LAnu and wtmaiAj In THE mi OF THE CCLCEN WEST Best Week A W0XAB 8 WAT. KRUG HhAlEll Trice. 15c, 23c, 60c, few at 7So Mat. Today 2:tt0. Tonight 8:13 UHt-R A 8LNDAV iUACK CAMtUON Omasa's rrut Center . . . : - "-- " -t -- SSSBtl SHOW Bstravaraasa end aadevLUa, Tne Mhow New Yora K.vkI about. Hame big Metro politan Cast. WU1 J. Xeaaedy, Orlgli.a (omedlan. Courtney Hvteia. Klleen hherl dan. Jams . Oorwett'e "ls, wlh lM Hascall and Co. Ladles' turn Matlaee Every Week Day. bunday aud "fbe aiiojughi alaid!.. 1.1 I 1 ' V Nov. Eight Don't Forget Paddison wait)