Tin: nnn: omaiia. wedkesiwy. xovemreii 2. ima AND PRODUCE MARKET "Wheat Market it Oversold and Devel ops Kothing New. COEN 1IAB.KET RULES DULL Ittrrium Art Verr U(hl mm Tr. Ingr U Met Active mm Mill Cum tlaa 4 Be Slow Till w tro 1110. wheat fiVI bne; hnj, J 1nes; shoulders, l.i'uu hoxei, butler, 8.im) rut.; clieeee, fti.srai hmtea; lard, l..'i tierces pri'i'i veMern loin and ton of Oder kind. F.W 1URK t.KMOHtl. MARKK.T OMAHA. Nov. 1. There la no new feature to the situation despite the short rallies that oc ur. on lug to the mm he. becoming over bid. Liverpool cables rau.e lnr again to day, showing the teak foreign conditions. The world's vtHltile supply Increases and now alio a an increase of 13,uio,(M bushels ver a year ago. It la early yet to enpert a movement of lew corn and nvilng to tha Hint receipt ihorts become nervoua and causa aliarp idvmrM. Tha corn la certainly In the country and when tha movement dues start tha pres sure win undoubtedly be heavy. Wheat Continued to sag and values were heavy throughout the day. Short havo Ilttlo or no trouble In taking profits on ale, leaving the markets In a weak a portion as before. Cash stuff ranged about 'c lower. The corn market ruled dull and unlnter emlng with tha exception of the strength shown In face of the weaker wheat value, offerings are very light and trading 1 not active and will be slow with the move ment of the nsw crop. I'rlmary wheat receipts were 7M.0OO bush els and shipments wets R'.'S.0"O bushels, agalnat receipts last year of 1, OH. 000 bush es and shipments nf 871. OW bushels. Pr.mary corn race pts were 6 I.OnO buh el and shipment were 8'i.0uo bushels. sgalna'. receipts last year of 4;l.00 bushels and shipments of 247,Ono bushels. Clearances were 81,000 bushels of corn, OK) bushels of oat und wheat and flour equal to StfUiOO bushels. Liverpool closed lid lower on wheat and mi higher to Ud lower on oorn, I Omaha Cash Prleea. WHEAT No. 3 hard, KikMi'jc; No. 3 hard. JB'tiisc; No. 4 hard, 7tVulHc: re jected hard, 7iVu77c, new; No. 2 spring, b'(j!MiC; M). 3 p Ins;. X"Uvii'o. i'OKN No. 1 white. 44(4iMic; So. 8 white, 48V44V; No. 4 white. 4HVliV; No. 2 yellow, 44((j 44'o; No. 3 yellow. 'rtf 14'ic; No. 4 yellow, ;a'U43c; No. 3. 43Vtf44c; No. 3 roiti, 434u44c; No. 4, 427i'u4.ic; no grade, 8t4lo, new. OATS No. 2 white, 8o'530'-; standard. StraauWc; No. t whits, 2irViM3oViu; No. 4 whit. KSUMv; No. I yellow, WU&Xa; No. 4 vellow. iSUftZic. BAKLeY No. 3. 64if6Co; NO. 4, 6ttrMc; Qaotal looe No. 1 feed, riiNo RT1J No. 3. 71!4rt72Vc; Carle t Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha Dulutn No. i Receipts. Wheat. 1 Ill ltfi Corn. Oats 417 14 CHICAGO OHAI.f AND FltOV 1SIO.X 9 restsret of the Trading and Closing; Prices ou Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. Kalna tn the dry sections of Australia and the Argentine today were reported at about the mime time aa a big Increase lu the Kuropean visible supply of wheat. In conHeuue-nce the market developed decided weakness, and closed with a net loss of lVulc. lorn flntrtlieU a shade up to MKi4c off, oats Va'no higher to He lower, and pro visions unchanged to an advance of iVvtV The only oonsolatiou on the bull side of the wheat pit ut any time during the rtiiy ame from light primary arrivals and from the etrongth of corn and oat. Rup- i, li. ! enlariied nearly S.OUO.UOO marked In bushels this week svitulnst a decrease or atiout tha name amount a year ago. In official estimates of the world s avail able supply, too, Indicated an Increase of s.uu0,0u0 bushels. Cash wneat demand here was poor. hat proved to be In tha na ture of a last straw was a report that mill In the northwest were shutting down. The December option ranged from wtc to soVUSo and- closed heavy at strength In corn waa iiHel on llttht iiess of sales by farmers unsatisfactory husking returns, and the fact that the lo ciU contract stuck whs down to only ll, iM bushels in elevators. There wers also reports of wet snow In parts of Iowa. ImcemlMr fluctuated between 4iMi 1 1 So. closing steady at 4ti4c - het gam of a hatie. Tn cash market was firm with No. 3 yellow at 50uuolr. There were more hedges coming orr than galng on In the oats pit. December varied from 31n to lo and finished at ,o off, at 8lVu3V'- Provisions were fl'm. Ist sales were unchanged to a nickel higher than last night . . .. 'j he leading futures rnnged as follows: of the liar os arloas Commodities. NKW YfillK. Nov. 1. Kitten Market dii l: winter straights, Ml'"u4.A, winter puKnts. tVii ,. aiulng clears. l w inter extras. No. 1. $J.4i t .7v; w.nter es tras. No. 1. $.t.M4.4u; Kanss stramhts, MKig4 7b. Rye flour firm; lair to t,oxl, M w 4 L' ': choice to tsncy. M i4W. Buck- whent flour gtilet; I! per l lbs. COKNMIlAU Steady ; fine white and yel low. tl.lfr'al.'A); coarse. U.l'MV.U; kiln dried, 14 OH. HKAT--Spot market weak; No. I rei. V. elevator, and ic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 1112. f. o. b. afloat, future ruaj-kft fleclineti earlv on weak cables and rput of large stocks abroad and favorable foreign crop advice, rallied on covering, but attain eaed off on reports of laiK'.-r country offerings, cloning lulo net hither. Kxpoit sale amounted lo seventeen loads. December, M l-1tt l 1-U.o, closed at 7c; May, II OIS'ul !-. cloeed at 11 July closed at Ke- ce;ptH, m.r bushels; shipments, s7.40t buHhels. COK.-rpot market stesdy; No. t. Wo, . lex a tor, domestic bslf, to srrlve c. I. f., and 57'c, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing un changed to (c advance, reporters took four load p. perember cloaed at KSc; May, 8'i'sc. Kecelpts, 4.&00 bushels; shlp nientt. u6..NiO buehels. OATS Spot market firm: standard white, TV: No. S, 37 -c. Futures market w as moie active and firmer on covering, clos ing at unchanged to iC higher. November, it;S''i7vc, closed at 37'v; December, X'3 ii-'iiC, Closed at KBC, May closed at 40c; July closed at llfVc. Reieipta. lil.iSi bush els: nlupments, bit) bushels. HAY Dull, prime. V 1L"S: No. 1, 11.10; No. 2. U Oi'dl 06; No. S, HOPS K.rm: common to choice. ItlO crop, ly.lc; l'9 irop, l.Vfllfcc; I'aclflc coast, 1S!0 crop 14'tilSc; lWt crop, lQ14c. HIDKS 1-Inn; Central America, I'lc; Boarotn, l'a'i-c. DEATH Kit I'irm; hemlock, first. fi'c; second, 21 23c ; thirds, l!U20c; rejects. 1W17c. PKOVISIONS Pork easy; mess, I200I): family, In.tw.ii0: short clears, IJl.OtKf 23..W. Heef, steady; mess, fli.Ka I6.W; family, l'.i.'.KVff2o U0; heef hams. 323.WJfa.tN. Cut meats steady, plckted bellies. 10 to 14 lbs., liu.U IS 0o; pickled hams. l4.fcf I4.7S. 1 4i rd. easy: prime middle west, ll'JIS'J 12. refined, ftilet; continent, I13.W; Couth .America, $13.tMi; compound, VKb"J 10 00. TADDOW Kteady ; prime city hhds.. "ilic; country. TS'tt'nC. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, rcTC 32'-c; extra. 31c: third tu first. IMfiJac; creamery, held, second to special, 2r'nn2c; State dairy, common to finest. it.iOa: iroc ess, second to special, t.'VJf i"c ; Imltstlon crealrierv. first, H''i'25e; fnrtory, .Dine made, rirat, Zlhvuw, factory, current make, first, 2.1c. CHKKSH-Stcady; skims, full to special, 12(1; 124C. K'K.tt Firm; fresh gathered extra firsts, aOfriltec: rirsts, nra'sc second. 24i8SDc; fresh (fathered dirties, No. 1 candled, 'l-'it 23c: No. J, 20521c; refrigerator firsts, In local storuge, 24,4i2Ac; seconds, fJVtU24!; refrigerator, special marked fancy, In local sioi-HKe. 2r,l4fi W''". POCLTHY Dresse.1, irregular; western sprlnss. chickens, liXijilttc, western fowls, 11'UlVVic; western spring turkeys, 14'i2'!c. nillTHKH IV 1U13 GRAIN BKI.T Indication la for Freelna Weather Tonlaht and Wednesday. OMAHA, Nov. 1. UWI. Area of high pressure overlie the east ern and western portions of the country, wuu a trough of low pressure between, extending fruin the upper lakes southwest across tu valleys to Texan. Threatening and unsettled weather attends the low pres suis over tha upper valleys and upper lukes, and generally clear weather pre vails over the territory covered by the areas of high prensure. Temperatures are slightly higher everywhere east of tha iih. the rise being niosi the upper Mississippi valley and liEWYOIiK STOCKS AND BONUS Almost Total Abandonment of More Active Operationi. DECLINE IN SALES OF V. S. STEEL Holiday In Foreign Markets la Factor In the Iatease Dnltnesa and Aealeot of Market UrallnaT. NKW YORK Nov. 1. The stock market today reflected an almost total abandon ment of the operations which hsve kept up an appearance of animation for some time and which have been attributed com monly to powerful private hank ng Inter ests. There was a striking shrinkage in the total volume of the transactions, but what was most remarkable was the heavy decline In proportion of the dealings In United States steel. Compared with a share equal to one third of the total yesterday and for several days last week, United State steel ac counted for barely one-sixth of the deal ings today. A factor In the Intense dullness and neglect of the dealings wss the holiday In foreign markets, the Iondon and Part stock exchage being both closed nn ac count of All Paint s day, according to cus tom. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago Pt. louls stock was made the obtect of nn un pleasant demonstration of the thinness of thn market and of the Indifference of the deal.jiga. An order to execute the sale of a single hundred-share lot of this stock found tha market bare of bids above til, although sales were made yesterdav at 71 and the bid at the closing last night was 09. The 100 shares were (old. there fore, at 61. Within half an hour another wo shares were bought at t9 and there were sales late at 70. Carelessness In the execution of the order was claimed for the errat c course of the stock, rathor than any development bearing on value. New York Central also was heavy during the morning. A rise In the pries of copper In London, an Increase In October exports of the metal and a decrease In tha European visi ble supply in the two weeks to November 1 were Instruments! tn ralslntf the pries of the coper Industrials. There was a rise lu the call money rate to 41 per cent, the highest for the fnll season. The subtreas tiry withdrew cash from the banks again. Foreign exchange rates decl.ned. Hate for time loan were very firm. The ag gressive advance in Canad an Puclfln to a record price at wss A sustaining in fluence on the general list. Bond were steady. Total sales, par Value, 1,9W.onn. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and loading quotations On stocks were as follows: Sales, Articles ! Open. I High. I Dow. Close. Yes y upper lake region, whtue the weather la considerably warmer. Cooler weather, In the extreme northwest, accompanies the western area of high pleasure, and the eastward movement of thia high over the central valleys, will bring cooler weather to this vicinity tonight, and the outlook is favorable for a temperature of about f reel ing tonight, followed bv continued cool Wednesday, with fair tonight and Wednes day. Minimum temperature and prelpltatlon compared with the last three years: Dl.l. UMi. 10. 1907. Lowest last night Hi W precipitation .U .W .06 Normal temperature for today, 45 degrees. Deficiency lu precipitation since March 1, 13. Mi iucliei. Deficiency corresponding period In lflO, J (i0 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1903, 8.37 inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. subsidiary pller coin. Il.l' --:. 1: total ba mice in M7; minor run. geneial fund, Nfw York Money Market. NFW YORK, Nov.vl MONKY On ca'l. strong at SM' per cent: ruling rate. per cent, cUihK bid, 8 per cent; offered at 4 per cent Time loan, very dull a id firm: sixty day and ninety da s. 4! per rent; six month. 4riM'V per cent. rillMK MbRCANTlDK PAPKR-i''0 per cent. STli7RLINf KXCHANOB Stead.- at tht decline, with sctnsi bulne' In honkers' bil at fi :1Fmi1 i-216 for sixty day Ml. and at 14 for demand; commercial bill. 3i.M 4 MV SILVER Par. ftc: Mexican dollars. 4c. HONDS Oo eminent, steady; railroad, alesdy. Closing quota tiona on stocks and bonds were aa follows: I', n. rt. !. rf ...1'X lnt. M. M. 4s 6o coupon w Juran 4s. V. S. In. rs do eoupon t . U rai dO 01100 AUH-I hl (at ia Am. As. to Am. T. A T. Am. Tobasce 4S do 4 Armour Co. 4Ws AtchLsoa sn. 4s..... ti.i cv.,s do ct. 4 At. (.'. U lu 4a.... Ilal. A Ohio 4a Ho llti 'lo S. W. Prk. Tr. cv. 4a in. of ft. U On. leather ba. . . . of N. J. (. .. Chew A Ohio 4W. da nf. 6 ( Jil.n,i A A. I ts. C. B. A Q. 1. te. do sen. 4 M. ASP. C H. I. A P do rff. 4a... i-'elo. InU. bm Jl.. Mid. 4e 4.'.4 4 da 10144 K. C. So. 1t - Ut L. S itrb. m It'll o lltH U. A N. unl. 4 7 11 M. K. A T. Ut 4a... ' lit io sn i l'"J Iso. Partne 4s 7TH 4 N. R. It. of M. HX 1"S H. Y. '. I. ' m M do deb. 4 H4j 1 N. T . N. II. A H. IK! CT 1WH l'V N. A W. ist son. 4 tit ST do c. 4s Hu' t. Nn. Pultia 4 1"0 (in Is 71 . n. U ri.is ... H Ht rnn. cv. is 1U.. M7, liWH do con. 4 ln'1 MS Rcadina an. 4a ....ik Bt U A E. t(. tc MS '. 4.. T OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Values Twenty-Five to Forty Cents Lower Than Week Ago. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Lower Valves fleeted 1st A Is la the F.ast A re He Prices Mere le A re Lawtr l.la- ral Receipts. HOITH Receipts were. Official Mondnv .. Estimate Tuesday. OMAHA. Nor. 1, Cat I'm. 11 or 13.W1 1.357 1 3 3.340 110. ! 33.017 3fc.77 f. A. s. r. A I). A H. ct. 4s. l. A R. Q. 4a do raf. 5 niFtlllm' 6. Kria f. I. 4a du sen. 4a , do cv. 4. awr. A.. do aerlaa B Oen. Kleo. er. 6.... III. Cen. let rat. 4a. Int. Met. 4Se Bid. Hlttarwl. do Ivn ce Mi t. U S. W. c. Mt ilo lat (old 4 4 Seaboard A. L,. 4 I '1 So. Pac. col. 4n. a IHa VI do t r. 4a c. 4a. 7414 do lt rf. 4. . . I74 So. Hallway is... T7 dn gen. 4 "H Vnton I'actfle 4a. 4Va "S do ct. 4i. .... MS do lat A rt. 4a, .... tH4 t'. . Rubtr a ... .... Cw V. 9. SteeH 2J (a .... 74i Va -i.'Aro. c'hem. aa. .... tN'ahaKh itt ps .... 75 do lit A ex. 4a.. A... 74 Wee tern Md. 4 .... 70 V, i. Klx cr. 6a. 147HWia. fntral 4.... fJiMo. Pac. ce ba... II '4 . 41 . 7H . 1 ' . li .loa . 7t4 .Unv, .l"o, . 7 . ..1054 . 6X4 . 83 tiocal arltla. Quotations furnished by Rums. Hrlnker Nsw Omaha National bank BT. lower; cash. lis' Wheat Deo... Way.. July.. Coin Deo... May.. July., ata Deo... May.. July.. May.. Lard ,Suv... Jan... May., ltlbs .lan.... May. 4f.,-ifil WW WW 1 w 10 00 11 u w 70 t ns I 30 I 47' 4t)V 60 SI. .V. M 17 10'vl W 17 Va 1! 50 10 8b 77H t:ml 8 !'i,iiiCiW.S, V'V KlVlii MWMNH' 4li' ta) bo 84 SI 4S 34V. 4!,4 4V 's Decemlr, 46Vc; track No. 3, too; December, 3tic; track No. t, ivt 13 R 18 11 10 20 V 70 OR 8 H. I 17 00 16 06 11 W 10 J". 72l 8 XT U)va 81 84 84 'i 17 00 16 v: 13 fill 1! 4T',4 70 8 0' 8 tsi St. I.00 Is General Market. Lt'IS, Nov. 1,-WHKAT- Futures, December. SmiiUlVc; May, iiio; lower; track No. red, KTftKtHc; No. 3 "iS'''iif',v. CORN Futures, lower; May. i; cash, steady: . i iu 2 w a.ie. 4c u4ic. I DATS Futures. hlsTher; May, 'M'.-mc: 1 aeh, steady ; 3i'c; No. 2 white, 3iV4c. RYK Weak. 7tlSc. FLO V R Stead y ; red winter patent. 34 20 64.40; extra faucy and straisht. 3 Ici4.bj; hard w inter clears. 33 8uHj.t.Nu. tilOF.D Timothy. 3D.O0iuti.0. C HtN.M HAL 3CJ.50. BRAN Firm; Backed east track, :HMc HAT Hteady: timothy, 313.004 14.00; DrRlne. 310dO.ii14.00. I'ROViyiONS Pork, unchanged; jobblns;, 3lS.no; lard, lower; prime steam, tll.Hbfii 12.00; dry suit meats, unchanged; boxed extra aiioiu, H,g; clear ribs, 11.-; short oleers, lJcj bacon, uncbamred; boxed extra shorts, lS'ic: cleir ribs UVc: short clears, l!f.rC. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; sprliiu, 10'ic; turkev l.V; duck. IV; geee. Inc. PUTTER HiKher; creamery, na?io Nu' x Cash uuotations were as follows: FLOUR Fasv; winter patents, 34.10U4W winter stralnhts, 33Mu4 M: spring straights, 34 H W; bakers, lil.cnc 00. It Y K No. 2, 7o. HA11LWY Eeed or mixing. 564iu.c; lair to cliolce maltiDK. "ni73c. bKKDei Flax. No. 1 aouthw estern. 3150: No. 1 uortbwestern, J.b3; timothy, 8i.0OiV 7.tt; clover, 314 .. . PROVISIONS Mees pork, ter bbl., 31i.W 17.fah l.rd, per W0 lba. Jil 8iS. bhort ribs, frtdBS (loosct. 310 uwU lo.KVi- abort clear aid os (boxed) 3IO.7cryll.oO. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equa. to frN.OOV bushels. Primary re ceipts were 7M,i bunhels, coin.ared with LtvtlOuO Bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Katlntated receipts tor tomor row: wheat. 84 cats; torn, IKS cars; oats, 133 cars; hos, 2.VO0O head. Chicago cash pi ice Wheat : No. t red, ei4utc; No 8 ivd. lii:'lSi ; No. I hard. aiVbtVse; No- l'-"'d, Ki-Vic; No. 1 uortheni, pr nir, ll.nl '.jl.08; No. 3 north ern spring, lu No. 3 spring, tteiii 41.VO. Corn: No. 8 cusu. 4JH'ii , rso. a caau, j- a SiWic; No. 8 wliliu. !'lo j""'! No. 3 while, : lirVU No. 8 yellow, OoU.iOc; No. 3 uS'irLV yeiow, itliwc- Oat: No. 2 cash. 31114,141 fcc: No. 8 while, W't:'! I wime, M.' t.VIO ex SilO 7(10 100 1I0 "7110 100 nm 600 1.400 600 1K KUU3 Firm, barrels 24c. Flour, Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels Oata, bushels Receipts. Shipments. ... T.M0 U.fiOO ...llf.oni) 3.0ii0 ... SJ.KUt 3S.i ... 7.')00 84,000 Minneapolis tiralu Market. MINNKAI'OI.IS, Nov. lWHKAT De cember, WVtji'S'Sc: 'Hy- $14': No. 1 hard, ll.OSa; No. 1 northern. 81.01102: No. 2 northern, 7Vicj3l-oO: No. 3 white. U-'tl 1'LAX Closed at 3J.60S. CORN No: 3 yellow, 4l'c. DAIS-No. 3 white, 3lVe31c. RYFj-No. 1. 74CT76C. RtlAN lu K-pounil a.u ka. tlX.OufTK Tfl. FLtJUR Leading local patents, 34 tV'aJ.S0; country patents. 34X.ij6.ao; first cliaas, IJ.4uu3.i5i second clears, 32.UX71. Philadelphia Prodaca Market. rillLADFLPHIA, Ta., Nov. 1 RUTTKR -Firm; exira western creamery. 33c; extra nearby prlnta, 34c. r.tWS-Klrm, i-Mchanged. CHKESB-i4it'',': New York full oraama, fancy, Bcpxembei, Ml'-r" New Y irk nearby, New York ':r 10 good, t.ictober, Allla-Oialmars ptd 1K Amalgamated Coiper 17.TO0 American Aarli ultural .... 1.W0 Amarlcan baal Snar 4wl Amorloan Can 4,M Amartcan C. A F oo Ornerlcwn (Wton Oil ano American H A L. jjfd.... 10 Am. lea Semirltiaa Amertin blnaenl Amartcan Locomotive Amerloaa 8. A R Am. 8. A R. tfd Am. Steal Koundnea Am. Suaar Heflnins...M.., Amarlcan T. A T Amartcan Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mlntns Co AtcMaon Atahlaon pfil Atiantla ot Um B HI mora s Ohio Bettvlanem ataal Breoklyn rUpId Tr tiaitadlan Paclce Ontra4 Leather ("antral Leather pfd 'antral of New Jaraay rbsaapaake A Ohio.... Chicago A Alton Cbicaso 0. W., new O. O. W. pfd Ohli A N. W C. at. A t. P V., O.. C. A t. L Colorado r. A I Colorailo A Southern Coneolldated Oaa CVvrii Product Ilawar A HudHon Denver A Itto Grande n. A R. O. pfd Dlatlllara' Secui Itlaa Brla Kria lat pfd Brla 2d pfd Qenaral Electric Uraat Nortliern Pfd Urcnt Nort hern Ore ctta. . . . Illlnrtji central InUtrborouirh Met Int. Mat. pfd International Harreater ... Int. Marina pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City Southern K. '. 80. pld Laciade Oaa UiiilaTtlla A N Minn. A St. Louts M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M M., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd MlMBOurl Paclflo NtM. nl Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. e( M. 3d pttl Naw York UafitraJ N. Y., 0. A w Norfolk A Waatern. North American Northern Paclflo Paclflo Mall Pannnylvanla Peopia'e Uaa P., C, C. A Ut. L Plllaburg l eal Pn-aard Btnl Oar Pullman Palaoe Car Railway tUaai Spring liJlna Republic Steel Uapublla 8teel pfd Rook Inland Co Kork lalalid Co. pfd . L. A i. K. 3d ft ft. Lou 1 a I. W t. L. . W. pfd ftlaM-RhafTlald S. A 1 Southatn Pacific Southern Hallway So. Railway P'd Tanaaasea tpe 'fetaa A Paiaflc T., St. U A W T.. Pt. U A W. pfd t'nlon Pacific t'nlon Paitrio 'l t'nlted ittre Healiy , I'nilad Statea lluboer t'nlted (Satca Steal V. S. Stael pfd ttah C'nPw Va. -Carolina Chamlcal .... Waiaaa Wabaah p't W etam Maryland Waattiishoui P.lactrto ...1 Waatern t'nlon W'haellng A L. B. . Total aalae tor tfe day. Hlih. 70s 4t, ,T7i loS M14 t4a Low. Clnaa, i:u m 40 1( 47. 87 Co m ,SJ 100 luo I.3U0 141S l.lt J'O l.aoe 100 "soi 1.4W l,l SOD 100 i'.ioo as 42 10444 lui4a lot re rt ao l wit 116 70 13i Iff!', sis 'tis MS ( U2S n S744 111 17t MS 41 'a w 1011a iia' 31 7i)ti 3U"S WH ll4 K-4 m4 i 134 iiS as SleS 4"S irs' ' 1W 1,1 l.ttH 21. h 11 171, 4O0 !' 14 70 V, 4'a M W-i 414 in 1"4 II H 104-vt ' lit 141 U S4 IIH 42 V, lU4ij m 11714 n lv, 77 301 S4&4 1'4 M'i 4h feti 47V4 1U4 1U 48 33 S (414 18414 lft. 1HH 741, llu tMk 44 37 IM14 12KI4 " 1U4 :i H7i 1101, 17 S ns 41 m Mi, A Co., 443 building: Boyd County warrants C'ty of Omaha 4s. 1A) Oty National Hldf. 4a. 110 Colorado Tl. o. 7 par cant I'olumhua. Neb., S. K 16M letra t killaon 5a, JKl Detroit bulled Ry. 4S. IMS Fatrnmnt Cniury lat a. 6 per cant. (ierinan Flra ma. Co Hardy, Neb. (municipal) fta Hrdnuillc Preaacd Brick pfd Iowa Portland l enient lat 4a Kanaaa U. A P. 1 par ot prd, Wichita Kanaaa City K. A L. 5a. 1H3 Long Hall l.uinoer 4a, Lawrence Co., H. D., 6a. Ill Nvhrafka (Nance co.l war. 8 per cant Morrla A Co. 4la, lulu Omaha Water Aa, 1916 Omaha Water lt pfd Omaha Viator 2d prd Omaha A C. B. St. Ky. pfd 4 per cent Omaha A C. H. St. By. f, 1MI Omaha Uaa 6a. JS1T Omaha (Ma 4a, 1114 St. Loula, city, 4a BIO. Aakad. 94 W4 m m A3 i4 Co fZi V'lS l'H SO "i P ! I lou a leu 4 H414 d 1"0 s 1"0 M Mil XI H M )'! 100 aiil, HI 14 as !M4 3.1 :i ..... 4S 4 ; tn na 11a um M014 Two days this week .. .51. 813 o.? c.7l3 Paine daya last week....31,''4 7,'.'tl H7.4o Bame days 2 weeks ago. .2VS t."S0 lcs.343 Fame days 3 weeks ago. .ts.Tti R.7?7 li 44 bailie dayit aeekc ago..23.4H6 .!' 77.3x0 Sam daya Inst eyar H.IMi 8.n7T The following table show tn receipts of cattle, boss and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: mo iuo. Inc. Dec. Cattla 1.03X.KS.-, 18.78 113,077 Hoge 1.443. 928 l,M)7.47r 248.M7 Sheep 3.640,15 1..VW.4H0 673,804 Tha following table shows the averaga prices of hogs at fcouth Omaha for the last several daya, with comparisons. Dates. I mo. 130.l,,;13i'7.190.l!Y.ll3t. 4 k7 8 40 in 3 n 4 1 W F.ST K UN 3 N KHIWSKA 41 feeder, .ln-3 13 feeder.. ..'. .'4 feeders.. -V 11 cows.... 12 tint " II he.ler 14 t.-euers. 13 calve. . 17 feerlel. 0 cows. .I'"',' . 707 . 4-H b 4l 4 hi 4 X. 8 3 i. . 3 4 4 (m 4 4i 4 no 11 : .1 h)atbut n I cows M 3 HO 1 calves . . li'4 8 W Mlllriale Cattle Co. Neb. l.i 1 t e la.. 13 Steers . l.i feedcis li cows. . , r..: com . . 1.' Ili'lfeia. 1J I e'd 1 s . . ,-i 4!l feeder . i'M f-ctl. r .11 k I". CIAS ssi Ree.l-Neb. I. calves... 2Sj 70 14 cows 7t 3 3) cows.. li bulls lis) IUI Scons.. r . hides -.N eh. 13 cows v0 3 cows. . . . 773 I feeders.. A I cow J. 37 feeder. 11 steers. .. 7 cows.... 30 bulls.... 15 feeder. t feeders. 80 feeders. 14 bull 33 COWS Hf-4 141 heifers.. 7o a. 70 feeders.. 910 12 betters... fti 11 calves... a.4 43 feeders.. o43 14 feeders. 8 cows Uct. .111? 1 7 ui a 1 5 Ml II 131 8 111 E M Oct iiii. . . Si.l 7 6K I Ml 8 46, 3 13! 4 4 t OS 41 calves. Uct. 37... 8 ''; 7 Ml 6 80 3 13) 4 Mi t 01 IS cows... Oct. 2S... 8 ., 1 S3. 5 5"i KM 4 K 4 Oct. 21t... fh 7 be.' t H)t t IS! 8 131 4 W Crows... Oct. 30... 7 70 6 5 6 06 i 4 34 jOcows... Oct. 31... I 01 I I 3 W I 8 5l 6 03 , 4 St.' 4 B2 . 1 calves. Nov. 1... 7 87 j 7 2 j s 61 8 06 4 84 4 84 a) calves. I IS cows... I 15 feeders 3 o cor, a , 3 00 7 cows.. 4 14 cows , W IK M. Gentry A Bon Neb. bCO 6 fc'. I f ecd'rn J. H Kuchelrr- Neb ,123a 5 4 heifers K4 3M ifi CUM IM IN 4 calves... August Kline Neb. , V60 4 60 4 vows Dan Onay Neb. 18 4 46 17 cons Nicholson Rros. Neb. 14 6 10 l-.ftHtburu aV Reed Neb. ..!: 3 .10 34 cow s 3 70 43 heifers ... 4 (16 1 olson Wyo. 6 ( r-5 heifers... 8 40 14 cow 8 CO 13 feeders.. 4 40 A. Ollngcr-Wyo. ki4 4 ..' 8 cow s 818 8 Mi 12 cows I. A. Brown Wyo (14 St7 8i3 4 4 4 .0 2 SO 5 4 CO 4 hi i n S o 4 73 ,1 iX 3 0 3 3 i6 I si .ltrro 4 33 1014 84 : BSD S43 SJ 7T 848 Wl 840 710 4 fJ 8 So 4 M I 40 1 : 3 35 a 73 4 3 33 4 34 3 r, 3 10 10 cows "18 3 25 Kunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 P- m., Tues day: RKCEirT7?-CAR3. Cat. Hogs. Sheep. II r . C, M. A Bt. p. Wabash Missouri T'nclflc 2 Union Pacific 72 C. & N. V., east i C. A N. W., west.... 63 C, Bt. P., M. A O. ... 7 C U. A W , east 2 C, H. A W., west 16T C., R. 1. f.. east.. K C, H. 1. Ac H west.. 1 Chicago Ureat VS est,. 4 3 4 12 4 30 4 Total receipts 3;;: 50 129 1I9 POSIT ION HEAD. Cattle. Ilopr New York Mining; Mocks. SEW YORK. Nov. 1. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Allr 360 I.lttle Chief 10 Com. Tunnel stock.. SI Mexican 118 ilu .imp. II Ontario I'JS Can. Cal. A Va Its) Oritur lltt llnrn Bllror IT Standard 4.', Iron Sllvar 18 Vol low Jacket H Leadvlll Con 10 Offered. London Money Market. LONDON. Nov. 1 ..-8IL.VKR liar, dull at 3u Ui-Hid per ounce. MONEY 4frl"4j per cent. Discount rates: Short bills, 44 per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent. Holiday on the stock exchange. Bank Clearlnas. OMAHA. Nov 1. Bank clearing; for spondlng date fast year, 32.tVU.02o.i!2. spoding datel ast year, 32,441,020.62. 100 I1414 l4 104, 3.rxn 14114 34 1 400 64 Htm 700 8.7.10 ttr4 3614 11U14 mo n iii.', oi 110 S "m4 i'.iiii OMAIIA WHOLES At. PHICE9. BUTTER Creamerj'. No. 3, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, S3c; No. 2, In 80-lh. tubs, 81c; No. 3. in 1-lb. cartons, 30o; packing stock, solid pack, 31Vo; dairy, In 80-lb. tubs, . 23U'24c Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 17fH"Hc: Young Amer icas, 18'c; daisies, 174,'ilttc; triplets, Mo; llmburger. lKc; No. 1 brick, lSitflSc; Im ported Swiss, Sic; domestic Swiss, B4o; block Swiss, 22c. l'OLT.TRY Dressed broilers, undnr 2 lbs., 8T..O0 dog.; over 2 lbs., 14c; hens, 10c; cock, Itiiyc; duck. lSc; geese, loc: ttirkevs, 2iic; plg' ns, per do., 31.20; homer squaba, per dos., 84.00: fancy sriuabs, w r doz., 3:i.&0; No. 1. per dot., 33.00. Alive: Rrollwrs. 15c; over I - ioh., ii'i iiiwin, 11c; 01a roosiers, (c; 01a ,,? ducks, full feathered. Ho; geese, full feath l4ii ; ered. 10c; turkeys, 18c; guinea fowls, 20c S4i,i each; plueona, per do,, tWc; homers, per ',uo,, i.i.tw; shuhi., o. 1, per dog., 31.50; No. 3, per U01., 60c. FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 12c; white fish, 18c; pike. 15o; trout. 14o; large orup pietf. 20c; Spanish mackerel, 15c; el, lHo; haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, Kc; roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 1C0; froe; legs, per doa., 50c; salmon, 13c; halibut, 10c. REEK CUTS Ribs: No. 1 Omaha Paoklng Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co IiHnton, Van B. Iush. Stephens Rros Hill & Son F. B. I-ewls Huston e Co .1. ti. Ruot ft CO J. U. Bulla I, . Wolf MoCreary Carey 8. Wertnelmer II. F. Hamilton Lhmer Rros Lee Rothschild Dogan Mo. & Kan. -Cal. Co Kline & C Paisley ft B Other buyers Sheep. 4 2,270 m i.n M 4.140 1.10 2.8114 Totals 2.328 13.637 31,012 111 3 M 12. Cotton Sc Co Wvo. pv, 3 Co 13 heifers... KM 3 70 !- 3 20 tf calves... W 3 75 320 5 77, 31 calves... 378 6 00 3M 4 M J. U Marlon a D. 7;,s 8 !;. 14 cows $X i 85 370 4 46 HOOS With eastern markets witlng lower values, continued deollti'-s In hog prices st this point today did not surprise the trade very much. Moderate receipts were Ignored by both packers and nhlppera and movement was rather dull from the tart at figures 10"ilic lower than those of yesterday. bulk of offerings moved around 7.7.Vij7 .851. good heavies bringing 37.77 So and round and extreme grades selling at the bottom of the lint. Trade was more or less un even, of course, as the spread In values Ik a little wldec this Week than It was at last week's close. The proportion of light weights on sale was very meager, nothing cliolce arriving with which to make a representative top New crop animals are rather scarce at all points, as growers figure that chee.p corn warrants long finish. The beat price paid for full loads this morning was $S.2.". but prime bttcon grades would riouhtle move s round 33 40, a unall piece of a load reach ing this figure, (loud mixed liox suffered the average decline, prices ranging around $7.!Hifl8.0O. While tire break In the local market thus far this week has been severe. It will be noted that condition at other points are equally bearish. Current tales are about a quarter lower than those of Saturday, :iv vn la:uh. f.-.d' i .-tills K 4 N .wV. YYvnmma lltnih. fei!ers 4i 8 oci i '4 v emu, at culls 1 :-0 .14 nilllllK ctt.S feeder" H 111 lnvhs feeib r .'. I 84 4 'Ml loll. Ills' IS'lihs. fee,l,' .... 44 8 4i J.-'l 1 lOTllllS iMllll'S. l,-IOlS W ft 0 I i i.i'iliit boob, f' cdi i s . 4W 3.0 oiiiuii, lai'ibs. feeders M ft W (IIK tdll I.IVR STOCK M4HK3JT Demand for All t lars of Mocst U W rak. ('HH'AiKI. Nov. I. 4'ATTL,rC Receipts, .tV; n arkct dui sti.l enk; Peeves. 14 4i J : Texas steers. 8.1 .o n, western steer. 4.0ivu8 "o. stockers sn.l fi edeis. 34IUnA3e; cow a and heifer. $2 1!V2 ; calves. 37 ftOr W lioc.s-Re, elpt. 18.t0). mnrket weak, 10 to 15c lower than yesterday's average; light. I U4iw.ki: mixed. 37-7tTi.); heavy, 7AaoA4i; rotiklt, 87.Jo1)7 !: aood to chotca heavv, V .NWow : pig. $7.fiu8 45; bulk of rales! 7 o.V1iS. SHEEP AND I.VMR.'l-Re.elptS. 40000; mnrket wnik: native, 3-' tiou-t :: weatern, $2.ttt4H 30; yeariina, 4 JOifn 40; lambs) (native). 34.7.'tiiu.b.i. western, 84. Xtf .. Kan City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov 1 CATTt.K Re ceipt. 3.0H0 head, Including & head south erns; cornftHl steers weak to Ko lower; Olhwr ci'ttle stion: rlrtrd beef and es pot t steers, ft.: !.: fair to (toon. 8 00; western steers. 3.S.:i: stockers and feeder. 33..r,OJi6 2; southern steers. 38.7V( 5 20. southern cons. t2.7at4 80; native cows. $. .& 4; native l.elffts. $4.ikti8.25; bulls, $,t MWfl ttt; calve. $4rS.M. IHMJS-Rerelpts, 7,3 head: market. 1M V, loner; bulk of sales, 3r.7.v08.4": heavjr, r.7Mi'8 (: packers and butchers, 8v0ojj8 4ft; light, 33 jrvjix MV SHEEP AND lAMRrt-Recelpt. .0n head; market strong; lambs, 8.8fcitV3.r; vesrling. $4.2Mi4.,o; wethers. 33 swa-l o; ew e. 3.l.2fi4 iM); stockers and feeders, 31.79 4j 4.2ft. i,4 II. . 6S14 1 H4 llt, 4214 , W I H III. T4 1 " Ho; No. 2, 17Vgo; No. 2, . 'c; No. 1. 9c; No. 2, to; No. 2, l.noe lsi 1114 i:t44 I2c; No. 3, 8V,c. l,oln: No. 1, 3uu m lii4 loan. iav,c; No. 3, Kc. Chuck: No. ""luo 'aVu 'mil aou. No' S' - RounU: No. ... .ff M Vc; No. 8, 7o. Plate: No. 1, 1GS Oc, 1W. O, U74. it, 1 ERUITHOranges: California Valencia, S,.i 16314 1HH l i'n'Fc-od sizes, per bog, 86.50; rti size, per box, 8''i 3.",. Umoni: I.iiiumlara, extra fancy, sou n4 size, per cox. aa; oou size, per cox, ia; choice, 300 wise, per box, 37.bv; 00 in, er box, , 3,'. 50; 240 size, 600 por box less. Bananas: . .10,098 CATTLE) There was another liberal run of cattle here today with a comparatively small proportion of oornfed ateera. The market preeenla no very new or startling features and for the most part native cattle, sold In about the same notches as on yes terday or from 2iVjj4dc lower than a week stto. Demand for cornfed beeveg Is very limited at present, owing to the demoralised conditions at each of the markets. On the other hand there was a good inquiry from all sources for the desirable western range beeves and prices were generally well sustained on anything of this kind. With the markets full of poultry and game at this season of the year tha popular demand Is practically confined to the lighter and cheaper kinds of beef. There was a better demand and a consid erable market for cows and heifers ana trade waa active from start to finish. Sup pile were not overly liberal nor was the quality anything extra aa a rule, but out side orders were larger and local packers also seemed to take more Interest lo this branch of the business. Practically all grades of butcher and beef stock sold a little stronger than yesterday and tha offer ings changed hands In very good season. Business In stockers and feeders was rather dull. Country demand has fallen off very considerably of late and as supplies have continued liberal the stuff has shown a tendency to accumulate In speculators hands. For the most part Oeairarjia oirer ings of all weights commanded firm flg urra and nn the general run of light to medium stuff the trend of values was lower and trade slow throughout. tjuutailons on native cattle: uooa xo Choice beef steers, 4n.o0r(7.2o; fair to goou beef steera. Sn.aOCai.MI; common to fair beef steers, 34.26&.3f; good to choice cows and heifers. 34. 2.10. iw; rair to gooa cows anu heifers. 33.404.00; common to fair cows and heifers. 32 7:u 3. 40; tooii to choice stock- era and feeders, 84.&OJ! !..,(,; lair 10 goou stockers and feeders. J4 .0044 4.60; common to fair Blockers ana feeuern, ,i.wa.i.Bv, stock heifers, 83.00v4.25; veal calves, tS.vUu 7.W); bulls, stags, etc., 33.Ant4. ,e. yuoiatlon on rnnxe cattle: Choice tc nrime beeves. 6.0tit.75: good to Cholct beeves, 3!.44.8.0O; lair to good beevea, 34. 00 (35.25; common to fair beeves, 83.7014.40; good to choice heifers, 34.OOuj5.00; good to choice cows. 34.0trii4.(t6: fair to good cowa, ti. Witi. 00; canners. 32. 703. 50. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Sh. Pr. No. A. n. r-r. M tii ... 7 SO M m NO 7 s 16 $74 ... 7 4 69 i4 41) 7 W 4 1S 4 7 70 6b (0 7 M 1 M4 ... 1 70 67 3"! 40 7 H 67 Mil ... 7 7t4 t: nn in 14 Ml ... 7 1 6 Sf,i to IM 63 8S3 ... 7 7 6,1 lit IM 1 tn 44 kvt ... 7 :t 6s as ti tn 87 4 ... 7 74 61 3HS ... 7 67 310 ... 7 M 6 764 7 1 60 3M 2"0 7 70 61 J77 ljn 7 6 63 U W 7 ' 4 t8 1 30 7 M 11 800 ... 7 70 II anS ... 7 (l M (17 40 7 M 67 i0 Jai 1 16 ... 103 I4tt T 10 44 Mil 130 7 5 41 Dot 130 7 40 . ... I t:0 611 114 ... 1 10 36 t4( ... 8 00 3.1 3 ... 7 tn ;i a4i ... 1 or, 40 Soft 30 7 M M SO I in 67 00 w HI JO J7 ... 8 1(1 7 K2 40 7 (to 44 i' ... I J5 87 !77 240 7 W PIOS. ODDS AND ENDS. 1 loO ... 7 00 1 il ... 7 36 St. I. on Is I. Ire stock Market. ST. MUMS, Nov. 1. CATT I. K Receipts, 8 4iJ head, including J.i'aO liead Tesans; market steady to loc lower; native shipping and export steer. $? r.Vrj7.W; dreed beef and butcher steer. 8o.7blr7.7n; steer under l.ootf pound, $:.(-u7.75; stockers and feed ers. $:t j4i" 2e; cows and heifers. t3.ift"j7.M; dinners. 3l.7r.11.1f: bulln. 33 -Vito.OO; cslves. t.VtttV M: Texas and Indinn steers, 84,B0(J 7. (11. cows and heifer. 33 7.V(i 4.36, HOOS-Recelpt. head; market. 10it 1,V lower: pin snd lights, 3 t0uH.7'; pack ers, 3 0i)8.S0; butcheers and best heavy, 3X4Mi8.lV,. SHEEP AND IJVMRS Receipts, 2.W4J head; market steady; native muttons, 33.TS di4 2f,; lamb, 85.2,vin', 75: culls and bucks, $J.6OJjl00; Blocker, $2.Nt"it.;. St. Joseph 3.1V Htoek Market. BT. JOSF.PH, Nov. 1 CATTLJ0 Receipts market heifers, slow: steers. 14 MKa'7 00: JJ.So'ifi.tO; calves, 33.W market V1t sales, f7.80tg 10IO head; cows and HtxtrV-Receipt K.000 head; 2.V lower; top, 8.ti; bulk of 8..,n. PHKKP AND I.AMH8 Receipts 4,603 head; market stead.v ; iambs, (4.6oUw8t. Stock In Maht. necelpts of live stock at tha five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Fheep. South Omaha H.WO 8.2nO (8S.709 St. .losepli 3.000 ti.000 4.5O0) Kansas Cltv 22.000 7,2o0 e,nt St. Iuls S.tOO 8,!Vii0 2.ur Chicago 3.000 ls.OOo 40,009 Totals 52,300 43.900 89,108 Metnl Market. 1,H 100 100 Els, 4V 42VS 3S Us, 424 32c; No. 4 whlto. ji-.0 3-"4c; standard. crraine 1es, !4'j30c cases; at ; fust. 2t,c; 17c; hens. ) .e. lit'TTFR Steady; dalrtea. 33V37. I.,US Steady: recelpis 8 i0 uiark. case Included, IS'ilViC prlnis flrats, c. POUITHY Steady; turkejs, ''ct'EEilSteady ; tlal'les, ir-TTiRUc; twins, 14fll4s,'i yo'".g Americas. E'tylo'tt; long ,l Vr?AlSielad'v, 50 to fc lb. wts.. 3910c' M to 80 lb. wis. Ktlllc; so to 110 Ih wis., I:1- uic. Carlot Receipt Wheat, 63 cars: corn, 417 cars; cata. 2M vara. Estimated tomor r,.w ; Wheat, 34 cars; corn, iaH cars; oats, 1X3 cars. Kansas Clly Urala mm Trovlsloaa. KANSAS CITY. Nov. L-WHEAT IX ceuibrr b.S,'0,;c bid; May, u'J-'r'. era: cash, uiohangel to i.ile Higher 2 hard, kSSnoc; No. 3, ;Vy'Ji I-4HI, SliilWu; No. 3. l.vlc. -iJitN D:cmber, 4iwc. arllurs; Msy. 47,c; cash, unchanged to c higher; No. 2 mixed 47ae; No. 8. 47'u47Hc; No. 2 white. 47t)47',c; No. 3, ,S-i4,c. OATH I'mharged: t No. 2 white, S2Vc; No. 2 mixed. jn'j'iilVic. RYK-No 1. J.'iiTac. 11 A Y I nchanged ; chilli's timothy, HS.50 t14ou: choice prairl. IllootiU.uo. RL'TTE It Creamery . 2x;; firsts, 2ocj 4n.l 4c; lacking stock, 31 Sc. Ei JO- Extras, 27 Sc; firsts. S: ends, IT. Rrtliita. Bhlpmenta Wheat, bushels "I l."A) Corn, bunhel 23 o0 "tl Oat, tuahrls S.OuU 14,000 seil- No. No. 2 sec- sec- I Ifrrpcul (wis Market. I.IVFRrOCI.. f.oy. 1. WHEAT r5 put dull; No. 8 reu western winter. 110 stock; future steady; December, (is loftd; March, tia 11 ''. Mav, nominal. COii.N' l-.aiy; Amern-an mixeJ 4s 7d; futtucs steady; January. 4s 3d; February, 4s 2Vd. Pearl Market. PEORIA, Nov. 1. CORN Higher; Nr. 3 yellow, 4Sc; No. 3 yellow, 4fo; No. 2, 4c; No 8 4c; No. 4. 47c OAT5 I nrhanned; No. 3 white. 32"4e; No. 3 wlilte, 8lVeiUSc; No. 4 white, SfHte; standard, 8lc. Mllwaskc Grata Market. MH.WArKEH. Nov. L FLOP R Dull. WHEAT No 1 nortliern, tl.03'ii 1.04; No. 3 northern. 11.01 (rl.lfe; December, 8iS'U$lSo. OATS Sk'. BARLEV Sample, ttfc'TSo. :iata Batter Market. EL.OIN, HI.. Nov. 1. Through an error the quotation on bu ter waa ulien yeatetday at 31ViC. The correct quoiatiuu Is -c; maikei firm. Osaaka llir Market. OMAIIA. Nov. 1 HAY No. 1 kplxnd. Ill.tai; Nr. 3 upland, 83.00: packing. 3ou0, alfs (a. Il2.fi straw: Wheat. 34.00; rye. .. no; oats, 33.00. i.iwi 3.Xl -,ni looe liio ""sen 34, fm hu " r no 44 l'H 1,4,10 1,100 l.auo 611 "si" .7 14 "wi; 1-l't ' " 1 int4 S lntt ii" 1714 26 i "li 172V, 7T. 117i 4" 4 Ji1 I Fancy select, per bunch, 32 2oi2.50; Jumtio! bunch, 33 7w3.i5. Pears: New York Kelfer, per bbl., 14. ou; t-amurnia winter ivellls. a tii 'per Hi'" alio; cmuuriua winter rveius, per mi box, 32.00. Apples. Home-grown cooklntf, xJl !cr bbl., 3.5o4.(4; Mlasuurl Jonsthan and liruiies uui'jrii, ri ,0, Atnaauuri (ten 1 Ha via tier bbl.. 3.1.50: Missoml Wl ,,.,,.. ier bbl.. 34.00: Missouri Gano, per bbl. t.'i ;r,' other varletlea, per bbl., 84; Colorado Jna pox, ti.fo: (aiiro:nla 400 IIS 4w pi 73U 114 ns ITt.auO sliaras. o4 IK, J"4 (, 17.; 14 4.i 14 i4 117 4m i,t4 US ts 7 71 73 &' Doatoa stocks anal Bonda. ROSTON. Nov. 1. Closing: quotations on were: M BreaAatalfe at Llyeruool. UVtRPOiJIU Nov. 1 The following are too stocks of breadatuffs and provisions In lJverpuui: Flour. 1. '0 rttki; wheat. 8 24V WJ vatilais. uoru, (4.tAA cantala; ba,u. Tarpaatlaa asd Roala Market. PA VA NMAH, Nov. 1. T 1" RPE N TI N P Finn; Vt.'.c, a a lea, T4 bids ; receipts, HO bbls. ; shipments, 503 bbls; stocks, 20.3i Lbla. ROSIN Finn; receipts, 8.131 bbls.; ship ment. 3.3H3 bbls.; stocks, 73.2g bhls ; s&les, 1.3a6 blda. Quoim: B, D, and E. ftr, 37S""i 6' F, 3So:i.w'; O. 3f.lji4.a; H, 8 00; I, 3S.ii; K. H4ti; U 88.501 N, 84 7, W. ., 8;.Joi W. W.. T it. stocks Alleuaa AmaL Oorper A .. U A 8... Anion dan. .. Allan! I1 U A C. C. A 8. Ri:tte Cballtun .... Cal. A AHztHia l ot. A llevll 'entiiniai t'oper Hanga ('. C. F.st Butt C. X VrmnMln tilroui ( n Orajibr cn Uraane Cnanea .... late siovaia trppr. Kerr Leha Laka (VHiper La. Salla Cnser Miami C'lpar bid. MMkad. . 4 Met.awk . 71,14 Nera.la Con . i Nilriln Mines .. . in Soitli Biitta . "4 Nortli lk . l .S Ola Dominion . ll't (seola . 61 aranolt . A C... .6:.', qiin' y . la Bi annon . 71 '4 Superior . S Sur.- A B. M., . 11 V Superior A P. C. . . 714 Tainaraek . t;,1, l'. S. 8. K. A M. . 714 do pfd . U t'tah Owi. . SH t'tah Copper Co.o. . . s&mj Winona . 1" Wolvof ti , . llr . r, . v.' .. 1" . 3.114 . fS . . 4oi 4 ..IM', . It . . Tli ,. Vt-4 .. Dl .. 7 .. ns . .. 40 .. 44 .. t!'4 ,. ,. ss ..la-, few York Cark Market. The following quolationg are furnished bv lx ran tc Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Hay Stats Oaa 34 Inaplratlon 8 16-14 nuateo ( ana T lroaa 4 If, 14 Bulla Coalition 1H Karata Oona Csctisl 81 Navhouaa 1:, trima 3"tlhto Cvupar 1 4 Chief Oona 14( I-.ia.1l l. CaUtlon... 6 Frarlton l.S UF (antral IS Iwralialy I Salft Fk. o l' l.iy (antral tr Frara itoat.uik Co . .VI Eif Cna t Silver Pl.-a Isj rif Wltrh 16 Su,rtnr A Pitta I.04 Frwnilla HSfjmwii Mln ng 104 Cieeiia tTrtlllly (otpar.... O'linfield Flo ran, -a. . . IS North Laiaa (.linld Palar I Uohrmla Urarna t.'snanva 7l4ti;tLar - 6'a 14 6 Treasnrr 8ttemet. WASHINGTON. Nov. l.-The condition of the treasury' t the tiealnnlng of business P'day was as follows: Trust Fundi -(rtid coin, t&..W!J; silver dollara. 8kfs ii(i.vjo; sliver dollars of Usa), :t 618 n; silver certlflcalea outstanding, ft4M.'tf.O10. Ceneral Fund Standard sliver dollars in reneral fund. 3i33 22,'; curruiit lisbllltles, il4.axi.800: working balance In treasury offices. I'.l 17c 5-4. In banks to ere,lit of treasurer of the t'nlted States, ftJB.tUt.B, than, ter box. 31. To; (allfOinia tlrav.n. stein, per box, 22.10; California Helleflov, ur per box, l.u; Warblngton Grimes Goldeu and Jonatiiau, extra fancy, 88 to 135 a!xe. per tiox. 8:' 25. Grapes: California Tokay, per crate, (1. 40, Con. ord, Michigan and New York, per S-lb. bi-k., 3"o; iaalaca. 00 tj 66 II, a groas. per k' g, 3I006'0 .70. Cranberries: Per box, 32 50: per bbl., 3;.75; Jersey, per bbl 80. Iiaies: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb pkgs. l-i box, per box, li. FIks: Now Cali fornia, 13 12-ox. pka-s., r,c; sa 13-os. pkgs 12 2t; "Nirklsh. T-crown, per lb., 16u; 6-uxown' per lb-, 14o. (julnces: Per box. 31.43. VB 1KTABL.ES Potatoes: Early Ohio In sacks, per bu., Sc; Iowa white atuok, per bu., 8flc. Sweet l'otatoea: Virginia, per bbl.. 32.00. Onion: Iowa, small red and yellow, per lb., 2c: Spanish, per crste, l a C.irllc: Extra fancy, v.lilte, pr r lb v,,.i red, jer lb., lo. E:g I hint: Fancy Florida' per Hoi., i- t'ii'ij. niiciiigan, per d,, bunclic. 3C.c. lti.tahagas: per lh., iuc Cucumbers: Hot huuse, u, and 2 dug , ,,mi U. 3125 " 1 HOME-CROWN VKOETAIiLES-Cabbaa-e-New, per Hi., lc. Totnatoea: per 1 sk 3-;' String and Wnx Heans: Per mkt. bsk ' 7rlc' I-ttuce: Extra fancy leaf, ,,rr dog 4;,0' Parsley; Fancy home-grow 11. per flog' hunches, Jo.'. Turnips: l'er mkt. I,k., ? ;' Carrots: l'er mkt. bk., 40o. Beets: pVr u,kt bak.. S.c. MlSCEEI.NEOI'-Waltiuts: Blaek i,ar (b., 2c; California No 1, per lb.. kC- ra,. fornla No. 2. per lb.. 14c. Hickor'vnuts lrge. per lb., 4'; an, all, per lb., Cc. Cocoa nut: Per sack. 35 .5n; per rlox., rtoc. Honey New, 24 frame. 33 65. Cider, New York' per S bbl., 3S.: Cottoa Market. NKW TORK. Nov. 1 XrTT( N-Bpot olosed quiet and unchanged: middling up lrtr.,1 14 .Joe; huddling gulf, 14.80c; rales, 4.2.1 bales. Futures cloaed very steady; cloa'ng bids' November. 14 2;c; December. 14 4Jc; Janu ary. 14 K-; February. 14 4 : Marc h 14 air- April, 14.40c; May. 14.4.",c; June, 14.12c; Julv' 14 :ise. ST It'Ii, N.v. l.-COTTON-Steadv; middling. 14S- Sales, none; receipts, 3 6! la)ea; ghlpn, cuts, 3 4 hch-is; Hock. 3 UH bales. Furnlahed bv Eoran A Rnran. members New Tork Cotton eichanse. su South Six eenth street, umaha. Neb. No. 6... 16... 1... 17... 1.. It.. .. I.. I . 31.. I.. 14., 4.. At. . 164 .10f,l . tfaO .1113 . BM . 4-8 . a-1 . 444 . . 4-11 . 4i) . 41a Pr. 3 64 4 44 4 76 8 86 3 M I 10 3 10 I jn i 36 3 44 No. IS... IK... 4i... 11..., cows. A . ..1171 .1274 ..1141 ..1004 3.. 4... I.. n .. 16.., 12 I U 4 60 I 00 DTO( rv 1 I '4 Ifl I 78 10 . '7 3?J HF.IFERH. I 86 1 8 70 6 CALVES. 1 1 3. ,.1111 ..1100 . V4 .. 846 .. V47 .. 4B4 .. 40t .. 310 143 IM 8 4 lu 4 28 8 at 8 M 8 10 S 70 3 70 11 :, 4 20 I n 4 It I 80 7 (A t 86 AM FEliDEKS. 11 tit 4 04 SHEEP A dull close In feeder sheep and lambs yesterday gave promise to a slack demand and lower pr.ee this morning, early trade bearing out this forecast. Re ceipts were liberal, the bulk consisting of feeders from western ramies, but country attendance was small and yard brokers backward. Very little business was transacted during opening hours, various scattered sales Indicating a weaker mar ket on feeder sheep and an unevenly lower trade In feeder lambs. The flechy kinds of feeder lambs suffered less than light and thin grades, of course, us the former class of stock attracts more or less com petition from packers. Strings suitable for short finish went hack Into the coun try around 86.76, while common and In ferior offerings ranged between $4.2fi'ti15.So. Good, fot sheep were wanted, however, and prices ruled generally steady all along tha line. Hangs wethers sold at 34 00. wit h extra choice ones quotable at 34.10ft 1.16, Fed wethers. If well finished, would prob ably sell around 84 2S, but nothing very toppy In the way of fed stuff arrived. Fat ewes of good quality are still hovering around the 33 60 mark. Fat yenrllni; were scarce, anything good moving readily at well sustained figures. Fat lambs sold at firm prices, a relatively light supply serving to check the raid In values started yesterday. Westerns that topped at 86.50, yesterflrty went at 3000 with a little Isrrer sort. Fair to good string brought ftl.l0i)4.3S, according to quality and weight. Demand waa reasonably active from all quarters. In view of the fact that the feeder out put this fall was the largest In the hlstnrv of the trade, the scarcity of half-fed stock ot market at present reflects considerable credit upon the corn belt flnShers it Is the only wise policy, of course, as ship ments that come back showing a "blue sky and blue grass" finish are sure to sell little higher than fredera or common kill ers. Quotations on rises stock: flood to rhoice lamhs. t'l.ar.'uti.rto; fair to good lambs, KUi'M JC; feeding lambs. 4.2Mi5.i0; hnmly weight yearilnir. 34 SOjS 25: heavy year lings, 34. (Ay, SO; feeder ycarllnc. 34 3 6.15: good to choice wethere, W.Wxfi 4.15; fair to good wethers, 33 .f,8.9ii; feeding weth ers, 33u04(3i0'. breeding ewes, 84.00rR.Vl: fat ewes, 33.2Mi3.7S; feeding ewer, 32.!tf 3.1f: tenners. 31.50 2 26. Representative sales: No. IS fed lambs , 304 I'tah lambs i'tilrifihi) lamb, feeders , 3"0 Idaho lambs, feeders it-'lo Idaho lambs, feeders lo7 IrSho ev?. . ... 3F0 I'tah lambs, feeder ?44 ('tab. lambs, feeders v8 I'tah lambs, feeders 2;.0 I'tah ewes, feeder S.S Wyoming lambs, feeders NEW YORK, Nov. l.-M RTAL.S Stan dard copiH-r. quiet; spot and future, 812. 4UJ 12.05. Ixindon, firm; spot, 57 7s 6d; future, tVi3 7 0,1. lke, locally, 12,87S130t: eleo trolvtlo, 312.7f.1il2.K7S. And casting, IliSTStf 12 62S. Tin, firm: spot and futures, 81.47 to 8i.75; London, firm; spot. 1167 6s; futures, flii7 Um. Lead, quiet, 34.Hi4.&n. New York; 84 27SH4 32S. East St. Eouls; London, spot. I S 5s. Spelter, firm; IS.80fl5.90. New York; 3n.7DliA.8, F.ast St. IxduI; London, spot. 24 2s d. Iron, Cleveland warrant. 60s In lionilon; locally, (inlet; No, 1 foundry northern. 3ir,.7,'u IB 25; No. 2 foundry north ern, 313 .50l6.(Ki; No. 1 northern, southern and No. 1 southern soft. IUi.754fi6.2o. ST. UH1IS, Nov. 1 MET Aly Lead, higher. H i'; spelter, strong, 86.75. Wool Market. ROHTON. Nov. 1. WOOLr-Demand for wool continues fairly brisk, with a broad ening tendency and a strengthening of values. Good wools are reported scarce, while poorer grades are going rapidly, with some dealers marking up goods, especially In territory stock. A liberal amount of fine staple has changed hands at 24o, while Ohio three-eighths blood Is bringing 27o to 28c. On transactions In fins delaine frac tional advance have been obtained, with 27Sc for unwashed. Pulled wool shares in the general activity. 8T. I1UIS, Nov. 1. WOOL-FIrm; terri tory and western mediums. 18(3i3o; fin mediums. 17'uiOc; fine. 12rul6c Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. COFFEB Future cloHod quiet. Sales 12 000 bags. Closing hid: November. 34 75; December, 38.80; January, 38. ST,; February. 88.80; March, K7; April, 8S.SS.; Msy. $0.00; June, 8.0.02; July. 31.OS: August, f0i; September anj Oc'ober, J9.05. Spot coffee steady: Rio No. 7. lie; Santos No. 4. ll'c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, ll,4V,13ic Av. Pr. kn 8 SI, V. 6 15 :,i; r. ii , 5ft 5 "0 6 80 ,1 : 51 6 75 ipi 5 7il 4u 4 , S"i 25 ,64 5 75 Pry floods Market. NEW YORK. Nov. l.-DRY GOO DS Tha cotton goods, markets holds steady, but quiet, the best btiiness being reported on staple prints for spring. Tho export mar kets are quiet. Yarns rule firm with trading; moderate. The carpet auction waa continued during the dny, the buying being brisk and prices ruling about as at the opening-. BOSTON NEWSPAPER IS SOLD Board of Trnstera, Headed tiy Rick nrrt Olarj , l akes t aarsja of the Herald. RO8TON. Nov. 1. The Boston Herald to day passed Into new hands after a four months' receivership. The shareholders of the property, of whom Morton F. Plant of New York is the largest, have relinquished, the control to a board of trustees consisting of Richard Olney, Major Henry Jjtrn Hlg ginson, John H. Holmes, Robert W. Bur 'nett and Henry S. Howe. Robert Lincoln O'lirien Is the editor and John Wells Far U-y, a famous Harvard foot ball player af ten years ago, Is lis counsel and treasures. optiona l Open. I High. I Low. I Close I Yes y Dec, ... 14 36 I 14 44 14 27 Jen. ... 14 2t I 14 81 14 Hi Mar. ... 14 32 I 14 14 VI May ... 14 41 I 14 47 14 fll July ... 14 33 j 14 4-) 14 24 14 42 J4 :-0 14 :v 14 45 14 :w 14 44 14 34 14 40 14 In 14 42 ThU announcement will appear tn this paper but one. Subscription Offering At Agents for the Underwriters, wc offer $1,000,000 Cumulative Preferred Stock with a bonus of Common Stock, of the Cities 6 ervice Company Saaar Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 1 - PI'OAR-fuw quiet: muscovado, 89 test, 8 Sue; centrifugal,' : teat. 3 !c: inuia-ai sugar, gs teat, Jiw,' Rafluad, qui at. Subscriptions ulll close at Neon Full information on November lGtii, 1910 request Application may be made through your banker or broker, or direct to Henry L. Doherty & Co., Bankers 60 Wall Sl New York The purpose of this public offering is primarily to broaden the market for the outstanding stocks of this Company and to interest small Investment buyers. Telegrains may be sent at our expense.