Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Black & White
Scotch Whisky
Pleasant Plans
The young men of the Omaha Junior
cJub, who gave one of the most successful
parties of the season last evening, will
have a meeting this evening at the office
of Mr. Harry Koch to make further plnno.
They propone to give a number of In
form and unique entertainment before
Uie nettt formal dancing party, which e
scheduled l.ecember 21, andts to be a ger
nin. In the meantime, roller !a'ln parties,
theater parties and, later In the season,
sleighing parties and other Interesting af
falra are planned. The club will give a
large, formal dancing party February IS.
Thla. with the many debut parties, will
make an unusually brilliant aeaaon for the
member, of tha younger acta.
Mra. Warren Robert and Miss Mildred
Rogers have laatiad cards for a eerie of
at-homes to be given Saturday aftemoona
during November from 4 to o'clock at
their apartments at the Beaton. Mies
Rogera I one of the debutantes and. with
her mother, has recently returned from a
year abroad.
Theater Parties
lulilrli hr,t:fi lanterns Thefte staff and
lanterns were need for favors for the grand
march. each young man rapturing a staff
and finding In the lantern the name of hl
partner for the march. The lanterns In the
balcony likewise became favor, holding for
the voting women the names pf thflr part
riT?. While these lantern v ere being
Hn.lght by the young women the anrloUH
i ouiir men walked In care-chained lock-j
step about the hall, release coming with j
his summons from the girl with hi lantern.
Supper una served downstairs at the mys
tic hour nf 12 and Included Hallowe'en
viand, fluting the evening a keg of cider
supplanted the tiktial punch bowl and Hniall
tin cups tho uul cut glass. Those present
Mr. Oliver Eldridge will enterta n at an
fi.pheum party thla evening, whon those
rresent will be Mlsse Haiel Rmlth, Mil
dred Kunkhouser, Mr. and Mr. Hoy Wil
cox of Council Rluff. Mr. Ray Kldridge
and Mr. Oliver Eldrldge.
A theater party last evening at the
Hrandei theater Included Mr. and Mr.
Myron Learned, Mr. and Mra. L. F. Cro
toot and Mr. and Mra. F. B. Cow gill.
One of the Orpheum parties last evening
Included Mr. and Mr. .1 A. C. Kennedy,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke. Mr. and Mr.
(Seorg Redlck. Mr. and Mra. John Uedlck.
Mr. and Mr. Edward Cretghton.
lor the Future
Complimentary to the out-of-town guest
who have come to attend the McCloud-
Olnisted wedding. Mr. VV. F. Denny will
entertain at luncheon Thursday.
The law department of Crelghton col
lege will entertain at a dancing party
Thursday evening at Crelghton College
Tie meeting of the new bridge club,
which wa to have been held toilay at the
home of Mlts l.ugenie Whlttnore to or
ganize for the winter, has been postponed
until Thursday afternoon, at which time
Miss Whlttnore will be hostess.
Mrs. Arthur will entertain at a
large card party Thursday afternoon at
the home of her patents. M-. and Mrs. P.
M. Ctmklln.
Alice Carry McOrew,
l,ouln Pon.
Mildred Butler,
Marie Hollinger.
Josephine O'Neill.
Heth Congdon,
Hess Raum.
Ruth Hammer,
Ixiulse Pinning.
Porothy Stevens
T'ercy Hall.
Hurry Koch.
Khj Low.
Hugh Millard,
Tvl Murphy.
Kdward o'Rrien,
Cedrlc Potter.
Cuthhert Potter,
Harold Pritchett,
Penlse Tlllson.
Ren Wood.
Pleasures Past
Smiling jello-farcd , Jack o'lanterns
beamed on the dancer at the Halloween
party which the Omaha Junior club gave
at Chambers' last evening In Inauguration
of lt first fcaon. in the reception hall,
w hich was scrcr r.'d off from the ball room,
the liosto received their guests, and here
tho dance card were arranged. When the
program were In order the lights were
switched on und the ball room was bright
with light which i.trramed from the grin
ning yellow lantern. Lanterns of pump
kins hung at intervals around the balcony,
Tho posts around the room were trans
formed Into realistic shocks of corn. In
tiie center of the room ki an Immense
shock of corn surmounted by staff from
filady Peter.
Miriam Patterson.
Dorr.rhy Morgan,
A fno HurVley,
Frances Nash.
Isabella French,
Helen Cudahy,
Jean Cudahy,
Caroline Harkalow
Elizabeth Pickens.
Wilson Austin.
Jack Ilium.
Jack Hnldwtn,
Richard Raum.
Hal Hrsdy,
Lake Peuel.
James Plckson.
Robert Plnnlne.
Herbert French.
Paul Callaghrr.
Hn .inllnrhf -.
Mae Harding,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hums. 1r.
Mr. anil .Mr. Louis S. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Colpetzer.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Allen ICoch.
Mr. and Mr. Philip Potter.
An enjoyable dancing party wa given
last evening by the member of the Phi
Rho Sigma fraternity of the Crelghton
Medical school at their new fraternity house
at Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth etreet.
It wae a "Hard Times" party and Hal
lowe'en decorations and games prevailed.
The dining room table had a unique center
piece of doughnuts, spelling the word Phi
Rho Sigma. About fifty guests were pres
ent. The host were the young men who
live at the "Ftat" house: Mesr. Tom
Moore, Qulnn, Mattlson, Jewttt, Gaerter,
Pluner. Fletoher, Douglas, Bray, Grace and
Mr. and Mrs. Burd Miller, who have re
cently moved Into their new home, 5117
Davenport treet, were pleasantly aur
trls:d last evening by a number of their
friends who brought .lack-o'-lanterna and
well filled lunch basket. Those present
were: Messrs. and Mesdame Miller, Hen
nlng. Little, L. L. Clarke. C. P. Kosenbery,
Muttlslgly, A. Jaeger, Winn; Mrs. William,
Hnry, Bell; Miss L. Looney; Messrs. W.
W. Merger. A. Berger. L. 11. Kracht, Sad
ler. High scores at high f L e were won by
Mrs. P.ell and Mr. Jaeger.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. P. Home entertained
at dinner at their home Saturday for Miss
Bell, who leave soon to mnk: her home
In St. Louis. The table decoration were
typical of Hallowe'en. The evening was
rent at cards. Those present were:
Myrtle Ttayden
Silver Jewelry
TTH the modern tendepejr
to emphasize individuality,
silver .1ewcl!-y and the op
portunity It offers for the
exnreaelnn nf one' owti
f ancle and ideas. appeals very
strongly to the woman of dlacrimlna
tion. Silver jewelry has. therefore.
leen raise,) to an important place In
the collection of ornaments possessed
by the well dressed woman.
The picturesque ooetunie of dull,
harmonised tone, or tho upon which
the dark, metallic lace are used, are
much enhanced by 11ver omamenta
that do not clash with the color of
the metal trimmings.
Silver forms a beautiful setting for
all aeml-preclous stones, which give
richness without appalling expense.
Filigree and ancient Bohemian orna
ments are now being worn, and the
barbaric Russian designs occury a
conspicuous place in the Jewel case.
With ric h velvets or with airy even
ing gowns sliver Jewelry Is beautifully
combined, landing Just a required touch
of artistic, ornament to complete the
picturesque, for which many atrlv.
doe a kind action, spoil It all oy ur
oundlnt It with a ort of "charity" at
mosphere. "I took poor Ml A. to a matine the
other day; he o seldom gets a treat."
Or. "X think 1 11 ak Mr. B. to my party
on Wednesday. Bhe know o few nice
people, It will be quite a change fort her."
She call, perhapa, on a newcomer who
has been rather "cold shouldered" by the
other resident In the suburb.; but the
whole thing I spoiled by her manner of
And I often wonder If ome of the people
to whom she Is "kind" would not much
rather be left alone.
And It I sometimes very dtffloult for
Are Doinor
cording ecretary. and Mra. C. W. Mun
on of Toledo, O.. each ga e a short talk
before the club. Mr. Munson pokc of
an educational club of Toledo, which now
ha (00 members and expect to have 1.000
before the close of the year.
The program of the afternoon Included
report of the various session. Mrs. Fred
erick T. Rouse told of the opening session;
Mr. Albert Kdholm of the civic und for
estry session: Mrs. F. J. Rlrss, the civil
service reform and educational; Miss Jo
sephine Mcllugli, the library; Mrs. Cole,
the household economies, and Mrs. Cam
eron, the literature and art.
The following were announced new mem
bers of the club: Mrs. Charlotte Wincgar.
Mrs. M. B. Bllah, Mrs. J. V. Pennell, Mrs.
E. W, Leflang, Mrs. T. B. iSorrl. Mrs.
A. C. Bunce. Mra F. J. Taggart, Mr
George W. Kurt:. Mrs. Ada Rhafer, Mra
M. Waugh, Mrs. Elwood Anderson, Mrs. M.
D. Welch, Mrs. James Hodge, Mis Char
lotte Orav. Mra O. H. Mlnold, Mrs. 8.
R. Elaon.
Dean George A. Beetfher, bl shop-elect,
will speak at the meeting of the soolal
science department to be held Monday,
November 7.
The current topics department will have
charge of the meeting of the Woman
club Monday November It.
i,T'. wW
JMt' 0T-'
is perfectly blended and
thoroughly aged, and
meets the requirements
of the most exacting.
re.r -
Wt .'
Members of the Omaha Woman's olub
have been asked to vote at the election
Tuesday, November to vote, that Is, for
those candidates In whose selection women
are permitted a vote, the selection of mem
ber of the Board of Education. Mrs
this tvne of wolnan to cure herlf of her I fi,.-- TiM.n h. v, i,,k-. ..i
patronizing manner, because most probably ! callon committee, called attention to the i "oon Wlth "r Warren Rider' im Bou,h
she Is not In the least aware that her ) .,, ,., j w. .... Twenty-ninth street.
ni l" "nviiinn icviitin niiu ttv anv tli.L
manner 1 patronising, and generally labors Lomfn can vote for these directors, and
ii. i - '"""" that 1 1 I, .. A - - 1 . 1 1 1 . -
The oratorj' department of the Woman's
club will meet Tuesday morning at 10
O'clock at the studio of Miss Lillian Fitch.
The West Side Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Tuesday after-
under the delusion that
"weetly gracious," says Home Chat
But It la not a good plan to allow one
self to get In this frame of mind, be
cause, besides the fact that It Is rather
unkind to be always supposing that other
people are Inferior In any sort of way,
the woman who adopta the eeml-patronlx-Ing
attitude very often end by making
herself ridiculous.
Jeanette Rell,
Mvrtl Home,
Cello. Feller,
Howard Home
Elisa Strathdee.
Andrew Rae,
Mr. atid Mrs. W. W. P. Home,
Mrs. Hare. Mr. Home.
Lieutenant and Mr. John P. Hubb 'of
Fort Crook gave an Informal supper Bun
day evening In honor of Mr. Rubb' Bister,
Mis Una of Plattsburg. N. Y. Those pres
ent were Mi Ros. Plattsburg. N. Y. ;
Lieutenant R. H. Kelly, Captain Marr
O'Connor. Major and Mr. H. M. Lord,
lieutenant and Mr. J. P. Bubb.
Tainted Kindness.
1 know a woman who, whenever she
Personal Gossip
Mrs. II. M. Munchoff, mother of Miss
Mary Munchoff, underwent an operation
this morning at St. Joseph s hospital.
A daughter was born Hunday to Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Goodwin of New Castle, Ind.
Mrs. Goodwin was formerly Miss Georgia
Kennard of thla city, and la the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Kennard.
Mr. F. W. Pmlth of Evanton. 111., has
arrived to be the guest of Mr. and Mra.
Allen Roblneon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy M. Baker of Sioux City,
who have been visiting friend In Omaha,
left for their home this morning.
Mia Heairlre Ccad Is vlfltlng her sister,
Mrs. K. V. Krug. in St. Louis.
Veil Device.
A number of clever expedients have been
devised to hold a veil snugly under the
chin without giving It an ugly line. Here
Is one method which save the veil also
and Involve hardly any trouble. Get the
narrowest kind of round elastic, the same
color as the veil (paint the white elastic
with water color for a colored veil) and
whip it over the extreme edge of the veil,
taking up only a single thread all around.
Include any cut edgea, but afterward pare
them off neatly , with a small pair of scis
sor. Fasten It back with a tight knot.
The veil I slightly gathered on the elas
tic, fit nicely under the chin and over
hat. and stretches when It I raised. It
seems the best solution of a vexing prob
lem of dress.
The Key to the al'.uatlon Bee Want Ads,
and should vote. As a club no official
action was taken, but the presiding officer,
Mrs. M. D. Cameron, appointed eaah mem
ber a committee of one to decide tha
voting question for herself.
As "State Federation meeting," the
meeting Monday was largely, both as to
program and business, a review of the
recent successful meeting held at Teoum
seh. Fjach of the speakers spoke most
highly of the meeting and the way In which
the Tecumseh people had entertained the
In reporting the resolutions brought be
fore the convention, Mrs. Frederlok H.
Cole gave a recommendation of her own
and one advocated by a club husband,
namely the resolution that the men be In
cluded In the plans for the club women
and, as the programs "Include topics In
which both men and women are Inter
ested and for which they both are working,
that there be . at least one men's pro
gram." In the future possibly, the Woman's
club plana will officially recognise the In
terest of the husbands of clubwomen In
club work. The resolutions reported from
the state meeting and endorsed by the
Omaha Woman's club Included the endorse
ment of a civil service reform law which
should govern all employes of state Insti
tutions; the recommendation that tha Anti
Tubercular society's work be assisted and
the Red rCoss stamps used by all club
women on their Christmas packages;
the household economics committee asked
that the club work to retain a woman as
state food Inspector; the library committee
wished Its fund Increased, and the Ne
braska Association of Graduate Nurses
asked the club's assistance to obtain a
school nurse to work In connection with
the medical Inspection o fthe schools.
Mrs. Cole also reported the constitutional
changes, In the absence of Mrs. A. K.
Gault, who acted as chairman of this com
mittee. Chief of these 1 making the state
convention biennial, the meeting In 1311 to
be the "first biennial meeting."
Mrs. Mabelle Havena Corbett. state re-
Dreurd In Black and Yellow"
Not "foot bsll colors," but the color of
the carton containing Foley' Honey und
Tar, the best and safest cough remedy
for all coughs and colds. Do not accept
a substitute, but see that you get tha
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in a yel
low oarton with black letters.
Hity Council Awards Paving to the
National Construction Company.
Molts Droit Votcli, oni mission Men
Itrllelna tliat Increase of lon(
Aulmals Over Last rmt I
ItrlnBlna Tills Itesnlt.
The city council lusi nliiht gave the Na
tional Construction company "as the lowest
and best bidder" paving contract amount
In to about fTO.OuO In mos' case the ma
terial designated wa asplialtlc concrete,
class A. The work Includes the paving
jf tho alley between Twenty tourth and
Twent) -fifth street, from C to It streets;
U titreet. from Twenty-fifth to Twenty
sixth street; 1 street, from KiKliteenlli to
Twenty-fifth street; Twenty-third street,
iron the city limits to I street. Twenty
third street, from I to J streets. Twenty
.eventli street, from C to F streets; J
street, from Twenty-second street to Twenty-fourth
street With the exception u.
unu Instance, Councilman Miller voteil
against the giving of tho contracts to tin
company. "I've no use for the Natlonn.
Conjunction company," was hla almost un
vailed leinarl.. when called upon to vote.
lighta are being turned out at 5:40 a.- m .
at which hour It Is still dark."
Bids were received for the erection of
fire hall No. 4 and 5, and were referred
to the architect and the committee of the
whole house for tabulation.
nation Congressional Clnb.
George McBrlde. a preldent. and J. V.
Chizrk. a secretary, announco that a
meeting of the Sutton Congressional club
v.'lll be he-Id at the clubi uoiuit, 337 Norm
Twenty-fourth street, this evening. A full
attendance Id requested, as the meeting
la called to make arrangements for the
forthcoming election.
Heglat ration Figaro.
According to the official figures given
out by City Clerk Good, the register for
the next election for the city will be coin
pod of 1.7M names, at least DO0 less than
meet tomorrow afternoon with Mra. O. P.
' The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs.
Kwell, MX North Twenty-fifth street, on
Wednesday afternoon.
In police court yesterday Judge Callanan
held Isadore and Pete Greenlwcx for trial
November 5 for cutting Joe Blues.
'Phone Bell South IW8, Independent F-1S8S
for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt de
livery to any part of city. William Jetter.
To whom It n.ay concern; I, Henry An-iii.-i.n.
uil; hut be respuiitMble for any
bills contracted by my wife. .Mrs. Henrv
Sunday night the novelty store of Mr.
A. Ii McCaffrey. 429 North Twent v-fourth
Large Wedding fee the Exception,
Not the Rale, In New
Large wedding fee are rare, even In
New York. Fee of $50 and tlOO are con
sidered large. The n.OOO fee, when It
makes Its appearance, usually goes to the
rector of a wealthy congregation who en
Joys a salary of 110,000 or JROOO a year.
Larger fees are sometimes given. The
street, boy
The Shamrock Athletic association will
the niAnbcr of people who were expected to I f .Vf "r8t lal of thB eason at the
aval, o, ti.e opportunity of re- & '"d" tvthT..v
cording tlielr votes during the present spir- nlKlit. It w II bo an entertainment for the
fled campaign. The complete returns by i "'embers and their friends and the prn-
iiuiJii IoIIjw ifcttti" win oe music, auncmg ana soc a
man of wealth, actuated by a high regard
I 'ill' 7' " en,er'd "nd Boods valued nt I for his pastor and friend, occasionally
n , ... 'gives his check for $2,000 or 5,fO0 under
rhe births have been reported: the iruise of a weddina- fee He wishes to
Joe C.sar, 2 South Twenty-third street. l , 0 waaln5 e wishes to
girl; Joe Stanek. 259 South Seventeenth help the nilnUter and knows the money
First precinct
second precinct
F irst precinct
second precinct""!!!!!".'!!!!!!" vA I m,,,'e ha provided an interesting pro-
1 IlirW' w A fU. , , " niauH uiBiiuii Kim ii
The first regular monthly meeting for
the season of the South Omaha P oncer
Historical society will be held In the
iiurary tm:kllng this evening. The cone
Fhtt precinct
tcond precinct.
First pi ecinct j,,a 1
?eei.r.i piecinc.
F rs; preen ct
lrt precinct
Ik hoped there will be a full
I of meiiibpm.
Neal Institute, Omaha Offers to Ter.
fertly Cure Drink or Liquor Habit.
Their attention having been attracted
by the great success achieved by the Neal
Institutes for the treatment and cure of
the liquor and morphine habit, a number
of business men and physicians have as
sociated themselves and have assumed
control of the many Institutes through
out the country.
Those who have had these Institutes
In charge point to hundreds of cures In
case which had been pronounced incur
able. The alarming growth of the abuse
of Intoxicating liquor has created a
pressing necessity for such an Institution
for the benefit of the thousands of suf
ferers whose numbers Increase dally.
The management of. the Institutes will
take the most complete mental and phys
ical wrecks and promise to restore them
to condition normal and healthy. The
tenacious hold of these habits when
once engrsfted In the human system
makes It practically Impossible for the
victim to cure himself, but, under the
reglm of the Neal Institute, together
with the remedle applied. It 1 claimed
hot the deat'i grip of the appetite may
be speedily and permanently broken.
The Inatltute In thla city has been
taxed to Its full capacity during recent
months and to take care of Its Increasing
number of patients, a branch Neal Inatl
tute has been established at Orand Island,
Nebraaka, In charge of Dr. Wm, F.Dugan.
who Is recognised as one of the leading
physicians of this state, where the same
treatment and acomodatlons can be ae
cured as at the parent or head Institute
in this city. Adv.
rA if
tThe Paternoster
P&m Ruby .
read Viur X'-M ' ,
L' ' " s wi
v m mw
"V Nin '
A Charles Edmoncb.
3 I I
ttiWm Walk
'ChsN At v The best mystery
this story un
less you are pro
pared to stay up
until one o'clock.
That's the kind it is
- Sv
Dome one muea
renx fage lor xne
Paternoster Ruby, and you cannot stop reading until you find out
who it was.
A. C McCLURG & CO., Publishers, $1.35 NET
yarn this Fall,
end a de
light to the
' VV.'a'l ; ... - i
everv de-
1 V
h MtFall
would not be accepted under any other
circumstance. Such gift. It la needless
to say, are extremely rare.
New York has a few clergymen whose
marriage fees average ll.ltin a year. The
pastor of a large Presbyterian church on
broadway ha estimated that his fees
amount annually to fl.OOO. These are top
notch figures.
The fee received by an American min
ister fur officiating at the wedding of one
of his wealthy parishioners In I'ails a
few sears ago Is said to have covered the
expnisea of hi four month' vacation on
the continent. Such fee, however, are ex
traordinary. They are beyond the wildest
dicamx of the average pastor, who may
be ablo to recall one fee of m his
entire ministry.
After you have known a clergyman for
Heuder Seventeen Selection to the twenty years perhap you can Induce Mm
Delleht of Thousand of 1 lo tall: freely about hi marriage f--.- I
Music Lovers. "t before. The subject la too compll- i
' Air'-l, inu pel ennui, IOU Uleappul 111,11. '
Whooping: Cough
JTi'Hro 17
d etf'Ci Ircttoienl for bro
ckltl t.o'ublet, TldiDg ra. Vipsristd Creto nop k sriran f Wkoo.uif Cou(h nd
nlitTci Cr. st c. I
h.m Aiikn. The sir rcre4 trsl7 sntlf -llc.lsii4
whk rT brsath, mke breitkinf
u I mibM ib kh tbrMt ) lb ctwgh,
Muring .Mtfttl slgbn. 1. ! IsTSluibH t .o.lieri
with 7nf cklldre.
tt a, pa,iu nt sci ip"-
Try Cr$iln, AnttttfiU
Tlirtst TtUtt fox tk
Irriutcd tarost. Tksy
r ilml,tttl an
BBttMPtic. Of yr
rat(i,t M ha , loc
1b Ktapt.
Vcpa Creo!eo Co.
Certlsest St., N. V.
i 1
in-ia. i- , , , , ,i :ttn ou iie oi oiven me unrrieir.
Jle.Na Is today :lnglng with the atne de-I , , . ... . v ...
V it fill froil.i,... .....l.,. . ...I ., a..- il... i "
l.ave always entlitalled her audiences. The
lias this xeusou renewed her
lo the complaint of Jacub ce uiul lirtilii' t
Kli'.l.r. who ll.-s on v.- S"..eet. between ....f.,,' .'V.1.',
Tttcnty-rlghth and Twenty-ninth streets. e'ecund picciuc'i "!!!!!!!.'. !!!!!!!!!!
Ills lot Id thu duniiing kiound for fiarbiiBt. I
and (iinil a.itinals when there Is a ruin- i 4.7S1
Htorm, and to In; prepared for the next 1 llotts Drop m Notch,
... v.. ....i. ... ....3 ...v , noutn iimutia yrtorday 1 gieat --Inoe
thu! If stcp.s an- not tuktn to nrevrnt the I t he itum In th i.r , nt i , s
" " ' liv'ta'-' IU1II.KUCU. . l;iin...i,ka,-, i i.-, ...I 1 1 l.. 1 .
nil nee be will Institute proceed I nas There was little acttvitv in Ha,n....t I ' m ' 1 c- crv tvre who aaked him at the conclusion t
a.tnat It Tl:., rulvc, t h. v. I. .... and c.n.M.i.en. lo w.A. .... - -I OOIIOl'rt lour ''ere is endearing herself, - . I
uull in il,l II.H 'iiv Miulml nf II n.Hr, ami ehl.tue.a. 1-llf.ivorahlB ,,.1,1.,- t Aioeiicau puouc o tier '
only does Iiim lot. he, have ca,t I 11 f tre tu nial.i Inf luincett in
uion It iinUc.jiiabie floatuam and jetsam, bring, n I'ricea towmd winter co;. level, i
but loads of earth are carried away when
a rainstonii strike South Omaha. Mayor
Tra.uor deputed the street comn.isi-lonvr
i tell ou .lune highly entertaining stories, j
I A tl..Kllst minster In H.iitlinore re
cently i:.iiirled a young mail of the How - J
t 3
oaster Combination
Is a household billikin.
MIt makes men fat and healthy,
Who were quarrelsome and thin.
CPffanxo over
flftWrSBmiiaili 4
li'mmWiMMMM,' v
X .r-wa v
ft.: """"
, , 1. . 1
; cuiaparable singing. And the diva Is not
' unmindful of t!-e ai.iii eiatlve audiences
thir rcit.nuny In the parsonage how
inu. )i he "cl.arged.'' As a liint lo the,
clergyman to keep his fie within reason- I
ab.c lit. .lit- li.u soung drew a half-!
The bulk of the ofteiluK had to sell at i worS'1 vr xeho- "l,hoU8h thcy havo I oo liar from hi., pocket wh'.le speaking
reduction of a dime. will, occaaional sales '"v' ho' hv' M,ank" Victor, ,;, .,.inj(,lf.,. txpl,ntU tUat no
at gieate.- declines Heavy hogs drepped
I heard her marvelous voire
was made for hi services.
Whereupon J
a i aim'! w.i'uivk ,hq in iv. vu.i.ii.iDFiuiivr I ' ' -i , , 1 , , I
and the city engineer to Inxe.tig.t. the I u,lu,'r ' " 1rk- rule, good lard I J1,n Lemmone. the celebrated Australian , lhl. ,lel;K,u.i yoUng h'.isband extlaltned
comnluliU. hoie 011,5 rt,c,,,n - Uacon ; J'1-1''- wh '"' to America with Mine ! jju juu h4ar thut. Mug? He uon't , Large
llurd tf Kqaallsattou
i.arge i
grade -, w hile t-tlli light, are bo.-oming i.'l'a to play tho ohbllgatl to the numbers nothln''" and dropped the half-dullur back
nio-e eaih day. A load of fan.-v the diva in sliiglng on her conceit tour u i... i.i ..i-,.,
Tiie dty council will lt a a Hoard of , llghu. new crop animal, brought us tuucli well as on aonie of her record selections.' ;,Jt ,,aili0,. liacj nU)le to say He I
equalization November li and 1 tor the , as .). the t Ighest prl.- paid and li , also . nives .wo iiitere.ting flute records, ; tl,M lAst vlsilo. lhat tht fre dP,nd"d on'
uriHso of eiiuuUxlnk and aselng pe- higher tl an Saturday. In the opin- jand no n.oie beautiful playing of thin In-! the vacation h.- placed on the service'
vial taxes to cover the cost of certain Itn- .Ion .f a proinlueut comniiswon Man. the I t rumen t has ever leer, heard In America i re'idctu if : wa worth no hlug lo 1
pioveiii. nl. i i xi en.e len reached and U.ucr ,. tic ; these two solos. "Tne Spinning ' miiri v the oung w n at his side, ery
The teiwrl of the commlltee, ul 0 ''n'"' ' Wheel" with piano by Mine. , g,(0.i : hu. f le valued her lie fee would!
which was approved by six votes to one, ; J l'" 'r ate a m.uIwjs u the pub- Melba. and Hi- the" Many Lauder ; gtVe aouie evidence of it. The brUI. - I aimer again dissenting, car- i ' """ as tls off to core of bin So.lch x-ctaltie5
lleo the PKimnt of I'.W for three iiore . l"" : aoic ..em ... tower t:ie pt .ce 1 -a melodious
or us.ici. pc.ra i"in an.t otner nu-al ac- H.athet
..oruiiigiy. . nt;;p .oni an. H
of joung In.g over lat y.-ai will li.tiu
the doited icsult."
The Collar that tits close and
" Stays Put." It is a
Corliss -Goon
nidi Collar
2 for 25c.
fjirli'-Coon ti Co.. Makers
. ii
1 uNRlCKiB,at-'
Broil, Roasts, Meats Without oven, basting
or water stooping, lifting or reaching.
Roasts potatoes, apples, corn, nuts, marshmal
lows, without using an oven at all.
Bakes beans, custards, escallopcd foods, but is
NOT a portable oven.
Toasts bread under cover, in pure, radiated
heat toast, crisp, aerated, sanitary hot
Warms all foods on gas stoves with little heat,
less fuel and no danger of burning.
Olsps crackers, corn flakes, shredded wheat
biscuits, potato chips,quickly, conveniently.
Steams foods in a mixed current of dry, hot
and steam laden air. No soggy food.
Heats flat irons, saving fuel and heat, protect
ing the faces of the irons and insuring a cool
.Saves fuel, food, heat, time and labor.
.til was Impressed.
for tl.o fire department. Mll
1. r sai l h did not like to y for lioran
until he bad seen them, and the mayor
loplled that he had seen imtu of them.
Councilman FranrU mentioned that the
borse had bv n Mo weeks on .rial
On the niotlon of Councilman Walter,
city clerk was directed io notlf.e the
Ou.aha Kiletr.c Ijgl.l and !'or company
"to li u 'o 1: contract with the city,
hlch euuti.'tt provide that city are lights
txiu (totn Ola to dawn, wbeieas the
Slow ly he pro-
sung. 1 yne. n .m ng the (Kno.1 tl.o I alf-do'lai un.l laid it in the,
and " A Triu t Invetary." In n inihter ' hand. A l bl'l fbtwed. Then 1
In. im" w;,.n ht ,ierrlb( a Hub Irip he made in ' he ciarped hie b de'-i ii;;i and moved I
ja tliird-cla car and the ;vetty lass l.e inel towar.l the door.' Chniif'aii lleia'd.
: on the way. t i
Male t.uM'w. j There entertainment for eveibody In U"ii I trif; ,ln a tol.l Is. good advi.-e
A. C. Tancoast for State Senator. Adv. ( ll 1 November lie! of New Victor Hecords ! for pruCeut ineti and Women. It may be i
' Mmiii an. aU How land, '"houe So. i. and it isn't ne.fMaaiy to have a Victor I vital in ca of a . 1 ild There I nt.ln 1
'rank A. Atntew. lawyer Ilunnon blok. ' t enjoy it. Any VI. lor dealtr will give belt, fiau Cl,a!' lahr.- Cough Kamedy
Mrs. John Mu-an of Clucaro U visiting 'you a detailed 1U of Lice new reco.d l' 'Ugh and cold In children. It Is'
her parent Mr und Mrs .:' I'iks gla.iiy play ar.y selei tton ou want)''' ' ' '"r sale bv all uruggiat '
For rnt. toon, cottage ltil tei. I and ! to hear. j
J sl.. .ie. I'hone touth 3 i remnt-m A(iMit..lng Is tb l:oad to B.J
The "Triple-Trick" Roaster
1 The Bee's Newest Premium
4 TU I'.eibi teilun Ladle' Aid ovut U. 4 The lay lu luc S.iuativU -li V aut aid j Keluia
Toothache Gum
Stops any toothache, rtevruti fut
titer decay. loc not tnelt to tt.
mouth. It whoie.lrrng.h is retained
sod goes right to the .pot.
Tb. are Imitations. Sre Uiat yoa get
VHl'l ToMSmIw ..
A. all ut.'i.t., it mitt, or j mail.
fWnt'e rnrn Piim lirUrtsa
wut a ,vt u vlui avi.lrst. I sv
C. DENT CO.. Cetreit. Mch.(
Subscribe for The Evening and Sunday Bee, and pay
15c a week for six months. This pays for both the paper
and the roaster.
TlcBct t.c Ml III' Suits