TIIE IJEE: (TMAHA, WKDNKXIUY, NOVEMBER 2. 1010. to li ir. cjM.MiA Daily Hek K'jI'MjKI) BY KUWAKU WWEWATER ICTUR KOriEWATEH. EDITOR. ..$u ..4 .10 Entered t Omaha postoflic as scond-cia.-s matter. 'It ((MS OF SUBSCRIPTION. fcondsv n, on year r.it.tntav lt, one year 1 b 1 1 v (without Sunday). on year i n 1 1 v I.M anJ Sunday, on vear DELIVERED BY CARRIER. K.-nlng Bee (without tfundayl. per week So Evening He (with ruindax, per we a. .. . .I' A'ally Hp (.including Sunday), per weeS..uc IjhiIv Hie (without honday). per week. l"o Addres all complaints of irregularltlo In delivery to City Circulation Department OFEICES (imaha-The Bee Building. outh Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. ounrll Bluffs 16 Hrott Htieet. Lincoln .M Uttla Building. Chicago 1M Marquette ituildlng. Nw Vork-Rooms llol-UOi No. 14 Weet Thirty. third street. , Weahington-726 Fourteenth Street, N. CORRESPONDENCE. Commuoicatlona relating to news and editorial matter ahould be addressed: Omaba Be F.dltorlal Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order pavabi to The Be Publishing Company, only I-cent stamps received In payment of mail account, personal checks except on Omaha and saatern exchange not accepted. STATEMENT OV CIPCUL.ATION. Mat of .Nebraska. Douglas county, . Urarn B. Isachucit, treasurer of Th Hee Publlahlcg company, being duly sworn, aay that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The Dally, Morning. Evening anil fun-lay Be printed during the month of September, lklO, was as fol lows: 1 .43,sss I ..4S.S70 ..a,iao , .40,000 44. 1M 4. 44,430 1 43.600 4J.6B0 ( 4J,40 It 44,370 II 41.000 It 43,6 JO 11... 43300 .42.300 ,43.870 t a Ann . .43.SJU ..43.4t) . .43.4M 11 II II tl tl It.. II.. 14.. tl 43,409 AM Uil .42,80 .43,800 Struck a Mare's Nest. With the help of tbs mttiie Chris Gruenther. Mr. Hitchcock! Woria- Herald pretends to have made the wonderful disrovery that The Bee has doctored its reproduction of one of the photograph! which convict O. M. Hitchcock of sharing the Partley shortage. The Bee ha not doctored anything, there la no call to doctor any of the documents, because the evidence at hand is ample and conclusive just aa It Is. The Oruenther yarn, even If true, would be merely a mare's nest. It would not, and doea not, alter the facts of the transaction nor mitigate In the slightest the guilt confessed by Mr. Hitchcock in the letter which he wrote in his own hand addressed to "Dear Bartley," thanking him for the $3,000 loan secured through, Mr. Wat tles December 28, 1893. These facts still stand out clearly: First. That Mr. Hitchcock went to Mr. Wattles, whom "he bad not pre viously met," with a letter from Bart Icy that got him $8,000 of Bartley money. Second. That the note given for this loan waa renewed September 25, 1895. Third. That thia note outlawed un der the statute of limitations while Bartley was in the penitentiary. Fourth. When asked by Bartley to pay up Mr. Hitchcock repudiated the debt, and to this day has not yet put it hack. be b socialist, he is not so rabid a par tisan that he cannot Bee aud rebuke a wrong in his own party as quickly as In any other. Cabinets hang on slender threads in France, but It seems reasonable to be lievo that the one supporting the Brland ministry la stronger today than it was at the beginning and that order, and not chaos, is to follow the tumult uous session In the chamber. 1 46.S7U It 44,10 14.. 14. II .41, MM .44,300 II II , 4S4W Total Ia03,370 Keturoed Cop) tiSS Met Total l3.SM Dally Average 43,117 QEO. B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before m this thirtieth day of September. 19101 M. B. WAL.KEH. '. Notary PubUo. aheoribers leavla the city tem porarily shoald have The Be mailed te these. Address will be rhaaa-ed aa aftea aa reaestd. For the thirteenth time we ask, Will Hitchcock put it back? Mr. Bryan has at least escaped throat trouble In this confusing cam paign. The United States Imported 1,000, 000 pounds of hair from Japan last year. Rats! Why should not a woman smoke? asks the Washington Herald. First, tell us. Why should she? "I am dead broke'." Evelyn Thaw What Is the matter with you vaude ville managers can't you hear at all? It seems scarcely worth while to break one of those aviation records, for the break Is healed before day light. - ' " Referee Uncle Sam has awarded Minneapolis and Tacoma another count, ruling that both went down on fouls. "Some men would rather hug a de lusion than embrace a fact," says the Philadelphia Inquirer. Depends on htr looks. ' Arch Hoxsey is the aviator who flew with the colonel, so no wonder it behooved, bis companion to outdo him In altitude. A pi ociaiutttiori to "jar louse" signed ns governor would, of course bring the coin a good deal faster than if only signed as mayor. Omaha's bank clearings get bigger and bigger year by year, which means that Omaha Is steadily doing more business day after day. The Taft Way. President Taft enjoys the distinc tion of having had more constructive legislation enacted during the first six teen months of his administration than any president who ever occupied the White House. Not in the history of the nation did any sessions of con gress ever accomplish as much. And what was done was done with a steady hand, a cool head, but a grim, tena cious purpose. There was never any let-up until the business In hand was completed, and as a result of this way of doing things the country is vastly benefited. This has come to be known as the Taft way, and it is the way in which the business of the nation must be transacted for the next two years to come if we are to get done the things for which we have been so Insistently clamoring. In ' order, therefore, to keep the Taft way effective it is neces sary for the men who vote this fall To cast their ballots for the men who are committed to the Taft way of doing business. It Is essential that they vote for republicans running for con gress as against democratic candl dates, for unless a republican majority is returned the congress will not only block the Taft way, but it will give nothing but negation and obstruction to take its place. And that is the whole scheme of the democratic party in this campaign- to send a democratic majority to con gress for the purpose of blocking leg islation. That is what the big inter ests want. Iowa's Farm Statistics. Farming statistics of lows issued by the government census bureau pre sent a situation that seems anomalous. It shows a decrease in the number of farms owned and in farmers, but a heavy increase in the value of farm land. The farm acreage is less today than it was in 1B00 by 669,000 acres and yet the value of land has Increased 122.7 per cent in those ten years. Apparently the state is doing noth ing to prevent this slump in its rural population, but if new blood is to be Infused into the farming districts it would seem that some effort would have to be made, and certainly it would pay to make it. Iowa cannot long afford this condition. But before people are attracted in large numbers to its farms Is it not going to be neces sary to scale prices of land a little? We have been told that the tenant farmer In Iowa, on the whole, loses an average of more than $300 a year, while the farm owner would lose but for the fact that his boys do most of his work. If these statements are cor rect,, then it might be pardonable to ask, where does the land gets Its great Increasing value? There are 216,807 farms In Iowa and 108,034, or about half, are culti vated by their owners. The others are divided between owners and renters, hired managers or renters. Yet, de spite the fact, as stated, that renters lose money, the number of renters is Increasing. Nobody believes for a minute that Iowa 1b not one of the best farming states in the union, its land among the most fertile and, beside that, it is close to markets and has advantageous freight rates. What, then, is wrong with its situation? Here is a subject that deserves some serious study. Per haps it will pay Iowa to follow Mis souri's example of inaugurating a back-to-the-farm crusade, but it will meet with some stiff competition in backing men onto Its farms when they can get others further west for so much less. That matter of price looks like a vital element in the problem. tics are not at hand to prove it. It may be tempting in this, as in many other cases, to take the exceptions and not the rule to reach the truth. But, nevertheless, it is gratifying that these good women, whose Imprint and influence are left firmly stamped on the life of their country, have lived to ripe old age. As they advanced they must have found new consolation and new hope in the ever-ascending progress of woman, and this, no doubt, had brought comfort with years. Mr. Hitchcock has reproduced in his World-Herald two of the Bartley doc uments from originals in his posses sion. Unless he has destroyed the others be must have all of them. Why does he not reproduce from the orig inal a fac simile of the check for $3,000 of Bartley money which he got December 28, 1893, by presenting Bartley's letter to Q. W. Wattles, then an utter stranger to him? The sage legal opinion has been handed down by Attorney General "Art" Mullen to the effect that the va cancy In the railway commission, not having occurred thirty days before election. Is to be filled by appointment by the governor and the choice Is not to be trusted to the people. Anything to make sure of a fat job for some faithful democratic ple-biter. The $3,000 loan from Bartley tnrougn a third party was no more criminal and no less criminal than the $2,000 loan of state money which Mr. Hitchcock unconditionally confesses. The only difference Is that Hitchcock pretends he paid up the $2,000 loan after Bartley got out of the peniten tiary, while he repudiated the $3,000 note which had outlawed while Bart ley waa In prison. Auditor Barton. Auditor of State Silas R. Barton has been renominated for a second term on the republican state ticket Mr. Barton's administration of his office for the" last two years entitles him to renomlnatlon. He has at tended strictly to business and has In augurated quite a few salutary re forms' in method (ending to greater efficiency, particularly In the super vision over Insurance companies writ ing policies In Nebraska. There has been no scandal and so serious criti cism about the auditor's office during Mr. Barton's incumbency. What he has done should entitle him to popular endorsement by a large majority. California is said to be negotiating with China for l's mules. Looks like a slap at St. Louis for favoring New Orleans for the Panama exposition. Secretary MacVeagh has discovered that the country needs more dollar bills. But really, he cannot win dis tinction of being an explorer on that. When Mr. Bryan returned from Eu rope the last time eveu his dog ap- M. Briand a Beal Reformer. M. Erland, the first socialist ever to be elected premier of France, proved bis power over his own and opposing parties in his remarkable speech in the Chamber of Deputies, when he flayed the socialists for attempting to bridle his free speech. His speech, was mas terful, but caustic, and he was sup ported by a vote of 329 to 183. which ludicates his success in appealing to the republicans. M. Brland has done in that one speech alone what his predecessor, Premier Ciemenceau, failed to do and The Fint Vote. , Thousands of young men will vote for the first time November 8. They should, above all others, vote with in telligent discrimination, for it is im portant to get started aright. Tho sta bility of the government rests largely upon the virtue of the ballot and that virtue amounts to little without in telligence. Let the first voter go back Into his tory and decide for himself what party has done the most toward building up and developing the nation and cast his fortunes with that party. Since 1860 this nation has made the most prodigious advance ever known in the history of any country. Emerging from the throes of civil war, It has come up to and solved some of the largest problems of state - ever sub mltted to a government for solution. During all that period, save eight years, in other words, during forty two years of this half century, the re publican party has had control of the government. It has been the party that has solved these great problems that has paved the way for this amas-' lng growth in the life of the republic. In the last fourteen years, since the last of democratic rule, the progress under republican administration has been little short of miraculous, and yet It has been effected against tre mendous odds. The party came into power when the country was suffering the effects of a democratic panic. First voters can have a vital share in this splendid iwork of government-making and aatlon-buildlng by aligning them selves at the outset with the republi can party, the party of progress and action as against the democratic, the party of negation. peared to have forgotten him. In this! what, In fact, cost hlui the office and campaign even the democratic mule knows him no more. On December 80. 1893, Gilbert M. Hitchcock wrote "Dear Bartley," say ing "Thank you." "Thank you" for what. If not for the $3,000 that Bart ley tut n loaned him? If Mr. Hitchcock had wanted to let the farts speak for themselves he would have let the demoaratic atate committee give Bartley a bearing. It Is the facts be is afraid of. Women on Stump Clever Campaign Methods ef ft Candidate's Wife 1 a Con grsssloaal XMstrtot of Hew Tork. Some weeks ago The Bee published an editorial on "The Ingrate," and Mr. Hitchcock's World-Herald threw sev eral fits in its anxiety to find out who was meant. Perhaps now that Hitch cock's repudiation of the note held by Bartley for stolen state money has been disclosed, he can fit the descrip tion to his own case. The new king of Slam must be try ing to go Chulalongkorn, his predeces sor, one better, for he springs the name of Chowfa Maha Vajiruvudh. They will probably call him "Chow fa" short. When he was over in Indiana Mr. Bryan said that one of the prerequi sites to aspiring to represent the state in the United States senate waa hon esty. Here In Nebraska he seems to have struck that line out. Mr. Bryan is still willing to swallow Mr. Hitchcock, tainted Bartley money and all, for the sole reason that he bears the democratic party label. But why, then, should any republican vote for him? "Chicago democrats have the greater number of ex-mayors to adorn their rostra," says the Chicago News. You got that, did you, to "adorn" their "rostra?" Illat ta Sporty Tenth. St. Louis Republic. If some of our glided youth would only substitute the chase of the jack rabbit for that of the Welsh variety at this time of the year It would Improve thetr chances of becoming the men their fathers are. Sow Let Golfer Weep. New York World. A golfer who sued for 130,000 damages be cause of Injuries which Interfered with his game has been awarded only $1,000. That, at least, is as much aa he could have won by numerous successful rounds for the usual stakes. When Literature Pays. New Tork Time. The Inventory of tils property (totaling 10 M),000) suggests that Mark Twain was very well paid for ltls work. If he had sought good counsel In his Investments early In life, and had kept out of purely commercial ventures, for the conduct of which he lacked both training and temperament, his fortune might have been twice as large as it was, and he had lived well for many years. Therefore, the question, "Does lit erature pay?" Is answered affirmatively in this case. Literature pays when the writer has the genius, the comprehension of his era, the power to charm, amuse and uplift which Samuel L. Clemens possessed. Very few women outside ef the suffrage slates of the went participate actively In political campaigns In behalf of persons or parties. The daughter of "Tama Jim" Wilson, secretary of agriculture. Is assisting her fathnr In the Iowa campaign, limiting her efforts, however, to singing appropriate songs as curtain-raisers. Porothy Brooks, a New Tork high s hool girl. Is one of the regular routed speakers for the Indepen dence league In New York atate. The cleverest work by woman In this campaign which has attracted more than local attention, 's that of "PeRgy O'Brien," In the First congressional district In Ing Island. The district Includes Oyster Hay, the home town of Theodore Roosevelt. It Is usually considered rafely republican and Its present representative Is William A. Cocks. Mr. Corks Is a candidate ftr re election. Opposing him on the democraUc ticket Is Martin W. Littleton, ft lawyer of note, an orator of distinction, and ft demo crat reared In the party atmosphere In Texas. "Peggy O'Brien" Is very much In terested In the success of Mr. Uttleton for the very Rood reason that Martin Is the husband of Peggy. Unlike men volunteers who take off their coats in a hot contest. Peggy puts on her coat, the automobile fttyle, and with her motor car makes calls at every home In the district. Just In formal calls on mothers and daughters, with a smile and glad hand for the men who happen to be around. "Peggy O'Prlen" Is described by the New Tork World as "the loveliest, most refresh ing and wholesome campaigner In the land today." Fhe does not talk politics at all, but hands out a little booklet which tells about Martin W. Littleton, who Is going to speak at a certain place at ft certain time, and "Won't you please go and hear him?" Along with the Invitation goes a pleading glance and a smile. Nothing more to suggest Peggy's mission. Not ft word about polities. Her method is this: She visits as many homes as Is possible In ft day's auto trip, knocking at the door and ftsklng if she may enter. She chooses the homes where father and the boys are re publicans and prefers that they be away so she can visit Just with mother and the girls. Bhe proffers one of the booklets describ ing her husband, but the relationship be tween the donor and the eubjrot Is not mentioned unless It comes out naturally In the conversation. If It be ft humble home "Peggy O'Brien" turns to page 17 of her booklet and reads aloud this description of her husband and herself following their marriage fourteen years ago: "They started to New Tork City. In their trunk were some letters of Introduction, a feather bed, so mo home-mnde Jam and ft few clothes. In his pocket was a few hun dred dollars borrowed and with him was Peggy, with whom he hoped to find un known Joys In this mixture of perils and adventure. They settled in ft little flat on Washington Heights. Work could not be found, but he did not lose courage or hope. Blessed hopel Shame on the man who destroys It in the human heart!" But where do politics come in with this method of procedure? Before Peggy O'Brien has finished chatting she has exacted ft promise from mother and the girls that they will escort father and the boys to the hall when Martin W. Little ton speaks. The family goes, too. All that Peggy O'Brien seeks Is an audience for her husband. She admits she couldn't talk politics If she tried, but she knows her husband Is ft wonder at It Perhaps the only time when she met with a rebuff was when she gave ber booklet to ft venerable Long Islander. He glanced through It, caught the name of Martin W. Littleton and said "He's the man who's running for con gress, ain't he? Wall, I'm too old to be mlxln In politics. I got to go to prayer tneetln' the night he speaks here, any way." PeSsy O'Brien smiled a disappointed lit tle smile and left him. When she was returning through the village that evening on her way home she heard a querulous voice calling: "Hi, there, Peggy O'Brien, wait ft min ute " The old man hobbled toward the auto, but Peggy O'Brien jumped lightly to the ground to meet him. "Me and the wife ain't goln' to prayer meetln' when Littleton speaks. We want to hear him." On rare occasions Peggy O'Brien wtU t&lk cn the hlgn cost of living during her fireside chats, but she treats the subject from the standpoint of the housewife In stead of the politician. "I tried to buy some hams of my grocer near our home at Port Washington, and he said he didn't have any," she relates "He told m that the price Is so high folks can't afford to buy them. I used to get fine fat hams for 8 and 10 cents a pound when our family could afford them In the old days before fortune smiled. don't know why the price has Jumped to 96 cents ft pound, but perhaps 'my husband will tell you If you go to hear him speak.' WLLX HITCHCOCK FUT. II BACK? Knew Oaly Too Well. Blue Springs Sentinel. The democratic state central committee did not want to examine the evidence that Joe Hartley had against Hitchcock. They knew only too well from what Howaid has published where It would lead Hitch cock. Then you know Hitchcock Is editor of the Wot Id-Herald, while Howard edits only a country weekly. Proof le Convincing. Palls City Journal. In the face of the proof It Is to see how any honest man can consider Hitchcock In the race. dtrrtcwit ertouly Pruaenre ana Foreslaht. Atkinson Graphlo. It Is well that the democrats held their stste banquets early In the season as It might now be embarrassing to Mr. Dahl man to sit at the same table with Mr. Hitchcock. Rosy on the Defease. Fair bury Gasette. What makes the World-Herald editor more evpeclally grieved at Judge Baker is that the judge said that had he known that Editor Hitchcock had been implicated with Mr. Bartley at the time the latter waa sent to the penitentiary for copping xtate funds, he would have sent the editor along with him as an accomplice. In furt. Mr. Hitchcock has got so much on l.ls mind at the present time defending his own acts that the balance of the democratic ticket Is liable to be stlgnted. Wheu Theft Becomes Honorable. Falls City Journal. The populist state committee endorsed Hitchcock for senator, giving as the rea son Illtchcouk s labors for the populist led to the dissolution of the cabinet in which he was the dominant figure. Whereas an unfortunate remark of Plemenceau's cost him and his party defeat, remarks of M. Briand's. which might easily have leu regarded as similarly unfortunate, seem to have Intrenched him in power. The problems which coulront Briand are uot at all dissimilar to those that vexed Ciemenceau- -labor disputes be ing Involved in both. But Briand has thus far been able to meet them more successfully and, as he reminded the It is pretty well established now i deputies, without bloodshed. It is now that when Mr. Hitchcock brazenly de- known lh,t ou,y the Uck of Francs'. preparation ror war prevented hostm- rlared be never bad any stolen stste money be was qualifying for member ship in the Ananias club. This is the season when some young men, to show bow really rugged and brsve they are, defy old Mr. Pneu monia by discarding the vest and wearing- their coat wide open in front. Two hundred and fifty sa:oons in a city or 125,000 population tueaua one saloon to every 500 inhabitants, men, v. omen and children, it means one valuon to every 150 mslt-s and one sa lmon o about every 175 males over XI jclB Of lie- How About Mri. Jones T Attention has been called to the fact that several of the leaders of woman's suffrage In this country have lived to very advanced ages, notsbly Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, who recently died at 91; Mrs. Belva Lock wood, who has passed her SOth milestone, and Miss Susan U. Anthony and Mrs. Eliz abeth Cady Stanton, who both far ex ceeded the length of life of Mrs. Lock wood. On the basis of these lnstsnces of great axe the conclusion is drawn that suffrage advocacy and longevity go together and we have no wish to quarrel with that view, but unless further evidence can be offered the point remains unproved. For Instance, there have been other suffragists besides these three eminent and estimable leaders, and doubtless Our Birthday Book i a i j j u x a -1. j! t - -i - rECTLE TALKED ABOUT. A T'lstrict of Col"itiia man who wont to frouth iHikota and rt1 tfts-regular price for divorce, finds the decree is no good for home use. When a man's wife allows ha'l'lns inn him. and tries to suffocate hlin as he sleeps, the New Tork courts hae decldej that he has a right to leave home. A chauffeur at Mlilvllle. N. J.. ran down a woman who waa pushing baby car riage. He patiBcd Just long enough to In form the victim that It waa her own fault. That the education of her nieos should be practical ami should Includ "cookery, drawing and cutting," Is suggested In the will of Miss F.lliabeth Maria Benham, of New York, filed forprobate In the surro gate's off:ce in that city. A tooth Insurance company has Just been organised by Ur. Norman Haas, nil Evansvlllo (Ind.) dentist. lr. Hans pro pors to Insure teeth for a fee of $1.."! per year. If during the year one of the policy holders Iookhs a tooth in any n), I'octor Haas will replace It with a new on. Mrs. Osslp (Jabi tlowltscti, the daughter of Mark Twain, liaa decided to aoll the literary treasures of lir lamer, and they will be put up at auction In Now York before long. The autographed copies of the works of living authors, together with the volumes hsving apodal fiully asso ciations, will be retained. Captain K. T. Harnett of Fairbanks. Alnka, who has Junt arrived at Tai-otna, Wash., having niaJo the trip oerlan.l, reports that early In September on the lone trail between Fairbanks and Circle City he saw a herd of caribou numbering probably luO.OOO. Mr. liarnett says his pack train haJ to wait on a lil.lsldo for four hours while one wins of the herd passed. Mrs. ltelva A. Lockwood, A. H., LI,. I'.. pariy wnen nt nau sucn a stniBgie to aeep ,aw Hllffr,gi.,t and twice candidate for nis paper rrom going under. The fact that ; gUcnt f the I'nlted States, honored by evi ul unlvei'Rillt-H, has reached the age he borrowed state money from State Treas urer Joe Bartley, which he never paid back, and thereby helped to bankrupt the atate treasury, counts for nothing with them. They call the mention of that fact by the opposition press "mud slinging." We notice that mud sticks. The popuilst committee exhibits a low state of party conscience when It Justifies the looting of the treasury to help forward the Interests of that party. The popuilst party favors theft, provided It Is the beneficiary. This Is a little raw, but It seems to be the state ment of the committee. A Shuddering". Thought. Beaver City Times-Tribune. We shudder to think of the contortions of the World-Herald editorial writers, space fillers and cartoonists, If it had been Senator K. J. Uurkett who had been the beneficiary of Bartley's generosity. Bartley would have been the saint and Burkett the sinner. But, aa it is, Bartley Is the perfidious and Hitchcock the persecuted. tame Out of the Cellar. Nebraska City Press. If the Nebraska campaign has evolved from a. alow and easy Jog toward election to a, campaign of mud and fire, let's have an explanation from the Omaha newspaper as to the Intentions of Its owner when he had that memorable bus), ness transaction with "Dear Bartley." In reply to the queries ftddreesed to It about the subject, the World-Herald makes the competent and relevant reply that VIo Kosewater la ft fake; that Judge Ben Baker waa ousted from office In Arlsona; that Edgar Howard Is ft sanctimonious hypocrite; that Joe Bartley Is an ex convict. The World-Herald might reply with equal candor and fervor tluit Dr. Cook failed to reach the north pole; that Roosevelt failed to cross the equator In an airship; that Mark Hannft really did wear clothes patched with dollar marks. Nebraska voters, especially a large number of democrats sitting nervously on the of four-scoro ars. At her home In Wash ington she hud a birthday roccptlon and party and welcomed a largo number of friends, who found Mrs. Lockwood in excel lent health and by no means looking Ui age to which she confesses. LAUGHING LINES. that old I like to Smith Why do joii carry piUMged coin around with yon? lrown I m uiaiiou no, and say I'm able to aeeu ft cent in my pocket Judge. "How uneasy that young man appears." "Vex. 1 oon't know whether he s afraid they re going to cull on hint for a aueecn or wheliicr 'no's Just breaking- la Mi wiulur Iianneis. " Uet.roil Free Fleas. "Wh what's all this:" exclaimed the voter, unrolling the long, narrow poster that had been given him. "That's the little ballot, sir." said the Judge of election with the patient, larva lieartfd tolerance that knowledge ever owes to Ignorance and inexperience, Chicago Tribune. "American courts are beastly Ineffective, don't yen know. In my country they hang a man vho deserves It." "Ah. I had wondered why you left Eng land. "-Philadelphia Record. political fence, are wondering whether or neVToufu'ravin such ho Poet How much are your furnished rooms, please T Lard lady One dollar per night Hulcld with gas, 60 cents extra! Puck. - "Is that candidate on the stump, nowT" now?" "I'm not quite sure." replied Senator Sorghum, "whether he IS on the stump or up ft tree." Washington Star. "You are not In It with me," sneered the nightingale. "Why you can't touch a hlgu note at all." "True," rejoined the ostrich, "but my feathers can reach more $10 notes In a day than you could in ft thousand years." Chi cago News. "What do you thing that madcap Gladys sold when I persuaded her to read Dante a 'Inferno' to Improve her taste?'' "What was It?" That It waa auoh a nltv there were no not Hitchcock did get the money from Bartley, or whether he paid It back. Why did Hitchcock address the treasurer as "Dear Bartley?" Why did he write such pathetic little notes about the renewal of the loan? The World-Herald should come out of the cellar into the light and give a sufficient reason why the chastisement applied to Goold In 1901 should not be given to Hitchcock In 1910. .tin of Iaarratltade taadldat. . Rushvllle Recorder. When It oomes to a genuine sample of an all-round sting of Ingratitude, O. M. Hitchcock, demooratlo candidate for United States senator, stands forth as the most lurid example of the justification of that phrase. His denunciation of Judge How ard with headpiece of liar, and his more-holier-than-thou denunciation of Goold, another benefioiary of the Bartley short age years ago, and v horn the World-Herald so virtuously demanded should get off the tloket In the limelight that Is now be ing shed around Hltchcook he appears the most colossal humbug and worst political assassin and Ingrate the state has ever known. Hartley, who saved Hitchcock from ruin during the hard times and went to prison rather than squeal on his friends, la denounced by Hitchcock as ft black mailer, thoufrh the latter admitted after that he had borrowed money of him and not paid part of It back, as the note was outlawed. What do you think of the quali fications ef a political hypocrite like that for the senate of the I'nlted Slates? stuff." Baltimore Amerloan. PATHETIC. The bachelor sits all alone In his dan, Whioh Is tidy aa tidy can be (So the bachelor thinks, but 1 greatly fear 'Twouldn't look so to you or to me; The daylight fades and he lights his pipe. And content he Indulges his whim, And counts In the wreath of blue smoke as It curls All the girls who eouldn't get him. The night outside Is dismal and dark The rain rattles loud on the pane, But Inside the bachelor dameth his socks And laughs at the storm In disdain; His ears are Intent on the tempest without On the rain that comes down with a vim. For the raindrops he hears are the inces sant tears Of the girls who couldn't get htm. The tempest grows wild and wilder still. It sends ft great gust down the flue, But the oomf'y old bach' gives the tire a good poke And takes out ft clinker or two; The roar of tne tempeel Is pieosxnt to hear As he sits In the twilight dim, For It sounds like the shrieks and the sobs and the sighs Of the girls who couldn't get him. The storm Is over, the hour Is late. The bachelor sits in his chair; In his hand something shines, In his fore head are lines That one does not always see there; For that small shiny tiling In his hand Is a ring And his dull eyes are solemn and wet For the times he was spurned and this ring was returned By the girls whom he couldn't get. BAYOLL MS TltKLK. her forty-sixth threshold; or ties between it and Germany during 1 niany of theia have died before attaln the Moroccan troubles, precedlim the!ng such aRer. I.'ow about Mrs. Jones, Algeclras conference, and that the ultl- who died at 34; or Mrs. Smith, whose mate price of pace then was the re- j end came Just as she had crossed over tirerunt of M. Delcaase, the most bril liant premier In years. But national and international disputes alike have been hsndled with a finer skill under Premier Brland and he appears to have gained instead of lobt strength as a result. Himself a scholar and exceptionally strong figure In France, the new pre- Hovember S, 1S10. James K. Polk, eleventh president of the I'nlted flates, waa born November 3, 17!, In Mecklenberg county. North Carolina, and died In Nashville In 1819. The Mexican war and the dlicovery of gold In California were the events of his administration. Ieslle M. Shaw, former secretary of the trracury and bofore that governor of Iowa, Is 62 today. He was born at Morrlstown, Vt. He went Into the banking business at Denlson, la., and then Into politics. He is now head of a big trust company in Philadelphia. C'hrtrleti N. Fowler, republican member of congress from New Jersey and one of the Insurgents. 4a born November I. lbf.2, at Lt-ria. 111. He has been especially Inter ested in currency legislation and has visited Omaha more than once to talk on that subject Richard Bartholdt, member of congress from Missouri, Ts C6. He was bom In Ger many and wn a member of The Hague peace conference, devoting himself laifely to the international arbitration movement. John Cudahy, one of the Cudahy broth ers who mude such succeua in the meat parking business, waa horn November 2, Mrs. In t'allan, Ireland. He still lives In And who is reggy U'Mrlen. this new apostle with the preachment which la mak lng Long Island feel young again? Martin W Littleton prefers to answer the ques tion himself, because he never tires of It. A flush of pride Illumines his face, his eyes kindle and his lips caress the words: "Peggy O'Brien my wife." Colonel Roosevelt and his lieutenants on Long Island confess that they don't know what is the answer to this move being made by Peggy O'Brien In the latest po litical game. Its potency Is undeniable. What happened aa the result of Peggy O'Brien's visit to the Pouth shore last week? Southampton republicans wrote to her that they had auhscrlbed a fond to erect a banner to her husband. Brown, who barely lived to see 60, and hundreds or thousands of others? It might easily be argued that suf frsgw and longevity would make good companions; that they ought to go to gether, for tertsinly a lifa of temper-! Milwaukee, where the brothers first pro jected their enterprise. Carroll i. Pearsr, former superintendent of Omaha's public s hix.ls and now super intendent in Milwaukee. Is celebrating his C 2 1 birthday. Ha was boru at Tebor. la, and was Imported to Omaha from Beatrice. No Blow Hales la the I. an. Boston Transcript. Fifty or more of the country s leading railroad lawyers met at Portsmouth last summer to discuss the constitutionality of the interstate commerce law and the same attorneys, together with others, are now again In conference In New York, but report "no progress." One of these astute gen tlemen, quoted by the Herald, expresses the belief that the law is not only flaw proof, but bomb-proof. "Thus far," he adds mournfully, "the best analysis and the foremost authorities have been unsble to find a comma that is out of the way." flurh a statute must exert a most depressing in fluence upon an attorney who likes to i fed that be Is earning his salary; but In the matter of impregnability, al least. It should stand as a novel and wholesome precedent for federal ka-lsiaUon. Watllaa Corporatlea Get L'ftofort. Pltuburg Dispatch. J-'IsIjO -cent gas is shown by reports of the gas company In New York to contain the possibility o I per cent dividends not bet forth in the arguments of corporate counsel. But since that contest the cor- John F. Bloom, chief owner of J IT ate living and temperate teaching ; Hioom Co., monument works, was born would seem to sweeten and te inner all i November Z, 1&4, at Khstilala. flwedon. mler is showing the wisdom of those, the elements that go to give health ' " thu "" s "d ', I'0''"0". T a .-e .1. T . i 'nU"' , I , , . . I mi prtsem uioiiMineni tusnii-n ei tvei link, - - uui the I and happiness, and that ought to roil- . , . r,,u,..n Hiutt. m ii -,t l.rofns enouyh in addition io n.iue Ui. who t1at-i1 trust a focIhUsI iu Telephone TradeS a The Bell Telephone has made it possible to do shopping satisfactorily and with comfort, economy ajid despatch. HATIHKACTORILV, for iratlcftlly every store) mud shop raters to telephone trade and pays special atten tion to telephone orders. WITH COMFOHT, for by telephone you can shop from your easy chair, dowu town or to distant cities. WITH KCONOMV, for telephoning costs less car fare, ami saves time, and reax-lies everywhere. tlis WITH DF.Sl'ATt.'II, for I led I telephone rommunU cation is Instantaneous ami comprehends both message and reply. utave. U avvva.a uow thut, lnoun he due to old a sc. ilut at priseui statls-jte umai.a la Isjo. ; cxleuslwus wf llivii pUiiL 4 V a NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. F. 3fcA'ia-n', Local Managtr. ixsusasbas: 13