thJ. -' K ' ... ..V, 1 if, Ao 3 rjse i !-.. ' XX' I C- Ii . . O J 1 1 - - . I 17k t UN r J J THURSDAY "KB; Wivl II' X - -J ,iV ; it Want - Ads Want ada received ait any (lur. bat to Insnre propr clnaalf lea Hon He- prrsmir4 before 13 n'rlock m., far ne evening rdltloa and before Ti30 o'rlork of the prevlene evening; for snnralan- Bandar editions. Wilt ada received after aacb hoara will M their flrat Insertion aader tba beading "Too Lata to Clnesifr." Ratea anplr to cltber Tat Dallr or under Bee. Alnare eoaat alx wrdi to a line. CAiH RATES FOB WAJIT ADi. RKGLAR CLASSIFICATION Ooa faaertloa, 11-a rente per wort ad 1 eat per word for eaeh aabaaajaaat faaertloa. F.arb Insertion mode on odd dara. 1 1-2 trala per word. $l.BO ler Una per month. want ada for The Hre mar be left at anr of the following dnil stores ae la yoor "rornrr drnlat" -they are all bra neb nffleea for The Bee and roar ad will ba inverted Joat aa prompt I r and on the ansae ratea aa at the main offlee la Tba Bee bonding, Seventeenth and Farnam atreetai Alhach. W. C., Wth And Farnam. Peranek. S. A.. . S. 16th St. Peyton Pharmacy, ',-& 8. 16th St Pennon Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Kemis Park pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blske-Bradlsh. 2M Hherman Are. CBuglilln, C. R.. ',h and Pierce Sts. . Iiflcm Kill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Hlmerlong Drug Co.. Slut Ave. and Far ftarn St. nscoy Pharmacy. J4th and Lake. Cooney pharmacv. R73 S. 18th St. fertnark. Kinll. H. Uth St. J-hler. p. If.. 2Mt havenorth. Foatrr & ArngliJl, 213 N. 2f.h St Freytag. .1. J., r.u N. J4th Ri. Freger Drug Co., 1302 K. Wth Bt. f lorf-nie I'rug Co., Florence. Neb. Oreen a Pharmacy, Purk Ave. and Pad f la Cireenough. . A., 105 S. 10th St. Oreenoush. O. A.. Kth and Hickory. Kayilen. William. 29ao Farnam fit. llaiiacnm Park Pharmacy, 1501 S. 29th Are, HolM, John, 624 N. lilth Ht. Huff. A. L., 2X'4 Leavenworth St. Jnhanson Drug Co.. 2tth and Spalding. King. H. B . Ui'S Farnam Bt. Konntze Tlace Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. alarnH. Fred L,.. 201f f 'enti-al Blvd. Patrick Lru; Co., 1C24 N. 24th 8t. Laihrop, Charles E., 1S24 N. 24th St CJoldnmn Pharmacy, 4th and LavD worth Sta. Saratoga Prug Co.. 24th and Ame Ave. Kciiaefer'n Cut Prtea Drug Store, lth and Chicago tfti. Hchuefer, Aug., 2fJt N. ICth. Schmidt, .1. II., S4th and Cuming SU. 'alnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND FUJf RH Al. NOTICES MOSTYN-P, H.. aged (1, tVtober 30. Funeral from family reeldeuca. 2016 Wlllla avenue, Wadaeaday at A:U a. nv.. to Sacred Heart church at , ru. .Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery ANNOUNCEMENTS j. a. gentli:man embalmera. 1K14 Chicago. D. 1&9. B-1V9. ' PIANO PUATERS reuaJred. Walker. l. ;a SAVE YOUR ; EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., 200-211 So. lGtb St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA Lyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. COAL At cut prlcea. ALL KIMirl. We aave . you eOc toll. Ma ton. stuitnuty ana quality fctiMi'amced. livM-INHI.A n" CUt I'KiCg COAL, CO., l.''t Nil. HULAS cT.. ilUTil 'fiJONltS. COun MERCHANTS LUNCH J Il'1 i;.-;. YXi UuU4iI Street. 5c JulIN L'. HIMOlI.'Klilrta. (30 Paxton Blk. FRANK HA RK Kit tiKO. BARKER. JR. Al.. MARK Kit. JvA. HAitKKR. UAltKLlf HKOS., 1'AiMT CO., ltJ0S FARNAM sr. BOTH I'HuNKS. w.ii- v iiiiiiniH paints and varnlxlica. Wmie Itrnl, iveyMuna, urn. ho nni i om In ana pollalieti, brum.eK. luhriCKtlng uiIm, window hiiaucK, wan papt-r. glazing and tranuii. CRUDE OIL BURNERS CHEAT K r.l l Ut F CRN ACE. heatln. and cook ktovco, we uu noi aril z righta, but aell buincia; write for iniorinu ttun; iiuinunictuitu .. uy fcijeia ec Munay Urand Island. Neb., ; , ' LADHJS M l,,u maJ ov'r- hew hatj , , '"d , to order. le.ti,.,, cleaned or dei. Ms Pepper Millinery lailois. til 4 si Mi I'none Harney ruit KfcN l-orflce roorn, iU. located on lop floor, lacing court. J.n sguarx teet In iludlng aul;; noli for li per month' 'i'UE liEK ULILDINl ilUMI'ANV MONEY LOAN-LOW I E. In sums to 111) lire bldg. 1-none Douk. jso4. UNION 1 LOAN Co. 50 SAVED ?. urffn"; "vy f , the JOHNSON U.NS LAMP. I tvtt ier hour; i)0-caiidla I'ourr; no moky e.flings. .lohmton ijiinp I O.. bjl S. llilll. D.t I-v., A-1440. KORHECT PARLORS, , expert cleanlni,-, dring of pluenio.j I iw lacca to match gowim; fancy!;. ladlei' tailor ing; work giiaritnteYd. 2iii Sprague. W. .V,3 WOULD ou line to have a. real sood tune? Do you knou wlirre you can aiend a happy hour? 1 lie Parlor Theater. FIVE baskets good coal $1. i.-livercd anv Viae in city. Doug. -Kv. H ii.).. kd." iU)Tih:Rvr;:1,:,luf ,oT"! " lino of llquoi and cigars. Cf In runnrction. Ill ltih (-. ANCHi Ht FKNi-K ( ' I lion and Wire hum Cheaper Than Wood Ijita a Lifetime. Ai7 N. lTHi M. '1'hone Red 814. IF YOU want your llntwlrvans to wear Imve It laid rik'ht. Phone Renaon 2J2. TWENTT per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO.. 1 wenty-fourih aud L Streets. South Omaha F I. I)VK.ItY repairs Ing machine j and warranta them, itoj , ;ist. Vl. :.. " nmi esili i kxts ' and service by Alfred Juner., furinrrlv a wallet at Onulu Fieli flub aeaion. I'liunn Harney I ill ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas senger. J R. Kennedy. I04 4. IStli. tt1. EAT K08HER HOUC CtiOKINCk Arklna. ! 8. lath, upaUUS. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Costlnud. 8. H. Cola Sign Co., D. S7(S. 121 Farnam. E. W. LOVEJOY repair" Hewing machines and warrants them. Wi N. Slut. Web. K4. W. C. CATTIN. plumbing and heating; Dew and repair work. $10 N. 24th. D. lix2. RALPH'S MACHINE SHOK REPAIR ING Soles sewed Toe; nailed buc; heels ibc while you wait 10 minutes; abaolutely fine work, till bouth 16th St. f!TITr.T AND CHOP HUET FARTER vmul JUST OPENED. Everything flrat-class. t'pstalra. 1508 Dodge. Tyler 142a. COAL AND LUMBER OEARS. Let us show you the new cut under. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 11B Farnam DAVID COLE CREAMER? CO. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. Snt, ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mail KOo and U. fch rman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. B. F. Wurn, Optician. 443 Brandels Elldg. C. T. Dickinson has moved his office to room 441. Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1804. PRACTICAL nursing. 680 N. 21st. D. ST6. MAQGARD Van ft Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1M. B-2428. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. TSirk-iah V?AthR 16th and Howard Sts. J-UrKlSIl DaUlS YOUR magaislne order will earn $3,000 for charity: every bleised order or renewal earns 60c. Write for particulars and cata logue, or use any. I duplicate any printed otter; 1200 already earned; Keep it going. Address Gordon, The Magazine Man', Omaha. Douglas 7163. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. 220 8. 15. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HKAT1NO. RF.PAIR WORKS. 1,08 Jackson St. D. 1477. AUCTIONEERS. BOYEit & TULLY. 0 New Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg.. old est In the middle west. We can furnish you man adapted to your line Correspond with u or call Tel. Douglab 3565. TONGE, flrst-iiaas tailoring, cleaning. repairing for ladles and tenuemen. bus Pacific. Robertson's Restaurant ,; (basement); cool, light, tanltary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and gen tlemen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. li A MTTjY I-'luor House, full measure 1 and pure goods, our motto. Emll Hansen, prop.. 1223 Chicago St. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "M H" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And brine it to the best place la Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sts. AUTO DRIVERS WEAB Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 6607. BARGAINS in Used Cars "tOT Council Bluffs Auto Co., f10 Pearl. OMAHA HARNESS CO. Auto robes and supplies; manufHctiirinir of harness; dealers In saddles and horse fiirnlxhlnKs; repairing a specialty. II H. 13th St. Tel. Red Omaha. Neb. Auto Rrnmrinor Most complete plant -rvuio Jit JMlllUfc lQ the wes Dlamon-l Tires. 2d -hand ears, storage. The Paxton Mitchell Co., iOlO-W Harney. D. 7281; A -Mil. AUTO and carriage fainting:, renairlmr and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelfter Carriage Works. 2jth and Leavenworth. WRITE for list of automobile bara-alna H. E. rYederlcknon Auto Co.. Omaha. SAVE THE PIECES. We weld all broken metal parts for au tomobiles and machinery. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. New 60-horse power four-passenger Moon car; will trade for U.0U0 city Drooertv Wallace Auto CO.. arenu for biearns cars. Motorcycle. for list ol used motorrvrles. We carrv a full Una f Write cycle pnrts. NEHRA8KA CCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Lee Bldg. Tel. D. 287 FOR SALE A n ee. cl-an stock of no tions; vplrndid location in rich farming country; Invoice about 11. .100; fixtures be long to building; desirable lenac. Reason for selling, other boa nesa. Cliy of about I.W0. Address Y 7"5, care WASTED-A live, energetic man with some capital to bocome a partner and manager of a clean manufacturing husi ne.s with a profit of from 100 to MM pr cent on everything handltd. Address R Wi Ma n St.. Fremont, Neb. nwini iwn i-uooa lor j:w a mont'i clear to rght party; call uu cklv; GANGESTAD. Room 404. Hee Bldg FOR SALE Good business for elderly man. paying from ! to II.JOii per vfr; no capltnl required but Investment. ' ln ipilre City Scales. 14th nnd t'ass. FARTNER WANTKD-Lady or g.nt; good businer.s; big returne; references and ll.Tvl cash required. H 334. Mee. G D C. CODDING TON. 220 BuardTf Tinde PIdir.. business chances, ioana, ln tuiatue 'nd real estate. WANTED, to buy or rent, hotel or room ing house. J x. Runen. care; of Commerce. Hasfngi, .Nb. NICE little grocerv store with ll Ini 1 ,ior"- Mot" .Interesting catalogue publlahe.1 I roiimr PH. GANGESTAD. Room 4114. Bee ! ln m,hw ,,,or.," tr"'"' ' ' Itlrt. ! 1 i.- LAM I'M AN. - THE ItAl'lDI.I in.reasing demands fori .. . ... . ,Z 1 best standaid gm.d illre.-t fioiu our fa --lrT ANDKEW s school for boys. 41st and torv to users luusiness men. farmrra, I Cnres. l ull term September 14. Rev. F. . hools and pra.-ti.-ahy exerybodr) leoone. I" Tvner ri H i'tt owning a DISTRI Rl "T'.NG 0KFI1E In I every good county, in aiieptanl resident manager we ailow Jtm) to turn motuuly salary and coninuxsions. also office and other expenses; n) to 1 J0M raili required to cairy stm-k filling inuneitiaie orders; position permanent. "LI HE RT IT" MANU FACTURING ASSOCIATION. 2"0 West Huron St.. Chicago. I.MMiRFIKK Jns' Rance com. Iltlj PANY Jusi enterinK Nebraaka r have a limited amount of stock tor l!e. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co.. l'i al Agents, ii. V Cor. lull ami Douglas. Omaha. Tel. D. 16.11 LET me lncoriorat your ones ctisily ubla 11 inone aharee; am helping olh.ra Proifs what hui done. Canton bloik. Inislne-ia: good slliiig their 1' not you'' Promoter, tV BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) HAS ATIY" Co.. real entate loans and waoAUi Inaurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. S. W. corner 14tli and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1520. FREE FACTORY SITES. For twenty-five more Industries. 1 Malleable Iron foundry. J Structural Iron and steel works. 8 Grav Iron foundry. 4 Plow works. 6 Gasoline engines. Motor cars. 7 Farm machinery. lvanllng plant. Tank and silo factory. 10 Metal stamping works. 11 Enameling plant. 12 Plumbers' supplies. 18 Bolt and nut works. 14 Furnace and range work. 15 Hay machinery. 16 Garment factory. IT Bridge works. lft Automobile accessories. l-!treet cars. 20 Furniture factory. 21 Graders and dump wagons. 22 Fleotrtral apparatus. !H Well drilling machinery. 24 Cream separators. Boot and shoe factory. Write for Illustrated booklet about RALSTON, the manufacturing suburb of Omaha. RALSTON TOWNSITE CO., Free Factory Sites. 309 S. 17th St . Omaha, Neb. POOL HALL and barber shop, excellent location. 11,200. GANGESTAD. Room liee Rldg. I FOR SALE On account of sickness, the only stock of furniture and undertaking in a good town In central Nebraska; no cum petition, good tnliory, stock all clean and up-to-aate; .win invoice. Including hearse, from 14.000 to 34.600; reasonable rent. If In terested, write or see D. A. Lynch at Gib' bon, Neb. Don't answer unless you want to ouy. Positively no trades. WANTED A doctor; location free; plenty of bualneas. Address Y 734, Bee. Rooming; Iloaaea for Bale. 7-roomed. rooming house, good loca tion. 2 blocks of P. O.; sell cheap for quicK. cash sale. Oeorge D. Cod ding ton. za Hoard or Trade Bldg. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartments, new, V-v. ji4S 271 h Ht. Harney 8SW. TWENTY-TWO rooms, modem, close In, run or roomers. 1K22-24 Burt St. FOR SALE Furniture of a 7-room flat team heated, first-class condition, $225 412 N. lUtli. third floor. Call between t and 4:3 p. m. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam St. Douglaa 6487, DANCING MORAND'8 Dancing School, Uth and Harney. Lessons Mon. and Frl., 8 p. m. Phone Doug. lann. Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective ace. inc. bonded, 428-8 Paxton blk. D. 1318; I nil. A-1313. OPT T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK, DRESSMAKERS DRLSSMAKING and alteration, flrat class work, prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor. 2012 N. lath. Web. 1410. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. Z423 Dodge St PARIS dressmaking parlors, 326 Neville blk. TERRY'S dressmaking parlors. 20tb aoJ Farnam. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 616 8. S2d. GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 1715 Dewey. Mrs. Lowman, children's dressmaking. R.6023 Dressmaking In families by day. Web. 8718 MRAS. CLURE, 607 So. 29th; Ind., A-2498. MISS STURDY, 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1036. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept., F. store entrance. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. lOOlT A 1001. HESS & S WO BO DA. 1416 Farnam St. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouse In west; beatutful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. BRAND! '.IS' cut flower dept., new store. THE ANNEX flower shop. Theater Bldg. !. Henderson. 1518 Farnam. Douglas 1M8. J. H. RATH. 1U28 Harney. Douglas 8000. FU RNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES msde as new; good baking guaranteed. 1719 Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-1423. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermontats snd tank heat e.s Omaha Stme Repair Works. 1206-1208 Doug.s St. Both phones. EDUCATIONAL 1I0 FALL TERM HO YLES COLLEGF, now open In the Hiv and Night sessions Students admitted any dny. Complete Business Course. Including Ranking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Ccuee I'oinplete 'Ivtl Ser Ire Course. Complete Telegiaphy Course and all Eng Msh Branches. The Yar Hock Is rrsdv. Aj.plv for It H. B. BOVLES. Prs. Hoyles Iildg., Omaba. M os her-Lam pin n n f uTlegfS Unexcelled courses in Business. Slinrl hand. Penmanship and Engl sh. None but esperieiu-eu learners. I 'S v and nlk'ht nen- I ITth and Fe.rnain Sta . Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical and Offlee. 6 STENOGRAPHERS. 8.W.-r.. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 674-676 liraiideis illug. Fartory and Tradea. WANTED A good ciel. -Ii 1. .-It. He,- H masseuse, must .inim p in. be Girla learn hairdi'elng. Oppenheim Parlors llnaaeteenrra and lloniratlea. WANTED Girl toe feneral houaework. Call Hark ikU tt lA l ark Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers wad Domestics Coat'd. WANTED Good cook and laundress: must be neat and clean; no oher need apply. 421 N. 40th St; phone Harney 24KS. WANTED Nurse girl. 117 LeavanwortH St. M floor; call t one. GOOD girl for general housework. U04 Spencer street Phone Webatar UL WANTED First-class cook. per week to the right party; call at once. Wool- WANTED Competent cook for general housework. .8616 Dodge, liar. 4731. WANTED An experienced girl for house work, references. lU N. lth St. WANTED A girt for housework, good wages, work light, good home, mi Lo th rop 8t- WANT ED G1 rl for general housework. 116 8. 2f,th Ave i- , . WANTED A colored girl for housework. 1034 Park Ave WANTED A girl for general housework, small family. Ill 8. 35th Ave. r- AN experienced rlrl. ramflv af twn a '2 Harney St. WANTED A good girl for housework, or nurse girl 2ai Webster St Harney 63t. WANTED A competent girl for house work, small family. 2106 Blnney 8t WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family. 1341 8. 31st St. WANTED A competent work, no washing, 330.00. Harney 2681. girl f 710 N. I rl for house S8th St. WANTED Competent girl for general uiwwori, references. J9U6 Military Ave. Hcuuirr lam. WANTE D Middle aged woman for gen eral cleaning. 1016 N. 23d St So. Omaha. GIRL for general housework, family of uuua norne tor rigiu party. No hlng. Mrs. Talmage. Phone Harney o, i-naa si, want ED A good, competent girl for general housework, family of three. Phone naniey wis. Z314 8. 32J. WANTED A cook. Phone Benson 178. Mrs. A. L. Reed. i f'U competent and experienced girl for general housework; family of four; no warning; good wages; permanent place I?I t'Kht Prty- Call forenoons. 1109 South OU PI. WANTED An experienced second girl; c toJi. 5 ruuirea. Mrs. ti. w. Dixon, 11 o. J9th St. WANTED An experienced trlrl for reneral , wtt, Illt-OBCF Ol, ACU t0. rJlBVnN.I.D'alr, to help w,th houwork. WANTED Woman for general house work, small family. 1818 Miami Bt WANTED-A girl for general housework, no laundry, no cooking, good wages, and home. 2402 Fort St., Webster 409 WANTED Competent girl for house work. 116 8. 86th St Harney 984 WANTED An experience girl for house work, small family, 2661 Douglaa St. WANTED A middle an womu in u care of house and care for old lad v. n 11. Geer, Florence Neb WANTED A girl for general housework one who can cook, small family. 414 8. 33d St. WANTED A competent rtrt for hmm. work, no laundry. 4167 Davenport St. Har ney UN WANTED A rlrl for hnnsewnrlr small family. Iu6 8. 36th St. WANTED A competent cook. Good wages. 123 S. S9th St. WANTED A competent a-trl to heln nrith housework and care for child. rn n home nights. 3308 Poppleton Ave. WANTED A competent alrl for work, mil Chicago St. Doug. 4246. f wANitu An experienced cook, lsn month; no washing. 2118 S. 32d. Telephone i in I ury Q-o. WANTED A good nurse for two hii.' dren. ages 6 and 3; references; should pre fer German girl. 137 N. 32d St. Harney SOU- WANTED Girl for housework- n !.,.. dry; good wages. 202 S. 37th St. Harney 2192. WANTED Glr! for s-eneral hnnsoworu small family, in Lincoln. 101 ft a-M Omaha. " WANTED A Bohemian cook for imaii family. 3916 Burt St. Harney 4969 WANTED Competent rlrl for hnm.. work; no laundry. 3313 Cuming St. WANTED A girl for housework. 1(U a 34th St. Harney 66(3 WANTED An experienced cook. 120 8. 83d St WANTED A good girl St for general housework. 913 S. 33d WA NTF.D Wash woman for Mondays 4216 Harney St. WANTED An experienced second irirl also laundress to live in the house. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. A. C. Smith. I3n3 Park avenue. LADIES WANTED Taka work hnm.:' steady, clean, reliable: bnsv season: day orders. 315 Brandels Theater. WANTED Girl for general houaework. 1304 S. 35th St. Harney 741 WANTED An experienced rlrl for housework. :or; Dodge St. Harnev 1419 GIRL for general housework. Mr. Geo. E. Mlckel. zn.11 Harney St. Phone H. 291. GOOD girl for general houaework: must be good cook, laundrena: no other need pply. Harney 248. 421 N. 40th St. Mlarrllanee... YOUNG WOMEN romlng to Omaha ai strangers ere invited to visit the Young Women'e Christian Af-snclatlun building at ei. Aiary a Ave. and 17th St.. where they will he directed to suitable hoardlns- olac or otherwUe tssis.ed; look for our traveler's 'd st the Union station j 1715 Leaven- UDY demonstrators. worth St. I WANTED An experienced saleslady for picture framing departinent. Must glvesl.ool glounds, iiiitlal II K. 1n drst-claas references. Addrrss V 723. Bee. Hampton works F.Ik emblem on fob. Re- - - - ! turn to 2037 Dodge St. IJbcral reward. W A N TED Worn an for matron st College . - dormitory. Must be edjraied and refined. AS YOU read this ad. so will thou.-aitfi Address W. H. C. College office, Fremont. ! -ead your ivani ad if it i In The Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Agrnla, Saleamen and Sellellera. TRAVELING salesman to sell tool steel tliroiifchtiut Onuilia and vhtnlty. Salary V per iiionlli and expense. ' Cash bond re quired. Advancement to those who urove worthy. Enclose stamp for reply. P. O. Box 214. Minneapolis, Minn. TWO firit-clai' salesmen for Collier's roa.i positions open. itiiku posi- tlons will pay ft, pel week. Wa have ex perl need men to tei-h you the hiouneea No bond retpilird. tee Mr. King, 2-' l ax ton Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Agents natal SaJesmesi- "ontlnned. COLLIER'S Weekly has opening for two first-class sales men. Men who can qualify for road positions. See Mr. King, Zib Pax ton Bldg. WANTED Agents to sell cigars direct to consumers. Apply for Information, 66 6th Ave.. Room Sai. Chicago. 111. ARK you a real. live, determined sales man? We have a proposition for you; big money; we are the manufacturers; abso lutely a household necessity; high class, absolutely ao; we can show you the figures of profit; you will manage your own busi ness, in your own way, In your own dls trlot; postal will bring you particulars. An derson Co., Dept. C, 723 Lavke St., Chicago, SALESMEN WANTED to call on physi cians. Exceptional opportunity: established trade, also one for outside of cltv. Utate age. experience. Lock Rox 121. Phllade'phla. AO HINTS The smallest bible in the world, whirlwind seller; sample 10 cents; dozen, 75 cents; groas, $7.M'. Sw.ft Supply I'o. 227 E. 22d St.. Chicago. III. Boys. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Telegraph Co., 212 8. Uth St Clerical and Office. RAILROAD rate man, 8125. Bookkeeper, 876. ledger clerk, 166. Stenographer, ii6. Collector, JSi. Before starting out to SOLICIT a posi tion call and let us show you how much quicker and more pleasant It is to have us place you. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN., INC., Omaha, (Estab. 8 years. I Kansas City 752-3-4-6 New York Life Building. WANTED Bookkeeper for small whole- I sale grocery; state age. experience, mar- I rled or single. Address Nebraska Mer cantile vo.. .-I. t'aui, ieD. WANTED Competent drug clerk, perma-F-nt position at good aalary. Station 6 nent Omaha ANYONE who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Nebraska Help Supply Co., Room 16. over 218 S. 16th St WE CAN USE SEVERAL BOOKKEEP ERS, STENOGRAPHERS, SALESMEN AND OFFICE CLERKS. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 574-676 Brandcis Bldg. Factors- and Tradea. Drug Stores (snaps), Jobs. Knlest Bee bldg. WANTED Bushelman. Write at once No foreigner, booser or dead one need apply. "The. Pressorlura," Kearney, Neb GORDON press Rabcr's. Bee Bldg.; feeders wanted boys or girls. at WANTED Ten cigar makers, bunch brakers and rollers. Write W. C. DeWltt. Ardmore, Okl. WANTED At once, good all around printer for- foreman. One who under stands Junior linotype, preferred. State wages and all In first letter. Address, News. Crelghton, Neb. PRESSMAN WANTED-A cylinder and platen pressman for two cylinders and two platens. Must understand 2-revolutlon Cottrell. No booze or cigarettes, f 18 pet week. References. Dally Call. Lead S. D. FIRST class coat linker at once. Ktev.r.. & Co., tailors. 316 S. 16th St; Elks' Blda SEAMSTRESS wanted to heln finishing ladies' coats, good pay. 1619 Harney. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young man to learn trad. Champion Iron Works. 15th and Jackson Sts. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS wanted. Average salary. 31,100. Examinations in Omaha November 12. Common education sufficient. Free preparation. Send name Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept 166Y. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collectlnir mail security required; give address and 'phone. Address A-188. Bee. WANTED Men to learn barber traded few weeks required; best paving work within the reach of poor man: waves un to 120 weekly; small capital starts shop; few barbers take epprer.tlccs: demand increas ing. Write for free particulars. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Hth St. WANTED A good, steady man to husk corn by the bushel. Waldo Hancock, Te kamah. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEXAI.R WANTED Twenty cigarmakers on clear Havana work; steady work and union prlcs. Western Ciar Factory, 1106 Far nam St., second floor. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Unrses and Waaona. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good eon.b (Inn; almost your own price. Go Be Johnson-Da nforlh Co.. Dth and Jones Stt DELIVERY WAGON HEAVY TEAM ING GEAltS. FARM WAGONS AXl HARNESS. OH N SON-DAN FORTH CO LOST AND FOUND 1 )ST Boston terrier; female; brlndle, white markings; answers to name of kink' reward. Mr?. Tlckett, Harnev 60; So' 27th St. LION head pin. diamond s.-ttlng: valued as kerpsake; liberal reward. 22U1 Douglas A LIBERAL rewaid to party returnlne pocket book containing Western Union card money sn.l papers Call D iuglas 205. LOST "Solar" lamp from automobile truck. Return to Orchard & Wllhelm Car pet Co. COMPLEX IOX Helps, a!-n Tips nn the Figure. Off pre-s next . ek Ladles, or der at once, tl per copy. 4'N IStli St.. Den ver. Culo. LOST A bowknot pin w.tli earl setting; reward. 'Flume Harney 3M. : LOST ladies' nil) watch Hondo- -. noon heiue.n 4 and 1; o nio. i. . .r, : 1,.. . "P.DICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKS-Rest rem edy for Itchlni;. bleeding or pi -trod n? PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher Uifcn ,v. Mct 'onn-il I i ut '--o . Omaha. FRF.i; medical and surgical treatment at Crelgnton Medical colleee. llth and Daven port Sis ; specnl attention paid to confine- merit i-.lss ail treatment hiiiii Ise.l h college professor. 'Phone Douglas 1 1 -.7 i,ail ansv ered dit- and n'ebt. PEST nerve bracer for man (Jravs Nerve Food Pilla i a b... rx's'l'Kld bher man ft McCoiiiit'll Drug Co , Omlia. MONEY TO LOAN BAI.AItt a Ml 4 II A I i b.L9. Notice to tub public HELP DOV N THE LOAN TRUST DO YOU KNOW that there Is a trust to maintain high rates among tbe loan companies of this city 7 DO YOU KNOW that we are new CONCERN, or ganlaed (o FIGHT THE TRUST and to HELP THE WORK INGMAN wnen financially embarrassed. We U loan to any worthy worklngmaa M owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, ETC.. or HOLDING A SALARIED POSITION, any sum from 10 to 60 at the rate of 10 per year JUST THINK YOU PAY I 1.00 Intereat for I 10 for a year I 160 Interest for $ 26 for a year. I 6.00 Interest for 60 for a year. sunn interest ror iluo for a year. All OTHER SUMS in PROPORTION II vrm uu iun mr inese low rates because we have Interested MEN OF LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied with a REASONABLE RETURN on their Investment. Reasonable ap ptsisetnent charge. CALL AND HE CONVINCED EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR tt tl tt M II If U 14 14 It t INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. ROOM J04 WITH NELL BLDG Phone Doug. 604;;. 16th and Harnev tmWJMJJIJf?JIS;iJ$t3KltMjj: It CHEAP LOANS. M on Furniture, Pianos or Salary u M AT 0 PER CENT A YEARt ' H IS Can You Beat Thise RateaT i tt 10 for 8 months lf.c tt It 8 25 for 6 months 76o ( ft 160 for 6 months 8160 tt 75 for ( months t2.26 tt $100 for 6 months 83.00 tl tt Small charge for appraising. tl tt OMAHA FINANCIAL CO. Jl tt rtoom iv mown riiK., ivt a. 6th St 13 tt opposite Brandels. Djug. 2036. A-2(Vt6 tt ' FOR SALE Gilt edge. 8 per cent short time, first mortsaKe bonds. Shimer & Chase Co.. 309 South 17th St., Omaha. DO YOU NEED MONEY? " We will loan you money on jour furn Iture, pianos, live Mock or any other se curity st LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or 'phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1-166. Ind. A-1S56. 220 Bee Bldg. HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we nave money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE J At lowest rates and easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, witnoui security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolinan, room 603 Omaha National buik mag. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C.FLATAU, 1614 Uodn Tel. Red 6613 MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates 10 you Reliable Credit i!o. 303 Paxton Hlock. TeL Douglaa 14U. A-14U, MONEY to loan to salaried people and on household goods by private party. Ad dress Lock Box 2t9, umana. I WILL loan money, 310 and up; plain note, no delay. Tel. Doug. 3360, Ind. A-3377. 329 Board of Trade Bldg. CHATTEL loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 668 New York Life BUlg. MOVING, STORAGE CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 309 8. 17th. Tel. D. 1669. EXP. Delivery Co., offices 16th and Dav erport Sts. Warehouae nK-in Ixard St MUSIC, ART AND LANGUAGES Francis Potter, teacher mandolin, banjo, guitar. Studio Barker Blk. Tel. Doug.8WS8. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooasa. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars." 1818 Capitol Ave. GOOD table board. 808 No. 20th. FOR RENT Large room, suitable two: private family. 114 S. 19th St. for WANTED One or two Jewish youns men to board and room, private Jewlnii family; references required. Call Webster 1M2. 4 FIRST CLASS home cooking mealr 2io. Ill 8. Kth St. TWO nice lurge front rooms and single room, modern. Board If desired. 2M0 Doug las St. FIRST class room and board. 110 Chicago St. MODERN room with board; near car barn for two gentlemen. 1721 Spring .t. PLEASANT 3oath front room with hnard. for rent In mrwli-rn house; Kounfv I Place on 24th St. car line; furnace petit; telephone, rood bat I: ro-m, pleasant sur roundings r.nd unlet neighborhood, list car nervlco In city 011 this line; tortus rcu lonable to rluht people. Man and wife pre ferred; no children; refi-renci s required. 3SU6 N. 24th St. Bell Tel. Web. Sr.!. ELEGANTLY furnished room and hist tilde bouid; pi ivaie fan.iiv. dt I lr..ey 45. FUR RENT Nice steam heated front room; h'tn cooking; desirable for two. 4514 N. 2-4 1 1 St FOR RENT Nicely furnished soutli rooms for two or three couples; nenr enr line; lionie looking. MIS S. 21st St. Harney 1.14 V FOR RENT 1 Weil. '.'" : -Nice rootni" with hourd, 4 5' . I7tn St - Nli'E finv!" room with boprd: alio lsrg. fri'nt rooi-i for '-: Vialkinir distance. I'.ils Cu m St Tel. 1 1011; la 3 14:. Yc-stcrtlny's W.uit Ad business was another winner for ;he Omaha Bee Ovor tlio corrcsporKlinif Suuthiy a year no it gained 44:i t inclics. The nearest competitor shows a loss of inches of this business. Coiiipariiip; yestenhiy's husiness with Sunday a week 11 go. the I lee gained nearly a poluum, while the nearest competitor lo.-t nearly five columns. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding mmd Rooms Contlnwed. BOARD and room. 84 60. 6S0 S. 17th St FOR RENT-Two large rooms; cooking. I12 Douglas St. home NICE rooms 12 S. 26th St. for four nlc young men. Doug. 6viS DESIRABLE, well lu-a.ed rooms; excel lent board; rates reasonable, bls-620 P. Uh St. NEWl.i furnished room -with board.' strictly modern, 1 blocks from Farnam street car. 603 S. 2Mb St. THE IRVING-2102 Leavenworth St; ele gantly furnished double and single rooms, well heated; tirst-class table, home cook ing. 'Phone Douglaa 6637. Furnlaked Hmbw FOR RENT Nicely turnlMied front room.' U7 tj. 26tn St. Very convenient to business., t- . . .ii NICELY furiuaiied rooms. U& H. 22d St ' GOOD furnished loom In modem house, itasonaole. ia S lfcitl at MODERN. 23u bt. steam healed rooms, 820 N. NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private lamily, tor guiiueman. 141 N 31st Ave. ONE nicely furnished front room, mod ern, for two gentlemen, iwj W'eutuer bt. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, steam heat; walking distance; con venient to three car lines. 101 8. 26th. DELIGHTFUL room lor one young roan; modern; lavatory; quiet; good family, splendid location. Phoua Florence 101. EAST from room, electricity and steam eat; fine neighborhood; walking distant a. . a. 28tu st. i NICK, large front parlor, steam heated; reasonable; private family; cloue In. 8b0 v-apuoi Ave. t LRMSHED rooms, modern, private family. 26 8. 24th. Douglas iOU. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. Lunch served if desired. 1006 Leavenworth. NICELY furnished room, with furnace heat and telephone; to one or two gentle men; reasonable. 422 N. lth. ' ONE large front room, strictly modern hot and coid water. Use of phone. 2202 Farnam street. LARGE room, suitable for two; also sin gle room; board if desired; private family:' 'phone; conveniently located; no sign. 114 8. 19th St. NICE room, with board, for refined mar ried couple; good home cooking; references ' required. 706 8. 80th St FRONT room, with alcove, for gentle men; hot water heat Tel. Douglaa 4678. NICELY furnished, very large room, fur nace heat. 2S08 Ames Ave. FURNISHED room for two gentlemen. Private family. IK12 Casg. Phone Tyler TWO excellent front rooms suitable for I or 4 young men. Harney 6381. EXCELLENT furnished, modern room In private family; close In. Tel. Doug. 6S74. i'0 warm rooms; and t.0O; nicely furnished; modern lioune; private family- orr.niiuii 11 oesireu; walking dlatance. 3664 ROOMS with or without housekeeping, from 11.60 to 36 per week) hot water fieat: strictly modern. 603 S. 22d St WARM rooms, single or double, close In business people preferred. 60S 8. 22d. ' STRICTLY modern, walking hi... private family. 2320 Dewey Ave. NICE front room. desirable for twa. 1609 Howard. 2d floor.- NICELY furnished rooms 1 i 1617 Chicago St.- " FOR RENT N.atlv 1. board if desired. 2216 California St FOR RENT Two nant'lv" w.i' rooms, good location. 641 H Mih a.. ?. 6277 FIRST-CLASS rooms: n.w e.,, steam heat 1J06 Jackson St.. nnstaira ATLANTIC HOTEL at..(n i,.. 77T nlshed rooms; reasonable price. 109' Caie LARGE room, suitable for two younr nen. 624 N. Hth St. young NICELY furnished front room lit. w.. and heat, suitable for one or two youna ladtes; breakfast and supper if desire,! 3315 Myrtle Ave. ue.ireo.. TWO desirable front rooms: urtv.i. lly; modern; no sifc-n. 310 N. 24th. FURNISHED rooms, first rlasa md., rooms, elegantly furnished. 27v4 Farnam MODERN furnished rooms; stieclal tentioii paid to transients; only three blocks from postof lice. I07 Chlcairo I,i phone H 2701. Call me up. Mrs. E. J. Conrad. NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen.' AM modem, l ain St. LARGE front room for gentlemen; 011; private. w N. 19th St. mod- TWO VERY desirable front rooms; one i-lngle room, stru lly modern;- centrally lo cated, phone; brenkfan It desired. 2407 Capitol -Ave. '"VAHH, newly furnished rooms for sleep ing or housekeeping ; innoei n, 'phono walk Itig distance. 27U1 lxiiige St. LARGE front room with strove; suitable for three or four 1,'eiitliiiieii or family; 11. so other rooms, stru-tiv uimtrrn; piiuue J11 N. 2nd St. LARGE front walking (.'.utaTuv 2Mb Ave. loom, suitable for two; hi . 0 01 h 1 rooms, 403 8. THE HA'.'U Ei 1 1S. . HTRICTLY luouetii r. f l-t.C. I e )ll,l .1,1. H AND FARNAM .".I'l'.ing distance; ii lwr Ave. LARGE front room in modern home to r'-fnK d gtiKie-.nen; :!! r-'-w nnl elegantly f 11 n:f;!iiu I 'iS I'a'ns"! Tel. Harney 407T. THREE furnished rooir.a strictly modern S2.'4 I'ratt. Tel Web. 4016. 1 ; i v