Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    TUT; MM AH A SUNDAY P.KK: M( .!0. 1010.
Fcliih Laborer Dying
from Knife
- I
retire Final A let I m l.-lnar Near Home
rollnwtna Attack He Refase
fo niTalae Identity nt As
sailant Woman In Case f
With his abdomen rent by a vicious knife
wound and several Inm-r s'ab. John
Jfenue, a Polish laborer about IS yearn old.
la at the point ef death at the South Omaha
boapltal, and a mysterv haa etlscn as to
bow ha received his Inluries. Nenus was
pinked up by aeveral policemen at Twenty
eighth and W streets, near hi house -U
that corner about 11 o'clock Friday night.
The man declared he had been stabbed by
a man at Twenty-eighth and B street
bout an hour before. He refused to say
whom hla aaaallant had been. The police
ra In possession of evidence to the effect
that the Injured man got Info trouble over
M unidentified woman.
Nenua wan operated on y city Physi
cian Koenlg and Dr. Pricker, who s-iy
Ma chance for recovery ta vary alight. Hev
ral ef the Inteatlnea and a large artery
ware severed by the knife strokes. Ap
parently the wound had been made with
an ordinary pocket knife.
Republican Clnb formed.
The Swedish republican club, which was
organised thle week, will be an active force
ta polttlca In South Omaha until election
day. It haa been started a a counter
to the claims of Comptroller Loberk that
all the 6wedes In the state are going to
marshal themselves behind his banner.
Judging by the letters thai are floating
around, thla la not the only nationality In
connection with which lxheck is putting
forward the claim of favorite son." said
Street CommlsMloner Johnson. "If these
elalma be true Mr. Loheck Is of undoubted
AnimiinnltUn nedivree and be eToect to
bv. a march of all the nations to the
polling bootha on November i. But the
land of oar fathers' plea Is not going to
carry away the Hwedlsh voters of fouth
The new organisation Is creating a sen-
tlmoiit that will have an effect on election
day. Next weak will probably see the or
sanitation of a Young Men's republican
club and from now until the final rally is
held, there will be no stone left unturned
that will secure the success of the ticket.
Hallowe'en Eaeeasea.
The police force la determined to have
this an orderly Hallowe'en, and the warn
ings which have already been sent out have
curbed the exuberance of the Juvenile cele
bratora somewhat. But they have jet to
learn that they will not be permitted to
make It a week of celebration, and that
anything In the shape of wantonness will
have them haled to the station and sub
sequently before Judge C'allanan. Thure
have been prooessions, plenty of noise and
door rapping: so far, ajid a 'title riotous
conduct, but the behavior of the boys has
generally been audi as not to call for the
Interference of the police. Captains Kl
felder and Dworak declare they will not
tand for the greasing of the street cat
rails on Missouri avenue. This is a favor
ite Hallowe'en prank. It la due. no doubt,
ta thoughtlessness, but the grade in that
part of the city Is such that a serious ac
cident may follow and boys caught on
mischief bent there will be In danger of a
ride In the patrol wagon.
Chnrrb Wci-tIcm.
ait. Martina Episcopal church. Rev. Alfred
U. White Rector Holy Communion, 8 a.
m. Sunday school, JO a. m. Morning
prayer and sermon at 11, special preacher,
Rev. Charles II. Itascome, Omaha. Tues
day. All Balnla .Day, 8 a. m . Holy
Com- J
Bt. Clements Kpiacopal church. Twenty
ninth and 8 atreeta, V. L,. Cullen, Ly
Rector Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning
prayer and sermon at 11. There will be
service "All Saints" night, Tuesday. No
vember I, at 8 o'clock. Itev. V. U. Tj ner.
rector of fit. Andrews church, Omaha, will
be th special preacher. The vested choir
will render appropriate music.
Ht. Edwards Kpiacopal mission-Sunday
school, t p. m. Commencing November 7,
evening service will be resumed In St. Mar
tin's church. The rector will preach on
the Punday evenings of November, Le
oember and January, a aeries of sermons
entitled "Thoughte From the World's
Greatest Hermon." The special topic Tor
each Sunday will be announced weekly.
These sermons have been prepared for ft.
Martin's, ft. Clement's and Ht. Edwards
parishioners. The public Is also cordially
invited to attend the services.
"The Vision ot Ood In life's Common
Flaces" will be Uie subject of the Kev.
Dr. Wheeler, pastor rtf the First Presby
terian church at the niorinnsi service. Dr.
C. M. Schlndel will give a reiioit of the
work on the new church building. The
Christian Endeavor service will be held at
;M p. m.
an-.. Atattox of Hang Chow. China, will
address the First iTeety terlan Sabbath
school at Kushlng's hall at 10:11 a. m.
Mrs. Mattox la a very Interesting speaker
and a cordial Invitation is extendi to all
the congregation to be present promptly
at that hour.
"The Christian In Pontics" will be the
topic of the sermon of Rev. E. A. Jordan,
pastor of the Tirst Christian church at
the morning service at 11 o'clock. In the
evening following worship at 7:30, he will
preach on "The Spiritual Pyramid."
I 'tilled Presbyterian church, Twenty
third and L streets. Rev. William A. Pol
lock, Pastor Sabbath school, t:4:, a. ni.
Public service, 11 a. r.i., sermon, "Wli
nesting for Chri.-t. " V. P. C. I"., i:45 p.
m. Evening service 7:41. sermon, "lMsci
plesMp." liters will be ireaching at toe First
Baptist church.
iev. James M. Rothvveil, pastor, will be
the preacher at the morning service of the
First Methodist church In the Odd Fellows
hail. The service follows an hour after
KunUay school wl.lcli op -nt at H Ai a. m.
Magic llty Owesisi.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Henry are al Ash
land on a visit lor u lew na.vs wiiu rela
tives. Fire caused by a dejctive chimney did
t.-i damage yesterday stiernoon to the
noma ol J, I'. L.0iau at ineuiletb. and H
To following births have been regis
tered: Charles Thompson, l j slrnei,
boy; JoMpn Kriiiiiu, i wenty-fourtn and c
street, girl.
Mr. Fhtaheth Reynolds, president ot the
HfcbeKasi unsi-moiy . has returned to
her home in Chadron after a visit t.itn
is. C. L Talboi.
The women of Si. Martin a tpis.opal
thurch will hold their annual rummage
aale at Tent -fourth slid y aireeis, u-iu-ber
HI and Noveniber 1.
The funeral look place yesisidac morn
lag ot the 4-year-otd dauglurr ot Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Une. I, eioutli Twenty
fvurch aireel, who died Thursday.
An examination will be held at the South
OuisU pvaujfuoe, November 3S, for the po-
wuou Ul luisvi I in wnairi. 1 II formation
isgnrding the examination may be obtained
at the looal poetoffioe.
At the bakers convention held at tin
eoln tide week A. J. Markey ef South
Omaha, was elected prealunit of the slate
rganiaa. ttoo. Among the other reurnsenia
Uvrs vt ine buainesa present front lids citv
mere W. C. Myers and A. ciakke.
Contractor Mike Jetieaa. who la doing (he
paving of Thirty-ninth street, is having
trouble with thoughtless vo'Jiha In that lo
ualliv. He haa irtiviteil lit the V"Uw that
his rtntnor lanterns
also trie vi tun of
p. it
Todsc being the last flu of rcmstiatlt
the ornee hi t'ity Clerk Good will I't- upMH
it 7 o dork f'M the purpose f if deiiv.iini;
tli i p(Imi h Hon books tn the I'ohM of ck
lst - Tli cleik wishes It to be -stood
thHt he Kill Insist upon having the
hook returned Monilav-
The South iunaha floiial rluli will hol a
n Franeg hall Sunday, roinmnn ing
t 2 o'clock. Tnere will t.e music b
Fianek tinloti nrehesira. Hnil candidates
for orrne n ti.ev iook in. win be given an
opportunity of airing thlr views on na
tional, state and rounty issues.
Mr. and Mi. .1 II. Rldgewav of Nevada,
la . have arrived In the chv for an e-
fnded visit with their children. K. K.
Rldgewav. A. . Ridgevvay and Mr. Dex
ter Robinon. Mr. Ridgewar. who ii 71 '
Vfar old, fought In the i Ivll war He used !
to Inc In Sooth Omaha and noted the 1m- !
provcn-ent which have been made since
he left the city.
Uprising Becomes
More Ser o is in
State of Uruguay
Armed Revolutionaries Gathering
Outbreak Delayed by Lack
of Horses.
BFKNOS" AVKS. Argentina. t t iM-lt
Is feared here that the outbreaks In l'ni
guay will assume large proportion". The
trouble had It oiigln In the struggle be
tween the oppoaltion factions for the pres.
dency of the republic. Collision n-e re
ported to have taken place In the province
and within fifty mile of Montevideo, the
IT. liacliiuii. who iwlgned yesterday a
foreign minister, at the ieiiic.t of resi
dent WilllniHn, Is likely to heciime a can
didate for the presidency.
IXJXlwjN. tH t. A despatch to lie
Times from Montevideo by ay of Buenos
Ay res, says:
The situation In l"rui;iia I very crnve
The opponents of Jose Haltle y Ordonez's
candldatuie for the presidency are tniiss
Ing. and revolution Is f en red. but the out
break i,aa been dnlayeil owing to lad: of
horwn - Nevertheless, armed revolutionaries
are gathering on most of the frontier, the
press (a being censored, telegraph wire
have been cut by the revolutionaries and
the train service In the republic Is dU-
The population is greatly
alarmed, but the government Is aeilve In
dispatching troops where they are most
needed. fevertil arrests of nat.otmllsts
have been made at Montevideo otid else
where. The resignation of Foreign Minister
Flaehlnl was requested on account of his
nympathy with the subversive movement
and his opposition to Senor Haul" y Ordo
nez's election. There Is no question that
the government Is foisting on the country
a most unpopular candidate, who Is nn
enemy of progress and financial develop
ment, hence the uprising.
Robert Munch Flrra lllank Carlrldar
lata Fred tlldrrnaa't Face, lit
fllctlnir Several Haras.
Although Hallowe'en has not .vet nr
rlved, certain gangs of Omaha boys, who
evidently believe that there Is such a thing
as getting a good start, commenced lust j
night to annoy properly owners. All dur
ing the evening Desk Sergeant llavey at
the police station was kept busy answer
ing telephone calls from different people
about town, complaining of the depreda
tions of the boys, who In the majority of
cases far over-stepped the hounds of any
innocent fun.
One case came very near to ending seil
ously. Fred Olderman. who lives with his
parents at VMu South Fifteenth street, was
standing with a big group of boys at ICIght-
eenth and Center streets, when Robert
Munch. 1M9 Center street, came running up
and accused Olderman of throwing bricks
through the windows of his home. Older
man denied having anything to do with
the matter, but Munch pulled a revolver
from his pocket and fired a blank cartridge
point blank Into Olderman's face, the
powder inflicting severe burns.
The two boys were taken to the police
station and Oldertjyyi's face attended to
by Police Burgeon Peppers. Dr. Peppers
succeeded in removing the powder and aaid
that no harm would corns of It, except of
course, the ever-present danger of te
tanus. Hoth bovs were held, Olderman as
uunu'iaiiiiiis "i"ii" jo mo aoout
ltt years oi nu were once good
Retail l)ema4 and Reorder
QalcUrned by Mrathe-r.
NBW YORK. Oct. Uradstreet's
day sa.vs:
Retail demand and re-order trade with
jobbers in seasonable lines has been imlck
ened bv the week's weather developments.
Collections have shown a certain degree of
Improvement also und are classed as fair
to good.
In iron and steel a fair business is doing
Slid trade Is het in Mulshed lines, hut In
the cruder forms It has not developed
greotlv. Where much is done It Is claimed
to have been at the expense of prices. In
cotton goods firmness and a rather more
optimistic feeling are noted as a result of
curtailed proniicnon, small slocks In all
the other night
broken. Is
hands and growm or neuer in the per- ! noon. Chr.stian Kndeavor at if:) Kven
manency of about present prices for raw Ing worship In charge ot North Side Chi-ls-inaiei
ial. in woolen dress goods demand : nan church at 7.30. Special music
is not greatly changiKl. . ,, . , . , , , .
Business failures for the week ending ! , !M' Mr;v Avenue. . . A. Jenkins D. I .,
October 27 In the Cnlted States were 1 ''"lor Morning worship with sermon at
against y.'i last v.een, .-u in ine UK" week
l'i7 last vveeK. L'lf in the like
or l"'. Ml in us. -jj in isei and in Win).
P.uviness failures In Canada for the week
number SO. which compares with S4 fol
ia st week and i(4 in the corresponding
week of JSOs.
Wheat, including flour, exports from the
Flitted States snd Canada for the week
ending October Ti aggregate 3.4i7.b hush
els, against 244.i7f, bushels last week and
fjli a'j bushels this week last year.
For the seventeen week ending October
J7 exports are S1.4)iS.;VW bushels, against 47.
xiilKli bushels ill thi con e.nondiim oei i.wl
last veur. Corn exports for the ween are
7.07.0CO bushels, against Hllt.mK bushels last
week and am. 44s bushels in Vin. For Ilia
seventeen weeks ending October 27 corn
exports are b.ui IMHJ bushels, agaJlist
iv iHishels last year.
Math Atkinson Halted la
else ProBsrrtr f Ben
Fsiate fsr WMsh'i
Attempt to
B. Wood
Just s Deputy Sheriff Thompson, nilh a
van, drove up to the home of Mrs. Daisy
Wood. Xll North Twenty-second street, and,
i under an attachment writ Issued at the
behest of Ruth Atkinson, who has aund to
I collect a dressmaking bill, began to carry
i off 4 worth of furniture Thursday, Frank
' Hamilton, trustee of the estate of the lata
lien B. Wood, appeared with a ,rit of
replevin Issued by Justice of the Peace
; Cockrell and stopped the proceedings. The
I furniture was left tn the home of Mrs.
j Wood, who la Mr. Wood's widow.
Mrs. Wood receives an Income uf tooo a
month from the estate of her late husband,
1 but the trustee claims that actual oaner
I ship of the estate, of which the furniture
I Is-part. does not rest tn ner. The case will
te tried before Justloe Cockrell.
V. W. C. A. Kstes.
fe.uiJay Building open from 2 to 7; regu
lar vei-per services al 4 3o: address by Dr.
Mary Risgs Noble o( India; solo by Miss
Mliuiah Weber.
Monday -bunday school graded union at
7 3u: rlen entary and Intel mediate lessons
taught; Hallowe'en party for ad associa
tion members at .
Thui dav Play hour In tv mnasluiii, 7 );
eiieu to all a'eociaUou membeis.
Sunday is Anniversary of Reforma
Llrluilirlt Muslcnl cr Ice to lie
Held nt North Prcsbv- irrln n ( hnn b,
tilth tlslllnu Mnnrtet Taklna
I'art In Ilia, I'ronrniii.
SuMla v
fait i;,ai
fO! IIIMtlUjl
is n
it is
ilaliie tiii.- week fuun t lie
tlic ainilveiar. of tue l'.e
will he observed Uy se-cial
exact annlveisnry dnie is
October ."1.
upon as Ih
vr nieti. e.
bu I :
:utnl ay
l.i In'
illlS luf'U
nt'sei veil.
Au exclusively niusi. at sei v iv e wili be
given at Hie .Vtu ih l'l eshytei Ian cUui - i
ii i iJ evening, ihe regular choir hems
as?lsti-d bv a vlMitltig quartet. The follow
ing numhe's will be given.
Organ Prelude
H.v !a. Ion's Vav e .
-o!o L'onie
I ii f o M
. . .Ocunoii
. .Spinuev.,
. I ionize! ! i
Kiiu ii
Mr. .nies
ami 1
i inei - .Noi iunie
Solo The l.ont Is Mv l.lgnt...
Mi. Hovel le.
Choir- 'l' n; ;i n Kro
tn i!Uu - 1 'ost hide
K. K. Williams, director; M
man. organist.
j -At the l.owe Avenue Presbyterian church
I the pastor. Hev. Nathuniel McClffm. will
I preach Sunday morning a sermon on "Pet -I
somil I.lliertv ." In the ev ening: the choir.
led by Mrs. Mullls, will give a
i grain of sacred mus e in the
! Tuiill ol elude.
J Processional hv inn.
j Invoiviilun and l.enl s Praver
I Hymn
' Si'ril.llire
fine luo
folknv nif
Solo "Ave .Marie.'' Miss l.ila
I vi i son
I a'llala St. ii -v f t'nltitrv."
Solos by Mr W. 1 1 Wilbur
Clo.'lng Anlhem-'Soft Floating
A.r "
in th
Ne.xt Saturday a Hihle school parliament
will be held In the First ChrlsMun th'.irch
at Twenty-sixth and Harney streets. It
will be addressed by three prominent men
; in Sunday school work, who arc aeoom- :
panied on a tour of the wtstern slates by
Prof. W. F. M Ilaekleman of Indianapolis, (
I Ind. The tour of the "big four" starts
I from Cincinnati. O.. and travels It.O-JO miles. !
covering eleven stale, and stopping a dav i
in a prominent city of each state. The j
will reach Omaha in the morning of 'al-
unlay. Their object is to introduce t ii
! 1011 front rank P.ihle school standard. I
i i
i Hilptlst.
j t'alvarv Raptisl iiraneh. Th ri -fourth;
and Seward Hible school at p. in.
First. Haptist. Tweni y-N'int4i Avenue and
I Harney Rev. G. Harmon Jones of Ileglna. j
j Sasl . wIM preach morning and evening;
; morning. lil::at. subject. "The Power of Pi r- j
sonal Inflenee;" evening. 7;;K. subject, "The I
Sight that Saves." I
; Olivet Haptist. Grand Avenue and Thir- j
1 ty-Kighth. George AlaeHougnll. Pasto--
.uiioa.v sciiooi, in a. m.; morning worsiup ;
at 11; Mission Sunday school.
young people's meeting, ti:HU p.
lowed by the evenlnir service at
I 1 Of tnttlr, "li'olnl Vn Lt,anl o
iheme "When i ost
Immnnuel. Twenty-fourth and
Hev. .1. Scott Kbersole. Pastor Plble school
at h. m.. with full stringed orchestra.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:li0 p. in. Vounc
People's mefting at K:30 p. m. Sermons,
morning. "Four Hlble Symbols:" evening.
"An Almost Conversion." Wednesday at
N p. m.. praise and praver meeting. Friday
evening from U:'t" to X boys' club.
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton. Rev,
R. R. Curry, Pastor Services at 10-30 n. m.
and 7:30 p. m.. conducted by the pastor.
Morn'ng theme. "The Church. Its Definite
Work In Building:" evening, a gospel serv
ice, with short after meeting, p.ihle school
el noon. Younc People's service at ii:W
p. m. Wednesday at X p. m.. mid-week
devotional service. Thursday at t.i'i p. ni.,
annual meeting of the church.
Kersev ,
Twenty-sixlh and Harney. .1. M.
Pastor Services at First Christian
i fb I ira'b
as follows: Prraehlng at 10:30 and
i 7 :rv ; Uible school at 11'; young people s
... ...... ... n
n.e,' I i.E ht I, .in i-oiiie nmsn i iiesoMV e rnins I
at !.
I North Side. Meets In the Plymouth Con
gregational. Twentieth and Spencer. II. J.
i Klrschsteln. ' Pastor Kible school. 9:?.0 a.
; in.; evening preaching sei clce at 7:3i). ser
; tnon sub."ct. "The Church of Christ In
I Nebraska:" the morning service at 10 Ho is
I in charge of Kev. Clyde of the Congrega
tional church; Men's Brotherhood Hlble
class meets at Dsn a
Christian Sciential.
Second. Nineteenth and Far nam, Uyric
Theater Sunday school, s:4i; service. 11;
subject of lesson sermon, "Everlasting Pun
ishment." First. Tvv eniy-f ifth and Farnam, Cham
ber Uiilhllng Sunday school at s:l'; Sun
dav service at II a'ld 8; sublect of lesson
setmiiu. 'Kveriastlng Punishment "
nuuresat lona I,
Park Yale. Thirty-first and Gold Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Christian Kndeavor at
u ;ni p. in. liven ng worship at T:;!0. with
sermon by Rev. John P. Clyde
First, Nineteenth and Davenport. Frede
rick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning worship at
lii:X0- preaching by the pastor. Keening
worship at 7:4.".. N. H. Hawkins of Coin
srock. Neb., will conduct the service.
Plymouth. Twentieth and Spencer. John
P Clyde. Minister Theme at 10:Su a. m..
The liternal Conflict. sundav school at
.. siinjei i. j ne I'.iuqiiPiiur 01 silence;
anthem by the ouartei; duet, "Just as I
Am." Ml-s Weber and Mrs. Manchester;
evening service, beginning November 0.
Hillside. Thlreiath and Ohio, XV. S. Hamp
ton, Pastor Morning worship at 10 j); Sun
day school, 1-in, ; Junior Kndeavor. :'. p.
m.; Young People's Society of Christ'an
Kndeavor. 7 p. m. ; evening service at S;
subject for both services, "The National
Council Recently Held In Boston."
All Saints
Twenty-sixth and Dewey
Mackay, Rector Holy com
a. m ; morning prayer and
I Avenue. T. J.
! uiunlon at 7 il
i sermon at 11 a.
Sainl Matthias. Ttuitti and Worthlngton.
Rev. James Noble. Rector Services Sunday
at 7:30. 11 and 4; Wednesday and Thurs
day at 9; Friday at 4:30.
Church of the Good Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio. Rev. T J. Collar. Rector Holy
communion at . .30 Morning prayer and
sermon at 11. Kvening prayer at 7.30.
day school at 4,V
at. Andrews. Forty-first and Charles,
Kev. F. D. Tyner, Reclor-Holy coiiimun-
Ion at 8 a. in.; Sunday school at v ti a. in.; '
I holy communion and sermon at 11 a. in. :
evening praver and sermon at 7 i
Trlulty Cathedral, lUghteeniu and Capitol I
! Avenue, Very Ke' G. A. Beecher. In an I
Holy communion at a. m ; Sunday school j
at t:4i a. ui.; morning prayer and sermon i
al 11. welling praver and sermon at b
Church of St. Philip tun Deacon. North '
Twenty-first near Paul. Rev. John Albert!
Williams, Priest-Mass. 7: a. m.; niailns. j
10:30 a. m.: choral mas and sermon, U a. 1
Hi., Sunday schooi and caiechlsm. 1Z...U; ,
choral evensong ana sermon, i. p. m.
St Pauls German. Twenty-eighth and
Talker, K. T. Otto, Pantor Ser a as at 10;
Sunday chool at II. jo; rvenlng services
with liolv communion at 7 . ev : confii inatlon
clars on Mnduy and Tliur.iday at 8.
Uiace lJ-.ti Souih T euty-Sixt Ii, Rev. M.
1. Vleln k. Pastor The day will be observed
as "Refru-maliou Day." with suitable ser
mon and music al 11 and J 3u; ounday
school al li; l.uiner league at 4 SO; topic.
'cliur of Huther's Haimner;" prayer
meeting on Wednesday night.
Kountxe Memorial. Rev. John F. H m-
mon. Pastor Servnes at II a. m. snd x p. i
m.; Suiulay school, 10 a. in : adult B ble
class taught by pastor: morning, "Man s
tppreclatlon of Ills lxrds'Ui :' Harvest !
Home cantata will be rendered by the!
choir: young peoples devotional meeting
t It l lu ,
and a service ( sung Huh the"'. W est ui.i.n1 ri chafe!.
Free Catalogue
to Out-of-Town
i" VJ Ki VT 'K"r "fc- 'rK
Ti J ; I , - !! .. J 1 , . ' ' ;. . It
' . , 5. e -sI-f,s-.,
11 '
ii -a. e l . U, iS..U
;'t-rf-H - ' ft : n rrv v j
MD.NAIU H l!Kl SKLS lltti.s, -slr, xi
Tlie finest worsted mnterials arc In tlic manutactuie ot
ilils rug. and they arc al-solutelv guarinteed. Handsome pat
terns, including Oriental reproducl lur.s mid besutltul floral
designs. They hsve no initio seains.
a iioint von lousi coi'sider. The uuality
Vflrv best. nu would consider lliom a.
al S'jn.On
A Nest that Kartman "Featiiers'J
Must b the Kmaodlae t
of Comfort anJ Cozinsss
plan our home equipment vviih
thtine iiiiportain points l'irsi tn
i it i nd . We also avoM coiixeii
tionallly In our outfit try to
show originality carry out dis
tinctive thoughts produce
iiieasing effects and make
homeg that
of the most
present day.
perial Leather
choir rendering- the cantata. "The Harvest
Is Ripe; " this service will begin promptly
at 8 p. m. ; decorations elaborate.
Trinity, corner Twmy-flrst and lllnnev-,
tJ. . Abbott. Pastor Morning subject,
"New Views of an Old Text." Kvening
subject, " Red Lights That are Ignored."
Walnut Hill, K. K. Hosman, Pastor
Morning servic1, 10:,'10. theme, "A Man Ap
proved of God." Sundav school. Ii.' in.
Kpworth League. W:; p. m. Kvening ser
vice. T:'1. theme. "An 1 n; uccessf ul Poli
tician." Seward Street. Seward and 'I wenjy -second.
Vi illlani Hovers. Pastor .li,rniii wor-
i snip and sermon. I0::t0. siibji'ct. Vic
torious Faith." Kvenlrig worship and ser-
; mull. 7:.Ht. subject, "Turning Aside,
to see t lod."
! Ilanscom Park. Twenty-ninth and Wool-i
" ?: 1,1 sv enur. Rev
t nrnlna Marvin
I-:. H. Crawford. Pastor I
KcSO: sermon. "A New;
Tongue of Fire" Kvening service, 7.:;N
sermon. "The I,ure of Laive." The vested j
chorus choir will slug.
Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and lari-1
more, Carl G. Hader, Pastor Morning at
10: l'i, "Christ First;" Sunday school. 1J m. ; ,
Kpworth league. ii:.".0 p. m. ; evening wor-i
ship at 7.:i. 'Not as Though I HaJ Al- j
ready Atlnined." lOverybody welcome.
Hirst Memorial, W. W. Whitman, pastor
Class meeting at 10 a. m led by Rev. T.
l' Vllllar Nlu,-,n bv t Im rmSlUC at 11 a
! m., and 7::10 p. m. Sunday school nt noon,
: li. W. Sunnett. superintendent. Young Peo-
pie's meeting, Kpworth Deague at 6.30 p. m.
The Norwegian and Danish, North Twen-
ly-flfth and Decatur. R. P. Petersen.
I Pastor Services II a. ni. and 8 p. ni.
Piexc.iiiiiK hv Ihe pnsloi. Special prepara
i lion for evangelistic services during hi
nionth of November. The Kpworth League
meets at 7 p. in.
! link Street Mission Church and Rible
mihnnl Minis Souih T w ent iet h-.sund a y ai
d. m . adult anil other classes
District superintendent Dr. lllsil
will be;
nrauaul .ii iw f,l-o ReV. T. t
' . - n. ... I,..,
Preaching Sundav evening ai i . w
T. C. Webster. Midweek meeting 1 burs
day evening at 7. 30.
I ll At Memorial. R v UlSCIlll L. Guei h
sec tmsior Sundav school. !':l"i a- tn.
vS or-
shin 11 a. m.. subiect. "Christian
and Christian Work." Kvening strvu..
7:3i o'clock, subject. "Saving I' a' in in
Cbristianiiv." Church prayer meeting with
explanatory reading of tho Scriptures every
Wednesday at 8 p. m.
McCsbe. Fortieth and Farnain. Rev. John
Grant Hhirk. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a.
in.. Superintendent Charles H. Ohaseln
charge. preaching at 11 a. m. and i.jU
p. m : "Kite Through Knowieduo. I ne
Holv Spir.t as a Guide." Class meeting at
close of morning service. James Irelul
coca leader; Kpworth league, u:.lo p. in.,
midweek prayer service Wednesday at s
P. m.
V'l. i,r Twentieth and 1 iaveni".i v.
t;, i'mnu i.vnch. 1. D.. Pastor
-At II
- ',,. L'rluur.l IlisloU
u inn i a. in.. . ... .. . - - j,,,.,
suuerilitendent will be present and conduct
our quarterly communion serviies.
u. m.. the pafctor win iri-,.i
lowing theme. "Christianity's Treatment of
Mf.'s Tragedies." Music by chorus ch o r
led by Mr. T. J. Kellogg. Strangeis w el-.
come. i
German. Corner Kleventh and ent. er ,
t;. . xj... ii I .lslser Pastor Sundav
school. 10 a. n... Frank Meyer. '"Pnte"
dent: preach, ng at 11 a. m l' lie ltr.
celebration of the holy communion In con
nection with the evening service at .
f .Vie .
.Sun- I with sermon bv the newl appointed ois
'tnct superintendent, Rev. Charles Koerner
I of IJncolii. Neb.; Kpworm .e....e. . v
prayer meet.hg. 8 p. m. Wednesday,
j Presbyterian.
Fust of Florence. Rev. George S. Sloan.
i ni...r.Mrniiiii service si ji.
.1,. i.'iber Will:" evening
!s. - Jesus' Way." prayer meeting Thursd .
I evening at 7
' v -
' i-hurch of the Covenant, iwei.ty-
enili and Pratt. Rev. K- I
K. I . lie. I. I
7-:'w p'
Pastor-Services at 11 a. in. an--.v..
.ail, i.n.,1 at H I ' a. m.
People s toclety ut 7 V- '"
c,,.t l-niied Twenty-first alio Knuiiet.
Dr. T. II. Henna. Pastor ieachlns m
v ice
i ing and by psstor; mormng
1... i.. m- &.Hlnw aerv:ce at Ct'.
ihool. 13
peOVIIC llieiins- - ,
Dundee. Thirtieth and I nderwood. Grant i
F. Fisher. Minist. r-At the morning oer-
vl'.-e. 11 Dr. Mary Noble "f ,.
will sneaK. Kvening service. . :.. AJ''; I
-second sermon. . I'. S. t . K , . ..w p. i
in. Sunday school, 4 a. in.
ThiiA Twentieth and l. av enw oi th ,
streets. F. P. Ramsay. Ph. D Pastor-1
Simula) school witii Aduu bible cuss.
- .1 rn Worshlo wita sernion. "Jesus
l-'alth'" 10-45 a. m. Worship with sermon,
"i be Tieaih of Jesus." 7. So P. m.
Westminster. Corner Tent -ninth audi
Mason. Rev. Thomas If Mci'onneil. Pastor j
lo io a m.. servb-e of wnrsh p with i
mon on "An Auiumnal Md taiion U m . I
Sabbath Si ' hoi ii slid plble -'asu a 3 n.
buuua.c school. ,
w ATT5 A
?v ' mm sir" n; ' , m r :f i
, .
and ihat
is p,e
VI- W'.tv:fS
1 11 At r
V , w M
i rsaiat t tw
V :.?.: ;-;-r:.rJ5..l.4v'4
T ii in. . - e":' - - Vll
base Burner
will he expressive
modern Idea of the
This Is the largest and most powerful
double heating Hnse Burner that ever
told at tlio price. 1'ses less fuel und
gives more heat than any other make.
Is elaborately nickel trimmed, lias
patent screw dampers, patent return
flues, automatic magazine and gas
tight doors. The nickel reflector
adds to Its beauty. $tii) could not dup
licate this stove at other stores.
7::;o i. in., service of praise with sermon on
rl-'orglv encbs. '
Clifton Hill. Forty-filth and Grant,
Tims. H. Greenlee. Pastor Public wor
ship, J0:cIU a. in., theme. "The God Of All
Grace." At , evening worship.
Sunday school. IJ m. Junior Kudeavor,
,'t p. in. Senior Kndeavor. H::W p. in. Mid-
i week service, Wednesday at Ii p. m.
: North, cornei- Ninctetnth and tililo
M. V. Higbee. D. D. Pastor Morning
i vvorsiiip ai McO. Sunday si hooi at 1J m.
1 C. ! ai ti:;w p. m. tJpeciai service of
j sai led songs al 7::n p. in., with double
I iplartet iiiiuer leaoersnip of t;. F. Wil
. hams, with 1'rof. l.ainpuiaii at the o-gan.
Casleliai Strecl. SUieenth and Castel
! Jar, Ralph 11. Houseman, .vnnlster Kt
I iu::;i a. in., st iiuon bv the president of
: tiie Hans Chow, China, colleije K. 1- I
, Mattox. itiole Hi-hool lit 1- lil. 1 oung
Peoples iniiting at !. p. in "That!
i i it-It Money Cannot liuj . ' ?:.'." p. m. !
1 Fiist, Seventeenth and Dodge, Ivdison I
Hart .leiiks, Pastor Moin.nn service,
ln;:tii. suiiji i t, "'I he Measure of i-'aitu."
Kvening service. ( : address by the Kev.
I'.. 1.. .viattox. pres. dent of tlie Presbyter
Ian college al liang Chow. China. Sun
day school at noon. . P. S. C. K., b.lii
p. in.
First German -Special services com
nieinoiating the Reformation anniversHiy
-.ill In, held Sundav mornliiK and evening.
j ,J lie i.(,v jii,1H HchwaiT. will speak at Iho
ulVning services nt 10:30 o'clock In Ger
man, and tlie Rev. J. v. isiager ot i-iaii-mouth
siicaks at the evening services at
a o clock.
11 o ui e. u alhollc.
Holy Family Low niasnes at 8 to lu.3D
a. in.; evening devotions al 7:to; coiifca
sloim on Saturday liom 4 to ii and from 7:15
to St.'
St. Mary Magdalene s Ninetieth and
Dodge, Rev. liei nard Slnne. Pastor Lsjw
mass at s and H:.v: coniessious Huturday
from ii to e and troni 7 to 10.
St. I'hiloinena's. Tenth and William, Rov.
James W. btensoii. i amm-l.ovv mass at h,
lingo mas.-i at Oc.l'i; beneuictiun at i:46;
1 coiilessioi's halurdsy from 4 to b and from
7:i to 3:30.
t-t. Weiii csiaus' Bohemian, 14:u: South
1- ourtw nth. Rev. J. ianek. Pastor- Row
niuta at S; iii;l-. mass ul lo; benediction at
L:3u; confessions Saturday trom 4 to ti and
from 7:30 Id 9:3k.
St John's I'wentv-tifih and California,
Rev. Maiiin M. Rronsgeest, S. J., Pastor;
Rev. Mara S. J., Assistant -Low mass at
6. 7. U, 10 and 11; benediction ut 7:46; con
fessions Sauuday trom 3 lo li and fruiu
7:13 to 10.
St. Joseph's German. Sixteenth ana i en
ter. itev. fac'lciis Kohnen. o r M,
tin ; Rev. Rembert Bandowskl, O. 1
nt,,l Rev. Grallanus Gehrig, O. F. M
Histanis lxj a mass at b.M. 8
benediction at 8; confessions
and 10:30;
from 3 to t and from ti;3i to 10.
Miscellaneous. ,
Ftiiiariaii, Seventeenth and Cgs Services
at lo:3e. Rev. Thomas Byrnes of Kile, l'a.,
will preach; Sunday school st 11:30.
The Douglas County Holiness association
I will conduct service Sunday at 3:30 at
First Cnlted livangelirsl church,
4 JO
Franklin street.
Flr-it l ndel livaiikeH.-al. P. H. Hines,
' Pastor, Z4-0 Franklin class meeting, 10:30;
j pi-eai-iilnt by past. a. lu :"; Sunday school,
1J; K. L. C. K. at t-3i', preaching at 7:30.
I Omaha New Thought Fellowship meets in
'room 3. l-.vrlc theater. Nineteenth and Far
I nam. Sunday morning. Address by C. H.
els, theuie. "The Supreme Gift;" Wed
l.e. day meeting at 8.
' Scandinavian Branch of the Salvation
Armv, 117'v Norm Slxieenth, M. Nelson,
' Captain Holiness meeting. 10:30 a. in :
; tree and easy" meerng. p m.; salvation
. meel ng. 8 p. in. All Scandinai !:ir Invited.
' Tic: Omaha Philosophical Mnietv meets
at Bjriglit hall. .Mneiemir mi'i r ai oaui.
Huuil.iv at 3 o clock. I.e .-.tuve bv Alfred
Tono-on i f 1 i.e Omaha New Thought Fei-
luwsnip; subjei t, ' Miiu s Relation to the
j infinite."
lir.-t Rel oi nn',1
Central il' Ulev ard.
tor-S",iiida- fCl,i,o,
Ices at U and , a
evening subject,
t an Kndeavor s,c i
vvtier l u -third and
Rev. I''. S .augs. POJ-
st H ; pri-ttchnig serv-
uioruli.g, I .old s supper
Jehovah l.lveth
-ty at 7
Tne siuilenis of tha educational devm."!
nient n.ei on F iday "Miiu.g si a JJaJ
loee'en party espe ially p,ep ,n d fi' t.;em.
W. H l.ockwuiid. Ontaiia s representa
tive in Hssociatlon wmk at Hi, ungual,
china, will . - in the city ret foui u.iys.
In ci ii. Ing Nov Mine, II Mr Lock wood will
address .-.un.lav aftei noon ine. iiiig No
vt inbei- 13 ami will also si,e talks at oihei
plai es.
The Hallowe'en sti'ial which oj to be
given on Saturds evening has been post
poned until Tuesday. This social is lur ad
in embers of the association Ihose who
Jiiiueil dining Sepicinbei and 1 1. tuber being
Ihe iiu.-wl.- of Ihe eveuln-' Refesl. minis
w ill he set v eil
Dea. i C.ul.-.- Fin din- ! I..e I IllmH"'
of Nebiaska Will addict ti.s U.SU at H"
sol, i.. olv I'KOKSl'AI. i:Ti:sio 1 ki;i.i;
Yon pnai'.ively never saw Its equal. .MhuV of welciled
material, rubbed and polished; b-foot extension, fitted
with easy running Blides, massive pedestal
base, with carved olnw fe'et. It is impos
sible to equal this value elsewhere.
Complstc Hom3
At Hartman's is
tht Evnt ol Variety
Our showing of complete fur
nishings for homes of various
sizes is greater than those of
any other establishment in the
tlty. Where others show 12 to
15 outfits we show 50. The ad
vantage to you is obvious. And
we don't confine you to certain
designs either.
1 0
' u.
association building al 4 p. in. Sunday. Hie
subject will be "Things livery Young Man
Ought to Know." All Invitation to attend
is extended to every man in Omaha. Dean
Fordyre will talk to the boys a week from
The assistant physical director. Mr. Wag
enseller. will begin coaching a number of
basket hall teams In the graded schools
and there will probably be a basket ball
tournament between these teams during
Ihe winter months. The physical depart
ment Is directing the flttlngup of play
grounds and apparatus at the Mason
The secretaries of the hoys' department
arc putting in considerable time visiting
the homes of the members. They find It
Is profitable to get. acquainted with the
parents and the home life of the boys.
The bovs' department will begin a table
cioiiiet tournament for members. A pen
nant will be awarded the winner. The
gnme tables are In constant use this win
ter. Saturday a social was heid for the
members of the boys' department. Two
hikes were participated In by the boys on
Saturday, a local patrol of the Roy Scouta
For Relieving Such Symptoms as
Debility. Backache and Headache.
writes i "As Fernni bag done m ft world of good
I feel in duty bound to tell of It, in hopes
may meet the eye of some who has suffered
"I'or five years I really did not know
perfectly well day wss, and If I did not
. i?Wri .k"
headache, X had backaohs or a pala aoms
where and really life was not worth the
effort I made to keep going.
"A good friend advised lue to use Pe
rung and I was glad to try anything, and
I am very pleased to say that six bottles
made a hew woman of me and 1 have no
more pains and life looks blight again."
There ure a great many phases of WO
mans ailments that require the assist
ance of the surgeon.
But by far the greatest number of
such cases ars amenable to oorrect med
icinal tre-tmeut.
A vast multitude of women have been
relieved from ine ailments peculiar to
their sex through the use cf Peruna.
Our Medlial Department receives many
ietters fiom .til parts of the country re
lating tu subjects of vital interest to
w jiuaiiklnd.
Of the vat multitude of women who
take Peruna only a very small percen
tage consider ll necessary to write us on
the subject
While It is not af finned that Peiuna
will relieve every case uf tills kind, it is
certainly the part of wisdom for every
women so aillicted to give Tardus a
lair trial.
to People
t ill
it., .s"nsai
'.k .
( WVV'.Vv'?-.. v
The riaiue uf tl
couch Ih made of
solid quarter-sawed
,1,-U. Has covered
claw feet. excefllng
ly iiittssive and com
fortable. Deeply dia
mond luffed, over all
steel frame. Thor
oughly well male
and absolutely guer
anteed. Has both t he,
appearance and wear
ing ipialltles of gen
uine leather. A most
special this
and sixty bovs from Fianklin school being
the two groups.
Wife of National tank Helee
Sales Atftent Mnt'ciimbs G Henri
Mrs. Minnie W. Whltehouse. vvi.'n of
Harry B. Whltehouse. sales uM-nt for tin
National Cash Register company, whll
(hopping yeslerduv afternoon at hi I
Patrick's, bad a sudden uu.i'i. of luaii
failure and fell unconscious to the rim:,
expiring in a short time. The family ! si
deuce is at North Twenty-third sire :
The funeral will be held limn the resi
dence at ;! o'clock Sundav- afic nnon Tin
Rev. Mr. Mackay ts to of;i..te. liuri.i
will be In Forest I,avvn ceineteiv. Mrs
Whltehouse is survived by her Inishanr
and a son, Harry, and daughter, Mabel.
that it
as I did.
what ft
Mrs. Joseph Lacelle. 131 l!ioiuon St..
Ottawa. Fust Ontario, Canada, writes:
"I suffered with backache and head
ache for over nine months and nothing
relieved nie until I took Peruna. Thi
medicine is b far better thn any other
medicine for troubles. A few bot
tles relieved me of my miserable, half
dead, half-alive condition.
"I am now in good health, have iit Uher
ache nor pain, nor have 1 bud any lot
the past year. If every suffering wo
man would take Peruna, tiiy would soon
know its value und never i.e without it"
Mrs. Klla Miskull, R. F. D. 3, Box
Hcottsburg, Indiana, w riles;
"I suffered for two yea is Willi calurC
in the hea-J, having such pains In the
head aid face that 1 feared 1 would Ium
my reason. I tried every known leinody
but gradually grew worse. Nights of
I est lessuess would suci
d days
. After taking
I am eulli ei v
Ive I.. .11!
sale -
v K ' X 'J'V
i ' ' '.
- W ! ' - :4y
tx ill y 1 r,