J I E San Francisco Raises Vast Sum i 4 i ' 1 i t, " S A i - J Vii4i'r. .S.4 . fsVk.Ml ifc.iA-v IiV HAMILTON WHIOHT. AN KRANClSt'i). I'ul.. (Jit. . s AlthuiiKh tl.c cn at flic of lWi plctd .aii Knuicls.'ii on the wroMX i'.ic of tlir lelKfr to the xttnt of mot-p thnn ."i0i).oy,0iii). Ihin rtty ha now fully I p- rovered fiom the ni'pati'Kt dlxaKtti- of ttH kind In Aniphrnn hlntory utiI lias ralnrd Jli.'iO.J.ODO Hh u Mtmtfr to I'Plrlirato tin" iipen ln of ti: o Panama ri.nal with a i50.0j.tHW Wnrld'H fair In in- helil In 1'iiO. Tin- ufflolal tltlp of tlx- fun- will lv th l'anHnia-I'Hcifii- Inii'i n li'Ti.il cxpoHition and If thi) ilana of nevoral hnn.lrtil n iire sentutlve nun wl.o arr ac lvi-ly rnnHHi'd In furthprlnR the niovpnifnt art" carried out it will be the toHtliont rx .sillon ifver held. The director of itie ex oxuum roriiorutlon liavo 6Htabliahed a I'nliiuo roci'dent in an nounclnv lhat San Kranuls'.-o will not awk tlie governoipnt to apiircprittte a cent toward the exposition. Hitherto muny Brent expositions have been financial fail ures, but the directors point out that an exposition of International charuoter has never been held In the west and that the opening of the Panama canal will not only mark an event of. world-wide Importance, whoso commercial and political influence will be felt In every country on the globe, but that its completion will have greater commercial significance to the Pacific coast than to perhaps any other part of the nation. All the funds for the Exposition will be raised by California, with tho exiept.on of thnlr Individual bulld'uiRX and In the prep aration of tho exhibits. Of the $I7.5iK).iHO already guaranteed In a whirlwind cam paign of five months, fT.oOO.O" Is represented In popular subscriptions to stoek of the Kxpositlon corporation, and HO.OOO.OUO Is coinpriked in a bond Issue uuthoriised by the California legislature. San Francisco and the Btate of California each beinf bonded to the extent of $j,WO.oa. Although the movement for raising funds lias Just begun, pledges totalling Jti.OOO.O'lo have been re ceived from China, Japan, Hawaii, and the Philippine. Prince Tsal lliun of China, uncle of the present biy emperor, and commander-in-chief of the Chinese navy, has promised that China will send a num ber of battleships to participate In an In ternational review of navies of the world, to be held In San Francisco bay at the opcnlns cf the exposition. Prince Tsal Hsun recently visited the ITnlted Btates where he conferred with Charles M Schwatj and others relative to building six or more battleships of the Dreadnaught type In rapid order. Tho greatest propaganda In the history 11 vlHerbert Quick 3 ir- (Copyright, WW, by Hobbs-Merrtil Co) TsAIR CHAPTER XV Tontluavd. Passing over the bay with a wide west erly detour, ths Virginia came In over Spring Hill, and alighted softly at the aeronef landing at Mobil. From a hundred ss!ly ports streets, alleva and wharves poured a throng of people, attracted by the strange craft that had made port, the negroes, first forming about the cur a black ring starred with wh.te eyes. Cau casian then assumed advantageous Imsl tions, rather abashed at the steady gtxe of Carson and the ivident umusement of Craighead. 'Howdy, folks?" said tin" latter. "Tuhe a good look. For e en lien wist pot. we vanish. Out of the great duqi we come, Into thu great deep we go. The Elemen tal who send u are the pow'fulest spirits what there Is. Hut a brief spuce have we, to warn Mobile, llepent: Hepent! Yet a few mo' du)s, an' Mob le shall be done de stroyed !" "Stop, Craighead.-' cried Carton. "Don't pay any attention to what he say-' They wont." replied Cruigheud. "They'll sin Just the same ilu minui we're gone. Even an ang'l fiom Heaven, which far I t from me to claim" "Dan Thomas." said Carson, to an old negro, with a whip in his hand, "come here!" "Yt. Misiah CahBoii." responded the Do to "Fetch uie at vuce one Nu. 1 cn of .5 '..' '..... - ! , t i if I 5 5 w of the west hss been undertaken In be half of the Panama Pacific Kxposltinn. The fair was first proiMsed by San Fran cisco in 1!' 4. .Mr. H. K. Hale, proprietor of a number of department stores In t'ali fornla made the surest ion ami the Idea, whic h was widely exploited by newspapers throughout the state, took like wild fire. An exposition company was formed of members of the various commercial lioilies. The fiir two years later, however, put a ti mporary stop to the plans, but In no way served to abate the enthusiasm. .Within u week lifter the fire an enter prifinK merchant hHd placed a large slKn, "Patiama-I'aclfic Kxpositlon, San Fran cisco, 11)1.".," above his new quarters on Flllmoip street Karly this year a num ber of widely known business men toured Kurope and the eaHt to spread the prupa Kanda for the fair and attract notice to San Francisco. Among these men was Mr. Charles ('. Moore, proprietor of a laige engineering plant In Pan Francisco, who visited the jV'overnnient beads, and, In some instances conferred with the rulers of Kuroptan nations. As a result of Mr. Moore's voluntary cmbassadorship In be half of the exposition, France, Kngland, (iermany and Italy have given assurance that their navies will be represented by n squadron of battleships when ' the fair opens. The campaign to raise funds dates from Aprils i!8 last, when sfocks in the fx portion was offered at auction at a public mass meeting. In one hour and fifty minutes tl.'tvj.tVIO of the stock was subscribed by San Francisco merchants, business men, professional men and working people. This was perhaps the biggest auction ever held. The stock sold at the rate of $:t7,17-' a minute or WOO at each tick of the clock. A lively young business man, Larry Har ris, was the auctlorier. He picked up bids from the crowd so rapidly that It was difficult to keep up with bis tally. In the excitement a bHiiker, who bid for J.'.. (MK) worth of stock, was assessed for $J."..0ij0, and the exposition profltid by tlif" mistake. A niPichant who had built u shack over the t-till tsmoklng embers on a day shortly after the fire and who had moved In the next day with a stock of goods, contributed $20,000. Panks and fraternal organizations subscribed as high as $200,000 each. Thousands of shares were taken by working people, who Invested from $10 to :0. San Francisco feels fully able to finance the exposition on a scale of unparalleled niagnl'lcence, and, with the Intent of the fuir directors and of the people In mind the words may be literally construed and -iuK.ii,-- - , - f fct:i ni: .. 557 qyle-Xrrii liw "i- . H A New Airship Serial by of the LANK qual.ty luethanose and get me a list of the aeionat clearings for the last two days." "Yes. sub." Thomas darted away; and Carson began testing his machinery for another flight. "Pardon me," said a man, who bad a withrred arm drawn up to h side in such a way as to give one the impression thut lie was holding his breath, "but, are you going far, so short-handed V "Not far .11 time." replied Theodore "Only to Alaska." added Cralglu ud. ."We meet a Russian admiral al St Michaels ut 3. if that nitiger doesn't hurrv we shall be lute," Oineral and what will Ad m ral Phlaskovodka suv'then?" The man lifted his sailor hat. bowed po lite1., and etepped back, unveiling a face behind him which Carson knew the fow, susp clous face of Wlzner, the inventor of the lost helicopter. Carst'ii stoopid ut if for some casual purpose, laid In ! 1 on a spanner, and spoke to Crugheul. low. dis tinctly, lnienscly. "I'm coing to gel a man in the crowd." saiil Carson. "Ouard tie aeronef " "All rirht," said Craighead, who had no idea of I.I full meaning: "but hurry back. Itemember tr adm'ral." With tl.e "ipanner in hi hand. Carton rove; and with a 1 gbt leap be stood in the midst of the crowd, his face so fierce that th throng flowed away lire water, leaving him in an oisq spuce. like a hon in a r n'j ot f,s Wirner bud fled: but through the thinned ciuwd Theodore saw h.s wiry fig -rr-r- ,SAN rRANCISCO APRIL 25X1? if -1 t linwiitilik IHio I) It II I. I i j ii iirittni.. ; ihih , iitiiM'i not in the sense that they are advertising propaganda. The city has been rebuilt and is not only on a strong financial foot ing, but has millions of available capital for local improvements and outside lnvest nii nts. The reconstruction of San Francisco Is one of the marvels of American municipal history. It Is the strongest testimony not only of th" pluck of the people, hut also that the city located In the strategic fi nancial and npimercliil center of the coast Is able to rerun rate rapidly. In th gr.-it fire of l tOi, i city bloi ks. embracing the business section and the most important residential t-ect'ons, were wiprd fiu.n a Istence. Tin- value of the property de stroyed, together with tno Invi-stmmt of capital required to restore the dainu','td street car systems, streets, s, wer mums, and other public utilities, exceeds $7."i0,'J0. 000. As nxalnst this there was something llku $1Sj,0tH,0ro collected from tho Insurance companies. Hut the suspension of busi ness resulted In huge loss. All Impoitant local Industries with the exception of ship, ping, removing the debris, putting up new buildings and caring for the primal nects slties of the people, were practically puta lyzed during the last eight months of 19 8. The amount spent In reconstruction is huge nd besides It the capital required to finance the greatest exposition In the world's history appears inconsequential. Since the flic building permits crantcd to tal more than $201 Oj.WJ. Furnishings and equipment will probably imeunt to f7".0-0.-OOii more. The outlay In stt el anil concrete wharves, municipal fire protection system, schools, sewers, streets and other improve, mi nts exceeds f l'0,0 -0.000, To bring a water system from the Siena .Nevada moun tains, San Francisco has bonded itself for 0O0.OH). Private developments have kept pace with public Investments. A single street railway company has exoended over 1.'..- OuO.OOo In tracks and equipment since the lire. The lighting and electric corpora tions have probably expended more than half that amount. Private capital is now constructing a mammoth convention hall, the grounds and buildings costing 1 II'iO.iKki. The structure will be five feet wider than the famous Olympla in London and four feet wider than Madison Square garden In New York City. Altogether ViOO.Ow.OtO will not rover the moriey expended In. the rrS toratlon and improvement of San Fran cisco. Hacking the movement to render the Panama-Pacific exposition an event worthy in Its popular Importance to the west to the opening of the Panama canal are the great ure, with the arm that Virginia's bullet had reached hang!ng In a Ki ng, darting behind a building as if running fcom death t-lf With his hand on bis hip, Carson gave chase. Some one cried, "Stop him!" arni an officer, seeing in Carson the only fu gilve In ght, stopped him. "Let me go." cried Carson, struggling. "Come with me and arrest a man for at tempt to murder." ''That cock won't fight," answer?d the policeman. "Good dodga, but won't ya with me. What he done?" he Inquired, bringing Theodore back. Nobody seemed to have any definite complaint to make. "He Jumped out of ha airship." a'd ne, "and acted llko he was going to brain some one." "Did he brain any one?" asked the po liceman. , "No." replied the Mobilian, "but he might." "If he bad met any on Willi brains," said Craighead, "to act as the corpus de licti. A bra nlng require a bralnee a term connoting brains. Advocatus Diabo lus, thy case is Weak'" "Well," laughed the policeman. "Ho had a right to Jump lookln' as cross as lie pleased." "Hut he ran off." persisted the Advoca tus DUbolus. "as f pursuing some on. " "Or trlng to get somewhere." supphed Cialghead. "Aren't people here allowed to hurrv? Have oil or-i nances apainst haste, 0 Guardian of the Realm? Wliul's t lie fpeed limit for pedestrians in Mobile, any how?" A boy In u messenger cup Interrupted the colloquy by calling "Mr. Cuhson. Mr Cahson!" a if "pag.ng" a man In a hotel. 'Tin Caison," said Theodore. "What do )ou want?" "Somebod on 'he wire for you at the telephone booth In the hotel. " replied the messenger. "W ants yo'i at oni e." "May 1 go?" askrd Theodore of the po- 1 ceu.an. "For all me " replied the offic r 'i dent want you." Wondering who in Mobile might desire sp, eoh with lilm, Carson said. "Who th ?" into the trunsinltu r. "Your olj friend Wlzner." said the re cever. "Ciaiy as ever Never mind where 1 am; Iii tell that after I've talked, if ou want nie to you pup" Carfen glared Into the leci-iver with v' i . f ki 1 I . . i . . i . i . i i i i k n , j,,, "tii'.- '"-i: . t " V THE OMATTA SVXDAY BEE: OCTOBER - t, :;' ft iX dl df , 4 l-k ri v - x . tf 5(pj... 'lr" ' f . It i" 8 11 . I ' ' 1i : 4 ? I f I I " 1 1 ? ; . UN mmMMsa tratisci ntlncntal railroad companies and the st amsiiip lines thut cross to the Orient, do u coaatwln" tiaJe i r run between the Pacific and Pa'iama and Smith American potts. Kvery chamber of co'iimeice In th.o wet, and some In the middle west, have pledj-ed tl elr aid toward lenderl lg the ex position the most magnificent world's fair ever held, while hundreds of newspapers, i'.i:tnv editorial assoiiatlrns are banded ill the movement. I'liitrd States senators and ci-ngrcKsmt-n fi"m the west have pledged their aid and t1 e cities of San Diego, Los Angeles, Sal: Lake City, Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Omaha and smaller com munities have Joined n the movement. In order that the whole west might act in unison state ci nveritlons of editors, labi r nrpanlJati' ns, banker mil conimer.'ial bodies liav met In San Francisco, while a ci ngros of wes ern governors will meet In Sun Francisco in a few weeks. The na tional government has itliulited Ih it at least 17.50: .OKI, In order that an exposition to celebrate the opening of the Panama canal might receive the official commenda tloii uf eoiiKiea-, Iii nckipg J.irL'igti nations to participate. W hen the manager of the fair corporation, western governors, repre sentatives of commercial bodies meet In Washington In December, they will heve the satlsfactlen of assuring congress that a sum far larger than that stipulated has crimson face, and lips drawn back unhnnii-uomt-ly; then hastily returnid It to h' j car, and caught the middle of n sintenct about smuggling. "I d dn't get thai." said Car-inn. "Well, you'll g;-t It." sa'd Wi.ner. "it you ain't cureful. You can have me pinched but I can prove an alibi. And whlla I'm proving thiucs, I'll fix you fellows for smuggling, and put Harrod where the dos won't bit him; und you, too!" "1 don't know anything about smug gling," protested Theodore. "Well." went on W.zner. "if you dig Into the big sand hill with the steel buoy on It. you will. You'll find what'll put you in a better trade than putting me In prison for a frolic with your aeronef. Oh, don't talk ao innocent! How did you finance your airship, except by free trude?" Carson had nothing to say. He remem bered Captain llurrod's expression when Wizncr hud called him an old sinuglin'4 fool. He" remembered a thousand mys terious tlrntis, now made pla n bv the hy pothesis of Harrod having yielded to th. coustwlso temptation of Miiugnllni,'. That the old man be loved tbould be guilty of a felony was bud; but to be in Winner's power was worse. Thus, thought Carson whIU Wlxner waited for a reply, uttering into the nslruiiunt a sly. s Ulster, exas perating chuckle. "Lost your torfue?" he taunted. "Well, uirest me. Any one can nil you where i am; but will the girl leue Silbei bei -i to Collie" and tesifv? The courtship's Just getting good, now; too ha.! to disturb m!" Carson hurled the receiver awav and strode buck to tho Vlig nU. looking even more forbidd ng than when h ' had leaped over h r s rte. As ho shoved through the crowd, he found Thoma. the negro, with two men. hoisting the can of methunnse aboiril. "What about those aeronal clearing'" he ask; d. ileths a papal) they jra'.w me." said Thomas. "I reckon it's in thut. " The sailings were not many. The Terra for Memphl. the Long Tom for St. An (liew Hay, the Phyllis Y for Montgomery, and. rs. the Hoc departing the morning before "for northern points." Carson threw the paper away, and Craighead picked it Up. "Wc can oveihaul the Tern," ald he, . , . 1.. ?A 1010. of Money for Big Fair lio Qy ft - ri- Aw-' S - ? Hit I m 1 1 k 'i(t ft k Al been guaranteed and that the actual money raising bus only begun. The business men of the Pacific coast see In the opening of the Panama canal the beginning of a trade era which must eventually magnify their chief pert many fold. When completed the Panama canal will be a live factor wIiom; commercial and political Influence will be felt In 1 every country on the globe. !'. will double the efficiency if the Aiiie:lean ra y ar.d will carry far tov.ari the permanent peace of nations. Saving fi.OO to 7.000 miles In travel and two months In time In the passage from east to we:t. Its Impetus to com merce is htyenri es: iinatlon. Hut It will benefit no communities more than those which aiv grouped around San Francisco bay, or wlue trade relations wlth t'ie city l.y the Co lien Gate are important. Take a map of tie Pacific ocean and trace the most dlicct route to the ports of the Orient, following the grtr.t circle, and mi will face tho surprising fact thut sa'ps from the Atl .ntlc tluou.'h the canal to China, Japan, the Philippines, Sihera or Flam w!:l pat's v.ilhH If" mile of the )! den Cute. When the cat al opers vessels will be able to po f i om w York to San Friiiehco in ten to fourteen days, according to their speed. San Francisco, Portlsnd, Los AngL'les. S;:i kaue. Scottle. San DJcgo ami with a J'K'ICal air, at 1 1, ' lake on o-ir filendu for Aia .'.tel.: u. 1 the piesidert an Jo. tlenien." adCresi.'.n-.t i.ee a new ai roncf t i ai h lit; Ah" si a bet' n ui at Om.- ii,i ! th." CloV.e. illi." n ei mi! be me. o! II ,-il . full V. e ell- yo.i mill on dolU-.i 'Hit; '.- a sure th .v, a-, the sun will not tcl theru for tin. '.tio.u l the bet Is with u H:aiU.ui wiu forgot about the l:iys coming uiiurt rly at Nome. Hut wt" sliall la honoiahle. and pav Into the million on the call if we fail to make ll before sunsi t in H i- the leal locus To morrow, wc shall w n five hundred ll'mi sand from Uoth. child, hr h-uving Gn n wich obi rvatrv at suitr's going 'i st and returning ut sunrise n.-rl ua fio:i. the east ciiciing the world in twenty-four houis of continued sunrise. W sh us well gentlemen! At the bar of the Cuwthun we have made ariungen nts for you-ull to In treated to chuiupai;ne, If you insist on t or to mlneial wafr. if ou ale wie. 1 have ii'a:'e a sp, ciall. of tics i halo; .i .:n . game, and 1 kuo.v. Slam ii.to".,i ,:inl hut drink heartily to the tiluinp!i of the V.e ginia. tioodhy, honest e asanti y, j-ini" couqtry'ii pr i!e. goodb:1!" Tho majestic ne of the Virginia, with no prellmtnar) run or Mr Craiiiheail . I'art'n'-i prom se of vinous cheer -drew a round of applause. ia:,n,ad Vv.ivd his rap; but Cut son. pavipg ie titteiitioti. I.i I the Yhginia ih ad for Ni w York. areon's niann r. or 'he p nt.t' ; ii ti narrows, depressed Mi '"ralih ad'o iiimciiv :'al sj Irlts; and they wi r av up the Ac, lumu d. 't.i before In- spukn-ani '.i ;n r" b.ifl'e 1 bv Caison's refusal to epl.iin Ik fl'ort to "g t' lhe ln.in in l'i" i rnv. d Th e t!ev high; and the constant pick n;t ti) ai d droiiping of ii.il vv it v trains and slenmcis, and the fcwift sin cession of villages and town i .poke of the fieri ness with which the Virgin a was hurhd ngainn the leagues l et wo en Mobile and Nt w Yoi k. i hey left Mi.ri'goii.crv to iorl Hil l At lanta to starboard I'iiif n had ass gne i liimielf r.nd Cialghead th' ir duties and both were vt) hum', CriUhead at the tiilir with li i eye on the compass. I'lomi looking at every working part, oiling, reel ing for hot bearings, watching for the slightest qu.ver or jar, greedy of every mile. He was cracking on too hard for new machinery h'i knew that: but ho never hesitated. And it was only after they hud won throueh to the mountains and were speeding along over the great ilw. t bs.W.'.'r,r-'V t 1 1 it ' T( 14 ( ; irnifTiL;!; l -rl ft ' . K . ... . . C . . LA&JKET SXJKET WEAR Vancouver will at once come Into a more intimate commercial relationship with the te t if the Cnlted St ites. Steamers touch ing at all the e Kirts will visit the ports l T th? Ij'jlf of M'Xl'.'O, ,."i,eel!!y Mw Or. linns at the mouth of thu Mississippi, the great ta'e artery f the middle w(st. I'i uii l.ie'iie tie y will pasi from the gulf stopiing first ut Havana, thence to Charles ton, Haltlmore, Philadelphia, New York, I'.ostc n and other por.s. v"a:ii nal A'lpuliiiiiiun forest that he re- i' v.d Crnl.thtail, That rrrith man stood up. he.ivd a sigh if relief and waved his hand to the north uiu! Wis;, win;,, tie, ry cumulus clouds but u i : eil I!"- Ion run v,' th mol lier-of-pear1. "AiiillM I.o tr o! that." said ll , "would l,"."e in, vie the points of the cuni;u'H ii rail icctive vision foiever. I can see T',.N. I!.' and 'N IC. by N.' on every pinnacle of ,oii clouds! And now, sir, an' It j. lease thee. I'll ;et th" luncbi-on If luncheon ll cun p.opeiiy be called that costs less than .'. cents per jack-knife. Allons"' In the little locker wi r found the ele ments from which Cralt.h ud prepared tho I end. eon of bacon, eg.ns and coffee, cooked on the metbanose tove. Carson listen' d to the engines, as a physician to heart thiol's, glancing from the compass to the mountain domes of clouds In the north und seM. "Vu siini! get inlo upper Atlantic ri gioii,'' si ,d he. "just in 1 1 ti to hit the a.ea id iocai storm. : tonight." "Toi iiadoes'.'" qui lied tiiighead. pouring ic!( the umber inl.'i e. ' "Maybe," suill d Carson, storms always meuli ioss lie 'ftll.'' replied Cialghead, cure'.' I'e rpot me uiiibri Ha, 'Scene local twisters." 'what do we ye 1nootv." "'lhat in, ilie. i us sale." ri plied Carson. ' i n w ei si w e ne d look for is a good h u d thi.rol, r shower; lad I d totlur make my i'sl landing In .Manhaltnn in -fair Weather " ' i t'o S'i. uiy t!ie! e 1 I".' II. ' L1IH11 ,-r, d wiih me as t"',n t i a:,; ue.nl. "Con l.n.h." Caisoi. h i,l. o,t i ,,m ..si and h t rl, d bit ii" the from the tiller to the sitati II- bad never V r .iriia fuilow her nose with the t.ller lailurl. "iif cun sc." ' i d he. - she'll fair i-ff -but if sh-i turos, 1 ian out hi r back on her course. I believ ill ll y her" "Do." ur-'ed Cra'gluad "With this talr wav. she oughttit to run into danger un li as be s stei -ruble l.y In art throbs and M'1-.Ui tlve i-arn:ni.s Shed gu bach, if ; he v..e '" "She'd go sttuigiit ou." r-pi i-.i Carson. "1 wouldn t need to lash tiie tiller " "The galling slaver,' of the crew." said Craighead, "doesn't allow hit teleklncti to buck the subliminal brawn of the cap tain 'i go away this blessed da", i'o a,l across the mi l Mstlid.t M., iniJin sluias tor vur.ous paits. l 4 l 'f . I" - 'it' Tr , " i ih n i - , - i - -4 -- ""'r-' 1 1 t -1 1 is . "1 i - ; IT r Mf I 1 I '.' ':.. i, ( i . V s 11-.' QRAffiT JiyZTTiTZS. The I'Hnama-Paclflc exposition will open with a review of the battleships of tlia world assembled in San Francisco bay. Hear Admiral Hobley D. Evans, retired, bas consented to head the pageant, Tbla naval review will constitute the greatest as semblage of battleships ever gotten together at any one time. In Kan Francisco's superb harbor, with Its 400 square miles, such, manoeuvrlngs will be curried on aa tha world baa never seen before. At twenty after eight, Matilda; I do not know where we mm' go, Or whether near or far, Matilda; For Ouptain Carson, don't make a parnoa, of uny foremost tar, Matilda; That nnstlc man beneuth my ban, Shall suffer, coute quil coute. Matilda; What riwht has lie to keep from nte The airy, scary route. Matilda? Although. In sooth, 1 am a youth, of common sullor lot, Matilda, Am I a man on human plan Devised, or um I not, Mutllda? And echo, if there were any place to echo from, would nnswer, 'Not Matilda!' Hava some of the milk, while the Virginia chases her tall above Mr. linchot' forest." "She doesn't chuse her tail much," r pliid Carson. "So far, at leat." She did not. The gyroscope held her on un even keel, and the altimeter tatocopi delivered the verdict that the Virginia wafl following a course as level a a battle ship's. The compass trembled about thi Point where Carson et It, a the airship ii, role minute deviation with change In the ii I r currtnt. or momenta lily lost no old nation of the engine -at once cor recti d bv the synchroniser. Hh wa hold ing far closer to her course (away up there in the blue) than a echooner with lashed Plain would have done in the steadiest hn-e'.i . Carson ate, watched the triumph ant test, und forgot to frown, Save for the wisps of cirrus clouds mile abuve them, the sky was clear. Peak after Ptuk. lunge after range, village after vil lage and ocean onully a big, smokeless town about the national pow, r plants of the Leigh ton reservoirs came hurrying toward them from the northeast, passed beneath like - coins, and fell behind Into the wake of vunlshed things. The greut features of the lundscupc, the lake-like reservoir In wh ch were stored tlie water that In former vi-ars had desolated the Valley w th floods, but now were stored to Im munize the livers from low water and to turn the laboring wheels of busy cities; the bright green ureas of young trees where the old wash d-off ineiintuln Odea had beep reforested, the far-off farming lands, liown in tho unverdured spring, or gr,-ei with the emerald of winter wheat; the val leys, ranges and plateaus, which lay as d s tinct as on a relief map all these Im pressed themselves on the voyagers as the streets of a village on the mind of a st i anger. (To He Continued) t" 1 "-; 'I ih . - , 1