Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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si i I r i lira -v
m vouo ptdpirt
r -vrVri rT ffTsi
1518-1520 7ABNAM STREET
111 1
.InyscWii chtld tcitl till you that
0 i'h .'( y nuiiM ;rfi''f(oi
f e vorlc We're an ercn ti
drtd yirW and nte' drttutt
that are aluo 100 )r cent perto ' I
tion in orkmnriliip and rafue.
Thrift who hm teen Ihtm pro
n'jnn,thm the ijrtnlett ctftr in
drtirne ever thimn nnyu:hert at the
On Monday
and throughout the week this
splendid collection will be the
special feature of our garment
wectlon and we know you'll
not wonder why when you sew
Ask for N 1159 P:
A pretty niohuir
dress for girls t
i.i 6 years old.
Thin dress is muile
of fine mohair. Irt
navy, red, brown
or white. A
charming G I bwm
effect over shoulders, with crocheted buttons and Crt
soutache braided an nnequaled value s.w
ALSO ML 3156 For girls, nxn 4 to 10 years. A new nov
elty of I!un-.Ibii serae In navy, brown or wine solid colors,
three box pleats down front anil buck, tucked sleeve C UQ
at cuff, patent leather belt Special at
Others tit .60 to (10.00
of Prunella, Panama, Serge and Batiste. Practical and
new novelties in great variety and all the best shapes.
Prices range from $12.50 to J 19.75. Sizes range from
15 to 19 years. We arc anxious that you see these
dresses, whether you purchase or not-
-4 v.
Says Worst Element of Democrats
Procured His Choice.
Wyoming to the
Front as a Hog
Raising State
her of J're'l.len' Tsft s cabinet baa been report: 'From th finding It la my opinion
ror rtmriiln im in ' ok,,v..i ,,. ,..ini au.a i.i,i-
Mrlrv i.f X o i lrnlliii VK tli.n will 1
leae here Monday nitfht and make an p. I dilatation of tne heart. associated with
i state automobile tour In behalf of Mr.
the Celebrated San Lais Valley
of Colorado.
IHmiHratl and ropallels Alike ts
Honed ot to F.leet Man Whose
Krlenda Will Heaorl to Air
SaMerfaa to Win.
To Throw Dust
in Public Kye
enough benaslne to make the race. When
I set Into my neat, I ray to this man:
" 'How la tha petrol?'
"And he aay: "Fine, it is enough.' j
Rrailie lilies Oat.
"So I did not go look ut the tank. He-
hold it la a fool I have for mechanician. ! . . . t Cst-4
nut tha next time i look at the tank, too. Hitchcock Press Agency Tries to Start
1 ww flying very fine, when the benzine
gave out. Of course, then I coma down ;
hit the pole pouf." He aeemcd very Utile
worried over the affair.
1C filanc was within a single lap of fin- J
lulling the race when his machine went j
down. Several of his laps were, world's 1
recor-ria aci-orfllnir to linnf f Intul tlnilnu Hi. '
was Improving so In speed and the piloting
of his machine that It was believed he
would have bettered Grahams-White's time
If he had been able to finish.
tight on the heels of his accident came
that to Walter Brooklns, the repreaentative
of the Wright atable, driving the baby
tacer. the fastest machine that the
Wrlghta have ever turned out. Like be
lilanc, he fell In full view of the grand'
atand. Graham-White was a courteous
and considerate winner of the race hla ex
iresslon after he dismounted from hla ma
chine was one of sympathy for Le lilanc.
"A wonderful drlvtr," said he. "I did
fpy boat, but 1. Ulanc had the race won
when he met with his accident. I never
aw auch wonderful driving kh he did in
rounding the tiirns at express speed."
' Alan It. Hawiey and Augustus Post, the
balloonist who narrowly escaped death In
the Canadian wilds, were given an ovation
when the crowd recognised them sitting In
the Judge's Hand this morning
bowed In rrcognitlon.
Trouble Between Latta and
HARTINOTOX, -. b., Oct ii Special.)
There was brouRht to llht hre yester
day the most desperate scheme yet at-
templed by the Hitchcock managers to
divert attention from the tainted candidate
j for Vnlted States senator.
I The Cedar County News, which Is boost
i ing for Hitchcock, published In this week's
issue the direct charge that Krttfar Howard
had ixsiiod,an anonymous letter attacking
Congressman Iatta. In'vlew nf the fact
that Kdgar Howard has been giving Con
gressman Latta splendid supporli n his
newspaper, the Columbus Telegram, some
of the local democrats began to small a
mouse In the charge made by the Cedar
County News. They now believe they have
chased the mouse Into a hole and that the
hole la occupied by the Hitchcock publicity
bureau, i aendlng out thousands of
dollers' worth of free plate matter to
country papers, all the plate matter beinn
devoted to attacks upon Kdgar Howard,
the man who exposed the dealings between
Hitchcock and Hartley.
Telephone talks with lCdgar 'Howard de-.
They nounce the attacks upon t'ongrmiraan
I 1-aitn as a forgery circulated by the Hltchr
" cock machine for the purpose of dlstraet'
TALKING TO TOOTH DOCTORS! attention from his own bad record and
to discredit Mr. Howard In his efforts to
' show the relations between HJtcbcoek and
nilllklnt Hot Air, Ttae heck h Hartley. '"'
'low lh Man) l.Htle resperate Is the Hitchcock machine
LINCOLN. Oct. S. tSpeclal.) C
Manuel, chairman of the people's Independ
ent party of Nebraska. Is out with an
attack upon Mayor J. C tahlman, the
democratic candidate for governor. In
which he urges his paity to turn him down
at the polls and "show the people we will
not stand for such men or Ouch methods"
as are being used to further his election.
The letter is as follows:
To Populists and Honest Democrats of
Nebraska: For several years a certain
element in the democratic party has been
working to eliminate the popu'lst pi.iy
from the political game. This year that
element has controlled and they think iney
have the populists out of the way and are
endeavoring to guide the democratic party
back to the old conditions. They think
they have disposed of Mr. Bryan and hla
populist following, but we will see.
"The present so-called leaders of demoo
rack do not realize that to win they must
have the support of the populist party.
They have Ignored the popullsta and we
do not have a tandldate that they have
endorsed. The entire democratic ticket J
made up of democrats. No populists need
apply. Fellow populists, are we going to
let this slight go unresented? Is our only
mission thai of voting the democratic
ticket? Are we to be held responsible for
democratic misdeeds? .Do you not think
that now would be a good time to show
our strength? We cannot support the dem
ocratic nominee for governor because he
does not represent popullsilc principles. He
Is the brewery candidate and has nothing
but personal liberty as a platform on which
to stand. Populists have been opposed to
corporate interests Interfering In the poli
cies of our party, but this year we have
one of the greatest trusts dictating what
democratic policies must be and who demo
cratic candidates may he".
Breweries Beat Govcraor.
"Governor Bhallenberger has made the
best governor this statet has had in years.
He wan carrying out the wishes of the peo
ple and giving us a clean, wholesome ad
ministration. !
"The peoplo have been for several years !
demanding more restrictive legislation
along moral and temperance lines. The,
last legislature passed the S o'clock or day- '
light saloon law and the brewery interest?
told the governor that if he signed that
bill, he was signing Ids political death war- '
rant. The governor did his duty and the j
breweries carried out their threat. Gov
ernor Shallenbei ger was defeated for re- '
nomination and a complete wet ticket put 1
up. ,
Heretofore populists have been working
with the democrats under the leadership)
LARAMIE, Wyo.. Oct. . (Special. 1 -Wyoming
has entered the field as a com- I
J petltor nith the Pan Mils valley In raising!
I pea-fed hogs and within anotheryear Will'
I be shipping them to the South Omaha mar- ,'
J fcet. The first large lot was placed on the
i market today by the Laramie levclopment
company to show the special duality of the
I meat as compared with those fattened on
I corn, and the result will be that many
i farmers o( Albany county will enter the
hog raising business.
Next year the Lake liattie. Lake James
and Laramie Development company pro
jects will all be supplying water for Irriga
tion purposes and within three years 2.rsa
acres will be under the ditch in the county.
At that time this section will be a factor
In the South Omaha hog market as wall
n on cattle and sheep.
This county Is the one which holds the
reoord tor oats, and Colonel Bell has of
fered to wager SlO.OiO that the Albany
county record cannot be beaten. This
county will nakn a fine showing Tn Omaha
in January at the Western Land J'roducts
, . . , ... . , t-;-. 8tlm.on. the republican randldate for ov
statement Issued dv aom iarues as ,rr an(I of tn, republican candidates for
to the Campaign. congress.
Snow is General
Over Wide Area
Generally Fair Weather Predicted,
with Rising- Temperature to Move
Gradually Eastward.
TelepNoae Systems of Dea lotes
Will fie rssMllaated la One Week '
Teachers eaa'tna' Names
for State eialon. i
WASHINGTON. Oct. Snow, many
days ahead of its average date of appear, fell today as far south a- the north
sections of the gulf states and throughout
the country unseasonably fold weather pre-
srtrrial disease snd a aastro entero colltla.
There wss no evidence of rupture, hernia
or anything else due to foot ball Injtirv.
Te gastro entero colitis was the most
Important cause of the dilatation.' "
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES. Oct. 2?. -(Special Tele-
gram.) The' following statements were ;
made by the chairmen of the two state
committees this evening;
Chairman Carl F. Franke. republican:
As a rule pre-election estimates of ma-I vailed. In the cast and south the cold
Jorltles In tiff years are of little eonse- wave from tha west arrived early In the
quence as it Is difficult for the leaders of day and the prediction Is that the cold
the parties to determine what per cent of I will continue in these sections tnmorrvw.
the whole vole will be polled. To perfect to he followed by moderating temperature
an organisation throughout the state is a j Sunday.
huge task for any committee, but the re- ; In all sections east of the Rocky moun
ptiblican organisation in Iowa Is intact, the i tains with the exception of the Oreat
committeeman are all competent and active, Lakes rrglon. w here snow flurries are pre- i
the state is republican, there is no general : dh ted. generally fair weather is to prevail i
dissatisfaction among republicans through- I tomorrow, the rising temperature to move I
out the slate and. notwithstanding all j gi adually eastward.
claims to the contrary, there will be a I Snow In the I ke Superior region today 1
general republican victory on November 8."
Chairman N. V. Red. democrat: ".ludg-
was heavy and killing frosts prevailed in !
the Interior sections of the country. In the I
Temperature Is Moderating, In nrk
west Warm Wave irem
Medlelae Hat.
WASHINGTON Oct. 2S.-FrostS again
wers predicted to occur again tonight In
the eastern sections of the Iited States
as far south as northern Florida. The
temperature during- the last twenty-four
, hours fell still further in these sections.
The cold Is moderating rapidly in the
northwest. Medicine Hat reported a tem
perature of SO degrees this morning. Ex
ceptionally heavy snows for this season
of the year have been reported on the east
shore nf Lake Michigan and . the south
shore of Lake Superior, kIx inches of snow
or over being on the ground at Grand
Haven and Marquette, Mich.
ing from reports I have received from dlf- northwest the conditions moderated con-
rerent counties or the state, I am looking
for the election of the democratic state
ticket, of course, 1 am in no position to
give figures and I am sure that no man !
slderably during the day, a maximum of 2 ,
degrees having been reHrted from points ,
in Montana.
Have you read
what th last Iksup
of the Saturday
Kvenlnn Tost has
to say of
as a
We have sold
Farm Mortgages
for over 2 4 yeari
without the loss of
a dollar to a client.
A fre-h suri'V'.
yielding 8. aVi'r
and latarast
always on hand.
etconpoafcTeo 1907
can undertake t. give exact figures on theinCATU fJQT DUE TO FOOT BALL
situation, but I am very confident of the 1 UCM ' " NU ' U U rUU 1 DMUU
.' -l,0n, ,C'iae. P?r,'r " SOVrnor ofiAtop.r Body of Coraell Kre.hma-
low. I thnk that he tesult In the con-! I(ut.U, of Heart I
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair: warmer.
For Iowa Fair; warmer. .
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
sat Moral
I r f TmsTf rJ
It. m- j
easra. J
a a. m...
it a m...
7 a. m...
s a. m...
fa. m...
10 a. in...
11 a. in...
12 m
.-. m...
p. m...
si p. m...
4 !. m...
5 ;i. ni...
6 P. m...
T :. m...
... Js
... 31
... 35
... 33
... 44
... nl
... 53
... 5S .
... f
... ;6
... M
... M
It is with.aome no little mortification
and a saddening sense of disillusionment
that soma will receive the Information that
dentists do not ears a rap to hear one re
late one's personal experience that per
tain ao intimately tn. -one's dental history.
What simulators these dentists must be!
For who would have, pierced that manner
pf sympathetic Interest hover betrayed by
the slightest eyn-glanve of fatlguo or the
semblance of a , suppressed yawn?
Tet we read a communication to a Bt.
Loui paper signed by one of the profes
sion, which Inquires: "Why will the ma
jority. when their sitting Is ended insist on
telling him about the glories and lasting
qualities of giaiiiifai:it.-is irnh? He died
at 70 and only lost one. Then follows a
Jong-winded description of that harrow
ing time he had getting rid of that one. or
the awful time mother had In getting a
plate that would fit. or the terrible time
atster had with an ulcerated tooth; how
long Dr. So-and-8o treated It. The den
tist listens patiently and with seeming
great Interest, whe.n. In fact, ' ha is bored
that it will atop at no deed to make capital
for the tatooed candidate for United States
senator. -That hiachlne Is wilting to send
forth an anonymous attack upon Congress
man Latta, no matter how much It may
I, oral Record.
Apt' f..t T. TUP I.' A TT-T C O H1TD ViTT
of W. J. Bryan for better gove'nmtnt, but ' OMAHA. Oct. 29 -Offlclal record of tem
when the democratic party turns down j perature anil precipitation compared with
men like Bryan, Khallenbrrgcr, Metcalfe the' corresponding period of the last three
and the men who are standing for purity tody. la ,S"&
in civil life and places as its standard- , lowest today so 46 34 44
bearing the most radical booze advocate in ', Mean temoer.Vture 43 IE! 42 47
the state, and surrounds him with a number
of booze candidates, is it not about time
for popullats to stop and ask themselves
whither we are drifting?
Precipitation w 0 .
Temperatures and preclpiiatlon departurea
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the last two years:
Normal tempearture 4.
As proof that the democrats are not ! Deficiency for the day 4
asking us for support I need onlv to state j IoU1 ""cess since March 1 ........778
ik.. .i... n.ii- j, . . . . 1 Normal precipitation 07 inch
th4t since Dahlman was declared the choKe f .eficiencv for the riuy "7 Inch
of the democratic party,, not a line . ai ! Total ra.nfall since March 1 1X72 Inches
been received or a word has been heard Deficiency since March 1 13.44 Inches
from aiiv memhar r.t h .. . . Deflcancy for cor. period, IMS.. 2.4 Inches
from an member of the. democratic s,at. , fldency for cor. period. 19i.. 3.26 Inches
greesional districts will he a surprise, snd
we are going to make big gains. These!
opinions ate formed fiom my own reports j
from an excellent working organisation we I
have in the state and also confidentially
from a number of republicans."
Telepboae Consolidation.
The final consolidation of the two tele
phone systems In this city has been set for
one week from today. Tha Iowa company
will take over the Mutual company and
handle the entire business of the city,
eliminating all competition. The purchase
of the stock of the Mutual was made a
long time ago, but no actual consolidation
Caaeed Demise.
Teaehera Enrolling.
Advance enrollment for the state teach
ers' convention closed with 6,500 enrolled.
All of that number have secured seats for
the Roosevelt speech on the night of Fri
day, November 4. That leves about 2,nY) I -
seats for the general public. Plans have il"
been made for a political meeting the aame
night to be addressed by Theodore Roose
velt after his address to the teachers.
ITHACA. N. r., Oct. .-That luren
B. Paine of Duluth. the freshman who died
at the Cornell infirmary last i;
not die from Injuries received In
practice was announced tonight
autopsy upon the body by Dr. Charles A.
Kents, the Buffalo pathologist. The find
ings confirmed the opinion of the foot hall
coaches and others connected with the
game and removes all doubts as to the
playing of the balance of the scheduled
year. The findings are contained In the
following telegram sent tonight by Presi
dent J. G. Schurman to Franklin Paine,
the boy's father:
"Dr. Bents of Buffalo made a post
mortem examination this morning and has
Just submitted to me the following s fined
Crown Prince, with Cargo ot Tstjr
Fire Thousand Baca, Goes
Down Off aba.
NEW ORLEANS. X-t 29. The steamer
Crown Prince of tha Prince line from San
tos to New Orleans with a cargo of coffee,
was wrecked off the western coast of Cuba
on October 16. The crew pf thirty-four and
Hjur passengers were rescued and taken
to Havana, where they srrlved today. The
steamer, with its cargo valued at more than
H.OOC.OOu. Is a total loss.
The Crown Prince sailed from Santos
more than a month ago, carrying 74.67
sack of coffee, one of the heaviest coffee
cargoes ever cleared for this port. It was
caught in the recent hurricane off Grand
Cayman island and was last reported on
October 13.
central committee asking for populist sup-1
port. Both the committees have worked
in harmony In past campaigns, but this
year the democrats count on the support
of wet republicans to help land them In
office.- Principle does pot count with this
element of democracy. Place and power
is all they ask. And they will resort to
Wllaou . peaks In New York.
WASHINGTON. Oct. W.-Another mem-
No lines to show; no scales
to come off Just one solid
lens. They have to be seen
to be appreciated. Stop In
when convenient and let tis
show you.
Uuteson Optical Co., Iac
menus quality on nil
We cannot tell you just
HOW gootl it is but fv
trial bundle will show you.
Mav we all T
Phone Douglas 1812.
Wngous Everywhere.
I would like to get Into correspon
dence, with a few leading real estatu
men who can place large or small
tracts of dentrable .Mexican lands at
legitimate prices. I am in a position
to offer some remarkable values In
Mexican farm and grazing lands.
F. C.
Uefornia, Oaxaro, Mex.
Pan Americano.
injure him, if only the attack will draw , an. trick' Pr subterfuge, no matter how
attent.on away from Hitchcock's dealings
with hartley.
No true friend of Congressman Latta
will be deceived by the Hitchcock mana
gers. They all know that Kdgar Howard
has been giving Mr.- Latta loyal support
In this campaign. Friends of Mr. Latta
have' carefully compared the anonymous
letter with the stationery 'used by the
Hitchcock committee and they find the
paper to be of the same texture and pro
duced by the same machine used by the
It.tchcock bund, even a bruised punctua
tion mark and one) or two letters In the
i)lo used being out of alignment In this
anonymous attack. Just as they appear In
other letters ' sent out by the Hitchcock
committee. Friends of Congressman Latta
are sore over the duplicity of Congressman
Hitchcock, and it Is safe to say that the
Hitchcock plan to d scredit Edgar Howard
at the expense of Congressman Latta will
cost the Hartley candidate many a vote in
to death. IU has possibly listened to the
m thlntf Hire..' or ' fntir tl'tnea that dav.
The patient Is. If not .taking irp hi. Umcj e Third congressional district.
Dreventlha nun - f)om obtauiliig a much
low. In order to win. I
Pleads with Faalonls'ta. '
."Fellow, populists are you willing to I
support such men and adopt .such ineaa- I
urea? Honest self-respecting democrats !
are you willing to see your party turned
Over to the worst element of our state?
Are you willing that Bryani Shallen
berger and Jfetcalfe, and the other splen
did men of your party shall be turned
down and men exalted to place and
power for whom- tha whole people of the
state wonlr! Ite compelled to hang th!r
heads in shame If they should be elected?
If you submit to this, your party will
not have another opportunity in twenty
years. Do you remember Jim. Boyd and
his policies? It took you eighteen vears
to recover and then had It not been for
populist support, Hhallenbergtr could not j
have been elected. Your present candi- ;
date for governor does not represent ,
democracy and you will be doing your
Jarty the greatest possible service by
voting for the republican nominee. If
you permit Dahlmanlsm to win you will
needed rest between patients. His only SHALLENBERGER AT HASTINGS I"0 the PPU" bock tnto line an-
Interest la In the work H ' doing, and 1
w..en he 'Is 4g6ihgto get ilia fee."
Almost naenslble to one's feelings, it
seems. dem't it? And one so needs sym
pathetic tnterert 'when" one's teeth have
to be bored Into and hammered and pried.
It's upsetting. One ' 'reaVhes -out for a
frtsndly listener, but we must confesa that
port for Doaaoeratla Ttwket
Dahlman at Last.
HASTINGS, Neb,. Oct. .-(Hpeclah)-On
the plea that the democratic party stands
fundamentally for good government, oQv
ernor bhallenberger, tn an address at the
tha woea of our-nearer' ancestors are not opera housa last, night, appealed to the
mtttlad to the same consoling rejoinders
that the narration of our own surgical
griefs should rail forth. tH. Louis Globe-Demoorat.
voters to support the "entire democratic
ticket."- Ire singled out Mr. Sutherland,
the Fifth district congressional nominee,
otoer year and tne members of the re
publican psrty who ara supporting Mr.
Dahlman will be back voting the re
publican ticket. Do you not realise that
the succens of Mr. Dahlman means a
breaking up of tha progressive element of
your party and that If the populist or
'J).iu'aaUon is abandoned .two-thirds of
its members will enroll under the in
surgent banner of the republicans? The
populist voter has stood firm for ad
vanced democratic doctrines, but if you
desert these principles ws will go to the
local Alamal Is I'reparlaa for the
Cassia of the Well Known
Many men of affairs in Omaha are
graduates of Cornell university, and the
local Cornell alumni is taking special in
teres t In the forthcoming visit of the
Cornell. Glee club, which is scheduled for
tha evening of December !, this year, in
tha Boyd Xheater.
It la. tha purpose of the Cornell Glee
cub to visit ten of the principal cities
dating the Chiistmss season, and Omaha
la one of th ten. The Glee club haa been
a continuous organisation since 18J7, and
has reached a high state of perfection. I
Hlxty men ara carried on the tour this
aar. and It la promised that Omaha will
be given a niuslcal treat far above the
The repertoire of the club has under
gone many changes, and while it was
confined to old-fashioned songs such as
"My Bonnta Lies Over the Ocean," "Solo
mon Levi." etc.. there Is now a wider
rang- of program including a happy
sprinkling ofboth grave and gay. There
la also tha highest skill in instrumental
muelo, particularly mandolin selections
and Mr. Hitchcock, the senatorial nominee, party that most nearly representa our
lur spevmi L-wuuieuuAuuu, auu lie gave Ideas.
Mayor Dahlman a minor mention at thai 1 sppeai to you popullsta and democrats
close of his speech. Dahlman s name was , to repudiate the present would-be leaders J
mentioned only twice tn the address and j of democracy by supporting the republi- '
mere was no reierence 10 ms recoru 01 1 can candidate for governor. Let ua hurl
public service. back the charge that the democratic
I party Is the boose party, by defeating
Hsrsr Cssalf Taaohera. ! Dahlman. Let us show the people we will
8PHINGKIKLD. Neb.. Oct. . (Special
Telegram.) Tlie first annual ' meeting ol
the Sarpy County Teachers' association
was held today ia (Springfield. Teachers
from all parts of the county, including Su
perintendent Lamb of Papllllon, Nelf of
Gretna, County Superintendent Collins of
Papllllon and others participated in the
StlSt ft for M tchlaaa Masons.
ALMA. Mich., Oct S-Anmunmnt
as made today mat Annul W. Wright presented to the giand lodge of Mu lli
gan Fte and Accept-d Moii4 the A'ma
laultuilum for a Masonic home to replace
1 iv una burned at Uiaiid Kapi'la last reb
lusry. Mr. Wright Is not a siaaou.
not atand for auch men or auch methods. '
Be sure to go to the polls and vote j
for what your conscience tells you to be
right. Remember that every whlskoy
vote in the state will be out Do not go I
to sleep while on guard, but give a good 1
account of yourself on November S. I
"Tours for success for good clean, hon
orable men In office.
"C. B. MANl'EL,
Bigger, Better. Busier That is what ad
vertising in The Bee will do for your
for Parly Candidates.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Out. 28. Senator A.
B. Cummins of Iowa addressed a republi- ,
can rally In Kansas City. Kan., tonight '
under tha ausplcea of tha Wyandotte
Coanty republican club. Senator Joseph '
! Bristow of Kansas Introduced the j
Senator Cummins sr'-1 It would be use
less for the progressives and the regulars
to attempt to convince the public that no through and purifying th4 blood, for Its
Is Cenatltatlcnol LImiu
It originates In Impura blood and ra-
qulros constitutional treatment, acting
material differences existed between them,
as the line was sharply drawn.
"If every republican who believes that
tha tariff was not revised downward votes
the democratic ticket we shall have a dem
ocratic house." he said In speaking of the
Feis:ini Adveilish.g Is the Road to Big
Relui 1
radical and permanent car. Tha
greatest constitutional ramsdy Is
Hood's arsaparilla
la usual liquid form ar la ehooslatod tab
lots kaowa as aapaaaaha. IS doooa IL
Nasal and other local farms ot catarrh
ara promptly relieved br Aatlseplcta or
l'tft rHla It 0 e Ami lat r. mall
C. 1 HOOD CO., Lowell. Maag.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton,
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
There are interesting spots on all six of our floors, but
t he consensus of opinion as voiced by our friends ia over
whelmingly in favor of the great exhibit of Furniture for the
Dining Room, which takes in one entire floor.
Here one may study the works of Sheratou, llepplewhite
and Chippendale, and compare them with those of the master
craftsman of earlier and later times. The pieces in this room
are carefully grouped so that the intending purchaser may
gain a good idea of design, colors and finishes of the many
Ireautiful pieces.
This is, indeed, n feast of Furniture for the Dining Room
which' awaits the fastidious and discriminating buyer, who
honors us with a visit of inspection, remembering that Thanks
giving Day is but three weeks away. Our prices are such on
to meet the demands of all comers.
, j.y
1, 1
Our Bed Room Floor is one of our many floors which is very much talked about by our
friends. This consists of Brass and Iron Beds of all descriptions and sizes. y y
The full size Brass Bed (like illustration), with two-in. pots, six thicc-eighths-iu. lateral
rods, seven-eighths-in. cross rods, with patent roller construction, and absolutely guaran
teed not to rattle; box spring, which we guarantee, with a perfection felt Pad-gQO Kfj
Complete outfit yuUwU
f r . . 1
; ' 1 1
We herewith quote prices of the different styles of Bed
Wood Frame Woven Wire Bed Spring .$1.50
Wood Frame Woven Wire Supported Bed Spriug $2.50
Iron Frame Woven Wire Bed Spring, heavy corded
edge $3.50
Iron Frame National Weave Bed Spring $1.50
Coil Spring, with iron frame, braced, complete $0.00
We offer a larrge stoek of extra good Ma tresses at extra
good value:
Cotton Top Mattresses $2.00
Cotton Top and Bottom $4.00
Combination Mattress $5.00
Dixie Felt Mattress $7.00
Capital Felt Mattrehs $8.00
Roll Edge Capital Felt Mattress $10.00
Montgomery Iwoll Edge, finest quality 50-lb Felt
Mattress $10.50
We also make to order box springs of the highest quality obtainable, using first quality lumber, first quality burlap and the
best tfuality of steel springs. The.e springs are made either with felt tops or genuine horsepair, at various prices.
Pillows range in prices from $2.00 er pair in feathers; at $7.50 per pair in the best quality No. 1 White Down.