Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1910, HALF-TONE, Image 19

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Omaha Among Cities Beautiful in Parks and Boulevards
N i x- ' (rJi 'xv -M ' ' . . V.' !H-"K cv' 'iA
xx f r .vx xs (,;x xxf
VV v. ' X XlX. ' --X-
:x jrv - ' - A A X;A "XvNf v7
'h- .v " -V- .u-'r k' ' '''vC':T'''Vr ' C ma MUMZ" IN- CZOJC QUARTZ KS ,
SI AOAMH n.i m.n ... v ' V . ' - V .". : 1 1 , , IL ' ' Mil iff it' ..V''X. X f "V T f S
I "imttlnK .nvav II,.. ,M,k.v fr f ' ' " 7 'i4 0- ' ' '1 1 I i 11 , , . ' J?, , "i
it f c: ruvX.xxxtx ,.:xi . . . . r '-ti xy ' -i x
AI'AMH mill hi.-: uii n me iiv
"ptil t tnts iiwav Hi,' pin It.-" for
tli" lnl,r And V:fy uic up
UMHinnt a IiumI pi opo 'itiou. I"1
rHiivo Uimilia i;all' Pa?, nil
,pipi;,ti prov ImI(.ii nmilf f.ii inkiii
rnrp nf Iropiral pl inth anil l Mt'iitc native
fliw,;ii Bud Klirul s. Tin park liuanl ha,
a miiKnlflcnt domain uinl, r ii rare hoiii
Hi,' viewpoint of outdoor In illltV nl'd in-ti-iimir:
vain,', but It I ns no r.t , ::!niuf :t
wortli.v t lie nuine. Tli,i is only
Hlitliiiiiittd littlf Klns-, ,n rrt d h1:,,I In onn
corni-r of lianm'om paik. and Into tliiM
mut Iw crowded evprythliu; Unit lo In h,.
pi','i-vHl UiMiiiKh the winti'i-. Ili'ip can
be found Jumbled loiii lln'r o arcc 1 1 i-c
ind chr-santh,'muni( . wnier hynrlntim u:ul
pBlms, banana tri'- and vartuspH; , ci
thlnn In the line of plnnt or flower tliut
will not Htand the outdoor ti'inpci atui-f
"when wintry n ln,ln do lilow." The only
nut hod of ventllHtlon provided M the ope I
door, for the glawn in not ev en Hi I in
framen o that advniituKc can he taken of
fine. unny diuya after the ipitlu rlnt'-in Is
When the timet, coniex. In lute nutu-nn.
to put away the thlnpit worth KMvinK fiat
liaw beautified the park.'. In a floral way
durlnK the .vutnmer It has been the tuwliun
to let the citizens wiio are Inlereetml in
flower principally women iind rhiMien
take for prexervat!n In their home:, i In
ordinary flowers from the outdoor heii.,.
The inure valuublo varieties are taken into
th Hanncom park Kreenhouye, lliiv
ru .lumnicl together in u very limited
apace, to await the coining of spring.
The banana tree has Its habitat In the
areenhoiiHe all the year runnel. It bears
n all bumiieH of fruit when two yeais
old 4hen die. Hut it alwayn leaves
an hejr, In the Hhape of an off
alioot, that in turn grows and bear.
ftult. However, the day is apparently far
distant when Omaha bunana.s will he a
marketable commodity, for the fruit duct,
not mature to the state where It can be
eaten. It Is woody, tough and unsatis
factory. This la not true of the oiunise tree, for
If the frull is left alone by lueddleeome
visitors while the tree Is out In the open
it ripens about ChriMina time. under
glass; and the care-taker at lianscoiu
park asserts 'It is fine." This year but
one orange was left on the tree alter the
curloun vandals had not through with it.
At the present time this lone oraime of
Omaha production Is of a dull kuIi! color
tx V x
.Ar rue hlao of tro vt nrur r?
-'-X 1 -?;x "X-'-l'v-
i '
, i
B . ,; ..-i-.i , vvX'- iv- 1
I .... r. " o v III
I d - -X. vX-'-f - X .- -4 -V . X . .C y X ' Xt-v
VC"''"" '" : O'Aiv'1'''' ' I''''-."-'; 'V -f 4 .'4 QRAWE gggr AAgg TFOPMC PLANTS ' J
"sF aHmuwspK ii ii uii mi iiiini iiii iMMiMissiiMiiMiiiMiMssBMiiBfMiinsTinBSMniawMFr'aaMiatiniin A ., t mm m iseaiiswMiBiiiagiiHPiaTpjjiir
Thirty-five tVmsanil dollars has horn Fp:nt r.3 nr.? ri'-'T'-'ts 1 phvslenl rmedy or Bets has been abandoned.
in improvement!' and Slti.MiO in nntlnlenaiu'e.
It I . ' lev and Unity I'lirU.
fa: sins' over IHmvbniiKb. wliicli i" u
small tract that lias cost only I!- for maU
Injr it Into pretty spot alotJK I'u: lunile
vard, the next lare park was IMvirview.
This wide strip aln.iK the river was ob
tained In lVi.T by conileinnatlon. It con
tains 111 acres, cost J!mi,(H) to Kt and has
cost $l(.2.t'WI since
Ocer park is a niiiftceii-acr.' -pac" tliat
rein cents the expendituie of 11...'ii for pur
chase mnl fj.JiH.i since.
Kount.e pal k was uscl foi- the e:;msili.'ii
111 l.vis and lsnil aad coiilalns leu lien s of
flat Ki'iiund. It was donated entirely to
lhe city and has co:-t for upkeep about
t'uitiss Turn,'!- park is on K.i.-u.uu stret-L
In liie Oillli of tile ,'.n1lil lioo!e':i lit svstcm
and rather hard to distinguish anioiiK the alu, u,oue,, small h.ii been kept up well.
onuKe. i o omnau iree tiiooms every
spring in beauteous form.
to ciifnrcins liis 8i";iitutnts with violence.
lU'Kiihir I'airons ut llius, i.
The second most distinctive paik of
Omaha's system is llanscom. It Is as
The valley extends above this central lake
on the nin th side. Ii becomes a dep gurtiu
with steep banks. The vim s and trees over
bann the unrne from above and it is very
ouii't. seeming very la" away from tiie.
illl fiivnt in its character from the down- paved streets th::i puss on all sides of it
town sii'iare as could well be im.iKned.
it. ti o. has a very well established flie.ito',;
only a few yards away,
tm the wc.-t sine of the pari; beautiful
i nd althoiiKh It is visited by a ureat many gardens are kept in summor time. All of
thousand people in a -ea.i
conic a uuinhi-r of times.
X:i I in ally Han-rum Is t
ileiivi! '- v ooiK'il i';xril !l spot,
ailes lie uloi.R the sides of
jf ti
til,' SIOIJCS 1
prass that
e covered with smooth. Kreen
never, cut, but slows Its
naliiinl len;,th, to form a loavy carpet.
The feis ale f.iil and beautiful and of
sufficient variety to form many different
curve from the southwest sorts of views in the different corners of
the vulliy.
Senestcl eil.
Its rfty-eisht
a deep vallcv
It was donated and has cost ".111.
llluff View is a verv sr.i.ill garden spot
along tlie Kloreuce lauili vutd ui.d ha- cost
only $2,D-.iO.
The nniht recent udihtlon to t)mana parks
and one which may become the most at
tractive of all is farter Lake or Levi far
ier park a. it is officially called. It was il and has so far lerelvcd the benefit
llf ontv 1 ulioitl c v rwi I, J i t it rt Itnt will l,,
nature spof that contributes most to the , HwU ,.,,. ,,. ,.;u.'k conmi ssum
which runs in
e.,ri'"r ;o the north side. This alley
begins us the bed of a tiny stream and
broadens out l"to the upper lake. Tii.s
li. . le'-.jioiid is filled Willi water lilies
nt! i-i ill. .tits and the shores ate
thickly covered with shruTdiery. At the
enst end of it a stone fool bridge upon
i,turiil Itcmilles ti I lllierier.
l.A'irvievv f iii, wiUUst o' all the larger
parks of (i.n.'il.a Mini h's to tile soma and
rast. of the city on the I'lh bluffs' that
overlook tiie iWssonri. 1'ioni its liills ono
Omaha m flt- HenuOful"
'Klie metropolis of Nebraska cun very
properly be listed as a city beautiful, so fur
as parks are concerned, since all aitree It
is the boulevards and Rardened stiets that
attract the American traveler in foreign
towns; and it Is the natural and artificial
beauties of this city.
Th older a town urows the more Its
parks and roads and lanes, if taken care of,
(tain the appearance of restrulness and
comfort and simple attractiveness, but by
Judicious expenditure and natural advan
tage city as young as Omaha may have
well developed park' system.
In 1854, when the population seemed
scarcely . dense enough to make a park
necessary, the first tract of land was set
aside for park purposes. In the original
plat of the city Jefferson sipiare was re
served, a space one block square In the
heart of the city. Its cost to the city was
nothing at all In original expendituie and
since IXA no less than J16.000 lias been spent
upon Improvements and maintenance. Its
full extent Is 1.72 acres and it is the moat
used park in the city.
The next space to be obtained was llans
com paYk, the rolling spot of woodland on
the south aide, which has been a park since
lxTi. It was donated a territory of fifty
right acres, but more money has been put
tnt It than into any other of the Omaha
parks. For Improvements It lias cost sil'.i'H
nd for maintenance JliVrnj"
for the next few years,
l'p to Jauuaiv 1, lulii. the city of otnal.u.
bad ;p- r.; ,;l;ucth 'r il.t'77, !.'!!. 7- ;;;i pari;.-,
ami on tho hoi,;, k , ii d svtlc.n. i.i:i','.i7j.'J'i.
The expenditure of thlu money lias been
under the dileclloii of a paik commission
which has hern In existence tweuty-ou"
ycard. In that time it has had an av.i.ii;.'
fund of .:...2M.j; to spend, and in the last
ten yens the load fund has av t raged
Sti4.xx p. r. year.
On tliis the park board had served mauy
of Omaha's progressive mid n.i fill citizens
und some men have itiven years of time un.l
effort to make this money spent brin' re
sults worth while.
Jet'fernuu a Public l''oruu.
I'el'hups the peik V. Iil. il lias the lilosl
liistiiiillve lndiv iiiiialilv of ail the iini.ih.,
,,i ks is Jefferson S.piaic. S inu iii,i. s it is
squalid and filled to ovei : low int; v.'iiii sou -what
unattiactiv,.' Iiun at.ity, but it has the
most pcrsistcm pa'ron.iui' of any aud it
serv es a eiy oiivious c,ood Iimi j oe.
11,'ie in J.fftiMin sipi.ire ere file-; cu
Ki-sleil the riff raff of Omaha's i i 1 1 i"!i .0 1 .
peiinaneiit mid transient. Iii.e toe "Pum."
wiio is beating liis w,i" tl'io:i?li
strctcties himself on the dusty ciass in tne
siiade and can almost imagine hiinse'.f in
tne country where life Is iiisler and p..lne
nien less phiitilnl. Tr. i'- uic no "i-, ji i.i'f
the Oruss" sins. The m ass w aa kivwii for
Ilcii on hot eveniiiKS father cliililicii
from the close and sweaty u.t..irK uweli
some uboci aii.ed sior. v. ; they
find some unoccupied spots w lu re the
can really play. Tired labor, is p, .-!.:;; by
on their way from w o, k drop into Hie
beiH'ius for a few iniiuit.-s rest and sl.op-
of the unfa-iiioiuhle s ut uaikiim i.y
tlie liianc- for siiline. il'W.i tl.el:-
w I. ieli one can st;.?: l and look down Into can see across into Iowa and up and dow n
Die clear co d depths of the lake. the river for h,n distances.
Kroni the upper pond the sir, am moves Naturaily It is l;.v(ired wit'i many
on, almost lot uik it --elf. and disappearing beauties that net del bt:l a little altetiti.i.i
finally into underground pipes, to reappear ar.d care to make then ia :.b. Ap
ana in in the broad witters of the laiK'-r proachlnx the Jv.rk fn.i.t sirret ,ar
1 !:. below. H'Te liiire is a founfiiu that line the visitor mounts i: . .-. vl.nli;i
throws :. sheet of water hich in the air. pathway up the slope and cn.nes out upon
CHtehiug the brilliant Hiiiiliuht. 1 nicks and the top nf a splendid bluff. IP low lilm lies
swans paddle about for the children to fee l the park W illi its v , ll- xocuted pavilion
nnd there are hundreds of shinituT troliifish di sifiii'-u in classic tv ie. lis si:ia!l lakj
visible beneath tl'.e surface. At one time and its shore line, which is almost hl.ldi.i
there was gondola that took passeto-'ers by the ticis.
mound tlie lake for a small fare, but this 'the find Maine of a mat m. n to be
....v X
V - ''mm jiMiiai.iiiiiii IV, '. ;, . .." ' u . 1 ' , . ...-.?; XX'X'
a x?XrXXv :v-x:r.; ; -W. j ' i x, ;V. -rr -
ISH nr
erected inOniaha was the bust of Pehlllr
that the Oermans of the state placed
within an ir-m-f encod enclosure on top of
Gossip and Stories About People of Note
the hill. The bronze face gaies toward a day'a sport. Then boat clubi be ran t
the south, where there is nothing but trees we the of sailing, a beach along
and ihe bluffs ami liie r'vei mi m4kkU" the .- .utl, idiore wai developed by an
of the tiriiiiii;; city behind. Hunts, nictit company and a colony of Coney
One , f the greatest attractions at lliver- Island amusements came lo Interest vlsl
vlew, ar.l the only one of its kind lit the tors.
city, i.s the zoological garden. The ancient Tim original id, .t of building a par
bison survive.:, in a small herd and. us Is there was imitated first in 1J7. It wa
v ery filtini; lor a Ncliraska n , some of appiutsed and ubout a ear later Mrs.
lh- tinesi spcciner:s alive are here. There Selina f . farler. widow of Levi farter,
is a deep, ro-.-kv hear den. always full of offered the city J..0 UW with which to buy
b ars i.laik and brown and grizzly and of the land.
ICIuiwuotl and Funtanelle.
In lt) the city went outside us own
limits to the west and purchased a lately
beautiful tract of acres to make of it
MmwooJ park. The steady Improvement
that has gone ou in this place lias made it
one of the most attractive pleasure grounds
that Omaha people have g.-ces to. ijuhe
recently the street railway company ex
tended Its line to the edge and it Is in.w
as easily reached as the more centrally
located parks.
The original purchase piiie of Klmwnod
was : 30. 110 and it was cheap at that price.
Forty-eight thousand dollars has been spent I""
In Imtiruvina ii and tlS.Ouo In kecninic it ui. tak
The next park to bo acquired by Omahak buidtns.
was Kontuuelle park, which was purchased When night conies the square o i a
In 1KC. This park lies in the extreme more sinister uspci I . The houn less ai.d
northwestern nart of the citv and although sleepless are aiw ivs to be f..und mere and
p r hf I'reiich llennl ll". and the overniu. tit te ir-.i
It;; le.eiu rnllroad strike in -it the funeial. I 'nkiiov. :i i
Kr.'uie brought mo. e than "i I r, f.i sir. -plv : "Iti- ens:
e ' tie not ce of the world
a e rknhie man.
' a .1 is :0 earn i Id. lie Is
pr1 , i ni Ml , i- and eii's'er of
t '.. T' et'oh l i lllt'ic. lie was poil.Ml;. . not
even eon m'. s. nic n ten y, ais pen.
At '." he v. a ;-n i "it.hiler mid. worse, .-cm-ln;:l-
a fai'uie even a-, a law-or. Sud'enlv
vviP.-d red ;ill ai.n- easy lo hin asv
Is 1 .e v-.ord that rienis lo characterize him
n. V" and t!"'ll.
Only'c, coll hav 1 ,1 the .a-e-loc-in'
. I; ii! V-'l ivr i j !' .! half l',-ws-pap.r
iea i. Pu'f iiuif" ill oft yas In
1 I
i l-i
Ih .t ihTe 3 ill not t a
aionK ths route of I'. c fu
eh : Iri fi;:M. ..i d I v.l'l b
. rder
1 1 v as a : i ii... '' : ' i'..
rh'.' h; to ,i. omi i . . if . i
t. ire?'- t. e, t i .-. 1
h't'ik-nv : "i 'oivi fch
that there shi.P n
i t y. i.e. i en i m - e-
rill r' V I ! ' -nil V
r, .1 ; in a ii. I t i;
oar i v .; it i ,.i y to i.i c ) ti e
po f.'i i m' via. ,
Ifli-i. von
so i' I a.i Ii -d.
.f nio I. i ... a.. ; thi
n:,.de tin I'liu nn '.
ar 1 ; at .--lii e mi n
, nt;: !i,e. .--o .t
c:;cit. d vv oi i. in:-'i,i' n
laughed Iti ialid w !. II he l
"a. id under tlie dull :
uiur, i'e.l in. i h'.ii.P-i . inn
v vv hi he ,!o'.' Nohod
llo.-s he do .' 1 ..' M, p ; !li .
cult;. '. u itfio'.l I ffo. I
on hp. Ihe o-ur
r.:ne in no r..
Vi Up .-loWfV . i.l II
II .r.l.les
"Id to
o m -
;h C'oa'l
.! a sol
f r
I ail a .
a- lii.. i
w itl-.out
y " or. I
. o , atf.f i
ti c n 'lt'.c
ii: Ii !!:;
lif no s of jiiimle fighting l'' '
, .-ll-
ol, our own frontiers to ev"'' uispositioti. Tlnre is a fine
In "lion uf anielo'ie nnd deer, wolves,
covotcs and oilier small native minimis, a
collection of birds and a bis' rati' of chat
tering, pla ful monhevs.
if ii.
! I.
e ihe ih n
In : t the
. l ih ti.
1 e an
, .,!i-t
I S mi.
e..oai h.
t ' s
..I. I
..VI e
l o
.1. fun, i il
a on .t .
.; of
i I .
.hi .
. I o o:'
, 1 liill'l ti'
I llf, f ,
Laid, gr,
i.o-.. . c. Iflt
i cruel .lilll-liol'.-ci.a
hill I
f I-- lici.l i .
ha .
d ilu
. pes -illtli
si, fo
It Is a splendid piece of ground and 107
acres In extent It has been very little cul
tivated and is comparatively unknown.
Ninety thousand dollars was pad for It
and VOf0 has been spent in taking care of
it for the last eighteen years.
Hernia park, the pretty legion along finn
ing street that seems like partly park and
tartly a residence section, was obtained
In several parts by donation anj purchase, the atiiclns of street
It Includes only a little more than ten acies jcia.t mid
Many a man speiuts a iitsht on u iia:u
bel ch behind the irArs tin anse he en lind
no other place. ilanv sui.ults have been
tunnr.ticil I. ele bii.u.-.. it ,s a pla. e uu-deMrubl'-s
bale thnib.his for .i
favora.Ie chance to rilp aw-uy before tlie
pohceiiien l.ein to uiitiie.
O.i ivatiirday iughl.-. la warm,
Jctfrsi',l s.iuare is a favorite ptaft f...-
.'i-raer polite iai.s
latins i.i.'.. I!.
but Is In a distrtct where values are high impassioned deraus vvitn tne looovveii. i.,
and cost an original Investment of $t..a00. oi thodox political i pii.h.ns, wiio are aiwas
lu p,'ifictlng It lle.Ooo was spent and t7.iim fo be found ui.iimis and vch, nient in Hair
has been used since iu keeping It in good support of tuinga as ihey are.
condition. I'nder the glare of tlie lights tie erowda
Miller park, iu lha extreme liolth of ihe vlll gather, carefully watched ny tne
city, on tlie drive between Omaha and street corner i v preeiuatlv e of ,aw and or-
t'lorence, is another large tiact of 71 acres del, who caies not how. n oih tin- e, stem
and cuat mure tuan $l,wo au avis to buj. Uit suvpoits hl.n is u.uh.i.vd, aa loag aj
L i ' lit -- to l zy now t as ihe grc .1 ni'.i l
f r.uv . . The p.;!,!-,. is !'! e.- oiiiol .,i
1 rh ip:. If laud r- iuaie- a l.itii Mi. p.ied.
And le i':,S nn; lie toiraar u I litldle
of coip ra 'i' t ions, comments lii" P'l'i ,. ir,l
L,. ad, r. fi rf i. won.h-is at hi-; crfditi ei.
As ab'l-fl nllll.-tll . ..lleceivtiV. of J Uhhe
Instrticiicn. I l au.v ar.s. yiiites. just:, e .ad
i:''.o!. is- fppcarei a laborious i-peclalist
of in i.. In t.e k, he held the rec
ord !' all time for bi .hiant r adine-s hi tlie
iril nre. master f a thous md I - lirh alities.
Yet no on has ever seen Pi-n open a b.iok
or take a no c.
Me slhl lov s 1 is ea'-e in hi ' cf As a
Miinls-er of juti ,' he tool, his meals among
wittv c. nipalih.l.s in the . hall of
the K"stiu:ant Weber. Now. pri ne iniii';
tei , he .. i..' Is I dignity of stav.' by doing
the sa.m x'. w i i private rooms of anotlf .
svveh i i '. .", i i i i i n i ' 1 1 of the l'ho e of the el-e.
lie .las aliinio; bom in a i ife. Yoj
i amen he wUn him i'.ve ii.inctcs without
l.elhl' tile aiausiim. tasc-eoli.g iiilnpauioll
bubbling with the 1. v of life, vet, back of
Il cv, n hid oid cr.ures feel a negligent ,,f '"'
force scares It em. No one an be i,al hi.; wais
I e laui..t,.r tlian ihiand. I l:t no one gel
f.ii.iili.r '.v:ic !.M powadavs without an
mv itation.
lie n ade Ins debut as deputy by ejvinj;
Ihei.i .. simple of his Influence over the
lU'In Lreihii n. It wa- ofl.v nine years nio,
but lm was unknown to his colleagues.
S.i the futuie prime mi?ilster w ike In m up and distinguished conduit, mil -e; v-'i an oia'.oia ugainet tlie police for Will- " e has carri, J 'ini 'om ociderit to
ii: g a striker i1ent, from ti-ttv sluirg t i l ekios. fioui
Tho vi. tin, was tv be bulled next day llavana to Manila, IToU, timdaiiio. of ln-
niilita rc cxperi
ib'Mionst rated
'or and a highly
-. ' ,,!:,-., , .f ,,r. a t cl v il t nt cr-'h'J.---
i in .ho ;.-m.' four years
ivll I : 'l' h (l tlie a ;e hillit. iril
'laffee vv.-.s selected by the city of
n .!.; ;o oc i":i.i"iiv.' h ad "f .1,.
i.'im duel pi'orJ-et . n which H at city
!,.!iif a total v,.iuii.fti to pi-,,
viiii mo t uioihun and complete
I . . . c . i i . i ! l.ov. "i- i siah
i , ic- Piih'd bv a cue.
is I. f -; i':o:ie bv- the cits, is
i..Mi'etid and already
as l.i i n s i','. . ) . ' ( tin- lowest bid of the
.'..mraeto;-' .
Sen:, (or llolllvrl un mi llrator,
A t:i.ila .1 a.'ist himself :n .. j'orv and
hi, aie. s-'enato" liaytier of Mmyhi'id ia-t
"miner v, lole his opinion of tin- late sen
.I..,.1 ,' -. ..." .';, a..d il Is iio.v seen
Miller rail.
lite North.
She stipulated that the park should btf
know n as Levi Carter piu k and that for
five years after It was acquired one-fifth,
o." the park funds should be expended eacli
year iu Improving it. The gift was very
gladly accepted by tho commission, and,
has since ben almost doubled by the
it-.. If
vvat. :
v oi l
. el.t
hi be a siuhtiK tiibtite with which even
;e..eval ei.l. I'oc'd not compete AfS'rote
ih. Ita nei. villi intire candor and sln
o r.t :
H-hvcr .
,.iid sp, al.ei
. : . h' "! nl a'.o
.i.s .- c .inn
in. tat on. ii
t-'rom I'ri t u I
Alio i ical.s i.av c
t hi a ; a . r '
e In f ii .'ri-.
.-. nailofui fh-t'oa the
v.i ir i' 'on. hut anv bod
vv ho vvi'l eont, f ip itc th.
n.ant;c ca eer
of den
ral Aili.ii I'hfff
that, after ad, v. have our shale
like i.'in',.:,it. u.,d pl.-nij,- ,.f
b-- hi. -. , av s ii vi .'iter in
1 - Mas .-. . live oi i. the lil'.hti-iiiKtta:"-
f i : t'.i, .- of I lie i 'iti.-h
in what i I'.ion's service i ool-l a
am such - career MS that of this
t pi i , a
tlie inul brilliant debater
in ihe republican side. Ills
.jll be described us Ml Icily
lm i e Is little danger of any
iii.i tal e the dreariest sab-
.,. i ; a tiie whale ,. nilar of monotony
a n! t ohl an aiidn i c spc'iiound under bis
. , ar.c! s i.o.vci. c may talk about all
'.l.e gi.: I sti'.tes.j.eii in the senate in the
i.a'-s that are son... but in the respect that
I have in' niioio d no one need fear, com-pmit-cii
wh loeiu who hid v. hat be fic-
At li'e other end cl" the ii!y ttoni lliver- doner,
vaw is Ml ler park, it lias scarcely any of The paik land under tho control of the
tlie natiiriil adr.iiila; c: vvhhii make beauti- c'tv will extend uil along the outsido curve
frlng tho other laree parka an eusy pro- ' of the lake shore tliat is on tho east, nortli
i --s. il is fiat, hud but few trees .when It and west. Connecting- it with the city will
.as and the only hr al; In the be a wide boulcvaid running from the east
level pro m ct is a small rav ine through side.
which runs a little stnum. .Sonie duy when these shores ai e covered,
Hut it was a g, .od 1 icalioii fr a park with beautiful trees and shrubbery Carter
and .villi sl.i l .fi.. attcnittm it is hi ing made purk and lake will rival the most fainuas)
into a ! y ..andsome one. The boubs- public resorta in the country,
vard in 't runs between Omaha and Flor- . y ,
cine ciiiv,.' through it along will laid out
.'liris nnd Ir-'i-s luive been planted ull
over II. The grass is naturally good and
uiis I,,, n made better.
V ry sin 1-, ssfnily the city has ci i st. u. t.-.l
aid maintains a golf cour.-r f.c- puhlie t -.e.
To inak . it convenient a cir ;u j-if ins pa
tiiioii was ere, le;l. The people of In-.' inn in
end of town tool; to the golf links immedi
ately nnd ile -loped an ciiihufa: m t'..r tho
game and I'onsii'.era hie i.iide in tn- possi
hilitles of tliM cours,'
.Miller pail, is one iliat iias a gt
of development before it and tin
Miles uf lloulevards
.o less impoi taut . as u part of the work
of tho park commission are the boulbVaxds.
There are now five of thcm They extend
tlnoiigh tin- city for ten and one half miles.
.Ml ah. nf their suit.' i ii paved roadway ate
p;. tty o..h,rs .in, v,. :i kept lawns and they
itifkc an iiiuiost coiiiinuous tiiain of park
ing from lUvervlciv on tho south, throunil
Miller I '.ii U to I'loreiice. Tho smaller parks
ale mostly nothing mure than the widening
of the boulevards. This Is especially true
t deal of Hluffvicvv park. It was selected as the
future In. est looking niilo of boulevard In Oinah.i
will see many change's and lmpiuv eiifni
When the ticis mow to thicker foliage ami
the drives and lam s take on a sllghliy
more perniaoeut and vvch-n.-ed lisik it will
be as attractive as any of them au.l il -w ill
aluavs have a wide chante I ir u-,i alness.
i'u O i l
l O.fl. C
n.ait. lm lo
to Ihe hluhest rank, lieutenant general,
who was four tunes bicretttd for galhiiitr.,
Carter I'urk a (.rent Prospect.
The iaigest an,l the newest of ail the
parks will probably some day be tlie most
widely iUlroiilze.l and the most uiihpi, .
,.. hi h-ti-d whi ii. taking up th" woolen Ix vi Cut t 'r paik is now a lather bam n.
all union sell,-. lulca of tlie tariff bill, of unlovely -trip of land on three sbPs of
h'-hl the s'ltai.- f u two thiys, at the late fartei la',.-, ie.l when II finished
of five i.o irs i.cil line. r1o'.i,i lo llieil ,'- people's fiotie.' sfci.t in heu at 1 1 l ti - .:.
id. ices as i.e iiit into tne ai.aioin, of this no other pink in Omaha or indeed in !-
iIim ae,l of the tariff and vvfih grim most an. other citv vml be comparable
in tin ranks umusetut ut jti.l satisfaction played tvitii to il.
lis dis.-titid parts 'lull such consuinuiale 1'iryiais Ihe adwuilag of the lake hit
si. Hi tliat the i , p 11 hlli an leaders roiili! riot by th" change in the river coiir.-,e hare
tl.'aie the sight and groaned and writhed been appreciated by the people of iiiii,.!i:i.
a.- the perfoi niativ't proceeded to its cul- At fu st ibere wis onlv a little ft-huig
minailou ninicr li. c toucii of his relentless hail store .it one t nd and a I oathouse wle-re
plubc ' lishtl'Ila.u could gel Lolliplcte KU.lics tvM'
f ml has been Improved to carry out that
i. let. It lbs 111 llii) couisn of tile Florence,
r .a.i wheie it runs along thu bluff and
wnl i e inado complete and as pretty as
p.. -iblc.
No o.i.- wiio has traveled the miles of
boulevard und parUeU streets or wandered
about the shady drives of the Omaha parks
can doubt that out out the natural beauties
.., in i iiy's territory, the park commission,
with its supeiintcndeiiis and designers, hai
u. ad" a beautiful system.
cue i. a on why all the parks have iiu
provtd steadily since they were first laid
i. .l. ami win tlie s' stem i-i certain to gain
iu l.,e I it in e, isVlhal tin park coioiniasiou
can he sure all the time thai it is bucked
b. the r) input by of the people. They a;,
piiclate their advuntuges. They use, tiie
pai'hs to Ihe git-atcst possible cutent aitd
tln.i are willing to have their money will
spent in niaklni; Omaha a bealtii( bcauii
ful and atiiaeli.e city.