Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    he Omaha Sunday "Bee.
Vor Nebraka Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For wrathor report see page 2.
. X
Laboring M?n and Police Engige
in a Battle on the
Express Strike j
is Fight for an ;
Open Shop;
Most Unusual Demand Made by Men
In Addition to the Cup, the English
man Carries Off a $5,000
Cash Friie.
Hitchcock Convicted hy
the Orrfcul Documents
Fire Volley After Vollev Into Rank
of Strike Sympathizer.
Out in New York and Jersey
N'KW YORK. Oct. .-An unpaialelted
futureiif the espies sti ike which has tied
up thousands of dollars' worth ul perish
Ten Thousand Persons Take Part in
the Disturbance.
'.tforl Made t Iwdaer Cotrrnnr Fort
tK Call Oat Mllttla Rxitresa
Companies Plaee HIIIm In
Haatf or Its Men.
able freight in the Jersey City and New
Vork temiinals Is that It Is n fight for an
oi ii shop. Primarily the organization of
"helpers" struck for a wane Increase of
Si per month. Put a second doiiiand, un
precedented In labor annul. Is that there
thall lie no discrimination against hoti
unlvn men.
"As )ou put it." Hani Vice President Val
entine Hoffman of the International
Htotherhood of Teamsters, "It Is a strike i
for the open shop, strange as it may mm. ,
There are many hundred of the men w ho :
do not belong to the union mainly because,
we have not h;id the time to approach I
then. It Is to protect these rni-n that the)
demand la made that no discrimination be i
Bhouu against nonunion men "
For the first time since the strike besan '
ten ntiom of the I nited States Kapress ;
company were driven through Jersey City '
and lloboken today. Hcside each driver
sat a private detective with a rlflt at hla'
aide. Meanwhile the Well:! Fargo com
pany brought strike breakers over from
Manhattan In taxleabs. About the com
pany's stable, where they were landed,
thern waa a strong guard of private de-1
tectlves. I
There were renewed disorders thla after-'
noon In Manhattan In connection with the
strike. Several hundred men at Forty-sec-I
ond street and Third avenue attacked tlvel
truck from the "We.tcott suables, hurling j
bricks, stones and bottles at the men In
the vehicles. The police drove off the mob.
When Edgar Howard charged him with being a beneficary of the
Bartley shortage, Hitchcock retorted, "You're a liar." When Howard
came back with a letter asking Dartley for the renewal of a note,
Hitchcock falsely pretended he had innocently borrowed of a bank.
Winner Goes t a Speed that Exceed
Mile Per Minute.
Flying So Fast that Visiting: Avittor
Put in a Protest.
NK.W TORK, on. .--( Special Tele
fram.) The strike of express company
driver, and helpers, which has been daily
growing mora sertous. today resulted In a
fierce battle In Jersey city, In -which 100
policemen faced an angry mob of 10.0W
strike sympathiser and fired volley after
volley at them. The fusillade of bullets
waa followed hy an attack with clubs. In
Which crre of persons were laid low.
Tia riot beasn at Montgomery and Hud
son streets, Jersey t'lty, when the police
agcort atempted to take the two Adams
i tires wagons to the Iirte railroad ferry.
Along the route from the express com
pany'! Stables at York and Henderson
"troeta there waa a battle between the po
ller and the strikers and their I
era !
Hurt Scoria.
Mb leea Bricks and atones. I
The shooting did not commence until al- j
most within two blocks of the ferry, at
Henderson and Montgomery afreets, where
the ntob began to raJn down bricks, cobble
nones and railroad Iron from roofs and
Before Hudson street, was reached two
patrol wagons had been filled with those
truck down by the policemen's clubs and
guns. It waa a terrific battle, every Inch
if the mile from the stables.
The policemen on foot formed a solid
phalanx around the two iom and they
marched with drawn clubs and revolvers.
Twenty mounted men led tha procession.
The strike spread today and the hostile, i the understanding that not more than two
nature seemed to Increase. w thra hours would he taken up by the
, A general fctrlke of teamater and chauf- , additional rebuttal testimony now being j
tears Is also threatened. . introduced by the carriers.
. . Today's session was devoted by the car- I
.... . i , J? . ! rler. to last effort, to convince the com-
It,, wnvlix irf the police today In -, of tn, npce8,jtv ot , propo)1B(t
Vresalng the dlotlng teemed to Inflame the ' '
. ,, 'advance In fre.ght rates, i '. O. Hurnhatn,
Procure la bHng brought to bear to lu- ', v'ce president of tho Hurllngton road one
Uoce Oovernnr Fort to call out the state ! ' the witnesses, testified
militia If the rioting continue.. ' 1hl lhe r'ven" to n' reati fro'"
Thf Wll Fanto and Adams impress '" i". K.ri ".,
' . : . ... .. . .ho ti'jtnrat
wu SV7Tsl- .yy & Z
Railroads Lose
on bhort Hauls
This is Testimony of Statistician of
the Santa Fe Railroad
CHIt.'A(.iO, Oct. '.Testimony taking by j
the Interctate Commerce commission In the
railroad rate hearing Is expected to come
to a close Monday for the western carriers"
d'vlslon of the Inquiry. The clmmlsslon
today adjourned till Monday morning, with
ExhiMb No.l.- The' Original CWk
,2. 0n. s ,
illanr Minor ccldrn, le Rliasi
t rashlna Into n Telrarah Pole
and Latham Comes rinse tn
Tr"ilnrt Intu Crowd.
Tractug! eeproducutg-
Exhibit No. 5 - The Renewal l?ote
k Br,KT,WAL yrorr.
ttt' sll.nt.l ,
wokui tiauwtiNti Co,
ivtni arsweui w,asaasa
cotiipanls' rtionne-d' rtiett1 w amts In Jirsey
Cltv with guards armed with iep-liti """" i-ww"?. ""(imbi i. ;
Winchester rifles. 1 road, was the first wltneee put on the ,
tn Munhattan every express wagon was tand In rebuttal by tha railroads. Mr
guarded by two mounted policemen. About Teabody .aid h s road lost on short hauls
1,000 drivers ond Jielpera In Unis laland ex- as compered with long hauls.
urtxe companies Joined thi sti Iglng ex- j Vice Pre dent Bitrnhsm said his com- ;
tiressmen todav. This brlnas the number pny had decided that an Inrreaac In
up to about 6.000 out.
rates was neceanary when It was discovered j
that net earnings were decreasing. The :
i latter was in part due. he said, to the'
i grnntlnK of Increased wapes to employes, j
I Commissioner lane anked if It was true !
! that the advances al present contemplated ,
! were merely the forerunners of another. I
j Attorney lavles of the Burlington an- j
j swered that only h future could tell. I
IoitaJatlon Is 301, 40, Re In a; I h-
rrtaie of 41. T Per test
Ortr lt00.
WASHINGTON. Oct. .-The population Pe ttl b C T tO 11-C laTrV :
of Minneapolis, as enumerated In the thlr- , !
teenth census, announced tonight by the I liirr rilci'nirfYnn '
census bureau. a m.Mi. an Incr-ase of JUTy LlSLIiargCUi
M.HW. or .l per cent, over 2.718 in t
I i
Panel is Out Forty Honrs and Take
Thirty Ballot Case Will
Be Retried.
In 100l,ljbn,.th unsup
ported assertion of Burtlpy
still in prison, Mr. Hitch
cock and his "World-Herald
forced the withdrawal of II.
Ij. Goold, republican nomi
nee for university regent,
because he had borrowed
$1,000 from Bartley, of
which half remained unpaid.
V , . -
JehasON Coontr lllaae la Visited r
a Klre Early Str4tr
TKCVMSF.H. Neb.. Oct. 'J (Special
Telegram. Two store buildings were
burned at the little town of Graf east of igigiavors. at noon today reported to the
BKKINIJF1KLU, 111., Oct. S. Tha Jury
In the J'tmberton-Clark legislative brib
ery case, after battling, over a verdict as
to the guilt or innocence of the accused
Hitchcock's Confession in World-Herald October 17.
Teeumseli early this morning. The one-
'Second. I repeat my previous declaration that I never borrowed 6tate
alory frame building owned by Lougraf, lnent an,j was di,eharged
court they were unable to reach an agree-; fun(jg .nd do not owe the state treasury any money
and occupied by U. K. Merkle with a stock
of general merchandlsu. and a store build
ing, the property of the estate of A. Sonv
Vei g of Utnaha, with goods belonging to . ballots taken
The Jury was given the case at 4 '
o'clock Thursday afternoon and waa out'
nearly forty hours. In all there were thirty i
Verified by the Documents and Records.
NKW YOltK. t. i.-p'-tnl Telrfci im
Cla.idc Giahaim - Inc. the Enallfii filer.
wiiu the .lames ilmdon Ileunett Inierna
iI.hihI i i i i I i y at the interna ikuiiil aviation
toui nanietit today .With It sue & cash
prlxe ir ST.. m. The time made for tho
twenty rounds of the lung course a lila-
Itaiuc of y 1 miles will likil stand an a
mark t.i tie flown at fur some time tu
cnine. lie made the illslftme tn a twenty
mile wind In 1 hour. 1 nilnutev 4 geconda.
Thla Is fiyli.K at a rate of mire than a
mile s minute, over a course, which Is con
sidered so ilannermtH that the visiting teams
I'mIhkI a protest against it.
i.ale In the afternoon the three men of
the American team appeared, although the
wind was then blnwlnir sixty miles an
hour. They had delayed until the last min
ute in the hope that It would moderate.
J. Armstrong lrexel. the I'hlladfllphlau.
made seven rounds ot the course In 21
minutes. 4.08 seconds.
.tohn H. Mulssaiit of Chicago covered only
six rounds In 33 minutes, W.V seconds.
Roth men saw that It was hopeless to try
to compete against the fast time made hy
CIralisme-White earlier In the day, whun
they were handicapped by the necessity of
fighting a gale.
Molssnnt was blown off the course In hi.
last turn to the home stretch, taking a
t wide circle over the grandstand and land
ing on the field,
j Charles Hamilton, the driver of the 100
t horso pow er HamlHonlun. managed to get
In the air twenty-five minutes before tho
I bomb sounded the hour of 3:82, when entrbV
i closed. Hut, In the face of the wind, he
could not cross the starting line before the
bomb exploded.
James Hartley, the remaining member of
the English team, fcleo got up, but too lata
to compete. Ho returned to earth again
and went to the stable. and Mutswnt ax-ended again at
1 4:) o'clock. Although Orahame-White had
' won -the cup for England. a-iators were
1 anxious to Jnlah their twenty lapa vX ih
j The morning's running of the event was
i sensational In the extreme. Two men,
j Alfred T.e Blanc and Walter TtriMikina, of
; lhe French and American teams, respec
tively, met with accidents. Kunntng out of
I gasoline. lx Blanc loct control of his flyer
I and crashed Into a telegraph pole, lie out
j off the pole sharp and smashed his ma
chine so It will be uselrsK for aome time
j to come. He escaped with slight Injuries.
iiioklns, driving a Wright baby racer, had
I engine (roubles Just us he got up. Four
I of the eight cylinders ml wed fire and.
I lacking driving power, the piano crashed to
I the earth.
All Kinds of Trouble.
Brooklns was painfully, but not danger.
j ously hfirt. Alexander Otfllvle, the Ena-
llshman, completed the twunky laps, but la
j the slow tlmo of Z hours, minutes, H
j seconds. He had engine trouble and had
ibeen forced to descend to "cooper" up hi.
engine. Hubert Latham, In his Antoinette.
gave a brilliant performance for fifteen
rounds, when the wind swept his machine
out or control. He came within ten feet
of the crowd that ran frantically to abetter
cm the grandstand lawn. Ho refused to
continue longer, fearing that an accident
might occur when rounding lite dangerous
ccrve Just before reaching the grandstand.
Ho had not been making time to equaJ
that of Grahame-White.
In the afternoon lioxney and Johnstone,
the two representative, of the Wright
stable, made a flight for altitude. The high
wind prevailing made It dangeious to con.
First. In January. l&9a, Joseph 8. Hartley took charge of the etate'a
money, having beeen elected state treasurer on the republican tlcVet with the
apparent opposition of the democratic World-Herald then, as now, owned and
edited by Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
Second. On December 28, 1893, iu the wake of the disastrous panic, when
I neither banks nor bankers were making new loans to anybody, G. M. Hitchcock i tli ue. however, and thy returned to eartfc
Tenth. Except for the clonal loan I made of Hartley when he was a Cf me, t0 q w attles in the Union National bank with a letter from Bartley j '"' '' ' about half an hour.
in which time they mounted to about Z,0H
feet. They made spectacular descents. vol
planing to the ground from this altltu'du.
liuth were cheered for their daring bv lb
; for J3.000 (Kxhlbit 1) and then and there endorsed it over to Mr. Hitchcock, nvttori.
(Kxhibit 2).
The check, presumably Sunday and New Year's day intervening;.
was pres'-nted and paid January 2, 1894, being stamped with the dater and
marked, "Charge account J. 8. Bartley, Treas." l Kxhlbit 21.
worth $?fl. Insurance unknown. Mr. Merkle court.
expects to re-engage In business in Orat.
reported that tha man secured come cash
from his newly made friends and has left
for newer and more productive fields. No
(re. however, has lost a large amount, and
probably the fakir will be allowed to go
the first standing .x fori, 1 , .. i..j. . ,.n .,. ii,s..r.r ul.l..l, I V.v. dmerlhn1 i . ...... . . . ...... . . . , ........ .,
the Merkle store were completely de- , COnlct!o:i and six for acquittal. 1 " . " " - - , tenuis uiui iu i.-c "luuiw. uc ei.vvw ui ,ur iuuii-j u,i un.umi. iu unuc,
ioye.i. The only thing Mr. Merkle saved this morning the jury stood evenly divided i above. I never borrowed any money of him. The ouly other claim he ever i account and to take Hitchcock's note for the same. To accommodate Mr.
his books. The fire started iiv the I ond on lhe twenty-eighth ballot two inoreihad against me I set forth in paragraph twelve. j mtchcock. then to bim a total stranger, Mr. Wattles drew a check to himself
hoturem bututing. ana ine cause is un-jjUiors voted with those who had held out;
linown The town Is without water worki -nn. I, -Hon frnm thm uturt. .1
i.nd a bucket brigade prevented th. spread i state a Attorney iiurke, following the die . '. , ,' , ,. ... ' who later wrote his name on the back of it and had It cashed in.
of the fl.n.e. Mr. Merkle's stock was . charge of the jury, de. 'ared the case would i i weirtn. tJIie Of toose muiviciuain, til iiiaiviug a otriuruicnv j Third
worth and his Insurance was tlC-K). i b0 retried at once and would probaljy ba I turned over to him a note for' $3,000 which I had given to that banker ana
The IrfVigraf waa wo-th fc.'.00 and was in- the first criminal case set for the Novem-; SPCured by a second mortgage. I did not know that the note and second inort
euied for nV The Somberg building wasjber term of the Sang.unou count circuit- U.J , , , ... . , n-,,-, 1. .ti .evrol ve.r. later
when the first mortgage on the property was foreclosed and the property sold.
UAro I AIM "'a Drl"8 enoupn vo aac.h.y tuo ,. ...o..6"6' . i,,. , Ma8 as ppr "arrangements," immediately endorsed over to Bartley by Wattles onei from Chicago. M.ouud: "i m going u
mrnr of th second mnrieaee lout his security and the loan company secured ... . Li,. i:,.i,u.,ii'i,ii ..
i " " 1 . without recourse. ,. .
Msrbiue j.aiieniy Keicosed Mnrrg. a deficiency judgment against me. Later on when Hartley was pardoned out
j Rfinli'" lih tiffect f(f tne ritniteiitiary he demanded payuiein of tho 3,ti00 second mortgage not
ear '"''"'"- which he had imrchased, but which had not only been foreclosed in court
when I lost the property, but outlawed by the statute of limitations. 1 de-
Shorily after 4 o'clock lloxscy and John-
Mono agalu tried for altitude. The condi
tions were against them, however, and it
Wa nut thought t lnv in..iil.l lli.,r.i
Entries on the ' """" thBn '''ihition fjight.
bookB of the bank are said to correspond.
In the la half hour of time and Iu ta
final deeutralM effort 10 ratnin
Fourth. The note for $3,000 given by Mr. Hitchcock December 28. 1893, . Movant, the ciarc -devil Miaiaguan coll
gafrragrvttm prlwkle l'sttns
aetrvaa nllh Ureal Yell
NKW YOI5K. Oct. .-tvifty Jiaii IV Arc
i'i 1 1 f t ill s V. h (nt. 28 ittoeuial Tel.
g;am )-Aniiii. tho ii-year-oid (laughter of mantled to know how he had come Into possession of it and he wrote me the
Mi-, and Mi .-. ott 1-i ns.t, was lnstuntly i follow lug letter:
i killed today by being struck on the head :
with the sweep of a capstaji used for pull- ;
j ,m a ditching plow. The work had been' .. .)n repiy to your request for a statement as to the manner in which I
COinpicir,! aim l" u....e .,-...- In latPv t ((():.
I ug
tiie cable, w hen
It caught and caused ; uretl your note I will state: In January,
I oiiened a personal ac-
... ... .. ..
miotic recourse. i"
1'ifth. Having got the money by means of Hartley letter, Hitchcock two'
day? later, on December 30, lhSU, wrote to Hartley expressing his gratitude!
as follows: (Exhibit o). 'Woo made a worlds record for altitude r.n
OMAHA. Neb.. Dec. 30. 1 ' U'er s',lu "f """ w"t,M ,t)M ,l"ye1
iinwi viniiien neat it.
Iresel Also Ready.
'Thfn I'I! go too. ' fuid ArriiMrong I ire vol
Dear Hartley: 1 got your letter and arranged the matter as suggested
lth Mr. , whom I had not previously met, but who impresses me as i
a very strong, clear-headed business man. Thank you. 1
(ile and wrtlh-
heard his American
uffr.tgette sprinkled great jellow chrys- tllt, ,,.., lo Ve a hard pull. The cable count at bis bank. It was in my own name and contained my private fanda. ; tic. UDsere mat ne says noiring nooui a secona mortgage security. Ob-1""1 momert
anthuniuina uiong the jatii of Mme. Sarah i B1Kiueniy released and threw the swtup jn December of the same year there was drawn out of this account $3,000 rep- serve that he says "Tbank you" to Hartley, not "Thank you" to Wattles.
and which he later!
Ilttlr Charlie Hamilton.
ing with 1eurixv,
Do you advise me to take steps in the direction you suggested about al .p..,, )ier u, .. v,.urt ,. ..
si ecial train, or will you speak first? O. M. H. L,.. .'r.. ' .1 ' mHOt,n-
j ( n rll, III (BO 1 I.
Sixth. Observe that Hitchcock says he "had not previously met Mr. Wat- He had cnine trouble, however. Tha
he could make an official
; stait was p. in. Ills mwhanle worked
Seventh. The nole that Hitchcock gave for $3,000 borrowed from Hart- j M.mllln .,, -;.;: J
it wm renewed llnally September ! t tho KniiUsh team. ' if he trie, to fiv in
this hl.ty-tw o-inlle-ari-hour F tilts with that
mai-hlne of his, he II break his heck.'
licrnluvnlt a sha walked down the gang- ; .rolm,,. bi),irg the child on the bacg of nte(j by your note vbIcu J0U lllide to
vent, tocay. The minute .he stepped upon ' "!,hJ' ,,M .," . ' , v ' r, wL -.. tbrned over to me. The money, therefore, was from my own perbona! private ley in 1R93 matured and became past due.
the pier there as a great rcah tii.i tha-,,,, htr wal .truck a glancing blow by'atcount. (Signed) J- S. HARTLEY.' ,25. lfio (Exhibit 3), with the same endorsement without recourse (Exhibit
yYench actress was soon being hugged.' ,iC up na rendered uuconscious for' '4) on the hack.
of'our "wn Vl'T I 'JXesof Ud.nTy T'Z? uZ ' "In the above ie.ter I am inclined to think Hartley intended to say that Eighth. Then after the loan had run two year. doe. the worthies, second
let of ih. at.ame, h.d orde.ed hi. crew j by Mr. Kinit. ' h ooened his t-rlvate bank account in 1SS3. although bis letter reads 1903 ! mortgage for the first time appear. Hitchcock acquired from Wattles by
to Una up and they set up a hearty cheer. ( . .. , some sort of trade a piece of real estate subject to a $10,000 first morte tre
.,., , , 1 ao not, care w uicu uaie no iuisiiucu. u u w ua a a a. uv uuugm m; uun ui -o
STRAUS WISHES TO RETIRE ' the bank?r ,ever yrarg before h9 Dec.ame , defaulter and u. as he To cover up the deal with Bartley a worthless second mortgage for $3,000 was
If it waa. as ho states, in 1S03. then it was1 "",u" oul "nu "-la " lu w0. nowevtr, had no
interest in it. '
Asabaa-ador T.rkey l.dir.te. that ' 6aVC- from hi VrirtLte funds.
He Does wt Wish to Helena
la Vjtut.
AarHlet for leeaMtr Mill (aw pa a 7.
8IOCX KAI.L H. D.. C t. -(Special.)
- The Jury in the I nited State onurt
which heard the evidence Iu the case of
(.'. A. Bpurling against tiie Uemr;er M..I
KtsniiCiictorlna coniDaiv. of nl.ruk
aftar billig out for a t:me roluvned a er- 1 WASIIlNiiTOX. ' . I. St. -While
ll. t in fvor of th. eomrvutv. Tt. nUln- i Etraus. the amhasdor to Tur-
....1.. ... ... ... lv ht, n,.f r'M,ie.i m ha. i n , 1 1 .. t .i ... nn.t ma 1 had alrMadT lo&t in. tha mortsafcre fnrecliisurei much more than ths
-urn of t!.tm for inja ie. .ne.etd by i tn- mic depu tment that he doe, n, t o.e represented. Nevertheless. I turned over to K. I. Metcalfo. the editor of Uri be W" ,n V0- wh"n th foreclosure suit u instituted
venra after the niorteaee was foreclosed and the note outlawed, and at a timn
when he had nothing but a personal account and had been out of office six Mu,h' AUbouh ,,hin fpw n'onth" the note became due, Bartley
years. In any event the note was outlawed when Bartley demanded payment i proved 10 l" dcfau" d to the penitentiary for falling to turn
of it. It was not a legal obligation, nor wag it a transition between Bartley over ,he Blal'' n,oney ,oined to Hitchcock, Hitchcock made no effort to pay
inner principal or interest. nirtier was in prison wnen tne note outlawed
fMii,.g down an .lec.uir shait u the s,ou, ; dr-t.e to ,etu... t in. ,aWl. Mr, Hiuui ,, p World-Herald and also a friend of Hartley, the adjuatuient of Hartley g
i'alla brajicl: house of the ompany. The
case was f1it tiled nesj ly a year a no.
the .'i;r at that time beiug urabla to
ot ti'.m CHint.i- on of aliM, m-e.
Whether Mr. Straus will be a.-Wed lo re- outlawed claim aud they settled it, the uote being surrendered,
nn-ln in Coutantluoii has not lee-i ,-1
Tenth. Whrn Hartley, after liberation, demanded renavment nf tho net
; Hitchcock repudiated the debt, which now, with interest, amounted to nearly
'..000, setting up the statute of limitations, and then through Metcalfe com-
promised it for about 10 t ents on the dolls
After he had been patched up at tha
hospital afier his fall, 1; Wane, tamped
up and down n front nf the hanger, smok
ing a clgaiette. Now and then he, turn
to scowl al one of his m'-ian..ians. Thsy
avoided t.idr mailer s eye and went about
with lhe air of a dog that has teen caught
robbing a nest.
'illr." ald l.e ithiiic. gesturing with his
cigarette "H- did It. He did not give mo
enough of lhe petrol "
"Then It was not altogether the danger
ous course that cause. our accident?'
"Oli. la. la," replied Le Hlunc In brok.-n
"I did not say the course rsue, nifr
full. The course is hud; j es, desperately
hai. Hut I I am an aviator, Elr. I muka
the round In no trouble from the dar,i;.ou
ionise, but this niah. he did not ir.