i i A,.' I J.UAH'A. i I', til I X I l. li (. If ...I'" r.r- 'the bek: omaita. sATrnnAr. orronr.n zx 1010. NATIONAL GUARD TO OMAit (reneral Harti&an Says Thii is Prfsrnt Plan of Action. the SPENDS THURSDAY IN OMAHA -ae thai Omaha' Fall PeetlTlHes Oitriik tar Aarlent aed Honor- Me ntsplar Made a M. I.oala Kacsj Fall. Several full regiments of the National .ruarrt will be present at the 1911 Ak-Sur-Hen mtnrurri and festivities, some, from Nebraska and some from Iciwb, and be tides this thre is a good slied possibility that the military end of the festival wtlv be enhanced ti' the presence In Omaha of ! Major Uenernl Leonard Wood, chief of j rtaff of the I'nlted State army. ; All thi cornea about by the friendliness tcj k-Hnr-Ben of Adjutant Ceneral llartl- i. Kan. Mr. HartiKan has Juwt had a day's j , conference with Secretary Tenfold of tlie hoard of Roveinors. The state official ', brought word that two regiments of the ji Nebraska Quard will be here without question. It la General Hurtlaiin'g plant, that the guard shall be ordered out for : i ten days Instwad of five as heretofore, and i ! the first five days will be )ent In camp i at Ashlanii. The second half of the time , the regiment will be encamped In Omaha. where the Nebraska soldiers will take paitj In the military yarade and other features :j of Ak-tiar-Uen week. jj General HartiKan came here from St. . Iottla. where he attended the meeting of i j the Association of National tlu ird officers, j l'resent at this gathering were General j Wood. Ilia ataff and the wives of all of I j these. Morn than 300 guard officers were j i ai the meeting, which coincided with the ; Veiled l-Yophet celebration Incidentally General Hartlgan declares that "the Veiled i Trophet electrical parade ;ind the Veiled Prophet ball cannot be compared with the j tlcctrical parade of Ak-Har-Ben and the j Ak-Par-Ben ball ." This, ia may be noted. ' Is the. testimony of a Lincoln, not an i Omaha man. I Mar Meet la Omaha. ! Where the association meeta neit year will be settled by the executive committee, in January. Ht. Joseph is a candidate and Omaha's candidacy will be promoted to the utmost by General Hartlgan. whether he himself at that time be in his present , position or not. In the meantime all en- . ergy. effort and strength will be aet forth ; to bring the asaoclatlon meeting, which j involves the chief of staff of the regular j army and his personal ataff. to Omaha. Alao the secretary of war will be Invited j to Omaha for the 1911 festival. At the St. j I-ouls meeting, Iowa officers solicited to work for St. Joseph declared that thev i would not commit themselves, but wait I until an Invitation to go to Omaha had j reached them. j Two of the four Iowa regiment are In ! western cities and thee could come here ' at little expense. It is regarded now as j certain that all told four regiments of guardsmen will be In Omaha next fall. Onr if Bala Ads oa - ronr anfl Tan. D D m , r , ( L.T Ha ef V I i saaalne I 1 Ktoek A .t r.L i Mot, At j. J 1 tea ( Wlilvwi. J Special Sale of Warm Underwear ior Women, Hisses and Children Women's Vests and Piints, fine ribbed, fleeee lined, in medium and heavy weights ecru and cream all .sizes Misses' and Children's fine ribbed, fleeee lined, eream colored Union Suits extra good quality, a.11 sizes, worth at " 1 39c and 49c 49c 1 1 , f i, i ... mm (.1 it,;!' it. ( 25c 25 ! Misses' and Children's fine and heavv ribbed Vests, Fants, Drawers fleecy lined, all sizes up to .'U worth up to 50c at "M" Waist Union Suits White, fleeee lined, well tatH'd buttons, all sizes, worth 50e at , Women's, Misses', Hoys' and Children's Munsiug L'udei wear vests, pants and union suits in cotton, part wool and all wool. Prices are 49 98(" $1.50 up to $2.98 Sale of Kid Gloves Women's one and two clasp French kid and capo gloves, all the new fall shades. Including; gray, tan, green, blue, copper, mode, black and white. Parts point and three rows embroidery on backs. m,ed. !!.?.'. hand:T. . . .: $1.75 and l Women's French lambskin and genuine Arabian mocha gloves, tan, grey, blue, blrck and white. Fitted If desired. Q n apndi rit tm Tronaars. paolallr srlcad One and two clasp effects, at, pair BREAKFAST BACON TRAIN IS VOTED A GREAT SUCCESS raaaaanda ( Farmers Tarn Oat Lcara More Abont Host Raising. to DUBOIS. Neb., Oct. 28.-8peclal.-The Rock Island Special Breakfast Bacon train that has been touring the South Platte country of Nebraska for the last four daya closed Its series of lecture to the farmers and hoc raisers of this district Thursday . evening; at Dubois, In the southeast part Jt the state. This educational excursion balai proven highly satisfactory to the pro of this enterprise. The attendance ll.'ajo' ia lectures shows an aggregate of city 'Bta-sons, practically all residents of HA.RUV, farm at a ' Wis., M ret manifest at these meetings I clay Ioa iportancs of producing more hogs, 1 IniT oK"a P"111 opportunity of getting j y renumeratlve prices for the hogs 'iTJPfketed were features readily understood by tha farmers. These meetings have j never been equaled In Interest since, the first seed corn trains were operated over the state by tha railroads years ago, under the same Incentive and Influences that prompted this excursion. Those most In terested In this work, railroad officials, business men of the towns and cities of the state, and the leading hog breeders, all agree that this plan of calling tho at tention of the farmer and hog raiser to the need of more pork will have the In fluence of renewed activity In hog produc tion. It Is believed th.it Nebraska should within tha next year Increase Its hog popu lation at least 1.000,000 head, or show an enumeration of over 4.000,000 of hogs. The Uock Island r a road has the , universal en dorsement of the public in this effort to arouse Increased production of more hogs, which means lower pork for the people. ( liamolsette Gloves Black, grey, brown, navy and chamois color, extra heavy, wash-?! able, at, pair 4:50c-75c-il Cap (Jlovcw $1.25 gloves, new English tans, all aizeg, on bargaii square, Saturday, special, at, pair .85i Great Sale of Hosiery Women's heavy pur! thread silk hosiery, all silk and silk with lisle soles, double heels and toe black, tun and evening shades worth AO up to $1.50. at, pair U0C Women's Tar Thread Nljk Hosiery Plain and ribbed, wide hem tops, double soles, heels and toes worth up to 85c a pair at, 5 fa per pair OlC Women's fine imported Ilale and Cotton Hos iery, fancy silk em broidered boot pat terns, allover lace. Mack mercerized silk lisle; at, pair S6o Men's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery. soma with lime sol, double heels and toras black, tan and colors, worth B0c pair; at, OQ StftSb pair. Women's, Men's and Children's Fine Cotton and Lisle Thread Hos iery, also Boys' and Children's Rib bad School Hose, worth ,at..Pair- 18C Hallowe'en Novelties In Candy Department Pompcian Room Hundreds of th prettiest and cleverest things In lanterns, table favors, decorations for parties, or naments, etc. By far the biggest assortment In Omaha. Black Cat Candy Boxes, each 5-10t Red. Cat Candy Boies, each ........ 5-0 Unbreakable Pumpkin Lanterns, each 6c, 10c and up to . 4 ......... . $1.50 Devil's Head Lanterns, each 5-10ct Log Lanterns, ach 25 Pumpkin Head Stick Pins, 2 for jjji $1.80 to SG era n rziu1 n r The nobbiest line of rail snd Winter Caps la the city 50c to S3.50 The Pall Outfitting Proposition Is now bars and mast receive yonr consideration. The perfect tailoring and correct models of onr Suits and Overcoats will speak for themselves the moment yon see them, while the values attached to every pries Is also a pleasing featnrs. An assured sav ing of from Tares to llve Dollars on every Suit or Overcoat. The Best Suits and Overcoats in the City mJM 111 25 Mer'a Coata. popular Sweater all the colors. scatally worth 3.00, at $1.96 4U Boys' heavy fleece lined Union Suite aiies 84 to 34, very special, at 50c IMm Living Expense Less Vage Earner Rebels at An "All Cash" Outlay Vith Ordinary Expenses Plenty High Enough Rag.ey Offers Vearabhs for "less" o.i Easy "Dollar" Payments. 100 IMPORTED SCOTCH LINEN CALLING CARDS Sseciat is Ct rrit(ii Dt. Est Arcane. BRANDEIS STORES 69clfm Beys' High Gut Shoes Our high cut shoes for the boys' winter wear are a very sensible, comfortable and dur able boys' shoe proposition. A splendid investment. Durable black or tan water-proof leathers. Heavy oak tarined shoes. Slses for boys of all ages. $2.25 $2.75 k $3.50 High Cut Shoes are ideal Shoes for school wear, for Coasting, Skating ajid Stormy weather. A great proposition to the boys' feet. Sizes for boys of ell ages. FRY SHOE CO. . Til IIOIII, lata anfl Douglas 8 treats. . ; The season is here when the boy needs protection from colds. There is no better protection for the ;boys feet than Our Boys' Shoes The real live boy requires a shoe of iron. His feet are always on the go and the ordinary shoe does not last long; that is why we have made especially for us the tool hod hoos ; The CRKDIT clothing establishment ; (the right sort, like Kidgley'si is i proving itself u boon, indeed, in day is ' like these. i Wearables, bought in tlie usiini j "ALL CASH" Btore. are highor than , ever, but a concern as gigantic as The Rldpley Credit Clothing Co., purchas ing merchandise on ilie "syndicate 1 plan" for n chain of :',; stores, sellt ! attire at practically the OLD-TIML i prices, and. In addition, offers you n DECIDEDLY EASIER wy to PAY for : your merchandise. In other words, you may equip your i self, your wife and all the children : with EVERYTHING you'll wear or they'll wear this winter on payments of a DOLLAR or two a week. It's vastly easier to take a DOLLAR or two out of jour pay envelope than to give up the ENTIRE envelope to some dealer or other; it's much WISER to KEEP a little money in the house to meet OTHER bills that con tinually pop up than to pay it ALL to some clothier or ladles' appareling concern. At Ridgley's your account is your own private affair; no outsider knows your business; you dress as the wealthy ones dress and make use of the WEALTHY man's convenience A CHARGE ACCOUNTv" Not really steel shoes, but they wear like steel. They are a match for any boy, and we guarantee them to outwear two pair of ordi nary shoes. Boys' sizes, 24 to 5H . . $2.50 Youth's sizes, 1 to 2 .... $2.25 Little Gent's sizes. 10 to 13 $2 We have a full line of high cut storm shoes, with buckles, in all sizes and widths for boys, youths and little gents sizes. Prices $2.50 to $4.50 Just now the Ridgley Credit Cloth ing l o. is showing a SUTERHI.Y se lected line of winter needful-- u ;irin clothes and any amount of it Is yours it' you express a simple willingiieHS t "Pay as you earn." This list gives yon an Idea of the way prices run at Kblgleys." Check off what yru need and open a "Charge Account" Saturday. MEN'S SPITS, $9.50 to $30. nil. MEN'S HATS, $1.00 to ".('.- MEN'S SHOES, $2.i0 to $4..'.t. HOYS' AND YoVTHR' SPITS are priced at from $1.60 to $18 nu. LADIES' COATS, $6.f.O to $UB.i0 LADIES' SPITS, $12.50 to $J2.0'i. LADIES' HATS. $2.50 to $9.50. LADIES' WAISTS. $1.00 to $5.f.O LADIES' SHOES, $1.50 to $3.50. Rv all means note that THE RIDG LEY CREDIT CLOTHING CO. has moved over to 1519 DODGE ST.. the location of the former "WHEN" Credit Clothing Co.. whose business and ac counts has been purchased by "RIDG LEY'S." Mr. Elmer Peddeo, who has made to many friends among credit purchasers in the past, Is still manager at the new location and is anxious to see former patrons, as well as new ones. As a means of fastening the NEW location on your mind Mr. Beddeo of fers you a SPECIAL credit plan tomor row if you will only cut out this adver tisement and bring it along with you. But by all means remember, "RIDG LEY'S is now at the old "WHEN"' lo cation, 1519 DODGE STREET, where "YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD." Dreiel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. QflOWg CSSfu CWVfj QKX QSSC CSftng 0) SAN ANTONIO BIDS CONGRESS Q v i sm a nim a I W V IVYIHL V J K "K rv ID Vy Omaha Pure Food Center. Specials for Saturday Trxaa Cits' Seads aaoanrr meats oa f;rat Trana-Mlsslslpl lo greas. Which i'anvenea Soua, Tbe twsnty-flrst TransniisHlsl)ii Com mercial congress will convene in Nin An tonio, Tex., November ?J-25. Th cummer elal organisations of that city and the state sending out announcements to elicit the Interest of the western business men. U-nry T. Clarke of Omaha is vice presi dent of ths exposition for the state of Ne braska snd two other Nebraska men. W. J. ICvans of Ogallala and Walter S. Whit- ten of Uncoln, are members of the exeou- j llvs committee. Ths congress centers Its activities upo tha opportunities In such a gathering tcir the free discussion of all large projects, governmental anil Industrial, that are of general Interext to the wt-et. The motto ia "Assemble at the Alamo." and the plctur enqueness of San Antonio and its sur roundings are offered as attractions to tourists. Bweet Cider, per gallon 40o j Johnson's Boiled Cider, per, bottle, 3 at a V Mince Meat, per lb loe Barley Flour, per pWg IS t. ream or xtariey, per isg New Crop Buckwheat Flour, sack, at 8 lb. sack Lotus Flour .... 91.45 3 pkgs. K. C. Corn Flakes g New Navy Beans, per lb o jfl 2 pkgs. 2 lb. a .IS, It I Persistent AJvertla.g is ths Hoad to U g 1 tetania f THIS IS THE TRUTH Our market la neat and clean. From tha time the cattle are purchased un til they are raaolri to the customer, cleanliness Is a law with us. Kvety tlilng Is kept strictly clean, and you appreciate it. Tender, thoroughly good meat In an immaculate meat market makes an attractive Inducement for uur trails. Baoon baa gone up Mot s with na. Baron by the strip Spring t hickens . L'huck tileak Hot Koaxt lot Boll Home tlendeied lard , ISs Home. Made Sausage lSe Jcs. Bath's Cash raraam Stovri. . tae, Ifto and IN 15o . . imt ana 10c . . 10c, aas l-ox. Heeded Kaislna 95a sack Pancake Flour 850 Large cans prepared French Mack V erel 65 O bOc can "George Cadea" French Sar dines 400 Bxrrrxm. xooa ixo exxssa SBrAaVTsCXITT otua Butter. In lb. cartons 35o best Country Butter (In' aanl- ary Jars), per io we guariiiiiee uur rii, iv Vv..vv- ly fraah, per dosen " Imported Hwlss Cheese (In fins con- ? dttlonl, per lb. f Komestic Swiss Cheese, per ll. tt ? Old Full Cream Cheese, October (?' make, per lb a& All kinds fancy ar Cheese, lmiorte.d O nd domeKtlc, to be had In our Cheese f! department. W rmSSVBl TBU1T iD TlOItalll (JI 9xrAmTM3irr. v Fancy Colorado Jonsthsn Apples, in - , w,iea al M Two Celery New Figs. Dates, Mslaga Grapes, Head Lettuce, 10 Mushrooms. New Nuts, i Fresh Mint, Cawllflower. COTXXX BXPAXTaCXsTT. Courtney's "Lotus Ankola" Coffee. unequaiea ror sirengtn sna riavor; mi per lb.. 3 So, or S lbs. for. .... .(1.00 V RlUgway's famous Teas, prepared in London: x O English Breakfast, per lb... tfto el Oolong, per H lb 5o jfl 6 o'clock, per lb '. . . .760 1H S o'clock, per Vt lb 40o i o'clock, per Lotus Hplces, X.XQUO sr Vi lb 40o v er t lbs . . . .W.80 Ci s. per can .... 10o and ISO a B SKTASTMXsTT. jl Mil Cassia lf, Whiskies Comet Monogram . . Ouckenhelmer .. Lotus (l0;t) . . . Atherton (1901) Harper Rye. . . . Rockwell Quart . 9 . .75 . . 1.00 . . 1.00 . . 1.25 . . i.as 1.60. Considermli Eal s i - 2 H onl: T,u . nn lr Ititlnn to .hn'" 'he many economies we ars dally of lerfng in liroceiieH, .Vlelt4 aid Bakery Goods. Your phone order will receive the same careful at tention you woud exercise If you msde the selection yourself. XT7TTXB All brands of Creamery, per lb " POT SOAIT Lean Juicy flp and tender, per lb uv BOAUT Tender and 1 Q juicy, por lb, 19Vo PXACHXX Table, yellow 9. Crawford, in syrup, can...."vv PXAX New, Early June, f Ag per can IXTTUCX Ftna, large C heads, 2 for v..."v WXXT POTATO X8 Blue and qusllty right per OflC peck w v OUTK8 Two good 10c C bottles for PXOKUES 10O bottles, Kp sour, for " COOXIXB Fresh, orlop. K home made. 2 dox. for. ...... vv (lint Two laver. white, exutils- Ite flavor, appetizing appearance unevlor datnlineas only, each . . . i 20c Tom Johnson . 20th and Idke Sts. Trleithone Webstr 1B75. Independent B-1575 a. 50 f 10.60 10.60 (I j 18.50 V 1J .50 O 15.00 fi 16O0 M ft Choice Jonathans 1 at In bushel boxes, .tl.76 Hoi'kwell 1-O0 Ws prepay freight on orders or i quarts or over. tj OAITST DXPABTafJgXT. Chocolate, Maple. Vai.llla, Strawberry f snd jnui riav ura our ahibi r oo Taffy made from pure sugar and i-ritain tier lb 16o Vantlene's Spiced Almonds and Fe- sM fan oieai, in w . K .. J - " at 00 O Spiced Almonds snd Pecans, In bulk. per lb . .too Mauls WalnuU, a delicious confection Jj -per lb 1 PS New Tork Concord Orspe, basket 300 Four Lettuce QaV C-i C3 CCB ZJ Cs w- Hr froinir to wU 500 pairs of Lace Curtains next week at, S17.50 a pair; values up to. $25.00 and $30.00. Watch th tinners and our north vrindow. I OltCHAlU) & W1LHFXM. ! Candy Special far Saturday 40c Mexican. Maple Pinoche, per pouud -25c ("A- "Princess Sweets" Chocolates, jound . . .39c Salted Nuts New crop, popular prices. UYERS-DllLCH DRUG CO. 16th and Farutm Sts.. Queen Olives 76c bottle I0o bottle ;i6o. bottle :6c bottle 1 m JUST FOR Saturday ! $3.50 Per Pair Instead of $6.00 Gold Filled Eye Glasses or Specatcles The lenses, of course, will be the very grade of crystal that has made my optical department famous. The fitting will be In charge of a RE.Vl.hY expert graduate optician. There Is only one difference 'twlxt OCR optician's work and that of a high pr1rd oculist's, and THAT'S the PRICK. Remember V glasses for 13.60. Mandelberg 1522 FARNAM ST. AH housewives WHO SAW tho "TRIPLE-TRICK" ROASTER COM BINATION under actual service conditions at the Omaha Gras office recently were AMAZED to see tho marvelous and hitherto unknown top burner possibil ities made available by the aid of this wonderful and many-featured kitchen utenail. to see, for the first time in the history stove cooking, the BROILING or TRUE ro&cting principle successfully applied to the heavier cuts of meat. a Astonished Delighted to find it possible to Roast Meats OVER ONE SMALL TOP BURNER of their gas stoves without BASTING, WATER or SMOKE, and with no stooping, lifting or heat discomfort. Convinced .5o . .Sfte . .aoe . .lie Imported Italian Olive Oil, per quart at 7o Ravarlan Malt Extract, per bottle, at lOo Home Made Grape Wine, red or whlto per gallon, at Vl.OJ White Corn Whiskey (moonshine) per quart, T5ot per gallon . . . ta.50 S yr. old Kentucky Rourbon Wl.lekny per quart 91.0O- gallon $3.00 Rex brand Ileef Extract, per lai . 350 fisher brand Beef Kxt.. per jar. SOO Kurnham'a Clam lloullon, per bottle, at 10o Burnhsm's flam Boullon, per bottle. pint Wo; small bottle :' for 15o fort and Claret Wines, per iiuart bot tle, at SSo 3So aad BOo Mall and TelephoneOrders Promptly CACKLEY BROTHER?, Wins aferabaata ill H. Itta street. Opp. rtofflce Beta Ptoses It's the purest, It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest Roliablo Dontistry I i . : i X m ..a a . . IliVII I Atl'at llMnta llo.,,... I u a v I4' J ?sl TrtC BEER YOU LIKE HAVE K CASE, ' SENT HOME CvHsnisjars' Dtrtrltoita John Nittler 3224 S. 24th Street toig. 1839, lag. Rs4 1912 . A-1429 t rnTM i in in , i j tmtMi ' I f it The Bee Prints the Newsh by the evidence of their own eyes and taste that MEATS small roasts or large can be roasted without losing half in bulk and appetizing flavors it BROIL-ROASTED instead of baked or steamed in ovens YES, and kept hot for HOURS if needful without drying or burning. THE TOASTING, WARMING and STEAMING features of the "TRIPLE-TRICK" were Been to be possible with but a Fraction of the Gas required to operate the faulty constructed appliances in common use. THE IDEA that a MEAT ROASTER cocld, in addition to the features named, include all the advantages of a Baking Oven, except the Flour Food functions, was so new, so unique, that people actually wanted to know if they couMn't bake bread, biscuit or pies In the "TRIPLE-TRICK", too. IT WAS CAREFULLY EXPLAINED that the "TRIPLE TRICK" is constructed on the scientific principle of a BROILING OVEN and would be a failure for foods made of flour, as would the Gas Broiler of their stoves. MEN and WOMEN alike were intensely interested and overwhelmingly convinced that CooMnjj Willi Gas LT.t nancial reach of every family in Omaha if the full value of its heat units is utilized, as is emphatically the case with the "TRIPLE-TRICK" COMBINATION ROASTER, TOASTER, WARMER, STEAMER and SAD IRON HEATER. The "Triple-Trick" Roaster -IS The Bee's Newest Premium HOW TO GET ONE Subscribe for The Evening and Sunday Bee, and pay 16c a week for six months. This pays for .both the paper and the roaster. and leave your ul.scrit- ion, or phone Tyler 1000 and our representative will vibit you. Call at Bee Ollice ibiatcMit Advertisinir is tlie Koad to liijr Ketiirii.s - The lietj's Advertising Coliiuiusi Are Thul lioad.