M 1 " 16 c V o .! fl r il Q t )i w til 14 t. 1-1 51 I A i !,".! Wit ri.ii Tin She) ll.tl mil; Is I I k r4 nilM iey 11 l Want - Ads Want ade rrrrlTr at ir ttsee, t Imiri rriprr elaeellleatloa eaaet presented before 13 aVIark m.. far tttr crralif edlttoa before TiSO 'Clark af revleae evealna far Morli( aat gaaday edllloae. Waal ad. r,f4 after ears, kaara will have their flret Ineervlon heading "Too Lata la riaeelfy." Iinlar Bee. ltiir aaaat els ' la a Mo. AH RATRS FOR WAItT ADP. IIFJOLAR CLAggiriCATIOW - faeertlnn, 11-3 aeata aer -ward aad 1 cent aer ward far each mit laaertlea. Clark taeertloa anade aa add dare, 1 1-3 rriti rrr ward. $ 1.B0 r Una par aaeath. MmI ada far Tfce Bra may ke lefl al anr af thr following dnf etoree aar la ynar "rorarr dragejlet" are all branrk offlrra for Tka Bra aad roar ad will br Inverted Jnet aa promptly and on thr aame ratra aa al tar main office la Ika Brr bnlldlac, eventeenth aad Faraam atrrrtai Alharh, W. C. loth and Farnam. Peranek. S. A . 1402 B. lth St Peyton Pharmacy, 728 8. lth Ht. Renaon Pharmacy, Pitwon, Nab. Penile Park pharmacy. ASd and Cuming. niake-Bradleh. 219 8hrman Ave. v'aughlln, C. R.. 8th and Pierce 8ta. Oltfton Hill Pharmacy. 2211 Military Ava. Hlnterlong Drue Co.. flat Ava and Far nam St CHesey Pharmacy, 84th and Laka Cooney Pharmacy. 2228 8. llth St Cermack, Emll, 1284-3 8. 1Kb Bt Kliler, P. H., 2S02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 218 N. 2Mb St Freytag, .1. J., 1914 N. t4th 8t. Fregger Drug Co., 1J02 N. llth 8t Florence Drug Co., Florence. Nab. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ava. and Paolfle. Oreenniigh. O. A.. 106 8. 10th St. Greenough, O. A.. ICth and Hickory. Hayden. William, 2i Farnam Pt. llanscom Park Pharmacy. 16018. 39th Ava. Hoist. John. 624 N. 1th St. Huff. A. 1,., 2H24 Leavenworth 8t. Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. king. 11. P., 2218 Farnam Bt. Knuntie Place Pharmacy, 1304 N. 24th. Mares. Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. I'airlck Drug Co., 1G24 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Charlea E.. 1324 N. X4th St. Goldman Pharmacy. 24th and Leaven worth Sts. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ara. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Cnlcago 8ta. Schaefer, Au, 2S31 N. Kth. fchmldt, J. II., 24th and Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumlnf. BIRTH AND DHATHS. Vsjrths Acoatlno Cereal. 1810 William, boy; ouwppe t'uva, l'l Pa,"1"0 r- I girl; Abraham Ricklin. :'H17 leeey avenue, girl; Earl Schoolcraft, 221S lavenworth street, boy. Deaths- Harlan J. Walker. Twenty-first snd I ewey avenue, Infant; John Quick. S.'it Caas street, 44 years. HAIIHItUE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Is sued : Name and Residence. Age. Frank Walker. Omaha M I entile MaHsey, otnaha 86 John S. Byrne. Omaha 27 '.olA tllll. Omaha 16 John J. White, Omaha 2.1 Kllxabeth M. Baldwin. Omaha 19 John J. Butler. Benson, Neb 21 I.ena Wear, Omaha 21 V. W. Hmlth. Omaha 23 Myrtle A. Johnson, Omaha 20 Antonla Cologlvanni, Omaha 21 Antolla Alblna, Omaha , 18 Jesse Parker, Hooper. Neb 21 Oil E. Snyder. Hooper. Neb 19 John S. Hutson. Reatrtce, Neb 25 Iju-tle K. Donge. Beatrice. Neb 24 Nels pedersen, Omaha 29 Marie Iirnen, Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmers. lti Chicago. D. luo9. B-ii9. 1'iANO PLAYERS repaired. Walker, D. 670. SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO-209-211 So. 16th St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA l.yes EumiDd. Glasses Fitted. COAL At cut prlcea ALL KIN U.S. We save juu to 11. W a toil, viuaimty and quality fctiaraineca. K. oi ..ill cCT I'KU'lfi COAL CO., l.W Ml'UoLAb 61'. BOTH THON Eli. OOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH j I'.'i I Ml Douglas btreet. 5c! JOHN K 1IIMOI0 ahirt. ya tm'J7ZZnV,T ED ROTllERY bunlit No. 3. Fun t'lfiurs. (.ate in connection. Ill bo. 14th si. CRUDE OIL BURNERS CUIlAi' Kifcl. FOR FURNACE, hUii and cuok stoves; we Uo not sell county iiaiita, but sell burneis; write for inturma tii.it; itiuiiulucluitd by bpere ac Muiray,' .! and ImauO, Neb. IjADIKS ol1 ,lu n'J over, new hats iuLJil.J j, tu oroel- teat,,.,, I'lvaned or dyed. Miss Pepper Millinery laiioik. t14 .S. 2titn. Phone Harney FOR RENT Office room. 6'S. located on to lioor, fating court. J.O square feet, In iluuir.g Mull; rents for Ja per montn. THE If EE Bt 1LD1NG COMPANY. h. H. Cols Sign Co.. D. 1768. 1.U6 Farnam. E. W. LOVKJOY repairs sewing maclilnes ai.il wariaiils them. ;at'U N. ;it. Web. &. V.. CATTIN. plumbing and heating; and repair woik. HIO N. 24th. D. ltiui. . titw CHILI t ual-clast. AND CHOP SITFY PARI on JI-Jt i Pek l i)t, r i. imdi. ri r ii-T . ?- V Dodge. Tyler U.J. COAL AND LUMBER GEARS Let s show uu the new cut under. Ct.VTHtl. IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam I I 'A V I I COLE CRKAMTiRTT-a Fillers, fitter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 3!I3. AltSENIi" and IRON complexion wafers tcmn clear, w hite skin. By ma I Wo and tl. fch I man & McConnell Drug Co.. oinsha. H. 1". urn. Optician. 443 Brandeis Bldg. C. T. Dickinson has moved his of floe to room 4U. l axton Block. 1'buiie Doug. M04. 1LE11 GRAND HOTEL l ineal in the weat. 'PiirL-ili Itillic 1j.Ii and Howard .sta. lUfaliU IJUIUS PRACTICAL nursing. 680 N. 21st. D. 678. MAGGARD Van & Storage Pack, move, i.o and ship II. H. gooda. D. Hs- H iU. Mungiauieli Bros., Booat Omaha and buy Italian na. iroitl. A-.7. New Omaha factory. Ills Jackaon M A SS VIE PRACTICAL WOMAN Ni USE will give inaaeeg? treatment to wumrn. Duug'as HAVE you seen the new Parisian Powder it. ti e imit practical. hgieiito and f ci.noiulcai at tide? For tntnkliictlon we will nd the complete outfit to you after it.vlpt of cents in stamps t.i cover ex-pr-ire once used, alwaja used. Brai-k-ii. ever A ia.h. 67 S. l'Hh St, Minneapolla Minn. IH It magaalne order w ill earn Vt (trO tar l.ec.iy ; every blesl order or renewal' ra:ii . Wilts for arti ulara and rata-I li.i:ue. 01 use aii 1 dupiicat any printed .rf. . I.'" lre,1v eailifd k.ee. n going, Ad. Iks Gordon ri. Masaxina Man. vmu..a. Leswgias 7161 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) IX)LGLA8 Printing Co. Tel Doiujlaa 4 Iadla' and gente' ahlna (rlora 2.-0 S. 15. T vwir TII.rtU it t'UDIV'tl Uli'Vll U1WO. HK4T1NO RKPAIR WOItK.S. iros Jackion St. U. 1477. A 21-CKNT ahow for 10 centa; half prtca matlneea. The Parlor Theater. liobertson'& Kstaurant 5?; laiement); root, light, aanltary. quick aervlce. popular prlcea For ladla and gan tlemen. Table d note dinner Sunday. L'' A f 1 T ' Liquor Houoe. full meaaura 1 -'4A11-i -1 and pure gooda, our motto. Emll Haiaen, prop., 1223 Chicago 8t. MONEY TO 1 DAN LOW RATE, in eume to ault. lit) Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. UNION LOAN CO. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. Arklna 8. 15th. upaUlra. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight. pa aanger. 1. R. Kennedy. 104 S. 1Mb. V. zm. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper than Wood. Laata a Lifetime. 207 N. Kth Bt. 'Phone Red M4. TONGE, flret-daas tailoring, cleaning, repairing for ladlea and gentlemen. WW Pacific. FRANK BARKER GEO. BARKER. JR. AL. BARKER. JOS. BARKER. BAliKKlt BROS., PAINT CO., MntVi FARNAM 8T. BOTH PHONES. eherwln-Wtlllama palnta and varnLahea, whlfa lead. Kayatona. glaaa. rolrrora, araaa pollahea bruahea, lubrioatlag olla, window ahadea, wall paper, glaalng and framing. REFRESHMENTS AND BKRICB By Alfred Jonaa, formarly with Baldjiff, head waiter at Omaha Field club laat PHONES HARNEI W. TWENTY per cent leaa than Omaha prlcea HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Btreeta. South Omaha AUCTIONEERS. BOTETt TULLY. M0 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., old et In the middle weat. Wa can fumiah you man adapted to your line Correapond with ua or call Tel. Dougla KS. RT.TH VifHlKIt SHOE REPAIR ING Solea aewed 71ic: nailed 60c: heela 2i.c while you wait 10 minutes; abaolutely fine work. lt South 16th St. 50 SAVED -IS GAS IxAMP; 1 cent per hour; 600-candle power; no amoky ceilings. Johnson Lamp Co.. 21 S. lth. D. 170; A-1446. KORRECT PARLORS, erpert cleaning, dyeing of pluenis, fine laces to match gowns: fancy dressmaking, ladles' tailor ing; work guaranteed. 2522 Sprague. W. ot.52 WOtTLD vou tine to have a real good time? Do you know where you can spend a happy hour? The Parlor Theater AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And bring it to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner lltli and Harney Sts. fAUfODIU VERS VEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney M07. BARGAINS in Used Cars Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 610 Pearl. OMA1IA HARNESS CO. Auto robes and supplies; manufacturing of harness; dealers In saddles and horse furnishings; repairing a specialty. S. 13th Bt. Tel. Red. Omaha, Neb. Xutn Hpnnirinir Most complete plant AUto ivepamng lD tlie WfHt. Diamond Tires, 2d-hand care, storage. The Paxton Mltchell Co.. 010-16 Harney. D. 7281; A-201L SAVE THE PIECES. Ws weld all broken metal parts for au tomobiles and machinery. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. New 60-horse power four-paiaenger Moon car; will trade for 13.0U0 city property. Wallace Auto Co., efents for Stearna cara. Write for list ol . automobile bargains. H. E. Frederlckson luto Co , Omaha. A litn Pjiintinir "MURPHY did it." auio i aiming Get our prlC(.. now ANDREW MURPHY &. SON. 1112 Jackson. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works, -."th and Leavenworth. Motorcycle. VTrito 'or "t of used motorcycles. ",ur We carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on I UANUc.ll TAD. 404 Bee Uldg Tel. D. :387 FOR SALEr-On account of sickness, the only stock of furniture and undertaking In a good town In central Nebraska; no com petition, good territory, stock all clean and up-to-date; will Involve, Including hearse, from 14.000 to 14X00; reasonable rent, if In terested, write or see 1. A. Lynch at Ulb bon, Neb Don't answer unless you want to buy. Positively no trades. r THE RAPIDLY increasing demands for best standard gooda direct from our fac tory to users (business men, farmers, schools and practically everybody) requires opening a DISTRIBUTING OFFICE 111 every good county. To acceptable resident manager we allow 1100 to luVO monthly salary and commissions, also office and other expenses; 14U0 to 11.200 cash required to carry stock filling Immediate orders; position permanent. "LIBERTY" MANU FACTURING ASSOCIATION. 230 West Huron t., Chicago. HERE Is a mint for a married couple: 40-room hotel, now being operated, com pletely furnished, good bedding, furniture, kitchen range, cooking utensils, dining room linen, eic. located In the heart of Sioux City, three block. from the depot. one diock inim main street; caters to ni"' rt transients. c.n be ! operates on American or European plan. Js0 p,r month, and will aell furniture ano luriiismnga exceedingly low. Drop a hue to Hox .04. Sioux I Ity, la., and re- reive further particulars on a decided bar- caln. IjAHCJE FIRE i'Rance COM- PANY 1uat enterma- Nebraska. Y c have a limited amount of stuck lor le. DIVIDENDS. Agenta wanted. Caaady Co.. Fiscal Agents, S. W. i 'or. 14th snd Douglas. Omaha. Tel. D. 1620. WANTED A doctor; location free; plenty of business Address Y 7114. Bee. CASADV Co.. leal estate loana and insurance. Ijst your Drou- erty for sale or rent, ijuick returns. 6. W. corner 14th and Dougiaa Tel. Doug. LiiO. G. D. C. CODDINGTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business ciiancea, loans, In sursuce and real estata WANTEl. to buy or rent, hotel or room ing house. J N. Bowen. care Bank of Commerce, Hastings, Neb. LET me incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not you? Proofs wnat has been done. Promoter, 810 Paxton block. WANTED Partner who can Invest 82 000 to 86.000 In manufacturing and promoting business; salar I'-Ai per month to rtgut party. Address P f). Bee Roosalag Haases far gala. A GOOD paying well locate, rooming houae. Small amount caeh, balance very eay. NOWATA UNO A liOT CO. 53 New Tork lfe Hldg, Phones: Red lv A-KJ1. i 7-roomed. roomln cmlng of P house, g . sell jod I oca - i tlon. J Mocka 1 t a. ax r f .e 1 luuitk. caati aale Genrae D. Coddinatun. I tti Boafd af Trade B.Jg. BUSINESS CHANCES HeaaiUg Hoaara for al L antlaaed I A DK.'IR A BI.K 4 room apartmenta. new. 1 1. l,ti 77th M. Harney U0. ' hnunf, mtiat be old at once. ter. FOR BAI.IC Furniture of a 7-room flnt, ateam heated, flret-claya condition. V-S. 412 N. lath, third floor. Call between J and 4 30 p. m. NE " room modern flat, f?M. One 7-room moUem flat, JTTft. tne 15-room modern flat, $1.75o One 7-room modern flat, s7i Ciw 7-room modern flat. f.o. One 7-room modern flat, " One 11-ioom modern flat. 1"XI. Kaay tarrna on part of alove. A. B. UTHRUP, 421 Bea Bldg. TWENTY-TWO rooma, modem, cloee In. full of roomera. 1622-14 Burt St CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. irG Farnam St. Douglaa t7. DANCING ' MO RAND' 8 Dancing School, 14th and Harney. Leaaona Mon. and Frl., I p. m. 'Phone Doug. &H. Private leaaona dally. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Kervlce Detective ago.. Inc., bonded, a t Paxton blk. V. lilt; Ind. A-llll. CAPT T. COlfvlAClC 117 KARBAOH BLK.. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING aad altatarjoo work dona Mra. U. Darniody, 24J0 Davenport Bt. DRESSMAKING and alteration, flret claaa work, prlcea reaaonabla Mlaa Elisa beth O'Connor. DU1J N. lltn. Web. 1419. FIRST-CLASS drasamaklng. 1421 Dodge BC PARIS dressmaking parlora, tX NavUla blk. MISS STURDY, 121 b. 24tk Bt Tel. 13. 7214. TERRY'S dressmaking parlora, WUt and Farnam. FIR8T-CLA88 DRESSMAKING; Chrlat mas arUclea. TYLER 1414. Ill S. lid. ENJOY yourself during the long even ings. The Parlor Theater Is a place of en joyment. Matinee dally. GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 7711! Dewey. -4 Mrs. Lowinan, children's dressmaking. R.C022 Dressmaking In families by day. Web. 8711 MRS.CLt"RE,6i8mbjJndA-249- DENTISTS BAILEY MACH. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1036. EDUCATIONAL 1910 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE now open In the Day and Night sesalona Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Cousc Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Yesr Hook Is ready. Apply for It H. B. BOYLES, Pres. Boylee Bldg.. Omaha. Mosher-Lampman college! Unexcelled courses In Business. Short hand, Penmanship and Engl.sh. None but experienced teachers. Day and night seii- sions. Most Interesting catalogue published In Omaha. Srnd for one today. MOSHEH Sc LAM I'M AN, 17th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Neb. ST. ANDREW'S school for boys, 41st and Charlea. Fall term. September 14. Rev. F. D. Tyner. Md Charles II. 23S3. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept., V.. store entrance. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A 1001. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. BRANDEIS' cut flower dept., new store. THE ANNEX flower shop, Theater Bldg. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia., larg est greenhouse in weat; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. L. Henderson, J519 Farnam. Douglas IMS. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000 FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made aa new; good baking guaranteed. 17l Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-1423. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water neuters. Thermostats ana tank heat el s Omaha Stove Repair Works. liM-UiM Doiigias SI. Both phones. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, insurance. pi6. STKNIXIRAFHKK wtioleale. Mb. CASHIER, hotel, 130 and board. CO-OPERATIVE KEFfeUKNClS CO., 1015 City National Bunk Hldg. Factory aad Tradea. r ' , GIRLS to learn halrdressing; prices res- isonable. Oppenhlem Parlors, 23S City Nat l. Banl;. D. 2&K WANTED A good maa-euse, must (cleiititic. 31 Bee Bldg. Apply p. in. be Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Girl tor general housework. Call Harney 6513 or 1308 Park Ava. WANTED Nurse girl. 1817 Laavanworta St. 3d floor; call rt onoa GOOD girl for general houaework. 104 Epencer street Phone Webster 82L WANTED Flrat-claaa cook, 13 per week to the right party; call at once. iAU Woot- COMPETFNT girl; no laundry work. 3815 Burt fct Tel. Harney 1028. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St., South Omaha WANTED A German cook for small family. 1 Burt St. Phone Harney li9. WANTED Competent cook for general housework. S6tt Dodge. Har. 47H2. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 2118 Blnney St. Web. 10U- WANTED A girl for general housework. 3027 Chicago St. WANTED A young girl for general housework. I'httne Harney 468. , . GIRL for general Housework, family of three. Good home for right party. No w tailing. Mrs. laimage, Phone Harney I 218. 4U.D Caas St i WANTED A competent girl for general I homework. 152a 8. 2th St Harney 2611 I WANTED An experienced maid for child i about S yeara oiu. .T'lU Dewey Ave.- IADIES wanted to take work home; transferring: profitable. 316 Brandels Thea ter Bldg. WANTED A good, competent girl for general housework, family of three. Phone Hsruey i3S. 2314 8. 33d. WANTED Girl for general housework: should be good cook; no laundry; small family; good wagea and a dealrable place. Call at Mra. Siubba, lsll Farnam. 'Phone Dougiaa 6943. WANTED Competent girl for general houaework; nice room, good home. 4123 Farnam St. Phone Harney 8440 WANTED Competent girl for housework. 601s California St. Phone Harney 26 WaNTHD-A cook. Phone Benson 174 Mrs. L- Reed. I WANTED An experienced girl for house work; no laundry: good wagea 2ii2 s. JTth St. Phcne Harny 21J. - WANTFD--A xo'ii.g Hn'ieiman girl foi geneial rosea ork. i4lh Su Pbon ' j Dougiaa lmV HELP WANTED FEMALE Iloaeekeepera aad Damrattrat nfl. WANTED A com rxitent Oarman girl fr 1 M S. 2Sth At. I general hoeework. BM K- 1 WANTED-A middle aged woman to care for child; good home, tilt Davenport WANTED A competent for general houaework; good wagaa. fc 8. 2th St. Phone Harney 12M. WANTED A young girl to " tol child after achool houra, Saturdaye and Bundaya. f"og Miami St. WANTED An eiparlencad girl or gen eral houaework. tlOW California St. Phone Douglae 3JW4. WANTED A competent girl for houae work; email family. W6 N. Mth St- "Phone Harney IK!. WA NTED A waehwoman for Mondaya; nee. 4306 Dodge. Phona Harney 174a. referen WANTED A young girl about 17 to care for child and help with houaework. 1444 N. 17th St.- WANTED A competent cook; good wagea. 123 8. th St. WANTED Two glrla for cooking general houaework. 1102 8. 80th Ave. and WANTED A good laundreea Ki Capitol Ave. k , WANTED A girl t care for ohlldnrn. Ill" Park Ava. No. 4, Urdana Apartment. WANTED Competent and aaperlenced girl for general houaework; family of four; no waahlng: good wagea; permanent place for right party. Call forenoons, lis South Ud BC GIRL for ran eral houarwerk; email fam ily; no washing. 2411 0 St- 'Phona South M4. WANTED A rood girl tor general houae work. IIS N. th 8t. 'Phone Harney WO. WANTED A competent girl for general houaework. In family of two; good wagea. Mra. Rugg, No. 4 Norraandla, corner Park Ave. and Padflo Bt. WANTED-An experienced second tir; references required. Mrs. B. W. Dixon, Hi B. 39th Bt. WANTED Girl for general housework 1646 Bouth 2Sth Street. Phone Harney Mlsceliaaeeae. TOTJNO WOMEN coming to Omaha ss strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 8t Mary's Ava. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaslatad; look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. WANTED Middle aged lady at onoe to take care of old gentleman In good noma, pleaaant surroundings. State wagea ex pected. Box D, Valentine. Nab, WANTED Lady demonstrators; nothing to sell; good proposition. 1714 Leavenworth. HOW do you spend your evenings? Ten cents Is the price of a happy time at the Parlor Theater. M AIDB' COURSE IN COOKING Four leaaona for 11. M In making soups. WEDNESDAYS AT 8 p. m., beginning Nov. 9. Y. W. C. A. WANTED An experienced saleslady for picture framing department. Must give first-class references. Address Y 723, Bee. WANTED Experienced washer for large laundry planAddrees Y-724. care of Bea HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen ad Solicitor. WE have ealesmen'a positions open where vou can earn good money while studying our course. Prsctlcal School of Salesman ship, Cleveland, O. TRAVELING salesman to sell tool steel throughout Omaha and vicinity. Salary 176 per month and expenses. Cash bond re quired. Advancement to those who prove w orthy. ' Enclose stamp for reply. P. O. Box 219. Minneapolis, Minn. ' AGENTS) The best that money can buy, house to house. 316 S. 19th St., room 1. WANTED Agents to sell cigars direct to consumers. Apply for Information, 64 Mb Ave., Room 220. Cnlcago, III. COLLIER'S Weekly haa opening for two first-class sales men. Men who can qualify for road positions. Sea Mr. King, 22u Pax ton Bldg. WANTED First-class Installment col lector; cash aecurlty required; must be hustler. Address O 323, Bee. TWO good experienced Bohemian house to house canvassers. 316 S. 19th St., room 1. Boys. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Telegraph Co.. 213 8. 13th St. Clerical aad Office. TRAVELING saleamsn, 3126. Bookkeeper, 176. I-edger clerk, M5. Otflce clerk, young man. rt0. Call or write for complete list of vacan cies. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC.. 752-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est 8 years.) 4 ANYONE who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Nebraska Heap Supply Co., Room IB. over 213 S. 15th St Shorthand A Complete Course Shorthand ONLY 110 CASH Or $15 at $6 down and 15 a month Address: Globe Correspondence School Lemcke Bldg., Indianapolis. Jnd. I WANTED A LIVE OFFICE BOY In I .,,. fft-., write rl .ln.m-. ..,hoi. ' i f.r.nr,. .nl ularv w.ni.d i P-:i ! Bee. OUR PERMANENT OFFICES are now completed. You are Invited to Inspect them and learn our method of placing applicants. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 10th Floor City Nat l. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale. $75. EXTENSION CLERK, grocery experi ence. $H0. 8TENIK3RAPHER, experienced. 185. OFFICE CLERK, quick at figures, 8. CASHIER, mfg. firm. 1125. SPECIALTY SALESMAN, 1100. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Tradea. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. WANT EI At once, tailor to work by the week, for altering and pressing. Mar tin Peterson. 416 B'way. WANTED Bushelman. Write at once. No foreigner, booaer or dead one need apply. "The Pressorlum," Kearney, Neb. GORDON press Rabcr s. Bee Bldg. feeders wanted boys or girls. u' a VTirn Watchmaker enrrv ! slstant salesman; permanent position; .mt tn the rlaht man: ahnrt hnn.. I Ed J. Nlewohner, Columbus. Neb. : - WANTED An experienced stock man to '. take charge or stock room ror a large auto- mobile company State CKperlenos In re- ply. Addreaa S-; 76, Bee. Mtacellaaraas. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron Works llth and Jackson bta. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS wanted Average salary. 11 100 F.xamlnatlona in Omaha November 12. fonitnou education sufficient. Free preparation. Send name Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. l.ViV. Rochester, N. V. SPEND the chilly evenlnga at the Parlor Theater. Moving pictures and polite vaude ville. Matinees dally. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting, small security required: give address and phone Addrees A-lai. Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horsea and Weseae. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good eondi- tl.-n. sloiost vour own price. ( Baa 1 Jo) nson Danforth Co.. lth and Jonea Bta DELIVERY WAGON'S HEAVY TEAM I NO GEAHS. FARM WAGON" AM HARNESS. IOKNSON-DANKORTII Ctl 1 FINE dilvlng teem, depot wagon snd harness for i-ale Apply Charles '. Watlar, RlchardsoD Drag Co. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harare aad Wagaai 4.tlaaed. HEAD af young horaee. from t to 8 yeare old; weight from 1.4MI to I tW lha.; guaranteed to be absolutely aound and well city broke; aleo 1 irienn. J-!noh. and 1 barn wagon, m-lnch teaming gear. I aet of double Concord rarn The above can he teen Sunday; other da after 6 p. m.. ai4 N. Jlat Ht. Web V. LOST AND FOUND A LIBERAL rewaul to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card money and papera Call Douglai X. COCKER Spaniel puppy, monthe old. Reward. 4ffli Florence Blvd. Webster 4624.' LOST At Krug theater, Tuesday night, allk fob with gold locket bearing letters L. E. T. Reward. Call Harney 16..4. LOST Bunch of keys, pleaaa return to f14 New York Life Building and receive reward. 4 LOST A bar pin, sat with small dia mond; liberal reward If returned to Room 710, Brand el a Theater Building. MEDICAL FREE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port tfta. ; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas Hi7. Calls answered day and night. BEST nerre braoer for man. Gray'a Nerve Food Pills, 1 a bos, peat paid. Sher man at MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c poetpald: samples free. Sher man St McConnell pTUg Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL. mmiiwmmumimuMmtmutsuiifttjun NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST DO YOU KNOW that there la a trust to maintain hlrh rates among the loan companies of this cltyT DO YOU KNOW that wa ara a NEW CONCERN, or- 11 ganlsed to FIGHT THE TRUST and If tO HELP TIIH WORK IMuluAN when financially embarrassed. Wa loan to any worthy worklngman owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. ETC.. or HOLDING A SALARIED POSITION, any sum from 110 to tMO at the rate of 10 par year J uni il 00 nt t 60 Int t.OO Int JUST THINK YOU PAY ntereat tor I 10 for a year. tereet for I 26 for a year. Intereat for t M for a year. 11000 Interest for il00 for a year. All OTHER SUMS In PROPORTION Wa can loan for theae low rates because ws have Interested MEN OF LARGE MEANS, who are aatiafled with a REASONABLE RETURN on their Investment Reasonable ap praisement charge. CALL AND BH CONVINCED. EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE. LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. ROOM 4 WTTHNELL BLDG.. Phona Doug. 504(1. IRth and Harnsy. iuillllHIIHHWWWtlWI U;nMJ5.u4J mujuiuw"'"wjiwi43ssswi$mwssi CHEAP LOANS. ft II on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. It i AT PER CENT A YEART SI $1 Can You Beat These Rates? It at 10 for I months 16o 14 ti 11 for I months 76c t a 1 M for months 31.60 S I 76 for f months 12.26 11 S tlOO for t months $3.00 M Small charge for appraising. H OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. U 1$ Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 8. 16th St. 11 a opposite Brandels. Doug. 2038. A-Jogg. "iciwtttwmHowwwifMWWuMmittii t FOR SALE Gilt edge. 8 per cent, short time, first mortgage bonds. Shlmer & Chase Co.. 80 South 17th St.. Omaha. Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; 11.20 Is the weekly payment on a 160 loan for 50 weeks; other amounts In the aame proportion. Mall or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. Room 12. Arlington Blk.. 16UH Dodge St. State Mortgage Loan Co., 'Phona Doug:as 246S or A-24S6. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wa will loan you money on your furn iture nisnos. live stock or any other se curity st LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or 'phone and convince lU NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1356. Ind. A-lKf. 220 Bea Bldg HAVEN'T YOU HEARD " That we nave money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates and easy terms.' OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without aecurlty; easy paymenta. Offices In 88 principal cities. Toltnan, room 603 Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dodae. Tel. Red 6413. MONEY; TO LOAN. Coma In and let us exolain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 103 paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-1411. CHATTEL loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 608 New York Life Bldg. MONEY to loan to salarlsd people and on household goods by private party. Ad dress Lock Box 2ii9. Omaha MOVING, STORAGE CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans carpels on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 30) S. 17th. Tel. D. 1668. EXP. Delivery Co.. offices llth and Dav er.port 6ta. Warehouse y.07-OS Isard Bt. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Raosns. CHOICE rooma with board. "The Tem plars." 1811 Capitol Ave. GOOD table board. 808 No. 80th. FOR RENT Fine large room with boms cooking. 323 Howard bt FOR RENT Three rooms, furnished private family. 823 Pieroe St. Red 4W1 FOR RENT Large room, suitsble two; private family. 114 a lfth St. for FOR RENT Furnished rooms, home cooking. 710 So. lsth St. FOR KENT Room In private family, board, good location. 410 No. 23d St. all modern; FOR RENT Nice room, board. 18M Chicago St. 1 BOARD and room In private family, good location. 2.06 itowaro rt. FOR RENT Nice room with board, for mai l led couple, home cooking, references 708 So. 30th St. 1 FOR RENT- Modern eteamheated rooma with board. 2317 Douglas St. - - - I FOR RENT Nice room with the best of home cooking. 610 fco. 24th St. YOUNG LADIES Room and board In modern home, only t'M -Web. 3873. FOR RENT A coxy east room In private family, home cooking. Harney 6236. NICE room for two gentlemen, board If desired. 646 So. 26th Ave. Harney 666 FOR RENT -Nicely furnished room In private family for one) tvr two. 4011 Corby St.- Ff.iR RENT Two furnished room, prl- vate family. gKx! location, bnard If de- 1 aired. ilO Fo. 24th St roR RKNT-Modem room with board aW No rt St j , 1 WANTED one or t w Jewish vnung I men to bierd snd room, private Jewish fa-nlly, ratal eacas required. Call Wsbsiar OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Raanaa foal tawed. FIRST CLASS home cooking meala, 5o. Ill S 17th Kt TWO nice large front rooms and single rP'n. modern. Hoard tf desired. 2310 Doug I is t. NICE single room with board, alao large front room for two; walking distance. 1911 Cess Phone Douglae 1476. FIRST claas room and board. 1H9 Chicago PLEASANT south front room with board, for rent in modern house; Kountse Place on 24th Ht. car line; furnace heat; telephone, good bath room, pleasant sur roundings and quiet neighborhood; best car eervlco In city on this line; terms rea sonable to right people. Man and wife pre ferred; no children; refcrencea required. liKW N. 24th 8t. Bell Tel. Web. 191. MODERN room with board; near car barn for two gentlemen. 1724 Spring St. NICELY furnished room, with board, close In. new house; references retired; not a boarding house. Address J 311. Bee. ROOM and board for two; modern; cloae In. Phone Douglas 7311. Famished Hoenw. FOR RENT- Nicely furnished front room. H7 S. i'ttli St Very convenient to business NICELY fumlahed rooma. MS 8. 7d Bt. GOOD furnished room In modern house; reasonable. T2& S. llth St MODERN, steam heated rooms, 120 N. Bd Bt. NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, for gentleman. 131 N list Ava. r- NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly mod ern new Tat: oloee In. 1297 Davenport St ONE nicely furnished front room, mod ern, for two gentlemen. 1904 Webster St. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, steam heat; walking distance; con venient to three car llnea. 101 8. 3th. DELIGHTFUL room for one young man: modern; lavatory: quiet; good family, splendid location. Phone Florence 10L EAST front room, electricity and ateam heat; fine neighborhood; walking distant a 678 8. ZSth St. NICE, large front parlor, steam heated: reasonable; private family; close la. 1604 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms, modern, family. 82 8. 34th. Douglas 786L private MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. Lunch served If desired, 1605 Leavenworth. NICELT furnished room, with furaaoe heat and telephone; to one or two gentle men; reasonable. 42 N. 19th. FOUR modern except furnaca; fine lo cation; use of heating stove. Harney 42d&. ROOMS, with or without housekeeping, from 11.60 to lo.OO per week; hot water heat; strictly modern. 502 8. Bd Bt NICELY furnished rooms In private home, near Hamey ana Milt sts.," car Phone. Close In. Young men preferred 2214 Capitol Ave. ONE large front room, strictly modern; hot and cold water. Use of phona. 2202 Farnam street. LARGE room, suitable for two; also sin gle room; board If desired; private family; 'phone; conveniently located; no sign. 114 6. 19th St. NICE room, with board, for refined mar ried couple; good home cooking; references required. 7M S. 80th St FRONT room, with alcove, for gentle men; hot water heat Tel. Douglas 4671. NICELY furnished, very largo room, fur nace heat 2808 Ames Ave. TWO nicely furnished front rooma, mod ern, with private family; gentlemen only. 2ti26 Cans St. WELL heated nloely furnished front room. 721 No. 13th. FURNISHED room for two gentlemen. Private family. 1902 Case. Phona Tyler 1304. FIRST-CLASS rooms; new furniture; steam heat 1708 Jackson St, upstairs. ATLANTIC HOTEL, steam heated, fur nished rooms; reasonable price. 1600 Caas. LARGE room, suitable for two young men. 624 N. 16th St 4 NICELY furnished front room, with bath and heat, suitable for one or two young ladles: breakfast and supper If desired. 3lil5 Myrtle Ava. TWO desirable front rooms; private) fam ily; modern; no sign. 810 N. 24th. FOUR modern except furnace; fine loca tion; use of heating stove, Harney 4&16. FURNISHED rooms, first olaa rooms, elegantly furnished. 1704 1, modern Farnam. EXCELLENT room, heat, eleotrlo lights, private family; Field club district; lady, good terms to right party; references. Ad dress A 827, Bee. MODERN furnished rooms; apodal at tention paid to transients; only three blocks from postoffice. 1407 Chicago. Ind. "phone B 270L Call me up. Mrs. B. J. Conrad. NEWLT furnished rooms for gentlemen. Al' modern. 4 feae Rt. LARGE front room for gentlemen; mod ern; private. 808 N. llth Bt TWO VERY desirable front rooma; one single room; strictly modern; centrally lo cated. Phone; breakfast If desired. 1407 Capitol Ave. TWO ftno front rooma In private home, new houae, fine furniture, ateam heat all modern, walking distance, lot S. 28th Bt VERY DESIRABLE room In private family, walking dlstanoa; strictly modern. Phone Doug. 4408. 723 N. 1Kb St Shirts. 5c; collars, 3c; cuffs. 4c. CAREY Hotel and Laundry, 18th and Howard. FOR RENT Room and alcove, suitable for 4. Good location. 407 0. 36th Ava. LARGE modern room, excellent neigh borhood. 114 B. Wth Ava. FOR RENT Nicely furnished good location. 318 8. 80th St. rooms, FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, modern, no other roomers, good lo cation. 813 B. 22d 8t - FOR RENT Furnished rooms. csgo St. 1821 Chl- FOR RENT Furnished rooms, modem. 15th and Douglas. Douglas 6W3 FOR RENT modern. M8 8. -Nicely furnished 19th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with heat. 3622 Hawthorne Ave FOR RENT Modern, well for gentlemen. 216 S 2tith St. heated room Doug. 562H. I-ARGE front room, ground floor; also other rooms; ressonahle. 403 S. 26th Ave. - YOUNG man to share comfortable fur- nlshed room; reasonable terms, z.oz farnam ' st. phone Harney 263. i tix Tares well fin Dished, southesat Dir. ! or Bth bay wlnduw. with or without 1 piano, no objection to practice; furnace . heat. t;as. nl-e ba'h. plenty hot water, both 1 plumes; walking distance; Iavenworth car 1 ,,ne block. i St. Mary's. ' - . . FOR RENT -Two furnished rooms, prl- 1 Vate family, bosrd If desired. HIS Ontario St. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th A Farnam. NEATLY furnished room, cloae In, mod ern, electricity. CM S. 24th St. "That want ad in the Hec has rented all of mj rooms stop the ad, please." This is what a lady on Dewey Ave. near 23d says. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed Haama FURNISHED room near depot, from atreet car. 909 Paolflo. N1CKLY furnished rooms. 14SS N. lth 9H. TWO well furnished rooms; modern; foe. race heat; phone; boarding near; oeotralty located. 214 N. 25th St LUXURIOUSLY furnished parlor rarm private home; everything new and strictly flret-clasa. 1220 Douglas St FOR RENT dealrable rooma, la private family, good location. M01 Harney St TiARtlE front room ault able for two. 1111 Capitol avenue. ' NICELY fumlahed rooma, modern, with board. HO N. lid St NICELT furnlehed rooma eultable for t, with board. 30 N. 2Jd St. Phone Red tM7. LARGE front room, suitable for ana two gentlemen. Ml 8. th Ava. NICELY furnlehed room In private homo. Walking distance; reasonable. Phona Douglas 7034. TH eIbAC H eToRS. 30TH AND FARNAM STRICTLY modern, walking distance; references required. 3330 Dewey Ava NU'KLY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 2t'l Dodge St. CLOSE 1u. nice front parlor, team heated, private family; reaiouabla 14401 Capitol Ave. i . VERY dealrable rooms for housekeeping, close In. m N. 19th. "CLEAN, neat, well heated fumlahed room for rent or will board man and wi.fe. Tel. Web. 225. Call 1910 N. Kid. NICELY furnished rooma 3318 Burt EXCELLENT rooms, tl.M evenings. 2111 Iea van worth. weak. Call FOR LADY Choice room In nice home with private family, oonatstlng of husband and wife. 1923 Locust St 'Phona Web. Ills. NICELY furnished front rooma, modem; close In. 2641 St Mary's Ava HERE It la the largeet nicest, and most comfy room, you could wish fur. Ail mod ern, family of two. 118 N. 87th Ave FOR RENT Two large rooma. nicely furnished, modern, bath, gaa, eleotrlo light 110. 2706 Dewey Ave. SUITABLE for couple of young men, nloe large front room. 3310 Douglae FOR RENT Strictly modern room, nloaly furnished. 3b30 Caas St Tyler 1611. JUST what you are looking for, nloa large south room gas, hot and cold water, furnaca heat 2236 Grace St. Doug. S277. FOR RENT Two front rooma In private family; laundry at home; good location. 210 N. 34th St HEATED front room; gentleman pre ferred ; easy walking dlstanoa. tuO South 2th street Harney 1U. THREE excellent rooms, newly furnished. 41 North lth St DESIRABLE front room, for twe; also others; walking dlstanoa 168 Leaven worth. ONE large, two medium, first-class mod ern rooms; reasonable; breakfast If de sired; no sign on house; conveniently lo cated. 122 N. 2sth St. Reddish. FOR RENT Two nloely furnished rooms, good location. 641 8. 2th Ave. Doug. 8277. FOR RENT Nice, clean, neatly fumlahed rooms for light housekeeping, good loca tion. $8. 818 N. lstn St FOR RENT Nloaly furnished room for couple of young men. 2123 N. 15th St FOR RENT Fumlahed room dsaambla for two. 2208 Harney. LOOK! Listen: Nloa ataaroheatad room with bath, fine location. Janitor aarvloa Harney 6itS. FOR RENT Large room with aUoove. dealrable for two gentlemen; near Hane oam park and Leavenworth oar Una, Ne other roomers. 701 a Slat St FOR RENT Large front room and al cove, desirable tor two. lis. 860 N. 28th BC FOR RENT Threa furnished tng rooma 1308 Farnam Bt- FOR RENT NICELY furnlahad room, good location. 718 N. lid Bt , GENTLEMEN, nloa front room, gaod lo cation; private family. 2214 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Couple nloely fumlahed rooms, good location: block from aart 1911 Clark 8t, Web. 3588. .1 TWO rooma, beautifully furnished 1 parlor and bedroom; private falmlyi private en trance and lavatory; walking dlataaoaj aaat front; one blook south of Lee vet) war tb car, quiet neighborhood; two gap tie men a man and wife who take meals aut eel . 28th St FOR RENT Two pie location. 1320 N. Mth St FOR RJtNT Lavrg roeo two gentlemeni gaod location, ad ft. IsUi Ave. private homo. 8811 17th Bt FOR RK1NT Nloely furnlahad frent oeairaoia tar two gentlemen. Mm FOR RUNT Neatly furnlahad California Bt FOR RJENT Nloely fursdahed Iwm, em. good location, private family. weoeta FOR RXNT rurnlahad roosna, furnaoe heat light and path, good looaclon. ftal? Harney Bt r- FOR RENT Twe furnlahad res fee ttth rintleo vs. entlemon, no ether roexnara. mm FOR RENT Nloely furnished, gaod lt cation. 2408 St Mary's Ave. Domeatlo FOR RENT Large southeast reom, all modern; three large windows, aleaet ana nicely furnlahad. Harney 864 FOR RENT Nloely furnished l-eom frlvate family, no other roomers. After 80 call Harney 1488. r- FOR RENT Bouth room and alaevra. aloe for gentlemen. 8013 Maray Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnlahad room with frlvate family, good location. 518 N sWhj t. Red 6316. FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooma, electric light, hot water, private family, good location. 1624 N. 17th Bt. FOR RENT All modern nloely furnished room. 2704 Farnam St. Harney 3681. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, he water heat, good location. 838 Bo. 17th Ava- NICET.Y furrHahed rooma, 808 B. SOU fit ; walking distance. ONE nice room. 1088 Bouth Kd Btreet. TWO neatly furnished, for gentlemen: suitable for four. 814 8 30th. . FOR 1 or I ladles or man and wife; apartment 7. 881 So. 24th Ht. NICELY fumlahed rooms. 3711 Burt FOR RENT Couple furnished or un furnished r"me Fine location. HIT North 26th atreet. Hotels aad Apartaaeata. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMfl for rer tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge All out aide cool rooms; special rates by the week. i K 1 aad- I r ) 9! )