Tin: r.nr.: omaha. fiupat. -htobft? inin t. I ) f X- I ID SC ITCHED FOR 28 YEARS Till It Got to be Second Nature Suffering Endless and Without Relief Cuticura Made Skin as Clear as a Baby's. "Tf I bad known of th Cntlrtira ricmerlle ftftv vrar? arn it would have vcd row two hundred Hollars find an Immense amount of suffering. Mv dis ease (psoriasis) commenced on my head In a spot not larper than a cent. It spread rspi!!y over mv bodv and Rot nndr mv nail. Th scale would rtmp off of mf all the limn ond mv suffering was endless and without relief. A thou sand dollars would not tempt mo to have) tins iisono ovit again. 1 nm poor man hut feel rirh to be free of what Horn of the doctors enlled leprosy, Kim ringworm, psoriasis, fir, I took tn'l sarsoparillas fivr a year and a half but got no cure. I cannot praise the t'utuura Homeiir too much. They mado my skin an lnr find free, from scale an baby's. AM I u;d of them was two cnkea of Cutioiirn Soap. thr-e bt'XM of Cuticura Ointment and threw bottle, of luticiira Kesolvont. If you bail le-n there and said you would have cured mo for two hundred dollar, you would have, had th money. 1 was covered with the scale but by using Cuticura I waa suon aa clear aa any per ionrrM, This waa over twenty-two years afro and for a long time, through fore of habit, 1 used to rub my hand over my arros and legs to scratch, hut to no purpose I waa well. I had eoratched, twenty-eight yearn and It got to h kind of ser-ond nature to m. Dennis Downing, Waterbury, Vt., November 27, I WOK." C'jtlrur la Ins mom ecr.iwmileal trmtment for afferttena ml Uis akin aod aralp A cake nf Concurs Soap and a bos i.f c uttrur Othtmit ara flea eufflrlant flnld thmnTnout the world Potior Drug a- f bera. Onrp , Sole Propa.. Boston. sT-Mftlled trea f -? OaUeora bwk, aa Aatkortty oo th 8Mb. NO FINOS FOR MOUNT, SNOW i I Various Funds of the City Are Shown to Be About Depleted. I MANY DEPARTMENTS ARE SHORT ! treet lennlna, Poller anal Health I nrparlmrnli Are 4hnn !'.- IktiMril, 1 title Some Other Mill Pull Thrnnah. I The general fund of the ntj of Omaha I now reiured to a little less than $T".rino, but there are good prospec ts that I an additional .lleotion nf .!.0(iO from r .1!"'!.,,' ,t . ii, fr'l. . I t , tv. j . I urn til ''i ,'d,-ae4.'-' JM.jfl.KU..l,Ull,W1lu VELLASTIC Under wear is a real comfort to the body warm, soft and easy. It is ribbed for elasticity fleece lined for warmth. yfcU-ASTc Kbbt. Fleooa-Linei Undarwear The tilky inner fleece can on wear off, wash away or knot. Tha peculiarity of the waava won't lat it. The ribbaJ fabricg ivrt acloie but free and eiy fit. It aJuola wmirfilly durable. VELLASTIC ia warmer than tmwir of lha baavior, hnlkier tmder weara,' Am bo omtenrear Is mora flaalr nnanad or mart in mora per fectly proportioned aixea IWMxa, Waaaaa, Bwra aad Ckfldrem. tfttk t ispauaa aad ual! aBinBi i chtldtfl .'WtWtJX wnv ai j DT1CA irrTING CO., Utka, It T. 1 1 ill nrcui ntlon taxea will hring It up to osrr $!'9.000. The halance ttiHt h:ul.i br m the Benrrul fund If h 1 1 of t lie tax levy had lieen collected to 100 per cent would tie :::. 873 i:. AtHliin the ainklnc fun I of 1 1 7f 4 1 V.L".' warrants hme been liuvn for $4:;s.i8! r.". ! leaving 137,3:0 t. The lire fund, whlc-.u ltk held u;i more Bin'rf u lly tlian th . police lund. has lett for Hie rest of the (year f J . fi 1 3 H4. of hlh ts.pn hiia a' ; reaily been Uiid aside f"r Kpectflc ufe. The polite fund, which us et at $1M'.- 1 Oilli, ha-- bff p collerted lo ti e -UiTl of I f I o 3 . 4 r, U 1... of this u tiH'an.-f of J;..-' j 71 27 rtrnalna. Two other funds that Hrt I ahort aie tin- ctreet clennliiK and aweep- lag fund, which waa heavily drained hy j the expenditure, for cutting weed. which are supposed to come from other ! source, Uiuul'y the health fund and the atreet repair and grading funds. The ' street cleaning department Iihm Kpent ! l.'i.'l.tOS r,T out of Iu3,t;:3 70. leHVln n i balance for the neil two month of IJKi 07. Tlii in a'l the money on hand for cleaning the snow m of iJecember and ; November from the pavement a The fund that seem most prosperous U the levy of $100,000 that whk set hsicIp for paying water rentx. and of which , $SS,MS 3i was collected iind nothing spent. , Of the uhdivlion of the general fund. only the health department allowance aeema to be heavily depleted. nnd l- though it ia lmpi'KHible to aay. the city comptroller bellove that nearly every official who htm not already made bis ahortage known will be able to woriv along through the year. The inavor will have 11,200 more to draw if he ever conies back to Omaha to get It, and the council attll has $l,.inu unuaed. The fire warden van not ap pointed for several month after money was set aside to pay him, and there is some of that left. The contingent fund would have about 1600 left in It If the taxea eould be collected to 100 per cent. but It will probably not be replenished. Eight thousand eight hundred and elghty- nlne dollars and 82 oenta has been spent, which was the whole aomunt collected. Tha annual report of the comptroller ia in print and will be issued within a few daya. Delay haa bean caused by nu merous chances and errors In the ma a of flgurea that had ta ba compiled to make It. EMamusjaa'Aa'T ,1,1m bilh t n j.aMcewi srw(2xo.. (DM 0 A Willi Twenty per cent in quite a lot of money on, say, a hundred dollar purchase it's $20 saved. Yet, that's what you benefit by trading here, in South Omaha, where our rent and operating expenses are even more than 20 per cent LOWER than the cost to the big Omaha furniture honsea with their expensive down town locations. Of course, you know, we make aa much profit from each sale we make aa the Omaha stores do in spite of the fact that we sell 20 per cent cheaper. Seems strange, perhaps, but it's true there's just that great a difference in the cost of doing business down town in Omaha and out here in South Omaha-and just to get you to come here and trade we offer you all this saving worth while, isn't it? Well, then, simply request a transfer from any Oma ha car to any South Omaha car and ride to 24th and L Sts, South Omaha. Every South Omaha car paase our door and the extra ride takes only a few minutes. 1 , , mmtsBBEm -tr.""1. " - mm mmmmmmasmma tsaMtaaamm ? Mgrpl frtWf!r2fl' A Larger I PROMPT IF "1 ii hk:mim.i a 1 : If IDam, WatBC I 14 im m soc tut a p. Uaxiai m Mri"- 8Mfld. hi k Ueguard. 0 xir 4nlf UJ tBpptr y. writ lot fVl rd UB4rwer Ht 1 ft Th:a is a standard drop bead. Mronelv nd sclentl f i c a I 1 V made machine Or.lv the best material Used In its construc tion The f ac t n r y nanufaeturlnK it I In no "' omhlne" - - that why v. e run oil It so cheap. r Stupendous Carpet Barg'ns S8.50 S12.50 Dining Room Furniture Solid ptilibhcd qiX, nix foot extension, li kt il'us .ration. A beautiful, substantial and attract he picco of furniture S9.75 Six Chairs to Mutch for Well He OT'"t oiji'tp the price lieie. 'e will let you come 'lov n ;ied be Mirpris ed. Thev lire most reasonable. 9x1 S Brussels Kug. Ijatest seamless pat terns nnd beat workmanship. Thjy will wear an awfully long time and alw ays look sood. 9x12 BruiMli Hugs, In moat dis tinctive and exclusive designs. They will certainly pleane the eye and our lmmenFe stock Klves a fine opportunity for wide range of selection. 9x12 hi )Ui grade Velvet Hues these are ureat values at our price. If you are not sure of that just make, a few inquiries and learn what others charge for 9x12 Vel vel Rugs. Do that. $6.50 4x9 Reamlee Brus sels Ruga Most at tractive designs and vary good values even at 1 10. 0I. Steel Ranges 4-hole Steel Rjnee iri closet, only with warm- $AA.5t 6-hole Steel with warm- inp: closet, only Range, S17.50 S17.50 for our beautiful 9x12 Axmlnater Rugs. If you have ever priced Axminsters you can appreciate the figures we quote. V say to you: "Ilon't make a purchase before coming here." You can aave from 17.00 to $12.00 on thia very rug. That 8 worth while, isn't It? We have aome roost attractive designs in this grade and they wear and hold their color longer than you will expect them to. Thpse are only two of the dozens of kinds of Hansen carried in our enormous stock. We have others down to only a few dollars, as well as the most expensive makes that one will care to buy nil, however, at most reason able prices. Stoves Sold on Payments COBS m Don't hesitate to smoke Cobs just because they are cheap. Remember there isn't a penny wasted on workmanship, gold bands or fancy trimmings. That's why their tohacco is better than you expect to find in cigars that cost 9 for 15c VIST POCKET EDITION" Sc for packat of 3 Qafca am always in good condition becaiaa tk-af are separately wrapped ia wax-paper. L LEWIS CIGAR MFC. CO., M.k. Newark. N. J. s Ta LviMt lodepaant Ciaar Factor ia iba wri4 Alton Oroo. Co. Distributors. DAMAGE CASE WITNESS NEARLYJSETS ON JURY At ora e jm Tetaer autd EUlek Examine Jarm Sff tf Interested la lM mmA lUaa Oaa. Plerovery that en of tha veniremen ac cepted for erriea la tha trial of tha case of William F. Taylor acainst John Blauck and William Britt was a wltnea in the caaa waa made just In time In tha district court yesterday afternoon. H. T. Andrew waa the man and but for his own action In calling: attention to tho attuatlon th. caaa probably would have gone to actual trial and would have had to be recom menced when the discovery waa made. Tha Incident Illustrates how aerlde-it may happen to jurlea even when the -it-torneya take the createat pains to see tl ai they ar aa they should be. 4 I Tha caaa of Taylor against nianck and Brltt Is an action for llO.Oft) dnmages to: selling liquor to tha plaintiff after notice had been given not to sell hire any. In being presumed to be unable to control hla ap petit a In examining; Jurors foi service In tha ease John O. Telser. attorney for the plaintiff, and Alfred Q. Klllck. counsel for the defendants, had agreed on twelve satisfactory men and were about to exercise aome peremptory challenge and remove a few jurors upon whom for their own reasons they did not look with favor when H. T. Andrews rose in the Jury box and said: "I don't know whether fought to be on thia Jury or not. Ton see, I am a witness in this case." ' The lawyers laughed at themselves and each other and Judge Seare Joined In. With all their querying both attorneys had failed to ask Andrewa the one question which would have brought out the fact that he was disqualified for aervice. Andrewa waa excused. Tn ionger you tmoke trut v b i 'skim ;..r. J.... .... , the thorteT your chance of J Kuvina tha ordinary. kv o . I Heavy Brass Bed h y u u rr I.Ike tlia Illustration. Beuutiful 1 li satin finish. You "ill Pay $20 for I this article In Imaha i - rx 4 si y store, our price la iZ.U " iS if1 ivrfp Bm Birsers tod Nickel Plated Heaters One of our big features la the substantial Hue of heating stoves. The bast makes known the world over. The kind that burn cheap coal and still throw satisfactory heat. We can aava you several dollars on a stove purchase, and will guarantee the transaction. Solid Oak Rocker Th' is certainly a trade brlnger Any store that ll a aoltd oak rocker like this one for only $t.9." certainly de-servei your patronage. Vee, solid oak, rolling top. spa cious pigeon holes, ample draw crs, etc. It's really the desk they charge you $25.00 or $.10.00 for iu SOLID OAK TABLE $1.45 Mahogany, Leather TQfl00 Upholstered 3-piece setVOfS:.- This is a solid mahogany finished Parlor Suilp that cannot be duplicated in Omaha for les3 than $;.(). 00. Genuine leather seat and bark. su Om." 'ii. 14-inch to; .and attract i alue. in. Made entirely r aona oaa fvely finished. A very geod $215 Sani'ary Couch A handsome Sanitary Couch, a.ijuatable ) a to he made Into a bed In a few sec onds. During the day It fnlda Into an or namental piece of furniture. A regular 14 00 value In any Omaha store. Sanitary Springs $3.75 t. ' X'i-. Good Automobile Tires at Reasonable Prices riot, risrahle tires, made by aa JnAeppa deal rui'ber cumpau. Ote exrellent aer.l.e ami jon at-ii ,V mt cent of tire suf. N"le the foll"wli,a low ,rlv' XmiS ll'.'C). U1 T (IS i. 3"IJ' ii; to, f:i3 tvii. Mi'ij jiu :ie,J si ;n. Sl4 123 TO. :tj,4 S2.1 M. .tits I-4.TS, 3l . n. IWH .s .e, S4S t-il Tl'. iWt . J . j i5 ..rt o. luiilut l per cnt fX't tlK-ae prK,-. Vine lnr tulva IK pr -nt !. thiu r'(iilar kltn.Hrrl int. ;") nt iitwt,.r C. o. t.. albolntf eianil" tliMj. li per rent dt..unt If ea.h arc- m pinleg trVr. Tflrerapli erilem prernntlr t : I . S'.la d'flmul trr lad delr-4. kcwr rtam)eil If un-ll,f. torj. iilte tiiem a trial and yoa'll otilr otoie. The Geyer Sales Company at Blmm Building, Dayton, Ohio. INNOVATIONS PROMISED BY POSTMASTER THOMAS Miar Isiirsttsitati af Service to Fallow rompletioa of I aloa Station Office, December 1. Work on the unron station postoffica bulldtna;, Tenth and Mason stteet. ha been resumed with renewed enertty and the second utory now has been reached. Postmaater Thomas said Wednesday morn tnj that he hoped the huildina would he ready for occupancy by December I. When aervice la Inatalled In the new branah it will mean a vaat Improvement in mall delivery throughout the contiguous wholesale district, for twelve new carriers era to be aasigned to the station and rail way postal clerks and railway postal elarka coming Into Omaha will distribute letters for that diatiiot ao that they will be ready fur the carrier as soon as the mall car stops at I'nion station. "Tha new postal street caxa for the col lection of mall luive been a wonderful help," said l'usiiiiaiter Thomas, "and In the course of a little while other innova tions which are under way will bring the Omaha poatofflie up to a point of modern perfection so that it will rank with the very beat In the country, not even ex cepting tho?e In the larger clt'ee. Omaha is not the biggest city in the I'nited Stale by any means, but It la one of the biggest little cities, and the pontoffice Is keeping Transfer from any Omaha car to any South Omaha car and pay a visit to our store. You can make money by it. All South Omaha cars pass our door. ' Oak or Mahogany Stand S6.50 iMnished In the finest style, it I really a erv ornamental piece of furniture Strongly con structed and guar anteed not to st.g nor lose its shape. We have them to fit any bed. The priee quoted above is for full size. loaf Filer Felt Mattress $12.50 l-lnest quality, especially eeleoted. long fiber felt. This la not a "stuffed" mat tress, but Is hand made and guaranteed to alwaya give perfect aatlafactlon. In Om aha stores It sells for tll.tt. 85c - w w w .... $125 Hardwood Ciialr Rockrr to Mawtrb. Polished and neatly finish ed. Id oat strongly constructed. H'O Ml fl 'BiTHlL. FIJ1WTO1E CD 24th - L Streets 0 South Omaha pace with ttie prowinn metropolitan portanre of Omaha In other line'." DIAMOND WEDDING DAY i . . k a. I 111 f Gravert Unhurt Bv Had Fall Benson Saloon Keeper Says Can't Kill a Dutchman" Drives Away After Accident. 'Tou can't kill a Dutchman." were the first words Peter Gravert. a Hen.on saloon keeper, uttered when he recovered con sciouKness five minutes after he had b-en hurled from his huinry aua'nst a pile of bricks by a runawav hore at Sixteenth and Dorcas sfeet lat night. Mr. Or-avert was picked up unconscious bv some men who were parsing by ami carried into it nearby store. Dr. 1 lolovtchlner was called, but Graverte injuries proved not to be serious and within twenty minutes he was able to get Into hia buggy and drive home. f VI r. nnil Mr. t Irkaiana, Sr., Roelua, Hoth In t.ood Health, Oliaertr the Par. GKAXD ISLAND. Neb. Oct. X. (Spe cial.! At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wich miinn, r., at r!olu.s, todav was celebrated tne niiiitfinn weo;iiita or Mr. ana Airs. "YoU i Wichniann The groom is 91 years of age thereafter, residing firt In Wisconsin and moving to Nebraska many years ago. They are the parents of the Messrs. Fred and Joseph Wlebmann, who conduct a general store and a bank at Farwell: Mrs. i Gns Sievcra of this city, William Wkhmann of California, the oldest son. and of a son In Colorado. nnd the hride a few years younger. Hoth I lire still hale and hearty and bright and .active mentally. They were married In j Drug Co. I Germany and came to thia country soon' t Prlahtfal Fxperleace with biliousness, malaria and constipation la quickly overcome by taking Dr. King's New IJfe Pills. 25c. For sale by Heaton Gifts From Peacock's Are Treasured For Years FOOD FOR Wm".. nd arveua NFViVFS wor' ealui vtaot ilLnVLJ mot u mull ol ii. r er mental aaeruoa atiuu4 taaa fa HAY & NLUVK louU Pll.lJJ. rua. aid aiaka ' aiwt alcev aul k a again. tl bo. 1 Roia ! bv MalL ajxKMxaa a i ecu it hex. oaoa otv mm. lath aad luuae wtraoia. Ufa Haou OO. aa4 t ata. Baaasa. BaS. Mf waul any lrun auo .uftar. witti blllouai.a, conatianon. )nUi.ium of any liver or blood, ailment, to try our taw-Paw 11 la. We auaranie they will purify tha blood and put tha liver anil aionich into a heauhtui condition and will poattlvaly cure billouaness and constipation, or we will rafur.d your uuney MUNTON'S HOMEOPATHIC HOME REUEDY CO . Pblla.. Pa. topi. BaiarSai Atala Itlta Ball'a-Ert Tbla world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of luO plgeone la 10G oonaacutive ahota la living at Lincoln. II . Recently Interviewed, be says: "I suffered a Itcg time with kidney and blad 6f trouble and uaed several well knows kidney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I atarted taking Foley Kidney Ptlla Before 1 uaed Foley Kidney Pills I had aevere backachea and palna In my kidneys with suppreaalon and a cloudy voiding. On arising In the morning I would get dull headaches Now I have taken tb:ee bottlee of Foley Kidney Pills and fa-l 100 per tent better, i am never both ered Willi my kidneys or bladder and aaalu feel like my own self." A very little money will often buy a handsome gift at Peacock's. The singular quality of purchases from our rich stock is that in every instance you get genuine, sterling; value. Our buyers are men of experience, rare judgement, excellent taste. They have the world's goods to choose from, unlimited resources to use in making advantageous purchases and a high standard which is always maintained, as first established seventy three years ago by the houc of Peacock. It is not true of Peacock's that we cater only to purchasers of expensive goods; we do a large business in articles which command but a small price. Pay us a special visit when in Chicago. You will be under no obligation to purchase; just say you want to look around and you will not be annoyed in any way We will be glad to have you see our big, beautiful store. It is one of the sights worth seeing in Chicago. Send for our free 224 pape shopping guide, showing whatever you desire at a price you can arford. Write for it today Christmas will be here oon. rvacark oyal '' rnaa ta tof ail ia your m a Sue aad 7c a aackacr C. D. Peacock MaaxkaAU, JeareUrs, Sitvaraaaith Stat at Adams St, Chicago NNSYIVAN1A be: Jl STATION In New York City's Busiest Spot V 777 Only One Block from Broadway 27th Opens November With Ail-Steel Through Train Service From and To the West The new station occupies two entire blocks and fronts on Seventh Avenue, one block from Broadway, and on Eighth Avenue, opposite the U. S. Poscoffice; also on 31st and 33d Streets, and by special plaza on 34th Street. New York's principal hotels, retail stores, theaters, clubs and restaurants are within a short radius. It is the most complete, most costly and most convenient passenger station in the world. Address W. II. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent 319 City National Bank Building, OMAHA, NEB. (VM I t