s X ) Nebraska Nebraska CUARANfY fl FARING HXlD December Twelfth Date Set by Uuited Statfi Supreme Court. Burkett, Sloan and Hinsnaw in the Fourth HAMER IS WORKING FOR TAYLOR 'Speeches Made to Good Crowd, at StromibuTg, .Polk, Hampton, Kftrnfr Attorney lakln( Effort to Pro Xlnitrn Mnrilrrrr la lnun To Prfrl Matter to Cior- Hordville and Aurora. (From a Htnff Correjmnlent ) UNCOLN. Oft. Ti -S.e IhI -Th con stitutionality of the Nebraska bank guar anty law will be sr(rue1 In the supreme court of the l"nltel States about liecem br 12. This Information ai received by Deputy Attorney General Urant Mar tin In a teleKiiim from V, T. Thompson from Washington, who siild the motion to advance the cae bad been jrranted. KIdmI Appeal for iarlor. Jinlge Hamer, attorney for Uert M. Tay lor, sentenced to be hanged tomorrow, hu filed a petition In the office of the a-overnor asking for a stay of execution until the question of Taylor's sanity can be passed upon. In bin petition Judge Hamer sets out that Taylor la insane and that not only his crime but his conduct after ItM commission atampa him aa an in sane man. He argues also that the su preme court should have granted the con demned man a new tnaJ because of the erroneous Instruction of the trial Judge Governor Bhallenberger la out making campaign speeches, but he will return to Uncoln to pass upon the petition filed by Judge Hamer, who said be would have acted before this had he known that J. I MoPheeley, who waa Taykir'a attorney, had dropped out of the case. He knew of thla fact, he said, only recently and hastened from Chadron to Uncoln last night In order to permit presentation of the petition. WATER BlIT AT KEARNEY rtltla (or Injunction at Ootaea baraj, Coaad and Lexington. KEARNET, Neb.. Oct. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Suit waa filed In the district court here today by the Kearney Water and Kleotrlc Power company against the water companies of Gothenburg, Cozad and Lex ington, requesting an Injunction enjoining the defendants from using water out of tbe Platte liver. The Kearney company own an Irrigation dWch constructed In 1882 from Elm creek to this city. Thla ditch has been dry for months and the Kearney electrlo power house has been using steam Instead of water power aa a result. The plaintiff alleges It has prior right to water In the Platte aa the defendant's ditches were constructed at a much later date. Defendants claim that If the water waa not uaed It would 'evaporate before reach ing Kearney. The caae will be heard In district court In Lexington November IS, having been continued from this court. The Platte at thla point has been a streak of sand for five months. Fear Wedding at MrCook. M'COOK. Neb., Oct. 27. (Special.) Mo Cook has four weddings to report this week: Tuesday, J. K. Klrchner of Zltanka, la., and Miss Kate Caffrey of this city, In St. Patrick's church; Wednesday, Joseph Haag and Miss Gertrude allien, both of In dlanola. In SL Patrick's church; Eugene Lyon of Wymore and Miss Hasel Ramona Rouen of this city, at the residence of the bride's parents: Thursday, at the Metho dist Episcopal parsonage, Oscar A. Nelson of Holdregs and Miss Huldah J. Eckloff of AitelL A Reliable Meslcln Not a Nareotle. Get the genuine Foley's Honey snd Tar In the yellow package. It la aafe and effect ive. Contains no opiates. Refuse substitute BURKETT HERE NEXT WEEK Reception to Be Held at the Rom Wednesday Msrht, When the Senator Sneaks. Plans for a reception for Senator Burkett at the Rome next -Wednesday night were mad at a meeting of the national cam paign committee In the ofrtoe of Jefferls Howell Wednesday night. The meeting waa to consider how much progress the com mittee so far has made. It was reported that 870 workers for Burkett'S re-election are In the field and still more to be en- Senator Burkett will speak at the recep tion for him next W'edenaday. AURORA, Oct. 27 (Special. )-The third dny'a speaking tr.p of Senator Burkett. congressman Hlnshaw and Hon. O. H. Sloan, through the Fourth concessional district closed here last night. The party left Htromahurg Wednesday morning, stopping at Polk, where a good meeting waa held. From there Hordvllle was the next stop where a good crowd turned out to hear the speakers. At Hampton, where a meeting was ad vertised for 6 o'clock, the opera house was In possession of a theatrical company and an automobile garage was pressed Into use and was soon f iled with a good crowd hlch at various times was very demon strative of their appreciation. In the evening the opera house at Au rora was crowded with a most enthusias tic audience. Before the speaking began the speakers participated In a smoker as the guests of the Aurora Commercial club, and were well enterta.ned for an hour. When the speakers appeared on the stage they were greeted with a most en thusiastic reception from the large crowd which had gathered and were listened to attentively. The meeting was presided over by County Chairman B. O. Berger- son. who first Introduced Congressman Hlnshaw, who spoke In most hearty terms of the loyalty which had always been ac corded him by Senator Sloan In past years and eapec.ally after being defeated by Mr. Hiashaw for the republican- nomination a few years ago. He spoke most enthus iastically of the ability of Senator Sloan to ably represent the people of the Fourth district and of the state In congress. Congressman Hlnshaw spoke In most emphatic terms of the work done by Sen ator Burkett and said that he knew per sonally that President Roosevelt had called In Mr. Burkett for consultation at tlmea when Important measures were before congreaa. He aald that the work of Sen ator Burkett waa along progressiva lines and that his assistance would be needed at the coming session of congress. The addresses of both Senator Burkett and Senator Sloan were listened to most attentively and applauded frequently. They spoke upon national and state Issues and covered the questions at Issue to the satisfaction of the audience. If the demon stratlons of approval count for the feel ings of the audience. The meeting was In great contrast to that of the democrats a few days ago. Mayor Dahlman left tb city of Aurora after his meeting here with his stock much below what It was before his meeting. OWES HER -LIFE TO Nebraska News Note. STELLA Bd Bright and Mrs. Ogg of Shubert were married yesterday and will live on the Levi Bright farm near ntena. BEATRICE Senator Norrls Brown will sneak In Beatrice Tuesday evening, cio- vein her 1, on the Issues of the campaign. BEATRICE James E. Grimm and Mlsa Lela Johnson, two young people well known 1 here, were married at Welnauer, Neb., yea- terday. BEATR1CE-Wllllam A. Etter and Miss KM a M. Hart, both of this city, were mar ried Wednesday evening by Rev. B. F. Hutchins. They will make their home In West Beatrice. BEATRICE W. J. O'Brien of the Ne braska Fish and Game commission visited Heat rice yesterday and planted 2.600 chan nel cat. 500 black baas snd several cans of edible bullfrogs In the Blue river. STELLA Walter Bond of Oklahoma and Ruth Bright, the eldest daughter of Ed Bright, were married at Auburn thla morn ing. The young couple will live on the Welter farm, near Stella, till spring. EDGAR Miss Ines Ferre and Earl F. Hart were united In marriage last even ing at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ferree, by Rev. W. 11. Cope, pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church. BEATRICE While In the city yesterday Superintendent Hrlnkerhotf of the Kansas division of the Union Pacific road stated that two new "trains, a passenger and freight, would be Installed on the Marys ville cutoff November 1 and would run be tween Marysville and Topeka, connecting with the Lincoln-Beatrice trains. BEATRICE Announcement of the mar riage of G. M. lAiherger and Mlaa Sarah Jackson, two well-known young people of this city, which occurred one week ago last Tuesday at Seward, was made yester day. They left after the ceremony for a visit at Wyoming. Ia., with the groom's mother. They arrived home yesterday and surprised their friends by announcing their marriage. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chicago 111. "I was troubled with falling and inflammation, and the doc- I tors said I could not I pet well unless I 1 had aa operation. I knew I could not I stand the strain of one, so wrote to you sometime afro about my health and you told me jwhat to do. After taking- Lydia E. lnakhaui s V rfffta- t!e Compound and J mood runner l am to-day a well woman," Mrs. Williah Ahxens, ytsts w. 32lst L, Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures pf female diseases of any Rimilar medl sine in the country, ana thousands of roluntary testimonials are on tile ia the llnkhaia laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from woaiea who have been tured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, uU eeration.disiila'-ements.tibroid tumors, regularities, jieriodic pains, backache. Indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to fterself to give Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like cpeolul advice about your ease write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. l'lnUhain, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice id free, and always tielpf uL SAYS B00STERSHAVE GAINED S. F. Miller sf Norta weatera De clares Excarslaalats Have Im proved SI are Last Pall, "The Omaha Booster's have Improved so much In their organisation alncs last year that the trip thla season Is leaving a much better Impression on the minds of the peo ple than ever before," la the atatement made by 8. F. Miller, general freight and passenger agent of the Northwestern Unes west of the Missouri river. ' "I accompanied the excursion aa far as Fremont, when they left the Northwestern lines," continued Mr. Miller, "and every thing waa going along finely and every body working hard. The Omaha men not only advertised their goods, but also left an Impression of Omaha as a trade town that won't be forgotten. "It's a great sight to see Dave O'Brien In the middle of the street almost getting the clothes torn off his back by a crowd of children after butterscotch and taffy. Other boosters who are advertising them selves by whistles and such nicknames are not forgotten either. The merchants and the people are just as anxious to welcome the Omaha men as the children. Altogether, I think the trip Is the moat successful ever held." A Dssgtrsat Wesa4 rendered antltep.lo by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, piles, etsema and salt rheum. Ko. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. KNOX AND rVTVEAGH IN OHIO peaHaar Dates An Arraaa-ed Two Members of the Presl drat's Cahlaet. for , WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. The Ohio cam paign speaking dates for becretary Knox and Secretary MacVeagh of President Taft's cabinet, were definitely announced today. There has been a change In Sec retary Knox'a program, and It has been arranged that he shall apeak In Columbus, November I. and at the final rally In Cin cinnati, November &. Between November t and I. Mr. Knox will be In Pittsburg, but It Is not known hers whether he will speak there or not. Secretary MacVeagh will .-peak In Toledo November 1 and In Cleve and, November S. U samite W recks Balldlaga a completely as coughs and colds wreck ungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's .sew Discovery. Mo and II. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. as Adler'sCollegiaii Clothes fit perfectly, and that's a feature every man ought to Siy particular attention to. If you will try on an Adler ollegian suit or overcoat, compare it with any gar ment you have ever wcn, you will quickly recognize the superior fitting qualities. Without a doubt these are the bet tailored and be& fitting clothes America produces. Foremost dealers in all sections of America are showing Our overcoats, suits and raincoats at $15.00 to $35.00. Our tftyle book will thoroughly post you. Mailed upon application. David Adler & SonsClothingCo. Nobby Clothes Makers Milwaukee If "jrA j . Li. mil i t.lillt j I I ml j f it in Omnialtt kak Ohms Ok Btylsj Mo. Made of ceuhl. lew bust, verr lonff skirt. Shortsned ia Ihe back, openl na. ror STarsiia ta lull tmn. Mies U to 30 inlsrs in Ue Iront. Lacs tru -S -w A T UiVit you JL JL All the newest models shewn in our bi Coistt Depirtment tound just what you want in a corset? If not, there a Kabo model that will meet your require ments. For style, comfort and durability there are no corsets made lik Kabo corsets. nA tk variety of models make it possible to fat any fi urc ana secure tne nag, est possible results styusn appearance. No matter what your figure is you may be sure there's a Kabo model to fit it Be tuns to ask to tee th ' Kabo form reducing: corset or the Kabo maternity gup. porter if you are interested u cither of these subjects. HAYDEN'S 07 'KammtmmmKmmmmmwmmmm,, I 1 111,11,1 .VjT..V-? L': ;. TV A.. -Mi 1 'r it v r v y 1 IB AMINO SONtifS mm It yon aiwara tm Calumet Bakiaf Powder. rrtnu ir . l ways srivea beat reanlr. witn any kind of flour. The bakiog can be made with more cartaiotr of food resolrr It will be mora uoif irmly raised 4t wiU be lighter it will ba tasrisrit .1 bo mora wholasome, becaaaa tb materials in Calumet are so perfectly adapted to all baking requirements and then so carefully proportioned that fail area are almost impossible. BesMes It Is more economical thaa the trust brands and ma f.r supe. ...r 10 1 the cheap and bxaa kinds that a cemoarlsoo TcaaaS bsaiada. You can bake betiar with caaaoc Ally Bfl 1ST BaEang Poivde-4 One cao win prove itTry and See. Ask your ocer. Ho has it or cao get it for yon. Refuse a substitute sUcetree Hitae Aware Walla's tmt, Fee r-rTiila' THE 5EE LEADS ALL OT IRS In Matters Pertaining to Automobiles, as Well as Along All Other Legitimate Lines of Business. If you have used one or two of the Fleisher Yarns you have only begun to ap preciate their value try the rest of them, h you have bee n usingFleisher's Knitting Worsted for sweaters try also Fleisher's Germantown Zephyr. It cives an entirely different effect. Perhaps you will like it better. If you have been making babies' w ear of Fleisher's Dresden Saxony try Fleisher's Shetland Zephyr. Have you tried the beautiful Fleisher's Shetland Floss? Do you know the rich Spiral Yarn? The fine and rturdy Spanish Worsted? The gossamer-like Ice Wool? The furry Angora Wool? The delicate Pamela Shetland? Know ALL these yarns. Then select the one that exactly meets your need. All these yarns are Fleisher Yarns made with the greatest skill from carefully selected wool. Cermanlown Zephyr Knitting Worsted m aLsiaQAiJO&d aJ TIIE LATEST STYLES L KNITTING AND CROCHETING The rawalar "fs-rd" d la Sweaters. Very fw style were) evrt 1aen nt so quii-Vly by youns; folks a tbeOvra coat. Ita trim. Jaunty, girlish lines, ita (lush and stvln ruul it an immiHli ate favorite. Kow here vp hve it in sweater form the brt ixwsible Rar- rnent to brine; out the) feature) have made the Co-ed pillar. Shetlaid Hess Drcsdca Saxoj Spavlsh ttarsled Ice Weal raraela SkeUaid LJ lvM- Spiral Yara f-V-n' anaora waoi When you need yarns buy FLEISHER'S there's a yarn for every use. You can do so with absolute confi dence, for they are guaranteed. Every skein bears the trade-mark ticket. Look for it. If it isn't there hand back the yarn and insist on a skein properly ticketed. ftp fcn JJj F Mail this Coupon to S.B.& B.W. FLEISHER. Pkilaslalpkia 12-J And we will send you rK.tB nla sard of the Fleisher Yarns and alas tell ru bow ta obtain a eopy of Fleisher's Kninla sad Crechetlnt Manual. S'mwf OV It U an Ideal er, rlyinir perfect protection and style. It u made ot Fleisher's Knitting Wonted, a yarn combining the maxi mum of durability with a fine even thread of wonderful elasticity. It brings out all tbe beauty of the stitch and en at dee the (far inert to retain ita shape under all conditions. Full directions for making thla and mtuiy other new and ataiile article tnayjie found ir- th new (eighth) edition of Fleih0r'i Knitting and CrochthKij Manual, an invaluable handbook for beginner and expert. Contains, a com pWo rimr'i of instruction In the van- Bee Bwlding Su te 520-522 Women s Suits Distinctive and Ready to Wear at $25 We specialize on pJan, custom finished, tailor made suits, and appeal to women of taste. No suit here has a common look. Honest, both in quality and price. Mas Volff wishes her many friends and patrons to understand that she has not left Omahi, hut has opened an exclusive shop at 520-522 Bee Building but has severed her connection with the Douglas street shop. J 1 yjpy Jii &ff Jpiteii ., ..ii, m urn . t-l n mfS-l ill in i ' iii v r iiiinth i mi iIm m There are places where and times when a man hasn't the chance to finish a n IT!) ooen: jdi 10c Cigar and must throw away his half-smtktd cigar. Therefore, the Little Bobbie 5c Cigar exactly the same as his " father." Only half the 'size, so one half the price. Keep a box of both at hand. There's no difference except in the saving. oame tobacco same workmanship same mildness same aroma same dealers sell both. GEORGE M. CONWAY. Distributor Sioux City, Cedar Rapids, Lincoln BEE WIT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS )