il ( Want - Ads Uanl ails receded at any Dm) ' to Imgrr proper r laaal f Ire I Ifin moat lie urrxnlril lirloir I 11 o'clock na., for I.u - - . . I I - . l,tnp T l!tO I .... . ... miirnlna anil aariar rdlMoiie. Want ml rrrrlvrd after irh hoara will hatr Ihelr flrat Insertion Wilder lha lira, Una "Too l ata to Claeejf ." II a tea apply to eltaer Ik Dalle or nnria Hre. Alaraya roniil al arde to a Una. i ii rati:; ron at n. II Kl. A H r:, A IPI CATION Oaa In.rrtlon. Il-J rr.t. per word and 1 rani par word for eaeh eehseqeeat Insertion, fjirh Insertion made OS) odd daya, 1 l-H irnta per word. ai.BO lrr line per month. Man! nda for Tbe fler may he leff t any of the following dreg alnrra one la ynnr "eorner droa;lat" f hey are all branch offlcea for The Bee nd yonr ad will he Inaertrd Jt M the main office la The Bee betiding, Vetrntcenth and Parnaw atreetat Alhaeh, W. c' 4nth and Ktrmm. KeraneK. P. A . 1401 R. lth Kt. I'evton Pharmacy, 724 8. lath St. Benson 1'harrnacy, Benson, Nab. Hemis Park Pharmacy, ISd and Cuming. Rlaka-Bradlah, 2! Sherman Ava. aughlln, i'. R, th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ara. Hlnlerlong Lrug Co.. 21st Ave. and Fsr larn M. Crfaaey Phirnnry, J4th and ImV. lutiey Pharmacv. 2223 H. ISth fct. Cermark, Kmll. 12H-fi H. 13th ft. KHIer. p. II., Leavenworth. Fester ft, 213 N .',th Ht. Frevtag, .1. J.. 114 N. Mth Si. Fregger Lmg Co., 13o2 N. liith 8t. Florence Drug Co., Klorenca. Nab. Crecn's Pharmacy, J'ark Ava. and Pacific. (Ireennugh. ti. A., 105 S. 10th Ht. t Ireeiiough, (J. A., loth and Hickory. Mayilan, William, K30 Farnam St. Ilanarom Park Pharmacy. 1M1 8. 29th Ave. Holat, Jot.n, 624 N. ltth Ht. Huff, A. 1. a: Ieavenworth 8t. Johanaon Liruir t'o.. 24th and Hpaliling. King, II. ft., Farnam Ht. Koutitza Place I'harmacy. S3o4 N. ?4(h. Mares. Frad L... 2019 t'entral Blvd. Patrick lrit Co., KM N. i4th at. l.athrop, Charlea K., 1324 N. 24th St. Uoldinan Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth Sta. SaxaioKa Drug Co., 24th and Atrial Ave. Rrhaefer' Cut Price Drug" Store, 18th and ChiraKO M. Hrharfar. Au(t., 2fWl N. 16th. Schmidt. J. II.. 24th and Cuming- 8ta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumln. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Klrtha-Max Calton, r3 Farnam, girl; Carnielo Caniglla. 1113 South Eighth, girl; Fred Hanaon. M40I Maple, girl; R. P. Joseph, Thirty-sixth and Nebraska avenue, girl; Frank laundry, 222 Davenport, boy; Mike Krlegler, 437 Houth Twentieth avenue, girl; John J. McAullffe, 2CU South Nineteenth, glrL Deaths William P. Hartford. ISM Georgia avenue, 76 years; Dollle V. Caawell, a North Thlrtoenth. 9 years; Margaret Kar at en, 2fCl Gold, 67 years. MARHIAGR MCEHIEa. The following marriage licensee have been lamed : Name and Residence. Age. lister A. Thatcher, Omaha 2 Ullle M. Lundbcrg. Omaha 21 WllCam J. Ctirran, South Omaha !5 Marie Mead. Houth Omaha 19 George Lohr, Council Rliiffe. la 22 Lillian Anderson,, Manila, la 2 George W. Willatt. Omaha 21 Mamie FraWley, Omaha IB George J. Paletisky, Omaha tl Carrie Langnr, Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.,tr- embalmera. 1614 Chicago. D. Iu6. B-1L. PIANO PUiERS repaired. Walker, D. 670. SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO, 209-211 So. 16th St, 17 YEARS IN OMAHA Lyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. yy AT cut prlcea. ALi, f f 1 A I KINDS. We save ft I I f- I yuu We tofl.bOa ton. V VX A.Xsf quantity and quality auarameea. liimcSw-iii . PRICE COAL CO., NICHOLAS ST. HOTH 'PHONES. OtXJD MERCHANTS LLNCH ! JETES. 13U2 Douglas Street. 5c JOHN E. HIMOE, ablrta. 00 Paxton Blk. ED ROTIIERY sht No. a fu1i cigartt. Caia m cuuuection. Ill so. 14th bl. CRUDE OIL BURNERS CHEAP t t tl, Full FURNACE, neatlng and cook stoves; we do not soil county rights, but sell burners; write for iniorma nou; nuniiui'tu'ea by 6 vera jUuuay, Urand Jslafid, Nab. LiAI)H4 old haU over, new hats ixrvjAXvj IDBd1 to orior featliera rleaned or dyed.- Miss pepper Millinery Parlors. b!4 b. 2sth. Phone Harney aue. FOR REN'T-OffKe room. 621, located on top floor, facing court, 4,1) siiuare feet. In cluding vault, icnts for ii per month. THE UkX BLILULNG COMPANY. -4 8. II. Cole Sign Co., D. I76s. 1316 Farnam. E. W. Lfyx'KJOY repairs sewing machines and warrants them. i2 N. 2UU Web. Ik4. LYNCH JiROS. PLUMBING AND H ICATI Ml REPAIR WORKS. H08 Jackson St. D. 1477. A !-(.'tNT show for 10 cents; half price matinees. The Parlor Theater. Robertson '& Restaurunt J-f (baaement); cool, light, aanltary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and gen liemrn. Table d note dinner Sunday. r' MILY U,'uur Ho". full measure aviui pure goods, our motto, limit Hansen, prop.. I2JJ Chicago St. MOMFY K,AnNsunu?r XVJLVX JW JL ult. lit) be Bi.1i J IX) W to in. Phone Doua. 2ai. I'KIUN LOAN CO. EAT KOHHWR HOMK COOK.INQ. A r !:.. 3ii S. Ulh, upiitalra. Kl.EVATiARS REPAIRED, freight, pas cuer. J.' R. Kennedy. 104 8. ISth. D. 2ri. ANCHOR FENCE CO. " lion and Wire Fenoe Cheaper than Wood. Lasts a Llfet nie. 207 N. 17th St. Phone Red 914 TO.NilS, flrst-elaaa tailoring, cleaning repal riui for ladles and gentlemen. kuv Paving '. . MAGGARD Van Storage Pack, move, store and amp H. H. goods. D. ltvs. B-Hat Maogiameli Bros., Boost Omaha and buy liailaa inacironl. Ntw Omaha factory. HI Jackson FRANK BARKER U BARKER GEO. BARKER. JR. JOS. BARKER. 1JARKLR BROS., PAINT CO., IOhM' FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONES. rburwIn-WUHams paints auJ vair.lahea. wnite lead. Krvatona. glasa, liurroi a. bi aa tK'lithea. bruahea. lubricating oils, window a uadea, wall paper, glajuug and framing. Continued TWKNTY rn ceM leas tnan Omaha prices I HOMK Kl R.MTl Kr: CO., I i wenty-rourth and L. Mmi. ,-ouin I A I J ( JT1 ( ) X K El v. 1 u iV . , , .... . : l. : ' .,., -1 ..hi iti lliai nilntliA well We rail f lirniah OU ! -rnaii adapted to your line Cor;epor.d I ua or call '1I. Louplaj 3.-W 1 l.adl' ' and ganta' ahine larlora. S li. . U.A IjI'H B M A( IIINK .SHoK RKPAIK-; IXi "iolra -erd nailad neela j jot while you wait 1 minute. aOaoiuttl) line work. olS ?outh 11th St. I C. T. lickni!iiin Ims mova.l hit offlcr to ' room 41. Pax ion Hlock. Phone l'oug. WH. boU'ULAS Printing Co. Tal. Douglas 'H4. 1LEK OKANU 1IUTKL PlncM In the et. Xurkisll BatllS ith and Howard t-ta. PRACTICAL, nursing, U0 N. 21t. V. 57. MALi A M K KL) WARDS, maaseuse. ldle.V only; strictly private lesldcnce. 1 8- Hh. Douglaa &3. W. C. CATTIN. plumbing nd heating; new and repair worn. !10 N. Z4th. U. 1ii2. CHILI AND CHOP SUET PARISH .1 1 s'P OPKNF.D. F.varythlng flrgt-claas. I'pataira. 16") Dodge. Tyler Ui- COAL. AND LIMBER GEARS. ua ahnw you tha new cut under CKSTRAL IMPLLSCLNT CO., 11 W Farnam DAVID COLK CREAMERY CO. Flltera. filter repalra. 1210 Howard. P. 313. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafera make clear, white akin. By mail 60o and M. Sbennan McConnall Drug Co.. Omaiia. B. X. Wurn. Optician, 443 Brandala Bldg. REFRESH MKNTU AND BBRVICE Bv Alfred Jonee, formerly with Balduff, head waiter at Omaha Field club laat aeaaon. PHONES HARNEY 18o8; IND. A-i367. WOCI.D you like to have a real good time? Do you know where you can spend a happy hour? The Parlor Theater. 50 SAVED a?i VTuuS JJ 0 Uii T AXV the,jt,HNSON joy GAS LAMP; 1 cent per hour; 600-candle power; no amoky celllnga. Johnson Lajup Co., t21 a lth. D. I"t0; A-1445. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID'' Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the beat place In Omaha for all klnda of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner lSth and Harney Sis. FINE new automobile tire cheap, not trust made goods. Save you 60 per cent on tire cost. Any style bead. ttx U 0; lKxS, 116.66; 30x3. 113.76. 30x3V. 117. M); 32x4V 118.W; Mx?.. HD.ttO; 30i4, -1.,0. 31x4. 22.70; 32x4. U-'.t), iUxi,; 34x4, (26.80; Mxi, (2830; 34x4',; Hex 4-. .l3 :t)xn. IM M. Dtin lupe 16 per cent additional. Tubes 16 per cent less than standard prices. No shoddy goods, i'rompt shipment C. O. D.. allowing examination. Five per cent discount for casti with order. Qeyer Sales Co., Dayton, Ohio. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 6907. BARGAINS in Used Cars 8?Bttor Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 10 Pear). , Allto lipnairino Mo8t complete plant 1UIO ivrjittlliug , tn Wft Diamond Tires, 2d-hand earn, storage. The Paxton Mituhell Co., 2010-18 Harney. D. 7281; A-1V1L FOR 8ALK AtJTOMOBIIE Limousine body, built by yulmby, to fit any seven paaaenger touring car; axcellent condition. Apply M. Wahoaky, .4026 Jackson St. Tele phone Harney 3o7. SAVE TILE PIECES. We weld all broken metal parts for au tomobiles and machinery. BERTHCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. New 60-horse power four-passenger Moon car; will trade tor U.OuO city property. Wallace Auto Co.. arenta for Stearns cars. r- Write for list of automobile baraalns. H. E. Frederickson kuto Co., Omaha. Aiitn I'nintillt "Mt'RPH Y DID IT." AUlOiainilUg oet our pr1c now. ANDREW MURPHY &. SON, 1412 Jackson. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE Hi x-cy Under, seven-paaaenger Franklin touring car; ex cellent condition. Bargain. Apply M. Wa hoaky, 4ii Jackson St. Tel. Harney 2967. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage, w m. Pieiffer Carnage Works. 2th and Leavenworth. Motorcycle. Writp t0T ut o! used motorcyctea. nine Wa CBrry fuu ime of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANGiuSTAD, 404 Be Bldg. iel. D. Oil CAPITAL Controlled for commercial enterprises. Entire stock and bond issues taken and sold to investors by prominent brokerage bouse. Straight commission. Highest refer ences. Eastern Inveatment Ce., Boston. Mass. r LARUE FIRE iR,N.E .co.M- Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock lor sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Caaady Co., Fiscal Agenta, S. W Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. IX l&ao' FOR SALE A restaurant, town ef 60S In habitants; sell very reasonable on acoount of poor health. Only one in town. . M. A. Koebel, Mlnden, la. CASADY F' r"' !' ,0n a u insurance. Ust your prop erty lor rale or rant. Quick returns. S W coiner 14th and Douglaa. Tel. Doug. 16J0 FOR RENT Of flee room. 612. lar. rnnm on fifth floor. N. w. corner of building especially fitted for architect. There la ii square (eet In this space; 4u per month. THE BEE BUILDING X)MPANI. THE RAPIDLY lncreaaina demands for best standard goods direct from our fac tory to users (bunlneaa men, fej-mei-s, s.'liools and practuaiiy everybody) requlrea opening a DISTRIBUTING OFFICE in every good county. To aoceotabla realdeni manager we allow 100 to 1160 monthly salary ana commissions, also office and other expenses; Mou to H.Suo caan required to tarry siock ruling immediate orders; position permanent. "LIBERTY" MANU FACTURING ASSOCIATION. 230 West Huron Sc, Chicago. FREE factory sites in Ralston, the manu facturing suburb uf Omaha. Illustrated boon lot free. RaJston Townslte Co., a. 17th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. O. D. C. CODDINGTON. 120 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, luana, In surance and real aalate. WANTEX), to buy or rent, hotel or room ing bouse. J. X. bowen. care Ban of Cunimeroe, Hastings. Neb. FOR LEASE leading hotel in splendid county seat town In Iowa; good terms to right party. Address Box 137. Dallaa. S. 1. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obta.n money sailing their shares; am helping others, why not you? Proofs has been done. Promoter, 614 Paxton block. WANTED A doctor; location free; plenty of bualnees. Address Y 734. Bee. Hveaalaar Heaieee gale. A GOOD paying wall located rooming house. Small amount cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., KoS New York Life Plug , Hi. men. Red 114 A-U21. ?-roomed. rHmln l o j ae. good loca tion. I blocks of P. O . aell heap for ?uek. rash aale. Gcoise U. CoddJngtou. A) Board ot 'trade Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES (V i'ntinuea t A $ai. I'L'SIRABLF. 1-10.1:11 nnsrtments, ns. ! :'7lh 111 liev 30. - - - . r SALK Furniture of a 7-rnnm flit. strain heated, first -claas rondltion, .'. N " third floor, fall between 3 and p. ... (.K. " room iiKKlarn flat. i Hie 7-rooiii nium-rn Hal. J.n na l.".-room modc-n tlat. S1.T. one i-room nuxlarn flat. A;) ma 7-ronm modain fiat. f-O i na 7-rooiu nuxlarn flat. na ll-i com modern flat. lisy tantia on part of atoe. A. H. L.A 1 M HUI-, 4il Dae HIilR TWKNTY-TWO rooma. mndarn. cloae to, full of rooniara lti.'.'-L'l Hurt St CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1;W Farnam St. Duuglaa DANCING .MORANDS Dancing School. 16th and Harney. Ueaons Mou. and I'rt., R p. in. 'Piionc Doug. S"4. Private lufotii daUV; DETECTIVES Umiha secret bervim Daiec.lvr age, Inc.. bonoed. 42-y Paitun blk. D. Ul: Ind. A -131 3. LVPT T. COR.MACK. 617 KAP.UAC11 HL.K. DRESSMAKERS M. l.uinody, WM Davenport St. DRESSMAKING and alteration, flrat claas work, prlcea reaaonaole. aliaa Elisa beth O'Connor, J12 N. 18lh. Web. 14lt. FIRHT-CDASS dressmaking. MM Dodge ML PARIS dreaamaking parlor. IK NeYlllo blk. MISS STURDY, s21 S. 24tb St. Tel. D. 7311 TERRY'S dreavmaking parlors, mb and Farnam. F1UST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Chrlat maa articles. TYLER 1414. 61 8. 22L ENJOY yourself during the long even- I he Parlor Theater la a place or en- tnant. Matinee dally. GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 271b Dewey. Mra. Lowrnan. children's dressmaking. R.6022 DENTISTS BAILEY MAC'H, 2d floor. Paxton. D. 1035. EDUCATIONAL 1910 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLBOn now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course. Inoludlng Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Couse. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book la ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES, Prea. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Mosher-Lampman Lege8 Unexcelled courses In Business, Short hand, Penmanship and None but experienced teachers. Day and night sen stons. Most Interesting catalogue published in Omaha. H-nd for one. today. MOSHER A LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Sta., Omaha, Neb. ST. ANDREW'S achool for boys, 41st sxd Charlea. Fall term, September It. Rev. F. D. Tyner. mi Charlea. H. 23ES. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A 1001. HESS A SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam St. BRAN DEIS' cut flower dept., new store. THE ANNEX flow'er ahop. Theater Bldg. J. P. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. L. Henderson. 1619 Fajnam. Douglas 1261 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new; good baking guaranteed. 1719 Cuming. Twl. Ind. B-ltO. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-1 Dougias St. Both phones. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical aad Offloe. STENOGRAPHER, to lot M private lec y, $76. STENOGRAPHER, 160. FILING CLERK, $30. CASHIER, i-a and board. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 14ia City National Bank Bldg. BRIGHT girl, 17 or II years old, for of floe. Call at once at 1001 city National Bank Building. WANTED Lady cashier for railroad eat ing house; must be accurate; la. board and room; give references. Address J. R. Chambers. Long Pine, ' Neb., care C. & N. W. Ry. 4 WANTED Competent stenographer to take position at once; good salary. 1001 City National Bank Building. Factory aad Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdreasing; price rea sonable. Oppenhiein Parlors, 236 City Nat l. Bank. D. 253. WANTED A good maaseuse. must be scleuiltic. 216 Bee Bldg. Apply p. m. TWENTY girls at once to work In bag departments. Bemla Omaha Bag Co., 11th and Jones Sts. TWENTY chicken strippers wanted. Steady work. David Cole at Co. Call for i. Nowllng. WANTED Girl . tor general housework. Call Harney 6613 or 13C4 Park Ave. WANTED Nurse girl. IC? LeevenworUa Bt Id floor; call rt onoe. OOOD girl for general housework. Spencer street Phone Webster 621. im WANTED Flrst-clasa cook, tl per week to the right party; call at once. iMri Woo., worth Ave. AN experienced second girl, small family, good wages. 403 So. 36th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; two In family. 304 S. Sh St. LADIES wanted to tike work borne; transferring; profitable. 216 Bra-ndele Thea ter Bldg. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 315 Burt St. Tel.. Harney 1026. GIRL for general housework, family of three. Good home for right party. No washing. Mra. Talmage, Phone Harney tjli. 4V-9 Cass St. LADIES make extra money; take work borne; standing holiday novelties: fascinat ing, steady. 3u Brandala Theater. WANTED Girl for general houaework; ahould be good nook; no laundry; small family; good wagea and a des rable place. Call at Mrs. Stubbs. lull Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 643 GIRT, wanted for seneral housework: I amall familv. I'hone Har. :4. 131 No. iui Ave. housework. 1311 So. 35th bt. WANTF.D A competent girl for general houaework. 1111 Blni.ey St Web. 1VUV WANTED A girl for general housework. 3077 Chicago Bt.-- W ANTED A young girl for houaework. Phone Harney 461 general W ANTED A German cook for small family, lull Burt eL Phone Harney La.- , , . WANTED A competent girl for gei-ral L. ..... ..w 1 '. o . i I. at II a i r .u , . WANTED -An experienced maid for child about I years old. felt Lewey Ava HELP WAN I'EU FEMALE tC'piitinued ) Hwkrtrr nuu llomeellce. WANT1-.D ' kirl t,.r aatiaraJ 1 jhouatworh, nice loom, too l uo.i.t 4.J . r amain Ml. IMi-na Harney 3i40. WANTKI houaewtMk. A competent Kirl tor ,a:'aral KMJ .N. jth St., .-outn tmuiiia. WA.NTED-An experienced girl for houe "cra. no laundry a,i.od wskhs. Ji'2 ;7tli ' et. phi ne Hurn-y WANTED A young Rohemlan girl f .T i general imwuork. 2.115 S. J4th 9:. Phone; 1 oiuuiaa Hi. WANTKI) A Competent German girl for general hoaework. bao S. 26th Ave. WANTED A middle aged woman to oare for child; good home. 2oJ0 L'avenport St. WANTED A competent girl for general huuRework; good wages. u3 S. iSib St. I'lione Harney 12e8. child after ch.r h5ur: Saturday, and j W'ANTF;D An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 2lm Calliornla St. t'none LoUKlas UN WANTED A competent girl for house work; small family. Sbo N. vlth St. i'hone Harney ls.ll WANTED Competent girl for housework. i.auioriiia i, rnone riamey to. WANTED A washwoman for Mondays; references. 4j Dodge. Phone Harney 174. - WANTED A young girl about IT to care for child and help with housework. 144 N. 17th 8t.- WANTED A competent cook; good wages. 12S 8. 29 th St. WANTED Two girls for cooking and general housework. 1102 8. 3Dtb Ave WANTKIJ-A Capitol Ave. good laund WANTED A girl to care for children. 1317 Park Ave. No. 4, Urdana Apartment. GIRL for general housework; good wages, no laundry; should be good cook; excellent horfie. 811 8. S3d. Phone. Harney 1176. GIRL for general housework; no washing or Ironing. a10 N. 20th St. WANTED Competent and experienced girl for general housework; family of four; no warning; good wages: permanent place for right party. Call forenoons, nut) South Hid St. r GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; no washing. 2416 C St: 'Phone South S4. WANTED A good girl for general house work, sia N. 16th St. 'Phone Harney 5U0S. M Iscelianeoaa. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaslmed; look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. WANTED Lady demonstrators; nothing to sell; good proposition. 1716 Leavenworth. HOW do you apend your evenings? Ten cents la the price of a happy time at the Parlor Theater. MAIDS' COURSE IN COOKING Four leseona for I1.6U in making soupa. WKDNE-SDAYB AT I p. m., beginning Nov. . Y. W. C. A. WANTED An experienced saleslady for picture framing department. Must give first-class references- Address Y 721, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Areata, SaUesaaeat aaa telleltora. WEI have salesmen's positions optn where you can earn good money while studying our course. Practical School of Salesman ship. Cleveland, O. WANTED Agenta t aell cigars direct to Consumers. Apply for Information, 66 ttb Ave., Room Sto, Chicago, lit. COLLIER'S Weekly has opening for two first-class sales men. Men who can qualify for road positions. See Mr. King, 226 Pax ton Bldg. MAN wanted with rig to take charge of aale of our medicines, extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc., In your county. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful, pleasant, very profitable. Referencea re- quired. Write us. We mean business. Shores-Mueller Company, Dept. 92, Tripoli Iowa. WANTED Experienced salesman for men's clothing, good wages. Apply Ben nett Co. . WANTED A man In Omaha to sell oysters: one calling on the grocery trade preferred. Address Tbomaa Moore Co., Baltimore, Md. CAN l!SE GOOD ROAD SALESMAN AT ONCE. 1001 City National Bank Building. Boys. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Telegraph Co.. 211 S. 13th St. Clerical anal Office. Ws can use several first elans bookkeep ers, ledger clerks, stenographers and sales men ut once. Call or write for complete Hat of vacancies. WESTERN KEF. A BOND ASS N.. INC., 762-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. I years ) ANYONE who wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Nebraska Help Supply Co., Room IS, over 211 8. 16th St WANTED A man who has had offloe experience with country bank or loan com pany, familiar with mortgages and also good accountant; also must have had some experience and correspondence In selling securities. Splendid position for right man. Addreaa H 317. Bee - .. .. . nronnsjia a ompiete t.ourse onortnand ONLY 110 CASH Or (16 at 16 down and to a month Address: Globe Correspondence School Lemcka Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. SPECIALTY SALESMAN, $1,600. BCKJK KEEPER, Investment required, 1W. CASHIER, German, tl,600-l,yu. STENOGRAPHER, !. CASH I Kit, $76 CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1403 City National Bank Bldg. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER; will have charge of books and accounts. 1001 City National Bank Building. Faetorr aasl 1' rages. Drug Stores (snaps), Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. WANTED At once, a first olass sausage maker and butcber; good wagea to right man; one who Is willing to stay and Is sober. F. R. Hufsmlth, Crelghton, Neb. WANTED Buahelman. Writs st once. No foreigner, boooer or dead one need apply. "The Pressorium," Kearney, Neb. WANTEriFirst-olass carriage black smith. Drummoud Carriage Co., Uth and Harney fcta- GORDON press feeders wanted at Rebci" a. Bee Bldg.; boys or girls. WANTED Watchmaker, engraver, as sistant aalestruiii; permanent position; good pay to the right man; short hours. u.d J. Niewohner, Columbus, Neb. Mlaer llaaeeas. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron Woraa. 15th and Jackson Sts. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average aalary, $1,100. Examinations In i,med.atly. Franklin Institute. Dept. 212- L. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting, small eecuriiy required; givs addreaa and 'phone. Address A -it. Bee. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Ew weans completes. lime saved by ateadv practice. ' areful instructor and demonstrations. Tools given. diplomas i grained, wages Saturdays. Spleruid de- n.and for graduates, tall or write Moler Parber College. 110 8. 14th St l . ' ri ? r. . I ' 1 ii a emu e riiini. i o i .i Theater Moving pictures and polite vaude- 1 ville Matlncas dally- LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llnraca and totom. rAHIll.'.l . .id top t'Ugav. ioihI coiid: ' Hon ; al-'.' ovir own pr iv iio s I aolinaoti 1 'aM .rtii Co., utr. nd Jonea Ki lIOKJSi-: FOR 8ALi:. Kini famiiv dnv ytn lu.r;, hat ncaa and buga l. W J. lN-niio'tv i nvost mcnt toIlipitil Tel. i 75. 1.04 I U. Nuacnal Han's II tfK. I UK .-ALK-'li-an rreaa team, liltie 2-...WW. ex- ! iid-lmndeU. good I voi ker.. Uil Leurnwrlli. 1 ELI YEUY V AliON' HEAVY TEAM INC. KAtIS, FARM HAIKINS AN.' HARNESS I'ii,.'.viNiaNKOI!TH '-' ' 6 HEAD of vounK horses, from 5 to years old; weight fiom 1.4o to Loo lb.i , gunrantcrd lo ho absolutely sound ami well city broke, also 1 wagon. 31 Inch, and 1 barn wagon. :i"vlnch training H'ara; 1 set of douhle Concord harness. The nhove n j-.n Sund.y; other d. after 6 p TWO good young horses for aale. Guar anteed to he sound. (.14 olth 14th St. LOST AND FOUND A LIBERAL tewaid to puny returning porketbook contalnlni; Weatern Union card money and papeia ( all Douglas iw. LOST -A gemirmiin a pin. fox's head with garnet set; reward Return to lit' So. Situ St. COt'KER Spaniel puppy, 6 months old Reward. 4810 Florence Blvd. Webster 46:4. taken from the merchants HOTEL A rmail grip by mistake or other wise, containing box of cigars, valuable papers, release of mortgage, water ditch stock contracts in Isrge envelope addreaaod to R. J. Donnen. If found and returned a liberal reward will be given. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelgaton Medical college, llth and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'I'hone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night. PEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 1 a box, postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding FILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Shei man & McConnHl Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ' A LA Hi AMI 4JH ATTaek. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC It M HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST II M DO YOU KNOW It tl that there Is a trust to maintain high M II rates among the loan companies of II M tbla city? M M DO YOU KNOW It II that we are a NEW CONCERN, or- It ganlzed to FIGHT THE TRUST and M II to HELP THE WOR KINGMAN tl when financially embarrauaed. Wa tl tl loan to any worthy worklngman I) II owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS. II II PIANOS. ETC.. or HOLDING A tl II SALARIED POSITION, any sum II II from 110 to I6W R tl at the rale of 10 per year It It JUST THIN K YOU PAY It tl I 1.00 Interest for 10 for a year. M f 2.60 Interest for I 26 fur a year. It M I 6.00 Interest for I 60 for a year. U II (lO.oO Interest for tlOO for a year. tl tl All OTHER SUMS in PROPORTION II II W can loan for these low rate It because we have Interested MEN OF It II LARGE MEANS, who are satlafied II It with a REASONABLE RETURN on It It their Inveatment Reasonable ap- tl H praisement charge. u CALL AND BE CONVINCED. U It EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE, tl It LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR It II It It It INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. ft ft ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDQ. tl Phone Doug. 604o 16th and Harnry. M twmuuttttttttmuttitutttmttrotimtstmts t CHEAP LOANS. ) It on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. It It AT 6 PER CENT A YEAR? tl Can You Beat These Kates? 10 lor months lo it $ 1 26 for 6 months 75o i f$ 160 for 6 months 1160 $ $j I 76 for 6 months tl'.lS It i II I xiuu tor c montns J.o t Small charge tor appraising. (t OMAHA r liNAINClAL CO., J 1 tl Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 S. 16th St. It 1$ opposite Brandels. I) jug. 203. A-2i6. tt ttet44Mt4et4I3tWtttm4UtHttlMit Cash Quick on Easy Terma Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; amall and easy payments; 11 30 Is the weekly payment on a $60 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts In the same proportion. Mail or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1611'i Dodge St State Mortgage Loan Co., 'Phone Douglas J466 or A-2466, DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wa will loan you money on your furn iture, pianos, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteoua treatment and at r!r nrlvacK. Call or 'phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1166. Ind. A-1364. 220 Bee Bldg. HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we nave, money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates and easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 417 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payments. Offlcea In 6 principal cities, Tolman, room 603 Omaha National Bank Bldg. MONEY! TO LOAN. Come In na let us explain low rates to vou. Reliable Credit Co.. 90S Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-1411. CHATTEL loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 669 New York Life Bldg. MONEY to loan to salaried people and on household goods by private party. Ad dreaa Lock Box 29. Omaha. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge. Tel. Red fatil.l MOVING STORAGE CLEANING OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 209 8. 17th. 'Tel. D. 16. EXP. Lellvery Co.. offices 16th and Dav enport Si. Warehouse ?':07-flH lsard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Baul avast Keonaa. CHOICE rooms with board. 'The Tem plars." 1SH Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Large room, suitable for two, private family. 114 S. 19th St. GOOD table board. Kt Na. 20th. FOR RENT Fine large room with bom eoeklog. 3323 Howard st FuR RENT Three rooma, turnlahed, private faintly- -3 Pierce St Ked FOR RENT Furnished rooms, home cooking. 710 So. 18th St. FOR RENT Room in private family, board, good location. 410 No. 2Jd St. FOR RENT Nice room, all modern; board. 1810 Chicago St BOARD and room In private family, good location 2.06 Howard St. FOR RENT Nice room with board, for married couple, home oooklng, referencea 7o So. 30th St FOR RENT Modern stesmheated rooms with board. 21417 Douglas St. FOR KKN'T-N Ice room with the best of home cooking. 64'i ."o. ilth St. YOUNG LADIES- Por,m and hosrd in i modern home, niuy IM Web. 873 i . . . , FOR RUNT A eoiv eat room In private j family, borne eookiug Harney OFFEREU rUH KENT nunr.l mimI ;liuni 4. ontlnnril. NICE room for two gantlemen. IxMid Jr (1. sited. So. l-?th Ave. Harney ta. PtH UKNT-Nicely f i;rnlalia1 room In 1 ilvme faiuil) lor or two. 4"11 Corby FOR RENT Two ftimiahed rooms, prl- .vate fainllv. goixl location, board if rie I fired ..) So. St FOR RENT -Modern room with board. No St. W AN i l-,I)- na or two Jewish yntinar n't ii to board and room. trlate Jewia i :fnn..lj, rrfertncea required. Call Webater FIRST CLASS home cooking meals. o. Ill 8 17th St. TWO nice large front rooms and single room, modern. Board If desired. 2310 Doug- 1 St. Mi'E single room with board, also large front room for two: walking distance. L.11S Cass 'Phone Douglaa 1476. FIRST elaes room and board. 1l0Chlcago St. PLEASANT south front room with board, for rent In modern house; Kountse I'Ihcc on l'4th St. car line: furnace heat; telephone, good bath rnm. pleaaant sur roiinclinns r.nd qulot neighborhood; best car service in city on this line; terma rea sonable, to right people. Man and wife pre ferred, no children; references required. 8M N. 24th St. Bell Tel. Web. 991. MuliEKls loom with board; near car barn for two gentlemen. 1734 Vinton St. i- N It 'ELY flirnlahawi rnnm m1th two. rA for 2 young men; cloae in; new house; refer ence required; not a boarding house, Ad dreaa D. 311 Bee. NICELY furnished room, with board, close In, new house; references required: not a boardtng houae. Address J lis. Pee. Knrnlahed Roe me. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 S. 26th St. Very convenient to business. NICELY lurnlahed rooma. 633 S. 22d St DEWEY European Hotel, ISth & Farnam. GOOD furrlslied room In modern house; reaaunahle. 7i S. IMh SL MODERN, steam heated rooms, 23d St. 220 N. NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, tor gentleman. 131 N 31.-st Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly mod ern new fat; close In. 2207 Davenport St. NEWLY furnished rooms, private family; strictly modern. 2X17 Dewey Ave. ONE nicely furnished front room, mod ern, for two gentleman. 1U09 Webster St. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, steam heat; walking distance; con venient to three car lines. 101 S. LSth. DELIGHTFUL room tor one young man; modern; lavatory: quiet; good family, splendid location. Phone Florence 101, EAST front room, electricity and steam heat; fine neighborhood; walking distant ;78 8. 2Mh St. NICE, large front parlor, steam heated: reasonable; private family; close In. 3GO. Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms, modern, private family. K26 S. 24th. Douglas 766L MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. Lunch served if desired. 1606 Leavenworth. LARGE front room for gentlemen; mod ern; private. 808 N. 19th St. LARGE room, suitable for two; also sin gle room; board If desired; private family; 'phone; conveniently located; no sign. 114 S. 19th St. NICE room, with board, for refined mar ried couple; good home cooking; references required. 706 S. 30th St FRONT room, with slcove, for gentle men: hot water heat Tel. Douglaa 4678. NICELY' furnished, very large room, fur nace heat. 2808 Ames Ave. NICELY furnished room, with furnace heat and telephone; to one or two gentle men; reasonable. 422 N. llth. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, mod ern, with private family; gentlemen only. 24 Cass St. NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. Al modern. 24 Casa St. PARIJR for two. a'.so housekeeping; everything new. 2S17 Mason. FOUR modern except furnace; fine lo cation; use of heating stove. Harney 4266. TWO VERY' desirable front rooms; one single room; strictly modern; centrally lo cated. Phone; brealcfast If desired. 2407 Capitol Ave. TWO flno front rooma In private home, new house, fine furniture, steam heat, all modern, walking distance. u 8. 26th Bt VERY DESIRABIJS room in private family, walking distance; strictly modern. Phone Doug. 40t. 722 N. Uth St Shirts. 6c; collars. 3c; cuffs. 4c. CAREY Hotel and Laundry, ltth and Howard. FOR RENT Room and aloove, suitable for 4. Good location. ev av. HBlo Ave. I LARGE modern room, xoellent neigh borhood, lit 8. Uth Ave. 1 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma, good location. 619 8. 20th Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, modern, no other roomers, good lo cation. 818 8. X2d St . I FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 1821 Chl cago St. FOR RENT Furnished rooma, modern. Uth and Douglas. Douglaua 6403. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, modern. 838 8. 19th St. ' 1 FOR RENT Nioely furnished room with best. 8622 Hawthorne Ave. FOR RENT Modern, well heated room for gentlemen. 216 S. 2Cth St. Doug. 5. LARGE front room, ground floor; also other rooms; reasonable. 401 9. 26th Ave. YOUNO man to share comfortable fur nished room: reasonable terms, tmt Farnam St Phone Harney 2673. $13 lArge, well furnished, southeast par lor with bay window, with or without piano; no objection to praotioe; furnace heat, gas. nice bath, plenty hot water, both phones; walking dlstajice: Iavenworth car one block. 26ti3 St. Mary's. IJere is the Want Ad Record for the last two Sundays, compared with the correfiponding Sundays a year ago: Omaha Bee, gains 137 inches. World-Herald, loses 136 inches. The Bee has made a record for bringing quick resnlta and reliable results to advertisers. ' It pays to use its want ad columns. Here is what they say; "More mood buglne received through Bee Want Ads than from my other ten pgperg." U O. FundiDgsIand, tbe bead of a big firm lo Nebraska. "Take tbe ad out that I put In last night. Hold tbe Stove " Real dent on Rugglea Street. "Stop tbe ad I run yegterdey. Rented the cottage tblg morning," says a lady on 16th and Spencer gtreeta. "I advertised tbe flat In Sunday morning's Bee and rented tt be fore noon," says a lady on South 27th street. and so forth. If you are in a hurry call Tyler 1000. 8 OFFERED FOR RENT parnlahefl Honeae 4 outlawed. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, pri vate family, hoard If dealred. 1KI6 Ontario St . NEATLY furnished room, cloae In, mnd ein. eiectrli lt . S. :4th .-J. FURNISHED room tea: depot, blocs from street csr. (WH Pacific MCl.LV furnished rooms. 1433 N. Pith St TWO well furniehed rooms; modern; fur nace reat; pore; oonruniK nrar, ceiurmiy tocnted. :i4 .N. .;ti bt. l.l Xl'RIiH'SLY furnished parlor room: irivate Lome, everything: new and strlctiy tlrl-ila i-"H0 lHvii:'s St. FOR RUNT desirable looms. In private family, good location. :'l Harney St - LARGE front room suitable for t ISIS Cupltol avenue. NICr.I.I rurnianea roonu, monrm, wua board. 610 N. J3d St. MODERN furnished rooms; special at tention paid to Iranian's, only three blocks from postofflce. 1407 Chicago. Ind. 'phone B 2701. Cull me up. Mrs. H J. Conrad. NICELY furnished .rooms, suitable for t, with board. 30H N. 21d 'l'huna Red 6C;7. LARGE front room, mutable for one or two gentlemen. 201 S. Uttit Ave. NICELY furnished room In rrlvate home. Walking distance; reasonable. Itione Douglas 70. THE BACHELORS. 30TH AND PARNAW. STRICTLY modern, walking dlstajocej references required. 2320 Dewey Ave. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. XU Dodge St. NEWLY furnished rooms: private famllyi strictly modern. 2317 Dewey Ave. FURNISHED room for two gentlemen! private family. 1802 Casa. Phone Tyler l.4. CIASB In. nice front parlor, steam hented: private family; reasonable, tt Capitol Ave. VERY desirable rooms for housekeeping, cloi-a In. IU8 N. 19th. CLEAN, neat, well heated furnished room for rent or will hoard mnn and wife. Tel. Web. 265. Call 3910 M. 2l'd. TWO rooms beautifully furnUtod; parlor and bedroom; private family; walking dis tance; east front; one luock soutfr-. of Leaventv ortli csr; quiet neighborhood; two gentlemen or man and wife who take meals out. Hub South 2iith St. NICELY furnlalK-U rooma. 2213 Burt. EXCELLENT rooms. $160 evenings. 2119 Leavenworth. week. Call LARGE front room, lower floor, for two gentlemen. 2022 St. Mary'a Ave. TWO single rooms, separate; strictly modern, hot water heat, convenient lo two car lines; irlvata family; choice neighbor hood; breakfast If desired; electricity and ga.. 3UJ Davenport FOR LADY Choice room In nice horns with private family, cons sting of husband and wife. 1923 Locust St. Phone Web. J119. HEATED housekeeping rooms; furnished complete. 2227 Dodge. NICELY furnished front rooms, modern; close In. 36-6 St Mary's Ave. HERE tt Is the largest nicest and most comfy room, you could wish for. All mod ern, family of two. 118 N. 37th Ave. , FOR RENT Two large rooms, ntrely furnished, modern, bath, gas, eleetrlo light $10. x 27(16 Iewey Ave. SUITABLE for couple of young men, nios large front room. 2310 Douglas. FOR RENT Strictly modern room, nicely furnished. 2630 Cass St Tyler 1619 . Jl'ST what yon are looking for. nloe large south room. gas. hot and cold water, furnace heat. 3230 Grace St. Doug. 6-'77. FOR RENT Two nioely furnished rooms, good location. 641 H. Mth Ave., Doug. 6277. FOR RENT Nice, clean, neatly furnished rooma for light housekeeping, good leca tlon. $6. 613 N. 19th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for couple of young mnn. 2122 N. 16th St FOR RENT Furnished room desirable for two. 22i6 Harney. 4 LOOK! Listen: Nice steamheated room with bath, fine location, janitor service. Harney t9. FOR RENT lArge room with alcove, desirable for two gentlemen; near Alans coin park and leavenworth car line. No other roomers. 7('l S. list St FOR RENT Large front room and al cove, desirable for two. Ho. 960 is. SiLh St FOR RENT Three furnished housekeep ing rooms. 1J09 Pawnsm cK. FOR RENT-NICELY furnished room, good loos Lion. 112 N. lad Bt GENTLEMEN, nice front room, good lo cation; private family. Uli Cavpttol Ave FOR RENT Two pleaaant rooma, good location. 1320 N. 24th St. FOR RENT J-axrge room deatrabla for to fsctleacaa; good location. 9. &:h Ave. FOR HINT Nicely furnished rooms la private home. U N. lita St FOR RONT Couple nioely furnished rooms, good location; block from oarj UU Clark St., Web. kbU, FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room desirable for two gentleman, jcjutt Farnam FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms. 2216 California St FOR RENT Nicely f arnlahed room, mod ern, good location, private family, lttug W abater Bt FOR RENT (Wurnlabed rooms, fumawee heat, tight and bath, good location. 27T Harney St. FOR RENT Two fumlahed reosns) for Xenllemen, no other roomers. 14 a, Sts) vs. FOR RENT Nioely turnlahed, good lo cation. IMA St. Mary's Ave. Domestic FOR RENT Isvrge southeast rnom, all modern' three lams windows, eloeel and nioely furnished, liarnay 664. FOR RENT Nioely furnished reona wtth private family, no ether roomer. After i:M call Harney I486. .4 V