Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    thi: r.KK: om.uja. Tr,:sn.v. orrnr.rci: ::. ioio.
m vwm
the election to the It.Hed Stat-s senate
of Mr. Hitchcock, who- helped Statu Trm
ur'r Hartley get away ultli the money
which the people of our mate had paid In
taxes. , I have counted the coat of my op
position to a plunderer .of the stale, treas
ury. I have suffered, and 1 know I ahall
suffer because of my refusal to support
Mr. Hartley' pifrtner. Hut :ny suffering
l softened by the knowledge that no cltl
en can better serve ' tils state than by
honest effort to keep public, plunderers out
of public office. UHbert M. Hitchcock la
just aa guilty aa Jocph S. Hartley. Klve
year were spent by Hartley In state
prison In atoning for his sin sgalnst the
people of Nebraska. .v'hull we now reward
Ida partner In that aln by electing- him)
to the Vniled Statea scnute? Not by th
vote of any man who loves the. right and
deplore the wrong."
Tibbies ; Save llla'-Hoaa by Gettln
Htm ra "Ksxlorsemenl."
(From a Staff OorreRimndent.)
l,IXCll, Oct (Special. )-lrlven to
desperation by the rising tide of Indigna
tion of the people of Nebraska occasioned
by ir exposure of the fact that he was
beneficiary of the Hartley treasury short
age. Ollbert M. Hitchcock, democratic nom
inee for-l.'nlted Btutes senator, has sent
forth his handy man, Thomas II. Tibbies,
an dthrough him secured a resolution of
endorsement from what he will call the
executlrw Committee of the populist state
comnillitiCt V j v .
Mr. TtbbJ ;hopes this resolution will
stop the desortlon at the populists of the
state from th- Hitchcock ranks if It Is
published a,.-v,tti official action of an offi
cial committee? ' s
A a ruwr of tact, .owever, only tie
perjons wetj pret'M at the' secret Tiieetlnu
wh'lvh was hold tVtia Uncoln hotel. There
five, men were V. 1 Stark of Aurora. C
B. ,Ianuel.Jsuperintcndont of the Kearney
lndiitrial school; K. A. Walroth, secretary
of , the populist1 committee; ' 11. U. Cum
mins of gewardvand T. 11. Tibbies, a con
tributor to th AVorld-Merald, Mr., Hitch
cock's paper. - -, . - ,
Mr. .Slirk nade tlm. motion to give Mr.
Hitchcock a Vote, vt votifidehee and. this
motion was ueconded by VValroth. No one
voted in the negative, and . after It had
been proclaimed as having carried Mr.
Tibbies was given Instructions to prepare
the icbolutloii. The meeting adjourned
and Mi. Tibbie wrote 'the. endorsement.
Chaliiiian Manuel was with hlin and sug
geved a milder resolution, but as Tibbies
vta in the taddle, with full authority, his
sugirt-tlon fell on deaf ears. Manual then
did jiot take the trouble to sign the reso
lution. '(lie resolution Is as follows:
lUlHilved, That we reiterate our confi
dmou In the Integrity and ability of Uil
b!it M. Hitchcock and pledKn 'him our
earneKt upiort In his candidacy tor
I niu-d states senator, and' we remember
with gratltudts bis long and effloK-nt ser
ltcs for the iiiuclpies of the people's In
dependent party and hln frequent declara
tions on the .'ftnor of the lious and In his
public adilr en."t of lib obllgallona to that
parry as the i.ader In all gren.1 reforms.
T. 11. TlUfcX.US, (Secretary Pro Tern.
Reports hsye ben coining in for several
days that tijii populists were very much
put out at the discovery that while holler
ing "Stop thief, stop thief," Mr. Hitchcock
himself was then living off of money which
he hud managed to get together from the
tart he received by b'-ing a beneflc'ary
of the Hartley shoitane.. The. long and
loud "Stop thief, atop thief." of the 'orld-
Herald had silenced even any suspicion j
among the rank and file of the populist i
and of the voters of all parti's that the
editor of the World-Herald was under
financial obligations to the ex-state treas
urer who served a term In prison for his
share in the treasury shortage.
So when Kduar Howard, in answer to a
defl from Mr,. Hitchcock to produce tils
proof, rstabttHhedj uevond a reasonable
doubt that Hitchcock was guilty as
chsrged th foHowlne of the Omaha editor
about faced. ' -1 1
From all parts of the state these reKrts
have bwn oniilm t,o Uncobi, jhi It was up
to the Omha ed.tnr to K' t sonic- one el:"e
to bejii Mti vr out hla .bluff that hi
Has :nno-eirT. -5 H fell upon Tom Tibbies.
The former letulcr of the im hud done
)oetan servUoo- befom ar.d it aa ready
to do It agaJn. Ho cume to Lincoln and
with his fo.ur colk-aea he adoptet the
resolution as aboe set out.
.Mr. Tlblii.. becu. aa employe of
the W orld-tli rUI hi recent ) tun and he
.vas aked the iuctitton:
"Are ou, an itt!oe of the World
llerald'.'" '
II s tepls m 4 . t that lie contributed
to tne oi 'd-IJei aid as be did to the Lin
coln Jouiit: "I' am etuploved on tUe
tceola penitti-s,' '
The consumer r.o iiinated Haiph t'lai k
for lieutenant :viuiir in place of VY. 11.
L'.; e, n, , ho dediri d the- nomination. No
vaudilte ! nomliiiited for attorney geu-!
eial an' Mnnu Tmi-j' will make the race
as a populist. 1'ei tr of fert-4 to get out
oT the u-. lAsi'as -WhlUiey, the demo-
viatic t lir.m,'' nMrntit riin as a populist
It wa' uecuii - to leave' Terry oil the
:.k:s. , ' , . '
, - y '.111 ,
Kirisg VVtiras lSlrlr4.
KlMl.TuN. K 31. Kwlng W at
terMoit, sou of J ofe.nel Henry W auersori.
Cilltor of the J .mil - tile (.'ouDer-Jourual,
today as ln.ltu1 for Ju:t In the ftrn
itearee, t ciiai (! witn snooting Michael J.
Alai tin iti &ldinis saloon al twugrrttcs
01 July 1. dhfj.jn t-ouri.Hel wiil apply
(or a i-ouumseiai ( lit ueteiixune his client's
rsjiliy ,
g Is Ui Koaa to big
Ter 1 5 1 e ul A d
"Hello! HelloIicnniiNS talks protection
is this you Jack?"
We'l ri Jwk thi mat m nq u I pntur. I
lit nwi it ZVrs" tresf wimhfo. I we a
Oirnlmi ttu.r: of Mtntar ytnUr-
tr nr. Y rtmtm'ter yon told ut
tOmui what oi'uf tilinij union
tn.tif yon hud and how trtiiJ
lif v v ore von, and lutiv cum
;jr!niile ( tee-re Wtll
didn't, you siiy tlify
MtnftiT :u"k't )es well
th' 'ih'U 1 tlHAijh'. ya
titi , und 1 in (,'"11 V
jitiime ihtm ri'Ui noir, totnd
,our u tin oal to l ie home
V'einfc yo'i Jnck- What!
',. 'JV til' Mt'.iH to lend
tow twit out to tOti ho
A.rnjhl. good-''.'?'
V Mentor Union Suits for
men and your.: men cotton ribbed
half wool, mprccrlsrd cotton and all
51.50. $2. $2.50, $3, $U0. $1
Colonel Roosevelt Says Candidate is
Interested in Trust.
Contract tif Hoaa Morpk)'" .Ma'e
lnmnr silth Wall Paper Com
Mae Is Matter at
ITHACA. N. T., Oct. 14. To Inspect
abandoned farms In this section of the
state, ex-President Roosevelt stopped here
today at the beginning of h i campaign
tr:p In New- York state, which Is to extend
until the last of the week.
Colonel Koosevelt was to ride by auto
mobile for more than 100 miles during the
day with Representative W. W. Cocks of
Nassau county. Representative John W.
Dwlght and Prof. I,. H. Bailey of f ,nnell,
who was president of the Count. y l.fe
commission appointed by President Koose
velt. Mr. Dwlght and Prof Bailey met Colonel
Koosevelt her and took him to breakfast.
The automobile Inspection trip was to oc
cupy most of the day, with George I
Monroe, government inspector off aban
doned farms, aa guide. The trip was to ex
tend over parts of Tompkins, Chemung,
I Tioga and Broome counties, ending at
Blngampton, where Colonel Roosevelt is
to arrive at about 6 o'clock, and where ha
will make a campaign speech this evening.
. Before starting on his trip Colonel Roose
velt addressed a crowd In front of his
hotel, reiterating his charge of last Thurs
day that John A. DU. democratic' candi
date for governor, was a direotor of a
corporation (the Standard Wall Paper com
pany) which wat, & component part of the
so-called -"wall paper trust, characterized
in a decision by Judge burton as one of
the most oppressive monopolies ever cre
ated." "
Colonel Roosevelt said air.' Dix's denial
(hat the Standard Wall Paper company' was
affiliated with the Continental Wall Paper
company showed that the democratic nom
inee either knew nothing about the com
pany of which he was a director or else
was not frank In his statements.
"If," said Colonel Roosevelt, "you will
turn to pages 227 to 274, lnoluslve, of vol
ume 212 of the United States reports you
will find the final decision of the supreme
court, declaring Illegal the trust of which
Mr. Dix'a Standard Wall Paper company
was a member. This decision was rendered
In February, lf"8, mote than a year and a
half after Mr. Ilx states he became a
director of one o( the companies which was
in the trust.
"In the volume to which I refer is
bound a copy of the contract between the
Continental Wall Paper company, the trust,
and the Standard Wall Paper company,
Mr. IMx's company. Justice liarlan, speak
ing for the court, stated that the Conti
nental Wall l'aper combination waa a
clear violation of the Sherman law and
he quoted, as approved by the supreme
court. Judge Lur ton's language about
this wall paper trust.". .
Campaign Fund
lor Nebraska
Treasurer Anderson Hakes Report on
Contributions and Expenditures u
Required by Law.
CKKTK, Neb., Oct. S4. (Special.) C. B.
Anderson, treasurer of the republican
state committee, has filed his report as
lequired by law, showing the amount of
money received by the committee and Its
expenditures tip to October 22, 1S1U. The
total amount received so far has been
il.S-'i.wi, and the total expendltui-es to date
aie Jl.oito.S'J. The amounts subscribed to
Hit republican campaign In Nebraska for
Uic- piexent year are:
H. Cowles....! 50 U tj. Brian a-;
Kotewater 5- K. H. Cowles In
A. Ahlnch uiw S. Hartley lrt
H. lavlln. ;. K. Kodrea
T. Ciaiko. jr..L) Adrian Galu.-h.
H. Hopewell. ,.u Walker Htiuth...
J. Kiiraeti wo f. 8. Hohret-
H. gallon a) Norria iliovili
H. '1 huinmell. U) W. K. Andrea
W. t'rabtiee...2i C. v. Irwin
u. ilal illl I'll J T. Morey
A. tieorge... . J! ion t. lark
C. Uiolnay....!!"! M. 1. 'Swum
W. Avers Si J. It. Wehxier
t'laik Perkins 41 Robert Harvey. .
AddlKOii Valte li U M. Pemherton.
11. J. Wii.iuii..
.-. l- I 1 iioHei .
M. B. Kfeo
'M K H. Abbott...
ai l C, Ho low...
.! W. T. Auld
'J.'e ' 1. Hoot..
US J. H. HaniM. ..
mi .1. t'awceit
a K. 1moii
William Cook...
M C. U. Anderson.
John S'.ahau ...
C. K. Philllpi....
Mary llieag
1. F.. Finej v
A. A. Welch
K K. Kmmett
K. Hoy ce
1. B. ('hapma ...
W. P. Warner.-...
J o Hai loa
O. 11-ndeiliol ,
K.' "R." Merrill'.'.'.".
K. R. Merrill
'. H 1-etton
O. W. Smith.,..,
M. K. Paiteisou..
m j
"V. H. Hose r t.
a R. I.. Hammond. 6"
lb K. Kdyerion
i L. M. Hcheid li so
1"J U. V. Thomas.... 60
Total t.."7.w
Poe la .Nat U4lWie4,
KOM E, (Jet. 24. A report waa current to
day that the iop as Indisposed from
,an attack or the gout. This Is declared
to. be unfounded. His Hotine.s h. Id bis
I usual ie-.e1'tlons too v.
ri i ; i i j i f;i n
Iowa Senator Shows the Wisdom of
Republican Votei.
.last Prlaelple of Heasoaable Proteet
Ive Dalles honld o( fie Attacked
Reeaaae nt Dlssatlsfaetton
' Hti A pplleattna.
CHH'AOO. (Kt. Ii4.-The speech maklns;
pftKse of the republican conare.vifinal enm
i.)ln hea,i here tonUht when Senator
Ctimrrln of Iowa, spiaklncr under the aus
pice, f the ;iaiiHin t-luli. nddi-ensed a
nieetinr In Oi-chestra hall. Th announced
Intention of the lows setinlor was to gain
republican vote, and to this end the key
note of his spee- h was what he termed the
fallacy of vo-.lng for democrats when the
only hope of obtaining desired reforms wa
to elect republican.
'Tor the man who in hi heart wants to
preserve fair an. I reasonable protection for
the American wae earner and the Amer
ican procurer, and who, therefore. Want
dutie H, adjusted that they, will men.xure
the difference between the cost of produc
tion at home and abroad, and who In his
heart abhors the democratic, fallacy of du
ties for revenue elone. It would be the ex
treme of madness to vote for a democratic
candidate for congress, although he be
honest, would rob the country of its
surest safeguard." said Senator Cummlmj.
Merely W rona Application.
The protest asaint excenslve duties han
been effectually made, but we murt pot.
In the passion of disappointment, strike a
Just principle because we may not be satis
fled with its present application."
In beginning hi address. Senator Cum
nilnas said It won 1,1 be a matter of regret
to him if criticism of his alleged heresies
should become a rnstter of embarrassment
to the club.
"1 believe." sHld he, "that I am in per
fect sympathy with the purpose of the
club, but It ought to be understood in the
very outset, neither the club as a whole
nor any individual member is to be held re
sponsible for the view that I may take of
public affairs, nor for the form In which
I sliall express my judgment of the polit
ical situation.
Right or wrong, I speak for myself,
and there shall be no vicarious sacrifice
for my sins."
The speaker said lie had no Intention of
presenting bouquets to those of his party
however upright, who from his standpoint
had disregarded the party principles and
misapplied party doctrines.
lf there Is no basis for party unity In
the coming election other than the trans
parent pretext that there have been no
material differences amongst us, the effort
to get together will be a dismal failure,"
he continued.
"We all know, and It is an Inexcusable
blunder even to attempt to conceal it, that
If every republican who feels that we did
not revise the tariff in accordance with
our party platform votes the democratic
ticket In November there will be a demo
cratic house of representatives. If every
republican who feels that some of the
proposals made by republican leaders in
the last congress for the regulation of
common carriers were reactionary and un
fair, records his vote for democratic can
didates, then the republican victory is im
possible." Taking up the subject of railway regula
tion the speaker declared:
?I take (np the accepted Judgment -of .all
disinterested men that there -can .be no
adequate or satisfactory regulation of our
railways, their rates and their practices,
unless we can for the future see to it that
there shall be no capitalisation either by
way of bonds or of stocks, that does not
truthfully represent money actually used
by the common carriers in the betterment
or enlargement of their properties."
The speaker also touched on the conser
vation of natural resources and the regu
lation of trusts and monopolies.
Tener Files
Libel Suit
Republican Candidate for Governor
of Pennsylvania Brings Criminal
Charge Against Editor.
Tener. republican candidate for governor
of Pennsylvania, today swore out a war
rant for the arrest of E. A. Van Valken
burg, editor and president of the North
American company of this city, charging
him w:th criminal libel. The warrant is
based on an attack begun by the -.North
American on October 13 against Mr. Tener's
bus.ness integrity. The charges have been
reiterated dally.
Sets Fire to
Three Persons
Keokuk Woman Pours Gasoline Over
Husband, Son acd Self and
Applies Hatch.
KF.OKKK, la.. Oct. 24. Mrs. Rena Steut
terman, presumably Insane, threw two
gallons of gasoline over herself, her hus
band and her son last night, then set fire
to the tr'o. She died at 1 o'clock this
morning, her son a few hours later and
the husband la In a precarious condition.
As Kesolt of Flfcbt Independent (lab
Is Raided and Tklrtr Hen
The Independent club, a colored one in
flation, situated at Fourteenth and lioug
las. was raided last night by a a.tia.J of
police, arid thirty inmates, tntrethcr with
the proprietor, were arrested. The raid
was made not because of. the w-lliim of
Ibjuor or of gambling, but because of a
flaht which occurred there earlier .n the
evening between Fdward Watts and H.
Smith. Charles Cub-man, the proprietor,
was released on .V) bonds and furnished
V-0 bonds for all the others
A wholesome building-up food for growing children.
The combined nutritive properties of Wheat, Itice,
Outs and Barley. .1
, Ask Your Grocer.
Oral Argument
in the Panama
Libel Suits
James A. McReynolds Speaks for
United States and Delaney Nicol
for New York World.
WASHINGTON,. Oct. 24. Orsl argument
In the "Panama" libel suit was begun this
afternoon In the supreme court of the
I'nlted States, .lames C McReynolds, spe
cial assistant attorney general spoke ten
minutes -for the government In opening.
He was followed by lelancey Nicoll of
New York for the Tress Publishing com
pany. The alleged libel was Jirlnted in the
New York World, published by the Press
Publishing company. Jt charged that
Charles P. Taft. louglss Hohlnson and
Wllllam-Nlson Cromwell, with J. llerpont
Morgan and others by reason of their Inti
macy with Theodore Roosevelt while he
was president, and William H. Taft then
secretary of war, received a profit of about
$.lti,0i.0ou when the government bought the
Panama canal property.
Mr. McKeynolds In his opening state
ment said the lower court had erred In
plashing the Indictment against the Press
Publishing company on the charge of cir
culating u libelous article at the West
Point military reservation.
Mr. Nicoll spoke of the case as a "legal
curiosity." .
In closing Mr. Nicoll said:
"As a matter of fact the prosecution was
born before Its time, belonging to a new
dispensation, when the federal government
will have taken to Itself all power and au
thority and the states been reduced to
mere geographical districts, when" the fed
eral tribunals longer decide cases
in accordance with precedents and the law.
but according to the needs of the time as
Interpreted to them by some great steward
of the iiubllc welfare."
(Continued from First Page.)
work of women and. children and its de
velopment and Its aim, that the clubwo
men may be a, determinant force in the
twentieth century." .',
She called attention to the power of the
organization which , has 00,noo women as
members Interested and backing its move
ments and Illustrated by citing instances
of the effectiveness of the petitions of the
organization. The pure food law, which
was lifted from the congressional table by
a petition of the club women, was in
stanced. The effectiveness of the organi
sation of the women in the Panama
canal country, at the request of
the government, was also described. The
American Association of Civics, which
asked the club women's aid In their fight
to rescue Niagara Falls from the power
seekers, the National' and International
Tuberculosis association and the Conserva
tion congress were mentioned as organi
zations which had recognized, as the gov
ernment has officially," the' power and Im
portance of the influence of the Federation
club women. . . ,
Sunday Mrs. Moor was taken to the Lin
Inger art gallery and she spoke with pleas
ure of this visit and the graceful gift of
the gallerVs mistress, a beautiful necklace,
whose pendants '-were rbkes of - cut ivory.
Mlsa. Marsden of 'Brbwheil Hall spoke of
the scholarship wlilch "rlYownell has pre
sented to the-Nebrmk4t Federation for the
use ofrthe aanhter a club woman.
Mrs. , Doagias. Chairman.
! Mrs. Iaac Dou la was chairman of the
'committee, ji hlch . had',, in ' charge., the ar
rangements for the breakfast.
Those present were: '
Mesdames Mesdatnes
Moore. W. Nash,
t-'u'e, ' 1'- Organ,
M. 1. Cameron, II. J. Penfold,
Harry L. Keefe J. E. Pulver.
of Walthlll, Neb.: S. Kees,
1. M. Kichurds, v. R,m
president of Iowa Draper Smith, '.
Federation; - j. k. Nelson,
F. J. Hurdette,
r.. J. Polity,
- It. F. Hose,
S. Smith,
F. R. Straight,
H. J. Haker.
C. H. Chlsam,
H. N. Clark.
J. H. Corrlck,
A. Utyenperger,
F. A. Fallonsbee,
C. K. Frost,
L. J. Healy,
W, J. Hancock,
J. G. Hat, -P.
Hoagland, -C.
F. Ault.
U. swoboda,
S. Stevenson,
J. J. Sullivan.
C H. Townsend,
H. C. Towne,
H). J. Towntiee,
f t. l.ynn.
XI. Williams,
X Wittevell,
0. M. Weir,
. Young,
t Moore head,
A. K. Shorer,
FJ. K. Grafton,
W. I. Smith,
M. M. standish.
J. W. Shelllngton,
G. C. Brown.
A. W. Hourman,
B. C. Brookf lel i,
W. E. Brigham,
F. A- Blxby,
C. B. Coon.
K. Cook,
L. B. Cuttler.
t. u. Hummey,
of Council Bluffs. J. Steel.
A. B. Cloyd, F. J. Thompson,
J. F. Bliss. George Tllden.
C. F. DavtH, o. A. Tracy,
A. L. Fernald. t L. Talbot.
J. H. Humont, Vincent. .
G. H. Uarr, J.W. Ward,
O. Klton, A. Walker.
A. K. Gault. , s. Yerger.
C. W. Hayes, W. Zimmerman,
J. K Adams, "Talbot,
Thomas Brown, - F. M. Connell,
C. H. Mullen. tr.H. Mullen,
A. .'. Bruce, K. 8. Mealv,
G. B. Cow rick, j. t. Morley,
James IiBhlman, Or. Miller.
K. K. MaKtertnan, jr, Johnson.
Kli7abeth Sears, A. B. Sommers,
G. Covell, I. Douglas.
H. S. Ma. Murphy, Albert Edholm.
M. H. Corbelt, Clarence Hafer.
McCullough, ). Klton,
J. Haarinan. K. Allen.
W. K. HaiflelU. .... t-red Deurr.
F. B. Ketrick, R. C. Smith.
F, L. Haller, W. O. Whit mora
K. Johns in, 1 of Valley,
T. L. Kelly, ( Heard
James IJiidelf. , of Stanton. ' -
J. I. Hehs, l,y of Dennison,
Hutchens. , Mason
11. Farmer. ., 1 of Benson,
J. T. Jobnso i, M. Freafe
I. . M lArH. t ' of Fremont,
S. W. Una : 11. Hlrkmlre
L. M. Daniels, of N apoleou, la
J. Mcllonh. 'Dr. Cleaver,
K. B. Manchester. Dr. Mvrta Wells.
C. 11. .Morley, .
Misses Misses
II. iinhletz, ' Kotlischiid,
Harris. .Anderson.
Ida V. Joniisuii.
Double Trannlr' line l Jealus.
UVt'AV KTTK. I tid.; -Oct. 'II.-i Martin Itob-berli-oii.
age-l ho shot and killed h:-
sweetheart, lira- Kller. k''I 18. at "Mont
iiioraiicv. nine 'miles 'vest of here late laxt
niglit and I. i:- sliot hino---lf In the brcant
with the same i-hotgun. died this morning
In tlie countv iail hiiripilal. Jealousy ass
the rJe of tlie crime.
'!'( (IKK. t (-OI.II IN OM: 14
Take r.AXATIVK BROMO IJulnlne Tablets.
I iruutrtsis refund hioney if it tails to cure. K.
W. CttuVtH'S sljnaturc Is on each box.
.1 u
Governor of Iowa Says No Appoint
ment of Senator Soon.
Certain that olhlaa Will He Done
I' still After Flertlnn R. K. Meek
f Van Dsrra Regains
Ilia Office.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINF.S. Oct. :4.-tSpei'ial Tele.
gram.l-The action of Governor Carroll In
detinltely announcing, a he did today in a
speech at Claiinda. that he will not con
sider the appointment of a I'tiltcd States
senator at this time, will silence most of
the talk about candidates at' least until
after the election.
The governor did not Indii-ate. however,
that he had fully decided not to maike any
appointment at all, and It Is known that
there has been considerable pressure to
have htm make an appointment Immedi
ately after election. Because of the fact
that he Is himself a candidate for the place
he probably will not do so.
In the course of his speech at Claiinda
this afternoon Governor Carroll, after call
ing attention to -the fact that the party
appointed could serve only until the legis
lature meets next winter, said: "Out of
respect for Senator Dolllver. as well as for
other reasons, I deem It proper and right
that no action be taken and shall there
fore reach no conclusion as to the matter
nor give any consideration whatever to it
at present.
Meek Hraalns Office.
R. K. Meek, county treasurer of Van
Buren county, regains his office by action
of the supreme court after having been de
prived of it by court procedure for alleged
failure to do his duty. It seems that In
October, 1907, he continued to receive tax
payments without exacting the legal pen
alty. For this he was outed. Now the
supreme court says his failure was due to
his not having sufficient help and that no
evil motive was shown. The opinion of
the court was by Weaver, but Ladd and
Deemer dissented.
iContinued from First Page.)
and It has developed' the claim that In
dians will object to paying taxes Is not
borne out by fact. Quite a delegation of
Omahaa was- in Washington recently and
during their conferences with the Indian
bureau almost without exception expressed
themselves as being glad of an opportunity
to pay reasonable taxes on the ground that
they would reap the benefit In better
schools and better roads throughout Thurs
ton county.
That the Omahas will submit without
opposition to taxation will be a good piece
of news to white settlers In Thurston
county, who for years have borne the
burden of taxation for roads and schools.
Assistant Commissioner Abb6tt Is In re
ceipt of a letter from Superintendent
Kneale of the Omahas Informing him that
a mass meeting of the Omahas will be held
at Macy, Neb., November 10, to .discuss
the Brown bill and take action. Mr. Abbott
said today that he will 'attend this meeting
and deliver an address to the Omahas. .
Manley Champlin of Brookings, S. J.,
has been appointed scientific assistant In,
the Agricultural department at a salary of
11.440 per annum.
Rural carriers ' have been appointed as
follows: - " ' ' ' '
Nebraska Callaway route Jl W. C. Tubbs
carrier, .no substitute.
South Dakota Dallas, route 2," Henry
McRoberts carrier, no substitute; Hitch
cock, route i, William Price carrier, Flossie
M. Price substitute.
Iowa Extra, route 5, Adam A. Seibert,
carrier, no substitute.
.William M. Walsh bos been appointed
postmastec at Yale, Beadle county, . South
Dakota, vice W. B. Coughlln, resigned.
Crista Containing; Ten Thousand Dol
lars Worth of Gems Taken at
' i .-'
CHICAGO,,' Oct. 24. James C. Foster, a
salesman from Cotumbus, O.. complained
to the police today that he had been robbed
of two sample cases containing '$10,000
worth of Jewelry while' he was in a hotel
lobby here. According to his statement he
left the sample cases on the floor in front
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
makes a healthful arid invig
orating drink with water and
fcaaronly. An invuluahle
tonic, a delightful beverajre
and one of the best rentorers
when the energies tlao; and
the spirits droop.
Acid Phosphate
Get th
Original and Genuine
U -0 fi LJ OIl'O
"CtiicMau JmitGiicn
The Food Drink for All Ages
Not ia any Milk Trust
tw" Insist on -HORLICK'S'
Taka a paekage bam
7 I'jiff'i" $'!'' 'rZAn
l.eavea ew rk
J 4 N. W llll I.
t' la rv i 11 a.
gai: mm
'I be rlh i-P'-f o 22 Tart' iieriot j
Ako 1 rii.a to lb f tt.i'.ir. ,
tiouih Aibri(-a, A Arouod tbm or l.
41-4ft a.ma4far. .
i I loST
I 1 kZ ir.'
of the cashlfr' flok to stp to the cigar
counter. When, he returned a mlnut later
the cases had vanished.
Insurance Agent
Guilty of Fraud
T. J. Needham of Louisville, Ky Con
victed of Swindling Companies by
Writing-Grave Yard Risks.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 24 -A Jury in
the criminal court today returned a verdict
finding T. J. Needham, an Insurance agent,
guilty of insorance ' frauds. Dr. O. C.
Rchotk, an Insurance exsmlner. was ac
quitted tif complicity In the frauds which
j created a widespread sensation when they
i-AM-'.'ni noine iTl'.mms tmo. It tielng
alleged that T. J. Needham. John J.
Keane and T.- t:: O'Leary, agent, had
written policies on the lives of hopelessly
diseased ane ared persons Without their
knowledge. Inffuram-e companies In In
llana, Iowa and '(Tennessee were Involved
and It was allegedhat the total face value
of the policies of -the graveyard risks ran
over SKM.000.' Needham was fined $750 In
today'a " verdict. O'Leary also w as fined
The VVeatner
Temperature at Omaha yesterda
For Skin
If you have undergone
the itching, burning,
sleep destroying , tor
ments -of eczema or
other cruel skin crop- ,
tionand have suffered
from its embarrassing,
unsightly disfigure
ment ; if 'you have tried
all manner of treatment,
no matter how; harsh,
disagreeable or expen
sive, 'to,' no . avail, an4 .
have all but given up
hope of 'cure, you can .
appreciate what it
means to you and
thousands ?of skin-tortured
sufferers, young
arid old, when, the first ,'
warm bath with Cuti
cura Soap - and gentle
'application of Cutiajia '
Ointment bring instant
and graVeful relief, per
mit rest and sleep, and
point fo speedy . and .
permanent alleviation
at Rifling' cost,'.; ' ;
Keep Your -
Tn a'Safe Deposit Box tn tbe
Burglar, and Tjra-Proof
$1 rents a . box for three
months.'- '" ' ' ' " '
ai-.-.e' r ' . rr.
Doautifu! Tooth
There are but few people who liaVe
them. Oood Teeth every one might bav
if '.hey would go to lr. Bradbury. The
uulckest.. easiest and least painful ure
tne oniy ineinoas siupioyed by us aud
hundreds of our pstlents. botli l and
out of the city, will gladly tali you about
tbe good dental work, and our up-to-date
ways of dulqg things .Crowns and br' Ige
iwork from 15.00 per tooth. Plates that
fit from ( to lis 40. Painless extrac
tion of leelh. .. Nervea of telb tmuureit
without hurting yyu. Work warranted
1 ti 11 tar 1 '
l08 raraaas It.'
IT rears
rhoae 9. 1753
looatioa. .
JoHn Says:
" ' Plnrlbua Uania,"
(whatever . that
msaas) makee a sil
ver dollar good. My
fe oa a of
TaOST 1DITC1' so
cigars makes tbe CX0
AhS goo. '
, This proteetloa from
fraud is a great taiag,
Isn't It?
Centra) Cigar Store
321 So. 16th St.
"T'Ti TTT1 ,"Hn"H'l'"
. .-,:!vT.i.r).',
h ' ' VV- 1 1 If. tit r.sJ . !
.1 9 9 r t : 1 . ' I
i i ' Jl I TA
- i tim I . .m. Mi
Mnmwii mis nl j 41
Wlr r wefts J ' a. m 1.... 40
Y - J .tI -j, 9 n. m 4
AfA 11 a. m M
Vi'X 3 J ? l
f9F: 'IP.'"- (i?
1 VjTftVr, lP.m , 4
5Sr I i'-
T su ti p. nt Kt
-ft W B. ra 7
A iF.v 8 p- tw
tio maltcr what
you pny, sir
there Is .jf7J
nothing )
n 1 n I
' t nr
iwt rs CHAMPA CAt-tf dmBtktm
tk fmM mftvrdt wt'M phmwfc
Dr. Lpnf
ootfi Powder
neutralizes the - destructive
acids of the mouthcleanses,
preserves and beautifies the
teeth, arid imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
The Correct Test of a
Good Drug Store
Is by the manner Jn which piescrip
tlotiH and medicines are prepared.
The public haa a right td ' deiUiind
competent, consclentiotm and frtlthrut
service In every instnitce where' life
or health la Involved. ' "
To meet this ilenuiud lias been, the
constant effort of our stores. . .How
well we have succeeded Is proven ly
the constant Increase In our htiNlness:
The number of those who entrust us
with their prescriptions ennthiues to
grow. '. - t r
The public appreciates our efforts
to give better drugs und better serv
ice. 1 ""
Cor.' 10th and DikIko Sis'. "
Cor. 16th and Harnev Xl.
Ml t Hi Hitfltff W W tlTBTTm Mrf 1 VWI WIHIB1I J
will rent .at vacant boas, an
those vacant rooms, or aeoare
boarders oa abort, at vary
mall coat ta you. Try It. ..
1 j . '-Tfe
Today, 8i30. .Tonight, 8:15.
Douglas 11. 9!
Matinees. Tuesday. Thursday, fia.turd.ay
MISS EVA LANQ md Company' in
Old Heldclbcpfj,
Next Wek The OUi of tlie Ooldea West
Matuieo Kverjr Way, U:lA ?
Every Klgtxt, H:iH ' ' ''
Mr. Kdwarda Iiavls .l ' a ' '"The
I'loture of Dorian Oray;" Tsylui'.
Kiunxiuan and White; i-our ,'lilioiis,
r'ui-bt-M and Huwman, Jlurry Atkinson,
Saiuarulf and tioma, rpulal. (-Vhiuib
Kxtraordlnary, "At the Waldorf;"
Miiuuruim; oipbeutu 1 oucert Orcjjas-
- ', -' fi .
trice Matinee, 'lOc nrj CSc, .:.
Mgtil. 10, .c UUU.9IH
Poug. )J4I,
ma:. A-10 4 1
torn ana uu(las
Today g:lo. Toulgut 8:19.
A l?roo Ladiei-' Hat givn ,
rOIl'IVIY rkll, eei y aXteiuooti.
tee window Itnin-lels loien
One liluOO U. U. lOTOCTCT.B
given away. tOfcl'f I V JBLY TAMB,
at the end of weuk. .See otualia
Motorcycle o, IDtn and 'illol Aa
okbat bio aaow.
p. ,-. Matinee luo and a8e
ri fcji. tveiongs . . lOo. ii&o aud SOo
Mote Mew suow starts avers Suoe
dy Matinee.
M m a Fricos 15c, flSe, SOe.
THK 1U lil.OM.l.STfcit
ith '.' i
Ous Wcinburg.
Thursday ROSA LIVD at KSD Oifi
' OMAHA B roit ClgTIa,"
nili 'an poe I Heruiett and Itosv Ait
Mudel-Joiiiiii The Millards Tmi
kee Ooodle 4-Hlg lleauty Chorus A Heal
r'l.u Ki,ii.
Ladles' Dime Matlaea Xrery Week'tay.
Or Local Agents.