THE r.KH: OMAHA. TtT.ST.V. OCTOP.KR ?'. 1010. 7JT ts 1 ID iv M A Li lcllKlitfu lUrgaili rrlcrt on Run Tuesday. Free Exhibition . All This Week World's Famous Paintings. Ob Our Tilrd Floor nnd in Our Pompelan Iloom. "Lincoln, the lUllspliHer and Student," anil "ttliffi I'atlw Diverge," two of America's Most Itenownril ralntiiiK. on Free Exhibition Here All Week. D D m tis tx TIM I S Tl'rNliAY I If mu THX RSUABLS JvTORt ave flo I)llf'reiit llepiirtiiiciits. Comnlete In Itself. 12 innnHiiminFiaKTnitariBHBt' i n n n AvDECS t J n HI 1 II I ' ? IY1 J LM1M1UR Greatest Sale of Drapery Yard Goods EVER HELD BY ANY STORE IN AMERICA hi this sale we include sill the drapery yard goods from our immense purchase from a Philadelphia mill. The bargains will be most extraordinary. Thousands will attend this sale, but we will devote nearly our entire basrmeut to it. Plenty of dorks to wait upon you. These high grade goods will be sold for less than it will eost the mill to make them. Such Grand Bargains as These Were Never ( fferjd Before. Thousands r.av Marveled at the Window Display j ALL THE NOVELTY NET and FILET NET up to 64-inches wide white, cream and ecru worth up to $1 a yd, at a u fee All the Colored STRIPED NET 19c Worth up to 75o yard, a yard All the BOBBIN ET I'V to 2" Indies wi3e, worth ui to "iic a yard. About 100 pieces, at, a yard . . 15c All the Tlaln and Fancy SCRIM Worth up to 35c yard. Going, choke, at, per yard 5e In the White Colored and Drapery Swiss .Some slightly Imper fect 10 inches wide. worth up to 2."c yard at, yard. . . . 10c Don't Put Off Buying Your New Fall and Winter Suit Buy when the assortment is largest, that you may have your pick of the styles and fabric, and then you'll have the full season's wear from the garment. Beautiful All Wool Scotch Mixtures We have a most beautiful assort ment of these very popular Scotch mixture. They com'? In black and white, also green and white, with just a touch of red to add class and dis tinction to the garment. These suits are found in the 30-inrh Jacket, setnt fltting model: satin lined and black' and green velvet colors. The skirls aro pleated and have the side flounce. These suits are Just the proper weight for fall and winter wear. And are t he same- narn.ftits that you'll find other stores sell for as high as $30. Do Ueunett's price "I mm ' : .4 l:V 4 0 Inch Plain lb-apery Nwlss full bolts worm !; yd., at, yd. DC All the UG-lnch SILKOLIM-:. Full bolts, wortii I2'ie yd. at, yard . All the heavy I'KEI'K for drapery of ki monos, worth 20c yard, at, rp yard All the LACK for trimming cur tains, up to 3 1ns. wide, long as it lasts. lc '2 J) pieces ETAMINE and .Scrim, printed on both sides, worth it.c.'"d:...Mc All 1 he Kin" Swim Tambour HntUi. All uver niirl border put terns, worth u n to at, yard 19c mi t p J f . J" n Wlm ill M All the Portieres from the purchase in two big lots $j All the Fine Portieres, with tapestry borders i All the 50-inch Samples of Bordered Por- and fringes. These are mostly single, but are worth easily up to $7."j() a pair $4 59 as long as thev last at, each J. tieres and Couch Covers They are worth up to $2.00 each; your choice, in one jf Q lot at, each TiJL Tuesday's Bargains Will De Bigger Than Ever GREAT LACE CURTAIN L SALE Monday's crowds were enormous, but the stocks were so great that our varieties of Tuesday's special bargains will be S3.98-tt.98 the best lots of Lace Curtains are as great as ever. tj marvelous. New goods brought forward. . . $ LACE CURIAM S-Wo th QO Qa QQ up to $6 pair, at, piir. . . QldOm&4yO t'A Fine Kottinghams, Filet Nets, Irish Point, Cluny, Scrim and Cable Net. v. All the Full Size LACE CURTAINS Worth up to 1. DO pBlr-7-some Bltghtly Imperfect rf 9C at, each.; ..... . . . .fciwv ALL THE LACE CURTAINS Mftds to aell up toS2 pair Hundredn of patterns In white, ecru and Arab color worth up Aftn to $2.00 a pair IsL LACE CURTAINS -Worti up to $1 50 pair, at, pair Hundreds of pairs of Duchess, Brussels, Point Milan, Real Arabian, Egyptian and Marie Antonettc Curtains. LACE CURTAINS Worth up to $1.50 Pr. Cnr- 39c Tuesday's Linen Bargains 1214c extra heavy Huck Towels. Rood u utility, with ml bonier; 'i'urilrt.v only ...7liiO 'he Unit Spreads, hemmed, full hIzp; Tuenilay price 690 li'in PI ov (.'aoes. gnoil (pin Illy, 4u'x 36. ei.-li lOHo 0o .Sheets, strong ilurl)le ipi.ii- Hy, 7i;x!ll, earh 390 12 He Crash Toweling-, reaular )1hi isley make, red hordor; Tues- jnv only 9V II otic and various other Kra.lo. of 10c Muslin (limited to 12 yHi-ils to a customer), vard 7liO Jl.S') fotton ItlanketK, al' colors, full bi-d aire, Rood weighty ones; Tuesday 1.25 B r 3 The Famous "Seco" Silks at 25c These silks are the extra silky and lustrous kind In 27-lnch widths making charming evening or party dresses. We catry 60 dlf- gm ferent shades, making a wonder assortment to choose from, and we sell these silks Tuesday and Wednesday for only, yd. .. Repeating Our Great Picture Success High Art Pictures at Incredible Low Prices H a a ! ft! a M n Ni a u H a H a a a n B Hundreds of fine, Single tains In this lot at, each . s The phenomenal demand for these pictures during our September sale tempted us to buy another lot, which goes on gale Tuesday for all this week. Genuine Carbon Photographs at less than half wholesale coat. Theae are unframed pictures, the selected studies from such famous art ists an Rembrandt, Rosa Bonheur, Millet, Raphael. Rubens, Murlllo, Gatnsbbro'ugh and others. Reproductions of the world's classics and genuine American carbon. These are works of art In which al) eou tiolseurs teVcl. J'lcfures In the lot appropriate for office, school and public buildings. Sizes (ix8 Inches. Many kinds and all amazingly- low prlcea ' lOtf to $3.00 B BRANDEIS STOCiES, B; II Mi RAILROAD SYSTEM CHASCEi Jnion Pacific Puts In Hinej System of Government. GREATLY SIMPLIFIES THE WORK yrrr Method Appllea to Wldf Terri tory la Arkruka and Woiuln ud Will Br F.itrniletl to tha t'tah lli laluu. there are no locks on the door of their home and the little elrl had to stay there to aee that the household property waa not carried off. This excuae, carrying little ve icht m.ith the Judge, he expressed her (cur pf kidnaping. Judge Sutton assured her that the probation officers will see (hat the little one la not stolen. Maggie's mother will send her to a Roman Cat hollo parochial school. Farmer Hangs Self in a Barn Another atep In the changing of the ex ecutive system In the t'nioii I'aulfic road mu taken lately when the llinea system ot . . . iioad government wan pluced on the . cmlng division of the road. The terrl i . y covered by the lust order extends i. lurrn North Platte anil Rawlins. In- Umatluhs; are given that as soon as po- I slhle the' system will be extended to the t'tuh division between Kawllna and Ogden, Ctah. The Hint's system simplifies the office work of the superintendents, the trouble In keeping the many files Innuad of one general file being one of the principal sav ings of time. .J I also places all the com munications of the office business under oimi head, and provluVa that the different ktnda of uprtnteiideiit and head: of de partments are all placed down as assistant auperlnlendenlM, and, In the absence of the general superintendent, tha work goes through the tianda ot the senior assistant tupertnteiidejit Instead of the chief clerk's. Method af Work. All division' officials are made assistant uperlntendenta, tha list Including Assistant (superintendent It. J. Itoth. Master Me chanto William Kiland, I U 1st on Engineer .V. J. Wharf, Trainmasters M. F. Wbiti ot North I'l.iti,' U. K. .smith of Cheyenne and t'red C. Ietn ot Laramie. Traveling En gineer B. 4' u'Neill and Assistant Engineer Ulls -Thaer. The now order des not sffect tha train diKpatchers on the division. Tha headquarters of the I'tah dtvlhton of the rnloa r'acifle have been transferred from Ogden. Utah, to Oicrn Klver, Vo.. the list of officers transferred Including the superintendent, the assistant superin tendent and the supervisor of bridges and buildings from Ogden and tha office of the master mechanlo from' Kvanston. YVyo. The Vnlon I'aclflc ends and the Oregon Short Liua begins at Green River, both ruada being part of the Ilarrtman system. Body of John Shimm is Found in a Barn Near Town of Belle vue Sunday, Coroner Peters of Springfield is In charge of the body of John SMmm, who committed suicide by hanging himself In a barn about a mile south of Bellevue Sunday. The body wae found dangling from the rafters in the barn of Richard Vale, by a couple of boya named Phclffpr. 8himm had been living on an Island In Paplo creek, farm ing and fishing for a living. Your fatigue of feet, an kles, limbs and back is sim ply due to the weakening of the muscles that support the inner side of the foot and, lyfSHOES Fearful Slaaghter of deadly microbes occurs when throat tnd lung diseases are treated with Dr. King's New IMscovery. 60c and 11.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. TOO BIG A CROWD TO DANCE reaaa Hem's ProajrasalTC Clah Hays Opealac Affair, hot Does Ltt tla Waltslag. With a dance at which over a hundred couplea attended, and in which dancing was next to Impossible owing to the crowd, the Young Men's Progressive club formally opened Its season Sunday. The dance was held at Metropolitan hall, Twenty-third and Harney streets. The hall ' was decor ated with ferns and flags. Following are thotte who composed the committee on arrangements and reception: I. N. Wuntroh. M. Kaplan, M. Kulakofskl. M. Rosen, II. Hlrch, M. Abrams, H. Milder, B. Israel and J. Albert, secretary. KEEPS CHILD FROM SCHOOL AS HOUSE HAS NO LOCKS . T '. ' s- "- I ttcaw biTta ar Mrs, Msitsaw 'Ischera tat Little Girl at Home. Afraid to leave her houa- alone lest It be rubbed and afraid to send ber little girl to school lest she be klndnaped, Vra. Matthew Tscherne tn juvenile court Mon day told Judge A. K H niton that she would keep the child out of school until tha state aJiulnlst ration becomes demo cratic. VS hen the Jude told Mrs. Tsrheme that unlet she agrwd to keep the little girl la school ha would have her placed a the Iiutent on school tK woman pronilaad to change her attitude. "l.n Prvbatloo Olfu-.r M,y BernateJn told Jailte button tbat Mrs Tsctierna and hfr hun'od were keeping the child at home, Lue woouia ruads the excuse that or7Frirr n orYOUn MONEY DAC1C n" D. R. SCK1FFM ANN'S p- steidadgB Is Cold by All Drusslsts on a Positlvo Guarantoo to give Instant relief In every case) ot Asthma, to matter bow violent tha at tacks or obstinate tha case, or YOUR MONEY WILL &Z RCrUNDEO by the Druggist ot whom you bought the pack age, without any question. ( (y ft. SekiBmaAa Ca., Prfiitrs, St Paul, Kin. will prevent that fatigue and quickly relieve and per manently correct whatever foot trouble you may have, by relieving the strain on the weakened muscles and assisting them to do their work. The scientific Heel Hane la built to extend beyond the point ot greatuat piTMMtire of the 'weight of the body on the arch of the foot. But this la juat one feature. Come In and let na ahow you how this scientific construction provide the only positive means for avoiding or permanently re lieving foot trouble. We have your exact size. Anatomtk Shoes sre the most Im itated shoes in the world. The Ana tonilk booklet tells why only the real Anatomtk can satisfy your feet. Drcxel Shoe Co. 1419 Tarnam St. Special Agents Anatomik hoea Min and Women tor Dandruff-Itching Scalp Dry Hair-Baldness Let Fitch's D.'R. Sham poo remove the cause Nature will then do her work. D.n.SI!AMPOO 1 1 ad i ui r i.i.t t c OTMTYFJl Made By Thel A QjjTProces5 m I 9 I i j n v TOROTHY DODD" designs ex press chacter and refinement. They deliver1 to the consumer more real value than is possible to procure else where at the price. $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 The Bennett Co. fl A Breakfast Knife & Fork j- - X Sterling Silv I 'if.fM V6 wouM 1 I you to see I Sterling Silver Handles, for 4,00, $5.00, $5.60 and aid make an up-to-date wedding gift. We line of Sterling Silver that would pay j i i " IIUJ UUl. h'' gelect your Christmas gifts now? Spend a few minutes in our store. (($)) x y ' A I tr . Umbrella Sale Extraordinary Entire Retail Stock of Ed. F. Pickerin 105 South 16th Street, Omaha. SECURED AT 50c ON THE DOLLAR The Pickering ktock is probiihly one ol the -best known exclusive umbrella stocks west of Chicno, ami its s;ile at half ine:ins a most uuusual bargain opportuuily for our customers. Your Choice of the Entire Stock of Men's and Ladies' High Grade Umbrellas now at JUST HALF PRICE. $3.0U Silk Umbrella S1.50 $4.00 Silk Umbrella $2.00 $:.00 Silk Umbrella 2.50 $7.50 Silk Umbrella ,Svi.7r $10 Silk Umbrella ."i.OO $1'J Silk Umbrella SG.OO $15.00 Silk Umbrella at S7.50 Rousing Bargains in Our Cloak Dept. HandHome Ijong Caracul CViata $25.00 One-rirc'st Drestjem. Silks, Regular $20 value, with large Panamas, serges, beautifully shawl collar, in all sizes, Tues- trimmed, all sires, ralttoa to "a."1 $12.75 1 126. choice $12.50 NOllHV TAIIiOIl Sl'ITH Serges, noveltiea, fancies, satin lined throughout, all colors and styles great bargains, at, sale .......... $11.90 All Wool Sweaters'- Greatly tinderpritil $2.50,, $3.95, Several very special .bargains In Baby Bazaar. price Long challle klmonas $2.00 values, on sale, Tuesday 98 95.00 Klanket Robes, heavy, pretty pat terns, at. . $2.95 Percale Wrappers and house dresses, $1.50 vlue 98f Marabou Scarfs, val ues to $10, on sale at ....... $2.95 $60 Universal Sfccl Rango. $29.95 aw oieei itanges, tnrougn n mis take in shipment, were received too late, and refused by us. The manufacturers, rather than to rosliip the goods, allowed us a big discount, which permits us to offer them while they last, at About Half Actual Worth The Universal is a large, six-hole range, with high warming closet white porcelain lined, has pat ent oven doors, duplex grate, bui'us hard or soft eoal or wood. Has 18-inch square oven and is full nickel trimmed the best brand Steel Range, at $25.00 18 and 20-lnch Ovens, a graud value at $40 handsomely finished a great bargain opportunity, at $40.00 Other Ranges, $18.50 and $20.00. Cooks, $10, $12.50, $15 SPECIAL SALE SILK POPLINS The mot iKunilar fabric for fall wear. 75 new shades for your selection here. $2.00 quality, 42-lM. vi..0 quality. 36-lnt. fl.00 quality, 24-lns. wld $1.48 wlUo 98 'ido 68 Every yard guaranteed. ..... Special ot tiew Yo Kieifer Pears This ts the finest car that haa bpcn shipped Into Omaha this sea son. And for canning you cannot get anything cheaper to put up. It la only the price of potatoes. Tuesday, bu. basket. . 55 10 lbs. best Granulated Hugar for 98 EXTRA SPECIAL ON FLOUR FOR TUESDAV 4 8-lb. sack Diamond "K" High Patent Flour, every aack guar anteed, per sack ... $1.25 Green Tomatoes for pickling per market basket .. 12tt? In Our Domestic Rocfn All Dry Ooods art advanolnf trery day. We had bought be fore advances. lilo Outing, wa are selling aHo 12Hc Klannlette V0 lie Percales ..... Itie B9o Sheets 890 10c Bleached Muslin ..... f Ho 10c Unbleached Muslin . ... TViO A large variety of cotton roorts, at Ho-5o Apron Glnrhama, worth 7 He Bo BLAJTXET BXFABTMXirT Wool Blankets, worth 14.50, $5.00 Wool Blankets, worth 17.50, 4.75 Wool Blankets, worth M 6U, 3 S Wool Knp, worth I2.f.0 .. fl.aa i;.iltcn iUunkets, worth fi-Q). fl.&O Special Osmonitrttlon end Sata Armour' Una Toilet Soaps Special introductory prices in ellect all tnis Do not miss it. Sales in Basement. aps I week. I IT PATO TRY ..DAYDEEPS .FlflST oonnr Sa Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1016 Douglas Street if tolastaLlFhVTlME. KiTHXAanwATioii raaa. !f WKITt ro BOOK ON FILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS FtSTULA-Pay When CURED au neciaa u leases corea without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen eral aoeasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED DR. K. R. TARRY, 224 a Bulldlnc, Omaha. Nebraska HoIIablo Dontlotry Tail's Dental Rooms Oar Magazine Fcatnres Wit. humor. Notion and comio pictures; the beat of entertain ment. Instruction and amusement Here is the Want Ad Record for the last two Sunday?, compared with the corresponding Sundays a year ago: Omaha Bee gains 137 inches. World-Herald, loses 136 inches. The Bee has made a record for .bringing quick, results and reliable results to advertisers. It y.v? to iw it want ad columns. Here is what they say: , ' 'Mor good business received through !;- WijU AiJh than from any other Ub vapt-ra." U O. Fundingsland. the h d ot i big firm In Nehrabka. " ,'' "Take the ad out that I put In last night. Sold be Stove." iu-sideut on Itugglea fctreet. , . "Btop the ad I run yesterday. Kented tha cottage thla morning," says a lady on 16th and Sjen:er streets. "I advertised the flat in Sunday morning's Ilea and rented It be fore noon," says a lady on Soutb 27th street. and so forth. 9 If you are in a hurry call Tyler 1000. ! IVrHistent Advertising is the Hond to lig Itctunm-- The liee'e Advertising Columns Are That Houd, J f