Fhe Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. For weather report e pane Whose L'irthday Today? Loo at The btrthdst bok on the editorial pas of orh Imiit U 1 ure to Interest you. KINULK COI'V TWO CKNTS. OMAHA. TUKSUAY MOKNINO. OCTtmKU .V). H)ltT,VELYK r.UiKS. VOL. NL-NO. 110. H00STERS LEAVE ONFOl.K-DAiTKIF Commeicial Club Men L?ave on Spe cial Train for Jaunt Into North eastern Nebraska. MORE THAN 103 ON BOARD Railroad Men Well Represent" in m .1 f It.rh- " "7- IC1SUUU I vi WARM WELCOME E2L-. Peter Mortensen for Commission, Says Big Petition Application Filed to Place Name of Ex-Treasurer on Ballot for Rail way Vacancy. Chairman Hayward of Trade mittec HiRhly Optimistic. DECLARES TBIF "SOCIAL CAUL ! Final lajnnrtlun lu Omaha Hooeters I Nt to l-;reni4 All V.nrrm mid Voire on First Town oh float. More than 100 husky lunged jobbers and islttnvri men of Omaha, ambit lous-bent fnr t-p.fle growth of their home dry, each aimed with an umbrella proclaiming In at tractive, color imd letter to rome scventy flvo cities of the state the Importance of this metropolis a o trade center; with torches for nlsht parades and advertising' matter galore aboard, nine roaches of a reelal Northwestern train left Union Rta 1I00 at !) o'clock last night. It was an auspicious beginning for the tiilriy-acventh trade extension trip of Oniilin. Today nineteen towns will he visited by tho boosters and at each place they will iiinrch two abreast, ten feet apart through the, business district. The, trade extenslonists are due to arrive at 10 o'clock tonight In Fremont, where they v 111 exseute thi-lr first torch light parade of the trip. Advertising bunners will be carried In the proeesMon with the glare of ton-he directed upon them. llarvrard Talks of Trln. Discussing; the trip, C. S. Hayward. chairman of the trade extension committee of tlie Commercial club, said lust night: "We never planned a trip Into better ter ritory than In northeastern Nebraska, and wo are going to vlt-lt nearly 100.000 of tha best people on earth. From their letter and press (tenia they certainly have a neighborly welcome ready for us. While this I called n trade excursion, it Is more of a soeinl call. In order to become bet'er acquainted with thn merchants and busi ness men of our own state. It la unusual for us to have a fall .trip, but we could not and did not care to resist the persuasion that our customers hsve showered on us to make them a visit. Tt la eight years since we were tip there and we expect to 'find many pleasant surprises In the de velopment made Mncr then." faM J. M- Guild, commissioner of the , vluli mid in chare-n of the train; "All set. Nothing . (i'c; Jo-oLed so far. F.cery man Is on band and ready for four day" strcnu oua work. We have the best train of cars, the finest equipment ever assembled for any purpose. We hove the general mana-ret- of the road, the general superintend ent, the division superintendent, the train master, (he general freight BRent, the gen eral passenger agent, the dining car super intendent, the Pullman superintendent and a regular army of men to nee to our per sonal safety and comfort and the carrying out of our schedule. Under such favorable conditions we are going to have a great trip. My only regret Is that It la only for fmii- days." Final lajanvllon. Oit tli eve of departure Mr. C. S. Hay ward gave tho boosters the following final injunction: i.e ready to leave the train with your i From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neh., Oct. 24. I, (Special Tele gram, i A petition signed by 1000 voters was filed with the secretary of slate to night requesting that the name of Peter Mortensen be placed upon the ballot as a '.-liidldate for etate railway commissioner, "). Mortensen niched the city this after n and consented to make the race ; Unions differ as to the legality of elect- state railway commissioner to sue W. II. Cow gill, deceased. Some at x hold that It Is the duty or the to appoint, the appointment to uruil the flection, a year from this dne. Others contend that the appointment could only run until the first of January and the vacancy be filled by election. One section of the law provides that the vacancy must be filled by election where It occurs within thirty days of the election. If the vacancy occurs In less than thirty days before election, some contend It muft he filled by appointment. The Mortensen petition was circulated by1 the. republican state committee. No petl tlon has lieen filed for a democrat. It is expected that Governor Shullen berger will appoint a successor to Mr. Co fill and that th person who finally gets the placo will have to secure title through the courts. BETTER POSTAL I SERVICE CHEAP New York Game Trails Exact Redaction of Deficit During- Fiscal Year Eleven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. - FACILITIES ARE MUCH IMPROVED Kercrire F.-rtenriVrl as RanidlY Bl War 1 ranted by Increasing- Population. FIFTEEN HUNDRED NEW OFFICES Big Increases Are Made in Rural De livery System. MANY SALARIES RAISED ALSO Aldrich" Talks at South Omaha Appears at the Packing Plants and at the Exchange with Judge Sutton. Chester 11. Aldrich and Judge A. L. Sut ton made a whirlwind campaign through South Omaha Monday, both men delivering half a dozen addresses to fcemarkahly en thusiastic audlenc-a. Thousands of work men heard Mr. Aldrich a the gates of the big Mnglo City packing plants, the party going rapidly from one to another of these big Institutions At noon the campaigners reached the T,lve Slock exchange. Here the addresses were made In the rotnnca. which waa crowded with live Btock dealers. .Indue Sutton spoke first and then Mr. Aldrich was Introduced by Jay I.averty. Mr. Aldrich made a most favorable Im pression at the exchange and was greeted again and again with rousing cheers. Several times during the day Mr. Aldrich expressed his confidence not only In vic tory in the state as a whole, but In a great big vote In Douglas county, a remark which-the applause each time fully justl ed . Judge. Putton ens - also warmly greeted by his host of friends in South On. ah a. The congressional candidate fre quently expressed his pleasure at appear ing with Mr. Aldrich. Thoesand of Men Gltee. I. m plo;aaent, I'irsirat for Whose work Kxeeeds t-2, SOO.OOft Dnrlnsc Year. WASHINGTON, wt. 21. -Figures. the compilation of which as completed at the i Postofflcn depai intent today, show that the exact reduction of the postal deficit during the fiscal ear ending June 30 last was $U,Mi0.0(. The deficit of the previous fiscal year was SlT.BnO.OW, so that in one year the deficit was brought down to $.100.0HO. In commenting tonlghl on the saving of Sll.&OO.OUU last year. Postmaster General Hitchcock said: "This tremendous saving was made with out the curtailment of the postal facilities In any direction. On the contrary, during the year there were many Important ex tensions of such facilities. The. department's policy is to extend the service as .rapidly as Is warranted by Inrrciudng population and to accomplish Its savings, not by Ihe curtailment of postal facilities, but by handling in a more systematic and busl: ness-llke manner the constantly expanding volume of the malls." New Postorru-e Katabliahed. The tables Indicate that In the further ance of tills policy more than 1.500 new post offices, with the necemsary officers, employee- and equipment, were established during the last fiscal year. Great exten sions were made In the rural delivery sys tem, 613 new routes, with a total mileage of ll,2So miles, being put into operation. There were appointed from the eligible list of tha Cicll Service commission over 1.S00 postal clerks to enlarge the working forces of city postofflces and more than 1,000 additional letter carriers. The railway mall service was strengthened by the appointment of about 750 new employes, all of whom were taken from the civil service eligible list. The aggregate salaries of the new employe appointed during the yem from" the civil nervlce list exceed $2,000,000. ' ' Salaries Increased. . Tha I ahlau r-nnmllAit n lu, i shniv nnl only that many new employee were iCLUB MEMBERS HONOR LEADER placed on the rolls, .but that. ihe depart ment -made liberal increased, under the terms of the law. In tho compensation oft V life Y (fi k vv iiiiiili - - -?H r W DKOP DAHLMANTO J1EL1' UITC11C0CK New Folicy of the Democratio State Committee at Appears on th Fnrface. EDGAR HOWARD SIZES UP PLAJ? Sees Effort to Sink the Party Under Terrible Load. BARTLEY'S PARTNED PREFERRED Other Candidates Have No Show to Get Support. MAYOR JIM IS OVERBOARD NOW Papers Ibat Holt Him anil 1ile Stop port lo HltcheocW 4re Allowed to llo No Without Abt Itrbnkr. hYom the Hrooklyn Kagle. MRS, MOORE WOMEN'S GUEST Distinguished Officers of National and Other Clubs at Function. Missouri Pacific Trainmen to Vote Ballot on Question of Striking to Aid Machinists to Be Taken Tonight. employes already In 'the service. Salaries of postofflce clerks were advanced in the aggregate $1,750,000, while tTie aggregate salaries of letter carriers were Increased $1,226,000. Railway mall clerks received increases of salary amounting- to almost $2b0,000.- : Mr. Hitchcock explained that all in creased in compensation were based upon a system of efficiency ratings, which was President of finicral Federation and Other DlenUarlrs In Catherlaar of Use II and red and Fifty at the Ilenahatnr Hotel Monday. Six Billion Feet of Timber Burned in the Northwess ST. I'1S. Oct. 24. The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen employed by the Mis souri l1clfic-lron Mountain system. It wns tiinlirel.a and advei Using matter at Klgln , Bntlounced here today, will vote tomorrow night on the question of a s mpathetlc walkout to aid the machinists and other mechanical unions win their strike. Ballots wcra sent, today to the local unions of the trainmen. It had been announced that the trainmen, beginning today, would not handlo cars In the local yards, but the traffic is moving on schedule time. tomorrow inui nln. 1 hla Is our first slop unu mv wanrto sturl ilgnt. We will marv.li at very opportunity, It is no more tioublo - to pHradu up town than it Is to strangle, in luuUe the ucxt showing line up two abri-a.-l, ten feel apart tn the column and me column spread out the width of the Street. Kvery olio la expected to get oti the train at every town whether Inter ested In It partlculurly or not. Remember, te are out to create a favorable Impres sion for Omaha, the Market Town. Hanx im to our umbrella and take no liberties Vtltn that of your neighbor. We are to visit seventy-five towns and the umbrella parade is an Impressive feature. When, liitihl purJ;-. aie made red fire torches mil b cairled. Look out for your i-Jolhcs.'' other horiatoiy reuiarks f d ; "Jluabaud our strength und i:ic;.-. mi i t oui oc r, too. Vou'll need It all be lore jou Kd Home. Those retiring lute and ' u.ot-e arising tailv (evidently not the same ii.ii.ooul will i.'.u u mml,l,.r lh . ,ni foi i 1 f the SeSHOtl ,.rt ,!,.. ..r ih. i ai.ri. ..-n. nervous and unsettled Mr. Jeffet-is u chairmao of a committee !o receive any delegation from the next ton. Please iitt htm in taking care of kiKil parties. I'hu liineraiy for Tuesday la as follows. Town. ArrUt. Leave. So) am 30 minutes i 1.0 am 30 minutes COTTON MARKET UNSETTLED Renewal of Mqaldatlon la the Caaae of a Sensational Break In Prleee. N K V YORK, Oct. 24. Thus' was a re newal of heavy liviuidatlon In the cotton market today and another sensational break which carried prices from twenty to thirty-five points below the closing fig ures last week. January contracts sold at 13.49 cents or about 5.36 points under the high record The market continued very GUARANTY CASES ADVANCED Justice Harlan Announces All Will Be Heard Together. l.i.-ln 7-;to am ivirnitiuri ... (Plain Lorrito am Aioion H i am Kradlsli lo ;i am New n Orove .l" ii am 1. 1 nd. 7. .,..,.11 11 am t ot lib a 11 M am lluiiipnrey ....12 os pin r-lon U pin !,eiKb 1 -o im .'larkrtou ) io i lls t'o.iKe ... Snxder ,. icribtier Hooper Nickerson .. 1 pill . . ; .ft pm .. 3 .10 pm .. 3 : pin .. 4 ti pin ... i M put :l pm r'renioni s.oo pm am lo ininiites I0: am 40 minutes liVLM am ."i minutes 11 ll u m . nitnutes Ibii uiu U iiunuu-s 12 el pm to ininut--I2::4 pm JO in nines 1:11 pin l.i minutes 1 41 pm iO nuniit- s 2.IU pin 1 itiinuics 2 l-'i pm l.i iiiinut- a ..'.i pm IJ iniiiuli-s :i::"il pm iiuiiuls I pm minutes o.li pm 2.i niinutes 41 pin 10 nnnuies 10:00 Pin Kvenlng Club women of Omahu, Nebraska and of Iowa, who Monday morning attended the breakfast given by the Omaha Woman's club In honor of Mrs. Philip N. Moore, gen eral Federation president, received from I adopted by the department a little more president a most enthusiastic message. than a year ago. He says the nystem ! a clear cut and Inspiring report or the haa had a highly beneficial effect on the I work w hich the women's clubs of the coun servlce. try have done and are doing. "I believe." he said- "that the higher The breakfast was held In the Rath standard Df efficiency secured by askeller of the HenshawNat 10 o'clock Mon proper application of this policy is cer-1 day morning and included besides members tain to Justify the resulting increases in ! of the Omaha federated organizations, c.luo expenses. In my judgment the action of j women from Council Bluffs, South Omahu, the department in this regarl lat year ! Benson. Florence. Dundee, members of the was lsrgely responsible for the effective ! Asuoclation of ColleRlate Alumnae and the co-operation the department received I Nurses' association, to the number of l:"0. from Us officers and men throughout the Mrs. M. 1. Cameron, president of the country In cutting out wasteful expendl-j Omaha Woman's club, presided most grace tures and in making the postal service fully at the Informal and brief after generally mure efficient. 1 breakfast speechmaklng Introducing the "This heartjf co-operation I expect to several club dignitaries, each of whom was be continued through this and future received with enthusiasm, and each of years, witn tne result mat. we snail nave: whom gave a brief and pleasing talk. Mrs. Harry L. Keefe of Walthlll. member of the board of directors of the Federation, spoke of the loyalty which the Omaha club had always shown to the state and also to the general federation and its Importance in stale work. Mrs. I. M. Richards of Waterloo, president of the Iowa Federa tion, spoke pelasantly of her Impressions of Omaha and Nebraska club women and of the close feeling between the club women of the two states. "It is this spirit of fellowship and loyalty of one club woman to another, one organization to an other, which the federation is fostering and promoting among club women of the coun try," she said. Her talk, however, was distinctuly huuiorous In quality. DATE OF HANGING ADVANCED; mumatlon with the Island has been Inter- H. Col. The Nebraska rupieo ana veriiioauon ui ins report is . , . Damage to National Forests in Mon tana and Idaho is Estimated at Fifteen Million Dollars. WASHINGTON. i. 24.-dix billion board feet of lumber, valued at about JlC.'Jt) 000 were destroyed in the recent for est fires in Ihe national forests in Montanu and northern Idaho. The total area buined over tn this one district was put at 1 260,000 acres. The firnt rough estimate of the loss In the district was completed today by offi cials of tho government forest service. It Khons that the licaMeHt losses were in two Idaho forests, the Cveur d'Alene. where .1,000,000 board feet of timber was killed or BROWN BILL FOR INDIANS Assistant Commissioner F. H. Ahhott Tells that Measnre Enacts Xew Principle with Respect to Red Men. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. (Special Tel egram.) Justice Harlan In the supreme court today announce! that the so-called bank guaranty cases coming up from Ne braska and Kansas would be advanced on the docket and be heard at the same time as the Oklahoma case. This means that the hank guaranty cases will be reached a seir-sustaining postal service ana i cent letter postage." Hundreds Drowned by Tidal Wave Island of Ischia, Off Coast of Italy, Visited by Great Calamity. ROME, Oct. 24. The ministry of the in terior this evening received word of a tidal wave at Caaamicciola on the Island of lschla that drowned 200 persons. Cora- Marderer of Belle r.lmore Will Be Eaecated la London vn her Klirhth. LONliON, Oct. 14. LT. Hawiey Crippen, convicted of the murder of his wife. Belle Klmore. the actress, will be hanged on November s. The dato originally announced wan November 15. but today the sheriff advanced the day one week. Impossible. The ministry of the interior has ordered four men-of-war to hurry to the scene I with men and supplies. Casamicclola is twelve miles southwest of Poxzuoli at the foot of Mount Kpomeo. It was nearly destroyed by an earthquake in July, lsM. when about 1,700 lives were loNt. It baa since been rebuilt and has a population of about 4.0U0. MAVAL BASE IS NOT NEEDED AT NEW ORLEANS Secretary Meter Looks Over the lta- tion at the Irearrat en y "I'll save this liest from certain death and stop him In his tracks." He staggered I forth; the other two in anguish turned their backs. ' NKW ORLEANS. Oct. 24. -Secretary of the Navy George Von L. Meyer, who U here on a tour of Inspection of I'nlted rltafe naval station, today said he could see no ureal reason for a naval base St New Orleans. "It there is vver to be any fighting It will not be on the Outf of Mexico." he said, "but will be around the entrance of the Panama canal. Of i-ourxe none of us antici pates a conflict, but If It should come the canst will he the p!aie which Kill need f ortlf i lug. I don't think the Misslxmppl vaKej Is in any particular danger of in. VKBIOII." Although It is thought the sevietary favora uiakiu tjus ntanainn the naval baMtj Judge Bcrka a Candidate for a Carnegie Hero Medalj In a lonely .-pot on a lonely road In far Lust Omaha three councilmen on a curious o,ust a deid of couiage saw. A deed that . . 1 1. .. 1 .. ..... . . . I . I ..... L- ih.iv .l ...Til L..e ,h hur:,, Hp ,,auwJ- unoeni. anrea aim i-suscu mm ir6ii.iiv and seine. I a eafv 1 inb f.om orr an ..M bioou lu all liieii eliia to Iitwi. ; bruMii hrp and lurid It nut in flool of Judge Beika, famous man of peace, the him. The horse had doubtless read Mac oi ator and sage, took cluiiiccs that would I beth and thought of Duslnane. at any rate lest the nerve of a stripling half ti Ls age. lie held his breath arid stopped as if In As the coiincllnten were conning tier some pain Ihe Judgu advanced his olive branch very pensive cows and trying (o find ty-1 extended as a shield, then suddenly he phoid signs in the archness of their brows, j whirled It off and proudly stood revealed, and wondering If the bovtm-a had tubercu- , jn mingled fear, chagrin, surprise, the losia germs, and If 'twas shame or shyness j horse came to a stand und tried with caused their sudden starts and S'lutrms-a pleading in his ryes to shake the Judge's tound. the beat of many feet comes whiff i hand. The Judge declined the p.offeied ling on the air. Paid Tom Mciiovern. "What , hoof and m.nle the leln secure, well know- was received with enthusiasm, but spoke most briefly and only Intro ductory of the General Federation presi dent. Mrs. Moore. ho has a quiet but most effective manner of speaking, gave a con cise but enthusing sxposltion of what the clubwomen of the country have accom plished, are accomplishing and aim to ac complish. "Co-operation," she said, "ls the ! shibboleth of the fedi ratli n today. We are J not scattering our forcee, but dividing I them according to the interests of the dlf I ferenl women included In our organlxa.- i tion, that Is, the women interested in lit ! erature. art. cilcs and philanthropy." and argued In all probability before re- d.-strosed and more than 4i0,0o0 acres es!, of court for the holidays. The titles burned over; and tho Clear Water, whe.ro of Vl() 0BSOB are: Ashton C. Shallenber- l.nw.gw.wo leet was Kilted ana JUO.ouo acres Rer, Governor of Nebraska, against the turned over. I First National Bank of Holsteln, Neb.; it is oeneved that last summers fires Assrla State Bank of Aesarla, Kan., either burned or killed between 1 and Hiaa.lnst Jnsanh N. Dolly, bunk rommli. pe:- cent of the total stand of forest limber. 1 At the present rale of cutting from na- Kloner of the state of Kansas, and Noble State Bank of Oklahoma against Uov- tii.iial forests, 6.000,000,000 feet is equal to ernor Hakell of Oklahoma. twelve years supply, but it Is less than one sixth of a single year's cut In the entire 1 country, or enough to keep all lumber mills of Tndan affalr8- returneJ today from uuffj ivi auiuciinug unaer iiioniua. Indiana and Urown Bill lrred II. Abbott, assistant commissioner Higher Tariffs Are Suspended Commission Will Look Into Proposed Raise of Rates from Middle West to Eastern Points. the Mohonk conference, and In a few I days will leave for Oklahoma and from ; there will go to Aurora, Neb., to cast his ballot. In speaking of the Mohonk conference Mr. Abbott said the Brown i bill passed at the last session of con j Kress, w hich Is the pioneer Idea of tax ing restricted Indian lands and which Is about to be threshed out as to Its prac ticability among the Omahas In Thurston county, met with hearty support at the committee remain silent conference. In fuel resolutions were COL-CM BPS. Neb., Oct. M. (Special. I Kdgst- llownrd Is an mud at tbf apparent abandonment of all others on the demo- i era tic ticket for the Pin-nose of nulling fill- bcrt M. Hitchcock out of his Hartley frhortiiKe hole. It ha been Judge Howard's fond belief that the democratic party In Nebraska tr.xlnp to elect Its slats ticket, but lie Is now convinced that the stato committee has determined to let everything; else go by default in a des perate effort to ssve (he candidate for I'nlted States senate who has been so Ir retrievably connecttd ulth Hie looting of Ihe Nebraska statu treasury. It Is In. conceivable, according to the judge, that the Interests of all (he other candidates should be sidetracked to Kivo right-of-way to the late partner of Joe Hartley, but such now seems to bo the rase. In discussing this phase of the question today. Judge Howard said: "In the newspaper published by o. M. Hitchcock, partner of Joseph 8. Bartloy In the tate treasury .shortage, there ap- peured Monday morning mnny columns of quotations from the country press of Ne braska, all tending to show that Candidate Hitchcock did no wrong when he helped State Treasurer Hartley create the half million dollur shortage In the treasury. "A rcmorkahlo feature of this display of fulsome eulogy of Mr. Hartley's; partner 1n the state treasury shortage Is the fact that more than thirty of the democratic news papers which are boosting Hitchcock so hard have openly repud aled Mayor I'ahl man and are doing; all possible to defeat Mr. Dahlman and elect Mr. Aldrich. No Help for Mayor Jim. "It Is nlso Just a little bit remarkable that tho democratio state committee hns never raised a hand to punlKh one of thiwj democratic editors who has bolted the nomination of Mayor lahlman. but the entire power of th state commit ten wan IriHtantte brought - tn. lia..-aaiust; ,uu when r bolted (he nomination of Mr. Hitch cock, the partner of Joseph S. Rarfloy In the slate Ireumiry shortage. "What does It mean? Hoes It mean that the state committee was organised for the sole put pose of promoting the cause of Mr. Hitchcock, the partner of Joseph Hartley In the stato treasury ' shortage T Does It mean that 'the state committee has no In terest In the welfare of Mayor Uahlmau, but all Interest In trying to deceive the people with reference to the share Mr. Hitchcock had In helping Treasurer Hartley create the $000,000 shortage in tho slate treasury? "I do not ask a quarrel with the members of the state committee. Many of them are my personal and po I 111 ml frlemlH, with whom I have worked In politics for many years. But It does seem Just a little , bit strange to me that the committee should exert every effort to denounce me, simply because I have denounced Mr. Hitchcock, tho partner of Hartley In the Mate treabtiry shortage, while uttering no word in denun ciation of the thirty other demorratlu editors who have bolted tho nomination of Mayor Lahlman. Harrison and llltcbruck. "The meanest opponent of Mayor Dahl man In all Nebraska is Frank Harrison, editor of the Nebraska Capital. This same Harrison Is doing all in his power to promote the cause of Mr. Hitchcock. lis was hero in Columbus last night, and was closeted with some of the open enemies of Mayor Hahlman and an equal number of the friends of Hitchcock. "Why do Chairman Byrnes and his slate In the face of I Krunk Harrison's slanderous I I'm I mi,i ,.e I . , ... ----- w . WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. -Tariffs filed by several western and northwestern rail ways with the Interstate Commerce com mission muklng advances of freight rates on grain and grain products from the mid dle west to eastern destinations, have been suspended by the commission pending an Inquiry Into their reasonableness. All of the tariffs are suspended until March L The commission also suspended today a special tariff filed by the Chicago & North western Pjilr.a;- company on commodities from the northwestern points to Chicago. It was to have become effective on No vember 1, and waa suspunded untld March L How They Covered the Steal. , Lincoln News Und.). Before Mr. Hitchcock can secure a full The platform of the federation Is the verdict of acquittal there are soxcral points it stems he should clear up that tContluued on Second Page ) wa that?" said Hi ui ker, "Hark, look there"' A maddened steed with tall up rvared and ears flat to the breexe came plunging down the lonely load with the harness round his knees, it mas a fearsome mctiiuil. kittll and !- r..r ii. ..:r in.inr rf..rt kiii h .nu.iu i lp.t iiMful tne three. 1 beu oi.t tepieu ' bail the silent two. and hail the i-itv t-oun- lt bate the naval station here relalutd, - Louis Berks, hold and boldiy then spaiie Us, I ell all, and l.kewise ine and you' lug that through all the years his brave deed would endure. Yes. Andy Carnegie may scoff snd hold up bis l ea mil aud some may say that hero s deeds must be done with a sword, bul I say bail the fearless judge, auJ Is your room just what you wish? Oofs it suit you? it warm and cozy? You will find an almost complete directory of rooms In The lite to day. Furnished, Unfurnished. Near lu. Far out. Modestly furntahed. Luxurious. Medium priced. Kxpeaslve. See them) room. Look oer Th Dees directory first, and you will avoid a lot of worry. Call Tyler 1000 and a het-rtul buff Is ready to serve you. he does not do in his answer. Hartley's di lalcattoii was caused by reason of ids ! Inability to promptly collect the inono of tin- state that he hud loaned out oil his own account, it did not actually come i to .ls-ht until at-vi tul months arter his 1 K-tlrc im ut Iroin office, but Ibele can be little doiibt that he be-all loaning state ' looiiiy rt.oi'.iy iU;. i I.,- look huld L ireaMinr. uhlch was more than four years hi tore ids t-hortai;e was brought iu Ilgnt He did not. as a rule, loan money direct (roin Ihe treasury to the Individual, but ' lltiuiiKH ihe medium of various banks. ; His method, as It has been generall silonted bv the conference endorsing the ' v i...... - ,. , - ... . , iji 'uiiNiuu. ijocb i ue committee eu ; Brown bill and. going further, declared , or8e the , UrIlgon at Uok, ,, Nl. 'a general measure upon the same lines inu n-i... j ... ... ,,,... . ........ .j ,ioea me committee remu ti wouM be b.neficlst In the general plan Bent ln ,he fue of f " ' of kin, the IdUn. full-fledged, -elf-1 aemourittlc , x . :...t::" i-.. m" . ; "OB"i jv,ttyor ics mc co..,. inlttee regard as a vliiun the attack of democratic eiiltors upon Muyor Dahlman. while regarding as vicious the attack of one country editor upon Mr. Hitchcock, the man who helped Treasm-er Bart lev create the shortage In the state treasury'-. Is the committee afraid to speak ill of Frank Harrison and his assaults upon Mayor Dahlman, lest" Harrison go bai. t on his bargain to support Hitchcock T "I have done the hest 1 could to pro mote the cause of Mayor Dahlman. I fuel no sense, of shinny in supporting such I ii... .. .. . . . I inaii. iaiiioiuii never Helped Joseph Hartley create a slate treasury shorlaKu. Jim Duhliuuu never repudiated one of hD babts. even If it i outlawed. Jim Duhlnian never blackmailed un- man Into accepting 20 cents on tins dollar In pay ment of hlo Just debts. I have uu quar rel with any conn-ientius democratic ed itor who cannot support a candidate for pliilform which citlsen. Henry Cloud, a full-blood of Winnebago. Neb., who has the distinc tion of being the first Indian to graduate at Yale, was at the conference and made an address strongly endorsing the Brown bill. Advances New Idea. The Brown bill Is the first act In history which alms to tax restricted Indian lands, (Continued on Second Page.) Will Hitchcock Put it Back.? piirpu.ii: of beiiiH loaned for his own benefit. Mr. Hitchcock does not Klve the date upon which he borrowed the origi nal amount, which ls important to his case. Another thing remains to be cleared up, and that is why the editor of a demo cratic newspaper down In Omaha would office w ho stands upon ro all the way to Atkln.-on to borrow money from a bank of small cupltai that in those davb, It may be presumed, did not do a statewide business. Mr. Hitch cock s.is he was lu hard lines and waa borrowing wherever he could get It. but this loan was seemed from a republican who was state treasurer. In a period l:.n it was bt-t-imiigly ic raided as alt right for the treasurer lo loan these fsndn lor bis own private benefit and for Individuals to borrow. Theie was. of course, much prod-si from the people because of this practl-je. but nobody ever took It into court, and the job of treasurer was re- I in, i ci Hood. s to deposit iu a bank in ! in-i oi ihe amount mat bank was ui-i guided as lnurinn a fortune for Its oceu titled lo receive under tne depository bond j pant during his leini of office, 'it ha.i on die. i his excess Hartley dl-J Mr. Howard's charge was backed up j redid tin: loaning of as he had arranged' by some lele.-ant evidence. fco far Mr. t with individuals or llm bank, the Interest ; Hitchcock supports bis answer onlv b. gointf lo bitu.-i.lf. This may or may noli his oivn woid. He i-avs the funds he bor- havu li i n the case with the loan lo Hitch cock. The money lie M-ccrnl from Bart h inuv have l en Hartley p'lvate funiis or it inaj have b'-en money of tin; stale deposited thiM'aby Bartle for Hie owed were from Hartley's bank and not from the i-tsle triaeui-y. The truth what we bhould have, and Mr. Hitchcock .-hould bring forwuid whatever proof h can gathii. the editor cannot endorse Why should those editors who oppose Mayor Dnhlinan assault me for my refusal to support a coiifci-se.d participant Willi Htnle Treas urer Hartley In the state treasury short age? Does the code of in-rals enter tained by the styte committee snd tlj bolting Daiiliuan editors regurd an ami prohibitionist u a greater em luj to thu state than Is Mr. Hitchcock, who helped Hartley create the treasury shortage? "Will the friends of Mayor Dahlman never wnke up lo the (rue situation? Will tl.ey continue (o sleep while Mi. Hitch cock continues to complete his offensive snd defensive alUance with tic cnomlos of Mm or Dnhlninn? 1 .1 for llllracork. "Hut neither the abua of tins:- demo cratic ed tors who have botti-d Muv-or Dahl man nor the uhii.se of the democratic- stms committee shall w-r e me from mv laii is I of duty. 1 shaM aland run ii.ini attempt to lil.-race t p democratic part, which I love I hial! eland alone and f nitfle-hsiided, if need be. :u opposlilvn t