Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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    inn Dnri:
Uji.hI.a, AiU.viui,' in'iunr.u 4. i:uw.
. j
pnorKRTV ron sai.b
Hanscom Park
Immcdiate Sale
at mii'K Tceotinnailv right, in
pars J strict, for lmmwlll sale.
iiriM.i tt-,e 11 laraf rooms there ) h
way hath room, pn-niv of pantry room,
closets and cellar. I Hnlng room, lx24. Hot
Ir lurnacp, rice Nr place (gal and mantle.
ombinntion gas and cicrtrio light. iarT1
vnn1 floors In parlor and hall. Hone". In
good condition. Extra largo barn, two cis
terns, plenty of shade. v ...
The inuc la located on a pair or lot
riii-i-lv aoove street grade and la haryly to
Ihiee car line. These lota on which th
home wtandH are worth almost as much aa
Ik l.rlng aeked for the entire property.
If vim 1o not wish something: large and
loom'y and location and price exceptionally
right- then do not buy this. Oood reasons
for selling. . .
Tha price Is 1S.000 rash, or part cash and
balance time. Immediate sale desired,
'i i.inu nf It nnil act.
Oriii S. Wicrrill Co., Agents.
.Ww location.
Kooms 121..-LH City Natl. Bank Bidg
W ants $:,on; best new, strictly modern
bouse lor price afked; one-half cash; near
Jiamtcom park. Tel. Harney SxK.
Vt front iota. IPoxl.V); easy walking dls-laiice-
verv cheap. 5J2 S. 20th St. Look at It
068 New York Life Bids.
"Back to the Farm"
Need not mean living on a section of land
40 miles from civilisation. Intense cultiva
tion of small acreage haa proven wonder
fully profitable). The suburban farm at. the
threshold of a thriving city, where producer
and consumer are brought in close touch.
Is the profitable one.
sdiolna the manufacturing suburb, RAIR
ToN, with a home market for fresh fruit,
vegetables, butter and cans, it is within
hHlf a dozen blocks of school, church and
business district of Italston. These acrea
solfi on terms within reach of all one-fifth
rash, halarive monthly. Illustrated book
let, plat, etc., free.
Free Sites for More Factories.
309 8. 17th St, Omaha.
FOR SALE A large, now, modern house;
t bed rooms, a large bath room, parlor,
dining room and kitchen; hot and cold
water; furnace heat; reception hall;' com
bination gas and electric fixtures; plumb
ing the beat; full cemented basement; 100
bhl. all brick cistern; sink In basement for
laundry; on Farnam and 40th. Address
L wtf, 'Bee.
SOUTHERN colonisation bargain; 6,000
acres; good land; 6 miles St. Mary's river
frontage; Ideal climate; fine fishing and
hunting; only $6 per acre; worth $25. Wal
ter E. Barnes, Avondala Station, Birming
ham, Ala.
BARGAIN 80- ere farm, near Waldron,
Scott county. Arkansas; 40 acrea tilled and
in meadow, balance timber; good houses,
barn, excellent water. Price, $1,000. U.
Cox, Waldron, Ark.
ARKANSAS FARMS Big list; special
bargains; sent free. Write today. Captain
Higgs. Fayettevllle, Ark.
Ontario, Cal value $5,000, to trade for good
Minnesota property about same value; con
sider Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fin
California orange groves, from $10,000 up.
sale and trades. Have one called the finest
place In southern California, price 1.0,wO.
lleautil ul property will pay big returns
also. If you have eastern property to trade
tor southern California, senu ae.scnpi.ion.
Trades effected anywhere. Faithful per
sonal attention given to your matters, in
surance sales, trades, rentals, Investments.
etc. References furnished. James M. Van
Deusen, 206 Braley Bldg., Pasadena. Cal.
40 ACRES Finest Orange land near
Fresno. California, 11.800. . Bee.
live ten years longer, twenty years hap
pier In Southern California. Write us be
fore you go. We tell you how to make
money In the west. Best fruit, grain,
ranch and speculative properties, city
pioperties, houses, cottages, stores any
thing you want beat prices. We contract,
buy, sell and build your houses and bung
Mows anywhere. Mining engineering our
tpeilalty. Save money by writing before
taning west. The Bergen-Kellogg Devel
opment Companies, 311V West 4th St.,
Van la Ana, Cal.
I . r-
lous fruit district of southern British
Columbia for $10 cash and $10 monthly,
without Interest. Annual profits, $500 to
tl.OW per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry;
scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delight
ful, warm climate; church, school, post
office, store, big sawmill, daily trains,
close to market, unlimited demand for
products. Write quick for raapa, photos,
fie InturuiaUuu. . WestKooteuay Fruit
Lands Co.. Dept. D, Drawer lux). Nelson,
British Columbia.
I have 2,000 acres of Improved and unim
proved land for sal at from $10 to l& an
acre, within from one to ten miles of town;
all good tillage; write me for particulars.
FOR REUABUS, BEST, located fruit
tracts In Colorado, on easy' terms, lowest
prices, write rtav. w. il. vouina, ioiu js.
Llth Ave., Denver. Colo.
FI-OR1DA We have millions of acrea of
Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni
sation lands. Estate Journal. Big bargains
nice homes; we can suit you. National
Keulty Agency, Jacksonville. Florida.
acres, finest of farming land; two crops
yearly; oVep water landings; two railroads;
$4.50 per acre. Waiter E. Baraea, Avoa
uale, Ala.
Florida Tou cannot lose on any well se
lected property in Florida, but are sure of
uuick and substantial profits. We have
many good properties for colonisation,
fruit and vegetable lands and Improved
farms. Pope & North, tsll Atlantlo Na
tional Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla.
Forty acres bearing orchard for sale by
owner. Seventeen acres Italian prunes.
15 years old, M acres apples 15 years old,
full bearing and In good condition, $14.uu.
Irrigated, near Boise, on of the best water
rights In the west. Can accept terms or se
curities. F. W. MANVILLE.
, Car Rex Co., Omaha.
Good alfalfa corn land, good Improve
ments, good place for feeding cattle, 19
miles from Sioux City. Address 11. 11.
ivtersoo. Whiting, la.
l. At'RES within 10 miles of Omaha
ioM office and miles feont Council
Bluff, li acres Is rough pastur. baianc
tmoutb and bow In cultivation. St acres,
corn: V. alfalfa; W. timothy; 40. wheat;
a acre orchard. Two good bouses, one Is
new. Flue, new large barn and nclosed
....... l.,.4..k. 11. ..1 ..m, m r.A .1.1.1.
gianury arid, chick en Iioumh. iiuiml and
ci css-feiicwi Wind will and water Is
piLM-d io bouses arid stables. School bous
oil farm lUectnu una station. V utile,
lrlce. $lj.0iio 11. IrO i-aah; $i.5u0 March I
lsll ud then $1 M each year, at $ per
tent. Owner (lelpleaa and uiust sell. Not
only ar the terms eay but the land is
pi Iced at $J5 per acr less than the land
across the fence. Piic is good lor one
vrrk only. Send for description. will
F. Sieueutopf. Baidwla biot-k. CoUAuil
lilulK, la.
e"M AD HAM II I. A l FOR m
nf laaea.
Write for my large Illustrated
list of Mndlson county farms, from
20 acres up to 640 acies, all prices;
good liberal terms. Bee Madison
county before buying. Host all
around county In the slate. Adresi
' W Interest, la.
about 2 miles from council Bluffs city
limits, fairly well Improved end an ex
cellent dairy farm. This place has a spec
ulative, value, aside from its value for use,
because of Its nearness to the city. It la
cheap at J1 per acre.
14 I'earl St.. Council Bluffs.
Wi-A('nR Improved farm, northwest
Iowa; three-quarters mile from town; 10)
acres tillable; per acre, clear. Owner
will trade for good business, take balance
back on land.
JUNKS LAND CO. Peterson. Ia.
FOR SALE 47S acres, well Improved, at
pn.bil per acre for short time only; tto
acrea, all valley land. Improvements cost
about HW. A bargain at Si" per acre.
For bargains in Iowa farm land, write
or call on lowa Land Credit company. Ma
son City, lowa.
6 miles of Council Bluffs, all line land but
I or 4 acres, which Is seeded to alialfa.
Large house, good barn and all kinds of
outbuilding". Fine orchard and vineyard.
With a llltle care the fruit will more than
pay Interest on entire cost of the place,
(iood spring and one 4f best meadows In
rl. stRte: was areen all through this dry
summer. Farms no better have sold for
$150 per acre. We offer this for $115.
14 i'earl St, Council Bluffs.
1.280 acres choice land: 1.000 acres of It
in wheat: well located, well improved; $2.50
per acre; will exchange for smaller.
A fine plantation of nearly 2,ou0 acres,
well located and well Improved; Louisiana;
$25 per acre; trade.
Modern 100-barrel flour mill and elevator,
doing good business; central Kansas; $26.
Oijo. and cash for ranch.
330 aores good wheat, etc.. land, central
Kansas: $20 per acre: for rental.
I have some choice farms and ranches
in eastern Kansas and western Missouri
any size and price you want; soms will ex
change. When you want to buy, sen or
exchange land, merchandise or anything
else of value, I would like to hear from
FRANK GEE. Lawrence. .Kan.
160 ACRES in Andersot. county, Kan.; 0
acres pasture, balance new land; price, $l
per acre. rseal-liowman Lana lo., uar-
rett. Kan.
ALFALFA land; farm lands In western
Kansas. I quote, subject to previous sale,
S. W. 19-20-Sa. shallow water alfalfa land.
at $25 per acre; SMi miles from McCue. N. E.
U-17-s, good wheat or broom porn land,
per acre; S miles from Manning, on Mo.
Pac. O. D. Card, Scott City, Kan. '
MEXICO I have for sale several fine
tracts of tropical lands and transportation
especially suitable for fruit and stock rais
ing. Cheap on quick sale. Live correspond
ents wanted. None but responsible firms
or parties need answer. References given
and required. Address J. Perrln Kent,
Tlaconlalpam, Ver Mexico.
FOR Sale Cheap Oood farm; 13 aores;
all under cultivation; small buildings; $
miles west of Hawlcy, Clay county, Minn.
Address Box 4, Muskoda, Minn.
Rare bargain In 200-acre farm, beautifully
located on large river: good fishing; good
soil; HO acrea field. 40 acres fine meadow, 80
acres large hardwood timber In pasture;
rood 10-room house; two large modern
barns and hay born, machine house, larga
corner! b, granary, well equipped black
smith shop, wagon shed, smoke house,
buildings In (irst-olass condition; wind
mill, 4o-foot tower; large stock tank; 20
excellent cows, twelve heifers and young
stock, two splendid horses, two splendid
mules, eleven hogs, over 190 chickens,
abundant feed for all stock all winter; all
modern farm machinery. Everything com
plete. Including cream separator, hay
press, etc; 75 cords wood; near school; 8
miles from Harris, Minn., on Northern
Baclflo, 45 miles north of St. faul. Price,
everything Included, $11, Ual, half cash.
Would be a bargain at $15 more an acre.
Better come and see It at once. If Inter
ested. You may mls.i a great opportunity if
you wait to write. Mrs. Kadle Fuller, 1794
Laurel Ave., St Faul, Minn.
$20 ACRES, clay soil, well timbered, with
hard wood; located near this city; a big
bargain. Price, $15 per acre. P. R. Thiel
man, St Cloud, Minn. 'l
Pipestone counties, Minnesota, $& to $66
per acre; easy terms. Address
BAROAlN-0-acr farm-. 4 miles from
Warsaw, Mo.; 25 acres cultivated, balance
pasture; near school and - i ch; nrlaa
tl.uuo; terms easy. Address i. G. Un,
Warsaw, Mo.
A SNAP If taken In 60 days Fine valley.
40 acres, Improved, In toe heart of Cass
county, Missouri; S miles from county seat;
deal with owner; save commission. Address
Box 76, R. ST. D. No. I. Harrtaonville. Cass
oounty. Mo.
THREE! high class Improved northwest
Missouri farms for sale; corn, clover and
blue grass land; your choice, $75 per acre.
Writ for particulars. Basel J. Meek,
owner, P. O. box $07. Chllllcotne. Mo.
IMPROVED farms. Central Missouri, $10
to i'M acre; easy terms; mild, beautiful
climate, farm, fruit, gracing lands; circular
from G. H. Bakeiuau, Richland, Mo.
old Cass county; 50 miles from Kansas City;
both well improved; fine black limestone
land; bargain; choice $06 per acre; good
terms. E. V. Burdett, Garden City, Mo.
HALF INTEREST, 40-acre farm under
laid with sino and , lead. T. Chapman.
Webb City, Mo.
1A0 ACRES 4 miles to town; good, level,
well drained land; on mail route and
school house on one corner of the farm;
7-room house, new; barn 30x0; hog and
cow house, windmill, plenty water, about
8 acres timber. This Is a good place priced
at $ per acre.
D. E. CKUTCHER, Drexel, Mo.
MISSOURI LAND for sale, SO acres to
l.ouo acres; terms and price to suit pur
chaser, wnt for particular. w. M
Stevens, Clinton. Henry Co., Mo.
Th best combination stock farm In Lin
coin county, Nebraska; consists of 4M acres
of land, one quarter vry level and In cul
tivatiou. two uuarters well fenced and
watered for pasture; actual cash value t-X
per acr. but will take $8.0(10 In Omaha
rental property at Its cash value, balance
cash. Write to the owner. Lock Box IU4,
Wallace. IseoraaKa.
NEBltASKA FARMS For prices and
description of Cedar, Wayne and Dixon
county farms writ to W. W. Collins
Laurel, Neb.
I WANT soma on to buv aulcklv any
half of fin section in Kimball county for
I'.'UW per acre. Itrnil easy. Just as good
as any $16 land in ths county but too
much for me alone. Address E, fcl, car
of Bee, Omaha. Neb.
li ,
Buy land where It rains, rains, rains. Ws
own and control kl,0oj acres of Cheyenne
county, Nebraska's choicest farm land now
on th market. Th heavlem crop yield
ing county In th state. Alfa fa also
leading crop. Writ for fr literature and
full particulars at one. Agnus wanted
Sidney, Nebraska.
for I. 00. only S uules from Inman. Neb.
Improved; will carry $iXI back If deslrod
The best plau for tb money In Nebraska
Colli at one, fiend fur list of lands.
lrtj acres fine farm land; level, black soil,
no sand. $14 per acre. $.) cash, balance
eay terms. W. T. Young, Jr., County
Surveyor. Kimball. Neb.
S-.S ACRES In Jefferson Co., Okl. 600 In
cultivation, balance pasture. Five 4-room
houses, best bargain In Okl. Price $
John W. Luttrell, Independence. Mo.
Wk acrea. solid body. Red River vallev
black land. McCurtaln county, Oklahoma;
six miles from 'Frisco railroad.
Land Is covered wl'h fine growth of
timber, oak, ash. hickory. Timber alone
worth more than price asked.
When cleared will produce slsty bushels
of corn or bale cotton per acre. Perfect
title. Prfce $12 per acre.
Will accept one-half cash. Price reduced
for uuick sale. Address O. B. Ellis, Hugo,
Do you want to buy a good townslteT We
have it Just fresh from the government,
with perfect title. 11X) lots now surveyed slid
about Hi I of them sold with about iO build
ings now completed in the town on a rail
road that has six dally trains, with ex
cellent service. This townsite Includes 11
acres of the very best of second bottom
anil with fine timber for parks and also
a fine stream of water running through It.
Fine openings for almost sll kinds of busi
ness, especially a bank, hotel and elevator.
A grand bargain if sold In thirty days. Ad
dress Powell Land & Loan Co., Powell,
Stanly county, S. D. '
situated in the Rig Sioux valley, four miles
south of Cnstlewood. the county seat of
Hamlin county, South Dakota; 440 acres of
deep black Ijain, under yearly cultivation;
MO acres In pasture and 100 In the beauti
ful spring-fed Lake Florence, with its
sylvan scents and sparkling waters, deep
and pure anJ filled with fish and game
season, and nearby is the home, a 14-room
house, large bam, two granaries, chicken
house, hog house and woven-wlre paature:
corn silo, machine house, small barn and
numerous small buildings, all In good con
dition, with windmill, three wells and ch
tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove.
Price. $f..ux, on good terms, by M. J. Rus
sell, Castlewood, t). D.
Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stop
paying nign rents; own your own farm;
spend the money for your improvements
that you are paying in lowa in high rent.
We own twenty quarters of land here that
we can sell you for $J5 to $(0 per acre on
terms you can t beat; Sl.ttlO to $1,500 down,
balance on payments at per cent. Come
here before the snaps are all gone. For
full information write Dixon Bros, or Bank
of bencca, Faulk county, S. D.
SECTION of Gregory county (South Da
kota) land for sale. This section has tim
ber, running water fed by springs, lota of
hay; 60 acres broken; 180 acres can be
plowed; all fenced; one-half mile from
school, three miles from one railroad town
ana six miles from another; good soil and
the very best all-around farming and stock
raising section In Gregory county. South
oakota. call on or write to Charles Mllner,
owner, Fairfax, S. D.
FOR SALE In Brule county. 8. D., Im
proved and unimproved farms and ranches.
west or sou, markets and close to town.
or booklet, map and price lists address L.
ia. .nagaman, f UK w ana, H. u.
WELL IMPROVED ranch of seven sec
tions for sale by owner; In center of Gray
county, lexas; wen watered; priced right.
Apply to 11. B. LovetU Pampa, Tex.
invest your money In iogged-off lands
and grow rich. Any slsa tract, from $1$
lu jo per nvre.
PHIL. S. LOCKE. Aberdeen. Wash.
wjua to Washington, the evergreen
stare, wnere Diixsaras and not winds are
never known. Delightful climate, sure crops
and best of markets. For particulars ad
dress -r. M. naccnary, uentralla. Wash.
SO ACRES L-. aU LAND, 25 cultivated.
balance pasture, (-room house, large barn.
chicken house, spring and trout brook on
farm 1 tnlls from aiitmn h t I nn
$1,800, easy terms. Tom 6. Mason, Island
ity Btate oank, Cumberland, Wis.
HARDWOOD timbered lake frontage
larm at a Dargain; be acres in Polk county.
wis., 50 miles from, twin cities; heavy
i-my loam son; nan mile lake frontage;
lota or narcwood saw timber, small clear
ing, old buldings; good neighborhood; only
fi.-w, on cu, terms it taken at once.
owner xm. s Box A, St. Croix Falla, Wis.
lKAUHT or do you want to buv one?
Make your wants known through THH
urra jviui. JV1 l AriTAI. the want m.
dlum of Iowa. Rates: 1 cent a word for
each Insertion, 6 cents a line. 70 cents an
Inch. Circulation, 41,000; largest of any
lowa dally. Give ua a trial. Address The
v-uuiiai, uog uep t. ues Moines, la.
Raises 40 to 60 bushels corn to acre: nric.
$15 to $30 per acre; good market. Nowata
Land and Lot Co., 658 New York Life
mug. mono nfa liro or A jzi.
$100 to SiO.OOO made rjromntlv. B
Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W
i- ai-uaui oiuiin oc 1,0., uuu ar nam St.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
always on hand and for sale
amounts from $300 to $3,000.
412 N. Y. Life Bldg.
$500 to $6,000 on Omaha homes. O'KmIh
Real Estate Co.. 1014 N. T. Life. Doua. or
GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. T. Life. $600
to iiou.ww on nnprovea property. No delay.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
Theater Bldg.
310-SL2 Brandela
LOANS to home owners and home build
era. with privilege of making partial pay-
menu semi-annually.
60S First National Bank Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
MONEY to loan on Omaha property. 6
interest, 6, 7 or 10 years, In amounts not
less than $25,Ouu, on only centrally located
business properties; no fees or commission
charged. Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance Co.. Milwaukee, Wis.; E. B. Stephen
son, Lincoln, P.eD., agent.
II" your property 1 for tolord dobI.
rent or sal, list with tb Horn Investment
Co., 108 a 14th St. Uav taaanU waiting.
I'hon Douglas 1412.
tract. Improved, close to Benson car Una;
owner only. Address J 301, ilea.
ROOMING house. 80 rooms. 2 blocks of
16th and Farnam. Doing big business.
What have you to offer.
Nowata i-and a lot CO..
Vi New York Life Bldg.,
Phones: Red llftrU, A-i;.1.
A Clear farm In Nebraska worth $2,000.
Will trad for good automobile.
d8 Nw York I if Bldg.
- Phone Bed A-17IL
wg: eictiang proprtls of marl L H. tt,
Culvar. 412-sil N. Y. Lit- Douglas 7t
120 ACRES dear land; want to trad for
S or 7-room house; will assum small
amount. Nowata Land and I-ot Co.. tui
New York Llf Bldg. 'Phoa Red VMt or
A 1721.
ILL swap 220 acre of Box Butt land.
good soil, for a clean atoca 01 mar-
ehandis. Addraa C 23.
'.. T,.v-t-1"
44 acres At. -Maori Co.. M.; 1 o sets Im- ,
I'M" Tl ll.'M !, .l llTfl ' Mil',' , 1 ,I,ITB " '
laifa; Ml acres hot; tight lence; i acres
corn land; .1 miles to market, splendidly
rented for three years
inn acres near Washington. Kan..; well
Improved; all cultivated and good land.
1H acres, Richland Co., North Oakota,
3 miles to market; small Improvements;
lays nice. Clear of encumbrance.
Will exchange cither of alve for Omaha
or Lincoln residence or Income. Address
F 28, care lice.
FOR EXCHANGE Property of all kinds.
Write. Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la.
4S0 ACRES western Nebrsska land. All
smooth vallev land. No j-and. Every aero
farm land, all fenced, small set Improve
ments, good, wnll Improved nelshbnrboo.1.
miles from railroad town. $-i.'0 an
acre. Want Omaha residence property;
$5,tKX) to $6."00. balance easy terms.
Board of Trade Building, Omaha. Neh.
CLIENT will exchange in acres highly
improved, near Colorado Springs. Price
$7,0li0 for Missouri, lowa or Illinois Farm.
John J. O'Donnell. Real Estate, El Paso
Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo.
price paid for td-hi
doming aud shoes.
md furnlturs
Tsl. D tn.
tat pots.
Second-hand clothing; party afternoon
cresses. .John Feldman. IA 41.31; A-n.m.
WANTED Bookcase.
6x4 feet. Describe
price. Address D,
fully and state lowest
2!, Hee.
BY GENTLEMAN Warm, pleasant
room, witn or without board, ptereraDly
west, between Leavenworth and Farnam.
Address D-ZM, Bee.
AN experienced architectural draughts
man and superintendent of construction
wants position. Audi ess B-24, Bee, or
I'hone Douglas 765.
YOUNG man desires place to work for
board and room In private family while
I attending college. Boylcs College. Uolh
WANTED Position as draftsman, either
In mechanical line or aa railroad drafts
man; am neat detailer and letterer. Have
had experience in both lines. Address A.
H. Weaver, care Belmont hotel, Omaha,
A JAPANESE wants position in private
family while going to school, bi an. Bee.
bi young iaay, casnier, assistant nooK-
keeper or office clerk; capable of filling
pos.tlon of trust or responsibility; best
reference. A S10, Bee.
DRESSMAKER wants work by the day,
private families. Phone Douglas 5660. 2227
Dodge St Call after 6:80 p. m.
Real estate transfers for October 22. fur
nished by Midland Guarantee 4- Trust com
pany, Bonded Abstracters, 1714 Farnam
street. Telephone Douglas 2Stx.
Anna Hlavka and husband to Vaclav
SUvny, lot 6 block 108, South Omaha.. $ 400
Blanche H. Brown and husband to
James E. Wright, lu6 feet of elaO
feet of lot 16. Bartlett's addition 1
John W. Vogel and wife to Alebtr W.
Nelson, lot 8. block 24. Hanscom
place 2.750
Omaha National Bank and Omaha
Safe Deposit and Trust company 3t6
feet of lot 1 and sG6 feet of eVi of lot,
2. block 120. Omaha 1
Omaha Safe Deposit company to Em
met A. Browniey, 66 feet of lot 1 and
b00 feet of e lot 2, block 120. city . .150,000
Charles M. Smith and wife to Mary
E. Gebbs, lot 20, block 110, Dundee
place 10
Quartermaster, JFor Crook, Nebraska, Oct.
20, 191V. sealed -proposals, in triplicate, lor
the construction vt a reservoir and well
at Fort Crook,-Nebraska, will be received
at this office until 11 a. m., Nov. 4, 1910, and
then publicly opened. A guarantee of 10
per cent of the amount of the proposal
must accompany eajh bid. Plans and
specifications may be seen at this office
only. Blank forma and Information fur
nished upon application here. Proposals
should be Indorsed "Proposals for Con
struction of Reservoir and Well," and ad
dressed to Second Lieutenant A. W. Lane,
Constructing (juartermaater, A. W. Lane,
Second Lieutenant, t ourth Infantry, Con
structing Quartermaster. 021-22-24-25-N-2-S
UNION STATION Tea th nn Hirer.
Union Pnelflo
all:3S pm
a 6:46 pm
a 46 am
a t:10 pm
a : pm
a 7:42 ant
al2:S0 am
a 4:60 pm
a S:20 pm
a 4:45 pm
alO u am
to l:ss pta
San. Fran. Overland L. .a 1:16 am
China A Japan F. M...a 4:1 pm
Atlantic Express
Oregon Express a 4:0 pm
Lo Angeles Limited. ...al2:4ft pin
Colorado Special all:4S pm
Denver Special a t:47 ant
Colorado Express a 2:60 pm
Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:60 pm
North Piatt Local ....a :ia am
Grand Island LwcsJ. i:S pra
Lincoln Beatrlo Local.. bll:0 pns
Cklesgo, A St. Panl
Overland IJmlted all: 42 pm
a 7:S9 am
b :30 am
o 9:80 am
a 2:26 pm
all:.i3 pm
bU:05 pm
Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am
Omaha-Savanna Ex o 7:16 am
Colo.-Cal. Ex a 6:00 pm
Colorado Special a 7:67 am
Perry-Omaha Local b 6:16 pm
Chlcaa Nnrta western
Twin City Express a 7:60 am
10:2t pm
a 2.28 pm
a .16 am
a 7:2s am
a J.KU am
al2:26 am
a l a pm
a $.sai pm
a 7:66 am
a fa pm
vU.20 pm
a 7:46 am
a t . i l a in
all). OS am
a iiai pus
aU:0t am
al0:46 pm
U:HU pui
b b:'$ pni
a i:at pm
all () am
a IM pm
eioux City Local a 14 pm
Minn. & Dakota Ex a IM pin
Twin City Ltd (ex Sat) .a S:4u pm
Twin City Lt (Sat only). 11:6 pm
Omaha Express a7:Wam
Chicago Local 12:06 pm
Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm
Cbicsgo opeclal a :ux pin
I sclfio Coast-Chicago. ..a s:0b pm
Los Angeles Limited ...a H.M pm
Overland Limited all. 44 pm
Denver bpaclal aii:40 aa
Carroll Local a 4:W pm
Fast Mall a s:jv pm
Llncoln-Chadron a 7:60 am
Nofolk-Dallas a 7:60 am
Long Plna-So. Piatt. ... 2:16 pm
Heatings-Superior b 2:16 pm
Dcadwuod-Hot Springs.. a i m poi
Casper-Lander a 2 ve piu
Freiuoni-AiUoa 0 6;W pm
Chicago, Rack Island ana Pnclfl
Rocky Mountain Ltd...al2:38 am
Chicago Day Express. .a 6:45 am
Chicago Local Pass....bl0:ll& am
Des Moines Local Pass. a 4:00 pm
Chicago Express a 4:40 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:0s pm
alO is pm
a 4 :ju pm
bio. 19 pin
ai2:45 pm
a 1:15 pin
a a:u2 am
a 6:47 pm
a 4:30 pin
Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a 8:20 am
Colo. & Cal. r-jip a i.a pm
Okl. & Texas Express. a 2:30 piu
Rocky Mountain Lid....al0.66 pm
Iklcigs, Ureal Wntin
Chicago Limited a :46 pm
Twin City Liuuid a pm
a 1:J0 pm
al2:M am
a 7:63 a
i wlu CUy h.xuiem a .w am
a S.J pm
a 2. to pm
Cuicag Exyiass ........
Oraaha-St. Louis Ex. ...a S:M pm
Mall and Express a 1:M am
tank Lei Urwa CB ) S UV pm
:26 am
ali:ii pa
iiiu.Xk am
a 7 US am
a S:C pm
a 2 4$ pm
a .M so
a V ia) am
gUM" Paellln
K C U L, Ex. II NtS
C. A St U -,....
eept Bwi u.i yiu
K c. A bt. L. Jx- Sat
urdays only U-00 m
lltlnol Central
Chicago .xprss a?:nm
Chicago uiuu - "
Mlii a. du i-u n.a......v ' '
atiua.-b Paul LU a us put
WsBr gttln lm 4
Htaanarl ranlfl
Auburn Local 00 $ OU.U om
Cnlea; PanJ $nstnnlU A
Bloug City Ehtprea B 2:0 pm bll 44 urn
Omaha Local 5 114 pm
bioux nty f asngr W.M ,!
Iwm City PaaMiigar ...k S M am
I 1 wm t "
I Sioux CI
t Du
:ily Lcai e u am
rson Lovai o pin t:lt am
Daily, tb) buiy aauwpl nuaday. (
WJ1.UI. I I.AtLi OIOV.1V .ll.lllllLjl
r.f. TTJ.r f nr
V - .V ...j....
the Week.
Sheep .tead- All the Wffk, While,
Feeder l.ambs Declined at First,
hnt Later Recovered All
the- I. us.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. ST.', 1910.
oi'hi.ii Monday 1147 1.797
official Tue-d.iv 7,41 ;t nil
or tlcliil W ediu-MlnV 7.74 4 t..2"1
Official Thursday" 3 "f
oinctul Fridav 2.191 4.678
Kstiniate Saturday !..- .'
Six days this week 3...Vi 2I, 111. '26
Same- iiuys lust week H.r 4.1 L''). W,.'.Hi
frame days 2 iveelir aKO. MMi 21 .V" K2.714
Same da. s 8 w eeks ao. .42.t;"u 2J.1H'I lHvl'.Hi
framo days 4 weeks ago. .4J.21H 2.'.'-'S 1,.2m)
Same oays last year l'.i.2(d W,4.jS
'Hie following table sliou lav i'cri".i
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for lou year to ciate ms compared with last
r: i:iio ik Inc. lec.
Cattle 977. sm S77 ?"- 100,54
llojrs l.t.l'J.O", l.S73.'.i21 iil.MS
'ieei 2,;CI),44 l,773,lj7 iS-.i.loj
The following tablo shows Hie averae
prics of hogs at t-oiuh otiwha for the las;
several days, with comparitotis.
1 'ates. mo. iyo9.i!tu8. 19(j7. 10.130C. iIWI.
Uct. 13...
Dct. 14...
Dct. 15...
Oct. IS...
Del. 17...
Oct. 18...
Oct. in...
Oct. 20....
Oct. 21. ..I
3E'4 7 Hi! 5 iJi I to 2tl $ Oitl s
8 3 , 'V. I 7 JO! 5 u; H Cm 15 101
7 4S! 5 RSI oil S3i I 6
7 40 1 ;"i0 i 981 'l 'M
8 i i2i m, S 1a 5 1"
7 271 6 09 8 1! 5 10;
l 7 ?J 6 21 CM 6 '! 5 12'
8 37.' 1 111 K ): I U 181 5 141
A 0.'
4 HS
5 W
8 3Pj 7 511 6 29! 5 9S I 5 201 5 14
44i 7 52! 6 4li 5 KJi 1. I 6 18
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union btoik Xartis, South Omaha, for
twenty-lour hours ending at 3 p. m. yes
Cattle.Hogs. Horses.
C M. & St. P
Missou'i Pacific
lnon Paciiic
C. & N. w., east
C. c N. v., west
C St. P., M. O...
C, B. Ac y., east
C, B. Ac west
C. U. 1. Ac P., cast...
C, H. 1. Ac P., west..
Total receipts 7
Cat tlc.liogs. Sheep.
On.aha Packing Co.
awui and company.
Cuuahy PacHiiig Co.
Armour Ac Co
Otncr buyers
CA'i'i LE There were no
coiibwjueiice on sale tuuay,
rtceipca snow a suarp urop
15 2,78.1
cattle of any
ror the weeK
as compared
with recent weukb. auiiuugh oemg aooui
on a par with tne receipts a year ago.
inn decrease In arrivals was to be ex
pected, as tne season of the year has ar
rived when shipments truin tne range
snould snow a gradual tailing off until
tne Ilnai ciose. At tne Kama time. It Is loo
early to expect very many native or fed
caitie. v title the run was smaller, as
noted above. It was nevertheless very
sauafaciory for this time o' 'he year.
'1 he market on beef steers nas ueen in
t'pii'iiuiu condition tnrougnuut tne week,
beginning aoout steauy, prices gradually
iiiuibU up until at the close of tne wee
tne niaraet is saiely 26c higher man one
week ago. As a maiier of tact, some klnua
of cattle may have shown even more ad
vance than that. The supply of corn-ted
steers has been very llgiit, there being
hardly enough on saie to make a market
from day to day. All told, only a dozen
cars have boen received, and none of tnem
have been choice enough to Bell over $1.20.
1118 suppiy of beef steers nas Consisted
very largely of range cattle, as high as
$.io having been paid lor choice Montana
g issuers.
Cows' and heifers have shown about the
same auvance as beef steers, they, too,
being ail or. 26c higher than. on week ago.
'1 hey were active sellers every day, and
tke iiuu'Ket was in a most aatiatactory
condition, as viewed from a seller a stand
point. stockerr and feeders have also shown
an advance of 26c under the Influence of
decreased receipts and a better uuyiug de
maud, 'ins . country has been more
anxious, apparently, to fill feed lots, and
th fact mat receipts were Ia.ili.ig off
seemed to make buyers mure eager to se
cure cattle while they were auil to be
wuotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $U.60iji.60; fair to good
beef steers, $6.biKa.6o; common to fair beef
steers, $4.u0(; good to choice cows and
heilers, 4.iuuo.u; fair to good cows and
heifers, $3.4or4.Ui; common to fair cows and
hellers, (2.6oii2.40; good to choice Blockers
and feeders, l.Kn6 bo; fair to good stockers
and leeders, $4.uu&4.40; common to fair
stockers and feeders, $3.ku4.76; slock hell
ers, $3.00&4.25; veul calves, t3.biXitl.V0; bulls,
blags, etc., $3.0U'u6.00.
(quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves, $5.75'(iii.25; good to choice
beeves, $5.266.76; fair to good beeves, $4.ii0
gi6.20; common to fair beeves, $3.ioii4.40;
good to choice heifers, $1.005.00; good to
choice cows. $4.0U'u4.o6; fair to good grades.
I3.6CkU4.O0; canners and cutters, $J. i.'ya.5";
good to choice teeners, i.sohj-j.w; lajr to
good feeders, $4.U4ku 4.75.
HOGS More or less recovery In values
featured the trade In the hog yards this
morning. Light receipts were credited with
most of the Improvement, bulk of offer
ings selling at figures safely a dime hlgner
than those or yesicraay. Heavy nogs
made up the general run of stuff and
packing grades were especially plentiful.
Supplies of bacon and medium-weight
mixed animals were hardly large enough
to afford an adequate test of prices.
Demand was fairly active from the open
ing and a complete clearance was made
In very good season. Lard-welghts moved
around $.-i.3(iu8.40, as compared with yes
terday's wider spread of a.l;Vtf i.40. Lights
sold up as high as $8.76.
Today's advance leaves values Just about
a dime lower than they were a week ago.
On most days the mar ket has been In good
shape, Thursday's trade being the only
exception. Supplies for th week are a
few thousand head heavier than either
last week's run or receipts Una week
last year.
Representative sales:
No. At. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
H 3W 111 ID 41 Vi ... S 46
f,i ttO IM ( IS54 10 I 4t
J 31 4U II ill U llM I 4
li 341 ... 5 4 2X4 40 I 45
jb m no t ao (i ri o I 46
to 4t) mvi 4 s;u ... t 46
4; ill ... IK-S 41 fc-i 140 46
,!, gr-,7 ... 0 61 ... 46
to 317 ... ) M 2U 120 i 46
(8 314 Ml 11 40 1 274 12U II 47
y, 3' ... 140 71 271 HO I 60
67 323 ... ( 40 76 4 SO I bo
W 313 M ( 40 1 23 SO I &0
4f. 323 ... 140 SJ inO 240 2 60
t ; ... t 40 ii 2k 40 I 60
66 7 ... 0 60 2A ... I US
i 311 1W 4 m Ml tl ... I t5
(, Jit U0 I Hi ,..44 40 i 64
6 'i ... I 4-- 74 ta M IK
63 314 ... 71 U0 UK I ta
M 40 46 K 344 ... 4 70
J 540 ISO" I 60 09 OHI S
SHEEP Nothing fresh In the way of
sheep and lambs was received today and
the market remained nominally steady,
Trade during the week has been very
uneven, feeder lambs selling at uncertain
tiricea on early days and closing generally
steady with a week ago. Heavy receipt of
this class of stock and the fact that sort
ing delivery alleyB were taxed to their
utmost induced most of the early declines.
Thousands of lambs went back Into the
country at figures that were 'he 'o.veui of
Barllngion lall-w 1 sain alnn.
Denver & California.. -.a 4:10 pm
Puget Souno Express.. .a 4 10 pm
Nebraska polni a $. am
Bla'-k HiH f 19 K'a
UuJoln Mall -J, Km
Northwest Exprse ,...11:A pm
a 14$ pm
a I 46 pa
a 4 10 pm
a $ 46 pm
all: io pm
a 7:00 am
a 4 is pq
a l it m
b 9. og am
a 1 It put
bl 20 am
a S.u am
a 2 40 pa
a 7 a .it
SU 44 p,a
a $.6 pm
a 00 n,a
alO JO ,m
a 10 10 am
11 46 am
a 14 ni
a im
M.braska point
Sebjaska Exprat
..a $ 30 am
..a .! am
..a-7 25 "pni
.b S:0o pm
..a S is am
..all. 30 pm
..all 36 pm
..a 7:16 am
. .a 4 20 pm
Llncolo V"" 1 '
Lincoln I-ocnl ........
platisioouth-lowa .....
Colorado L4ndrl
Chicago Fpcial ,
Chicago Exprea
Chicago rast Exprnss
inwa Local ....
a IHl pm
a 15 am
rrston-loa Local
...a 2.30 pm
...a 4 30 pm
Ht LOUIS E-ipi"
w C. U Si. J"
ph alS 45 pm
if d. 4k bt J
pa a 115 am
li. Q. bt Jvu a 4.3V pm
m"".;" Ki
!.,,,,, .,,, . till midweek, but the
i market rencted considerably on late c!hm
I under the Influence of htihler supplies and
a letter demand. Strong weight feeders
ar, nroumi o. little uiurrent
from hlh quotations a week nitiv
While dally receipts give a week's total
of about !-'. iH bead the proMrtlon of
(i"d feeder sheep has been none too lare
values have held firm throughout
Competition from killers has been one of
tho sustaining influences, feeding wethers
selling as high as $4 no and good feeder
ewes moving around $3.3-113 75. as strings
of this ncscription are suitatuc tor oreta-
ln puroses.
Fat sheep are still In active demand at
good strong figures, high dressing animals
selling more rapldl than In-between and
Inferior kinds. Choice fat Wethers sold up
i as high as $4.?! earlier In the week, but
! nothing of similar iiiiality haa been avail
able since, rat ewes are bringing $.!4."u
Fnt lambs showed n little weakness on
earl' days in sympathy with feeders, hut
the demand rallied on the close and cur-
lent quotations are fully as high as those
of last Saturday. Clearances In every
branch of the trnde: while only fair on
the first three days. "ver. cood enough to
make the week's clearance i-ompleto one.
Aside from a few odds and ends In specu
lators' hands the big barn Is practically
Wi 'tstlons on grass stoes : tlmM to
choice iambs. $.3Mnifi0; fair to good lambs.
$1 li.'(iS.3b: feeding lambs. $4.Ki S.75 ; handy
weight yearlings. t.W,i5 .": heavy year
lings, $4 40'f4 s.1; feeder vearllngs. 4 Do'u 3.u;
good to cholco wethers. $3.S,.ii4 25; fair to
good wethers. J.Lya3 Si: teed n wethe'S
$3 lidH no. heeding ewes. $4 ixw'1 ': fa I
ewes, 3.2'03.8; feeding ewes, $2."ui.f3.16;
.Miuiers. l.ioJ.Oo.
( HICAfiO 1,1 K UTOt'K MtflKKT
Demand for Cattle and Sheen Steady
Hons II Inker.
CHICAGO. Oct. 22 CATTLE Receipts,
estimated at 300 hend. Market stonily;
berves. $4 CA.ti.k5; Texas steers. $4.-(;
western steers, $i.l0fS.8."; stockers and
feeders, H.4t'n5.70; cows anil holfcrs. $2.2."'a.
:; calves, $7.25410.00.
HOGS Receipts, estimated at 6,"00 hend.
Market 5c to 10c higher; light. $MMiS.25;
mixed, $S.10((i9.Ui; havy. l7.8Vft.S.9f; rough,
$754iSlt; good to choice heavy, f.lOti'v'.in;
pigs. $S.20fd8.0; bulk of sales, $S.H'S.l5.
SHEEP AND LAMH.--Hecclpls, esli
niuted at 2,000 hend. Marxet s'eady; na
tive. $J.MV(i4.40: western. t2.7;'4t4.; year
lings, $4.:rj.a0. Lambs: Native. $1.75ii7.10;
western, $4.75ii7.00.
co.pts. W0
tltj Live- Stork Market.
CITY, Oct. 22. CATTLE Rn
liead, Including km head of
iMin-ket fttemlv: rmtlve Htet-l-l.
sout herns.
$6.0tm 7.S"; southern steers, 3.76'u.0o; south
ern cows, $.7uii -4.2.1 ; native cows and heif
ers, $2.7i)fu.&0; stock- rs and feeders. $:i.50''
6.D0; bulls, $3. lru 4. SG; calves, $l.(V(i!(.2'7;
western steers, $4.0WU.60; western cows,
HOGS Receipts. 2,"O0 head. Market wenk
to 6c lower; bulk of sales, S .7tcuS.yr; heavy,
$S.W4i.0: packers and butchers, $.-. 76'u s.yi;
light, $.S.i-,t:.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.j"0
head. Market steady; muttons, $i.60ti4.W);
Iambs, 6.t.04jti.75; fed wethers and year
lings, 4.0W.5.26; fed western ewes, $Xo0y
4.26. S. I.onls Live Stok Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 22. CATTLE Receipts,
1.2U0 head, Including 700 head of Texans.
Mark.-t strong; native beef steers. $K.U0W
800; cows and heifers, $4.60'nH.75; stockers
and feeders, $3iiO'a6.60; Texas and Indian
steers. t.OlKjj.OO; cows and heifers, $3.00'ep
4.75; calves, in carload lots, $4.2i'ijl00.
HOGS Receipts, 1.500 head. Mnrkjt
steady; pigs and lights, $8.t!OjH.20; packers,
SK.OOtoU.Oo; butchers and best heavy. sS-BOj
head. Market steady; native muttons, $3.76
(U4.&0; lambs, $5.606.75.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 40 head; market, steady; steers,
$4.70(av.uo; cows and heifers, A0tiSf4i.5o;
calves, 3.75H-.25.
HOGS Riecelpts, 3,600 head; market,
steady to loc lower; top, $9.06; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, K0 head;
market, steady; lambs, $6.&-o,!M.
Stock In Sight.
Receipt of live stock at the five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
Cat tie. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha ltio 2.mi0
St. Joseph 40 2,500 2S0
Kansas City 300 . 2,500 3,600
St. Louis 1.200 1,600 600
Chicago 300 6,ou0 2,000
16,300 S.200
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1 delivered to
the retail trade in 1 lb. cartons, 31c; No. 2,
In SO-lb. tubs. 30c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons,
ftc; No. 3, In 60-1 b. tubs, 27c; packing
stock, solid pack, 21Vtc; dairy. In 60 lb. tubs,
auc. Market changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, L'.HlSc; young Amer
icas, lUc; daisies, lie; triplets, lie; llm
burger. lc; No. 1 brick, lsstc: Imported
Swiss, 22c; domestic Swiss, 24c; block bwiss,
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 Iba.
$5.00 a dox; over 2 Iba, 14c; hens, 16c; cocks,
loVfcc; ducks, 160; geese, 15c; turkeys, 2c;
pigeons, per dor., $1.20; homer squabs, per
dox, $1.00; fancy squabs, per dox., $3.50; No.
1. liar doz.. $3.00. Alive: Broilers. 15c: over
2 lbs., loVtc; hens, loVto; old roosters, 7c; old
ducks, full feathered, 11c; geese, full feath
ered, 10c; turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls, 20c
each, pigeons, per dox., 60c; homers, per
doz., $3.oo; squabs, No. 1. per dox., $1.6u;
No. Z. per doz.. 6uo
FISH (all frozen)- -Pickerel, 12c; whlteflsh,
lttc; pike, 15c; trout, 14c; large crapples, 20c;
Spanish mackerel. 16c; eel. 16c; haddock.
13c; flounders,, 13c; green catfish, lftc; roe
shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair, tc;
frog legs, per dos., 40c; salmon. 14c; hali
but, 12o.
BEEF CUTS-Ribs: No. L 14Hc; No. 2,
I2V4c; No. 8, 8c Loins: No. 1. Me; No. 2.
13'c; No. 2. ic. Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No. 2,
6'4c; No. S, 6V4c; Round: No. 1, 7Vc; No. 2,
6lic; No. 3, 6Hc- Plata: No. 1. 644c; No. 2.
6c; No. S 3c.
FRUITS Oranges: California Valenclaa,
all sizes, per box, $6.00-6.25. . Lemons:
Llmoniera, extra fancy, SOU size, per box,
$7.00; 360 size, per box, $7.26; choice, 200
size, per box. $6.60; 300 slue, per box, $6.75,
$40 size, 60c per box less. Bananas: Fancy
select, per bunch, $2.2Cx(j2.60; Jumbo, per
bunch, $3.76&3.76. Pears: New York Keller,
per bbl., $4-60; California Winter Nellis, per
box, $2.66. Apples: Home-grown cooking,
per bbl., $3.50't4.00; Missouri Jonathan and
Grimes' Golden, per bbl., $4 76; Missouri
Ben Davis, per bbl., $3.60; Missouri Wine
saps, per bbl., S4.0U; Missouri Gano, oer
bbl., $3.76; other varieties, per bbl., $400;
Colorado Jonathan, per box, $l.ib; Cali
fornia Gravensieln, per box, $2.10; Cali
fornia Belieflower. per box, $1.60; Washing
ton Grimes' Golden and Jonathan, exua
fancy, 68 to 126 sizes, per box, $.25. Grspcs:
California Tokay, per crate, $1.26; Con
cord Michigan and New York, per a-lb.
basket, sot . aiaiagn. uv 10 00 iu. gross, per
$6. 00a w- ci auuerries: rr lux,;
bbl., $6.76. Dates: Anchor brand, new,
30 1-lb pkgs. In box, per Dox, $300. rig:
New California. 12 12-oz. pkgs., 6.,c; 36 U-oz.
nags -i 25. yulnces; Per box, $1.66.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio.
In sacks, per bu.. 9oc; Iowa white stock,
per bu., s&c. Sweet Potatoes: Virginia,
per bbl.. $2.25 Onions: lews, small red
and yelloiw, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate,
1 z6 Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb..
Inc; red. per lb., ltic. Egg Plant: Fancy
Florida, per do., $1.00. Celery: Michigan,
per doz. bunches, 36c. Rutabagas: per lb..
1V.C Cucumbers: Hot house. IV, and 2
doz per box, $1.26.
base: New, per lb.. 2c. Tomatoes: Per
bskt 6ojJjbc- String and Wax Beuns: Per
mkt bsk., 76c. Lettuce: Extm fancy leaf,
per dos., 46c. Parsley: Fancy home
grown per doz., bunches. 3oc. Turnips:
per mkt bsk.. 26c Carrots: per mkt.
bfck 40c- Beets: Per nifct. bsk., 3c.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnutn: Black, per
lb . 2c; California No. 1, per lb., nc; Cali
fornia No. 2. per lb., 14c. Hlckorynuts:
Large, per lb., 4c: small, per lb., 60.
Cocoanuts: Per sack. $5.00; Mr do., tuc
Honey; New, 24 frames, $3.66.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
Iiexeniber. lll'tSlo, sellers; May, 4
So'c, sellers. Cash, kdic loaer; No. 2
hard, 8lVj" No. 3 hsni, S-iVj&'lc; No. 2
red. fe4u'Jtc; No. S red, KfuWc.
CORN December. 43HC. bid; May, 464c.
bid. Cash, Vk&lc lower; No. 2 mixed, 4"il
4h'4c; No. S mixed, 4Ho; No. 2 white, 4h1(
4HVc; No. S whit. a-W'ic,
OATS Vlc lower; No. 2 white, 31V44JI
S2'v: No. 2 mixed, a3lc.
RYE No. 2. 75t:.
HA Y Unchanged; choice timothy, S13.50W
14 00; enolce priuiie. $12.00.
riecelpts. fcliipmenrs
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu...
Cats, bu
43 OoO
Mllwankcn Grain Mnrkct.
northern. I1HM1.W; No. 2 northrn, $1.04
tjl tHH; Iecembr, 92c.
OATS Slr 32c.
Totals 2.000
Receipts Become Lighter und rrices
son Cora Prices Also Urn !,
Unix In Fine- Weather
and Selling.
OMAHA. Oct. 22. 1510.
Oct. 22. IM".
morning wat
Tl,e Liverpool
news this
Nonhvvfst receipts ar
lighter than n year ago.
running much
but stock con-
linii'-s to accumulate.
Pi Ices sunned steadily during the tradlnt
hours and closed practically at the bottotr
for the prnyon.
Bright, cool weather over th cora Wit
Is exactly what handlers of the new rrnp
nerd. The wrather Is so farorabl ' thai
the whole trsde took the selling sll and
alnrs declined sharplv.
Wheat lacked snap and shorts wr not
inclined to cover owing to the genersl
bearish feeling. Increasing receipt at pri
mary mnrkets gave cash wheat a weak
tone, values easing off lc.
The coin market ruled wesk and lower
throughout the nhort sexton. Pressure
of rash Fluff and Ideal weather coupled
with a lnrk demand was the feature of
the flerllnln? market.
IVIniary wheat receipts were 1.WS.WS bu
nrvl fbipmcnts were Sf-rtwi bu. against re
celpfr Inst year of 1,H1.i0 bu. ami ship
ments of 470, nno bu.
Piininrv corn recelnts were TiiT.OnO bu.
and shipments were -.'MOW hu.. against re
ceipts vear of 3o0,0n0 bu anl shipment"
of 37.1010 bu. ,
Clearances were " 000 b'W of coi n. 2 0O0 b
of oats, and wheal and flour equal t
231000 1U. .
i.ivrrpnol closed ji1 lower on wheat ana
44d lower on corn.
Hinnln 4H Prices.
WHEAT-No. 2 hard. RH.jflio; No. hard,
4'ir?i2'c; No. 4 lmru. 8l4jS-ip; relented hard.
Mt X'-c ; Nil. 2 norinc. 9 f fill': No 3 spring,
X ij.i;t,': No. Durum. MV No- s nu"
rum siifiSltic.
i-tiRN'-No. 2 whits. lIV'rilMio; No. 3 white,
41'-.f(i4'c: No. 4 white, li-lif.'dl'.c; No. 2 yel
low I4ix.(ir,-4hc ; No. li voliow. 44i I4'hc:
4 irlloiv, 4.'l',fr1lc; No. 2 44'4r14'ic: No. 3.
44'-;fil4c; No. 4, 4.14fi44'-e; no grade. 40
ciTS-No I white ljii-r'inc. standard,
?1'-.1r,r: No. 3 white, WTV29ie: No. 4
while. rsc,wcso: -.. 3 yellow, 2$WcK;
No. 4 vellnw. 27(r;i''
BARLEY No. 4 vKc; No. 1 feed.
a-o: reloeted, r,lrc.
BYE No. 2. 71fr72r; No. 3. TUfifTlc. '
t'nrlot Receipts.
Wheat. Cons.
OniHlia ....
.7 m
Xi 47
Duluth ...
Feat ores sf the Traallagf s4 I'lnnlnn;
Price on Rostrd of Trsvoc
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.-Jne of the Important
props of the wheat market from a world
standpoint was .weakened today. Tho
potato crop of Germany, an Immense source
of food supply, which the trade was led to
believe had suffered disaster, was shown
by official report to have a condition much
higher than expected 2 per cent, against
Ml a year ago. With prospects also of a
large increase In the amount of wheat
available In this country, prices dragged
all day and closed at the lowost figures of
the session, a net dellne of He to Vif'i''.
Corn finished Ho to l'ic below last night,
and oats He to He Later the quotations
for hog product varied from 12Vc advance
to 1214c loss.
Small demand for cash wheat was a de
pressing factor that confronted speculators
from the start. In the face of this condi
tion, Nebraska offerings at low figures
were freely made here and at Kansas City.
December ranged from 9.';v to P:ivc, closing
weak, : to Vic down at S2HVJ2c.
Fine weather took all the stamina out of
corn. Decern her sold from 4V4c to 4iVic and
finished heavy, lV4c off at 4ts,'i4.".-1a The
cash market was weak. No, 2 yellow closed
at 4H4H.SHC.
Oats were carried down by other grains.
December fluctuated between SOVt and 30Va
ii30c, with last sales off He net at 3oVc.
Provisions received a downward push
from the grain list. At the end of trading
pork was unchanged to 1240. lower, lard
40 off to 12Vc up and ribs 24'6o higher
to a 60 decline.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Opcn. High. Low. Close. Yes y.
Wheat I
1 OOVsl
May.. 1 0UV4i
July.. WW
1 0fM
Corn- I I I
treo... 4W3-40-4 411'ij
May.. 4V' 4!iv
4V,I 60W
I 0 I 60
Dec. May.
I 8Oh;3O0I
Jan... ' May..
Oct... Nov...
Jan... May..
83V. I
17 35
16 36
U 05
17 40
17 25 17 27V4 17 30
IS 20 IS 20 IS 22,
13 06 12 06 11
11 67H 11 67 10 87V4
10 37Vk 10 S7Vi S 86
S 20 S 9 17'
S KiH S S24 S 7Vs
1 42H
IS 22V4I
n 67V,!
10 42V
11 67W
10 4Vi
9 22141
S 7Vi!
9 02VI
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady. Winter patent. 4.20
S4.4Oji4.60; bakers. $3.50-(.00.
RE No. A 76V4jO.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, SOQSo; fair
to choice malting, 70974Vsc
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, J2-&0:
No. i northwestern, $2.46, timothy, $3.lWj'
9.W. clover, $8.6tK 14.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbr,
$17.8i VVa 11.00; lard, per 100 lbs., $13.06;
short ribs, sides (loose), $10.oi10.s7Vi;
short clear sides (boxed), $U.12H'tU-2.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 231,000 bu. Primary receipts
were l.kiS.OOO bu. as compared with l.sul.000
bu. the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimatod receipts for Monday: Wheat.
3 cars; corn, 260 cars; oats, 174 car; hogs,
3S.IXI0 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat, No. 2 red,
94Vlc; No. 2 red, fcifRMo; No. 2 hard.
94'u"j7c; No. $ hard, 924j4c; No. 1 northern
spring, $1.074i 1. 0 ; No. 2 northern spring,
cush, 4sc; No. 3 cash, 47Vtl471c; No. 2
cash, 46c; No. 2 cash. 47Vvv47c; No. 2
while. 4'ic; No. S white, 4V(MKc; No. 8
yellow, 47Vu48c. Crats: No. 2. 30Vo; No. 2
white, r-"4c; No. 3 white, 20Ve3ic; No. 4
white, 3oy31c; standard, 81Vso32o,
IHTTKit Steady ; creameries, 24iT29o;
dallies, 23'i'27c.
EGGS Steady ; receipts, 8,763 cases; at
mark, cases included, J8VsJr-lHc; firsts,
24'-c; prime firsts, 26'c.
CHEESE Steady; damies, lo'lSHc; twins.
14(ui4Vic; young Americas, lotyioo; long
hornx 15'U 15Vsc
POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy.
&oii(Vo; fair to good. 4WJH&C.
POULTRY Steady; turKeys, 16c; chick
ens, hens llVc; springs, 11c
VEAIj Steady ; WJ to SO-lb. wis., 9i&n0c;
(10 to 85-lb. wis.. 104jUc; so to 110-lb. wis.,
Chicago iteceipis v neat, ( cars; earn,
18 cars; oats, 102 cars. Eatlmatsd toiuor- '
row: heat, 23 cars; corn, 250 cars; oats,
17S cars.
St. Loals General Market.
ST. IjOUIS, Mo., Oct. 22 WHEAT Fu
tures, lower; December, M'xtC; May, $1 00'.
Cash, lower; track: No. 2 red, lc&$1.00;
No. 2 hard. WciuJl 00.
CORN Fuluies, lower; December, 44J4c;
May, 47'ac. Cash, lower; track: No. 2,
46Vi:; No. 3 white, 49Hc
OATS Futures, lower; December, 29449
2Tsc; May, 33c. Canh, lower; track: No,
2. :0r-; No. 2 white, 32Vc.
RYE Steady; 7Vc
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents $4.40
feu. 10, extra fancy and straight, $4.0tia4.50;
hard winter clears, $.'l 9 3 60.
t-EED Timothy, $&.00.j&.75.
CORN MEAL- $3.60.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, trj93c.
HAY Steady; timothy, tliAHxQ IS.bO, prai
rie, $11 Ou-rj 14.00.
PROVISIONS Poi k, unchanged: Jobbing,
$150. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, JU H7'; clear libs, IU S7';
short clesrs, $i2 12V. Baron, unchanged;
boxed extra short, $13 37'i; clear ribs.
$13 37Vi; short clears. $13 62V.
POL'LTUY Firm; chickens, 12Vc; spring,
12'ic; turkeys, ltirulsc; ducks, Uc: geese, o.
HI'TTER-Hteady ; creamery, 25-ii30c.
EiiGS Firm at 23c
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bhls 7 11 is
Wheat, bu 62iO 6.3oS
Corn, bu 40 90O IS 0
Oats, bu 74.600 3.u
Liverpool f'ottnn Htnllstle.
LIVERPtXiU Oct. 22.-WHEAT-Ppt.
dull; No. I red, western winter, n slock.
Futures, quiet; October, 7s 2'id; December
7s 7d; March. 7s 2'd.
CORN Spot, steady: American mixed. 4s
UVsd. Futures, dull, January, 4 4,d; Fsb
ruary, 4 4i4.
T J-'