Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1910, WANT ADS, Page 7, Image 45

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S 3 .
, v
Receipt! Become Lighter and Pricei
Bads at UtlKm Stage of
Cora Prices AIM Go Dowa,
Owl" ta Flae Weather
OiU. .c . ... I - 4M.
ke; fo. t mixed. 4; N I while, diVef
4-o: No. I white,
OATS Mile lower; No. I Willi, liVi-il)
LrV i No. J niluM, totillo.
It! K No 2. 76o.
MAY I'nchshited ; rbrpe timothy, $11,503
14 oo; choice prune, 112 Oft.
Heeelpt. Shipments.
Wheat bu 1, ..! JxiA"
I n hu Uifil 20.t"
Oats, bu 16,008 4.000
aad Belllag.
a. mo.
OMAHA, Oct. . UW.
Liverpool mi iiua morning was
nonnm receipts sr running much
lltfiimr than a year ago, but alock con
lniuee to accumulate.
1 ilcea sasu aieauily during the trading
hour ana cosed preotloaiiy at tne bouom
lor tha kuoil
tori ant. oool weather over tha corn belt
la eaaony wuai nanulers ol lua new ciop
need, ilia weather la ao lavoraole tnav
ma whole Uaue look the selling aiua anu
values declined Sharply.
w heat uicatd ktiaf and nhoi ta Were not
lnciihvu to coar owing to tua general
besuisn feeling, increasing receipts at pri
nuiijr markets gave tun wheat a
tone, vaiuea aink oil lu.
ina iii maikei ruied weak and lower
throughout lue noil session. JreMurt
of caan atutf and local weather coupled
witn a slack demand waa tue u-ature of
tha duoiimua market.
Primary wheat receipts were l.lrtw.OOO bu.
and suipments were etw.unu bu. aaainat re
ceipts lust year of l.nol.ouO bu. and amp
niMila of liOOoo bu.
i'nmary coin receipts were WT.OuO bu.
nd shipments were 244. uoO bu., against re
celpta last year ot 3tu,uuO bu and shipment
of 373,000 bu.
Clearance were t.oOo bu. of corn, 1.000 bu
of oats, and wheat and flour equal to
ix rmu kn
laverpool closed 'Ad lower on wheat and
lower on corn.
Omaha tosh. Prleca.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. lu'4o; No. t bard,
Wd'uVjo; No. 4 hard, Mhio; rejectea naro
ibVH'-xc; No. 1 pyV-; No. spring
a.i4i.K:; No. i Ouiuin, li'ii(2t No. t Lu
ruin 11:11.41
OoRN Nu. i white, 44(cvj.".'io; No. t whlta.
Wuc; No. white. 4Ji,V44o rso. a yi
luw. 44Uwlh". No. A veiiow. u1.CTi4'Va; No,
4 yellow. 4iHo: Nn. i 44'4-a-i'ivo; Ho. I.
44 J-M1itO; No. 4, 4Jg44lei nd ginle, 4U
OATS No. white, 28i4'n: atandar
in vi'2a.(i: No. X white. aw.W,c; No. '
wluia, i(ui(c; ..o. I yauow, WH&lQi
No, 4 yellow, i.wtfVta.
UARI.KT-No. 4, tt..0! No. 1 feed. t3
V; rjeotel, 54'm.
kxlfl-M a. 71'.2c; No. I. fOS'tto,
Carlvt lteola.
Wheat. Corn. Oati
Chicago r i xui
UinneKniilta - MlO
Omaha 35 47 13
luiuth iai
l-'eatarca of the Tradla aad Cloalmgt
Prlcaa n Board of Trwda
CHICAUO, out. ti. one of the Importgnt
DroL of tna wheat market from a world
aiaiidooint waa weakened today. The
potato crop of Germany, an Immense aource
ol loud kuiiply, which Hie timie m led to
believe hail auftered dnsasler, waa anown
by oHIulai report lo nave a condition much
higher man expected 12 "per cent, agaiinl
bu a year atio. v lin prupecta kino of a
large Increane In the amount of wheat
available In thl country, price draKged
11 uay and cloned at ti.e lowest figures of
tha BeHnlon, a net Uellne of to 'mi ''-
Corn flniahed ;c lo l'c below Im n.ght,
and oata -o to 'tc. Liater tha quolationa
for hog products varied Horn 12Vc advance
to Uvjc loss.
Hniail demand for oash wheat waa a de
prenklng factor that cuiirronted speculators
from tha start. In the face of tnls condi
tion, Nebraska olferings at low figures
were freely made here and at Kansaa City'.
Iiecamber ranged from ta to VJvac, dosing
weak, Vo to Wo down at W'tti-W-ko-
h'lna weather took all the mamma out of
corn. December sold from i'-o to ioia and
finished heavy, lio off at bgma. The
oah market waa weak. No. 2 yeliow closed
a.t 4K(J4)WO,
Oats were rarrl'4 down by other grain.
I(mber fluctuated between loV anj
tyoo, with last sales off V net at at44 u.
rrovikiona received a downward pusn
from the grain lint. At the end of trading
portt waa unchanged to 12'o lower, lard
?Vo oft to U'-aU up and ribs 2HUa higher
to I hi decline.
The leading futures ranged a follows:
qeelatloas of the Dr Verlnaa
NEW TORK. Oct. ti KL-OUR Bteerty;
spring patent!, Jn. hxiri 40; winter patenva, winter aiiaiguta t k'uH.Kj; Win
er extra. No. 1. i-t.wuH.wi. spi ing cieai,
t.lm t 4u; winter exra. .No. Z,
.m.ui straignta, 4 H m. rkye noun
-l.iut, fair to giKM, ..oH.i cnoice to
m y. H 4o. huckwneat Hour,,
li. mt per l'O pounda.
iVmMeiAu-oieaay ; tine, wnue aim
yellow,; kiln dried, Ul".
v iirA 1 rtpot market, easyi s i.
'o, eievator, ana Koine t. o. b., atioat.
.no. 1 nortnern Oulutu, li.HV o. v..
aiioat Kutureai nutiKei waa weaa ana
lower under active liu nidation, nue to m-
leaslng aiuckit, tavoiauie Argentine news
.ml aoeeiice oi export (iemanu, dosing at
jc lie, decline; Oucemoer, i.wrti4i.w -.
L.osed !.!); May, Il.Vtt''. closed
l.o; ructMuia. Im.Ji'; an.puienla, l.Oox bu.
Cuiv-N topot niaiket. wen, ro, t rum.
mm.- eiavaLor. uoineauo oas.s to arrive, c.
f . and oOV, f. o. aiioat. futures
market was witnout tiaiihacuona,
rc; receipta, 4n.u) ou.; anlunienia, ;4 ou.
.aA1m Kpot n.tu ak. ui
,!., i.. .S-.c: No. 1- 1'Vc; No. . NO,
oi No. X mixed, avo- utures maraet
was without iranxaciione, cioa.nii u tic
to lo net decline; txceipu, li.i-; ship
iiienis, l.KA bu.
riAk iau: trli ne. ii.UMi i; io. i.
1.W, No. a. l.iM(l.u.; ISO...,
Hi ll'f utisili" ; common to cuoice, a i,
lwujdc; luw, n-tiiBc; A'aoifio Coast,
kiiUaia piiuwuy; .nLia.t ahiiiii v,
L.uAxHa.iv ttteady; hemlock firsts, 2a
tt--c; seoouds, kiVaOiOi Ulli-os, Wu'JUc; r-
hx'tH, lJllC. . .
FiuVioioN Pork, ouiat; mwi, i;:i.0d
21 60; family, M..wv4i.iAK short olear,
ii.v llvi, stoadyi mens, li.snuvt.Mi lane-
uy, l.w JO.tMi br nams. v.ui
ineaia, aioativ; pickled hemes, Iitli4 lbs.,
1-nyiko; pionled hame, 14'u'i6o- Lard, easy;
imuuie west prime, .i.iifj, in.
bal dly steady; uoivtlnent, 113 Mi voutu
America, 14 W; Compound, t.7i0.vJ.
1 A-lA-iOVv iserwy iiesu , ,iiiiio w.v,
;o; couiury, J4.gtV4)- .
iiL'T l KlV-Hteady; unchanged.
CHii)K.aiv-Haay ; urvulmiigeu.
JU-1rm; state, I'vitiiHylvanla gnd
nearoy licnnery, white, 4W(c.
tull'rn Alive, eaay; spring chickens,
13a; fowia, UM'IIm; turkevs, tiM
Urenaed, irregular; western broilers, IiiuAio;
wutnn fowls, Ulc; Western spring tur
keys, 144iyio.
Tempermtare lg Higher lTrrwfcr
East ef the Mleslsslgpl.
Omaha. Nab., ocu a. uiu.
The disturbance, that wag centrar over
the upper MisMiMlppi vaney and uppe'
lake region itriuay morning, baa oontluueg
slowly caaiaard. and Is now central uvei
the lower lake tegion and tne bt. Lawrence
valley. Kama attended the disturbance In
tne upper vaiieya and uppei lane legion
during rida, and rami are general in uie
lower lake region and upper onto vauey
lua. lnorniiia. A very decided lau in wm-
vratuie has louoweu tne low piui
ue upper Mississippi and Ohio vaneys and
lump lau u Itll Killl A . U I
occurred In tneae sections last nmm. xne
pressure continues High over tna weare
portion of the country, and generally ciear prevails everywnrre fxcepi in
ane region, upper utuo vancy anu caamm
Biatna. 1 einoei atures are higner every-
wher pnt of ttie MissiB.pii river, and
weather will be silgiiliy warmer In tnla
vicinity tonight ana ounday. ano conunueu Th. wA.tner .m near and cool In
Chicago this morning, a twenty-mile wind
from the southwest being reported, wlin a
lomperature of U degrees.
1 einperatuie anu precipitation as vuiu
paied wnn the last three years:
1910. UKJ8. 190S. 1397.
Lowest last night. 1 '
ATeclpltauon M .10 ,w .w
Normal temperature tor louuy, or ubii
Oedciency lu precipliailon aiuce Maren 1,
UH inches.
Oelloienuir oeTrsspvayaing penee
1,02 Inohea. . - - .
Oelicieiicw cerresponainv pinra in im,
.U inches. U A. WB.U3H,
a 'Advance that Started During- Sep
tember it Maintained.
Treat loan paa lea Iteport am laereate,
While Baaka Fled Deereaae
la Their Loam Ac
NEW TORK. Oct. 22 tPneclal Teleirram.)
'1 lie marked rlne In tne t ck market wad
tne oveiaiiauoMiiig development in tne tl
nancl.u world during the weea. Absorption
of stocks Invariably takes place on a
market that acta like a bull maikeL So It
was in this cane.
the consequences axe that bankern, manu
facturers and merchants vthn do not gamble
on ma: guts are aoouet ni,d to retard the
stock market as a uieiul, aithotign not In
fallible Index of underlying tendencies in
money, trade and Industry.
That the riee whicu plastically besan
In .lie eany of September has been
manipulative Is patent, but what is more,
It haa been rewarded with success In that
It haa begun to appeal to that outeide fol
lowing w hlcn niMkee up the public ao
called. Commission houeea in Wall street
and all concerns which make a business
of cairylng sureties on margins tor custom
ers, have increased their lines lately, es
pecially In the iaat fortnight.
l4. '.: working balance In treasury
offloa, J.ll.SMti.4"; In banks to credit of
treasurer of the I'nlted Ptates. Ito vS.lfi'.
stibenlisry silver coin, l . .". IT, minor
mm. .:l.fill. total balance in geneial fund.
in Vsrk Mnaer Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. 2.V-MON KT on call,
nominal; time loans firmer; sixty days, 4v
44 per cent; ninety dae. 4V.B per cent,
alx months. 4VHS per cent
PKlMr; M1LHCAN i l PAf tll-4v,i)
per cent.
r KM. 1.1 N It r. A.HA Nil p fit eaci y, wuri
rtual bueitiess in bankets' bills at 14 u.l
ki4 S i rot ixty-anv tuns ana at iw.v tor
demand; commercial bills. $4 .nt HKIH., M'lic; Mexican dollars. 4n0.
lio.N'li Uovemment, steady; railroad,
Closing quotationa vn bonde today were
as follows:
t. r.C. to, teg....le Int. vt M. 4Sa ...
eu enupen 1 Jpa 4s
D. g. Is. r. 1 4S
4 empen 0lK. C. So. 1M it..
V. t. 4. 114 U I. 4. 4. 11 .
do esupon lloU A N. anl, . ..
Alll. -ItiM. 1st I.... nv,M. K A T. 1st 4s,
Cattle Twenty-Five Cent. Higher for
the Week.
heea 8teadr All the Week, aue
Feeder l.aatbs lleellaed at First,
bat l.aler Heeeverttl All
the l.osa.
V. A H. a.
so ref.
Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y.
Wheat I
1 .(... I WV!? 'it
H11V..I 1 iaiii 1 ue
July..l IMfcl ttPsl
Corn 1 1
Oata I
Dec... I SOVi.SOVs'SSI
Adtty. . 33(11',,
July..l KP!
Jun,..l 17 95
May..) lti !U
4ot...i IS 09 flS-BVil
Nov... 11 ii7H 11 61W
Jan... I 10 42Vxl 1 4
17 40
Jbs 1 I
Jan... t E t 2S
May.. S vTVal
2 0-i74 3'4
MvlW-ii, loo
46 t&WfSH HS
4S 4kil4'iii'4
t.! 4 bu'i
MV4 j
a-t, 21 u-A
17 23 I 17 27Vi 17 1
18 24 16 W IS iZ
13 05 IS oS f 11 65
11 b.h n 674. 10 8;vi
10 371 10 li'Vil 9 86
30 20 17H
s a m 1 74
no. a.
Cash Quotations were as follows:
KlUH bteady. Winter patents, (4.209
I404,1; bakers, U.bUub.Utl.
K 4 tSo. 2. ,iWc.
liAULKx Keeu or mixing, OOfitSSc; fair
to choice iiiuiung, ilKUi4c.
Hli.h.lJr4 lax. Ao. 1 Houth western. 13.60;
No. 1 northwestern, i2.uu, limoUiy, ti.CVV
K.wi; clover, W.-tAu 14.0U. .
i-KOV IrilONe) Mtm pork, per bbl,
titsiVyumuu; lard, per luO lbs., tt8.tx;
short ribs, slues (loose). tluO"g10.Si';
aiiart nlear sides (boxed). sli.12WiIll.Ui.
Total clearances of wneat and flour
Ware eoual to 2.U.1W0 bu. Primary receipts
were,u00 bu. as compared with l,!M,wO
bu. the corresiioiiding uay a year ago.
li.atlmuted rece.pts lor Monday: Wheat.
In cars; corn, Im cars; oau, lid cars; hogs.
Mi.two head.
Chlcuao Cash Prices Wheat. No. I red
HVJjUuc; No. i red, 2H4c; No. t hard,
Hwj.c, No. t hard, DJuvto; No. 1 northern
spring, i.u,ai.ut; ro 1 ncaiiiern spring
casn, 4c; No. I cash, 4.v4,tu; No.
oash. 45c: No. 3 cash, 4, V u 4,'c ; No.
wiute. 4iVc; No. white, 4.-t8c; No. I
yellow, 4,'54iic. Oats: No. D, Joc; No. t
white, IWc no. I wnite, aoxtic; no. i
white, v4Uc; slaAviard. llWiita.
iu il eAeauy ; ui eaiuei tea, 94Q290
dainm, KiO.
fcxKib Hi eady i receipts, S.7&3 cases: a
mark, cases Included. ilV4lo firsts,
X4u; prime rlrals. c.
CHEkdt; Steady; daisies, Iu4il54c; twins,
14m1i4-c, youiig Americas, lmtiuc; lung
Hum, usuiut'.
iUTAioiLij Steady; choice to fancy
IMiiii-.o; 1 air to goo.t, l-wc.
POULI RV Sttady ; turkevs, 15c; chick
eue, hens 11V; vpilnas, lie
VACAL-Sleauy; w to bd-10. win., 9y-lic
so 10 su-id. wis.. KMU'Uc; so to l.u-10. wts
Chicago Receipts neat. Ti cgra; corn
lg ears, oata, lui cars. Estimated to mm
row: Wheal. 23 cats; corn, iou cars; oata,
lit cars.
St. I.oala Oearral Market.
T. LOU1H. Mo., Oct. 22-WHKAT-Fu-turea,
lower; 1 ecenibr, W'ic; May, U Ou1.
.Cash, lower; truck: No. 2 red, iMcniJl.Oo;
No. I hard, ac)l uO.
COH.N Futures, lower: Keomber, 44'iic;
May, 4?Sc Cash, lower; track: No. 1,
46V, No. S ahl.e, 4Sc.
OATS Futures, lower; December, 2y3
tV'tc: May, tic Cash, lower; track: No.
2, ; No. t white, SJ-o.
HVK-Steady; 7bVc.
FLOU R steady 1 led winter patents. $4 eg
(it lo; extra fancy and straight. Jl.wyl W;
hard winter clears, gl. Vj 3 00.
fcEKD Tlmothv, Il.0tsj4.76.
t ohSsKAU-laeo.
RHAN Dull; sacaed, east track. tHUl'-'lc
liA Y-Pteadv; timothy, IU; prai
rie, 111 U"I4.o0.
PKUV ImO.n A-Pork, unchanged; Jobbing,
til 6a. Dry salt meata, unchanged; boxed
extra ahorta, tll;vk; clear ribs, IllS..
short cieara, j1 l. on, unchanfsJ;
boxfd extra snort, tlx :? Si ; clear fiba
IlliT, short clears, tU.fc:'.
lOl Wl RY Firm: cliickens, lJHc; spring,
llHc; turkeys, l ilse; ducks, lie; geese, tw.
lU'TTr R Ulead y : creaniery, IS-SjOc.
JvOOS Firm at Ue.
Recelpta Bhlpmant
laereaeo ta Bsperta.
It Is more tnan likely that some of the
news of the week helped the tick of rais
ing the speculative atruoturs. On this ac
count much must be said of the foreign
trade statement for September, This showed
exports of record amount for the month
Ski iRtlng almost II'W.iaiO.iwo. an Increase
"1 over the shipments lat year, ; pintilisn' U
Y.T...C 1 i.port declined 4,otXl.Uu9 In compart- tvts p. I. 4s
ai-n with I'W, to a little more than lUi.WO,- 1 is sn. u...
000. Aa a result, an ex cor t balance w as re- 1 ex
ported amounting to lilj.i"X, wherens.
AusUBt showed n Import balance of M.mxj,-
Onii and the slight Import balance for the
first eight mouths of the calendar year
was converted to an export excess of about
Most of the export gain was owing to the
oveietimuiMtlon of ootton shipments on ac-
Am. A 4s IMSt ae ten. 4S
Am. V A T. ct. 4s..HHikto. F,ilfte 4s ...
Am. Tolnuioo 4s U N. K. R. e( 44. 4tis
dn 4s li4kN. T. U . Is.... V4
Armmie A Co. 4V4S.. n 4o asb. 4s H'4
fe n. t.. N. H. a h
i '7t4 ev. 4
lu ia N, A W. 1st e. 4s..
KIV4 do ev. 4s
IK No. Psrltlc 4s
i do Is
O B. U rMs. 4s ...
IMHPsnn. ef. twa 1416... 4
Hwi ! eon. 4s vvi,
Ptesdlnx tn. 4k fS
iw suae. r. u. 4 nv,
Ctasa A Ohio 4s....loi 'do i'. ns
So rst. Hu ft. U 8. v. 0. 4s.
faints A A. IV4s.... tlv Mo 1st gold 4a...
(J. B. A Vi- I. 4s Vi BfsbnarS A. b. 4s..
4o gen. 4s H'Slu. e.c. rol. s....
C. M. A C. P. f IV4S MI4 4o o. 4s
C. H. 1. A P, c. 4s., I so 1st est. 4s.....
do rfg t'So. Kail way is.
Colo. Ind. lie n. tV so gjrn. 4s
Lolo. Mid. 4s "0 t'nion Pscifis 4s...
C. A S. r. A a 4s do ev. 4s
D. A H, ST. 4s M4 to IM A ref. 4S..
4V u, e. Hunosr ss...
Ua I'. R. Stssl M s
Atihieoo (n. 4s.,
do cv. 4s
as cv. 6
At. C. L. 1st 4s
Ul. A Ohio 4a
do IHs
do B. W. (its
Broiik. Tr, ti. 4s...
( an. ol i 4s..,..
Csn. Lsthsr Is
V. of N. J. t.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 11, 10-
Cattis Ho :
,.13.47 1.TS7
.. 7.4 l.fll
.. 7,. 41 .2-
.. I th kill
.. i.44 .;
lu s.0
Receipts were.
Official Monday
Official Tuesday...,
Oftltial eoneday
Oiricial Thuisday .
Oilioial Friday
KaUniaie Saturday
21 .WO
branch of tho trade, while only fair on
the first three days. "-ere gO'"l snougll to
make the week'a clearance b wmiplste one.
Aside from a few vvib and ends in speeu
la tors' hands the big barn Is practically
4ju nation on giaea iiwm flood t
choice isinhs. r, uhm'; fair to good lamha,
lixu.; leering lnit, Hvii'iVs.ibi bandy
weisnt leanina. KM a; heavy year
llnk. M.4v-I tw; feeder yearUn, M-S-V1"!
good to choice wethers, Uiiu4K; fair te
good wetbeia tJ 4ojJ 6; leeO na wetnera
1ju4.iai, b.eeding ewee, Meif-'; fat
ewes, M lt-iil S.".. feeding ewee, ti;
.antieis, 4i.aii.tkk
Six days this week SS.S'. 1 W, 11.'
bams ua a iut week..,.40.u4l .!. li.'' ;
banie das 1 weeke ago..Sol lt-J
bams uays weeks a,o..4i.w l.i 1
came ua s 4 weeks ago..
eauie uays last year m,J ls.M w,t.
llie loilowiiig lame snows the tri.eip.'
of cattle, hogs and anecp at south Omaha
:or ttie year is dais ss compared wun .
year: mio. ii- inc use.
-ttle r7.lu4 t77.2& 1M.641 .......
-t iioms l,2i,o,& l.UIi.aiH fc".-"
1VA oi.trep S,oo.444 1,1. J,i)( lo,so
'4 The follasv.n ........ His IVl'tH.'
prices of hogs at ooutli omaha tor ins last
several days, with coinpeil.ous.
Drmaad for Cattle aad sheep Steady
tlogs Higher.
CHICAGO. Oct. 22 A l TLB-Reoelpts.
estimated at ;M head. Market stc-rtyi
be v.a. 4Wk(i7.ivi. 'lexas Bieers, 4.-4iM0;
western steers, ti .U"itl.iV.; stoikere and
tii 111 rn. )V;4uii6 70; cows and hollers, t-.-'4
t. calves, 10.00.
HOi.S Receipts, estimated at t,0C4 head.
iixi MmmI 6o to loo h ik her. 1 gnt, In.syjjH H6;
' , nit v.. 4 tulie.,0 1. V. . . .. r7k.'.,1lw;. rmlirK.
i.tK.-us lu, kood to choice heavy, " lini v.
pik". Isltossii, bulk of sales.
fHKfcP AM) UAMHMKereipts, esti
mated at 2,ui0 head Market steady; na
tive. tJ i"ii4 40; western. U iiVu4.f.; year
links. $4.601,1.1 M. Lambs: Native. I4.764ji.10;
w stein, 14.7,4-7.00.
. M
. 7SH
Dates. I mo. tii.Ujg.liki1.llfO.ll-1'-
Vs. -faro. t:hem. Is. le
. '4
. 44 Wb.h 1st U.
. U do 1st A SX. 4s...
, W Western Md. 4s
. 71 Wsst. film. sr. Is.
.14Wis. Central 4s
111. On. 1st ret. 4s.. t Mo. Po. t. Is
bit. Met. 4s ai
4s ssr, A.
So B
Oso, Else. cv. Is.
Oft U
Oct. 14.
OCt. U...
loiik Oct. AS,
Oct. Is...
W4 ua. i...
k.Vk UtL DO
Oct. XI..
il.'l Hi
i U.-4, ; mi 1 7i 1 H wi
a i hi 4.1 i isi 1 w wi J
I 1 4li 60 t tl 111 'l " ,
si! I 4 42, k , t )o, ? X
s v I 7 7( I 0 l'i 01
s i T t t 11 s 0, wi l J
k 1 ill 1 i s IS la 6 14! Oft
a llii T 6 6 ill 6 Ml I 6 Ml 614
4, J U 6 4J, 5 .i Wi ' I IS
ri.s.lm Ifaase Bask Btatesaeat.
NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Ths statement of kluy:
Recslpu and disposition of live stock at
ths Oluoll atwuk lajuat, ouutll O.llana, loi
twenty-lour iiuurs euuiiig at p. ui. yea-
Kaasas Illy Live Stork Market.
ee.pis, Joo head. Including lov head of
eoutnerns. Ausrket steady: native sit-rs,
16 OiU 1' wi, southern steers, gi.Tb'U'i.iX); sotith
ein cows, 12. ijti't.i,); native cows and heif
ers, si.ifiritl 60: Blockers and leaders.
6.60; bulls, U.J4i4.u; Calves. 0irv2;
western steers, M.Umut.OO; western cows,
$2. ilMy 6.2o,
itOu.s Recelpta, 1.600 head. Market Weak
to 6c lower; bulk of sales, sg."o4ih.t; heavy,
l.i'Js mi; packers and butchers, Ik.itvirO ;
iik hi, is trud,
t-HIKKf AND LAMRM-Reoelpta. J.M
hrau. Market steady; muttons, vCxfti 4 .
lumbs, 46 tui'viti.iC; ted Wethers and year
I. n KB. f4.00tjuS.23; fed western ewes, ii.Mtf
Caviia.Alogs. Horses.
n Hnn. niiuna iwimi 1 1 n . nr t. k .iivw,
rtiunt of the bill or lading controversy, ana h - bjmk, ,ol(1 tia,M),OoO more than c m a . p
the ootton movement In ths last three J" ,...i7iemnt of tha U oer cent reserve ' 7fc ,
months of the year may make lees avoi ' r"'" asiasoviri A acilio...
able oompari0on. with last year on this XtSmpJ VTV. 'taac.-
Next to the stock market for the week, w'"" ,m'. . th Nw York ci.ftrn. ,
tha most important new. was furnish ! ? .Vo weekly -dement" ft f. 'J?J1"Y::". i
by the money market. The Bank of Eng. C""k" "tor ine'w,.k ending October 22: Zl ' tV T ' Zt'i. i
SSS? rr.T."hH h.Tob Un'ed C.eini hlili. . dilly av.rage: it T. 2'::: X I
artyrid'-oVoW Tn 'SSlVgt'SrUr i . .... rT.V tTaTf. A'
century. The Bank of France shows die
2i, 6ii7,0iO
Omaha Packing Co
;.'oi,i"7ijv(Hl alia coiupaii)
I , CUuany i"ackiu o.
;,.w,i"j ArmoiK at Co...
-.4M,utv ovuer ouyeis...
Total receipts T 4J I
Dl f Ool X ION H II A 1.
l.i V 64
counts at the present time of almost one- I 7.,7.00
third larger than the average at tnis sea- ; i, v '
son in tecent years, and holds $60,000,000 leag fP"? ."rt.'r'.
.on th., , last rt. fes:rv.,"d!".v".::::
The Baak.Statemeaf. i Keserve required ....
The bank statement showed by Its eotual Burplus
week-end flitiires that tha asjiorlated banka ir.v. IT. 8. deposits..
had been shilling loans again, not only I Clsartng house banks, actual condlUon
to the trust compaiure. but to other out- this day: .
mde lenders presumably Interior banka
The weekly truet company reported an in i Loans
Increase of 16.000,000 in their loan account, I Deposits
the loan reduction at the banks was 12.o0, j Circulation
and their showing by dally averages made Specie
the figures much larger. Despite tnla heavy Legal tenders ..,
curtailment of loans and liabilities, the Keserve
week's 66,300,000 iocs cf cah caused a de- ' Keserve required
crease in the surplus. The "average state- Surplus
mentL" it Is true, showed tt.2O0.000 Increase: 1 h-r U. S. deposits
but In a week of continuous SDeoulatlon Htate banks and truat Companies of I can, iw exci veiy many nauve or ieu
for the rise, the actual showing gives tha Greater New York not reporting to the Uavi.e. v, lue run was aiuanar, as
. l,llN.22,0ti0
. 243,503.000
. S 10, 66.1,000
. 2S.S2,ij0
Deoreaae. I Ha. ...ii umiii u.i. uu .LLia u. an
ll-'"1 uu sa.e vuuai . or tue Waren
ib,i,wu it'ce.vva anow a iii.iu u.ou as cu.tivaicu
nO.IArO I W1LI. l.uitiil wae.M. . i . . 11 usiii. suulli
6,0X4,000 uu a par wiui mo leccpia a .i aao.
K'll.doO nm uvcieaec ill airivais was lu oe jk
6. 206,000 pecteu, as iim season ol me year naa ui-
t,iiWi,liU ilimi Wneu siiip.ueiila Iroin me lana"
b"0,(IO I siiuu.d snow a tisuusl lainug uil uuui
fung.tXS) I kn iiua, ciuae, At u.a same u.ue, il is tuu
MlaiaeapolU Grata Market.
cember, 1.02?il 02HI May. J;'i-i0i I Amrioir. Toiico rd.
real information. I clearing house:
The week-end surplus reserve of tlO.tOO.OOO 1
Is $t,000,t)O0 under that of a year ago. Loans
Enuallv Interesting Is the fact that es-e Hnecle
of loans over dspos ts, which wit $25,400,000 Total deposits
a week ago, rcss today to l ' lnat is
by far the highest excess ef ths sort re
ported since the second week of Janu
ary, 1901.
Nu "her of aales and '.tailing quotations
on stocks wers as follows:
Salsa. Hlrb. Low. Close.
Allls-Chtlmsra pfd
Amalgamated Copper ,
American Agricultural
Am. Best Sugar
Amsrican Can
American C. A F
Anvsrtsaa OstWn Oil,
Amse esa H. A U td.
Am. Ine Serarltlse. ....
Ameriosn lAnsssd
American Locomotive
Amsrican g. A R
Am. g. A R. ptd
Am. Steel roundtiss..
Am. Bussr Refining..
Anietican T. A T
a. ooo
71 Vt
4 S
Legal tenders
. 123.066,0110
Leaden ateek Market.
LONDON, Oct. 12 On the Stock ex
uuitni abovo. It waa liei tueicss vaiy
Decrease. sauoiacvui tor Una nine oi win year.
6 6.747.000 A'ie inaiael OH- oel sceeis uaa ueen in
232,000 spieuuiu uiiuuauuut ine weeiv.
l.Swil.vslO "eaiUllil'g 4iul Bleau, prices a'auua.o
10S.0O0 1 u' uieu up uuui at tua close, ol tus "
tut' uiaiaei is aaiety awu iiigiivr i.uan one
weaa au. Aa a ol lacv, soma ailma
ui cat no uiay uave suown eveu uure ad
vance uiau mat, ine supply ol coru-ieu
slews iiaa lieeu Very Haul, lucre ueine
St. I.oala l.lve Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. B.-CATTLE-Reoelpt,
1, head, including 700 head of iexaiis.
Market strong; native beef steers. 4vioj
Iw; cows and hellers, l.i.tvmTtt. .6; gtockers
and feeders. IS 1446.60; Texas and Indian
steers, tl.uiKV7.uo; vows and ni!r, .iav
4 .0, calves. In carload lots, t ionl .00.
IIUUS Heceitits. 1.600 head. Market
steady: bisfs and llohts. n.Mi4iil.20: packers.
Vvwuov, buiuhers and best heavy, tS-uo
head. Market stead v; native muttons, $176
U4.M; lambs, $6.60tiuS.7tJ.
at. Joseph Live Stock Market.
BT. JOBKPM, Mo., Oct . .:ATTLfll
Receipls. 40 head: market, steady ; Bieers,
4.7iJ4,',.6o; cows and heifers, ei.0Ue.a0
calves, f4.7ku.2a.
HoOaV- t4reofipts, a600 head; market,
steady lo loo luwer; top, 1906; bulk of sales,
k a,.i. IS I
.ilB-rUP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 130 head;
market, steady; lamos, l6.2o4jt.w.
Stock la Bight.
Receipts of live stock st ths five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
Cat t le. Hogs. Bheep,
South Omaha luo lJ
St. Joseph 40 ll.6"0 S"0
KanskS City "0 2 600 1.500
St. Louis 1.200 1.600 tut)
Chicago ooo e.uoO 2,000
16,300 6,200
change hers today American securities 1Uy euou,u on sa.e to iu'ak a uiaiae.
iiuiu uay lu uay. Ail luiU, uiny
ntiened above parity, but fears of a poor
k.u, Turk bank statement and realising ..... .......... ........ ..r ,
4V6 4t4 1 caused a setDaca, ana mo nurnet cioseu nave ueeu cnoice e.iouk.i to sen i;ver
U ' uv
Consola monsyv... TDHLoulsrllle A
69 tVi . aoMvunl J Ij-lt J., K. A T..
Amu. CsoV tl . . Central
.... ..... ..... wt AikKOllaa .......v.s nonsii at yt
100 U II Atchison ....7w do pld
12vi do sfd 104 Ontario A W
4H Baltimore A 0....1U Psnneylvania n...
H I Canadian Pnltlij....KSH Band Mines
104V Chesapeake A O...... Reading
Chicago O. w 4BouLnrn xiy
Clxi.. Mil. A 8t. P...141V4 do p(d
Ds assrs..., Duul..
No. t hard, M-oo1; NO. 1 northern, fl.vHj
1.04 : No. 1 northern. .l.t41.Ul No. I
si v.cipil.tVs.
MSH.U-r iax, ;.- ...
CORN No. 8 yellow. 4S4itUo.
OATH No. 3 white, SSHSc
RYE No. 1, 72730.
jMitAN i. uvl.
KLOUB-Flrot patents, tatWfJt.ll): eecowd
patents, t4.suf..0o; first clears, e.4vu.sw;
second clears, $2.102.40.
ThlladlelphlA Prodace Market.
Stesdv: extra western creamery, Ua
nearby prints, Mo.
i.iiui firm;- rennsyivanie ano omr
nearby flrats, free canes, nuo at mark; cur
rent receipts. In returnable cases, 2"o at
mark: western firsts, tree cases, )oa at
Uiaiki eurreni reoeipta, iree oaee, su m
mark. "...
CHKESB-Bteady; New yorg run creams,
choice, 16tc; New York full creams, lair
to good, I4'!4ri6l40.
I.lvergeol Cottoa atattstlos.
dull; No. 2 red, western winter, no stoak.
If utures, quiet; ooiooer, vs s'aa; vnsmutr,
7s 2',d; March, 7s 2 'id.
CORN spot, steady: American mixed. 4s
UVt. Futures, gull; January, 4a Md; Feb
ruary, 4s 4ud.
Mllwaakee Grala Market.
northern. tl.06Val.06; No. 1 northern, $1.04
Cl-04: December, 2o.
OA 18 si 320.
BARLEY Samples, t76c.
Peoria Market.
PFORIA. Oct. 22 CORN-Ixwer: No. 1
yellow, 4tvi4tc; No. I yellow, 4Mc; No.
t. 4tc: No. 4, 4fia: no grade, 420.
OATS Easy; No. I white, uilt40; No.
4 white, too.
Dalath Grala Market.
DULUTH, Oct. M. WHEAT-Deembr,
$lM"t; May. $L0hH; No. 1 northern, H.ti4
bid; No. 1 northern, 1.006'l.O134.
Cattea Market.
NEW TORK, Oot 11.-COTTO!? The
market euened s tea ay at unotianged Drioee
to a deoline o' T points, with acuve months
selling about Ktf' points under last ulght s
close during the first few minutes under
over night selling orders and in sympathy
with rather disappointing cablea. Private
wires reported heavy or killing frosts in
many suctions of the central belt. This
caused some covering at the Initial decline,
and with trade Interests big buyers the
market soon I allied to a net advance Of
about 4J.7 points. Offerings continued very
heavy on the advance and the Improve
ment was barely maintained duriug the
middle of the morning.
NEW YORK, Oct. 14. COTTON Futures
opened steady; October. 14.30c; December,
lt irv; January, 1430c; March. 14.30c; May,
14 4Hc; July, 14 4o.
Futures closed easy; closing bids: Oo
tooer, 14.S2o November, 14.1c; December,
14 240; January, 14.Xac; February, 14.11o;
March. 14Ssc; April. 14 41c; May. 14.46c;
J una, 14.44c; July, 14.44c. Spot cloaed quiet
and unchanged; middling uplands, 14.46c;
middling gulf, 14.70c; no salea
Furnished by Logan 4 Bryan, members
New York Cotton exchange. 116 Boutn kia
teeuth sireet Omaha. Nek.
Aiiwinn ' , i .......
Anaosnda Mining Co....
Atchison ptd
Atlantlo Coast Lins.
Baltimore A Olilo
Msthlohsra Steel ,
Brooklyn Rapid Tr.
4.lsna!an paclfle
(antral Leather
Central Leather pfd
Cantrsl of Nsw Jsresy..
Hiesapsaks A Onie......
Chlceao A Alton
7hlogo Orsat Wet tarn. .
C. O. W. pfd
Chloago A. N. W...
100 41 41
14. 000 11 77
tOO 104V4 10S
00 4IVA 4411
600 Hi 117 117 Vi
ht in 1L lvn
10Q to S a.4
- uv,
, lot 41 41 4X
. t.ioe lottt 1m4 liHtfc
K lOt 10lt 1'9
404 1M 1111
, IX) 10S 104v 104V4
, l,0o 14 xavk 4.4
. 4.100 TM4 lHi t
, l lr? i74i
, 1.104 M Bivi 4444
l,l ti
" ioi '"
N aii
ri4 S44
C. M. A St. P 4.100 ltl 1J7 lMv,
C C, C. A SX. b. s ..
Flour, bsts..
VV heat, bu..
Corn, bu
Oals, bu
7 f-O
....el )
....40 V0
11 100
44 tiro
(alorade V. A I..
Colorado A gotrtivsra...
CVmi sell dated Oas
Corvi Pesduots
bslaware A Hudson
Denver A Rio Grands
D. A R. O. P'd
Plstlllsre' SocuiKlse
gvrle ,
lone 1st prd
Mtie M td
General Kisctrls
Orsal Northern pfd
Orsat Nerthem Ore otfB. .
lllinnts dsntral
lntsrhorough Met.
Int. Met. ptd
International Harvester ,..
Int. Mxrtne pfd
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kansas City Be
K. C. So. pfd
Laelsde Oas
LoulsTllle A Nashville
Minn. A St. Uotis
M St. P. A g. A M
M , K. A T
61.. K. A T. ptd
Mlssoerl Pxcirto
riationa Biscuit
National Lead
N Pi. R. ef M. Xd pfd....
New Terk Osntrsi
N. Y , O. A W ....
Norfolk A Western
North Ainssicsa
Northern Past fit
Pacttls Mall
Psopls'l Oaa
P.. C., C A tb L
Pvttsburg Cbal
Prssssd Steel Car m
Pullmaa Palaee IW
Saliwap B44M4 Bering.......
BsBUklle Steal
Rspobile Stsel ptd
Hock Island Co
Rock Island Co. ptd
tu U A S. K. M pld
Bt. Lochs S. W
St. U W. pld
Hloss-ghatrtsld 8. A 1
gout hern Paclfte
goulhsra Kallway
Ss. Aallvkf pld
Tensaosee Oaiper v
Teiss A PaurU
T.. M. L. A w
T., B4, L. A W. ptd
to loo Paclrte
Irtsn Paclfto pfd
I'nllsd Slates Ksaltr
imitsd Btatss Ruber,
tnlted gtaies Steel....,
V. S. Stssl ptd
I van Cappsr
Va-Caroitna Chsmicei
WabaiUl pfd
Wssvarn Marrlana ....
Wastingnouse I'hsmicai
Wsatara Uaios ,
Whaling A l
) 44 144 4V
600 S0V1 40 40U
1, 100 131 H ll 1st
g0 M 17V4 )7
go lie in
M0 64 4 Kvt,
400 It
Poo MV4
100 6u Vi
alia aupp.y oi oeel aveera naa
very ikaaiy of lauae came, aa as
t.,e Having beeO p4uu tor cuoiue Muuuuia
ai assets.
cuns and heifers have shown about tus
same auvance aa beex steers, tuey, too,
I IMHUg SMl Ol SbO UlgUOT tUkylt U11S KI ago.
,Jiuey were Active seileie every day, and
ttijline maiaat was In a most sausiaotory
gf i uuiiumuu, aa vieweu atom a ,uci aiwiu'
41 I point.
im Blockers and feeders have also shown
. 14
.111 "4
. ss
. 44H
rjsnver A Rio O..,. x4 union raome iuv4 I an advance ol .u under ino lniiuence oi
f uecreaaeu receiDia anu a peiter uuiiua aa
iiiana. A he oouuery has bean more
anxious, apparently, to flu feed iota, and
tne lact lece.pia wore tailing oil
aeeuieu to luaae ouers more eaer to se
cure callie while tuey were auii to bs
u .fa 11.44 do Pfd
Brie , ")4l7. S. Steel.. TMl
do 1st fd 64 ee ptd ua
do M pld 40 Wabash II
,.n Trunk M do Pfd 40
lillnol. Csntral 137 Spanish 4s 0
SILVER Bar, steady at 2t l-16d per ox.
MONEY- F' ... .... wuotAtions on native catUe: Good to
Th- ,at,i.. f '"CJnV 5 A!,4P!J?..h;!- cu'u t'. R.6oW..bu; fair to good
for short bills Is AS Pr cent, -for three beet BUWi io.,w; common to fair oeef
months' bills, 4gH per cent. steal a, e4; good to choice cows and
' " ' 77l peuers, 4.iesve.4u; lair to guod coa and
Local Beoarltles. hsliera, $3. 404, 4. 26; common to lair cowa and
Quotations furnished by Burns, Drinker bailees, z.ocu.4v; gouu lu cnoioe Blockers
A CO., 44tf riew Ollisiia iissuiisi
100 lM VA H
109 1JS4 L2H UIH
t0 1 4tfV$ MZ
1,10 x?S
l.tOD 6Vi4 M4
vn 111 lit
too 11 11
100 48
S014 g.vA
s) x
40 1044 tmvi, W6 u
10 147 IS 147 147 vj
100 11144 11144 14
lot lot, S4V4 sr.
at I 66Vtj M
1.50 41 0 4.i
10 U SS44 194
t,4iO U IU 4 11 t
too 4ii4 4114
o loo M14 PH4
4.10 Uiva lao im
loo M si is
a Utvk lat mvi
lue loi vi lost lueu
vv u
City NaUonal bank bldg. ta. ItSO,
Clorado Tsi. Co. 1 par cent
Colunbua, Neb., B. U Is. 164
IXnear O, A M. t per sent rules, 111 f
feast St. Lout A Sua., IWt STVi
Fairmont Creamery 1st g. per cent..
Osrman Fire Insurance Co 100
, 1 . ar.i. mtin, aIu! a . . 1
!! I lews Portias Cement 1st a
' I it.La. a a, a. 1 oar st sfd. Wleklte
tuw city A. 6 L a, 1U
Long Bell Lamber 4. U.4
Lawrsnos Do., g. D., la 11
Nebraska (Nance Oo.) wan t per sent
Morris A Ce. 4Vba, HMS
Omaha Wat.r Is, 14
Omaha Water Id pld.......... W
Om.hs A C. B. SI. Kr pld, I per cent M
Omasa A O. B. Bt. Br. ss, 1J
Omaha St. Ry. A Bridge ptd 41 Si
Omaha Oaa 6s. 1W7 7Vi
St. Louis, City of, 4s .....
Simmons Hsrdware 1st pld. 116
tin wo axes. Yard ex, Oaiaas
li w
131 H
bank and teedera, 4.4ou6.oo; lair to good Blockers
and leaders. 14. veil 4.40; coiiiinon to fair
Asked, alocaeia and feeue.a,; stock heif-
'V I Srs, 64.WOU4.A: veal cAivee,; Duns,
ktaaa. etc.. U.OUuo.OO.
Wuotationa on range cattle; Choice to
prime beeves, tt.76oti.26; good to cnolcs
beeves, $o.2ou.e.76; to Sood beevea, 4.o0
4,; coiiiinon to fair btevea, iS.imil't.fO;
good to choice he.fera, I4.oou4.o0; good to
cnoice cowa, es.wtrt.w, isir iw awv giswvs,
Ia.6o4i4.00i caiuiers and cutters, ti.6i4.a0i
tH I good to siioloe feeders, t.v4e-e0i fair 10
im I mod feadara. t4.26mi.itt.
lot) I HOOaV More or leas rscovery In values
And I featured the trade In the hog yards this
morning. Light receipt were credited with
most of the Improvement, bulk of offer
ings selling at figures satsly a dime higner
i h.H tH.tia at vaatlrilAV. flsavv noMS
J? I made up the general run of stuff and
I... naoklna aradea , were especially pientitul.
loui4 feuppuea of bacon and medlum-weignt
I mixed aniraAls wers hardly large enough
tsti I to afford an adequate test oi prices.
VSUIBIIS , . .Hit I J . W ,. , 1UU J ,.V .. -
Ing and a complete clearance was made
in very good season. Lard-welghts moved
Boston Closlns Stocks
BOSTON, Oot 22.-Cloelng quotations on .roun &.ii6at.40. as compared with yes-
1 terday s wloer spresa ot .iju vfo. , iignts
s. i were:
Ain.l. Copper
A. X. U A t
Aruotia Com
Butts Coalition ...
Cal. A Anions.....
(a I. A Heola..
44 Mohawk
71 Norada Con. ...
174s Nll MlfMS
4 North Butte ....
Vi North Lake .....
11 Old Dominion .,
10 Osceola
.. dew Parrott B. A C
..tit Quincy
Osiansilal 11 snssnon
Popper Rang C. C. 714 8upa.or ...........
Bast tnuC. M Iv. Suuerlur A B U.
ft I4VA H
tt.foO IK 1MV1 14
10 44k 4444 1444,
Oiroux Con.
armaka Lksa,
6H " ' Oresn Cansnea ....
'4H garaie Cooper..
Shu. I .. . .
' f . asrr mmm
Lake Copper
la Salle Copper
Allied Copper
l.soo Mvi vi
14.4U0 ltoi iw
4V0 2i Mv MVi
Optional Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close Yea'y.
Oct... 14 14 S3 1423 14 9 14 SO
Dec.... 14 27 14 3 14 24 14 24 14 23
Jan 14 10 14 40 14 27 14 iS 14 2
Mch ... 14 St J4 4 14 M 14.4 14 40
May... 14 is 14 66 14 4i 14 44 14 61
July... 14 47 14 U 14 44 14 44 14 11
quiet; t points lower; American mid
dling.' I 4; good middling, t Ojd; middling,
1 low middling, 7 esj; good Ordinary,
7.43d; ordinary, l.lftd. The aalee of the day
ara 4 uu bales, of which toll Vara for
simulation and exoort, and Include 4 HoO
Amerli'HA. jeceiita. s.vw oaieo, no Ameri
can. Futures opened quiet and ateady and
closed quiet. Ovlober, ItiSVl; Nov. 7.d;
Novinber-Ieeeniber, 7WSsd; Daoaiooer
January, 7 6M; January- ebruary. I64d;
rVbruary-Man-h. 7.6iSd; March-April,
7 6iWd; April-May 7 6J-d, May-June, 7 64d;
Juno Julv "OM; July-Auust 7 6'd
8T. LOUIS. Oct. 22.--COITON Un
changed; middling. 14c. falee, none; ra-
I eel pis, 2 H t e es; anipmenla, bales
Kaaaas City Grata aad Provlsleas.
KANHAS CITY Mo.. Oct tt-WHEAT-Ieeniber.
fclVvlS"-. aeiiers; May. atvll
bard. i'ti; Nv. t hanl, Vi o; No, illol'k- L'67 balea
..l a... -e... . s ...i ...... I
CORN-Deeinber. 3v'c. bid: Mav A:tko Tno Key to ths Bltuatloo-B4 Wgfit Ad.
. 40,000 J74V4 1144 lTfer.
.lM.loe T44 T7 7v
. I.euO 11414 1144 litis
1.4.) 61 4 govt, 41u
IK 14
11 V, Superior A P. 0 1H
Tie'Tamaeaok IW
14 V. S. O. A 0 41V,
itu. I. 1. n. I m.... sivi
X) 0 pfd 4
4,Vtak cea.
U Wtnons 104
10 v, Wolverine U
I aoiu up as ma as so. IV.
v.,7 Today's auvance ,eaves vsluss lust about
" gasT 1 d'ni lower than they were a week ago.
" On most rlava tha market has been In no oil
404 shape, Thursday s trade being ths only
.i'.'.lio exception. Supplies for th week are a
11 I few thousand neaa Heavier man eimer
7H last week s run or receipt una week
Uv last fear.
61 v, I HepreeentaUvg gales:
Na At. 81. P. No.
14 so la) I 10 41
II At lea
14 4 IS
Itsk CleaJ-lngs
OMAHA, Oct. 22 Usnk ciexrlngs for the ...
Weg ending looay were n, 101. an sa, anu
for the correapondlng week last year were
tid 172.837 .11. a gain of fwi0;M.41 over last
year. Hank clearings ror louay were w. io,
K)5t, and for tb corresponding data last
year t..637,.7l.
....$ 1.161 DDi.12
.... I.ia.if.675.33
.... 2,74il.72
.... 1.047. 471.:
.... 2.701.424 61
.... 2.67,4u6 73
I ti
J I 16
44 i I'M
Monday ...
Tueday ..
Friday ...
Saturday .
$ 1 6 . 743 49
a i6 oi it
. . I 4V
.. I 40
10 I 40
.. 40
.. 4 40
40 I 40
.. I 44
..11 tlw I 4
..X44 10 I 42 Vi
.. ... I 4,V
..111 ... I Utt
X,l 4 I 40
41 ... .
43. .. .
Bh. Pr.
... t 46
0 14
t 44
...Xi4 .
...As Aft I 4
...AM ... I 4
...270 131 I U
...2.'4 120 I 47
...111 40 I AO
...if64 40 I 0
...itS IU I 40
...W0 A40 t M
...'it 40 I 441
...k.4 ... 4 4V
...lbl ... 4 44
...A44 40 I 46
...Ut 40 I 4A
...240 U I 15
...241 ... 17
1 64 10 I 69 04 I 01 3 1
HHKKP Nothing fresh in the way of
I Hid 741 74 sheep And lambs was reoelved today and
i7u3tx)63 tha market remained nominally steudy.
J - Trade during th week haa been very
Totals $16 672.kr7 9J $17,77.74.J2 uneven, feeder lambs selling at uncertain
prices on early nays ana closing generally
its as Vurk lllalax Blorka. steady with a week ago. Heavy receipts of
NEW YORK. Oct. U. -Closing quotation this class of stock and ths fact that sort-
BUTTETV Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
the retail trade :n i-lb. cartons, sic; rvo. 1,
In So-lb. tuba, too; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartona,
2vc; No. 3, in 00-lb. tubs. 27Hc; packing
stock, solid pack, 21Vec; dairy, in to-lb. tubs.
23 y .:4c. Market changes every Tuesday,
CHKEBii Twins, 17:i416c; young Amer
icas, ine: daislea. 16c: triplets, lie; 11m
burger, lkc; rvo. I brick, lofec: imported
BwIbb, 32c; domestic tjwias, 24o ; block awiaa,
POULTRY Dressed broilers, under I lbs..
$6.00 a dos; over 1 lbs., 14c; hens, 16c; cocks.
luvci ducks. 16c; geese. uc; turkeys. 20c;
pigeons, per dos., $1.20; homer squabs, per
dos., 14.00; tancy suuaos, per 00s., sa.pu; mo.
lbs.. lOSkot hens. lOMei Bid roosters. 701 old
ducks, full feathered. Ale; geese, full feath
ered, lOu; turkeya, 20c; guinea fowls, too
each; pigeons, per dos., Soo; homers, per
ops., .vvt squaus, ano, x. per aoa, sa.o
nu. x. Der nor., uofl
FISH (all froxenl-Plckerel. U01 white fish.
mc; pike. 1001 trout. 140; large crappies, 20c
Buanish mackerel, ldc: eel. Lie: haddock,
13o; flounders, 13o; green catfish, 10; roe
shad, 11.0W sacn; snad roe, per pair, (no
frog leg, per aox.. 400: salmon. 14o; nail
but. 12a.
mxo; No. 1, c. Loins: No. X, 18c; No. t
upac: rvo. s. so cnuci: rvo. 1. c: no.
6V,c: No. I. (4c; Round: No. 1. 7 Wo: No,
64o; No, a o. Plaui No. a. t No, 1
6ac: No. I to.
r i-tiu ia urangea: waiuornia vaiencias.
all si sea, per box, t0iiu.6. Lemons 1
Llmonlera, tfxira fancy, tXM siss, per box,
t7.00; 300 slxs, per box. 17.26; choice, too
slxe, per box. 16.60; 160 sise, per box, ttVio;
140 situs, 60u per bog lens. Bananas; Fancy
select, per bunch, I2.2e4il.60; Jumbo, per
hunch. A2.76&3.:6. Pears: New York Kelfef,
per bbl., 14-60; California Winter Nellls, per
box, Apples: Home-grown cooking,
per bbl., $36l44.00; Missouri Jonathan and
Urlmes' Ooldea, per obi., $4 76; Missouri
Hen Davis. Par bbl., $3 60; Missouri Wine-
sups, per bbl., $4.00; Missouri Oano, per
bbl., 63. to; Otner vaiienr, vsr uuj., fS.wo
Colorado jonainau, per vua. si. 10; call
fnenia (Ira vsnsteln. per box. A2.10: Call
fornla Beliefiower, per box, tl.SO; washing,
ton Urimss' Uoidsn grid Jonathan, cxui
fancy, id to 126 sixss, per box, $2 26. Grauea
c.iinrnla Tokay, bar crate. 11.36: Con
a vti.nlaan and Ntw York, nar a. In.
basket, 30c; Malaga. 00 to SS lbs. gross, per
ksg, I6.ubiq6.50. Cranberries; Per box, tXtie;
Aver sol., eO'ie. kstesi aiiuuwr uiauu, new,
(sT 1.1b ukaa. In box, per bug. 13 00. Fias
New Caiirurnia. 12 13-ux. pkga., hoc; M 12-os,
Dkgs $2 25 Wulnces; Per box, tl.66.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio,
m ..rki. per bu.. soc; Iowa white stoca
per bu., inc. bweet Potatoes; Virginia,
per bbl., $2.36 Onions: low, small red
and yellolw. per lb., lo; Spanish, per crate,
ti 26 (Julie: Extra fancy, white, per lb.,
7. . I , .A l I . . L'.....
lie; Tea, per ! s-w. uss ..a....
kmri.ia tier do.. I LOO. Celery: MlchUan.
.... a.. hnnchax. 160. Rutabaaaa! Per in.
10. Ckwumbersi Hot bouse, 1 and 2
uo.. Per box, !.
bage: New. per lb., 2c. Tomatoes: Per
bskt, ticuOoc. btrtng and Wax Reuns: Per
ink l. bk., 760. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf,
per do., 46c. Parsley: Fancy home
grown, per dos., bunches. Sue. Turnips:
Psr mkt. bak.. o., Carrota: per mat,
bsk. 40c. Beets'. Per mkt bak., loo.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: black, per
lb,, So, California No. A. per lb., lsoj Cali
fornia No. I, peif Ik., Ida. Hickory nut:
Large, per lb., 40: smalt, per lb., so.
Cocoanutsi Far sack, $6,001 per 4oa, see.
Honeyi New, M tramea, $16.
, Toffee Market.
NEW YORK, Oct.22. The market for
coffee futurea opened ateady, but at a de
cline of t to t polnta, owing to lower
European markets. Offerings were not
heavy, but there was no Important de
mand and the market showed Utile change
after the opening, the close being ateady
at a net decline of 2 to 6 points. Halea,
18.760 baga. October and November, k.40c;
Decern tier, t.43c; January, 8 50c; February,
8.;..ic; MHrch, 1 57c: April, Soke; May, tlc;
June, t.63c: July, 8.63c; August, 8 64c: Sep
tember, dee. Havre closed ViXi net
Hamburg waa V,'U'-l'i lower. Alio
CapUini of Finance Nowaday! Coa
Ider PnMic.
Blare Time tomatodore i
Said "rehire Be D " Dlt
fereat Attltade Has Bea
NEW YtRK. 1 Hx. 22. inpectai to Thd
Heo.) There has been a wondeifut phgng
in th attitude of our Ameiican ratxaiiis
of tintuntry since Nvilllam H. Vandernllt
uttered his famous, svliall 1 call It war cry,
"ins public b d d '
Ye. Iiidead. It 'may ho that soma ol
the gentlemen at the head of our great
corpvratlohB feel In theAr hearta with th
late Mr. VaisUerbllt, but even they are not
saying It tor punllcation, while It Is cax
tain that th vast majority of the meg
who conduct Our great businees eoneern
and financial Institutions have come to
realise thai the pubilo haa a very real
and vital Interest In ttie manner In Which
they anal) be wralucted, and lurthermor
that the publld haa th power and th will
to exercla it to se that Its interests ars
Therefore. Inataad of Indignantly or pi
tilatitly resenting government supervision.
the majority 01 our iinanciere are sniiuuj
morei v 10 nave the suiiervlsion conduct eo)
on reasonable lines su a not to throw
abor out of employment The punuo naa
uu vet Inllv realised thla nuidlflcatlon haa
taken place, yet II can l ataled with at
fiiiiiit Miif id mica, even although ths meta
innrphoal has not been openly acknowl
edged by a good many capitalist. rh
lost dnllglitenea view louay is nut in
ntiilc siimild t made fuily acquainted
with tha .mis and Ins of modern business
methods so as 10 unable thorn ta form an
intelligent judgment as to how far federal
or state Inierierwnee may go without en
tailing Injurluiie coiiauqusnces, ronse-
lucineS that would fall noi merely upon
lie comparatively few individuals in on
,ni t,f th, tiartlfiular oortioratlon Corv-
oemed, but uvon bond and stockholders
a well as employe.
Myth Betas; BsaiodedU
The mvlh that a chartered otimMnr IS
some sort of mysterious organisation with,
out soul and not amenable to law Is
quickly being explode!. Hut only very
gradually Is it being grasped that corpora
tions represent in capital ana supply ieoor
ror thousands of people wnose interests are
Identical with those of the companies. It
Is little exaggeration to say that th people
of the United States ars ths corporations.
There Is scarcely an Individual In th coun
try, even though he be not an investor or
sn employs of a corporation, whose wel
fare Is not in some degree nepenaeni upon
the proeperlty of these combinations.
It Is this cardinal fact tha common In
terest ot the corporations and the public
that our man of arrairs are girivirjt to
bring horn to tho who clothe our legisla
tor with authority, The capitalist I seek
ing to convey and convince th world that
he Is not an enemy of his country nr of
the so-called working classes, dui mat n
Is a necessary (as well as reasonable)
member of tha whole economic family.
With the growth of their feeling comes
ths reasonable hope that the right remedy
of the trust evils will be found and applied.
Owing to the unsatisfactory condition 01
tha copper and other metal market during
the earlier part of the year it was generally
believed that 1910 would not be a profitable
year to the holders of stock in American
mines and metallurgical worka. With tha
closing of the third quarter of the year,
however, judging from the figures avail
able, the year. It Is believed, will clos
with a record or dividend diatiursements
greater than that for any year In the his
tory of the Industry.
Between January 1 and October 1. l!t
mines and metallurgical works reporting to'
the Mining World have paid dividends total.
Ing $, 87.047, as compared with $4S,I72.2i
paid In the same period In 1906 by 103 com
panies. That tne dividend payments 01
these mines and works ar of regular
occurrence I proved by the fact that sine
Incorporation they hare yielded profits
which permitted the disbursement among
shareholders of the enormous total of
$M0,818,141. This la equivalent to a return
cf 118 per cvnt on the total Outstanding-
O&PUSJ Of t. 447,784.
AesUtaat to Attorney Geoerat 1141
Conspleaoa Part la Land
Fraad Prosecatloas.
Sylvester R. Rush, assistant to th attor
ney general ot the United Btatea, and wha
became a national figure by reason ot Ma
prominent part Id the prosecution of Gov
ernor Haskell of Oklahoma on the charge
of town lot frauds, ai-rlvsd home Friday
night from Durango, Colo., where he has
been taking part In the trial of William
R Mason and Joseph Vanderwtde on ths
charge of conspiracy.
The case against Mason and Vanderwlde '
grew out of the mysterious murder of Jo
seph Walksr, a United Btatts secret serv
ice officer, two years ago In Durango,
Walker was Investigating coal land frauds .
and his Investigation was bo thorough thai
much animosity was aroused against Win
by those he sought to convict Mason and
Vanderwlde, Interested parties In th coal
land transactions, were arrested on tha
charge of conspiracy to murder. It was
not believed, however, that they actually
fired the shots that killed the officer, but
they war supposed to have abetted the
crime and that the murder was committed
by a hired assassin. . r
The government at that time sought Jur
isdiction, but there was a clash of author
ity In which tho stats courts won, abd
Mason and Vanderwlde became prisoners
or ine ruianau efierill. ine district COUrl I
of Colorado failed to convict. Then tha
fetieral authorities stepped In, but a legal '
web had been woven whjch resulted In tha
cases being thrown nut of court.
on mining stocks were-
Total ssias tar tha day, I7i,ni shares.
Neve York Cork Market.
Tha following quotat'ons are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange, 316 South Sixteen, h street
Amercsn Tobacee ..44 Inspiration S
Bar Stats Oas HVi Laross 4 11-11
!4.ton consolidate. 1 r. omsolldats . . i.
Butts Coalition S0VI NswhouM
M MisllUUK
XI 4 CXlle Copper
XiKsvhlds coalitloa
AlvaKa, Mini ,
I Swift Pig CO
2 l-srs-Ro. bin .C...17u
S lllrer PU'S I
124 Superior A Pitsbuig II
lltkTunofisa Wining IS
I Trui'tr Copiisr 44
1 North Laks
4 Bunsmla 4vi
tviojipaa, ia
t-htsf Consolidated.
Air Csntrsl
Sly Consolidated .
t r witch
Ooldfisld Florence-.
Ovid(lld ! ,7 ....
A ties
Cem Tunnel stock
con. fii" v..;;.
l.urt. Sllvsr
Iron Sliver
SLasdvllls Csn
.loo i litis Chief ,
. II kfsxlcan
if . rlW
.IM Ophtr
. II . ,1rt
IM Tellew Jacks!
. 1
.. I
.. a
.. 40
Ballloa for tho Baak.
Ing delivery alleys were taxed to their
utmost Induced moat ot th early deollnna.
Thousands of Iambs went back Into tha
oouniry at figures that were the lowest of
the season, common kinds ranging from
$4,00 to $4 71. Uood fleshy lambs moved
around $i.l;a3 36 Up till midweek, but the
market reacted considerably on late days
Under ths Influence of lighter supplies and
a better demand. Strong welyht feeders
are cloelng around 40 m. little different
Treaaarr Slatesaeal.
WASHINGTON. Oct 21 The condlUon
of the treasury at the beginning of busi
ness today was as follows: Trust Funds
Hold coin, $.sf 1 "0.6iiS; silver dollara i7.
633.000: silver dollara of ISM), 3.5Ji OiW: all
ver certificates outstanding. $4n7 fiU.OuO.
Oaneral Fund Htandard silver dollara in
geuaial fund. fi,4iO,Ae; current UauUUea,
LONDON. Oct. 2.-Bullon amounting; to I mm hien Quotations a week airo
64.'Vu0 was taken into tne hank of Knkland I u mu daily reueiuls stive a wek s ini.r
to day and A' 1.075.000 was withdrawn lor o( about 13,000 Iieud the proportion of
shipment to Fgvpt. rood feeder cheep haa been none too large
-,,d vaiuea have held firm Ihroukhout.
Pre Gangs Market. I nmnetltloil from killers has been one of
NKW TORK. Oct 21 DRY OOODR Ths the sustaining influences, feeding wethers
day's market on cotton goods was steady selling as high as 64 00 and good feeder
ana prices r very rirm. unri are nigneriewes inurun tu 'vi-. rvungs
nd business on them continues good. I of ttns oescripnou are aunauie ior urstu-
burlaps have been very active and prices Ing purposes.
have moved up sharply. Dress goods nils Fat sheop are still in active demand at
quiet. J good (trocg figures, hich dressing animals
Belling more raptuiy mian in-oeiwees ana
inferior klnde. Choice fat wethers sold up
ga high as 64 6 earlier lu the week, but
nnthinx of similar quality haa been avail
able since. Fat ewes are bringing $3 4oi
Fat lamb ahowed a little weakness on
early days In vympathy with feeders, but
th demand rallied on the close and cur
rent quotationa ar fully aa high a those
tf 11 eetuidey. Clearance In every
unchansed at 6 I loo; Bras! lien exchange
011 lxiiidon l-32d higher at 17 15-33d. Re- then told Judge Estelle that except when
prr." 'against ."beM. h " "" " - of kind-
Jundiahy receipts 40,lio0 bags, against 6X.0H0 ' ness and duty toward her. He committed
bans llo-t year. l-pot coffee, quiet; Hio
No 7, UiTic; Bantos No. 4. llVxc; Itio
coffee, quiet; Cordova, IVitUKo.
Tsrpratla Slarkvt.
ROUIN-Flrm; type Y, $4 40; Q, 4S.
Wool Market,
ST. I1IMS, Oet. WK)I-l'nchanged;
territory and we'Stem medium. UtiJic; fin
ui4MAiau4, A7j3oi f.n. l4i;o.
ETaperatrtt Apples and Dried FrAlt.
APPLE-Demand fair and prices ateady;
on the apot. fancy, la quotad at 10c; choice,
iHtHliC; prima, 7,!.io; common to fair,
DRIED FRUITS Prunes are quiet on the
spot, but prices are steady; quotations
ranee from OHluc for faltforntas up to
3o 40s, and 7.'i(;Hc for Oregona from tos
to Koa. Apricots are inactive, but prices are
firm owing to small offerings; choice, ilmf
lc; extra choice, 13ul.1Vc; fancy, lAviil4o.
Peaches are dull but firm oa light Stocks;
choice, Va'lhbc; extra choice, SKjncjc; fancy,
8V.tVc- Raisins are quiet and featureless;
loose muscatels ars quoted at 6Ul4c for
1 to 1 crown; choice to fancy seeded, 4'
tBc; seeaiess, txtfoc; ixnaon layers, 1 2ou
his crime while drunk.
Saeaalle to Two Oaeratleaa Belav
Prrformesl aad Thea Dies
of Plearlsy.
LONDON. Oct. 22 Prince Francis Jo
seph Leopold Frederick of Tsck, brother of
Queen Mary, died today. II had been 111
for om time and rontly submitted ts
two operations. Last night an attack ot
pleurisy we followed by a critical turn
from which ha did not recover.
The prince was bora at Kensington pal
ar in 70. He served In th army la
Egypt and South Africa, retiring in ltot
with ths title of Wjor.
Suarar Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. 12 SUQ A R Haw
quiet; muscovado, U test. 1 63c; centrifugal,
kti teat. t66e; molasses sugar, til teat, t.ioe;
refined quiut; crushed, t.J6c; granulated,
t.soc; powdered, 4lfoc.
Oauaha Mar Market.
OMAHA, Oct. 22 HAT No. 1 upland.
Ill uv. No. t upland, vi; packing. Moo;
alfalfa, til no. Blrawi Wheat, td.Wi ry.
$7.ow; cats, 4. oC
Herbert , Oooch Co.,
Brokers and Dealer
aAii rKoriszosia arocara.
Dinaiia Office, lid board ef '1 raug 4141
.f-.eil r-noiia, DoUg S. I 1110 't'l
John B. Boloraon, Pleadlaa; Oallty to
Charge of Broaklagr aad Eatara
tasTf U Lot Off.
Listening to th plea of Mrs. Ella A,
Solomon that hr U-year-old son, Jehd BJ.
Solomon, not be sent to th penitentiary
for the crime ot breaking and entering, to
which he pleaded guilty, Judge EktU
paruieu 1110 jiouns man 10 nis mother la
the criminal division of district court Bet- '
urday and then urged Solomon to accom
pany his mother to church, regularly.
When he was arraigned on an Informa
tion charging him with breaking Into th
tailor shop ot Zacharia A Friedman th
boy pleaded guilty and threw himself upon
the mercy ot the oourt Mrs. Solomon
kAUUAA las aUI tTXil