HE -OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 23, .1910. .JL..' J n. :sryLiij c tel(Oi3 wee Ate I k i. V i.v r-i- .-jr 1 "r"V. - .- r . OFFERED FOR RENT Issues Bad Cottasiee CoaUanee. ROOM COTTAGE for rent 2519 Blnney. Phone Webster 2174. RKOUCED RENTAL. Ijnok at s7 Cua St., a brand new, 7 tvnm, strictly modern house. Hue) location, reduced from to $.iS. l'Al.NU & SLATER CO.. Sol' Aeon la, (ill Floor. N. Y. Life Birig . A s-ROOM cottaKa exceptionally well finished with all the latest modern Im proveroents; rather expensive, but close In And a beauty; reference! reuulred. N. I. JUedg A Co., 15th and Harnev. t T-roooi modem house for rent cheap. Stii o. lOtH Ave. Tel. Had 743s. T-ROOM houM, 3V4 Seward St.. modern timpt furnace; barn; large yard; key next oar wnt Tel. Harney ITU. lores and Offices. BTOREROOM FOR RENT Southeast corner Hth and Douglas Sta; Knm Hxf feet. Possession given about ptambar 1, 1D10. CITT NATIONAL, BAKK. For Rent, Offices 4 mo square feet fipaoa. Entire second floor Wars blocs; suitable for Insurance, real Mala, or any busluesa requiring" largo pace; double compartment; fireproof vault; oooupted at present and for laht six years by Bankets Reserve Ufa Co. PAX.TON KUAL, ESTATE CO., B. J. Sbannell, Secy. LARGE stora room, 261$ Sherman Ava; fli. Rhodes-Montgomery Co., Douglas a;40. NO equal In city; grocery and meat mar ket wllfl fixtuies Apply 220 N. 23d. STORES FOR RENT. Store twni, 624 a Isth St., oomer 16th and Jackson, fine show windows, good basement with freight hoist, heat fur sssitoO. Prlca on application. Btore building, 3mA Farnatn St., tS par month. Lease to ba arranged. HI ore room. 817 8. loth Hi., 22xM feat, food basmnent. 1126 per month. Btora room at Ua S. lfith Bu, all modern, team heat, 12& month. Leaae to ba ar-rang-ed. Coiner store room, 621-523 B. 16th St., 44x4 feet, and basomont. lb per month. Lease to be arranged. OffuHUt) c Co., tog City Nat't Bank Bldff. UTH & CUMINO street stora for rent Fhene Doug:. fM or call lSIs Hurt 3L M S. ,UT11 ST., large storeroom with basement, HO. 714 8. 14th St., 44x 66 ft., C. W., 4a . HIRKETT & TEBBEN8, 421 Una Iild. Phonaa Douglas . 47U, Independent A-17&4, 204x76. new, with heat furnlahed, $100 per month; 41x40, on second floor, with heat. 75. K.ouu square feet warehouse space at Uth and Howard. Hee us for particulars. J. H. DLJMONT A SON. Thone Doug. t0. 14 Farnam be, Omaha. OFFICEB FOR RENT. Desirable office room In Webster-Bunder land Bldg.. lth and Howard Bts., at Psa onable prices. . OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. ANTIQUE, solid mahogany fiddle back and other cnalra; also library table. Big bargain. Laavtng city. 4a N. WH. ' DIN1NO table. chla, muslo and kltcbet. cablneia; sanitary couoh aud pad, etc; nearly new. w N. Hth. GOOD as new, massive brass bed, bx DruiKs. hair mattress; Quick Meal rang onlffonler, combination bookcase, oriental and doiiiMUo rugs and drapes, all eises. Vis wnuam . VT.rt , . u i iun hauhurnitr. small oook tove. wan water front; aiso gas stovs; all In first class condition. Web. 1X04. HI .NINO table, china, muslo and kitchen cabinet; also other furniture; nearly new. tm N. lith. , Fl'RNITURiQ of 12 rooma. will asU all or part. I'lione ited 7WJ. BAKE BURNER and sewing machlna WB S. Vi ttK back a oar. BOOKCASE, steel, range, base burner, oft ooal stove, dining set, bed room set, ....I...' au.u ,UTiiiirv uouciies. carpels, rugs. wardrobe, chrna closet, gas range, wasning gnadilna ana oiner lurnuuro. o stusleol' lasirMsseaia. CHICKERIN3 uPrtght plana; Rosewood ease. 1ue ouuuiUou. IHM bo. iint 6U " liku npiUUHf PIANO. uiahoaany case; leaving oiiy, inuat sail; bargain, isi lavsnprt. vivmrRVENKdN concert violin, worth IUi0.VU. will sell iur nan. ynue. uue ai jTooV Blulfs. la. WM-al liid. FOU SALU at half price a Viator Phono srraub. Uicludmg recorua; very good tone; P..7, . ..m. fi.uiia Uinuv tevea. M stares, beater and ranges; got to be aoia a 8TklEa RANGE, (-hole, wood, heating Slave; iron bed with springs. Cheap for caan. Ur-&&, Alee. 8L FE1U olar base burner aud ail Aoorn rabge, uu first daea coudluoa; Phun liar- aey soui; sua sui u HAJU COAL stove. Just as good aa new, cheap. Sail Burt. Typewriters. Typewriters for Rent aou, ilia Far nam tit., Ouiaha, Clearance Sale Large stock of typewrltsrs, s.lgblly used Olivtua, cuUetwouua, Itsiiuiigloua, Mon- arena, L. C ttmitha and oUiors at lowest prices ever otlered. Price i ana up; machines uuuiy of Uiein good aa new; full guarantee. Call or write for toe Ll and uUar. B. F. SW ANSON CO., 1316 Furuaiu St. tiECOND-hand tyuewrltars sold, repaired. Cenual Typewriter Exchange, lull? Farnaui, YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand, U wouinly, from uikuutacturera, most lutereatud In aaaalaoUun giveu. Oliver Typewriter Co., Br an L C. tfiuilh A Bros, typewriter B . . bwauson Co., Diairlbuteis, u. Par- Vaiu bt- Mlseellaaeeaa. FOR SAIJE New and sscond-band bll llard and pool tables. We lead toe world la olieap bar natures, easy payments, tlrana-aica-Ba.ke-Colicnder, 407 8. luth bt. About 4i feet of X-inch diameter No. W guae, galvanised pipe, wltu four 4-tncn a.boes aud T. 'itila was used tor ventilat ing purposes, slid pipe la In good condition. Bee Publiahlng Ca. l.tn and r emain. FOR SALE - t-room house to be removed. Cll N. SM- tlake offer. Apply Cbris Buyer, Ud and Cuming bL Doug, and -. Y A T Furnace lump a toe V-.t'.'ViJ Haraion A Wrath. ' $G.OO Web US. WK IIAV on hand a number ef Ink rerrcls hlca we wll. sell for uO cents each 0 key are fine for rain air or aansa Call at preaa rvuiu. Bee Publiahmg Cat OFFERED FOR pENT The STERLING STORES ON ST. MARY'S AVE. A NEW RETAIL DISTRICT NEAR KJTH AND HOWARD We have Just completed eight splendid torn for retail merchandising-, from lslO to 14 St. Mary 'a Ave. These stores have fine modern fronts, with large khow win dows, maple floors. painted and stippled, walls, metal ceilings, cemented basements, stnam heat, sanitary plumbing', splendid light, electrlo and gas fixtures, fine cement street walks, cement rear driveway and new street pavement. Out of scores of ap plicants wa have selected tenants tor flva of these stores three yet remaining; to be rented. We must have first-clacs retail merchandising- tenants to carry out our development plans and will make special Inducements to eny responsible merchant In the following lines: MERCHANT TAILORING AND PL'RNiSHINUS. MIL1JSEHV AND NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND NOTIONS, HARDWARR AND BTOVES, TEAS AND COFFEES. 'A REAL DELICATESSEN. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sole Agentar 6th Floor N. Y. Life." OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters Ceatlaned. DRtTUH at eut nrloaa. fralaht nald on all 10 orders; catalogue free. eiiermau fc Aiotjonneii urug Co., Omaha, Neb. 8A FES Overstocked with second-hand sates, all slses and makes; barralns. Anierloaa Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. CHICKEN AND STOCK FEED for sale cheap. Best ever for sheep. Unole Ham Breakfast Food Co.. 2Stb Ava and Mahler. A GOOD wacoa ooal box for sale, ones a. Ula Capitol Ava w vr'irr T irrT nnH(rin tmvm m,i- original ooat was liue; will sell for 40. til 8. UUt Ave. I HOReVH blanketa, heavy white canvas Storm hlankalM fta n.l, wnrlh Infill Bennett's Harness Dept., basement. FOR SALE 20 shares United Wireless f 'referred transferable stock; will transfer n buyer's camel til tar share. Deibel A Co., Box 75. Little Rock. Ark. FOR BALE 60 tons of good upland. Kan sas prairie hay. Make offer here on track. A. K. uunkin, Cottonwood rails, n-an., Box ft. FOR BALE Doien duck decoys and hunt ing suit case, cheap. Address B 264, Bee. OILROY SISTERS, leaving on their southern theatrical tour, must dispose of two black lynx sets of magnificent large Ruaatan shawl, with beautiful rug muff; elegantly tr.mmed with head and tails and lined wtih shirred satin; worn about four times on the stage; cost tsO each; sell for JO each; will send one or both C. O. D with privilege of inspection at their ex pense. Address their manager, Murray Llebera, 26 E. Hth St., New York City. For Sale-$40.00 Fine beaver coat, cost I U0: splendid coi dltion; biggest sort of bargain; owner goin south; will not need it. May be seen at a. 8. 3tta Ave. TEN duplex window shades, four ga lamp shades, two Lindsay gas lamps, . cart, commode, ttl Park Ave. 'Phon Harney ay7. OSTEOPATHY Alice Jehnaon. tot-g Brandels Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas. K14- Brandels Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxtoa Blk. TL Rad 7117. Wl LLARD KDDY. registered practitioner IB U.a Pat office, tit paxtoa Ma. R. &L PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION OK PAIN. PAY WHEN CURED. DR. VV. C. MAXWELL. 624 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. DODG. 1424. T)H RIIRFvE -Specialist In diseases of iJIX. 1J U lViLi women N. E. Corner 16th and Douglas. Omaha. Call or write. MECHANO THERAPY. Massase treatment, stomaui, troubla Dr. Margaret Hailoiaii. 22t Neville Blk. D. 7761. f AdNHTIC treatment. Mine. Smith. AlilUllUliV ltilhi -iulrd Floor. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ava. Council Blulfs, la. PHI VATE home for women during con finement. Adureas Box Hi', Florence, Neb. 'lei. Florence &1 BATHS, vapor, alcohol and massage, ltitifi DoUge bt.. id flour, opposite postoffice. Mute. Allen of Chicago. Phone Douglas 7tit& OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., ltamge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caat-olt CluUiing in tact, any tiling you do nut uveu. We cuuect, repair and sua at 1-4 N. iun St., for cost of coneeuou, to the wormy poor. Call phoue Douglas 41jj aud wugons will, call. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young v omens Chrlstlau Association building at Seventeentn street and M. Mary 1 aveuue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoes or otherwise assisted. lAok for our Uaveier'a aid at the Uuion station. HFVN Independent orchestra furnishes 1 Ii ' A1 the best up-to-uate music for the least money. ut my prices Pn. Har. PRIVATE home for women during con finement. Address Box li, Florence, Neb. Phone Florence $0. JOSIE WAKHHl'RN'8 hook, "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores. Price, U M Sqnitnrv HAIKDREStUNG PARLORS, oauiiatj Tk Msnnello masaagss for a good complexion, sul Pax I on Blk. D. 4471. HINDOO TABLETS will build, biaoe, su-eogthao, 6uc BELL DRUG CO. YOUR credit is eod for the best ha'.r goods puaalble to purchase; we will eel ou braiOs, puff, switches, etc., absolutely upon J I. Largest dealers In Uioana Call at tioyd aystein. 6i0 Kamge Bldg. A HOME for women during confinement. V e find homes for babies whose mothers raanot cars fur them. Bablea boarded For terrca address Vrs. Martha L. Lee. ol Bancroft St., Omaha. Neb. 'phone Doug las -7i. BTI1C'4-Ientiflc masaage. 1(17 Dodge Ml. - BaMiuent flat, ltt a, m., a p. m. VACUUM C LEA NX. it a reatejt. lei. Web star I.7L OFFERED FOR RENT We already have a large plumbing es tablishment, a 140,000 stock of books, the welleat grocery and market In the city (ocoupylng two wtores) and an up-to-date barber shop In this building. Fully $2" -0,000 have already been expended by our clients In lens than two yearn tn street Improvements ami various new build ings they are determined to make this a live retail dibtrlct. Several more buildings arc contemplated for the near future. If you want to "get In Uie swim" sea us AT ONCE. PERSONAL (Continued.; MR. EMIL KREBS 5?r!ri fiOXSi Blk, IfiUi at Harney, lormeriy wun Bran data We make old bats look like new. MASSAGE, magnitlo treatment; expert maaseuse. 160a Howard St., 2d floor. CHINA painting lessons, filing, order work, stenciling; firing, call and deliver. Mrs. W. V. Irwin, K16 Biondo. Tel. W. 341. PERMANENT removal ef superflu ous hair; no pain. Erbene Chemical Co., ill McCague Bldg., 16th and Dodge Ms. TRY Magto Roach Powder. Douglas 1270. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Klttenhouse, R. 308 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. VM S. ltith. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. tblM Davenport Jt. WB RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-16u3; Douglas l&tB. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, tfth and Harney bts. YVTfJS nd toilpea for men. Griffith. VVJ.UO u and j4 FRENZER BLOCK DR. EGGERS, private confinement home, 1614 Martha 8U, Omalia. Tel. Douglas 6230. MAONETIOTreatmnt- Brott. 2224 JUYUiN.EjA.lys.lBlnSt TeL Doug. 7. Rwitflipa from combings, $1.50. Mrs. S. DWlltUta Mathews, ttl Neville blk. D62b3 GUY ANDREWS will learn something of Interest to him by calling on or communi cating with J. D. Whiteruwre, Grand island, Neb. TRY Magio Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. WALL case and show case for sale; oak; ilrst class; suitable for Jewelry, cigar, oakery or most any business. Call at 7ul S. 10th St. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles cM-manenuy removed by electricity; cumul ation free and contldentlal: all work uaranteed. Miss Ailender, U4 Bee Bldg. ORIENTAL and California novelties make good Christmas gifts. Send stamp for catalogue, do It now. C. M. Wlioox, Dept. 27. Lankershlm, Cel. HEIRS wanted at once. 60,000 estates seeking claimants. You may be one. Facts in rree booklet. 30c. Send 2o stamo. In ternatlonal Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa. THE PULLMAN POLISH Bold by A. G. Vroman at 2927 Seward St. Tel. Webster 4H30: anlri 14 var n Omaha POULTflY Cockerels line-bred birds to select from, 6 and 6 uvuwie uiu. x-nces ironi ti up. Now Is the time to secure next season's breeders. K IT.VF-NI riilQ rlT TDV T.' 1 r FlorenceNe Tel. Floreiice101. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, PrinterD,K7a's''lg Bee D ds. Entrance on Court. 'PHONE IND. A-2C0 for good printing. Lyngatad Printing Co.. ICih and Capital Ave PRINTING BILLS MADE LKS8. We give our customers the best to be had In all kinds of printing and bUnk book work at quite a l.ttle less, because our expellees are lees. We are particular and prompt printers. Randall, McKee it Co.. Spencer, la. UILLKlt A JAM1RKONI n.,i,.i.. Both phones. RIK3-H ALL PtC. Co. 109 S. lltli. lod. A-3b24 REAL ESTATE LOANS tiOO to tlO.OH! made promptly. F D Wead. Wead Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam. WANTED-Clty loans and warrants W Farnam bmlth at Co., 1SJ0 Farnam St Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on baud and for bale at amounts from $300 to 3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. to X6 WI0 on Omaha homes. O Keefe Real Estate Co., 10U N. Y. Lite. Doug, or A-2i62. GARVIN BROS., Jd floor N. Y. Life. $.W to tlou.Ouo on improved property. No delay. R. E. LOANS w.Paa 55& to 6o PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY GARVIN BROS., Third Floor New York Life. 'Phs-ne Douglas 52. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. UVW RATES, bKMlS-CARLBEvllU CO. 31V-4U Branddis Theater bidg. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) 7 NET TO INVESTORS Wex can sell you choice first mortgages or, Nebraska farms In amounts of e- to 12,000. KIOKE-HF.ADLET INV. CO.. 801 N. Y. L. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. LOANS to borne owner and home bund ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments Kerni-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National lianli Ridg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. MONEY to loan on Omaha prnpertv, 5 Interest, 5, 7 or 10 years, In amounts not leas than IISI.OOO. on onlv centrally located hiiHim-ss properties; no for or commission charged. Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; E. B. Htephen son,Lineoln, Neb., agent. REAL ESTATE WANTED IP your preperty Is for colored people, rent or sale, list with the Home Investment Co., 10t S. Hth St. Have tenants waiting t'bnne Douglas 1411. CASH for property, any kind, anywhere. If you want to buy, sell or exchaiiKo ad dress Northwestern Business Agency, Min neapolis, Minn. WANTED TO UTTY GOOD 5 or 10-acre tract. Improved, close to Benson car line; owner only. Address J 301, Hw. ROOMING house, 30 rooms, 2 blocks of ldth and Farnam. Doing big business. What have you to offer. NOWATA 1.AND & LOT CO.. 65a New York Life Bldg., Phones: Red lit). A-lTi. 1.2S0-ACRE lmprovod farm and ranch. near Burwell, Neb., 400 acres farm land, plenty hay meadow, fair Improvements, in cluding a nearly new 2-story cement block res. donee. Owner wants to retire. Price, 112,800. Will take Omaha or suburban property as part pay. 100-acre Improved farm on second bottom near North Platte: black loam soil with clay subsoil, lays smooth and is all farm land; 110 acres now In cultivation; very good Improvements. Owner wants to go Into bumness and wants either a hardware or a general merchandise stock ot tO.Oon or 16.000. The farm Is cheap at price, $40 an acre. 37,500 general merchandise. 17,000 bu Id- Inn s, good business, for good 100-acre farm. Iowa or eastern Nebraska. 33,600 stock hardware, b.500 buildings, tn good eastern Nebraska town. Owner re tiring and wants good little farm near town. W. W. MITCHELL. Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 8WAPS. A clear farm In Nebraska worth $1,000. Will trade for good automobile, NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 163 New York Life Bldg. Phones Red Utv. A-172L EASTERN NEBRASKA auartsr tor olty flat or cottages. Address O tJb, lie. OWNER WITH OWNER. 440 acres Atchison Co., Mo.; two sets Im provements; 75 acres timber, 45 acres al falfa; no acres hog tight- fence; too acres corn land; t miles to market; splendidly rented for three years. 100 acres near Washington, Kan.,; well Improved; all cultivated and good land. lbO acres, Richland Co., North Dakota, miles to market; small improvements; lays nice. Clear ot encumbrance. Will exchange either of above for Omaha or Lincoln residence or Income. Address F 21, care Bee. Wli exchange properties ot merit. H. U. Culver, aii-tii N. Y. Ufa Douglas isue 120 ACRES olear land; want to trade for t or 7-rooui house; will assume small amount. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. 663 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red l!tt or A 172L FOR EXCHANGE Property of all kinds. Write. Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la WILL swap 320 acres of Box Butte land, level, good sell, for a clean stock ot mer chandise. Address C 2J, Bee. 4S0 ACRES western Nebraska land. All smooth valley land. No sand. Every acre farm land, all fenced, small set improve ments, good, well Improved neighborhood. 3Vt miles from railroad town. 3-160 an acre. Want Omaha residence property; I6,u0d to 36,000, balance easy terms. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Building, Omaha, Neb. CLIENT will exchange 10 acres highly Improved, near Colorado Springs. Price 17,000 for Missouri, Iowa or Illinois Farm. John J. O'Donnell, Real Estate, El Paao Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. Big Deal If you have a large gilt edged city prop erty to exchange for land mat wnl prove a big Investment for you, consult Isaac iv.rmr Htiarri r,f Trada Itlli Ulillir. fMlv -i 32) ACRES Nebraska land to trade for Oiraha residence property. Price 3J0 per acre which is the ima as cash price akel for adjoining land. J. J. Huston, 10; MrCasrue Block WANTED-TO BUY BK.-4T price paid for M-band furnll,it eivets, clothing and shoes. Tel. r 31 Second-hand clothing; party afternoon cVeeen. John Feldman. D. 2128; A-2..&. WANTED Bookcase. 6x4 feet. Inscribe fwliy and state lowest price. Addresx U, I'W, He. WANTED-TO RENT WANTED TO RENT We have a client who wantj ! j rent a desirable modern house In ti West Far nam district. Will pay tloj i.tr month If the property Is worth It, Only flvo in family: no small children. J. J I. DLJMONT & SON, 'Phone Douglas u0. 1G06 Farnam, Omaha. RY GENTLEMAN Warm, phaMint room, VtHli or without board, prrferauly between Leavenworth and Farnam. Audreys !-2y6. lien. WANTED iiy lady and daucrhti-r. two or three funnelled or unfurnlsiied rooms for llht housekeeping. Call Whipple, W.-l.F.'-r , oi; Lid. B-uli." WANTED SIiLmm.: AN experien-ed archliectural draughts man and supei intenuent if cons,, uciu.i Winls poMI on. Adults U-2.14, Bee. ur Pi. i. no Dougias 7jfe5. YOUNG man deairea place to woil, for board and rj. in in riNate faun! hnl.i attending college. Boyli-s College. ooiti I-1 iiii.a WANTED Position as draftsman, either in mecliamcai bne or aa railroad diut'ia num; am neat duialler and leitcier. Hate had experience la both lines. Address A. 11. Weaver, care Beiinont liotei, Omaha. Nib. A JAPANESE" wants position In private family while going to school. E 2J7, Lee. BY young lady, cashier, assistant book keeper or ofttrn clerk; capable ..( filling pos tion of trust or responsibility; liet reference. A 310, Bee. COYOTTE snd wolf destroyer with part ner and cood citfit wauls situation I r winter mouths. Salary or bounty. Addiesx Hairy Overmans, Gen. Del., Salt Lake CIO. Vtak. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) PRACTICAL nurse, HM13 a week. Phone Harney 4761. DRESSMAKER wants work by the tiny, private lamilies. Phone Douglas 6-W. T7 l.Kiilge St Call after 6:30 p. m. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PETER JENSEN, JR.. Tel. Douglas 231. REED ABSTRACT CO.. F.l 1M; prompt service; get our prices. 20t Brandels theater. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. IF you want to buy, sell or exchange city or farm properties, phone us N for Interview, either at our office or your place of business. DEAL WITH THE OWNERS AND 8AVE COMMISSIONS In the purchase of a farm or unlm- f roved land. DEAL LOCATIONS RIGHT PRICES. TATU-EH RHARUT COMPANY, (Members of Omaha Heal EHtate Exchange) bj0-i$ fltv National Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas 44o3 BENJAMIN R, E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Right Now Is a Good Time to Buy a Home of Your Own Your Choice of Three Bungalows Prices $2,600 and $2,650 These are all new, well built, ready to move Into. One Is located, at 2M2 Corby St., Just one block east of the 30th street car line, on a south front lot and on high ground. In a locality where all new homes aie being built, Clone to school and stores. This house has five good-slxed rooms, also bath, all on one floor, with stair to attic Cellar under the whole house. The rooms have been nicely papered and the house Is piped for furnace. Price ti.M); terms, tfiOO cash, balance about the same as rent. The other two bungalows are located at fS3 and 2.Wj Maple street, one block east of 30th street car line. These are well built and have five rooms and bath, ce mented cellar, stair to attio and are nicely arranged; large Int. cemented walks, sodded front yard. Terms t&00 cash, balance monthly payments. Will consider a less payment down If the monthly payments are larger. We have never had any better bargains to offer than we have at the present time. Will be pleased to show you these houses, as well as a great many others In dif ferent parts of the city, if you call us up by telephone or call at our office. Ws are sure that we ran please you. Have also one new 6-room cottage; 4 rooms on the first floor and two on the second floor; In the sYune locality, tor 32.800. Hastings & Heyden 1(14 HARNEY STREET. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Immediato Sale dlate sate at price exceptionally right in Han.HCom Park district. Besides the 11 large rcoms there is hall way, bath room, p.enty of pantry room, closets and cellar. Dining room, lSx4. Hot air furnace, nice flreplaco (grs) and mantle. Combination gas and eWMiio light. .ai?i wood floors In parlor antfl halls. HiT3e in good condition. Extra large barn, two cis terns, plenty of shade. The house la located on a pair of lots nicely above street grade and Is handy to three car Hues. These lota on whlcn the house stands are worth almost as much as Is being asked for the entire property.- If you do not wish something large and roomy and location and price exceptfunauy rlxht. then do not buy tills. oGod reasons for selling. The price la SS.0O0 cash, or part cash and balance time. immediate sale desired. Tnln kof It and act. Orin S. Merrill Co., Agents. New Location. Rooms 1213-1214 City Natl. Bank Bldg. BUY A LOT NOW BU1LD IN THE SPRING. tV each, three lots at bth and Homer, facing chkI. 10Q. 46th and Military Ave., facing north. 3!00 tacli, two lots, 3i'th and Foi t Omaha Ave., lacing north. 3175, reveral at 3:d and Saliler. 61st and l'acitlo, loo ft. east, facing north. 1.1.5, southeast corner 43d and Miami. t.i. 4. til and Grant, 176 feet eaat. facing north. V to each, southwest corner 40th and Plnk n . 4&th and Charles, facing north. J.iTO. th and J ay nee, several, fronting so'ith. -;ii for both, two lots, 4Sth and Center. Any of the above can be bought on terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, fioutiieust Corner l.'uh and Farnam Sts. OFFICE OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS. Tills, we believe, will be appreciated by a fc-ood many people, especially thos who must work up to u:;:0 or later. COME TO OFFICE KWHT FROM WORK. WE V. ILL BE OPEN. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRP.ST CO.. IcOl City National Bunk Hide M.200 WILL El'Y fi-room modern resi de nee. walking distance-, $Tu0 cash, balance easy terms. Sl.'M each will buy two vacant 1ms on coiner In cathedral district. Thesa are really hargn ns. W. W. MITCHELL. Hoard of Tral Illdg . Omaha OWNERS' SALE. REM IS PARK DISTRICT $?'). EAST AND SOUTH FRONT. New and neer occupied, all niodrrn, five rooms down and two up, unfinished: full ceintnt block basement, tiled and white enameled bathroom, pr.ee $2,6oO; easy pay ments; rail Webster CSO. WANTED TO RENT We have a i ll. tit who wants to rent a rti-.i.rd i. modern house In toe West 1-al lium dixtrlci. Will pay iou per inoiilu if tun pioja-rty la worm It. Only m in tumliy; no small children. J. 11. JJUMUAT & SON, 'Phone Douglas 6.10. luuC Farnam, Omaha OWNER must sell 6-r. house, 5."-foot lot, cement cellar, cistern, chicken house ami jard. shade lots of lrult, one block from car and school. 4212 Grand Ave.; $l.ii. Terms. FOR SALE A fine 7-room cment house; built l.y owner himself to live in. Lot 44x H. paved aireet; 6-feet i enn tit walk; go ing to leue town; a barmiin, If sold at once. 2kui W. Bdwy., Council Bluffs. U. Smith. I OWNER authorises us to make special 'discount on an all modern t-room house. I with barn, on 2ith St, near Indiana, If sold next few days. Part cash; easy Uf' FI'TNAM CO., 124 Vraudeia 'ibsaler Bids, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR SALS. (Continued.) HAPPY HOLLOW This high class residence addition Is lo cated Just east of the Happy HolWiyr club, and south of Underwood avenue In Dundee, all lots are 60 feot wide and larger, and are laid out according to the contour of the land, affording a good blulding site on every Int. Cement walks, park curb and gutter, sewer and water mains are in and pnld for, and contract for paving the streets has already be-n let. Plats with ln. . and full Information enn bo had upon request. Oo out today and Inspect this property, as It Is an Ideal place for a home and Its future Is absolutely assured. INVESTMENTS $19,000 Two-story double brick house on Farnam Street, exceptionally well built, handsomely finished. Will pay good rate of Interest on Investment, leased to first class tenants. t.'l.Ooo for 1 brick houses of 10 rooms each, modern, hot water heat; income $2,600 per year; three blocks from post office. $24,000 2-story brick apartment house, apartments, all modern, hot water heat, nearly new, near 26th and Farnam St; In come $2,yt per year. tvS.000 3-story brick building, 66x66 ft., corner lot, near ltith St, business district; income $4.2io per year, and tenants make own repairs. Reasonable terms. 3ia2.OH.i-3-story and basement brlrk on 16th St., onlv 2 blocks from Cltv National bank building, corner lot, i:xir.2 ft. A safo investment, with a substantial in crease In value assured. Good Homes in Various Locations $11,500 for well constructed, 11-room, 1 story and attio modern house, finished In quarter-sawed oak, with large living room, corner lot. In West Farnam Dis trict, near 33d St. H.'iiA for 8-room home, In excellent con dition, best portion of Bemls Park, on Lincoln boulevard, oak finish, lot 66x161.1 feet. A verv low price. $6,600 for first classe 2-story modern res idence, on Wirt St. In Kountse Place, comer lot 84x124 feet, beautiful lawn, at tractive proposition. $4,600 for 7-room modern house, hot water heat, on South 22l Street, near Marcy St. Has oak finish first floor, is nearly new, small house In rear, owner leaving city and reduced prices for quick sale. 4,000 for T-room modern new home near 16th and Lothrop streets. One-fourth cash, balance monthly like rent. $3,500 for 6room, modern house, hot water heat, on Fowler Ave., east of 24th St. Good location. Want offer. $3,000 for southeast comer of 25th and Spauldtng Sts.; well hutlt 7-room modern cottage, two rooms finished on second floor; barn, lot 60x128 feet. Must be sold at once If gotten at this price. Terms easy. $2,700 for 1641 N. 19th St., 7-room, 2-story frame house, modern except heat. $1,950 for modern cottage, near 22d and Sprague Sts., having four exceptionally large rooms; barn, lot 60124 feet. $1,700 for double house, 3 rooms in each side, lot 40x115 feet, rental $LS per month; near 29th and Farnam Sts. A good In vestment. $1,860 for 6-room cottage, modern except beat on Bristol St., near 26th. lot 132 foet. $1,800 for 3227 Pratt St.; -room cottage, full lot; $376 cash, balance like rent. GEORGE & COMPANY, - CITY NATIONAL BANK. $6,000.00. ' NEW HOUSE. 3 rooms and butler's pantry and recep tion hall on first floor; 4 bed rooms and bath room on second floor: full basement, cemented floor; hot water heat; lot 67V-ft. front, located on the S. E, corner ot 36th Ave. and Poppleton St. Fine location near the Field Club house. Houses all new In this locality. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1606 Dodge St. 'Phone Doug. 41a. CORNERS IMPROVED 2 blocks from P. O., rents amount $1,440. Price. $J0,eiA. VACANT Near Crelghton college, faces 3 streets, all specials paid, $4.6u0. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1003 N. Y. Life. Doug or A-2162. 23 ACRES NEAR OMAHA CHEAP Small house, land all cultivated. Nowata 'Land and Lot Co., &x New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1U9 or A 1721. ON FARNAM STREET 8-room house, fully modern, large lot; $3,600, onlv tiiAl cash, baianoo easy. Nowata Land and Lot Co., &8 Nc-w York Lite Bldg. I'iiouu lieu lirtJ or A 1.21. '1WO AND A HALF ACP.ES, 6-ROOM HOUSE. large barn. - fruit, chicken house, floe aater, near paved street. Cheap. NOWATA LAND 4k LO l' CO., 668 N. V. L. Blug. Phones: Red 19l. A-17Z1. FOR 6ALE Two lots, 131x140, on south 16th St. near Vinton: all special taxes paid. Will aell as one piece or divide. Willing to aed at sacrifice. Apply at $26 South Ust St. WANTS A SMALLER HOME The owner of a fine home on 34th St., between Farnam and Dodge Sts.. will sell It fur $14,500 on terms, or take a well lo cated collage or bungalow In part pay ment. Home Is too large for his 'a.iujy of 3 persons. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Douglas 630. 1606 Farnam. Omaha. lrVOLOTS AT PRICE OF ONE MIxlTO f"et each; price, $ilIO; adjoining lots are nld at $.00 to M each. Nowata Lano and not Co., 6.'S New York Life Bidg. 'Phone Rfd WW or A 1721. FOR SALE Ellin t-room modern house, r.l.e neighborhood, iawn and trees, two blocks from c:ir ilr.e. walking distance from rltv hall; well aorth 4,0ua Make us an offer.. Phone Red 6100. OWNER Is havtnc rltv nnd will sell his new eight-room, all modern houne at a b-.rfculn. vestibule, I. ail. parlor, library and dining room; finished in oak; kitchen, PHiitiiea and four htdiooma In hard 'line; i ho ren location In Dundee. Phone Har ney U96. "About 60 flays ago we placed a small ad under Busi ness Chances. It has brought us more results than we have got through advertising In 10 or IS years. J. N. CA8ADY. JR.. CO. Investment Bankers. This is the way an Omiiha firm, which has been advertising in about every publication in Ne braska and Iowa, writes of Bee want ads. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKBTV FOR I1LH, Continued.) G.W.GARL0CH VERY CHOICE HOMES : No. 8f22 Lincoln Blvd , 8 rooms first floor finished In oak; with four bed rooms and bath on second floor; also outside room in rear; hot water heating; fins combination fixtures; house has flue kit chen, refrigerator room, extra large pan tries and every convenlenoe far an up-to-date home. Has large sttio room, full ce mented basement, permanent walks, plenty Of shade trees, with a south ironi view. This Is the most popular plan of a house that I build. Price trt.WO. No. 8M4 Lincoln lilvd . new -room house. Just completed; has kitchen, refrigerator room, large pantry, fine dining room, a living room 26 feet long with beamed cell ing; parlor and large reception room on first floor; finished in oak, except kitchen; with four large bed rooms and bath on seeond floor finished In birch and maple; also sleeping porch. Third floor Iisj room for two or three additional bed rooms, not completed. Entire house heated with hot water and lighted by both gas and elec tricity, with fine fixtures. The location Is Ideal, overlooking tho boulevard, with plenty of shade and everything that goes to make an ideal home. Price $6,8110. No. 3620 Uncoln Blvd.. 11 rooms, new and strictly modern, with dining room, living room, library, vestibule and reeCJitlon hail finished In oak; four bed rooms and bath on second floor, finished In birch, with maple floors; three good bed rooms on third floor, finished In yellow pine; every bedroom In the house has large closets; house Is heated with hot water; lighting fixtures are extra fine. This Is a south front, overlooking Pemls park and is Just acroHs the boulevard from the finest natural spring In the city. Price $7,200. G. W. GARL0CH ( Phone Harney 3079. 3704 Hawthorns Ava 50 ACRES Located four miles north of Florence on lower liver road; 10 acres bottom, 40 acres upland, orchard of 600 trees; fair dwelling, barn and outbuildings. Price only $6,000. A big bargain. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 312 Brandels Theater. REAL BARGAIN, NEW SIX-ROOM HOU8EJ. Just completed, all modern; has ball, parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bed room on first floor, with two bedrooms ami bath and large closets on second floor; has full basement, cemented; lot 46x130 ft. Located at 2727 N. 2sth Ave. Will be open Sunday afternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock. Piico, $2,)0. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St RAHE BAEGAIN ....... IN NEW BUNGALOW Must be sold at once. A 2-story bunga low; has 6 rooms, strictly all modern; new; Isrge reception hall, with colonnade open ing and seat; large living room, 2.icll; dining room has beam celling, panelled walls, plats rail and large window seat, all f.nlshed in onk; kitchen has maple floor and pine finish; second floor has two bed rooma and bath, with front and rear stair way to same; has full cemented basement. Price, 2. W0. Will make terms. Don't fall to see this. Located at 1X22 Manderson street. Will be open this after noon for Inspection. Call Douglas loot or lnd. A-1006. FOR SALE One of the finest corners in the West Farnam district. Splendid location for an apartment house. Only $li,600. Also offer the choice corner, 62x110 feet, at Dodge and 38th Ave., for $5,200. 60-foot frontage on 3Xth Ave., opposite Joseph Cudahy brick residence, $4,600. Hicks 21 Board of Trade Bldg MUST BB SOLD AT ONCE. One 7-room all modern residence tn West Farnam district, the very best ot every thing. Price $1600. One In Crelghton's 1st addition, 7 rooms and can bs bought for $4,0uu. Near 29th and Hamilton Sts. We have the best bargains you ever saw in a nine room house, offer wanted. Vacant lot at 44th and Farnam Sts.. south front, sidewalk, city water and sewer, $000. hVEA REAL ESTATE CO. 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 1534. FOlOiAIiGAIN imNTEBfT" 3K40 Seward street, a first-class residence, $ rooms and full lot. all modern except fur naces; paved street, all paid for; immedi ate possession. See this at once. If you want a genuine bargain. Price, $3.20, on very easv terms. Call -.'or key. F. T. WALKER & CO., 340-342 Brandels Theater Bldg. 'Phone iKiuglas rm 3174 LARiMOR'ji AVE., dandr large, new 6-room modern cottage home, built for a home; fine neighbor hood: fine large south front lot. See It today. Take A meg Ave. car. If sold at onre I will take $2,500. A few hundred cash, or other property considered In exchange. Call 68 Brandels Bldg- Doug. 1653; even Inga, Web. 4661. ' f str- pi V