n Plumbing Arthur O. Clanitxn. Architect. a, L . . M A, . , . l far-., THH OMAHA SUNDAY IW.K: OCTOBER 2.1. l!Hn. IlIELIREAL ESTATE C0SS1P C IX Armjrtnmg' and A. XL WaLh Form a Hew Sales Company. .'WHOLESALE ESTJLXCT BIO THEJQ JNaav Kiul T k-tW- mw He TJalas. rMlfta C rmdaln te Kxteaa Trawea 17 Jvksoa glut t, M Drains. Two biuilnns changes at geneiel Interest are annonneML Charles O. ArnMtrons: bu reslimed ths Tl praddencr of the D. V. Sholrs company to engage In business for tilmself In partnership with Arthur H. Walsh and 8. F. Itoatwlclc has art m vl re lations with tha PajTie, Boatwlck Slater company and la In bualncaa now by him self with offices In tha City National bank building. Tlia Armstrong-Walsh company, aa It will bo known, will be Incorporated In a day or two. The company's offices wlU be In the lirandels theater building;, tha ad drew being 210 South Seventeenth street. Accordingly for next door neighbor the new firm will have the Byron Reed com pany. Doth members of tha firm are well known In Omaha and Nebraska. Mr. Arm 1 strong has been in the real estate business here fur ten years, nearly all this time with the Bholes company, and has been vlie president of this for five years past Mr. Walsh cams here from Lincoln a few years ago to manage the real estate de partment of the Heneon-Myers company. Hefore that ha waa manager of the Marshall-Walsh company of the capital city, which did a real estate and Insurance business. The new firm, which will have a large working capital, will make a specialty of pelllng real estate and fire Insurance. A good rial of business already has been pledged to it. ' The biggest real estate subject afloat Is the Union Pacific's project for a new Wholesale and Jobbing district on Jackson street. The matter has not developed much the last few days owing to the opposition of some property owner to .trackage up this thoroughfare, but that It will ulti mately come about, and before very long at that, there Is not much room for doubt. The wholettale district must expand, and at once, although Its present areas are large. No objection will be registered to Increased trackage up the alley between Jackson and Leavenworth, and sooner or later tracks must run west up Jackson. The wholesale district has expanded to tha north with rapid encroachment upon the least admirable part of Omaha and predictions have long been current that the Inhabitants of this district would be fore long be forced to go somewhere else because o warehouses taking place there. Just for the present this movement has stopped a little, although new wholesale and depot buildings are going up In this neighborhood, and the movement probably oon. will be resumed because the whole sale district is bound to expand In almost every direction except east, where location Is undesirable even if possible. . The jobbing houses of Omaha are grow ing with tremendous strides. Each year the big houses increase their . business IS to 26 per cent, and as new territory is set tled to the westward the business will grow even faster. Many of the jobbing bouses are now and have for some time been cramped for room and more floor pace Is imperative. This Is no mere wordy boast Only last week It was announced that tha Lee-Glass-Andreesen company will double Its present building and tha King man Implement company announced that H must have tnuoh mora room. Several other houses have likewise definitely stated that they must build bigger homes, and others not yet announced are known to be planning bigger facilities. This Is true of several along tha Tenth -street viaduct and of others also In the neighborhood. The question was raised at last Wednes day's meeting of tha Real Estate exchange as to whether tha exchange deserves the title. ' -We talk of everything but real estate bare," said D. C. Patterson, chairman of tha committee on revision of tha by-laws. Mr. Patterson was aaklnc members tor advice on tha subjects desired by his oom xnltiea to report upon. "I have examined tha by-laws of other exchanges," said he, "and I find that Most of them have to do chiefly with aulas for oonduct of sales and deals on the floor of tha exchange. These exist largely to promote actual buarnaea. while oar body baa been working alone other nea somewhat, although, of course, most Useful onesv. Mr. Patterson's quocrtJmj was not snrared. but too topic wlU ba up at the coming meeting. Mr. Patterson waa considerably in evt- cVmoa at tha last meeting. A aaw mem ber, Mr. Tata of tha Tate-Br hart firm. mad his maiden speech and In conclu sion submitted an offer to bo of any lasristanoa I can to other members of this body.' Mr. Patterson rose and said ho had HQ lots or so which bo had been troubled getttnc rid of and Mr. Tata could oblige by buytnc them at a good pxlca. . I 4 s g ' 1 Hr M 11 M U k H.J , , ..... z2 1 a 44 Tee - 1 ' : ..... m l to . I . , ,x . 1 4 En 1-1 CVi-. IS-. 1 4 - i ARCMlTWiT n noon. a I J I w B can hardly realise that there was once a time when the idea of having plumbing in a home and all the sanitary conven iences which go with it was both ridiculed and condemned. In some cities the doctors declared it was not sanitary and In several instances health laws were passed prohibiting it. Such Is the skepticism which all great Improve ments have to battle. We are going through very much the same program with vacuum cleaner today. Many x-ole think It Impossible to properly clean a house without the old-time druggery with every thing In the house turned topsy-turvy. Still, It Is done with less work and incon venience than giving a home an old-fashioned dally sweeping, and done better, too. The prophecy Is that In a few years a home will not be considered complete with out its vacuum cleaning system and It wilt be considered as indlspenslble as the modern bath room or heating plant. There are some things which go Into the construction of home in which one can vary the quality without noticeable effects, but plumbing and heating are not among them. If tho difference between letting the poorest or best plumber In the city do your work -4s only a matter of J!j0 or $75, give It to the best pl(imber and pay him his price. You will find that( It will not only be a saving of as much' or more expense later on, but will in fact prove a good Invest ment, paying you a good return for your money through the constant saving of re pairs. There are a hundred and more ways in which an Incompetent plumber can slight his work and not have It noticeable to the average man until the house is plastered, papered and the plumbing given practical use. As a rule It Is not until ths decora- MR. CLAUSEN'S BOOK "Ths Art, Bolsnca and Bentlmsnt of KomebullcUng." 30 chapters, 300 lllusti atlons and a thousand facts on the planning and designing of every kind of home. It covers a wide range of subjects, In cludltiK the planning of bungalows, suburban and city homes, letting contracts. chooHlng materials, proper depln of entrances, windows.- fire places, etc. Price, postpaid, 1.00. Address, Arthur O. Clausen, Archi tect, 1136-37-38 Lumber Exchange, MlnnsapoUs, Minnesota. two elements, ilnt and soap grease, are responsible for most of the stoppage In a plumbing system. There Is probably a greater variety In the cost and quality of plumbing fixtures than anything else In the building business. It Is best to leave their selection (when the cost Is limited) to the architect, who will specify goods consistent with the size and cost of the house. If something special Is wanted, or the architect's services are not available, it is better to make selec tions from the homes of friends who have given them practical use than to accept the dealer's word for them or select from catalogues. The maker's name can always be found on all of the best fixtures. Lava tories (wash basins) come in a great va riety of styles, some of them an ornament to any room. Bath tubs do not vary so much In shape, but vary a great deal as to price and quality. They range in price from $18 to $125, and, as one plumber put It, "A man can take as clean a bath In a cheap tub as an expensive ens." But the ft Cannftefcae!. wbo ugo holdings) ha tha central part of Flor ida to Cay, Patnain, Bradford and Anv atum oownilesy ba tba heart at too garden and aajrtrnHaral dartrict aava report by talaaxaph from that section to tba select no osimiga waa dona by ths storm la neighborhood. main point Is how many more baths a man can take in otie tub than in another. A tub costing from $30 to $S0 is a Rood, serviceable tub, having a guarantee on the enamel and is good enouRh for 'he average man. Anything costing more t than this is for style, it Is folly to buy a fixture which Is not guaranteed by the makers, a i-here waste of money. The low-down tank toilet is the only kind now used In modern homes. A toilet should bo selected for the quantity of material and Its noiseless qualities. Some toilets make a noise like a cataract, others are almost unheard in thei next room. The sink should always be lat;i and enameled Inside with a twelve-inch back. An enameled Iron drain board Is not prac tical. Those who have them regret the fact, for they berak too many dishes. Vetroware wash tubs are the best, but cost more than slate or stone tubs, which are more commonly used. A drain In tho laundry floor Is always convenient. The down spouts when not connected with the cistern should be connected with the sewer and always carried around the outside of the basement wall. They should never be connected with the sewer pipe in under the house, since a heavy rain will some times back water out of the basement fixtures. northwestern Expanded Metal Co, 04 Van Ccren St., Chicago Manufacturers o! IE La the Standard Material for COHCERTE nEiUFGRCEMEHT in floors, sewers, roofs, bridges, pavements, Write for pampbiSs con taining full information. etc. 500 bushels ol Po tatoes to the Acre vr ULi Know lUal iioialui-a aii X always slupiu. i'oiatotB Ul. line gold, iuu markets lluctuaid very little ou potatoes. Ana li you have GOU1) potatoes yoa CAN ALWAYS FiAD A MArt KK'f FOB '1 HEM. This Is toe uiohI remarkable potato country lu ALL '1 HE WOULD. Tuj Snake Kiver Valley bus been kuown to produce KfClIT HU.N UKliO AND KIK'l V XSUSIIELd W POTATOES TO lllK ACKL. You cuu KAiSSK POl'ATOKsi l. THIS VALLEY. UAIsJE THEM AND GET MONEY l-'OH THEM Write to us about this. We have the most luwuUimit ly Illustrated booklet written about tlil.i, Tilt!: 1 W IN 1'AL.1. TllACT In .South ern lOuno. Hint lui I. eeii rinle.l for a long wnilc. it is imgiity In forming, too. IT IS 1-Kh.fc, A.Nii Wfc. WILL. SliND iiNl'J COPY TO YuU IF YOU Wll.l, JU.Sl W1UTK A I'OSTAL CAIIU Kli gttSi Wltll'li I'ODAY. J. E. WHITE 1 WIN F..LLo.lDAH t AWN.NCS AWNINGS AWNINGS Taken Down, Repaired and Stored for the ft inter. Rates Reasonable. Omaha Tont & Awning Co. Phone- Doug. 883; Ind. A 1883. 11th and Harnoy Sta' A EX TOTT QOINO TO BUY LANS? No tanner nhoul.1 tiunk i f 1 . u 1 n a home l,f tori- KceinK a copy of our journal. It has laml. city properly and stocks of poods advertised In It from every stuto in the union, so that you can find just what you wish In Its columns. It reaches U, 000 readers each issue. Advert ihIiik rates 2c per word. Send 1 for 2 month' trial subscription. It will lie mopped at ths end of 2 months unless you renew. Farm and meal Estats Journal, Trasr, Iowa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Dollar Per Year. INVESTMENTS Tha first Investors In the townstte of Twin Falls, I laho, have sold out, In tome Instances, at a profit of over 1000. The land on which the Twin Kalis Hank & Trust Co. crcctod liirir graiuie and steel construction bank building today IS WCAITH TEN THO I) MA hi) TLME8 WHAT THH FIRST Pl'KCHASKR PAID FOB IT. Ther are opportunities like this at Albion. Let ns point the war. We ran double your money If yon will let us. ALBION REALTY CO., Albion, Idaho 1 r-asa ir a it inn s Ton dont "OVXBB" nor "RECKON" nor "OAXCrULATE" when yon ars fannlnr oa ths Oakley project. A tirantio Irrigation system which Impounds all of Goose Greek, mazes iarming- at Oakley steady, atus, sure. Buy land in Idaho cheap, on credit. A fine, sandy loam, deep and arable, with here and there areas of volcanic ash, provide here the ideal hay, grain, alfalfa and winter-keeping apple district of the world. Don't take our word for it, write for our free booklet and letters of information. OAKLEY IHVESTMEWT CO. OAKLEY, (CASSIA COUNTY) IDAHO. . - - ' 1 Ill 'cAo ut ; u,.U i 1 ill L I I 1 ' co"-o V-v . . i; I I. a URJL'rCOtf. out Ml A . ' I 111 M3SOU, A H i first Slasa I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 II II I II I X I I I II ' - I 111 Ml I III 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! II U-.a, ."N t ' 111 sst 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 11 in - t---r- 'i . " - " J ;. - , . ..... , ... . . 1 f 'iiiiiif III Mniiiiiii1 r farm predues of asrr deacrtption, I u. til II I .. .. . U . ' Evsrythlns is favorabia riaass WtUTS I M i 'ill!! This comparison shows the remarkable similarity between trie iraae positions 01 umana ana l-ocaieiio, ni- s i . ata ay uiNeui. 1 l 11. 1 tlons are ruined, the plasterinc falls, the carpets ruined, the fixtures come loose from their fastenings, the enamel peals off of the tub and tha floor Is torn up by an other plumber during subsequent repairs that a homebullder finds that he made a mistake In letting his contract to the man with a low price Instead of to the man with a food reputation. This Is not saying that the man who happens to submit the lowest estimate Is not competent, for he may be simply the lowest of several competent men, but very often a home builder will obtain estimates from everyone he can, and In this case the low man la often the one who will get the largest profit, because he baa not figured on good work. 'Whenever It is possible and does not In terfere with the arrangement of rooms de sired, It Is beat to plaos the bathroom plumbing, kitchen sink and laundry tubs ail on one stack. This arrangement Is the cheapest, but when doing so would moan to plan the entire home different than the arrangement desired, than a home builder la Justified In varying from this rule, tor the cost of an extra vent shaft la not a great Ham, not enough to stand between a homebullder and a desirable ar rangement of his rooms. Another guod rule to remember Is that the toilet should always be placed aa near the perpendiou lar stack as practicable and have as little horlaonlai run of the toilet waste pipe be tween the fixture and stack as posaibla Also have aa few bends in the waste pipe loading from tha tab aa posaibla It is la these bends that lint and soap grease gather ana atop up the passage. Those A Really Poor Showing .ores Carer Aet landi tbs rich that lla out of doors. There Is ve T am dolns mere than thar wiiac we want ALL THS LU DO Want a MAKE B HI (Jit. win roaa a proposition ts ths right mas. Buhl, Idahe, Is the market fS.OAO aorss Carer At landi land that lla out of doors Cheap aleatrlo powsr gained from ths falls sf ths ansae river. TSere are oceans farm preduoe of every description. thins is favorabia riaass WRIT lT oncbl Ten can satisfy reursslf about this If yeu will writs te ma at ones. I can sead you a booklet shewing JUST WHAT TH1 aUCTION MA TO P riuNDONtJiust WHAT IT WILL IK OK TOU. Writs for tha book. It seats bathing aad Daay taeaa a f ertuas te yeiL Address O. X. MoQUvWir, SMivton BtTBIi OOlsV aBCKAX, C2.Cn. acaal. This comparison shows the remarkable similarity between the trade poeitlons of Omaha and Pocatello, Ba 1 roada converge bar aad every opportunity la present for any alert man who eeeka comfort, ease and plenty. Complete reports of building operations in tXO are only now available and In building circles tbere Is much gratification over the tact that of the total expended, some $930, 00.003, over 7 per oent was for "flre-re-eiating 'buildings' aa unusually high per centage. Kx parte now explain that that figure Is mli-leading, la that 'many take it to mean "fireproof" buildings. By "flre resittting It appears tho authorities mean everything that is not wholly of wood, frame construction be of wood, are so and tin roofs, though all their floor and partition construction be of wood, are so called, buildings that oould only "reolat" fire a vary little while. As a matter of fact, tbe really "ft reproof' construction, that Is, buildings with walla of atone or brick and all the framing of steel protected with hollow fl reproofing tile or some sub stitute protection, only amounted to 14 per cent of ths wnole. And In most of these the owners only elmed at protecting the structure, they did not enclose the stairs and elevators, protect ths windows or do half the vefy necessary things to save the Uvea and oontents in thoae buildings. Tbe hollow tils will protect ths steel and ths external wall will not burn, or ths roof, but the tenants' furniture and papers and property can all "be destroyed. Thaae men have occupied thoae buildings unVr the Impression that they era safe, and they are fairly so as far as the owners' ir.ierett Is at stake, but not Insofar as the. tenants' Interests are oonoerned. Of the really fire proof, absolutely fireproof construction, where fire can do but a very amall par oentum of damage to building or contents, only a hand Jul were built in 1, scrcely H per oent of the entire expenditure. And the disquieting feature about it all is that while our population has increased 74 per cent In thirty years our fire losses have Increased U4 par cant In the sanis period. wrrsaw ft O.tlXI2AMP00 (laaaru(f stemover) Look for the above filn In your barber chop tell the barber A Fitch Shampoo" then jude lor yourself whether it has merits. ACREAGE " TRACTS FOB Tllfi INVESTOR OB FOB THE SMALL FARMER rr HIS l our specialty. From I One to One 't housand acres. This business is made to trve your interests. No ttuux of mooey, however small, la two small to get our best attentloa Aad no sum, however large, is too large to tax our capacity to TO PLACE AND PLACE WITU PBOF1T TO TBIi! LNVESXOU. We would like to have you write to us for our booklets, literature and o'her Inform Hon. We are sure that you want to know about IDAHO. It la tbe last West and tbe rap Idly growing section of the United States. Here you can make big profits on small In vestment. Land can be booth t on credit. Write Ri'bt Nov, Write Telij GRAY a GRAY ISVESTMICNTS. POCATELLO.. .IDAHO YOU HAVE got to know about Pocatello. It offers the most supreme opportunity for in vestment, safe, secure, and bound to pay that the entire west shows forth today. Pooatello is a city; in every sense of the word Poca tello is a city. Small, yet, to be sure, but it is the center of a vast industrial area, all of which must pay tribute to this eagw, earnest growing oity; the entrepot for all the mining, agricultu ral and commercial wealth of Idaho. And I want you to know about Poca tello. That's why 111 send a wonder fully beautifully book free of any sort of cost. I am not in the real estate business. But I do own property in Pocatello and I want to see it grow. I know that you will want to invest money in Pocatello when you know as much about it as I do. That's why I want you to send for this free book. I invested my money in Pocatello be cause I absolutely knew that it would grow to be a biff city and I also know that every single family that comes to Pocatello will raise the value of my property. I know that you will come to Pocatello, once you know the su preme chances that await the earnest, sober, industrious young man. Re member, then This Is a Frco Dcok And that I want you to have it without expense. Of course I own property in Pooatello. Of course I will profit by the growth of the city. The days of pure altruism aren't here, not yet. But that doesn't hurt the value of the book to you. The cover alone would sell for fifty cents in any art store. The pic tures are really beautiful, and the in formation ia it is valuable to any man who seeks to better his condition. Please remember that the country won't do it all. Please remember that Idaho has no more room for drones than has any other state. Please re member that when you come to Idaho you'll have to work just as everyone else does. But it's a pleasayt place to work; beautiful scenery, pure water, and good neighbors. The soil is the most fertile on earth. And I can put you in the way of making a great deal of money where now, perhaps, you are having to bo satisfied with a living. Write for the book. Do it now. You've got to know about Pocatello. And the men who know first are the ones who will win most. Write right now! Write today I FREE j 0 P3 E K L L Pocatollo, Idaho FREE asasassaj