4' Tin; r.HH: omaiia, Saturday, ocronnn 2:. lnin. SPECIAL SAI M FALL WEAK AT ERANDEIS STOKE tYE ,nu 200 "f TTV l1TBrHTcJj ThH, stun. 1 i 'XKLLi M ral nine iTvii;ikJ 1 1 Mf.j!tif, .,,) Hat. All Are Models Tltow a mis Have A l tnlrrxl Theae n f 11 1 1 r ui Htm in the Window. . An Extraordinary Special Sale French PATTERN HATS We secured through our foreign buyer two hun dred exquisite new fall and winter models, designed by famous Parisian milliners. The newest approved shapes and richest trim mings. Every bat I a a individual model. There are no duplicate. Finest MRemblage of new win ter models ever shown at such a price, stun ning French hats, at only one-half to one-third their value. Special to; 11 Y 1 0 Hisses' Fail Hats at 98c to $5 New felu, new beavers, new fur bonnets all novelties and trimmed with ribbon rosettes, little flowers, silk bands, sashes, etc. diub brooms and sailors as well as pokes. DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES FATBITT MBDXCIsTES. 60c Milk's Emulsion- 2Sc 60o Syrup of Flea 45o 35c Castorta Z2a 11.00 Dydla Plnkhama Vege table Compound S9o 11.00 Duffeye Pure Malt ,.lo 11.00 Smith's Oreen Mountain Renovator 6o UBB OOODB. "tic Hot Water Bottle 4o 11.26 Jlot Water Bottla . ...8o "fie Fountain Syringe 49c Dcautilul New Voile Skirts Styles are all new and the quality and fabrics are high grade. All the new features for 1110. Black and correct fall colors CIA Saturday, at 1V m 1 Best Silk Petticoats Ever Offered in Omaha for $5.00 Saturday 12.50 Fountain Syringe ...$1.7 II. "5 Fountain Syringe . ..$1.21 TOILET ASTZOI.Bg. 26o Lilac Talcum 7a 260 Sanltol Tooth Powder ,.14 25c Colgate's Dental Paste.. 20o 16c Sosodont llo 25o Buttle Hydrogen Proxlde, So tOc Violet Toilet Water .... 8o 60o Locust Blossom Perfume at 2c SOo Java Rica Powder 27o 1-lh. i0 Mule Team Borax, tto 6 Cakea Ivory Soap 1 8c .10c William's Skating Soap, 4c Cot Flower Department Main Floor A large quantity of fine carnations, on sale Saturday, doz. 3f Boston Ferns, worth up to 76c, at 35 Also a big sale of fine Chrysanthemums and roues. i I 1 ? F, m F ,S. V it i 1 Is! 1 k 11:. I UL I ., . -f V, Voi An ien's Suits and For Fall and Winter Made of very high grade rustling taffeta, many elaborately trimmed. Black, white r aa and evening shades, at p9av V ailk rrttlooats In blacka, street ahadea and even ing shades, will go on aale at Coats $3.98 2S $15 Fashionsear ' Suits for Women Here are the style aristo- :i crnts for fall and winter. The most fashionable and highest t .'. nlnca wnmon 'a t.iilnrod Kiiita th?lt Kell nt R medium DTiee. . .. 1 ... Waioran wnvpn Kip.inll v fnr 1 fishionseal V. suits. Beautiful assortment at ' Women's Uq-to-Date Tailored Suits at $15 Practical well tailored wool suits black and all the favorite colon. Scores of smart new arrivals to sell Saturday, for Highest Class Tailored Suits These suits are the most charming and elaborate of the new suit styles. Splendidly tailored and made of the best selected materials. The mod els are the newest and cleverest of the JJJ 3D(i $49 Stunning New Winter Coats at $15 and $19 Here are those swagger new long coats. In the classy mixture and novelty cloths, as well aa plain tailored blacks, some plaid backs, some satin lined braid trimmed or plain tailored, made In the fitted and semi- 8rr,:n:.r..l.V.0: $15 and $19 Women's New Long Black Coats at $10 These coats are made of broadcloth, fully satin lined, also hun dreds of heavy mixture coats for practical winter wear .$10 House Dresses Ct,mn(ni fJaut 5i1V- and flrttVi HxaeoAa at tlQ twA t7 Jfl m With the new sleeves and the ultra fashionable shackled effects all the lavorue coiors, i q qsii.au Long kimonos, dressing cacques, bath robes and house robes, a new showing, 4 at $1.50 10 $19 Tailored Waists The new pleated styles, some with embroidered fronts, pret- .mtade: $1.50 Black Satin Coats All the newest Ideas in these popular satin cloaks, beauti fully made, at At 11 $49 & $59 Showing of Furs We. are allowing the late.it Ideas In fura. Exquisite fur coata, ecarfa, muffs and matched aeta; an extremely attractive showing. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S WINTER CLOAKS Specially Priced All the' newest and prettiest girlish styles in suits, dresses, eoats, etc. Larger assortment than ever. Childrens coats, in all ages 1 to 14 years. Bearskins and various kinds of cloths new style 4 .98 features-worth up to $5.00-at '. . .vl"VU Children's bearskin coats, ages G to 14 years, all colors correct 1910 styles, quilted linings, Q 5 A V regularly sell at $8 and $10, at ipO.UU Another Shipment Velvet Velooae Htiora. All the IUg. 1 11111 amrTnir-" I (JJI.P,iff 1 KleRant line Kvenlng 8llppar for Every FanhlonabU Oi'caalon, Women's Fall Shoes t Shoes of high quality that combine comfort and style. Shoes that are well made, correctly fitted and designed for practical wear. Women's tip-to-date shoes, gun metal, calf, patent Aft f chrome and kid all guaranteed V"WW Women's fine footwear In all the new fall and winter lasts and ir'T'T.1'! .gro!,p,. . . . , $3.G0.$3.50-$4.00 Mat kid shoes, also bench made ffr AA n, a a patent kid shoos, at ).VU UlIU 0aUU Wo sell the famous Red Cross Shoes for women. Tbey need no breaking in. Oof Beauty Shop in Pompeian Room The moat perfectly equipped, beautifying- entabllahment In the world. No apprentice. Expert work dellgrhtful aurmundlng. reaaon able charge. Mftho.le absolutely safe and reliable. Kclentlflo treatment of the hair, aralp and complexion. Delicate manicuring. tnoroupn anampooins. apeciai coiriurea deelirned and hair dying;. Appointments made by phone. Bargains in Hair Goads Pompeian Room and Second Floor Cluster Puffs 18 puffs in clue tar, $4.00 values S1.8S Cluster Pufra Mada of first qua lit v hair, $8.00 values S4-M Human Hair Straight Switches 18-Inch, short stem, best quality, former price fl.50, special ...,60 20 and 22-Inch Switches, $3.50 and $3. BO vaJuea, apect&l 14-Inch, made of fin hair, ZH-ox.. IS. 00 values, apeclal ...94.98 ' Witt Hair Switches 22-Inch, Natural Wavy Former price $8.00, special Vl.l 24- Inch, Natural Wavy Former prlca $7.00, apeclal M-Sa 25- lnch, Natural Wavy Former price $10.00, special 9.S Kxtra Large Hlxe Nets. for 60 Extra Large Blue Heal Hair Nets Former price J 60, special, 1 for - ao Washable Hair Rolls 75c values 40 fj Broken lots and sam ples mens heavy fleece and wool Un derwear shirts and drawers, worth up to 85c, at , v , t 290 nd 39? ' BIG SATURDAY SPECIALS IN ERANDEIS BASEMENT Men's and boys' Sample SWEATER COATS Brown, blue, green, etc., worth Q lip to 1, at. . : Child ren'i Russian Over coats, 3 to 8 years $1.98 Boy s $6. SO Military Over coats, all col ors, at $3.50 Boy a' $3.50 knlcke rbocker Suits, good cheviots $1.98 Boys' 11- Cor- duroyKnkker bockers. QIQ Men's 52. DO Working Pants t 51.25 Women's and children's fast black seamless hose, 16c qual ity, pair 10c Women's fleece lined combina tion suits worth $1, at 69c C h 1 1 d r e n's fleece 1 1 n ed underwear worth tip to 7uc, at, each, 49c Misses', boys' and girls fleece lined Under wear and Un ion Suits 89c and ... 25 Boys' Guaran teed Shoes $1.50 Men's box calf and valour calf shoes 81.98 Women's welt sewed vlcl-kid, patent tip shoes button and lace at . $1.98 Young men's small slxe OVERCOATS 34 to 86 worth to 110.00, ' at ".!:... -...$5.oo Motes Swws, (Smmi For Kx-Omahans Numerous nodal affuira are planned for next week In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. tieorno N. Hobeits of Boston, formerly of Omaha. Mrs. Roberts Is spending this week as the guest of Mrs. R. E. Harris and numerous Informal affairs have been planned for each day this week and next. Yesterday an Informal luncheon was given at the Henshaw. Mr. Roberts will arrive Sunday to spend the week In Omaha and Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baum, Jr., will enter tain at dinner In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts; Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Walter Preston will give a dinner party. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Harris will entertain at their home Velneday evening. Thursday evening a theater party will- be given at the American Music hall for Mr. and Mra. Roberta by Mr. and Mrs. William Hill Clarke, " W. W. Hhlnn, W. P. Oerke, K. W. French. O. P. Olson. K. W. Btit'.er, C. J. Morriam, C. P. 8. Tobtn. D. Mills. J. K. Muckley. C. J. Corkhlll, Ruth Dillon. Ethel Butler. Jessie Corkhlll, Marie French and Dorothy Merrlam. Mrs. David Northrup entertained one of the bridge clubs at hr home yesterday afternodn. For luncheon the guests were seated at one table, which had a pretty decoration of Hallowe'en novelties. The guests were: Mesdames 'Chester Ktemm, It. II. Knapp, J. W. Peters, l.lnderholm. Misses noma City, Corlnne tamuelvn. Pleasures Past Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Anderson entertained at dinner funday for. Mr. MJckelJohn. The other guests were Miss Anna Bliss of Blue Hill, Misses Hazel and Helen An derson and Mr. Anderson. Miss Alma Thornton entertained informally last even ing for Miss Anna Bliss of Blue Hill. Saturday Miss Helen Anderson will give a dinner iu her compliment. Complimentary to Mrs. Frank MoCaftery. who was formerly Miss Mary Flyna of Boston, Mra. J. A'. C. Kennedy enter tained a few friends Informally at bar home this afternoon. Two tablea were placed for the game of bridge. Mrs. Olaf Anderson entertained at cards Thursday afternoon In her new home, Klghteeenth and Laird atresia. The prixea were won by Mra. C. Lanstrom, Mlaa Helen Ohman and Mra. A. Ohman. Thoee preaent were Mrs. J. Nelson, O. Larson, A. J. Stanley. O. Young. C. Lanstrom, A. Ohman. Mlsa Carrie Beckttrom, Ingaborg Anderson and Miss Helen Ohman. " 1 Mra C. J. Corkhlll entertained yesterday afternoon for the members of the Lotus High Five club. Those present were . MesUamea Daniel Horrigan, U. A. Magney, Mesdamea Her rod, Ralph Berg. O. i. Purdy, O. W. Thompson, Misses Berg, Kansas City, Klsle Kvans. uranajean or Okia- Mra. Jackson entertulued a Kensington club at her bom Wednesday afternoon. Those present were: Mesdamea Mesdamea J. Mi Arthur, X. H. Wilson, H. A. Brown, H. C. Dunn, ' J. Walsh, BMiolkea, T Stoddard, ilausan, Uowen. Deuel, S. Hail, D. W. Dudgeon. T. D. Wilson. Mlsa Marie Johnaou entertained at lunch eon at her home Wednesday In honor or her birthday. The table had a centerpiece of red roses and covers wete laid for: Misses Misses Adelaide Wilson, Mildred Thompson, Helen nransen, Alice SoreiiHen, Helen Thompson, Kuth Nelson. Margaret Porter, Marie Johnson. Following the annual luncheon and elec tion of officers of the alumnae of the Sa cred Heart convent yesterday, a delightful musicale was given. Several compoMltlons of Chopin and Shubert for the piano were given by Mr. lix Landow. a Moaart sonata. and a group of violin numbers were given by Mr. Henry Cox, assisted by Mr. Lan dow at the piano. Mr. Thomaa J. Kelly gave several vocal solos. Including an aria by Handel and songs by Robert Frana, Peter Cornelius, Louise Relchardt and Mra. Beach. Personal Gossip Mrs. George N. Roberts of Boston, for merly of Omaha, haa arrived to visit Omaha friends and la at present the guest of Mrs. H. K. Harris. Mr. Roberts is ex pected Sunday and will pend a week In Omaha. Mrs. Kilinund V. Krug of St. Louis, who is the guest of her mother. Mrs. John F. Coad, will remain until Monday evening. Mlsa Elizabeth Patterson of Denlson, la., is the guest of Mlaa Miriam Patterson until after the Wing-Moorhead wedding Satur day evening. Miss Anna Bliss of Blu Hill, Mo., la the guest of Mlsa Helen Anderson and will spend November in Omaha. . Mra. M. J. "Anderson and Mlas Hacel Anderson left Wednesday for Chicago, where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Thomas Lynch and Miss Helen F. Lynch have returned from a ahort tour through Oreat Britain and Ireland. Mrs. Irving Baxter has returned from an extended stay In the east. Mr. i. M. Fairfield has returned from New York. Mrs. R. G. MoUrew of Fort Steele. Wyo.. who haa been islttng Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew for a few weeks, left today for a short slay In Denver befie returning home. What Women Are Doing Physical Exhaustion When you feel weak, tired out, and un refreshed by Bleep or when your appetite and cligrestion are jvoor, you will find it use invaluable. IIORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Voa-aJcoaoUc) At the Clubs Mrs. C. O. Tlmage entertained at an en joyable children's party this afternoon at the club In honor of her little daughtei. Doria Taltnage. The children present were Misaes Doris Talmage. Katlierlne Warner. Martha Dox. Alice Klinberley. Ruth Kimhorle). Kathertne Welby. Dorothy Car- mlr.hael. Roweiui Plxley. Maulers i exley Miller. Baldwin Yonson Jack Kalis. V Milam Kaha. Billy Hush. Mlaaea Mildred Klopp. Mildred Crow ell. Lllxabeth Wetr- fleid. Helen Howes. KAei n Vole. Dorothy J odds. lKrothy Hint-lair. Masters Henry Fonda. Ward Peterson, btuart Kdaerley. Allien KlUck. Kenneth Uhepard. MvUsaes Maffia. Quarter cupful of mulise, three heap ing taaspoontuls of hiking powder, one quarter teasvonful of aalt. three eggs, one-half a cupful of tullk. one cupful of flour and three-fourths cupful of rye meal. Mix and sift dry Ingredients; add remain ing liigredienta; beat well; drop from a spoon Into smoking hot fat to a golden color; drain and aerve. For the Future Mrs. J.- U!uckbas Issued invitations for a Iarg4 luncheon to be given next Thursday at the Rome hotel. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Benson will have twenty-five guests at dinner next Tuesday evening at Happy Hollow. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Returns. Mlsa Mary Baumer la the president of the Baorsd Heart Alumnae. Bhe was elected at the, etKhth annual meeting, which in cluded aa apeclal parts of Its pleasant pro gram, held at the acaUenHy Thursday aft ernoon, a' luncheon and a mulscale. Mrs. W. U. Colling was chosen vice pres ident; Miss Mary Furay, recorder. Miss Marie Woodward waa re-elected treasurer and Miss Adele Moores secretary. The central committee for the Women's National Missionary Jubilee at its last meeting held this week at the First Congre gational church, found thai plans for the meetings October 27 and M had progressed to a pleasing state of completeness. There is every prospect, therefore, that these meetings will not be only largely attended by the women Interested In the mission work of their various denominations, but that the roll of speakers will include many prominent on the national boards. A luncheon is planned for Friday after noon at 12:3) and will be served at the Rome hotel. This festivity in open to all women Interested In what the jubilee cele brates the fiftieth anniversary of women's organisation for the promotion of interest in missions. Tickets for the luncheon may be obtained at Welnlander & Smith's after October 20 and before October ft. These jubilee meetings, In which women Of all denominations are Invited to take part, are Interesting wjnicn of nearby towns and the Omaha workers who will entertaia the visitors expect a good at- , tendance from outside of Omaha. The committee was entertained at lunch eon by the Trtstate Federation of the Chris tian church societies. Mrs. Earnest F. Johnson, president of the Omaha Association of Collegiate Alumnae, who has been attending the national con vention of the college women at Denver, Is ex pec ed home Saturday morning. The first meeting of the Omaha chapter Is to be held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Crelgh, Jr., 8116 Dodge street. Mrs. Albert Noe, who has recently re turned from Cincinnati where she attended the triennial meeUng of the Woman's auxil iary to the Board of Missions of the Episco pal church, calls atentlon to the fact that the offering of $242,110.(3 of which so much newspaper comment haa been made, waa a "m-oman's offering." At each convention the women make this thank offering, but this year's amount was larger than ever before. Visit Peacock's When In Chicago Peacock's is not a house devoted exclusively to expensive articles, as some who have never been inside our doors may imagine. We pride our selves on the value we give, whether in a f$ bracelet or a $5,000 neck lace. Our bi showcases abound with many unique Christmas sugges tions of genuine quality and merit at very nominal prices. If you do your Christmas shopping here, we feel auurtd you will not only satisfy yourself thoroughly but you will nave money. We can Rive you satisfaction within your limit becaui we have ths necessary experience and facilities. Send for Peacock's Shopping Guide. It's free. It wiU'enable you to make leiec tions from our store by mail if you do not come to the citv. It It published especialry for our out-of-town customers. You will find it helpful full of many tuiffrestions and, the rhancei are, it will save you money. You can count the days to Christinas we sut'gest thxt you act p'omptly. rcama't kvyal Utnt Puiiik Is io sais at r dty at Zk. 5c u4 7 s skm C. D. Peacock lkvters, Dlassead Merekaala, Jewelets, S II e rsat like Slate at Aelaaas St, Ckieage) Serious Lacerations and wounds are healed without danger of blood poisoning by Bucklen's Arnica KaJve, the healing wonder, "uc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. DO YOU VAI1T A Gold Watch? -You Can Have Your Choice, Elgin or Walt ham Movement, Fully Guaranteed, Absolutely FREE Send us the name and address of some one whom you know Is going to buy a inano or Player Piano, and after we sell them an Instrument we will give you your choice of an Klgin or Walt ham movement. In a beautiful gold case, guar anteed for twenty vears. This wat:h ill nut n,t vou one cent. You do not hsve to solve any puxxle or ent'T any contest whatsoever. We have adopted this business like method of obtains prospective piano buyers' ran.es and addresses. Yiur name alii, not oe mentioned In the transition unless you request It. The cusuuner a ill have to -ay no mors for Hie piano and we will ask you to do nothing but to give us the name and ad dress.. if we had canvassers working fi,r us. the same aa other houses have, iln-v wm;id do no more than ae ank you to do. find Ink out who Is going to buy a piano. There fore you can plainly se how we an affud to give away then beautiful aaiclies, hk eroryoi' kuiws thatt ha oune of W liuiol ler 4 Mueller emylws im cauasscrs. Saturday . Specials "Useful Things at Little Price." One Day Only, Saturday, Oct. 22 Carpet Department (w ) 100 Ingrain Carpt Remnants half yard lengths, each 5c 100 half yard remnants fringed Velvet and Axruin ster Carpet, each s3L Carpet Remnants, 1-yard to lVaVard length at, each 50c to $1.75 Miter Rugs, each $1.00 and $1.50 Couch Covers Heavy Persian Couch Covers, GO inches wide, 3 yards long; Oriental design only 100 all told a good $4.50 0 QC value; Saturday, each Va-s7w Firtt Floor) Bedding Special Silkoline Covered Comfort fleecy white cotton fillt-il ami varn knotted u teet wide, i leet long; Saturdiiy f rk , tflstJl l'ittl H(jor only, each. -- m0i Basement Special Imported woven willow Waste Paper 15askets square, round or octagon hhape tops; Saturday, your choice, 3!e. each. As sorted colors mid color coinhinations. X handy thing ahout the house or office Saturday, your choice- 39c each Hart nit nt Orchard & Wilhelm Tie BBC-lie Best fer Snorts