.16 Tin; r.r.K: omaha. satukdav. octohi;r mm. 9. tfr. si- SB Cbll. t7f rir.na M tV wtitt , v Union VP Salt i-t.1 ,"cr M all sitae, ,V worth if eOo, at Slrtil 25c rait. GRAND DISPLAY and .SALE More Than $10,000 Worth 0! the Celebrated Munsing Underwear; isld Eidosifcly hj Braadeis Storei ia Omiha i!K SrD 4s- AS?if$ GC' dren'8 and boys' VCB,8,$, $1 $&Vf'in pants and ,,nion "",8;& W M L AAk. fO. fne cotton, mercerized 1 v iijiii'm rm mwA Mi;;,;!!!;'' n't! ll'ti ,' '1 lll'lnl'.' i IM, :!: 1 li'lii II W. -I 1 . , , , 1 i L til .in a 1 1 ( . 1 ' 1 1 "I ' Vi'iiilii II v 1.1 , t Boys' and Girls' Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear Vests pants and drawers; till sizes, worth .T)c nnd 40c, at. .25c I THE FAMOUS STERLING UNDERWEAR Silk finished mercerized lisle, silk and wool and all wool, also j)ure thread silk vests, tights and xinion suits, at I $1.98, $2.75, $2.98, $3.98, $4.50 up to $7.53 U'SSSr'" rCiO GLOVES Women's one and', two-elasp gloves all the newest shades, including tan, gray, greeu, blue, mode,' champagne, black and white, in French kid, cape ami Mocha. ; Perrin's and Xorthrup gloves. Fitted to the &4 "jr hand at, .pair vXl3 Women's one and two-clasp lambskin and P Mocha gloves black, white, bine, green and tan; at, pair ..vJLUO U1 Women's and children's golf gloves and mit WJi tens navy, brown, red, gray and black;' at, lair Every Woman in Omaha Should Attend the Special Demonstration and Sale of the Celebrated LA VIDA CORSETS Mlsa M. E. Nolan, apecial iepreaentatlve from the manufacturers, and an expert carsetiere, will be In attendance all day Saturday and' t'j ner vatuaDie aavtce and services as Special Sale Women's and men's lisle and cotton hosiery, fancy embroid ered boot patterns, allover lace and lace boots extra spliced black, tan m ing ind colors at, ZBf and pair w u'nmMi'i i'urt i nrfui niia tiosiery lisle soles, double heels and toes, at, va ' ' CANDY DEPABTTIENT Pompeian Room Saturday Is Maple Day V'J Maple P e n o c h 1 s, maple gems, maple caramel greens, maple cocoauut kisses tviarila Knn 57 bons, at, lb 20c mm A Whole Bunch" Lambs That's just what we bought this week and a lot of, 1 hem go on sale Saturday. They are the finest lot we ever saw nnd you'll say so, too, when they're served ou your table for that Sunday dinner. ' ' . ' Spring Chickens . . . ! 15c Pork lloast lie Hind Quarter Lamb 12'1;C Fore. Quarter Iximb.; . . .'. 8c No. 1 Mutton Legs ' 71A,C Mutton Koast . . . ; ; ' Gc Mutton Chops ........ .10c Mutton Stew, six jx)unds 25c Rump lloast 5c Boneless Kib lloast lOt Pot lloast 8cand 7c Sirloin Steak 12 'sC Veal Steak 15c Veal Chops .10c Veal lloast 8c and 7c Veal Stew, five pounds ' 25c No. 1 Ham 15c Picnic Ham IZVxV Try HOYDEN'S First Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. The Bee i the Quickest Medium. iK feu1 Hi .hi Bnttl wool and all wool rfect fitting ana' - A nioRt serviceable undct-f wear made, at ;JTZ 43c-98c-$1.50 31. JO Ul 10 $2.98 gray, )P 25C a fitter are at the disposal of of Hosiery ft Women's mercerized and dull finish lisle hosiery, light cven-j shades, black, tan QCi, white; at, pair. r sutr ana eiuoroiuerea uooib. pair 98 nl $1.35, 1 OPTICAL DEPARTMENT In attractive new Oqui tra Poi larters t Bran- dels Stores. En hance to new. Pompeian Room.' Expert optician in attendance. Satisfaction guaranteed. & 42 I - 4 ! BQLnJS, BLUES NO -a U Y4 ABS the comet ahad.e In Man's and fount; Men's Butte for Fall. WB ahow tnrte popular numb.rs in a larre variety of fabrica and lataat models. TOUXL find na rdy at any time to (to ton a town of sood for your Fall Clotiiaa Hour. AH actnal savlnf of O'Coat yon buy h Suits and C3 1 I GOOD ME YOU will ba aurpria.d at tha wondarful Tftlu.a la our Fanta, at $1.90, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50. $4.09, $5.00, $6,00 Kan'a and Boya' Btyllah Wlnt.r Capa, np from SOo Boya' Sw.at.r Coata 46c. 9Re and tl.50 Kan'a Swaat.r Coata 8o, $1.98 and ia.au M.n'a Wool Vndtrr.i a $1.50 Talna, at C3Kfgo C-cufWi (jBurtrAjl Q4vjrW Omaha Food Specials for 600 bushels "BAH D KILL" Potatoes, per bushel (In quantities) $1.00 9 bars Diamond "C" iSoap 950 48-lb. sack "Lotus" Flour $1.50 10-lb. sack New Buckwheat Flour. 450 1H-Ib. tins new Extracted Honey. 360 New heavy Clothes Baskets at, each 600, 80o and $1.00 2- lb. can "Fritter Korn" '.15o 3- 1 b. can new, fre.ni .Sauer Kraut 13.0 fi Large cans Housed Mackerel, extra dj fine, per can ,. ..80o Ralston's Breakfast Food (new 2 goods), per pkn ISO V 12 boxes "Town Talk" Matches. . .460 fry "Lotus" Butter (In cartons), lb... 350 d Our Best Country Butter (in sanitary II Jars), per lb 34o . (Leave your standing order at Butter '1 Department.) Ouaranteed Eggs, strictly fresh, per doien 33o ? New Dill Pickles, per dox.l6o and 30o (fl Chow Chow, in bulk, per quart.... B0o New bulk Mince Meat, per lb.....lOo O (In Jars, 33o, 46o and 75c) Imported Bwiss Cheese, per lb....36o New York Full Cream Cheese (Oct. make), very rich, per lb 96o S cakes Blue Label Cheese. ..... .850 Roquefort Cheese, per lb SOo Dulux Cheese. In jars 8&0 FBESH TKVIT AND VEOETABLE SEFAB.TMEBT. Five plain lettuce So Sweet Potatoes, per peck 36o Fresh Hoasted l'eunuts, quart..... oo Radishes, per dox. bunches 100 Fresh tjlruwberrles, New Figs, Dates, Mint, Cauliflower, (iucUA (4nrjt QSi) CLOTHING CO. b L tSflaBaWl-IBIilal lilllliilMI m WHXiHII lil $BIII ilMlil'HlnliliBWli MM Hill til ill II j fl li 111$ urt I 1 1 Mil illai nwliiif "all Ilia ll 1 aBil '1 11 Aijjaj s. jr wiiia.ua jruie fit Stoetzel Stove Co. 714 South 16th Street W. make a ap.oialty of tha Btova busln.ss and put oar whole undivided attention to It. W. aim to aell only the best tha mark.t affords. Our ex panses are eztremely low and our price are low considering- tha high grade stoy. w. sell. We a.U them on .mail monthly payuianta or st cut price for cash. Head below how wall people who are using ap.ak of them. KV rAr-::-A-:-A ... wmh?) ',v ,ArH- PIS li This is iw iUis. Peterson, 212'i Ames, says of the Solar double heater base burner: "When we bought the Solar and you claimed so much power for the double heater we thought you were MUetchliii; tiling", but when heated live looms vsiili two tons of coal we toumt that you Htretclied notlilng. It slves twice as much heat with the ame coul our oilier one did." Qualiiy First, Last am All th3 Tims Winch 'would you rather have? A tiny. touKh pl-re of meat you don't ii-llHh or a tender, juicy piece (ha( yuu enjoy to ttiu last morst-1? The latter, of roui.e. That's one rea-on why you kIiouIU buy your meal m-ro. There's another tuie alao. You'll lt:il It out when you coiupaia our o'.u meat bills with thoe )ou pay us. Spring" Chii kens 18-0 pork Chops ISO Cork Steak 15c Hound Sie.ik ISo aud ia',0 t huok ttt ak 131,0 and lOo Pot l:oa.st luu, 80 ami So Kil boll 00 lloitte Matie J'ork Sausage iai,c llouia ICenUeiel 1-uru l&o Jcs. Eath's Cash Market 1981 rarsaia Btr.t. r ? J U U Lsxa from 93.00 to $5.00 on any ault or Overcoat; EH PANTS (C5W CuAr QlaxJ 55ufcik o Pure Center. Saturday All kinds fresh Nuts, Mushrooms, Cucuinbem, Jersey Sweet Potatoes. COFFEE ABD TEA DEFAKTMEST. Courtney's "Kotus" Ankola Coffee, unequaled for flavor and strength; per lb., 35c; or 3 lbs. for $1.00 A high grade Santos Coffee, lb. . . . 19o Lotus Spices, per can..100, 150, 950 Peanut Butter, made dally per jar. lOo and 6O0 bulk, per lb 30o Harvey Itlcker's famous Coffee Pots, each $1.60, $1.76, $3.00 and $3.33 Htdgway'a Famous Teas prepared in London v English Breakfast, per lb 66o Q Oolong, per V, lb 8o 6 o'clock, per lb T5o E o'clock, per H lb. . ., Oo 6 o'tnack, per -lb. can $3.30 F All TXT LIQUOR SPECIALS. Cooking Brandy, qt. .$1.35, $1 and 7Bc Excellent quality Fort, Bnsrry or Claxat, large bottle 350 Full quart 6-year-old Port, Bn.rry, Muscat or Angelica 60c Virginia Sara, lnrge bottle 66c Oucfcenhelmer Kya, full quart.. .$1.00 Crystallised Rock and Rye, larK bottle ..4 75c ATTJBDAT OWLT. Lotus delicious Orapa Jute, fall quart 35o, 3 quarts lor $1.00 Federal Club Sootob. Whiskey, reKiUni' tl.6u bottle, for $1.10 rill Saturday, between p. ni. and B p. m., one bottle of WIND with each quart bottle of our DOLUS LOTUS WHISXET. W. prepay all Mall Ordara for Liquor amounting- to $J-00 and orar. V5Wyi (JfrVr C" QSJk Prltcliard. who has been with the Western Knlon Telegraph Co. for llilt ly-lhn-o yc.il !, cuiuo 10 our store tliis .-.prion with Us wife and alter toes l.ii.l ooutilil a colli tl'Hjiio liu-friif-iHtor un, iH-iroit lilcul O is ,-itove ttaitl: ',? are siiii uhIiii; tin leel ratiKO we bull xii t ot you lourleeu years at'. We mi so well pleased with It that we won't twKe rtiuiict-s buying a i -vfrigerutur and t;a titove eiheu here." jtr-.,-w--w.,OTw1 Tri-"frm-Vt"--'-- lUiariau Malt Kxtrail, tliu ltnel made, per liottle !() IABLB WIBeI at PRICES XVEKY UMil CAM Ai t OkJ. California I oi l and Oaiei. per iuait bottle J.c-Ji.c -one California tSherry, per uuari Imtiie. at j&o-5Jc-76o Iniporied J'oi 1 and Ciarel, per ooart l.Mllle BUo-7dc-1.00-1.5U linpoi le l Ciarel, per uuai I ImhiI,-, l 7ao-fl.t0-l. 25-l. 6U Culttoima IU-IkIiii, pt-r iiimi t txittli-. at 8bc-3i.o-60c W a 11 rot iiiu xukay, Alau.iru, Ai;i:c.u, i:u., per ijuari loli!e .... iao-75c Uoiiiii MuJb liinpe Wine. e. ,11 while, per kuIIoii $1.00 All the Jeuiin biat.tjs lwiitsiir ( liuiiipaKius at coriv.-poiKlttiijly lww M n e-. 8-eur-old Kentucky I'ourl.on Whis key, per' iuari l.O0 P-r xallun Mall and '1 I 1 . 1 n tuuiis Piwioptly 111 leu. CACKLEY BROTHERS, Win, M.robaut. 181 kl. 16ta but.t. Op. fostoff.ca But a Fboc.s s t ! Mr. Boys' High Gut Shoes Our high cut shoes (or the boys' winter wear are a very sensible, comfortable and dur able boys' shoe proposition. . A splendid Investment. Durable black or tan waterproof leathers. Heavy oak tanned soles. Sizes for boys of all ages. $2.25 $2.75 to $3.50 High Cut Shoes are Ideal Shoes for school wear, for Coasting, Skating and Stormy weather. A great protection to the boys' feet. Sizes for boys of all Ages. FRY SHOE CO. , TBI IIOIII, 16th and Doafflaa Striata. 124,096 Omaha's population has in creased and our Business has In creased. Our Steel Out and Sifted Ooff.e Is making new customers for us every day. It ia superior In every thing that goes to make a drink that coffee lovers enjoy. All dost and chaff rsmoreft. No chance for "muddy" coffee. Bo egg required to sottle It. We are the only producers In Omaha. Mocha Mixture, 35o, 8 lbs. $1.00 Excelulor Blend B5o W. L. Masterman & Co. "THE COFFEB MEW Branch at Fnclio Market, 1810 Harney attest. Uses Boys' That will stand the wear and tear it any boy. That's a strong statement when It is applied to the average boy, who has mighty little regard for Bhoe leather. But that Is just what w mean when we refer to our boys' shoes. 1 to 5H sizes for . .$2.00 10 H to 18 sizes, at $1.75 These may cost a trifle more In the beginning, but you will find them worth all the difference. We guarantee that. In fact, we guarantee every pair to be satis factory to the boy and parent.' That is two people to satisfy, but we do it. ' j Saturday Is a good day for you to try us out Bring the boy with you. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. I GUARANTEE TO CURL 1 Can La W AND ALL OTHER RECTAL TROUBLES ' Itnaks tbn tttemene pogi tiv$j, it is a face. Many paople have experimotd with patent medicine and applications, or with doctors of insufbsient ax t perience topropaciy treattheni. My entira practice U devoted ti the treatment of piles and Kec- mmmMam-fM iia3tSfc. isl Diseases. My cure is abso lute, quick and barmlesa. It is ruaraoteed by mo " A SArC, POSiTIVZ CURE for these painful, oft-times fatal diseases. Com plications often arise in Rectal Piseaees that yield to early consultation aud prefer treat ment Some of the worst eiisting case have been my most successful ones. All my treat ment ia done Without Chloroform Fthor r Qnral Anoatbotio so there Is perfect freedom from denrer. How ever weak your constitution from suffering do not hesitate another day. Let me esamine you. If I accept your case, 1 guarantee to cure you. Cured I want no payment until you are cured. Could anything be more fairr Could you take less risk. 'I his puts the buiden all on me. WRITE FOR MY NEW BOOK I haw lswiirl a nr llluatmt! t-oonlft telling all atxnt rli- tl iMtAavnt, lite) ttvatrut n t inJt Ui ir) 1 1 iff ioi 'ii im i fi tnt miii iy. If a uf frtrt-r, cavi i umt wet o:ie If ymi 'au't call, pluikv a rite today. lUv eUitKtu la Inn lUii. DR. E. ft. TARRY Suit 224 Baa Building Omaha, N.b. CANDY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 4 0c Assorted Crcaiu Carmels, SiJ' per pound m3C Cue Ii-Iih-ks Swm-Is. Choco- laics, per pound 0JC We have jubt received a Bhlp nient of new crui Jorilun Altnoixls, Sue per puund, sailed. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. 16th and Farnam Sts. Rollablo Dentistry iP Tafl's' Dental Rooms aSlioes Hats and Haberdashery AVc are con.tjintly adding-ncv lines to our 6tocks of hats and haberdashery. For Autumn wear the soft hats are increasingly pop ular, especially with young men. "We have a variety of Fhapos in both smooth and rough surfaces 3 to $7.50 Our "Browning-King" special derby at $3.00 is the hest hat sold in Omaha at the price. Our display of Fall Neckwear shows a rich variety of patterns in beautiful silks, in fashionable shapes at from 50c to $2.50. We are very proud of our showing of Fall Shirts. You will find the largest and best assortment of high grade Shirts shown anywhere $1.00 to $5.00. Shirts with separate collars to match, from $1.50 up to $5.00. New Gloves for street or dress wear $1.50 to $2.50. Sweater Coats in a wide range of colorings $3.00 up to $7.50. If you have Underwear troubles bring them to us. We can cure them. Union Suits $1.50 to $7.50; two-piece underwear $1.00 to $3.75 per garment. TBrQ7nfnai(lng 6 Cq V g OUBTHm rMRMtSMINOS AND MATS, &. a WTLOOX. 2Ianae& Tha Store Of The Town. J5 The Novelty Skirt Co. 214-16 North 18th St., Omaha, Neb. LADIES " Get Your Cloaks and Furs Now Here at this store you get the choice of thousands of garments In EXCLVK1VK styles and shades! We manufacture right here, and our prices are lower than some retail merchants pay. Visit our store and get the surprise of your life on how cheap real good merchandise Is sold here. LOOK THESE PRICES OVER IWnMful Black Kersey Coata, 64-lnch long, made in the rery latest fashion; a beauty for Saturday worth twice as much Look at this Coats 64 inches long, made of the finest Kersey a in the latest styles; Saturday only SIO.OO worth twice as much IGNORANCE .It is pure ignorance of real or more for the same suit that we offer on sale to morrow, for only See thoae suits and get a saving education. MADE TO OUDEH Please bear in mind that we will make you your suit, skirt or coat right here in our own factory. You select the goods and trim mings and we make it and it fits right. Costs you no more than the ready-to-wear chance fitting garment. Visit our large Flit Department You will find some amazingly low prices, a large selection to chooBe from. ASK THE PRICE ON PONY COATS Special Sale Prices on POOPfllETARY MEDICIU and Health Adjunctc $1.60 Fellow'a Syrup f.1.34 Kcxall Kidney Cure. 454 and 89o l.00 Cooper' Discovery 8o N'ewbro'a HprplcUle 45o and 89c Vlnol tl.e KkhI Tonic) alwuya.... $1.00 tuc California tyrup FltCH for 46o Kxall Hair Tonic BOo and $1.00 I. laterlne 15o, 8 So, 45o and 8o (.ilycottiymollne iibc, 4&0 and 890 II. 00 Maltlne preparations 89o 40 kinds Malt Kx it-act, 2 for aao Plnkhain'a Compound B9o t 00 Itexall Vegetable Compound .. 89e Cutlrura Resolvent; 45o and 89o lU-xall I.lver Knits 35c $1.00 Wine of Cardul 89o J-ond's Extract (genuine) 85e, 450, 89o MR. SMOKEK Have you Investigated the values we are giving in im ported Manila cigars? You can buy them 10 per cent cheaper than other imported cigars. Sherman & McConncIl Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. Owl Drug Co., Cor. 16th 2nd Harney Sts. Short Days and Long Nights..... Reduced Prices for Mazda Lamps The (." cent 40 wait size now selling for 55o The 03 cent (JO watt fcize now selling for 75(3 The $1.23 100 wait size now selling for $1.00 OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT Cc POWER COMPANY values that will make you pay $20 $9.98 ES and fl.Se r'remont Grape Juice, bottle 10e, 16o, SSo and 4bo $1.00 llostetter's Hitters for eao htiiurt'n Dyspepsia Tablets. 4So and 89o 7iic Hall's Catarrh (lure for,....' 67o $1.(10 Ayer'a Mnrsaparllla for (Bo Hexall Mui-utoni!, for i-alarrli, 450 and b9o $l.0o Duffj's Malt WiilHbey, for itiadlcl- nal use only B9o Horsford'a At Id Phosphate, 454 and 80 $1.00 Tonic (Solution Hypophosphltea 89o $1.00 Ir. Prlrtts'a Medicines S9o Hrxall Kuhhlnit Oil. 85o and 4So Tarrant's Helzer Aperient, 45o and.. S9o Warner'a Hafe Cure, 46o and a Scott's Kmulsion, 49a and S9o means that you will .spend more lime in doors and that more light will be used. That also means larger lighting bills in the winter than in the summer time. To prevent large increases in the light ing bills try a 40-watt Mazda lamp where you are now using two old style lG-candle power lamps. The light will be better and less than one-half the current will be used.