Want - Ads ViiI ads received al any tlmfi ' in ItiiK proper elaasltlratlon sans I. ; prrwnlril before lit o'clock lor (be (Ttilag edition and "or 7i3 o'clock o( nrcTtoaa ,or uiornlna aad landay edition. w""' ads received after eoch wlU hare their flrat laeertlon bending "Too Lata Cleeetfy." Hates apply to either The Daily Sunday I'm. Always eaaat si words to a lias. CASH HATE FOR WAIT ADS. HCGI'LAn CLASSIFICATION On faaertlon, 1 1.2 eents per word and 1 ceat per word for each aabaeqaeaf laaertloa. Each lasertton mad oa da days, I 1.2 cents per word. Sl.CO per llaa per Month. m Want ads for The Bee mar at anr of the following dra alorea oi-e a oir "corker drnlt" they are all briars offices for Tha Beo and yoai ail will be Inserted Jest as promptly aad tha same rates as at the main office In Tha Bee bulldlnc, fcetentrenth aad Farnam atreetsi Albach. W. C. 40th and Karnrau. Meranek. 8. A.. 14IU 8. Kih St i'tyton .Pharmacy. 720 S. Pith St. Penpon r'ha rmacy. Hanson. Neb. Hmi Park Phrmev. iiS and Cuming. Blake-Biadleh, Zfttf Sharmai Av. CsUKhlin. C. R. m and Fierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2U Military Ava Htnrerlor.g Drug Co.. Hat Ave. ana Far tam St. Crlseey Pharmacy. 14th and Lak. I'onncy l'tiirmacT, V 8. Pith St. Ctrmack. Em), itSi-S 8. 13 tb St. Er.ier. P. II., i Leavenworth (ib:- M Arnoldl. Ill N. 26lh St IIKATII AMII I'1:K1UI. NO'lllES CARU-Cntherlne Ware, Infant dauchter (I Ril-.ert E. and Mary S. Carr, 33 Cass sued, died Sunday, October 16. I ntci tr.ent private. t HU !' THANKS. WK wMi to thank our many friend and rieishluii (it their kindness and sympathy b.Im the beautiful floral offering show n us U ii ri iic j tho tlrknoss and death of our mother, otto Nelderw liwoi , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Krone and Children. ANNOUNChMtiMlS .1 . A. GENTLEMAN CO., eirbnlmeis. 161 ; Chicago. P. lti,'.9. P-1C5S, COAL At rut pili?. ALL KIN DJ. VSs save ) ou 60c to $1.50 a ton. Quantity snd quality uoitrantced. pnsKN PIATT'S Cl'T PRICK COAL CO.. I?U NICHOLAS ST. BOTH PHONES SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. -njy-211 So. n;tu St., 17 YLAKS IN OMAHA Lyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Lumber CHEAP Carnival gioundn, liith and liouglts Sts. : AUcYroNEEiis. BOYER TULLY s0 New Uiiiana Nat l Hunk LU 1 , old est In middle west. We can furnish you ma) adapted to your line. CorieilwnJ with us or call Tel. Doiuuut 3ut5. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATiJ, In ums to tuit. .in Bee bUiii 'Piioi e Duug. UNION LOAN CO. LA DIEM olJ hats mad over, new lists iAJtj made to order. feather cleaned or dyed. Miss Pepper Millinery Parlors. 1 a. 8th.. Phono Harney 3 a OK. COAL AND LUMBER GEAR. L-t us show you Hie new cut under. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO. lliJ r'arnsm Ou SaK? Cheap. PIANOLA MUSIC ROLLS boo roola of Pianola music, embracing all t-lur.dttid and popular composition. while they last, t We are selling Hum out at lie. 1'A' ami a roll. They are koIii last, tiiere will be nn more at ini price. The regular pi ice of iliese iTille wus l uo. J.uo, 3.uo and t3.U. . The cool weather will hoon be here, and ou will want lltukola music. Act ipilek. t'uli at once and ol'tuiu the choice of selection. SCHMOLL.ER .1 Ml'LLLKR PIANO CO., l.ill-1313 l'uinaiu St. Phone: Louk. 1ml., A -Id : cr. A Ji.Tli tfii llMUla Si. PIANO playara repalied. Walker. D. 67J edit HP NT Office room, Wi, located on I. p floor, facing cooit. Ji snuare teet 10 cluding vault: arnis for l.j per ininth. I'll E HfcB liUlLDlN'ti OJUI'AM. b. M. Cole Sign Co.. D. I7CS. 1SU Parnam. FAMILY ,Jfuo'' Hou.e. full ineasiire and put uj.:, our moito pnnl Hansen, pi op.. l .';3 Cl Uuo St EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. " Arkiu Ht S. lulu, upsia is. BARGAINS In welics, Jewc-lryrrlut ii.imiaLo Friedman's l.mu, Bank. Soutli IJth St.. cor. Houuias. Tel. D. o",. CHEAP FUEL FOR FURNACE, heating end cook Btoves; we do not sell count) rwM. but sell burners; write for Informa tion; manulacl .ired by Spere it Mur ay. Grand Island. Neb. ED. ROTIIERY "f L liuuur Mr, J rlkar. Cafe In connection. Ill So. 14th St PRANK HXRKtR A '. IUIIKKI: (H'O, HARK PH. JR. JOS. RAIIKI'R BARKER BROS., PAINT CO.. p.iv KAPV'M r'T. BOTH PIIOVES Khr In-vv it,) r paint an.t xa-nis'ie. m-hlt lea.l. Keystor.a mirrors, bras, pil'Shes. Iiiumifi. lubr c ttin oils, wind-i thujas, mall paer. iazliir: and frsmniL-. R WH MACHINK PHOf ItKPAtR 1VO Sales T.v?; nulled 6'; hel ;-V- - mlnln ) nu wait 14 minutes, aouluily fine o.-k U a 14th et ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued!) Kobertson's Restaurant 313-If. So. lth St., (ha u nit nt); cool, light, sanitary, quid; service, popular prices, For ladn and gtn tieiuen. 'lable d hole dinut r i-uiiuuy. TWESIT per cent le's than Omaha prtcas HOMfc; Kl'RNlTL'KB CO.. Eoenty-f'jkirlh and L. Street. Boulh Omaha. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBINO AND HKAT1NO. REPAIR WORKS. 1T08 Jackson 8t. P. 1477. MADAME EDWARDS, masseuse. Ladles' only; strictly private residents. Dul B. iuth. Douciaa ft3.il TONOE, first class tailoring, cleaning, repairing for ladles and gentleman, buy Pacific, CHIT J A-VD CHOP SUEY PARLAJR WU1J1 JUT ul'KNEU. Everything first class. Upstairs. 1M Dodge. Tyler It.1 W. c. CATL.1N. plumbing And hcatlnn; new and repair work. i)10 wth. L. loai. DAVJD COLE Creamery Co Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. 120 8. Is. DOUGLAS Pruning Co. Tel. Douglaa M4 PRACTICAL DU'ing. 608 N. 21st. D. 678. ANCHOR FKNCE CO. Iron and Wire Kenrs Cheaper Than Wood. Laia a Llletime. 107 N. 17th St. Phone Red 81. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D 3911. ARSENIC and IKON complexion wafer, niaks clear, whits tkin. By man &uu and fl w buermaa iu McCoruisll Drug Co.. Omaha. JOHN E. HIMOre, shirts, 630 Paxton Klk. P. b Wurn. Optician. 443 Urandels Bldg. HEAVER IIOARP Instead of lath and plaster. American Supply Co., llli Earnain. ILEK GHAND HOTEL Finest In ths west lt.Ui and Howard S.s. Turkish Butbj 1IAUQAR1) Van & Storage. Pack, move, store Jin sliip H. II. goods. D. lll'il. U-242S Wanffiameli Bros., ..frbuy0.",. macuioiii. New Omaha factory. 1116 Jackson ELEVATORS REPAIRKI.. freignt pas I Kennedy. I'H S )."i Ii yir AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And brin it to the bsl place In Omaha for all kinds of repa.lr.nu; DRUMM0ND Corner lMh and Marnev Struts. TuTo 1)e1TveiVy''Tg6n" Second-hiind delivery wuson. enclosed hody, in flrst-clnsa condition; will soil for NEBRARKA HCICK AU'IXJ CO.. 1!U2 l'arnam St. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. Auto Paiutintr"MUKPHY mi ,T " "Ulu aluilubGet our ' prices now. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. AUTO and carnaue pamtnm. repairing nd t rltiwinriK ; dead storage Wm. I'firfer Carrlag' Works. 2uth and l.avenorto. BARGAINS in Used Cars s;'t.0' Council Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl. . AUTO(JENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASKS and i.'A.VliMi.S promptly upuiied. ALL WORK tJU.vP.ANTELD. REKTSCll Y MO'loR Duill'AM, Council Bluffs, ia. Auto Uepairing .)," e'"l'l "lRn In the fn. Diamonil lues. Vd-hand isra. Horace. 1'he Paiton Mileheil Co. ilv-lii Harney D 7t; A-i11 40 II. -P. Oldsmoblle touring car, $4(10 extra.", perfect repair. New tiles. Cost 13.4.-0. Sell $l.i0u. 11. J. Hill, Lincoln. Neb FIVE pasKeriKer. Iao c Under 2M H. P. Mason touiiim; ear in xood iimnlne orderi fully ciiulppod: miKlit tnide for nood land. J. P. Wolf, t'lurksun. Neb. NEW tJi-hoi se- po cr foui -ptssencer Moon car; will trade for $3 U00 city property. Wallace Auto Co., aRi nU for Stearns curs. Wi.no Seemid-lK'.n 1 car, nearly new. -cylinder, new tires and in excellent running condi tion. OniHli.i Aiilinni.bilf fl,., j;,p) Par nam Si. WHITE tor list of automobile bargain H. K. Kiederlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 5tW7. luiorrrilea. Writo for ,,st I lit We .airy of used motorcycles, a full line of inuior- cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE Co. BUSINESS CHANCES TO illiT In or out of hiibiness call oa GANG EST AD. "l Bee Bid, 'i el P. jj7 L-O-O-K NEW PRESS -3 roomj; only file in town; now rented for BHICK HOTEL ..... i . i ii.ont n. Cuar of ciicuinbiancc; will trade for im proved or iiontininoveu laud; Hardware implement!!, i-huet, tii'otvrie. genrral mer chan lise or hverv Htock. J. C. COOi'KU. OSi'KOLA. IA. I have few Rood Investments, pns I', rr cent; a!o kooI tlr.-t nn.rt:;ae on farm 6 p,-r cent from '' i- i up to j.fcVj.iO. t;ie me a call. 411 Karbacli Hil. A.la.tis. I AM the manufacturer of the well known Ken y s screen Hum.-. iu inc. use i.,, put and meet the iinrain demands lor a.v koodH. my capital must he Inci eased to a limited a neuTit My business Is well esiab lislied and profitable. I lnwte a careful In vestigation In lames ii. slung I vest "'" ninrc. Addicss C. i'eir, U ;S Bran deii! Hldi;., or Tel. Ilarnev 1 ',:. C I' KC T I (J NK It Y . c . k a r s n d hTh "l gr.iorv. with goad living rooms; rent jr. will sell ai a bargain If taken at once "in; I unim. WHI-. RAPIDLY Inreaslim demands for best standard goods direct from our factory to users (basilica n.en. lau.ieis. schools anu r....... ii iv evertii.iy) requires oik n- ln a distribum.ff office In ,vtry h..od K.i.m.. io acceptatie resilient manager we allow ii(Ht to Ji.ai monthly salary and commission.. , ' ' . - v.. . i. anil it i lie I ex - l ensen 4 to t cash required to earn .i,n,t. mum in..-. oruei-s; Josl!!or p. i n-.aneni ; rrfeiemes ri'ciiiv.d "I.inerty' Munuta.'turiiig Aaswiution. 2.J West li iru 1 1.. chica.o. LET nse Incorporate .r busin.ss; Rood rotes aslv ' is!n moiev f-eli:ti thel. tiaivii, a-n tielpln:-; flIUis. whj- n0t you? i'toofs nl kt haa Leva done. Promoter, st 1'axton bio.k. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE First mortKuso on real es tate. $lfi.i); usual rate and terms. Address N :4U, Bee. WANTED $l.t0 to MO00 to Invest III prosperous and growing business In On, aha; five years old: 7 per cent guaran teed and best of security given; full plans snd details explained. Address I il Bee. LARGE ITRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska, Wa have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agecls wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, S. W. Corner 14th and Douglaa. Omaha, Tel. Doug. 163). FOR RENT Office room, large room on fifth floor. N. W. corner of buJldlng. especially fitted for architect. There Is il auuare feet In this space; f40 per month. THE BEE BU1D1NO COMPANY. THREE STORY stone, all modern, busi ness block. Lincoln. Neb., renting 10 per oent net over insurance, taxes and repairs. All oak finish, ILM.OOO. Carry 110.000 at 5 per cent. Write owner, 11. J. Hill, Lincoln, Neb. PASATlV Co r"' state loans anr yumjxu A psur,nc.. iilst y0UP prop. erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. 8. W. corner 14(1) and Douglas. Tel Doug. 1520. FOR SALE Interest In good Omaha bus iness; opportunity for youns business man or lady; references required; confidential. Address S-220, Bee. G. D. C. CpDDINOTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg.. business chances, loans, lo sivarice and real estate. FOR SALE Splendid stock hardware, $3,M10, astern Nebraska. Address, Y-291, care Bee. FOR SALBOnlv confectionery and lunch room, town 400. Cheap rent. Bargain for short time. Lock box 30. Fllley, Neb. FOR SALE The only Jewelry and opti cal stock In good western Iowa town; rea son for selling, poor health; must sell at once; a steady run of business. Address Y TS2. care Bee. ILT..0O0 FIRST mortgage 6 per cent gold bonds, of Hu'xn lad company for sale; secured by 2.fmo acres In southeast Mis souri lead district. Trios. R. Gibson, 403 Baker block, Springfield, Mo. Itnomlnar Houses for Sale. A PESIRARLE 4-room apartment, new I'-'O. 174S 27th St. Harney 3S80. 12 ROOMS of furniture In corner brick flat: modern; close In; snap if taken at once. Red 7S08. CHIROPODISTS DR. Kill. ISftt Farnam St. Doua-la. e47. OAKCiNG Morand's Dancing School. 15th and Har ney. Lessons Man. and Frl.. S p. m. 'Phone Doug. 2!4: Private lesBons daily. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc.. boiidid, 4J-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1313. CAPT T ''ORM Ai-K. H? WRIIACH Ht.K DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH, 3d floor, Paxton. D. 1035. DRESSMAKERS S. & 0. KNEETER, Ladies' Tailors. We fit and remodel suits and dresses; 3d floor Continental Blk., en trance luth and Douglas. Tel. D. 3742. DRESSMAKING and alteration, flrat rlasa wnik. prices reasonable. Miss Eliza Nth O'Connor. 1. No lxtta. Web. Hit. INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine rrade; table linen hemmed. Mrs Low man, K P. 2h Ave. DRESSMAKING .ordk do'Mia" M. Permody. 2620 Davenport street. DRESSMAKING Misses' dresses, 3; plain skirts, 1819 N. 17th St. MAPAM Ridiey, fashionable dressmaking, also gereial epalring. H10 South 11th St. MISS STURDY", 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314 TERRY'S dressmaking parlors, 20th and Farnam. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge St 1 I, FIRST-CLASS PRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 616 S. 22d. PARIS dressmaking parlors, 32 Neville blk. Diessniaktug. 25116 St. Mary's Ave.. D. 4431 GOWN'S ard ladies' tailoring. 271 Pe .v EDUCATIONAL YOUNG "WOMEN'S CI I R I STI A N A SSOCI ATION OEEERS TEN COURSES IN ITS( DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Its Domestic Science Department the week of October 17--3. :s your last chance to enro.l. Some classes are already filled. ISIS TALI. 1 ERM BOYLES COLLEGE! now open in tne pay and Night seaaiuna bludenis ad ml lied any day. Complete Buiii-. Coui Including bank ing. Complete ehorthan.1 and Typewriting Course. Complets Cl1l Service Coursa Compltia l eleyraphy Course and all Eng. Hull Branch-s The Year Book Is rendv Apply for lt H. B BOYLF. Pres . Bovles lildg , Omaha. Moslier-Iimpman ollegs Cnexcelled courrea Ir. Business, Short hand. Penmaniihip and English None but experienced learners Pay and nlgbl tea. ,ioi, Mori !uer:ng catalog puuiiaoed i uicatiM. nil lor one today. MOTHER at 1MPAIA.V. 17th snd .trnaiu ritrvoia. ijiuana. Neb, ST. ANPHKW'S tcnool for bovi, 41. t n, Charles. Fall term. Septemoer j. K. W L) iyntr ;vm i lurlu. H. 2Ji. FLORISTS A. 1hNV. 11 L'IC. 117 rar. D. 1001; A-luoi. HESS er SWOBODA. 1113 Farnam St BRAN'l'l is' cut flower dept., new store. THL ANNEX flower shop, Theater Bl.!j "j. F WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la., larg. i irreenhouse in west; beautiful flowers for sny occasion shipped any w her in U. d. L. Bender ton. ltlt Farnam. Doug. 1264. J. U. BATH. 1C2 Uarosy. Puu.u Juo FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new; good baking guar anted. V.i'j Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-H23. WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot wster hestera. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1206-1208 Prugla" si Both 'phenea HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. Factory anA Trade. OIRLS to learn tialrdresslnr: prices rea sonable. Oppenhlem Parlors. 234 City Nat'l bank. P. 235NJ. WANTED Two experienced fitters and five finishers on ladles' garments. Apply Suit Dpt.. iiayden Bros. Ilmtrkrriirra and Uomeatlra. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing. 1133 E. Pierce, Co. Bluffs. Mrs. 4;.. L. Felt. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Harney 5613 or 130 Park Ave. WANTED At once, experienced second girl. Small family. Mrs. Arthur Metz. t .1 v , ' 1 an eel. WAV'ru-i. , . . ... . , nuiiiB gin. isif ucuvciiwuiui St. floor; call ft one. MIPDLE-AGED woman for housework; small lainily. L. ICI4. . COMPETENT cook, no washing. 411 South f tit-. I'el. Harney S133. WANTEP Experienced girl for general housework, family of three, no washing or upstairs work. Tel. Harney 4160 or call at 3M Harney. GOOP girl for general housework. 1W4 Spencer street. Phone Webster 621. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 112 No. 33th -;. mi. liur, tHU. wiarr.mni- gin ror general ' hQUs work. good wages. 110 8. 44th. WANTED Girl for housework, best of wages, 603 B. 29th St. I 'I 111 IlL'mr,.,. ... . w AN I ED An experienced girl for gen eiai housework; no washing, small family, good wuk'es. Phone Harney 3M. WANTEP Oirl for general housework, no laundry or cooking, good wages. 2423 Cass St. WANTED Competent girl for housework Mrs. Uich, 3319 Dodge. Harney 14 WANTED by young man Jn country, housekeeper of middle age. for himself and two chtlldren. Reference required. W. E. Cunningham, Henderson, Ia. WANTED Girl for general housework. Bmall family. 3122 Chicago St. Harney 1644.- GIRL for housework, must be competent, family of two. Mrs. K H. Lougee. 3ul Oak land Ave., Council Bluffs, la, WANTED Girl for housework, small family. No laundry, best of wages. 8 29 Park Ave. Hainey 1430. A GIRL for general housework. 2109 California St. NJKI '-Colored girl for chamber maid. 316 S. 2th. ' GIRL for general housework. 540 8. 24th. WANTED-GIrl who can cook. Good wages. Mrs. W. M. Bushman. 3uo4 Farnam Dt. A GOOD Blrl for permanent place; plain H0ff' Farnam St- 'Pbone Harney WANTED A good girl for housework. Smallfamily. Good wages. 006 Park Ave. . WANTED a housekeeper for two girls. 22dSt VearS' by nlnt watchman. 3114 S. GIRL for general housework; must be competent. 2116 Binney St. 'Phone. Web ster 1015 A COMPETENT U1RL in a family of two. 3607 Harney St. A GERMAN cook; small family. E. H. MoCreary. SU16 Burt. Phone Harney 1969. WANTED Nurse girl to care for child. 193 Capitol Ave WANTED Gccd cook for private board ing house. 417 N 2ath St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good waves; no laundry. 443 N. JSth Ave., I'hone Harney S334. WANTED Girl fo' general housework. Mrs. Adams. 1305 S. S5th Ave. Phone Har ney 2230. WANTED Colored girl; good wages; may do luundry work if desire to. 615 Georgia Ave. WANTEP a woman to do washing. 1737 Park Ave. A WOMAN to do washing and Ironing. 404 N. 22d St. WANTED Girl for family of three. J6. 1312 S. 33d St. WANTED a housekeeper for country. 2121 Webster St WANTED Girl for housework; small family. 123 N. 4'.'d St. WANTEP Cook, laundress and house maid. Mr. II. V. Burkiey, 1102 S. ith Ave. WANTED Good girl for housework. 1609 Burdette St. GIRL for housework: small family. 823 Park Ave., Phone Harney 4'i;J(. WANTED Kirst-clsss cook. IS per week to tne llKlit party; call at once. 303 Wool wortli Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with house work. 2921 Pacific St. WANTED Experienced Klrl for general hoanework. Mrs. T. E. Sanders. 1301 S. 3Mli St. WANTED A competent girl In a family of t ."N12 Harney. Mrs. W. J. Burgess. COMPETENT cook. 37 'S Farnam St Good wages. Apply GOop.dlRL for general housework, pus Capitol Ave. WANTED Ladles take work home; clean, steady work guaran;eed husy s.ason. 315 Brandels Theater. Trieber's. COMPETENT girl to help with house work and care of child. SJOs Poppleton Ave Mlarrliisroa. TOI'NO WOMEN "omtng Omaha ss ftiansers ste 'nvited to visit the Younit v,,i..n Christian Asaociation building at Rt. Marv's avenue and Seventeenth street, where thev will be directed to suitable bearding places or otherwise, assisted; loo' lor our traveler's aid at ths Union Station LADIES wanted; take work home; steady, profitable. 3L5 Brandels Theater. HELP WANTED MALE airuli, ktilraiitfii t H U lurt. WE hav ri!emen position -pn 'hr you ran rr Houfi nion-y m ni' iuJy n fur courfe. Pr'tkAl bctiool o( fcaiwaina Ihip, ClevLatii3. ). HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesmen ton tinned. AGENTS The smallest Bible In the world; whirlwind seller; sample 19c; dnr.en 75c; grosa $7 60. Swift Supply Co., 227 East i weiity-second St.. Chicago. 111. YOU'LL never get rich peddling. When tired ringing door bells, send for our free prospectus. it s a live wire. lTogresa Bales Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED BROOMS. I shall make the entire state of Nebraska season 1911. Want a side line of Brooms or something good to sell direct, or three jouDere. w. 1. Austin, Mortulk, MD. Boys, WANTED Several reliable ooys. Western Colon Tel. Co. 2U 8. UCi SL FIFTY boys to distribute catalogues, earn pigeons. Webster 41U. Clerlcul and Office. IK you are seeking a position of a clerical mi tote or as salesman, sec us. WESTERN REF. Ai BoN I ) ASSN., INC., 7.'.2-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Estuli. 8 Years.) BOOKKEEPER wanted by a western general merchandise store; must be tho roughly competent, sober and be able to give bond; state aiie. experience and present salary; good opportunity for live man. Address Y-,14. care Omaha Bee. I- ANYONE win wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the N urasaa Help Supply Co., Room 15, over 21$ g. lith St. I TWO salesmen, I-S5-I100. Collector and Solicitor, $f0 and comm. Four Stenographers, $50 to $75. Seven Office clerks and book-keepers. $50 to $70. Clerk (out of town). $r.O. NO CHARGE UNLESS WE PLACE YOU. THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee Bldg. WANTED A thoroughly rellabln and sober young man for an office position; permanent; references and bond required; state experience and salary expected. Ad drss L 313, Bee. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores 'snaps). Job. Knleat. Be bldg ELECTRICIANS WANTED FOR IN SIDE WIRING. APPLY TO WESTING HOUSE, CHURCH. KERR & CO.. HAVE LOCK. NEB. GORDON press feeders wanted at Rsber's, Bee Bldg ; boys or girls. WANTED A good all around tailor (German). Louis Marquardt, Laramie, Wyo. WANTED Forty tennis for railroad work; Inquire W. M. Lana, Kiel hotel, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Watchmaker. Engraver, - as sistant salesman; permnnent position; good pay to the right man; short hours. Ed J. Nlcwohner, Columbus, Neb. WANTED Box shook sawyers, $2.25 a day. Steady work. Southern cities of l'),0tJ and over. Delightful winter cllumto. Ad dies P. O. Box No. 756. Chicago, Illinois. WANTED Registered druggist to ' oper ate drug note. Address P-250, Bee. WANTED Good tailor at once, steady position, good pay. By Ladles' Tailor, at 606 So. lfith St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion iron Works, 15ti and Jackson Sts. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Aveiage talary. $1,100. Examination In Omaha. November U Common education suflicient. Free preparation. Send nam Immediately. Franklin institute. Dept. R2-U. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting, small security required; give address and phone. Address A-188. Bee. WANTED Chicken pickers; t dry pick ers, 1 scald picker; steady work. Richard Webber, Sioux City, la. WANTED A registered drug clerk; sin gle; ae 21 to 2; salary. $9n0 per yeai ; no dead ones need apply. W. L. Sargent, Ot tumwa, la. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; big demand for our graduates; you can run shop or hold good job after few weeks; some money made while learning. Call or. write. Moltr burber College. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED Man. or man and wife. Im mediately, for farm and lrult orchard work; pond position for rlsht party. Ad dress L 30 Bee. Persistent advertising In The Bee is the road to Big Returns. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Mr'aaana. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; altnost nur own price. Go pee Johnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones Sta. DELIVERY WAGON". HEAVY TEAM JNO GEARS. FARM WAGONS AND HARNESS. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO. SEVERAL good, odd size, second-hand milk wagons for sale. Both shl door and express style. Inquire 1M2 Fat nam. Call Douglas 411. FOR SALE 3 hacks, g-iod condition, rubber-tired; one at $ii.C0. one nt $7.Vo0. one at $100.00; must be sold. F.nslxn Omnibus and Transfer Co.. Lincoln. Neb. Yol'NO gentle driving horse. Phone Webster 2181'. LOST or stolen a black horse, weiuhl 1.200 ; hind hoofs white. Tel. South 628. Corn, NICE family cow. 1710 Center St. September record in classified advertising for the Omaha Bee is: Soptemlicr 1010 The Bee printed 10J67V2 inches Soptonilior 1!0!) The P.ee printed 8,G0lVi inches Showing a gnin of 2,1 (50 '4 inolios in want nd fipaeo for September. For the same month the nearest eomptitor shows a loss of 250 inches. The record for Sunday, October lfi, 1010 (yesterday), in classified advertising over the the corresponding Sunday a year ago is: Omaha Bee gain 23 3-4 inches. World-Herald loss 53i inches. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Dogs nnd Pets. ENGLISH Pointer bitch, whelped June 7. v. "J; she Is by Youim s Vlci x Helen JlnR, bred liv Theo Wlsmun. Clias. Cerny. I2i So. 16th St.. Omaha, Nob. FOR SAI.E-Young male pit bull terrlor 2316- A . South Omaha. LOST AND FOUND A LIBERAL reward to party roturnlpg pocketbook containing Western union card, money and papers. Call Pouglas 2ottf. $10.00 REWARD Lost, Sunday, brown Pcotch collie shepherd dog; white neck, tun back; collar, nickel chain. C. R. Gregory,33d and L Sts., Lincoln. Neb MEDICAL DR. FELKER. PIII'SICIAN AND BUliGEON, for the past forty-three vears. Five years spent in the European hospitals. Will tieut and cure all diseases without CUT TING. A CURE GUARANTEED In every case or money refunded. 1 have preat success In treatment of piles, ca tarrh, rheumutlsm, rupture and all skin Rnd blood diseases, etc. Rerefnces, T. J. Foley, Ed Rothcry, also Thos. Maloney, mayor of Council Bluffs. ROOM 42 MILLARD HOTEL. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 24a FREB medical and aurglcsl treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; ail treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglaa lit;. Calls answered day and night BEST nerve bucq for man. Uray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid. S har ms u & McCcnnell Drug Co.. Omaha. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONE-Best rem tdy fur Itchlntr, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60u postpaid; samples free. Sher man .v- cCpm'il 1 irur Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CUATTaCL. KW$ttf$:m?$w$w$$j$$M NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC $$ H HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST $$ $ DO YOU KNOW $ H that there Is a trust to maintain high $$ ii rates among the loan companies of $$ J$ this city? $t $$ DO YOU KNOW $$ it that w are a NEW CONCERN, or- $$ H eaulxed to FIGHT THE TRUST and $$ $$ to HELP THE WORK1NGMAN $$ l wnen iinanciauy embarrassed. W $$ ($ loan to any worthy worklngman $$ fl owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS. $$ $$ PIANOS, ETC.. or HOLDING A $$ $ SALARIED POSITION, any sum $$ J$ from $10 to $500 il at tha rat of 10 per year J$ JUST TUlISlv YOU PAY tt $ 1.00 interest for $ 10 for a year. it $ $.60 Interest for $ 25 for a year, it $ 6.0U inierest for $ 60 for a year. Jt $10.ii0 Interest for $100 for a year. ft All OTHER SUMS in PROPORTION $$ l we van iwii 1111 mesa low rates 1$ it because we have Interested MEN OF $1 $$ LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied tt ?$ with a REASONABLE RETURN on $$ tt their investment. Reasonable ap- it pralsement charge. $$ CALL AND BE CONVINCED. . S $$ EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE U Vi LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 TR t$ H INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., il ROOM 204 WTTHNELL BLDfl t$ Phone Doug. 6045. 15th and Harn'ev S ....,..t..atf.v.,iiitttmeit tut,,,,,... . '. w t;?wtoi..wf'.f".tfHi 'Uttittl$ $$ CHEAP LOANS. TTT,"'W ?$ on Furniture. Pianos or Malary S $$ AT 6 PER CENT A YEAR B $$ Can You Beat These Rates T U f $ 10 for 3 months 15o tt U $ 25 for 8 months 76o t jt $ 60 for 6 months $1.50 K tj $ 75 for 6 months $2.26 tt tt $UI0 for 6 months $3.00 tt t$ Small charge for appraising. tx J OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. tt tt Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 S. 16th Pt $1 $$ opposite Brandels. Doug. 2036. A-2086 U t,MU nf?W$WmilWWmWHKittt Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; $1.20 Is the weekly payment oa a $i0 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts In the same proportion. Mall or 'phon ap applications receive our prompt attention. Koom 12. Arlington Blk., 1611" Dodg BL 'Phon Douglas 2406 or A-2465. DO YOU NEED MONEYT W will loan you money on your furni ture, pianos, live stock or any other se curity at IOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convlnoe yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1356. Ind. A-1356. 220 Be Bldg. MONEY IjOANFD SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments, nt tires In C6 principal cities. Tolman, room DOS Omaha National Bank Bldg. HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rales and easy terrus. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 4X7 Board of Trade BUg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. 1614 Pod re. Tsl. Red iU MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. SOS Paxton Block. Tel. Dougla 1411. A-1411. CHATTEL loaijs. salary loans, svsrv )nd of loan froid private party. U Maw lurk Lite Bid Tlie Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. Returns. MOVING. STORAGE. CLEANING OMAHA V..V s PTORAOE CO cleans carpels on your floor. Fleetilo vacuum system. TO9 R. 17tn. Tel. P 1M. EXP. Delivery Co., offices Itfth and D. enpoit Sts W arehouse. 227-09 lisrd St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Room. CnOICF rooms with board. 'Th Tem plars " iki$ Capitol Ava BOARD and room. 82 8. lfth. FIRST CT Ji SS HO MR rnnvivn ,..i. 26c. Ill S. 17th. GOOD table board. 30$ No. roth. FOR RENT Fine large room with heme cooking. 22.2 Howard St. FOR RENT Nice room, south side, with or without board. 3112 Mason SL 'Phone Harney 4i2. 1 , , , . NICE modern furnished room with board. 610 N. 23d. FOR RENT Delightful east room, desir ablo for two gentlemen. First class board, Private family. Phono Harney 623. FOR RENT Largtf front room, good lo cation, home cooking. 709 Georgia Ava. FOR RENT Good sired front loom and alcove; board If desired. 2626 Charles St. Phone Webster 6100. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. Good board. 769 S. 29th St. FOP. RENT Nicely furnished room, home cooking. Tlione Douglas 7818. FOR RENT Desirable room, board If d Ired. Reasonable. 714 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Room, board If desired, till Harney St. DESIRABLE home for 1 gentlemen!, with board; fin location. Phon Florence 101. FOR RENT Furnished room, 'with board. In private family.. 607 N. lvih bt. South Omaha. EXCELLENT parlor for two men, horn cooking and privileges. Reasonable. 818 a 26th St. NICELY furnished steam heated room with table board. Union men preferred. 1710 Chicago. FOR RENT Nlo room, with board. 1461 N. 17th 8L- NICE sing! room with board, also larg front room for two. Walking dlatano. 1918 Caa. Phon Doug. 1476. - NICELY furnished room and board! tricUy modern, tit 8. S4th St, sTwrattakaal Roams. "OR RBNT Nloaiy rural shad front i H7 S. tuth BL Vary oonranlsat to buatn) NICE warm room, walking dlstacoa. Splendid looatlon. 407 No. 19th Bt YOUNG man to share comfortable for. nlshed room; reasonable terms. 1701 Far nam. Phon Harney Kit, NICE! rooms, suitable for two gentlemen or married ooupl. UU$ Capitol Av. NICELY famished room. 181 So. 13d SI. DEWEY Kttropaaa Hotel. 11th and rat sam. NICELY furnished front room with bath and heat; suitable for two young ladle or gentleman. P rival family, Mlfi Myxtls Ay. FRONT room, neatly furnished, oloaw In. 627 8. 26th At. GOOD furnished room in modsrm houaei -easocabla. m & 18th St. MODERN, steam heated room. 1W N. Ud Et FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; prt. at family j welkin: dlatanc. 601 8. 18th St. NICELY furnished room In nw modern home, privet fanillT. for gsntieman, Ut No. list Ava LARGE front room, nicely furnUhed. bath, yaa, eleotrlo light; walking dislaacil $10. 1706 bwy. Hxny t& NEWLY furniahd front room: gentle men preferred, 410 8. 24th, Doug. 6944. NICELY furnished rooms, 1311 Burt NICELY FURNISHED rooms, raodtrn. clos In. Mil Bt Mary a Av. FRONT room, with alooy. for rentl. meo; hot water heat. Tel. Dougla i78. NEWLY furnlahed room for gtntlemen, AU modern. 1624 Cass street LARGE front room, modern. 1814 Dodg Street. NEATLY furnished room. Walking dis tance. Every thl ng clean. 1223 Howard St FRONT room, for gentlemen: tot waup beat. Tel. Douglaa 4578. LARGE room for tour gentlemen: mod ern; rent reasonable. 2878 Uarnsy. NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly mod ern new fiat; clos In. IMl Davenport Ht THE LANDON. nlcly furnlahed room, strlotly modern, oil So. 14th. 6 ROOMS, very nlc. 111 a loth St 1 CORNER unny rooms; private family; no children; no other roomer; breakfast If desired; block two oar line, phon W. 6420. 2404 N. 3d. EAST front room, electricity and steam heat; fine neighborhood: walking dlatanoa. 578 8. 28th St. FURNISHED ROOM AU modern; suit able for two gentlemen. 1610 No. 17th St. FURNISHED modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 2uil North 19th. LARGE front room for gentlemen; mod ern; Private, tog N. 19tb 8t