Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Till Ktre Supplies the
Mt DNcrlmlnatlTH
Women In Oinnlia WHh
Itendy-to-W car Apparel
mm iiwi 111 nm m i , i imim mi wmummam m m 'im In Hi muni
at $2.90
00 of them bought
from a N. Y. manu
facturer new style
all sixes worth
up to H-
Men's Fall
Rain Coats
and Slip-Ons
Thoy ii!fet ever)
require nient, oxfords,
I'Kn-k and fancy ef
fect. $10 to $L5
Men's Trousers
$5 and $6 Qual
ity at $3.98
Mn.'e if Mh rlnv
short Hid nuitliiK'.
nl! v i. il f -vIt! . 1 r
(up im rimm : tl
1 - &jH
Fall Suits and Coats SPtffi
Women's Stunning New Tailored Suits These are extra
good values, newest and cleverest fall styles and fabrics,
some are actually worth as high as $30.00,
"Fashionseal" Suits for Women at $25.00 Not to le
compared in anyway with other lines at this price.
"Fashionseals" are the style aristocrats for COC
fall, at VUd
Women' New Long Winter Coat An entirely new group
high class tailored coats, cleverly fashioned In broadcloth, kersey,
tweed, mixture, cloths, etc.
Lined with hltth colored satins. They are smartly trimmed tOT
or plain tailored, at $At)
New Imported Arrivals From Merlin and Paris Coats, capes.
suits and gowns that were delayed In arrival for our open
ing; coats and capes that bear exclusive foreign Ideas and
shown for the first time, will be specially priced
at $25 to $G3
Women's New Fall Waists
Women's Pur Linen Genuine Hand Embroidered Waists
Very pretty new arrivals, at j)g
Kew King Tailored Waists Latest styles for fall 1911)
at - V. L " 11 82.50 to $5.00
ISew Lmbroidery Trimmed Waist and Lingerie Waists
Special at 08
New styles in Bilk and net I Women's embrol.lered and Lace
Waists, at l OW irimmeg jNlght Oowns
worth 11. GO, at
Children's Coats and Dresses
In Children' Section 24 Floor. Now Store
Children's New Bearskin Coats New curly or ost
rich bear cloths, all colors, special, j
Choice of 800 Children's Cloaks New styles and col
ors, many are samples, worth up to $10, q'q
Children's Mannish Tail
ored Coats Full
lengths, high grade in
every way, extremely
dressy, etc., at $10.00
Children's New Fall
School . Dresses Plaid
and plain wool mater
ials, serges, sailors, etc.,
at ...$i.98 to $5.00
A Great Sale of Fine Silverware
Mount Vernon Sterling Silver, heavy weight, full size tea spoons, regular price
$8.50 per set set of six special vf)5 00
Onieda Community Silverware That Wears 23 Years
Silver teaspoons, Louis the
XVI Sherraton patterns, set
of six $1.40
Dessert Spoons, set of six,
at $2.69
Table Spoons, set of six,
t $2.08
Cream Ladles, each . . 75
Oravy Ladles, each . . . 98
Oyster Ladle, full size $2.00
Bouillon Spoons, set of six
Orange Spoons, set of six
t $2.15
i Solid Leather
j Bags, 11 inch
i frames, all
i leather lined,
. at, . . . 91.00
Genuine Ooat
: Seal Bags,
leather lined,
. fancy fittings
- $ 1.49, 91.08
Motor Bags,
fitted with
pieces, at
92.08, 92.49
Fancy Bags,
velvet, suede
and beaded,
bags at spe
cial prices.
Berry Spoon ...... $1.39
Individual Salad Forks, Bet of
"l" ;"'", $2.98
Oyeter Forks, set of six
l $1.98
Butter Knife and Sugar Shell,
Bet two $1.19
Genuine Qer-iMonr. Pno
man silver
mesh .bags,
91.69, 97.50
Initials, in
gold plate
at 25c
25c Dr. Grave's Tooth Powder, at 13
25c Sanltol Tooth Wash, at l)
50c Consuello Cold Cream ID?
25e Lllao Talcum 7
26o Locust Blossom Perfume, per oz. . -25J
50c White Rose Perfume, per ok 19?
50c Java Klc Powder 2G
25c Bottle Peroxide ,
6 Cakes Ivory Soap iu
75c Genuine Ideal Hair Brush . ... o
1 lb. 20 Mule Team Borax '
25c Feather Dusters i i
50c Feather Dusters oRS
lOo Palm Olive Soap . j
Clever Fall Millinery
Tlie woman who is anxious that her fall hat should
be both becoming and fashionable, invariably
comes to Brandeis. AVe are showing a new group
of high class fall turbans in the new small and med
ium shapes very smartly trimmed and CRIf
strictly correct at hJIv?
Women's Fine Millinery at 93 No other group at this price
can be compared with this. Beautiful trimmings of wlllow-
ette, tips, ribbon bows, etc., every one
smart, up-to-date style
Misses' Fall Hats-Special in East Arcade
In this new millinery soctlon we show scores of clever fall
styles in bats for misses and children of all ages very pret
ty, girlish styles, in all desirable colors
positively worth up to $2.50, at OC
of an Entire Drummer's Sample Line
Fancy Linens
Brandeis bought a $5,000 sample line of fancy
linen pieces from New York's largest importer at
less than half regular price. This is the first time
that Omaha people could ever buy such high class
fancy linens at such bargain prices.
Fine Madeira hand embroidered pieces, Irish lace, cluny
lace, renaissance lace and Japanese, hand embroidered and
drawnwork pieces.
Here a few of the Extraordinary Bargains
72-inch round Renaissance Lace Table Cloth a fto
with lace centers worth 18.00, 111
at, each O.UO
54-inch Japanese Hand Drawn Lunch Cloth,
with hand embroidered centers worth
to $10.00, at, each
Irish and Cluny Lace Lunch Cloths, Center A j AO
Pieces and Scarfs wn th up to $12.00, jk Mft
at, each
Japanese Hand Made Renaissance Lace Lunch
Cloths and Center Pieces with hand embroid
ered centers worth up to $2.50, at, each. .
Japanese hand drawnwork
Lunch Cloths and Scarfs
worth up to $3.00, at -ach
3-piece renaissance lace scarfs
and centerpieces and lunch
cloths, worth up to $1.50,
at. each 75
Main Linen Dept. In Basement
Home grown Roses, all colors, long stems, worth $1 dozen,
no limit at, dozen 39
Fresh English Violets Very special at, bunch 19
EtoaradeSs Stores
Orandcis is the Logical Store io Sciect Your Fail Suit
We Back Our Statement With Such Makes
of Men's and Young Men's Clothes Like
Superior Clothes for Men
Xo store in Omaha offers such a selec
tion that can equal these in any way. They
are all style aristocrats. The tailoring is per
fection and the patterns commend themselves
to men of good taste.
Omaha's well dressed men will be pleased with
the clever new greys and browns. Styles that are
SUITS are $20 to $35
OVERCOATS are $25 to $45
, Practical Business Suits at $15
Men and young men who seek business suits of re
finement and absolute correct style, can find them
in this splendid group. Far superior to the average
suit elsewhere at this price. A suit
that looks right anywhere,
V J." .V I. AV V.
v.s- ; -;' '-,v...-": Vj
i v.
Fall Suits and Overcoats at $10 & $12.50
There's only one store in Omaha that gives you
genuine style, fit and quality in a medium priced
suit. Brandies clothes at $10.00 and $12.50 are
better than the kind that you buy at $15 any
where else better In every way classy- up-to-date
patterns at
: li:.v
S10 and $12i
Brandeis Sells the Best Boys' Clothes in Omaha
Rough as your boy may be, you'll find better service in Brandeis boys' suits
than in any other kind.
Our $3.50 Combination Suits for Boys
lias no equal, 20 styles, extra pair
knickerbockers with each suit, $3.50
Blue Serge Combination Suits Pure
all wool serge, well tailored, extra pair
of Knickerbockers, all for S5.50
Children's Novelty Fall Suits New "blues, browns and greys, all wool, blouse or
Buster Brown effects, best selection in Omaha $3.50
Men's Underwear
Sterling Union Suits In wool and silk and wool; also shirts
and drawers $3.50 to $5.r0
Lewis Inderwear Shirts and Drawers $3 to 555
Norfolk and New lirunswick Underwear Shirts and drawers,
mads of the finest selected wool, silk and wool, at, $1.25
10 $4.50
Root's Tlvoli MtMlicated Underwear Shirts and drawers, made
of the. finest Australian lambs wool $1.25 to 33
Manslng Union (suits, for fall and winter wear, $1 to $4.50
Men's Night Shirts and Pajamas, in muslin, outing flannel
Ml Bllk 50 to $9.00
Men's Fall weight ribbed and fleeced Underwear, worth up to
30 and 50
$1.00, at
Brandeis Sells Manhattan and E.
& W. Shirts for Men.
Hundreds of exclusive patterns to select from. Patterns not shown else
where $1.50 to $3.50
Manufacturers' Samples Men's Shirts Samples and broken sizes of Men's
Shirts, worth up to $1.00, at 39
Men's $1.50 Shirts New fall styles, pleated and plain bosoms 08
Men's and boys' worsted Sweater
Coats, all the newest colors and
styles for 1910, worth up to $1.00,
at 40
Men's Hand Made Sweater
Coats and Vests
at $2.50 to $9.98
John A. JlcShane is Reported to Have
Come Down a Notch.
Coantrr Club Stands Fine Chaae of
Getting Land Ipon Which Cows
Iwd to Ha.t Their Lunch
Price, roar Hundred Aere.
Directors of the Omaha Country club are
In active negotiation once more with John
A. McShane regarding the of part
of the famous "cow pasture." Mr. Mc
Bhane Is reported to have come down In
price and the deal is fairly likely to be
More than a year ago a proposition to
buy the land owned by Mr. McShane was
defeated by the club In a vote of the mem
bers following the moat exciting debate In
the club's history. Then followed several
dramatic events. The cows went onto the
ground which the club held by lease and
tae club sought the aid of district court
and bad the perniciously active cows en
Joined from lunching off the links.
Mr. McShane withdrew his bovlnes and
thi whole question has been quiescent until
Mr. MoShjme owns a good many more
acies near the club than the club needs,
and It Is purposed now to buy only about
twunty acres, which Include the ground
now played over. Mr. Mctihane a year.
sko asked Jj00 an acre for the property,
but Is Is said that he has since come down
to Io0. The club In reported to be offer
ing U60.
Negotiations Prove Surprise.
That the dlrectore are conducting ne
gotiations and that the deal Is nearly con
summated will be news to a great many
members of the Country club. It Is be
lieved that feeling In the matter on all
Idea has died down and the deal, if
finally a go between the directors and
Mr McShane, will be ratified by the club
Uiombers with less of a storm than no
eurred over the question at the previous
New Books
Cities la the Kaat and Sonth Show aa
Increase la Population During
Laat Ten Yearn.
WASH1NOTON, Oct. 14. -Population sta
tistical today were made public by the
census bureau for the following cities:
Elisabeth. N. J., Tt.0t. an Increase of or 40 t per cent over 62.1k) In lu0.
Lewiston. Ma. I6.M7. an inoreasa of Its,
or I t per cent over T't In 1M.
Newark. O., IS., an increase of 1M1, or
SI per cent over lt.li7 In WOO.
Waco, Tex., X.CX. an increase of S.T3S, or
ST.! par oeot over 30.64 la 100.
. Fiction.
MAX. Uy Katherlne Cecil Thurston.. 315
Pp. Sl-M. Harper & Brothers.
A young and beautiful Russian princess
masquerades as a boy and, as the Is rush
ing to Paris In her boy's disguise she meets
the hero, a clever and fascinating Irish
man, and they become In that city the
closest of comrades. Ehe falls In love with
him, as he does with a person whom he
supposes to be boy friend's twin sister.
The girl's struggle against her love, for
which she despises herself, her Jealousy
of herself, her anger against her friend be
cause of his love, are emotions sufficiently
complex and unusual. Of course. It all
ends happily.
De Morgan. 426 Pp. $1 Ml Henry Holt 4
A story of eighteenth century England.
It commences with a stirring duel, and
throughout shows a new phase of this au
thor's genius. The action Is fairly rapid;
the story, with occasional humor, la mov
ing and absorbing.
By Edgar Beecher Bronson. 3b4 Pp. U.60.
A. C. McClurg A Co.
Mr. Bronson left a newspaper berth In
New Tork over forty years ago to seek
health and fortune on the western frontier.
Ha found both, working his way from ten
derfoot cowboy to experienced ranch
owner. The types he met, the early In
dian fights, brushes with bad men. and the
hole adventurous side of the cattle man's
life, are covered In these remlnlscenoea,
whioh are now printed.
THE GANG. By Fred Brasted. S Pt.
1 26. The Griffith Rowland Press.
The gang Is a collection of cheap poli
ticians who manage affairs of government
in Scudder county, wherever that la. Some
of the scenery which the author sketches
seems to be realistic and as the tale Is
written In the first person, with the nar
rator figuring more or less prominently,
It Is probable that the story Is baaed
largely upon the personal experience.
ter, a 1'p. u. leming H. Hevell Com
pany. The scene of this story Is laid In New
Tork and centers around an old, curiously
wrought box carved with children's faces,
which evokes everywhere the latent spirit
of humor, pathos and romance. The book
Is full of living men and women whose
sharply contrasted Interests are affected
by their successive possession of the eter
nal rose.
CLEVER BET ST. By Clara Louise Burn
ham. 40 pp. 1I5. Houghton, Mifflin
The "Clever Betsy" of the present story
Is a Nsw England woman of rugged virtue
and kindliness who, as (blthful family
servant, baa lived the Bruce bonaebold
for many years. To her the young man of
tho household la still "her boy." though
Just graduated from college. The young
man'a stepmother, though of a kindly sort,
becomes angry when he falls In love with
a protege of Betsy's, and drives the old
Servant from the house. This Is the be
ginning of easily guessed complications
which all end happily Clever Betsy being
most clever as a matchmaker.
Barr MeCutcheon. 426 Pp. $1.60. Iodd,
Mead & Co.
The scene of this romance Is laid In our
own country and Is a story of circus life.
The Rose has a bad father and David a
wicked uncle, and they meet at a circus
where she Is the star equestrienne and he
becomes a clown. There are Intrigues, and
rascals; hard blows given and taken; dan
gers escaped; misunderstandings lived
through; and it Is all permeated with the
humor, the sentiment and the breathless
rush of story telling which have made the
author famoua
ander OUa. S2 Pp. tl.&O. Little, Brown
This la a story of political Ufa The
ground work of the plot depicts the strug
gle of a young editor both against a
political boss and a ring of traction mag
nates. The newspaper opposes a franchise
bill, causing an ill feeling towards Its edi
tor by the magnates, the heroine's father
being the "ring" leader. Likewise the
renomlnatlon of a congressman, who
practleally owns the Carthage News, de
pends upon the "easy boss." The story
Is well worked out and will be Interesting
to men and women alike,
Mlnrella neons.
Roosevelt; 621 pp., 4. Charles Bcrtbner's
This Is the series of articles on his
African hunting expedition which Colonel
Roosevelt contributed to Scrlbner's maga
ilne and which engaged our comment from
time to time as they appeared. In the
present volume the letter-press la per
fected In large new type and amplified
with fine Illustrations both from photo
grapha and drawings. Colonel Roosevelt
dercrlbes lucidly his experiences In the
Jungle. He also gives observations of wild
animal life which are not only Interest
ing and entertaining, but highly Instructive
from the original viewpoints and sugges
tive comparison which he makea. Unlike
most works of travel, "African Game
Trails" la destined to be a book, not of a
day, but of permanent literary and in
formatlonal valua
SWITZERIND, by Oscar Kuhna; 0
pp.. 12. Thomas Y. Crowell A Co.
The scenery, history and literary asso
ciations of the country are fully set ferth
In this book. The author leaves no por
tion untouched, and illustrations from
photegraphs give a dear conception ef
the principal cities, mountains and lakes
A description of a trip to the Italian lakes
finds an expropriate place la the work.
With large map and thirty-two full-page
Chambers; 304 pp. O. P. Putnam's Sons.
This volume In the American Waterways
series Is an account of the "Father of
Waters" from Its source to the sea, its
place In romance, religion, diplomacy,
literature, war and peace. The great di
viding line between east and west, the
Mississippi In volume Is surpassed only by
the Amazon, in length only by the Nile.
From the time of De Soto and Pere Mar
quette to the war between the states, the
liver has been th center of historic in
terest. The volume contains eighty maps
and Illustrations.
WAYS, by A. Van Wagenen; JW pp, 1 tt.
G. P. Putnam's Bona
In the course of his volume the author
points out that railroads are the most
potent factor In trade, and as they are at
the very basis of our economic conditions
should not be left in private hands, to be
manipulated for the bene flit ef a few in
dividual at the expense of th whole
Lodge; 7S pp, (0 cents. Funk fit Wag
nalla Company.
Suggestions on child-education and train
by John Philip ftousa; 309 pp. U. Thomaa
Y. Crowell A Comany.
The literature suited to this subject Is
taken from the best of Mr. Sousa'a own
writings, musical and literary. The anec
dotes related of hla varied career will
amuse and entertain and the lyrics from
his operas have become classics of Ameri
can verse.
Henry A. SUmson; 291 pp, 11.28. Eaton &
A collection of readable sermons dealing
with spiritual realities.
Mary E. Wilkinson; 823 pp. W. B. Conkey
The author, who Is a trained nurse, aims
to oover the practical, everyday needa of
the homes of people of small means.
By J. O. Ashenbursu 04 pp. tl, Funk &
W agnails company.
"The Day of the Country church," In the
author's estimate Is quite akin In Im
portance to "the hand that rocks the cra
dle." If the country church is thus to be
honored with a duty so like a mother's,
she must realize at once her mission. How
best she may do it is the object of this
Bx.bert Rudd Whiting. 84 pn. $1. The Baker
A Taylor cuminy.
The editor has sought to exclude from
this little book all stories of purely local
appeal, as well as stories that depend for
theur auBMr upon ridloule of any nation
or creed. Some of the anecdotes In tills
collection are new such have the virtue of
youth. Others are old the very foot that
these have lasted as long as they have Is
proof of their merit.
LIFE AS RELALTY, by Arthur Stone De
wing; 214 pp, $L26. Longmans. Green &
A philosophical essay In which the author
sets forth his belief that It Is In the effort
and not at the goal that we must search
for the real.
At the Mitchell Conference a Resolu
tion Is Introduced and Unnnl
monalr Adopted.
MITCHELL. 8. D., Oct. 14. (Special Tel
egram.) Shortly after the Methoyst con
ference began work this morning In the
form ef a resolution by Rev. K. W. Taylor
of Aberdeen, the women's sufferage move
ment was brought before the pastors. The
resolution called for the endorsement of the
state legislature's action In permitting the
amendment to be voted upon and urged
the pastoral support of the proposition.
It was anticipated that if soms such action
was presented. It would stir up consider
able activity In the conference. However,
the resolution waa unanimously adopted.
The location of the next conference was
taken up and, with Aberdeen and Madison
as candldatea In the field, Aberdeen won.
Rev. C. E. Hager, the retiring superin
tendent of the Huron district was pre
sented this morning, with a testimonial
from the preachers of hla district from
which he has retired after six years in
IUottnar Continues
Treuble, the Governiuen
In the Troops
and, Frnrinar
t Brings
PARIS. Oct. 14 The backbone of the
railway strike appears to have been
broken, but rioting occurred today, and
the government, fearing further disorders,
has brought troops to Paris. Striking
masons, who went out in sympathy with
the railroad employes, wrecked a freight
dray In Montmartre, la the northern sec
tion of the clt, and, forming two col
umns, attempted to parade.
The police and republican guards charged
and dispersed the strikers. In the encoun
ter several guards and policemen were In
jured. The tie-up Is still practically complete on
the western road, but anrvlce on all other
lines la being resumed on a nom;al baslv.
An I sir Osik
shculd be covered wKh clean bandages
saturated wlch Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, sores, pi lea Ibc.
For sale by Beawa Lrug Co.
Human Hair Goods
In Pompeian Room On 2d Floor, New Store
We are placing on sale for Saturday, In
our Pompeian Room only, while they
last, ten dozen braids some 34 and
36 inches long all dark shades
former price 7 to $10 tl 10
to close out, at leltr
Custom Puffs
The Madame Josephine Boyd JQ
Clusters, 5 values sJni.lvJ
Cluster Puffs, made of flrnt 9 Z
quality hair, 10 values.
Wavy Switches
20 Inches long, made of fine a 4 QQ
hair, 1 3 values ilm(JO
34. Inches long, made of fine H Q
hair, $7 values Jfeu
24 fnches long, made of fine Q
hair, 6 values ju.-nr
Straight Hair Switches, all 18-ln. Q
long hair, $1.60 value v'
Two Extra Large Nets 5t
$1 Hair Rolls OUC
Good work and satisfactory treatment have caused onr hair goods
.-a dnartment to i?row larger and larger. Visit our new
lieautv Parlors In Pompeian Room, where we do manicuring, shampoo-
lng, halrdresslng,
facial massage, bleaching and dyolng, with expert
TThevy V-fW 2larronlf
Chase" &JK ilnJkM:k
Corliss -Coon
fisaS Collars
31 2 for 25 !ZJ
"Chevy Chase" it a new cloe
front collar, with lots of style ard
more comfortable than the fold
collar yon are wearing.
Corliss, Coon & Co., Makers
Special Candy Prices
for Saturday
C0o Princess-Sweets Choco
lates, por pound 39c
40c Assorted liuttercupa,
per pound 25c
Watch our Candy sales on
Fresh Home-made goods.
16th and Farnarn Eta.
The 15e aims to print u
paper that ajipoals to in
tolligence; not to an appe
tite for scandal and seust-