THE BEE: OMAHA. OCTOBEK 12. 1010. 0 OFFERED FOR RENT Paralahea ttlaae. FOR HKNT-Two south rooms. $10, good location, breakfast If desired. N 17in RuoM ami board for couple ludiea. s2 Jone HL i'liOlie Douglas iiib. FOR RENT Dcalrault front room, 211 N. th St. Mri Oral. FOH RENT Three room furnished and unfurnished room in private laiiiuy. Ref erence. JU3 Sherman Ave FOR RKNT-l4ii front room and al cova. reference. 2ol2 Chicago bt. FOR RENT Piirnlrhed room In private family, good location. IkM Webster bt FOR HENT Kurnj'hed room In private fnnilly. S, i,tfl st Foil RENT Nice front ruum, modern liuiiia, private laiiuly; reference. Harney Sue FOR RENT Strain heated room, desira ble for toiile of gentlemen. .U tt. ilh Ave. Red iWd. Foft HKNT-A large room, desirable for two. uo4 N. 2oth Hi. WANJ lilJ-A lady roommate. Good loca tion. 4n7 ti. 2bth Ave. FOR HUNT Room for 1 ladles. 12 weuk; laundry privileges, liarney tit.- FOR HENT Very comfortable roome for housekeeping: good location. J 10 8 14th M. FOR HE.NT-Room and alcove, auitable fur 4. Uood location. 407 S. 26th Ave. KHH HKNT-Double room, desirable for four gentlemen at II W per week, good lo cation. 'Ail liarney St. FOR HENT Single room In private fam ily ;-gooa location. 419 8. 26th Ave. Douglas lieM) Hoicle b4 Apariaaeate. MCELT PUnmHBD ROOM", for gen tlemen. - THE CHATEAU, lit & Uth St. DODGE HOTEL Uth an Dodge. All out- ida cool room; apeclal rates by the week. THE IRVING Rooms and board. 2102 Leav. HOTEL H L'BIIARD. Uth and Howard; a place for the common people; prices right. GEORGIA HOTF.U European plan, meal ticket. 1042 8. Uth Bt Harney Ml. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly modern', close In; quiet and homelike. Doug. 1711 or 28. list and Chicago. STEAM heated room, S3 to 17 par week, Ogdcn hotel. Council bluffs. " Apartaaeats as Flats. r.ll PKIVKT AVE, I rooms all modern, rlose walking distance, 130. Olover Realty byndlcaie. 1219-22 City Natl. Bank Bldg. STEAM, tile bath, hot water, janitor; e'rgant, first-class ; none compare. 114 N. loth St. ... THE MA.NL'KL, 1st and Howard, 4-room apartment, M bo; . heated, hardwood fin ish. FLAT Jor rent. 2W St. Mary's Ave., 146. Chris Dover. 2Jnd And Cuming. Douglas 2049 or B 2049. -4 FINEST location, 4-room flat In city, 122.60 month. Kill No. 84th St ONE 4 and one l-room' strictly modern lieatPd apHrtment to Tent to man and wife at 21 and 2823 f . 20th Ff.; convenient to three car lines. J. N. Marsh, 1923 Locust St. Phone Webster 1118. NEW elicht-room modern upstairs flat, hot water heat, furnished, large rooms and closets. Fine location for doctor. 1613 Vin ton. FINE 4room annrtment,' modern except heat. 2G18 Maroy, 18. '(,.,. .. , - -r- "' HousekveplnaT Hooma. - THREE 'rile" unfurnished housekeeping roum. 2KH uodge St. THE MAN CEL. 21 Kt and Howard 2-room apartment, heated, 128; 4 rooms, $36, 1 - TWO nteelr -furnished rooms In' strictly modern notine: jjloaej, Tel., Douj. Jiai. T1IRKK' flKtnt rooms; modern: walking distance: furnished of unfurnished. ZiO N. Mltn SL I- FOUK nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; no children, references .required, tbo N. 401U fit. :. FOR PJKNT Furnished room tor house keeping. 1474 Harney St. FOR RENT-Furnished rooms for house keeping. 71D N. 23d 8t. FOR RENT Strictly modern room for houfekerplng, too N. Uth St. FOR KkiNi' I'arloK, dining room, kitchen UHiitry, laundry, cellar, flrnt floor partly 'mulshed, 14.00 a week. 4018 Lafayette Ava. Harney tM3. FOR RENT-Furnlahed rooms, 2406 Cum ing St.- ' ' ' v- FOR RENT Couple rooms for housekeep ing. U22 K. lith Ht. rOlt HENT Three rooms, nlrelly fur nished, lii chioag Bt. Tyler 1213. Fuli KEN Furnished room for house keeping. 711 N. Uth St. FOR RENT Rooms for housekeeping, good locaUon, 2U23 Burt SL FOR' RENT Two large rooms for house keeping, gas for cooking and light. 2-3 leuvuiiworth. bt. i FOR RENT Rooms for housekeeping, gas range, and electric lignt. t3 tio. lit Bt. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished. Oal, bath, linen. 6. 81 8. 28th tit. Phone Harney Ibtie.- - FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, mod ern. 7 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooina and alcove. 2033 Davenport bt. FOR HENT Furnished front room. Sit 8. aim St. FOR hJ-NT Two rooms for light house keeping. l-3 Leavenworth Bt. FOR KENT Two modarn rooms. SuJ) Burt bt. FOR .HEMT Two room for housekeep ing. 2b24 Davenuwt, Su U. lnd. U-2U6. FOR RKNT iue, Ijooly furnished front room, uam 6c Alaiy'a Ave. KOK RK.NT Two housekeeping rooms, bath room floor. 2oe0 Harney SL Fokc. KENT Modern four rooms on main floor, furnluhed or unfurnished. &23 3. 2vtii b treat. . J-OR K1NT-N Icely furnished room for housekeeping, fine home for two glils. Famaat St. FOR KENT Housekeeping rooms, Hull Chloago St. FOR Ki:Nf-Two front room, for house keeping. 44! 'o. lUb bL FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping, 6u4 N. Id lit Bt- FOR RENT Large first floor complete far housekeeping. 2bJ7 Harney SL FOR RENT Two rooms. 110. abO' M fttreet-t-' ' FOR RENT-Couple ooms furnished for housekeeping, !d floor. 6.2 N. I'id St. FOR KENT Two rooms, nicely furnished Sli 8. ltth St. FOR RENT Two roome furnished for light housekeeping. ; lancroft bt. X)R- RENT Parlor floor, nently fur nished, 'M a. Mih til. Phone Douglas CU'.i. FOR RENT Three modern rooms fuTn lehe.1 for houe. keeping Ii2i California Bt. hhona lnd. U-UhIl Vml aealeketl Raasea. I ROOMS at 441 ramatn. FOR T.EXT-Four 'roo iia. 1470 S, luth Ilioua Dougtas Ml. St. FOR RETne or two nloe rooms furnished. &:7 Mason bu .-1"'? trunk rooui. unfurnished lxj ii ta bt. .. Foil HE.M-t.oi pin of f urnisrirdoT furnished lo.mj, ln.xi.rn 2o JoUes fcmiubeva i'kvue Doiigiaa Jil. un- OFFERED FOR RENT lafaralahed Hevtaa. Ffri RENT Couple of unfurnished rooms for houseketplng. r.i Harney HI. Fun KENT-Four unfurnished rooms, suitable lor housekeeping. IM7 N. 17th tit. FOR KENT Three nice rooms, t a mo. Good location, teth Ave, and Flnkney. FoK RENT Three unfurnished rooms. 34i Jackson bt. FOR RENT Desirable room In private family. 423 Fark At. 1'lione liarney 2ki. Kara'abea Hoaaea. FOR KENT Small, completely furnished flat; close In; strictly ntouern; references requited. H1 Howsrd t- bee at once. -ieaeea aad Cttagea. FOR RENT 4-room new modern brick house; combination fixtures; east boot, oar aid and VYeusier et. ; rant, 140. ityr2J Uluorn Dr'u boose, north part of 4-iooin apartment; city water, gag: large ot; 1M1 N. ltn bL tUM. 4-roorn apartment; city water, gas; newly paperetij tig M). C. M. BACHM ANN. 43e Faaton Bid. Office. R-ttj Kaa.. D-60ba. UKOCND FLOOR SPACE. There Is a large space Just off the court on ground floor that wlil be remodeled ta suit eatisfactory tenant. This location Is near Fa mam street, coaveaient ta maia entrance of building. Look before renting. Don t rent before looking. HI- lJ EE BU1LD1.NO COMPANY, H. W. Baser. bupL 1, in and Farnaak 1-KOOM oottage; gaa ,ah4 water In house. U14 8. Aitb SL FOR RENT 7-room cottage; modern e crpt hetit, close In; good neighborhood; 12B. 1-13 8. 2uth feL 4-R. mod. cottage, very nloe, beautifully located, 12o. Jl b. 37th tot. VV eb. 2oW. MODERN-FURNACE AND BATH. S-r., Cass, excellent, 140. J r., koo N. 3tn, 2 car lines, 137.60. k-r., 2024 Leavenworth, corner 2th, i0. .... O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101o-lb-l( N. V. Life. Doug, or A-21a2. 8un dy or evening, H. 6134. FIVE-ROOM flat, modern and warm. 2014 Wool worth Ave.. I2u. Eight rooms, modern, with barn. 4701 Davenport bt., 12S. HARRISON & MORTON, J16 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NEW 7-room house, all modern, hot water heat. 2713 Chicago St. Tel. Harney 204J. ROOOMS, all modern, large lot, large barn. 1.109 Plnkney. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 408 New iork Ufa Bidg. 'Phone Red 1W or A 1721. 1 ROOMS, all modern. West Farnam. 136. Nowata Land and Lot Co., W68 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Bad lifts or A 1721. STEAM, modern, central. 4-room flat 224) Houses, flata Garvin Bros, Id floor N. T. U FOR RENT. 6 rooms, 1412 Evans, $32. 6 rooms, 1S12 No. 23d. (21. 6 rooms, 2M0 Sherman Ave., 130 rooms, 3W Sherman Ave., 2U. 8 rooms. 2210 Emmet, 130. rooms, VlAil Spaulding, 130. W. 11. GATES. Sit V T Life. Phona D. UM. 410 N. 22D 81'. rooms, modern; rery de sirable; flue location; walking distance decorate to suit tenant. ' W. FARNAM SMITH 4k CO., 1320 Farnam SL 10-ROOM modern bouse, with garage. In best residence district, IU. Keyg at offloe. A. E. Backer Co., 416 Dee Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modara house. Nut Dodge street DUNDEE 8-room house, modern, with barn. Harney W2T. NEW, warm 6-room cottage at 41st and Corby; I12.W. R. D. Mason. M. D. eUl Biandcls. 22.5ft-room, 2-story . cause at 708 North 14.00 for . a nice corner house, t-room. modern, except heat, 102 N. 0lh St. 112.00 for nice little 4-room flat. Kit Bin ney St., will rent to colored family. Robinson 4k Wolf. 4JS Paxton Block. HOUSES FOH RENT TO COLOEJlD people 14 rooms, easy . walking distance, mod ern ; IW NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 648 New York Ufe Bldg. Vhona Red A-172L NINE-room hcuse, 109 Plnkney St new, hardwood floors and newly painted; special price F. D. Wead, 1101 Varnam 6 ti 8-r 216 Bo. 15th Ave 4k. 60 1-r., 2901 Farnam, modarn, water conv , 10.00 T-r., 1911 So. 15th Ava 18.00 T-r., 28B6 Maple St, 1 lota 15.00 6-r., 1609 Locust 15.00 And many others in all parts of the city. F. D. WEAD, 180t Farnam Bt. i 1 MODERN 8 room house, hot water hoat, newly painted and papered, 130 per month; half block to Institute car. 4340 Ersklne Bt l-ROOM house, all modern, $30. 1411 Charles St. HOUSES FOH HENT I ROOMS, all modern; oak finish; laun dry, hot water heat. 4014 Burt. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., New Turk Ufe Bldg. Phone Red !!, A-1721. Choice wall paper to price, 3008 Farnani St SEE our list before renting. Save time, money. All Sises all prlcea PAINE. HOSTVVICK BLATRH, ttb Floor N. T. Ufe Bidg. A U A Van ft. U tore household goods; storehouse. 11 20-14 N. bth: office, tuft 8 17th St Tel. Dougias U&a HOUSES J" ' Prts of the city. UUUOAut? Cielgb Sons Co. Bee fc:jf. -ROOM modern house except furnace. Tcuug. . Webster 1743. FOR RENT 4VROOM. Modern St Louis fiat, H block from Hans com Park, east side car. UK. Inquire 2911 bhiiley bt Phone Harney 4H31 HOUSES FOR RKNT NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., (Ulte U N. Y Ufe Bldg. Med IMS. Mni'filCHnl.n nniina . . eheap freight rataa; movtag and storing! r -.... -'-. 7 v. w. . t. Awug. SS4, ARE ynu In Uouble? Let us manag your rentala PAYNE, BOSTWICK ar SLATER. 1U Floor. N. v. Lin BiUg. VACANT November 1; exceptionally con venient; modern; compact; aix room; brick; finislied one year ago', choicest neighbor hood, 31 and Poppietou Ave. U. includes water, care of lawn, snow, etc. PETERS TRUST C O. 17th and Faruain St. Ground Floor. e-HOOM strictly modern brlok bouse, very neat and desirable. Ijuj So. 2ith. 8-HOOM modern house. 2iil Chicago. FOR KENT Modern. I-room brick house, all S. 2itn St. Ai-ply 3424 Farnaiu SL FOR KENT 7 -room -liouse. V Sewsrd. 2 blocks from cr, luodorn except furnace; barn, fine yard. 125, 4110 Lafaette. II I'M T UriF.ln In . I. .TT7! I . i r- ... uiuiwutn'r- mugem house near lUnsconi park; hot water heat; rent reasonable Call 15 So. 2th SL 268 liOl'dLAS ST. looms, 127.50. MODERN HUISE-Ueven rooms with furnace: uindow bhads; walking distance Vet. :'l. Inquire Zli A. 30th St Phone ltldcnuellt A-i.L -ROOM house, all modern, combination fixtures, city and cUtnja . water; barn; fine location, lnuulre -vx) Hanulun Tel' Harney l.M. nobby dan wheeler cottaoe. 801 So. 28th Si., furtiKue and bath etc. 128.00. F. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam St. ST. LOCI3 FLAT 5 rooms, all modern, corner 22d and Davenport. Ixwk It over or 'phone owner. Ericksoa, South 2d!, or F bU. 7-rtom houe. modern except furnsce 2"l 1'Hiker; L4. We Jajr water rent tail OFFERED FOR RENT Iloaeee aad Cottages Coatlaned. FOR V. FNT Fine 1V room honrr. !Hh an3 Howard, po?seiion Nov. 1 to i, references. Tel. 1. 7. or rnll Putnam Co., Hran "leis Theater Bldg. 13-r.. ll.M n. lstii. new, mod., 6-r , l.M4 N. ,1l!t. 17. -r.. J! 10 N. 27h Ave.. fl?. r.. 2"fi Caldwell, J2; 5-r.. 32i; Ca. 115. 5-r , His N. ;tli Ave., 110. 5-r., 17th and N. So. Omaha. $10. 4-r.. 1M7 N. 17th St , $14. 4-r.. I43 N. 1st h, 110. Itl'SSEl.lM KITRICK I'll. 432 Ramge Blk . and liarney Doug. gr7. Sts. tarea aaa OlCleee. TRACKAG e"pHOPEKTY We offer for rent the one lory and basement brick etore (ooni at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in i ear. Apply BEK BUILDING Q), 17th and Farnam. FOR RENT Office rooms, til and 220: de sirable suite of offices on third floor wltk north and weet exposure. A wide corridor ritends around the attractive court to these offices affording easy access to this piece of business. Rent for suits 162. THE BEE BUILDINU COMPANY. STOREROOM FOH HKNT gouthaast corner itith and Douelas Si - room niiO feet. Possesslou givea aooui September t 1910. CITY NATIONAL BANK. a IZARD home from Europe. Those who have applied on meat and grocery .lores ur others, confer at office, 220 N. 23d. GOOD STORE ltOOM. 1909 Cuming .St., slxe 2x6. price $25. PAYNE, b LATER CO.. Bole Agunts, th Floor N. Y. Life. Nice large store room at Iah North 24th Direct. Robinson & Wolf, 435 Paxton Block. DENTlSTS-offloe rooms In physician s eulte; most convenient, central, prominent OFFERED FOR SALE rsrsltsre. ANTIQUK, solid mahogany fiddle bask and other chairs; also library table, him bargain. Leaving eity. lull Cass street GOOD as new, maaalve brass bed. box springs, hair mattress, gulck Meal range, chiffonier, oomolnaUon bookcase oriental and domestic rugs and drapes, all aiaua. 915 William. Choice wall baDer U nrina arm r.n. u. . - - ' - ' 1 11 Dfc. St"? H A IT K h' R nlinn l j , .." " . evwu cunuiuon; tU4 Ca1aw ftM '"" COMPLETE housekeeping outfit also piano. Address O 234, Bee. TWO roll top deske, office table and case walnut shelves Call 10 a. m. to 1 p. ra Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, 638 Bee afaaleal lastraamea ta. FINE uptight piano; latest style, iiii. Owner leaving city mi Case. OROAN for sale; first class condition' $10. Apply 715 North 17th street ' toraa. 50 stoves, heaters and ranges; got to be sold at once. 1719 Cuming. A GOOD RANUE; must be sold at once' will sell very cheap. Call 124 8. 36th St. ' FOR SALE Second-hand hotel range Apply to engineer or steward. Hotel Loyal! 2817 Poppleton. Clearance Sale Large stook of typewriters, slightly used Olivers, Underwoods, Remingtons, Mon archs, L. C. Smiths and othbra at lowest prices ever offered. Prloe 110 and up; machines many of them good as new; full auarantee. Call or write tar t k uHt - offer. . . J3. F. SW ANSON CO., 1316 Farnam St. er.uuixu-nana lypewruers sold rciwlred. Central Typewriter Exchangs. DM Farnam. BUY an L. C. Smith 4k Broa. typewriter B. F. 'Swanaoo Co.. Distributers. UU Farnain bt YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand, 13 monthly, from manufacturers. moat mieresieo in satisfaction given Oliver Typewriter Co., 101h;,n a 1). Typewriters for Rent b.", son 1311 Farnam lit. Omaha. aflaeaUaaaaaaT . About 40 feet of 19 inob diameter No M gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 45-lnco elbows and T. Tbia was used for ventilat ing purpoaet. and pipe la In good condition The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam' FOR SALE New and second-band billiard and pool tables. Wa lead the world In eheaa bar fixtures; easy payments Btuoswicm. Balke-Collender. 407 b. 10th St WE HAVJI on hand a number of ink barrels wblch we will sell for 59 cents each Theey are fine for rain waier or ashes. Csli at press room. Bea Publishing Co. BIX hundred cords of four and five fnot niaple and Cottonwood cord wood to sell Will deliver one and two cord lots. Price $C.2b per cord. OKltrB KKAL ESTATE CO 1018 Omaha National Bank Bldg Phone Douglas or A-2161. FOR SALE 5-room house to be removed,, 811 N. J2d Make offer. App'Y Chris. Boyer, 22d and Cuming bt. Doug, and B-2049. DRUGS at out prices, freight paid on all $10 orders, catalogue free. Rherinaa a MoConnell Drug Co . Omaha Neb. SAFES Overstocked wiltn second-hand safes, all alses and makes; bargains American Supply Co.. 1110 Furuam St POTATOES In car lots. Write or wlr. for prices. E. C. Molir, Arcadia, la. u) TONS In car lots of 2d bottom hiLiori liay; fine quality. O Keefe Steal Estate Co., ion n. r. uie. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johbsoo, tovt Rrandels Theater Bldg. Katluyn Nikolas, 834-8 Brundeit Theatsr. PAtENTS D O B A KNELL. Paxton Blk Tsl. Red 711) WILLARD EDDY, re elite red piscKtlnner la U. S. Pat. offioa. Us Paxton Blk K. 291 PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION OR PAIN. PAT WHEN CURED. DR. V. C l 4.V ELL. 24 BEE BLDU.. OMAHA. DOUG. li'i. 1)1? TYITliKK H'ciallat In all forms N. E. Corner 16ih and Douglas, Room 1. MAGNETIC irra. Unit. 6mlth. Third Floor. PRIVATE HOME during confinement teniae (iT adoption. CVwid rtainariiau aoi tanuoi. ie tsi Ave. council uiurra. la. WlfJS na tueM for men tJrlfflth MVJU U and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. MMB. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt . xlow and maaeaae. lfoi St i,n,,.,i. postuftioa. Id flour. Tel. Doug, liii, THE SALVATION ARMY eolMta osst-o7t clothing. In fact, anything you d not need We collect repair and sell at. 134 N nk at., for cost of ccllociloo to the worthy pour. Ca'i pUuue Dwugiaa AM aud waguua U1 caii. - PERSONAL (Conilniiedi OMAHA Stammerer' las., Ram re Bldg. UEYN IndepVndent orchestra furnlshee the test ujvto dale n.usic for ih least money. Get my prloe. Ph. Har. lfcu. PRIVATE home for women during con finement. Addreas box lli, Florence. Neo. l'iione Florence k't The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. THE SUCCESS of the century. Mma Frayer's addeligbt hair food, grows bair, removes dsudrutf. Megeata btauonery Co., 14U Farnain. JOSIK WASHBURN book. 'The Under world bewer. " at all book stores; price 81.84 r- Clioice wall puper Vk price, 3VuS Farnam St. K;initnrv .Hairdressinu Tarlors. uduiiuiji lake .Msjlneila inaBeages for a kotiU complexion, tiul l axtou Blk. U. 4ii71. WANTED a lifetime partner, who la a good houHekeeper and hae tame property, by elderly geutleimui. who bus property and wants a life partner. No trlflers need answer. Addieas, V, iuu liee. SCIENTIFIC MEDH'AL MASSAGE. Expert niasfeuse. bi4 S. luth bt 3d floor, flat ; hours 1 to 8 p. lit. H IN IKX) TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, too. BELL DHUU Co. RATI IS Scientific massage. W17 Dodge. ifa.senient lu a. m., I p. m. DR. EGGERS. i rlvate confinement home 1&18 Martha, omalia. Tel. Doug. 8-30. VACUUM CLEANER3 rented. Tel. Web ster 2771. MR. EM1L KREBS Blk., 10th at Harney, formeiiy with Bran dels. We make old hats look like new. CHINA painting lessons, firing, order work, stenciling; flrln. call und deliver. Mra. W. V. Irwin, 2015 Blondo. Tel. W. S409. Manicuring, shampoo, chiropodist, W-48W. PERMANENT ,e'ovi ' upertiu- Inconvetiicnce; work gimranleed. Erbeno Cliemiial Co., 110 McCagu Bldg., 15th and Dodge t!t. M ASSA0liAb BATHS" Lr. liitleuhouse, Room 308 Old Boeton Store Bldg., 4tli floor, elevator eutrancs. 120 aiiitn. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strsngers sr Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable bosrdiug places ur othei wise assisted. Look for our IMV.Ur'a 1 H a I , r. . 1 ,,.,1..- TRY Maglo Roach Powder Douglas 1370. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-lt63; Douglas 18tiX NEURASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lfcOi and Haraey Sta, DR. EOGER8, private confinement horn. 1518 Martha St, Omaha. Tel. Douglas 833a A HOME) fo women during .confinement We find homes tor babies whoso mothers eannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha 1 Lee, 401 Bancroft Ht, Omaba, Nab. 'Phone Douglas YOUR credit is good for the best hair goods possible to purchase; wa will sell you braids, puffs, swluihes, etc, absolutely upon credit Largest dealers In Omaha. Call at Boyd System, 5u0 Kamge Bldg. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption, 2618 Davenport St. MAONETIO Treatments. B. Brott. 1224 iiLttcrixjAj.u & Wlh 6t TeL IJOUg JwWi Kwifpliod from combing. 11.50. Mrs. 8. LOST PHYSICAL VIGOR. Massage treatment, stomach trouble. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 228 Neville Blk. D. 7761, r aiAuiMLtii rnaAirauni' reduced rate Hoyrs 8 a. m. to 12 m. 10U0 Howard St.. td floor. ., PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Prinr.pTon Baa Bldg. .Entrance un Court - - BJKS-HALL Ptg. Co. lqejiitth. Ind. A-1524. PHONE IND. A-ie20 forgood pflnUng Lyogstad Printing Co.. Igih and CapluM Ava MILLER & JAMIESON, 1212 Dougias St Both phones. ( , REAL ESTATE 1B1THACT1 or T1TX25. PETER JES6EN. JR Tel. Douglas VOX REAL KSTATK DKALKHI, REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1858; prompt service; get our prices, 206 Rrandels theater. BENJAMIN R. . CO,. 477 Brarulaia Bldg. CITY PBOrajHTY FOR gALJtJ An Exceptional . Bargain New, tiodern home just completed, with parlor, dining room, kitchen end reception hall on first floor; three nice sleeping rooms and bathroom en second floor. First floor finished In hardwood. Very nice gas and electric light fixtures throughout. Cement basement under whole house. Workmanship and material are' exception ally good. Paved street and cement walks. An exceptional bargain for anyone desir ing a well-built home In a flret-claaa neigh, borhood. Near southeast corner of 2ath and Hamilton Sta. Price 13, WO. W. J. Dermody Investment Co. lei. D. 786. 114 City National Bank Bidg. BARGAIN 8819 N. 17th, new 8-rooiu liouse, modern except heat, Xine looatioa.. Price l,7uo. Terms, bee owner, lltu . -ai, llin. Phone Webster D&3. 'NEW 8-ROOM .MODERN HOME IN WEST EAR NAM DISTRICT ONLY $4,7uo. Leaving the city; must sell; our chance to own a tine home cheap, rice it today. Call owner. Harney 11 ,i. 7 . ROOMS, 2 FULL LOTS. East Horn lou. looxU0; easy v.a,klng dis tance; vciy c uts p. m a. dUth ail. Look at it. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. w.s New York L.e IJidg. ' ' Phone Red DJ'-A-1721. "SNAP FORT37500"' New 0-1 00m bungalow at tM and Mere dltli Ave. Come a;id see It. 'Phone Web. 6.W1. bAKUAiiN ISVi So. Stilt .1... a-1 00111 h -.die, klrictly modern and practicany n-w, wan bain lb x.t It., on foil uixe lot. '1 nla pioiiei ly u well located on iJdcti S.. nt-ai Lai line, park and school. Oiiglnaliy cot j.Ii.j. am leaving cliy and will aaciKice. price. It. ... leaaonnbiC iei 111s it uea.rcu. inquire of owner, iii bo. Mm M' I IF Yul" nave looked for a home and I leant 1 1 rid one lliut 11 rigi.t. come to .bewaid. A block lroui liailiey car, I haei '2 new 8-ioom. modtrn liuuub. I'.rlrig aj j mechanic; tluy .will ntuvl nid lnxpeciiou. iuaide 14 iM. cuiner ),400 CJioice lots in diifereiit parts; of city, $1.00 cash' and 50 cents .' ler Wt't'k ' W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., 1512 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel., D. 7bG. REAL ESTATE CITY I'kol'KH I t fun SALE. (Continued ) Field Club Homes On 3.'. ih rt.. we ran ffer you two good, 8-rooni, nicnlprn homes for t. ouo each, (ink finish, etc.. euet front lots, ery good dis trict. On 35th Ave, we are offering a fins R-room, all modem home; hns splendid i'Rk finish first floor, Including kitchen. Fine hardwood floor up end downMalrs 4 bedrooms and rear sleeping porch; . . " ilium wnii 1 1 refiHi-e , nuiii in attic for two more good rooms. A genuine 'niKHin ii you want sometning goou in a good district. Investment A good double house of 6 rooms each on Locust street and 23d. Only 1 block to car and pood Catholic church and school. Built out of best white pine lum ber. Always rented for 140 and water rent. Only $3,750. Call for E. W. Stoltenberg, 436 B. of Trade Bidg. D. 1510. FIVE-ROOM, 1200 CASH. City water, eiertrlo light, lot 50xl, 1 blocks to car; Benson. Price only 81.IW0. Nowata land & lot co., m New York Life Hldg. Phone Red 1H9-A-1721. SPECIAL INVESTMENT. Four cottages, renting at over IfOO per y i , iui ao.inv, Venn, ii.(.ui OMianee ouuti lng and loan association terms, vis., $a3.00 m uiu., iiurriijr Cloee in. F. D. WEAD, 1H01 Farnam St PRAIRLE PARK Two mora houses. Just completed, ready for occupancy; six rooms and bath; hard wood finish first story; full cenented base ment; one-fourth cash, balance monthly; agent 2f03 Fowier Ava laxtou Real Es- OWNER Wants 12.800; best new. strictly modern house for price asked; one-halt cash; near nanscoin para. tel. liarney 3&e. FOR BALE Two lets, 132 by 140, o. South luth bt. near Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will sell as one piece or di vide, w illing to sell at sacrifice Atpij at 8dt South xlst bt FOR KALE House T rooms, water, sewer toilet etc.; nice uses and shrubbery. 8U Boutb list 6t REAL ESTATE I AHM A.NU uAAlll A.AAU FOIl A L8 talllaraist. A FINE 10-ACRE PEACH ORCHARD in Ontario. Cal., value lo.iM), to trad for good Minnesota properly aouut sauia value; con sider Dakota or clou saxia. kevcral tine California wiauga groves, lroui ilu.vuu up. Bale and trades. Have oua called tue flneai piece in soumeru California, price (Uuuw Beautiful property wlU pay big returns also. If you have eastern property to trade for southern Cauluriua, send ueacrip. tiou. Tradee offeoted anywbere. Faltbrul fiersonal attention given to your mailers, nsurauoa, sal as, trades, rentals. Invest menta, to- References furruaued. Jamaa M. Van Deuaan, 808 Braiey Bidg., Paaadeua. Cal. 0 ACRES Flneet Orange land n... Fresno. California, 11,600. F. 8 Baa. taasda. 6EDF-8UPPORT1NU HOMES In the klor. lous fruit district southern British Coium. bia for 10 cash and 110 monthly, without Interest. Annual profits, oOU to 11,000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery hunting, fishing, boating; dsllgbUuL warui climate; church, scnool, poatoffice, store big sawmill; dally trains; close to markets unlimited demand for products. Write quick for maps, photos, free Information! West-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Debt lx' Drawer 1087. Nelson. Britlau Columbia. Colorado. COLORADO LAND. .' I have 1,000 acres of Improved am) unlm. proved land for sale at from 110 to ta .. -.Whin from on a ten . , m rii " - -- - ujim 04 cown all goo Ullage; wfite me for partloulara lr,-,t 11 ITT T i HT IT h.ri 1 . m tracts In Colorado, on easy terms, in...? prices, write Rev. W. H. Collins. 1010 K. I3th Ave.. Denver, Colo. lv " tabs. nt'Oi Tlot ill IHaq I oil . - . - . ' - - . ' - viiuiam, amme rainfall, best shipping facilities; land 130 per acre. Map free, banderson. 102 Palac. Bldg.. Minneapolis.' -aiace riorlda. FLORIDA Wa have millions of acres of riorlda timber, cut over, farm aim nnii. latlon lands. Before purdiaalng send for Florida Real Estate Journal. Big bargalna bice homes; we tan suit you. National rieany a-r, nvme. siorida. Iowa. IOWA FARMS, Writ for my large Illustrated Eat of Madlaon county 'arms, from SO acres up to 140 acres, all- prices good liberal terms. bee Madlsns county before buying. Best an- round county In the slate Adraaa J. U. 8HRIVER. W steresi. la. 87H-ACHK IOWA FARM. miles of Council Bluffs, all fine land tut I or 4 acres, which la seeded to alfalfa. Irge house, good barn and all kinds of cuttrulldlnga. Fine orchard and vineyard. With a little care the fruit will more thaa pay Interest on entire cost of the place. Uood spring and ons of best meadows la the stale; was green all through this dr tumnier. Farms no better have sold fu luvv per acre. We offer this for 1114. M UEE READ ESTATE CO.. It Paarl Ht. Council Bluffs. IOWA FARMS. For bargains In Iowa farm land write r call on Iowa Land Credit Company MaT ta city, Iowa. " or sun Kansas. 180 ACRE In Anderson .r-ounty, Kaa.' seres pasture, balance new land; price I14 per acre. Neai-Bowmau Land C.. Oar- AU'ALKA lend; farm lards In wester Kam-Ki I uuoie. subject to previous aala B. W. .-12. shallow .aier alfair, 7?iV at 2j per acre: miles from McCut. N. a li-li-8-. good wneat or broomcorn land 111 per acre; t miles (rom Manning oe Mu Pac. i; r ( era. fccou .:ii. Kaa I'JS PER ACRE buys the bet 4S5-acra v.ell Inipioved stock and grnln farm in euKtern K.uisn?, for llio money; deep rich soil; iiioiity-miiker; 70 lulled from Kansas City. Kaunas City (Mu,) General Deliv ery. R. Gregory. . Minnesota. tv-e me about Minnesota farms of all 4a- cripilone rtiey are priced right THE HONEST LAND MAN. H. T. BULLIS. WAbbL'A, MINN. Hu-ACRE farm, with a S. miles of Minne apolis. 8 milea from the county seat; hss li acres under cultivation balance timber end pasture, all high lan.i: urlce 118 per sere; one-half cash, balance on easy terms: land is aiiUHied on main iraelel road I mile from school 1'hla Is a bargain anl will bear in moat iiid lnvi;atioa, Kir furtnrr particulars wr,-e M b Rutber i will it Co. iiinceios. all no. FOR ta. CI eap-i.ooj (arm. 116 acres: ail undrr i ultivaimn; amil iiulidlnge. I n. ilea w-el of lluwiey. t.lay county, kllua. Audio do . alukoiia. Mitui. ,.1 iii.p. cay soil. wel. timbered, with hsid . 01..1 .oiaied near Una city, a HI latxin r he U (.er ecie. p R I bia" :.. t v-iuuU. tfl.ria. Mlaa-jerl PARQAI V-so ecre l.irm 4 nillea fe,-n Warasw. Mo. ; , acres balsn.-e isaiurv, i.ctr w.'Uool and cnnrcli. pre ti.vmi, lernia easy AOdryae I i i,i. W ir.u w . iaio. A SNAP 'f taken la k days-rlne vali-r el aner minuted in Hi. lean ut lui rounty, Mlraouri; 1 mlies from county seat: Deal will owner. v e couiiui .,oo AJdreae Pox 11 H e. D . a. Ilarraaoavtile. Caaa county. Me J!0 BARGAINS. 60 scree In Lawrence For creek valley, near i;riiilinr-ioii. Neb.. about IS miles southwest of'ci. jjt. Isre portion fine vr!ley land. ,ood water lb to X feet only ' r, an acre. kVrile k red ilcUtliug loB, Neb. RFAI FnTATI-- FRM AJID R.A.Clt LA.NU FOR IALR Mleeaarl- raatlaaeg. IN MitMOfRl. in aorea. IK miles southeast of Kansas City; 86 acres fine bottom land In cultiva tion, balance four pastures; nicely watered, fine two story frame bouse; good tenant house, good barn cribs, eta.; all fenced with wire and board. 1 mile to rows, school and churcr. For uuick sale 131 par acre; co trade. 3EORGB Kl'MTr. tO-X Sheldlag Bidg.. Kaunas City. Mo. 111KEE high-class Improved aortbweal Missouri farms tor sale, corn, clover ad blue grsss land; your choice. 178 per acre. Write for particulars Basel J Meea. wner. P. O baa cbilbcotha. Mo. 1 ACRES AND 4t ACRES IN GOOD old Csas county; W miles frem Kansas Cttyi both well Improved, fine black limestone land; bargain; choice t6 per acre; good terms. E. V. Burdett. Oaruen City. Mo." Nebraska. PLATTE VALLEY FARM. NEAR OMAHA. A-., (Win ...... . . . .. i , neuriy an level Dot lorn land. 26 miles from Omaha. 1 miles from a live town on the V. P. R. R : school and church at one corner of land, 300 acres In i,l, I... ... ... . .. V iiii'ioning IM acres tail wheat, SoO acres native hay, 1 acres al falfa, two groves and the balance pa.-uure; 1 J-room house; horse, cattle, hog and hay ,i0, 'lth L MxlM) crlh; granary, machine house, eto. Bullillngs well painted and In. ...! ...... . . . -"'"- hiiu bihiiu on niKil ground. lry feed kits and pasture, no DVrf nw V .1 . ... . " - ror acre. itrmi will htt B van l i T he best grain and stock farm In eastern Kllm money, it you want an Investment or a fine farm for your own use you cannot beat It. Trackage for ship ping can easily be arranged. Phone Doualas too, J. H. DUMONT & BON. 1906 Farnam 8t.. Omaha. Seward Co. Farms 240 acres, nicely Improved. !'.- miles from good town. 13 miles from Lincoln. Price It per acre. 80 acres, t miles from town. Improved, best of soil. Price 172 per acre. 80 acres, 4V miles from Mllford. Improved. Plica 17o per acre, taoo will handle this. 8ARPY COl'NTY FARM. 804 acres, 44 miles from South Omaha: I sets of Improvements best ever. 2120 par acre. Address GraJiam Peters Reulty Co., 829 New York Ufe Bldg. Omaha, Neb. QUARTER SECTION FARM Three miles north and three mile east of Columbus, Neb. For sale at a sacrifice for ten days only. Will positively sell at 128 per acre uuder value. This Is a fine farm, as good as the best In that Incomparable neighborhood. The tINE:T land in Nebraska. Uerman neigh borhood, it will sell on s.ght. If you want it be the first to look at It tor It won't last. Possession March 1 ABBOTT, 806 Brandels Bldg; r Omaha, Neb. 1- LAND that will ratio 40 to 60 bushels of corn to aore. near market; Irt per acre, be me good land farther from town as low as I per acre. Uood terms. AOWATA LAND & LOT CO., K8 New York Life Bldg. Phong Red 1908A-1721. 18.00 PER ACRE 640 acres In southern part of Lincoln county, about 300 tcre good cultivating and; old resident .ays It la best section In the community for the price; will make terms to suit J. Q. BONE, , lit Shugart block. Phone 814, Council Bluffs, la. Mealee. LANDS MXXICO I have for sale several tin tracts ot tropica! lands and txansportatloa especially suitable for fruit and steak raising. Cheap on uick sal a Llvs cor respondent wanted. Nona but responsible firms or parties need answer. Referenees given and required Address. J. Perns Kant, 1 laootaineun.. Vac Jaazloa, Oklaaeana. ' HO ACRES, 801 level. W0 crop, T08 bog tight two bouses, wells, spring, flva-toa ecala, ebon, . tour mules, four horses, six cows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price, 114.000. Three smaller farms, raat or gall. Owner, William Rariok. Clifford. OkU OKLAHOMA FARM LANDS 820 acres with 170 acres In cultivation, two houses, four miles from county site town In Hte phens county, pries 136 per aore; 14,126 cash, !2,u0 In five yeurs; $4 ,126 in first clans trade. If you want this write today. Duiicaa Heal Estate Co., Duncan, Okl. oath Dakota. "THE IDEAL HOME" OF 840 ACRES, situated In the Big bloux valley, four milt south of Castleweod, tba county seal of Hamlin county, South Dakota; 440 acres of deep black loem. under yearly cultivation; 100 acres in pasture and 100 In the beautiful eprlng-fed Lake Florenoe, with Its sylvan ecenes and sparkling waters, deep and pure and filled with fish and game In season. .t.d nrafby Is the home, a ioorieeii rooui house, latfe barn, two granarlee, ehlckea a:u.. hog bouse and woven wire pasture, corn rtlo, machine house, small bare and umei Jus small t'Uildlnge, all In good con dition, vlth windmill, three welle and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove. Price 128.000. on good terms, by M. , Russell, CaallewooA. S. D. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT. An Improved quarter section in Gregory county, 8. D., 4V1 miles from Burke, miles from Urseorv! all fancad: uniii ... ef improvements; 8u acres uuder ouluvetioo. rnn aw per acre 160 acres, one . mile from town. Tripp county; price tit per acre. A balf section, miles from Wlttso. Price S per acre. A half section 4 ml lee from Carter; Dries 130 per acre. A nloe half aectlon 1 miles from Dallas aad I miles from Colomb. Price tA par aura T. F. HARRJNQTON. Bell 1142 Iuwa Bldg., diuux City. la. DOUBLE TOUR MONEY. Do you want to buy a nood townslts? We have It Juat fresh from the government, with perfect title. U'O lots now surveyed and about 88 of thein sold with about M buildings now completed In the town an a railroad that has kIx dally liaina. with ex cellent service. This townslts Includes 111 acies of the very beat ot second bottom land with fine timber tit parks and alse a fine stream of water running through It, Fine openings tor annual ail kinds of bust, heas. eapedally a bank, hotel aud elevator A grand bargain If sold in thirty daye. Ad dreaa Powell Land a. Loan Co.. Powell, Staniey count", k 'J. FOR FEW DAYS ONLY We are offer ing 6,000 acres 8 MILES FJ'.UM PIERRE ti. D. Weil unproved -I'jo aci qh in alfalfa 5o0 acre In crop 3.(aai acre of RICH VAL LEY LAND all fine tor cultivation. Price t per acre. Can carry 876,UiO back on laud It years at 6 per cent A. U. Lathi ou 4-1 Bee Building. I HAVE 160 acres In western Sully Co 8. D.. nearly ail plow land, tor iiulck sale wt.l take 12, MU: 8.100 casn; uuo mortgage at I per cent, must aeli. Mauiice L, uisrr I lin e. S. D. SECTION of Gregory county, buuin Da kota, land for ai Th a aectlon use uni Ler ruiuiina water fed .y springs, lots of ray. to seres broken. 10 a tree can be plowed, ail fenced, uno-haif mile lroui school, three miles from jna isliruad Iowa end aix miles Hum euon ei . gd soil an l tna very beat all around tanning and siec lalMMK cllon lo uior county, Kouili Dakota. Call wo or wrlie U tbailee Mjiaw owner. Faulax. S. D WHY PA X HIGH RENT f " Mr Kaiuiar. cume to bwulu Ueaoia aloe raying bigh rents; awn your ewn tarn' ienu in inuuey f.4 our iinruiemeai lhai you ara amg a iuwa in hiwn rent We own twenty Q.iarteia of Inn i here Hist we taa sail you or n to Uu p,r sere en term' Hi caul ocai. Il.ow 10 i 801 gown balance on payments at per cent Come five before ih sneps are ail guna For full information write iMxon Bros or Bans of acuet'e Ka tuunir. s U ' Wg-hi'.j.ton. IXGGF.D-OFF LANDS Invest your momy In logged-orr kinds and grow nch. Any sixe l.act, from 810 to lli per acre. w" I'ltlL. rt. LOCKE. Aberdeen. Wash AS YOU lead tula ad. so will thousands read yout- want ad, u it u In The Boa REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LAM) FOR SALS (ContlueeJ.) . WUeeasta. HARDWOOD timbered lake frontaga farm st a bargain; 84 acres lu Polk coun ty. Wis., so lubes from twin (ltis; heava clay loam soil, halt mile lake fioniage; lota f hard wood raw timber; small clearing; eig buildings; good neighborhood; only 11 KO0, on easy termg If taken at onca. Otr N S.. Box A. St Crms Falia Wia 80 ACRrtt I.KVKI, f AN Ik. 88 euluvaied, balance pasture, 8- room ho viae, large bare, chicken house, spring and trout brook oa farm. 1 miles from ststlon. school oa la ad, ti.NOO. esay terms lorn O Mason, latest City But bank. Cuknetrland. Wla Mfepeltaaevaai havk rou a Farm for salsj on RADKf Or do you want to buy oaal Make our wania k uu w n througn THE Da 4 MOINES CAPITAL, tba want medium o Iowa. Rates: 1 cent a word for each Insert Uoo, 6 cents a Una. 70 cents an inch. Or.' rulatlon. 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally. Olve us a trial. Address The Capital Land Dept . Des Moloas. la. FOR BALE OR FXCHANOK One oo4 quarter ot farm land. Perklne cousty, Nebraska: two good uuartera la SedwieK county, Colorado; )80 sores ef wheat lead In Alberta. Canada: twenty sores and a town lot in the' onto belt el Texas, last two propei lies clear. Will tske a gooj rosdater automobile and good driving horse or driving teem as pari pay. A ad rasa atoS 04. Albion, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS U08 to 110.000 made prompUy. r. D. WaaeV Wead Bldg.. lSib and Farnaov LOANS to borne owners and borne kalld rs. with prlvllfg of making aartai pay, menu semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 801 First National bank Bias, GARVIN BROS.. Id floor 24. T. Ufa. tew to 1100 vol1 on Improved proper- No delay. WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Cs LOW RATES. REMIS-CAKLBERO CU, 110 312 Brandels Theater Uldg. OI R real estate mortgage bonds are a first -clans Investment. They sell puw on th following Iis.hIs: 14nt 6 per cent mortgage bond, lioii 8 per cent cumulative preferred. lino common stuck. Total, $Hoo IN 8WCUH1T1E FOR 4ot) CASH, plus accrued Interest on bond. Take advantage of present privilege, promptly and call, at suite 8oO-to6 fcrandois Theater Hldg. NIOBRARA INVESTMENT CO. WANTEO-Clty loaQs and warrants W, Farnam Smith A Co., 1XW Farnam 8t. ' 1600 to 18.008 oa Omaha bomea. OKeefe Real Estate Co,. 1018 N. X. Lira Doug, at A-21&1 iioNKY TO LOAN Pay ne Investment Co, I- .iioire wan paper n pnea, roua r arnam ut. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF your properly la for colored people, rent or sale, list with the Horn Investment Co.. 108 s. 14th St. Hay tenants waiting., Phons Douglas 1411 SWAPS WE sxchang properties of merit H, U. Culver. 812-818 N. Y. Ufa. Douglas 7 Sue. TO EXCHANGE FOR QOOD FARM. A first-claas stock of clean hardware, will In voice 16,000, Want good farm clear. Ad dress with all particulars. Lock Box Ht, Smith Centar Kan SWAPS. 80S acres In Nance county, Nebraska, 809 acres In crop. Can all be cultivated, price, $tl per acre. Will take 180,000 lnooma bear Ing property) balance easy terms. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., 868 N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel Red im. A 171L SWAP ROOM 8, atrlctly 'modarn- lot OthtlMi lovely home. Prloe. 7.(KX Will trade lor land. NOWATA LAND AND DOT CO.. 68 New York Ltf Bldg. 'Phone Red 1800, A-172L Choice wall paper Va price, 2008 Farnam Bt WILL trade solid walnut bed with made- iu-ui uoi vticiiHwi iimvusii ana Steel spiral and bamboo springs for china cab Inet. sideboard or buffet 2H08 Dewey Ave. r.' , ., r r.i ALIj KINDS OF HXCHANOB8. Omana ERNEST HAR WOOD 448 Bee Bldg. MUST leave city at onoe; will sell my real estate business at great sacrifice, or trade for Neb. land; buiilness paying 12,800 year. Call or wrUe 6o8 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. . . WANTED TO RENT- WANTED To rent small or medium fur. nlehed apartments or house during the win ter months. West Farnam district preferred. Best of references given. Phone Harney 1012. VOTTH fnenlhvt nu.m. - nil.... i . preferred. Address H-244, Bea. Choice wall paper price. 2008 Farnam St. WANTE0T0 BUY BEST prlc paid for Id-hand furniture. carpets, clothing and ehoea. Tel. D. tn7L Choice wall paper Vi price, got Fsunam St WANTED SITUATIONS IOUNU MAN desires plaoe U work o board and room ta private family wblle at tending aobooi. . ttoylsa Collage. Uots i nonea Choice wall paper H nrlqg. 2008 Far Dam st WANTED Ry ' exD.' bookkeener posltiun in office: is married and of good ha bits. Address K 220. Bee. V 1 ' A T ..1 . . -. .... . .vimou an i wiin wurn o own town or In family. 'Phone Webster iatr7. REAL ESTATE, TRANSFERS Hf-a.1 ujit.lA tmnirura .... 11.1..K.. A ... - - . " w.vuvr im nlsned by the Midland Guarantee & Trust y- uonuru nuMiiiwi, uu farnam street I'eirpnone ikiuglas 266: , Meriliaiits National bunk to Frank A. Pottei, governniunt lot I, 27-16-18 f 900 iuciiuiu r eiria ana Aiaggie lo-jojin Hanuigan, lot 7 In helby s subdivision City 'liuht Co. to Tuinauy Halagarda, too I VA r.t 37 U4 ioi s, uiock a, iiitcncocK s 1st E. E. bak n gnd wie to Clementina Uchte, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Mon mouth park '. FruiuiB j. Collier knd wito to Clemeii tii McKee, lots 1-2, block 4, Mun rnoutu park Meliora W. Fairfield and husband to Albert H Oiiuslcad, undivided one half of lot 4, block 7, Sulphur Spring Caroline L. Puppletnn et al. to Albeit 11. liJmatead, undiviiied one-half of lot 4, block 7, buipliur Springe Mmy Fnzgeiaid to Jcuke Hamstroiig, eaat 40-lt. lot lu, block ii. ho mini I add , Tieuaurer to Anna M. Fnieiinan, lots 8 o, Lioik 1, Ldgewood park Mary f llintial.l lo Minna VV. 11. Rey n., Ida. lot 8 and we.t 10 ft. lot 10, block 12. aunwiilt aud Tieai-.uier to Laura M. Thoniu.. lot 1, 8W niucK is, uiiiuiih view Geo. Kb im lo Aiaxualena KUne, lot 1, block 4. W iliis park plat 1 I'mted Leal and Tianafer Co. U In e. lit j. Hough, lot 8, block 21, Kountxe place ' lo Jai.e A. lUm.-ell and hualiund to Mary A. LyoiiH, Moutn 'j ft. of notth l' ' ft. lutN 5-7, :14-1.V13 ifl Joreph vl. Gorman and wife to Sam Sinizer, Homh itu ft., lot 2, block 14, Hhlnn's 1st l.ioil RuUton lowriHlte Co. to Peter M. Mva Ilia, lot U. block ), Ralston 173 !niU Hi: neon and , If e lo Mary Olaen, lots 4 0. IjIimK 4. Mt. Dougias 1,E0 Louia J. Ptutte ii rid wife to Morrison 4'liener. south So ft. ncrth 12u ft., lots U-U. block i5 et) Ida G. Pontoii lo Win. Richard Mat thews lots 18-17. bl'M a A. Mulford tt GroMMneu's aiib yy' Hnam A. Rudd and wife lo Lydla lli iiie,.lol it b!oi k 4. 1'atrick piate. 2.800 Hurtlioli.mew Renl i'Mate Co. to Cas par F. F. MIchaeNon, eaxt 44 ft. lot 8, block 2. Fred Dclune s iAOv