Want - Ads Want ad received at any llmfi to laiam proper classification must prrx ilrd before 1 2 o'clock m., for the rtrnlm edition and tf TiSO o'clock of preyloo evening tow naomla a ad Sunday edMtoaa. Waal ada received after enefc uour will J hare their flrat Insertion tiauer the r keadlaaj "Too Late In Classify-" Hates apply to either The Dally or J oudy Pee. Always connl word "i to o line. i H - j CASH R ATE MR WAT AD. J RE(.I LAIl CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 1-2 eeata per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent ji laaertloa. Each Insertion otade oa j odd day, 1 l- cent per word. $I.K I iter Una per month. Will nda for The Beo mar ft at anr of the following drou" atores tone 1 j oar "corner dralal" the (are all branch offlcea for Tha Bee '.and yoat ad will be Inserted Just a (promptly and oa the earn ratea aa at j the mala office In The Be bulldlna-, (seventeenth and Farnam streetat Albach. W. C, 80th and rarnaro. Her nek, V A,, 1403 8. Hth L Pertun Pharmacy, Tim rV 11th ' Renunn T"1 ! ms-w Rfiun Nb. 1 Bemis Park Puarmacy. 834 and Cnmlng. mase-Hrsaish 151 Bherman 5 Cutinhlln. C. R , 4th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 1211 Military Are. Hlntsrlcr.g Drug Co.. Cat Ava. and Far ! IIDI St CrUsey Pbarmaey, Wth and Lake, Conner Pharmacy K 8. lth St. Cermack, Kmil, 1K4-4 8. Uth SL Ehler. P. U., sua lavnworth. Fester & Arnoldl. Ill N. 26lh St. Frsytag, 3. J., 1914 N flth HL Fregirer Drug Co.. I.t0 N. Win 8L Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green' Fi.armaey. Park Ave. an'l Pacific, Creenough. G A.. 105 B. HKh Bt Qreenough, O. A., lMh and Hickory. Ilavden. William. t20 Farnam BL 1 1 antrum Park Pharmacy, 1.01 8. U A Hoist. John, 834 N. Mth 81. Huff, A. I, w?4 Leavenworth "t Johanson I)r,nr Co.. 741 h and Spalding. Kink. H. B. 123 Farnam 8t Kountse Placa Pharmacy. 1304 N. Uta. Mares. Frd L., WIS Central Blvd. ( Patrick Drug Co. 1614 N. Mth HI. i Lathrr-n. Charlea E.. 1824 N. 14th Bt. I Goldman Pharmacy, Utt and Lauvwn worth ata. i Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Amea Ava. Schaefer'e Cut Prlca Drug 8tora. Htb and Thlratro 8ta. j Schaefer. Auc. rT.Jl N. llh. j Kchmldt, I. H . 84th and Cuming 8ta. j Walnut lilil Pnarmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND KIXEHAI. NOTICES. OOl TO ITT FRY M rm Ellen, are (A veara. J Funeral Tuesday mornlnK, October 11, at H:30 a. m. to St. Peter's church from fam ly resilience, ,;;i4 Lravenworth. interment Holy Sepulciire cemetery. OIINSON-John W., ag 69 years, 10 inonihs, 18 days. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at o'clock ' rom the family residence, 3038 Merldeth ivenue. Interment. Forest Lawn, EWMAN Herman, Sunday, October 9, lino. HKcd f- i'uneral under Maonlc auspices, from hi i'te residence, 112 t o. Sftth avenue, Tues ay, 2 p. rn. Buiiul, private. Friend -111 please omit flowers. i B1KTIIS AND DEATHS. 5' . Births Enoch Benson, 1011 South Elev j nth street, Klrl; licit Clcmonts, 1104 South ' 'hlrteenth street, Klrl; Vlnceozo Castlgllu, i Pucaflo sli-eet, boy; J. o. Day, 24o7 Cap : ol avenue, loy; Jack 10. lilt Pierce ! treet, girl; Frank J. Hulics, 1100 South ' wenty-nlnth avenue, boy; C. A. Larson, ,23 North Nineteenth street, boy; lialph t loody. girl. , . Dttaths Frank RoRera, Vincent hotel, 63 ' ears; Robert C. Carrltt, Fort Omaha. 45 ears; Albert Dedal, 706 South Thirteenth, years; Mrs.: Louise J. C. lxihrnon, 3616 ' barman avenue. M years; Lucie C. Downs, . 1 South Twentieth street, 39 years; Wll '. am F. Eilbert, 1644 North Eighteenth f leet, 50 years; Jonn Salllerger, Jr., 2SU rnnklln street, h years; Charles Young, ' M Farnam strset, 39 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. GENTLEMAN CO., r" k1"' rnbalniora, 1C14 Chicago. D. ItiOJ. B-1663. 1 Pvinlr Civil Engr., paving, sswsr. 1 vriCn. ,t0. u irandai, x he- D. 4.W. i A T At cut prices. ALL ' A A I KINDS. W sav I 1 U I you Mo to Il.to a ton. w, m I 1 J Quantity and quality . guaranieaa. (OSEN ULATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO.. 122S NICHOLAS ST. BOTH 'PHoNEU. SAVE YOUR EYES :OLUMBIAN .OITIUAL CO., ' 2U9-211 So. lGth St., 17 Y0ARS IN OMAHA ye Exauiiued. Glasses Fitted. olca wall paper Vi price, 2oo8 Farnam St. )OUai.A8 prtnUDg Co. TsU Douglas 444. PRACTICAL numlnc. Wo N. lUt. D. 67SS. MADAME EDWARDS, masseuse Ladles' tiy; strictly private icsiaenc. iwl 8, ftitn. ANCHOR FENCE CO. ,n and Wire Fence Clicaper XI. an Wood, j leasts a Llletuiie. N. 17th St. Phone Red 14. ! Ilttrs, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D.3913. 1'IANO players repaired. Walker. D. S70. ALPHS MAOMINE SHOLI REPAIR O Soles sewed 76c; nailed loo; hetls 25c He you wait 10 minutes; absolutely fin ;rk. (18 3. 16th St. 11LI Ar CHOP PITEY PARLOR Jl'.T OPENED. Everything t class. Upstairs. ISM Dodge. Tyler US. i'ii KENT office loom, tin, located on floor, faclna court. 170 snuare feet, lo- ding vault- tents for t.'J per month. TUS titt-S BUILDING COMl'ANI. II. Cole Sign Co.. D. Ilts. 1311 Farnam. t CRUDE OIL BUHNERS -HEAP FUEL FOR FURNACE, heating cgnk stoves; we do not sell county I-us. but sell burners; write for Informa- . ii'.anutactured by Siere i Murray, j nd Island, Neb. ' ) ROTIIl'Tlti' schiits No. i run (us. Cufe In connection, ill bo. Hth St. ' A X K BARKER BARKER. Or.O. RARKER. JR. JUS. BARKER. AliKEH BROS., PAINT CO., i FARNAM SV. BOTH PHONES. :erwln-vA imams paints and armsies. fte lead. Keysiona, glass, mirrors, brass IhIkj. brushes. .lubricating olla, window vies, wan paper, g taunt; and framing. a' -. M J"" VClll IM4II V'IIIKI)4B VrlC4 HOME FCRN1TLRE CO.. nty-iuk.rin ana L. at reels. Koutn Omaha. ice wall paper 4 price, 2u Fainam St. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkms 310 3. lam, upatais. 'A1R WORKS. 1708 Jackson St. D. U7I vbortson's Kestaurant 5,'.is i ... lth St., s.-in(nti: cool, light, sanitary, quick Jce, poiiular prices. For ladles and Ben in. Table d'hote dinner Sunduy. J.Vl.lti Krleilman'a loan Haik, n lain bi.. cor. voni u. lei. u. 6325. .VID COLE Creamery Co. " CP Art Btora. moved to lis 8. 18th; pu we will do your framing at half n a, vni ihu luit vx a-rv gooua ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) loNOE, flrt class tailoring, cleanin, repnlrlng for ladlea and gentlemen. Paclflo. APPLES DANDIES CooklnK and Katlng Appl Iluy direct from ahlpper. Sav Horage, commissioner' and retailer pront. Car at th and Pacific St. Phono Harney 1903. MONEY TO IiOAN LOW HATt'.. In um t lit. 310 Hee Blrta. 'I'bona Doug. 2i UMON t.OAN CO. I AUC3TI0NEERS. BOYKU TVULX Kt)0 New Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg , old est In midill west We can furnish you mn adapted to your Una. Correspond with u or call Tel. Douglaa S&ti. Choice wall paper price, 2iKJtt Farnam St. COAL. AND LUMBER GEARS. 1 t tm ahow vou tba n.w cut under. CKNTHAL. IMPLEMENT CO., U17 Farnam ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight enger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. Uia. D. tmrt. FAMILY Liquor Houe, full meaur '-'-'A pur9 goods, our rootio. toil Hanaen, prop., 1223 Chicago SU B. F. Wurn, Optician. 443 Brand' la Bid. ILKlt GRAND HOTEL Flnaat In tha wet ltib and Howard Bta. Turkish Baths MAOOAHD Van Storage. Pack, moye, etore and hlp 11. H. good. D. 11. B-t42S. Mangiameli Bros., anTbuyiriramn niacaior.l. New Omaha factory. 1116 Jacknon. LADIES ht made over, new haw rleaned or dyed. Mis Pepper Millinery Parlors, 614 S. 28th. Phone Harney 3aOI. Ladlea' and gents' shins parlors, 220 8. la. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. A. JKTh.8. 103 Douglaa Bt 5 CT. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; (very kind of repairs. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO. 1K21 Farnam. Red 747. t:. T. Dickinson has moved hi office to room 441. Paxlon Block. Phone Doug. 190. AUTOMOBILES Run Your Auto Into, a Telegraph Postt Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All re pairing aud painting at no-kick prices." DRUMM0ND laT'H A.NU HAHNEf b i i-' bi I a AutoPainting;HprJg? ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1413 Jackson. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelfrer Carriage Works. 2utb and Leavenworth. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMP1ANY. Council Bluffs, la. Auto Repairing K.tEl&roo"J Tires, id hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mitchell Co., i010-lb Harney. D. 781; A-a)lL AUTOMOBILE agents wanted to repre sent a well-establuhed line in their own locality. Men of Kood local stnndlng and ability as salesmen required. This Is a hif H class, popular-price seller and re auires no capital. Address M 232. Use. FOR SALE Model T Ford touring car, almost new; iVW. K. B. Marlowe, 13S Grant St., Council Bluffs. BARGAINS in Used Cars J,0' Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 519 PearL NEW f.0-horse power four-passenger Moon car; will trade for $3,000 city property. Wallace Auto Co., agents for Stearns cars. t. noice wail paper t ince, two runim cm. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederlckson Auto Co., Omaha. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 507. Motorcycles. U:a for list of used motorcycles. llic u,e 0(irry a fuu nne c( niotor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bide Tel D. 337. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their klmres; am helping others, why not you? proofs what has hi en done. Promoter, 610 Paxton block. WELL establlahed new and second-hand clothing and genu' furnishing goods, near depot. 1012 Webster St. Inquire 1. Fried man, 20V S. 13th St. Tel. Douglas b3?j. FOR RENT Office room, 622, large room en fifth floor. N. W. corner of uuilding, tbpecially fitted for architect. There Is ui square teet in this space, 4u per month. 1 HE BEE BU1D1NG COMPANY. LARGE FIRE, INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents- wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agent. S. W. Corner Hth and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. Doug. IbJi. O. D. C. CODDINGTON, 124 Board of Trade Bldg., business chanci-a, loans. In surance and real estate. WANTED Partner in wholesale and re tall candy and ice cream business. Man who knows the work well. Requires about IJ.iiOO. Address P. O. Box 407. Vork, Neb. t - FOR SALE The Fullerton Mill romr.i. having decided to go out of business, of- ' T, ; : . feis lis entire plant lor sale; until Nov. Clerical and Office. 1. D10, bids will be received as follows: I 1. on the property aa a whole; 2, for the I WK MUST have stock girls and cash machinery, or any part of It; 3, the mill I lrls for o ir ladles' cloak and suit ue building; 4, the elevator; 5, ground snd partment at once. Neb. Cloth. ns Co. ater power; 6, flour house, corn cribs It and other small buildings; rtx your own price and send us a bid; everything goes. Address Fullerton Mill Co.. Fullerton. Neb. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and light grocery, with good living rooms, rent ll; well sell at a bargain if taken at one. 2(16 Cuming bt. PASI)Y Co.. real estate loans and vauu a n,urmiir,, jJgl yur prup. erty for sale or re-it. Quick returns, at. VS. corner 14th and Douglas, Tel Doug. liW. FOR SALE De Haven's drug store; good stand, stock and sales; term easy. Council Bluffs. ALEXANDER'S ART STORE FOR SALE Lons;-estahllahed and good-paying business, in present tuiililinn eleven year neaton lor selling, ill health, will sello rent our buildlnn. C. E. Alexander, 3(3 Broadway, Cuuncil Bluffs, la WELL established new and second-hand clothing and Junk furnishing kox)s, near depot. 1512 Webster St. Inuulre I. Fried man. 201 So. 13th St. Tel. Douglaa HUMPHREY a thriving town of 1.600 on the Chicago ft N. W. and C. P. railronda 26 miles north of Columbus, is badly in need of a loardtug and lols'ng houe for labor ers. Address Commercial club. FOR SALE at once, Commerlcal hotel; 21 rooms; sood location; will bear Investiga tion: h tei running. Mrs. L. Wlns.owr, L.igar, Neb. Choice wall paper price. Iiiij Farnam St. IF TAKEN THIS WEEK. 2VI will huv a real estate bus.ness uorlh tl.Ouu. Ad dress L ixi. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Rooming He nee far Sale A DESIRABLE 4-rvom apartment, nee fJO 1TM 77th St. Harney Is n Ri'KDMS. modern, roomers. ltiiJ-24 Hurt. clone In; full of U UDOMS of furniture In corner brick flat near car line; a food reason for selling. Red 7W8. 11 ROOMS, modem, full of roomers; cheap rent; for K cash If taken soon. 1617 I 'ass. TWO flats, 10 rooms each, close In, bar rain. Apply 715 North 17th tft. ( holes wall paper price. Farnam St. FOR SALE Furniture of lJ-room mod ern home. 1B1 Capitol Ave. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROV, 1606 Farnarrl 8t Douglas MOT. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OLD ROOFS .TveT'schroer-Hu' tile, phrey Rooflna; Co., aZi Paxton Block, phone Douglas Guia. BEAVER BOARD Insteid of lath and plaster. American Supply Co.. 1112 Farntim. DANCING Morand's Dancing School, 16th and IHr ney. Lessors Mon. and Frl., a p. m. Thone Doug. 2W.4. Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES Omaha Besrot Service Detective age, Inc.. bonded. 428- Paiton blk. D. W19; ln,IA-1; CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH MLK. DENTISTS BAILEY & MAC1I, Id floor. Paxton. D. 1U3S DRESSMAKERS GOWNS and ladlea' tailoring. 271S Dewey. DRESSMAKING and altoratlon. Hrst class work, prices reasonable. Mis Eliza beth O Connor. 2013 No. lhtb, Wb. 141!). INFANTS wardrobe, hand or maehlna made; table linen hemmed. Mrs utwman, M B. 26th Ave. S. & C. KNEETER, Wa fit and remodel suits and dresse; d floor Continental Hlk., entrance lith and Douglaa. Tel. Douglas 3742. Dressmaking. 265 St. Mary's Ave.. D. 4433. DRESSMAKING and alteration work done. Mrs. M. Dermody, 2620 Davenport street. DRESSMAKING, plain and fashionable; reasonable price. IS 19 N. 17th St. MADAM Rldiey, fashionable dressmaking, also general .epalrlng. 910 South Uth St. MISS STURDY, 821 S. 24th St Tel. D. 7314. TERRY'S dressmaking parlors, 20th and Farnam. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge St Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 516 S. 22d. EDUCATIONAL If It FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE how open In tba Day and Night session. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course Including bank ing. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branch Tha Year Book la ready. Apply for It H. B. BOYLES. Pres.. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Mosher-Lampman lrcS Unexcelled aoursea In Business, Short hand Penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog published to Omaha. Send for on today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, lTtb and Fwnam SUeei. Omaha. Nab. GYMNASIUM Y. W. C. A. Eight Classes Twice a Week Ladles Beginners Advanced Pupils Children S5.00 Per Year Children 84.00 ST. ANDREW'8 school for boy. 41st and Charles. Fall term, September 14. Rev. K. D Tyner. K Charle. H. 23X3. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, whit skin. By mall 50o and 11 i Sherman MoConneil Drug Co., Omaha. D-;t.rr HAIRDRESSING PARLORS, Oaniiaiy Take Marlnello massages for a good complexion. 601 Paxton Blk. D. 4071. Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St. FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1414 Farnam-St, A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, Ia larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flower for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S- L. Henderson. Ul Farnam. Doug. 12U. J. H. BATH lias Harney. Douclas 800 FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new; good baking guar anteed. 1718 Cuming. Tel. Ind. B-1423. WATER fronts, furnace and stova re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stov Repair Wcrks. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Both 'phones HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleswomen. LADY solicitors, house to house; prefer those experienced in organlximc clubs or I stamp solicitors. Room 1. .116 S. l'Jth St. Factory and Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdresstng; prices rea onable. Oppenhiem Prlors. Zii City Nst'l bank. D. tMi. WANTED Coatworker. alteration roo n. Thomas Kilpatrlck Co. WANTED Experienced waist finisher; I in large retail store in city. Addiess J 223, also brittht apprentice girl. Misa llartell, ! Bee. I-vj tap. Ave. j. ' A POSITION 1 open for an exceptionally H ANTE1 Throe hairdressers; must be I capable man to sell automobiles, where ad experienced. Apply to H. J. McCarthy, ! vancement is limited only by the ability lia.r Dressing Dep t. Brandels Stores. WANTED Girl in shoe factory. F. P. Klrkendall & Co., 11th and Harney Ms. bsuistilca. WANTED Girl for general housework, tail liaruey bu!3 or 1J06 park Ave. WANTED Young girl to car for chil dren ana help with housework. Call luO N. SCth SL WANTED Girl for general housework: best of wages. 8707 Jones St. WANTED Nurse girl. 1817 Leavenworth St. id floor; call rt once. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; Small family. D. 1044. COMPETENT cook, no washlna 411 bouth 3th bt.. Tel. Harnry 3136. WANT EI Experienced girl for general Housework, family of three, no washing or u. siair work. Tal. Harney 4.40 or call at 3Mt Harney. H E LPWA N LirAk - llonsekeepera and Domestics Cont'd. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing. 1133 K. llerce, Co. Bluff. Mr, c. U Felt. WANTED son. Uood -A g..od girl. Apply 310 Ma- aea. GOOD Sirl for nrl hniiMm'Arll U04 Spencer street. Phone Webster UL COMI'ETENT girl for general housework; small family; gm.d aes. 11J No. th Axe. Tel. liar. 232. OIRIj for general housework; must be good cook; po a month. 108 N. 31st Ave. GIRL for general housework; must be competent. Wl S. Jith St Harney 4A. A (JF.RWAN lady for housekeeper for father and daughter; good home. Box 871, West Point, Neb. WOMAN for general housework. 24th Ave. 809 S. r- Y ANTED Good girl for housework; small family, good home and wages. 2104 Douglas St. -I NICELY furnished rooms; colored peo ple; on car line. Douglas 7705. WANTED Girl for housework; no laun dry work; 12, a month. 710 N. SSth St. WANTED High school rlrl to work for room and board and small wages. S13 N. 21st St. AN EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no laundry. Mrs. 'Samuel Burns. Jr., 430 S. 40th St. EXPERIENCED maid; $7 a week. 123 8. 2Mb Ave. WANTED Oood sirl for general house work; no laundry; VS. 418 S. SSth St. Har ney 28K0. WANTED Waitress In private boarding house. Mrs. Woodruff. J006 St. Mary'a Ave, GIRL for housework; no laundry work. 116 S. J8h St. ..yANTE'D'An experienced second girl. 3010 Mason. WANTED A-l cook; Woolworth Avo. $8 per week. 8202 WANTED Girl for rnsrl housework; good wages. 822 S. 8th St. Harney 919. GIRL for general housework; best wages. 1033 S. Slst SL Harney 4089. r- GIRL for housework 1(t1 V Sfith R South Omaha. WANTED G'rl for housework; smalt J.?"86 nd family; 1115 S. 83d St Harney 27oi . EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no cooking; four In family. 3032 Marcy St. Harney 2317. WAN TED Rell a hi e girl to assist In housework. 2101 Wirt St. Call Mondays and Tuesday. GIRL 34th St. for general housework. 110 8. WANTED Olrl for housework. 3108 Marcy St. Harney 2421. WANTED Competent (rlrl for general housework; two In family; small house. 304 S. 88th. LADIES wanted; take work home; BtcBuj, iiuiuoiiit, am Branaeis Theater. GOOD girl for kitchen and laundry work. iriouiCMWOA WANTED Girl for general housework no luundry work. 3722 Paclfio St- Harney WANTED Girl for housework; family; 3609 Jackson Bt, small WANTED A nurse girl; must b compe tent, uoage i. riarney ius. GOOD cook. 'Phone Harney 649, 131 N, 32d Ave. GIRL for housework, 1020 8. 85th Ave. AN experienced girl for general house work, small family, good pay. 'Phone Harney wo. WANTED Girl for housework. 1618 26th St., South Omaha.;, ood home. N, Choice wall paper Vi prica,.2008 Farnam St, WANi'uu-A competent girl for genera housework, good wages, must like chil dren. Mrs. E. E. Klnberly, 4812 Chicago. rnone riarney is, WANTED Girl for general housework; reierences. Aaaress Mrs. ueorge A. riamp ton, 621 N. 41st. Ave. Tel. Harney 2fi6i. WANTED Nurse girl or elderly person to take care of baby; must be reliable. 2202 Howard -i WANTED A girl for second work. R. F. Hall, 3224 Farnam St. Mrs. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 3315 Hurt bt. '.telephone Harney 1JM. attaoelianeosia. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as trangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union btauon. GIRLS For overlooking, chscklng and folding; must be li year or older. Apiuy bcmls Omaha Bag Co. Choice wall paper price, 2008 Farnam St. LADIES Make ranltary belts at home; material furnished; 12.b0 per 100; stamped, addressed envelope for particulars. West vlile Mig. Co.. Westvllle. N. J. WANTED 25 GIRLS. WILES BISCUIT CO. APPLY LOOSE- HELP WANTED MALE Agents, salesmen and solicitors. WE have salesmen position open wher you can earn good money while studying cur course. Practical 6uhool of Salesman ship, Cleveland O. r- Cholce wall paper hi price, 2uo6 Farnam St. AGENTS The smallest Bible In the world; whirlwind seller; sample 10c; doxen 7bc; gross 87.bo. Swift Supply Co., 227 East Twenty-second SL, Chicago, 111. AGENTS W certainly have the easiest legitimate money making proposition ever originated; worth upwards of 83o0 a month. We will consign this territory to the first man answering the necessary require ments. All or part tima satisfactory. Ad dress O 2U). Bee. ' tiara. WANTED Several reliable noya Wasters Lnlon Til Co. 213 S. Ut2l SL Clerical and Office. OFFICE clerk, young man, $60. .'.sfclstaut bookkeeper, 3i0. Menographer, lid. Hotel clerk, Us board and room. Experienced collector, 8o5. Call or write lor complete list of vacan Clef. ! , E.STERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, INC., 7i2-4 New Yolk Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years ) I -V WANTED An experienced bookkeeper nn. nnniDKlrit iif tnklnir fhoroff of riffir-a and energy of the incumbent. To receive consideration, applicant must possess Initi ative, tact, aggressiveness and pleasin personality. In answering, write fully your qualif atoms ami experience. Give phone number. D 'Jl. Bee. AM u. r. win wants a position can find It by leaving their name wltn lh Ne braska Help Suppiy Co.,- Room IS, over 8:3 fc. l.'.Ui St. WANTED Clerk: also dining room g1"l Hotel Enu. Fremont. Neb. Choice wall paper ht price, 2U8 Farnam SL Drug More 'eoaos). Johe. Kales', lie hirt GORDON press feeders wanted at Rabsr's. be liitls . iu)i or girls. WANTED Good general blacksmith and horseslioer to loc ate In Denton. Neb No blacksmith. Population. 160. Good terri tory. Snap for right man. Ct.oKe wall paper Vi pi ice, Xi. Fainam St HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) atlecel la neons. too MEN, K to 4o years old. wanted at onre for elertrlo railway iiMtorrnen and conduciots, t0 to tun a month, no ex perience nacesswD'; fine tpii tuuu ; oj Lrik. mine limned, alely tor appllcatioa blank. Address, Y tel. car Omaha Be ' WANTED A good solictor for sirk bene fit Insurance. Address i-74J. caie Hee. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron Works. 15m and Jackson Sts. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average salary, tl.lou. r.xamtnatlons In Omaha, November 12. Common education sufficient. Free preparation, cend rams inmedlately. Franklin institute. Dept. 212-U. P.ochester, N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; small security required; nive address and phone. Address a-im. Bee. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by tree work; careful In structions by experts; few weeks completes; tools given; board secured; exix-rience In shops hefoie completing; catalog je mailed free. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. HELP WANTED MA Lb ANU biAl M.E WANTED L'ook and helper; steady po sition. Telephone Douglas 2Jui. WANTED Women and men tor teachers in mental scieucn or new thought. re Prof. Knox, the Millard, 1.1th ana Douglas. Free leciurea, Lyric theater. Oct. U to 14. WANTED Several youn ladles or gen tlemen; guaianteed balmy, eay hours. Call at room loi, Millard hotel, after fc.JO a. m. 1 Choice, wall paper hi price, BeOS Farnam St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Dona and Peta. FOR PALE Young male pit bull terrier dog. 231H-A, So. Onwha. MILK goats for sale. Sheep Barn. Union Stuck Yards, South umaha. Horses and Vnns. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion: almost your own price. Go Hes Jolu.son-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones tils. DELIVERY WAGONS, HEAVY TEAM ING GEARS, FARM WAtiOiSS AIN U HARNESS. JOIINSON-DANFORTU CO. 1 racks. THE Brown Truck Mf. Co., builders of trucks of eveay description. You cannot name a truck wa can't make. Wa want your work end will bid right to secura It titttce U.I I Harney. Tel. Doug. 2964. LOST AND FOUND IDST Eastern Star nin with keystone bangle, between "1st and Ames Ave., and 30th and Fort. Telepnone Webster 14:8. A LiUEKAL rewaid to party returning pocketbook containing Western Union card, money and papers. Call Douglas 20G9. Choice wall paper price, 2008 Farnam St LOST Black hand bag containing gold glasses, bank book, Bible and several other Articles. Finder leave at 20C2 St. Mary'a Ave. FOUND Some money In C. B. Brown's Jewelry store, 11th and Farnam. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60o postpaid; sample free. Sher man ft MoConneil urug Co., Omaha. BEST nerve biacer for man. Gray' Nerve Food Pills. II a box, postpaid. Sher man & McCcnnell Drug Co.. Oiuahe FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, Hth and Daven port St.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; an treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglaa Ut7. Calls answereu day and night. DR. FELKER, PHYIS1C1AN AND bUUGEON, for the past forty-three years. Five years spent in tha European hospitals. Will treat and cure all diseases without CUT TING. A CURE GUARANTEED in every case or money refunded. Hours, to U a. m., 8 to P. m. ROOM 34 MILLARD HOTEL. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 240. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND tUAiiau. Kt5!iit(iiiimwKfHmsi8imm 88 t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 88 88 HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST It $8 DO YOU KNOW 88 II that there is a trust to maintain high 38 88 rates among the loan companies of 31 8$ this city? 38 M DO YOU KNOW 88 83 that we are a NEW CONCERN, or-8 88 ganiied to FIGHT THE TRUST aitt' $8 t$ to HELP THE WORKINGJAN ti 88 when financially embarrassed. We ft 88 loan to any worthy worklngman 88 88 owning HOUSEHOLD GtjuDd, 1 88 PIANOS, ETC., or HOLDING A 38 (3 SALARIED POSITION, any sum 88 88 from tt It 310 TO 8000 88 88 at the rate of lu'o per year 88 It JUST THINK YOU PAY It It f 1.00 Interest for 8 10 for a year It It I ! W Interest for 8 2i for a year. II 88 I 6.00 Interest for 3 M for a year. 8t 88 $10.00 Interest for $100 for a year. 88 II All OTHER SUMS in PROPORTION It 38 We can loan for these low rates It because we have Interested MEN OF $ 18 LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied It 18 with a REASONABLE RETURN on It tt their Investment. Reasonable tp- 88 praisement char.te. tt CALL AND HE CONVINCED. ft It EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE. 8t 88 LOANS MADE FROM 1 MO. to 1 YR II 8$ 13 tl INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. ii ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG. 83 Phone Doug. 6046. 15th and Harney. 88 88 ist3tmmm;t$t.vmtum$$3m$3;3.'t$;; i $S$88$$$J8$f8UTiJ$S$W88IW$M$; CHEAP LOANS. $$ on Furniture, pianos or Salary. ( II You Hoi row It 810 no you pay back 811. 00 t t25.00 you pay back 827.00 It $."0.0i i you pay hack 164.00 s No other charge. I? OMAHA FINANCIAL CO , j It Room 310 Drown Blk., 207 S. lilth St. J It Cor. Douglns St. Doiielas 2"13i. A-2n3i-, liiitiWHUtliitJiJJtKMIiiStMISfcJui Cash Quick on Eas)' Terms Loans made on furniture, piano and teams without removal; small and easy iisvments; $120 Is tne weekly payment on a 800 loan for 50 weeks; otner-amounts in thesame proportion. Mall or 'phone ap aonllcatlons receive our prompt attention. Boom 12- Arlington Blk., l.lli, i,dgo St. State Mortgage Loan Co., 'Phone Douglas 24i or A-2165. Choice wall paper 4j rrlce. 2oox Fainam St. CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. Room 7, Crounse Block, corner 16th and Capitol Ave. opposite postoffi.e. NEBRASKA UJAN CO. Both phones Doug. !&. A-1J08. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. 1614 Dodsa lei. Red j!1 HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE? At lowest rates and easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 447 Board of Trad Bldg. -j--w t f TO LOAN. Come In MONEY ?un?.-ir'." A ' V J- ItelUble Ciedit Co.. 308 Paxton Block. Tel. Duuglds Hli, A-1411. "MONEY 1ANCD SALARIED PEC'I'LE. WOMEN KEEPINO HOUSE ASl O'I'll F.RS, without security; easy payment. Offlcea in ts principal cities. Toiinau, room 608 Omaha auoual Bank B.dg. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and 4 battel -Con tin wed. CHATTEL loarA. sslary loans, even' kind of loan from private party b!9 N Vot I. Life HMg MOVING. STORAGE. CLEANING OMAHA V N A STORAGE CO cleans carpets on our floor. Electric vacuum system. 809 8. 17th. Tel. D. IN EXP. Delivery Co.. rfflces IRth and Day i enport Sta. Watehouse. 2?7-09 Isard Mt. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Haonia. CHOICE rooms with board. "Tha Tens plar " 1M8 cspltol Ats BOARD and rooms. J3 S. 19tl. INE rooms and board; horse cooking tt.10 Dewey Ave. FIRST-CLASS room and board, close In. 8UI . 21st St. FOR RENT Desirable room and board for two, pilyati? family, good location. Ty ler 1195. FOR RENT Two sin pie rooms, home cooklnt;. 1H19 St. Mary s Ave. FOR R ENT Modern rooms, walking dis tance. 12o S. 2Tth St. Do'ig. i.Ji. TllRi'. e; lsrpe rooms on main iioor, ooara if desired. Dundee. Harney :T;. FOR RENT 2 or 3 laige rooms for two, board. 2112 Douglas SL FOR RENT A room wltn board In pr, vate family. 86.00 a week. 2121 Davenport St. FOR RENT The very nlcet front room, south side, modern house, private family. Bord if desired. No child! en. Two gentle men preferred. 38w N. 84th St. Web. DUl. Reference. "Fl"RST CIJVSS HOME COtJKING, meal 2f,c. Ill S. 17th. FURNISHED room and board; desirable neighborhood. 640 So. Huh Si. Choico wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St. LARGE room, with board, home cooking, it 2226 Howard St. BOARD and room. Home cooking. 623 Pierce street. Phone Red 4S:U. Fnrnlshed Huoms. STRICTLY modern roomi, walking dis tancx (22 S. 84th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. U7 B Kith SL Very convenient lo business LARGE front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2i St. Mary's. NICELY furnished rooms; private family, modern, close. 2ufl7 St. Mary' Ave. MOl'ERN rooms; private family; walk ing distance. 704 S. ,24th SL EAST front room, electricity and steam heat, fine neighborhood, walking distance. 673 S. 2Sth SL FRONT room, neatly furnished, close In. 627 S. 2th Ave. LARGE modern room, excelleut neigh borhood, 114 S. 2tUh Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 633 So. 22d 81. THE BACH EDO Ra. 20th and Farnam. DEWEY European Hotel. 18th and Far nam. GOOD furnished room In modern bouse; reasonable. 726 3. 1Mb. SL MODERN, steam heated roouia. 820 N. 83d SL FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman; pri vate family; walking distance. 602 H. 28th SL NEWLY furnished room; every modern convenience. li'lS Chicago Bt. NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private faiullv, for gentleman. Ill No. 31st Ave. VERY desirable rooms, private home, strictly modern, walking distance. Doua. 4m ,22 No. lmh SL NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, close in. 2018 St. Mary' avenue. LARGE frtmt room, nicely furnished, bath, gas, electric light; walking distance, $10. 2706 Dewey. Harney iOo6. 2 corner sunny rooms, private family, no children; block from i car lines; gentle men preferred. o4 N. 22i. Tel. W. 6420. TWO nicely furnished rooms, close In, modern. 2317 Dewey Ave. TWO finely furnished rooms, new, mod ern house; reasonable rates. 3-U8 Valley bL FOR RENT Large furnished room, 112. VA Douglas SL ONE nice front room desirable for two. 2211 Douglas. Doug. 61'JT. FOR RENT Single room. 2709 Farnam 8L FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 714 8. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, mod ern, desirable for light housekeeping. Web. 17o6. FOR RENT - Room !n modern home, good location. 712 N. 3Ud SL FOR RENT Large south room, nicely furnished. 224 Farnam St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board, 1606 Einney 8L FOR RENT Furnished rooms for two gentlemen, electric lights, hot water. 216 N. 26th SL Red 6S76. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping. 1123 Leaven worth SL FOR RENT Very desirable parlor room. 813 8. 22d SL FOR RENT Front room nicely furnished with private family. 2776 Burt SL Harney 6463. FOR RENT Modern room, desirable for two. 3023 Marcy St. 310 Cosy, small room, suitable for one or two permanent people, furnace hi at. gas. nice bath, hot water, both 'phones. 2.k3 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Furnished room In private family, good location. 219 S. 28th Ave. IS. 6111 NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms, modern; steam heat. 818 S. fc.th Ht. " FRONT room, for gentlemen; hot water heat. Tel. Douglas 4078. ONE ROOM to gentleman, electric light ind telephone. 211 N. l!th St. TWO comfortable rooms, to man and wife or two ladles; close in. 1022 N. 21st St. TWO newly furnished rooms, 2112 Chi cago St., or tall Douglas 7902. DESIRABLE rooms for gentleman. 218 N. Dili. VERY desirable room. fine location, walking distance. 218 S. 20th St. GOOD rooms. walking distance. 415 South l!th street. Third floor. FURNISHED rooms, modern, private family. S2i S. 24th. Douglas 7651. NICELY furnished room In private home. wulkitiK distance, suitable for gentleman and wif or for two gentlemen. 60 S. 2sth. FURNISHED rooms In modern home, l'.ili Capitol Ave. ' TWO nicely furnished modern rooms, close In. Tel. Red f.2s0. 124 Webeter St. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNIKHRD ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. Uth bt DODGE HOTEL 18th and Dodge All out side cool rooms: special rales by tbe week. THE IRVINGRooms and board. 8108 Lea v. HOTEL HUBBARD. 13th snd Howard: a place for tbe common people; prices right GEORGIA HOTEU Europesn plan meal ticket. I' til 8. 2ilh tit. Harney fl. MADISoN IIDTKL thoroughly modern c!e In: iuiet and homelike. Doug. 1713 oi 2s; 21st snd Chicago. STEAM tested rooms, 87 to 87 per week Oiden hotel. Council Bluffs NEWLY furnished rooms In strictly mol irn new flat, close In. 2207 DaveniMrt St. AS YOU read this ad. so will thousand read your want ad, U It la In Th Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued ) Aparlmeats aud Flats. tm DEWEY AVE. s rooms ail imdem. close walking d stance, !. Glover Hralt. Syndicate. U19-2 City Natl. Kink Bldg. FLAT for rent. 2i.f Ft. Mary's Ae . 116. Chris Hover. 2Jnd and Cuming. Doug. as 204! or B 2o49. FOR HF.NT The E. I Lomaa apart ment, which contains the laiKesl, llK'itrst siul nuiMt airy living loom In trio city, hsv. iiik east, south and north exposure, otler laise rooms In connection, two Laths We aisu I. axe single loom and bath. Hamilton aiarttiient!, -Hli and Karnaai St. loug-la.-. tt,. . ( FINEST location. 4 room flat In city, tU.,"0 month. lull No. ;ltth St. ONE 4 and one 5-runm strictly modern healed apartment to rent to man and U at "1.1 ii nd 2i.'3 N. 2ntli St ; convenient to tutee car lines J. N Maish, locust St. Phone W ebster 1119. NEW eight-room modern upstairs flat, hot water lieat, furnished, Inrne rooms and closets. Fine location for doctor. 1613 Vin ton. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE nice unfurnished housekeeping, room.. 2"i;; mxlge St. TWO nicely furnished rooms In atri.-Cy modern house; close. 'lei, Doug. 712b. 116 N. 2i'th 8i. 3 APARTMENT front rooms, unf urn.ahed. llS I'avenport St. i'tiR RENT Suite of rooms, suitable for Iljtht housekeeping, lso2 Cuming SL THRICE elegant rooms; modern; walking distance; furnished or unfurnished. 8j3 N. 20th St. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished parlor, south exposure and other rooms furnished .or housekeilng. 2111 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping- rooms, steam heated. 206 S. !4ih 61. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, good location, lSJO DihIkb St. Doug. 4H1. FOUR all modern rooms. 2420 Charles SL FOR RENT Good slxet) room for house keeping, gas. bath, phone, laige closet. $10. Good location. It. 11 Caldwell. TWO rooms, furnished for light house keeping, private family, good location. 218 S. 2lth Ave. Harney 5U1. FOR RENT Large room snd alcove for housekeeping. 60S b. 2yth St. FOR RENT Two rooms, 32.50. 2220 Leav enworth St. FOR RENT Front parlor, furnished for llfcht housekeeping. 604 8. 27th .St. I'OL'H nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; no children; references required 3fi6 N. 40th St. ,' Unfurnished Rooms. . 8 ROOMS at 4416"Fnrnam. FOR RENT Couple rooms, modern. 2215 Burt 8L . , S.IiNJrThr09 ruo,n tlat modern. 4i68 N. 24th SL FOR ,?tK?,'-urnlhe, 0r tinfurnlshed room. 2820 Ellison Ave. Web. 1703. 6 ROOMS, very nice, 1912 S. 10th Bt. THREE modern unfurnished rooms witli heat and llKht. telephone, $18. i4 boslJ ing St. Web. 6964. ,, . . FOR RENT Small, completely furnished flat; close In; strictly modern; references required. 2041 Howard SL See at onoe. Houses and Cotiaarea. FOR RltKT.Luinm . a .. M0U8:,mbinaUon tlt"': et front; car -.-w.a --. , IMIV 4TV. B-room mtMlBirn hrti kAnaa x. city; 126. KU wmrx or , : rf? Prtment; city watr, m; Uu-n lot; li21 N. uth ht; $11. Ww 4-room tnirrmani r . papered; $10 (si ' C. M. BACHMANN. Paxton Bldg. Office. R-Iflju. Rea.. D-6U6U GROUND FLOOR SPACE There la a large apnea Just off tha court on ground floor that wlU be remodeled to auit satisfactory tenant. Thla location I near Farnam street convenient to mam entrance of building-. " Look before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BEB BUILDING COMPANY, R. W. Baker. SupL 17th and Farnam, 6-ROOM cottage; gas and water In house. 1614 S. 26th SL 9 ROOOMS, all modern, lares lot. large barn. 1S0U Plnkney. Nowata Land and lot. Co.. 858 New York Lite Bldg. Phone Red limit or A 1721. 8 ROOMS, all modern, Wut Farnam, $36. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 868 New York Ufa Bldg. "Phone P.ed law or A 1721. STEAM. modern, central, 4-room flat. IH House, flata Garvin Bros, Id floor N. T. L. FOR RENT. 8 rooms, 1412 Evans, 322. 6 rooms. 1X12 No. 23d. 821. 6 rooms. 2610 Sherman Ave., fin. 6 rooms, Sao4 Sherman Ave., $20. 8 rooms. 2210 Emmet, $30. 8 rooms, 2601 Spauldlng, $30. W. H. GATES. 644 N. Y. Life. Phone D. lm. 410 N. Z2D ST. rooms, modern; eery de sirable; fin location; walking dlstanvsi decorate to suit tenant W. FARNAM SMITH dt CO., 1220 Farnam bL 10-ROOM modern bouse, with garage, la best residence district, $60. Keys at offlo. A. E. Becker Co., 416 Be Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM moduli house. 304 UoiMm treL DUNDEE 8-room house, modern, wltk barn. Harney 1937. 2700 Howard, modern, 8 room, oak floor; easily healed. Phone Harney 2617. NEW, warm 6-room cottage at 41st and Corby; $12.60. R. D. Mason, M. D.. sol Brandels. ' $22.50 9-room, 2-story house at 706 North 8"th St. $24 00 for a nice corner house, 8-room, modern, except heat, 702 N. 3th St. $13.tKi for nice little 4-room flat. 'Mi llln ney St.. will rent lo colored lauilly. Robinson & Wolf. 436 Paxton Block. HOUSES FOR IlENT TO COLORED PEOPLE 14 rooms, easy walking distance mod- ern; o NOWATA LAND AND IOT CO., ,H New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red m, A-1721. NINE-room house, J80D Pinknry St new. harilwood floor snd newly painted; Hpeclul price F. D. Wend, 1601 Farnam St. 8-r., 216 So. 36th Ave 42 0 8-r., 21 So 36lh Ave 48.80 8-r., 2101 Farnam, modern, water conv SO. 00 7-r., 1912 So. 35th Ave 18.0 7-r., 2HC Maple St., 2 lot 15.00 6-r.. 1619 Locust 16.00 And many other in all part of tiia city. F. D. WE AD, 1801 Farnam St. MODERN 8-room house, hot water heat, newly painted and papered, $10 per month; half block to institute car. 4t40 Erakln St. - SEVEN-ItOOM house; all modern ; tam heat. 204 N. Dth St. Telephone Wttbster 1411. 8-ROOM house, all Cl aries M modern, $30. 841a 641 S. 21TH AVE. For rent to a rt-sponsible tenant, a strictly modern detached house, 8 rooms and bath, nice yard. Inquire on premises. IIOUSKS FOU ItKNT 8 ROOMS, sll modern: osk finish; laun dry, hot water heat. 4014 Burt. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 6r New Turk Life BUIg. Phon," P.ed 199, A-1721. Choice wall paper price, Dais Fainam SL SEE our Hat before renting. Sav lima, monev. All s res-all prlcea PAYNE. BuSVWIOK ?I-ATKR. Mb Floor N. T. I -If Bids'. oMAHA Van Swtut C-v. pack moen, tore Itousthuld goods; urhous. 1180-84 N. Wtu, 6ffb . . Uui L Il Duualaa Ui4 t