Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1910, Image 10

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Large World Shipment Cause Drop
is Grain Fricei.
No. northern, fl 06'v3i 09'4; No. I north
ern, tl.uiH'-il ov"d.
FKK1-Htt closed at H.1.
krn.No. I yellow, (l4UfiVtai
UAIS-Xo. t white, SlVu-'-'Wc
kvk-No 2. v2'tli'
HHA N--lit ,fcft 1st ().
FLOUR Urn patents, r VKtb-W; second
patents. 3VOav2: first ck-ars. M UJ HO:
I Mcond clears, $2.3.ij2.Ga
('ra Also Ooti Down a Reealt '(
Wheat Affnlrs nnd Tiir
1 ratlin Bcarlik CttTira
meat Renort Expected.
OMATLA. Oct. TO. 1W0.
Opening cables were very weak, affected
by news from Argentina, where rain waa
reported In the uroiKQ dlstrlota Large
world ahlijmenie ami Increases In the
weekly visible supply were the bearish tea
ture mat ran wheat valuen lower.
t orn waa affected mosU;a by the lower
whent market, but the trade waa bearlan,
expecting a beuih government report
alter the close ( today's market.
Wheat turned Into a waiting market
after Hie first break early in the session.
'J railers were Inclined to hold ntl until the
government figures wera issued on the
total yield of spring and wlntr wheat
Corn followed wheat with an early lreak.
refusing to rally when eaah stuff held firm,
sample offerings being a bear bed readily at
VjO over Saturday. . v
Primary wheal receipts wera LTO3.0TO pu.
and shipments were 617.000 on., against re
p..ii... -t vnr of 2.371,a00 bu. and ship
ment of 666.000 bo.
lTlmirr corn receipts ra 464,000
bu. and shipments were 4a,0n0 bu.,
analiist receipts last year of 0l.0w bu. and
shipments of .iSs.owi bu.
Ctraj auoee war . bu. ef corn, none or
oata and wbuut arid flour equal to AW,"
IJverpool closed Hiri'o.d rower on wheat
and 'Ad lower on oorn.
thaaka ( WTrUrmm.
WHKAT-No. 1 hard. W'easaHe; No.
bar.). W-,;Sc: No. 4 hard, So 'irf'K; re
jected bard. 819SHo; No 8 spring. 96(ff
win; No. 3 spring, fisHti !('. ,
COUX-Ko. 1 white. 4'.'vi4u: No- $ wnito.
47,.'u4m': No. 4 wliite, 4f....H7o; No. J yel
low tTfliT'-.c; No. 8 yellow, 4707; No.
yellow, 48Vti4eo; Io. 2, 47a-4JVc; a
t.VU-1'N.o; no made, 41'a-tio.
OATn-io. 2. 81ilHe; it4ard. WHfl
S1c; No. I white, JO'v'ilc; Ml 4 white,
finlc; No. I yellow, MnStac; No. yellow,
Ait LET N o. 4. W361oj No. 1 feed. s
H YE No. f, 72c; No. t. TWlo.
Carlat Reaelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 71 1W 157
Minneapolis 873 .
Omaha 69 71 89
Dululh 1
Feat area of the 1 radio ui Cloetasj
Prices on Bard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Bain In Argentina,
bit woncl a ahiprnenta and an Increase on
oceiin pasuago all began today to deprees
the wheat market. Even In the face of an
unexpected lessening of the visible aupply,
closing prlcea ahowed a net Ions of o to
Va7c. Other leading staples, toe, finished
on the down grade oorn jc to iHTHo un
der Haturday nlglit. oata to o and
provisions 6o to 30c.
For awhile the only sustaining Influence
In wheat was the fact that receipts were
llirht and that ahorta were willing to take
profit. Foreign selling here, howsrrer, was
In evidence, including tome orders from
Kuenos Ayres. bears held fall pooseselon
of the pit until figures appeared making
the amount of wheat In sight In the United
Ktatea &8.000 bushels lees than last weak,
as ntatnst an Increase of 3,030,00 bushels
a year ago. This Information led to con
siderable buying and rallied the market
tec from the low point of the day. The
recovery was aided by complaints of dry
weather In Kansas and Oklahoma. An easy
tone, nevertheless, prevailed at the close.
Iecember ranged from 9I'.ie to 9a and
flnlahed o Vf at 97Hc
Fine weAther and bearish foreign statis
tics wore partly offset In ths oorn crowd
by a decrease In the visible supply total.
December sold between 49o and 4le, with
the final quotations lU'tO down at 494a
and the tone easy. Cash com was steady.
No. 2 yellow cloned at 61 '4'8Mc.
Increased notices of consignments from
the country weakened oata. Deoember
varied from WjC to K2o and closed at
MVwsaSc, a net loss of VlHo.
Commission houses sold hog products
liberally. In the end pork was X2H to SOo
tinder the previous close, lard off 6o to
lUo and rlba at a decline of 10c to 80c.
LtadlriK futures ranged as follows:
Artloles.l Oian. High. Low. Closa. Tes'y.
Wheat I I
lieo WWI 97H 97'il 9TH U
Mav 1 (flK 1 O:; 1 (WV4:1 6S-HH 1 H
July 98' SK?'4 t8Vi! 967 99H
Corn I
IVo. ift:i'4 40 I 4Hl rH
May 62'5f 2V M'.461V4(7"? 52S2H MWV
July 6L' 6211 62S b2
Outs I I I
Hoc. 32HSf ST P!H32H'?T'N 8?T
May 351a M 80 V 35
I'nrk I I 1
Jnn. J17.WT3f. 17 40 17.2r 17 36 17 474
May 1C 60 1 76 1 62H 18 SS 1 S2H
Nov. 11 674 It 7V 11 56 11 67H 11 66
Jnn. in f,24 10 SO 10 47V4 10 60 10 6.r.
May 10 10 10 10 10 00 10 00 10 10
Oct. 10 80 10 80 10 67 10 KTV4. 10 871
Jnn. 8 20 8 VH 9 20 9 20 274
May 8 16 9 17 9 UV4 8 22
America, 81c;
ttaatatloas of the Par o Varloae
SKW YORK, Oct H.-FLOUn Unsteady;
spring patents, W y 3 6, winter straights,
tt X'V 3f, winter patents, $4iiOjt 80; spring
clears, (t Jyt.w, w.oter extras. No. 1, f J i
Ji5.i. winter extras. No. 2, fi. $ i 66 ; Kan
sas straighta, 4 ',W3 ft.) a flour, steady;
fair to good, M.tvutU; choice to fancy,
84.4.40. Buckwheat flour, quiet at
i.4 per 100 lbs.
tXiRNMUL-Steady; fine wWts and yel
lew. SI :tvni.40; coarse, Jl.a-l-, alin
dried i a
WliEAT Fpot market, easy; No. t red
tlM elevator, snd fl 02 f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 northern Duluth fin f- o. b. afloat
Futures market declined sharply early on
weak cables, large world'a alupmenta and
rains In Argentina, rallied on ths unex
pected decreaKe In the visible, but at the
close was eaay on the decline In the north
west. Final prices were So net lower.
IiccembT, ILfrTttll.flG'Si closed tl.Ui4; May,
L(m l.09,, closed 1.(IS- Receipts. 177,600
bushels: shipments, none.
CORN eipot market barely steady; No.
I, t'to, domestic basis to arrive and 6Vac
f. o. b. afloat. Futures market wss with
out transactions, closing unchanged to "c
net lower. December closed ftJMio; May,
J:c; rei-elpta, 1U3.U6 btmhele; ahlpraenta,
t,.m bushcla.
OATS Spot market, steady. Future
market waa without transactions, closing
at Vfo net decline.' October closed
u; liesember, S9"o; May, 4v;t,c; Receipts,
93,926 bushels; shipments, none.
IIAY-Flroi: prims. 51.16: No. L 81.19: Mo.
8, 8l.4X-Cl.08; N. 8. 766.
hofs-steady; state, oanimon to oboice.
1H 19Hc; l:"0, 17uiio; f-adfic doast, 1910,
I4tti7c: VM9, ltxuito.
hlDEfi Hteady; Central
Bogota. 21t,Ti2a'c.
L.KATHLR Steady ; hemlock firsts, 2SJ8
4c; seconds. 20628c: thirds. l!U20o: re
jects, 1WU70.
v isiUNS fork, steaay; mesa in.tsj
C21.IW; family, 86.00; short clear, 82 00f
'Hr CA m . a.. J f .. i 1 Ail ft aViaVi-A Am J8v?i, w r a j j , iKiniiy f in.v"j'",w,
beff haais. 24.00. Cut meats, steady:
irkled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 8i&.0o;i.i0;
pickled harrs. into. Lard, eaay; middle
weat prime 81I.80-IH8.8Cr; refined, easy; con
tinent. 113.20; South America 81140; com
pound. 810 2610.60,
TAiJ-DW-steady ; prim city, 7T4C; coun
try, 7NCVc
BUI 1 h-K Steady; creamery specials,
S0Vc; extras, 2o; third to first, 24ac;
state dairy, common to finest, tiflZSo; pro
cess, second to special, 23-&27c; Imitation
creamery, first, U'U&a; fancy. June make.
83u24c; current wake, first, lift 21c.
t Hi.lScK nteaay; state, wnoie miiK, spe
olal, 15'-t(fi:l7c; fancy, 16"4c; choice, 14-5
16c; good to prime, lij!l(Hc; common to
fair. ll13c; skims, full to special, 123
kXlOS Firm; fresh gathered, extra first,
r2(tc; flrnt. 26MTJ4V40; second, 24iaf)c;
fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, candled, 20H
21Hc; No. 2, l,vijic; refrigerator, special
mark, fancy, 6V'si2Sc; first, UiyZbc; sao-
oncis itrrifHo.
POULTRY AJrve unsettled1 spring chick
ens, 16c; fowls, 17o ; turkeys, lite 15c; dressed
quiet; western broilers. 17(?(20c; fowls, 140
lite; spring turkeys. 14-3 2oo.
Iiaictlaa la for Coatlnne4 Fair To
alght and Taesday.
OMAHA, Oat 10, 1910.
No marked nor Important change In tem
perature has occurred In any portion of
the country since the preceding report. A
slight but general fall Is shown everywhere
east of the Mississippi river and light
frosts were soaltered over the lake region.
Temperatures have continued moderate
throughout the central valleys and western
portion during the last forty-eight hours
and there Is no Indication of any important
change In this vicinity tonight or Tuesday.
Light rains are falling on the Pacific coast
and In southern Texas this morning and
showers oocurred In the lower lake region
and New England states within the last
twenty-four hours. The weather remains
generally clear throughout the centra val
leys and wsst and it will continue fair In
this vicinity tonight and Tuesday,
1910. 1K09. 1908. 1907.
Minimum temperature 64 41 48 48
Precipitation 00 .10 .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 68 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation sino March 1,
11.88 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1909,
1.80 Inohes.
Deficiency corrspondlng period In 1808.
8.30 Inches.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Market Sympathetic md Slow ia Vie w
of Conditions.
Kataroar's Ptatenaent la Resras-de mm
Eafordasr Necessity of Great
Caatlon la tho Ettstlea of
poewlatlvo Credits.
Ths forenoon lethargy was ascribed
stock market of today was alow In con
sideration of the banking position and the
money outlook. The Saturday bank state
ment was regarded as enforcing the ne
cessity of great caution In the extension
of speculative credits. The smaU addi
tion of ths actual surplus waa secured
only by the scaling down of deposit liabil
ities through the loan contraction and
the clearing house loan Item waa changed
only by shifting of loana to the other
banks and trust companies, thus saving
the money market from any disturbance.
The outflow of cash, however, continues
on a liberal seal.
Tbo forenooa lathargy was ascribed
especially to the desire to see the report
of unfilled orders la the United States
Bteel corporation for September 30 and
the government report on (rain crop con
ditions. Prices rose In response to the United
Btstes Bteel report. The decrease of 878,
028 tons in the amount of unfilled or
ders during September waa favorably In
terpreted In the light of tho August de
crease of 4X3,803 tons. Ths decrease for
the quarter also of l.Ost.tss tons com
pared with a falling off of 1,144,710 tona dur
ing the preceding quarter. From then
oompaiisons a decreasing rate of con
traction in the trade activity was argued.
Satisfaction with ths government crop
report was less mixed.
The wheat crop estimate has been scaled
to within less than 10,000,000 of tho 700.0DO,
000 stage. Ho bountiful a harvest makes
an addition to the wealth of the oountry
calculated to make up vast deficiencies.
Prices cloned at net sains under the In
fluence of tho crop report.
bonds wwre steady. Total sales, par
value. 81.667.000. United States bonds wers
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks wers:
alee. Hlan. Low. Cloe
81 Vt
Cash quotations were aa follows:
KLOUK yulet; winter patents, 84.30
4.90' Btraighta, 84.0044 70; spring straights,; bakers, 83.Ma.06.
R Y K No. 2. 7714c.
HARLEY Feed or mixing, 82J67c; fair to
choice malting, 71i076c.
BKKUS-Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 82. 62;
No. 1 northwestern. 82.6'4. Timothy, 84.60tf
8.60. Clover, 8s.00tjl4.60.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, por bbL. 818.24
j 18.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., 812-65. Bhort
ribs, sides (loose), 810,0$1 87. Short
clear shies (boxed), J10 7Vu 12.50.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
e-iual to 07,0110 bu. Primary reoelpts were
L7O2.000 bu., compared with 1371,000 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. The visible
supply of wheat In tho United Gtatea was
evs.iiuo bushels for the week. The amount
of breadstuff on ocean paasage waa 2,406,000
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whsat,
43 ours, corn, Ui cars; oats, 2tri) cars; hogs,
li.M head.
Scattered selling sufficed to pull down
oats. December showed an Initial loss of
ifl'So at 32i,t!"ilo with later transactions
cliirfly at the first named quotation.
Free commission offerings weighed on
the provision trade. First sales were un
chanK'd to 2?So down with January deliv
eries at 317. Hm 17.36 for pork, JIO.S2V4 for
lard and 8K.20 for rlba.
iiUTfEll Slrady. creameries, 24928c;
dairies, 8J-,jJ7c.
EirtlS Firm, at mark, cases Included,
lStilHc; receipts, 4.744 cases; firsts, 23 Ho;
prime firsts, 2tV-
CHKESK Steady daisies, lriUfiisHc;
twins, 14V$16c; young Americas, lo'tc;
Ion horns, lSo.
POTATOES Kssyi choice to fancy, 600
6.-0: fair to good. 38946a.
POULTRY Easy, turkeys, 17o; fowls,
Iiy: springs, imo.
VffiA I. Steady; bsteSfMb. wotghts. o;i0o;
f) to to-lb. weights. 9MJ10HQ; U to llo-lb.
welihts. 14ffl3c.
R Y F Cash. 77H.
WARLST Cash, 80flT7o.
U 4,1 Timothy, caeh. 3T.!tS 50l March,
8X.TjJ13. Clover, cash, 812.00-J li.00.
Kansas City Grata aa Provlsleas.
changed to lo lower: No. 3 hard, 4ir
81 VI; No. 3, 84c; No. I rod, He ; No. 3, 6So,
futurea. Dacember, M'.svac; May, 81.0V
CORN Uachanged to Wo higher; cash,
No. 2 mixed, 81 He; No. 3. Uc; No. 2 white,
MWJi'Sc; No. 3. 61j1Ho; futurea Deooin-
ber. Xso bid; Stay, .ai0To hid.
OA1 s Uncl-sagsd; No. 1 waits.
8!..c; No. 8, 8S0.
KYB No. 1. "iS77a
HAT-Unchaned; choice timothy. W 99ft
14 00; choice pruurle. 3i2trvl3 60.
ll'TTKR ("icamery. wk; firsts, 28c soo-
on.i. r', acKiiig stock, utto.
KOGsj Extraa 24c; firsts, Uo
Receista Shipments.
Wheat, bu 247 o 140,(.
Corn, bu. 12-0 9,r0
Oats, bu. M la,tXs9 6,0u)
t. Loals tieneral Market.
LOUIB. Oct 10. WHEAT Futurea
lower; December. WstiWiio; May, 31.04H.
Cash, weak; track. No. 8 red, 81.011.08;
No. 2 hard, c4 31.06.
CORN Futures, lower; Deoember, 47Ho:
May. 60'iff61o. Cash, lowor; tra. No. 8,
8.;i7i4c; No. 3 white. 63o.
OATS Futures, lower; December, ST5ie;
May, 84c. Cssh, lower; track, No. 2. 81
632o; No. 8 white, 843oO.
RYE Higher at 79o.
FLOUR lull; red winter patents, 34.7TXJI
6.2.; extra fancy and straight, KIOO;
hard winter dears. 83 3O-if3.80.
HKED Timothy, 38.00u.76.
CORNM F.A 132.80.
B RAN Higher; saoked, east traok, 86Q
HAY-tesdy; timothy, $16.00020.00; prai
rie. 812 00?, 16.(10.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobbing,
81150. Lord, lower; prime steam, l2.22&
12.4214. Dry salt meats unchanged: boxed
extra shorts, $12.60; clear ribs, 312.624; short
clears, 812.87H. Bacon unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, $14.12Va; clear ribs, H 4.12V,;
short clears, $14.87.
POULTRY Uule t: ohickena. 12c: enrinre
12c; turkeys, 17Qlc; duoka, 12Ho; geeso.
UTTER Steady! eraamerv. 14fi2KUA
KOCJ3 Steady, J2Vic
Rooelpts. Shipments
17,m R,5tm
129,000 87,000
3.0ii0 14,000
Uo.Ouo 39,000
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. .
Oats, bu. .
Philadelphia Prodoco Market.
Dtrauy; extra western creamery, mo
extra nearby prints, 83a.
COGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, free esses, 2So at mark;
Pennsylvania and other nearby current
reoelpts. In returnable cases, 2c at mark;
western firsts, tree oases, zso at mark
western current reoelpts, free cases, 2So
at mark.
C'H HBPE Firmer; New York full
creams, lVfco New York fair to good, 14
Vlslhlo aoplr of Grata.
NEW YORK. Oot 18. The visible supply
of grain in tho United States Saturday.
October 8. as compiled by the New York
I'roauoe rjxenange, waa as follows:
Wheat, 4.t,0 bu.; decrease, tUtS.OOO.
Corn. 4.4?2LOuO bu.; decrease, 61.0fO.
data, IS, 737,000 bu.; decresse. 64.0U).
Rye. 48.000 bu.; increase. 68.000.
l'arley. 2,S0,0uO bu.; lnorease. 186,000.
The visible supply of wheat la Canada
isst patnraay was 9,077.000 bu., an Incr
of 8,180,000.
40U, 40H
3.M0 11 UO
9 4
Allte-Ckalnwa Pffl 1U0
Amaliiunttad CoiiTer ... s,!"
Ariiona Asrl:ultuml ,MM tot
Amer.can Beet puaar.... 1,X)
Amirtun (Jka "
American C. A F t
Amerloan Ooton (Ml
American H. A L p(O....M 10
Am. Ie SmjrKIa .... .
Amerloan UnsMd .... !
American Loeometlre ..... IO
American 8. 4t 4,9s)
Am. S. A A. pfd. 100
Am. Steel Foundries. .....m
Am. Susar Reltnlng...... ot
American T. A T -. 8eA
Amrxmn Tobacoo pfd. ...
Amwlfikji Woolen ... .... ....
Anaoonsa Mining Co....... 80
AtAhlMM bM
Atlantle Cosat Llnei... "0 115 114 114
Baltimore Ohio. 3.i0 10S 107 101
Bsthlehma oXm! ... 87
arooklrn RPl Tr . 800 Tt W 74
Canadian Paifle . 8,sM 1M 1 IH'
Centrai Loatbar 80 84 84 4
Oentrmi Laaitker pTd. . . .. ..... 1M
Central of Kw rrmt. .. v..t .- 300
ChMapeak Otilo.... 8,00 II 81 B
Ohloas A Alton . at
Ctiloaro Oreat B1sn. v. .. . a
Cs O. W. ptd 1 1 1 1 mm , ... ..... 4T
Chicare N. W.... 4 in 147 fi7 147
c, M. at. r...... too u it las
C. C O. St. TT
Oolocmdo F. A 1 . 8J M
Colorado A Boothern. . TOO M 84 87
Consolidated Oaa ....m. 400 US 1U
Corn Prodaoas .. ...... ..... ..... 1
Delaware A Hudeoa...... 100 1 VM
Lwnrer A JKta Ormnds...., 1200 U 11 la
D. A a, O. ptd ..u 100 71 T3 l
DlatlllaV aeaurltlaa .......
F)rle .. 1.800
Brie 1st pfd . o
tOrle Id pfd P
Oxnerai BlentTle ..
Qraat Neithara pfd M. I.7US
Oi-Mt Nerthern Ore etta ....
Illinois Cantral 10
Intorfeorouah Met. ...-. Ks)
Int. Met. pfd m tti
Intematumel Harvaetar . ., ma)
int. Maiiae pfd.
277. Total balance In general fund,
Row York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. ia MONEY On call,
steady; 1 ','-" per cent; ruling rat. 2S lr
cent; closing bid, i1 per cent; ofVred at
2 per cent. Time loans, shsde essler;
sixty iar. 4414 per cent; ninety dsys, 4Hf
4S per cent: six months, 4Sj4 per cent.
per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at 34 K.
4 83! for aixty-day bills and at 84 861.6 fur
demand. Commercial bills. 84 84.
PILVF.Tl Har. 64S,c; Mexican dollars. 46c.
BON De Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. 8. ret. e, res;.... 1 Int. M 4a
do coupon li Int M. M. 4e..
0 . la. rac 10 S Japan 4s
do eoupon .........liH do 4t
V. t. 4a, rg 1H 'K. C 8a. let Is.
de emipoa 116 U. I. de, 4s IBM.
Allll-Chal. let ts.... T L. N. nnl. 4s..
Am. As. 8a lot M. K. AT. 1st 4a
Am. T. A T. r. 4s.. 1-4 Ms rn. H ...
Am. THiaoea 4s f Mo. Picifle 4e..
47 w
dO CT.
da t. la
At. C L. 1st 4s..
Bl. A Ohio 4s
do rs.
dn B, W. IH.
1 "-sa jti y. jrmr-nirj '''"1
do 4a W :-, N. R. R. of M. Ais 94 4
Armour A Co. 4s.. ? N. T. C g. 8a t
Atchlaoa san, la do db. ta P4
.l-'t Pf. T . N. H. A H.
..! ev, te IS
.. M N A W. let e. 4a... "
,, e do ct. 4s. 10
.. 2No. Pao.flo 4S 101
.. tl do la
Brook. Tr. ct. 4s.... as O. I. U rfrt,. ta... a
On. or a. 8a. Kr7 Psnn. or. H 11.. KH4
Cm. Laattaar ta H do eoa. 4s ta
of N. J. a le. lUHSt. U A A F. f(. 4a '!
Chaa. A OMe 4a...lia de pe. la 17
de ret. ta IS St. U 8. W. a 4a.... H
Cliloaco A A. ta. VI do 1st a-nld 4a tl
C. B. A Q. i. 4a.... A. L 4a.... TO
do gen. 4a I 8a. Paa. sol. 4a tl
C M. A B. P. IHi t3 do or. 4 Cfl
C. R. I. A P.. a 4a. . 7'. de let ref, 4a to
do rfa 4s........... 90 So. Rmlw.r ta. ......lot
ecioln. Ind. ta 1. do gan. 4a 7t
Colo. Mid. 4a in Union Pwntfla to.. ...lot
O. A B. t. A e. 4a. tt dn ct. 4 IMA
D. A K. cr. 4a - de 1st A raf. ta... 7
D. A II. O. 4a...... tt V. a. Rubber ta 1C
tJ4 C B. Steal Id ie....l'-44
do raf. ta.
Dlnlllars' 6a ........ Tt- Va.-Oro. Oinv
Erie p. 1. 4a..
" Wabajm 1M ta 1'
do gen. 4a . n do 1st A ex. 4a..... (V-4
do ev. 4a. aw. A.. 7 Waatern Md. 4a
do aeries B TO Vent. Blae. t. 6a... M
Oao. Blse. sr. 6a ltd Wis. Ceotral 4a KH
III On. 1st ret. ta.. tt Mo. Pao. ct. ta.... te
Boston MlnlntT Stocks.
BOSTON. Oct. 10 Closing quotations
stocks wore as follows:
44 Mohawk ..............
OH NeTada Con
! Nlplsmnx M'naa ....
17 North Batte ..
I North Lake ...... w.
14 Old Dominion .......
Butte Coalition ..... is Osceola
Cal. A Arinona W Parrott g. A C...
Cal. A Hacla... t0 gulncy
twiuiii S0lMuumn
Popoer Kange C. O.. 17 Superior
AnaU. Copper
A. . U A ..-...
Arizona Com,
B A C. C. A A M
Bank of Gersnanr
BERLIN. Oct 10. Tho
ef the Imperial Bank of
the following changes;
Cash In hand.......,......,
Leans .......... ...
Treasury bills
Notes In circulation.
Ocld In hand
- ta ta
111 181
ill ut
Iatarnatleoai Papar ,
Intaraatlooai Puaip ,iii atv
Iowa Central ..-.-imwi
K urinal City o...m...m. 8.1M
K n In. old. 1.100
Laolade Oaa 4u0 10
Leolsrllla A Naahviita.
Minn. A St. Louis
tl.. St. P. A B. 8. kl.. 10S
M., K. A T BOB
M , It. A T. pf.....Maa 108
National Btnutt
National Lsat m L80
N. R. R. ef M. 84 pfd.... too
bM 144 144 144
lot M K M
Ut U3
84 84 84
44 B4 44
84 86 4i
It It tl
Maw Tork CentTwl . ' Ut 114 114
N. T.. O. A W....... aw 4S iit ana
Norfolk A Weetera..iw m ...m tt
North Amarloan .m.. n Jt
Northarn PaaUla M..M.-a aow Jint jueis iw
Paclfle Mall 1k ' "
PannsylTanla ...... 8,700 1M
Woe la' a Oaa iui
P.. a. c A ft. L.. 100
t'Usbarg Coal 800
Pressed steal oar, ..-.-- iw a
Pullmaa Palaoe Ca ...
Railway axeel Bcrtr.a. 100 84
inv l4
101 10T
Raadtnt 84,B0B 14? 14S
Rapuklls Bteel . .
Rapubllo Btaat p(4...- ..... .....
Hock Island Co - 8,800 81 81
Bock Island Oe. pfd - W4 a t
Bt. L, A 8. T. at ptd 80 4i 4U
St. Lonla 8. w.......... a
Bt. L 8. tV. pfd
BloM-Sbaffltlt 8. A I
a,uthrti Paalflo
Soutbam Kallway 1.000
Bo. Hallway prd. ...... ...... 1.100
Tcnnoaaae Copper 4,10
Texas A Paolflo. 1.4ue
T.. ax. U A W s
T , Bu L A W. pfd..M
S t
, ..... TO
too lt4 41 41
8.100 1U llf 1U
M P44 W4
64 86 t
It 84 t
tl 8 M
8 84 84
It IT 67
, 88,100 Ml 141 1I4H
I ; nl... Patina
llnlnn Pasllla af d. .. .... 108 tl
United Blalaa lUaltf...
Vnltad Btataa Rubber 100 34
tnlted Btataa BUal . 44.100 TO
V. 8. Bteel pfd - M
Utah Copper aj-
uaainana. .
, m .. .
17 w
Va .rwra.ltna Chl
w .h ..... Bs)
Wabaah pfd 1.4S0
Waa tarn Maryland
Westlnghouae tUectrta 1.104
Waatara Unloa 108
WbaaUng A U E. ........ .....
TotaJ aalea for the day. IM.taO
Loalea Cloolagf Itoelta.
LONDON, Oct. 10. Amerloan securities
war nniet and featureless during tbo early
trading today. Prlcea at noon ranged from
above to below Saturday's New York
Closing quotations tm siooas weroi
Canaoia. moaar
do aaeount ....
Amal. Capper ...
Anaconda, ........
do ptd
8UI. A Ohio
Canadian Pao If la
Chea. A Otiie
Chicago O. W....
C M. A Bt r...
De Basra
LiariTar A B, O..
4o pf4
,.. to LaalaTllle A N.
.. lun ia. iv. aa ,
.. tt N. T. OenUel....
.. t Norfolk A W.,
..141 do pfd
..lMn Onuuie A W.....
. .iiO PannerlTanla ...
..! Hand Mines ....
.. ISaHeedlui
.. 84 Bo. H .11 war ....
..14 da pfd
.. 141a to- Paolfla
.. tt Union Paclflo
.. 74 de pft
Mllwaakeo Grala Market.
W H EAT No. 1 northern, $LUSn 13; No.
northern. $1 0frl.o9H; December. 87Hc.
OATai S8V33io.
BARLEY-bamples, 704175O.
Liverpool Ore la tvstA 8rowtotoaaa.
LIVERPOOL. Oct 18-WH85AT-6oot
dull: No. 3 re wtttern winter, no stock;
Cuwres rsj; Oc; .a 34; Decern
or. 7s 31. March, Is ti.
CORN pot eaay; Ajericaa mixed. 4s
100. fjnr aulst, Jaauary, ts $ad; Feb
ruary, 4a 84-1.
PKAS Cuuadlsn steady at Ts.
FLOUR Winter petwuls steady at Sea.
MlaaoeiBHtlU Grala Market.
reinher, 61 ; May, 8112. Cash: No. 1
Lard. $LU No. 1 aenAers, ti.lwLUa;
Poorla Grala Market,
PEORIA, Oot. in OORN Lower; No. I
white, 61c; No. 3 yellow, 61961o; No. 8
yttlow. 61e; No. 3, il'.c; No. 4, bOo.
riT.--1 ower; No. 2 wlttte, 8Sc; No. t
whits. tHto; No. 4 white. 82o.
Dmlatk Gravis Marlsot.
DULUT1L Oct 10 WHEAT-Olose: No.
1 northern. 81.11; No. I northern. $LM
Braparalad Applea aa A Dr-ted rrwlts.
APPLES About stesdy. but tracing is
ou'et and of a lohhlns character. On the
; spot, fancy is quoted at 10c;
. prime, ttjlrxej oouimoa
.11 ED FRUITS Prunes are firm, espe-
cislly for the small sisea; quotatloaa range
from tglAo for Cailfornlaa up to 80-46O ana)
7AtS for OretK-ns for kh'Xm. Aprlota
are qalet and about steady: sholoo, 119
lie; extra eho'co. 12fii8o; fancy, I8vv6144.
Peacboa are Inartivs and barely et.a-iy;
choice, 7fi7Uc; extra etvoioe. latSo; fancy.
8 r.ic. Kalafna are ateav with a atilet
traAe; looeo muscstelB ar quoted at 8
Bo for 3t6$ nrowbs; choice to fancy seeded.
Ci M7' M ' 'u0 tnoa layers. It 10
to fair. 4-a.ay
attar Market.
NEW YORK. Oct 10 SUGAR Steady ;
muscovado, 88 test, 8 too; rentrifugsl. 98
test. !': mlaaaa sugar 88 teat, 8.18a,
UeOaod sugar steady.
Brie USa C. B. Bteel..
to Ut pt4 41 4o pfd ....
4, Id ptd MttWaaaah
Orand Trunk H do pfd ....
Llllaeo (eiitrai iaai xp.nian u
.... at-H
.... tl
.... 41
.... 4t'i
.... It
.... T6
.... t:-4
.... Ma
.... ii
.... 17
.... It
Kaet Butte Q, U
OlroQX Coo.
Oranby (Vm.
Oraene CWnanaa ...
lata Royale Ooppee.
Kan- Lake
Le Salle Oopper..
T Buparlor A B. M...
.. 11 Bupaiior-A P. C...
7 Tamarack
.. 80 V. 8. a A O
.. 'H U. 8 8. R. A M.
82 do pfd
4t rtab Con. .....,
10 Winona
Miami Copper ...... It WolTerlne ......
. 10
. 314
. I
. so
. 13
. 73
. 10
. 61
. It
. 61
. 9
. 4S
. tl
weekly statement
Germany ahows
,. 17,830.000 marks
.. 92.M4.000 marks
..190.1SS.000 marks
,. 8.941,000 marks
.184.043,000 marks
,. 71.7.000 marks
.. 13.643,000 marks
IVew York Mining- Btoeko,
NEW YORK, Oct 10 Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Alice UO little Chief .. 8
Com. Tunnel ateok, . 81 Mexleaa M
de bcaida It Onta.o 200
Cnn. aai. A Va..M.. to Ophir .1
Horn Bllrer . 17 etandard mm.. 44
Iron BllTer .1H Tallow Jaotnt .. , . 60
LaailTiila Oon. 8
Week Starta Out with Very Large
Cattle Keceipts,
Yards Are Fall of 6keep aad Laanbs.
kat tho Trade Is Blow In Get
ting Started on A Mon
day Morning.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, bheep.
Estimate Mondsy 13.&00 20 .00i'
bams day last week... .12. 3M 2."! 8s. OM
bame day 2 weeks ago..l3.iJ 13 M.216
bame day 3 weeks ao..l2.r.-4 1.9,0 30,M1
Sams day 4 weeks ago..lo.2M 6.SA4 2,162
Same day last year 9,363 1,106 26. 377
1 lie luiloning table shows ths receipts
of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha
for ths year to date as compared with last
year: 1h0. IDW. Inc. Deo.
Cattle ........ 916.4t 803.477 111. 98
Hogs 17-0,t48 1,,909 26S.861
Sheep 2,ot2,7;4 l.uJo.otiS 607,771
1 he following table ahows ths averags
prices of hogs at South Omaha tor tho last
several day a with comparisons:
Dates. I 1910. 190.190S.19O7.19t)8.lO6.19O4.
Oct 8.
Oct 9.
8 2k
8 z;1-,
8 to'-,
8 47 y
8 27
10.. 4 8 2,
7 87
7 8,
T 82
T 80;
7 67
7 4
7 til
8 0j
8 2
8 4ft
8 31
8 2o!
8 201
$ Oil 8 25 I 8 74
6 92 1 6 26, 6 1S
6 81 1 6 27 6 10 $ 72
6 64 i 29 i Bb 6 74
6 841 fi h ts t 76
it 811 6 03 6 Si
8 92! 8 06 1 8 6
8 07 1 6 $0o 0d
6 071 $ 30 6 W
U ( 2 8 0u I 68
biLVl- it Bar, steady at 85$-16d per oz.
M11NI1.Y l'vi'l Per cent.
The rail of uttcount In the open market
for short bills Is 3 per com; for three
months' bills, 3 per pent.
Local eoaslttes.
Quotations furnished by Burns. Rrtnker
Mm. t U 441 umaoa auuiuu wwi. i.u.iiiiiik
BlA AakaA
r- ru.l warraata 8 er eaat.. ..... lo
Baatrlce Oaaauarf. pfd M JI14
Baatrtca Craemerr. eom
Calorade Tal. La 1 par eent 4B
Cudakr Pactint Ca ta tt
Calurr,eue. Net.. B. U ta, lt4 84
C B. A q.. HI tn.. 8wa
De'aTer O. A B. 4 for east aetae, UU tt
Uerroaa-Ainerttaa CofSaa 18
Intarnatlenal woo. Co., wits kewaa
a a Fertlaud Ceiwanl lat 4a Bt
itanaee a. A B. 1 per t- P'4. Wleklta n
kanaaa I1i (mawarpah 4a ie.14
Ilmuu CltJ B. A U ta. Hit ts t4
trwa Ce. ia.) wairanta t pee seat jot
Kauaaaa iNanca Ce.) war. t sac sent lot
Omasa Water Ce. aa. ltU lei
Omaha Water Ca. ta. l4t tt tt
em.aa A C B. Bt Ar- P4. I per aat It t4
Om.fca tt. I K .. aa tt tt
omasa A C. B. Be Br. la. Ittt tl tt
Osmna BV Bt. ta. 1114 M los
Omaha C. B. B. A B pt 41 at
Trl- llr 8. t L Co.. aeea tl U
Cniea Caa. Co.. wtta aawaa tt
t'ntea Bleak tarda ateaa, Aaaata. B8 tt
Treaeary Stntcsaent.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10-Tho condition
of tho treasury at tho beginning ef busi
ness todsy waa aa follows:
Trust Funds Gold ooln. 84.47 888; silver
dollara. 84M.7S9.4do; silver dollars of lt
$.tMjo. sliver certificates outstanding.
$4M 783.004.
Genorai Fund Standard silver dollara In
general fus-d. 6.'..w.L-; current UsblUUes,
aW.bH.iVS: working balancs In treasury of
fices. $33. f.14t: In banka to credit of treas
urer of tho United ft a tea. 36.883.ts); auh
si diary ailvwr ooln, $iAusu.4eUi nunor sola,
Bank Olonrlnaro.
OMAHA. Oct 10. Bank clearings for to
day were $3,219,013.43, and for tho corro
spcn&ng date last year 83.163,782.41.
RUTTBTR Creamerr. No 1. detiwores) e
the retail trade In Ub. cartons. 81e: No. t
In 80-lb tubs. 80s: No. In 1-lb. oartona
: No. I. In 88-lb. tubs. t7V8e: naoklac
rtock. solid Bask. 8te.. dairy. In tn-lb tuna
BBH4. Market cnaages every Tueedap.
CHKF8B- Twine'lSc: young Amerlcaa
19o; daisies, 18o; triplets 18o; Umbsrger.
18e; No. 1 brick, 18Vc; Imported Swlaa. 124:
Beanosuc awies. xac; block swlaa. 120.
POULTRY Ureses broilers under 9 Ihw
fnc' over 8 lbs.. 19e; bens lie: cooks. I0e:
iaeka Uo: reosa, 16o: rurkera ltci nlaeoaa
for des., $1.29; homer squabs, per dos.. 84 08
'sney souaba. psr dos.. 83. 80; No. t per dos.
$180. Alive: Broilers. Uo; over I lba. Uo;
bona Xlei old roosters, 4c: old ducks, fug
feathared. led: Ceeao. full feathered
tnrks-ys, 14a; gulaea fowls, too each: plgseaa
per oos., see; Bosaers, per an., h w: sauaba
tin 1. par dos.. $1.80: No. t Ber des., aOo
run (an rroson r-ioaerei. uo; white flin.
13e; pika lfcc; trout I801 largo erapplea
too: Spanish maoksral, lac; eel c: bad
dock. Uc; flounders. Uc; green catfish, Uo;
rnoahad. 81.009 each; shad roe. tmr nair
tte: frog legs, per dos, 40c salmon, 14a.
Bset tJUko rus: in o 1. i4o; no. 1. lim
No. 8. 80. Loin: No. L lto-. No. $, 1140: No
$. 90. Chucks: No. L te; No. 2. $o; No, t
60 Round: No. 1. 7e; No. t, 7c; No. X
j PUU1 No- No- 4; N
fruits oranges, caitrnrnls Valen-
claa, all sixes, por box, $6.809 6.25.
t tt'-wrt,'C r 1 1 . . , . . n A A
else, per box, $6.60; 360 tUt, par box,
97.00; choice, ao size, per box, 311.00;
369 shte, per box. $6.60: 240 size. 60o
per box lees.
0 a in a. in ad mnoy Bsioot. par nnncn,
$2.26iS2 60: Jumbo, bunch. $.7693.76.
CANTALOUPES Osage, 11 aid 1$ stxe,
par crate, $1.00.
ton, por orate, 81.16; In lots, psr orato,
PKAFB New York Kelfer, per bbi.,
$4.60; Colorado Kelfer, t tier, per box,
$2 60; California Winter Neilla. par box,
APPLE Homo grown cooking, per
bbl., $2.60i9 4.00; Missouri Jonathan, and
qrlmes Golden, per bbl., $4.25 4.60; Mis
souri Bsn Davis, per bbl., $3.60; Mis
souri winesape, per ddu, tt.ou; Missouri
Gano, per bbl., $3.76; other varieties,
rer bbL, $4.00; new Oregon, per box,
$1.76; California Gravenstein, per box.
$3 10; California Belleflower, per box,
GRAPES California Tokay, per crate,
$1.40: Concords. Mlchlaan snd New York.
per $-lb. basket. 80c
CRANBERRIES Per box, $3.86; per
bbl.. 86 75.
WATERMELONS Texas, la per lb.
DATES Anohor brand, new, 30 1-lb.
pscksges In box, per box, $2 00.
FIGS New California 12H-OS. pack
ages, 86c; 88H-OS. psckages, $3.25.
VKQETABLES Potsloes, Esrly Ohio.
In sacks, per bu., 99c; white stock, extra
fine quality, per bu., $1.10.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per bbl.,
ONIONS Iowa, small red and yellow,
per ltv, 2c; Spinlsh, per orato, $1.25.
RUTABAGAS Por lb., lic.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Oot. 10 COTTON-Futurea
opened steady; October, 14.3Se: November.
1446c; December, 14,62c; Januarv, 14 58c;
March, 14 77c; May, 14.89c; July, 14 SSc.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. The cotton market
opened steady, but generally 63 11 points
lower In response to disappointing cablea
and a renewal of heavy realizing sales fol
lowed the big advance of last week. Offer
ings were very well taken on the setback,
however, as there waa nothing In the news
to Indicate any weakening of the spot sltua-
" ipiI during the middle of the morning
fluctuations were Irregular, 'with prices
$ or 7 points under the closing figures of
Haturday. Business was very active at the
start, but when tho market stesdled of
ferings hers me smsller.
Futures closed steady. October, 14 44c;
Novem-ter. 14.44.-; December, 14iJc; Januarv,
14 M; February 14.62c; Mrcv 14 7V; An'M,
14.76c; May. 14 84c: June. 14 80c: Julv. 14 83a.
Spot clceed quiet. Mlddllr.g uplands, 14.6bc,
middling gulf. l4S0c. Sales. 1 M bales.
changed: middling. 14Sc: sales, none; re
ceipts. 6J bales; shipments, 643 bales; stock,
4Kl balea
ai 9
86 9
1 1
m $a
Hogs. Eheep.
611 L8H7
6o0 1.8.3
Z06 1.44
4.S3 1,612
lo ...
33 mm
.... M . .
M. .
. .. .....
tr a..M
a ii
... ..
. .
.... a....
.... ..
.... .....
.... a...
Cash quotations were aa follows!
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
tho Union Stock Yards, for twsnty-four
hours ending at 3 p. m., yesterday;
Cattle. Hogs- Shoep. H'r's.
C, M. & St P.... 6 4
Missouri Paclflo ... ,. ., .. 1
Lniou Pacific 80 8 117 $
C. Ai N. W., east.. 3 1
C. oc N, W., west. 178 9
C St. P., ML At o.. 1
C, B. dt 4-. east.. .. 1
C, B, d g., west..U $
C, It L Ac P., eaat .. 8
C, R. 1. & P., west ..
Illinois Central .... 1
Chicago Gioat W.. 2 2
Total reoelpts. ..494 29
Omaha Pecking Co.... 637
Swift and Company IMS
Cud ah y Paokitis; Co,....l,0wi
Armour & Co , 4oo
Cudahy, from t Joe... ...
P. Murphy ............... ...
Moth Packing Co. ...
W. B. Vansan Co, 186
Benton Vaneant & Lusli 8zi
Stephens Broe........... 199
Hill A Son 624
F. B. Lewis. .....m.... 897
Huston & Co m
J. B. Root & Co 242
J. II. Bulla.. 82
L. F. Husx ..... 137
U Wolf 29
McCrearv & Car ay 300
8, Werthelmrr ........... 764 a.
H. F. Hamilton &14
Sullivan Bros.. 60
Le tuner Bros 1
Ix-e Rothsohlld & Cress. 420
DcKan 61
Kllnw fid
Otiier buyers L166 .... 20,109
Total ..M....Z"22 1237 27, Oul
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were larger
than usual, about 60 cars being reported in.
Trains wers late In arriving at tho yards
and the forenoon was very well advanced
before everything reported had put in an
appearance. As had boon tbo case muoh
of the time of late a considerable propor
tion of tho arrivals oonsisted of cattle only
suitable for feeders, while beeves wars
by no means plentiful Buyers were In
clined to await tho arrival of later trains
before doing very much business, with tho
result that the r-arket was late in opening.
Tho supply o beef steers did not prove
to be burdensome, there being almost no
cornfeds at all In tho yard a There was a
pretty fair ahowlng of wangors. but the
best cattle of that description commanded
about stsady prioes. As nigh as $0.96 was
paid for good killers. The inferior and less
desirable kinds were slow to as much as
10c lower.
Cows and heifers sold In a good deal ths
same way as beef steers, ths mors desir
able kinds being very little different from
last week, with others lower. Tho whole
trade on killers might bo described as any
where from stsady to lOo lower.
Stockers and feeders opened out very
slow and dull, as Is apt to bo tho case
on a Monday owing In part to ths late
arrival of trains and In part to ths late
arrival of country buyers. Ths trade did
not prove very active at any time during
tho day and as a rule sellers wers describ
ing the market as dull to UK4U6C lowor as
oompared with last week's lcose.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 6. 6067.60; fair to good
beef steers, 35. 5034. 69; common to fair beef
steers, $4.501. 60; good to choloo cows and
heifers, 84.2o4.l3.2B; fair to good cows and
heifers. $8.4Wi4.26: common to fair cowh
and heifers, $3.(4x33.40; good to choloo stock
ers and feeders $4 406.85; fair to good
stockers and feeders, 34.084.40; common to
fair stockers and feedora, $3.X34.7S; stoclt
heifers, $U.O0$4.26; vcnl calves, $3.5OfJ7.O0;
bulls, stags, etc., $3.OO1tS.O0.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves, 86.7-6.26; good to choice
beeves. $5.2.'t5.75: fs!r to good beeves, $4.50
06.20; common to fxlr beeves, 83.7ogt.40;
good to choice heifers, 34.0IVfj6.0ii. good to
choice cows. $4.(!M.o; fair to good arradee,
$3.604.00; canners and cutters, $2.7o$.60;
good to choice feeders. $4.8ot&6.0; fair to
good feeders, $4.2VrM.76.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pt. No. At. Pr.
1 10:4 8 J4 1 1011 8 TO
4 tit 3 7 It KW0 I 76
1 1103 I ft 13 113 4 36
8 UOO I ft 8 744 3 Tl
14 4"i I M U M IN
16 6.-3 I 10
14 &'-3 30 13 tt 4 40
1 414 4 00 1 871 4 70
11 steers
9 steers. ... 84.S
31 heifers.,
55 feeders.
47 leeders.
24 steers
12 steers
820 8 60 3 calves... 410 4 10
3 steers.... 43 3 10
23 steers. ...1 4 60
2.1 feeders.. HK1 4 S3
$ ralvea... 4:tti 3 50
84 ateers....U-6 4 36
14 heifers.. 644 8 CJ
3 70
n i
917 4 60
.12 75 4 36
44 4 86
M steers.... 941 4 40
HOGS Hog trade opened steady, oven In
the face of lower sdvlces from other points
this morning. The market wraaened. how
ever, as trading progressed and closed at
declines of 10,u,o. L.ulk of offerings went
at a spread of stesdy to a dime lower as
compared with Saturday's vslues. All
clasHes of buyers purchased cautiously, but
rrceipta were limited and a complete clear
ance was msds In good season.
Heavy bogs moved srotind $4. 1 Off t JO,
with medium weight mixed at or near IX.)
(iS.36. light hoaa were almost loo scarce
to try out pricee, but some prims bacon
holts were available and sold as high as
$, w hich was also Saturday's high price.
Represents tlvs sales:
No. AT. aa. Pr No. At. gh. Pr
II IM ... 7 tt II Il ... I to
hi Sit 10 I to II Hi H ID
tt lit ... I 40 4 lit ... I ))
4 Mt 10 06 M I I to I 26
44 27 BO I tit 4 11 ... t J,
14 Ml ... I 10 tl tut ... 1 t;u
tl 2114 ... I 14 44. Inl ... I to
61 t0 130 I It tl Ml 14 I 10
tl 10 M It) 71 10 40 I M
tt t-U 40 I M ..... .147 ... ItO
44 o4 tt t Bl at alt 40 I at
6a a ... I 241 CT lit 10 I 60
47 S.4 10 I to 11 17 ... I ft
It 107 ... I 10 14 8tT ... I 76
at til 400 8 80
1. ...... .470 Bt I 40 1 44 B0 I 40
1 440 10 I 40 3 440 140 I 44
SlifclKP Very little actual trading was
done during the morning owing to the late
arrival of shipments, delay due to shaping
up the atuff on band, etc Feeder offer
ings made up tho big portion of receipts,
of course, but Inquiry from country buy
ers was artive and broad, and the better
grades sold to good sdvantage as Boon as
the afternoon market was fairly under
way. Discrimination waa naturally severe
In all branches of trade, with the result
that sort were heavier than usual. .Com
mon and medium classes, feeders espe
cially, had to sell on a catch-as-catch-can
baxla, much of the atuff going ai unevenly
lower figures. On the other hand, really
Kood feeders did not show very much weak
ness opening aales Indicating a market
stesdy to a little lower In spots.
Fat stock was relatively scarce, despite
the enormous run, and bearish feeling was
not quite as pronounoed among packers.
High-dressing sorts moved steadily at
prices little If any lower than those In
force lsat week, while In between and com
mon kinds were slow to lower.
Quotations on grass stock: Good to choice
lambs. $4. WW'S. 76; fair to good lambs, 36 26-5;
6.60; feeding lambs, $4.26$6.2u; handy weight
yearlings, $4.Sf(j6.SA; heavy yearlings, $4.40
T4.85: feeder yearlings. 34.0OjT6.25; good to
choice wethers, $4.iiH .86; fair to good
wethers, 38.5O4.00; feeding wethers, $3.2Tp
4 10; breeding ewes. $4.wl6 26; fat owes,
83 t6tT3 5; feeding owes, $2.503.26; canners,
,1.5043 60.
Pemasd for Cattle and Sheep Steady
Hosts Slow.
CHICAGO, 111., Oct 10. CATTLE Re
ceipts 80.000; market steady; lOo lower.
Beeves $4.751J.00; Twxas steers, $A2685.6&;
western steers, $4.1WJ.T5; stockers and
fenders. $3.4176.75: cows and heifers, $2.26
6.50; calves, $7.6O10.00.
HOGS Receipts 27,000 market slow for
heavy; others strong. light, $8.4038.90;
mixed, 88.16G8.96; heavy, $7.90a.76; rough.
37.9o5.W: good to choice heavy. 8R.lftiJ8.75;
pigs. $H.0Og 8O; bulk of sales, 8.9u 6ft.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 66,000;
market steady. Native. $2.5XKtf4.S6; western,
$2.7Mf-4 .25; yearlings. $4.3Mi(fio; lambs (na
tivo), $4.60fi7.15; western. $4.7687.00.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts 82,000. Inoluding 1,500 southerns;
market steady to 10o lower. Calves 3f-c
lower. Drossed beef and export steers,
36.6ft-(47.80; fair to good. SS.OOg 25; western
steers, $40ftj.75; stockers and feeders,
8.1 8ftr6.70; southern steers. 33.WVu5.10; south
ern oowa, $2.764.26; native cows, $2.UMl
4.60; native heifers, $3.25i&.60; bulls, $3.0iyj
4.26; calves, $401Q6.26.
HOGS Receipts 8,200? market 10 to 20c
lower. Bulk of sales, $8.86-08.70; heavy,
68 3&eV46; packers and butchers, $8,461
$.76; light,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 16.000;
market steady. iAtmbs. 36.76-r(4j.80: yearlings,
$4.2gfi.jr; wethers, $3.Tr.26; ewes. $3.30
$.80; stockers and feeders, $2. 50-4. 50.
tt. I.onls Live Btook Market.
6T. LOTTIS. Mo., Oct. 10. CATTLE Re-1
celpts 12,900, Including 1.200 Texans; market
steady. Native shipping and export steers,
$V75Vg7.7B; dressed beef and butoher steers,
85.75: steers under 1,000 pounds, $4,0037.00;
stockers and feeders. $3.601276 86; rows and
heifers, $3.50.85; canners, $2 60-ffS.OO; bulls,
3ffo.00; calves, $6.2Sgg.60: Texas an In
dian steers, 33.60(37.00; cows and heifers,
$3.1074. 50.
HOGS Receipts 8.600; market 10 to 16c
lower. Pigs and lights, $8.25i?j8.H; packers,
$8 35S8.50; butchers and boot heavy, $8.65
RHETTCF AND LAMTtS Receipts 1.900;
market 6 to lOo higher. Native muttons,
$8.9Vft.80; lambs, $6.6rV7 15; culls and bncks,
$2.6021.26; stockers, $12&Q8.7I.
It. Joeepk Live Btook Market.
celpts. 2.800 head. Market slow; steers.
34. 00-77.00; cows and heifers, $3.K7J6.60;
calves $3.oftf8 25.
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head. Market 10c
to 15c lower; top, $8.76; bulk of sales, $8.40
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. $,000
head. Market weak; lambs, $6.0034.7E.
Stock In Blsrht.
Reeelrrts of live stock at the tve princi
pal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 13.300 2,900 63.000
St Joseph IW.OOO 3,000
Kansas City 83&w0 ISO
St. Louis 13,000 $.600
.80.000 27,000
Totals 80,100 41,600 149,900
Coffoo Market.
NT7W YORK. Oct. 10.-COFFKE Futures
closed partly steady, at a net loss of 6
10 points. Sales 23,500 bags. October, No
vember and December, 8.76o; January, 8.75c;
February, 8.80c; March and April, 8.82c;
May and June, 8.84c; July, August and Sep
tember, I.Bc,
Spot coffee quiet; Rto No. T, 1074,'tpilct Pan
tos No. 4, 11 c; mild coffso, quiet; Cor
dova, ntiia4o. -
Yield Per Acre Smaller for Nation,
bat Quality Good.
Production of Oats Is Greater TtMen
Last Year, bnt Barley dhows tt
Falling; Off Compared
to 1BO0.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Tho prodtiotlot
of spring wheat as estimated by the crop
reporting board for 1910 was 233.476.000 bush
els, compared with 290,823.000 bushels la 19
the yield per acre being 11. 1 bushels eom.
pared with 15.8 In 1909 and 13.7. the tea feat
overate. The quality was 94.1 per cent,
compared with 88. X the ton year Average.
The production of all wheat for 191$ wat
691.769.000 buahela. compared with 73T.l89.0rd
bnahels In 1909; the yield per acre being
14.1 bushels, compared with 16.8 In 1909 and
14.1, the ten year average. The quality
was 93.1 per cent
The total production and quality of sprint
wheat for LUO In certain Important Btatet
follows: Bu. Quality
North Dakota 89,718,000 96.
Minnesota 94.OW.000 P.
South Dakota 48,656,000 94.
Ths corn crop was 90.8 per cent of a nomi
nal on October 1 or at time of harvest,
compared with 73.$ A year ago and T8.4,
the ten year averags. According to tht
crop reporting board of the Department
of Agriculture, whose October crop report
waa laaued at 2:80 o'clock this afternoon.
The condition of the corn crop on Oc
tober 1 In certain important states fol
.. ......
10 Yeai
1!10. Averagt
Iowa .. .......
Missouri ., ....
Nebraska .. ..
South Dakota
Increase In Onta.
The production of oats for 1910 wat
1.096,SP.000 bushels, compered with 1,007,353,.
000 busheds In 1909; the yield per acre be
ing 819 bushels compared with 80.1 In 1901
and 29.5 the ten-year averaga. The quality
was 93,8 per cent, compared with 88.1 tht
ten-year average.
The total production and quality of oats
for 1910 In certain Important states fol
low: Bu. Quality.
Iowa in3.54O.0OO 99.
Nehranka 73.716.000 9rt.
South Dakota 8t.908.0ti) 86.
Kansas 88,181,000 94.
The production of barley for 1910 was
158,138,000 bushels, oompared with 170,284,000
bushels In 1900, the yield per acre being
12.4 bushels, compared with 14.1 In 1909 and
25.7 the ten-year average. The quality was
83.1 per cent, oompared with $81 the ten
year average.
The condition on October 1 or at the time
of harvest showing the per cent of a nor
mal crop reported for the 'other orope as
Crops. 1910. Ten-year At,
Buckwheat 81.7 83.1
Potatoes 71.$ 75.8
Tobacco 80.1 83.0
Flaxseed 47.2 83 4
Rice .. 88.1 88.1
Apples 48. t 63.1
Turpentine Market.
Firm at 760. Rosin firm; type F,
$6.40; 0, $0.40845
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct 10, WOOL Un
changed; territory and western mediums,
l&tf2JSc; fine mediums, 17020c; fine, 14417o.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Oot. 10. HAY No. 1 upland.
112; No. 1 upland, $10: packing, $7; alfalfa.
ns. btraw: wneai, to; rye, n; oats,
South Dakota Pastor Won Id Ease tks
Borden on Conarrea-atlona.
MITCHELL, 8, D., Oot 10. (Speclal.)
The consolidation of churches In small
towns Is receiving; the attention of some
pastors, notably at Ashton, a town of soma
800 or 400 people. Rer. George L, W. Ktl
bon, pastor of the Congregational church.
Is out In A statement suggesting ths union
of the Methodist and Congregational
ohurches. He suggests two ways In which
to bring about the union. First to have
the two churches disband and reorganise
as one ohurch. The seoond IB to form a
union church with two distinct organisa
tions. His idea Is to have the churches
come together for worship without losing
their Identity, and be administered to by
one pastor, preferably ens who represents
neither denomination.
Dr. J. O. Dobson, who has been preach
ing In the state for nearly a quarter of
a century, has besn called to Mount Ver
non, la., to assist in the work of raising
ths million dollar endowment for Cornell
. Nobody ta Too Old
to learn that the sure way to euro a cough
or eold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery.
$0o and $108. For sale by Beaton Drug
Herbert . Gooch Co.,
Brokers and Dealers
Omsha Office. 118 Bosrd of Trade Bid
Bell Phone, Doug. 821: Ind . AIUL
keoaa. -
" "on soottna '"'-Itnirr 8HKPHSKD dear: yellow and whit.
' strlnod. Answers te name PsL Phone Tyler
erwnman toe Monday ir.. u.hi a
Al'Ply lira R. K. Hall. i '
t.A ts...h.u "-nerwoti
farnant Mt
housework, c
GIRL tor g
house, fine I
gust 10. hi-
4BV : rount c
YY e, baler 'LU6.
good wasta
BlUffl (
A reliable
cookbig plan
gut 4128 Fa
sokeeln4 eto-en 4UA
HOU8KKEEPINO roofB stBglt) s aa
111 lift M it II in .
aaoetiing a
I rooms.. Asm
I rooms, sood-
G1RL for
kuiRL for
arney tutu.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. M ETA L Standard
coj-tier quiet: spot and futures, $12.2ff
12 46. London dull; spot. 5'i 2a 6.1; fututet,
A&7. Leke. locally, $12 75-0 18 00; ele.tro
Ivtlcs, $11.4212.75. and casting. $C 37'8
li 62.
TIN Unset tied: Boot and futurea. 824 f
37 00. Indun market closed strong; spot,
4! 144 6s: futures. AloO.
LEAD Quiet; spot. $4 40-4)4 66 New York;
$4-v'j4 27V Eaat felt. Louia. London, 1121
ta 9d
SPELTER Quiet 8f 6tfl6 80, New York:
f6 37w6 43. Last Bt. Louis. London, 123
17a d
lRi !n' Cleveland warrants, 49a 19H1.
Locally, quiet; No. 1 foundry northern, N..
1 fonndry southern snd No. 1 foundry soft.
$M ff 12.60: No. t foundry northern, $16 60
doing A fx.
Biulis; reaa-
neaa roquirii
care Bee. Ct
stock In goo
tahuahed ran
Bit N. 3utn
B bareala. 1
A IN o. 1 COU
weu rented.
SO Dodgw
Thuroday is Home Day.
Real Estate Dealers will offer you
J a splendid list from which you may
select a home.
Buy now.
Opportunity comes Quicker to those who seek it.
The real ostAte columns of Thursday's Bee will have a great many nlrx
homes some of them new. advertised for sale on the easy term plan. A few
hundred dollars down, balance monthly like rett.
This Is your opportunity to own your own home. Look over the proper
ties advertised and you will find Just what you are looking for.
"4UAite3 tun
ttoor rooms;
; real.
ores, anfur.
tlH N. 84 to.
Will eoll fo
of work and
so In Omaha
iarn Bt
ess. wagon,
W. T. fcaear.
i eheeo.
and Jackson.
kRIC Bngk NIT8.
it 6IDMAN 4
Uth Ot
ws TKAVAUNU salesman, prefer ex pari.
. TL. ..., .u.r man a.-auaJnteA aIt Ntbri...
' .t. rj ...4. Hue and llkeral axoeiiss recount.
roK rsBO".l'Auin nnu-i TRAVaXING saiosiuaa. U.lhe.-jeod.,
.atabliahed naisf- n busslaa 8109 ant eapenaea . V, Jl
Kan.; smvlo 'u"Jlo for aaulng. ROOKKE1.PER for branoll offloo. Urge
Corns and se us
Sasaaa f With tuAbor
thelr Wuriri iT"n.J,j lia top
one fly mil. i.H.,"' e,.'." leee thoo
aeoondh.",,1- ."i4l. C'J1 ksrne.