THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1010. EV ER.Y- f 1 1 -- " war O D Sr., y ir1 y; a iL.OyVf READS D EL- E W A "N T A D 3 u 7 F 'rTu- l X iK 'JT KS7' 1 - aMSM Sa.l i. mi. i , , 1 MWWMB'. - '-aa sbm a Want - Ads Muni aOa rfrrltrd nt any ilmr, at n Inmirr proper rlnaslfl'-atton most be Vrnrnlrd before' 12 o'flwk for Ihr rirnliis rilHIon end before TiBO o'clock of prevloaa evenlnB for morn Inn dmiI tnnilur edition"- Want ala received aftrr tork hoara Trill have thrlr flrat Insertion tiader thr he-id trig "Ton I. ate to Cla"lfr-" ' Rates apply to rKbrr Tha Dally or Snnday le. Always reant "I word" to a liar. CASH HATES ton WANT AD". nrr.t lar classification Insertion, 1 1-2 prats per word aad 1 rent per word for each bqinl Insertion. Each Insertion made on odd da,., t 1-3 rente per word. 1.50 per line r month. Want ada for The Bee mar t nnr of the following dra stores. " la onr "rorii'r dronBlat" taey ore all liranrk offlrea for The Bee and roil m-I will he Inserted Jost aa prnmptl? Mnd on the same rates aa at the mala office In the Bee bonding, Mienteenth and Farnaa atreetai Albach. W. C 40th and ramam. Heranek, It. A.. 1409 a. Kth St. rtnn Pharmacy. Ttfi B. lflth Nt. Benson Pharmacy, Ban-on. Nab. Hernia Perk Priirmacy, 83d and Cumin. Blake-Bradi 2S16 Sherman Ava tavghlln. C.'R., 4th And Fierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 32 Military Ave. Htriterlong Drug Co., Cat At, and Far Bam ft. CrUeey Pharmaey, Mth ayid Laaa. Conner Pharmacy. 3223 8. Mth St. Csrmack. Emil, n. jatb St Ehler. P. H., 380$ Leavenworth I !'er 4fc Arnold!. In N. 2th St Frytag. J. J. lull n. j4t nt. ! Fregger Drug Co.. IWi N. Mth 8t Jlnrence Drug Co., Florenca, Neb. Green'a Pharmacy, park Ava. anil Pacific. Greennuh.. O. A.. 106 S. 10th St preennugh. O. A., inth and Hickory. Hevoen. William, 2920 Farnam St U an. corn Park Pharmacy. liOl S. 29th A Vo'nu John, ?4 N. Jth St Hnft. A. I... im Leavenworth St. JohanHoi DraK Co., 34th and Spalding. Km. II. 8. 123 Farnam 8t Kountce I'lace Pharmac, IfOI N. Mth Marrn. Fred U, )ia Central Hlvd. Patrick IlruB Co.. 1G24 N. lh St Lathrcp. Chunee It.. 1334 N. I4th St. Uoidmn pharmacy, li4th and taarett- onh hta Faratoca nna; Co.. Mth and Ames At. Hchaefcr'a Cut Prlca Drug Store. ltn nd CnicaKO hit. h'cnaffr. Ana., ff.n N. Jflth. Hchmldt, J. H., Mth and Cuming Fta. V'.alnui. Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. I1KATII AM) FlAEHAt 1VOTICK". NRWMAN Hermnn, Sunday, October 8. 1H10. ed 7. I'uiit-1 a I under Masonic auspices, from hla lat r-siilence, in rk. 36lh avenue, Tues day. 2 p. ni. Burial, private. Friends aIll pleat omit (lowers, JOHNSON John . W years, 10 miiiilliB IX days. Funeral Tuemlay afternoon at o'clock front tho fRtnlly residence, 3038 Merldeth 4enue. Interment, Forest Lawn. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., tiers' rmbalmers. 16U Chicago. D. ItiOa. B-lboJ. I P Hrinlr Civil Engr.. paving. aw"7 i. I W'LH ,w ,tc. mi Brantlela Tha- i I . COAL At cut prices. ALL KINDS. We aav you fcOc to $1.S0 a ton. Quantity and quality giiui Muiecu. ROSEN BLATT'S CUT PRICK COAL. CO V2i NICHOLAS 6T. BOTH 'PHONES. ' SAVE - YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., 209-211 So. 16tii St., .'l 7 YEARS IX OMAHA Eyes Eiumiued. Glasses Fitted. Cholce wall paper to price, 2008 Farnain St. DOUGLAS printing Co. , Tel. Douglaa 044 PRACTICAL nu-ing. 60S N. 31st D. 676S. MADAM K EDWARDS, maaseuse. Ladles only; strictly. p- au levidence. 'Jul b. auth. Douglas bjj; ANCHOR FENCE CO. lion and Wire fence Cheaper Than Wood. Lasts a Lifetime. 07 N. 17th 8t. Phone Red 111 F'.lttra. filter repairs 1SI0 Howard. D.391S. PIANO players repaUed. Walker. D. S7i RALPH'a MACHINE SHOE REPATR IXG Solea aed 7,ic; nailed 50c: heels .So while j on natt 10 minutes, absolutely flna work. 618 8. Et. CinU AN" chop- sih:y pakijor v.ijti J1.-T OPENED. Everything first tlaas. Upstairs, 1506 Dodge. Tyler 142. I OR RENT Offioe room. C2i located on top flooi. facing court tfi aquare leeu a. eludltg vault: rents for J4 per month. THE HKH BUILDING COMPANY. II. Cola Sign Co.. D. I7M. 1314 Farnaov CRUDE OIL BURNERS CHEAP Ft'ET. FOR FURNACE, heating and cook stoves; we. do not sell county rlKhts. but sell burnei-B; write for Informa tion; maiiurnctured by iiere i Murrav, Grand Island. Neb. El) ROT1IERY echhu No. i. Fun ui.iiuiiiun ile of ll(luor, ,I1(J cigars. Cafa in connection. Ill So. 14th St. FRANK BARKER GEO RARKKR. JR. AL BARKER. JOS. BARKER. BARKER BROS., PAINT CO., li'". FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONES. ShertUn-tvilltatim paints snd amis', white lead. Knystona. glaas. mlrrora, braaa poliKhea. iMuahes. lubr eating oils, window khadea, wall paper, elating and framing. TWENTY" per rent lea than Omaha price HOME FURNITURE CO.. ? etity-fourlh and L Streets. South Omaha Choice walj paper H price, 2tM Farnam St. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkina lis h. liltl. upata'rs. LYNCH BROS. ,'lS-:aitinn' REPAIR WORKS. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477 Robertson's Restaurant (bssement) roil, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladies and gen tlemen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. S PFCI I j Tv u 1 I'kT-ss suits rl r-l.iu ,edman'a Loan Pa..k. South 13th St., cor. Dougias, Tel. D. 5X5. DAVID COLE Creamery Co TjnCJR rt Store moved to t! a 1KB; lAVJOi-i m, mln your framiBg at U4U trtca; WE CARRY A full Una of art good ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) TONOE. flrt class tallorlnc, cleaning repairing for ladlea and gentlemun. boi I'uciflc. APPLES DANDIES Cooking and Eating Applfs. Buy direct from shipper. ave Morage, eommlKloner's and retailer's profit. Car at 8th and Pacific Fts. Phono Harney 1903. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums to stilt. 310 Bee Bid. 'Phona Doug. M. UNION LOAN CO. AUCTIONEER BOYER tt TULLY d0 New Omaha Nat 1 Hank Bldg, old est in middle west W can furnlah you mat adupted to your line. Correspond with ua or call Tol. Doug. as 366. r Choice wall piper '4 price, 20uS Farnam St. COAL AND LUMBER GEARS. Let us show you tlie new out under. CKNTKAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnara ELEVATOH9 REPAIRED, freight r" sarger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 B. Uih. D. Mil. WAMMiY Liquor House, full and pure goods, oil measure nure voors. oilr mono. Enill Hansrn. prop., Ii23 Chicago Bt H. F. Wurn, Optician, 443 Brandeia Bldg. LLER GRAND HOTEL SthTndVwardVt.: Turkish Bath, MAGGARD Van & Storage. Pack, mova. store and ship II. H. goods. D. 1496. B-242S. Mangiameli Bros., I'ATn macaroni. New Omaha factory. 1116 Jackson. LADIES oiA natB made o-er, new hata made to order feathers cleaned or dyed. Miss Pepper . Millinery i iurs, i o. iin. pnone Harney aut Ladlea' and gents' shine parlors. 220 8. 18 U(.CD MBRCHANW LUNCH. A 1 V 'T1 IT" U -. 'J n i u 5CT. LMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; every kind of repairs. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO.. U23 Farnam. Red 747. C. T. Dickinson has moved his office to room 441, Psxton F.lock. Phone Povig. 11. AUTOMOBILES Run Your Aauto Into a Telegraph Post? Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All re pairing and painting at no-kick prices." DRUMMOND U'lll AND H.VKNKV" STitKETa. Auto Paintinc murphy did it." ANDREW MURPHY A SON, 1412 Jackson. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing nd trimming; dead storage. Wra. Pfeiffar Carriage Worka. 2ith and Leavanworth. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired, alii huiik uuAIUNTl.hU UERTSCHY MOTOR CuMHANV. Council Bluffs, la. Auto Repairing Tires, Jd-liand cars, storage. The Pax to a - Mitchell Co., itO'.O-lti IJaraey. D. .m. A-Aill. AUTOMOBILE agenU wanted to repre sent a well-established line in their own locality. Men of good local standing and ability as salesmen required. This Is a nig i class, popular-price seller and re quires no capital. Address M 232, Bee. FOR SALE Model T Ford touring car, almost new; ). F. E. Marlowe, 138 Gram St. Council Bluffs. BARGAINS in Used Cars Council Bluffs Auto Co. S10 Pearl. NEW W-horse power four-passenger Moon car; will trade for $3,000 city property. W'allftce Auto Co., agenta for Stearns cara. Choice wall paper price, 2008 Farnam St W'1UTE for list of automobile bargains. H E. Krederiekson Auto Co., Omaha. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Tel. Harney 5607. si ut ore rcles. MOTOUCVCLE-Snap; changed work; no use for It; Wagner 3-horse 1 model, fine shape. vV'lil put on new cylinder complete, Swetland. 212 Capitol Ave., Omaha. Writp ,or ,lBt of USJ motorcycles. ",uc We carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NERK ASK A CY'LK CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business rail oa GANG EST AD. 40 1 Bes Bliig. Tel D. JJ4?. FOR SA LB Fireproof wood preserving pr.H'exs. i Slate right.) Mrs. Sleese, 16uj ilon arjl St. '.'d Fluor, Room 1. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling thrlr sl:ares; am helping others, why not youT proofs what haa been done. lYomoter, 610 Paxton block. WELL established new and second-hand clothing and genta' furnishing goods, near depot 1012 Webnter St. Inquire 1. Fried man, 201 S. 13th St. Tel. Douglas S32j. FOR RENT Office room. 523, large room en fifth lioor. N. W. ourner of building, especially fitted tor architect. Thar la 41 square feet in this siace; ttu per month. '1 HE BEi BU1D1NG COMPANY. LARGE FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of atock for aale. DIVIDENDS. Agenta wanted. Casady Co.. Fiscal Agents, S. W. turner 14itj and Douglaa. Oniaaa. Tel. Doug. 15. G. D. C. CODDINGTON, t20 Board ot Trade Bldg., bualnoea chaoea. loans, la surance anrt real eatata. U'lKTirrL-Ptrtn.. In hAU..i- . . . .... . - . ... uirra.B re- tall candy and Ice cream buainess. Man who knows the work well. Requires about 2,ii0. Address P. -O. Bog 407. lork. Neb FOR SALE Interest in good Omaha bualneaa. Opportunity for young business man or lady. References required. Confi dential. Address S 220, Bee. FOR SALE The Fullerton Mill company having decided to go out of business, of fers us entire plant for sale; until Nov 1, 1S10. bids will be received aa follows: 1. on the property as a whole; t. for the machinehy, or any pari of It; 1. the mill building; 4. the elevator; 5, ground and water power; A. flour house, corn e rlba and other small buildings: fix your own piicea and send us a bid; everything ge. Address Fullerton Mill Co., Fullerton, Neb! BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) CONFECTIONERY, clgrrs and light grocery, with good living rooms, rent lf; well sell at a bargain if taken at once. 2416 Cuming bt. CASADV Cn- " loans and insurance. List your prop erty for a!e or rent. Quirk returns. S. V. rorner )4th snd Douglas. Tel Doug. 1(90. FOR SALE Da Havan's drug store; good stand, stock and sale; terms easy. Council Bluffs. ALEXANDERS ART STORF1 FOR A i.e long-establlshed and good-paying bualnes. In present building eleven years. Reaon for selling. 111 health. Will sell or rent our building. C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. WELL established new and second-hand clothing and junk furnishing goods, near depot 1512 Webster St Inquire I. Fried man, 201 So. 13th St Tel. Douglas 6326. HUMPHREY a thriving town of 1,500. on the Chicago & N. W. and U. P. railroads, 26 miles north of Columbus, Is badly In need of a hoarding and lodging house for labor ers. Address Commercial club. FOR SALE at once, Comme.rlcal hotel; U rooms; good location; will bear Investiga tion; hotel running. Mrs. L. Wlnslow, Edgar, Neb. Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St Room la a Heaeee for Sal. A DESIRABLE apartment, new IM. 174S 27th St Harney SSS0. 22 ROOMS, modern, close In; full of roomers. 1G22-24 Burt. 12 ROOMS of furniture In corner brick flat rear car line; a good reason for selling. Red 7S08. 12 ROOMS, modern, full of roomers; cheap rent; for M00 cash If taken soon. 1617 Cass. TWO flats, 10 rooms each, close In, bar gain. Apply 716 North 17th St. Choice wall paper H price, 2O0S Farnam St. FOR SALE Furniture of 12-room mod ern home. liH Capitol Ave. CHIROPODISTS DR. Htn, 1605 Farnam Bt Douglas HB7. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Or,T WOOFS repaired; slate, tile, ULUJWUrO gravel. Schroeder-Hum-phrey Roofing Co., 627 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 9023. BEAVER BOARD Instead of lath and plaster. American Supply Co.. 111? Faroam. DANCING Morand's Dancing School, 15th and Har ney. Lessons Won. and Fri., 8 p. m. 'Phone Doug. 2Kj. Private lessons daily. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Sorvlce Detective age, Inc., bonded, 4U- Paxton plk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. i'ORMACK. H7 KARHACH DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH, 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1036. DRESSMAKERS GOWNS and ladlea' tailoring. 2715 Dawey. DRESSMAKING and alteration, flrat elati work, prlcee reaaonable. Miss Elisa beth O'Connor. tOli No. 18th. Web. 1410. INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine made: table linen hemmed. Mrs. Lowman. .Ht 8. Mth Ave. S. & C. KNEETER, We fit and remodel suits and dresses; 8d floor Continental Blk., entrance 15lh and Douglaa. Tel. Douglas 3742. Dressmaking. X6t St Mary's Ave.. D. 4432. DRESSMAKING and alteration work done. Mrs. M. Dermody, 2620 Davenport street. DRESSMAKING, plain snd fashionable; reasonable price. IS 19 N. 17th St MADAM Rld.ey, fashionable dressmaking, also general :epalring. 910 South 11th St MISS STURDY, 821 s. 24th St Tel. D. 7314. TERRY'S dressmaking parlors. 20th and Farnam. DRESSMAKING and alteration work done. Mrs. M. McDermody, 2620 Daven port street FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge St. r Choice wall paper price, 2008 Farnam St FIRST-CLAPS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 618 S. 22d. EDUCATIONAL 1918 FA LI. TERM BOY LES COLLEGE! now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Bualnea Course Including bank ing. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course, Complite Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for It U. B. BOY LES. Pra.. Boyles Cldg.. Omaha. Mosher-Lampman qllegS " TTBexcelled eeursea In Business, Short Band. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog published U uinaba. Send for one today. MOSHER at LAMPMAN. 17th and . itoDaia ' Streets. Omaha, Neb. GYMNASIUM Y. W. C. A. Eight Claases Twice a Week Ladles Beginners Advanced Pupils Children 86.00 Per Year Children 84.00 6T. ANDREW'S school for boys. 41st and Charles. Fall term. September 14. Rev. F. V Tyner Oarlet 14. yrat EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IKON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mail 6O0 and 1 u) Sherman tt McConneU Drug Co., Omaha. f-iAnifnrTT HAIRDRESSINO PARLORS. a good complexion. Ml Paxton Blk. D. 471. Choice wall pajr price. V Farnam St. FLORISTS HESS 4. 8WOBODA. 1418 Farnara Bt A. DONAHUE. lrT Far. D. 1001; A-ll. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la., larg eut greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. L. Henderson. 1819 Famaro. Doug. ISA J H nTM 1CM Hirnn I'mirHi wne FURNACES AND REPAIRS STOVES made as new; good baking ruer antet. 1719 Cuming. Tot Ind. B-ltU. FURNACE AND REPAIRS (Continued.) WATER fronts, furnace and store re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heater Therm6stata and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Work. 1208-1208 Dougla St. Both 'phonea. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleswomen. ,.LADT aollcltors, house to house; prefer those experienced In organising clubs or stamp solicitors. Room 1, 31S S. 19th St. Factory anal Trades. .?1?,1'8 rn halrdreaetng; price rea jonahl. Oppenhlera Parlors, 238 Cltj' N I bank. D. 139. WANTED Cnatworkera. alteration ro " Thoma Kllpatrlck Co. -iWA.N7'DExP'r,enc'l waist finisher; ulZ ?,r in.t "PPrentlce girl. Mine Hartell, Cap. Ave. WANTED Three hairdressers; must be iiJr'f"cd; APf,v to H. J. McCarthy, Httlr dressing Dep t Brandeis Stores. liaaaekeeaere and Oooseatloa. .-JXAw TlJD-Jlr' fo7generaJ housework, tali Harney 6618 or 1306 Park Ave. WANTED Young girl to care for ohll Cr"'?." n"p wlth housework. Call 1110 WANTED-Glrl for general housework; bestof wages. 3707 Jones St. K?VATrFlNu!;e lrl- 1517 Leavenworth St. 3d floor; call et once. e.I.V9LEAG: womn 'or housework; Small family. D. 1044. fiPEJ cKk' no washing. W South ?st" St., Tel. Harney J135, ho AD7ExP'ino', S11-1 tor a-eneral housework, family of three, no washing or & Harney.rk- T6'- Harney 4780 r Ca" at WANTED-Glrl for general housework, Mr.Wf'hl,nsrV ,1133 F- "erce, Co. Bluffs. Mrs. C. L. Felt. .A1TEfA ooJ lrl- Apply 3010 Ma on. Good wages. b22?J? 'or t general housework. 1904 Spencer street. Phone Webster 631. .m?.METNT KlrI for K'neral housework; Ave" TeTi'&r.t U2 N' mtl GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; 130 a month. 108 N. 31st Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework: two In family; no ouUlde or furnace work Craw'ori. No- 5 The Wlnonai Z6th and Dewey Ave. GIRL for creneml hnii.aa.n.i, . competent. 102 8. 36th St Harney 486. A GERMAN ladyfor housekeeper for W,.trp"nVNelhter: t0d hme- BX m- t 1 WOMAN for general' housework. 809 8. (1111 AVJ. - WANTEF llrA : .4.I . , 7. - r"1 ,-or nouneworg rami umiiy, good Ti0me and wages. 2104 NICELY furnished brooms; colored peo ple; on car line. Douglas 7706. WANTED Girl fop housework; no laun dry work; 125 a month. 710 N. 38th St. W A NTTTI 1 1 ,! : . . - .111 iu worK rnr room S.nd board an4 .m.11 . n 21st St. ,J "' I- AN EXPERIENCED lrl foe 40th'aStn(lry' Mr" SamUel Burns- ir- ?I0 S. FXPr.mitK'rrn ... - . . . vl K wren. 12J H. 25th Ave. WAKTr.ruri.ftj ii . . . ......, . ...uu ,ur general nouse- work: no laundry; $. 416 S. 38th St Har riey 2650. - .aiurnn III pnVRlt! POaTaing house. Mrs. Woodruff. 2006 St. Mary'a Ave. ii?IL.cf2r hougework; no laundry work. 115 o. 38th St. WA.,TF:D,A,l experienced second girl. 8010 Mason. WANTED-A-1 cook; 88 per week. 3203 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 322 S. 36th St. Harney 919. ,,riIRL.for general housework; best wages. 1033 B. 31st St. Harney 4089. GIRL for housework, 6outh Omaha. 1613 N. 26th St, WANTED Girl for housework; small house and family; 1116 s. 83d St Harney EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no cooking; four In family. 3033 Marcy St Harney 2317. WANTED Reliable girl to assist In housework. 2101 Wirt St Call Mondays and Tuesdays. IRI- 'or general housework, 110 8. 84th St WANTED-Glrl for housework. 8108 Marcy St. Harney 242L WANTED Competent girl for genera 2 "ue, C. 0 ln Iamllr; small house. 304 S. 38tn. LADIES wanted; take work home: "dy: profitable. 315 Brandeis Theater. GOOD girl for kitchen and laundry work 1618 S. loth 6t WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry work. 3722 Pacific Bt Harney 1260. WANTED-Glrl for housework; small family; SW Jackson St WANTEDA nurse girl; must be compe tent 8002 Dodge St. Harney 1418. I ... GOOD cook. 'Phone Harney 649. 131 N 32d Ave. W ANTED Competent girl for general housework; two in family; good wages Tel. Harney 3i-98 between 4 and 8 p. m ' or call 1007 S. 3oth Ave. GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. W. A. Vonron, 4K Chicago St. Phone Harney $7,31. WANTED A good girl for general house work; three ln family; nu laundry work. 35 Harney. WANTED A ennd sirl for housework; small family. Call 1136 S. 34 til 01. re. tt. u. Kd wards. WANTICn ftlrl tn- hA....l,.k, referencea. Address Mrs. George A- Hamp ton, m. list Ave., Tel. Harney 2613. GIRL for housework, 1020 S. 36th Ave. AN experienced girl for general house- mrk am.ll ....11 . - .. Un. Harney 8M. WANTED Girl for housework. 1613 N. .tth Bt, South Omaha; good home. Choice wall paper price. 3008 Farnam, St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, good wages, must like child-en. Mrs. K. E. Kmberly, 4&13 Chicago. Phone Harney 1458. I WANTED Girl for general housework; references. Address Mrs. George A. Hamp ton. 621 N. 4ist Ave. Tel. Harney 2Ao9. WANTED Nurse girl or elderly person to take care of baby, must be reliable. Xjrl Howard. HELP WANTED FEMALE llooaekeepera and Domratlra Cont'd. WANTED A girl for second work. Mrs. R. F. Hall, 3224 Farnam St. M lamella neoaa. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as (Hangers are 'nvited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must he 18 year or older. Apply rtvmiB iimtni Hag I Choice wall paper 4 price, 2W Farnam St, LADIES Make sanitary belts at homo; material furnished: 112,50 per lot: stumped. addressed envelope for particulars. West- vine iwrg. io., westvme. IN. J. HELP WANTED MALE Aateate, aleamea and Solicitors. WE have salesmen's positions open where you can earn good money while studying our course. Practical School ot Salesman ship. Cleveland O. Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St. AGENTS The smallest Bible In tho world; whirlwind seller; sample 10c: doren 7bc; gross 87.50. Swift Supply Co., 227 East Twenty-second St., Chicago, 111. t AGENTS We certainly have the enslest legitimate money making proposition ever originated ; worth upwards of iSoOia month. We will consign this territory to The first man answering the necessary require ments. All or part time satisfactory. Ad dress O 318, Bee. Boys. WANTED Several reliable hoys. Western Union Ttl. Co, 211 S 13th St WANTED Boys. 16 years of age or over, to wait on tables during evenings in Pom pelan room. Apply R. C. Phelps, Brandeis Stores. Clerical and Office. WAITED An experienced bookkeeper; one competent of taking charge of office In large retail store In city. Address J 229, Bee. I A itjshtun is open lor an exceptionally capable man to sell automobiles, where ad vancement Is limited only by the ability and energy of the Incumbent. To receive consideration, applicant must possess Initi ative, tact, aggressiveness and pleaning personality. In answering, write fully your qualifications and experience. Give 'phone number. D 301, Bee. ANYONE win wants a position can find It by leaving their name with the Ne braska Help supply Co., Room 15, over 218 S. Kith St. WANTED Clerk; also dining room girl. Hotel Eno, Fremont. Neb. YOUNG man, about 130, shipping and stock clerk In wholesale house; not much hipping. Address W 221, Bee. POSITIONS! POSITIONS! POSITIONS! YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A POSITION. THE FOLLOWING 13 A PARTIAL LIST OF THE POSITIONS WE HAVE OPEN: BOOKKEEPER '. 7.1..-.3.40 BOOKKEEPER & STENOGRAPHER. .76 LEDGEl? CLERK 870 VOUCHER CLERK $75 STENOGRAPHER JH0 ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, 14 a week. COLLECTOR 812 a week. COLLECTOR, married man, $12 and com. SALESMAN staple line, good salary, SALESMAN, specialty line. ADVERTISING S0LICI10R. $30 a week. YOUNG MAN, to take position as as sistant manager ln office, Jl.Ow Investment. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU. 674-576 Brandeis Bldg. Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St. ACCOUNTANT (wholesale) $12.60. VOUCHER CLERK. $75. FOUR STENOGRAPHERS. $6a-$75. TWO SALESMEN, Salary depends. CASHIER, young man, $40. We have many others, call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1402 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trade. Drag Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Knlast Bee bldg GORDON press feeders wanted at Raber'a, Bee Bldg ; uoys or girls. 1 WANTED Good general blacksmith and horsenhoer to locate ln Denton, Neb. No blacksmith. Population, 150. Good terri tory. Snap for right man. Choice wall paper hi price, 2008 Farnam St. Mlscellaaeoaa. lot MEN. BO to 40 years old. wanted at nee for electric railway motormen and conductors; 80O to $1UU a month; no ex perience necessary; fine oppoitunlty; no strike; write immediately (or application blank. Addreaa, Y 25L cara Omaha Be. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average salary, $1,100. Examinations In Omaha, November 12. Common education sufficient Free preparation. Send name Immediately. Franklin institute, Dept 812-U. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man to learn trade. Champion Iron Works, 15th and Jackson 6ts. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; small security required; give addreaa and ption. Address A-U8. Bee. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful In structions by experts; few weeks completes; tools given; board secured; experience In shops before completing; catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED A good aollcltor for sick bene fit Insurance. Address Y-742, care Bee. HELP WANTED ALK A.NO KIIAI K WANTED Cook and helper; steady po sition. Telephone Douglas 23. WANTED Women and men for teachers in inenltl science ur new thought. See Prof. Knox, the Millard, 1.4th and Douglas. Free lectures. Lyric theater, Oct. 11 to 14. WANTED Several young ladlee or gen tlemen; guaianteed salary; easy hours. Call at room lul, Millard hotel, after t.3u a. m. CJ)olrewalJpaper4 price, 20u3 Famain St LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Dog aad Pete. FOR SALE Young male pit bull terrier dog. 1-A, So. Omaha. MILK goals for sale. Sheep Barn, Union Slock Yards, South Omaha. 8soras aad tnaoae. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go See .lohnaon-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Si. DELIVERY WAGONS. HEAVY TEAM IMI GEARS, FARM WAGONS AND HARNESS. JOHN SON-DAN FORTH CO. SURREY, light, rubber-tired, cheap for quirk sale. imlsiir ,-tubles. Track. THC Brown Tr. Mfg. Co.. builders of trucks of evoiy description. You cannot oama a truck we can't make We want your work and will bid rleht tn ecura 11 Otftca loll Harney. Tel. Doug. 3944, LOST AND FOUND IXsT Eastern Star pin with keystone bungle, lietween 21st and Ames Ace., nnd 30th and Fort. Telephone Webster 14.'. I A LIBERAL rewaid to piirtv returning porketbook containing Western Union card, money and papers. Call imisln - f 9. LOST lirlv's diamond ilns nt Ak-Sar-Ben Den: 110 reward. 17.12 l.ith St. Call Doug. fcl:12. Choice wall paper 4 price, 2fw Farnam St h- IjOST Blnck hand bag containing gold glasses, bank book. Bible and several other articles. Finder leave at 20-'2 St. Mary s Ave MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 50c postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConneU Drug Co.. Omaha. BEST nerve biacer for man. Gray's Nerve Food 1111s. 81 a box, postpaid. Sher man & MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sts. ; special attention pa'd to confine ment cases, ail treattneut supervised by college professora Phone Douglas 1107. Calls answered day and night DR. FELKER, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, for the past forty-three years. Five years spent in the European hospitals, will treat and cure all diseases without CUT- i-ix- A r-TTtJC- 111' 1 IM VTl'I.I, 1 111U. . . 1. uuniuinii.ii,Ll 1 1 every case or money refunded. Hours, t 1- 14 ROOil' 312" MILLARD HOTEL. m., z 10 p. ni. 'PHONE ijuuu ta nv. MONEY TO LOAN liLAHY AND CHATTELS. tun3)uutmu$$$$$$$$$$$$t$$mu$$t3u $$ $$ $$ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC $$ $$ HELP DOWN THE LOAN TRUST $$ $$ DO YOU KNOW $$ $$ that there is a trust to maintain high $$ $8 rates among tho loan companies of $$ $$ this cltyT $$ $$ DO YOU KNOW 88 $1 that we are a NEW CONCERN, or- J $$ ganlzed to FIGHT THE TRUST and $$ to HELP THE WOB KINGMAN $$ when financially embarrassed. We $$ $t loan to any worthy worklngman SI $$ owning HOUSEHOLD GOODS, $$ $$ PIANOS, ETC., or HOLD1NCJ A $$ JJ SALARIED POSITION, any sum $$ $8 from 8$ S io to :hio 8$ tt at the rate of 10 per year 8$ $$ JUST THINK YOU PAY $ ft $ 1.00 Interest for $ 10 for a year. $$ $$ $ 2.M) Interest for $ 26 for a year. J$ 8$ $ 6.00 interest lor $ 50 for a year. $8 $$ $10.00 Interest for $100 for a year. $8 8$ All OTHER SUMS ln PROPORTION $$ H we can loan sor rnese tow rates $$ because we have Interested MEN OF 8$ LARGE MEANS, who are satisfied 88 $8 with a REASONABLE RETURN on 8$ 83 their Investment. Reasonable ap- 8$ fj prelsement charge. $1 $3 CALL AND BE CONVINCED. $$ $8 EASY PAYMENTS. NO RED TAPE. 11 LOANS MADE FROM t MO. to 1 YR 83 e $ 1$ f$ 88 $8 88 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., ROOM 204 WITHNELL PLDG., Phone Doug. 6046. 15th and Harney. $t$$$$$$$n$$m$$$s$$$$ $$$m$$mt83X8stiiiS 1 ;mu$8Uttt$t4$m;$;smstt8iutiiiii (JriliiAP L.OAJM. 1$ on Furniture. Pianos or Salary. $$ You Borrow 8$ $1.00 you pay back 8:L00 83 326.00 you pay back $27.00 88 $0.00 you pay back $04 00 88 No other charge. ft Room 501. Brown Blk.. 207 8. lfith t $8 Cor. Douglas St. Douglas 2136. A-aatt x $m$$m$8$$u$$$m$$ $m;sja$uu$$$$3$$tts$ Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans maae on iurnuure, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; 81.20 is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts in the same proportion. Mall or 'phone ap- appiicauvitB .-r..w w. ft.-""-'!- aucnuon. Room 12, Arlington B!k., lEilJi Dodgs at State Mortgage oan Co., Phone Douglas 2466 or A-24S5. Choice wall paper H price, 2008 Farnam St CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. Room 7, Crounse Block, corner 16th and tapiioi Ave. opposite postorrice. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Both phones Doug. 1366; A-135. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLAT A U, U14 Doitra Tel. Red M12 HAVEN'T YOU HEARD That we have money to loan on SALARIES AND FURNITURE T At lowest rates and easy terms. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In ana let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit r-n 308 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-1411.' MONEY 11ANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy paymenta Offices in C6 principal cities. Tolman, room 603 omana National Hang aiag. CHATTEL loaTA. salary loan, ever) kind of loan frota private party. 658 Nea York Life Hldg MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VN A STORAGE CO elsana carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum systnm. 809 8. 17th. Tel. D. 1659 i- EXP. Delivery Co.. offices 16th and Dar enixirt Sts Warehouse. 'n7-o Ixard Rt. OFFERED FOR RENT Board a ad Rooaaa. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tern filers" 1813 Capitol Ava BOARD and rooms. 829 8. 19th. "TNE rooms and board; boms cooking 5610 Dewey Ave. FIRST-CLASS room and board, close In 810 S. 21st St. FOR RENT Desirable room and board for two, pilvata family, good location. Ty ler 11SK,. FOR RENT-Two single rooms, home cooking. l'.H9 St. Mary'a Ave. FOR RENT Modern rooms, walking din Unce. 12t S. :6th St. Doug. 662(1. Col. Jim Dcright had a bunch of slightly used automobiles. He began to advertise them in these classified col umns. Here Is what he ayg: "No more ads now, I gold every single one of those cars after I began to list them in the want columns." OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms CoatlaaoaU THREE lsrge rooms on main floor, board if desired. Dundee. Harney 26iii. FOR RENT 2 or 3 large rooms for two. hoard. 2112 Douglas St. Kl 1 1 RENT A room with board In pri vate family. $5.00 a week, ac'l Davenport Bt FOR RENT The very nicest front room, south side, modern ho.ise, private family. Hoard If desired. No children. Two gentle men preferred. 3M N. 24th St Web. 89L Reference . FIRST ClJkSS HOME COOKING, meals If. Ill S. 17th. ' FURNISHED room and board; desirable neighborhood. 64o So. 24th St. Choice wall raper H price. 200S Farnam St. LARGE room, with board, home cooking, at 2226 Howard St. BOARD and room. Home cooking. (23 P.erce street. Phone Red 4S31. Furnished Hoorae. STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dlsx tanc-x 622 S. 24th Ave. SDR RENT Nicely furnished front rnn 117 8. 35th St Very convenient to business LARGE front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2o St. Mary'a. NICELY furnished rooms; private family. modern, close. 2uti7 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN rooms: private family: walk. lug distance. 704 S. 24th St. EAST front room, electricity and steam heat, fine neighborhood, walking distance. 578 S. 2Mb. SU FRONT room, neatly furnished, close In. 627 8. 25th Ave. 1 LARGE modern room, excellent ntlgh- borhood, 114 S. 26th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 533 So. d St. THE BACHELORS. 20m and Farnam. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far-, ham. GOOD furnished room In modern house: reasonable. 725 S. 18th Bt MODERN, 23d St steam heated rooms. 320 N. FURNISHED ROOM for gentlnmani prl vate family; walking distance. 603 S. lath St. NEWLY furnished room; every modern convenience. 1916 Chicago St. NICELY furnished room In new modern, home, private familr, for genUemaa. 181 No. 31st Ava. VERY desirable rooms, private home, strictly modern, walking distance. Doug, 4J08. f No. 19th St wua. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod. ern, close In. 2018 St Mary's avenue. LARGE front room, nicely furnished bath, gas, electrlo light; walking distaoce. $10. 2766 Dewey. Harney Kit. 1 corner sunny rooms, private family, no children; block from 3 car lines; gentle, men preferred. 404 N. 22d. . Tel. W. 6420. TWO nicely furnished rooms, close la! modern. 1SU.7 Dewey Ave. , r mi y r: TWO finely furnished rooms, new. mod ern house; reaaonable rates. 1M18 Valley 8L FOR RENT Large furnished room, 313. 2664 Douglas Bt ONE nice front room deslrabla for two." 11 Douglas. Doug. 6997. - FOR RENT Single room. 2708 Farnam 8t lgla FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 714 B. 17th Ave. FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms, mod. ern, desirable for light housekeeping. Web. 17S6. FOR RENT Room ln modern homo location. 712 N. 83d St " FOR RENT Largs south room furnished. 2224 Farnam Bt ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms with kiu' 1506 Blnney Bt FOR RENT Furnished rooms fne . gentlemen, electrlo lights, hot water, Jig hi ith Bt Red 4875. FOR RENT Two nicely furnish. ex.' rooms for light housekeeping. 1B Leaven FOR RENT Very deslrabla narln 818 S. 22d St FOR RENT Front room nlcelv fn 1.1,1 with Private family. 2778 Burt hi u,.-' - 6453. FOR RENT Modern room. Mn ki. 772 two. 802$ Maroy St $10 Cosy, small room, suitable for on. - v iici iitBuviii iio, .urnace neat, gas nice bath, hot water, both 'Dhone. t-.i C V..u. A . ' FOR RENT Furnished rnnm in . ' family, good location. 219 8. 2th Ave. H. 511I NICELY furnished or unfurnlsheA modern; steam heat. 818 S. 26th (it FRONT room, for gentlemen: hn heat. Tel. Douglas 4678. ONE ROOM to gentleman, electrlo litrh7 and telephone. 211 N. 19th St. UQ. TWO comfortable rooms, to man and wlfa r two ladles; close In. 1022 N. 21st St TWO newly furnished rooms u rt.,7 cago St., or call Douglas 7902. DESIRABLE rooms for nntUm.. 31$ N. 19th. VERY desirable room. fine Inntin- walklng distance. 218 8. 25th St. GOOD rooms. walklnar distance. 415 South 19th street. Third floor. FURNISHED rooms mnrfern nriv.1. family. 826 S. 24th. Douglas 7851. 4 NICELY furnished room tn rrlvai. l.nma walking distance, aultahl for o.ntl.m.n and wife or for two gentlemen. 680 8. 28th. FURNISHED rooms ln modern home. 1918 Capitol Ave. Hotels aad Apartmeats. NICRLT FIITIVTSHirn noou Uemen. THE CHATHAM. U 8. 13th 1. DINING room for rent lliilan hni.l E. Klmbal, Council Bluffs, la. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. Alt -...- tide cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE IRVING Rooms and board. 3103 Lear, ....u . "i t, lain aua ti 0 ward ' a place for the common people; prices right UOTfT WT-UL, , 111, ...w . GEORGIA HOTEL, European plan meal ticket. M2 8. 29th 8t Harney hi. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly modem lore In; -inlet and homelike. Doug. 17a or SS; 21st and Chicago. ' "u or J