TIIE r.EE: OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOBEK 10. 1910. BRIEF CITY HEWS StUUCL AND COLLEGE WOKlv t Boot Vrlnt It. alp lour Hides to Bmlth, Omaha. Oss riztursa Barress-Oramara Co. Tasa Tom Matins; to taa Tlmaa. oat Dry Cleanla of garmanta. Twin tlljr ta Worka, 407 Routh Flftoontb. Ospsaaaba Halr4roaala rarlora Uovi m-?-s--4i Cltjr National Bank pulldlna;. Or. riokaa, Rsally Painless Dentistry not ths "cheap - kind. 7 City Nat. Bank. Tka Way la Opon througt ths Nab. Hav ings & Loan An n to aiart a fund to buy a hoina; nays per annum; 1606 r'arnani. Board of Trad Building. '' Omaha Bubber Co. li II. Srrague, president, la allowing a flna lino of "avary kind of rubber guods." Including various styles of rubber coats and automobile ac cessories, tor very reasonable prices. lHua Harney street, "Juat around the corner." X.ea MoShane Buys Borne Lee Mc Bhans, of the McSimue lumber company, yesterday bought through Uie J. II- Lu inont Itealty company the C. 8. Mont gomery home. Thlrty-alJUh atreet and Jjenver avenue. Sixteen thousand dol lars waa the consideration. The lot la ninety-two feet wlda by '140 feet deep. Tha houee la to ! remodeled by Mr. McShane for a home. Ooapel of Aasurad Xealth K. A. May nard and Mlla Tupper Maynard, hia wlfa. cf Denver, Colo., will begin a series of lecturea at tha Lyrlo theater, corner Nineteenth and Farnam. Sunday eveni Ing. October I, at 8 o'clock, under tha gen eral subject Of "Tha Gospel of Assured Health." Tha subject of tha first lec ture will be "Education va. Dedication." Monday, 4;U p. m., "Knife and Fork Bulelde;" Monday, I p. m., "Master or Mastered." This -course of lectures at tha Lyrlo la free. onf aVaoital Dr. Frederick C. Free mantel, tha wall,, known tenor of Phil adelphia, who la now a resident of Omaha, will glva a aong recital at the Flrat Bap tist church on Tuesday evening, October 1. under the auspices of tha Women'a Society of tha First Baptiat church. Tha program will contain some old .ngnsn art aonga and ballads, soma modern French and German aongs, by Debussy and Strausa and one or two grand opera artaa. Mr. Freemantel will have the as sistance of Mrs. Freemantel at tha piano. Was Christiansen Wsda Tha wadding of Mtas Francea Christiansen and Arthur Callln took place at the noma of the brlds's parents Tuesday evening at 11 o'clock. Rev. U Groh officiating. Tha rooma were tastefully decorated with . palms, : ferna and rosea. ' Tha brlde'a gown waa of opera batlsta ana vaien clennea lace and she carried a shower boquet of roses. Miss May CaMin waa bridesmaid, and wore pink allk mulie ' trimmed In cream lacs and carried pink rnt.es. Mr. Hnry N. Christiansen of Chicago waa best man. Mlsa Vera Fler aon aang before the ceremony and Mlsa Laura ' Wilhelmy played Lohengrin's weddlna- march. About 100 guesta were present. Mr. and Mrs. Callln will visit Minneapolis and Chicago. They will be at noma at '141! North Fortieth street after. November IS, MISS FITCH'S PUPILS GIVE PLAY AT BRAND El S THEATER "Colic Widow" Presented by Boyd School of Aetlaac la Most Creditable Hsssir. If contemplating taking part In amateur or school at acting dramatics, secure for yourself " cut little character part, low eomedy preferred. Then you may be sure of laughter and applause from the audience which doea not completely realise how much mora difficult a task the players of , the straight parts are having. This thought arlaea from a view of the performance of "The College Widow," at the Brandels Saturday afternoon by the pupils of Mlsa Fitch's school of acting. The performances, both afternoon and evening, ' were a commercial and artistic success. The casting had been done with cons.der able skill and much promise was shown by Miss Julia Nasi, who made a o.utte pretty "widow," by David Hlgby and Billy Bol ton and Oeorge M. Clark aa "Stub" Talmage, Mr. Clark In particular gives signs of talent and training. A good bit waa done by Edna Fisher Levi aa the athletic girt Miss Fisher is a little more experienced than several of the others of the cast and this showed ltsolf yesterday. Flora Wlsgs la keeping up with the styles, be It known and now weara a hobble akirt drawn almost taut. The young actors as a whole showed that they bad received careful and competent coaching and the production was wall staged. The cast was aa follows: Hilly Bolton, a half back David Hlgby Peter Wiiberspoon. A. M. Ph. D President of Atwater College . i Chaa. Woodrum Pter Wltherspoon. A. M. Ph. D. Matty McUowan, a Trainer Jack Von Kauffman Matty McOowan, a Trainer . - Jack Von Kauffman Hon. tlam Hicks, of Squantonvllle Arthur Worthcndlke "Bub" Hicks, a Freshman.... Ulenn Mills .Jack J.arale, the Football Coach Homer Cnnant Copernlcuc Talbot, Post Oyirltiate Tutor Victor Kearney "Silent Murphy," Center Rush Call Holmes .. "Stub" Talmage. a Busy I'nderKrart- uate George M. Clark Tom Pearson, on the Team..L,aier Darnell Ollle Mitchell Julius r'estner Dick Mc A hater Hay Donahue lliusey Hopper Albert Coupee sir. Daniel Tlbbetts, Town Marshall Ralph Northrup lane Witberspoon, the College Widow Miss Julia Nagl Beeale Tanner, an athlotlo girl Misa Kdna Fisher I.evl Flora Wlgga Miss HIKIa Bmlth Mrs. Ph mley lalselle, a Urass Widow. Reliable Chaperons. . .Miss Mildred Scott I.uella t'hubbb Miss lltilda Johnson Bertha Tyson Ml.-is Klla Laughlln Sally Cameron Miss Adeline Bperht Josephine Barclay Miss Nellie ilray Ruth Aiken., Miss Ganet I'nderwood Cora Jenks Miss Margaret O'Urariy College Glrla Misses Stella Baker. Sadie Holland, Grace Carrol, Lottie Dow, Mary Olson. Collef Quartet Messrs. Donahay, Burgess, Schae&er. Johnson. Featured Actiritiei in Various Edu cational Institutions. GROWING ARJ1Y OF STUDENTS College Head larrlsks Aaalast plaa- ters Teacklaaj In Clrls' lol leares Kdnrat lonal Kates. t Die the goaf fold la aainleaa compared with the weak, lame back kidney trouble causes. Electrio Bit tars'. Is. the remedy. 60c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. JOHN LYNCH DIES, AGED NINETY-THREE YEARS Hattve of Ir.laaa Passes Away at the Heme ! Hie Boa la This City. John Lynch, a native of Ireland, aged 3 years, died at the home of his bob, John A. loach,' 1711 Cuming street, Saturday sight. Deaths resulted from weakness due to eld ejte. The deceased waa born In Cavtn county. Ireland, In 181 T. He vas a devoted member of the Catholic church. He Is survived by a son. John A. of Omaha, and a daughter, Elisabeth McLaughlin of Faribault. Minn. Interment will b made at Lynch, Neb., beside the grave of his deceased wife. Far Mare Tbaa Three Daraaes Foley's Honey and Tar has been a house bold (avert te for coughs. coMs, and ail ments of the throat, chest and lungs. Con tains do ouiatea. Sold by all druggists. at " ' " LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct. .-The University of Nebraska debating board today selec ted the members of the Intercolleaiale debating seminary (Rhetoric !) for the year 1910- 1911. At an open tryout contest, which took three hours and half, a committee of the faculty picked the men from whom later will be selected the members of the two teams that will represent Nebraska In the debates of the Central Debating league (Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin) next December. Nebraska will meet Wisconsin at Lin coln and Illinois at t'rb.ina. the home team having the affirmative and the tram at Urbana the negative of the following proposition: "Resolved, That the move ment of organised labor for the closed shop should receive the support of public opinion." The sixteen students, who in the Judge ment of the committee: Prof. H. W. Cald well, Prof. E. C. Conant and Prof. G. O. Virtue, did the best debating today on this question and who were awarded places on the seminary or squad aie the following: Thomas O. Andrews, law '12. Lincoln. William L. Bates, '13. Lincoln. Clarence L. Clark, '12. Lincoln. Horace B. English, 12, Lincoln. George N. Foster, '11, Sterling. Ralph W. Garrett, '12, Madison. Ralph E. Halldorson, '12, Lincoln. George R. Mann, '13, Ord. Byrne C. Marcellus. '11, Lincoln. Arthur M. Oberfelder, '11, Sidney. Clifford F. Phillips, '13, Beatrice. Anan R. Raymond, '11, Fairmont. Clifford S. Rein. 13, Loup City. David M. RoseFS, '12, Randolph. Walter A. Vae j law '12, Beatrice. Joseph T. Votava, law 11. Edholm. Of these sixteen, four werei In the Ne braska team a yorr ago. Foster and English in the team that met Iowa and Votava and Marcellus In. the team that debated Minnesota. Lincoln has the larg est representation by six. Northern Nebraska has two men In the honor list: Ralph W. Oarrott of .Madison and David M. Rogers of Randolph. Oar rett was on the freshman team last year that defeated the sophomores In the inter class series for the championship of the university, and has taken high rank In scholarship. He is a member of the Alpha Theta. Chi fraternity. Rogers made the squad In his freshman year, when he also was on the team that represented his class. He has been active In the Student's Debating club and is a member of Phi Alpha Tau, the debating fraternity. GRAND ISI.AKD COLLEGE, Baptist State Convention Pledgres Strongr Support. The moet Important thing In connection with Grand Island coiiee for the - last year was the meeting of the Nebraska Baptist State convention, under whose auspices tha college was organised and by whom tha college Is maintained. ' Last year a Joint committee waa ap pointed to take under consideration the proper relations of the i college and the convention. The report of this committee favored no change In the present formal relations. They took the ground that the beat way to cement the union most closely was for the denomination to - provide a good deal of money and a large number of students for the college. - The college took steps to amend one of the articles of their constitution so that the college would report annually to the convention, for their approval or disap proval, of the work done and plans for fu ture upbuilding. The convention made the board of trus tees of the college the educational board of the state convention. This makes the college related to the convention Just as the state mission board or the Sunday school board or tha young people's board. The college asked the convention for $10,000 for the current expenses of the in stitution during the year to come. The college also asked the convention to favor the campaign to raise $100,000 for build ings, endowment and other equipment of the institution. The oonvntion was en thusiastic in its Interest in the college and favored the largest measures for the upbuilding of the school. At the meeting of the State Brotherhood 111 were present at the banquet. Mr. B, 1 O. WilUamc. of Lincoln was toastmaster. Speeches were made by Dr. Garrison on "Christian Education" and by Judge A. G. Wray on "Clvlo Righteousness." Both speeches were highly applauded. At the same time of the Brotherhood banquet the Woman's College Aid society had a banquet and business meeting. This society alms to render the buildings, es pecially the dormitories, aa comfortable and up-to-date In all appointments as pos sible. The ladies have already done much to carry out the aim of their organiza tion. Mra. Whltnah was elected president. A good many of the boys msy be found from 4 to i each afternoon on the foot ball field. They are practising under tha super vision of Prof. Howe, the coach, and Prof. Sutherland, the assistant coacn. It is expected that they will give a good account of themselves on the football field in the Intercollegiate contests. NOTES FROM KUAHNLY NORMAL Leetare and Earollutsl Coarse Be gins Moadar. The lecture and entertainment course for this season will begin October 10. The course will be opened by Judge George D. Alden. This will be followed on November L by Katnerine Rldgeway; on January 11, by WUltam Colledge, and on March 30, by the college alnglng girls. Considerable interest Is being manifested and It Is ex pected the lecture course this year will prove more than ordinarily successful. The lecture course committee is composed of Prof. O. W. Neale. chairman; Prof. C. N. Anderson, Miss Anna Caldwell, Mrs. Grace Steadman, Miss Anna V. Jennings, Prof. E. G. Williams Mlsa A nti Caldwell, dtrectw' f kinder garten, entertained the Fro hoi Kinder garten bund at her home Friday evening. A delightful evening waa experienced. The time waa spent la games of various kinds, story telling, etc. Dainty refresh ments were served. The Toung Woman's Christian associa tion teld its first cabinet meeting oepteiu ber 27, and elected several new officers to fill vacancies. The cabinet officers are: President. Winifred James; vice-president, Jane Lindsay; secretary, Mary Welsh; treasurer, llattle Brown; chairman Bible study, Myrtle Agnes; chairman intercol legiate, Pauline Gale; chairman devotional committee, Lena Briggs; social chairman, Ella Trimble; chairman missionary, Lillian Lewis; advisor, Miss Alr.i Uo.ic; general secretary. Crace Morrison. The Bible and mlsalon study classes were organised with good enrollment in each. Prof. C. N. An derson Is leading classes In the "Lire and Letters of Paul." Mlsa Gladys Ellis is also In charge of a data In Bible atudy. A campaign is on for new members. The membership is already beyond the 100 mark, and It Is expected that It will reach 200 before long. PERU FORMAL NOTES. Athletic Asaorlatlua F.leete Offleere for the Tear. The Normal Athletic association met Tuesday evening In Music and Expression hall and the following officers were elected for the coming year: lresldrnt. Glen Stoddard of Rising City; vlre-prel-dent, M. P. Ren fro of Peru; secretary, Veima King of Western; treasurer. H. A. Shaver of Brunlng. A. B. Gelwtck of L'lysses snd ltoulah Harris of Falrbury were elected as student members of the athletic board. After the election of of ficers. Coach Brumage gave a few well chosen remarks on the outlook for foot ball. The association has the largest member ship in Its history and Is doing a great deal to romote all the athletic Interests of ths school. The keen interest and enthusiasm, which has been manifest In senior class politics this year terminated Thursday evening, when the class met and elected Its officers for the coming year. The two candidates for the presidency were Ira Crook of Salem and G. li. Lanphere f Gresham. The election resulted In a ma jority of forty-two for crook. Mr. Crook has always been a loyal Peruvian and is held in high esteem by both the students and faculty. Last year he represented the school in debate against the Warrensburg Normal of Missouri, being the only Junior member of the team, all tne rest being seniors. The other officers elected were as fol lows: Vice-president, Ruth Browncll of Lincoln; secretary, Helen Tay of Blue Hill; treasurer, 13. H. Kock of Seward. Following the election a short address was given by Prof. Gregg, the class advisor, who said everything indicated a harmon ious and prosperous year for the class. IN1VERSITY OF WISCONSIN Early Enrollment Forecasts the Year's Aagresraie. Over 3,600 students entered the Univer sity of Wisconsin during the first three registration days. This is an Increase of over 10 per cent above the number who had enrolled at the same time last year. The Increase In students is about evenly di vided between new students and old stu dents who are returning. As the total enrollment at the end of last year reached 4,947, a continuation of this 10 per cent Increase In other courses beginning later In the year may result In a total attendance for the year approxi mating 6,500. Sixty-one professors of the University of Wisconsin are named among the prominent men of the country In the new edition of "Who's Who in America." This is ai In crease of eight over the number mentioned in last year's edition. Four of the new men who have thus won recognition In their professional life are In the English de partment, while the departments of Jour nalism, education, German and political science claim one each. How paper may be made from new kinds of wood pulp, and how seed products now wasted may be utilised in paper manu facture, will be studied by the University of Wisconsin engineering students this year under the direction of the college of engineering and the staff of the United States Forestry Service laboratory at Mad ison. , A miniature pulp and paper mill, equip ped with the latest machinery for grind ing, beating and preparing paper pulp, is one of the features of the forest products' laboratory. A paper machine which manu factures a continuous sheet of paper fif teen inches long has also been Installed. A total of sixty-five advanced courses In engineering is being offered to graduate students thla year. These cover all fields of engineering. Including special problems In hydraullo and sanitary engineering, min ing engineering, marine machinery, struc tural engineering, machine design and chemical engineering. SPINSTERS AS TEACHERS. President at Taft'a College Weald Bar Them from Girls' Schools. , President Frederick W. Hamilton of Tufts college, Medford, Mlsa., has come out with the positive assertion that unwedded teach ers should be barred from girls' colleges be cause their Influence Is harmful. Dr. Ham ilton says: "I do not believe that young girls who are Just passing into young womanhood are In the proper enviornment when they are continually brought Into close personal touch with elderly unmarried women. "The large proportion of women'a col leges are In the hands of women teach ers, however, and the educational atmos phere of the places Is feminine, the pecu liar type of femininity developed by highly culltvatrd middle-aged, unmarried women. Now, while the type may be very fine in dividually, it la not the proper one to create the atmosphere for girls at the formative period of their lives. Girls Just coming Into womanhood are receiving their most valuable impressions and the future atti tude toward the questions of this time. Their outlook on life, which I believe is the most Important part of the college train ing, should be broad, and it can not be so unless formed In an enviornment of breadth. "In the lower grades of the schools, too, and In preparatory schools the influence of the unmarried, middle-aged woman is counteracted by the dominating Influence of the home. I believe that an element of marrlkd teachers, widows who were teachers before marriage, perhaps, would be beneficial. The relationship of these schools and their pupils is different, how ever, because the pupils live at home. "The glrla at college live a purely acade mic life. They are on their resources and they face problems that are quite new to them. They are to be trained to become competent and important parts of life, we hops. They need a large outlook and a broad viewpoint. The elements which go to give these must be brought Into their lives at the psychological time, and all elements tending toward narrowness should be eliminated." BtW YORK SCHOOLS. Problem af Cast aad Providing; for Aeeommedatieas. The New York school department asks for an appropriation of $34,000,000 for the coming year. This Is $',000,000 in excess of the sum set aside for 1910. It hardly car ries put the expectation that municipal expenses were to be decreased. The board of education explains that the requested Increase has been made necessary by the noed of a larger seating capacity. Yet this enormoue expense dooe not seem la provide the rising- generation of New York with all the needed educational es sentials. The bureau of municipal research Is Inclined to ask why over 100 000 of the public school pupils failed of promotion In January and another 100.000 In June. The explanation of the school authorities Is that while some of the non-promoted are defective mentally, "others are of average ability but have not been properly Instructed owing either to the frequent ab sence of the teacher or his inefficiency." This moves the cltlxens to ask whether the school authorities blame these "ab sences'" and this "inefficiency" on the parents who pay the taxes or the children who go to the schools Or should It he placed on the school authorities? EIM CATIO A , NOTRS. The University of ChlcnKO has 6,ir.7 alumni. Columbia, with an enrollment of over i.OipO stuilents, presents a fairly pood illus tration of a university with strong attrac tions for s.-ekers after knowledge. Miss Helen Gould has received the de gree of doctor of laws from the American CollcKe for Girls in Constantinople. 1 T. Mary Patrick Is the president of this col lege and Miss Gould has for a numher of years given liberally to its support and enlargement. Th. f r..K ... n nl., ,. ...,11 I,.. ,,11,,. thiS VPflr la 111. 1 ln It t,ut.... the student body is 1.415 girls. Dean Pen dleton Is acting president, and while there Is a movement to elect a man president. It Is elhle that Miss Pendleton will he nnrinlnteri In lh nlap. ,,f 1 ....i.lnr. i lf. arii. who resigned In June. Total gifts to both income snd principal of the university finances, amounting to $i.0Os,2:1, are shown In the first annual re port of the hew treasurer of tale univer sity, George I'arniley Day. haji made pub- , s dunpaieu nun vi.zju.yjz ior me previous year. Additions to the university flinrt show a t- , f i .-. , nt it (UW flfl against $I.20,0M) for the previous year. The niot Important additions to In come were JIH.oOO from the alumni fund and $.T4.3M from thu Carnegie foundation. Financially it has been the best year for Yale In her history. CADETS MUST TOE MARK OR TAKE PUNISHMENT New Rnle Adopted for High School Resrlracat Expected to Get Resnlte. At a meeting Vf tha cadet captains and staff of the high school regiment, held by Assistant Principal Bernstein Friday after noon, it was decided to conduct a "pun ishment squad" In confirmation with the new rules adopted "by the cadets for this year. The "punishment squad" is to be In charge of either a captain or a staff offi cer. It will be conducted on a scale much less severe than that of West Point, but will have as much bearing on drill. The adoption of this rule, providing for extra drilling of the delinquents is not because of any growing disorder among the cadets, but la established as a means of preserv ing order among the companies. Vanderford of having promised to protect him for half the proceeds. Vanderford was tnken to the station According to the other ticket sellers In the same booth Flti gerald waa short somewhat In his accounts DESPONDENT IRON WORKER TAKES FATAL DOSE OF ACID Roster Witirr, Aaed .'til. Foaad Ilend Early In Ktrnlns by Friends. Despondent because he was unable to find work, Roger Wagner, 36 years old. committed suicide at 8 : 15 o'clock Saturday night by taking carbolic acid. Wagner had been bemoaning his fate for seveial days and to his friends had been threatening to do the deed which he ac complished last night He was found on the steps of his home at a rooming house, 1M5 Jackson street, a few minutes after he had swallowed the poison. The police were notified and Dr. Peppers was detailed on the case. Wagner succumbed two min utes after the arrival of tha police sur geon. The coroner was notified and the body waa taken by him Into custody. Wagner waa an Iron worker and had un til a few weeks ago been employed at the Paxton & Vlerling foundry. He was a member of the local Iron Workera union, No. 162. He was unmarried. His relatives were notified of his death and the funeral services will be delsyed until they are heard from. TOSSED FROM CROWDED CAR Hyman Htraaber Loses Hold and Sus tains Some Rather Palnfal Injuries. When a northbound Florence car, carry ing a crowd of passengers to Fort Omaha to witness the army maneuvers suddenly stopped at Sixteenth and Clark streets, Hyman Strauber of 902 North Twenty fifth street, who was riding on the step, was catapulted to the pavement. When picked up unconscious a few seconds later It waa found that his light ankle had been sprained and that he had sustained severe bruises about the head and face. Dr. Bishop, police surgon, was called and after working with the man for sev eral minutes, he was brought to. His In juries, although severe, are not considered dangerous. He was sent to his home. Good results always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contain Just the Ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the kidneys and bladder, and to cure backache. Sold by all druggists. TICKET SELLER IS IN JAIL Fltsgerald, Accused of Swindling; Patrons,.. Looked In by . PoUe. Accussed by S. J. Jetter of 913 South Twelfth street of short changing him, a ticket seller named Fitzgerald was arrested by Officer Vanderford. Fltsgerald had noth ing to say as to the disappearance of Jet ters dollar, but Immediately accused Officer III make a trade twist health and Isme A fair exchange you see. For while build up CamfMft name His soups are 1 building me. Brain-worlcers spe cially appreciate Campbell's Tomato Soup. Their work makes an unusual demand on the nervous energy. And when fatigued after a hard day's work the stomach is too tired to take care of a heavy meal. You get more good out of . fy TOMATO It is light, nourishing, easily digested; has a tonic effect on jaded nerves. And eaten with a little bread-and-butter it makes an amply substantial repast. Isn't that just what you want on occasion? Why not try it and see? s 21 kinds 10c a can Just add hot tvaftr, bring to a boil. and serve. Tnt housewife handy companion Campbell's Menu Book. Free on request. JoirrR CAursiu. Coufant Camden N J Look for the red-and-white label lap 1 ti5l TVflr HRV X' 1 A 1 m4-h ma mi tc lff;-AtJ4. tr&t.h.'i. i 'I SaaWeaW-- 1 "a- id we ybocts Igarovie Bei)ton Cooke What a troublesome thing to be the possessor of "complex emo tional machinery I " Sn fuAli'l tar-nL 1 .L. realization that she does possess it. VN has driven her to cut herself off from all contact with the world, and to bury her self in the heart of the woods. There, where 6he thinks she will be alone with her Art and the myriad wonders of nature, Love and Life hunt her out, breaking down her most cherished convictions, and changing the mapped-out course of her existence. You will find this a most fascinating story with its thrills, its flashes of humor, its joys and its heartaches. A. C McCLURG & CO., Publishers NOW ON SALE AT YOUR BOOKSTORE m Si IPS? Pictures by Tha Kinneya Hystery and the Average f Fare are Silent v Partners Few people really hare any Idea how the dish they are ordering from the bill of fare will appear or U.ste. They are In the dark unUl the waiter brings the meal, and often thereafter they are in bad humor. People who want to know what hey are about to eat will be pleased with our service. Our dishes are appetizing and In full eight. They are prepared under the most sanitary of conditions from the choicest food products and in a manner that la a revelation to all lov ers of good cooking. Try us once and you won't have to be Invited again. Q nty National lUnk lildg., Entrance on 16th Street. UlUiAkKAST, to 10, Ll .MH, 11 to 8. SUri'EK, S to 8. i.i '".'il. ill rJ- -rti - -in .-.t1 h.!..i.iji.- . r.T"Cj Havi Your Ticket Read ".Uurhnuto'i" To OEIMVEIR and CALIFORNIA FAST DKXVKU TKAIN AT 4:10 P. M. Carrios through standard and tourist sleepers for the coast, going via soenlc Colorado and Salt l.ako; you have Omaha at 4:10 P. M. and arrive at Ixis Angeles In seventy-two hours via this scenic route; eighteen hours fnster than heretofore. Daily through tourist sleepers to Salt Lake, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Daily through standard sleepers to Salt Lako and San Francisco, with annex standard sleepers, Salt Lake to Los Angeles. The Colorado Limited; Convenient Night Train It Leaves Omaha at 11:25 P. M. It Arrives Denver at 1:00 P. M. Standard Sleepers ready at 9:30 P. M. This Is a Burlington Standard, dynamo electric lighted, Tast train of chad cars, diners, standard and observation sleepers. Dnlly "Until Oct. 15lh Arrange early for through tourist sleeper berths in our California e curslons via scenic Colorado. , Write or call for Colonist and California folders. Lei me help you make this interesting Journey in the most comfortable way. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 150a larnani Street, Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas liJ.'iN. ' iiimiHi'iiiiii SaSBasBsasR IX3S AsESoPeroxMeCresi IrorPariicnlaff.Pe ED Particular people who value their appearance take a great deal of nainn to keep the skin soft, clean and healthy, as it not only reflects one's physical condition, but is a key to one's charac teristics. A pimple on the end of th nose would make a beautiful woman appear grotesque, while a soft, clear skin lends attractiveness to a plain looking person and generally denotes cleanliness. "You know Southern women imnillv have fine complexions, and I suppose I would be telling , secrets to sav that these exquisite complexions in Mobile are due in a great many cases solely to tne use oi A. U. S. Peroxide Cream," says David S. Bauer, druggist of Mo bile; Ala., and member of the A. D. S. National Formula Committee. "It has a large sale here, and is universally liked by both women and men." To keen the skin at its best all tho tinid -to keeD it clear, flexible, smooth and to give it the glow of health it nas been demonstrated that the best preparation for that nurnose is A. S. Peroxide Cream, because it contains a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide, the great healing and cleansing agent. This is one of the leading nreoar- ations made by the American Drug gists' syndicate of 12,000 druggists and is safe, harmless and will not grow hair. It heals the skin when it Is sore. chapped, inflamed or scratched. It makes a rougn, unsigntly, dark, pimply skin clear and white, and is a mild bleach. It makes an ideal massage for Hell Dru Co., 1211 Farnsm. H. 8 Kins, 24th and Farnsm. Haines Drug Co.. 110 Farnsm. Walnut Hill Pharmacy; 40th and Cuming. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. J. H. Merchant, lth and Howard. Jno. J. Freytaar, 19l4 North 14th Street Th' Christy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Johanson Drug Co.: 24th and Spalding-. 8. A. Bersnek. 140S South 1th Street Chas. E. Lothrop, 1124 N. 14th fit rest. pie wrinkles and fills out the skin when It droops in flabby sacks; it is very pleasant to use is not sticky or Sill ft DAVID S BAUER." y gummy, like glycerine, una ill prova soothing to the face, hands or any pari of the body. You can get A. D. S. Peroxide Op Br at any A. D. S. drug store. Uekfor ' In tSs (A 1 B LVA Dnatgbft LSiSmULUA Vftnfaw ASSOCIATION H. Tj. Prlbbernow, lth and Vinton Sts. Forest Fenton Drug Co.. J6th and Q streets, South Omaha. Bchnefer's Cut Pries Drug (stores, J Star and Douglas, flchnefer's Cut Price Drug Stores, 124 North lth Street. Schaefer's Cut Pries Drug Etorss, 2401 N Btreet, Bouth Omaha. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam. - TP and the East Eight splendid trains leave the Union Station daily via the Chicago C& North West ern Railway. The Daylight Express . . 7:C3a.m. The Chicago Express . 12:05p.m. The Eastern Expreis . . 5:10p.m. The Chicago Limited . 6:00 p.m. The China & Japan Fast Mail . 6:05 p.m. The Los Angeles Limited . 8:50p.m. San Francisco "Overland Limited" 11:45 p.m. The Denver Special . . 12:40a.ml Service that has never been sur passed Fast schedules and equip ment of the most modern and highest class. Double track and automatic electric safety signals all the way to Chicago. For full information regard ing tickets, etc., apply at Ticket Offices 1401-1403 Farnam Strut Omaha, Nth. NW1MS 1.11 Order Your Paeonies Now It's Planting Time Ask tor Oa Bsaolal rail Catslogua by Tsl.phoes or FostaL It is completa Paeony book contains plan'.i: instructions an, I accurate descriptions of ail our beautiful varieties snd urtiei. Other pianta for Fall Ranting are Included. Wt will mall It at ome. ata(e a.M ).- a.uL wil B.liT.rl.s to your rsalaencs, frs of diarr. If yea Uts la Omaha or Cousoll Bluffs. Deliveries to jror Tesklencs. free of ci.arf ., jf yo ullve lu -Oinalia ur CouuUl C31UIIS.