4 TIIK NEK:' OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOHKli in. 1M0, Tiii: itmaha T;u.y Ht:? rul M'l.b BY KUWAIlli KUSKWAibH VICTuK HDSKH'ATK't, Kl'ITUIl. Knin i l t i.nnuli j t tofiire as s-.-cond-c a. mutter. 'IKI1MS OH' :UHSCIU1JT10N. Sumlay lien, one eir raiuiuny ne. ine year J a 1 1 lice (without f j iid .iv), one ytar. fi1' I'Hiij I .re and ri.niay( une year $o 0j DKMVKltKP HV I'AKItlliK. i . en tig Hi .without e inl,i . l"-r week .c l,veiuiii,' l.w (wun Mimiay). per week loc j riil . lire (im ludii.K .-umtiiyi, per kK.isc I'ally I in- (Hiitiuui aunia I, per week.. UK.' AudicN ail tiiTi(Mnint ot irrn4'.iianins In delivery to City t 'irctilatlon Department. I rnaha The He Hulkling Bnuth t mialia 1 wtnty-ionrth anil N. CounoiJ iiluffs 15 dcott Street. I.riicnlti-. is l.tttie Liu Idirig. , . hl agi I 'lS Marquette Hullding Saw oik Itoums 1101-lHr: No. H West '1 hlrlv I tin U street. Wuahlliuton tij loiirteenth Street, N. VV. COlllll-Jiil'UNDENCE. Communication relating to new and duonal matter should be addressed; (in, alia l.v:. K4 tortal Department. UIMlTi ANCKS. IScnilt liy draft, exprrs or postal onlor av:ilile to 1 hn liee fuMlsliing Coraiiany. Only 2-cent slumps received In pu ment of ii. ml account. IVmonul checks except on Umalia and eualern exchange not accepted. KTATLMENT ()V t-il'.CULATlON. Sluts of Kehyaak.-t, DougUs county, s.. ; tJeorg H. Tscschuck, treasurer OH The he: i'ublishing company, being duly auoin, says that the actual number of lull and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and sjunday bee printeu during the niontn of beptember, 1I1U, was aa lollows: 1 44,330 2 43,370 i 43,120 4 40,000 6 44,130 .43,430 7 43,900 43,630 1 43,4(10 IS 43,370 11 41,000 II 43,630 II 43,800 14 43,300 16 43.3M) Total . : Returned Copies 14 43,300 U 43,270 U 42,400 19 43,820 20 43,490 II 43,450 il 43,400 21 46.640 24.. 43,830 3A 43,200 J6 45,870 27 44,150 2 43,650 It 43,800 30 43,890 1,303,370 ,845 Net Total 1,1193,6118 Dally Average 43,117 GEO. 13. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In mjr presence and sworn to before ma this thirtieth day of Sep tember, 1810. 11. B. WALKER, Notary Public Subscriber, tearing the vltr tem porarily should have The Bee mailed to them. Address will be rhanared aa often h requested. Acroplanlng- Is proving to be almost as dangerous as aa automobile race. Mr. Hearst says hia Independence league Is the country's hope. Of what? This persistent (allure to pull off a panic is distressing to democratic hopes. - The freedom of the reputable press is constantly menaced by the license of yellow journalism. .1 Ttjja colonel U -raJly presuming a good deal on the soutli when he talks to It about "New Nationalism." Congressman Watson of Indiana will close his campaign in Rush county. ' Fast finish, probably. Wlfnout the aid or consent of any other state, Mr. Bryan will hardly In vade he enemy's country this fall. As long as New York holds to its horse cars, the women there may be pardoned for wearing hobble skirts. A Chicago preacher suggests the golden rule as the solution of the servant problem. Let him try it, If he dares. Later reports indicate that the youthful king -of Portugal did not after all lose his crown; he took it with him. :l i "Tltre is sq much in life that is beautiful, consoling' sweet," sings the Record-Herald's poet. She must have said, "yee." There is a subtle suggestion in the assertion that Sun Francisco furnished the dynamite to blow up Los Angeles. Bitter rivalry. Dr. Cook can get a good Job dis covering if he will hurry back and Btart out to find the end of this demo cratic rainbow. Evidently Mr. Hearst had his fingers crossed when he promised to help Colonel Roosevelt fight the bad boys in his own party. Massachusetts democrats are having ilmost as much trouble to get a candi date for governor as Nebraska demo crats sneountored. According to the scientists the earth weighs 3.000,000,000,000 tons or pounds we forget which. Which is right, Mr. Rockefeller? Still Mr. Bryan is, the only man who has always been right. And that is strange, too, considering the number of times he has changed front. King Ak-Sar-Ben could not be blamed If he carried a chip on bis ihoulder with all of those nifty mili ary men at his command to fight his battles for him. A father of 84 appeared in police court in New York the other day to have his boy of 62 sent up for incor rigibility. A few such lessons and this kid may learn to obey his parents. Judge England cornea out of his bole to attack Senator Burkett tn the local democratic organ on the strength of a remark made by ex-Congressman Mercer, more lately one of the orna ments of the iobby at Washington. Has It come to this, that Mr. Mercer cannot speak for himself I i TOO Early for Recognition. It is still too early for the United PtatFs to recognize the provisional gow rnnu nt of Torttigil, or In any way to commit Itself on the delicate situa tion now existing. The report, there fore, that this nation had gone Into conference with Germany and England over King Manuel's movements and agreed to his transportation back to LislKin on an American vessel, could not be received seriously. There is ample time for the United States to recognize the succession to the crown when the new government shall have established Its sovereignty and vindi cated Its stability. As things stand Portugal's new rulers have not done this. They have started out in a direction of larger liberty and bettor government, but numerous obstacles may prevent them reaching their goal for some time to come, or at all. Already the report conies that the revolutionists, em boldened by their partial success, in some cases show a disposition to go to extremes in dealing with the loyalists. This would not be strange In such crises, but It Is nevertheless a danger to be guarded against. It is one element of the problem that confronts the republicans. .Another Is the neces sity of setting up a better government than the one they have undertaken to abolish. It must be said that the revolution ists have much in their favor as to the personnel of their leadership and the principles of their movement. Their provisional president, Prof. Braga, is reputed to be a man of great learning, strong character and the high ideals for his country. He is a scholar and a republican of years standing. He seems to be supported by other men of similar character. The cardinal prin ciples espoused include the wise provi sion for separation of church and state, a free press, abolition of the star-chamber system of government, a reorganization of the financial system and of the army and navy upon bases that will serve the people as a whole and not merely the favored classes; the development of national wealth and in . short, the awakening of the nation to a realization of Its needs and powers and a determination to supply the first by exercising the other. The pronunclamento, sent by Bernardo Machado, minister of foreign affairs, (expected to .become president of the permanent republic) to the provisional president, is strong and true to sound principle and It rings with the assur ance that popular sentiment Is back of the revolt. But all these promises must be con firmed and proved. The present is the period of experiment. When the test is made, then and then only, will It be time for the United States and other nations similarly situated to commit themselves. In the meantime they probably will confine their activi ties to safeguarding their own inter ests in Portugal. No Cause Tet to Despair. Western Industries, western resources, western enterprise, are taxed and discrim inated against for the benefit ot the favored and pampered east, where the Im mense steel, oil, textile and other monopo lised Industries are absorbing, with accel erating speed, the wealth and population of the republic World-Herald. Terrible, terrible, terrible! And still the west seems to have been doing tolerably well. In the panic of 1907 the west saved the credit and financial solvency of the country. Western cities have never before ex perienced such an era of unexampled building expansion. Western farmers have never had such bountiful crops bringing such re munerative prices as during the last few years.' If eastern Industries have been pros pering, so have western industries been prospering and growing. We would dislike to suggest that the discrepancy in population growth, If it exists, may be ascrlbable to two chief causes: First, the tendency of steadily increasing immigration to tarry in the eaBt, and second, the pos sibility that western census returns have heretofore been more or less padded, as witness the flagrant exam ple of St. Joseph. So do not yet despair. The future of the country is still assured. The mid dle and far west have their natural resources largely to be developed and broad acres yet to be peopled, which will enable us to hold our own with out much difficulty with the east in a competitive race. Where Money Talks. It Is an open secret that in the pres ent campaign in Nebraska the money is all on the democratic side, because the democratlo ticket is the ticket of the brewers, corporations and big in terests that are glad to put in where they can count on returns. The brew ery money and the corporation con tributions, of course, will net show up on the ledger of the democratic cam paign treasury, because they know better than that. The money is being spent direct or through collateral agencies, some of it perhaps legiti mately, but more of it illegitimately. There are places in a campaign where money talks, and against this subsidized talk the voters should be warned. It is a common practice for the boodle distributers to lay big bet ting odds and invite heavy wagers to prove confidence In their own predic tions. Of course, it Is not their own money they are betting, but the effect Is often the same. Money also talks in procuring cam paign publicity. The democrats are buying advertising space in republican newspapt-r to placard the names of their nominees for state and congres sional offices. Republicans have no i money to buy space in democratic newspapers for such purposes. The' democrats also have plenty of money I for circulars, letters, pictures, postage. hall rent and brass bands, and if they shonld rnn short the brewers would j cheerfully respond to further requisi tions. Money makes a noise in a campaign, but It has a hollow sound. It Is votes that count, and fortunately the great majority of the voters In Nebraska are unpurchasable. That Moral Issue. It Is announced that Mr. Bryan will speak for two weeks in Indiana in be half of Jobn W. Kern, the democratic candidate for senator and the entire democratic ticket. He has been called Into the state by the leaders to "show up" Colonel Roosevelt, who is to speak in behalf of Senator Beverldge. Mr. Bryan Is In an excellent position to "show up" anybody. It happens that the democrats of Indiana, whom he will support, are opposing county option, drawing upon themselves the charge of being the party of the liquor interests, just as are the democrats in Nebraska, where Mr. Bryan has bolted the head of his own ticket. It may appear strange, therefore, to people unfamiliar with Mr. Bryan that he could in the same campaign, bolt his party in one state and support it in another when in both states the Issue Is practically the same. But the "home folks" who have known the Peerless Leader best and longest will not be the least surprised at this, or any other acrobatic feat he may per form between this and election day. It was recently suggested that the interesting test of Mr. Bryan's new theory of denying or giving his sup port on moral grounds would come when his party nominated its candi date for president in 1912. But a preliminary test may come sooner than that. Not only will he advocate the election of the antl-optlonlsts in In diana, while denouncing them in Ne braska, but he is also committed to the anti-option ticket in Iowa. Even here In his home state while denouncing the democratic nominee for governor he endorses the nominee for United States senator, knowing full well that he is the favorite of the brewers. Too Many Suicides. In the United States In 1908 8,332 persons committed suicide, which was 18.5 persons to every 1,000. The to tal number in 1904, or the average from 1901 to 1905, was about 4,500, somewhere near fourteen to every 1,000. It is steadily increasing, therefore. ' In 1900 the ratio was only eleven to 1,000. If the ratio keeps up there is little telling where the total, will go. A decade ago this na tion "was not among the first in sui cides and fifty years ago It was the last of the great countries. Today it is one of the first. Most scientific persons agree that suicide is a psychological manifesta tion; that it is not commonly due to outside influences. Some years ago the question, "Will a sane person take his life?" was submitted to twelve of the greatest thinkers In the United States, It was answered in the nega tive by eleven, and even the twelfth modified his answer. But it is not the condition of the mind at the time of the deed with which wt should con cern ourselves so much as the condi tions leading up to it. The Philadelphia Press makes a practical suggestion, we believe, in tbls connection. It says that "closer human sympathy is the one sufficient and efficient remedy." It may not be entirely adequate, and it may not be infallible, but it undoubtedly would be helpful at all times. If friends and relatives were quick to throw the cloak of charity over a depressed or erring, or weak fellow creature, there can be little doubt tnat our suicide list would begin to grow smaller. Loneliness, the thought of being of no particular use to anyone these feel ings which come to weaker people, or to those who, perhaps, have failed at some enterprise or undertaking or suffered physical or financial distress in varied form, will often work ruin unless checked or overcome promptly by the right sort of influence. If the world could learn to slow up a little now and then for these delinquent wayfarers it would be doing a good work. Charitable works are not al ways those that go under some insti tutional or associatlonal name. They may be in the individual, and there is certainly no Influence more cogent than that of personal sympathy and commiseration. It is to be noted that our amiable democratic contemporary is not re turning to the defense of the railroad candidate nominated for railway com missioner on the democratic ticket. It has not seen fit to Impeach T. W. Tibbies' characterization of him as "corporation cattle." There is other evidence that his close affiliation with the late Tobe Castor made htm solid at headquarters, but as yet we hear no call for it from our democratic friends.. The supreme court will appoint a referee to take evidence on alleged wilful or corrupt nonenforcement ot law by the police in Omaha. The sub ject has been investigated nearly every year by our grand juries, and sometimes by two or three grand juries In the same year, without dis closing any facta to warrant a single indictment. This congressional district has been practically without a representative at Washington for two terms so far as accomplishing results for the constitu ency is concerned, because It sent a democrat there out of touch with the administration. The coming election will give us a chance to correct this mistake. (Jovernor Shallenberger explains that he Is supporting Mayor "Jim" Just as he would have expected Mayor "Jim" to hnve supported him had he been renominated. Would Mayor "Jim" take the stump for a man he had called a four-flusher, a double crosser and a liar? Sure, Mike. If King Manuel and his royal retinue can do no better, perhaps King Ak-Ssr-Ben might be persuaded to give him asylum as a mark of kingly courtesy. Without doubt King Manuel would look as well on an Ak-Sar-Ben float as any other of the Initiates. Down in Tennessee the democratic state convention declared that the liquor question should not be an Issue in the campaign. In Nebraska the, democrats are trying hard to cover up every other Issue. Those democrats are nothing if not versatile. With Galveston losing In population and Los Angeles having bomb horrors that cost dearly in human life, one might gather that these two cities were not the best governed In the world, commission form and recall notwithstanding. Lillian Russell is not making a pro found hit as a philosopher. She de clares that when all women dress better divorces will be fewer. Rut the records do not show that It has always been the poorer clad who sought the decrees. No one is worrying now about the over-indulgence of the Nebraska farmer in automobiles. If the farmer wants an automobile he can afford to have it and has the money to pay for it. Representative Link, It will be re called, Bald he considered Senator Lorlmer the greatest man In the state, which made people wonder where the other links in the chain were. Dr. Woodrow Wilson says, "insur gency Is negative." But he cannot convince the young ex-king of Portu gal that it always stops at that. "Midway" Between Points. Chicago Record-Herald. No one has yet suggested the spread ing out of the Panama exposition all the way between New Orleans and Ban Fran cisco. The cities, along the route would not object. Doctor's Advice, tirade. Louisville Couiiet-JournaJ. A medical man " saya one should never eat without arV Earnest appetite. Few of us, coniparatlveYy-sipeaking, tan nowadays. The exercise frdklent to cornering the "price" is so arduous. Watch Theiu Sidestep. Houston Post. While the political doctors are trying to diagnose economic disorders, it is well enough to remember that the presence in the world of multitudes of ablebodled men who are forever side-stepping work twlbta the situation considerably. Why Give It Awnyf Indianapolis News. The annual report of the New York, New Haven & Haxtford for the fiscal year shows a surplus of $1,037,793 over dividend requirements as compared with a deficit of ttr3,613 the year before. And all this was achieved without the freight rates be ing Increased as proposed. Buslaeea is Daslness. IndlanapollH News. Probably tfie railroads are correct In their assertion that a reduction of freight rates Is not always followed by a reduction of prices, hut It is noticed that an increase of ferlght rates la generally followed by an Increase of prices, which, of course. Is to be expected, Inasmuch as business Is busi ness. Lincoln's Wonderful Style. Bt. Nicholas Magazine. Not to read Lincoln Is to miss the finest expression of the soul of America that has come to us. His style Itself reminds one of the natural features of the land, of the mighty forests set to music by the winds, of the mountains riwlng by sheer leaps and noble slopes up to the hltjh heavens, and wrapped In the white dignity of ever lasting snow, of the rivers on their Im mortal path to the sea, or the wide prairies covered with grass and flowers. For his language is like the thought It clothes, large, simple, revealing always the majesty of the spirit, so much greater than any majesty of the body. It El OHO OK ACHIEVEMENT. Dispassionate Review of Republican Party Work. Philadelphia Ledger. The dominating thought which runs through the president's Illuminating speech to the League of Republican clubs Is that government Is a serious business, to be carried on with prudence, reason and justice, and not upon emotional Impulse. Hentlment Is often of the highest value and abstract Ideals essential to wholesome political life; but theoretical conceptions are useful only as translated Into actual public achievement. As president, he feels restricted from the discussion of party principles; but he has no hesitation In speaking of the party he represents as a practical political agency and claiming support for It because of Its fidelity and efficiency In the work given It to do. It would be cany to attack this speech upon party grounds; to say that Mr. Taft is extolling the republican party because it has been correcting evils which are the result of its own pullcifs, or that he is expecting to reconcile differences by Ignor ing them. Iiut tills Is Just what gives the speech lis surprising strenKth. It deals with the situation that exists. After all the controversy that has been going on within his own party, ail the wild appeals to paslon and the thirst for novelty, all the appearance of an Irrepressible conflict of extremes, the firm and quiet voice of the president Is heard dispassionately explain ing what h.is actually been done for the advancement of the general good, and how the administration la calmly goliiK forward in the careful execution of Its public re sponsibilities and the maintenance of public Justice and tranquility. It Is not a party sixteen, but It Is some thing much more effective. It Is a sort of executive iue'rug-e of clearheaded aiid tranquil Cviifi Jeii-e. Dictz by His Dam Site Fighting Outlaw of Tbornapple Dam and His Bis Tears' Defiance of the Great State of Wisconsin. New York Sun. For more than six jeiirs John I'eltx of Tbornapple dam has been at war with the state of Wisconsin. He has nia'le a fortress of his lonely cnbln and repulsed everal sheriff's posses with writs as well as rifles In their hands. The Thornapple garrison consisted until last Saturday of I'lets and his wife and several children. The man and his wife and the older chil dren. Including a girl, are all familiar with the use of a rifle end) shoot straight. On Saturday, last, Myra. the girl, and a son, Clarence, driving Into the town of Winter with Leslie Dletx. another son. to pur chase supplies for the garrison, were am bushed by Sheriff Michael Madden, and both the Kirl and Clarence were wounded, the girl seriously, being shot In the back. The sheriff had Information that John Piett was coming to town, and opened fire when his order to pull up and sur render whs not heeded. Leslie Dletx, the younirer son, slipped to the cabin to warn Its defenders. The girl, Myra, was sitting In the lap of her elder brother when she was shot. If the scene of the IUetx story were laid in the mountains of eastern Kentucky It would excite no surprise, but enforcement of the law Is supposed to be possible In lsconsin, even In that sparsely settled region about the upper waters of the Chip pewa river. Hut John lletx is an odd and remarkable man, a pioneer out of his gen eration and a pine woods lawyer of some ability. A man of Indumltable tenacity, he suggests John Brown of Usawatomle. Until Diets shot Bert Ilorel, a peacemak ing neighbor, recently, he had some color of law for his resistance to county offi cers. Since that misadventure no poste could be sworn In to rush the Diets, cabin, which la In a fine strategic position for defense. John Diets, with his garison of five effectives, had resisted posses when he was a litigant In civil suits, and as a felon In the eyfe of the luw he would cer tainly die In his boots. The reluctance to storm the cabin seems to reflect upon the courage of Sawyer county, but, aside from a fear of the marksmanship of John, Mrs. Dletz, Myra and the boys, there has been a good deal of sympathy for the head of the family because he had always acted on the principle that a Wisconsin nan's house is his castle, until he shot Bert llorel, the peacemaker. Dletz first came into collision with the courts when he resisted the attempt of the Chippewa Lumber and Boom company to float Its logs over Thornapple dam. He contended that as he owned land at the dam the company must pay him for the right to raft its timber down the stream. Dletx stood guard with a rifle day and night over the sluice and threatened to shoot any man who started a log down. This was in April, 1.904. Injunctions were obtained to remove the armed figure of the settler from the path of the company, but John Dletz defied the sheriff. He would not accept the service, and threat ened to ahoot any officer who approached his cabin. Service was never made on Dletz. There were several pitched battles. On July 25, 1806, Deputy Sheriff Koglch was shot In the hip on one of these sieges. The old man and all the members of the fam ily able to bear arms kept up a furious fire upon the posse.' Clarence, one of the sons, was wounded In the head. John Diets Is almort as celebrated for his hospitality aa for his feud with Jus tice. He keeps open house for all who come in a friendly way to talk with him, and he Is never tired of talking about his grievance. There Is plenty of meat and drink for all who are well recommended. Dletz Is a socialist, and his trouble with the lumber company has filled him with fury against all corporations. His visitors register In a book on a table In the living room. Dletz admits that he has become a fanatic on the subject of the iniquity of corporations. The other day he said: "When a man has thought of one thing for six years it is apt to change the con volutions of his brain." The Diets chil dren, although adepts with the rifle and living In an isolated cabin In a -clearing, are not Illiterate. As they are the only children In the district the father has al ways Insisted that the school board must provide a teacher for them, and this It has done, educating the young Dletzes in a leanto built next to the cabin. The Dletzes have a typewriter and Myra typewrites as we'l as shoots. It was in a quarrel with the school board over the rental of the leanto that Horel, Intervening to mollify John Dletz, was shot by the enraged enemy ot corporations. It was proof of the wholesome respect In which John Diets Is held in Winter as a fanatic whose argument Is the rifle that when Winter heard of the shooting of the Diets boy and girl by Sheriff Madden's posse the men of the place, fearing a descent by John Dletz to revenge himself for the attack on his children, all volun teered for service aa deputy sheriffs. The women of the town, touched by the condi tion of the wounded girl, were nursing her by turns at the local hotel, while their men folk were arming to shoot at the father If he appeared with his wife and unlnjared son with arms In their hands, which everybody believed would be just like them. United States Marshal William Appleby, who has had one experience try ing to serve legal papers on Dletz for the lumber company, Justifies the shooting of the Dletz children. "They go about fully armed," he says. "Myra especially is a clever markswoman. They were rendering aid to their outlaw father and could there fore be attacked If they refused to sur render." Our Birthday Book October 10, 1910. Henry Wade Rogers, dean In the law department of Yale university, was born October 10, 1K3, at Holland Patent, N. Y. He was at one time president ot North western university at Hvanston, and Is the author of a number of law books. John M. Studebaker, founder of the Studebaker wagon industry. Is 77 years old today. He was born In Gettysburg, Pa. At the start he made the woodwork on the wagon for which his brothers forged the Ironwork. Victor H. Metcalf, former secretary of the navy, was born October 10, H&3, In 1'tlca. He served as member of congress from a California district, heading the naval affairs committee, whlsh prepared him for his active work later on. W. W. Bingham, wholesale fruit and produce merchant, Is (7. He was born In Brookfleld, Wis., and began business In On aha In 174. associating himself two years later with his father In the name of K. Bingham & Son. He served In the city council several times and has been a can didate for mayor. Harry 8. Welier, fecretary of the Rich ardson Drug company, is celebrating t.ls t:l birthday. He was born In Macon. Mo., and Is completing twenty-five years in the drug business, begun at Wulncy, 111. lit first located in Omaha in lWd. PICKED rOSIES. Kearney Democrat: Victor Kosewater ' says tn The Hep that the bosses must go. ' Is Victor Kidding himself goodbyeT 1 HioMnfield Advocate: Vic Rosewatcr of : The Bee, who Is now vlsltlns: In Old Mexico. Java If he were compelled to drink the i llqvor they serve down there he would make application for membership In the Women Christian Tniperanee union. If he did. wt tid It make a prohibitionist of him? Blair Pilot: We herewith hand Mr. Rose water our congratulations, not for doing what he should do In his position, but for doing what many of us never thought l.e would do. And lie has a reason for "the faith that is In him." "that Senator Aid rich has no corporation Ftrlngs attached to him." and It's a good one. Humphrey Democrat: Vic Hosewater has returned from a trip to Mexico and has tens to announce that ho and The Omaha Bee Is for Aldrlch anil the entire repub lican ticket. Well, Judging from the recent primary election In Douglas county. In which The Bee refused to support Mr. Dahlinan, It concerns the democratic ticket very little who Mr. Kosewater and his paper supports. Falls City Journal: There Is evidence of a political campaign being on. Victor Kosewater has had to tell where he stands over his own name In The Omaha Bee. lie Is against Dahlinan and county option, but he regards county option as a local Issue to be settled by euch legislative district for itself While Dahlman he regards as a danger to the whole state and a menace to good government. Albion News: The Omnha Bee has final. y taken a position on the governorship, and says It is for Aldrlch In splto of his po sition on county option. Whether It will benefit Mr. Aldrlch for that paper to profess friendship for him while it de nounces his standard on the paramount isfue of the- campaign, raises a qjestlon that can only bo answered by the returns from Douglas county after the votes are counted. . North Platte Tribune: Certain papers having raised the question of The Omaha Bee's support of Aldrlch for governor, Vic tor Rosewater made reply to the critics In yesterday's Bee, and In part says: "The Uoe favors the election of Aldrlch not be cause he has proclaimed him for county option, but In spite of it. It favors him because he represents republican Ideas In government; because he has no corporation strings attached him; because so far as we know, his integrity has not been as sailed; because a clean cut republican vie- tory, Indicating that Nebraska is In line with the progressive policies of Taft and Roosevelt, would be worth a great deal to this state and to the country." Papltllon Times: The Times must ap prove the sentiment recently expressed by Victor Rosewater, editor of The Omaha Bee, who recently in a signed editorial stated that he personally and The Bee as a newspaper were 'for Aldrlch rather be cause he was a republican than because he represented the county option side ot the liquor question, giving aa his reason that he refused to accept the liquor ques tton as the paramount and overshadowing Issue In this campaign. The Times haa re peatedly made this statement that county option Is not the greatest question before the people of Nebraska to solve at this time, and rather favora fighting the battles this fall upon strict party principles, Democrats have the opportunity of their lives to make a telling and winning fight against the standpat republican policies as represented b the Iniquitous tariff law re cently enacted. This one question alone far overshadows the county option ques tion, while a large number of other party principles also call for the undivided at tention and support ot every true and loyal democrat. A WAM.XU LlAlllV. Fireplace a Lost Factor In Household Comfort. Boston Transcript. There are few factors in the equation of our economic and social life, during the last century, that have undergone more radical change than that of heating. It Is within a comparatively recent period that science has regarded it as a part of Its business to keep people warm, at least in this country. Nature had apparently provided for that In exhaustless measure. The early settlers built their fireplaces on a most comprehensive plan. They would do vote nearly the whole side of a house to one of them, and then when the season opened, with backlogs, torestick and fillings enough wood would be consumed in a season to last the modern stove or grate for a decade. They could not burn this fuel fast enough to clear their land and so they built huge bonfires for the sole pur pose of relieving the soil of what they re garded as an obstructive burden. There was comfort In this prodigal and exhaustive demands upon the forest prod uct. It furnished the conditions for quaint hospitality and good cheer beyond anything In the modern devices, yet no one thought of It as a luxury. It was the freest thing the people knew. For their crops they had to plough and plant and cultivate, else there would be no harvest. Even the water supply might fall them in a dry season, but the trees were always ready tor the axe and they used it freely without dream ing of what it might mean to a few gen erations beyond them. It is less than 100 years since the people of the United States became familiar with the coal stove, the coal grate or the furnace for warming their houses and a still shorter time since the steam or hot water radiators have be come agents for this purpose. When coal firBt began to find a place in the general economy it was largely the fuel of the rich. Now, except In the rural sections, the conditions have been reversed. The latest estimate of the forestry service, necessarily only approximate, Is that the people of this country annually consume fire-wood to the value of l,000,0ui),000. Yet there has been a steady falling off in this respect and that for obvious reasons. Thirty years ago, with less than two thirds of the population that we have now and a lower cost for all forest products, the annual consumption amounted to a value of nearly a third of a billion. These thirty years have witnessed the most rapid exhaustion of wooded growth In the history of this or any other country. What will the figures show thirty yeaik hence? The open wood fire, which at once provides warmth, has never lost Its place In popular affection. But for Its cost it would still challenge displacement. Rich people are putting more fireplaces in their houses than for many years and builders advertise then as special atti actions. But they have become luxuries and every year that status Is being emphasized so that the dreams that the leaping flames inspire will be enjoyed only by a constantly nar rowing circle. A Princely olver. Philadelphia Record. John S. Huyler, who died in New York last week, was one of the greatest givers among liberal American millionaires. A dozen years ago It was aald that he devoted to ore of his time to charities than to his business, and that his annual contributions to religion and benevolence amounted to t.iOOuO. Slnoa then his fortune haa In creased, and he Increased the time and money devoted to efforts to make the world more comfortable and better. No one knows definitely how much he has been giving away, but It Is conjectured that for several years his donations have "munltj to fi.OOO a year. PERSONAL NOTES. As King Manuel will not be twenty-on until November 1", it would seem that the I'oi t ug ucse revolutionists nilcht have waited until then to give him a "fieo doni party." J. Fleri-ont Morgan's grandchildren don't think he looks anything like the plduus that aro usually printed of him. They Iiuk and kiss him. Laslern people are apt to speak lightly of tlio small population with which New Mexico comes Into the union. They for get that It has more than Delaware, and has a chance to grow. Down In Texas they are hunting for the heirs of a man who was lynched sev eral years ago. Ills estate amounts to H.eOO.oOO, so It Is thought that not many heirs will remain In hiding oh account ol the disgrace. John U. Mulr of the United States Murine Corps, who Is about to be re tired because of disabilities acquired in the dush to Peking, has been appointed cashier in the United States euhtreasury In Philadelphia. J. D. Vols for fifty-five years a tele Kiaph operator and a member of the civil war telegraph corps, died In Flgln, 111. Fioru Koine, tin., he sent the message li; President Lincoln outlining General Sher man's march to the sea. The late Congressman William C. Oittcs, of Alabama, left In his will an epitaph to be placed on his monument w h.cn reads: "Born In poverty, reared in at verlty, without educational advantage, yet by honest Individual effort he oo talned a competency and the confidence of his fellow man. while fairly liberal to relatives and to the Worthy poor." Frances A. Kellor of New York, hat been appointed chief Investigator In thP stute labor department, stands where slu can befriend the Immigrant who Is the prey of sharks. This young woman has discovered twelve Or thirteen lnws relai ituj to the Immigrant 'which would, If tliey were enforced, give to him ample pro tection. Without a vote Miss Kellor has found a way to do effective work. PASSING PLEASANTRIES. "Well who do you think you are" asked David, unafraid. "1 am the man hlglier up," gruff Iv an swered Uoliath, looking . contemptuously down upon him. y ' But David got hlm.-Chleagd Tribune. th'eY?ace" ' Hem l ,rllU ,he rw,ul,s of t.i' yL".w' ,a'" ald. the editor of the Plunkvllle Palladium. ".We have all tie Joau'rnal.PU,y -"-l-'vlll Courier? Doctor (to typhoid patientl-Do you re member where you drank water? H.., Mt"rUh' e"! lt w back on the dear old farm-twenty years ago.-Puck Guest-I ll take some o' that NV alter-Some & which, boss?' reVd?"'-01"6 " that thcre- Walter-Scuse me. suh. I ain't had no education, elther-cieveland plah, Dealer! Uncle Ebon Looks to me as If that ex press trams going faster than usual to- Lncle Kzra-'Course It Is! Squire Hot kins sent a special delivery letter to hU ; 1tneNtinV,,rk hls Trning! "? th S was the train It was goin' out on-Puok. "Indeed, papa, you do not sufficiently appreciate Willie, ijveryboay .ays The a a coming man." ' 18 "Well, you tell him he will be much more popular with me If he Is more of a going one. '-Baltimore American. "I understand that D'Auber showed you all his pictures the other ' day " ..Xf- 1 "ttW them all." good ' 8ay- M" tM;"t eturesre very Pl'a"n Dealer. "hW m" those.''-Cleveland Mrs. Chugwater JoBlah what la ti, meaning of the word octopus? " " U'e g.ess thUa,tW?r,.hh0Uld tl,lnk yu could eliht nS -TOm..the WO,d U8elf; Octo. Chlc.goPTrlbuneat: 0t0PU8' eht c'--: motor!""5 "PenU 'whols Ute In , m" '.,,y ot ,h8 fleId- '"n't she?" but1,.T1.s1rJJrU8.Bhe 10,19 )H,i"fiWlfeBVppo''' whn you're blast wTndow?'" rOCk COme' r,8ht through our Contractor That'll be all right lnriv agalnd.0' ' " ' THE LOST CHILD. J. W. Folev. In N.w -V I. I member when they cut my curls not very long ago, not Because they looked juat like a girl s and 1 USet? Wr em awful 'on-, and onee my pa, he Bald, . once E?,.1 IS Ey.ouJl cut o" and wore .w. ..ea.il hibichu; "1nPiHS.dnmy I"''' " n y Oh- eght BUt n1ofhrL : off. my Her face a little bit and crle. I wonder why .he did! wonaer And .f,t.,r,wi',le. h.8 P.l on. up and " itir nana H,"Hm'th'n h'ning In her eye. I dldn t understand; 1 She petted it as if It wa. a little boy or bu?a 'curl. f K When " wa noth,n And after 'while they're all cut off and . . down there on the floor. And I looked much more like a boy than I hfcd been before, .Wn"d"t"rrjd'ea,n,7trher To brush away, but su.l it came. , wonder And after 'while I'm all trimmed off and then my pa, he said, .. 1 u Vatbaby any mo,e' Dut I'm a boy Instead, J And ma,".'h:fl!ieaUd ' - Bnd th" my An1 TuilTecMlS? by that. day nd So I said 1 would" hunt for him and bring him back, but thon " 8he said she was afraid that he would not come back again; And h.krfoor".dr'i:,d hd M Up ,rora " Them In her bureau drawer and cried I wonder why .tie did. Weatherstrip On Your Windows and Doors Will Cut Coil Bills and Doctor Bills IT'S WIND PROOF Wemthersirlp is a permanent Improvement that keeps out cold In winter and dust In summer and It also prevents window rattling. Weatherstrip takes the place of storm windows and can ba put on both old and new bouses. To have It put on right now means that the cost of its installa tion will be saved on your coal bill this winter. We will be pleased to call and explain tbe merits of Weatherstrip, its cost, etc. Telephone D. J. II. TURNEY&CO.J Sole Ageiit. American Weatherstrip U5 Ko. l:ith fttroet