Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE; OMAHA. MONDAY, OCTOttER 10. 1010.
President Braga of Portugal Makes an
Official Statement.
Veliajtoaa Order Diuolted ! Monks
Kaas Glreai Tifttr-rif
Hoars la Wfclrk to Lear
LISBON, Oct. t.-tSpeeial Cablegram.)
"There can be no progress In Portugal
until the power of the church In affairs of
tate Is sbsolutely broken."
This Was the emphatic statement made
today by President Drags In explanation
of the decre dissolving the religious or
ders and ordering all monks and nuns to
liave th country within twenty-four
hours. ,
Itla-htly or wrongly to the Influence of
th church, the republicans attribute the
condition of the country. A considerable
proportion of th people show great ani
mosity toward the clergy. Th churches
remain closed.
In tb belief that th monasteries and
convents are storehouses of wealth that
should be appropriated by the government,
many of these Institutions are being
searched and their valuables confiscated.
More than a snore of priests, accused of
seditious utterances against the govern
ment, were arrested today. The police
raided their homes in rough fashion. de Pom ha I Arrested.
Almost immediately after today's de
era of expulsion was Issued, the Marquih
d Pombal was placed under arrest,
charged with having sheltered members
of religious bodies and concealed arms
in his ho line. Troops were stationed in
th vicinity of the religious establish
ments to prevent attack upon them by
Bom of th monasteries are still hold
ing out and It Is reported that they will
b stormed at daybreak tomorrow.
It is reported that a number of leading-
royalists and clericals who held out
to th last against the new government,
ara to be shot to death.
There is fear in ' some quarters that the
nw administration will go too far in
punlihlng Its enemies. The Spanish gov
ernment has already interfered In behalf
of a Spanish citizen, a member of the
city guard, who Is under death sentence.
Outwardly, Lisbon is calm tonight, save
that horse patrols move through the
streets. Even th carriages fly the re
publican flag.
Royalists talk wildly of a rising in the
north to restore the king, but such a ris
ing is hopeless; the republic Is fairly estab
lished. Nevertheless, the new government
continues Its active preparations against
a resumption of hostilities by royalists.
President Braga declared today that the
reports from th provinces where the mon
archist spirit was supposed to be strongest,
gave the utmost encouragement to the new
ministry and there is little chance of a
royalist movement against the capital.
"But we must not overlook our work of
preparation," he said.
"Th people ar still In a state of great
excitement and until normal conditions are
restored, we will take every precaution
against endangering our new-found liber
ties which hav been so dearly won."
A prominent general was arrested today
on suspicion of trying to ferment a counter
revolution, but the royalltsts have no rally
ing point and Manuel is weak and puerile.
Th republic satisfies the vast bulk of
th peopj. wlM) believe King Manuel sys
tematically ' overdrew the civil list to sup
port private Immoralities.
They blame the dowager queen for ex
travagance too, and declare that she took
money from the treasury illegally.
Naw Meat la Charge.
Th new government seems most busi
nesslike. President Braga is a noted liter
ary man, trusted even by th royalists.
Several members ' of the cabinet hav the
highest reputation for honor and idealism,
like th ministers In th French cabinet
of 1848. An astonishing number of professors
and school teachers are among the republi
cans. All but on of th newly appointed
governors of provinces' ar school teachers.
Th flower of th army and navy, tho
skilled laborers are republicans. The peas
ants ar divided In opinion, acordlng to the
politics of their employers. Th win grow
ers ar royalists; the corn growers repub
licans. All In all, the revolution was accom
plished with less bloodshed than was ex
pected. Perhaps Its most remarkable fea
ture was ,the murder of loyalist officers
by their owe soldiers, reminding one of the
Constantinople mutiny. Th soldiers who
haru sworn allegiance to the republic still
wear t crown on their uniforms.
Th Impression grows that the revolution
ists will become anti-mllltarlsis finally and
that th republican doctrines will permeate
Epaln quickly.
WkreaJoats of Kins; Manarl.
MADRID, Oct. I. The I Waldo prints a
dispatch from Gibraltar, asserting that
King Manuel left there for Portugal on
board th American cruiser les Moines.
His departure, the dispatch says, was the
result of an agreement concluded by the
United States, Great Britain and Germany,
which was hurriedly communicated to the
powers last night.
Th story goes on to say that yester
day King Manuel and th queen mother,
Atiiell. had a two hours' conference with
th Gibraltar authorities on board the
yacht AmeUe. At th same time activity
was noted at naval headquarters, whither
th commander of the Des Moines had
been summoned by th admiral-superintendent.
Frederick 8. Pelham. The naval
offlcera sent lenghty telegrams to their
respective governments.
At nightfall the commander of the Des
Moines went quietly aboard his ship,
while Admiral Pelham, accompanied by
two aides, went aboard the An d e. Later
they conveyed two persons with the great
est secrecy from her to the Des Moines,
Which Immediately weighed anchor, In
pit of th , fact that there were
many officers and men ashore and yro
Oeedod at full speed to Portugal.
nAoninuiuA, uci. a. 3 c. repovv ,
that King Manuel left tor Portuirii. j
board th American cruiser Des Molr.J: j
bow headed for Lisbon, Ik ridiculous vs.)
absurd, according, to the .Navy ut;.i tv
Kewspapera of Madrid Ar Peasant
ins; a Herniation.
MADRID, (lot a ,;. 1 -i.i... x
- - - . .-tut KirirBiBiii.f I
Only the Iron band of Valeniano Wevler
iit-Tem opsin joining Portugal In th re
publican ranks and It Is not at all sure
that he will be able to save the monarchy.
Nevertheless, the Spanish radical news
papers. Illuminated with big type carica
tures, demand a revolution. The critical
day will be next Ttrffrsday, the anniversary
f Francisco Ferrer's execution.
A railroad journey from the Portugal
frontier today clearly showed the um at
In paln. When the train stopped at a
station, guarded by Spanish soldiers, one of
them who was reading a newspaper de
scribing events In Portugal, cried of a
"Long live thi republic."
t another station near th frontier Span
art soldiers mere clipping newspapers
whlrh reproduced a pro-republican article
by the Nation, a London periodical, whl "h
they styled 'the official organ of Lloyd
George's cabinet."
On the train were many Portuguese roy
sllst aristocrats of a rather poor type.
One big landowner kept telling his neigh
bors that his numerous fsrm hands, armed
with lassoes snd clubs, would be more then
a match for the republican soldiers, whose
ammunition would run out. But ihe land
owner did not hurry to lead his farm hands
against the rebel troops; he went on to
Madrid with the other royalists.
Mareh of Repabllraalam la Portugal
May Kfrert Hrltlsh Empire.
LONDON, Oct. 8. (Special Cablegram.)
For British statesmanship the march of
republicanism in the lberlun peninsula ha.
more than the Importance of a delicate
Issue of foreign relations to be handled
by Sir Edward Grey. It has direct bearings
upon the International political situation.
This, because of the extraordinary efCnrts
'f Mr. Asiiulth and his lieutenants in the
radical coalition to secure for the democ
racy its proper share In government by
curbing the house of Lords, cannot be di
vorced absolutely from the status of the
monarchy Itself.
Edward VII clearly recognized the con
nection and did not try to conceal his
anxiety from his entourage. One of the
most menacing cries raised agalnsta the
Lords was the cry of James Kelr Hardle
last winter:
"We count upon the aid of the crown
against the arrogance of the peer; and, If
we are disappointed, It may be that the
crown will follow the coronet to the melt
ing pot." Tories delight to call him "Queer"
Hardle; and even the liberals suspect him
of overestimating his value to the re
mainder of mankind; but Hardle does rep
resent In his noisy fashion a party cer
tainly not diminishing and his fling at
"tyrants of all tanks," is recalled today.
Little Shaky In Knicland.
After discussing the chances for and
against a serious republican movement In
the near future among any of'lhe popula
tions of the monarchical powers, an able
thinker, seeking a point of contact between
I'ortugueht republicans and the democracy
of the United Kingdom, says it Is Incon
ceivable that the leaders of political thought
in England, when taking a broad view of
events In Lisbon, should not see the light
these cast upon the forthcoming coronation
of George V, "a ceremony bound to do one
of two things either Increase or decrease
the sources of democracy In the greatest
state of the modern world."
Whether republican success In Portugal
will greatly stimulate republican feeling
In this country is doubtful. The republican
movement here has not amounted to much
since the diamond Jubilee of Victoria,
though prior to that celebration it deserved
some attention.
A widespread outburst of loyalty to the
reigning family followed the death of "The
best fellow who ever had the misfortune
to swing a scepter," as Tim Heal de
scribed him.
Quite likely the pageantry and fetes of
the coronation next year will work in
the same direction throughout feudal Eng
land, however, it may be In Scotland,
Wales and Ireland.
Something May Happen.
But, altogether apart from the future
of royalty, there is to be reckoned with
the lnfllenoe coronation enthusiasm may
exert upon (he campaign the radicals are
conducting against the lords.
A prominent tory organ accuses them of
"warming at their campfires the whole
brood of revolutionary vipers," and ap
parently this charge is a cue cleverly
chosen and given to th high pacty by
the adroit Balfour. . ""
Unionists profess to believe that the
rising tide of national enthusiasm for
crown and empire will swamp the rad
icals at the next general election, whether
it occurs In January or later In 1911.
To this the radicals reply that the spec
tacle of the democracy of Portugal boldly
changing intolerable conditions by the only
method available stirs the souls of true
democrats In all lands and must encour
age the British and Irish democrats to
strike down their aristocratic oppressors
at Westminster.
It is significant, nevertheless, that the
practical men In liberal councils are urging
that the appeal to the country on the
constitutional issue be made before the
coronation excitement sets In. January Is
their month the earliest period con-
Crank Unfolds
Supposed Scheme
to Kill Mr. Taft
Man Calls at Home of Miss Delia
Torrey Who Claims to Have
Overheard Plotters.
MlLLBURY, Mass., Oct 9. -An alleged
scheme for the assassination of President
Taft was unfolded to Miss Delia C. Torrey,
aunt of the president, by a stranger who
called at her home yesterday. The man, who
refused to give her his name, claimed to
have overheard the plotters while in Bos
ton. As he departed he threatened to re
turn and kill Miss Torrey If the matter got
into the newspapers.
The man went away from Mlllbury as
suddenly and as mysteriously as he had
come and tonight there Is no clue as to
his w hereabouts, although Miss Torrey Im
mediately reported the facts to the Mill
bury authorities, and they in turn asked
the assistance of the Worcester police.
The matter has also been reported to the
secret service authorities. In telling of the
man's visit. Miss Torrey said:
"He told me he had been in Boston and
heard some men say they were going to
kill the president and he thought I ought
to know about it. He did not tell me his
name or leave his card and, altogether, he
was a queer acting man. He said he did
not want anything to get Into the papers
about it and If it did lie would come back
to kill me. As soon as he left I got word
to the selectmen, for he was such a queer
acting man that 1 did not know what
wculd happen."
BEVERLY, Mass., Oct. . Th report of
an alleged plot to murder President Taft.
which was told to the president's aunt,
Mls Delia Torrey. reached the secret
agents her tonight, and as a result the
guard about the summer White House is
even more alert than usual. The secret
service men regard Miss Torrey's visitor
as a crank, and the fact that he Is still at
large is sufficient reason for them to keep
a sharp lookout around Burgess Point.
Primary I laase I aroustltntlonal.
BIsrMAKCK. N. p., Oct. i.-The clause of
the North Dakota primary law which de
clares that a candidate for nomination must
have JO per cent of the number of votes
cast for the successful candidate for secre
tary of state at the last preceding general
election In order to get upon the general
election ballot was declared unconstitu
tional by the supreme court of the state
this afternoon. The court contends it is
an undue restriction upon the right of
voters to run for office.
Perloas Lacerations
and wounds are without danger of
blood poisoning by Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the healing wonder. Ike For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Carroll, Cummins, Dolliver, Porter,
Bryan and Moon on Stomp.
ae of Falrvlrvr Is Waleklna; Iloone
elt and "ays lie Is X'ot ore
Latter Has liaised An
(From a Ptaff Correspondent )
DES MOINES, la., Oct. 8 (Special. )
At last there Is a good prospect that the
state campaign in this state will take on
some semblance of a real contest between
parties. This week there will be at least
a doxen different speakers out at work.
The republicans will have Governor Car
roll on the stump, also Senators Dolliver
and Cummins and most of the congress
men and candidates for congress. It Is
announced that both of the senators will
do a great deal of speaking In the state
and will contribute largely to the result.
The democrats will have Mr. Bryan, also
Claude Porter, Senator E. G. Moon, Judge
M. J. Wade, John Dennison. Jerry B. Sul
livan and a great many others. The Bryan
meetings In the Seventh and Eighth dis
tricts are likely to prove of great Import
ance In fixing the Issues of the campaign.
Amons the republicans there Is great
rejokinir because of the announcement
from Washington yesterday that the pres
ident has appointed Mr. Clark as post
master at Newton. This was one of the
most conspicuous of the cases from Iowa
that had caused friction and which
threatened the success of the entire ticket.
Clark had been recommended for post
master and was appointed, but afterwards
his name was withdrawn. There has been
practical agreement among all republicans
at Newton that Clark was an excellent
man. Congressman Kendall determined
he would stand by him. It was never made
Just clear why his name was withdrawn
until the recent Norton letter in regard
to the dispensation of patronage. But until
the matter was settled there was little
hope of the election of a republican to con
gress In that district; in fact the situation
was causing so much trouble that it had
thrown a damper on the whole campaign
Now It Is stated that with the atmos
phere cleared there will be a great
strengthening of the republican ticket all
over the state.
Ilryan on American Politics.
"I am deeply Interested In your demo
cratic candidates for congress in this state
and will speak especially for them," said
Hon. William J. Bryan, as he tarried at
democratic state headquarters between
trains Saturday.
"I suppose you want to know about the
next congress. Well, it will be democratic
I can't give you exact figures on the ma
Jorlty. It is more Important that it be In
fact controlled by tho democrats."
When It was suKgested to him that a
local standpat editor had expressed a
hope of about' seventy-five democratic ma
jority, he added: "I expect that's about
right, but anyway It will be enough."
"What do you think of Colonel Roose
velt?" was asked.
"It's an Interesting study. I am watch
Ing him. You will notice that the quality
of his insurgency varies according to lo
cality. He appears to be a great deal
more of an Insurgent In Kansas than in
New York. As for his new nationalism
I am not quite certain. If he will submit
a diagram showing what Is new In his
nationalism and national in his newlsm, I
will try to pass Judgment upon It. But
in what he has been saying and doing
there Is not very much that Is either new
or national.
"The proposal for the national lncorpora
tlon of railroads is likely to come nearest
to raising a question as to the concenua
tlon of power In the nation. But he is
going to find a great many republicans un
willing to follow him In this proposal. All
the democrats will be against it. Hence
there Is not much prospect of an Issue
there. The democratic attitude toward thj
railroad question is clear. We democrats,
as expressed in our national platform
favor the solving of all Intrastate ques-
lions under state authority and the na
tional solution of Interstate problems. In
other words, the federal authority Is to be
Invoked only to supplement the state au
thority and to be used only when and
where the state authority will not suffice.
Trere Is no occasion for a federal au
thority supplanting state authority.
"Now as to conservation," continued Mr.
Bryan, "you will notice that the New York
platform seeks to avoid raising the Issue
of national or state supremacy by refer-
lng to both as necessary. That would In
dicate that the new advocates of conserva
tion are not quite sure of their position
In fact It would be hard to say that it was
a change of front or a backdown from the
attitude at St. Paul, because that was
never made very clear.
"On the whole," said Mr. Bryan, "demo
cratlc prospects are very bright. I have
made on speech in Kansas and several In
Missouri. Everywhere the democrats arc
making a gallant fight for the principles
they have long supported. I anticipate that
Iowa will make good report of Itself.".
Mr. Bryan stopped off between trains on
the way from Pel la to Osceola and spent
an hour at 'headquarters.
This week he speaks at Corning and
Creston on Tuesday, Leon and Osceola on
Wednesday .and Adel and Des Moines on
Speaking; Dates for Carroll.
The republican state committee today an
nounced the following campaign dates tor
Governor Carroll next week:
Tuesday Crawford county: Manila,
Arlon, Buck Grove, Kenwood. Charter Oak,
Khkelts. Schleswlg, Boyer, Kewcom, Be
lolt. Vail. West Side. Denlson. The big
meetings of the day will be an afternoon
meeting at Charter Oak and the night
meeting at Denlson.
Wednesday Calhoun county: Rockwell
City, Lake City, Lohrvllle and probably
Thursday Hamilton county: Ellsworth
In afternoon and Webster City In evening.
Friday Franklin county: AH county
officers and legislative candidates will be
In auto tour of county, visiting Chapln.
Doss not coataia Opiate
Tnn PBom'i F.isedt f ir Coughs Colds.
Troup, V hooplng-Cough. Bnnu'liiUa. Oripi
Luugii,llurei.ea,eio. Safeandsure. UCU,
Write for It tiav. Mcnlkjathls fsner. AMrcu
i.uluiiUa CO fc.AlU.uOiU.. Mix
Sheffield. Alexander. ljttlmer. Hansel.
Reeve. Oenevi, Falkner and Waterloo. At
Waterloo the governor Is to speak before
the meeting of the Iowa Stat Dairy asso
ciation. Saturday-Black Hawk county: With
Congressman Charles E. Pickett, Governor
Carroll will address tlu? republican rallv.
which in the evening will be addressed by
Senator J. P. Dolliver.
Joka D. Hornby Passes Away After
Lifetime pent In Kdaentlonal
LOGAN, la,, Oct . (Special Telegram.)
-John D. Hornby died at his home in
Logan Saturday afternoon. As Mr. Horn
by had been out of health for some time
and somewhat advanced in v..-. ki.
death was not entirely unexpected.
air. iiornby was prominent in educational
work both in Harrison county and in west
ern Iowa in the seventies and eighties. He
was principal of the Mmrnoii. ...i
"i o'iriiii
from lX-,2 to 1X79. after which he served two
terms as county superintendent of Harri
son county and was afterward elected
superintendent of the Logan schools
Rev. Dwrght Newell Hlllls. the' Main
brothers. Mlnilur Mills and others In the
ministry; Dr. J. W. Brownrlgg of Omaha.
Dr. Fred Bobbins of Woodbine. Willis and
Almor Stern, the Wood brothers and At
torney Thomas Arthur of Logan and W. O
Riddell, superintendent of the Des Moines
schools, were his Magnolia pupils. Anions
former pupils before his work in Harrison
county were Theodore Shonts of New York
and ex-Senator Mason of Illinois.
Two daughters. Mrs. Clara Townsend
and Mrs. Charles Yates, survive Mr
Hornby. The funeral will be held Sunday
at 3 p. m. interment In Logan cemetery.
Departing; Manager of American Is
Remembered by tbe Mouse
Just before Walter M. Leslie, late man
ager of the American Music hall, left for
Boston Saturday, where he goes to take
charge of the William Morris Interests in
New England, he was given a pleasant
reminder of the fact that he had made
some warm friends in Omaha during his
short stay. The stage hands and other
employes of the American called him on
the carpet and presented him with a hand
some umbrella and a traveling bag. No
speeches were made, beyond the mere an
nouncement to Mr. Leslie of the fact that
the working force of th American re
gretted his going, and his acknowledg
ment of the gift.
A Generous and Charitable Wish.
"I wish all might know of the benefit I
received from your Foley's Kidney
Remedy." says I. N. Regan. Farmer, Mo.
His kidneys and bladder gave him so much
pain, misery and annoyance, he could not
work, nor sleep. He says Foleys Kidney
Remedy completely cured him. Sold by '
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A No. 141 'DEAL Roller snd 461 ft. of SA
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beat thi cottage. At thlt price th
goods can h boucht of any reputable,
competent Fitter. This did not include
coat of labor, pipe, valvta, frcmht, etc,
which installation la titra and varlca ac
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Uprising in Amapla and Foreigners
Are Driven Out.
Orders tilven to I'lHCe imerlenn anil
Enallah "nbjerts In Jail linn
boat on War to Scene of
GrATEMALA CITY, Oct. 8. (Special
Cablegram.) Foreign residents of Amapala.
Hondruas. have fled that city to escape
outrage nt the hnnds of the commandantc.
who has given orders that all Americans
and English In the place are to be Jailed
and their property confiscated. The order
of Imprisonment was equivalent to exe
cution. The greater part of the Americans' prop
erty has been seized by the commandante.
Tho English consul at Amapala has es
caped to San Salvador. Immediately on his
arrival he cabled his government for a
cruiser to protect English property. When
the Anmpala commandante heard of this
he declared he would burn the town the
moment a British vessel armed with guns
appeared on the horizon.
Before their flisht several of the Eng
lish and American families were subjected
to cruelties at the hands of putty officials.
The escape of the English consul was ef
fected amid a storm of bullets fired by a
squad of soldiers who went to arrest him
on a charge of fomenting revolution.
Pitlaglnn- the Houses.
The result of the commanilante's actions
Is a state of anarchy among the natives,
who are the homes of the for
eigners who fled. Liitle surprise Is oc
casioned here by the receipt of news of
an outbreak at Amapala because the situa
tion in Honduias so far as England and
Washington are concerned has been pre
carious for a long time.
Only recently when the American minis
ter, Mr. McCreary, arrived at Amapala
on his way to Honduras TegacUalpa. he
was subjected to insult at the hands of
the same conimamlante, who stirred up
this row.
President Davila had sent word to the
commandante to receive Mr. McCreary
with dignity. The commandante sent word
back to the president that he would not
"show honor to any of Taft's dogs." The
result was that McCreary was received by
the German residents in Amapala. They
had been appealed to by President Davlia.
Shortly afterward Minister McCreary
heard that the Amapala commandante had
named his dog Taft. to show his opinion
of Yankees. Washington knew of the In
sult, but said nothing because it was then
trying to arrange a loan ' for Honduras.
Notwithstanding the threats of the com
mandante, the British cruiser Scylla has
started for Amapala.
Gnnbunt 011 the Way.
WASHINGTON, Oct. S. (Special Tele
gram.) At the request of the State de
partment the gunboat Princeton, now at
Acapulco, Mexico, was directed by cable
to proceed to Honduras to protect the lives
Winter King
make a new
record on your
this season?
Radiators iBoilers
How Best to
First Cost ......
Coal Consumption -
Average Durability . . ,
Heat Distribution . . . ,
Temperature . . . . ,
Ventilation ......
Quality of Heated Air -
Dust and Dirt . - - . .
Danger of Fire - - - . .
Danger of Explosion . .
Noise ........
Management . . . . .
Relative Cost of Apparatus
Fuel Economy - - - . .
Y, Tons
12 Years
Uneven, Difficult
Bad, Draughty
Scorched, Burned
Pipes Conduct Much
When IDEAL Boilers are used.
Our catalog- (free) has a wealth of concise heating and ventilating
information which every owner or tenant ought to have. If you
want to throttle down the fuel bills and stop the ills of old-fashioned
heating, write, phone, or call today. Inquiries welcomed.
property of Americans thee. Most
alarming report of revolutionary condi
tions In Amapala and the western provtne-s
of Honduras are reaching the Stiite de
partment. They convey the Impression that a state
of annrrhy exlrts and thnt foreign residents
are fleeing from the city snd province under
the threat of being burned at the stake.
Commander t'h.irles W. Hayes of tie
Princeton notified the Navy department of
his departure for Amapala this afternoon.
It is repo-ipd also that Hrltlsh and French
warships are rushlr.g to Amapala to protect
no lives of fornisn residents.
The present emergency seems to have
arisen through the refusal of the com
mandante at Amapala to give up his post
and turn over his command on the orders
of President Davila.
T wo Suspects in
Times Explosion
Sheriff at Tucson, Arizona, is Holding
Men Believed to Have Been in
Los Angles.
TlCSON, Arlx., Oct. S.--H1I1 Hopan and
A. Collie are held by Sheriff Nelson of
Pima county as suspects hi the Los
Angeles dynamiting case. Both men are
known to have been In Los Anireles at
the time of the explosion and have tool
several conflicting stories. Collie has ex
pert knowledee of high explosives.
Don't trifle with a cold is good advice
for prudent men and women. It may be
vital In case of a child. There is nothing
better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for coughs and colds In children. It Is
safe and sure. For sale by all druggists.
The Greatest Comtort Known
to Wearers ot Glasses
Worn by thous
ands and pro
nounced by all
503 Broadway
is c"A
These outfits will effectually stop '
the run-away tendencies of the
average season's coal-bill, as they
erive genuine, fypninl rnmfnrt r v
Warm Our Homes
13 !i Tons
A-l with Indirects
Easy, Automatic
10 Tons
A-l with Indirects
Genial and Fresh
Easy, Automatic
Full Value
I Episcopalians
Make Record
Hates Are riled Up with Fundi
Amounting to $242,110.83 Re
fuse to Change Name.
CINCINNATI. O., (ct. 8-What was de
clared to be the largest collection ever
taken up on plates by any church In Amer
ica, an Interpretation by the house of
bishops on "the open pulpit1' subject and
refusal to change the name of the church
were the most important matters trans
acted by the triennial convention of th
Protestant Episcopal church here today.
A communion service In Christ church was
attended by many hundreds of worship
pers, where the donations were received
from the woman's auxiliary for the gen
rial missionary fund.
At the conclusion of this service It was
announced that the plates had been piled
with funds aggrrgntins; Krj.llO.xi
In the house of bishops this morning th
reply of the bislrops to the petition for
an Interpretation of the church' law re
garding the so-called "open pulpit" ques
tion was made In languago that restricts
tho use of pulp.ts In that church to regu
larly ordained Episcopal ministers.
The proposition for a reconsideration of
the ballot by which the house of bishops
refused to create suffragan bishops came
up today, but was postponed and made a
special order for next Wednesday.
The house of deputies decisively de
feated the proposition to change the nam
of the church.
Fitted only by
our thoroughly
Reliable and Ex
pert Opticians
Council Bluffs, Iowa
IDEAL Boilers are made
upon the unit or .actional
plan. IfbuiMin ia altered
(tiVi of all atructurri are
rtmoUelcd), the IDEAL,
boiler may at any tuna ba
eaatly and quickly chained
In sue.