Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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W Notable Events at Brandeis Stores
rm. Fabric jjjDSili: jfi
of Highest
ca , L -L'ft, I
Are Showing
Clrer Fall
Novelties In
Veilings and
Stores Bell
l VIU and
Lyra Comet.
Many Kxtrema
Novelties Front
Our Own
Taris Office.
r. '
! aaaaa ...
Fine Trimming Laces, Novelty
Bands, Nettings, Garnitures
and Dress Trimmfngs
effects, also
Munsing Underwear .
In the new Persian, Egyptian, multi-colored
bonded, jetted, gold, silver and metallic effects.
Pricos range, per yard, from $10 down to
Women's, Children's and Men's fine, medium and heavy rib
bed cotton and fleecy lined, part wool and all wool all
tr.. . 49c,: 98c, $1.50 to $2.98
The Highest Grade of Kid Gloves
2-clasp Kid Gloves Perrin make, in black, white, gray, green,
champagne and all the newest fall shades. Fitted to the hand.
Main Glove Counter, per pair, at $1.75 and $2.00
Black, white, tan, grey and blue, all sizes. Fitted if desired,
per pair, at $1.25
There Is a charm about Bran
deis Hats that Is always lacking
In hats of less worthy origin.
A Brandeis Hat is always
strictly correct always harmon
ious in color and always an ex
ample of perfect taste.
Our Importation from Paris
-this season cannot be surpassed
by the showing of any other Amer
ican milliner.
ve mention superb fall models
$25 to $75
"Favored by Fa$hionB Colony"
"Welcomed and Appreciated by All Omaha'
We invite the people of this city and vicinity to be our guests at
the formal opening of Omaha's newest and most delightful place
of assembly Brandeis Pompeian Room.
Monday, October Tenth
and continuing throughout the entire week
The Pompeian Room the -most picturesque room of its kind -in
America is designed for. the comfort and pleasure of the people
of Omaha and its environs.
A special engagement for the opening
The Famous Ochlman Trio
,' Instrumental and Vocal Selections
Beautiful and valuable souvenirs presented to our patrons
1 at the tables.
The Pompeian Room is One Series of Innovations
The brilliant Pompeian Fountain is a marvel of hand carving and
artistic coloring.
Visit the Play Room and Nursery, where children may safely be
left in the care of an experienced matron and a trained .
nurse without charge. Baby carriages checked free.
A Men's Smoking Room and Lounging Room, with the appoint
ments of a modern club is on the Mezzanine floor.
Women's Club Room is freely at the disposal of Omaha women.
Women's Retiring Rooms, Emergency Hospital and Silence Room.
Free Parcel Check Room. Checks Cashed free on all banks
U. S. Navy Model of Battleship Oregon, Free Demonstration.
Branch Station U. S. Postoffice. Piano and Orchestra Concerts.
Very Special Offers
Blankets and Comforters
Silkoline Comforters With pure" white
cotton filling sell always at fti rr
$1.50; at,, each. 4J .UU
$3.50 Beacon Bath Robe Blankets at $1.98
Extra large size one makes a robe or
wrapper. Colors absolutely fast cords
and frogs to match,' at, each.- $1.98
Fine California All Wool , $2.50 11-4 and 12-4 Fine
lllankrta fancy plaids
and checks gray, tan,
and white full 11-4
size Bell regularly at
$7.00; at, pair, $5.00
Cotton Hlanketa at
$1.00 a Pair Soft fin
ished, extra heavy
white, tan, gray and
plaids; at, pr., gl.69
tit. Mary's, and. North Star Fine Wool Blanket
No better blankets made, colored and white; at,
i,a,r $3.98 to $20.00
Full Size BinKle Cotton Blankets White and col
oredregular 1.25 a pair grade; at, each, 35J
Infant's Crib and Uo-Cart Blanket and ltobe-s
at. each. . . .15 39 75 9S P to $2.50
Fine Cotton Blanket All colors and white at,
Pair....50 75 98 $1.25 p $3.50
Newest Fall Arrivals Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses
Dress Goods and Silks
New arrivals of Persian silks, the most talked of and scarcest
silk all over Europe and America, Our collection of over 50
different new combinations and tone effects is just superb,
a beautiful line, at 79c to $1.50
In all the newest street and evening shades and pastel color
ings, very brilliant. Manufactured expressly for fine retail
trade. 37 shades in silk dept. very special, per yard, at $1.00
In dark and light shades, very much in demand for house and
party dresses, navies, new browns, champagne, maize, Nile,
etc., per yard, at 39c
. Bordered and plain Marquisette, silk voiles, silk twine voiles,
cashmere printed effects, gauze and mousseline de soie
handsome collection, per yard, up from $1.00
Imp. Dress Fabrics Specially Priced
125 pieces of a very special purchase, 54-inch, strictly new
and elegant fabrics. While most of these fine dress goods
were manufactured to sell at $2.00, we are able to offer them,
per yard, at . 98o
j Every new fall shade, as well as the lighter tints, new browns
; and blues, also black and pastel shades, "per yard, at.. $1.00
All wool novelty suitings, panamas, plain and fancy serges,
Ottoman weaves, Tamise suitings, wool taffetas, etc., rang
ing from 42 to 50-inch, per yard, at 49c and 69o
Light and medium colors, also big line of colors in plain
weaves, regular price 50c a yard, per yard, at 39o
Special in White Goods Dept.
'' White Cotton Crepe for waists, dresses and fine undermuslins,
In plain, stripe and lace effects. This cloth requires no iron-
. ing; per yard, at. . . '. . . 18c, 25c, 39c and up to $1.00
45-inch Wide Nainsook For fine underwear, 8oft finish, and
contains no dressing, made from the finest combed yarn, spe
cial per bolt of 10 yards, at '. $2.10
j r v t i. v -.7-1
Hairdressing Departm't
New Hot, 2nl Fl or
and Pompeian Room.
Best quality 01 an long TVTS
hair switches $2 vaiues f 2i-oJN
for t)8 . fL
24-lnch rolls, special
at OFTi
- . 4a a, K j
Washable Hair Rolls- f.1'
; 75c values, at 50 tV-
Natural Wavy Switches. ?4?ri
2 2 inches long, short ssa5
stem, soeclal '.9.1 w;
2 4 Inches long, made oi
fine hair special ..$5
' 2 8 inches long, made or
fine hair special ..$8
Cluster Puffs .Cluster -Tuffs Cluster uw of
18 m Bet: 12.50 $5.00 values, fine hair
values on nale ' ' , I n
at i.88 at ....$2.48 I at ....$5.00
Extra large nets special only In Pompeian Room,
five for 10
J r
k MY
Brandeis Stores showing of women's ready-to-wear apparel Is so far superior to the ordinary
display that Omaha women of discrimination always come here as a matter of .course.
These are the favorite new suits, made of beautiful broadcloth, trimmed in
braids and soutache. Gowns made wit hthe new waist and shackled skirt ef
fect and coat cut in the new hip lengths, very (C(Y &Q ' f'7 C
exclusive and dressy, at. 4O A 4)CO D
HIGn GRADE TAILORED SUITS, AT $35.00, $39.00 and $49.00
Every stunning, new model for fall finds representation here. All those
smart, new mixed cloths and plain colors. Many of these suits are samples and
the styles cannot be duplicated an unusually fine group. '
"FASII10NSEAL" SUITS for WOMEN are Fall Style ARISTOCRATS, $25.00.
Not to be compared with any-other lines at this price. "Fashionseals" are
in a class by themselves.
This is a cliarinbg group of fall gy wus, made of the prettiest silks and chif
fons. There are 30 different styles and colors to select , (OQ IT A
from, made to-sell as hiirh as $35.00, at. jbZZ.U
Elegant evening and dinner Gowns in individual styles, selected by our own buy- V
ers, at $35.00 to $65.00 Y
Made in the popular high colors, full
satin lined, fancy collars, very pretty
for informal wear; dainty,,
popular colors, $35 values,
Here are coats that are beautifully
tailored, very pretty braid trimmed
effects, shown for the first
time, special, at
Very Smart New Black
Taffeta Waists, all new
ideas, at .$5.00
show a much greater variety of strictly desirable styles than -any
western store. A special group in white and all colors, t r
at DD
We are exclusive selling
agents for th "King" tail
ored Waists, the height of
tailored elegance.
sm i wi
Clever, new chiffon and silk
Persian' Waists, all charm
ing style
at.:. $6.98 to 115.00
Fine braids and silk embroidered trimmings, beautifully tailored,'
black and other desirable shades, a splendid variety, $10
1 1 1
i 1
I; m 1
ill I
Lace Curtain Specials..
Cable Net Curtains la Ivory and Arab color
worth up to $3 a pair special for Monday, at,,
per pair ' V $1.98
Dobbtnet and Scrim Curtains Trimmed with wide
lace worth up to $3.50, at, pair $2.25
Filet Net Curtain In new fall patterns for living
rooms an immense assortment, will go at,
per pair ... $2.08 d $3.50
Portieres Full size, fringe top and bottom
worth up to $3 pair special Monday, pr $1.08
Portieres With tapes-, Couch Covers Our new
, ran line is now mm-
plete; from 98
up to, pair . . .$8.0O
Rope Portieres An end
less assortment at
Sl.ilS up to, per
palr. $11.00
try bands, in brown,
green and red worth
$5 a pair Mondsy, at,
per pair $3.08
8 u n f a s t Portieres
Something new, at, per . . .' JRT.50
ncPOmTAirr AmrouwcBirawT w.
arenUfo" IouM Ef Ua wtr-proof Skd
Clot. TMS oleth will .pon. el.n wlU ao wacko
f(iST lit us timtm yenp window ahatfe ofdsr. Price
th, iowilt. artoom oUor. nn4 o all .bad..
Muslin Sheet and Pillow
Case Dept.
In Our
9-4 bleached
sheeting, meas
ures full 2
yards wide, spe
cial bargain, 10
yard limit 4 c
at, yard .lwl
Yard wide stan
dard white cam
bric, everywhere
a 10c value,
here Monday,
at per
Hemstitched pil
low cases, nicely
made from the
good grade of
bleached cotton,
14c va.lue-1 f
at, each. IvC
Apron .Ginghams
All the wanted blue checks, same weight
as Amoskeag colors absolutely
fast. From the bolt, at, yard
Fancy Outing Flannel
In light and dark colorings, also baby blue, white
gray and cream colored flannels. These high
grade, fluffy, firm, warm flannels are O 1,
the best quality made, at, yard OJC
Yard Wide Silkoline
For making comforters. Thousands of yds.
on bargain square Monday,
at, yard , OzAj
Railroads of the Country Adopt ft
S Uniform Syitem. '
Thru II Will Do PoulbU fr -s-g-r
to Travel with Mark Urealrr
CoavemieBC la Reuprrt to
I Ills Liii,
ona of tho mont welcome Innovations
in railway paiutnger service yet ut out In
the United 6tte Is scheduled to be started
within the sice of a couple of months
time. This Is to be "universal baggaK
service," a thins dreamed of and . hoped
for by all manner of travelijrs for years.
Representatives of all the larwe passen
ger associations of the United Slat, ami
general baa- agents, represent. ng teril-
ioiy all over the country, met In.Chlcas-o
October S, and this new system la to be the
result of the meeting. There wers forty
two men present, J. H. Charltan of the
Transcontinental Passenger association,
acting as chairman.
Oerrit Fort, passenger traffic manager
of the t'nlon Pacific and a member of tka
Transcontinental association, was the rep
resentative of Omaha at the meeting and
he Is more than pleased at the results.
"It Is the one thing that .ias been needed
In Amerca to make passenger traffic per
fect," stated Mr. Port. 'Heretofore each
road or system of roads had Its own man
lier of handling baggage, although the dif
ferences In trie symein showed up most In
case of lost baggage or in special cases
such as the shipments of corpses, etc.
"For instance. It Is now universally un
derstood over all the United States that
traveling men's samples' are to be a part
of his baggage and carrtej In that way.
A dog may be shipped now by allowing
euch dog (provided he Is not of over 5
val:e) to go as luu pounds of a person's
baggage. There Is a uniform rule regard
ing tlia losing of a duplicate check; all you
have to do is to Identify the baggage and
pay SO cents for the check lost. Acorpse can
be carried on one full fare ticket and. may
be checked right through, instead of the
person accompanying- It having to attend
to it at every transfer personally."
The passenger associations represented
at the meeting were as follows: (ew Eng
land, Trunk Un, Central, Western, South
western, Southeastern and the Transcon
tinental. These asaoclations cover practi
cally every road In the country.
Jade Wllbar K. Uryaat af llartlag.
toa to Speak at the Dedica
tion Tharsday.
Ths recently built Catholic church at
Agnew, which la Hxteen miles from Lin
coln, will be dedicated neit Thursday,
Judge Wilbur F. Bryant of Hartlngton has
accepted an Invitation to deliver .an ad
drevs on that occasion, selecting his own
subject. Judge Bryant will talk on 'The
Puritan In Politics." In the course of his
remarks the Judge will discuss at some
length county opUon and prohibition and
church rule. . .
Woodmen Make
, Deal with Rock
Island Railroad
All Obstacles Are . Now Removed and
; ; the Building Plant Are . .
Pushed. -
The Woodmen of the World have com
pleted a deal with the Rock Island Rail
road company and the last obstacle In the
way of a new building Is thereby removed.
In this cans the Woodmen get off a whole
lot cheaper than they did with the Milton
Rogers company, which secured several
thousand dollars as a consideration for
abandoning their lrase on the present loca
tion, next to the Rock Island offices 'at
f ourteenth and Farnam streets. .
The Rock Island has agreed to cancel Its
lease, provided that the Woodmen take
care of It while the new building is going
up and 'with' offices la Uie new buUdlng
equally as good aa those now occupied.
While the work of construction Is going
on the Rock Island will occupy the store
across the street, where the Brlggs hat
shop now. Is.
Architect Ilolablrd of Holablrd Roche
was In Omaha conferring with the Wood
men's building committee and with Fisher
A. Lawrie respecting plans for ths new
building. He will be back again Tuesday
with changes made as suggested by the
building committee. - Following this the
program Is as' follows: Bids will be ad
verllbed. for and the executive council
called together In special session to ap
prove the plans and let the contract. Then
when the first of the year has come around
work on the long-ta!ked-of building will
finally be started. The Union Outfitting
company expects to have Its new building
on Sixteenth and Jacksin computed by
that time and will be ready to move away
from the present location.
l.aKalletle Mill luiprorlag.
ROCHESTER. Minn.. Oct. 8 -Tf.e condi
tion of Senator 1a Follrtte continues to
give entire satisfaction to his phslcians.
Mrs. m. Folletie Lha only one remaining
with Uie mtlout
Wonder Now
is What Bryan
Will Talk About
Indication Are that He Will Talk
During Last Two Weeks
of Campaign.
Around the democratic headquarters
there Is some speculation regarding the
probable part Mr. Bryan expects to take
In the campaign. From some place the in
formation has come that the peerless leader
will devote the last two weeks of the cam
paUn to a tour of the state. Inasmuch as
he has already gone en record, saying he
will not speak one word In behalf of Mayor
rah!inan, the question agitating the offi
cials Is, What will he eayt
Another question of more Importance to
the committee officials Is whether to send
Mr. Bryan under the auspice f the com
mittee If he refusrs to stand for the full
ticket or to Ignore the public proffer of
his services. Several parties have been to
the committee headquarters this week and
they have Insisted to Chairman Byrnes that
If Mr. Bryan goes out under the auspices
of the state committee he must Include
Iiahlman In his list of endorsed candidates.
Otherwise these democrats insist Mr. Bryan
should not be recognised -aa coming from
the committee.
In the meantime, however, Richard L.
Metcalfe Is shaking against Oahlman. his
"personal friend of twenty years," without
repaid to the state committee, and It Is
probable Mr. Bryan will not consult the
committee when he staru out to work for
county option and the balance of the deiu
ocratls ticket.
Mlaaesota Village Destroyed.
WINN1P&1, Man., Oct. I. A bulletin was
received by the general manager of the
Canadian Nortnern railway today thai
Beaudette, Minn., a town of i,in Inhal
Itanis, had been destroyed 6 forest fires.
Uatrr the wires wnt down snd no detaiia
were obtainable. Veeterday It aa reported
the dene woods about ths town ware burning.