Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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r sj neia in mwurif in int iuuui
wood; Thursday evening. Holdrege; Friday
evening, Campbell; Saturday afternoon,
Bladen: evening. Blue Hill; Monday even
ing. Nelson.
Beiiion Now Held at Lincoln May
Take Political Tarn.
year." ha aald. "and I don't thin wen mo
nit t h mm rln ThfV 4nn't seem to cart
enough about ua down there. Wall com. C.Hol Removal Ae.oclatloa Meet
to place like Lincoln, whera they prepare
for ui and where they think something of
the convention. The place to hold these
FAB.MLES GATHER TOB CONGRESS conventions Is In the agricultural districts
like LJncoln and where people are inter
ested in what farmers are doing."
Tatar's Frosrraae.
The crocram does not open until 10:30
tomorrow morning. The invocation will
be given by Rev. T. M. Shlpherd. Mayor
Love, Chancellor Avery of the University
of Nebraska and Governor Bhallenberger
will give addresses of welcome. Charles
F. Sanford of London, O., first vice presi
dent of the congress and O. P. Jeweett
of Dlghton, Kan., are to give the responses.
Appointment of committee), reporta of
standing committees, of secretary and
treasurer will be the business of the rest
of the dav. The first day's session will
Two TfcAweaad People Epeced to
Attend Sessions la Capital City
Ilastle Voters to Regis
tration Booths.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
-LINCOLN, Oct . (Special.) Mayor
Dahlman may not be directly endorsed by
the delegates to the first annual meeting
of the German-American alliance of Ne
braska, but he will be boosted Just the
same, according to President Val J. Peter
of Omaha. Mr. Peter declares the con
vention in session here now will make Its
position clear on county option and will
probably psss resolutions on the subject.
The meeting will be In German, but the
resolutions will be transcribed Into Eng
llsh so that everyone may know how the
delegates stand on the question of primal
Interest In the state.
A discussion of county option and the
Gubernatorial candidates was not the pur
;se of the convention today. It was an
Incident, but may assume more prominent
than the chief cause of gathering together
of the delegates. This delegate meeting
of German societies of the state follows
Initial organisation plans entered Into on
July 21 In Omaha at the time of the Eaen
gerfect. The delegates will, In addition
to perfecting the organisation for all fu
ture years and an Invitation to all of the
100 or more German societies of the state
to become members of the alliance, elect
KEARNEY, Neb.. Oct. . (Special.) W.
F. Bailey, secretary of the Nebraska Capi
tal Removal association, has called a meet
ing of the officers of the association to be
held In Central City on Friday, October 7.
The purposs of the meeting will be to lay
plans for an active campaign of work. The
history of the removal of state capitals In
other states, along with a direct explana
tion of the situation in Nebraska, will be
published In book form and widely circu
lated. The canvass for funds with which
to fight for capital removal has started
now and the committee Is meeting with
success throughout central and western
among the members of the congress.
Registration In Lincoln.
Mayor Dahlman's managers spared no
effort In getting the vote out to register
yesterday. As. only 6,000 of a total of al
most 25.000 votes In the metropolis had
Qualified for the general election. Dahl-
brother In business here, and after a trip
lasting about a week the couple will re
turn to this city, where they will make
their home.
KKDRKiri PITT-i il.niilr nma war.
den from Council Bluffs has been down VICTIM WAS
along tne IMsourt river notltytng the Ilsn-
ermen they must take out a license ana
comply with the game law or they will be
firoeecuted. The ilehermrn who have fol
owed their avocation for years without
being molested are very Indignant and
have Induced the farmers to come to tholr
aid all along the river and now they vow
they will arrest and take before their own
Justices of the peace, the first gsme
warden that comes onto any of the landed
holdings of any of the owners of land
who are In svmnathv with the fishermen.
on the charge of trespass. They have taken
legal advice, so they sny, and have been
Informed they can to this.
Steamship Sant Anna Hat Case of the
Prominent Americans Aro Detained
t Quarantine I'nder Suspicion
of Having; Been Ks posed to
the Dread Disease.
Our Letter Box
Contributions e. Timely Sabjeet
o Sxoeedlnf rw Humored Words
Are Xawttea front . Our Besders.
Fall Farm Fair at Kearney.
KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 6. (Speclal.)-The
board of directors of the Buffalo County
Agricultural association held a meeting
close with a social exchange of greetings Monday evening and decided to have a
fall agricultural exhibit In the city hall
on November 15, 16, 17 and 18, Inclusive.
Last year's show met with failure on ao-
count of four days of extremely bad
weather, and being held out of doors, the
attendance was very small. The plan this
year will be to make a smaller affair of
man's managers were worried over the out- it, but make It along different lines. The
look and sent circular, all over the city Doard chose o. O. Smith for secretary to gUrk- co(mty m,y nJt amjM m.
urging tneir supporters to get Dusy. i n i . . wu u " " I tima.
leetter is mores than an urgent request w v.,. Starke county la dry. some of Its adjacent
voters to register, it takes a poxe
the republican candidate for governor
voters that the republican candidate Is
along the line of civic pride, assuring the
giving the fair metropolis a black eye
wherever he speaks and urging all to vote
for "Jim" to avenge themselves.
Beaver City Complains.
Sixty-six residents of Beaver City have
filed a complaint with the state railway
OMAHA. Oct I.-To the Editor of The
Bee: I have just returned from a six
months' Stay In Knox. COUnty Beat Of Anna ha hm as a nrnrmllnn detained at
NEW YORK, Oct. 6. -The steamship
Sant" Anna, from French and Italian ports.
now detained at quarantine, had a rase
of cholera aboard. The victim, a man In
the steerage, died on September 15 and was
burled at sea. Two other cases of intes
tinal trouble are under observation. Mean
while the Sant' Anna, carrying 224 first
cabin passengers, some of them prominent
Americans, and 1,072 In the steerage. Is
held ss a possible "cholera carrier" pend
ing further Investigation.
Announcement of the foregoing was made
tonight by Dr. A. II. Doty, health officer
of the port, who has been fighting to keep
cholera out of this country during the
epidemic abroad. In addition to the Sant'
Starke county, Indiana, where county op
tion Is In full swing.
And as the people of Nebraska are now
In the throes of a county option fight, my
observations of the actual conditions In
quarantine the steamship Moltke, from
Genoa and Naples, and the steamship VI r
ginia, from Naples. Tomorrow he will
hold a conference with Dr. Walter Wey
man, surgeon-general of the United States
marine hospital service. Together they
will map out a campaign of protection.
Dr. Duty's Statement discloses not only
Rirk.K T.ik. . rjn.. .uuue axe wei. i can xruiniuuy say i that a cholera DaUent died aboard the
EDGAR, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.) Senator nav een mor drunkenness, more fighting, sant' Anna, but that a steerage passenger.
Burkett spoke in the opera bouse yester- "lor nmnm n " month in Knox, than i ft "suspicious case" removed from the
day. In a brief but forcible manner he hav ,n wh' Tr In Fremont. Neb., a Bteamship Germanla on September 26. sub-
nnin.rf k. .v,i. .. . ... ,k. wn naving a aoaen aaioens, wnere I nave ..ouentlv died. Examination indicated
llcan party and the good results that have "ved to' ih Imt iw'nLy'iv ytM- ,0 r- Doty, that this also was a case
followed these achievements.
know whereof I apeak. Thla degradation Is
not confined to men alone, women, too,
are Its victims. I could give you many
recitals of incidents In which women par-
Ifebraslta News Notes,
BEATRICE Mrs. Anna Osterman died
ln .... Vn th. Zn Z f commission against the Beaver City Tele- Tuesday night at the hbme of her daugb- tlclpated, but It would be malodorous, and
two delegates, to tne convention or xn -. lftr uri i j nnvA in piokmii 70
National German-American alliance In Mil- P company. Th. complaint alleges that rar,Mr' J- la rel1' Med -rve no good purpose.
m.w.. ...... Th. i. h.M the telephone company has wu pnones in wvMnwc-r-,i tji.k. mi., xc.wi. " "'"
D j . . . ' I . . ... i .k. I "" "S. . ; I nnllnn a n.n.n.. tnr ilninlninui mjA It.
In Lincoln that the delegates may be pres- " pracucwiy nas a mouoyu., ... isner were (mamea Dy itev. . uswi - . ' 1, " -7 h.
ii.- Am, towa ana surrounaing country ana inti n i j ... . uuum un . mnniuii s,... ma.mj uuoiusm, w
I", "r:""'1-'" ".:: fall. t rive m-omnt and efficient service Penu'- . ... contrary it drives those who have a pen
"""" r""' '"I." ' between The hour, of 10 d. m. and a. m.. I .5K51 - t"a JS? chant for drink mor. rapidly to ruin.
WLWW.I Ul IWU cvniis. I - - I i-miib i.nn.i uo wr.u uiai . id. uj X id T . 11. t . I . , . . , W..w ...... I
and on Sunday. Th. complaint says oaais uates at the Methodist parsonage, at e:su " on. suspicious case, a steerage passenger
nm.i ... ..pp-.. are often la-nored bv central after 10 O'clock 'loraJr' ln quanuues ana men anna io hll. ..Unn h. t.u.n with th. v..l
rresiaent reier was iranx in saying tn ght and that tn, Mrvio. on. Sunday vuK-H. re cannot Do gainsaiaj it is tn. w Utu the result of the bacteriological exam
County Judge W. I. Allen, at th home
Conntr Ontlon Bssaset 01 1119 Drlae Parents.
Th. Countv notion lMum of Nebraska . "LMiiuuiJT-Tne Kicnarason county
of cholera. Dr. Doty's statement was is
sued after an examination of the Sant'
Anna, which arrived last night from Mar
seilles, Naples and Palermo. The ship's
Burgeons presented a report of th. death
in th. steerage as having been caused by
g astro-intestinal affection. The victim
died within three days.
Dr. Doty said tonight:
"The 'Moltke,' which also arrived last
night from Genoa and Naples, has on board
la not efficient.
Tnl.l.nA.Hlt..lliin.l CS . . . .1 . ..LmI 11 ir
win nuiu m uuuuij uyuuu cuui.iwui. uu i ls Deing; ,el(1 jn Humboldt with good at-
banquet at tne Linden hotel lmcioy even-1 tenaance oi visitors and aeiegates.
county option will be condemned and that
the resolutions on the subject will be
vigorous, H. declared the convention
would make thla statement clear as the
attitude of the German societies of the
state, That such resolutions will not be
fought is assured. It Is expected that
from fifty to sixty delegates will be
present, on. from each German club, sing
ing society, church organization or any
other German organization which cares
to send a telegate. Of the total who will
be nreaent twentv-onn have arrived from
Omaha and four or five from Columbus, Nebraska; former Governor George Low- ordered taken to the asylum.
Ing, October 14. The banquet will begin
at S p. m., John Dryden of Kearney will
act as toastmaster. Rev. J. R. Gettys, D.
D., of David City will be chaplain of the
evenlna-. Amonr the speakers who have
v.... i.,dui , nart h. nrnr.m aent oi w ymore. ana lormeriy etnDi
are: A. L. Bixby, the poet laureate of was adjudged Insane here yesterday and
BEATRICE Jesse E. Robinson of Rock'
ford, this county, and Miss Myrtle Davis
of Endicott, Neb., were married here yes
terday by Rev. J. E. Davis. They will
make their horn. In Omaha.
BEATRICE A. P. Wilson,
I have no ulterior motive In writing this.
I hold no brewery stock, nor am I per
sonally acquainted with either candidate
for governor. Rather It ls written lo help
rescue my own state from a county option
curse for curse it is.
son Sheldon of Nehawka; Richard L. Met
calfe, associate editor of the Commoner;
United States .Senator Norris Brown, and
spioTed Captain Dean
Speaks of City
John H. Power of Trenton, the patriarch sufficient for threi months' output already
thus lnaiirlng almost a majority from
these two cities.
The officers of the society as named
at the Omaha meeting on July 21 are
Val J. Peter of Omaha, president; Dr.
H. Gtrhard of Lincoln, vie. president;
Otto Leptln of South Omaha, second vloe
president; Karl Kauf of Hastings, third
vice president; John Boekhoff of Omaha,
first recording secretary; A, A Lembach,
second recording secretary; John Mattes,
Jr., of Nebraska City, financial secretary;
FTed volpp of Bcrlbner, treasurer.
Th. executive committee met thlsjnorn
lng at the Capitol hotel to arrange th.
order of business of th. convention. It was Hev. W. J. Conliton, Putor at Haat
YORK The York alfalfa mill, newly con
structed, Is in operation. The product ls I
the company being In possession of orders I Seattle Mail ID, Omaha During" FeStlV-
of the populist party. Th. Wesleyan Glee
club and the Alexis Swedish male quartet
will furnish the music.
The object of this conferenoo and ban
quet is to make sure of th. defeat of Dahl-
BEATRICE Samuel Reeves, 72 years of
age, died at his home in Blue Springs
yesterday. He came to that puace from
Iowa six years ago. He leaves a widow I
and one daughter, Mrs. R. D. Anderson of
BEATRICE William Spahn of this city
ities Says Local Men Are Well
Known in West.
lnatlon Is known. The Sant' Anna ls re
garded as a possible 'cholera carrier,' and
In any event, passengers who have been
exposed to the patients will be transferred
to Hoffman island.
"On September 26 the steamer Germanla
arrived from Marseilles and Naples. On
boarding the steamer, I found an unusually
good medical report The affidavit of thi
master and surgeon showed no deaths In
transit, no cases of infectious disease and
no suspicious cases; in fact there was no
case of any nature In the ship's hospital,
and a special report by the surgeon sbowsd
that there were no Intestinal troubles. But
for the last three or four months, as an
extreme precaution, I have bad removed
from all steamers from Mediterranean
ports all steerage passengers who hav. ap
plied for treatment during the voyage In
order that obscure or Irregular cases of
cholera may be detected.
"Six of the passengers on the Germanla,
Japanese Semi
Banners to City
Also Make J. M. Guild and Gonld
Diet. Present of Handsome
Silver Cups.
Messages to the mayor of Omaha and
to the Commercial club from the member.
of the Japanese commercial expedition
that went through the illy last summer
arrived Tueedsy morning In the fonn of
banners of yellow silk in winch a grecliiiK
is woven and the signatures of all the
men In the party.
The message reads as follows:
At the lnvlt.t'.nn nf various Chambers
of Commxrcs in the United States, our
commission went to America for three
months, in the course of our Journey we
viHlted flfty-threo cities ami coveied ll.uOtf
miles. We heartily appreciate the courtesies
which were eveiywuere exu-mteii to us
by the American authorities and people.
we humbly trust tnat tne friendly Inter
course between us and our hosts during
our sojourn has contributed largely to the
promotion of International commerce and
good will.
May the In ted States and Japan eniov
eternal perpetual peace and prosperity!
ingneii oy ail members oi tne commis
sion.) January L forty-third year of
Melji. l'jia
A letter explaining and translating the
banners came from K. Yanlosakl, the
Japanese consul at Chicago from whose
office the banners are sent out.
The banners are several feel square of
very fine yellow silk with weird Japanese
characters woven into it la black. At the
top is an ornamental design with the
Japanese and American flags crossed and
the dates, 1861 and 1909. At the bottom In
English is printed, "Presented by the
Honorary Commorclal Commissioners of
was received at th.
handsome silver cup
Inscription engraved
Japan to the I'nlted States Of America,
In addition there
Commercial club a
with the following
Mr. Guild was one of the trade rxpeM"
who met and accompanied the dlstlnnulshed
guests on part of their three months' tour
of the I'nlted States. The cup stands
twelve Inches high and In addition to the
Inscription and various Japanese characters
which have not yet been deciphered shows
on one side ait emblem of the rising sun
and on the other the flags of the two
nations Interwoven. Gould Diets, who was
chairman of the oommlttee on arrange
ments for the entertainment or tne
Japanese party In Omaha. Is th. recipient
of a similar but smaller cup. -
Fred IV. Shnlts Itefnaed to Dine with
Other Officers, nnd Ills Heslg.
nntlon Follows.
Refusal of Fred W. Shults to take his
meals with the officers of the regiment
Instead of with th. men of hi own com
pany has resulted In his resignation as
second lieutenant of Company L. Ne
braska National guard, the Thurston
Rifles, and In his leaving th. company.
Sergeant George S. Hefner was elected to
the second Ueutrnnhcy at a meeting of
the company. Other candidates were Sam- l
uel Drumming and Richard 8. Pchunemann, ,
Drumming was made first sergeant
The passing of Shults Is an echo of th
annual encampment of the Nebraska Ra
tional guard at Port ' Riley. During th.
encampment. It ' Is said, Shults violated
orders by messing with the men of his
company, all of the officers being expected
to attend officers' mess.
Omaha has at the present time among
ana , iiana JVawr,s 01 wymor were " " ieno, lormeny oi wn0 were reported on the surgeon's Journal
as having applied for treatment for minor
troubles, but were well on arrival, were re-
aiready known that Dr. H. Gerhard would
deliver th. address of welcome and that
Prtstdent aPter would speak in his capacity
as bead of the' Alliance.
Rendr for Celebration.
Th. German day festivities, which are
Independent form the German-American
alliance convention, ar. practically pre-
marrled at the Methodist parsonage yes-1 th. Texas Rinnn and now a nrnmlnent
J.".r?V " "1" J"" .P'i. ,v.' business man In Seattle. Captain Dean.
FOR GRAND ISLAND MEET ita'TO Wm " fler. participated
BHATRICE Earl Blvthe and Miss Maud. " war witn ueronimo ana ms Apacnes,
Lasher were married at tbe bride's home I subsequently serving la the Texas Rangers
Preaches the
at Wymore yesterday. Rev. E. F. Gates and iater . th. . th. t
nfrtciaHnv vt m.. nivih, win iiv I in ins rangers oi me Stat, or
GRAND ISLAND. Neb,, Oct, (.(Special.)
Following th. annual convention ol tne at Helvey, Jefferson county. She was a
young people's organisation of the church lormer uage county resident ana leaves a
. . .. I ramiiy or six sons, an grown.
.... . i""1"' YORK-Withln the last week Omaha has
opened last night wtlh the annual sermon contributed nf it. nnnuia.tinn two vounz
prfred for. A committee of local Germans by Rev. W. J. Coulston of Hastings, Presi- men, who, under the firm name of Dopp &
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Blythe will liv. . . ' T V . - X
at Blue Springs, where the groom ls em- Arisona. While h. lived In Tsxas Captain
piey in jiiack tiros.', miu. , . r
BEATRICE Word was received her.
yesterday announcing the death of Mrs
eusan Miller, which occurred at her home
Has been Busy for two weeks getting things dent C. A. Sohappel presiding. It la the
In shape t mak. this first memorial of the forty-third anniversary of th. church In
landing of the first Germans In America a this state an organisation of 18,000 mem-
success. Finishing touches are being put bers and about 200 churches.
on th. decorations. The professional deco- The condition of th. Baptist Young
rators are repairing the damage done by People's union of th. state, as shown by
th. winds tq decorations In place for the I the reports of th. offloers, ls encouraging,
last week, and belated business men are There was a small deficit as reported by
hanging out their bunting. Part of this Is th. secretary, but this was Immediately
for the Farmers' National congress, but mad. up In th. audience, to which the
that the Germans are not forgotten in the same waa reported, and the number of looal
arrangements is Indicated by the colors, unions waa reported to hav. reached S49,
red, white and black, which ar. prominent with a membership of all the way from a
in th. color scheme. The only thing which dosen to upward of 100, Prof. Bhouse of the
rtnry, have opened a tea and coffee house.
itiey nave secured a good location and
will open next Monday tor business.
SCHUYLER In attempting to start an
automobile. John Hawe of this city
sustained a broken wrist Monday after
noon, on account of a premature ex
plosion, which forced the crank back'
wards and struck him across the wrist.
WYMORE Milton Hoeflinir. who was
struck with a stray 22-callbre bullet last
week, and wounded In the abdomen, is
somewhat worse today, and his condition
is again serious, tne eirort to nna tne
men who fired the bullet ls still being
carriea on.
Dean was on. of th.4hrao owners of the
Seven U. P" brand.'
Looking fresh, hale and vigorous and In
th. pink of condition, th. captain bears no
evidences of tbe strenuous days of the '80s,
His conversation of that period ls a vivid
picture of th. fighting which culminated
In th. capture of the crafty and treacher
ous old Indian warrior. During that cam
paign, which lasted over two years, he
acted as a post guard at Fort Huachuca.
Leaving the army, Captain Dean went to
China and for years acted with other
American officers In bringing the Chinese
army to Its present state of efficiency.
"China has now," said th. captain, "some
of th. best trained and best equipped
u-oops in in. worm." in. captain was
major of th. Chines. Imperial Reform
mars th. beauty ot O street and side
streets . Is th. fact that soma business
houses could - not b. prevailed upon to
decorate. ,
Th. Commercial club ha. decorated O
street by hanging flags from the trolley
wire suporte. Five flag and pennants
Grand Island college, the Nebraska Instl
tution of th. church, . which also attraots
students from other western states, ad
dressed the convention on th. reciprocal
Captain Dean said that he had been com-
NEBRASKA CITY Joseph Brandt was In to Om&ha. fn .r.i k.4
arrested yesterday charged with assault- k. .h - ,K m-i iw
ing Frank Gross ind his case was set for fn a UMt of th Fle,d 0,06 on three
hearing next month. As he left the court different occasions. "Thar, are no finer
room he threatened to kill the complainant golf grounds In the United States than
moved to Swinburne Island. Two days later
one of this group, a Greek, waa given treat
ment. Twenty-four hours latex th. patient
was in a condition of collapse and died In
twelve hours. . ,
'Although the autopsy showed no evi
dence ot cholera, the examination of th.
secretions of the intestinal tract showed
th. presence of suspicious organisms.
Specimens were sent to Dr. W. H. Park of
the health department of this city, and to
Dr. Anderson, th. bacteriologist of tbe
United States marine hospital service.
"The results were presented to me yes
terday afternoon and indicated that th.
patient died of cholera.
"This is a practical demonstration of
what Is known as 'cholera carrier,' that Is,
persons who may carry organisms of the
disease without any symptoms to indicate
its presence. In this case It was demon
strated that extreme precautions were fully
Justified. As the Germanla case gave a
practical phoof of 'cholera carriers,' it In
dicates that In th. future additional meas'
urea must be put In force."
hav. been suspended from each two sup- nlng to hav. Wednesday's meeting at the
A Total Eclipse
of th. functions of stomach, liver, kidneys
fo "k fZLl nd plaoed under bond you hve at th. Field club, and you may bowels I. quickly disposed of with
W Keep pOKUB. I .... .V... .u. ...... , - . .. . I nill.r. BW. TT-. .. V... D..
WAnir rr-t w-j . .-in. 1 mmr ,ub b... Clflia C1UD 1 una or in, DMI I " . v. mmb J 1 vwm
relations, between the young peoples so-1 ,v.d from th. foth. ia. I advertisements Omaha has. Every cuest D Co.
Hastings Tuesday. About one year ago entertained by It carries away with him
in. nunu weme aiseasea ana ne was sent th. very best Impressions ot th. olty
contractor and builder her.' for several Be,n Texan, Captain Dean naturally
olety and the college,
Th. Grand Island college board Is plant'
porting wires and gives th. street a gala college and th. Comm.rclal club of this years and highly respected.
appearance. .
Arrangements for Ooagrrees.
The arrangements committee has had
printed elaborate programs of the day's
vents. These programs are in German,
hut Indicate from their contents that the
claim of the local manager, that th. cele
bration will have nothing to do with pot
ltlcs is well founded. According to this
program the parade will form at I o'clock
and will begin Its course, led by Marshal
Han. Warkow at I o'clock. At I o'clock
the program will be held at the state cap
Itol. If the weather ls delightful the
peecnes ana singing win occur from a
platform on th. north . aid. of th. oapltol
building. It bad both chambers of the leg
Islaturs will be called Into service. Gov
ernor Shallenberger will deliver an address
of welcome, which from Omaha Is Inter
preted as a speech for Mayor Dahlman.
Mayor Love and Chancellor Avery will also
speak In welcome to the visitors. The chief
address of the afternoon will be by Julius
Moerso, president of the Federated German
societies of Minnesota. Prof. Laurence
Fossler ot the State university will speak
on German culture. Pastor Allenbach of the
Lutheran church. Pastor Neumann of the
Evangelical church, and Pastor Kruger of
th. Evangelical Lutheran church will also
peak on subjects ot Interest to the guests.
Muslo will be furnished by the men's
chorus of tii. German societies of the state
and by a similar chorus made up of Lin
coln singers. In the evening receptions will
be held at th. various German society halls
In th. olty.
Wisconsin Arrive..
The Wisconsin delegation waa th. first
to arrive today for th. Farmers' National
congress, which opens her. tomorrow.
Twenty-seven came through from Madison
In a private car. They arrived on the Chi
cago A Northwestern at 1:30 this afternoon,
as the train waa over an hour late. In.
stead of wearing badges of the congress
the men each wore a small whlt. tag
pinned on the lapel of 'the coat with th.
name of the town from which b. cam.
written in large script. This was an aid
to getting acquainted on the train. The
men are from various parts of Wisconsin,
and many of tbsm had never met before.
but ions before they reached Lincoln they
had become acquainted and were calling
each other by first namea
W. R. Ames,, treasurer of the Farmers'
National congreea. Is one of the Wisconsin
delegation . He is especially proud ot the
faot that bis bom. town, Oregon, in Wis
cousin, furnished fifteen of the twenty
seven delegates from the state. Mr. Ames
says be expeou this to be a great meeting.
city has arranged In conjunction with the
local church to hav. th. delegates taken
to the institution, a mil. from th. city, In
carriages and automobiles. Many of the
pastors and leading lay members of the
state hav. never had an opportunity to
see their Institution.
spoke of Mayor Dahlman,
NEBRASKA CITY Miss Orace Nelhart. "Your mayor," said -he. "is looked upon
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Nelhart out in Washington and Oregon as one of
2.'.,:""c'.lr.?" i'.Vr".'."8 "Jr'iv th- prominent figure, in Omaha and Ne-
Irom Her Duiiv ut evenlnir and erlnnslv I .
Fifth Annual Meeting; of National
Association Held.
FRIEND. Neh,. Oct. B. (Snecial Tele
gram.) The fifth annual meetlmr of the
National Coursing association opened here
yesteraay witn a large attendance of cours-
injured by a runaway team that struck the I synonmous with Omaha and th. tight he I Ing men an tithe usual number ot spec-
Menken of District OrsTaatsattoa
Hold Session There to ArraagTO
for Fall Oajnoolam.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Oct .-Bpeedel.)-The
republican Fifth district congressional
oommlttee met yesterday In this city and In
an all day's session formulated plana and
made arrangements for thla fall's cam
paign. J. R. MoCarl of MoCook. chair
man of th. committee, declared that
chance, for a complete sweep In this dis
trict are very bright Indeed. Mr. McCarl,
who Is also Congressman Norris' secretary.
further declared that he believed that th.
present congressman would be elected by
a handsome majority. IL G. Thomas of
Harvard, treasurer of the committee, de
clared that In the east end of the district
there would be an unusually heavy re
publican vote this fall The committee,
vehicle In which she was riding.
BEATRICE The thirty-seventh annual
session of the Presbyterian synod of Ne
braska win be held in this city October
12 and It. Rev. D. E. Jenkins of Omaha ls
moderator of the synod and Rev. Thomas
L. Sexton of Lincoln is clerk. About iiuO
delegates will attend th. meeting.
RISING CITY A Young Men's Christian
association has been organised here for tbe
purpose of providing with a loafing place
of desirable quality. It ls to afford them
amusement and good reading. There are
twenty members and more to be added,
They will rent a club room. Ben Hoaglaod
is the initiator.
NEBRASKA CI TT Ralph A. White, who
Is now making Is watched with absorbing tatora tor the opening day. Kennels are
Interest all over the west." h.e,'.e from .California. Colorado, Kansas,
Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois and
Iowa The recent rams have put the
Interest all over the west'
Captain, Dean mentioned that before
leaving Seattle he had been speaking to
th. chief of police and when he told him
he was going to Omaha he asked him to
pay his compliments to Chief Donahue.
'He ls on. of th. best chiefs In th. coun
try,' was th. chief's comment with regard
to your head of the police force in th.
city." "That," added Captain Dean, "was
th. opinion held In Texas that h. la a
sincere, honest and efficient police officer.
I can endors. that sayseU from my per-
for some time has been the manasrer I sonal axDerlenoa of Omaha and I hut aav
ui in. xieii i.i.pnone company nere. ni
resigned and gone to Chicago, where he has
accepted a lucrative position with a large
electrical firm. Mr. White was formerly
resident manager lor tne teiepnon. com
pany at natumoutn.
farmer living near here, while assisting
this afternoon in operating a oorn binder
on the William Dunn farm, got two
fingers of his left hand cauarht In the
machine and they were ground off. One
finger will be taken off near the knuckle
and tne other below the first Joint
NEBRA8KA CITYJoy Morton of Chi
cago, who has been here looking after
his large real estate holdings and other
Interests, had a narrow escape from beliur
th nersonnel of which has hArotofnr nn killed yesterday, while going to the dnnot I
iu men irina. nis norse ran against I
a lamp post, throwing htm out ot the I
buggy and seriously bruising his arm and I
legs. He Is confined to bis bed at Arbor I
ruu.i-nome uniaeminea party en
tered the farm house of L. Snyder about
tour miles northeast of this city last even
ing while Mr. Snyder and his wifs were
out at the barn milking and stole money
and checks belonging to him amounting to
1300. Ftvmillt An th nhM-kl was itAntuul
Martin, Mlnden; W. W. Hawley, Nelson; About fi0 In money waa taken. There Is no I
B. F. Hastings. Grant; C. A Galloway, clue to the thieves.
Holdrege; II. Keyes, Indlanola; O. H
Overing, Red Cloud. J. R. McCarl of Mo
Cook Is ohairman. H. G. Thomas of Har
vard is treasurer, Dan Garber of Rod
Cloud la secretary and H. W. Conover of
McCook Is assistant secretary,
that I have been a peace officer nearly all
my life.
The captain ls th. guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Q. Adams and ls remaining over for
Ak-8ar-Bea week. He was at tha
maneuvers at Fort Omaha yesterday,
where he met Major Nicholson of the
Seventh cavalry and nis son who is a
lieutenant In th. aam. regiment Major
Dean ha. been in the Seventh since l7f
and served in what was known as tha
Apache Cub campaign.
ground In first class condition and the
warm sunshine tempered by a cooling
Dreeze renders me weatner ideal ror run
nlng. The National futurity for puppies
startea wtin isi entries. rne sixty-six
dugs beaten in the first round will run In
the derby stake starting Thursday. The
following sixty-six dogs won in the first
round oi tne tuturity:
Lip Kilcullen, Master Max, Viola Austin,
sour urapes, uotn Minnie, ttesiiess Lad
. . . . An t.1 1 ... K..K a... 1 V. Kt i
Bashful Kitty, Mamie Sheridan, Ace of
Diamonds, urace Rider, Grafton Uueen.
Prince Charles, Dr. Rlngllng. Bstalla
Brasen, Lonesome Lady, Simplicity, Susie
m., nanny Anay, uara lap, Mee wolf,
Trapsetter, Sweet Marie, Pike Peak, Mary
Ann, iucie srazen, iv. u., ine t onquejer,
Colonel Byrne, Thomas Davis, May Baden,
Miss Corelll, Patsy Lucelle, Fair Warning,
Nellie Parton, Rainy Day, Lucky Ld,
uorgei jue rs oi, rnnee consort. Lady
Wrinkle, Darkle surprise, Ureen Lord,
Chief Craxy Snake, Ryan Chef. Polkadot,
Cinderella, Utopia, Favorite Kmblem, Hy
Tone. Highway Hy, Bugger Bdd, Pllnatary,
Oklahoma Joe, Mr. Bright Chains, Jim
Aleu, Grace Jeffery, Handsome Joe. Tlpera,
Good Hat, Maxine Elliott, Mlnnekahta,
Bonnie Parton, Lady Opal, Silver Dare.
been announced. Is composed of the fol
lowing: H. E. Stein. Hastings; P. W. I
Scott. Imperial; 8. W. Christy. Edgar; L.
Morse, Benkleman; W, 8. Marr, Frank
lin; A. G. Williams, Stockvllle; F. N. Mer-
wln. Beaver City; F. Montgomery, El
wood; Henry Bartenbach, Grand Island;
A V. Shaffer, Alma; C. A. Ready, Hayes
Center; G. O. Eieenhart. Culbertson; J. A
NEBRASKA CITY The neddler of oollsh
who was In Lorton, the day before the
bank robbery and who was suspected of
knowing something of the plans and who
robbed the bank was arrested at Bennet
yesterday and brought to this city. He
claims to hear but cannot talk. He gave
the name of 8. B. Lowery. He will be
held until something ls known of his nut
n .w rins l.r xoreu i aimorjr.
YORK. Neb.. Oct. L iSdacHuI lTh. n... I BEATRICE 4A telegram was reeclved
Furnltur. company j. the nam. of a new lo-frEl Tl.itln".'0
their son, M. L. Marlow, superintendent ot I
buildings and bridges for the Mexico ' irih- I
111 WEE'S n
company which will commence business
soon. Th. firm has bought th. property
known as the old poet of flee building and
will enlarge the already large double rooms
and till it with an immense stock.
dropped deaa at
Norris' SoeahlasT Dates.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Oct (.-(Special.)
Congressman Norris epeaklng date, for the
current week are: Teusdy evening, Oc
tober 4. Eustiss; Wednesday evening. El-
western railroad, had
Juares. Mex.. In the office of the superin
tendent. Mr. Marlow was 6 years of age
and unmarried, tie left Beatrice twenty-
three years ago.
HOLDRXB-Jean B. Feyen and Miss
Iwrrth, achley were married yesterday
morning at tne nndai nome in in la city.
Rev. (J. 3. Bonnet of the Episcopalian
church officiating. Both young people I
recenuy moved nere rrom su jviaeun. Mr.
Feyen Is asoouiated with tha bride. J
His feed OB W umtJ as substitute for meat It can be proved
that nan can live And Lire well on Dr. Price's Algiain Food without
a- it contains all of tbe food elements which give strength and
nT. A bedy-Wkng and rausde-giving food. Lessen the quantity
of meat eating, and include this food in your daily diet, and you wd
oon learn that you will require much leu meat Atk your Grocer
A Clean Man
Outside cleanliness is less then half th. battle. A man may
scrub himself a dozen times dey, and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness aot only outside, but inside. It means
clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, clean liver, and
ew, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clesn in this way
will look it and set It. He will work with enery and think
clean, olesr, healthy thoafhts.
H. will never be troubled with liver, lun, stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate ia unclean stom
achs. Blood diseases are found where there Is unoleaa blood.
Consumption and bronchitis nets unclean lungs. ,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
arrvents those diseases. It nsakes a snan's Inside, oleaa .
and healthy. It clean, tbo digestive orf an, makes pure,
clean blood, and oleaa, healthy flesh.
It restores ton. to th nervous system, and euro, nervous xhaotttoa tad
prostration. It contains no aloohol or hsbit-forminf drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cur. it. They never gripe. Easy t. tske as candy.
This Is Not
But a Human Hair Root Showing Dandruff Germs at Work
Kill the Dandruff Germ
and Makes the Hair Grow
Stops Falling' Hair and Removes Dandruff
PW people are aware of the number ot Dandruff Germs
that Infest the human hair and scalp. . The germs which
locate themselves In the follicle or sack which envelopes the
root of the hair, spend lazy existence In sucking up the
juices which should go to keep life and strength in the hair.
These germs cannot be seen by the naked eye, but with a
magnifying glass of from 300 to 400 diameters the spores
of this hair destroyer may be seen In masses, clinging to
the hair.
AND FALLING HAIR are s sure sign of
destructive germs.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy
Kills the Dandruff Germ when applied to tbe hair, and
prevents the curse of Baldness. It also restores faded or
gray hair to its natural color and beauty. No matter how
gray or how long it has been gray, It will restor It to its
natural color and keep It soft, glossy and healthful. Don't
experiment with old-fashioned hair dyes, but save and restore
your hair by using Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy.
Price 50c and $1.00 at all Druggists
druzrul dMl nt kttt it und SOc in ttamtt d wt willund you s I at ft Milt, txfrw trifaii
Wyeth Chemical Company, 74Cortlandt St., New York
Mali this sdvertlstmest, with tit ptclurs ot the girl cut frem the elites ot s BOc sirs benW
ef Vreib's Sits lid Sulphur Hair Remedy te lbs Wycis Chtmlctl Co., 74 Ceriliadl 8i.
Hew Vers, wt will tied yen without ceit i full ilit SOe tube et "Vtlrol" Complexion Crtiie,
Guaranteed Singing Canaries!
We handle two kinds of imported canaries.
HARTZ MOUNTAIN, eaoh, at $2.50
And Our Famous
U. S. Patent No. 60853.
The musical educated canary, the world's
greatest singer. Bold on 5 days' trial, with
a positive guarantee of satisfaction,
Price, each, at V$5.00
Max GeisJer Bird Company,
1017 Farnam Street .
The Welte Piano Playing
Rupture of men, women end children can te cured In a few duys without a tur.
ileal operation, loss of time or pain. Tlie rout In governed by the sl.e tf the rupture
opening to be closed. The money may h deposited in some Omaha Hank In the name
of the patient or guardian, not to be paid until the cure is cipleted. Thousands of
t 1
ruptured people have accepted these terms during: the pus
pletely satlrfied. Write or cull for further Information.
o aee auuiusc wmaaa. a and all are com.