Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
faoxs on ro tm.
vaoxc own to tm.
vol,, xl xo. it;.
Political and Social News by Cable and Correspondence from the Old World
Entire Police Force is on the Alert
in Effort to Restore
More Crooks Than Any Other Metrop
olis in the World.
American Tourists Who Stray from
i -
Thirty- Urn Uruuimrls Appear at
Folkestone In a Alula Beauty
Ikon New Knight of
the (iurlrr.
LONDON, Oct. 1. (Special to The Bee.)
There has been a revival of Crimea of vio
lence In this city and the police are ex
erting themselves to check it- The crimi
nals In most Instances have been going
about armed and they have not hesitated
to use pistols and knives. Tha city has
probably more criminals than any other
metropolis In the world, but as a rule they
have refrained until recently from using
An extraordinary story of rival gangs
of armed ruffians fighting in a crowded
street ih the West End was told lately at
tha central criminal court, when the 11c
Causland brothers were tried for shooting
at Henry Byfield and Byfield was charged
with attempting to murder Matthew Me
Causland. It was alleged that In a faction
fight the McCauslands, each armed with
a revolver, attacked Byfield, who was
armed with a dagger.
Justice Hamilton said anyone familiar
with Soho and who knew how readily its
narrow courts lent themselves to the es
cape of persons taking part In the crime It
must be manifest that leniency In dealing
with faction fights of tills sort would ba
a public- disservice.
He sent tha two to prison with the added,
penalty of hard labor.
Mannerless Toarlsta.
Complaint Is made at Stratford-on-Avon
of tha behavior of certain American vis
itors who attend the services In the parish
church with the object of visiting Shake
speare's tomb in the chancel. Americans
CO through their purchases of pictorial
postcards and address them during serv
ices. Among tha interesting residents at Ed
monton Is Edward Munro, 101 years "old,
who served In the American navy from
1&5 to IM3. He went through tha Mexican
and civil wars, fighting In tha latter with
Farragut'a fleet.
Austrian Representative.
It Is understood that tha Austrian em
peror will be represented at the corona
4on next June by the Archduke Frederick,
as the Archduke Francis Ferdinand has no
taste for state ceremonials. Tha Archduke
Frederick is the richest member of the
Imperial family, as ha inherited the bulk
of Archduke Albert's property.
Mala Ueantr tlion,
Thirty men solemnly appeared at the
Pier pavilion, Folkestone, where a male
beauty show was held. Each man put his
head through a velvet screen In a heavy
gold frame In order to ba Judged, and then
mutely appealed to tha audience to do the
The pavilion was densely crowded,
mainly by women, who took their task al
most as seriously as tha competitors. As
a result of tha voting tha most beautiful
of the thirty was declared to ba V. Cambier
of Bedford. Tha police dial not Interfere.
New Knight of tha Garter.
There is very keen competition for the
"garter" knighthood, now vacant by the
recent death of Earl Spencer. Many are
tha names mentioned In connection there
with, but not all gosslpers remember that
no peer below tha rank of an earl is eli
gible. Consequently, viscounts and barons
ara "out of the running." Nominally in
tha gift of the reigning sovereign. In praa
Uce it is usually at the disposal of the
premier. The Eurl of Aberdeen probably
.will ba tha new "garter." Like Spencer,
ha has bean twloa lord lieutenant of Ira
land, and as becomes a Gordon and a good
Scot, ha is a Knight of the Thistle. More
over, there Is a strong personal link be
tween Lord Aberdeen and the prime mm
later, for In the ordinary course of events
his elder daughter, Miss Violet Aaquith,
would by now have been Lord Aberdeen's
daughter-in-law had her fiancee, Archie
Gordon, not been fatally Injured in an in
toniobila accident last December.
Tommy Atklna' Grievance.
Tommy Atkins has a grievance which
may ba taken up by Parliament. He says
the families of officers get their supplies
f - the Woolwich canteen at much lower
prices than ara vouchsa'ad privates. Tommy
says It Is bad enough to be paid low wages
without having to pay higher prices for
supplies than the men ho are well paid
or who have handsome Incomes of their
Unemployed In Bradford.
Tha woolen workers In tha north are up
In arms against the action of the super
visor of the Yorkshire labor exchanges In
circularizing tha Boards of Guardians with
a view to providing pauper women labor
for the worsted Industry of Bradford and
Halifax and tlie woolen Industry of the
t'olne valley.
The Bradford Trade and Labor council
has taken up the matter, and decided to
Issue a counter circular stating that there
ara too many unemployed In Bradford, and
two weeks ago a greater number of child
ren were placed on tlie free meals list
than for a long time past. The Labor ex
change circular was described as a rusa by
trio employers to obtain a surplus of labor
to keep wages down.
qnaea Aleaaadrn'e Mouasseuts.
Queen Alexandra prolonged her otay at
Sarulrlngham for considerably over a fort
night after tha day which was originally
fixed for her journey to Scotland. It Is not
expected that she will make any long stay
at Mar lodge, and. according to present
arrangements, she will leave shortly for
)aniuark. Intending to Join tha Empress
Marie near Klampenborg- Queen Alexandra
Is not going to Norway this year.
Treatment at Bad Nauheim Fails to
Bring Results.
HOHlln Minister of Marine llaa
Thrilling F.sprrlrnre While
Out on a Yachting F.x
pedltlon. By UKOKfJE ERASER.
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 1. (Special to
The Hoe. i The news which reaches St.
Petersburg as to tlie condition of tlio
czarina Is not encouraging- Tlie treatment
at Iiud Nauheim has not had any appre
ciable effect In Improving her majesty's
Tlie causa of her i..ness touches tlie
erealest dcena nf trso-eriv In tlm liven of
royal women. It Is not for herself or for
her husband that her worst fears have j
been entertained, but for her children. The j
hand that strikes at the ruler of all tha
Russlos would not be likely to spare his
heir, even though that heir he but a little
child, and the constant hideous fear that
death In Its most shocking and violent
form may at any moment rob her of her
boy perchance of all her children hus
been more than a constitution naturally
delicate could stand.
Such mental torture through months and
years must surely be. the nearest thing to
hell on earth that any woman could suffer.
Through weary days and sleepless nights
the sword has hung suspended until at last
the utterly wearrled body has collapsed
undor the strain. That rest anil care may
in time bring Increase of heaUh and
strength to this brave, but most unhappy,
lady will be the wish of all who have a
grain of sympathy In their composition.
But those best acquainted with her condl- I
tlon do not believe any great improvement
can be hrped for.
Another Peril of Yachllug.
the alarming experience while yachting of
ten alarming- experience while yachting of
being in collision with a submarine. The
affair occurred off Cronstadt, and
the submarine at the time was so far
submerged as to be practically Invisible
from tha yacht on board wo.c.i the minis
ter was voyaging. . ne collision occurred
before the danger was realized, the yacht
Just grazing the submarine's hull; and,
alarmed by the shock, several of the crew
of the submarine Jumped overboard, with
the result that two were drowned. The
submarine was able ..o return to pori, hav
ing Buffcreu very little damage.
Dreudnoughts on Muck sea.
It Is announced from Sebastopol that the
the keels of tue four Dreadnoughts to be
added to the Black sea fleet will not be
laid down before tha spring of next year.
Two of the vessels w.a be built at Sebas
toiHil and two of Nlcolaleff; but It has
been found necessary to extend and Im
prove the appliances at -oth yards for the
construction of these great battleships,
which, according to Lie latest Information,
are to have a displacement each of 23. OW
tons, with engines of 42,000 horse power,
and a speed of twenty-three knots. No
details are as yet known as to their ar
mor anil armament. The construction of
a battleship In the Black sea yards ordi
narily occupies sixty months. There Is a
report current, however, that an arrange
ment has been made with Lewis Nixon,
the noted American shipbuilder, to taae
general supervision of the work ana to
place expert American snip uuuur.s ...
direct charge, thus materially uu..
the time of construction, it may oe
tliat none of Russia's new navy will be
built in foreign yards.
Changes In.KussInn Ministry.
There Is no truth In tha statement cir
culated In Paris declaring iuai me
nation of M. Isvolaky, the roreign minis
ter, is imminent, ana that he is about to
be appointed llussian ambassador at Paris.
Conges In Uie cabinet, with the czar
abroad and the premier. M. Stolypln. n
Siberia, ara In the Highest aegreo .u.,.uu
able at the present moment.
Fresh apoplntments at uie em
arls. Vienna and Berlin may, however.
. . ..... or It In slllf-
be expected si m "" ' - -
gested that M. Kokovzen u.
minister, will go to
Talks to Ills lllghuess In Portoisei
In wares and Has Goou I.uek.
to bar the Hlght 'Words.
LISBON. Oct. l.-tspeelal to The Bee.)
Durtnir a recent motor car excursion In th
neighborhood of Busaco, King Manoel met
a vouthful goatherd tending his hock, ma
majesty chatted with the boy, questioning
him about his native village, me goat
herd answered, quite unaware of the iden
tity of the questioner. The king asked If
he knew how to read and the boy replied:
"No." but said, "At night when I go to
bed my mother always tells me to say
two Ave Marias, one for the soul of my
father and the other for the soul of our
king who was killed In Lisbon." A hush
fell on those who accompanied tha young
king, and his majesty, greatly moved, tors
a page from the notebook and wrote some
words on it. 'Give your mother this
paper," he said, "and tell her to take It to
the priest and ask him to read it to her."
The boy did so, and the priest read the
following words: "May happiness fall on
those who thus bring up their children.
Manoel Bex." To add to the poor woman's
astonishment and delight the priest handed
her a sum of money sent to him by tha
Satisfactory Apoluglea from Turkey
ccraing Aaaault.
CONSTANTINOPLE Oct. l.-(Spclal to
The Bee.) The Porte has made satisfac
tory explanation and apologies to the Ital
ian ambassador who was recently assaulted
by a cabman and the incident Is closed.
The refusal of the cabman to drive the
ambassador and tha party from Tophenah
to Persia led to a fight between the cabman
and his cavass.
Tha ambassador went to tha assistance
of the latter, and. striking tha cabman with
his cane, succeeded In freeing tha cavass.
Tha cabman, thereupon, turned upon the
ambassador, but tha cavass managed to
keep off tha assailant by using his sword.
The scuffle attracted the attention of tha
people In tha neighboring cafe, who were
chiefly of tha lower class, and who sided
with cabman, uttering Insulting epithets.
Temperance Folk Endorse Emperor's
Stand Against Soldier
Trouble is Attributed to Alcoholic
Plays with Czarowitch Unmindful of
His Cares.
Elaborate Preparations In England
for Reception f the German
Crown Prince Germany's
Use of F.s va
BERLIN, Oct. I. (npeelal to The Bee.)
The temperance folk and strict church
members here are highly gratified at the
stand taken by the emperor against tip
pling In the army during the maneuvers
In eastern Prussia. One of his reasons for
this is that hundreds of soldiers have
been dropped from the army because of
heart trouble superinduced by the use of
liquor. The emperor oraered that only
non-alcoholic beverages be served to him,
as he has found from experience that they
enable him better to withstand the strain
In the saddle. He also called upon the
troops to cut down their Indulgence In
liquor to the lowest possible point. For
the foreign officers who were his guests
the emperor ordered a supply of wines.
These were transported In the kitchen
motor train, which this year Is used for
the first time. It carried a marquee with
a collapsible table, chairs, rrWkery and
glass for twlve persons. Two new trans
portable houses were constructed for the
accommodation of the emperor In case
the operations should render It necessary
for him to pass the night away from head
quarters. Oar's Outing, at Xsahrlni.
Th czar of Kusia availed himself of his
freedom at Bad Nauheim. While visiting
the Schloss I found the czar at play with
the. czarowitch as unconcernedly as If de
tectives and police bloodhounds never ex
isted. The little grand duke had clambered
onto the box of a victoria In the courtyard
and had impressed his four bisters Into
service as "horses."
They were tugging vainly at the. shafts
In an effort to respond to the boy's Imita
tion of a Cossack driver's commands, when
the czar stole up from behind and, 'to
gether with the grand duke of Hesse,
pushed the carriage forward. The heir
apparent shouted for glee at his success
ful handling of the Imaginary reins.
The czarina was treated as a patient
much in need of a "cure." She cut out all
diversions involving strain, even from
motor car tours. The beginning of the
cure was delayed to permit her to accll
rujs'ize herself more thoroughly to the In
vigorating mountain air, to which she has
so long been a stranger.
Tragedy Marks Visit.
Soma mystery, winch the socialists are
sure to connect with the czar, enshrouds
the suicide of an overseer of a Nauheim
salt works. The overseer, George Bocker,
had the honor last Friday of conducting
t. e czar over the works. He was found
dead a few"davs later, with a bullet
wound in tha head. He had, It is sup
posed, shot himself, but whether by ac
cident or design la not known.
Swords In Cunrt.
Not long since I reported an Imperial de
cree which added firemen to the enormous
number of nonmilitary officials who carry
utterly useless swords.
The minister of Justice has now issued an
order that the ushers of the law courts
shall wear uniforms with sabres, "In order
that they may preserve order in the wait
ing and court rooms."
Crown Prince In India.
The British government Is arranging for
tha reception of the German crown prince
and a definite programme will shortly be
drawn up. Tha arrangements will include
a shooting campaign and military maneu
vers. The cost will, it is understood, be
borne by tba Indian treasury. The prince
will travel through India. It Is estimated
that tha trip will cost the people of India
Germany's lit of Eggi.
Tha empire imports more eggs than any
other country. Its Imports have increased
with her prosperity until, in order to meet
Its manufacturers' requirements, It has be
gun to draw upon China for eggs, the lat
ter being sent to It In tins, the yolks sep
arate from the whites. It Is also drawing
on India, as well as almost every other
country In Europe. It Is Increasing Its
imports from Italy so largely that Italy tins
been compelled to look to Turkey to satisfy
Its own demands. In consequence of this
England Is importing fewer eggs from the
countries mentioned.
There Is another Interesting view of the
position. Hitherto Germany has been draw
ing Its eggs from tha- eastern side of Eu
rope; but its Increasing demand for eggs
has now forced It to draw from western
Europe also, and as Its Imports from tha
latter direction grow, so will England's sup
plies of first-class foreign eggs fall. Thl
must be so, because there will be fewer
countries near enough to supply.
Special Itoom In Samltl Hons Which
Is Known as "the Abode
of Thunder.'
CALCUTTA. Oct. 1. (Special to tha Bee )
In the Dacca conspiracy trial It appears
from the consul's statement and also from
the evidence of soma of the witnesses, tha
there was a special room In the SamiU
(revolutionary club) house called "Th
Abode of Thunder." which no ona was al
lowed to enter except tha privileged per
sons styled "Thunderbolts." Another room
called "Tha Storehouse of Heroes," con
tallied portraits of SivaJI and other In, Han
ceieorities. Dtie witness stated that his
boat was stolen for the purpose of carrying
out political robbery.
Widely Different Estimates of Chan
cellor Lloyd-George.
Makes a Whirlwind Tour Mnllrltlng
ole for Iter father Suf fra
arltea Are Seeking a
LONDON. Oct. 1. (Special to The
Bee) Chancellor Lloyd-George Is one of
the best liked and best hated men In
King George's dominion. Of all his
many thnusuuus of admirers none is more
ardent and sincere than little Miss Megan
Lloyd-George, the chancellor's daughter.
Although she Is only 7 years of age, her
pretty little speeches, delivered with Just
the slightest of Welsh accents, and win
some smiles did much during the Inst
Kent. ml election to retain many votes for
the chuncellor of the exchequer.
During one week this little lady made,
a whirlwind tour of the six boroughs
her father represents In parliament, and,
of course, she spoke to the electors In
her native language. To one, old fellow,
who had been employed at Carnarvon
Castle lor fifty years, she asked, "Please
will you vote for father?"
"Indeed, 1 will." was the reply, "but
you must give me a kiss If I do."
"Ah," said sh "that would 1 bribery
and corruption." -
A 'cording to Mr. Lloyd-Geonge's own
supporters, Megan only made one tactical
error during the whole campaign. It
happened at a big fair at Crlccleth. Both
she and her father were "seeing the
sights." Presently the chancellor found
himself watching his little daughter
trying her luck for ginger-rock at
"pull-away" stall.
A crowd soon gathered, and many were
the low murmurs that went on. Later,
Mr. Lloyd-George was Informed that
Megan had been patronizing the stall of
a prominent local conservative in his
Snf fragrttes Meek a Scalp.
The suffragettes would like very much
to know the name of the mini or woman
who sent Lord Cromer S100.000 tor thu
purpose of fighting woman's suffrage.
Lord Cromer Is very wise, perhaps, in
keeping secret the name of the mysteri
ous contributor. Otherwise It Is to be
doubted If he or she could remain in
England in any comfort.
Kings at a Pawnshop.
Apropos of the news from Lisbon that
a creditor of Queen Maria Plu, the grand
mother of King Manuel, has recently
brought an action against her majesty
In the civil courts fur the payment of
some old debts. It is interesting to note
that beveral headw.of royal houses have,
before now, hud seed to resort to tha
friendly assistance of those gentlemen
who carry on their business under foe
familiar three balls. The ex-nultan Ab
dul Aziz pawned all his crown Jewels
for a million francs at the Mont de liete,
at Paris, and they were only Just re
deemed by the Moorish government In
time to prevent their beilng sold amongst
other unredeemed goods.
The sword of state, which Is regarded
in Servia as a sacred relic, was also
pawned by a former king while one well-
known European monarch found himself
In such straitened circumstances that the
famous house of AUenborough once, tem
porarily, had possession of all his old
silver. Queen Isabella was, however, the
most famous royalty who made no secret
of the fact that she raised money from
thu pawnbrokers upon the security of the
portraits of her ancestors which hung on
tlie walls at the Palace Castile, her Palis
lan home. The royal lady often declared
how deeply she was indebted to her royal
forebears for coming to her rescue and
helping her out of her financial predica
Last of the Miakraprares.
The Bhakespeare memorial committee
displays no lack of energy In connection
with everything associated with the bard
of Avon, but it Is curious that no serious
attempt has ever been made to ascertain
If there Is living any member of the great
playwright's family. The last of the line
of William Shakespeare Is said to have
been Lady Bernard, wife of Sir John
Bernard, who was buried on February 1
at Abingdon. Shakespeare's favorite
daughter, Susannah, married Dr. Hall, and
Uielr daughter, Elizabeth, became the
wife of Thomas Nash of Welcomb, a mile
or two from Stratford. Being left a widow
In 1047, she married again two years later
Sir John Bernard, who died In 1647. This
daughter Elizabeth is described as the last
of the Shakespeares. But was she? Tlie
question Is suggested by a statement which
appeared some months ago In a daily con
temporary to tha effect that there ts a
descendant of the poet living In War
wickshire, where he cultivates his garden
on the borders of tha Forest of Arden. He
was born near Charlecote, and is named
William. Tha man may be only a collat
eral descendant cf bis great namesake;
wliether he can claim' kinship In any
still, it would ba Interesting to know
way with the William hhapespeare of
Elizabethan days.
Hoyalty and Foot Ball.
King George has now become patron
both of tha amateur and professional foot
ball associations and there can ba no
doubt that the national game will benefit
largely In the future from his majesty's
support and personal attendance.
Last season King George suddenly
evinced an interest in association foot ball,
and nowadays his majesty never misses an
Important service foot ball match, whether
army or navy. Whenever possible he takes
the young princes, who are all most en
thusiastic footballers.
It was amusing to watch them at a re
cent army and navy match at Stamford
Bridge on the ground of the Chelsea club.
The prince of Wales, who is destined for
the army, applauded excitedly when the
soldiers scored the first goal and Prince
Albert, who Is to enter the navy, was
equally delighted when tha sailors scored.
The king has evidently tsken a fancy to
the association game, which ha had not
seen prior to his visit to tha England
against Scotland International at tha Crys
tal palace, and there Is Just a possibility
that ha may attend tha cup final this sea
son. His visit to tiia "Soccer" Interna
tional was niiule In response to the repre
sentations of an ordinary correspondent,
who pointed out that "Soccer" followers
would be delighted If he were to honor a
representative match with his presence.
Has Been in Gay Metropolis Several
Months, Well Supplied
with Money.
Frequents Cafes and Offers to Buy
Head Adornment.
Paris Music Hall Artists in Hobble
Skirt Race.
Ancient Swindle is Being IlevUcd la
Connection with the Imperial
French Jewels Mnrrlage In
Pairs a Fnd.
PARIS. Oct. 1. tSpecial to The Bee.)
The city Is. in a sense, undergoing a mild
reign of terror because of the aspirations
of Monsieur Jack the Clipper, whose mania
is lobbing pretty young women and girls
of their tresses. He Is said to be an Eng
lishman of wealth. He has been here for
months and he seems to be well supplied
with money. Hundreds of women have
seen him and many have suffered at his
hands, but he has managed to dodge the
police most successfully.
The man has frequented the cafes of
Montmartre and offered women he en
countered large sums of money If they
would sell him their hair. When asked
what he proposed to do with It he replied
that It was for a mattress. If a woman
refused to sell her hair he ask'd her to
dine with him, and after having given her
a narcotic in wine cut off her hair while
she was unconscious. That is the story
told by a number of women ami there is
good reason for crediting it.
Hobble Hklrt Hares.
The commonplace sack lace was super
seded by a "hobble skirt" race at tiie an
nual sports of the Paris Music hajl artists,
which took place in behalf of the music
hull pensions fund. There was wild hilar
ity at the attempts of the young women
to cover the 200 yards of the course. The
winner was Mile. Ymer. This race was
followed by a similar one run by the
artistes of the Moulin Rouge in tlie ex
aggeratedly "hobbled" skirts in which they
appear in a "revue" at that establish
ment. The winner, Mile. Sylva, succeeded
in covering the course In 1:0j.
.Noble" Burglars Captured.
A gang of "noble" burglurs who have
made several large hauls have Just fallen
Into the hands of the police. Their last
outrage was a raid on the Chateau de la
Rochecantln, In the Marne-et-Lolre. The
chateau is occupied by the ConUewse de
la Morlnere de la Rochecantln, who was
roused In the morning by nolse.s In the
adjoining room. The countess entered
the room, but before she could give thu
alarm ona of the burglars placed his
hand on her mouth, and throwing her,
gagged and bound her. She made a des
perate effort to shout out, but the burg
lar effectually prevented her.
Then the thieves explored tlie chateau
at leisure. Ferreting out the place where,
the countess kept her securities, they
made off with bearer sharo certificates
worth 4.800. The subsequent arrest of
three men and a woman in a wood at
Mugonfy reads very much like a Robin
Hood romance.
Concerning the crime the robbers said
that two of their number, with musks
over their faces, entered at night, whilst
the leader kept watch outside.
Fine Old Swindle Active.
A venerable swindle, almost as old as
thu "gold brick" fraud, Is being revived
lu connection with the Imperial French
Jewels supposed to have been taken from
the Tullerles by the Empress Eugenie
when she fled from the city on Septem
ber 14, 1870. These Jewels, of the value,
of 1266,000, were supposed to have been
entrusted to a special envoy, Manuel
Perlz. A French newspaper received not
long ago a photograph of an Inventory
of Jewels, with documents describing
their hiding place, from Madrid. These
documents were submitted to Eugenie's
secretary, Franceschlnl Pletrl, "Nearly
forty years ago," ha said, "documents like
this began to reach me. Recently such
attempts at fraud have been few and far
between, but I still hear of them oc
casionally." Getting Married la Paris.
Marriage is a most serious proposition In
this country. A citizen of this city 'who
recently left tha military service writes
to a newspaper saying he had unsuccess
fully been trying to get married for three
years. French marriage law is very vig
orous. If the prosjiectlve bridegroom had
not lived more than six months at his ad
dress, he must get a certificate signed by
the landlord and concierge of every house
where he has lived previously, till he got
back to where he did live for six months.
Birth certificates ara required, and also the
written consent of parents. As no paper
must bear a data mora than two months'
old, it happens that the marriage must he
postponed to get the papers renewed. The
man who has been foiled for three years
ones succeeded in getting all his papers
correct, when ha was called up for his
periodical term of military service. He
says he will go to the United States if he
Is further Interrupted.
Orderly for the Emperor."
Not long since, the state manager of
a local Insurance company was decorated
with the Legion of Honour, and the clerks.
In honor of the event, presented to him a
piece of plate, with their cards attached.
Tha manager was amused by the card of
the office "boy," an old soldier from tha
Invalldes, who was employed to open the
office doors. Under the man's name was
the title. "Tha Emporor's Orderly."
Not understanding this tha manager sent
for the old soldier.
"Of what emperor ara you an orderly,
and how?" he asked.
"I am tha orderly of THE Emperor," ha
said. "Napoleon, le Petit Caporsl."
"But he Is dead," said tha puzzled man
ager. "I am his orderly. I dust his tomb for
him," said tha old soldier, with dignity.
Prospects Not Favorable for American
in Bishops Continue to Make
War on the Fettered fklrt
Some Itecent Astonishing
ROME, Oct. 1. (Special to The Bee.)
There Is but little prospect that any Amer
ican archbishop will be raised to the car
dinalate. The friends of prelates who have
been most frequently discussed In this
connection have been saying the most coin
pllmrntary things about them while lit this
city, but without producing any result be
yond reviving the rumor that Pope Plus
Intended to promote them. The rumors em
brace the pontiff and the prelates In ques
The college of cardinals Is now eighteen
short of Its full complement, which Is
seventy. It Is said rather definitely that
if the pope should decide to Increase the
number that he will not promote more
than ten. The pope says there is no spe
cial reason for creating new cardinals. As
for America, he has said on more than
one occasion that he would be delighted
to honor it by raising a number of Amer
ican prelates to the cardlnlate, but has
hesitated because there were su many of
them equally deserving of recognition,
oaren'i Work of Charity.
The queen, who is anxious to train her
daughters in the work of charity, some
time ago gave Iolanda a cottage which
overlooks the sea at Santa Marinclla and
which is known as "the Princess Iolanda's
seaside colony."
Here thirty poor children are maintained
and educated by her majesty. They are
popularly spoken of as the "children of
the queen," and her majesty not only
takes a motherly Interest In them, but she
makes her little daughters do the same.
Iolanda sends the colony a gift of her
own needlework, generally useful garments,
at frequent intervals. Acts like these,
which are dune unostentatiously, have en
deared the reigning family to tlie people.
The Italian bishops continue to make war
in the churches against the fettered skirt.
This comes, it Is claimed In the dress
making houses, of the queen and queen
dowager having set their fares against
modes imported from Paris.
Duchess a Traveler.
The queen of Portugal's sister, the
Duchess d'Aosta, has in the press a vol
ume describing her expedition in the Congo
The Duchess d'Aosta stood a good chance
of being the future queen of England. In
the days when she was the most beautiful
princess In Europe King Edward's son.
the late duko of Clarence, fell In love with
her, and the resources of diplomacy were
exhausted In the vain attempt to get
round u difference of religion.
A correapohdehce on the subject between
Queen Victoria and Pope Leo may be
found at Windsor. The young princess
herself came to Rome to try the effect
of personal persuasion at tlie Vatican. The
princess submitted to the inevitable like a
dutiful daughter of the church, hut her
royal English lover was never the same
again, and, when he died her name. It is
said, was on his lipg.
Queer Work of Swindler.
An astounding series of robberies has
been discovered at Messina, where a post-
office employe has been swindling leading
Jewolers out of Jewelry valued at nearly
t.'OO.OuO. Tlie postofflce has a system
whereby goods can be ordered at a dis
tance, payable upon delivery. Marullo,
who Is employed In this department, tam
pered su cleverly with the detachable
coupons that his doings at the expense of
tlie government have gone on unsuspected
for two years. Meanwhile he Is alleged to
have becu keeping a young woman of 20,
who had been abandoned by her lover In
tlie United States. The young woman
passed as an American girl and was In
stalled In an aristociatlc villa In the en
virons of Messina, with servants, a car
riage and other evidences of wealth.
As soon as official suspicious had been
aroused Marullo sent her .'irward with a
maid to Florence, where she was arrested
at a first-class hotel. The police on open
ing the baggage disclosed to view a quan
tity of stolen Jewels and glittering gems
and banknotes. Marullo had also beeu ar
rested. Both mistress and maid are
charged as accomplices.
Scotch lassies lilt I pun .Novel Plan
for Increasing Their Mar
Hrvruue While Idle.
GLASGOW, Oct. 1 (Special to the Bee.)
Selling kisses at a shilling a kiss has
been discovered to be a satisfactory way
of Increasing the war chest by a hundred
girls employed at Neilston bleach works,
Renfrewshire, who are at present on strike
for better conditions.
The girls hit upon the plan of touring
Renfrewshire during the week-end In small
bands with collection boxes. When a party
of them reached Glasgow an old High
lander in charge of a weighing machine at
Brooinlelaw thought he saw an opportunity
for improving the occasion. "Look here,
my lassies," he said, hailing them. "You
know how Uie duchess of Gordon raised
the famous regiment of 'Kilties. To eveiy
man who took the shilling she gave a kiss.
If ona of you give me a kiss I'll drop a
shilling in your box."
Promptly ona of the girls accepted his
challenge, and the exchange was duly
made. The cue thus given, tha game was
played by them afterward with great suc
W. Farrea, English Natarallst, Brings
Interesting Story from tha
oath of Spain.
LONDON, Oct. 1. (Special to The Bee.)
Mr. W. Farren, who has Just returned from
a naturalist expedition to southern Spain,
stated when ha lectured at the Royal Pho
tographic society's exhibition at Pall Mall
East on Saturday tban In the town of
Cor I a, close .to Seville, a weird occurrence
took place at o'clock every morning op
posite the bedroom window of tha hotel.
At that hour an altar ass erected and a
pig eacrificed. The squeals of the animal
aroused him every morning In a similar
but less pleasant way to tha church bells
In this country,
Catholic Hierarchy Takes a Decisive
Stand on the Question of
Ring Encounters.
Monster One Hundred and Eight Feet
Long on Shore.
Seals Are Playing Havoo with the
Fish Output.
Cabmen and F.mployes Are Blakls
an Organised Fight Agnlnst the
.New Vehicle Government
Ownership of Hnilroada.
IHTtLlN, Oct. 1. (Special to the Bee.)-.
The Catholic hierarchy has taken a stand
on the subject of an aggressive pugilism
and anything approaching it. Recently the
archbishop of Dublin madn nn effort to
prevent the exhibition of prize fight
pictures In this city. And since then Rlshor
Brownrlgg of the diocese of Ossory Issued
an edict against a prize fight In Kilkenny.'
He wrote as follows:
"I have been told that our city has been
placarded with sensational announcements
of a series of pugilistic fights between
prize boxers to take place In the theater in
Patrick street.
"I am very much shocked and pained st
this attempt to Introduce a debasing and
degrading form of amusement for the poo-
pto and I raise my voice In solemn protest
against It and rural nut those who are re
sponsible for bringing It here."
Dead Whule Comes Ashore.
Now here Is a real whale story which
conies from Cork:
The inhabitants of Lickbarrahnn. a vil
lage on the roiivt, experienced surprise on
the discoveiy, a. few morning ago of a
whale lying dead, wedged between rocks.
The monster. 108 feet long, hud evidently
been dead some days. In nooks along tha
coast monster fish have from time to time
been driven ashore, but the Inhabitants
declare that nothing such as this big whale
has ever come under their notice. Its
backbone, right at the center of the body,
was broken and dun ted in some feet. Thn
belief prevails that the fish was struck
by an Atlantic liner.
Carnegie Given an Organ.
The Catholics of Limerick may take a
notion to give Andrew Carnegie, the Ameri
can philanthropist, the freedom of the city.
Tha reason Is explained In the following dis
patch from that city:
"It was announced at the various masses
In the Dominican church yesterday that
Andrew Carnegie had promised to pay
one-half the cost of a new orgi for that
church. Mr. Carnegie has given ffi.000 for
a new free library for Llmorlck."
Seals Arm Plentiful.
Seals are playing havoc with fish In cer
tain parts of Ireland. For example, a
meeting of the Carlingford lough commis
sioners, attention was called to tha destruc
tion of fish by seals In Carllngwood lough.
Two species of fish, a companion said, had.
almost extinguished by seals skate and
and flat fish-and other Beclw had also
suffered badly. He had seen as many as
fifty seals In one spot In the lough at a
The Introduction of taxlcabs In this city
may .be followed by violence. The cabman
and their employes have been organizing
In opposition to the Impending Introduc
tion of the ubiquitous taxlcab.
In the meantime a number of jarvies are
receiving lessons In the driving of a motor
propelled vehicle In tho Pheonlx park.
Government Ownership.
The agitation in favor of government
ownership and control of the steam rail
roads is spreading. Since my lust letter
there have been meeting In half a dozen
business centers. At a meeting held at
Omagh recently the chairman said that If
the recommendation were carried out It
would be at the public expense, and which
the public might, for a time, grumble
against, but if carried out they would have
lower railway rates and Irish Industry
would be encouraged. It lias been proved
before the commissioners that the present
railway charges were excessive, and that
preferential rates were given to other coun
tries. It was as cheap to send goods from
England or America to Ireland as It was
to send goods from Derry to Cork. In
Belgium the people were able to travel at
half what tlie Irish people had to pay.
Gateway to lie n Port.
There Is a movement on foot to have
Gal way made a trans-Atlantio port with a
view of receiving commerce between tha
West of Ireland and the United States.
Bishop O'Dea of tlie diocese endorses tha
movement and has promised to help the
movement Financially.
Temperance Movement Gnlna.
The temperance movement started in this
city and suburbs by tha Jesuit Fathers la
growing steadily. Eight thousand persons
attended one of the temperance rallies.
Father Fottrell, local head of tha order,
saw the hope of any nation In respect to
the liquor evil was to bring up tha chil
dren, also young men, in accordance ou
temperance lines.
A number of Tlpperary farmers have de
cided to cease raising barley unless those
who buy the product pay higher prlce-i.
Since 1H85 prices have dropped almost
per cent.
Tha Improvement committee of tha
Limerick corporation has recommended
that twenty-six workmen's houses ba built
and that steps be taken to acquire seventy
four additional houses, to be secured by
condemnation proceedings.
Of 5,66 males arrested in this city dur
ing the year b02 could neither read nor
write, 6.130 could read only or road anj
write Imperfectly.
Long Terms In Office.
Hugn Doyle, chief clerk In tha king'
bench bankruptcy division, has been la
service sixty yean. H. Vivian Yeo, regis
trar of the king's bench division, and Ed
ward J. Greene, chh-f clerk In the king's
bench division, each with fifty-three yeais'
service. James Skelton, first clerk in tha
Waterford district registry, has a record
of fifty-two and a half years and F. B.
Fletcher of thu Judgment record auj will
office fifty-one years' service.