Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee.
Amr 6n
For Nrhrnaka Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report PM" 2
TAaxn on TO EIGHT.
VOL. XUNO. 1(5.
All Things Work to Ak-Sar-Ben'i
Glory and Bring Joy Unto
His Realm.
Wynmalen Makes
New High Record
French Aviator Reaches Height of
Nearly Two Miles, When Car
bureter Freezes.
Coming and Going in Omaha
AW - " ' .
Plant of Los Angeles Times Destroyed
by Dynamite and Fire
Early Today.
Fhe Omaha
The Ship of State to Head Most
Gorgeous Procession.
Electrical Parade Well Calculated to
Thrill and Enthuse.
All Srairhti of the Rrmilir
A rm y
Will Pat en Dally Drills a
Methods of Work
t'eel In Ileal Wor.
1908. 1909.
Wednesday 4,375 8,443
Thursday 7,988 4,164
rtdajr 8,877 4,997
The stars in their courses are working
tor the success of the Ak-Sar-Ben festival
thla year. Saturday afternoon the chil
dren of the kingdom and Suturday night
the men and women nave unmistakable
token that during the coming wjek they
will enthuse, boost and glorify as never
And auch ft week as Is to come! A
trip across the continent will be well worth
while to take part In the entertainment
and the Jollification; and there are those
now in Omaha who have made the trip.
Some are Omaha folks, who were on the
two coasts, and others have never yet had
the rich experience they are about to gain.
So that those who are not thoroughly
posted may be put In possession of the
salient facts, let us give he king's own
definition of the name by which his own
royal festival Is known:
"Ak-Bar-Ben Is the name of this great
state reversed, but It Is more than that.
Ak (Syrian) means the head of a house
hold; Bar (Arabic) means the household
Itself, typified by the knights who have the
festival In charge; Ben (Hebraic) signifies
the brothers In the household."
And It Is the brotherly, pure-all-together
spirit which has made this Omaha insti
tution what It Is. During all the years
nf its exlstetnce, since 1895. this spirit has
never been lacking. In the Initiatory work
and the preparatory labors, continuing
through many months each year, good fel
lowship and mutual helpfulness has been
the rule, as fully evidenced by the re
markable success which has attended the
(all festival each year.
Schedule of 111 Events.
The festlvie Itself covers the dates, this
year, September 28 to October 8; the army
maneuvers will ocuur on the days of Oc
tober S to S, inclusive, at Fort Omaha.
On Wednesday evening, October 6, the
electrical parade will pass through the
streets. On the afternoon of Thursday,
October i, the military parade will move,
and on Friday evening, October 7, occurs
the brilliant coronation ball at the Den. .
The electrical and military parades will
come as the climax of the format entertain
ment offered the general public;' the coro
nation ball will be the social function par
excellence, where valor and beauty vie with
each other In doing honor to the king and
his royal city.
Each year the subject of the electrical
parade Is varied, and this year King Ak-bar-Uen
XVI will make his grand entry in
a procession of glittering floats, the general
scheme of which la told In the title, "The
Bhlp of Htaie and Samson's Quaint Quips."
Who will be the king and queen this
year? The answer will not be given until
the unmasking occurs at the grand ball.
On a (orgeoua float In the parade his
majesty will appear, drawn by two cocky
ostriches, and clever guesaers will then
first have the chance to get under hla dis
guise, if they can.
(core of Oorn-eoua f'loata.
Twenty float, will make up the proces-
. . K .j" ....
alon Wednesday evening, led by the title
barge. "The Hhlp of State." Then will fol
low highly Illuminated presentations of the
various departments of the government.
Back of these will come nine pictorial con
ceptions or flossy funnylsms. under the
head of "Samson'a Quaint gulps."
Artificer Qua Reuse and his Worker In
wood, canvas, stucco, tin, papier inache,
plaster, and his artists and painters, have
been busy with the building of these floats
sine last winter.
Originality of design' and cleverness of
execution has always distinguished the line
of floats put Into tlia Ak-tiur-lien parades,
and this year's display will be no excep
tion, but will be bettered by the experi
ence gulned In the work through so many
years. Other cities have at times found
It to their profit to buy the Omaha floats
for us in similar parades in other sec
tions of the country.
"To muke a Nebraska holiday," is the
great underlying purpose of the whole
year's work at the den; a holiday of peace
and good will; of harvest time spirit, calcu
lated to cement the civic pride of the cltl
ena and win thd regard and kindly con
sideration of the whole state. Not only
s tnis ooject Deen accomplished In a
Vlraotoiy measure thus far, but the
fa t the festival has spread to every
part l.'nrlu Smiii u domains. In a gnat
inuny titles uiui towns outside of Ne
braska men are wearing the button of
Ak-Sut-ben. having been Initiated during
the summer while the guests of friends,
aud in every loan of any consequence In
tut- borders are other knights who
will pretty generally come to the city dur
ing this week.
Rraulara at Their Work.
What last year proved a most pleasing
and instructive feutuia of tbe festival is
the military maneuvers, which extend over
Ilia full six days. Hrlgadler General Fred
Smith, commander of the Department of
the Missouri, will be in command of the
ramp and will have under hla orders men
of all arms of tbe service to the number
ut several thousand.
The soldiers have muJe camp at Fort
Omaha and during their stay in Omaha
live as they would In the field. Last year
was the first time the military display be
came a part of the all spectacle, and this
year ltTs to b uutctt more extensive. From
sums to taa nlng gun the men of the
different branches of the army will be
going' through all the usual evolutions,
with a good many added that are not com
monly en the program.
Much chance for education concerning
the United States army and Its manner of
Continued on Third Page.)
Wynmalen rose until his motor failed
him and then made a perilous descent. He
suffered Intensely and IiIh exciting experi
ence was similar to that nf Leon Morsne,
who, on September S, ascended 8,271 feet.
that being a record that stood until eclipsed
by Chavez.
Wynmalen startrd at 6:28 o'clock and
warmed up by circling the aerodrome sev
tral times, testing his engine. He gradually
rose In a spiral course at an altitude of
2.BO0 meters, where he encountered biting
Nevertheless the aviator continued his
rtruggle upward. At a height of ?.780
meters (R.121 feet) the motor stopped. There
was nothing left for him to do but to play
down to earth. This was accomplished in
thirteen minutes. He landed saMy, but
was thoroughly exhausted. An examination
showed that the carburetor had been
froren. The flight was official and the
record will stand.
Wynmalen Is a new comer In the world
of aviation. He first attracted International
attention on September 29, when at Bourges
he rose to a height of 7,950 feet.
Hotel Burned at
Willow Lake, S. D.
One Man Killed and Two Seriously
Injured in Fire Whic Destroyed
Nicollet House.
WATERTOWN, S. D., Oct. 1. (Speulal
Telegram.) One dead, two probably fatally
injured and several more or less severely
burned as the result of the fire which
destroyed the hotel at Willow Lake, S. I).,
at 3 o'clock this morning.
Seriously burned:
L. Miller, commercial traveler.
Driver Huston, clerk.
Mr. Klwood was suffocated In his room
and doubtless Incinerated. The guest fled
in their night clothes, many Jumping from
upper windows. Miller and Huston are
badly burned and had narrow escapes,
The general store of Joseph Flor and a
vacant butcher shop were also destroyed.
The total loss is about S30.0uu, covered by
St. Joseph is
Moving Backward
Census Report Shows Decrease in
Population of Twenty-Five Per
Cent New Mexico Gains.
WASHINGTON, Uot. 1. Population sta
tistics as enumerated In the thirteenth cen
sus were made today for the following
Bt. Joseph, Mo., 77,403, a decrease of 26,576,
or 24.8 per cent compared with 102.679 in
Shawnee, Okl., 12,474, compared with S,4t2
In 1900.
The population of the territory of New
Mexico Is 327,396, aa enumerated In the
thirteenth census, according to announce
ment of Census Director Durand today.
This la an increase of 132,086, or 67. par
cent over 195,810 In 1900, when the twelfth
census showed an Increase of 37,854, or 24.6
per cent, over the previous ten years.
A. R. Haop Cangrht In Machine at
Hot Nprlnirs and Crashed
to Death.
HOT SPRINGS, S. D Oct. 1. (Special
Telegram.) A. R. Rapp, who came here
yesterday from Leavenworth, Kan., to ac
cept the position of baker at Battle Moun
tain Sanitarium, while supervising Initiatory
i 01 uu" ,ur
I drawn Into the revolving mixer, resulting
in death early this morning. His hand wij
first caught and whole body, drawn In.
His arm was torn almost off and hla body
was otherwise terribly mangled. The
cylinder runs with great velocity and the
body was wedged in so that It was an
hour 'before Rapp could be extracted, but
he was conclous until death. The remains
! will be bur'vl here.
I.nmlicr Advunces tianrnilrd.
WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 1. The In
terstate Commerce commission today or
dered the proposed increase in freight
rates on lumber and forest products gen
erally, from the Paclflo northwest to
points of eastern destination suspended
until February 8, 111. The proposed
advances were to become effective Oc
tober II.
New Cashier Comes toOmaha
For the City National Bank
John A. Miller, who has recently acquired
an Interest In the City National bank and
been appointed to the position of cashier,
is a man of somewhat extended experience
In the banking business. He also has had
the benefit of a good many years of ex
ecutive wcrk In other lines.
Born In Ashland county, Ohio, In 1871,
Mr. Miller, after finishing school, went
Into a bank at Mount sterling, U., and lor
thirteen years devoted himself to mastering
the intricacies of the calling. He then be
came treasurer of the American Pad and
Textile company at Greenfield, O., where
he remained two years. This company also
controlled the American Textile mills at
Cartersvllle, Ga., and the position of sec
retary of the Cartersvllle concern was Mr.
Miller's next assignment. Here he was In
executive control of a 33.000-spindle cotton
mill, the capital of the company being
S1.2iiO,OoO, Fur four years Mr. Miller held
this important post, and then returned to
Mount Sterling to take the presidency of
tha Citlsens' National bank at that pluca.
He was filling this position when called
to Omaha. Thus ha has beea in the bank
ing business seventeen years and has been
a bank officer for ten years of the time,
although still in the very prime of life.
Mr. Miller arrived In Omaha a week ago,
and believes he will be perfectly satisfied
here. He has been getting about the city
to soma extent, looking up a bouse and ex
presses a very high opinion of lta future.
He will shortly leave lr Ohio to bring bis
Another Bomb is Found
at the
Editor's Home.
Paper is Gotten Out at Emergency
Plant of Company.
He Places Blame on Labor Organisa
tions, which have Been Trying;
to Unionise the riant
far Years.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Oct. l.-An attempt
to destroy the residence of General Harri
son Gray Otis, publisher of the Los Angeles
Times, by means of an Infernal machine,
was made this afternoon. Following, as It
does, the explosion, which early today with
great loss of life, destroyed the buildings
and plant of the Times, a suspected effort
to blow up the auxiliary plant of that paper
and the finding of a powerful Infernal ma
chine in the residence of Secretary Zee
handelaar of the Merchants and Manufac
turers' association, the attempted outrage
has wrought this city to an intense state of
suspense and excitement. General Otis and
the responsible heads of the paper unequiv
ocally charge the Times building disaster
and the narrowly averted attempta at fur
ther destruction of life and property to
labor union sources.
With equal emphasis the leaders of union
labor here and throughout the state repud
iate the accusation and have offered all
aid in their power in the effort to detect
the culprits.
Otis Fought I'ntons.
For twenty years following a quarrel with
the typographical union which resulted In
making the Times a nonunion paper, Gen
eral Otis has fought unionism with every
resource at his command. He has been ably
seconded in this fight by the Merchants and
Manufacturers' association, whose secretary
was the object of frustrated dynamiting
The feeling which ran high throughout
the city during the day over the Times
disaster was augmented when the startling
discovery was made that a dynamite bomb
had been found under the residence of
Secretary Zeehandelaar, and reached a
state of alarm and consternation when the
attempt on General Otis' residence became
known. The Otis home is known as "The
Bivouac," and stands on Wiltshire avenue.
In the most fashionable section of the city.
After the finding of the Infernal machine
at the Zeehandelaar residence. Detective
Rice was sent to "The Bivouac" to make a
search' f tha -premises. With 'Charles
Flocker, the gardener, he found a suit ease
hidden under a bunch of vines under a bay
window on the side fronting Westlake park.
Detective Rice telephoned Chief of Police
Galloway, who went immediately to Gen
eral Otis' house Together they examined
the suit case. Chief of Police Galloway
wanted to take It to the police station wlth-
. . t , , nanln I. li I I . a . . , . 1
.i, V "' u" upemna-jof
... . Z ' i Europe, the one having the broadest in-
Mde of the receptacle. teri,8t for a clBsse. of polltlcaI thlnher8
Kx plosion Tears Hole In Ground, lis the reassembling of the Spanish cortes
A buzz of mechanism was heard Inside I Monday for whut promises to be a life and
and smoke began coming out around the death struggle over the policy of the Can
edgea of the aperture. Convinced that i alejas government toward the Holy See.
the suit case contained a bomb, Chief Gal- On. both sides are heard confident pre
loway hurled It as far from him as he I dictions of victory. Canalejas, who since
could. It landed against the curbstone on j the rupture of diplomatic relations be
the opposite side of the street funning tween King Alfonso and the Vatican has
along the park. Immediately there was a i professed scrupulous respect for the Span-
loud explosion, and the suit case was shat
tered into 1.0(10 pieces. A hole was torn
In the ground and the curbstone was
ripped out for soma distance.
A large crowd collected and there was
much excitement In the vicinity. In the
house at the time waa Mrs. Marlon Otis
Chandler, wife of Assistant General Man-
ager Chandler of the Times, and another
woman, two children and the Otis ser
vants. The Infernal machine found at Mr. S5ee
handlelaar's residence was composed of
fttteen sticks of giant powder attached to
a fuse and set by clock work to explode
at 1 o'clock In the morning the same
hour at which the explosion occurred In j In conformity with equitable considera
ble Times office. The bomb was rirst dls-1 tions, and finally a contribution by the
covered at the Zeehandelaar home by a church to the national budget."
servant in the employ 01 the family, who 1 n ,he Vatican side this view does not
t ailed a special officer, who reported it ' prevail. Leading clergy In Madrid and the
to the police. Had not some part of the i organs of the church party deny the
mechanism of the bomb failed to work, i premier s charge of taking an exaggerated house would have been demolished and
its Inmates undoubtedly killed.
Reports of finding of other bombs were
(Continued on Second Page.)
wife and his household goods to Omaha.
"The boys here have been working under
a great handicap for want of room," said
Cashier Miller. "I am convinced that when
we get Into the new building we will have
facilities for handling the increased busi
ness la very satisfactory way."
v r
' ' -' - V- - 1: Ml
mamm mmma am mmmmmmm mmm-mmm mm
. 1.
Canalejas Government Facing Life
and Death Struggle.
KensKemhllna; of the Cortea Monday
May Make a New Era In
the KlncdOm of Al
fonso. MADRID, Oct. 1. (Special Cablegram.)
the events scheduled for next week in
ish constitution, and has tried to persuade
the Spanish clergy to believe him sincerely
desirous of a settlement, "which would
strengthen rather than weaken the posi
tion of the Catholic church" In the Iber
ian peninsula declares the general position
i "so much Improved today as to encourage
hopes of an amicable outcome." To this
' Canalejas, on the eve of facing the cortes,
Intentions of ('n.nalejaji.
"Our real Intentions are as clear as sun
light, and as wholesome to the entire state;
a modification of the concordat of 1851,
which Spain has outgrown; a reduction of
the number of authorized religious houses,
attitude. They assert boldly now what they
had left to Implication as a rule, that
Canalejas and his advisers, while pretend
ing to have no motive save the establish
ment of religious liberty for the benefit of
non-Catholic religious bodies, actually
seeks to destroy that church in Spain.
It la In the-last featured, the question of
a budget cult and of clergy, on which
Canalejas will make his ultimate stand.
This Is the economic aspect of the dispute.
If the sole grounds for his campaign
against .religious associations were the
reasonableness of curtailing their number
to give non-Catholic confessions more
room, he would be beaten to a frazsle next
But the fact Is that it is not the Frotea-
(Continued on Second Page.)
Thousands f
visitors are here and
more are coming
They are engaging rooms now.
Have you a spare one?
Now la the time to tell them of It.
Say where it is.
How many minutes' walk
from depot. Near what car
Whether in residence sec
tion or business section,
And what it is worth.
Visitor! are watching Tbe Bee for
tbia Information.
Call Tyler 1000 and you will find,
a cheerful stall ready to wait on
I- 1 11 I II. IM.,.!!,,!!..-,., Vi" l- II -P-Sg; I
n - r
x.veuts as View to. uj The Bees Arust.
Woman Attempts
to Kill Jurist
Mrs. E. E. Burke, Believed to Be De
mented, Attacks Judge Baker
. - - with Butcher Knife.
CHICAGO, Oct. J. A woman, thought
to be demented, attempted to assassinate
Judge Frank Baker of the appellate court
of Cook county on the street here today.
The jurist escaped . unhurt. The woman,
Mrs. Elmers Elizabeth Burke, aged 4a
years, a seamstress, used a knife with a
five-Inch blade.
In her cell later the woman talked ex
citedly. "I would have killed him," she declared.
"1 have been sleeping in parks and cellars
for three weeks and have had nothing to
eat nothing to eat, think of It. Some
weeks ago, friends told me that Judge
Baker had $100 for me. 1 called several
times to get It, but he said he knew
nothing of it."
Judge Baker said the woman seemed to
have a hallucination that he had S1000,
which he was to pay her out of some
mythical trust, or court Judgment, and had
annoyed him for several weeks.
Aviator Haas
Killed by Fall
Aeroplane Collapses Soon After He
Leaves Treves for Metz in
Distance Competition.
METZ, Germany, Uct; 1. Aviator Haas
foil and was Instantly killed today, while
taking part In a distance competition from
Treves to M:ts.
haas ascended at 6 o'clock this afternoon
and had covered about twelve miles, when
from some cause unexplained his machine
dropped suddenly to earth In the village of
Wellen, on the Moselle river.
The aeroplane was demolished.
Prominent Gotham Financier
Talks to Nebraska Bankers
Practically alone among newspaper men
is Alexander Dana Noyes, financial editor
of the New York Evening Post, in his com
plete knowledge of financial history and
financial problems in the L'nlud States.
Mr. Noyes, who gave one of the principal
addresses to the state bankers' convention
last week, is another of those many famous
graduates of little Amherst college, which
la little only numerically.
Mr. Noyes is a member of a well known
newspaper family and he r.aturally gravi
tated into newspaper work on leaving col
lege In 1&&I. He coupled this newspaper
bent with a ' most decided proclivity for
financial study and his first position worth
mentioning was an editorial contrlbuter
shlp to the New York Financial Chronicle.
Also he sent editorials on financial topics
and got them printed to the New York Po
litical Science Quarterly and the Paris
Marche Financier. A little later he became
a correspondent of the London Financier
and the London Dally Mall.
it was In VsiM that Mr. Noyes' work first
gained widespread recognition among those
whose dally reading is not usually finan
cial topics. Mr. Noyes In that year he
leaped onto the free silver heresy and his
"Free Coinage Catechism" was published
In the Evening Post. That newspaper
circulated H.OuO.uuO copies of this article.
A number of books on financial sub
Jetcts have been published by Mr. Noyes.
He is the author of "Thirty Years of
American Finance." "The Ranks and the
Panic of Jiii" "Tha Treasury Reserve and
Shows How Republicans Have Ful
filled Platform Pledges.
Commission Heady to Bealn Work to
Further Iroaram-Address Before
Krnnbllran I.eavue In ew
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. President Taft was
tho speaker tonight at Hotel Astor before
the League of Republican Clubs. Congress
man Nicholas Longworth spoke this after
noon at Carnegie hall.
Following Is the text of the president's
"Gentlemen of the National League of
Republicans Clubs; I am here because 1
believe this league is a most Important
aid In the upbuilding and defense of repub
lican' principles; As president I prefer to
avoid partisan controversy, but there are
occasions and It seems to me the present Is
one, when It is no. Improper for me to dis
cuss' the Issues soon to be considered and
decided by the electorate.
"In the pursuit of promises made in Its
national platform, the republican party, In
the short period of eighteen months, pre
sented to the public aa accomplished facts,
the following most Important legislation
and executive action:
"The powers of the Interstate Commerce
commission were enlarged. The commis
sion was empowered to suspend any pro
posed Increase of rates until the shippers
snail have a chance to be heard as to Its
reasonableness and Interstate telegraph and
telephone companies were brought within
regulation of the comnilHSion.
"A new court of commerce was provided.
In order that shipper and railways might i
secure prompt decisions.
"Railway employes were protected by a
new safety appliance law.
"The employers' liability act was per
fected.. An Inquiry In.o worklngmen's
(Continued on Second Page.)
the Rond Syndicate Operation," "The Fi
nancial hlMory of the Cleveland Adminis
tration." In recent flme Mr. Noyes has
written at length on the present day
problem of changing the national currency
system and of the punlc of lSnfi. He has
been noteworthy In his writings f'r recog
nizing the importance yf the west.
I . A ,
. A
k ' , . . I '. .... .'
Carnival of Accidents in the Aut
mobile Meet for the Vander
bilt Cup.
Score Are Injured, Half a Down
Mortally, Surgeons Report
Under the Guise of Sport, SlaughUx
is Most Appalling.
Women and Children Run Down and
Lives Crushed Out.
Half a Million I'eople with the Trag
edies, After Which Manaarr Van
drrbllt Sa They Will ot
Interfere Trlth ftrand lrla.
The lead:
OZllVA. FERDINAND, sales man
ager of Pope-Hartford Automobile com
nician. MILLER. CHARLES, Chevrolet's
Tha Injured:
Chevrolet, Louis, left arm and leg
broken; possible Internal injuries.
ttone, Harrnld, driver of Columbus
car 12, may die.
D'Zulva. Mrs., leg broken.
Frey. C. II., driver of No. 47, seri
ously injured.
llaggerhoi n, Henry H., clerk, mor
tally Injured.
Klttrcll, C. H , mechanician, critically
Lerntxon. Morris, of No. 221, Bast
Broaduuy, leg broken.
Miller, Thomas, College Point, skull
broken and Internal Injuries.
lieidmann, Mrs. Uussle, 78 years of
age, Floral Park, bruised and cut; pos
sible internal injuries.
Hook, Mrs. Lillian, Floral Park, left
arm broken,
Roos, Mrs. Martha, " Floral Park,
back hurt, cut; possible Internal In
juries. Cooke, Joseph, cut and bruised; possi
ble fractured skull.
Reed, C, leg broken.
NEW YORK, Oct. l-(tipecial Telegram.)
Four killed, and a score injured, half a
dozen of them mortally, surgeons report,
la the record of today's Vanderbllt Cup
Although Harry F. Grant repeated hla
last year's pcrfomance of winning the race
and achieved a new record, not a cheer
burst from the packed grandstand aa hla
winning car thundered over the line.
The cumulative reports of deaths and In
juries had not only hushed the thousands
In the stands, but the multitudes along tha
course as well. Throughout the last two
hours of the race the air had rung with the
ambulance gongs and great crowds had
witnessed the fatal collisions and smashupa.
Yet, notwithstanding that tha race will
take Its place with the I'arls-Madrls con- .
test and appalling slaughter under the
guise of sport, William K. Vanderbllt, jr.,
manager of the race, and donor of the cup,
declared that the long chapter of tragedlea
would not Interfere with the international
grand prlx race to be run on Lang Island
on October 15.
Two mechanicians were slain in smash
tips. Harry titone, driver of the Columbia
No. Yi. may die of his injuries, and Louis ,
Chevrolet had his arm and shoulder broken '
wlun his racer cut a touring car In half,
and Injured three women.
Outsider la Killed.
Ferdinand D'.lnva, sales manager for tha
Pope-Hartford Automobile company, waa
the only nun-partlclpant of the race killed
outright. He met his death on hla way to
the race, and his wife, a bride of two
weeks, was seilously hurt. Uotli the
woman'a legs wer broken and aha waa
bruised and cut on tho body. The D'Zulvaa
were speeding to the race In their own car
when it turned turtle on a dark down hill
curve at Westbury, L. I. Four men and
one woman. Mrs. 13. D'Zulva, were In the
car when It turned over.
Chevrolet's mechanician, Charles Miller,
waK killed on the course two miles west
of Hicksville, when his steering gear broke
and his car whirled Into a touring car
standing by the roadside, cutting the ma
chine In half. The three women occupants
of the car were injured, two seriously.
Iheir ims were broken ana they were
hurt Internally.
The great racing machine, without Its
ppeed decreased, struck a tree. It shot
along fur twenty yards and went through
a hedge surround. ns the grounds of tha
home of William Lilaclt, a farmer. Mrs.
Kale McCarthy was In the front yard with
her hit by watching u the machine shot
by her. Hhe escaped death by a halr'a
breadth. She Injured her leg In dodging
the machine. The cur crashed up onto the
porch of the house and turnd over. Miller
was caught and crushed like a fly under
a steam roller, while Chevrolet was hurled
fifteen feet or more Hla left arm and
shoulder were broken.
Three Women Are Injared.
In the autoinohilo that the racer rut
I down were seated Mesdaines Martha Roos,
Lillian Koos and (iusse lieidmann. 7H
years old and the mother of the two
younger occupants of the car. Mrs. Lil
lian Roos' left, leg was broken and Mra.
Martha Roos' back was sprained. In some
Inexplicable manner Mra lieidmann
escaped with bru his and shock. All were
taken to the Hempstead hospital.
Miller's home was In Dallus, Tex., aad
this was hls first race.
Matthew P. Bacon. Stone'a mechanician,
was killed wt; u'ne leaped gvar