! - 1 r OFFERED FOR RENT iii liv D. MIQ B(, dodge noTKii"fH'VTTrrjr: r;.r THE IKVIXQ-Rouma aiid board. :i(H Leav. .l,TfoV.U?,AR,, I3lh n1 Howard; . 1 Ji 1 common people, (.uvea right .tfJ.J1 'lorKI-- neat room., meals, 15o L".d uy- Corner 13th and Leavenworth: tlr'kl.:lJR.fc.HVTEU European plan, meal ticket. lo42. ath St Harney wit Houaekeeplaa Haoui. rOtR elegant rooms, furnished, for Jiouisekeeping, hot water heat; gaa range; 'in; telephone; half block north of L apartments; reference required o. 30th St. I-'OR RENT Two room, neatly furnished iiuunciiri'rin. 510 B- &tt hit. oiirtV.0n',,"l,' furnlHhed 'or housekeeping. APARTMENTS for housekeeping; tele- fA ,7 ? '" "na npt; $360 and $6 a week 2010 Webster St. FOR RE.NT--1 n llnnnpnin T'arlr rilatrint neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. In lamny. narney 134K. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, in strictly modern house; R'hkI neighbor hood: private family; walking distance. THREE nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 2iu3 Dodge St Apartments avnd Flats. Wit TMI-VWY- A T . tt . ... . . .....,-., it r,., 0 room, an mooero, close walking d stance, $30. Ulover Realty "uh.l, uuy nan. Dana uiug 2 new strictly modern flats. Just com Pleteil. 7 nilim. urh nmlr flnlah AU.dlll J 3Tth St.; good location. Will rent reasonable to good parties. B1RKETT & TEUBEX8, Agts. 423 Bee Bldg OCTOHER isi we will have 1 4-room and 1 6-room strictly modern, heated upartmenla for rent to parties without children; front and back porches; convenient to three car unes. &i-izs Florence boulevard; price WO. Inquire J. N. Marsh, 1923 Locust St. FOR RENT- 6 and 7 room, modern flats. Tel. Webster 1488. FIVE and six-room flats for rent; very rosy home. Douglas 6666; 13th and Caa tellar atreets. 6-ROOM apartment in the most attractive apartment house In the city. Apply to JOHN W. ROB BIN 3, 1SU2 FAUN AM ST. Untarnished Hooaae. 6 ROOMS at 4416 Furnara. $15. rUR RENT Four unturnlslied rooms all conveniences. 24U2 s. 15th 8t FOR RENT Two good ailed unfurnished rooms, 2822 Farnam 8t OR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 1.1.60; alao two unfurnlHhed rooms, $i.00. Good location. N. Vf. corner 2th Ave. and I'lnkney bt. SEE our four pleasant first floor rooms, modern, hot water heat. JuiW Jones Bt. 8 APARTMENT front rooms, unfurnished. 201 N Davenport bt famished Ilonses, 8-ROOM, furnished house, West Farnam district. io.00 per mouth. Hartley lou2. Houses and lot (a uvea. OMAHA Van A Storage Co., pack, move, tore houschuld goods; storehouse, 1130-34 N. lath; offlre. 3u b. 17th Bt. Tel. Douglas IK GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There la a large space Just off the court on ground floor that will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant. This location la near Farnam street, convenient to main entrance of building. Look before renting. Don't runt before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY R. W. Baker. Bupt 17th and Farnam. FOR RENT-8-room new modern brick house; combination futures; east front, car 13d and Webster St.; rent, $40. 9-room modern brick boose, north part of city; $23. t-room apartment; city water, gaa; large lot; 1621 N. 1Mb St.; 112.50. 4-room apartment; city water, gas; newly papered; $10.60. C. M. BACHM ANN. 436 Paxton Bldg. Office. R-2naa. Res.. D-u0U. 10 Rooms, Close in, $37.50 Look at 604 S. 2Kth St.. 10 rooms, strictly modern. In a first class neighborhood anil within easy walking distance. ia?ne. Bostwick 8r Slater Sole Agents. 6th Floor, N. Y. Ufa. SEVEN-ROOM house and barn. 628 g 2Mb. Blx-ro.mi house. 3114 N. t4th. 'Phone Web. 4fx. 6-ROOM cottage; gaa and water in house. Vli S. 2Mb. St. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE modern except furnace. .520 Pierce street. 2,Wi HOWARD ST.. nearly new, modern house; oak floors. Phone Harney 2517. 2VJ Douglu St., 5 rooms, 127.50. Address O 14. Bee. 'six-room modern Hpurtin.-nt, lawn, bade, paved street, $ 1 S. 2) 12 Miami St. STEAM, modern, central, 4-room flat 220 N. 33d. Houses, flats. Garvin Bros, 3d floor N. Y. L. FOR RENT I rooms, modern, In good repair. Large corner lot. 1502 Ohio bt. Apply ISIS Lathrop St. Phone I1-J244 FIVE-R'JOM apartment; gaa and water; paved street. 1024 S. 20th St. 7-ROOM house In Prairie Park. All modern; brand new; 25th and Meredith. First class and artistic; J-15 per niontn. B. J. Scannell. Doug. 3SS, or Veb. 3511. 410 N. 22 U ST. rooms, modern; very de slrnble; tin location; walking distance; decorate to suit tenant W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. 10-ROOM modern house, with garaite In best residence district. n0. Kryi at offlca. A. E. Becker Co.. 415 Uee Bldg. HOUSES. Ins. RJngwalt. Brandies Th. Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Pulte 62 N. Y Ufe Bldg Red 199. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. tH. ARE you Id trouble? Let us manage your rentals. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A SLATER. ta Floor, N. Y. Lite Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM moder house. 2C04 Dodge street- SI.VROOM cottage In Pjmlee; R.iod re pair; very reasonable. Webster 5166. flOlIXFN ,n m" Prt uf ,M ' UUUOfiO Cicigh Sons & Co., Bee B'Jg SEVEN-ROOM, all modern brick house; good repair. 2ttl and liard. IJU. 1 urging, ton. ui Bee lildtf. BEE our list before renting. Save Unit, money. All a les-all prices. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A SLATKR. th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg SEVEN-ROOM modern brick house. KM N. 2th, .ti. This is good. You mlotake If you don't look it up. FIve-r.N.m house, partly modern, $14, Kth and t'sl.iv. .-,1. TLRKINOTON. I!EE BLIH1. TWO 4-room. modern cottages, very nice, beautifully located 71 soutn 37m street l liune Webkter 2toia ..-room colt ige. IS 2 North S3d. 321. f-looin cottage. H'2 Evans, 322. rooms, H Sherman Ave.. 125. I rooms, 2210 Emmet. J.lo W. H. GATES. 44 N. Y. Ufa Bldg Phone Doug. 1294. K-KOOM all modern brick veneer, slats roof, stone porch, cistern, barn. Everything In first class condition 3 00. 3S50 Hamil ton St. Tel. Douglas 27. on account of leaving- the city, have va cated my home. 22 California St. Beau tiful cottagu; lawn shudn. eic.:wlll rent at lac.nable price to strictly first class ten ant. If iaka alck, W. ki. Poller, l Mer rvuu Hulas, OFFERED FOR RENT Ilonses an 4 lottaaee t. S-r. modern house, with hardwood finish throughout. West Farnam district. 340. K-r., modern 1 oue, iv.-.i t'nllfornln St.. 40. S-r. modren brie K house, rlaht kind for winter. 1121 8. 31st St., t:io. 8-r., house, modern except furnace, 3543 Davenport St., 323. SEE .ME FOR OTHER GOOD HOUSES. JOHN W. RORB1NS. Iiii3 FARNAM !T. ONE "-room, alt modern cottage, except heat, at S43 S. 23d St., also 4 rooms up stairs at 25W Pierre, all modern except heat Call owner, Douglas 31-9. S-ROOM modern house. 2512 Chicago. .NEW tf-room house, modern except heat, combination fixtures, nice large yard. Iu40 So. 22d. I'hone Doug. 6122. Uarns. 0KD brn, reasonable. 2402 St. Mary's. Doug. 6504. torea mm office. TUACIwVG frTTKOrailTY We offer for rent the one flory and basement brick store oom at 914 Farnam. This prop erty haa trackagevfa(ilities La tear. Apply BEE BUILDING a), 17 th and Farnamt FOR RENT Office rooms. 318 and 310; de Iraole suite of offices on third floor witn north and west exposure. A wide oorridor extends around the attractive court to these offloea affording easy access to tola niatie i-f buainess. Rent for suite 351 THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. STOREROOM FOR KENT. Eoutheast corner ittth and Douglas 8ta room 3ex70 feet. Possession giva aoout September 1, 110. CITY NATIONAL BANK. TIZARD home from Europe. Those who have applied on meat and grocery stores or othets, conler at office, 220 N. 23d. OFFERED FOR SALE Karnltra. DOWD-M1LLER Commtsslon Auction House 310 and SIS 8. lith bu Sell high grade furniturr on commikslon. If you have furniture to sell consign to us. If you want to buy, attend our auction each p. m. ANTlviUa., soiid mahogany fiddle back and other chairs; also library table. Big bargain. Leaving city, mi Cass street. SEVERAL pieces of first class furniture Including good Ice box, for aale at a great sacrifice; must aell at once at owner is leaving city. S25 So. 24th. Apart 7. Tyler Mt ST BE SOLD this week. Parlor, dlnlrig room, bed room and kitchen furniture Nearly, new. I3t South 3i,th Ave. GOOD as new, massive brass bed box sprintM, hair mattress. Quick Meal range chiffonier, combination bookcase, oriental mm uoiueiiv rugn anu arapes, all sizes. vu .iiiimiii, Musical laatrnnienta. FINE upright piano; lateat style. 3115 Owner leav.ug city 1911 Caaa. ORGAN for sale. In first claaa condition 310 Apply 715 No. 17th St. M CHICKER1NG upright, rosewood case fin. .,n. lilinn irtyii Month ... . ' HIGH Krade. upright piano; will sacrl. 1UI vou. ..i.a.j. o, OIU. AS YolJ read this ad. so win ,... .' read your want ad. it It la In The Bee. Trpevrrl tera. BUY an L. C. Smith & Broa. typewriter B. F. Swanson Co.. Distributers, Ull 1' a ri. a. n St. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with ouk sianu, 94 itiuiiiuiy, iruin manufacturers most interested in satisfaction given Oliver Typewriter Co., UoW BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 107 Farnam! Typewriters for Rent1 makes. 131b FarnamT St. Omaha, ow"n,n- REMINGTON, perfect condition, til Mlsoellaneoas. About 40 feet of 3D Inch diameter No. 20 suu. iuviira vi".' wnn rour 46-lnch elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe is In good condition The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam GOOD paying tailor shop. Address E DRUGS at rut prices, freight paid on ail fit orders, catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co , Omaha Neb. SAFES Overstocked wllth second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. NEW $b range, used only a few months complete with hot water front, will seli for J.5 If taken at once. Harney urn FOR SALE New and sacond-hanii him.ra and pool table. We lead the world in cheap Balka-Collender. 407 8. 10th bt WB HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will aell for 60 cents each Theey are fine for rain water or a shea Call at preas room. Be Publishing Co. SALE An old-established bakery 1413 N 24th St.; must be sold at onoe. witt or wiinoui rixtures. SIX hundred cords of four and five foot maple and Cottonwood cord wood to sell. . Ji -t. w.iw nu two cuia iota, price 3j.26 per cord. o HEEFK REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg Phone Douglas or A-2152. JHrCLASSrange,tl8. 6 .CajiornU. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas. 334- Brandela Theater Alice Johnson. 30a-3 Wt-nrlels Thester Rid PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. W1UARO EDDY, registered practitioner In U. b. Pat. offloe, 13 Paxton Blk. R. 21. PERSONAL NERVOUS DISABILITY. Maasuge treatment, alomach trouble. Dr. Margarita Halloran. 224 Neville Blk. U. 7761. Manicuring, shampoo, chiropodist W-4897. PRIVATE HOME durlne confinement: tables tor adopt! in. Oood Samaritan Sani tarium. 140 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. WlflS oupee for men. GtlfflUi. " 13 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits eaat-orr clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. we coueot repair and aell at 134 N. 11th St.. fur cost of collection, to the worthy poor, fail phone Douglas 4135 and wagons ill call. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Remge Bldg. JORIE WASHBURN'S. hnnW -Th. ITn.. world Sewer." at all oook stores; price 31 60. N '"dependent orchestra furnishes the best up-to-date music for the least money. Get my prices. Th. Har. la9 IRIATE home for women during con finement. Addres box 117. Florence, Neb. Phone Florence sul YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as t.-angers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building at Seventeenth St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be direafd to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted Look for our traveler's aid at the Union elation. Switches .,rom combings. 31 Se. Mrs. . OHitiiiCS Mathews. 3u4 Neville blk. D426J. A HOME fe women during confinement We find homes fur babies whose mothers 'tnnot care for them. Babies boarded For terms addreaa Mrs Martha L. Lee. 401 Bancroft gu, Ouieta, Kelt. 'PImmm Loua-laj U2L THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910. PERSONAL (Continued.) HINDOO TABLET will build, brace, rtreDgthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. Tt VTTJ Scientific massage treatments. Uilluo 1417 Dodge. 10 a. m., p. ra. THE BUCCE8S of the century, Mma. Frayer's addellght hair food, grows hair, remove dandruff. MtgeaU StaUonery Co., 1421 Farnam. DR. EGGERS. private confinement home, 161 S Martha. Omaha. Tel. Dour 420. YOUR credit Is good for the best hair goous possible to purchase; w will sell you braids, puffs, switches, etc., absolute. y utn creun. largest aeaiers in Oman full at Boyd System, fM Ramgc Pldg PRINTING LEW V. KAliEll, Printer Dh; Bee Bldg Entrance on Court R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co. 103 g. 14th. lnd. A-3624 MILLER JAM1ESON. 1213 Doug. Both phones. PHONE IND. A-2424 for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co.. 14th and Capitol Ave Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS) Or TITL3S. PETER JESSEN. JR.. Tat. Douglas tl REAL EITATB DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO , Est. 185R; prompt service; get Our prloes. 304 Brandela theater. BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 4H Brandela Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB. Lots in Florence W have several good lots in Florence, close to car, that we can sell for 3176 each on terms of 36 donw and 35 a month. Also some on the east slope within 1H block to car, tnat we can sen tor ana txi; terms of $10 down and $10 a month. These lots will surely be worth a great deal more In a short time on account of so many Im provements being made in Florence, and since the new street oar line runs direct to the business district of Omaha without transrer. HASTINGS & UEYDEN, 1414 Hamey St My new six-room house, soutt front, rooms very large, open fireplace In living room; expensively deoorated; cost 34,600 and worth more; will sacrifice to make aulrl sal. Look It over and make offer. 8610 oiarcy St., Hurney 4713. WEST FARNAM. Eight-room, all modern, large lot Cheap est home on Farnam. Only $500 caah, bal ance very easy. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. 46s New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1S9SA. 172L FOR BALE Two lots, 131 by 140, o-i 6outh 16th St. near Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will aell as one piece or di vide. Willing to sell at sacrifice AddI at 835 South 21st St " ' FOR SALE l-ioom house, strictly mod ern, built less than two years. 2 minutes walk from car Una. on business street. Call at 321 N. 1st St; Tel. 227 lnd.. Council Bluffa Big Bargain Located In northwest part of town, two blocks from car. $160 down; $10 per month. You can't afford to rent when you can buy on such terms as these. Act quick. SIIIMER & CHASE CO. 309 So. 17th St. THREE desirable lota wlto variety of fruit. Store across street. Will aell for cash or trade for team. 401 Nc. 18th bt FOR SALE This house can be looked through at any time. It's new, 8-rooms, oak finish first floor, oak floora. Well built by myself. Modern in every respect Has door to alcove upstairs. Got to be bold; come and see me. 3326 Seward. Phone Harney i709. FOR SALE Nice lot, 60x136, In Dundee, on Daven port St., between 43th and 5(Xh; cement sidewalk, sewerage, largo maple treea, one half block from car line; will sell on easy terma. Tel. Harney 2212. DO DOB STREET, CLOSE IN. Eight-room, brand new, easy walking distance to business center. Only $6(Ju cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. 658 New York Life Bldg. ' I'hone Red 13S3A. 1721. Choice Square House $500 Down. Brand new, six rooms and reception nail. All good-aised rooms; three fine bedrooms and large bathroom upstairs, rull basement; good furnace; east front lot. Excellent neighborhood. nice 3.t00; easy terms. If you were to atart building now, you could 'Ut flnuu your liousn. before winter. What's the use? Buy one of our ready-to-move-lnto modern dwellings. SJ11MEK & CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St Both Phones. 3l'D AND POPPLETON ST. A molern and up-to-date 6-room cot tage, very reasonable. South 11th St., a modern and up-to-date 6-room oottaae. full sized lot. veiv cheap. A store building with 4 rooms attached and a well preserved separate 4-room house, on extremely easy terma, (1st and Maple Sts. 4th and Orint Sts., with a large f round, a finely equipped 7 -room resl ence at a very low price and at easy lei ins. North lth St., and near Lake St., a 6 room modern, except heat, cottage. Fit ED S. 11ADKA, (30 N. Y. Life Bldg., Douglaa 4334 or evenings, Douglas 4430 F. R. GOSNEY, 669 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 4334 or evenings Webster 60. 29th and Hamilton, a modern. uD-to- dale and new residence of 7 rooms, at your price and at your own terma. 25th and Davenport St., a modern waier-heated 4-room cottage. A modern 6-room and new Dundee cot tage at a very reasonable price. North 17t t St., a modeat, neut home, for only $1,700. 43d and Seward Sta., a big lot with a fair residence, for only $2,600. Bargain Lot For sale, choice lot. Howard St.. near S5th Ave. Tel. Owner; Har. 3316. Nobby 5-Room Bungalow All good-slied rooms, parlor and dining room, oak floors, kitchen, two bed room and bath room, maple floors; living rooms are large and cheerful; kitchen haa en amel sink and thirty-gallon hot water tank; guod-slzed pantry and back porch; nice cemented basameiit and very com plete and sanitary bath room wito medi cine cabinet; bed rooms have roomy cioa cts; nice lot 40x130, in a neighborhood of food, substantial home, half block to herman Ave. car. Altogether the cosiest home in town. Price, $2.su0. Easy terma. SHIMEK & CHASE CO.. 30 So. 17th 8t PRAIRIE PARK "wo mare houses lu completed, seedy for occupancy; six rooms ana nrn; narawood rinirb tlrst story; lull cemented basement; one-fourth rash, bal ance monthly; agent. 1703 Fowler avenue 1 an ton Real Estate Co. (4.6o4 will buy 4-room modern ihot uun tiouae. 2su6 Dwdfe. Inquire on prsinlaea. . REAL ESTATE CITT FROPKRTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) Choice Five-Room Bungalow Never been occupied; ready to move Into. This bungalow has a nice large vestibule, large parlor and dining room with window seat, back bed room with two large win dows, insuring good light and ventilation; good sized kitchen with pantry and entry tor refrigerator; complete bathroom with best of plumbing; good sized front bed room. Fine combination fixtures with dome in dining room; eight-foot porch, splendid cemented basement; big, flooied attic. House Is piped for furnace. Good sized east front lot In a desirable neigh borhood; half block to Sherman avenue car. The house number Is 4114 No. 17th St. Price complete, $J,nS). Reasonable terms, call and let us show you this. SHIMEK & CHASE CO. City, Suburban and Fnrm Property. Fire, Tornado and Plate Glnss iii.suranoe. Surety Bonds. Factoiy Sites and Business opportunities at Ralston. ( So. 17th St. FOR SALE House 7 rooms, water, sewer, toilet etc.; nice treea and shrubbery, tui bouth 21st St BRAND new 4-room house near east aids Haiisc biu park oar. $.M4 Harney 3834, 8 ROOMS, 1 FULLi LOTS. House modern, fine lawn, fruit. A lovely home, (300 cash, balance very eaay. Might take lees cash from a reliable party. Loos at 3181 Fowler Ave. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. (58 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red lintA, 1721. REAL ESTATE FA Hat AltU It AM 11 LAMi FOR BALK Colorado. COLORADO LAND. 1 have 3,000 acres of Improved and unim proved land for aale at from (10 to M an acie, within Irom one to ten miles of town, all toot tillage; write me for particulars. D. O. BEAN. OVlNA. COLO. CsUllorala.. A FINS 14-ACRE PhiACH ORCHARD in Ontario, Cat, value (u,UuO, to traue for good Minnesota property auout same.vaiue; con sider Dakota, or bloux rans. several tint California orange groves, troni (iv.uuO up Sale and trades. Have one caned me finest piace In soumern California, price (Uo.Ouo Beautiful property will pay big returns also. It you have eastern property to trade for southern Caiitornia, senu descrip tion. Tradea effected anywhere. Faltlitul peraonal attention given to your matters, insuranoe, sales, tradea, rentals, inveat menta, etc References furmsned. James M. Van Dsuseu, Jug Brainy Bldg., Pasadena Cal. 40 ACRES Finest Orange land near Fresno. California, $1,600. F, Bee. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor ious fruit district southern Buiian Colum bia for $10 cash and do moninly, without Interest. Annual profits, $ouo tu (l.vvo pei acie. Orchard, garuen, puumy; scenery nunting, fiftilng, coating;; delightful, w.rni climate; cnurcn, school, postoii'ice, store big sawmill; dally tiains; close to markets' unlimited demand tor products. Write quick for maps, photos, free Information WeBt-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept D ' Drawer 1087. Nelson, British Columbia. " Florid. FLORIDA We have millions of acres of Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni zation lands. Betore purchasing send tor Florida Real Estate Journal. Big bargains nice homes; we can suit you. National Realty Agency, Jacksonville. Florida, llliaots. $7 PFR ACHE FOH FARM. This land glows as much corn aa Illinois land. Good market, aome ainasing farm bargains. nowata Land & lot co. 468 New York Life Bldg. Iowa, IOWA FARMS. Writ for my large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from tu acres up to 640 acres, all prices; good liberal terms. bee Madison county before buying. Best all around county in the state. Adreas J. G. SHRi V'EH, Wlnterest la. IOWA FARMS. For bargains In Iowa farm land, write or call on Iowa Land Credit Company, Ma son city. Iowa. 47H-ACRB IOWA FARM, 4 miles of Council Bluffs, ail fine land but J or 4 acres, which is seeded to alfalfa. Ijirge house, good barn and all kinds of outbuildings. Fine orchard and vineyard. With a little care the fruit will more than pay interest on entire cost of the place. Good spring and one of best meadows in the state; was green all through this dry summer. Farms no better have sold for $150 per acre. We offer this for $115. M'UEE READ ESTATE CO.. 14 Pearl Hi.. Council Bluffs. Kausaa. 140 ACRES In Anderson county, Kaa.; 40 acres pasture, balance new land; price, $14 per acre. Neai-Bowmau Land Co., Gar uett Kaa. FOR SALE By owner, 660 acres of good land. In Jackson county, Kan.; will divide to suit purchaser. P. M. Haas, Holton. Kan. ALFALFA land; farm lands In western Kaoraa. 1 quote, subject to previous sale S. W. 13-20-32, shallow water alfalfa land at $26 per acre; 3Vi miles from McCue. N. a. 11-17-32, good wheat or broomcorn land. $i3 fer acre; 4 miles from Manning, on Mo ac. G. D. Card. Scott City. Kaa. , Oregron. STOP at Baker City, the first ofuntv seat in eastern Oregon. Located in a ilea tanning and fiuit raising Ui: trict tiiat lias never been boomed, t'lices on unproved land lower than raw land else where. $20 per acre up. for iniotina tion and Illustrated booklet free, ad areas , MEYERS-ECKERMAN REALTY CO.. BAKER CITY, OHEGoN. Minnesota! See me about Minnesota farma of all de scriptions. They are priced right. THE HtNb.!jl LAND .MAN, H. T. BULL1S, WASECA. Ml.SN. 340-ACRE farm, within 3a miles of Minne apolis, i) miles from the count teal, nai 1M acres under cult.vauon. balance iiinoer and pasture; all high land; ui.ee (is imr acre; one-nail cash, balance on easy terms; land Is situated on main traveiau roau. 1 mile from school. This is a bargain ana will bear me moat rigid inveM.ga.auu. For further particulars write M. a. UutOai loi d at Co., i'riacetoa. Minn. FOR sale Cheep Good farm, IM acres, all under cultivation; small buildings; 1 uillee west Of Hawley, Clay county, Allan. Address box 4, Muskoda, Minn. J0 ACRES, clay soil, well limbered, with hard ood; located near this city; a bg bargain. Price. (13 per acre. P. R. Utile. nan. St Cloud. 34na. Ulwssrl. BARGAIN 40-acre farm; 4 miles from Warsaw, Mo.; O. acres cultivated, balance failure; near school ar.c cnurch; prioe. ..lmj, terms etvay. Address i. G. Until, Warsaw. io. IN MISSOURI. MO acres, 116 m.les southeast of Kansas City; hi acres fins bottom iai,,i in cultiva tion, balance four pastures; mcelv watered, fine two a tor y frame r.-jue, good tenant house, good barn, crlba. etc., an tenrtd with wire and board, 1 mile to town, scnooi and cnutcr. Fur quick sale Ui per acre oo tiaue. 3EORGE KL'MPF, !03--1j6 Sheldleg Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. A SNAP If taken la 80 days-Fine vallty 44 acres. Improved, In ths heart of Ca county. Missouri; 8 miles from county te.t 4 sal with owner; save commission. Address box 74. R V. D. Ko. 4, Harrison vllie. cat c.onty. Ma. THHSI hlgh-elass Improved northwest Missouri farms for sale. corn, clover and blue grass land; your choice. I I per a.re. Write for particulars. Basel j Meek, twuer. P. O. tw 4vi. Cbiillowuie. Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM AMD Rf It LAMI FOR SALE (Continued.) Nebraska. FARM BARGAINS CASS COUNTY ,KJfi? of Mffh table land, highly Imp oved. four miles from town of 3.000 peopl: aoout d acres natural timber; 4n acres clover; 4 acres alfalfa; 6 acre orchard, bal .ITi,. " cul"yHon; Improv ement consist of a 10-room house, barn for ten horses, eipnt cows thirty-five tons hay. and grain bins for 1.000 bushels of grain; driveway in center of building; buggy shed, corn crib , hen notice and all necessary out buildings; gul well and windmill; in fnct.an A No. 1 farm In one of the best localities In the Mate of Nebraska. Price. $125 per acre, half cah. balance at ( per cent i. TCT""- "" """n1. 8""itl' rolling land, five miles from two good tewns; highly improved, consisting of an 8-room house. 2S x:3 feet; barn. 32 x 40 feet; double corn crib, W'xjo; granary, p,X24 with machine shed one side; all In the beet of repair. All fenced alia cross frnced; has woven wire on two sides of the farm; 13 acres prairie hay, c ,,,",ur, A" kinds of fruit in abun dance; about L acre In cultivation, i, OH. running through the place. This Is one of the best and most highly improved farms In the country and Is in a German neighborhood. Price only $126 per acre, half cash, balance at per cent. (-0 acres three and one-half miles from Ashlard; all lays high and very gently roll ins, improvements are fair, connlning of 6-room house, barn. Wx;i2; room for six norses, grain bin and tn tons of hay; granary, henhouse, cave, cob house, smone nouse and ctih for 1.2) bushels of corn; well, wind mill and an abundance of fruit SJi V ii'.P0 , ' . y i r"" 'n timothy and clover: twenty-five acres fall wheat, which t,la,,' This la an exceptionally good eighty ami is verv cheap at the price asKefl. we sol.l the farm adjoining this on the wee-t for $140 per acre; the price of this one is only $iio per acre. 80 cre three miles from town; Improvements consist of a 4-room house, stable room ror rour horses, hen house; one acre fenced Mg tight with woven wire; farm is ail renced with oak posts, nearly new. with three wires; about five acre timber, "th'fr6" P"J,tur; about sixty acres In cultivation. Land is gently rolling wun the exception of a few acres along the creek which runs through one end of the pasture which is a little rough. This Is-the cheapest place in that locality considering the location and quality of the land which is A No. 1. Price, $S0 per acre; half caah, balance at 4 per cent. .1H? ,crJfl, scntly rolling, all tillable and all In cultivation, three miles from town, and has fair Improvements consisting of a 7-room house, barn, 18x32. room for eight mi,BS , "'x ,ons of h-y: granary room for 1.000 bushels of grain; double corn crib, ax-; place fenced and cross fenced with barb wire, five acres fenced with woven 'r' k'cr hog pasture; orchard consisting of about elRhty apple trees and thirty peach trees, all bee-ttng; eighty acre sowed to fall wheat which goes with farm. This ! ? iJTLcep llon.''y Kood farm being all good, black soil and Is In a locality where land . i. .t?o5?uch h,"her. bu' the Improvements are only fair the owner has priced it at (113.00 per acre. Mortgage, $7,000, seven years to run at per cent Balance cash. - ,1.60 r?flne able land three ml lee from Ashland, Improved and all tillable. One of the best farms In the county. Price. $150 per acre. DOUGLAS COUNTY i ti8 acrts f Omaha, only three miles from car line, good Improvements con sisting or 6-room house, barn for four horses, six cows and several tons of hav; two chicken houses, well, wind mill and two cisterns; one acre of grapes and some rruit trees six acres alfalfa, two acres pasture, balance in cultivation. Iand all gently rolling and is a bargain at the price. Price, $6.4uO. Will carry $2,000 at 4 per cent SARPY COUNTY SO acres three miles from South Omaha, r.ll tillable except about five acres which lays along a small creek In a fine blue grass pasture; land lays very frently rolling and Is the best ot black soli. Improvements consist of good 6-room house, barn for four horses and seveial cows, corn crib. cave, hog house and other out buildings; small orchard; fifteen acres prairie hay; twelve acres alfalfa, balance In cultivation. Price, $200 per acre. A bargain at this price considering improvements and location. 20-acre timber tract three-fourths of a mile to car line $2,000. 50 acres, one-half mile to car llne;mall Improvements, $186 per acre. 60 acres, one and one-half mile to car. Improvements worth $8,000. Priced right. HO-acre tract suitable for country homes. Interurban car line passing through land. Ask for prices. WASHINGTON COUNTY Have a few good farms left near Fort about them. C. R. Rooms S07 to 811 Brandela Theater Bldg. SECTION lnnd, 1316-36, Keith county, 37.50 per acre. Easily worth $10.00. Fifteen miles north of Paxton. 403 Paxton Blk. I 50 Acres Fifty acres, 10 acrea bottom land; 40 acres slightly wooded bluffs, overlooking liver nd city. Young bearing orchard, with li! iiioice trees. National Spring located about lour miles north of Florence on lower river drive Now occupied by T. J. Adams. Lower river drive through tract. Take a spin out and aee it You will see nature in Its brightest glory, and leave wishing the place were yours. Price but (D.ouo, or will subdivide at $160 per acre. Bemis-Carlberg Co., 312 Brandela Theater Bldg. BIG BARGAINS. 640 acres in Lawrence Fork creek valley, near Reddingrton, Neb., about 18 miles Bouthwest of Bridgeport: larire unit I on fin valley land, good water 16 to 30 feet; only $1.75 an acre. Write Fred Oilman, Reddlng- voii, iteu. AS YOU read this ad. so will thousands read your want ad, U it la in The Bee. Mules, LANDS MEXICO I have for sale several fin tracts ot tropical lands and transportation especially suitable for fruit and atoek raising. Cheap on quick aale. Live cor. respondents wanted. None but responsible firms or parties need answer. Reference given and required Address, J. Perria Kent 'liacotaipajn. Ver Mexico. Oklahoma. (20 ACRE'S, 300 level, 200 crop, 100 hot tight, two bouses, wells, spring, five-ten scale, shop, four mules, four horses, six cowa. seventy-five hoga, tools. Price, $14,00)). 'ihree smaller farma, rent or aell. Owner. William Rarick. Clifford. Okl. booth Dakota. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT. Aa improved quarter section in Greaorv county, o. u., 4Vi miles from Burke, 6V, miles from lil-eunrv: all fence. 1; mjtll uf of Improvements; 60 acrea under cultivation. nice o per aore. 160 acres, one mile from town. Tripp county; price fc9 per acre. A half section, 2- unite from Wltten. Puce . per acre. A baif (.ectiun 4 miles from Carter; price $3u per auie. in co naif section 4 miles from Dallas aud 3 iidiee iioni Coiomo. Puce w per acre X. F. HARRINGTON, Ben uu luwa ijiug.. aiuux city, la. "THE IDEAL HOME" OF 640 ACREA situated lu tua uig bioux valley, lour nines south of Camlewoou, the county scat ut ilanuiu count j, South Dakota; 4tu acres of ucbo black kiain, under yearly cultivation; Jin acres lu pasture and lov in the beautuul spring-isu Laao r loience. with us sylvan kcenea and sparkling wa'.ers, deep ana pure anu uuea w.tu it.su and game in season, ".Ml n.-aiuy m tie no. no, a ioui teen loom nous, large barn, two granaries, chicken bjuse, hog house and woven wire pasiura. coin alio, inacmne house, email barn and numerous small t ulldings, all in good con dition, wan windmill, tlirou wells and cis i em. all surrounded by a beauuiui grove. Price $2o,uu0. on good terma, by M. J. Hutaell, Casilewool, a. D. WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Mr. Faiiiicr, come to South uakota; stop paying high rents; own your own farm, ip.-r.cl the money f r your improvements that you are iaing n Iowa tu hi-'h rent. vv a own twenty q larters of land hen that we can sell you . or $4 tu i'M per acre oo leiiiu oi can t nat, 41,000 lo $l.iaP clown balance, on itay uc-nis at per cent Come here belore (ho anaps are all gone. For full intimation write Dixon Bros, or Bank of Seneca. 1-a ila county. S D. SECTION of Gregory county, South Da kota, land (or ii. Th s teiilon has tim ber, runnina water fed y opnngs, lota of nay, oo acits bioken, Ibo an..- can ba piowe.l. all lenced, on. -nail iillie Hum rchoui, lime iiniea Iroin jao ia'..road lo.vn and iix iniiea from an-jii ei, gouu eo.i a. id Hi Vfiy ntst ail around larininii and Slock railing kcciion In Uiegcry county, boutlt l akula. call or writ lo Chant liuici, owner. 1-aii'lax. S. IV READ THIS! Splendid quarter lor sale in Lyman county, South Dakota, Vti mile front iKpidiy growing town; snap price. Address Box 731. Vililsca, la. DOCBLE YOUR MONEY. Do you want to buy a uood lownsttef We have it Just fresh from tne government, with perfect title. 12V lots now surveyed and about 30 of them sold with about II buildings now completed in the town on a railroad that has six uaily Hams, with ex cellent service. This townsite include 16) acies or the veiy best of second bottom land with fine umber tit parks and aisu a tine ktream ot wa.er lunumg ir.iough it. Fine opening (or almost ail kinds ut busi-ne.-t. ecptc'iany a bank, hotel aud elevator A grand baigaln If sold lu unity day. Ad dress Powell Land Loan Co., Powell. MaMey cwuiity, ri It. Wlacousla. 30 ACRES LEVEL LAND. cultivated. I a lanes pasture. 6-rooin bouse, large baru, rhlcken house, spring and trout brooa on farm. 3 mile from station, school on tan J. 11. MX). eay terms Tom O Mason. Istaal City State bank. Cumberland. Wla. HARDWOOD timbered lake fronts farm at a barcaln, 64 acres In Polk coun ty. Wis . i miles from twin cities; heavy t'xf loam oll; half mile lake frnntas. lot4 ef hardwood saw timber: small clearing d bull.! nes good neighborhood; only 11 200: on easy terms if taksa at once. Owner N. e. Bos A, ot CruU rail, Wla. REAL ESTATE FARM AD R4.MH LA.NU FOR SALE (Continued.! Calhoun, Come In and let mo tell you COMBS 17th and Douglas. Phone D.391S. W rowings. 30.000 ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Act lauds at Wheatland. Wyo. Obtain a home now that's sure to produce and double in value before paid for. Plenty of water now on the land. Also selling choicest farm lands In Iowa colony, near Cheyenne. Great alfalfa and grain crops grown hero every year. Healthiest climate, purest water, good markets. For excursion rates, valuable maps, laws, write ilartung Land Co., special state agents, Cheyenne. Wye. FINE 80-acre tract. Irrigated: paid up; government water right; no alkali; $f00 worth Improvements; will sell for $.10 per acre; $1.0o0 down. H. F. Parker, Box (4, Cheyenne, Wvo. MlarelT.aeoos. HA VB TOU A FARM FOR 8 A LB 0H TRADET Or do you want to buy one! Make your wants known through THE DE4 MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium ot lewa. Ratea: 1 oent a word for each lnser. tion, cents a line, 70 cents aa Inch, cir culation. 41.000; largest of any Iowa dally Give us m trial. Address Tbe Capltt Land Dept.. Dea Moines. Ia. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One good quarter ef farm land, Perklna county Nebraska; two good quarters in Sedwlck county, Colorado; 160 acres of wheat land In Alberta, Canada; twenty acres and a town lot In the onion belt of Texas, last two propertlea clear. Will take a good roadster automobile and good driving horse or driving team as part pay. Address Box 64. Albion. Neb. , REAL ESTATE WANTED IF your property Is for colored people rent or sale, list with the Home Investment Co., 108 H. 14th St. Have tenants waiting. I'hone Douglas 1419. REAL ESTATE LOANS W. H. THOMAS. No stringency In money for real estate loans, only a slight Increase in interest rates. Loans made for building purposes on either business or residence property In Omaha and money advanced as building progresses. Borrowers have privilege oi paying 10 per cent to 20 per cent of their loans on any Interest date. W. H Thomas, 603 First National Bank Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build, era. with privilege of making partial pay. menu semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank- Blag. $601) lo 36,000 on Oniane hoiriea. O'Keefa Real Estate Ca., 1014 N. T. Ufa. Doug or A-2152. r money TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. 3100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. tVesd Bldg.. 13th and Farnam. GARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Ufa. $iua to 1109 to on Improved proper. No delay. 'ft' ANTED City loans. Patera Trust Co WANTED City loans and warrants w Kkiuain (Smith Co.. 1320 Farnam St SWAPS 13 ACRES, Melrose park. Chicago. Ill clear; will trade for Income paying prop erty; price, $S,600. Nowata Land Lot Co , Stt New York Lite Bldg. Phone Red IWi; A-172L Land for Town Property 143 acres, with 134 under irrigation and paid up water right in .North Platte valley Railroad siding on land; three miles to lood town. Price $u6 per acre, $s,2ou. Clear owner wants city or town property In ex- C'?AYNK INVESTMENT CO., Entire 3d Floor Ware Block. 6. E. Corner liith and Farnam his. Phones. Doug. 1731., A 118. FOR SWAP. Fine art store, stock invoice .hmii tr. vuv Will pay big anywhere; make offer. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 1 W New York Life Bldg. I Phones Red lava, A 1721. FOR TRADE Oil FOR SALE. j A parcel of 6 lots near I-'airacrea. with : splen.lld prospects for future develop ments for city rental property. Five new and modern cottages, rented by the year and written leases, netting $1,360 per year, near the buslne-is cen ter and near school. 3223 Hi.i.ey St., a 7-room house for farm land. HADRA, 660 N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug. 4334. Land lor Auto O acres, western Nebraska, clear of In cumbrance, to trade for 6-paast-nger auto mobile. Price, 2.w;5. I'AYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire 3d Floor Ware Clock. S. K. Corner if.th and Farnam .Sts. Phones, Doug. 1781.. A 11M. TO TRADE-tt section land In Ochiltree county. Texaa. H section In Keith coun:y, Nebraska. noke land and some cash ,f necesury for stock of indse. Write Box 7"l. Albion, Neb. 7-RuOM house, bath, toilet; lot 60xlW clear. Trade for wild land In Nvbiaska; land must be clear. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, UI N. Y. Life Bldg. Red IM; A-172L 13 SWAPS (Continued ) WE exchange properties of merit. II. H. Culver. SI2-413 N Y. Life. Douglas Tsv WANTED-T0 BUY BEST price paid for Id-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. tv.1. SECOND HAND clothes, evening and party dresses. John Fpldman, 21S N. i;tb bt.; phones IViuglss S12V lnd. A-t34. WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMEN wants rooms on or near 8. ltith between Howard Hnd Vinton, at once. Address, C 130, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN desires place to work fo board and room u private famllv while st tending school Hoy.es Cofle'ge. BoUl Phones A No. 1 Bookkeeper desires position. Can cperate typewriter and do nny clerical work, Best of references. Address M 182, Bee. RAILWAY TIME CARD I N ION STATION Tenth and Msvrcy. I'nlon Pacific Leave. Ban. Fran. Overland L. a S 15 am China Japan F. M...a 4.10 pm Atlantic Express Oregon-Wash, lamlted a 4 00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:46 pm Colorado Spec ial all'43 pm Denver Special a 6:47 am Colorado Express a 3:M) pm Chicago-Portland Spl. ..al2:60 pm North Platte Local ....a 1:15 am Grand Island Loral a 6:30 pm Lincoln Beatrice Local.. bl2:40 pm Chlcnao, Great Western Chicago Limited a 6:43 pm Twin City Limited a 8:30 pm Twin City Express a 3.00 am Chicago Express Chicago Jt Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a V :.o am Sioux City Local a 3.46 pm Minn. & Dakota Ex a 7:00 pm Twin City Ltd tex Sat). a 3:4 pm Twin City LKSat only). 11:60 pm EA8TBOUND. Arrive, all ) pnt a 6:46 pro a 6.46 am a 6:10 ptn a 6:30 pro a 7 43 ant all. 30 am a 4:30 pin a 130 pm a 4 46 pm 410:30 ana b 1:30 put a 7:63 am a 3:30 pin a 3:46 pm alO M prn a 3 2S put a 9:16 am a 7:30 am m 7:30 am all 36 am a 8:21 pm a 8:28 pm a 7:66 am a 8:2S pm al2:30 pm a 7 .46 am A 6:33 am al0:00 am A 8:36 put all :00 am 410:45 pm b 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm all:00 am a 1:66 ptn 3:45 pm a 8:00 am a 8 bo am Omaha Express a 7:00 am Chicago Local al2 06 pm Colorado-Chicago a 610 pm Chicago Hpeclal a 6:02 pm Pacific Ccast-Chlcago...a 6.06 pm l, os Angeles uimited Overland Limited .. Denver rApeclal Carroll Local Fast Mall S :M pm .all. 45 pin .air : am .a 4:30 pm a 6.80 pm WESTBOUND. Lincoln-Chad ron a 7:60 am Nofolk-Dallas a 7:o0 am Long Plne-o. Platte. ...b 3:16 ptn Hantlngs-tiuperior b 3:16 pm Deadwood-llot Springs.. a 8:56 pm Casper-Lander a 3:d5 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express . Chicago Limited . Minn. St. Paul Ex Minn. -St. Paul Ltd ..a 7:00 am ..a 4:00 pm ..b 7:00 am .a 6:00 pin Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd....al2:!W am Iowa Local Pass a 4:36 am Chicago Daily Ex a 7:43 am Chicago Local Pass bl0 ;lo am Dea Moines Local Paas.a 4:00 pm Chicago Lxpreea a 4:40 pm Chicago Limited a 6:04 pin W EST. The Moutalneer a 1:50 am Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a 6:36 am Cole. & Cal. Ex a 1:26 pm Okl. c Texas Express. a 3:30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd... .410.40 pm alO so pm A 4:30 pin a 2:4,i am bl0:19 pm 12:30 pm a 1:16 pm a 8:02 am A 7:06 am a 1:47 pm a 4:30 pm a 1:30 pm all:31 pm Chicago, Milwaukee at St. Pool- Overland Limited all:43 pm a 7:69 am Omaha-Chicago Ex. b 7:16 am b 9: HO am Omaha-Savannah Ex. Colo.-Callf. Ex Colorado Special Perry-Omaha Local ., Wabash Omaha-St. Louis Ex. . .o 7:16 am o 9:30 am ..a 4:00 pm a 3:36 pm ..a 7.67 pm a 11:33 pm ..b 6:16 pm bll.uG pm ..a 6:30 nm a 8:36 am Mail and Express .a 7fS0 am all:16 pm Btanb'y Lcl (from C.B.).b 6:00 pm b!0:16 am Missouri roclflo K. C. A Bt. L. Ex a 9:20 am a 7:15 am K. C. A St L. Ex. .all:l6 pm a 6:60 pm Borllngrton Station Teath Mason. BorHngfton Denver California a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Puget Sound Express. ..a 4:10 pm a 1:46 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 1:46 pm Lincoln Mall .'..b 1:20 pm al2:16 pm Northwest Express ... .all :2o pin a 7:00 am Nebraska points a 8:20 am a 4:10 pm Nebraska Express a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Local b 8:08 am Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm 7:14 pm Schuyler-Plattamouth .b 1:06 pm bl0:30 am Plattsmouth-Iowa a 9:13 am a 8'60 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..al2:30 pm a 1:40 pm Colorado Limited all:25 pm a 7:00 am Chicago Special a 7:16 am all:05 pm Chicago Express a 4:20 pm a 8:66 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:30 pm a 8:00 ant Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0:30 am Creston-Iowa Local ...a 1:80 pm al0:30 am St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm all 46 am K. C. t St. Joseph al0:45 pm a 6:46 am K. C. A St. Joseph a 9:16 am a6:10 pm K. C. St St. Joseph a4:S0pm Webster Station 1 nth and Webster. Missouri Pacific Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bll.15 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha Sioux City Express b 2:00 pm bll:4R Omaha Local c 6:20 Sioux City Passenjrer b 9:20 Twin City Passenger ...b 4:30 am Sioux City Local c 8:3r am Emerson Local b B:."5 pm b 9:10 (a) Dally, (b) Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. pm at am pm pm am FARMERS' INSTITUTES IN SOUTH DAKOTA Director Chamberlain Recommends Increase of Appropriation to Tvrcaty Thousand Yearly. PIERRE, 8. P., Sept. 10.-(Sperlal.)-In the annual report of A. E. Chamberlain of the Farmers' Institute work in the atate, he recommends that the appropriation for the worn ne increased to $20,000 a vear This to Include the money for Institute work di rect; for school extension work: for nubll cation of bulletins: and the other details of institute work. He shows in the report that for the year ending June 30, 1909, there were eighty-nine regular Institute meetings continuing from one to three days, with a total of 3:5 sessions, and there were 106 In stitute meetings continuing from one three days with SW s salons, and an at- tendance of 4,,r,u0. Ho asks that the appro prlations ror the women's work in the do mestic sen iue il .ai tment be either In-creaj-ed to a point where It will be of prac tical value, or that that part of the work be dropped. The report calls attention to the aHlstance of county superintendents in Introducing elementary agricultural courses In the achaols. and asks that the mom y be provided to assist In this part at the work. People Swarm to Mitchell, MITCHELL. S. D.. Sept. 30.-, Special Tel egram. i-TI:o Corn Pa. ace contained a crowd nearly as large as yesterday and It ia estimated that over 10,000 were at the palace. For the cloning day It Is Impos sible to secure sufficient coaches to briny all the people who have sent for accommo dations. The Elks are coming strong with special coaches from Sioux Falla and Huron. Wyoming; Hankers Finish. DO I 'O LAS, Wyo.. Bept. 80.-(Speclal.)-1 he State Bankers association adjourned its fourth annual convention here today and elected the following officers: President Harry B. Henderson. Chey. enne. ice President C H. Townsend, Casper Secretary-11. Van Duisen. Rock Springs.' Members of the Executive Council A D Johnston, ( hey enne. and Ira M. Jon..' Therinopolla. -ones. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada, to