Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The OmahaSDaiiy Bee
For Ncbraskn Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report vee vnf? 3.
VOL. XL NO. 00.
Splendor of Lights, Music and Won
drous Shows Attracts Throngs
Registers Increase Number cf Names
Each Day.
Attendance at Carnival Shows Gain
Each Day Over 1909.
Great Military Camp Will Be Thron
lilnor br Monday Might with Live
linessWednesday Mant Cornea
Marvellous Parade.
1908. 1909. 1910.
Wednesday 4,375 8.443 3.316
Thursday 7.9B8 4.184 6,561
Aa a drawing card, the annual fail fes
tival of Ak-Sar-Btn never does grow stale.
In appeal thl year 1 proving as strong
a aver.
Since Wednesday the Omaha hotel regis
ter have heen carrvinir Kn increasing num
ber of names, rage nfter page has been j
fll'ed by the autograph makers, not only
from Nebraska, but from other states. This
ten-day revel is the one set feature of tUe
year. In the royal west, for which folks
make preparations to be at leisure.
Ordinarily, touching the every-day affairs
of llfs, the vacation and visiting time of
busy people Is over with the coming of
September. Hut Ak-Sar-Ben's gala time is
an exception. It has become a home insti
tution for the whole empire surrounding
the city of the king. In years agone visitors
have found they do not "wear out their
welcome," no matter how long they re
main In Omaha.
The courtesies extended by the knights
to groups of citizens from many cities, and
representing many Interests each year dur
ing the preparatory Jousttngs at the Den,
serve to spread the sentiment of hlspitallty
and good will to thousands besides those
who attend personally on Invitation. No
one cornea who does not go away in a mood
to boost and say nice things of his enter
tainment. And those who hear them know
that the promise of the Initiatory days will
be more than realized when the harvest
has been made and the glorious days of
lutumn mark time for the wind-up within
the gates of Qulvera.
Festival Family Affair.
This festival la a family affair, too. It
has never fallen to the low estate of being
i mere "pleasure trir" for the head of the
house, but Is held In esteem aa something
designed and built up for the general en
loyment of the women and children, even
In greater measure than for the men. Ho
it Is that famlllcr have gotten Into the
liablt u coming In companies, regiments
and brigades. "Johnny Is marching home"
when the trumpets and drums of Ak-Sar-Ben
aound anew each autumn; but with
him comes the women folks to double his
oya and the little ones to halve while they
enhance his pleasures.
."All things to all men" Is Indeed very
applicable to the character of the festivals
of which the sixteenth Is now in full flight.
I'umpklns and paradise birds, sandwiches
and surprises, spectacles and savages, pic
tures and pythons, thrills and trophies,
grains and grlsettes, showmen and Bhlvers,
acrobats and actresses, spielers and sol
diers, and the whole gamut ot strange and
conventional pleasures, sights, sounds and
sorceries, are at hand. They line the en
closure and Jostle each other in the open
spaces, and are studied, guyed, smiled on
paid tribute, ciltlclsed In good or 111 hu
mor; and on their part they find amuse
ment as well a profit in the bewildering
evolutions of humanity In the mass devot
ing Itself solely to getting entertainment
In return for Its ready coin.
Field for All.
Here the connoisseur of farming and the
ci tic of beauty Is able to find occupation
fur the mind; and the seeker of fun alone
has a world of things to indulge him. Stu
dents of the strange and tho unusual can
be gratified with unique exhibits of many
a different kind, pigmy and brobdignajjian,
reptile and freak, aborlglno and refined
oddity among humans, boneless wonder and
dashn.g danseuse, mystery and merry
trick, magician arid musician, swing of
dizziness and roll of ocean, flaunting ban
ner bearing wonderful representations and
the quiet sign of culture, stunted horse and
monster rat, animals you used- to read
about In the old geographies and wonders
of divers kinds never dreamed of "when
we were boys."
The price Is low and the field Is wide, and
the free outdoor exhibitions but bespeak
the liberal spirit of the management that
keepa lta hand on the lever at all times.
There Is little or nothing to offend the
most sensitive and there is much gathered
here that could nut be seen singly without
long travel.
Many events to Crowd Week.
In reality the coming week will have
crowded Into IU six days the true ex
emplification of the plan of Ak-arBen
and his busy contrivers. By Monday the
great military camp will be throbbing with
soldierly llvellnecs from morn to night,
the bands will be crashing away, the
crowds will be arriving In heavier numbers
and settling for a two or three-day stay;
and by Wednesday the floats will bo rigged,
the attendants drilled to the last word, the
Htreet stands completed, regal rones fin
ished and delivered, all preparations com
pletedand Wednesday evening the greai
electrical parade will wind Its glittering
course through the blazing streets. Then
the dawn of Thursday will bring keen an
ticipation of the panoplied brigades of war
that will swing along the thoroughfares
an army on the move In field gear. In trim
khaki. In patriotic blue, and with many a
flint of gold and brave tiapplng carried by
man and need.
But pending all this outburst ot the
thrilling things yet under cover, the cur
nival Is on; and in thousands of homes here
and elsewhere the talk tuins to it warmly
Fathers and moLaers have planned for it
and the childreff will not be gainsaid.
Farmer Braided tn Drat a.
ESTHERVIIJ.E. Ia., Sept. 30 (Special )
As the lesult of getting s.-alded from a
threshing machine engine yesterday, Will
Stade, a farm. r who resides ten miles north
cf here. Is dead. While running his engine
over a small bridge It went down under the
heavy weight, letting the boiling water run
over his body, and he died two hours later.
A wife and five children, a father and
mother and four brothers are left to mourn
tis sudden death.
Missouri Has
1 hrcc and Quarter
Million People
(Increase for Decade is Six Per Cent
Buchanan County, Containing
St. Joseph, Shows Big Loss.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 30. The state of
Mli-sourl has a population of 3,i3,3oo, ac
cording to the enumeration made during
the thirteenth census, statistics of which
were announced by the census bureau to
day. This Is an Increase of 1S6.G70, or 6
per cent over the population In 1UO0. which
was 3.106.f,ta.
Missouri was saved from actual decrease
in population by Its two large ciUes, St
Louis and Kansas City. The gain at St.
Louis was 111,714 and of Kansi.s City, S4.6LH,
making a total of 1KC.4X or 9.750 more than
the aggregate increase for the entire state.
The fleures concerning the city of St.
Joseph wen not announced today, but those
for Buchanan county in which that city is
located show a loss of almost 30,0oo, mak
ing it evident that the city will also surfer
a decrease In the number of Inhabitants.
Many of the losses were from the lurgest
counties as follows:
Over o.OOO for Lawrence, about 4,000 for
Bates, Daviess, Harrison, Nordaway and
Saline and 3.00U or loss for Carroll, Chariton,
Cooper, Gentry, Livingston, Macon, Tike,
Ray and Vernon.
Among the large gainers was St. Louis
.......... rt , t.woi i ,u, .!
u.,,. ...
82,417. Other counties showing Increases
Greene and St. Francois, about 11,000 each;
Scott, over 9,0o0; New Madrid, over, 8,000;
Dunklin, about, 9,000; Jasper and Hemiscot,
over 6,000 each; Boone, Butler, Cape Girar
deau, Jefferson, Marion, Mississippi, Ran
dolph and Stoddard, from 2,01 to 4,on0 each.
Without a material Increase In the num
ber of members of the house of represent
atives, the Missouri representation is liable
to diminish to the extent of at least one
population statistics were made public
today for the following Missouri counties.
Buchanan, containing St. Joseph, 113,020,
compared with 121,848 In 1900.
Green county, containing Springfield,
62,713. compared with 84,018 in 1900.
Jasper county, containing Jopiln,
compared with 5:1.713 In 1000.
Heney for Strong
Federal Control
California Lawyer Attacks Methods
of Corporations in Address at
Irrigation Congress.
PUEBLO, Colo., Sept. 30,-Declarlng that
strong federal control and a modification
of many present methods was necessary
to properly conserve the natural resources
of the country for the benefit of, all the
people, Francis J. Heney of California elec
trified the Eighteenth National Irrigation
conrress this morning by attacking what
hs termed methods "by which the great
corporate Interests are endeavoring to grab
the remaining energy producing agencies."
Mr. Heney said the supporters of federal
and state control were divided into two
cc.mpa, that the corporations were support
ing the state advocates because they saw
in this an opportunity to secure the de
sired control.
Former Governor Adams of Colorado de
fended states' rights.
The report of the resolutions committee
was read and adopted.
TaiVs House .
Party Breaks Up
Cabinet Members Spend Week with
Executive Scaling Down Esti
mates of Departments.
fWASHINOTON. Sept. 30. President
Taft's "house party," at which his cabinet,
advisers were gueits, broke up today.
The president himself will leave the
White House tomorrow at 10 a. m. for New
York, where he is to make his first po
litical speech of the campaign before the
League of Republican Clubs at a banquet
at Hotel Astor. Mr. Taft has prepared
this hpeech with great care and has gone
over it several times with the members of
his cabinet.
The cabinet has been sitting all week,
most of the time being devoted to scaling
the estimates of the various executive de
partments to be presented to congress at
the next session.
Kansas City Divinity Student Is
Charged with Causing; Death
of Girl.
OLATHE, Kan., Sept. 30. At the conclu
sion of his preliminary hearing here today
Karl F. Blckel, the divinity student, was
held for first degree murder In connection
with the death of Miss Frances Peters of
Kansas City, Mo. Blckel Is charged with
causing tho death of Miss petero, who died
In a Kansas City hospital of m. rcuilal pois
oning. Blckel's bond was fixed at J.",000.
Samson, While in Trance,
Sings Song of Carnival
The automobile stare, the sea legs walk
and the aeroplane dizziness sre ail fairly
familiar ailments, but th Ak-Sar-Ben
rhymery Is tho latest It has remained for
Samson to evolve this affliction. After a
trip over the highway one of his millions
found him in a trance, during which he had
written the following:
"Knights, attend, at d hear a friend sing
loud a hearty ditty, while a vassal tells,
mid sound of bells, the fame of QuIverJi's
city. The king's good band does ready
stand, in really proud array, sir, with
stomachs big in gala rig, to make merry
many a day. sir. Some way out yon the
cannon gun will shortly loudly roar. sir.
and the small arms, too, will rattle: slnee
war game began 'tis sure no man e'er saw
so safe a battle. For shutting out the blood
and rout so welcome to the soldier. Ak-Sar
Ben s men are noted; with paper wads they
I pelt the squads as beauty safe Is toted,
I Through lively lanes where pleasure reigns
) ar fling Mogy's bullets, received amain
j un glad acclaim by dowagers and pullets;
kDd on tn flanks, wltU quip and pranks,
First Speech Praises New York Plat
form and Henry C. Stimson, Repub
lican Nominee for Governor.
Asserts Grand Old Party Has Rights!
to Votes of People.
Roosevelt Says that He is Present to
Report Progress.
Stand Made for Asa-Tensive Honesty,
for Governmental Efficiency and
for HIrM People to ton
trol Themselves.
M'-W YORK. Sept. 30. Theodore Roose
velt, addressing the National Republican
League, In session at Curnegie hall today,
delivered his first speech of the state cam-
rtnitrn T'roi.Uii a .
"I . --" I'.aiiuiiu ami nenry
Htimson. the republican
nominee for
governor, he compared the republican con
vention with the democratic meeting now
being held at Rochester, and on the
strength of his comparison said he felt
the republicans had the right to appeal to
every decent citizen In the state, without
regara to party affiliation, to vote their
way. The Saratoga gathering he styled a
"people's convention." free from the In
fluence of special Interests.
John Hays Hammond, as president of
the league, Introduced the ex-presldent.
The attendance was not large and Colo
nel Roosevelt wag somewhat hoarse after
his labors at Saratoga. "But," said Mr.
Hammond, "even hi swhlsper Is heard
around the world, and we will follow him
up any San Juan hill he may lead us."
Colonel Roosevelt said In rart:
Roosevelt's Sueeeh.
i. am ner to report progress. We have
Just held the republican state convention ut
Saratoga. There never has ben held In the
state of New York a convention that was
more methodical ft people's convention,
not a lobbyists', not a representative of a
single great special Interest exercised a
finger's weight of Influence In that con
vention. That convention represented ab
solutely the opinions, the reasoned convic
tions and belief of plain, every-day men.
"Three points, three essential points, were
made In our platform of principles. In the
first place, that we stand not timidly, not
half-way, but aggressively, for honesty In
ijuuuc ana in ousiness life.
...... . , ... , stand for Flanagan communicated with Captain Bav-
n?7.Th . effk"ieJncy' ai,1 ln third age shortly before noon, that tough rough
place, that we stand for the right of the looking men had boarded the Rock Is
people to control themselves and not to be j land train and purchased tickets to Omaha
controlled by imme one else. ,vitr, golA m01)c, ot tlie und-.tclrn from
Now. the voters of this state v.ili ' have ! the bank. The deputy explained a Uverj
to choose between that on tho one side and j man was alfO on the tram following tu
no uwicr iiue mis tnere Mr. Roosevelt
held aloft a newspuper clipping) which I
shall now describe to you in the language
of one of our most envenomed foes a
leading representative of the Wall street
democracy, the New York Times of this
morning, describing the democratic conven
tion, now sitting."
Murphy Is Ruler.
He read: "All day and night the demo
cratic leaders have been going, bat in hand,
to Mr. Murphy and asking him humbly to
favor this or that candidate."
"In the New York Times! And In Its edi
torial, the New York Times falls In with
the other democratic leaders and asks for
the nomination of a candidate by the con
vention. "Now It goes on:i 'Never before has Tam
many Hall been in such unquestioned con
trol of a state convention. Never before
has any Tammany boss been enthroned as
the state leader In the unlimited way in
which Murphy is recognized today. The
convention Is In the hollow of his hand.
" 'Back of Murphy's control are rumors
of strange and sinister Influence. Vou can
not throw a brick ln any direction in
Rochester without hitting some lobbyist or
railroad attorney.'
"Now this Is not what I am saying. It l.i
the New York Times. Tho New York Time-
describing the convention of Us party
" 'The woods have been full of them from
the start. They got here before the dele -
gates did.' "
When Colonel Roosevelt had finished
speaking the convention adjourned until 10
o'clock tomorrow, when a platform will be
adopted. Tomorrow night there will be a
banquet at the Hotel Abtor at which Presl-
dent Taft will be the principal speaker.
' " - w , . . tai f I hW I
Bogus Notes of Same Kind Found nt !
Pasadena, Cal., and WU- j
llainsport, I'u.
WASHINGTON. Sept. ;0 The secret
service has unearthed what appears to be
a bold and extensive attempt at counter
felting national bank notes) Notes of the
same denomination and issue as were found
yesterday on the Pasadena (Cal.) National
bank were discoverod today issued nn th
First National bank of Williamsport, V
a. I
are glrly sweet and chappy, picking fun as
light they run, determined to be happy.
And every knight to lady bright does make
his gay proposal, "Dance light tonight, my
sweet, for my poor heart, shot by your
dart, will be beneath your feet.' With
roguish glance, as sharp as lance, the lady
thus disposes, "No squire of tin my heart
can win, nor make me him obey, sir; for I
must go through this whole show, and you
pass on your way, sir." Observing which,
with humor rich, old Akky twits the gal
lant, 'Forego the chase, smooth out your i
face, for lovs you have no talents; these
maidens fair are my despair, not lightly to
be won, sir; they revel high, with flashing
eye, and damage great have done, sir; so
move along with the passing throng, ready
to do servl.-e; egad, bedad. you inahe me
mad, and likewise somewhat nervous; I'll '
have you hung an' you give tongue to any j
word but boosting, for I'm the king of
everything that In this roost la roofng,,
and say w all in the good king's hall.
'There's a monarch proper; he brooks no
sour looks, sir; bis tournament's a whop
per, where kickers g: the hooks, sir.' " 1
Prom ths PhlUdslphta Inquirer.
Two Finns Taken from Train in
Omaha as Suspects in Affair.
Cracksmen Overlook rackaae Con
taining; Thonsumd In Currency
Safe la Wrecked and Build
ing; Badly Damaged.
In response to a telephone message from
Deputy Sheriff Flanagan of Otoe county,
Police Captain Savage caused the arrest
of two men on a Rock Island train as sus-
When Detectives Davis and Pattullo ar
rested the suspects at the Burlington sta
tion, the latter. In very broken English,
gave their names as John and Gus Wanio
The liveryman, who was reported to be
following them, was nowhere to be found.
At the local station Captain Savage
questioned the prisoners and had them
searched. They proved to be, Finns, with
very scant Knowledge of English, and had
no money ln their possession. The detec
tive captain declared it his belief that the
men were ln no way connected with tn.
safe blowing.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Sept. 30.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) This morning about 1:3S
burglars entered the bank ef Lorton anil
blew the safe with dynamite, taking some
$1,200 In gold and silver and $f00 ln paper
money, but overlooking 11,000 which was
covered up ln the tare. The safe and part
of the building were wrecked by three ex
plosions. Mr. Steffena, who resides opposite
the bank, was awakened by the explosion,
but having no phone looked out and seeing
his house guarded, gave no alarm, nor
did he leave the house until daylight. Mr
Gooden, a blacksmith heard the noiso and
alarm.-d the neighbors In the south psrt of
the town, but none of tliem dared to ven-
lt j ture near the tank until u o clock this
morning, when Sheriff Fisher was notified
' BUd w nt out t0 tce lf c"uId locate any
i clUM a" to tne Suilt' Parties. No one was
i seen In the town that Is suspected, save
i Peddler two davs ago, who is thought to l
j yeggn an. Dr. Smith, who was attending
a patient four miles above town, heard a
i bu"8' J'Ke past at a high rate of sp?ed
' remaining two men, but their track was
! lo!it I'fore reuclilng Dunbar. It Is though;
! the men went north to catch a train into
! Lincoln.
Bloodhounds will be brought from Lincoln
and an attempt will be made to trace tiif
robbers.' The bank received $'S0 In silve:
from Omaha by express yesterday morning,
and It Is supposed that the men follower
the shipment here. They secured entrance
to the bank by bieaklng open a rear win
The Missouri Pacific ticket office at Loi
on was bioken Into Wednesday night, but
tiling of value was taken.
Thousands of
visitors will be here
next wrek
They are engaging rooms now.
Have you a spare one?
Now Is the time to tell them of It.
Say where it is.
How many minutes' walk
from depot. Near what car
"Whether in residence sec
tion or business section.
And what it is worth.
Visitor are watching The Dee for
this information.
Call Tyler 1000 and you will find
g cneeriui giau reauy to wait on
Your ai will be written If you
wish, and place J-
Near and Yet So Far
Half Million
Dollar Fire
in Chicago
' 7"'"r-,
Grain Elevator of Gottfried Brewing
Companv Destroyed and Adja
cent Buildings Damaged.
CHICAGO, Sept 30. More than half a
million dollars damage was done by fire
which attacked the Gottfried Brewing com
pany's grain elevator today. In the course
of the fire several hose companies narrowly
escaped death ln falling debris, while all
buildings In the neighborhood were endang
ered by fire brands which flew far on the
strong wind.
When the wall crumbled ln, the flying
embers set fire to nearly a dozen adjacent
buildings, but firmen were stationed In the
lee of the blaze, and no damage was done.
Several railroad lines found their service
cut off for half an hour by hose across the
truck. The firemen fought eight hours
before controlling the flames.
New York State
Highways Best
Good Roads Association Endorses the
Work and Methods of the Em
pire Commissioners.
ei. lulis. Sept. so. Resolutions were
adopted and a national committee for mil
were named at the closing session of the
third annual Good Roads convention here
this morning. The national committee Is
again headed by George C. Diehl of Buf
falo. New York State Highway Commissioner
according to tho resolutions, are the most
effective ln making good roads and every
stale is asked to appoint such a body.
Statute labor on roads Is condemned and
it is iecomnietidd that all highway taxes
he paid in cash.
ll Is reoornmeiided that every state pass
a law requiring all vehicles shall carry a at nigut, and the marking of all
roads Is urged. The convention will ( try
to have the government Increase the funds
apportioned to the United States office ot
public loads.
Fonr Towns I'rnellcnlly Destroyed
and Thousand Persons Are
MANILA, Sept. SO. A typhoon of unusual
severity swept over the valley of Cayagan
river In the provinces of Cayagan and Isa
l ela, northern Luzon, on September 24. Four
towns were practically destroyed. A thou
sand persons are homeless end destitute,
hut dispatches so far received Indicate that
there were no casualties. The government
Is making relief plans.
Colonel Roosevelt Will Not
Talk on Des Moines Attack
OYSTKK BAY. N. Y.. Sept. Sn.-Brlnglng
with him his son-in-law, Nicholas Long
worth of Cincinnati, Colonel Roosevelt re
turned from New oYrk late this afternoon.
Tho attack on Colonel Roosevelt which ap
peared today ln the lies Moines News,
which Is aid to be Senator Cummins'
personal organ, brought for no connent
from the colonel beyond the statement that
he had heard of It.
It is known, however, that he re-card.-the
state platform not as an expression of
his own Ideas, tut rather as a reflection of
the views of the party. Friends of his who
saw him at Saratoga today said he was not
pleased with the tariff plank. His position
In rerard to the tariff law was made clear
in his speech as temporary chairman, ai d
Colonel Roosevelt told his friends that lie "1,"n'"n WIIn the traffic club and a public
f'ld not care to go further than that In , afi'lr" under the auspices of the republl
indorslr.g the law. ! " ommiittes will be delivered at the
Colonel Roosevelt s ten days tour through
the routh and southwest beplnj on Octo
ber S. He will leave New oVrk In a private
car at 1:2.1 p. ni. The first sto; will he at
Bii'tol, Va.. where Mr. Roosevelt will
make a brief sidre,s. The second stop Is
Knoxville, Tenii., her he will deliver an
address at the Appalachian exposition,
October 7. The party next gov to Home,
Choice by New York Democrats Nar
rowed to Two Men.
National Committeeman Mnek Con
fers with Prospective Nominee and
Receives Satisfactory Reply
Convention In Chaos.
t-OCH ESTER, N. 1., Sept. SO.-John A.
Dix tonight yielded to the solicitation of
the leaders and agreed to run for gov
ernor. mo rest or the state ticket was
speedily arranged and announced to the
group waiting outside the conference room
at the Seneca hotel as ioi.ows:
Lieutenant governor. Thomas F. Con
way of Clinton county.
Secretary of stale, F.dward Lazansky of
Kings county.
Comptroller, Martin H. Glynn of Albany.
State treasurer. John J. Kennedy of Erie.
Attorney general, Thomas J. Carmody of
State engineer and surveyor, John Ben
z of New York.
Associate Judge of the court of appeuls,
Frederick Collin of Chemung.
Mr. Glynn refused to accept the nomina
tion for comptroller and William Sohmer
of New Y'ork has been substituted ln his
place on the Blate.
ROCHESTER. N. T., ept. 30. National
Committeeman Norman 10. Mack went to
night to John A. Dlx for his final an
swer and Dix replied that he Is willing to
accept the nomination for governor. His
selection by the leaders, however, was not
announced at the time.
Everything was undecided, not to say
chaotic, when the democratic state con
vention was called to order today for Us
second session. Conferences br6uhiit Into
view as possible nominees for governor
John A. Dix chairman of the state com
mittee, and Judge Alton B. Parker.
After permanent organization was ef
fected a recess was taken until tonight.
Herbest P. BissoTI of Buffalo, perma
nent chairman, adrcssed the convention.
The platform adopted contains the fol
lowing declarations:
The democratic party of New York, In
convention assemble.!, pledges itself anew
to the old nationalism embodied ln the
constitution of the United States and to
the support In every way of the Independ
ent and continued existence of each of
the three separate and distinct branches
of the federal government, preserving all
fmm attack and usurpation and each
from any possibility of encroachment by
the others, and In particular we condemn
all attaiks on the supreme court of the
United States.
"We areu nalterably opposed to any
susrpatlnn by the. federal government of
the rights of the states, i
"We denounce the republican party In
the nation for Its gross and wllfull be
trayal of the trust reposed In It by the
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Ga.. where Mr. noosevrlt will address the
At Atlanta, the next stop, the colonel j
wiM make an address before tho I'ncV I
Remus memorial association on the even-
Ing of October H. Ho will speak nt a con
servation meeting In the afternoon and
be entertained bv the mayor of Atlanta at I
a private dinner.
leaving Atlanta. October 9. the party
arrives at Hot Springs, Ark., where Mr.
Roosevelt will be entertained at the Arkan
sas State Fair, on October 10. From th.-rf
the party will go to St. Louis, spending
24 hours, under the direction ut
Hadley and th city and state republican
committee. A breakfast will be cHm h -
tne rusmens
men s league, there will i. .,
'"""" in ine evening. At Pmria Mr
noosevni will be the gnest of Spa'Ddin
Council. Nights of Cobnut us. on October!
12, and the arrangements In Indiana, In-
ciuaing inaianapolls. are under the dired
Ion ef Senator Beverlde and the repuh.i
nan I'uuimiMee. .vir ilonscvelt w
lyituii ,io , iora on the Lvrnlng of
Friday, October 14.
Bank Robber Pursued Into Cornfield,
Arrested and Taken to Jail
by Youth.
McClelland, la., Scene of Dramatio
All Gone Picknicking: When Robber
,nter Empties Two Revolvers afl
then Joined by Another lnr-
Wllford Klrby Into
The courage of a 17-year-old Danish loy
prevented the robbery of the Hank of
McClelland yesterday arternoon, and the
same splendid courage led the lad to shoot
mid wound the robber In the bank build
ing while the bitter had him covered with
two revolvers and then pursue ana cap
ture him In a cornileld Into which he had
fled, aided In the pursuit and capture only
by one lad of his own age.
The dramatic episode occurred about t
o clock, when the little village was almost
entirely deserted and the boy was alons
In the bank. Tho town was deserted be
cause there were between 4. 0H0 and 6,Ht
men nnd women at the county farm, a
mllo away, where everybody In tho vicin
ity had gone to attend the annual county
picnic, and no one v.-as about the bang
but the boy, Walter Julius, a clerk.
Charles H. Withey of Umaha was Indi
rectly responsible for the Julius boy being
alone In the bank. Mr. Withey went to
McClelland yesterday to loo at some land
which Julius' father, who is the banker of
McClelhmd, had for saie. The two men
drove away, Julius, sr., saying, as he has
said before, to his son:
'If a bank robber comes, don't get your
self shot, my boy. Give him the monoy
Probably now that It Is nil over and now
that tho boy has shown himself of such
brave stuff, and the money being safe.
Mr. Julius Is elad that his son dtsregardod
his Instructions.
The bank Is located In a small, squara
one-story brick building, located on tha
principal street of the village. Young
Julius was behind the counter and railing
when a man entered the only door of tha
little building and came up to the counter.
As the lad stepped to the window to wait
upon him the man thrust forward two big
revolvers, ono In either hand, and quietly
remarked: "It's up to you, kid. Give mo
the money." For answer the qulck-wlttod
youth dodged underneath the muzzles of
the weapons and under the wide counter
where two revolvers were kept handy. Ha
seized these and. partly protected by the
counter, began firing at the robber. O'ta
of the first shots struck the fellow In ta
left arm and one of his pistols fell to tlio
floor. Young Julius, reacnlng up from ba
neath the counter, then emptied the othtr
gun, ulso an automatic.
The robber turned to run from the bank,
but the boy followed him, firing as he ran.
K. Iaren, another Danish youth but little
older than Julius and who has a black
smith shop ln a building adjoining tiia
bank, ran from his shop when the firing
began and Joined In the chase.
The two lads chuscd the robber into a
cornfield a quarter of a mile away. Jullua
luul a pocketlul of cartridges for tha
revolver he carried and reloaded it us
he rar.. A straggling crowd of men and,
boyj were follow ing far In the rear, but
Jullua and Lai sen plunged boldly afff'lr
the lubber, Pulius shooting at him when
ever he got a chance. Far ln tho dcpttis
of the cornfield the two boys lorced tha
robber to stand at bay. He met thoii) wil'l
a revolver pointed toward them, bus
Julius took another shot at him, com
manding him to throw up his hands. Hi
did so and t lie boys maided biih back l
the quickly garnering crowd, who hurrleJ,
biin to the village jail, where, a new,
Colt's automatic :iZ culiber revolver wan
taken from him. It had not been flrud,
and the magazine, contained Us full com
plement oi cartridges.
The robber was identified at tha Jail aa
Wiltoid Kirby, 45 years odl, of Oakland,
la. Kxamlnutloii allowed that he had re-
eclved u painful wound in the left arm
uuove iho elbow.
Men Surround ICiupty Field.
News of the attempted robbery tele
phoned to the county faini, Instantly
broke up the picnic and sent about 4,Uuu
men scurrying back to the town. Shot
guns and rifles were requisitioned from
uil sides, and automobiles filled with
armed men dashed to vuutago polius
around the cornlield and in ten minutes it
was compjctely inveslod. Sheriff McCaf
ftry was at the picnic and way among tho
first to get Word of the robbery. He acted
with prompt decision ln the work of In
vesting the cornlield, where he had been
told that two or three robbers were hid
ing, i ben the word camu that the Jullua
and i.uist--ii boys had run uon the rob
ber and had bun injail. Tliu grown men
looked ut one another siieeplshly and went
back to town.
Sheriff McCaff-ry brought Klrby to
Council Bluffs in Robert Wallace's auto
mobile, arriving heie shortly alter 4
o'clock. Dr. Han' belt examined tha
wou, tiled man at tue cointy J.,,1 and do
ciued that it ws not nof-cssary to
him to a hoiiptlal. Toe bollet was found
to be buried deeply in the munies ni ar
the slioiiMi r and no attempt was indJj
to extract it list nlgiit.
Klrby talked freely at the Jail. He said
lie had deliberately planned the robbery,
lie male u la: tie bag out of strong
cloth, which li had suspended by a can
vas .-trap around lis mil.. This was to
be u-cl ln lairyng away the money.
Young Julius ra s K:iby filed at him Im
mediately ' after tntiring the bank, but
Klrby denies this and his assertion that
he did not shoot at all Is sustained by
the fact that neither of the weapons be
canned had been fit 1 In addition to the
Colt s' automatic he ran led a cheap ipi
rallber icvolver, which he dropped at the
"1 could have killed the kid half a dozen
times If 1 hud wanted to," mid Kliby last
evening In the county Jail, "but I dtdn t
, want to and lhln t intend to hurt any
I b. dy. I tr.oiinht I could bluff the kid,
, but he wouln t he Muffed. I don't see
U 1 how It hanleiicd that be didn't me. f
(Continued on Fourth Page.)