THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1010. To You! Visitors In Omaha! 1 Alora Exttnds Special Welcome In only th greatest rills of America will you find store Urge devoted to th sttpsrel needs of children, your men and minuet ami small woman eirlustveiy. ..If you are one of our large and growing lint of mail crl-r tuntomere w shall he glad to have you make a personal tour of in sertion here. ltrnti or not. however, you are certain to he glad you trade thin ttore a visit while In Omaha. BENSON THORN B CO. The triumph of yean of shoe mak-. Inf Fiti the foot,; yet brim full of trie and eicluslve ness. Fatent and dull leathers; sites 2 to 7. We feature, this model at 34 with others at 35 and 86. ' 1 Triumph I 54.00 '.'.s!i This Is "The Hobble" Boot for Young Women. , 94.00 Our Children's Shoe Section sella only the best root form shoes, best leathers, largest varieties and, lowest. prices. JURY TAKES CARROLL CASE Attorney Bead Sums Up Evidence for State. ' ' 1 END OF SUIT COMES ABRUPTLY owmiti a Aa J W - - 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET Uncle Sam Will Sell Tovvii Lots to Best Bidder One Hundred Thirty-Two Tracts at Mitchell, sTD., Arejto Be Dis posed ot inThil' Manner. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WABH1NQTON, Septt f (Special Tele gram.) Professional and bualneaa men will be offered; an unuaual opportunity on Oc tober 27, when . Uncle Sam will sell to the his" hen t bidder. 132 tow1 loU contained In the government townalte, Newell, on the Helle Fourche Irrigation project. South Da kota. . ; The townalte Is located, n a high point and overlooks many miles of fine farm land which will be Irrigated from the gov ernment system. When -the system is com pleted there will be about 60, 0W acres of Irrigable land tributary to 'the town. There are already about fifty temporary buildings, Including general stores, three banks, news paper office, hotels, etc. located oq the edge of' the town. The owners are all anxious, to procure lots hnd move Into permanent quarters before cold weather. in. branch .railroad connects Newell with the main Hne of the Chicago A North western, at Belle Fourche, and the new town . the distributing point for the wide range rthuntry adjacent to the Ir rigable tramtrt pf f ' -,,..;,., The town It laid out ' with streets vary In from sixty to 100 feet In width and the lots now offered for sale consist of four blocks In the business center, earn block containing' thirty-three lots, KxlW feet. The secretary of the interior has ap proved the decision of-tlnV commissioner of the land of five In the case of William J. I'rtce against Julius Scfielle'nburg, Jr., on appeal ot thfe latter In- rejecting his ap plication to (content the entry of W. J. Price for a' tract of land located In the Lincoln land .district 1 Mis. U. M.-ilryah ot Grand Island and Mrs. A. J. Cusnman are .visitors from Ne braska now jdolng the capital city. John Dorgan-and wife of Lincoln, who hve been tujulng -the east, visited friends in Washington this week and left tonight for Chicago enrout home. - v W. T. Thompson, former attorney gen eral of, Nebraska,' appointed to succeed Maurice IJ. O'Conhell of Penlson, la., as solicitor tor Ike Treasury department, will arrive lu Washington Saturday to assume Ui duties of -his office. . Judge O'Connell practically, relinquished his position several weeks ago and with his wife is scheduled to sail from Jn Frauctsco, October 4, for Manila to pay a visit to his daughter, wife of Captain Condon, I'. S. A., now atatloned In the Philippines. lioiiry (J. Hooker, postmaster at Gothen buig. Neb., today filed u application for authority to open a postal savings bank. In his office. .le.lmd very Important bearing I ot looM tmni m n.d ciay 4n1 Crvl otten the wl.ol, wVld. The speaker called j, alkalL Tm reiiow p but ' .-Ct V-"' '' Cvnt:naca.s"'jm Fire Vsge.) . statu rivers and .water supply commission of Victoria, JCustrall. In a Speech said: ' "Australia began earlier aud has done more towards solving the problem of the proper n.onegsmsnt ot public' Utilities and liiu adu,uateconservatlon- of 'natural re oourct than America, but the awakened ueiitliiieiit in this country In'- favor of uuit conservation la certain tf grow." ; -llewtau (peaks, to an address dolivsred here before the National Irrigation congress today, K. IL Skornlakolf. engineer, ministry of agri culture, Jtufcxlu, re 1 erred -to Aniericu as th most, uctive pioneer Uh the revival of tlio art of Irrigation, adding thut Its exami upon alien Hon to the fact that 14,000,000 acres of laud in ltusala are being Irrigated. He k.ald In 1 ;ut: 'This Is the second time have the honor .to attend an American Irrigation congress. A'hen we met last year at Spokano. I had been in this cocntiy only a short time. io. i deemed It then the better p-.irt of wisdom lo hold n:y pea: uud listen. Today, how ver. 'after seeing every thing that can pos sibly be seen In the twenty months that I have been In America. 1 take the liberty to Wak; hoping that you will pardon my au-JucllV-in addrstng you in English. "The InnUtuttow ot irrlttatluii Is older than .all ai ts mmJ. science. - It U poalblo lu Imajiluesuiiif' lUghj StiM of otvlllaaliou as lint of am'ieht- L'gypt. Assyria and In dia -to which we are so greatly Indebted If, from the eutiest -tltnee nau; had uot earned how. kvv divaitlug- water from rivets, to turn the deswrt. Into fluids and 5111 dens. " 1 k "Now the countries With the blshcvt civ lliautlon are tcmp'e ate and humid Uut the ei.idlo of the buman race, the places where man first begsn to seek after. God and truth, are toda far behin4 uid uegloeted. Whoib empires which onoe, by means of Irrigation, gave to the world ita arts aud tcleiWs have fallen, into oblivion. Ki&juple ml Aaarlea Luod. ".Unerk-a ks not only the most active pioneer In the revival t ht art. wlilub w onoe the foundaUoa ef civilisation. It also took it eut of -iae ie of slavery and In UeUueed U W the world under the condi tions of modern llfo. American energy called to life a vast ref.lon of over 1 .000.000 square miles, which only a few decades ago people regarded as a hopeless desert The example of America has a very Important bearing upon the whole world. The possibility of the success of Irrigation under present condition has been proved, and now the time Is not so far when many deserts of the old world will hear the mur mur of water and the rustle of foliage. Permit' me then to direct your thoughts In the few minutes allotted to me, to another country, not less vast in extent than the Unled States and remarkably similar -ton them in Its physical conditions to Russia.. I regret to say that In the United States the majority of the people have a very dis torted conception of Russia. Very few In America realise that already 14,000,000 acres In our country are being Irrigated, that there are places where the Inhabitants have never seen snow, and that we grow quanti ties of grapes, cotton, rice, oranges and tea. "The population of the Russian empire amounts to about' liiO.000,000 souls, and Its area comprises nearly t.OUO.OOO square miles." . What RimIs HaS Done, The speaker then dwelt at considerable length on the natural features of Russia, declaring that there are In that - country four distinct regions that require irrl sa lon, and that the total area needing water la at the present time 1.500,000 square miles. Thene districts, -he said, are the south of Russia, southwestern Siberia, Turkestan and Transcaucasia., , He. described in da tall the conditions in these districts. ay--Ing of the south of Russia: 1 ' 'This, region came :-.Jjito. our. possession. 11, I mn than im Van.' afrnV l""(rt 1 . e coming- of the nussnui, Hs .sesiity' population had been leading s nomadic life. Therefore, - for- a long "time 'after the Introduction' of farming, the virgin aoll yielded to the Russian emigrants very good crops, but now, tfwlng to the con stant tillage, the crops are more and more suffering from drouth. " 'In order to determine the possibility of irrigation in that retHin, the govern ment sent a special expedition, consisting of many hydraulic engineers, under the direction of the well-known General J 11- liiHky. The worn of tne expedition shows that Irrigation by gravity on a large scale encounters In southern Russia many ob stacles, owing to the flatness of mnrt of the country and the Insufficient fall of the rivers. But It also shows that Irrlga tlon of many separate tracts can be eas ily affected by means ot reservoirs storing snow waters and by pumping from rivers and wells. "The Irrigation wors established by the expedition cost the government from II to' $5 per acre for flood Irrigation, and from $10 to S3 for regular IrrlgaUon. The cost for maintenance and operation of these systems averages 60 cents per acre annu ally. The profits derived from the use ot Irrigation amount to from 16 per cent to 32 per runt 011 the invested capital. Dry Farming: flaecvaafal. "Although Russia has beeiv in possession of this country for about eighty years, it is, owing to lack of railroad facilities, still Inhabited chiefly by nomadic natlvea, whoso main occupation la atock raising, together with a little agriculture carried on by moans ot irrigation. Tle-ril4i(fln soli of this region, yield n.-w 'sjA orepsl Bros. 1 . , . . . v T . .. : uMIi. 01 toreaiii, even unaer ary larming, wmie under artificial watering. It Is an Ideal soil for the cultivation ef - trail's and sugar beets." lie dwelt at length on Turkestan, say ing: ."Turkestan comprises evbeug . 700,000 square miles, and Its soll'can be divided into three regions, the mountains, low plains and the 'loess.' As mlglrr-be ex pected, tne mountain region Is Vfty-rooky, and Is used chiefly for stock ralslffc. (low ever, black soil ot considerable1 'depth can be found on many of the pateaus, where owing to comparatively heavy rain fail, wheat and other cereals can be grown by dry farming. t The soils of the lowest' rrglftns.Bome- timea even bolow sea level, usually consist Army Tliraiaftl Proves Blsr cees. Trees Belag Reviewed by Preeldeat ef Dee Melaee Commercial Clafc. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, la., Sept. 19. (Special Telegram.) The Carroll trial for crim inal libel came to an abrupt termination this evening when Attorney Read for the state summed up the evidence and made sn eloquent plea for Justice to John Cownle. the accusing witness, who aa alleged to havs been libeled by the gov ernor. The court's Instructions were be lleved to favor the defense. The army tournament today was a great success. The troops were reviewed by B. F. Kauffman, president of the Com merctal club, and a complete program of amusements was carried out. Already mors than 11.000 has been given to the vsrlous competing org&nlia tlons at Camp Hull out of a fund raised by the tournament committee for distri bution as prize money. Tbe money Is apportion! to the competing teams from the different regiments each day and they are allowed to spend it at their conven lence. Itepablloan Coufereace la Callest. Having given Impetus to the work of district organisation throughout the state by making a personal visit to several of the eleven congressional districts, Chair man Coil F. Franke has called a meet ing of the members of the republican state comlttee for Friday, September 30. The meeting will be held in Des Moines and at that time the political situation In Iowa will be reviewed and reported upon by the committeemen from the various parts of the state. While the meeting Is the first of the kind that has been called since the state convention, matters of unusual Importance will come up for disposition. It Is cus tomary at this period of each campaign to bold committee meetings tor ths purpose of getting in direct touch with the political activity In all parts of the state. Before another week has rolled around Chairman Franke will have held meetings In svery district' In the stats. Today at Davenport Congressman Grille, the legis lative candidates the county chairmen and 'the Congressional v committeemen of the Second congressional . district are meeting with him. Tomorrow a similar meeting for the First, Congressman Ken nedy's district, will be hold at Burlington The Fourth district meeting will be held In Charles City on Monday,' October and the following day the Firth district meeting will be held at Cedar-Rapids. As the meetings ot the Third, Sixth, Klghth and Ninth districts have been held, but three meetings of -the kind will be left Those are for the Seventh, ' Tenth ' and Eleventh districts, M settings for these dis tricts in all probability will be held shortly ter those of the Fourth and Fifth. n examination or the county experiment tatlon a picnic dinner was served. In the afternoon M. L. Monler made a report of the work of the experimental station nd Hev. J. Williams of Malvern -and 8. Gllllland made addresses. Senator Cleveland, democ ratio candidate for congress, was Introduced and made a short talk. The Iowa state band furnished the musical numbers, rsdflc Junction de feated Ol en wood and Hal four defeated West Osk In the ball games. Score, first game, 11 to 10; second, to S. FARMERS' INSTITUTES IN SOUTH DAKOTA Director Chanabe-rlala Recommends laervoae of Aparosirlatloa to Tweaty- TkeansaS Yearly. PIERRE, S. I Sept . (Speclal.)-In the annual report of A. B.-. Chamberlain of the Farmers' Institute work in the state, he recommends that ths appropriation for ths work be Increased to $30,000 a year. This to Include the money for Institute work di rect; for school extension work; for publi cation of bulletins; snd the other details of Institute work. He shows In the report that for the year ending June SO, 1909, there were eighty-nine Tegular Institute meetings continuing rrora one to three days, with a total of S2 sessions, and there were lot In stltuts meetings continuing from one to three days with S68 sessions, and an at tendance of 48.500. He asks that the appro prlatlons for the women's work In the do mestic science department be either In creased to a point where It will be of prac tical value, or that that part ot the work be dropped. The report calls attention to the assistance of county superintendents In Introducing elementsry agricultural courses in the schools, and asks that the money be provided to assist In this part of the work. Ing liquor among the members. The lodge was Indicted early last summer. The Ragles' lodge was Indicted for the same of fense at the same time. It aleo pleaded guilty a short time ago and pal J a fine ot $100. MURPHY TO NAME THE MAN (Continued from First Page.) he who was responsible for this only a few years ago unostentatiously removed ieci eral office-holders for daring to participate In a political fight" Referring to Colonel Roosevelt's speech pleading for direct nomination. Judge Par ker continued: "And yet the temporary chairman who made that speech listened without protest to a resolution taking awsy from the dele gates a right which they had exercised for fifty years, namely, the power to name their own representstives In the commit tees. "And this resolution passed in the face of cries of 'gang rule.' " Judge Parker characterized Colonel Roosevelt as an "usurper" of the polit ical control of the state and called upon delegates to deprive him 'of this power at the oomlng election. SOUTH DAKOTA ANTI- SAL00NJLEAGUE MEETS Dr. W. f . Oraftoa Re-elected Saner Intendent and CoantyOntlon Flffht Oatllaed7 MITCHELL, 8. D Sept. 29 (Special) The annual meeting of the South Dakota Anti-Saloon league woe held In this city yesterday. Dr. W. M. Grafton, who has tilled the position of superintendent of the associa tion for ths last four years, was re-elected to the place again this year. The superin tendent in making his annual report stated that the year closing, had" been the best i 1 ti .. - . . : , - - fm iiiM.uuia.iir mr me, league or any year tne league has been organised. The report showed that over $15,000 had been collected over the state. Reports were presented by the men from the various parts of the state, and they expressed a confidence that county option Is going to win this fall. Prominent speakers have been arranged for to come to the state during the last few weeks of the campaign. HYMENEAL Deaty-Scanlts. SCHUYLER, Neb., Sept. 29.-(SpeciaJ.)-Glen Beaty and Miss Emily Schults sur prised their many friends and relatives In this city by going to Omaha where they were married Tuesday forenoon and im mediately went south on a wedding trip. Mr. Beaty is a member of the Elkhorn Construction company of Fremont, snd !s at present supervising the constructlop of the Platte river bridge near this city. Miss Schults has been filling the position of deputy county clerk of Colfax county. Ne braska, for the last eighteen months. County Judge Allen Issued a marriage license on Wednesday to Clark Pelller and Edna Mason, both of Schuyler. BJQSjSI GOOD ROADS FOR SO. DAKOTA Convention of State Aaaoolatloa. Will Be Held in Aberdeen Late la . . October. little gross and support a very scanty nomadio populston. utiwwi inese iwa regions lies at sn elevation of rrom 1.000 to . 7,000 feet, the third and most Important region of the so- callid 'loess.' It Is the soil to- the fertlt- Ity of which the countries of the orient, and among them -urk'stan, - owe their existence and history. "As regards present day conditions, we find that In five provinces of Russian Proklbltlenlsts Get Off Ticket. John Bernet-.of Wilton Junction, th prohibition candidate for congress in the Second district, gave notice to the sec retary -or stats toaay inat ne win with draw from the ticket. John J. Clark Bedford, prohibition candidate for the 'legislature "valso withdrew, ':"' Iotra Crop Conditions. Weekly report of the state weather and crop service; The first three days of the week were clear and very warm, but the last four Were cloudy and Cool with generally heavy rain on the TiA and 23d. Corn made rapid progress toward maturity during the early part ot the week and about 85 to DO pvr cent of the crop Is now safe from au ordinary frost. Much of the remainder will require ten days to two weeks to be safe from damage from heavy frost and would be seriously in jured by freezing temperature within that time. Rapid progress was made during the early part of the week In cutting corn and filling silos. The. late rains have put the ground In fine con dition for fall plowing and that work, together with seeding tall grain, is pro- f;resslng rapidly, with a large Increase n the acreage of wheat The early sown winter wheat Is up and Is growing nicely. Considerable hay was put up, especially on the Missouri river bottom. Late potatoes continue to improve where the vines were not killed by the drouth, but the crop will be light Pastures are in excellent condition for fall and winter feed. j Sapre-nie Court Decisions. 1 The following supreme court decisions have been rendered: Charles A. Ury, appellant, vs. Modern Woodmen of America, Cass county. Judge ureen; action lor damages; arrirmea by the court. ! State of Iowa vs. certain Independent school districts, appellant; Clay county. Judge Coyle; contest over aiaputed ter ritory; affirmed, opinion by Evans. F. E. Grlswold vs. Andrew Uugsne, ap pollant; Linn county, Judge Smith; action on replevin; affirmed, opinion by McClaln. Oscar Swnyne, appellant, vs. John E. Tlllotaon;- Polk county, Judge Brennan; action on replevin of piano; reversed, opinion by Weaver.. tt. -A., uantonwine. appellant, vs. Boscn i'oh., et al.; Marshall county. Judge Bradshaw; action in equity to set aside agreement; affirmed, opinion by Weaver. Paaaed It li to Legislature. The supreme court today passed up to the legislature the matter of deciding what Is the meaning of the law In regard to consolidation of school districts. A cose came up from Clay county wherein three districts got Into a tangle because of Inability to apply the consolidation law. The court found Itself divided and unable to say Just what ths law means, and so after pointing out the difficulties in the wsy of applying the law the court respectfully refers the matter to the legislature to have It straightened out. Methodist Committee. The entertainment committee of the na tlonal conference of the Methodist church was la Des Moines today In response to an invitation to bold the 1VU conference in this city. Cannulas Takes Kxrrptloas. When Senator Cummins rend the plat form adopted In New York today he stated bo did not care to comment, because It was not an affair of local Interest. "I do nut believe," he said, "in any platform 1 j of unqualified Indorsement of the admin- i 1st ratio of President Tart or of the Payne tariff law." Leading republicans are dls- ABERDEEN, S. D Sept. 29,-(3peclal.)-October 26-27 have been selected as the dates for the South Dakota Good Roads convenUon, which will be held In Aber deen. The committee , was disappointed In Its efforts to segure James J. Hill for an address, ut George W, Pooley, state high way eng.neer of Minnesota, has been se cured tq. speakv onthe,ftaetica! features of good roads making. teJe, .Engineer Samuel H. Lea of South Vtakoia will also take a prominent lart in the Proceedings, and other speakers will be Governor Vessey Former Governor ilerreld, A. E. Chamber lain, state superintendent of Farmers' In stltutes, and others. All local associations throughout the state are expected to send delegations, and the meeting Is expeoted .to be largely attended. :' Hlffht Hurt in Wreck at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN, S. D., Sept. 29. (Special.)- Milwaukee paf-senger . train No. 1. west bound, ran Into a work train at Bath, 8 D., severely Injuring Arthur Mehner, con ductor of the work train, and slightly In Juring Frank Coleman, Ed. Wakefield, Earl W. Clark, F. Hersey and Henry Anderson trainmen and W. H. At water, G. E. May nard and E. C. Johnson, mall clerks on No. 1. The passenger train was fifteen minutes late, and - tne work train was caught on the main track, when It should have been on a siding. The passengers on No. 1 escaped without Injury. PINKBAM CDRES Added to the Long Ust due to This Famous Remedy. Oronogo, Mo." I was simply a ner vous wreck. I ould not walk: across I the floor without my heart fluttering and I could not even receive a letter. Every month I had such a bearing down sensation, as if the lower parts would fall out. Lydia E. Hnkharu's Vegeta ble Compound has done my nerves a great deal of good 11 nil haa alanrpliuvpl r a rinwn, 1 ran.nmmAnrlp.r! it Turkestan there are about 7.oou,ouo acres po,ea 10 "ol ranwn' upon inB c,,on ia to some friends and two of them have permanently under Irrigation.' If we add ! York- been greatly benefited by it" Mrs. to this about ,&oo.0li0 acres irrigated in Took Choice on Ticket. JUAE McKNIGITT, OronogO, MO. Khiva and Bokharavassal stoles of Rub- I Herbert A. Huff of Eldora was nom-! Another Grateful Woman. sta we shall have the totid for'' lh. ! lhated by both th republicans and the ot Louis, MO. "I Was bothered: -- Elk ousd Eagle Pay Fine. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Sept 29. (Spe- cial.) Marshall lodge No. SIX of Elks was fined $100 and costs by Judge J. M. Parker in the district court Wednesday, when the attorney representing the lodge pleaded guilty to an Indictment charging dtstrtbut- Wromlng Bankers Finish. DOUGLAS, Wyo., Sept. 29.-(SpeclaI.)- The State Bankers' association adjourned ts fourth annual convention here today and elected the following officers: President Harry B. Henderson, Chey enne. - Vice President C. H. Townsend, Casper. Secretary H. Van Duesen, Rock Springs. Members of the Executive Council A. L. Johnston, Cheyenne, and Ira K. Jones, Thermopolls. Sim Ha Walsh Record. CHICAGO. Sept. 29. A record in the ap plication for a pardon for John R. Walsh was received here today by District Attor ney Sims. Mr. Sims will study the docu ments, whloh make a packs ge weighing fifty pounds, and report back to Attorney General Wlckersham. La Kollett Ooe to Rochester, Minn. MADISON, Wis.. Sept. 29.-Senator La Follette Is expected to leave Madison this afternoon for Rochester, Minn., where he will consult with physicians regarding his health. He will avert an operation if possible. A RAST BECOMES 1A58 0FHUI0R MORE On Baby's Face, Head and Shoul dersParents Decided He Could Not be Cured Cuticura Made His Skin Perfectly Clear. "Our boy was bom In Toronto on Oct. 13, 1008, snd when three months old a slight rash appeared on his cheek. What appeared to be a water blister would form. When it broke, matter would run eut, starting new bllnters until bis entire face, head and shoulders were a mass of scabi and you could not see a particle of clear skin. Other parts of his body were affected, but not to such an 1 extent. We did not know what to do for him and 't tried about every adver - tised remedy whhout avail. Indeed some of them only added to bis suffering and one in particular, the Remedy, almost put th Infant Into convulsions. The family doctor pre scribed for him sud told us to hatha the hhv In buttermilk. This did not do anv snoif. n w took him- to a hospital. He was treated as an out-patient twice a week and he got worse, If anything. We then called in an other doctor and injide of a week the boy was. to all appearances, cured snd the doctor said his work was done. But the very next day It broke out as bad as ever. "We decided tbat It could not be cured Snd must run Its course and so we Jurt kept Is arms bandaged to his side to prevent his tearing his flesh. We left Toronto and shortly after our arrival In Duluth, the Cuti cura Remedies were recommended. We started using them in May, 1609, and soon the curs was complete. You would not think he wan ths same child for Cuticura made -his skin perfectly clear and he is entirely free from the skin iHsetss. There haa been no return this time. We still us only Cuticura Soap for baby's bath. Robert Mann, Proctor. Mine.. May I, 1910." Ctlera Rsanain snM tkinorsoat the world. Pottar Drat Cheat. Corp., Sole Plops., Bonos. . .SVMiltod fra Sliest book go Trattuant ot Ihm Ska, Another Big Sale Our Special Saturday $25 Suit Sale has made a tremendous hit. ;i We repeat it again Saturday One Day Only-Octoher 1st. Youhave choice of fancy suits in our window. The Weather Official Forecast I For Nebrask Generally fair. For Iowa Fair. Temperatures at Omaha yesterday: Hours. ieg I " j ft a m. 6fi f 6 s. m 63 I m H S a. m 55 9 a. m 0 ' 10 a. m M 11 a. m 8 12 m 72 1 P- rn i 3 ! p. in 75 1 p. m 77 ... P- 15 5 p m M 6 p. m... 7ej 7 p. m 72 8 p. in UK " a i lei I Bum iim t, m. a i .n anv m a m. mi LSkiLn- sjSQSs Modern Appliances tor Eye Examination Remove all doubt as to re sults. No guess work here. Defects of the Eye-Sight corrected by properly fitted Glasses. - WE KNOW HOW. Huieson Optical Co. SIS South 10th St. COBS "Smoking is believing.' Try a package of Cob. and leam what has mac! Cobs the biggest selling cigar in America. Don't permit substitution Cobs come otJy in a greet package. 9 for 15c "VEST POCKXT EDITION" Sc for packet of 3 L LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO.. Makwi. Nswsrk. N. 1 The Lariest Independent Cisar Factory in the world Allon Bros. Co. Distributers. US 1 Overcoats to Order, $25 The every morning Job of explor ing the internal regions of the balky furnace are now "In season." Frosty mornings and frostlor nights remind one of the need of a fall overcoat. And a true study of one's own personal Interests brings one to the conclusion that that overcoat should be made to order made for YOU alone. And, since one Is In Omaha, ts have an overcoat surely means .'t have It made here always. .. . 933 to $SO Orerooats made to Measure rXBTSCT TIT QUAJsAIT TCSS . ,' MacCarlhy- Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 10th St Near Farnam St. At The David ft Miller Auctions Co. House, 218 South 18th street, Saturday, October 1, 2 p. m. This will be the blggoBt bargain sale that we have ever offered. $2,000 worth of new furniture and $3,000 of one complete household furnishings: Cook ing untenslls, beds, complete chif fonier, sewing machine, organ, piano and all that go to make up a complete household. , This will be sold regardless of what It brings. AMUSEMENTS. BRANOEIS Omoua's IUag Tnatra Attraction QaoUty ays. - - jMsKNtrUkjW The longer you irroke H'ZZJ' JOHN RUSKIN cigars, BJETS the shorter your chance of T j buying the ordinary. la tbe best cream wade lor tn skin. If you have a red, rough, blotched, sore, unsightly skin, try this great product of the Ameri can Druggists Syndicate. You can use it for massaging wrinkles and for a sallow com plexion, as It whitens and beauti fies, is safe, harmless and does not grow hair. No woman who values her ap pearance and who wants a smooth, clear skin should let a day go by without trying it for the face, neck, arms and hands. Get It for 2ic at anv A. D. 3. Jruf ro' irrigtea in i umesiaiii vis: ns.beo.ono acres. "Acording to our laws, all lands In Tur kestan. no irrigated; and not peewpied by actual aet'tlers. are. the poopetny of the state. Our' government plans to Irrigate them and Settle -them with "people from European Russia. Thes lands will make I Ham Wlemer of Radcllffe ideal liomea for th emigrants, and cotton will be the most profitable crop. , . , "The Imperial Husalaa government recog nises the Importance of the development of Irrigation la our country, and its above mentioned works have ba and are being done not for profit, but largely to serve as models for private undertakings." u. democrats of Hardin county tor represent- j terribly with a female weakness and ative. Under the law his name could not j had backache, bearing down pains and go on both ticket and he chose to siand fains in lower parts. I began taking as the republican candidate. The demo- Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vejretable Com cratic county committee today certified I Pud regularly and used the Sanative) nt u ii n ssu nuu uuw i uave uu mure uuuuirs I ll,n, 11 r A. Tl.,n MfA the - m nay -lio. AU iiiniuu, iiim ine ueino-, , , . . T . cratlc candidate for member of th house. I ai, cu. jfhis, wu. This la tiie first time It haa been ntearv . 7ur tano U1"iv-U'L I do not continue to suffer without ; giving Lydia E. Pink ha ms vegetable Farmer. Picnic at Gleawoaa. I oiupounu a inru,, it surely lias curru to th auditor of state the name ot WU- as I -..! A 1 under th primary law for a candidate to, u"u" J .?."""? ASSOCIATION I l oop mf urat" D.R.SHAMPOO (Dandruff Kemovar) Look for the above ign in your barber shop -tell the barber "A Fitch Shampoo" -then Judge for yourself whether It has merits. Tonight, Saturday Matins and Wight William Srorrls, in th Musical gaeeess MY C 'JERELLA GIRL Popular lrics Matinee Saturday. rOUK KIQHTS BTABTIira IVKDAT ' TBlB 8MABT MUSICAI. COMEDY THE THHEE TttldS Matins Wednesday. Seats Selling,. RQYD'S 5th B'Q MISS EVA LANG AND COMPANY Tonight, Saturday Matins and Tight THE CHRISTIAN aTSXT Will-IE X.ATB josrai get off on or the other of the tickets. Tii best plaster. A SMece of - flannel dampened with . Chamberlain,' . Unlaw at and bound on over th offertad carta 1 superior to a plaster and eostk f,ryTin teuUi a much. Jot sole by all druggists. glenwood. i.. sept. tRpectai.) I uiany cases of female ills, such as ln Ta fir.t annual picnic of the lo.a Eperi-j flammatloit, ulceration, displacements, ment station was held at the county farm I bbroid tumortL .molarities, j periodio today. About lwo of Mill, county's n.t P'f. b-f.e. that bearing-down melflg.nt people were In attendance. Th. i Hn. lndirTStiojJ. dizziness, and ner. .ddrel. of welcome wo. by I M1- J.4 Cbsrlee 8. Block of JJalv.rn Suid the spouse by Aobert U. riersou. After to try it, and the result is worth mil lion to many suaenng women. '. i ft. -, . v- : " ' 'iV i K -J' 5! I .ml ilwi MiCAOLK Bl lUHNO lSth and DODOS STS. MOST DtsmAULK OrrlCES FOB KENT newly derorotad. Steam hast, it YH94r In e.ry o'mAHA IXIAN BlILDINQ AS8'M. UU OS) avwa mwm LB.Mc.C0UNC0. South End 16th Stree VIADUCT "HOME OF THE LONG TON" PILES CUR WITHOUT OPERATION OR PAIN PAY WHEN CURED jl wrillsn guoroatM glv.n in ail cases Hnulndi of Ilia most spl In Outoua and froiu oil port ef ta Uuiwd Stat have beeu cur.d by Da. AfilERICAH ns1Sjo?.l la Streets. Sr. alng lOo, Boo, BOo, Ts Matlnaa DsilvBBt Orchestra Seats 80 WalinSS UBIIJ soond Balcony, 10a. Brilliant Array of Headline Acts. CHARLES i. HOSS & ELGIE BOWEN, Btars ot "The Love Cure." UENAKO and BAILEY, In "The Flirtation Dance." KIVOLI, "The Man ot 1.000 Roles." COUNT, and COUNTESS CHILO, " Marvelous Mystifying Mlud Readers. OTHER STAR ACTS. Ali V AVNCKU VAUDEV tt-tn Matinee Every Day 2:15. Every Mailt, 8: IS. William Farnum and company, in "The Mallet's Masterpiece;" Mile. Camllle Ober; Three White Kuhns; The Great Asahl; Cook and Lorens; The Devil; Bervant and Man; Fentelle and Vallorie; The Balrars; Klnodrotne; Or p lieu in Concert Orchestra. Prlcea Matinee, lOo and 25e. Nights, 10c, 25c and 60c. TUB CEBTTBB." - Bvgs, 1S-SS-O0-7S mat., is-aa-sos SITB1VAOAIU AD VACSimLI OMAHA'S TUB CE) 2&3J&$it Boa, K&XWZlili, who has renini-u in uiunni lor t years. ruu nmi . " Ifflce fr treatment 624 Be. building. Omaha. Neb. fbon Pougl 1424. (Cut thut out lor rt.rDc) Ws snd aarvou mn bo find pow.r t. work ti4 youthful vigor HUM r.suit uf vt.r- urk or mntl Artloo yuould laas bHAT'S Ke.MVil ool P1LUB Tb.y lli uiaK uu i ud al aud S t slr5oa " nwnjaVaa k sUCOHKU BBO0 0K ts. IStk a Dos UU. owi. Lsoe oo. tain ana morn at, wi Th Un.. b.try th m tudled effort that has been notloaabl sluo. tui begluulng of Uie aoa, to lift burlesaue out of anything approach ing the vulgar. sratl tylng ndeavor to place barlu.a on th olone with other oln productions l having Its reward In th attendance, particularly of the fair a." Omaha Woria-Hrald, Mon., Sept. 8S, ittlO. HfKCIAlr-Th Kngllsh Comedians, unit Ritchie and Kichard McAllister, in th laugh riot. "Fun In An EnKllxh Muslo Hall." X.adls' Dim Matin Every Week Uy bunday and All Week: "Uainty Duchess'; Extravagauka. THEATtK ' ISc-aso-BOo MATINEE TODAY. a:3. TOX1GHT, 8:15. KRUG OAST ASIDE Sunday . .At the Old Cross Roads. rooD FOR NERVES SPEEDWAY RACES Under Auspices of Omaha Motor Clak OCTOBER 1ST AUD 2D.. ATUBDAY ABD IBIDAt YAMT CABS. UAAUO DAITIBS. 6 EVENTS 2 P. M. Tnr.e Minuted Walk rrom Bod ef Cog X.U. te Sp..4wy.