Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Wheat Continue! Weak and Values
Oo Down to Some Extent
. - . .
Reported Front la the I'ora Itrlt Does
not Affect the Market a ad Offer
ings Are Taken Lower
Thaa Meaday.
OMAHA. Sept, 27. 1910i
Wheat continues weak and values nag
lower on lower canles ami l.k of dnmesiii
bik foltlifn d. .r and.. 1'espile the fact that
receipts liave been fulung off. stocks are
k.III increasing, making values extremely
The corn market wits weak with wheat,
front reports bcliia; Ignored. Demand was
(low and the market showed no rallying
The pressure of heavy stocks with the
absence of any shipping demand Rave
wheat another decline today, fash busi
ness is very dull and sample sales showed
a loss of Vilc.
Keported frosts scattered over the corn
belt did not affect the market and offer
ing"; IhouKh light, were taken In, ranging
Vh ic lower than yexterday.
1'rlmaiy wheat receipts were 943,000 bu.
and shipments were 7:12.000 bu.. against re
ceipts last year of 2,4b8,0O0 bu. and ship
ments of 1.402.000 bu.
Primary corn receipts were 702.000 bu. and
shipments were 867.0O0 bo., against receipts
l ist year of 630,000 bu. and shipments of
tZi.m bu.
Clearances were 93.000 bu. of corn. 100
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
tS.O'iO bu.
Liverpool closed 1 to H4d lower on wheat
and to Wi lower on corn.
Omaha Cash Prfeeva.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. 84W!9c; No. S
bard. V3'u074c; No. 4 hard. htiiMc; rejected
hard, WaMiic; No. 2 serin, Mi9Hc; No. 8
tiring, WiflTc; No. I durum. S2c.
COHN-No. t white. 4tt'i1t6oc; No. 3 white,
4('x,u49c; No. 4 white. 48,4ff'48c; No. 2
yellow, 49V()4!iV; No. 8 yellow, iydVJVzc;
No. 4 yellow, 4yil9r"; No. 2, 4!Ky49Mic; No.
. 49tJ4Ho; No. 4, 4vtM!c; no grade, Wtv
OATS No; t white, Slty-MSc; standard.
31Vj31V; No. 8 white. 3Vu3l4c; No. 3
yellow, 3"4t).T0o; No. 4 yellow, 2aV(&'30c.
UAKLEV-No. 4, 64'65c. No. 1 feed, 69
60c; rejected, 54570.
KTE-Na 2. t9470c: No. S. 6889o.
larlati uecelpts.
Wheat. Corn Os'
Chicago ....
Omaha .....
LiuluUi ......
. in
Fratsrri of the Trading; and Closing;
l'rlcrs on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAUO. Sept. 27. Cumulative results
were shown today for the poor outgo of
spot wheal and for the half-hearted support
of more deferred deliveries. The market
was on the down grade all day and closed
at a net loss of l"(i Vc. The finish In corn
was SWo to Use off. Oats were down
q to wu'e. Provisions were unchanged
to 2JVc lower.
Wheat had a wider range than for some
time and waa decidedly more active. One
large short covered more than 1.000,000 bu.
which had sold at about 2c higher. Much
other short whuat was also bought In.
Nevertheless, there waa an adequate supply
steadily forthcoming, and news Influences
was almost exclusively bearish. The only
Important bullish factor, a big decrease In
primary receipts, was largely offset by the
fuct that primary shipments were less than
Indicated. There wus el range from 8
Hs'nc to 99!4c, closing at a net decline of
lv at 9h'c.
Relief was general that the frost last
night did little or no damage to corn. De
cember sold from 6(Hc to 61Uc and finished
weak at BOSc. a loss of Tc compared with
test night. The cash market was also weak;
No. 2 yellow closed at f2tiuAc.
Liquidation and short selllnir character.
Ixed the oats trade. December fluctuated
1 12V; No. 2 northern. Sl.frvgi.MHtj; December.
OATS-Standard. Mfc-tt'ic.
C'MtN-.Vo. 3. t..''c, M-iy, 8.TC
KARLEY Samples, 6Wi7Jc.
WF.ATHtll 1 Til IS tiHAl BELT
Prediction la fur Rising- Trmperntare
la This Irlnltr.
OMAHA. Sept. 27. 1910.
The wave of cooler weather spread over
the central vsheys durlna the night and
teinpfiniures are decldeilly lower In the
ower MixHourl and middle Mlasisslppl val-b-ys
this nu rnlng. Temperature at or be
low f reeling aie general In northern Ne
bianka, northi rn Iowa, throughout the up
per valley s and west to the mountains,
and light to heavy frosts occurred In Ne
braska, Kansas and western Iowa. Italns
were Kenerai over the central valleys east
of the Missouri river lunng Monday, but
generally clearing weather accomranled
the falling temperature that occurred dur
ing the night. The weather Is genet ally
ciear throughout the west this morning,
and temperatures are higher In the north
weft, and the outlook Is favorable for fair
weather In thla vicinity tonight and
Wednesday, with a rising temperature
Temperature and preulpltatlon as com
pared with the last three years:
1910. 1M. 1908. 1907.
Minimum temperature 42 47 39 48
1'reclpltatlon 00 .00 .00 .S3
Normal temperature for today, 62 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1.
11.01 Indie.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1909,
.6H of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1908,
2.M Inches. L. A. WELSH.
Local Forecaster Weather Bureau.
Cora and Wheat Hrilo Balletln.
Kor Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at a. m., 75th meridian tiro,
Tuesday, September 27, 1910:
Temp Rata
Ftatlons. Max. Mln. fait Sky.
Ashland. Neb M 37 .00 Clear
Ai'burn, Neb 60 37 .00 Clear
broken Bow, Neb 61 35 .00 Cloudy
Columbus, Neb... 60 36 .00 Clear
Culbertson, Neb. 66 36 .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neb.... 5 37 .00 Clear
Fairmont. Neb... 67 37 .00 Clear
Ud. Island, Net). 56 40 .00 Clear
llartlngton, Neb. 60 32 .00 Clear
Hastings. Neb... 57 38 .00 Clear
Holdrege, Neb.. ..60 40 .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb.... 51 .33 .00 Clear
Omaha 53 42 .00 Clear
Tekamah, Neb... 55 33 .00 Clear
Alta, la 43 33 .00 Ciear
Cnrroll, la 6J 34 .00 l't. Cloudy
Clarinda, la 50 34 .00 Clear
Sibley, la 47 31 .00 Clear
.Sioux City, la.. 60 38 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain-
Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus ..
Louisville ..
St. Louis ...
Des Moines
Kansas City
The weather Is decidedly cooler through
out the corn and wheat region. Freezing
temperatures were recorded at twelve sta
tions In the Minneapolis district and light
frosts were general In Nebraska, Kansas
and western Iowa. Kalns occurred since
the preceding report In All except the
Omaha district and were moderately heavy
In the eastern and southern districts. Kalns
In excess of one Inch occurred as follows:
Bucyrus and Norwalk, O., 1.20; Bowling
Green, Ky., 1.10, and lronton, Mo. 1.00.
L. A n bLDti. UioKi forecaster.
'between 834o and 84Uc. and closed Kun.p.
off at 334ifflT4o
Nearby options ' In provisions were under
the same pressure from packers. Pork was
unchanged to 22Hc lower, lard was un
changed to a dttcllna of 67Vic, and ribs
were down 6f(j-7c. , .
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yea'y.
Wheat " i j H i
Hept MWM BtiU 96H fi
Dec. 9N'S,!I9V ttM,l98(&94, 9t WW
May lWV'Sl 1 WT 1 03' 1 03t 1 03U
Kepi. 53(&53 6314 5252 63
Dec. 61y!li 61V, 60' 60 5l(a
t(My 5454' 64 63153 64H(&H
Sept. 82 33 82 32
Dec. SlVa' 3414 SIllSSVaT, 34.-
May 37Vu 87 36,36Vy37 37W
Oct 18 00 18 00 17 V 17 77H 18 00
Jan. 17 70 17 70 17 45 17 60 17 70
Sept. 12 K5 12 86 1 3 77H 12 SO 12 85
Oct 12 62Mi 12 64 12 62V4 12 60 12 60
Nov. 11 6." 11 2h 11 55 11 57V4 11 62K
Jan. 10 65 10 60 10 50 10 524 10 55
Itl bs
Sept 11 68 11 65 U 60 11 60 11 65
Oct 11 10 11 16 11 05 11 10 11 10
Jan. , 40 40 9 3Vi 9 35 9 40
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUK F.asy; winter patents, 4.356.06;
winter straights, $4.0014.75; spring straights.
4.70i!4.76; bakers, S4.60tS6.75.
Ktf; JS O. Z, 74C. .
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 65g63c; fair
to choice malting. 67(371c
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 82.60;
No. 1 northwestern, S2.73; timothy, I6.6O418.&O;
clover, x.00rl( 15.25.
PKOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. IIS 50
ti 18.75. Lard, per 100 Ihs., 112.80. Short" ribs
sides, (loose) 111 (cull.76; short clear sides,
(boxed) SI2.7Mrt3.86.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 136,000 bu. Primary receipts were
W.l.ouO bu., compared with 2,498,0110 bu the
corresponding day a year ago. The world's
visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's,
Increased 9.813.0UO bu. Estimated receipts
fur tomorrow: Wheat 56 cars; corn, 375
cars; oats, 142 cars; hogs, 16,000 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red
97it9tc; No. 8 red. 944(97Wo; No. 2 hard!
Wc(k.0U; No. 8 hard. KoSc; No. 1
northern spring, l.ll'UM4; No. 8 northern
spring, Sl-W1.12; No. 3 spring, 6c41.07.
Corn: No. 2 cash, 62,(f53c; No. 3 cash
62Hf?63c; No. 3 white, 63.'u63c; No. 3 white,
62Vii62c; No. 3 yellow, SaifMWc ; No. 3
yellow, 62Vif52o. Onts: No. 2 white, 340
34; No. 3 white, 33a34c; standard, 83'ii
BUTTER Steady; ' creameries, 24328c;
dairies. 2327c.
E Hit Kttady ; receipts, T.913 cases; at
mark, cases Included, l8S321Vo; firsts, 23c;
prime firsts, 26c.
POTATOESSteady; choice to fancy. To
tOVt I All IU SOtJU,
POULTRY Firm; turkeya, 18cj fowls,
16Hc: springs, lS'-ic.
CHEESE Steady ; daisies, 15c; twins.
14Vtil6c; young Americas, 16Sul6c; long
horns, 15yu 16c.
VEAL steady; 60 to 60-pound weights, &3
8Wc; 60 to 85-pound weights, S'avVtc, 85 to
liu-pouna weignis, li'iiwiio.
Chicago Receipts Today: Wheat. 98 cars
corn. 646 cars; oats. 2U cars. Estimated
tomorrow:- Wheat be cars; corn, 376 cars
oata, J.42 cars.
St. I.onla Ueneral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 27. WHEAT Caah
lower; track. No. 2 red, Sl.ttftfl.Ol'S; No. 2
hard, 9sciiS1.06; futures lower; Keptemher
tw'u; Deoeinber, 99tS)'J9c; May, Sl.OtVu
CORN Futures lower; December, 49c;
May. 62c; cash lower; Uck, No. 2, t2c;
P.O. x wnue, Die.
OATS Futures - lower; IVcember. 32c
May. 8&Vu&Vac; cash steady; track. No. 2,
32c: No. 2 white. 36u.
FIXJUR Steady; red winter patents, S5.00; extra lancy ana straight, 4..u4.HO;
riarn winter cieurs,
r E EI Timothy, SS.0OiU8.50.
J1IIAN Lower; sacked, east track. 96tff9ftcl
HAY Steady; timothy, 112 My 19.00; pral-
ne. iu i la.ou.
PROVISIONS Pork, weak: Jobbing. 319.25.
Ijird, lower; prime steam, 812 5112.70. Dry
salt meats, stesdy; boxed extra shorts.
$12 S?S; clear ribs. 812 ."4; short clears.
Iird.. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short.
14 K",; clear ribs, S14.12S; short clears.
POULTRY Firm; chickens. UUc; springs,
1?Sc; tuikeys. lut!c; ducks, 12c; geese,
BI'TTER Steady : creamery, 2G4j29lic.
EOOS-Hlgher at 33c
Receipts. Shlpmenta
Flour, bbls....' , 8.600 9,Si)0
Wheat bu. ...84 7U) 4 1101
Corn, bu. 57."1) 87 !
Oats. bu. ; 47,UO 60,100
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK, Sept. 27. FLOUR Quiet;
with demand slow; spring patents, d.40w
5.60; winter straights, S4.&U4.40; winter
patents, 84.60i(4.90; spring clears, 84.354.60;
winter extras No. 1, S3.66lit3.85; winter ex
tras No. 2, S3.4orii3.55; Kansas straights,
S4. 8014 4. 90. Rye flour, barely steady; fair
to good, I4.wiG4.aj; choice to fancy, H.2iu:
CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel-
luw, l.3ul.4o; coarse, S1.3oil.26; kiln dried
WHEAT spot maiket, weak; No. 2 red,
S1.03, elevator, and 81.03, f. o. b., afloat: No.
1 northern Duluth, 8121. f. o. b., afloat.
Futures market was weak all day at new
low levels, Influenced by very bearish for
eign news, Including a big Increase In
world's stocks and a lack of export Inter
est. The close was lc to lc net lower;
September, 81031.04, closed S103Vi; De
cember, 81.06 l-lwa 1.06 , closed S1-06V; May
closed Sl.lOMii receipts, 42,200 bu.
CORN Spot market. Irregular; No. 2,
62Hc nominal, elevator, domestic basis, to
arrive, and 60c, f. o. b., afloat: Futures
market was Irregular, September, 6-Ho.
closed 62"4c; December, 59(4(&59, closed
69c; May closed 2Vc; receipts, 16,876 bu.;
shipments, 92,541 bu.
OATS Spot market, easy; new standard
white, 384c; No. 2, 39c; No. 3, 38c; No. 4,
37Vac. Futures market was easier, with
corn cloaing c lower; September, 39Vfec,
closed 394c; December, 4U&40c, closed
4014c; May closed iZe; July, 42c; receipts,
HAY Quiet; prime, 31 10; No. 1, 1.06
1.074; No. 2. OocibSl.OO; No. 3, 7580c.
HOPS Dull; Btate common to choice
19o.i, 1908, nominal; Pacific coast
1909, Hcal4c; 1908, nominal.
HIDES Dull; Central America, 21c; Bo
gota, 2KU22C.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts. 22
24c; seconds, 2LKu22c; thirds, 18j)20c; rejects,
I ROV1SION8 Pork, steady; mess, 82200
22.50- family, S26.0Oi 26.50; short clear, 3-2. 2j
(HJ3.75. Beef, steady; mess, S16.aMfll6.50:
family. 81.OtKii20.0O: beef hams. S'!2.0ii4j'14.00.
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
lbs., l&tolhc; pickled hams, lHfryloc. Lard,
easy; middle west prime, 3125''(tl2.96: re
fined, steady; continent, 813.20; South
America, S14.00; compound, 310.87V4311.26,
BUTTER Unsettled: firm: creamery sne-
clals, XXifiDc; extras, 26c; third to first 24
28c; state dairy, common to finest, 23(&2Sc;
process, secona 10 special, iJ'oic; lactory,
June make. 234!24c; current make, 2iu23o;
Imitation creamery, 24i26o.
CHEESE steady ; state, whole milk, un
state, 1640170; fancy, 1514c; choice. Jlfa
15c; good to prime, 14 144c; common to
fair, lK13c; skims, full to spjclal, 124&
EiKlS Firm: rresn gathered, extra first
2641 27c; first, 24(&25c, seconds. 22r23c.
I'UULTHt-Alive, unsettled: soring chick
ens. I6'ul54c fowls, 14i lt; turkeys.
iac. ireneu, uuii, wesieni urouers, ItxfJUc;
fowls, 144i'18c; spring turkeys, 1427c.
General Specnlatire Movement it
Apparently Under Repression.
Prices at 4 lose at Lorrest Point mm4
how Small tirt Losses Compila
tion of National Bank It e
.porta ladled.
NE'.V YORK. Sept. r.-The congestion
of the speculative operations In Reading
today and the suspicion of artificiality In
the movement of that stock had a repres
sive, rather than a stimulating effect on
the general speculative movement. The
news regarding Reading developments were
as vague and as various yesterday, Includ
ing a revival of practically all rumors
which have done duty In connection with
market movements In that stock for sev
eral years past.
I nlted States Steel surrendered Its usual
primacy of the market to Reading, with a
volume less than one-half that of the latter
stock, with Union Pacific a poor third In
the amount of the dealings. Reading's
proportion to the whole market reached
37 er cent. Prices at the end of the day
were at the lowest and showed trivial net
The banking community studied with
great Interest the compilation of national
Dans, reports to the comptroller as of Sep
tember 1, although the subject was not
much discussed In the stock market Itself.
And the showing was regarded as demon
strating the wisdom of the drag which was
applied to the extension of credits, following
me appearance 01 the spring abstract of
bank reports.
The Influence of the naner settlements
continued to harden In the rates In the Im
mediate money markets. The sub-treasury
has taken 84.291.0u0 from the New York
banks thus far this week. Money on call
rose to 2 per cent.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales rr
value 82.731.000.
L nlted Slates bonds were unchanged In
the bid price on call.
number of sales and leading Quotations
on stocks were:
sales. High. Low. Clow.
AiiiR-maimeni pra gs
Amalgamated Copper 10.W0 624 M4 1 "t
American Agricultural 43
American beat Buiar 4.XI SSS H 39
American Can too 84 84 84
American C. A F 800 47 47 47
American CVXton Oil ., 14
American H. A L., pfd
American Ice securities .. 100 ' 14 14 II
American tlnaeed 124
American Locomntlre 409 874 t?4 t1
American 8. R 200 4 tu C14
American 8. A K pld I11A4
American 8. F 200 41 41 404
American Sugar Ref K) 117 117 11
American T. A T 7K) IS 138 1J74
American Tobacco pfd too 924 2 SI
American Woolen 100 184 284 28
Anaconda Mining Co 284
Atchison 6,too 4 98 184
Atchleon pfd ino 101 101 inn
Atlantic Coaat tin
Baltimore A Onto
Bethlehem Steel
BrooKlyn Rap. Tran
Canadian Paclrlo
Omral Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of New Jersey
Cheeapeake A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
Chicago Oreat West
Chicago Oreat Weat. pfd..
Chi. ft N. W
Chi., Mil. ft St. P
C c. ft Bt. L
Colo. Fuel ft Iron
Colo, ft Southern
Consolidated Gas
Corn Products
Delaware ft Hudaon
Denver ft Rio Grande ....
Diatlllera- Recurttlee
Denver ft Rio Orande pfd.
Erie let pfd
Krle Id pfd
General Electric
Great Northern pfd
Great Northern ore ctfs.. .
Illinoia Central
Interborough'Met. pfd ....
International Harvester
Inter-Marina pfd
international raper
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kanaas City south
Ksnaaa City South, pfd....
Laclede Gaa
Loutivllle ft Naahvllla ....
Minn, ft St. L
M . SL P. ft S. 8te. M..
M., K. ft T. ...
Kansas City tirnln nnd Provisions.
temher, :"c; December, 0tftitic ; May.
Sl OOVnl.00; cash. 4nlc lower; No. S hard
B7ci1.03; No. 3. 9ficyS1.00; No. 1 red, yca
11.01: No. S, 9hVil.OO.
corn September. 614c. bid; December,
4K4'(M4c; May. 614'r511ic: cash
tower; io. z mixed, 6:14c; No. S mixed, b2&
S24c: No. 2 white, u2cjt524c; No 8, 62c.
" 1 ncnangeo; io. 2 white, S2j34c:
No. 2 mixed. 314fT.'4c.
HI I-.. O. Z, 7UU77C.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, S13.603
14.00; choice prairie. 12.25i(i 12.50.
.. . . ReceiptaShlpm'ts.
vvneat, du 131 000
Corn. bu. 29.O11O iim
0t. bu 16.000 S000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
SI 134 Cash, No. 1 hard. SI .11: N'o 1
ern, SI 10'.(1.104: No. 2 northern, S1064
l.; No. 3 northern, Sl.044Ztfl.07.
n,A.-Closed. S2 s4.
CORN No. 3 yellow. SJiJc.
OATS No. S white, 32fi33c.
RYK No. 2. W70'c.
HtlAN SIS Wiiila.trO.
KU')U R-Flrst iatents, S5.30rff5.50; second
patents, sa.iiif(5.a); rirst clears, S3.70ro3.90
second clears, S2.4trfi2.70.
I tvrrpool tirsln Market.
dull; No. 3 red weatern winter, no stock;
mums, tjuiei: ictooer, is 34a; uecember
7sS,.1: March, 7s 4i.
viKN Spot, quiet; American mixed, Sa
j'u; futures, dull; October. 4s fid; Decern'
ber, 4s 7ld.
Dnlnth (iraln Market.
DULUTH. Sept. H.-WH KAT-Septemher
SI 124: December. Si 11V4: Mav. tl 1ta n
1 northern. S1114; No. 1 northern. S1084t
Peoria Market.
,,PF r,A S't,t- r -CORN-No. S yellow
S14'.i52c: No. J yellow. 614c; No. I, 514c
. , '"o- wmte, jc; imo.
white. 33c.
Mllwnnkeo Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 27.-FLOUR-
ywrr. , r irm. i.
WHEAT Lower; No. I northern. l.l2f U. SeU.
Mnaar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. Sept. 27 SUOAR Raw.
nominal: nUM-o ado. test. J. 74c; centrifu
gal IX trt. 24-: molasses sugar, (9 test,
J.4c; reflred. quiet.
too 1114 110 110
700 10.i4 106
700 2H J74
S.UOO 77
.Ml0 1M
1,100 334 M4
ino Ills ll
tOO t 206
18. M0 77 7S
""'eoo 'in. '134
'4 7414
111 124
100 . 14 14
S.600 1214 1M4 12
00 II t04 80
60 54H M4 MU
4,700 U24 1314 Hl4
400 144 14 134
100 1M 1M
500 314 10
7,700 24 t
1,(00 444 434
4O0 344 23
BOO 146 146
!,) 12K4 lif. 1264
400 it 5.4 K4
700 132 131 131
4,M0 21H tW 204
0,700 664 t4 664
W0 8 74 74
1W 17 174 17
lovt 10
100 104
00 414
404 414
S"0 14 1V, lu,
100 2 29
00 IOO4 !4 100
00 144 1434 143
too 234 234 234
l,t00 1954 J34 4 1344.
1,200 324 114 32
M., K. ft T.. pfd , 62
Missouri Pacific 63
National Bltcult Ill
National Lead 100 51 61 614
N. Rr. ot M. 2d pfd 1.700 SI 4 ' 31 4 SI4
New York Central 1,200 114 113 111
N. Y., O. ft W 1,100 414 41 41
Norfolk ft Weatern MI4
North American 74
Northern Pacific 2, 400 1H 118 1l."4
Paclflo Mall 400 I14 11 314
Pennarlranla 10,200 130 1J94 1294
People's Gaa 1X1 107 107 10t
Pitta., C. C. ft St. L 660 44 &4
Pittaburf Coal 600 174 17 I64
Pressed Bteel Car 100 U4 3 . 134
Pullman Palace Car 10
Railway Steel Spring 124
Reading 181,200 1474 146 144
Kepuhlle Steel 1,900 324 31 11 H
Republic. Steel pfd 100 924 024 2',
Hock laland Co I.luO 11 314 114
Hock laland Co. pfd 3,400 444 3 63
St. Li. A B. F. Id p(d...... 600 404 40 40
St. Louis 8. W 104 Si 294 21
St. Lnula 8. W. pfd 100 06 S 81
Sloaa-Shetfleld 8. A 1 200 (64 664 68
Southern Pacific 7,900 lis 4 1144 114
Southern Railway 200 234 234 23
Southern Railway pfd .... 100 634 63 61
Tennessee Copper 1,400 124 21 114
Texas ft Paclflo 100 27 17 2
Tol.. St. U ft W n 21 224
Tol.. St. L. ft W., pfd.... 1.100 634 61 624
t'nlon Pacific 71,2"0 1674 1M4 l4
Union Pacific pfd 100 14 4 M4
r nlted States Realty .... 400 144 U 134
Unled Btatea Rubber M
t'nlcd States Bteel 10,800 44 T4 (74
United States Steel pfd.... 6I0 114 1144 11H
Utah Copper S.1M 4&4 464 464
Virginia-Carolina Chem .. 200 684 U4 U
Wabaah 144
Wabaeh pfd loo 164 14 34
Weatern Mairland SuO 44 44 434
Weettnghouie Electrio .... 100 624 424 (2
Weatern Union l.loO 704 4
Wheeling ft Lake Erie ... 100 t i S
Total sales for the day. 484, too shares.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK Sept 7.-MONEY-On call
easy, 1Vh2 per cent; ruling rate, t per
cent; closing bid, S per cent; offered at 2
per cent.
TIME LOANS Firm: 60 day. 3 oer
cent and 90 days. 444 per cent; six
monins. per ceni.
per cent.
actual muslness In bankers bills at S4.8365
4.83. for 80 day bills, and at S4.8i7t for de
mand, commercial bins, 14. 834.1(34.
ml, v k-k 6.14c. Mexican dollars, 4oo.
BONDS Government, steady: railroad.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
U. I. ref. la. rag... .104 Int. If. U. 44a-..
do ooupon 1004 Japan 4s
V. I. la, rag 101 4 do 44a
so ooupon 1014 K. C. 8. lat Is. .
U. 8. 4a. reg 1.44 U I. deb. 4s 1M1..
do coupon lit L. ft N. un,
Omaha Water Ce. te. 1(14 M)
istasa Wate- Ce. fca. 194 a
omaka ft c B. t. R. pfd I see eeat O
Omaha C. It. Rr.. earn
Omaha C B. St Rv. as. I2 4T
Omaha St. Rr. 6a. 1914 M
1 .. .n. e v H. m. M ea
Trl.fltjr Ry. ft u. Co , cm 4
Vnion stock Tarda Stock, Omaha
tsi'M. sica laiaa Siecs. utt.aa
J3 4
Allla-Chal. 1st bs... 77
Am. Ag. is.,
U. K. ft T. 1st
do gen. 44a
Am. T. ft T. or. 4a.. 101 4 afo. Pacific 4s
London Mock Market.
LONIK1N. Sept. 17 American securities
opened quiet and about unchiinged today,
liurtng trie llrst hour tiadlng was light and
prices after a slight advance ensed to tne
opening level. At noon values ranged from
unchange to higher than yesterday'a New
York closing.
Console. mnny to4 Lnularille ft N 14"4
so account '-M.i K. ft T ,
Amal. C pper.. ...... 4,1s N Y. Ontml
Anaconda UNi.rfdlk ft W
Atrhteon . 101 ej do .pfd
do pfd. tins Ontario ft W
tlaltlmore ft Ohio. . . .IM14 Fennajrlvanla ....
Canadian Pacific. .. .1M Hand Mlnca
Chraaneake A 0
Ih.cagn U. W it Suuthern Rr
I bl.. Mil A St. P...126 do pfd
He Beera 1J Southern Pacific.
lener ft Rio O I.S4 I nicm Pacific.
do pfd.
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Grand Trunk
Illinois Central
4Va do rfd..
27 4 V- 8. Steel.
4.". d. pfd....
It Wabaeh
!i4 do pfd
634 Span lah 4a..
SILVER liar, steady at 24d per ounce.
MONK 1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2Vu3 Pr cent; for three
months' bills, .I4&34 per cent.
... W4
... 914
... 41
... 464
... 4
... 7S
... 24
... M4
... 74
... 17
... 174
... 43
i. iKa weie. ,
Amal. Copp
A. Z. L. ft '
Arlaona Com
B. ft C. C. ft 8. M.
Butte Coalition ...
Cal. ft Aria
Cal. ft Herla
Copper Hane
Baa Butte
Gran by Con
GiYtne Cananea ...
lrle Rnyalle
Kerr Lake
Laaalle Copper ...
Lake Copper
t'loaing Stocks.
27. Closing quotations on
. 414 Mohawk
, 41V NtTada Con ...
. 214 Nipinatng Mines
. 1(4 North Itutte ...
. 6V1 North Lake
. U', Old Dominion .
. 184 Uhceoia
. 674 Ferrott 8,
.643 Qulncr ...
, 16 Shannon
. 46 Superior . . .
, (4 Superior A
. 104 Superior ft
. 11 Tamarack .
. 44 1'. 8. C. ft O....
. (4L-. 8. S. R. A M
, 204 do pfd
, 4S t'tah Con
94 Winona
. 334 Wolverine
ft C.
B. M...
P. Cop.
. 44
. )P4
. 10
. 2oV,
. 4
. 5..
. 124
. 70
. 4
. 45
. 74
. 11
. (8
. 4
. 394
, 7
New York t orn Marekt.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan A Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange 31u South Sixteenth street,
Bay 8tate Oaa IS Greene Cananea.,..
Butte Coalition 184 Inapiratlon
Cactua 14Lsro8i
Chlno 14 Nevada Cone
Chief Cona 14 Newhouae
Fraction 8i Ohio Copper
DeTte-ilalv I Rawhide coalition.
Klj Central 61 Ray Central
Kly Cona 104 Swift Pkg. Co I664
Ely Witch : 11 Sliver Pick 9
Franklin 11 Superior ft Pitta....
Glroua 44Tonopah Mining....
Ooldfleld Cona 94 Trinity Copper
Goldfleld Florence... 24 North Lake
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27.-The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of business
today was as follows:
Trust Funds Gold coin, S894.352.6t3; silver
dollars, S4S,0S0,000; silver dollars In 18J0,
S3,66o,000; silver certificates outstanding,
General Fund Standard silver dollars In
general fund. $o,8io,4'.a; current liabilities,
S:i9,375,394; working balance In treasury of
fices. S:i2,767.83; in banks to credit of treas
urer of the United States. S36,&t0,600; subsid
iary silver coin, S19.066,436; minor coin. ::(;(,
479; total balance in general fund, S90,459,897.
Amer. Tobacco 4s... 904 N. R. at at. 44s.. 4H
do Is ....
Atchlaoa gen. 4s.,
do ev. 4a
do ev. to.
do ISaa
do 8. W. S4s
Brk. Tr. ct. 4s....
C. of Oa, tm ...
Can. Leather lie ..
..101 N. Y. a gen. 14s.. M
.- 'oo sen. as S4
..1064 N. T N. H. ft H.
..10 ct. te 114V,
At. c. u. in e.... . i. w. e. aa ... 94
B. o. as -ao m eon. 4a .... v
. I4 do 4s 1014
. 71 No. Paeina to 714
.44 O 8. L rfd.. 4a.. 94
.1084 Pena. ev. Ia (1916) 944
. v do con. aa 1 MZ4t
-. ot N. J. gen. 6a. 1224 Reading gen. 4a .... 94
Chea. ft Ohio 4a....l"lS St. L A 8. F. f. 4a 124
do ref. 6a 134 do gen. 6s 174
ft A. Vie m st. l s. w. eon. ea Tt
C. B. ft 4- Jt. 4s.. 97 do lat gold. 4a... 914
do gen. 4a ( seaboard A, U 4e.. 70
C. 21. ft I P. g)4' 54 80. Pacific ct. 4s.. 9S
C.. K I. ft P. c. aa 164 do lat ref. 4a 98
do rfd 4s 90480. Railway Is ....107
Colo. lnd. 6a 74 do gen. 4a 76H
Colo. Midland 4a .. 70 Union Pacific 4s ...1014
r. ft 8. r. ft as. 44i 74 do ev. 4a 1014
p. ft tf. ct. aa t. eo is ex rer. ea. 91
91 v. s. KUboer aa ,.101
Tl U. 8. Steel Id 6s..li4
1 Va.-Csx. tTtem. 6a.. 94
744 abuh lat la 110
T14 do 1st and ex. 4s. 444
1 was. ato. aa as
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to
the retail trade lit 1-lb. cartons, Sic; No. 2.
In 30-lb tubs, . 30c; ' No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons,
23c; No. 1, In 60-lb. tubs, 274c; packing
lock, solid pack. 220.. dairy. In oO-lb. tuba
U$24c. Market changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, lHc; young Americas.
UH10; daisies. Utto; triplets, 134c; llmberger.
lac; No. 1 brick, UiVio; imported Swiss, 32o;
domestlo Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22o.
POULTRY Dressea broilers under S lbs.,
20c; over 2 lbs., luu; hens lsc; cocks, 10a;
ducks, ISc; geese, 2bc; tu-keys. 26c; pigeons,
per doi., 11.20; homer squabs, par dos.. S4 00;
fancy squabs, per dos., S3.60; No. L per dot.,
SS.00. Alive: Broilers, lie: over 2 lbs.. Ho;
hens, 11c; old roosters, tic; old ducks, full
feathered. 10c; geese, full feathered. 10c;
turkeys, 20a; guinea fowls. 20c each; pigeons,
per doz., 6uc; comers, per dor.. J.OO; squabs,
No. 1. per dot., 41.6K. No. 2. per dox., 60c.
KISH (all froseo) Pickerel. L2o. white fish,
18o ; pike, 15c; trout, 17c; large crappies,
Mc; bpanish mackeial, lie; eel. 18c; had
dock, xic; llounders, 14c; green catfish. Dtc;
bullheads, 16c; roeshad. II. 00 each; shad
roes, per palr,6&c; frog legs, pat dog., -3oc;
saimon. I60.
Heel cuts iud: u. a, hwj; no. z, uu.
No. . 80. Loin: No. Mitio. t. Wioi R0:
I c. Chucks: No. 1. 6c; No. 2, 64c; No. A
6c. Round: No. 1. 7c; No. 2, 7o; No. 3.
Se. Plate: No. L 6o; No. , 4o; No.
S, 40.
Fk CITS Oranges: California Valenclas,
all sizes, per -box, S5.0tK(6.2o. Lemons: Llm
ontera, extra fancy, 300 size, per box, S6.50;
300 size, per box, Sv.OO; choice, 300 size, per
box, So. 00; 360 size, per box, SU.&O; 240 size,
50c per box less. Bananas: Fancy select, per
bunch, S--25(uv2.50; Jumbo, bunch, S2.7bt3.i6.
Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky fords. 64
size, $1.75; 46 standards, 12.25; Osage, 12 and
16 size, per crate, $1.00. Italian Blue Prunes:
Washington, per crate, $1.16; . in lots, per
crate, $1.10. Peaches: California Salways,
per 20-lb. box, 80c; In lots of 26 or more per
t. ... I'll...... na.. 'l
S5B90c; in lots, per box, 82V4c. Pears: New
York Kelfer, 6 tier, per box, $2.60; California
li. Clalrague, per box, $2.86. Apples: Home-
Jrown cooking. In .bbls., $3.604 00; Missouri
onathan. In bbls.; $4.254.60; new Oregon,
r box, ii. (d; caiiiornin. uravenstein, per
ix. $2.10: California Belleflower oer box.
$1.60. Grapes: Malagas, per 4-crate, $1.60;
California Tokay, per crate, $1.50; Concords,
Micngan, per s-io dsk., musoc. cranberries:
Per box, $2.66; per bbl., $7.00. Watermelons:
Texas. 14c per lb. Dates: Anchor brand,'
new. 80 1-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, $2.00.
VRf.ifT A nf .v.s Pom men FLriv rihin in
sacks, per bu., $1.001.10; New Jersey white
stock, extra fine quality, per bu., 11.15.
Sweet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl., $2.65.
Onions: Iowa, small red and yellow, per
lb., 2c; npanisn, per crate, si. so. uaruc: Kx
tra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per lb.,
16c. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz.,
$1.00. Celery: Michigan, per doz. bunches,
35c. Rutabagos: Per lb., lc.
bage: New, per lb., 1c. Tomatoes: Per bsk.,
ttyMC. string ana wax ueans; rer mkt.
bsk. 76c. cucumbers: Per mkt. bsk., 6Hj
75e. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per doz., 46c.
Parsley: Fancy home-grown, per doz.
bundles, 80c. Turnips: Per mkt. bsk., 85c.
Carrots: Per mkt. bsk., 40c. Beets: Per
mkt. bsK., 3oc.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per
lb.. 2c; California No. 1, per lb., 18c; Cali
fornia No. 2, per lb. 14c. Hlckorynuts:
Large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c. cocoa
nuts: Per sack, $S00; par dos.. 65c. Honey:
New, 24 frames. $3.66.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 27. METALS Stand
ard copper steady; spot and futures, $12.06
4)12.20. London, steady; spot, 56 2s 6d:
futures, 55 17s 6Vi; lake, locally, $12.5oru.
12.76; . electrolytic, $12 37412.624,; casting,
$12.12H.12.37 Tin, firm, but quiet; spot
and futures, $34.6r4fAr 35. London, Btrong;
159 5s 6d; futures, 159 2s 6d. Ixad, quiet;
$ti.87H.40, New York; $4.224j4.27Vi East
St. Louis. London, spot, 121 5s. Spelter,
quiet; S6.60ri6.tio, New York; $5.3o4;y.40 St.
Louis. London, 23 10b. Iron, Cleveland
warrants. 49s In London. Locally, quiet;
No. I foundry northern, $13.75&16.26; No. 2,
southern soft, $16.55ij'16.26.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 27. M BT A LS Lead,
quiet at S4.264j4.274 Spelter, firm at $5.42Vs.
do ret. la
Plat I Hers' 6a
Brie pr. 1. 4s
do gen. 4s
do ct. 4a Bar. A.
do aer. B.
Oen. Elec. CT. 6s.. Ill Weet. Klec. CT. 6s. 91
I. C. let ret.
Int-Met. 4s
74W'iaconala Central 4a 93
114 Me. Pacific sr. to... T84
lvOeal Sxeirltla.
Ouotstloos furnished by Bums. Brtwktr
ft Co.. 44S Omaha National Bank building:
Receipts of All Kinds of Cattle Very
Sheep aad l.amba Arc I'oarlagf la at
a Hate Meter Before) hnoira
at Any Market la the
Neb.. Sept. 27. 1910.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Mon. lav
Estimate Tuesday
Two days this week 22.146 6.8S3 90,775
fSutno days 1 week ago..2J,073 ';.62 73 IM
Same days 2 weeks ago..l!t.3t! 7.734 68.287
riatiie days 3 weeks ago.. 26.1-VS 8.444 79.411
S.tino 'lays 4 weeks ago. .21.245 7.W7 67.748
Same days last year 18,072 6,762 70.520
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omahn
for the year to date, as compared with last
'"r: 1910.. i!i9. Inc. Dec.
C-Utle 844.M4 T3R.85 107,788
'"8 1.538.943 1,790.120 261.277
Sheep 1.781,339 1,328.792 452,647
The following table shows the averass
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last
everal days, with comparisons:
Dstes. 1910. 19u.iti.iiir;.li.llS06.l1n4.
St lt.
I I S 141 R2I r, 781 S 081 S 221
l I 6 831 I 72 02 t SSI S 71
18 7$ I I 17 S 73 Ml S 891 I 80
.1 8 474 8 121 871 S 641 4 121 t 301 S 81
( 141
5 SSI S 78
6 291 6 76
8 43 1 8 101 I 811
8 4t; 8 131 I 761 5 89'
8 44 8 161 7RI 6 901 8 17
8 16 6 77 8 951 8 18 i 281
8 44 I 6 67 6 95 8 Itl 6 24 6 87
8 46 I 8 15 6 97 20 6 1 6 87
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the I'nlon Stock Yards. South Omaha. Neb.,
for the twenty-four hours ending at S
p. m., September 27.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. & St. P 4 4
Wabash ., ,.
Missouri Pacific 1 1 .. 1
I'nlon Pacific 70 13 13 6
C. A N. W., east 13 11
C. A N. W., west.... 72 31 55 8
C. St. P. M. & 0 6 7....
C. B. & Q., east 2 3
C. B. & Q., west 186 17 12
C. R. I. & P., east.... S 11
C. R. I. & P., west.... .. 1
Illinois Central 8 2 .. 1
C. Q. W 1 .. ..
Total receipts 347 94 81 18
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
irmana packing Co 828
Swift & Company 1,316
Cudahy Packing Co 1.901
Armour & Co 1,161
Murphy Sh
Benton Vansant St Lush 211
Stephens Bros
Hill Son
F. B. Lewis
Huston & Co
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
L. F. Husz
L. Wolf
McCreary A Carey....
S. Wertheimer
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros.
Lee Rothschild
rlo. A Kans. Calf Co.
Kline & Christy
Balesly & Baker
Other buyers
.. 57
. 156
. 2!6
. 36
. 97
. 53
. 634
. 462
. 127
. 79
. 2S9,
. 170
. 51
. 2
. 53
Total 10,609 4,047 48,389
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very
liberal again this morning, making the
total for the two days 22,146 head, - as
against 18,072 for the same days last year.
As was the case yesterday almost all the
receipts consisted of stock from the west
ern range.
In spite of the large receipts here and
at every other market point for the last
two weeks or more, prices have held up
remarkably well. This has been especially
true of this market, where the trade has
been In such a good healthy condition and
demand so-well balanced" that practically
everything sells on the day of arrival. No
one ever saw a better market than has pre
vailed here for some time back. Prices
have shown but little change and all kinds
of cattle have sold very high. As a matter
of fact the splendid condition of tme mar
ket Is the direct result of the good corn
crop In the country, as farmers all over
the corn belt have been led into free buy
ing of stock to be taken back Into the
country and finished for the winter and
late spring market. The demand for cattle
from this source has been bo large that
f lackers have had use for all the remain
n g cattle and as a result have had no
Incentive or oppoVunity to break down the
This morning, with large receipts In
sight, buyers were all out In the yards
and the trade opened early with prices
in about the same notches as yesterday
and last week, and both killers and feeders
selling very rapidly at the current figures.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beet steers, 86.7607.75; fair to good
beet steers, $5.75&.76; common to fair
beef steers, $1,604(5.75; good to choice cows
and heifers, $4 2.V46.25; fair to good cows
and heifers, $3.404.25; common to fair
cows and heifers, $2.602.40; good to choice
Blockers and feeders. 84 406.00; fair to good
Blockers and feeders, S4.004.40; common to
fair Btockers and feeders, $3,2614.00; stock
belters. $3.00474.26; veal calves, S3.604V7.00;
bulls, stags, etc.. S3.0o4f6.00.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves, $6.00a6.&0; goad to choice
beeves, $6,254(6.76; fair to good beeves, $4.50
4(5.20, common to fair beeves, S3.704.40;
good to choice heifers, $4.0041.00; good to
choice cows, $4.0004.60; fair i good grades,
$3.4033.90; canners and cutters, $2.36S.26;
good to choice feeders, HS042C.60; fair to
good feeders. S4.2644.75.
Representative sales:
920 8 76 11 cows 816 $ 20
14 cows....
12 cows 760 8 10
46 heifers... 569 8 75
13 feeders.. 1115 4 75
7 Btockers. 912 4 40
36 cows 916 8 56
25 steers.... 686 $ 90
28 steers.... 996 4 75
10 cw's&h'fa 783 $ 50
16 cows 948 8 36
10 steers.... 946 4 66
100 feeders. 1155 6 40
16 steers.... 822 4 25
11 steers.... 720 4 05
12 heifers... 725 8 75
16 steers.... 57S
25 steers. ... 4i4
St) steers. ...1155
18 feeders.. 1KT1
1 feeders.. 779
25 leeders.. 971
i cows 14
W cows 956
96 steers.. ..Km
16 heifers... 681
t bull
44 feeders
3 SO
4 Ml
4 70
8 00
5 90
4 55
4 25
4 25
4 76
3 I
14 cows ITS
26 feeders.. 1021
80 feeders.. 11
20 steers.. ..1123
47 feeders.. K"iJ
IX tee.i,...tl31
28 feeder.. 7
42 cows 1021
13 calves... 2M
14 feeders.. 754
$90 46 cows 1032
5 30 14 feeders.. 1327
O. F. Kwsnson. Nebraska.
63 steers.... 978 2f 5 steers ... 970
41 heifers... 7M 4 On 68 rows 982
IS cows 90S S 50 II calves... 318
Kllpatrlck Bros.. Nebraska.
2o0 steers...! 102 8 00 KS steers. ..1114
11 nteerB....1141 4 80
A. Connors. Nebraska.
29 strera...,10T2 It'. 89 cows 1011 4 15
$ cows 740 8 50
R. M. Faddls. Nebraska.
52 steers.... 9-7 4 10 66 steers.... 967 4 10
38 heifers. ..10.19 S 50
Vorhees A Richardson. Nebraska.
8 C
5 30
4 75
5 V.
4 55
4 2F.
4 10
6 so
4 30
4 05
4 90
4 75
4 10
t 15
4 M
33 cows 981 4 70 28 heifers... 895 4 50
A. .tohnson, Nebraska.
T cows 974 4 .V 1 steers.. ..1155 4 OB
19 cows 929 4 00 14 steers.. ..1012 8 85
9 heifers... 997 4 40 1 steer 1116 4 60
23 steers.. ..119.1 4 50 37 steers. ...1151 4 00
14 cows 818 8 80 105 steers. ..1W 4 50
32 steers.. ..1136 4 90 14 cons 900 8 75
11 heifers... 6rt6 $ 40 70 heifers... 968 4 50
82-steers... 1158 4 90 25 rows 1003 8 85
T. H. Mctloo. Wyoming.
62 feeders.. 755 6 10 17 heifers... 981 4 40
22 heifers... 742 4 35 10 cows 1033 4 15
7 cows 772 8 no
4 50
4 TO
4 40
8 90
4 28
4 00
3 60
6 00
4 00
27 steers.
19 cows..
20 steers..
14 steers.
William lyaPash. Wyoming.
59 steers.. .1027 5 05 85 heifers... 892
Edgar Boise. Wyoming.
160 steers... 936 4 70 177 steers... 9U
93 steers..:. K8 4 30 131 steers. ..1025
62 steers . ..1002 4 40
H. J. Fredericks. Wyoming.
1 feeders.. 1003 4 21 S3 cows fc
SB cows 728 8 30 S3 feeders.. 921
24 calves... 240 8 25
D. J. Sheehan, Wyoming.
18 steers.. ..1151 6 50 cow gnd
1 cows 720 $ 75 68 cows 850
104 cows.... 771 8 .10 90 cAlvrs... 200
58 calves... 294 6 00 15 calves. .. 294
John Wales., Wyoming.
15 cows 825 8 30 18 cows 840 4 SO
14 calves... 140 5 00
Palette Live Stork Company. Wyoming.
36 feeders.. 1050 6 65 93 feeders.. 87 6 36
75 cows 1H04 4 35 10 cow s 934 4 10
Watson A Johnson, Wyoming.
94 steers.... 96 4 20 28 cows 751 8 25
Landers Estate, South Dakota.
119 steers, ..1162 6 30 8 steers. ...1161 4 25
Peter Kumerwald, South Dakota.
14 steers.. ..1221 4 70 16 cows 1015 8 90
P. Edwards, South Dakota.
28 steers.. ..1084 4 76 18 feeders . 726 4 25
31 COWB 842 3 90
O. L. Roe. South Dakota.
12 feeders. 829 4 10 5 feeders.. 980 4 50
Malte Bros., Montana.
.1186 6 00 40 steers.. ..1108 6 00
.1180 4 50
H. S. Trusler. Montana.
.1209 B 50 10 steers.. ..1103 4 75
.1078 4 50 12 cows 985 4 00
O. P. Moorhead. Montana.
44 steers.. ..1202 2 45 14 cows 1060 4 40
19 cows UNO 4 59
L. S. Badgetts, Montana.
66 steers.. ..1096 6 00 54 steers. ...1092 4 40
34 steers.. ..102(1 4 40
Bryan A Badgett, Montana.
24 steers. ...1191 5 25 14 steers.. ..1082 4 40
F. C Kelsey, Montana.
9 steers.. .1018 4 00 8 steers.. ..1110 4 50
Sidney Smith. Montana.
22 steers.. ..1131 B 15 19 steers... .1111 4 85
J. J. Eaton. Colorado.
9 feeders . 840 4 00 21 feeders. .1044 4 55
C. W. Douglass, Colorado.
7 cows 891 8 26 11 cows 941 8 75
C. B. Rhodes. Colorado.
84 feeders. . 1023 4 30
HOQS Hog trade presented the same
quiet, though uneven, appearance that has
featured the market on most days lately.
Inquiry from both packers and shippers
was rather backward and while a few early
sales carried quotably strong figures, the
bulk of offerings sold at prices no better
than steady. In fact, the tendency to trade
was, If anything, weaker, much of the
morning's business being done on a steady
to dime lower basis.
Late trade was especially draggy, best
bids dropping to figures just about 15c
lower. Several loads sold on this basis, but
movement was very glow and at midday
there were still a number of hogs In first
Supplies were slightly larger than aver
age dally receipts lately and more medium
weight grades were Included In the run.
Heavy hogs moved around $8.3598.50 with
medium-weight mixed at $8.65 and better.
A piece of a load of light hogs reached
$9.10, which was the highest price paid.
Full loads sold as high as $8.90 as compared
with yesterday's top of $8.80.
Representative sales:
No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr.
81 t2t ... t It 42 ts 190 t BO
56 US 40 25 43 110 1W IM
69 K 120 S 26 74 107 100 8 (0
U 122 ... S 25 4 157 ... I SO
li S4 80 I 25 18 154 ... I 60
t4 120 ... I U 74 307 120 S 60
Ml US 20 I 30 66 2SH 80 t 60
43 17S ... I SO 46. 291 1J0 I 60
40 337 ... I SO t 174 400 I 60
48 tut ... 1 80 48 196 ... Ml
64 824 ... I 16 46 271 SO S 65
68 8117 80 I 85 66 S51 ... 8 66
67 817 ... I 37H 40 257 ... 8 66
11 M ... 40 69 IM ... 8 66
SS.. V ... 8 40 76 277 260 8 66
68 2M ... I 40 60 251 80 S 66
72 37 S 80 S 40 47 218 100 t 40
63 817 40 S 40 64 248 80 S 40
64 824 40 8 40 21 158 ... I 46
64 824 ... 1 40 (6 144 80 S 70
64 800 tO 8 46 21 270 ... t 70
64 178 80 I 46 74 8.12 ... 8 85
81 808 S40 8 46 1 t38 ... 8 86
62... 878 ... I 46 18 191 ... 10
28 61 ... ( 40 10 Ill ... T SO
SHEEP Despite the fact that yesterday's
sheep receipts broke the world's record and
established a new one, prices on good
classes of stock were well sustained from
start to finish, with the demand ample
from all quarters. In a general way, de
sirable killers and feeders moved at figures
steady to possibly a little lower In spots,
as noted In yesterday's report, with com
mon feeders, light lambs and thin ewes es
pecially, unevenly lower. Not the least
feature of the trade, however, was the fact
that the big bulk of offerings actually sold.
Delivery alleys were crowded, of course,
and several large strings that changed
hands late In the day had to be locked
up until this morning, when they were able
to reach the scales.
Another large run was yarded today, but
demand for feeder stock appeared to be as
keen as at any time lately and the market
opened at figures little different from those
of yesterday. Strong-weight feeders are fa
vored as a rule, and with fleshy grades at
tracting more or less competition from
packers, they are selling relatively higher
than bands of common quality.
With the percentage of good, fat sheep
and lambs stlU small, packers are not
Tarpeatla Market.
IViWUlll n
... -1 - , nnrr.iiii:,Ec-
Flrm. TJVuoBaO. Rosin, firm; type F, $6.60;
A AaSee.
American Ki press Ml
a4ami Co., la., warrants, see sent
aatrlae Oeeaaer BM 4414
Ceielede Tel. is. t Ber seen. 41
Csaarar Pecking Ce. Is .v 44
CeUunbea. Nee.. 1 L k IsM 9
eter u. A S 4 ear seal Betas 1111 ts
Fairmont Creamers ,14 694
1st. Can. Co., WIIS sues.
lows Portland 1st 4s 94
fan. u. a E. T aer eent sfe. WleaXa 44
Kanaas Cite tmanlctsaU 4a 1MS4
g. C. N. O.. fid S4
K. C. at. A O. te. 181. e 4
Urea, Ce., lows, wemats. f ser saatl .....
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Sept 27. The Increase In ac
tlvtty In the local wool market continues,
several large lots of territory being Bold at
60 cents on a scoured basis. Unwashed
Ohio delaine brings 2ti4c and halt blood
Ohio fleeces. 29c. Original Idaho Is being
sold at 2o4 Hie, and Utah from 17c to 19c.
ST. LOUIS, Sept 27.-WOOL. Steady ;
territory and western mediums, lt4(23c;
fine mediums, 17 -Vo; fine, 144) 17c.
Available Sapplles of Grata.
NEW YORK. Sept. 27. Special cables and
telegraphlo communications received by
Bradstreet's show the following changes In
available supplies, as compared with pre
vious account: Wheat, United Statea, east
of Rockies, Increased 2.677. OuO bu.; Canada,
In fires sed 2,646.01)0 bu. ; total, United Stntea
and Canada, Increased 5.213.000 bu.; afloat
for and In Europe, Increased 4.6.0,000 bu.;
total American and European supply. In
creased 9.813.0HO bu.
Corn, United States and Canada, Increased
449.000 bu.
Oats. United States and Canada, decreased
r.000 bu.
Th leading increases reported this week
follow: Manitoba. 1. 670,000 bu.; Louisville,
91.0110 bu.; Minneapolis private elevators,
50,000 bu.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Sept 27. COFFEE Futures
closed firm, with prices one point lower to
five points net higher. Sales. 54.260 bags
September, 85c; October. 8.96c; November
8.96o; December, Sc; January, 9 01c; Febru
arv. I02c; March, t.OSc; April. 04c; Mav.
06c; June, 07e: July. tOOc: August,
Spot' coffee, steady; No. T Rio, 11c; Santos,
No. 4 USc; mild coffee. q,ulet; Cordova,
41 Dsbmi
nd TussAa. " "rwomaii
rarDan sic
GIRL tor
house, fine
gust 15. TL
aay, young c
naostar Uem.
Jitimu . . -
s, c4
isa - lost SHEPHERD dog; yellow aad whits
' striped. Answers to nam Pet Faoos Trier
for Monday M-e Reward.
R. r flail. "4 , ., .
finding a very complete assortment. De
mand Is naturally actle and, as will be
noted In the scale ol prices, the trade is
little If any lower than. It was at last
week's close. Hood grsss lambs are quot
able up to 675 or lietter. with rat weth
ers around 4.'tii4.10. Ounce tat ewes sold
up to $,! .6 ye.tterday. with common kinds
around $3 00.
uootatious on grass stock' Oood to rhotre
lambs. It. tKa.6; fair to god lambs, ss 4,j
SO; feeding lambs. $4 lonK.4n; handy wclgnl
earllntis. 6.0vu6 40; heavy yearlings. f4 oOj
4 9; feeder eariliiga, 4 .'o5 ..; good to
choice wethers, $.1 8ti4 l; feeding wethers,
$.I..Viiii4.W; breeding ewes. 4" ! Il
ewes, $3 Otxti.t.,5; feeding ewes, H J.
culls and bucks. $.'.a..l5. (
r o.
S- Wyoming lambs, fefders....
i.o u yomlng lam.ia. teeners...
6fj Voniing lambs, feeders 66
wi Wyoming lambs, feeders.....'. 6j
itm Wyoming lamiis, teen, rs 4.
187 Wyoming lambs,, feeds: s 46
246 Wyoming lambs, feeders 42
581 Wyoming lambs, feeders 64
875 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls. 44
1J Wyoming ewes II-'
432 Wyoming ewes, feeders...
Too Wyoming lambs, feeders,,
3iti Wyoming lambs, feeders..
3:S Wyoming lambs, feeders..
402 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
Sf'J Utah lambs
sot Utah lambs
354 Utah lambs, feeders
246 Wyoming ewes burks
h'H Idaho lanrha, feeders......
31., Idaho lambs, feeders
294 Idaho lambs, feeders
689 Idaho lambs, feeders
409 Idaho lambs, feeders ,
351 Idaho lambs, feeders
380 Idaho yearlings
63 Idaho lambs
MM Idaho ewes, feeders
38it Idaho ewes
3(5 yomlng ewes
375 Wyoming ewes, feeders....
440 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
2.18 Wyoming lambs, feeders...
$40 Idaho lambs, feeders.......
3T0 Idaho lambs, feeders
347 Idaho iambs, ferjers
671 Wyofhlng ewes. a
481 Idaho yearlings, feeders,,..
591 South Dakota wetners
lt9 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
2t Wyoming yearlings
756 Wyoming lambs feeders..
448 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
692 Wyoming lambs,
665 Wyoming lambs,
232 Wyoming ewes ,
137 Wyoming lambs,
207 Wyoming lambs,
341 Wyoming lambs, feeders
201 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.
102 Wyoming wethera
594 Idaho lambs, feeders
349 Idaho jambs, feeders
201 Idaho ewes, feeders
198 Idaho hmlif feeders
440 Idaho !enibr feeders
399 South Dakota wethers
527 South Dakota wethers, feeders 95
211 South Dakota lambs, culls
feeders 35
425 Wyoming ewes, feeders........ 81
160 Idaho lambs feeders 65
578 Irlnho Inmbs, feeders 69
351 Idaho lambs, feeders 68
31" Idaho lambs, feelers T5
3'6 Idaho lambs, feeders 68.
180 Idaho lambs, feeders 68
414 I .Is ho Inmbs 60
237 Idnho ewes, feeders J 92
88 Idaho lambs k 87
feeders. .
f eetlers. .
,. 43
.. 50
, 45
1 10
6 SO
6 80
6 oo
4 76
4 50
$ 60
t 86
5 60
4 .6
4 7a .
4 5"
4 90
8 7o
8 Oo
6 15
I 25
6 66
1 86
8 66
8 5o
2 90
i it
6 76
5 40
4 76
8 90
t 10
t 40
5 40
5 40
6 20
5 20
6 40
6 40
4 10
4 85
3 75
5 25
5 75
1 75
8 15
8 90
8 80
4 Oft
t 50
6 1".
6 00
4 25
2 90
Demand for Cattle. Slow Hogs
I.ovTcr -Sheen Weak.
CHICAGO. Sept. 27.-CATTLK-Recelpts.
7.000 head; market slow and weak; beeves.
S4.75ft8.20; Texas steers. S.i.MVTrB.SO; western
steers. S4.20fi8.85: stookrrs and feeders. $4.15
f5.sT: cows and heifers, $3.2585.40; calves,
HOGS Receipts. 16.000 head: market Rc
lower than opening: list h t . 89.15479.55; mixed,
$8 45ifr9.60; heavy. $8J0a9.3O; rough. $8.303
8 50; good to choice heavy. $8.5019.30; pigs,
S8.604io.46: hulk of sales. $.65fi9.10.
SHEEP AND IjAMBN- Receipts, 45.000
head; market weak at early declines: na
tive. $2.6tv,,4.25; western. $3.00frf4 20; yenrllngs.
$4.6;i5.60; lamts, native, $4 75(ft7.10; western,
Kansas City f.lve Stoek Market.
ceipts, 23.000 head Including 1,400 southern:
market steady to 10c lower; dressed beef
and export steers, $7.00(ii8.00; fair to good.
$6.2fi53.7.ri; western steers. $4.2Mir7.00: Btock
ers and feeders, SS.tO'tiS.aO; southern steers,
S3.6Oim5.00; southern cows, $3.75tV4.25: native
cows, S2.754i5.25; native heifers, $3.40ti.5O;
bulls. $3.6041 4.25; calves. $4.604,8.76.
HOGS Receipts. 9.0o0 head; market B to
5c lower; bulk of sales. $8.7M?9.?0: heavv,
S8.70ift8.90; packers and butchers, S8.8O08.25;
light. 9.0(VR9.26. , ... t
SHEEP AND IAMB3Recelpts. 15,000
head; market steady to weak; lambs, $5. HOW
8.75; yearlings. $4.75r5.36; wethers, $3,904$
4.25; ewes, $3.604.20; Btockers and feeders,
$3.254-2S. . ........
St. Low Is I.lte Stoek Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 27. CATTLE
Receipts, 7,300 head. Including t.600 Texans;
market steady to 10c lower; native shipping
and export steers, $7.0fifi'S (XI; dressed Deer
and butcher steers, $6.7tXtit8.flO; steers under
1,000 pounds, $4.00T7.00; Blockers and-feeders,
$3.75416.86; cows and heifers, $3.5(4i
7.00; canners, $2.50fj.3.10; bulls, $3.25475.00;
calves. $5.0O4i9.5O; Texas and Indian steers,
$3.76477.60; cows and heifers, $3.104jH.50.
HOGS Receipts, 7,500 head: market
steady to 10c lower; pigs and lights, $9 354D
9.50; packers. $8.95g9.O0; butchers and best
heavv. $9.264?9.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.900
head; market steady; native muttons, $4.00
14.25; lambs, $5,504)6.76; culls and bucks,
$2.7&4o3.60; stockers and feeders, $2.254t0.7&.
St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market.
ceipts 2,500 head; market slow; steers, $4.50
fi7.10; cows and heifers, $2.586.10; calves,
HOGS Receipts 6.000 head; market 10c
lower; top $936; bulk of sales, $8.40419.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 8,000
head; market weak; lambs, $6.504l7.60.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five princl-
pay western mantels yesterday:
Cattle Hogs Sheep
South Omaha....... 8.100 4,000 27.500
St. Joseph 2.500 6,000 5,000
Kansas City 23,000 9,0o0 16.000
St. Louis 7,300 7.5O0 2.900
Chicago 7.000 16,000 46.000
Totals 47.000 41,500 96,400
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 27.-COTTON Bpot.
closed quiet; middling uplands, 13.60c; mid
dling gulf, 13.85c; sales, 2.300 bales.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 27.-OOTTON
Market unchanged; middling, 13Hc; sales,
fifty-one bales; stock, 367 Bales.
nprrrpm PAR BENT
HlBttSttalM Sloe)
gooa wages.
ciiuffi r
A. tillable
XUig Bl.
till 4m r
GIRL for
UIRL for
doing a goo
Blulis; re
osm requlrli
cars bee, Cc
stock lo goo
labiished mi
tie N. wth b
a bargain.
no. 1 con
wsu rented.
amV bodgs.
Thursday is Home Day.
Be ready to take advantage of the
Home bargains.
How's this?
Is an investment in Omaha Real Estate profitable! Em
phatically yes. One man sold a down town corner at a profit of
$31,000 over what he paid for it a year ago.
The same opportunity is open to you in any proportion you
wnnt to invest. , -
The Real Estate columns of Thursday's Bee will have adver
tised a great many choice investments that can be bought on the
easy terms plan.
Buy now and get a slice of the profit.
t?.. mfuf
4M N. S4U,
HOTkL Z sis
. sssTssssMeaWssI I 111
J. A.JU.-jr . . .J.
bouse jUasUgg
tlor rooms!
reel, tiZM.
Will sen
of work sod
as la Omaha
loan U .
eee, wmajwtm,
W. f. tuearlj
a. sheen.
sod Jsoksea.
ML. m fear-
XRAVALJNa salesman, arafar sspsti.
Srmconn". g fTTS frther la- YJt r rnf ftv-
on. Aieo t
t 61DMAM S
k. isa i
with ruftbev
V tlta top-
ieasj thaa
come aw-"